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White paper


Brad Parker, Thomas Rivett, Paul Backeberg, Andrew McIntosh, Sherif El-Masry and Alex Heath
Dewatering, Minerals Processing, Outotec Oyj

Thickeners are utilized in mineral processing for the purpose of solid-liquid separation (dewatering). Thickeners separate
an incoming feed slurry (i.e. water with solid particles of either product or tailings material) into two distinct streams; one
consisting of clarified water and the second stream being a slurry concentrated with solids.

Thickeners, like most processing technology utilized in minerals processing, are fixed geometry equipment designed for
a specific throughput and duty. During the course of the thickeners’ life cycle, in excess of 20 years, they are commonly
called on to perform to new process requirements due to changing mineralogical circumstances, revised plant
performance criteria and external changes in the operating environment. In addition, aging equipment requires increased
levels of maintenance to prevent unplanned shutdown from occurring.

To meet these changing conditions, the operator has an option to upgrade, or modernize, the thickener to ensure it
continues to provide the required outcomes efficiently and sustainably. This white paper will discuss the modernization
options available for thickeners.

After a brief introduction to the thickening process we move on to discuss the global external pressures on mine
operators to give context to the discussion and elucidate the need for efficient resource use.

Next, we look more specifically at how these external influences impact the operator, then we briefly review the
options available to overcome these challenges, and we discuss the owner’s decision process: “Modernize or buy new

In assessing the decision to modernize, we consider the elements of an upgrade and the advances in thickening
technology that allow operators to meet new challenges.

Finally, we will discuss the process of modernizing a thickener so as to achieve the client’s stated outcomes. This includes
identifying the issues, working through an investigation process, testwork, and engineering prior to the delivery and
implementation of the modernization.

Key words
Thickener, modernization, dewatering, upgrade, tailings thickening, concentrate thickening, feedwell

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Table of contents 11 Outotec Solution............................................................ 22

11.1 Methodology.................................................... 22
Abstract................................................................................. 1 11.1.1 Desktop Review....................................... 22
1 Overview of the Thickening Process................................. 4 11.2 Testwork.......................................................... 23
2 External Influences........................................................... 4 11.3 Engineering Review......................................... 23
2.1 Demand Growth.................................................. 4 11.4 Design Considerations.................................... 24
2.2 Water Scarcity and Social Impacts..................... 5 11.5 Final Design..................................................... 24
3 Thickener Challenges....................................................... 6 12 Summary....................................................................... 24
3.1 Lower Grades and Changing Ore....................... 6 References.......................................................................... 25
3.2 Aging Equipment................................................. 8
3.3 Water Recovery.................................................... 9
3.4 Mineral recovery.................................................. 9
3.5 Impact................................................................ 10
4 Mitigation of Challenges................................................. 10
5 Replace or Modernize..................................................... 10
6 Modernization Options.................................................... 11
7 Feed System.................................................................... 12
7.1 Thickener Feedwell........................................... 12
7.2 Feed Tanks......................................................... 12
7.3 Froth Control..................................................... 14
7.3.1 Baffles, Sprays and Booms...................... 14
7.3.2 De-aeration or Break Tank....................... 14
7.4 Feed Dilution..................................................... 14
7.4.1 Automatic Dilution.................................... 15
7.4.2 Forced Dilution......................................... 15
7.5 Flocculant Delivery............................................ 16
8 Mechanical....................................................................... 16
8.1 Bridge................................................................ 16
8.2 Mechanism........................................................ 17
8.3 Drive................................................................... 17
8.4 Overflow............................................................. 18
8.5 Underflow Handling.......................................... 18
9 Electrical.......................................................................... 18
9.1 Control Panels................................................... 18
9.2 Bed Mass........................................................... 18
9.3 Torque................................................................ 19
9.4 Bed Level........................................................... 19
9.5 Underflow Density............................................. 19
10 Automation.................................................................... 20

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


1 Overview of the Thickening Process effectively predetermined as the available surface area
Thickening technology utilizes the principle of depends on the thickener’s diameter.
sedimentation as a cost effective method of solid-liquid
separation. Hence, while better control and operation is able to
improve the average performance of an existing thickener,
Sedimentation is used to thicken an incoming feed stream the ultimate performance is limited by the ability of the
to produce two phases: feed system to promote faster settling of the material and
so allow for more aggressive ‘sizing parameters’ – solids
• Overflow - a stream containing minimal solids loading and rise rate.
• Underflow - a stream containing minimal liquid
Consequently, improvements in thickener process
This is accomplished by a number of means inside the performance typically include efforts directed at improving
thickener: the feed system, from upstream of the thickener through
to the feedwell. How far upstream this takes place will
• Settling under the force of gravity depend on the plant itself, taking into account the effect of
• Addition of reagents such as flocculants, which are feed properties, combined streams and elevation changes.
mixed with the incoming feed to enhance gravity Any components not optimized will affect the efficiency of
settling such that it occurs faster or at a higher rate the settling in the thickener and therefore its capacity and
• Bed compression due to self-weight of material in the performance.
settled bed
• Mechanical raking to release water trapped in the
settled bed
2 External Influences
Compared to alternative technologies, sedimentation Business owners globally are facing macro forces that
using thickeners is capable of processing high volumes of affect their planning and daily operations and mine
slurry at a relatively low cost. owners are not immune to these trends. These external
challenges impose upon mine operators a new paradigm
During operation the two outputs, overflow and underflow, to ensure they meet society’s requirements to not only
are rarely prioritized simultaneously. The duty of the provide the raw materials for global growth, but also the
thickener will determine which of the two is prioritized. increasing demands to do so in an environmentally and
socially sensitive manner.
In tailings applications where recovery of water and
minimal-sized tailings storage facilities are desired, Thickeners in an operating mineral processing plant play
underflow will be targeted to the detriment of overflow a vital part in the context of these external influences,
performance. assisting operators to meet growing demand efficiently
and sustainably while offering investors a suitable return.
Conversely in a typical concentrate application, overflow As a key piece of equipment in the dewatering phase,
clarity is an important requirement: otherwise the the impact of thickener performance on overall plant
valuable mineral would be returned to the concentrator operations should not be understated.
with loss of recovery and additional process costs in the
form of reagents and maintenance. 2.1 Demand Growth

Further considerations in thickener performance targets Driven by demand for more minerals in recent years,
are determined by downstream equipment and processes, capacity expansion plans have consistently featured
and upstream where the returned water enters the in the strategies of mine owners. Even in a climate of
process. declining demand and prices, expansion plans are still
under consideration, whether to position for future
Critical to thickener performance are two parameters:

1. Solids loading based on dry tonnes of solid entering

the feedwell
Coal 14%
Copper 15%
2. Rise rate based on the flow rate (cubic meters per
hour) entering the thickener including dilution water Diamonds 13.4%
Gold 25%
Both solids loading and rise rate are expressed as unit Iron ore 15%
rates (tph or m3/hr) per square meter of thickener surface
area. For existing thickeners, these two parameters are

Figure 1. Mines at expansion development stage per mineral type

(SNL Metals & Mining 2015).

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


growth or maintain capital efficiency and thereby reduce Societal awareness of mining activities is also driving
unit production costs. An analysis of expansion projects decisions by owners and operators. In an SEC filing from
presented in Figure 1 provides some context for the February 17, 2016 Newmont Mining reported in relation
importance of plans to expand operations, even at a time to the Conga Project that it “will not proceed with the full
of low metal prices and uncertainty. The analysis data lists development of Conga without social acceptance, solid
over 280 plants with expansion plans across all mineral project economics and potentially another partner to help
types. (SNL Metals & Mining 2015.) defray costs and risk; it is currently difficult to predict
when or whether such events may occur.” The filing
The benefit of expanding existing plants over greenfield further reported “Under the current social and political
development is clear. As ore body knowledge increases environment, the Company does not anticipate being able
over the operating life, technical risk is reduced and the to develop Conga for the foreseeable future.”
capital efficiency of the existing plant is increased as it is
extended beyond its original life or capacity. The processes of obtaining and maintaining a social
license to operate are playing an increasingly important
2.2 Water Scarcity and Social Impacts role in decision-making among mine operators
From an environmental and social perspective, efficient
thickener performance is becoming increasingly
important. Operating licenses are progressively more
onerous, requiring strengthened assessment and
mitigation of the likely impact on the local environment
and communities. In particular, access to water is more
tightly regulated due to increasing awareness of scarcity,
motivating operators to look for new and sustainable
sources of water.

In a news release from July 2013, BHP Billiton announced

a joint investment in a desalination plant for the
Escondida Mine in Chile, of which it owns 57.5%. BHP
Billiton will invest USD 1.972 billion for a total investment
of over USD 3 billion by all of the partners involved. The
investment simultaneously demonstrates the importance
of water to mining operations, and the huge cost
associated with overcoming water scarcity.

Mining activity produces more than 10 billion tonnes of

tailings every year (CRC Care 2013). At between 30% and
55% solids by weight this can equate up to 7,000 gigaliters
of water discharged to tailings. Even a 1% or 2% increase
in thickening efficiency can lead to savings to mining
operations of up to 1,400 gigaliters of water per annum.
Figure 2 shows the volume in comparison to a large city
consumption. In 2014/2015, Melbourne in Australia, a city
with a population INmillion
of over 4.4 TAILINGS
people, consumed a
total of 401 gigaliters of water. (Melbourne Water, 2014).


Water Lost

Water Saved

Large City Use

Figure 2. Water in tailings and saving potential in comparison to a

large city consumption (CRC Care 2013; Melbourne Water 2014).

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


3 Thickener Challenges The declining grade increases the momentum for

The demand for minerals to sustain the growth of planning plant expansions as owners need to increase
urbanization and the movement of millions of people to plant throughput to maintain mineral output at
middle-class lifestyles has a consequential impact on economical levels.
operators, who must ensure efficient resource utilization,
both in terms of capital and natural resource usage. A further consequence of this move to lower-grade
ores is a general reduction in average particle size, with
3.1 Lower Grades and Changing Ore further effects on the thickening properties of slurries.
Furthermore, changes in ore mineralogy occur as new
As higher grade materials are depleted in early years of satellite bodies are accessed to feed plant expansion to
operations to meet Return on Investment (ROI) targets, meet new demand.
plant expansion to meet the growing demand has seen
the exploitation of lower head grades within existing These process circumstances, increased throughput due
mining tenements. This provides a faster path to market to lower grades and changing mineralogy and particle
to take advantage of higher prices as well as being capital size, have a direct impact on thickener performance.
efficient. Increasing the solids load on a thickener will necessarily
result in a decrease in thickening performance in the
According to research by Wood McKenzie (2015), copper absence of any modernization improvements.
grades have fallen over 35% since 1990 and the long
term-trend does not see any improvement (Figure 3).

Higher prices enable
lower cut-off grades
New projects mining
higher grade during
Copper Grade Cu%

early years

Higher grade
underground mines
ramping up


Long term downward trend


1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Figure 3. Grade trends weighted on payable copper - including probable projects (Wood Mackenzie 2015).

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


60 2500

Water to tailings - m3/hr %w/w

US Denisty - %w/w


10 500

0 0

1500 1650 1800 2000

0.39 0.43 0.47 0.52

Tonnes per hour

(SL t/m2/h)

Water to Tailings Underflow Density

Figure 4. Changing throughput impact on performance and typical outcome of increasing the solids loading (SL) and changing
the ore to an existing thickener.

Figure 4, representing a typical copper tailings thickener, Even for greenfield plants, there are cases when the
shows that increasing the throughput of a thickener of fixed actual conditions will have changed from those used in
diameter (by increasing solids loading) reduces underflow design when many assumptions will have been made
density and consequently increases the amount of water based on limited knowledge from small sample sizes of
sent to tailings. drill results. If changes are significant modernization of
components may be required to deliver performance.
Similarly, changing ore characteristics, such as particle size
distribution (PSD), can also negatively affect the underflow
density and water sent to tailings as shown in Figure 5.
Water to tailings - m3/hr %w/w

40 600
US Denisty - %w/w

30 500
0 0
13 32 86 130 140

P80 PSD (microns)

Underflow Density Water to Tailings

Figure 5. Particle size affect. The typical outcome of reducing the P80 PSD to an existing thickener without any other changes.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


3.2  Aging Equipment in its capacity by the stage in the process with the lowest
efficiency, reliability, and availability. De-bottlenecking is
Beyond the process-based sedimentation challenges the term used to identify and overcome these capacity-
facing operators, extending the capacity and life constraining steps.
of existing equipment also requires a focus on the
mechanical components of a thickener. The capital- Additionally, obsolete parts, items with long lead times,
intensive nature of minerals processing plants motivates and parts that must be manufactured as “one-offs” can
owners to pursue capital efficiency, measured by be disruptive to the operations of any plant.
throughput and operating availability. Modernizations are
an ideal route to achieve this outcome. Thickeners are low-maintenance, designed as critical
equipment, and generally have no duty standby installed.
Recently there has been a sharp growth in the number As they age, more focus must be placed on them to allow
of minerals processing plants as the world’s population continuous operation.
both expands and becomes increasingly affluent, driving
demand. As these plants age, supporting their continued
operation will become increasingly vital.

Of the existing 550+ active minerals processing plants

globally, 324 are over 10 years old and 212 over 20 years
old, as shown in Figure 6 (SNL Metals & Mining 2015).

Aging equipment brings multiple challenges to the

market. Chief among them is the need to keep them
operating reliably. Mineral processing requires all
elements to be working efficiently. A plant is constrained

35 600

30 500


5 100

0 0

New Plants Cumulative

Figure 6. Existing minerals processing plants and the year of establishment (SNL Metals & Mining 2015).

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Annual Water to Tailings m3/hr







50 51 52 53 54

Underflow Density

Water Saving

Figure 7. Annual water saving in relation to underflow density (%).

3.3  Water Recovery upstream and downstream equipment such as valves and
pumps, and direct costs in process water tank cleaning
In previous sections, we discussed the environmental as the solids finally settle in this tank. It is reasonable to
and social focus on mineral processing operations. As expect 90% of the lost material from tanks and dams to be
a water recovery system, thickeners can be targeted to recovered. However, the last 10% (200 ppm) can represent
meet new requirements in the recovery and reuse of an economically significant stream, so investments in
water, ultimately reducing water consumed from the improvements generate easy returns.
For most counter current decantation circuits a valuable
This environmental imperative can be met by increasing component is present as a salt in solution. Any solids
the underflow density of current thickeners. An increase in the overflow may result in a decrease in the grade of
in underflow density of 1% or 2% can return significant the final product, and can add a large additional cost in
volumes of water to the operating plants. In Figure 7, each solvent extraction (SX) plant maintenance or the need
increase of 1% in underflow density reduces the amount for additional filtration prior to the SX plant. Underflow
of water to tailings by around 500,000 cubic meters per density from each stage directly influences circuit washing
year. efficiency and if the washing efficiency is not optimized
then valuable metal will be lost to the underflow stream of
3.4  Mineral Recovery the final thickener in the circuit.

Thickeners that process valuable material can be referred

to as product thickeners. These product thickeners,
in duties such as such as concentrate dewatering and
Table 1. Quantity of lost concentrate in relation to recovery % and
counter current decantation (CCD) washing, contribute throughput.
directly to a plant’s overall metal recovery.
Solids to overflow 2,000 ppm
In concentrate thickeners, valuable material can be lost Throughput 150 m3/h
in the overflow if the thickener is not performing well, as Concentrate in overflow per day 7,200 kg
shown in Table 1. Typically the feed is from the flotation Recovery 90 %
circuit and a high level of froth is seen on the thickener.
Lost concentrate per day 720 kg
This froth carries solids into the overflow. Cases have
been reported where solid concentrations as high as Lost concentrate per year 236.52 tonnes
2,000 ppm in the overflow. This material is valuable and
failing to recover it at the thickener leads to lower overall
concentrator metal recovery. Furthermore, it can result
in additional costs in terms of reagents, damage to

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


3.5 Impact 2. In many locations around the world, plants operate

In the face of increasing demand and scrutiny, operators in a licensed area and any review or increase in
face many challenges. If incorrectly managed or this footprint may involve complex applications and
addressed, they can directly influence the sustainability compliance procedures.
and, therefore, the profitability of an operation. These can
be seen as: The challenges raised by improved water recovery
requirements or loss of metal production can also be met
• excessive consumption of chemicals by new plant or equipment. In these cases, the operator is
• increased water consumption due to losses to tailings likely to be more interested in incremental improvements
or environment rather than large-scale capacity increases. It is therefore
• increased tailings storage facility costs desirable to focus investments on directly improving the
• excessive maintenance costs – direct and indirect (e.g. performance of the thickener through both operational
upstream instruments) advances and modernization.
• recirculation of chemicals in the process water
• recirculation of already treated ore When the existing tank satisfies the new requirements,
• reduced filter efficiency and performance modernizing the thickener is an attractive and often
• increased cost to replace obsolete parts economically optimal method to extend the life of
• lack of availability equipment or manage changed process scenarios.
• loss of license to operate
• loss of valuable product
• inefficient operation and process performance
5  Replace or Modernize
Investment choices are always a balance between the cost
of investment versus the reward to achieve the necessary
4  Mitigation of Challenges outcome, and the choice between thickener replacement or
Confronted with these challenges, operators have several modernization is no different.
approaches available to them – purchase new equipment
and plants, add new plants in parallel with the existing The first consideration should be the physical limitations of
plant, or modernize the existing equipment. the existing tank, with the following typical questions:

The challenge of increasing capacity and changing • Will the proposed process parameters allow
ore may require replacement or parallel plants to be solids loadings and rise rates that provide suitable
constructed. In cases where ore changes require not only performance properties with the expected feed
increased capacity but different processes this may be the material?
only option. Ore can change when the oxidized layer of the • Is the condition of the tank and structure conducive to
pit is exhausted and mining progresses into sulphide ores, an additional 5, 10 or even 20 years of life and the higher
or for other, less common, reasons. The benefit of parallel loads expected?
plants is that the original plant continues to be fully
utilized providing no interruptions to customer deliveries. Assuming the tank diameter and condition are suitable
for increased loads, upgrades are possible to all other
When a capacity increase or changing ore can be elements. Sidewall height can be extended, overflow
processed by the existing plant, new equipment can be capacity can be increased with new launders and/or
considered to address any identified bottlenecks. For new overflow boxes, floor angle can be increased, and
thickeners, this is most often the outcome in cases where underflow arrangements can be modified.
the existing tank size is not suitable when judged against
thickener design rules (solids loading and/or rise rate). At this point, moving forward can become an economic
Alternatively, the age or condition of the thickener may decision and a cost comparison between replacement
mean that re-use of the tank and its support structure is and modernization can be made. In this comparison the
no longer viable. considerations are:

For an operating plant, expansion by “bolt on” equipment • time available for work — lost capacity during this stage
may seem an attractive option and considering the remote can have significant cost implications
location of some plants, it would seem that footprint is not • social and regulatory licenses relating to land use
a significant issue. Two factors frustrate this assumption: • cost of service provision to new thickeners

1. Installing new equipment at another location will entail Modernization becomes an attractive option because it is
changes to process flow, piping and electrification, encapsulated inside the plant boundaries and does not
which can significantly add to the project cost. require new services, maximizing the use of existing plant

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


so capital efficiency is maintained or even improved. This and control the elements required for good thickening
provides operators with an appropriate solution to their to occur. Feed pipe size, elevation changes and dilution
changing process and plant requirements. requirements all need to be considered in upgrading a
thickener feedwell.

Often modernization will add weight, either due to larger

6  Modernization Options or additional installed components as in the case of forced
Modernization options range from completely replacing dilution. The impact of this weight on the bridge structure
internals, utilizing only the original tank, to upgrading the must be considered. The modernization may include
automation systems for better control of the thickener reinforcing or replacing bridge elements.
performance. The most common upgrade options
are presented in Figure 8. Recent work in the area of Additionally, a review of the drive and mechanism for
automation has demonstrated remarkable improvements torque capability may be needed. When changing the
in thickener stability, ease of operation, and overall costs. underflow parameters, whether throughput, density
or yield strength, and operating at the bed conditions
Addressing thickener process issues will necessarily begin necessary to achieve them, more toque may be
at the heart of the thickener – the feedwell. This is not required. Underflow changes can also require removal
always a simple case of installing a scaled-up version of arrangements to be reviewed. Thickeners operating as
the current feedwell; all elements of the feed system must gravity discharge may need pumping, while thickeners
be considered. with underflow pumps may need larger or more
appropriate pumps.
For old-style conventional thickeners, conversion to a High
Rate Thickener (HRT) should be an early priority. HRTs If an upgrade to the mechanical components is completed
allow for higher solids loading than conventional thickeners in parallel to the process improvements, then the
by efficiently using flocculation. Computational fluid mechanical challenge of availability, maintenance costs
dynamic (CFD) modeling and other research to improve the and obsolete parts can simultaneously be managed.
understanding of the complex and multiphase fluid flow
behavior that occurs in feedwells (Heath & Triglavcanin In the following sections this paper discusses aspects
2010), has resulted in significant improvements in thickener of contemporary thickener design, which can be applied
performance and tolerance to varying flow conditions. to upgrades and modernizations of existing thickeners
to suit increases in thickener throughput, changes in
These same studies have shown that feed delivery to the thickener duty or to improve process performance.
feedwell must be controlled to optimize performance

FEED SYSTEM • Drive Head
• Gearbox
• Breaktank • Control Panel • Feedwell
• Feedpipe • Floc Box
• Feedtank • Feed dilution


• Overflow Box • Boom and Spray
• Bolt on Blades • Boom and Beach
• Underflow • De-aeration Tank

Figure 8. Most common upgrade options.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


7 Feed System In designing a feedwell for high rate thickening, it is

Considered to be the ‘heart of the thickener’ the feedwell important to control the amount of turbulence and fluid
plays a primary role in overall thickener performance. The shear that occurs, as well as the area of the feedwell
high-rate feedwell exists to provide an environment for in which it occurs. This is critical to achieving good
proper flocculation. This plays a critical role in thickening flocculation, capturing fine and coarse particles in
through its function of improving the speed of solid-liquid flocculated aggregates without breaking those aggregates
separation and of gravity settling, especially of the finest that are sensitive to excessive shear energy.
fraction in the slurry. Distributing the material evenly into
the thickener is also a priority function. As stated above, Modern feedwells are designed to utilize the feed
for the feedwell to perform its functions, the delivery of momentum to control the mixing of incoming feed with
feed must be conducive to the process. flocculants and, in many cases, to introduce dilution
liquor. Once particles have been successfully flocculated
Therefore, a review of the design of the feed system for they must then be introduced into the bed of the thickener
any change of duty will be critical to ensuring process without tearing the aggregate apart. To achieve this it
performance targets are achieved. The aspects of is necessary to dissipate momentum and energy as the
thickener feed system design that can be addressed are flocculated slurry exits the feedwell. Even distribution into
discussed in this section. the body of the thickener is important to ensure the entire
settling area of the thickener is utilized effectively. The
7.1 Thickener Feedwell fundamentals of a good feedwell design are presented in
Figure 9.
Modern feedwells are referred to as high-rate due to their
ability to allow a thickener to process material at a higher Analysis and experience has shown that older
rate than conventional feedwells. High-rate thickeners are conventional feedwells typically suffered short-circuiting
primarily defined by their efficient use of flocculant to aid (Nguyen, Heath & Witt 2006). This term describes a
in the settling of the feed solids. Introducing flocculants situation where feed plunges prematurely from the
into the thickening process also introduces new demands feedwell with poor mixing, flocculation, and energy
for feedwell design. dissipation. When a feedwell is experiencing short-
circuiting the feed is not distributed evenly across the
tank and it is common to see high levels of turbulence
outside the feedwell and strong currents in the settling
GOOD FEEDWELL DESIGN and clarification zones of the thickener. CFD modeling
demonstrates short-circuiting as shown in the image on
1. Utilize the kinetic energy of the feed stream to the left in Figure 10, compared with a modern feedwell as
mix slurry and flocculant shown on the right.

2. Introduce dilution (if required) into slurry for In recent years some thickener technology suppliers
optimal flocculation have developed various new feedwell design concepts to
meet the requirement of modern thickener feed system
3. Provide time for flocculant design discussed above. The Outotec Vane Feedwell™
design, shown in Figure 11, was launched during 2008
4. Provide low shear conditions for flocculated and has been at the forefront of developments in modern
aggregates to grow thickener feedwell design. It incorporates all of the
necessary elements to optimize flocculant efficiency and
5. Distribute the flocculated feed evenly into the improve thickener performance.
body of the thickener
7.2 Feed Tanks

Situated externally and immediately prior to the thickener,

feed tanks are used to prepare the feed for delivery to the
Mixing Energy feedwell to allow for efficient flocculation and formation of
Dilution flocculants.
In many cases, processing plants are laid out such that
Low Shear thickeners are gravity-fed from an elevated position
Uniform Distribution with pipes or launders running to considerable length
and through multiple changes in direction, which tends
to contribute to poor feed conditions. In particular, high
velocity from launder flow and entrainment of air are
common problems associated with gravity feed system
Figure 9. Fundaments of a good feedwell design.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Figure 10. Short-circuiting in comparison with a modern feedwell.

designs. In addition, multiple streams may be delivering Installing a properly designed feed tank can result in
feed to a thickener. The best designs currently combine greatly enhanced thickener performance. The tank can
flows into a single entry to the feedwell at a controlled act as the collector of multiple streams so that only a
velocity to provide the best flocculation conditions. An single pipe takes feed to the thickener. Baffles, shelves,
example of feed tank design can be seen in Figure 12. tangential feeds and inverted outlet pipes are all used in
innovative feed tank designs. These designs complement
Critical to designing an appropriate feed tank will be a process improvements to allow a smaller-volume tank
thorough understanding of all potential streams, volume to be used, reducing the structural capacity required for
and solids loads, elevations, and the pipe layout prior to installation.
the tank.

Vanes & shelf

prevent short circuiting
AutodilTM ports

Feed /
slurry entry Directional
AutodilTM ports
AutodilTM ports

Flocculated slurry
evenly dispersed

Figure 11. Outotec Vane Feedwell™.

Figure 12. Feed tank design.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


7.3 Froth Control standardized feed conditioning systems have been

developed. These systems have three functions:
Feeds with entrained air present a challenge to the
flocculation process. Whether introduced as part of an 1. Control the velocity to the feedwell
upstream process such as flotation or inadvertently 2. Provide full pipe delivery to the feedwell
introduced in thickener feeds due to the pipe layout, air 3. Reduce or eliminate froth to the feedwell
must be managed to allow flocculation.
These tanks can be designed to be externally mounted
Aerated thickener feed that makes its way into the body of or bridge-mounted when situated inside the thickener
the thickener tends to carry fine particles to the surface of footprint. The bridge-mounting solution is ideal as a
the thickener to form froth. This froth causes issues such modernization when the plant layout and site conditions
as the loss of product to thickener overflows (on product prevent new feed tanks from being installed.
thickeners) and can cause a reduction in thickener
underflow density due to poor flocculation. Higher
maintenance time and costs can also be caused by wear
and blockages through the accumulation of particles in
process water, meaning that methods to alleviate froth on
thickeners are required.

New thickener installations designed for slurry streams

containing froth typically use conservative tank sizing.
For modernization a larger tank is not an option. In all
cases, it is preferable to manage froth before it reaches
the thickener and this is a part of good plant design. In the
absence of a feed tank or the space to install one, other
options are available.
Figure 13. CFD simulation results of thickener feed velocity break/
7.3.1 Baffles, Sprays and Booms de-aeration tank.

Installing a baffle in front of the overflow launder to

hold back froth is a simple and effective froth control
method. Combined with the addition of peripheral The latest designs incorporate vortex-seeking dart plugs,
sprays to physically break up the froth, this solution can tangential inlets and outlets, expansion chambers, and
adequately manage light froth conditions. For peripheral sprays. Once again, CFD modeling, as presented in Figure
spray systems, access to sprays for maintenance can be 13, plays an important role along with laboratory piloting
challenging and should always be considered. and prototyping in various applications. Installations have
been successfully completed in iron ore, coal and gold/
For applications with a more tenacious froth, an enhanced copper sites.
arrangement would include using bridge-mounted knock-
down sprays and rotating booms to transport surface 7.4 Feed Dilution
froth under the sprays and break it down.
The highest solids percentage by weight (w/w) of the feed
To fully utilize the benefits of a rotating boom, froth slurry at which free settling of the particles can occur
collection points can be included. The boom continues to is selected as the target feedwell concentration and is
transport the froth under the sprays for knock down, but determined by testwork. When the feed solids percentage
the addition of the collection point removes a portion of is above the target concentration, the feedwell and feed
the forth on each pass. system design must introduce additional process liquor to
the feedwell to achieve the target. In high-rate feedwells,
While these methods can be effective to a point and which utilize flocculants to agglomerate material,
undoubtedly still have a role to play, experience shows the correct feedwell solids density is crucial for the
that it is more effective to remove aeration from the feed efficient use of flocculant. The correct dilution allows the
and control feed velocity before it reaches the thickener flocculant to be able to freely disperse and to contact all
feedwell. of the solid particles.

7.3.2 De-aeration or Break Tank As already discussed above, the trend of mining
lower-quality ore bodies is resulting in finer material
Recognizing the importance of receiving thickener in thickeners. These particles have a higher surface
feed at the correct velocity and with minimal aeration, area (per unit mass of solids) than coarser particles

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


and a lower solids concentration within the feedwell is 7.4.2 Forced Dilution
required to provide free particle settling and thus efficient
flocculation. In certain circumstances, it may not be possible to achieve
the dilution requirements for a particular application
Systems utilizing external dilution pumps, pipes and using directional auto dilution systems.
valves have now been replaced with less costly and more This includes applications where:
efficient internal dilution systems. In these systems, the
clarified liquor on the thickener surface (also known as 1. the specific gravity differential between the feed slurry
supernatant) can be directly utilized to dilute the feedwell and the overflow liquor is low, due to:
slurry. There are several thickener feed dilution systems
currently on the market. • the particles in the slurry having a low specific
7.4.1 Automatic Dilution • low feed concentrations

Automatic feed dilution systems were first introduced 2. high volumes of feed dilution flow are required to
during the 1980s. When the bottom of the feedwell is bring the incoming feed to the required density. This
largely closed off, the fluids on both sides of the feedwell is commonly demonstrated when a high differential
wall remain at different specific gravities. As they are exists between received slurry density and diluted
hydraulically coupled, the pressure equalizes and a density.
geometric level difference exists between the supernatant
liquor outside the feedwell and the feed slurry inside the To provide the necessary dilution in these cases,
feedwell as shown in Figure 14. In this system, gravity mechanical means are required. Figure 15 shows the
forced dilution principle. Additionally, when the feed
has a very high density, such as a thickener underflow,
Driving Head
and feedwell mixing becomes inadequate, additional
Outotec Directional Autodil™ Overflow mixing energy is required. Forced dilution can provide
both dilution for flocculation and the energy required
Feed Clarified liquor
1.1 1.0
for mixing. Forced feed dilution systems have the
disadvantage of requiring a power supply and adding
Fluidized bed some mechanical complexity. Fortunately, there is
1.5 negligible wear on the rotating parts in such a low head
Typical SG
pumping application.
Thickener underflow

Driving Head

Outotec Turbodil™

Feed Clarified liquor

1.1 1.0
Figure 14. Directional auto dilution principle. Slurry

Fluidized bed

Typical SG
drives the dilution flow through openings in the feedwell Thickener underflow Values
as the slurry level inside is at a lower geometric level than
the liquor outside of the feedwell.

Since the 1980s the best auto dilution technology has

developed and is now able to introduce this supernatant
liquor flow into the feedwell in the same direction as the Figure 15. Forced dilution principle.
incoming feed, promoting more effective mixing within the
feedwell. This is referred to as directional auto dilution.

Additionally, the thickener geometry and use of the The best forced dilution systems incorporate a design
hydraulic head differential allows the degree of dilution to optimized for low head applications to minimize power
be naturally varied according to fluctuations in the density requirements, shroud the impeller to ensure solids
and flow rate of the feed. Hence, the best systems are are not drawn into the feed, and introduce the dilution
able to buffer feed density variations, producing favorable liquor in a direction conducive to the flow in the feedwell,
flocculating conditions over a range of feed conditions. assisting the mixing of flocculant with feed slurry in the

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


7.5  Flocculant Delivery The age and condition of mechanical parts can be cause
for an upgrade, or at least replacement of the affected
When using flocculant, the preparation and delivery parts. Many thickeners operate in harsh conditions, with
method must be carefully selected. Just as there is an salt and chemical attacks common, as well as general
optimal solids dilution, the flocculant must also be diluted exposure to the environment.
to the correct level, which is typically 0.01-0.025%w/v.
However, transporting diluted flocculant is challenging When drive-line items reach the end of their life-spans,
as any shearing effect greatly degrades the polymer replacement with the latest technology is the best option.
chains. Best practice is to dilute to around 0.5%w/v at the Notable among these are gearboxes, which have a design
flocculant plant, pump with a low shear pump, and then life of 10+ years. When the mine life is extended, even
provide secondary dilution as close to the feedwell as these durable components should be modernized in
possible. a planned way to coincide with other thickener works,
rather than waiting for unplanned downtime.
The inclusion of bridge-mounted secondary dilution
equipment can greatly increase flocculant efficiency, Expansion, capital efficiency, and environment concerns
leading to reduced costs and improved settling. Properly often dictate that thickeners are required to provide a
designed secondary dilution can include static mixing, higher underflow density in addition to increased capacity.
an open box for operator visibility and discharge lines Even in cases with the same underflow density target,
optimized to prevent blockage. additional torque may be required due to rheological
changes in the material. Drives up to 14.5 million Nm can
now be installed when required.

8  Mechanical All mechanical and structural components, including

Mechanical modernization of a thickener can be required bridges, mechanisms and drives, must be capable of
for two purposes: process changes and mechanical accepting these new loads.
8.1 Bridge
Changes in process conditions that prompt a feed system
upgrade can also affect the mechanical elements of the Full-span thickener bridges are designed to carry the
thickener. For example, if a larger feedwell is needed it vertical load of the rakes and feedwell, transmit the rake
is likely to be heavier than the original. This is especially torque to ground, and provide lateral restraint when
true if the original feedwell lacked features such as uneven loads are encountered in the thickened bed.
multiple zones, vanes or deflector cones. New feedwells When additional weight is added to the thickener during a
weighing in excess of 20 tons are now being installed. modernization, a bridge review will be required.

Figure 16. Old column design before the upgrade. Figure 17. Column and half-span bridge replaced with full-span bridge.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Figure 18. Typical arrangement using section column as a steady pin.

In many cases, a reinforcement plan can be produced. an underflow cone scraper. It must be able to provide this
Adding additional elements, such as braces, gussets or duty for any new conditions.
boxing in open sections, can provide the strength and
rigidity required for a bridge to carry the loads of new Rake arms and blades help to move thickened slurry
equipment introduced for the modernization. inside the tank to the underflow cone and assist in
dewatering. Underflow density is increased by gently
When bridges must be replaced, some innovative shearing the bed to release water from individual
approaches have been taken. Full-span bridges can flocculants and, on a coarser scale, opening up paths for
be replaced and installed according to the existing trapped water, now liberated, to rise through.
arrangement. However, in some cases it has proven a
better solution to mount the new bridge on external Advances in design incorporating low profile arms, bolt-on
support. These circumstances may include: rake blades, rotating pickets, bolted underflow scrapers
or sectional steady pin and bearing arrangements, can all
a. reorientating the bridge to meet a changed plant be included in the modernization project.
b. reducing the cut-over time of the installation 8.3 Drive and Power Supply
c. suiting the current tank structure conditions
Drive units are required to apply torque to the mechanism.
Modern bridge design allows some thickener upgrades They typically consist of a multistage planetary gearbox,
by replacing an outdated center column with a full-span a power supply (hydraulic or electric) and a rake lift
bridge. This has the added benefit of reducing the cost of mechanism.
the mechanism, drive, and operational maintenance.
In all gearboxes, high pressure is created inside each
Figures 16 and 17 show an upgrade where an old column meshing stage. This high pressure gradually removes
design was replaced with a reorientated full-span bridge. metal from the meshing surfaces. The replacement life of
these components can be predicted by regular oil analysis
A section of the column can also be used as a steady pin, and inspections. However, the availability of spare parts
reducing the scope and cost of the upgrade in relation to for components that are 10 or even 20 years old may be
underflow cone changes. A typical arrangement is shown the decisive factor in demanding a modernization.
in Figure 18.
Whether these drives are powered directly by electric
8.2 Mechanism motors or hydraulic power packs, the need for high
reliability and availability will provide justification
The mechanism delivers rotational force from the drive to consider replacing the power supply, either as a
and consists of a shaft or cage, rake arms and blades, and standalone upgrade or part of a broader upgrade strategy.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


HPUs provide a reliable, low-cost power source as well as As with the overflow considerations, the installed
a simple way of monitoring torque. underflow nozzle(s) should be reviewed against the
upgrade criteria for adequacy of sizing, considering the
A system to lift the rakes can be included in the drive impact of slurry velocity and pressure loss in the pump
unit to assist in managing high torque loads from the suction or gravity discharge.
mechanism rotating in a thickened slurry. Raising the
rake mechanism to bring the rake tips out of the mud, If underflow nozzles are undersized, it may be necessary
where most of the torque is generated, will provide to cut out existing nozzles and replace them with a
temporary torque relief and additional time for operators suitably sized nozzle. Inline reducers are the simple
to take action to reduce torque load and avoid thickener response if smaller nozzles are required. Beyond the
downtime due to “rake bogging”. Triggered by torque underflow cone and nozzles, the new slurry characteristic
readings, rake lift can be powered by the same hydraulic may necessitate a comprehensive review of the underflow
power unit or an additional electric motor, depending on arrangement through to the final destination. Sizing of
the primary power source. all components, pipes, control valves and pumps must be
included in the review.
Upgrades must involve reviewing the drive unit and it is
vital to know the installed torque in order to assess the
changes required to ensure the thickener is suitable for
its new duty. When increased torque is needed, some 9  Electrical and Instrumentation
drive modernization will be required. The electrical components of a thickener are also subject
to modernization, with replacement or upgrading to
8.4 Overflow ensure ongoing reliability and operational performance.
Increasingly, the trend is toward more automatic control
Overflow lip and launder systems draw supernatant liquor of thickeners, and upgrading by installing modern PLC
evenly from around the thickener and collect it in a single and higher-level control can produce demonstrable
pipe. This uniform draw minimizes high, local rise rates improvements in stability and performance.
and helps to provide a clean overflow.
Installed instrumentation should also be reviewed to
Where a new duty has a higher volumetric loading, sizing ensure it is suitable for the process. The general operation
of the installed launders must be reviewed to ensure that and condition of the instrumentation, calibration,
they have capacity to manage any increased flows and cleaning, and correct installation should all be checked.
remove the overflow liquor. If not managed, the liquor In many cases control of the thickener will be improved
level may back up around the launder resulting in flooding through installation of newer technology such as bed level
and poor thickener performance. In extreme cases, there instrumentation or a settling rate measurement device for
is a risk of uncontrolled liquor losses from the tank. control of flocculant dosing.

There are a number of options to remedy this scenario. 9.1  Control Panels
In nearly all cases, the simplest solution is to install
a second overflow nozzle. This will be located at 180 Control panels are vital for ensuring that operators can
degrees from the existing overflow nozzle, provided interact with the thickener. Historically, many functions
launder depth is equal around the circumference of the of the drive unit were controlled using the local panel,
thickener. whereas newer practice uses the plant’s distributed
control systems (DCS) for machine automation – the local
Alternatively, the launder depth can be increased by panel functions as a marshaling panel only. Still, most
extending the weir plate allowing the thickener to run at control panels are not able to modify process variables,
a higher level. This can be best achieved when adequate but are used only to run the drive. Modernizing the control
tank freeboard is available, although the tank wall can panel, either as part of a broader upgrade plan or stand-
also be extended as required. alone measure, ensures that the control panel meets
current site standards and that all electrical components
(such as PLCs) are still supported by their Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
8.5  Underflow Handling
9.2  Bed Mass
The underflow cone and nozzles are the final withdrawal
point for the thickened slurry. Removal can take place Thickeners accumulate solids to create the bed pressure
by gravity, which is common in South America where necessary to achieve dewatering. To establish this
elevations permit, or by slurry pump. solids inventory it is necessary to operate with the solids

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


withdrawal rate below the solids feed rate for some period the efficiency of the dewatering of the thickener. Manual
during start-up. Then, during steady state operation, the measurements are suitable in some applications but
solids withdrawal rate should match the feed rate. To online measurement is generally recommended and can
achieve this steady state of operation, it is desirable to then be used in automated thickener control.
measure both flows with a high level of accuracy, or to
measure the solids inventory in the thickener tank. While a range of instruments are available for this
application, gamma radiation based instruments are
Accurate mass flow reconciliation between inflow and the industry standard and are widely available. During
outflow is difficult due to instrument error, leading to modernization, a review of the suitability of old radioactive
uncertainty. Fortunately, inventory can be indicated sources is warranted as detector sensitivity has increased
through a conversion of the output of a pressure so that even old sources can be reused.
transducer mounted on a purpose-built flange near the
underflow withdrawal point of the thickener. Best practice Density instruments are commodity items and
has the sensor flush mounted to the inside of the tank. instrumentation sales personnel may lack process
Any build up of solids forming a barrier between the bed understanding for thickener applications so during
and the sensor will reduce the accuracy of the reading. modernization support can be provided by the OEM.

Fitting, or replacing, a bed mass sensor should always be

considered a modernization. Upgrading to newer models
with hot-swappable capabilities should be considered to
facilitate maintenance and ensure continuing reliability of
the reading. Local regulations must be
consulted for nuclear source
9.3 Torque management, but the following
general principles apply;
High levels of torque are required in modern high-rate
thickeners due to design and operational improvements 1. Use modern detectors to ensure the source
that allow increased underflow density targets. These has as low an activity as practicable, re-use old
torque levels can have catastrophic consequences unless sources to minimize disposal/storage risk
control and protection systems are in place. Damage to
mechanisms and bridges resulting in lengthy and costly 2. Position the source such that gamma radiation
repair can be avoided by installing, maintaining and is directed away from walkways or provide
operating to OEM recommendations. shielding for personnel

9.4 Bed Level 3. Schedule radiation leak tests with meter

surveys and wipe tests
Bed level is a crucial measurement to quickly detect
rising solids. This may indicate flocculation problems or 4. Limit access to the area, in particular the last
changed feed conditions which may result in poor settling, 1m
reducing underflow density and increasing overflow
solids. In some control strategies, bed level can be critical 5. Maintain records of sources on site. (In use or
for steady state control and is commonly used in a control in storage)
loop for flocculation.
6. Install necessary signage
It is important to note that process-specific considerations
dictate which type of instrument to use and regular
maintenance is always required. Modernization will Figure 19. General principles to consider for nuclear source
typically involve replacing preselected, poor-performing management.
types and ensuring maintenance access is simplified.

9.5 Underflow Density

Achieving the target underflow density is a major Key

Performance Indicator for a thickener. In conjunction
with the bed mass measurement the underflow density
must also be measured. The relationship between bed
mass and underflow density tells an experienced operator

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


10 Automation

As with any automation project, thickener automation

begins with process control. High density is the desired
result from most thickeners and is a useful performance
metric for any control.

Figure 20 approximates what can be seen when

considering hourly average density data over a month of
constant production (i.e. without shutdowns). And while
each hour’s density result is not strictly independent, for a
qualitative assessment, each data point can be considered
to be independent.
Figure 20. Typical histogram movement as outcome of optimisation
Improving process control and ensuring stability, tightens and control project. Step one tighten the distribution of the controlled
metric from grey to blue. Step two maximise the average of the
the distribution of the controlled metric from grey to blue. controlled metric from blue to green.
Once tight control has been achieved, the optimization
phase can begin. This is demonstrated with the move
from blue to green.

The control of a thickener includes the measurement of the desired operation point in varying situations and
variables outside of the thickener footprint. Underflow quality targets not being consistently met.
pumps and flocculant dosing pumps must be manipulated
as shown in Figure 21. Whilst some classical techniques can handle these
situations, regular operator intervention is required. The
Typically, thickener controls are implemented as single tuning becomes difficult, typically requiring high-level
loop controllers in DCS/PLC systems. These systems are experts to remain onsite. Another challenge is in allowing
challenged by long response dynamics and interaction for process constraints and the desired prioritization
between variables, leading to difficulties in maintaining between controlled variables.





3420LIC802 3420NI810 SPEED

3420PIC801 3420-PPP-45B


Figure 21. Underflow pumps and flocculant dosing pumps must be manipulated to control the thickener.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


REMOTE Introducing Automation Control Tools (ACT) overcomes
the inability of Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID)
INTERNET loops to handle slow response dynamics and cross actions
between controlled variables. An appropriate control
system architecture is required and an example is shown
(DW PLANT) in Figure 22. Here, the advanced control calculations
FIREWALL can take place on an Higher Level ACT system that sits
above the site’s process control system (PCS). A similar
architecture is used across a range of advanced control
SWITCH ACT SERVER solutions. Separating advanced control from sequences
and the general human machine interface (HMI) on
the PCS makes both systems easy to maintain and

PROCESS AREA Figure 23 shows the results that have been achieved after
installing ACT-based advanced control on a concentrate
thickener. Of interest is the fact that the tuning period was
DI FI FC completed within only 1 week of onsite step tests. This
compares favorably with PID based approaches that can
THICKENER take many months to fine-tune to an acceptable level of


Figure 22. Process control system architecture.

10 %




% of time







1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6

Underflow density (kg/l)

Reference 1 (avg) Reference 2 (avg) Validation period (line 2)

Figure 23. Relative distribution of underflow density after installation of ACT on a concentrate thickener.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


11  Outotec Solution and the physical assets available. The more work and
commitment in the early stages, the better the quality of
Designing and executing modernizations to a thickener to the outcome.
meet new process and plant conditions requires deep and
thorough investigation. The impact of process conditions Outotec works closely with the customer to identify
must be considered holistically for the impact on each the success criteria of the planned modernization.
element of the thickener. Testwork and process or even Understanding the key requirements of the upgrade –
plant audits may be required. In addition to confirming the “what and why” – will ultimately ensure a successful
operator requirements, these broader studies may also outcome for all parties.
highlight complimentary or alternative actions that are
required to achieve the process requirements. Audits Using a suite of tools including site audits, testwork,
often reveal that feed delivery routes and filtration plants engineering studies and the latest design programs, a
require further investigation. thorough information-gathering exercise is undertaken.
The specifics of the original equipment design, both
In some cases, the result of an investigation may reveal mechanical and process, are captured for the current and
a wholly different solution. Where filter performance is future requirements of the thickener.
tightly coupled with thickener performance, installing a
suitable filter feed tank to decouple the unit processes 11.1.1  Desktop Review
may offer a more effective solution than a thickener
modernization. Information is critical to the success of an upgrade.
To begin the process, the thickener performance
Outotec began upgrading thickeners in 1989 and has requirements must be known. A desktop review of the
successfully managed over 140 major upgrades globally. process is then conducted to determine the suitability of
The timing of these upgrades is shown in Figure 24. the thickener tank for the required duty.

11.1  Methodology Critical questions answered here relate to the basic

thickener requirements of solids loading and rise rate.
Successful delivery of an upgrade is a collaboration Outotec will utilize its extensive database of installed
between the customer and Outotec. Ultimate success is thickener design criteria and draw on industry-leading
based on a broad and proper understanding of the current expertise to ensure the thickener size is suitable for the
and future situation, the goals of the client organization, duty requirements.

18 160

16 140

14 120

12 100


2 20

0 0

Upgrades Cummulative

Figure 24. Outotec thickener upgrades globally.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Figure 25. Outotec test rig Figure 26. Outotec test rig is designed to be easily carried on site.

The outcome of this stage may include: tested at optimal loading conditions and comparatively at
conditions expected in the existing tank. These may not
1. a report of findings be the same due to the fixed diameter of the existing tank.
2. preliminary scope of options This information is vital for the operator to understand
3. price indications what can be expected and how this influences plant
4. firm pricing for testwork, site inspections and throughput and design. It can directly contribute to the
engineering studies if required decision to purchase new equipment or modernize
existing equipment.
11.2 Testwork
The test results provide information for feed system
Accurate characterization of the settling properties of design requirements, such as the optimal solids
thickener feed is best achieved with thickener-specific concentration at which material flocculates. This is
testwork. Outotec has developed a method of conducting important for designing the feedwell and dilution system
dynamic thickener testwork using a lab-scale thickener and establishing the flocculant dosing rate.
that, compared to traditional cylinder settling tests, is
more representative of the conditions present in a full- Satisfactory testwork results are also used as the basis
scale thickener. This includes the effects of a rotating of any process performance guarantees that may be
rake mechanism as well as the continuous up-flow of required for the upgraded equipment.
liquor inside the thickener. It is also possible to withdraw
samples of thickened underflow to measure their Once this has been done and outcomes agreed, work
rheological properties. The test rig is shown in Figures 25 moves forward to establish the final scope. At this point,
and 26. access to detailed information on the existing thickener
design is required.
A benefit in brownfield plants is that representative
ore is more likely to be available than during testwork 11.3  Engineering Review
for greenfield development. This ensures a more
accurate understanding of the settling and thickening An engineering review collates the available mechanical
characteristics of the material. Testing can also be carried information, proposed process changes and thickener
out on-site alongside an operating thickener. information to establish broad parameters for detailed
engineering and drafting to commence. An engineering
This on-site testing yields particularly valuable review will typically allow a firm price to be provided.
information when a site is auditing or troubleshooting
thickener performance. Carrying out the testing on-site There is often some difficulty in collecting the required
also provides benefits in applications where aging of level of engineering detail. Old drawings may be
material during transport and handling can render the inaccurate, lacking complete information, or they may
sample unrepresentative. On-site testing can also make not exist at all, necessitating an engineering survey.
it easier to test under a variety of conditions as in reality This can be conducted by either the client or Outotec.
many operations will receive run of mine (ROM) ore from Developments in laser scanning can replace some of the
multiple locations (Bickert 2012). survey requirements, enabling a faster time to realization
of the necessary detailed information.
Testing provides an indication of the thickening
performance that would be achieved with the material

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


During the engineering review, consideration of the Modernizations allow the owner to continue to operate
mechanical components is paramount. To upgrade a thickeners beyond their initial design parameters or life
thickener for improved process performance but then in a capital-efficient and environmentally sustainable
have it constrained in performance by a mechanical manner.
limitation would be undesirable. The customer needs to
have a clear understanding that changing or introducing Depending on the stage of the cycle and the specific
new elements to meet the process requirements can plant requirements, upgrades may focus on processes,
require enhancement of the mechanical elements. As mechanics, electrics or automation, or a combination of
detailed earlier, both static (mass loads) and dynamic these.
(torque) requirements can increase when a feedwell is
upgraded. An engineering review will provide the plan As a pure economic exercise, there is no doubt primary
to address these needs and allow for firm pricing of the motivation will be plant capacity increase, followed by
prerequisite work. changes in thickener feed (changing ore conditions).
In some locations, water utilization alone can provide
11.4  Design Considerations economic sense if the water cost is in the range of USD
1–3 per cubic meter.
At this stage, consideration must also be paid to
interfaces with any existing equipment. If the current Modernizing a thickener to accommodate process
bridge support structure is sufficient for the new feedwell, changes or to provide improved performance centers on
for example, how will the new feedwell and other items installing the latest in thickener feedwell technology.
Modernizations centered on mechanical or electrical
The design consideration would also include: needs ensure that thickeners can continue to operate
reliably and efficiently, providing risk mitigation
• transport windows and continuity of service. Automation upgrades can
• seismic and wind loads directly contribute to plant efficiency and bottom-line
• localized material and electrification requirements performance with greater control over the equipment.

11.5  Final Design Implemented correctly, an upgraded thickener can

perform to the same level of a new thickener by
At the conclusion of this work, a clear scope of incorporating all of the latest technology advancements to
modernization is available, with expected outcomes achieve one or more of the following benefits compared to
agreed and a final package of information presented to older designs:
the client including:
• Reduced flocculant consumption
• firm pricing • Improved overflow clarity
• delivery schedules • Increased underflow density
• general Arrangement (GA) drawings showing • Maximized water recovery
interfaces • Reduction in required thickener area for a given
• process guarantees and installation methodology may throughput
also be included • Improved controllability
• Ability to operate effectively over a range of operating
This process may consume some time, but is vital to conditions
understand the process and progress methodically to
achieve the outcomes for the operator. Making an effort As one of the world’s leading technology suppliers to the
in the early stages ensures success and a faster ramp-up mining industry, Outotec is positioned to assist operators
for new production needs. in achieving plant capacity increases, managing varying
ore properties, improving process performance, and
meeting equipment availability goals by modernizing
existing equipment.
12  Summary
Mine owners today, as always, face numerous challenges.
Changing ore characteristics, aging equipment, social and
environmental considerations all affect how plants are
operated. Ever-increasing demands for capital efficiency
and more sustainable methods see owners pushing
process equipment to levels never envisioned by the
original plant designers.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment



BHP Billiton, (2013). BHP Billiton Approves Escondida Water Supply Project [online] BHP Billiton Investor News. Available
at: [Accessed April 2,

Bickert, G. (2012). Mechanical dewatering of tailings – an update with case studies, in Mathewson, D. (Ed), Proc. 14th
Australian Coal Preparation Conference and Exhibition, Canberra, Australian Coal Preparation Society, pp. 94–103

CRC Care (2013). Saving water in mineral processing. [online] CRC Care Case Studies. Available at:
com/case-study/saving-water-in-mineral-processing [Accessed April 15, 2016].

Heath, A.R. & Triglavcanin, R. (2010). Advances in thickener feedwell design via CFD modelling, XXV International Mineral
Processing Congress, Brisbane 6–10 September

Melbourne Water, (2014). Water use data. [online] Melbourne Water. Available at:
waterdata/wateruse/Pages/default.aspx [Accessed April 6, 2016].

Newmont Mining, (2016). SEC filing. Form 10-K. [online] Available at:
data/1164727/000155837016003258/nem-20151231x10k.htm [Accessed April 10, 2016].

Nguyen, T., Heath, A.R. & Witt, P. (2006). Population balance – CFD modelling of fluid flow, solids distribution and
flocculation in thickener feedwells, Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne,
Australia 13–15 December.

SNL Metals & Mining, (2015).

Wood Mackenzie. (2015). LME Forum, 14 October 2015, London.

White paper: Debottlenecking of Thickeners in a Changing Environment


Outotec provides leading technologies and services for the sustainable use of Earth’s natural resources. As the global leader in minerals
and metals processing technology, we have developed many breakthrough technologies over the decades for our customers in metals
and mining industry. We also provide innovative solutions for industrial water treatment, the utilization of alternative energy sources and
the chemical industry. Outotec shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

Outotec® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2016 Outotec Oyj.  All rights reserved.

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