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Dr. K. Ishwar Bhat, M.Sc, Ph.D

Professor & HOD
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Paneer, Dearalakatte, Mangalore-575018
Phone: +91-824-2203991, (R) +91-824-6557617
Mobile: 9901318227
E-mail: [email protected]

Date of Birth: 06 July, 1956

Field of Specialization: Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Date of Joining NGSMIPS: 04.11.1986

Academic and Professional Qualifications:

 Ph. D.: "Studies on Electron Transfer Reactions of some Manganese (III) Compounds
in Solution"Mangalore University, Mangalore, 1994.
 M. Sc : (Chemistry), University of Mysore, Mysore, 1979
 B.Sc : University of Mysore,1977

Positions Held:

 Professor and Head, Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, NGSM Institute of

Sciences, Mangalore, 1996 onwards
 Asst. Professor: Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, NGSM Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore.1991-1996
 Lecturer: Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Mangalore, 1986-1991.

Research Interest:

 Analytical and Kinetic Studies of Pharmaceutically Important Compounds

 Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity Studies of Substituted
 Synthesis ,Characterisation and Biological Activity studies of Substituted
Azetidinone Derivatives
Research Publications:

1. Potentiometric Studies on Electrolytically generated Manganese(III) Acetate in

Aqueous Acetic Acid : Oxidations of Thiosemicarbazide in Metal Complexes and
Thiosemicarbazones, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara , Indian Journal of Chemistry,
31A (1992) 49.
2. Coulouremetric Mangnimetry in Aqueous Sulphuric Acid, Determination of
Thiocyanates and other Reductants, B. S. Sherigara , Ivan Pinto, K. Ishwar Bhat, (J.
Electrochem. Soc. India, Vol. 41-3 (1992) 149
3. Manganese(III) Oxidations of Benzoyl hydrazine, Aroxyacetyl hydrazine,
Semicarbazide Thiosemicarbazide and their Derivatives in Pyrophosphate Media, B.
S. Sherigara, Ivan Pinto, K. Ishwar Bhat, Mikrochim Acta, 112 (1993)
4. Kinetics of Oxidation of Thiocyanate Ion by Manganese (III) in Pyrophosphate
Medium, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara, Ivan Pinto, Transition Met. Chem., 18
(1993) 163-166.
5. Kinetics of Oxidation of Pyridoxine by Anodically Generated Manganese(III) in
aqueous acetic acid Medium, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara, Transition Met. Chem.,
19 (1994) 173-177.
6. Oxidation of Thiourea and some of its Organic Derivatives with Manganese(III) in
Pyrophosphate and Acetate Media B. S. Sherigara, K. Ishwar Bhat, Oxidation
Communications, 17, 3, (1994) 201-208.
7. Kinetics of Oxidation of Pyridoxine by Manganese(III) in Pyrophosphate Medium K.
Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara , Ivan Pinto, Indian Journal of Chemistry,
33A (1994) 42-46.
8. Oxidation of L-aspartic Acid by Manganese(III) Ions in aqueous Sulphuric Acid,
Acetic Acid and Pyrophosphate Media- A Kinetic Study, B. S. Sherigara, K. Ishwar
Bhat, N. M. Made Gowda, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 27 (1995) 675-690.
9. Anodically Generated Manganese(III) acetate for the Oxidation of a -amino acids in
Aqeous Acetic Acid- Akinetic Study, B. S. Sherigara, K. Ishwar Bhat, Ivan Pinto,
Amino Acids 8 (1995), 291-303.
10. Potentiometric Studies on Electron Transfer Reactions of Anodically Generated
Manganese (III) sulphate in aqueous H2SO4-HOAc and Manganese (III) Acetate in
Aqueous Acetic Acid: Oxidation of Semicarbazide and Semicarbazones, Ivan Pinto,
B. S. Sherigara, K. Ishwar Bhat, Indian Journal of Chem. Soc., Vol 73, (1996) 47-53.
11. pH Effect on the Kinetics of Oxidation of L-Histidine by Manganese(III) in
pyrophosphate medium , E. V. S. Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara ,
Samyak Journal of Chemistry, 1(1997) 32 -34.
12. Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid, Analgin, INH and Riboflavin by Manganese(III) in
pyrophosphate medium , E. V. S. Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara,
Oxidation Communications, 22, (1999) 458-463.
13. Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidative Transformation of (6R)-6-(a -phenyl-D-
glycylamino) penicillanic acid (ampicillin) by Manganese(III) in Pyrophosphate
Medium, E. V. S. Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara, D. Satyanarayana,
Polish Journal of Chemistry, 74(2000) 793-800.
14. Oxidation of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl L-alanine, (levodopa)-2-methyl-
alanine(methyldopa) by Manganese(III) in pyrophosphate medium. E. V. S.
Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat, B.S. Sherigara, International Journal of Chemical
Kinetics (accepted).
15. Kinetics of oxidation of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin )By manganese(IIII) in
pyrophosphate medium-E.V.S Surahmmayam,K Ishwar Bhat, B.S Sherigara and
B.Kalluraya Ind. J. Chem. ,40A, (2001), 171-174.
16. Synthesis and Pharmacological Studies of Some Azetidinones bearing Ibuprofen
Moiety, K.Ishwar Bhat, Mohammed Mubeen and Balakrishna Kalluraya, Indian
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 13 (2003), 183-184
17. Synthesis and Biological Activity of a Novel Series of 4-[2'-(6'-
nitro)benzimidazolyl]benzoyl Amino acids and Peptides, M. Himaja, Rajiv, M. V.
Ramana, Boja Poojary, D. Satyanarayana, E. V. S. Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat,
Boll. Chim. Farmaco, 142(2003), 450-453.
18. Synthesis and Pharmacological Activity of some schiff bases Derived from
substituted 1,2,4–triazoles K. Ishwar Bhat, Vinod Kumar and Balakrishna Kalluraya,
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 16 (2004), 96-102.
19. Synthesis and Anti Microbial studies of some Azetidinone derivatives from 8- Hydroxy
quinoline. K.Ishwar Bhat, Supriya Maity and E.V.S. Subrahmanyam. Asian Journal of
Chemistry, Vol. 19, No.6 (2007), 4363-4367.
20. Hepato protective activity of leaves of Sapindus trifoliatus – Pinto Jennifer, Bhat Ishwar,
Ronald .F, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam and D.Satyanarayana. Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 19,
No.6 (2007), 4315 -4322.
21. The synthesis and anti microbial study of some azetidinone derivatives with the para-
anisidine moiety. K.Ishwar Bhat, Sunil K. Chaitanya, D.Satyanarayana and
Balakrishna Kalluraya. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 72(5) (2007), 437-442.
22. Antiinflammatory activity of leaves of sapindus trifoliatus linn. Jennifer p, K. Ishwar
Bhat, Ronald Fernandes and Subrahmanyam EVS. Indian Drugs. 44(11) (2007),
23. Synthesis and antibacterial activity of Aminobenzylated Mannich Bases of Amides.
K. C. Cheluvaraju, K. Ishwar Bhat, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 20, No. 6
(2008). 1335 – 4338.
24. Synthesis, Characterisation and biological evaluation of some 1,3,5 – trisubstituted 2-
pyrazolines. K.Ishwar Bhat and Dobariya Umesh Kumar P. Asian Journal of
Chemistry, Vol 21, No 5 (2009), 3376 – 3380.
25. Synthesis and investigation of Colon specific polymeric prodrug of Ibuprofen with
Cyclodextrin. Prabhakara Prabhu, Harish Nayari, Mohd. Gulzar Ahmed, D.
Satyanarayana, R. Narayana Charyulu and K. Ishwar Bhat. Asian Journal of
Chemistry, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2009), 6689 – 6694.
26. Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial studies of some substituted
Pyrozolines from Aryloxy Acetyl Hydrazine. K.Ishwar Bhat and M. Mumtaz
Mohammad Hussain. Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol 21, No. 5 (2009), 3371 -
27. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some thiazolidinone derivatives from 2-ethyl,
8-hydroxy quinoline. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya, K.Ishwar Bhat, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam.
Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol 21, No 2 (2009), 1126 – 1130
28. Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of some oxadiazole derivatives containing
Quinoline moiety. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya and .K.Ishwar Bhat. Journal of Pharmacy
and Chemistry. Vol. 3 (2009), 19 – 22.
29. Synthesis and Biological activity of some Aminobenzylated Mannich bases of
benzaldehyde. K.C.Cheluvaraju, .K.Ishwar Bhat and E. V. S. Subrahmanyam. Asian
Journal of Chemistry. Vol 21, No. 6 (2009), 4960 – 4962.
30. Synthesis and Biological activity studies of some pyrazoline derivative containing
quinoline moiety. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya and K.Ishwar Bhat. J.Ind.Council
Chemists, Vol.26 (2009), 1- 4.
31. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of some new 2,5-Disubstituted 1,3,4-
Thiadiazoles. Suresh Sharabasappa, K. Ishwar Bhat, Prabhu C. Jalihal, Basavaraj
Kilarimath. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 2, (2009), 141-
32. Synthesis and in-vitro study of novel aminobenzylated mannich bases as antibacterial
agents. K.C. Celuvaraju and K.Ishwar Bhat. J.Ind.Council of Chemists Vol. 26, No.1
(2009), 90-93
33. Synthesis and biological activity studies of some oxadiazole derivatives carrying
quinoline moiety. Sunil Kmar Chaitanya P and K.Ishwar Bhat. Journal of chemical
and pharmaceutical sciences, Vol.2, (2009), pp.204-206.
34. Evaluation of Anthelmintic activity of leaves of Emblica officinalis,
Cheluvaraju K.C and Ishwar Bhat K, Herbal Heritage 1 (4), (2009), 218-220.
35. Quantitative spectrophotometric determination of sulphacetamide sodium in bulk and
in pharmaceutical dosage form. K. C. Cheluvaraju, K. Ishwar Bhat and Zaranappa.
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol 3. Issue1 (2010), 47-48
36. Synthesis and antimicrobial activities of Amino benzylated mannich bases of
pyrazinamide. K. C. Cheluvaraju and K. Ishwar Bhat. International Journal of Chem
Tech Research, Vol.2, ( 2010), 1368-1371
37. Antifungal evaluation of some novel aminobenzylated mannich bases. K. C.
Chaluvaraju and K. Ishwar Bhat, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.22, No.8(2010), pp
38. Aminobenzylated Mannich Bases of Amides, K. C. Chaluvaraju and K. Ishwar Bhat,
Journal of Chemical & Pharmaceutical sciences, Vol. 3, Issue 3, (July – Sept. 2010),
pp 138-140.
39. Synthesis and Biological Studies of Some Quinoline incorporated Pyrazoles, P. Sunil
Kumar Chaitanya, K. Ishwar Bhat and B. C. Revanasiddappa, Indian Journal of
Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol. 20, (2010), pp 99-10.
40. Synthesis and Pharmacological study of some novel Thiazolidinones, Vishal D Joshi,
K. Ishwar Bhat, R. Jayaraman, Akash P Dahake, Aravind R Desai, Lat. Am. J.Pharm.
Vol. 29(8), (2010), pp 1440 – 1444.
41. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some new 1,2,4-tiazolo-[3,4,-b]- 1,3,4-
thiadiazoles, E.V.S Subramanyam, B.C RevannaSiddappa, K .Ishwar Bhat,Jisha
Prems and P.S Surya, J.Chem.Pharm.Res; Vol. 2(5), (2010), pp 323-326.
42. Anthelmintic activity of Tectona Grandis Linn Fruits, Gururaja MP, Joshi Himanshu,
Bhat Ishwar K, Satyanarana D, Shastry CS, International Research Journal of
Pharmacy, Vol 2(1), (2011), pp 219-221.
43. In-Vitro cytotoxic activity studies of Clitoria Ternatea Linn Flower Extracts, Shyam
Kumar. V and K. Ishwar Bhat, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Review and research, Vol 6, Issue 2, (2011) 120-121.
44. Antimicrobial studies of synthesized azetidinone derivatives from sulfamethoxazole
moiety, K. Ishwar Bhat, Sunil Kumar Mishra, Jainey P. James and Shastry C.S, J.
Chem.Pharm.Res., Vol 3(3), (2011), 114-118.
45. Synthesis and screening of substituted Eugenol and Paracetamol linked Pyrimidines,
H.S Basavaraja, Basavaraja Padmashali, K. Ishwar Bhat, Mumtaz M. Hussain and
M.M.J Vijaykumar, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol.20, (2011), 241-
46. Synthesis and antimicrobial studies of azetidinone derivatives from sulphadiazine
moiety, Ishwar Bhat. K, Sunil Kumar Mishra, Jainey P James and Shastry C.S,
Journal of Pharmacy research, Vol.4 (5), (2011), 1361-62.
47. Synthesis of thiophen-2-yl pyrimidines as antitumour, analgesic and antiinflammatory
agents, Jainey P James, K. Ishwar Bhat, Indian Journal of heterocyclic chemistry, Vol
20, (2011), 309-312.
48. Studies on the anthelmintic property of Aminobenzylated mannich bases, Chaluvaraju
K.C and K. Ishwar Bhat. Journal of Young Pharmacists Vol.3, Issue 3 (2011), 243-
49. Synthesis, characterization and biological activity studies of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole
analogs, K. Ishwar Bhat, K. Sufeera and Sunil Kumar Chaitanya. P. Journal of Young
Pharamacists, Vol-3, Issue-4(2011), 310-314.
50. Biological evaluation of Aminobenzylated Mannich bases of p-Fluoro benzaldehyde,
Chaluvaraju K.C, Ishwar Bhat K. International Journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol-
3, No.4, (2011), 1904-1908.
51. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic evaluation of (E)- thienyl chalcones derived from
thiophene -2- carbaldehyde, Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain M, Ishwar Bhat K,
Revansiddappa B.C, Abubekar Siddiq and Bharathi D.R. Pharmacology Online Vol-3
(2011), 880-888.
52. Synthesis, pharmacological and biological screening of new isoxazolines, K Ishwar
Bhat, RK Anil Kumar and Abhishek Kumar, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic
Chemistry. Vol-21, (2011), 163-166.
53. Synthesis, and biological screening of some 1,3,4 – oxadiazoles, K. Ishwar Bhat, BC
Revansiddappa, Jisha Prems, M Mumtaz Mohammad Hussain, Indian Journal of
Heterocyclic Chemistry. Vol-21, (2011), 183-184.
54. Invitro Anti-oxidant activity of Desmodium Oojeinense (Roxb.) H.Ohashi.
Jayadevaih K.V, Ishwar Bhat.K, A.B Joshi, Vijayakumar MMJ, G.Swetha, Rajshekar
K.V, Pharmacology online, Vol-3: (2011), 1119-1126.
55. Synthesis and antibacterial activity of new 2,5- disubstituted 1,3,4- thiadiazole
derivatives. Suresh Sharabasappa, K. Ishwar Bhat, Mahesh B Palkar, Rahul Shukla,
International Journal of Pharmaceutical research and Development, Vol-3(12): (2012)
56. Analgesic and anti inflammatory activity of Desmodium Oojeinense (Roxb.) H.
Ohashi. Jayadevaih K.V, Ishwar Bhat.K, A.B Joshi, Vijayakumar MMJ, G.Swetha,
American Journal of Pharmtech Research, Vol-2(1): (2012), 557-563.
57. Microwave mediated Aminobenzylation reactions, Cheluvaraju KC and Ishwar Bhat
K,International Journal of Pharmascholars, Vol-1(1): (2012), 34-39.
58. Antitumor, Analgesic, and Anti-inflammatory activities of synthesized pyrozolins.
Janey P James, K. Ishwar Bhat, Journal of young pharmacist, Vol-4, Issue-2, (2012),
59. Anti inflammatory, analgesic and phytochemical studies of clitoria ternatea linn
flower extract, Shyamkumar and K. Ishwar Bhat. International research Journal of
Pharmacy, Vol-3(3), (2012), 208-210.
60. Heaptoprotective activity of desmodium oojeinense (Roxb.) H.Ohashi gainst
paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity. Jayadevaiah K.V, K. Ishwar Bhat, A. B. Joshi,
Vijaykumar M.M.J, Pinkey Rawal, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health
Sciences, Vol-2, Issue-2, (2012), 312-315.
61. Anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities of ethanolic bark extract of Bauhinia
variegate, Ishwar Bhat. K, Shyamkumar Balakishnan N, Asian Pacific Journal of
Tropical Biomedicine, 2012, 1-3.
62. Synthesis, Antitubercular, Antibacterial and Antifungal evaluation of 2-Amino
Pyrimedine Derivatives, M. Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain, K. Ishwar Bhat, B.C.
Revannasiddappa and G.R. Nataraj, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol -
22(2012), 159-164.
63. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological activity studies of some Benzodiazepine
and Isoxazoline derivatives via common intermediate chalcone, Manoj Kumar Singh
Chauhan, Nitin Kumar, Jainey P James, K. Ishwar Bhat, Md. Samiullah, Asian
Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science, Vol. 2(4), Oct-Dec, 2012, 395-405.
64. Synthesis, Pharmacological and Biological Screening of Novel Derivatives of
Benzodiazepines, K. Ishwar Bhat, Manoj Kumar Singh Chauhan, Abhishek Kumar,
Pankaj Kumar, J. Heterocyclic.Chem, 00,00(2012).
65. Studies Related to Antimicrobial Activity of Aminobenzylated Mannich Bases of
Urea, Chalvaraju K.C and Ishwar Bhat K, International Journal of Pharmacy, Vol-
3(1), (2013), 98-102.
66. Synthesis, Antitubercular, Antibacterial and Antifungal evaluation of Novel 1,3,5-
Trisubstituted Pyrazolines, M. Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. C.
Revanasiddappa, Maruti T. Ekbote and G. R. Nataraj, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic
Chemistry, Vol 22, Jan-March(2013), 267-272.
67. Antitumor and Antitubercular Activities, Microwave Assisted Synthesis of some
Chalcones, P. J. Jainey and K. Ishwar Bhat, Asian Journal of Biochemical and
Pharmaceutical Research, Issue 2(Vol. 3), 2013, 8-14.
68. Synthesis and Biological evaluation of some novel 2-mercapto pyrimidines, M.
Mumtaz Mohammd Hussain, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. C. Revansiddappa, D. R. Bharathi,
International journal of Phramacy and Pharmaceutical sciences, Vol 5, suppl 2, 2013,
69. Analgesic, Antifungal and In-Vitro Cell Cytotoxic studies of Bauhinia Variegata
Bark Extract, Shyamkumar B Nair and Ishwar Bhat K., American Journal of
Pharmtech Research, Vol 3(3), 2013, 845-849.
70. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of some novel 2-Hydroxy Pyrimidines, M.
Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. C. Revansiddappa, D. R. Bharathi,
Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., Vol 5(3), 2013, 150-154.
71. Cytotoxic, Analgesic and Anti-inflamatory studies of Pyrazoline derivatives derived
from 2-Acetyl pyrrole, K. Ishwar Bhat, Pankaj Kumar, Abhishek Kumar and S. H.
Chetan, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol 23, 2013, 69-74.
72. A stability indicating RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of Emtricitabine,
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Efavirenz in pharmaceutical dosage forms,
Sreekanth Nadig, Jane T Jacob, Ishwar Bhat, Kishoreraju V, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci.,
Vol 4(2), 2013, 391-396.
73. Screening of Antiepileptic Activity of Leaves of Sapindus trifoliatus Linn., Jennifer
Fernandes, Bhat K. Ishwar and Fernandes Ronald., Research J. Pharm. and Tech
6(10), 2013, 1124-1126.
74. Microwave assisted synthesis of novel pyramidines bearing benzene sulfonamides
and evaluation of anticancer and antioxidant activities, Jainey P, Ishwar Bhat K,
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol 7, suppl 1, 2014, 111 –
75. Apoptosis and Flowcytometric Studies of Bauhinia Variegate Bark Extract, Shyam
Kumar B, K. Ishwar Bhat, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research,
Vol 7, suppl 1, 2014, 45-47.
76. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological activity studies of some substituted
pyrimidine derivatives, K. Ishwar Bhat, Abhishek Kumar, P.V. Thara and Pankaj
Kumar, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 23, Jan-March, 2014, 271-276.
77. Synthesis, Pharmacological and biological screening of some novel pyrimidine
derivatives, K. Ishwar Bhar, Abhishek Kumar, Muhammed Nisar and Pankaj Kumar,
Medicinal Chemistry Research, Vol 23, 2014, 3458-3467.
78. Synthesis, Pharmacological and Biological Screening of Novel Derivatives of
Benzodiazepines, K. Ishwar Bhat, Manoj Kumar Singh Chauhan, Abhishek Kumar
and Pankaj Kumar, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 51, 2014, 1189-1192.
79. Synthesis, Antimicrobial, Antitunercular and Cytotoxic studies of some pyramidine
derivatives derived from chalcones, K. Ishwar Bhat, Abhishek K, Pankaj K, World
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014; 3(8): 1432-1439.
80. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel Pyrimidine Derivatives Derived
from Chalcones, K. Ishwar Bhat, Abhishek Kumar, Pankaj Kumar and Riyaz E. K.,
Research Journal of Pharm. and Tech., 7(9), 2014, 995-998.
81. Antimicrobial studies of some substituted pyrazoline derivatives derived from acetyl
hydrazines, Ishwar Baht K., Jainey P. J., Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and
Clinical Research, 7(4), 2014, 237-239.
82. Synthesis, Biological and Pharmacological evaluation of some azetidinone
derivatives carrying 2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1-phenol moiety, K. Ishwar Bhat and P. J.
Jainey, Indian journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, vol.24, 2014, 81-86.
83. A review on monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy and auto immune disease,
Santhosh Kumar C, Chaluvaraju KC , Ishwar Bhat K, Pavithra G, International Journal of
Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 4(6), 2014, 161-184.
84. Synthesis, antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxicity screening of 1,5-benzodiazepines,
K. Ishwar Bhat, M. Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain, B. c. Revanasiddappa and D. R.
Bharathi, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol 92, June 2015, 940-944.
85. Synthesis, antitumor and antioxidant activity studies of cyanopyridones, P. J. Jainey
and K. Ishwar Bhat, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol 92, June 2015, 945-950.
86. Inhibitory effect of ethanolic root extract of Coix lachrymajobi on Hyaluronidase and
L-Amino acid oxidase of Naja naja and daboia russelli venom, Rajesh KS, Vaman
Rao C, Ishwar Bhat K., Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol
8(5), 2015, 206-208.
87. Synthesis, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of novel 1,5-benzodiazepine
derivatives, K. Ishwar Bhat, Abhishek Kumar and Prathyusha V., Indian Journal of
Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 25, December 2015, 161-164.
88. Synthesis, biological and pharmacological studies of some substituted pyrazolines
derived from aryloxy acetyl hydrazines, K. Ishwar Bhat, Pankaj Kumar and Jagath G,
Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 25, December 2015, 137-140.
89. Preliminary phytochemical investigation and anti-venom activity of coix lacrymajobi
root extract against daboia russelli venom-induced myonecrosis, Rajesh KS, Ishwar
Bhat K, Vaman Rao C, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol
9(1), 2016, 295-297.
90. Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory activity of some Novel 1,5 Benzodiazepine
derivatives, Ishwar Bhat K, Abhishek Kumar, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and
Clinical Research, Vol 9(4), 2016, 63-66.


 Life Member- Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)

 Life Member Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)
 Life Member of Indian Council of Chemists (ICC)
 Member of Board of Studies, Mangalore University (1997-2000)
 Member of Board of Studies for P.G of R.G.U.H.S Bangalore(2000-2003)
 Member of Board of Studies for UG and PG of Nitte University(2009 onwards)
 Member of Academic council of Nitte University (2011 onwards)
 Member of Research and recognition committee of Nitte University (2009 onwards)
 Member of Central ethics Committee Nitte University (2015-2018)
 Member of Ethics Committee, Biomedical Sciences, Nitte University (2016 onwards)

Subjects Teaching:

 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, for B.

Pharm and Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry for M. Pharm.

Conferences Attended/ Papers Presented:

1. Kinetics of Oxidation of Thiocyanate Ion by Manganese(III) in Pyrophosphate

Medium, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S. Sherigara, 16th Annual Conference, Indian
Council of Chemists, Goa University, Oct. 1991.
2. Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid, Analgin, INH and Riboflavin by Manganese(III) in
pyrophosphate medium , E. V. S. Subrahmanyam, K. Ishwar Bhat, B. S.
Sherigara, 16th Conference of Indian Council of Chemists, Mangalore University,
Dec. 1997.
3. Design, synthesis and Antitubercular evaluation of 4 -[(2 -Hydrazino)
isonicotinoyl] Benzoyl amino acids and peptide methyl esters, M. Himaja, Ajay
Babu, M. V. RaInana. D. Satynarayana, E. V. S. Subrahmanyam and K. Ishwar
Bhat, 53rd I.P.C. New Delhi, Dec 2001.
4. Design, Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity studies of some Amidomycin
Analogs, M. Himaja, Ogale Sachin, M. V. Ramana, D. Satynarayana, E. V. S.
Subrahmanayam and K. Ishwar Bhat, 54th I.P.C., Pune, Dec. 2002.
5. Special Symposium on recent developments in NMR Methodology and National
Symposium on Magnetic Resonance, 3 -6 Feb. 2003, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore.
6. Analytical Investigation of pyridoxine, Analgin, Isoniazid, Ascorbic Acid and
Cephalexin by Using Chloramine-T as an Oxidant, K. Ishwar Bhat, H.R.
Vanishree et al., 22nd Annual Conference of Indian Council of chemists,
Roorkee, Oct. 2003.
7. Rational Design, Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of 6-amino peniciilanic
acid Derivatives of some linear and Cyclic peptides, M. Himaja, Subodh MaIler
and K. Ishwar Bhat, 22nd Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists,
Roorkee, Oct. 2003.
8. Synthesis and ant microbial studies of some azetdinone derivatives derived from –
2-mehoxy-4-(2-propenyl) phenol moiety. K Ishwar Bhat, Arun Kumar, D.
Satyanaryana, E. V. S Subrahamnayam, M.V Ramana and M. Himaja. 23rd
Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists Mumbai October 2004
9. Design and synthesis of N-Methylated analogs of cyclo[nitroproctolin]as as a
potent anthelmintic agent. M Himaja, Samir Patel, M. V Ramana,
D. Satyanarayana, E. V. S. Subrahmanyam and K Ishwar Bhat 23rd Annual
Conference of Indian Council of Chemist, Mumbai October 2004.
10. Synthesis and Anti microbial studies of some Azetidinone derivatives from para-
anicidine moiety. K.Ishwar Bhat, Sunil Kumar Chaitanya, D.Satyanarayana,
E.V.S.Subrahmanyam 24th annual conferences of Indian Council of Chemists,
Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi , December 2005.
11. Phytochemical and Pharmacological investigations of plant sapindus trifoliatus,
K.Ishwar Bhat, Jennifer Fernandes and D.Satyanarayana. 57th Indian
Pharmaceutical Congress held at Hyderabad, December 2005.
12. Synthesis, Characterization and Anti microbial studies of some Azetidinone
derivatives from Sulfadiazine moiety, K.Ishwar Bhat, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam,
D.Satyanarayana and M.Himaja. Indian Council of Chemists held at Birla
College, Kalyan, Mumbai, December 2006.
13. Synthesis and Antimicrobial studies of some novel 1,3,5-trisubstituted 2-
pyrazolines, K.Ishwar Bhat, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam and Chandrashekhar Singh,
Indian Council of Chemists held at Department of Chemistry, H. S. Gour
University, Sagar(M.P), February 2009.
14. Participated in one day Regional Seminar on “Qualitative Research
Methodology and Regulatory Affairs” on 8th April 2009, organized by the
NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore.
15. Participated 2 days National level technical symposium on Novel concepts in
pharmaceutical research on 16th & 17th July 2009, organized by NGSM Institute
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore.
16. Participated in 1day National seminar on basic concepts of CADD and its
application in pharmacy, held on 5th February 2010 organized by Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore.
17. Presented research paper “Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity
studies of 1,3,4 – Oxadiazoles” in the 28th Annual Conference of Indian Council
of Chemists held at Hemachandraacharya North Gujrath University, Patan from
7th – 10th November 2009.
18. Presented research paper “Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer
Activities of Substituted Pyrazolines” in One Day Users Meeting- SAIF
Bangalore held on 9th Mar 2010 at NMR Research Centre, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore by Jainey P James*, Ishwar Bhat K, Sunil Kumar C.
19. Presented research paper “Cytotoxicity Studies and Synthesis of Pyrazolines
and Pyrimidines via Common Intermediate Chalcones” Oral presentation at
the 2nd International Conference on "Current status and future perspective in
pharmaceutical sciences" on 20th & 21st August 2010 held at PES College of
Pharmacy, Bangalore, by Jainey P James*, Ishwar Bhat K, Sunil Kumar C.
20. Presented research paper “Synthesis , characterization and biological studies of
some substituted Pyrazolines and Pyrimidine Derivatives” Oral presentation
at the 29th Annual conference of Indian council of chemists from 19th to 21st
December 2010 held at chemistry department, Punjab University Chandigarh by
K. Ishwar Bhat and Jainey P James.
21. Presented Research Paper “Utility of Thiophenes in the synthesis of novel
pyrimidienes as antitumor, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents” Poster
Presentation in the 62nd Indian Pharmacuetical congress from 17th to 19th
December 2010 held at Manipal College of Pharmacuetical sciences, Manipal by
Jainey P James and K. Ishwar Bhat.
22. Presented research paper “Synthesis, Charecterization and comparative
pharmacological studies of thiophene containing chalcones and their
corresponding 2-hydroxy pyrimidines” poster presentation at the International
Conference of Indian Council of Chemists from 11th to 15th June 2011 held at
Bangkok by K. Ishwar Bhat and Mumtaz Mohmmed Hussain.
23. Presented research paper “Synthesis, Charecterization and biological activity
studies of some substituted pyrazoline derivative derived from chalcones”
poster presentation at the International Conference of Indian Council of Chemists
from 11th to 15th June 2011 held at Bangkok by C.S Shastry and K. Ishwar Bhat.
24. Presented research paper “Antioxidant, antituberculer, antibacterial,
antifungal studies of some novel pyrazolone derivatives” poster presentation at
the International Conference of Indian Council of Chemists from 11th to 15th June
2011 held at Bangkok by B. Revansiddappa and K. Ishwar Bhat.
25. Participated in 2 days workshop on conservation of medicinal plants and
preservation of traditional medicinal plant knowledge base held on 4th to 5th
August 2011 organized by Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore.
26. Presented paper entitled “Synthesis, Pharmacological and biological screening
of novel isoxazoline derivatives derived from chalcones” in the 30th annual
conference of Indian Council of Chemists 28th -30th December 2011 held at
Osmania University Hyderabad in the Oral Session.
27. Presented a paper in the oral session entitled “synthesis, antimicrobial, analgesic
and anticancer activity of some substituted pyrimidines”, Abhishek Kumar, K.
Ishwar Bhat, Mohammed Nisar and A.V Pankaj Kumar in the International
Conference of Synthetic and structural chemistry held at department of studies in
chemistry Mangalagangotri, Mangalore University from December 8th – 10th
28. Presented a paper in the oral session entitled “synthesis of 5-Quinolinamines as
potential anti malarial agents”, Pankaj Kumar, K. Ishwar Bhat, Abhishek
Kumar and Rahul Jain in the International Conference of Synthetic and structural
chemistry held at department of studies in chemistry Mangalagangotri, Mangalore
University from December 8th – 10th 2011.
29. Presented a paper in the poster session entitled “anticancer studies of somes
heterocycles derived from chalcones against DLA cell lines”, Jainey P James
and Ishwar Bhat K in the 63rd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Bangalore
International Exhibition Centre during 16th to 18th December 2011.
30. Presented research paper in the poster session entitled “synthesis, antibacterial,
antifungal, cytotoxicity screening of 1,5 – benzodiazipines”, Dr. K. Ishwar
Bhat and Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain in the international conference “Emerging
trends in chemical sciences” held at VIT, Vellore from December 5th – 7th 2013.

Guest Lecture Delivered:

1. Dr. K. Ishwar Bhat, Professor and Head, department of Pharmaceutical chemistry

delivered a guest lecture on 28th November 2015 “Thermodynamic properties and
Chemical reactions” in a workshop organized by Delhi Public School, Bokaro,
Steel City, Ranchi.

M.Pharm. Projects Completed

1. Analytical investigation of Paracetamol and Vitamin C and its applications.

Jennifer Pinto, May 1994
2. Analytical investigation of riboflavin, Isoniazid and Analgin using Manganese
(llI) pyrophosphate as an Oxidant. Ramdas G. Bhat, May 1996

3. Synthesis and biological activities of some schiffbases. H. Srinivas, July 1999

4. Synthesis and Biological evaluation of some schiffbases derived from 3-

substituted -Triazoles. V. Suresh, July 2001

5. Analytical investigation and kinetics of oxidation of some pharmaceutically

important drugs by Chloramine-T Ms. Vanishree H.R, March 2002

6. Synthesis and Pharmacological studies of some Azetidinone derivatives bearing

Ibuprofen Moiety. Muhammad Mubeen, March 2002

7. Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some schiff bases derived from

substituted 1,2,4-Triazoles Vinod Kumar R, Sept 2002

8. Synthesis and Pharmacological studies of some Azetidinone derivatives derived

from Aryloxy Methyl Moiety. Neeraj Kumar Fuloria march 2003.

9. Sythensis,characterization & biological evaluation of some Azetidinone

derivatives carrying 2-Isopropyl-5-Methyl-l-Phenol moiety, B.S. Visweshwariah,
Sep. 2003.

10. Synthesis and antimicrobial studies of some Azetidinone derivatives derived from
2 Methoxy-4 (2 -Propenyl) Phenol moiety Arun Kumar R Sep. 2004.

11. Synthesis and Antimicrobial studies of some Azetidinone derivatives derived

from para-chloro Aniline Moiety. Asim Hussain.
12. Synthesis and Animicrobial studies of some azetidinone derivates derived from
para-Anisidine Moiety. P Sunil Kumar Chaitanya.

13. Synthesis,Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of some Azetidinone

derivates derived from 2-Sulfanilamido Pyrimidine Moiety. Sunil Kumar Mishra.
14. Synthesis and Antimicrobial studies of some Azetidinone derivatives derived
from 8- Hydroxy quinoline Moiety. Supriya Maity.
15. Synthesis and Anti microbial studies of some novel 1, 3, 5-tri substituted 2-
pyrazolines, Chandrashekar Singh.
16. Synthesis and Anti microbial studies of some substituted pyrozolines derived
from aryloxy acetyl hydrazines. Jagath .G
17. Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of some 1,3,5 – trisubstituted
2-pyrazolines. Dobariya Umeshkumar Premjibhai.
18. Synthesis, characterization and Anti microbial studies of some substituted
pyrazolines derived from aryloxy acetyl hydrazines. Mumtaz Mohammed
19. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituted
azetidinones. Rohit Bansal
20. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity of some thiazolidinone
derivatives. Joshi Vishal DineshBhai
21. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of 1, 3, 4 –
Oxadiazoles. Sufeera K.
22. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some
benzodiazepine and isoxazoline derivatives, by Manoj Kumar Chauhan.
23. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substitute
pyrazolines and pyrimidines, by Jainey P. James.
24. Studies of biologically active heterocyclics: - synthesis, characterization,
antibacterial, antifungal and anti oxidant activity of some novel triazoles – by.
Ms. Surya P.S
25. Studies in the synthesis and biological activities of compounds of medicinal
importants, 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles – by Mrs. Jisha Prems.
26. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituted
pyrazoline derivatives. – by Mr. Chetan S. H
27. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituted
isoxazoline derivatives derived from chalcones- by Mr. Anil Kumar R. K
28. Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituded
pyrimidines- by Mr. Muhammed Nisar A.V
29. “Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituted
Benzodiazepine derivatives” by Prathyusha. V
30. “Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity studies of some substituted
Pyrozoline derivatives” by Thara. P.V
31. “Studies on synthesis and characterization of pyrimidine derivatives from
chalcones and their Pharmacological evaluation by Livin Jose.
32. “Synthesis and characterization and pharmacological evaluvation of some
pyrimidine derivatives derived from chalcones by Riyaz. E. K

Completed Ph.D Projects

 Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Fruit Extracts of Sapindus

Trifoliatus, Jennifer Fernandes.
 Synthesis and biological studies of some novel heterocyclic compounds derived
from substituted anilines. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya.
 Synthesis and Biological Screening of some novel aminobenzylated Mannich
bases, Chaluvaraju K.C.
 Synthetic Studies in Heterocyclics of Pharmacological Interest, Suresh Honnalli.
 Chemical and pharmacological investigation of cow urine, Gururaj M.P
 Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of the plant Desmodium
oojeinense (Roxb.) H. Ohashi” Y. Jayadevaih K.V.
 Synthesis and biological evaluation of some novel heterocyclic compounds
derived from Chalcones. M. Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain.
 Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of Clitoria Ternatea Linn and
Bauhinia Variegate Linn. B. Shyamkumar.
 Synthesis and screening of sum biologically active five, six, seven membered
novel heterocyclic compounds, Jainey P James.
 A study on anti venom property of root extract of coix lachrymajobi for the
treatment of Indian poisonous snake venoms, Rajesh K. S

Project leading to Ph.D

1. Synthesis and Pharmacological evaluation of some novel heterocyclic compounds

containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur as hetero atoms, Susmita Basak.

Collaborative research
Collaboration in a research project with department of biotechnology NMAMIT Nitte
entitled “A study on anti venom property of Root extract of Coix Lachrymajobi for the
treatment of India poisonous snake venom” funded by department of biotechnology
India. (14 lakhs) Mr. Rajesh K.S is working in this project as a research scholar and
persuing his Ph.D under the guidance of Dr. K. Ishwar Bhat, Prof. & H.O.D Pharma
Chemistry NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deralakatte, Mangalore which is
affiliated to Nitte University.

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