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Senate Inquiry into Foreign Bribery
Parliament House, Canberra, 2000 By email to [email protected]
Copy to: SEC Office of the Protected Discloser
[email protected]

Dear Senate Inquiry into foreign bribery reform
TOR: Suppression Orders:
I believe there is another type of suppression namely the manipulation of legislation to shut
possible scandals into dark corners. The Victorian Ombudsman’s investigations officer has just
advised that, as it appears the Victorian Law Society’s staff and Boards on Mining Giants & APRA and
Oil Companies, is named in reports at the FBI, the Ombudsman can’t report to the Victorian people if
the guardians of legal ethics themselves are ethical. I feel that most of the voting public would like
your laws to shine a very very bright light on the Administration of Justice. What say you?
Victorian Ombudsman’s Advice

The Complaint to the Ombudsman:

What are you

Which agency are you Legal Services Commission and Board (LSCB)
complaining about?
The international anti corruption division
of the FBI is talking to witnesses in a case
where an Australian bank and its
Australian lawyers offered a hush-up deed
worth about $1m to stop a retired
American fraud detective buying a house
in Melbourne. The bank didn't want him
seeing the FBI. The Americans refused
Details of
the deed and gave it to the FBI under
whistleblower laws that conceal
identities of whistleblowers. Since then
the LSCB staff lent on other lawyers to
divulge information that is supposed to be
secret. The LSCB staff are liable if they
give information out which started audits
into companies on the New York Stock
Exchange which indicates to me that the
LSCB are covering something up.
Have you complained to
the agency?
When was your last
contact with the 12/11/2014 12:00:00 AM
I think their board members are directors of
companies that are under investigation for
foreign bribery. I think they are nervous about
the Submissions to Parliamentary Inquiries by
Why wasn't your
complaint resolved? Senators Dastyari and Fawcett into Foreign
Bribery and into Bank-engineered tactics to
default borrowers. They might be using their
legal powers to find out what witnesses are
telling the Senators and the FBI.
Copy of agency's dvs ibac.JPG

What outcome are you
Ask them to compensate for their improper disclosures to third parties.
File Upload (File 1) senate bribery
File Upload (File 2) fawcett sen
File Upload (File 3) ibac.
File Upload (File 4)
File Upload (File 5)

I am shocked to learn that a law society full of Board Directors & International Auditors have staff
who don’t know or don’t care that they might be covering up huge bribes.
In a nutshell, the American daughter of retired US intelligence and major crime police was buying a
house as she was engaged to an Australian, but the seller’s bank-mortgagee and their lawyers kept
adding extra fees - of between $15,000 to $30,000 - at the last minute onto an agreed fixed full and
final payout figure. The Americans had already paid half the purchase price already and the bank’s
lawyers always used a legal reason to wriggle free from the agreed payout figure … but if the extra
legal fees were paid, they’d hand over the title. The bank lawyers seemed Untouchable with people
in ASIC on secondment and in the FOS and everywhere. The lawyers weren’t worried by the legal
services commission, FOS, Court cases, Judges, tv reporters or even the Victoria Police. The bank
lawyers denied in Court that they were handed the agreed payout cheque even though two Supreme
Court Judges said they believed a witness who swore that the cheque was handed over to them in
the court hallway. They were Untouchable.
The bank won again and again and again, all over the land up to the High Court on the issue
whether a technicality allowed them to foreclose.
But suddenly last year people at the law society knew all about funny business inside the society. I
have received tip off from people who rang from the law society itself! Possibly they retrenched
people or to many thought they wouldn’t take the rap.
We were told to go to the FBI, the SEC Office of the Whistleblower, and to go to the tiny insignifant
VCAT Tribunal, which we did. What could a tiny small claims tribunal do that the big courts
couldn’t, we thought??? The VCAT “judge” asked us what he thought he could do because the
County, Supreme, Appeals Court and High Court of the Nation decided everything in favour of the
big banks.
Surreally “everything” came to, just as was foretold!!!!
A HUSH UP DEED worth about $1,000,000 was on the table - provided the Americans didn’t go to
American law enforcement!
It was because they were scared of something. I think they were terrified. I think they ran to the
Law Society to save them from investigations.

Auditors and the FBI wanted to talk.
We were dumbfounded.
Here was a Australian bank with lawyers in every nook and cranny beating a homeseller in courts
all over the place.., and then this $1,000,000 hush up deed turns up.
The deed also seems to say, as was foretold, that the bank lawyers would use shareholder money
rather than their own cash! (Why should shareholders carry the can for the actions of the bank and
its lawyers?)
The deed also demanded that the Americans be hushed up in the same deed, not in a separate deed
that wouldn’t cost the bank a cent. Why would a bank insist that the American home buyers be
exposed to repay the $1,000,000 hush money if they went to the FBI when the Americans were quite
willing to walk away for free and lose their $185,000 part payment on the house?
Was the $1,000,000 Hush Deed just because we registered with the US Office of the Whistleblower?
Letters asked the Bank Lawyers if your Senators would think the hush deed was legal and ethical
under American anti-racketeering laws.
Letters asked the lawyers if the FBI would think the hush deed with Americans was legal and
Letters said you senators disliked hush deeds)
The law society went into overdrive.
The Bank Lawyers demanded that the Americans sign it or they’d sue the American daughter
because she held onto a signed Withdrawal of her Caveat as the buyer of the house. The Court
removed the buyers’ caveat as easily as was foretold by these clairvoyant cloak and dagger people.
(Why would a bank offer $1,000,000 for a withdrawal of a caveat that evaporated so quickly at one
quick court hearing? It looks suspicious to me). The Legal services commission cleared the banks’
lawyers of any wrongdoing (even though two judges basically said the banks lawyers misled other
judges). Everything that was foretold came true! Their people, hiding behind
[email protected], emailed my son to say not to bother them again! So why would
Untouchable bank people be offering $1,000,000 for no reason?

The retired American police family and my son refused to be party to this hush deed even though
the bank, bank lawyers and legal ethics regulator seemed to say it was perfectly legit and ethical.

Then the FBI came out from the bushes somewhere and they
wanted documents!
The Law Society wanted copies of our SEC Information Sheets called
Newspapers said the FBI arrested people in a joint task force for foreign bribery!
The newspapers say the scandal reaches the top levels of a big Australian bank.
The reporters on the phone are big name reporters!
We heard that the legal services commission might owe us 1,000,000 for talking about our case out
of school because “Part 7” of their Act says their investigators are liable for breaking secrecy. Is
that why they exonerated the banks’ lawyers?, ie to save their own hides?
Did the commission’s insiders and retrenched employees ruin a perfectly good payoff?? Was the
legal services commission on the side of the bank and its lawyers, or were they on the side of the
FBI in a sting on the bank?
Do the legal services commission owe the Americans a full refund of $185,000 AND the $1,000,000
for contravening a section that says they can be fined $9000 for breaching secrecy?
Can bank shareholders sue the banks’ lawyers for breaking “privilege” so the whole sordid mess
can be explored by real police in the USA?
Can the bank shareholders recover the damages caused because Senators made the bank CEO
promise to lift these gag clauses?
Was it an FBI sting?
The strange part is this. The Bank and its big lawyers demanded that the American
Buyers be dragged into the hush deed despite The Americans willingness to walk
away from the $185,000 they paid - and they’d simply withdraw a caveat for free.

Who pays $1,000,000 when you can get the same deal for free?
But no, the bank had to go to Court again and again unless the Americans agreed to
put a “financial noose” on their daughter to gag them from seeing the FBI.
The other strange thing is this. People called from the law society to give us tips. I
think some people in the law society know these American anti-corruption laws
apply to them, and I think the higher ups are setting the other ones up while the big
fish try to find out what the FBI might know.
We know the FBI are seeing the former intelligence and major crime police, and we would like the
legal services to confirm they breached Part 7 of their Act so they owe us the $1,000,000 ‘pay off’ in
cash from the bank lawyers not the bank shareholders! We invite the Senate enquiry to contact us
for a full and complete explanation of all the events in this still continuing long running dispute.
We think the Whistleblower reward program should investigate the bank as it is on the US Stock
Exchange, and the American racketeering laws and foreign corruption laws should be adopted. We
think witness services should be fully funded by the corporates and we believe the deep pocketed
banks shouldn’t be on law society boards or be in ASIC, the Financial Ombudsman Services Ltd
Arbitration Scheme or other places like that.
I appreciate your time.
Public Accountant

Victorians disliked the Queenslanders push for real ICACs


“Asic has not interviewed a single witness”
How can international crime busters rely on ASIC?


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