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GR NO.203902; July 19, 2017
DEL CASTILLO, J. [First Division]


On April 9, 2002, a passenger bus owned by Philippine Rabbit Bus, Lines, Inc.
[PRBL] had a collision with another vehicle along the national highway in Barangay
Alipangpang, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. Dionisio Estrada [Petitioner] was a passenger
of the said bus, and due to the accident, his right arm was amputated.

Petitioner sued PRBL and its driver Eduardo Saylan for damages before the
Regional Trial Court [RTC] of Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Dionisio argued that
pursuant to the contract of carriage between him and Philippine Rabbit,
respondents were duty-bound to carry him safely as far as human care and foresight
can provide, with utmost diligence of a very cautious person, and with due regard
for all the circumstances from the point of his origin in Urdaneta City to his
destination in Pugo, La Union. However, through the fault and negligence of
Philippine Rabbit's driver, Eduardo, and without human care, foresight, and due
regard for all circumstances, respondents failed to transport him safely by reason of
the aforementioned collision, which resulted in the amputation of Dionisio's right
arm. And since demands for Philippine Rabbit to pay him damages for the injury he
sustained remained unheeded, Dionisio filed the said complaint wherein he prayed
for the following awards: moral damages of ₱500,000.00 actual damages of
₱60,000.00, and attorney's fees of ₱25,000.00.

RTC, treating the complaint of the petitioner as one predicated on breach of

contract of carriage, found respondent to be jointly and severally liable with
Eduardo. Upon appeal the Court of Appeals [CA] modified the RTC decision and held
PRBL to be solely and exclusively liable to petitioner for actual damages and deleted
the award for moral damages and attorney’s fees.

Petitioner raised the issue before the SC, stating that their claim for moral
damages is based purely on the fact that Dionisio lost his right arm. They argue that
while in a strict sense, Dionisio incurred actual damages through the amputation of
his right arm, such loss may rightly be considered as falling under moral damages.
This is because a right arm is beyond the commerce of man and loss thereof
necessarily brings physical suffering, mental anguish, besmirched reputation, social
humiliation and similar injury to a person. At any rate, should this Court award the
amount of ₱500,000.00 as actual damages due to the loss of Dionisio's right arm,
petitioners also find the same proper and appropriate under the circumstances.

Whether the petitioner’s claim of moral damages should be granted based on the
fact that the Dionisio lost his right arm by reason of the accident.


Moral damages; Instances when moral damages can be awarded in an action

for breach of contract.

Moral damages include physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious

anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation,
and similar injury. Though incapable of pecuniary computation, moral damages may
be recovered if they are the proximate result of the defendant's wrongful act or

Under Article 2219 of the Civil Code, moral damages are recoverable in the
following and analogous cases: (1) a criminal offense resulting in physical injuries;
(2) quasi-delicts causing physical injuries; (3) seduction, abduction, rape or other
lascivious acts; (4) adultery or concubinage; (5) illegal or arbitrary detention or
arrest; (6) illegal search; (7) libel, slander, or any other form of defamation; (8)
malicious prosecution; (9) acts mentioned in Article 309; and (1) acts and actions
referred to in Articles 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, and 35.

x x x [C]ase law establishes the following requisites for the award of

moral damages: (1) there must be an injury clearly sustained by the claimant,
whether physical, mental or psychological; (2) there must be a culpable act or
omission factually established; (3) the wrongful act or omission of the
defendant is the proximate cause of the injury sustained by the claimant; and
(4) the award for damages is predicated on any of the cases stated in Article
2219 of the Civil Code.

Since breach of contract is not one of the items enumerated under Article
2219, moral damages, as a general rule, are not recoverable in actions for damages
predicated on breach of contract.

x x x As an exception, such damages are recoverable [in an action for

breach of contract:] (1) in cases in which the mishap results in the death of a
passenger, as provided in Article 1764, in relation to Article 2206(3) of the Civil
Code; and (2) in x x x cases in which the carrier is guilty of fraud or bad faith, as
provided in Article 2220.

Moral damages are not recoverable in this case.

It is obvious that this case does not come under the first of the
abovementioned exceptions since Dionisio did not die in the mishap but merely
suffered an injury. Nevertheless, petitioners contend that it falls under the second
category since they aver that Philippine Rabbit is guilty of fraud or bad faith.

It has been held, however, that "allegations of bad faith and fraud must be
proved by clear and convincing evidence." They are never presumed considering
that they are serious accusations that can be so conveniently and casually invoked.
And unless convincingly substantiated by whoever is alleging them, they amount to
mere slogans or mudslinging.

In this case, the fraud or bad faith that must be convincingly proved by
petitioners should be one which was committed by Philippine Rabbit in breaching
its contract of carriage with Dionisio. Unfortunately for petitioners, the Court finds
no persuasive proof of such fraud or bad faith.

Fraud has been defined to include an inducement through insidious

machination. Insidious machination refers to a deceitful scheme or plot with an evil
or devious purpose. Deceit exists where the party, with intent to deceive, conceals or
omits to state material facts and, by reason of such omission or concealment, the
other party was induced to give consent that would not otherwise have been given.

Bad faith, on the other hand, "does not simply connote bad judgment or
negligence; it imports a dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious
doing of a wrong, a breach of a known duty through some motive or interest or ill
will that partakes of the nature of fraud."

There is no showing here that Philippine Rabbit induced Dionisio to enter

into a contract of carriage with the former through insidious machination. Neither is
there any indication or even an allegation of deceit or concealment or omission of
material facts by reason of which Dionisio boarded the bus owned by Philippine
Rabbit. Likewise, it was not shown that Philippine Rabbit's breach of its known duty,
which was to transport Dionisio from Urdaneta to La Union, was attended by some
motive, interest, or ill will. From these, no fraud or bad faith can be attributed to
Philippine Rabbit.

Still, petitioners insist that since the defenses it pleaded in its Answer were
designed to evade liability, Philippine Rabbit is guilty of fraud or bad faith. Suffice it
to state, however, that the allegations which made up Philippine Rabbit's defenses
are hardly the kind of fraud or bad faith contemplated by law. Again, it bears to
mention that the fraud or bad faith must be one which attended the contractual
breach or one which induced Dionisio to enter into contract in the first place.

Clearly, moral damages are not recoverable in this case. The CA, therefore, did
not err in deleting the award for moral damages.

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