Nuclear Transmutation Reaction Caused by Light Water Electrolysis

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Nuclear Transmutation Reaction Caused by Light Water Electrolysis

on Tungsten Cathode Under Incandescent Conditions

Tadayoshi Ohmori and Tadahiko Mizuno

Abstract cleaner in a bath of Milli-Q water.

When a tungsten cathode is electrolyzed at high power, it Electrolysis was performed in
exhibits an intense reddish-purple glow discharge, and emits 0.5 M Na2SO4, Na2CO3, K2CO3,
radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves. In some cases NaClO4, Ba(ClO4)2, and
powerful excess heat, ranging from 60 to 140 watts is generat- Ba(NO3)2, 0.25 M Rb2CO3 and
ed, and substantial amounts of new elements are formed, Cs2CO3, and 0.16 M Cs2CO3 solu-
including Fe, Cr, Ti, Ca, Ni, C, Re, and Pb. This has been tions prepared with Milli-Q water.
observed with many different electrolyte solutions including The Na2SO4, Na2CO3, and K2CO3
Na2SO4, Na2CO3, NaClO4, K2CO3, KNO3, Rb2CO3, Cs2CO3, reagents are Merck sprapur grade
Ba(NO3)2 and Ba(ClO4)2. Based on the heat and apparent trans- and other reagents are analytical
mutations, we conclude that some form of nuclear reaction pure grade. We also tested an
occurs. We propose several different nuclear reactions that alloy of 50% Mo - 50% W in elec-
might plausibly account for the phenomenon. trolytes of 0.5 M K2CO3, H2O, and
W in 0.5 M K2CO3, D2O. The vol-
Introduction ume of the electrolyte solutions
In recent years, experimental results achieved by a number ranged from 120 to 170 ml (usual-
of independent researchers support the finding that nuclear ly 150 ml). Impurities in the 0.5
reactions can occur under room temperature conditions in M Na2SO4 solution included: Ba
metal hydrides, but these reactions are not necessarily conven- (0.2-0.1 ppm), Si (0.1-0.01 ppm),
Figure 1. Electrolytic cell: (A)-
tional deuteron-deuteron fusion reactions. They may be fission K (0.01-0.001 ppm), Li, Mg, Ca, P,
alcohol thermometer, (C)-Pt
or fusion reactions involving metallic elements in the elec- Sr, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Hg,
counter electrode, (P)-plastic
trode, and not just hydrogen or deuterium.1-17 In an Au/H2O Pb (0.001-0.0001 ppm), Ti, Mn,
plate, (T)-Teflon tube, and (W)-
electrolysis system, considerable amounts of Hg, Kr, Ni, Fe and, and Cd (< 0.0001 ppm).
working electrode.
in some cases, Si and Mg were produced on and in the elec- Impurities in the Pt mesh includ-
trode, apparently as a result of the nuclear fusion or fission ed: Rh (18 ppm), Pd, Cr, Si (2
reactions involving the Au electrode material.7-8 This suggests ppm), Cu, Fe, B, and Cd (< 1 ppm). The amounts of Fe and Cr
that the excess heat reaction might be enhanced by employing contained in the W electrode material are < 1 ppm. The elec-
as electrode material a metal with a large atomic number, since trolysis cells were placed in a constant temperature air cham-
it will have relatively small nuclear binding energy. In this ber, thermostatically controlled at 20±1°C. A regulated DC cur-
respect tungsten (W) would be one of the most favorable elec- rent/voltage supply with 160V maximum output was used.
trode materials because it has a large atomic number and After electrolysis, transmuted elements on the surface and in
resistance to high heat. For this reason, we selected W as the the bulk of the electrode were identified and quantified with
working electrode material. an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), electron probe
In the present study, strong excess energy generation, new micro analyzer (EPMA), and secondary ion mass spectrometer
element production, and two other noteworthy phenomena— (SIMS). The isotopic distribution of the product elements was
glow discharge and RF electromagnetic wave emissions—were determined by SIMS.
observed. We report these results and propose some nuclear
transmutation reactions that might explain the phenomenon. Results and Discussion
Incandescence of the Electrode and Glow Discharge
Experimental Under electrolysis with the current below 2.5A, the working
The electrolytic cell is made of quartz glass. It is simpler than electrode did not incandesce, and the only chemical reaction
the vessels used in previous experiments, with a design intend- to occur was H2 evolution. However, at current densities above
ed to facilitate excess energy measurements (Figure 1). The this, the electrode began to incandesce and emit an intense
total volume is 240 ml. The working electrode is a rectangular reddish-purple glow (see Infinite Energy #20, Figure 1, p. 20).
W foil (0.5 cm2 nominal area, 0.1 mm thick). The surface is The input voltage jumped from ~20V to 160V and the current
scraped with a glass shard which has been cleaned in warm fell to 1~0.8A and then decreased gradually down to 0.7~0.5A.
aqua regia and washed with pure water. A lead wire of W or Ni When the glow discharge began, strong RF electromagnetic
(0.4 mm diameter) is connected to the center of the rectangle. emissions began, which disrupted the thermocouple, so the
A W lead wire is used in experiments intended to quantify solution temperature was measured with an alcohol ther-
transmutation products. The counter electrode is a Pt mesh (1 mometer (Figure 1). We assume the glow is caused by the plas-
cm x 7 cm, 80 mesh) connected with a Pt wire (0.4 mm diam- ma, and the particle acceleration within it induces the strong
eter). The lead wires are covered with Teflon. Before the work- RF noise. The incandescent state of the electrode continued as
ing electrode is installed in the electrolytic cell, the cell is long as the electrolysis conditions were maintained.
cleaned in a hot acid solution (1:1 H2SO4 + HNO3), then rinsed
Excess Energy Generation
with Milli-Q water several times and placed in an ultrasonic
The temperature of the solution just before the initiation of
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where: Wvap: heat required to vaporize light or heavy water
Wsol: heat required to raise the temperature of the
solution just before the incandescence of the
electrode up to the boiling point
Wcell: heat required to raise the temperature of the
container of the cell
Wwall: heat effused through the wall of the cell dur-
ing the measurement
Win: electric power applied.
The Wwall was determined from the time derivative of the tem-
perature, (δTs/δt)t=0, at a starting point (ca. 99°C) of a natural
cooling curve (Figure 2) of a boiling electrolyte solution which
nearly fills the electrolytic cell. This is represented by the fol-
lowing equation,
Wwall = CsMs(δTs/δt)t=0 tm + CqMc(δTs/δt)t=0 tm (2)
where: Cs and Cq: specific heats of the electrolyte solution
and quartz of cell material
Figure 2. The cooling curve of the electrolyte solution after it reached boil- Ms and Mc: masses of the electrolyte solution and the
ing and power was turned off. The solution nearly filled the cell. cell
tm: measurement time
incandescence was 80 to 85°C. After initiation, the temperature The excess energies obtained in thirty-one electrolysis systems
increased sharply and reached the boiling point within 80 sec- are listed in Table 1, which shows that large amounts of excess
onds. Excess energy measurement was made mostly for 15 to heat were generated in every test, the yield being virtually the
30 minute periods under incandescent conditions, using the same whatever electrolyte was used. Apparently, alkali metal
following equation: and alkali-earth metal cations and carbonate, sulfate and per-
E = Wvap + Wsol + Wcell + Wwall - Win (1) chlorate anions play little or no role in any of the nuclear reac-
tions generating excess energy. Figure 3 shows the distributions
Table 1. Excess energies and energy efficiencies of various electrolysis systems.

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of the excess energies and the energy efficiencies obtained in
all of the electrolysis systems listed in Table 1. Excess power
was between 60 and 140 watts, centered mainly in the range 80
to 100 watts. Energy efficiency, output as a percent of input,
was 150 to 220%, mainly in the range of 180 to 200%.

Electromagnetic Wave and Neutron Measurement

Under incandescent conditions at the electrode, strong
emissions were detected by the neutron counter. However, the
REM neutron counter used in this study detects electromag-
netic waves as well as neutron activity, and it cannot distin-
guish between them. Judging by the fact that the electrical
noise was so intense it interfered with the functioning of the
thermocouple, we conclude that most of the signal detected by
the neutron counter must have been caused by electromagnet-
ic emissions rather than neutrons, although there is no deny-
ing the possibility that neutrons may also have been detected.
Figure 4 shows the intensity of the emissions plotted against
input voltage in 0.5 M Na2SO4 and 0.5 M K2CO3 solutions. The
emission intensity tends to increase nearly exponentially with
voltage, depending on the nature of the electrolyte. This sug-
gests that the emission is not induced from the electric power
supplies or circuits but from the inner part of the cell, being
caused by some form of charged particles (plasma) produced by
the glow discharge from the incandescent electrode.

Transmuted Element Production

Figure 3. Distribution of excess energy and efficiency in the Au / H2O After glow discharge electrolysis, remarkable anomalous
electrolysis systems; (A) excess energy, (B) efficiency. structures were found on the electrode surfaces. Figure 5 shows

Figure 5. SEM images of the W-Type I electrode surfaces before and after
the electrolysis; (1) before electrolysis, (2) after electrolysis. The duration
Figure 4. Intensities of the emission from the incandescent electrode of the glow discharge of the electrode is ten minutes. Arrows A and B in
counted by the REM neutron counter; (A) in Na2SO4, and (B) in K2CO3. the image (2) show the measurement spots of EDX spectra in Figure 8.

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scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the electrode
before and after glow discharge electrolysis. As seen here, the
whole surface of the latter electrode is covered with a rugged
structure not unlike that deposited by a volcanic lava flow. The
W layers near the electrode surface have melted. This indicates
the temperature may have risen to 3400°C or more. In addi-
tion, one can see a crater-like structure at the center of the
melted area. Considerable amounts of several unexpected ele-
ments were detected in this area. The EDX spectra of freshly
prepared electrode surfaces before electrolysis are shown in
Figure 6a. Typical EDX spectra of the electrode surface after
glow emission in 0.5 M Na2SO4 solution are shown in Figure
6b, with pronounced Fe, Cr, and Ni signals. Cathodes produc-
ing this spectra will be referred to hereafter as W-Type I. A few
cathodes produced spectra like those shown in Figure 7, with
strong Fe, Ti, and Ca signals. These will be referred to as W-
Type II. The signal strengths of both Fe and Cr in Figure 6 (W-
Type I) and Fe and Ca in Figure 7 (W-Type II) are comparable
to those of original W electrode material before electrolysis. As
described above, the amounts of Fe, Cr, and Ti found as impu-
rities in the cell materials prior to electrolysis are infinitesimal-
ly small. The amount of Ca should not be large enough to give
such a strong EDX signal even if all of the impurities in the
entire cell were deposited on the electrode. In addition, the fact
that two completely different types of EDX spectra (i.e. W-Type
I and W-Type II) were obtained in the same kind of electrolysis
system supports the hypothesis that these elements are not
impurities but reaction products.

Figure 6. Typical EDX spectra in the W-Type I electrodes before and after
the electrolysis; (A) before the electrolysis, (B) after the electrolysis.

Figure 7. Typical EDX spectra on/in the W-Type II electrodes after the
Figure 8. EDX spectra at points A and B of the crater-like structure shown
in Figure 5.

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Figure 8 shows the EDX spectra observed at two different their SIMS signals are overlapping with those from other metal
spots on the crater-like structure shown in Figure 5 (which is oxide ions. Consequently, the isotopic distributions for Cr, Fe,
W-Type I); one is a spot at the center part (point A) and the and Ni, exhibited in Table 2, is not strictly accurate.
other is a spot near the edge (point B). In the spectrum from For W, the ratio of the lightest isotope, 182W, is slightly lower
point A, strong signals of Fe and Cr and a moderate signal of than its natural value at the outermost layers of the electrode,
Ni are observed, from which the contents of Fe, Cr, and Ni are but elsewhere the isotopic distribution is normal. For Cr and
estimated at 67.4, 16.9 and 7.9 at.% (atomic percent), respec- Ni, slight deviations from the natural isotopic abundance are
tively. The content of W is only 7.8 at.% in that location. observed. For Fe, the deviation is very small. In contrast, for Pb
However, the contents of Fe, Cr, and Ni decrease markedly with and Re, the deviation is notable. Although the isotopic devia-
increasing distance from the center of the crater. As a result, Fe, tion for Fe scarcely occurred in the W/H2O electrolysis systems,
Cr, and Ni at point B are reduced to 6.7, 1.9 and 0 at.%, respec- it was quite pronounced in the Au/H2O,1,3,5-8 Pd/H2O,18 and
tively. This result is also obtained with EPMA analysis. Pd/D2ORefs. 2,4 electrolysis systems. Similar isotopic deviation
was observed for Fe detected in the electrodes after the elec-
Isotopic Distribution trolysis in Au/H2ORef. 13 and Ni/H2ORef. 14 electrolysis systems.
Besides Fe, Cr, Ni, and C, small amounts of Pb (0.6 at. %) and In view of the overlapping of Fe, Cr, and C at a center part
Re (0.3 at.%) were detected in the outermost layers of the W- of the crater-like structure of the W-Type I electrode surface
Type I electrode to a depth of 160 Å. The isotopic distributions there would be little doubt that the 56Fe, 52Cr, and 12C atoms
of Fe, Cr, Ni, Re, Pb, and W present in the outermost layers and were produced simultaneously in that location by some sort of
in the bulk layers ranging between 1760 and 2400 Åare shown nuclear reaction. These reactions would be responsible for the
in Table 2 together with their natural isotopic abundance. In generation of enough excess energy to push the W electrode to
this calculation, the isotopic contents of 54Cr, 54Fe, 61Ni, 62Ni, emit the plasma glow and the electromagnetic waves at input
and 64Ni are assumed to be equal to their natural isotopic power levels too low for this to happen normally.
abundance for convenience because there is a suspicion that
Plausible Nuclear Reactions
The results obtained in the present
Table 2. Isotopic content of new elements produced on/in the electrode and tungsten of the study, i.e. excess energy generation,
electrode material. glow and electromagnetic wave emis-
sion, transmuted element production
and the isotopic deviation observed
in some of these transmuted ele-
ments, forces the conclusion that
some sort of nuclear reaction must
have occurred during electrolysis.
From the SIMS analysis, the volumes
of Na, B, Mg, and Li at the outermost
layers of the electrode were found to
be 1.9, 1.18, 0.06, and 0.0008 at.%,
which was far less than the levels for
Fe or Cr. The isotopic distributions of
B and Mg are not much different from
their natural isotopic abundance. In
addition, Li and Mg were not detected
in the electrolyte solution after elec-
trolysis by the ICP analysis. This fact
suggests that the major nuclear reac-
tions are not induced by nuclear
fusion reactions involving only
deuterons and protons. If the new ele-
ments, e.g. Fe, Cr, etc., are produced as
a result of the combinations of some
nuclear fusion reactions starting from
deuteron-deuteron or deuteron-pro-
ton reaction, fairly large amounts of
new elements lighter than Cr, at least
comparable to the discovered quanti-
ties of Fe or Cr, should be detectable
in the W electrode or in the solution
after electrolysis.
It is well known that a very strong
electric field exceeding 108 V/cm is
formed across the electric double-
layer at the electrode/solution inter-
face. Under such strong electric fields,

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electrons passing through the double-layer by tunneling may, two types of W electrodes exist, showing different spectra, pre-
perchance, be captured by protons or H atoms as follows, sumably caused by different reaction schemes. To clarify these
issues, more detailed investigations in various fields will be
H+ + e- → neutron (A)
necessary, including spectroscopic analysis of the glow and
although an overwhelming majority of the electrons are con- electromagnetic wave, clarification of the product elements
sumed by the hydrogen evolution reaction. With an increase and their distribution in the electrode, clarification of the
in the electric field the probability of the reaction (A) would be product elements in solution, detection of X-ray, γ-ray and
enhanced rapidly, which might make the neutron emission neutron emissions and their characterization, morphology of
possible (Figure 4). The reaction (A) is endothermic so that the the electrode surface, etc.
neutrons produced should be thermo-neutrons with a low Nevertheless, we believe that it would not be so difficult to
kinetic energy. Consequently, the greater part of the neutrons scale-up in output power levels of 1,000 to 10,000 kW by uti-
thus produced would be captured by the W electrode material, lizing the low temperature nuclear transmutation reactions
for example in the following reactions: occurring in the W/H2O electrolysis system, judging from the
182W 182+nW
fact that the excess power of 200 watts was generated from a W
+ n neutron → (B)
182W 183Re
electrode of only 0.5 cm2.
+ neutron → (C)
184W + neutron → 185Re (D)
A slight decrease in the content of 182W on the outermost 1. Ohmori, T. and Enyo, M. 1996. J. of New Energy, 1, 1, 15.
layers of the electrode (Table 2) supports the possibility of these 2. Mizuno, T., Ohmori, T., and Enyo, M. 1996. J. of New Energy, 1, 2, 37.
reactions. The 182+nW produced should be unstable, disinte- 3. Ohmori, T., Mizuno, T., and Enyo, M. 1996. J. of New Energy, 1, 3, 90.
grating to form Fe, Cr, and C, for example, for W-Type I elec- 4. Mizuno, T., Ohmori, T., and Enyo, M. 1996. J. of New Energy, 1, 3, 31.
trodes as 5. Ohmori, T., Mizuno, T., Minagawa, H., and Enyo, M. 1997. Int. J.
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184W → 56Fe + 252Cr + 212C + 12β- (E) 6. Ohmori, T., Enyo, M., Mizuno, T., Nodasaka, Y., and Minagawa, H.
184W → 256Fe + 52 Cr + 54He + 12β- (F) 1997. Fusion Technology, 31, 210.
184W → 356Fe + 44 He + 12β- (G) 7. Ohmori, T., Mizuno, T., Nodasaka, Y., and Enyo, M. 1998. Fusion
or likewise to form Ti and Ca, for example, for W-Type II elec- Technology 33, 367.
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184W Æ 248Ti + 240Ca + 24He + 14β- (H) Galus, Z., Ito, Y., Trasatti, S. and VanderNoot, T.J. Research Trends,
184W Æ 256Fe + 40Ca + 84He + 14β- (I) Trivandrum, 37.
Perhaps this is why the production of Fe, Cr, and C were 9. Ohmori, T. and Mizuno, T. 1998. Proceedings of ICCF-7, Vancouver
closely linked. These nuclear transmutation reactions are Published 1998. “Strong Excess Energy Evolution, New Element
assumed to occur locally in the W electrode. This would pro- Production, and Electromagnetic Wave and/or Neutron Emission in
mote the development of the crater-like structure seen on a W- Light Water Electrolysis with a Tungsten Cathode,” Infinite Energy, 4,
Type I electrode or the fine crater structure formed on an Au 20, 14-17.
electrode in the Au/H2O electrolysis system.3,7,8 Perhaps these 10. Ohmori, T., Mizuno, T., Kurokawa, K., and Enyo, M. 1998. Int. J. of
reactions occur at the rim of micro-cleavages and edges of the the Soc. of Mat. Eng. for Resources, 6, 35.
fractured face of the electrode, since it was confirmed that the 11. Mizuno, T., Akimoto, T., Ohmori, T., and Enyo, M. 1998. Int. J. of
craters are developed mainly at those areas. Tunneled electrons the Soc. of Mat. Eng. for Resources, 6, 45.
and protons and/or H atoms may become highly concentrated 12. Yamada, H., Ishida, M., Umezu, Y., and Hirahara, H. 1997.
at the cleavages and edges of the fractured face, forming an Proceedings of 1997 Symposium on Nuclear Transmutation in Solid State
anomalous phase. We suspect that the probability of reaction (The Society of Material Engineering for Resource of Japan), 93.
(A) is enhanced when this occurs. Recently, in this context, the 13. Miley, G.H., Name, G., Williams, M.J., Patterson, J.A., Nix, J.,
idea that the formation of electron clusters on the electrode Cravens, D., and Hora, H. Proceedings of ICCF-6, Hokkaido, Japan, 629.
surface promotes the nuclear transmutation reaction was pro- 14. Miley, G.H. and Patterson, J.A. 1996. J. of New Energy, 1, 3, 1.
posed by Hal Fox.19 The nuclear transmutation reactions, (B) to 15. Dash, J., Noble, G., and Diman, D. 1994. Trans Fusion Technol., 26,
(I) would release γ-rays, the energy of which would be expend- 229.
ed on the relaxation by the surrounding W atoms of the elec- 16. Dash, J. 1996. Proceedings of ICCF-6, Hokkaido, Japan, 477.
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appears to be very complicated. The reaction schemes we pro-
pose here are not conclusive and may only be a few of the
many nuclear reactions that might occur simultaneously in
this electrolysis system. In addition, it remains unclear why

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