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Prologue to śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa (gaṇapati) mantra sādhana :-

Tantra is a system or framework, meant for spiritual salvation, as well as achievement of

material objectives. The root ‘tan’ means ‘to expand’ and ‘tra’ in this context is ‘liberation’. śrī
ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa sādhana, falls under the tantra category. Various commentaries and texts suggest
that it’s more effective under the vāmamārga or left handed path, than any other. However, the
mantras in general, can be practiced by followers of any path. The same applies for śrī ucchiṣṭa
gaṇeśa sādhana.

The paths of tantra, generally fall under four categories. Various descriptions exist for these

1. Vāmamārga or the left-handed path is known for it’s esoteric and unconventional
methods, without any binding to the norms of the society. Adherents consider everything
sacred and focus primarily on the sādhana (spiritual quest) than anything else. There are
no taboos and everything is considered to be a manifestation of the superconsciousness
and is therefore sacred. Freeing the mind from everything through internal worship and
focusing primarily on the mantra japa is the objective.
2. Dakṣiṇamārga or the right-handed path, is known for it’s plethora of vedic rituals and
maintaining utmost sanctity towards the worship of the deity. Laden with numerous
rituals that need to be performed externally, this method focuses on creating an
environment of utmost devotion as well as a fear of the unknown. The fear stems from
the fact of missing out any rituals or not following the norms properly or as dictated by
the guru. Strict adherence of rules including celibacy, proper diet, time of worship etc. are
3. Kaulamārga is a mix of both Vāma and Dakṣiṇamārgas. Importance to the pañcamakaras
or their substitutes is followed in this tradition. Importance of a partner is stressed in
some rituals. It is not important for one to follow every single ritual and this allows a
great deal of flexibility, based on one’s disposition.
4. Samayamārga is mostly meditative and some rituals of dakṣiṇamārga are followed either
internally or externally.

Irrespective of the path one chooses, devotion and perseverance are of

paramount importance.

śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa (gaṇapati) sādhana is described as the “essence of all tantras”. From a
material perspective, it is meant for give victory in all sorts of competitions, game of dice or
gambling etc., as well as considerable wealth, for those who achieve siddhi or complete
fructification of the mantra. It is said that the mantras of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati made Kubera,
the treasurer of all material riches and Vibhīṣaṇa, the king of Lanka. The mantras from 9 to
19 letters (Sanskrit) are primarily meant for both material and spiritual objectives, but
primarily used for material purposes. The higher lettered mantras are more on the spiritual
side, especially the 37 lettered mantra, that is said to grant mokṣa, or lead us in that direction.

Hastipiśāci is the consort or the śakti of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati. The large elephant head of
Lord gaṇeśa, is said to be the repository of all knowledge and his supreme intellect. The word
‘hasti’ represents an elephant and ‘piśāci’ refers to a class of celestial beings of the highest
order. There are other ‘piśāci’ classes that closely resemble goblins or similar beings. The
śakti of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, Hastipiśāci is among the supreme beings, just the same as
mahāpiśāci that’s used to refer to śrī Mātaṅgī.

The following two quotes from the book called amarakośaṃ describe piśācis.

piśāco guhyaka ssiddho bhūto'mī devayonayaḥ

पिशाचो गुह्यक स्सिद्धो भूतोऽमी दे वयोनयः

Meaning:- piśācis, guhyakās, siddhis and bhūtās are born of devās.

eśitāśāstāmasāḥ svayaṃ nirmāṃsāḥ

एपशताशास्तामसाः स्वयं पनमाां साः

Meaning:- piśācis are meat eating celestial beings and tamasic by nature and are also very
thin and almost fleshless in appearance.

śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati is also seen as a mahā yakṣā and his consort hastipiśāci as a yakṣiṇi. This
visualization is for material purposes only.

To comprehend the full form of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa from a holistic perspective, The following
śloka from īśopaniṣad can be stated in this context. More ślokas from atharva veda state the

oṃ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇātpurṇamudacyate ।

pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ॥

ॐ िूर्णमदः िूर्णपमदं िूर्ाण त्पुर्णमुदच्यते ।

िूर्णस्य िूर्णमादाय िूर्णमेवावपशष्यते ॥

The Whole is beyond, Whole is this (creation)

From Whole the Whole emanates,

Of Whole the Whole having been taken

The Whole is even left over.

The creation or visarga bhāva that we live in, is a complete Whole manifestation of the universe
or brahmāṇḍa. This Whole manifestation comes from the bhūta bhāva or the creative aspect
called goddess śakti, the dynamic superconsciousness, which is also a Whole manifestation in
HERSELF. The bhūta bhāva comes forth from the adhyātma bhāva or SELF or Lord śiva, the
static superconsciousness, the manifested saguṇa brahman, who is a Whole by HIMSELF.
saguṇa brahman is manifested from parambhāva or parabrahman, a Whole by ITSELF.

During the creative involution, the creation is a complete infinite Whole and thus the
involutionary form of bhūta bhāva is also a complete Whole, the Whole having been taken off
during the process, remains a complete Whole. This residual Whole is named ucchiṣṭa brahman
or ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa, the parabrahman, the ultimate supreme reality or the singular principle. He is
also in all the leftover Wholes mentioned above - śrī mātā and śiva.

Karma is of three types – sañcita, prārabdha, and āgāmi. Prārabdha is the portion of sañcita, that
we experience in this lifetime and āgāmi is what we accumulate to be added to sañcita. Sañcita is
the leftover ucchiṣṭa karma that could be eliminated through the mantra sādhana of śrī ucchiṣṭa
gaṇapati, leading us to liberation.

When we are devoid of our ego, pride, achievements, lineage and anything else that binds us to
the body or person, then the consciousness that is leftover, is ucchiṣṭa brahman or śrī ucchiṣṭa

Samaya means time. Brahman is beyond time and space and all other dimensions that can be
conceived. There are therefore no specific muhurtas or auspicious timings for starting the śrī
ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati sādhana. There are also no requirements to check the eligibility of an
individual based on the various tools such as the akāthaha cakra etc. Consciousness is not
separate from the superconsciousness. The mantra obtained from a siddha guru is by itself potent
and can be recited without any hesitation by the sādhaka. Also, there are no stringent
requirements on cleanliness etc. The consciousness is the purest that there is and all we need, is
to sync our breath with the mantra. All other preliminaries are simply to lead us to that point.
Once the form of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati is fixed in the minds of the sādhaka and the mantra is
synchronized with breath, no other dhyāna, viniyoga or nyāsas are required.

Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Yantra Āvaraṇa Pūja

Prologue :-

All tantra sādhanas involve the worship of the deity, through the form of a yantra (maṇḍala). The
yantras are sacred geometric diagrams, that are deemed to represent the japa sādhana deity, at the
very centre, covered by other deities. The coverings or āvaraṇas, are usually at the corners or
centres, of intersecting geometric figures.

The pīṭha and āvaraṇa pūjas are performed during the mantra japa, after the dhyāna verse. The
pūjas are for worshipping the yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, to bestow His grace on the mantra
japa and sādhana. Pīṭha represents the table or stool, upon which the yantra is placed. Usually,
the yantra is placed on a red or yellow cloth.
It is very important to note, that the directions mentioned on yantras related to tantra sādhana, are
not necessarily the same as their geographical equivalents. In tantra, the directions for deities,
can be different from the geographical notation and it also varies by the gender of the deity. In
general, For male deities, the East direction is the geophraphical South and for female deities, it’s
the geographical North. For śrī vidyā related deities, the East is usually on the geographical

The direction of East is where South should be in the yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, for
worshipping the śaktis. Please follow the enumerated corners in the yantra, for each of the
āvaraṇa deities. The pīṭha devatās are not represented on the yantra, since the yantra itself is
placed on the pīṭha.

Before starting the pūja, ensure that you have a brass plate, some water in a jug or a container, as
well as a disposable container for the water. Another viśeṣa arghya vessel (water container)
should also be kept ready for the tarpaṇa. Keep some flower petals, kumkum (red powder),
clarified butter or ghee, a clean cloth and some unbroken rice or akṣatas ready as well. A spoon
or uttaraṇi, should be handy for the tarpaṇa. This should be done in the similar manner as the śrī
cakra āvaraṇa pūja. The flower petals can be placed from the left hand and the tarpaṇa from the
right hand. Internal worship can also be done by those, who’re unable to perform in a ritualistic

pīṭha puja ( पीठ पूज ) :-

Utter the following mantra, to felicitate the pīṭha devatās :-

oṃ maṃ manḍūkādi paratatvānta pīṭha devatābhyo namaḥ

ॐ मं मन्डूकापद िरतत्वान्त िीठ दे वताभ्यो नमः

Worship the 9 pīṭha devathās starting from east, in clockwise direction.

Yantra Geographic IAST Devanāgari
Direction Direction
1 oṃ tīvrāyai namaḥ ॐ तीव्रायै नमः East South
2 oṃ cālinyai namaḥ ॐ चापिन्यै नमः South-East South-West
3 oṃ nandāyai namaḥ ॐ नन्दायै नमः South West
4 oṃ bhogadāyai namaḥ ॐ भोगदायै नमः South-West North-West
5 oṃ kāmarūpinyai namaḥ ॐ कामरूपिन्यै नमः West North
6 oṃ ugrāyai namaḥ ॐ उग्रायै नमः North-West North-East
7 oṃ tejovatyai namaḥ ॐ तेजोवत्यै नमः North East
8 oṃ satyāyai namaḥ ॐ सत्यायै नमः North-East South-East
9 oṃ vighnanāśināyai namaḥ ॐ पवघ्ननापशनायै Center Center

yantra āvaraṇa pūja ( यन्त्र आवरण पू ज ) :-

Place the yantra on a brass plate/mug and wash (abhiṣekam) the yantra with ghee (clarified
butter) and milk. Scrub with a clean cloth.

offer āsana (seat) with the mantra –

oṃ gaṃ sarvaśakti kamalāsanāya namaḥ

ॐ गं सवणशस्सि कमिासनाय नमः

Place the yantra in the center of the pīṭha (pedestal) for the pratiṣṭhā (installation of the yantra).
Perform the arghya, pādya and all upacāras, if possible (Reference is to the śrī ucchiṣṭagaṇeśa
ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā. If this pūjā was already performed before, then please proceed further).

Utter the following mantra with flowers to the lord, to indicate that we’re offering all upacāras
with this mantra itself –

oṃ samvinmayaḥ parodeva parāmṛta rasa priyaḥ ।

anujñām dehi gaṇapa parivārārcanāya me pūjitaḥ tarpitostu ॥

ॐ सस्सिन्मयः िरोदे व िरामृत रस पियः ।

अनुज्ञाम् दे पि गर्ि िररवाराचणनाय मे िूपजतः तपिणतोस्तु ॥

The yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati navārṇa mantra in IAST and Devanāgari are below. The
numbers indicated represent the location of the āvaraṇa deities. :-
Starting from the āgneya – south east (geographical north east) corner to the other corners, utter
the following mantras:-

Directions in the gaṇeśa pūjā Directions in the śrī pūjā


The deities of the enclosures (āvaraṇas), constitute the śaktis of gaṇeśas six limbs (ṣaḍaṅga).
They are hṛdaya (heart) śakti, śiraḥ (head) śakti, śikhā śakti (tuft of the hair), kavaca (armour)
śakti, netratraya (eyes, including the ājñā chakra) śakti and astra (weapons) śakti.

Using the direction format of the śrī pūjā, worship the above śaktis.
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ gāṃ hasti
hṛdayāya namaḥ ॐ गां िस्सस्त हृदयाय
1. hṛdaya śrī pādukām नमः हृदय श्री िादु काम् agnikoṇe (south-east) NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi िूजयापम तिणयापम नमः
oṃ gīṃ piśāci śirase ॐ गीं पिशापच पशरसे
nairṛtye (south-west)
svāhā śiraḥ śrī स्वािा पशरः श्री
2. SE
pādukām pūjayāmi िादु काम् िूजयापम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तिणयापम नमः
oṃ gūṃ likhe ॐ गूं पिखे पशखायै
śikhāyai vaṣaṭ śikhā
वषट् पशखा श्री
3. śrī pādukām vāyavye (north-west) NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi िादु काम् िूजयापम
namaḥ तिणयापम नमः
oṃ gaiṃ svāhā
kavacāya huṃ ॐ गैं स्वािा कवचाय
4. kavacāya śrī हं कवचाय श्री िादु काम् īśānye (north-east) NE
pādukām pūjayāmi िूजयापम तिणयापम नमः
tarpayāmi namaḥ
oṃ gauṃ hasti piśāci ॐ ग ं िस्सस्त पिशापच
likhe svāhā पिखे स्वािा नेत्रत्रयाय
netratrayāya vauṣaṭ
netratraya śrī व षट् नेत्रत्रय श्री madhye (at the center) Center
pādukām pūjayāmi िादु काम् िूजयापम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तिणयापम नमः
oṃ gaḥ hasti piśāci ॐ गः िस्सस्त पिशापच
likhe svāhā astrāya
पिखे स्वािा अस्त्राय
6. phaṭ astra śrī dikṣu (at the outside) Outside
pādukām pūjayāmi फट् अस्त्र श्री िादु काम्
tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम नमः

offer flowers with the mantra:-

abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala ।

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ prathamā varaṇārcanaṃ ॥

अभीष्ट पसस्सद्धं मे दे पि शरर्ागत वत्सि ।

भक्त्या समिणये तुभ्यं िथमा वरर्ाचणनं ॥

hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-

pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

िूपजता स्तपिणताः सन्तु

On the 8 petals, starting from east (śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati yantra - gaṇeśa pūjā format) in all the 8
directions, pray to the 8 mothers (aṣṭa mātṛkās) with the following mantras:-

Yantra Geographic IAST devanāgari
direction direction
oṃ brāhmyai namaḥ ॐ ब्राह्म्यै नमः ब्राह्मीश्री
brāhmīśrī pādukāṃ
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम (East) S
namaḥ नमः

oṃ māheśvaryai namaḥ ॐ मािे श्वयै नमः मािे श्वरीश्री

māheśvarīśrī pādukāṃ āgneyam
8. िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम (South East) SW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi
namaḥ नमः
oṃ kaumāryai namaḥ ॐ क मायै नमः क मारीश्री dakṣiṇe
kaumārīśrī pādukāṃ (South)
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम W
namaḥ नमः
oṃ vaiṣṇavyai namaḥ ॐ वैष्णव्यै नमः वैष्णवीश्री nairṛtye
vaiṣṇavīśrī pādukāṃ
10. िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi
namaḥ नमः (South West)
oṃ vārāhyai namaḥ
vārāhīśrī pādukāṃ ॐ वाराह्यै नमः वारािीश्री paścime
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi
namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम N
नमः (West)

oṃ indrāṇyai namaḥ ॐ इन्द्राण्यै नमः इन्द्रार्ीश्री vāyuvye (North

indrāṇīśrī pādukāṃ -West)
12. िादु कां िूजयापम तिणयापम NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi
namaḥ नमः
oṃ cāmuṇḍāyai namaḥ ॐ चामुण्डायै नमः
cāmuṇḍīśrī pādukāṃ
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi चामुण्डीश्री िादु कां िूजयापम uttare (North) E
namaḥ तिणयापम नमः
oṃ mahālakṣmyai
ॐ मिािक्ष्म्यै नमः īśānye (North
14. namaḥ mahālakṣmīśrī SE
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi मिािक्ष्मीश्री िादु कां East)
tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम नमः

offer flowers with the mantra:-

abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala ।

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ dvitīyā varaṇārcanaṃ ॥

अभीष्ट पसस्सद्धं मे दे पि शरर्ागत वत्सि ।

भक्त्या समिणये तुभ्यं पितीया वरर्ाचणनं ॥

hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-

pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

िूपजता स्तपिणताः सन्तु

on the outer petals, worship the 10 forms of gaṇapati starting from the east, as depicted on the
yantra (śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati yantra - gaṇeśa pūjā format)

Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
ॐ वक्रतुण्डाय prācyām
oṃ vakratuṇḍāya namaḥ
नमः वक्रतुण्डश्री
15. vakratuṇḍaśrī pādukāṃ (East) S
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ एकदं ष्टराय नमः
oṃ ekadaṃṣṭrāya namaḥ āgneyam (South East)
एकदं ष्टरश्री िादु कां
16. ekadaṃṣṭraśrī pādukāṃ SW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम
ॐ िंबोदराय
oṃ laṃbodarāya namaḥ
नमः िंबोदरश्री
17. laṃbodaraśrī pādukāṃ dakṣiṇe (South) W
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ पवकटाय नमः
oṃ vikaṭāya namaḥ
पवकटश्री िादु कां
18. vikaṭaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi nairṛtye (South West) NW
tarpayāmi namaḥ िू ज यापम तिण य ापम
oṃ dhūmravarṇāya namaḥ ॐ धूम्रवर्ाण य नमः
19. paścime (West) N
dhūmravarṇaśrī pādukāṃ धूम्रवर्णश्री िादु कां
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम
ॐ पवघ्नाय नमः
oṃ vighnāya namaḥ
पवघ्नश्री िादु कां
20. vighnaśrī pādukāṃ vāyuvye (North West) NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िू ज यापम तिण य ापम
ॐ गजाननाय
oṃ gajānanāya namaḥ
नमः गजाननश्री
21. gajānanaśrī pādukāṃ uttare (North) E
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ पवनायकाय
oṃ vināyakāya namaḥ
नमः पवनायकश्री
22. vināyakaśrī pādukāṃ īśānye (North East) SE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ गर्ितये नमः
oṃ gaṇapataye namaḥ prācyeśānayormadhye
गर्िपतश्री िादु कां Between SE
23. gaṇapatiśrī pādukāṃ (Between East and
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम North East)
and S.
ॐ िस्सस्तदन्ताय
oṃ hastidantāya namaḥ paścimanirṛtayormadhye
नमः िस्सस्तदन्तश्री Between NW
24. hastidantaśrī pādukāṃ – (Between West and
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
and N.
South West)
तिणयापम नमः

offer flowers with the mantra:-

abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala ।

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ tritīyā varaṇārcanaṃ ॥

अभीष्ट पसस्सद्धं मे दे पि शरर्ागत वत्सि ।

भक्त्या समिणये तुभ्यं पत्रतीया वरर्ाचणनं ॥

Hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-

pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

िूपजता स्तपिणताः सन्तु

on the bhūpurā (gates), worship the lords of the 10 directions.

starting from the east, as depicted on the yantra (śrī yantra - pūjā format)

Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
ॐ िं इन्द्राय prācyām
oṃ laṃ indrāya namaḥ
नमः इन्द्रश्री
25. indraśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi (East) N
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ रं आग्नये नमः
oṃ raṃ āgnaye namaḥ āgneyam (South East)
अपग्नश्री िादु कां
26. agniśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi NE
tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम
ॐ मं यमाय नमः
oṃ maṃ yamāya namaḥ
यमश्री िादु कां
27. yamaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi dakṣiṇe (South) E
tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम
ॐ क्षं पनरृतये
oṃ kṣaṃ nirṛtaye namaḥ
नमः पनरृपतश्री
28. nirṛtiśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi nairṛtye (South West) SE
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ वं वरुर्ाय
oṃ vaṃ varuṇāya namaḥ
नमः वरुर्श्री
29. varuṇaśrī pādukāṃ paścime (West) S
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ यं वायवे नमः
oṃ yaṃ vāyave namaḥ
वायुश्री िादु कां
30. vāyuśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi vāyuvye (North West) SW
tarpayāmi namaḥ िू ज यापम तिण य ापम
ॐ कुं कुबेराय
oṃ kuṃ kuberāya namaḥ
नमः कुबेरश्री
31. kuberaśrī pādukāṃ uttare (North) W
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ िं ईशानाय
oṃ haṃ īśānāya namaḥ
नमः ईशानश्री
32. īśānaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi īśānye (North East) NW
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
oṃ āṃ brahmaṇe namaḥ ॐ आं ब्रह्मर्े prācyeśānayormadhye
Between NW
33. brahmaśrī pādukāṃ नमः ब्रह्मश्री (Between East and
and N.
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम North East)
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ ह्ीं अनन्ताय
oṃ hrīṃ anantāya namaḥ paścimanirṛtayormadhye
नमः अनन्तश्री Between SE
34. anantaśrī pādukāṃ – (Between West and
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
and S.
South West)
तिणयापम नमः

Offer flowers with the mantra:-

abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala ।

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ chaturthā varaṇārcanaṃ ॥

अभीष्ट पसस्सद्धं मे दे पि शरर्ागत वत्सि ।

भक्त्या समिणये तुभ्यं चतु थाण वरर्ाचणनं ॥

Hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-

pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

िूपजता स्तपिणताः सन्तु

Similarly, on the outer bhūpurā, worship the weapons of the lords of the 10 directions.

starting from the east, as depicted on the yantra (śrī yantra pūjā format)

Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
ॐ वं वज्राय नमः prācyām
oṃ vaṃ vajrāya namaḥ
वज्रश्री िादु कां
35. vajraśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi (East) N
tarpayāmi namaḥ िूजयापम तिणयापम
ॐ शं शिये
oṃ śaṃ śaktaye namaḥ āgneyam (South East)
नमः शिश्री
36. śaktaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi NE
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ दं दण्डाय
oṃ daṃ daṇḍāya namaḥ
नमः दण्डश्री
37. daṇḍaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi dakṣiṇe (South) E
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
38. oṃ khaṃ khaḍgāya namaḥ ॐ खं खड् गाय nairṛtye (South West) SE
khaḍgaśrī pādukāṃ नमः खड् गश्री
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ िां िाशाय
oṃ pāṃ pāśāya namaḥ
नमः िाशश्री
39. pāśaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi paścime (West) S
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ अं अङ्कुशाय
oṃ aṃ aṅkuśāya namaḥ
नमः अङ्कुशश्री
40. aṅkuśaśrī pādukāṃ vāyuvye (North West) SW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ गं गदाय नमः
oṃ gaṃ gadāya namaḥ
गदश्री िादु कां
41. gadaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi uttare (North) W
tarpayāmi namaḥ िू ज यापम तिण य ापम
ॐ पत्रं पत्रशूिाय
oṃ triṃ triśūlāya namaḥ
नमः पत्रशूिश्री
42. triśūlaśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi īśānye (North East) NW
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम
तिणयापम नमः
ॐ िं िद्माय नमः
oṃ paṃ padmāya namaḥ prācyeśānayormadhye
िद्मश्री िादु कां Between NW
43. padmaśrī pādukāṃ (Between East and
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ िू ज यापम तिण य ापम North East)
and N.
ॐ चं चक्राय
oṃ caṃ cakrāya namaḥ paścimanirṛtayormadhye
नमः चक्रश्री Between SE
44. cakraśrī pādukāṃ pūjayāmi – (Between West and
tarpayāmi namaḥ िादु कां िूजयापम South West)
and S.
तिणयापम नमः

offer flowers with the mantra:-

abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala ।

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ pañcamā varaṇārcanaṃ ॥

अभीष्ट पसस्सद्धं मे दे पि शरर्ागत वत्सि ।

भक्त्या समिणये तुभ्यं िञ्चमा वरर्ाचणनं ॥

hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-

pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

िूपजता स्तपिणताः सन्तु

Offer dūpaṃ and prasādaṃ with the paṅcopacāra pūja. offer bali with a fruit.

bali mantra:-

oṃ gaṃ haṃ klauṃ glauṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇeṣāya mahā yakṣāyāyāṃ baliḥ

ॐ गं िं क् ं ग् ं उस्सिष्ट गर्ेषाय मिा यक्षायायां बपिः

Perform japa after eating a portion of the prasādaṃ.

Epilogue to the āvaraṇa pūja :-

The āvaraṇa deities associated with śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati and their associated meaning and
significance is noted below. IAST Devanāgari Meaning

Represents the Heart cakra as well as the
1 hṛdaya śakti हृदय शस्सि power associated with the love towards
śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati.
Represents the power associated with the
head of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati,
2 śiraḥ śakti पशरः शस्सि representing the unlimited spiritual
wealth gained from His worship.
Represents the opposite side of the ājña
cakra. The power associated with this
3 śikhā śakti पशखा शस्सि point, awakens the higher intellectual
faculties in the mind.
Represents the protection offered by the
4 kavaca śakti कवच शस्सि worship of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati.
Represents the power to see through the
māyā or virtual reality and realize one’s
5 netratraya śakti नेत्रत्रय शस्सि true self and it’s identification with the
universal Self.
Represents the weapons or siddhis one
6 astra śakti अस्त्र शस्सि may accrue through the sādhana of śrī
ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati.
The power associated with creation or
7 brāhmī ब्राह्मी Brahma.
The destructive/transformative power
8 māheśvarī मािे श्वरी associated with Rudra.
The power associated with victory or
9 kaumārī क मारी Kumāra.
The preservative power associated with
10 vaiṣṇavī वैष्णवी Viṣṇu.
The commander of all armies of śrī lalita.
She represents a fierce protective force
11 vārāhī वारािी and removes all impediments for the
The power associated with prosperity and
12 indrāṇī इन्द्रार्ी material riches.
The power that grants fearlessness in the
13 cāmuṇḍī चामुण्डी sādhaka. She is in the form of Kāli.
The power associated with all wealth,
14 mahālakṣmī मिािक्ष्मी material and spiritual.
The Lord with the curved tusk, signifying
that He straightens those following a
15 vakratuṇḍa वक्रतुण्ड crooked path and rescues the misguided
ones also.
The one tusked Lord signifying the
16 ekadaṃṣṭra एकदं ष्टर oneness of all reality – advaita.
The Lord with a large belly, signifying
17 laṃbodara िंबोदर the entire Brahmāṇḍa.
The terrible form that shakes away all
18 vikaṭa पवकट ignorance and leads us straight to mokṣa
or self-realization and liberation.
The one who resembles ash. This form
represents the Earth and the sky and that
19 dhūmravarṇa धूम्रवर्ण He sees the entire creation and interacts
with it.
20 vighna पवघ्न The destroyer of all obstacles.
The one who supports the universe.
21 gajānana गजानन Literally, this name indicates the elephant
faced one.
The one who leads and eliminates all
22 vināyaka पवनायक obstacles, material or spiritual.
The leader of the gaṇas or the subtlest of
23 gaṇapati गर्िपत energies causing karmas.
The ivory tusked one. Signifying that He
24 hastidanta िस्सस्तदन्त is the most valuable possession that can
ever exist.
Presiding deity of East- bestows wealth
25 indra इन्द्र and
Presiding deity of South East – bestows a
26 agni अपग्न lustrous body and good
Presiding deity of South- embodiment of
27 yama यम Dharma. Bestows
good results for righteous actions
Presiding deity of South west. Meditated
28 nirṛti पनरृपत upon, he bestows freedom from enemies.
Presiding deity of the West. He
29 varuṇa वरुर् creates rain and makes trees and plants
grow and makes people happy.
Presiding deity of the North West –
30 vāyu वायु bestows longevity and
Presiding deity of North – bestows
31 kubera कुबेर happiness and wealth.
Presiding deity of North East – bestows
32 īśāna ईशान spiritual knowledge leading to
liberation (mokṣa).
Presiding deity of the vertical up
33 brahma ब्रह्म direction – bestows all boons and
liberates us.
Presiding deity of the vertical down
34 ananta अनन्त direction – liberates us from all
A thunder causing diamond like super
35 vajra वज्र weapon, that can create great
A spear like fire causing super weapon
36 śakta शि that can ignite the kuṇḍalini.
37 daṇḍa दण्ड A stick like super weapon that punishes.
A sword like super weapon that can cut
38 khaḍga खड् ग through all type of karma and ego.
A rope like super weapon that can pull all
39 pāśa िाश souls.
A goad like super weapon that can cause
40 aṅkuśa अङ्कुश karmas to punish the error prone.
A mace like super weapon that can smash
41 gada गद all karmic barriers.
A trident like super weapon representing
42 triśūla पत्रशूि all the triads of existence.
A lotus like super weapon representing
43 padma िद्म supreme bliss.
A discus like super weapon representing
44 cakra चक्र breaking of all bonds that cause suffering.

ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati navārṇa mantra

1.Viniyogaḥ ( वववियोगः ) :-

oṃ asya śrī maducchiṣṭa gaṇeśa navārṇa mantrasya kaṃkola ṛṣiḥ virāṭ chandaḥ ucchiṣṭa
gaṇapatir devatā akhilāptaye jape viniyogaḥ

ॐ अस्य श्री मदु स्सिष्ट गर्ेश नवार्ण मन्त्रस्य कंकोि ऋपषः पवराट् छन्दः उस्सिष्ट गर्िपतर्
दे वता अस्सखिाप्तये जिे पवपनयोगः

2.ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यावि न्यास ) :- IAST devanāgari Procedure

open the right palm and
touch the top of the
ॐ कंकोि ऋषये नमः
1 oṃ kaṃkola ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi forehead with the ring
पशरपस and thumb fingers
joined at the top.
Now touch the mouth at
2 oṃ virāt chandase namaḥ mukhe ॐ पवरात् छन्दसे नमः मुखे the lips with the above
oṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati devatāyai ॐ उस्सिष्ट गर्िपत दे वतायै Touch the heart with the
namaḥ hṛdi नमः हृपद right palm.
Run both the palms all
4 oṃ viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge ॐ पवपनयोगाय नमः सवाण ङ्गे over the body.
5 iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ इपत ऋष्यापद न्यासः

3.kara nyāsa ( कर न्यास ) :- IAST devanāgari Procedure
Use both the index
1 oṃ hasti amguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ िस्सस्त अम्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः fingers and run them on
both the thumbs.
Use both the thumbs
ॐ पिशापच तजणनीभ्यां
2 oṃ piśāci tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ and run them on both
नमः the index fingers.
Use both the thumbs on
3 oṃ likhe madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ पिखे मध्यमाभ्यां नमः the middle fingers.

ॐ स्वािा अनापमकाभ्यां Use both the thumbs on

4 oṃ svāhā anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ
नमः the ring fingers.
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे Use both the thumbs on
kaniṣṭikhābhyāṃ namaḥ कपनपष्टखाभ्यां नमः the little fingers.
Open both the palms;
run the opened palms of
ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे the right hand on the
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā
6 स्वािा करतिकर िृष्ठाभ्यां front and back sides of
karatalakara pṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ
नमः the left palm and repeat
the same for the other
7 iti kara nyāsaḥ इपत कर न्यासः

4.devatā nyāsa ( िे वता न्यास ) :- IAST Devanāgari Procedure

Open index, middle and
oṃ hasti hṛdayāya namaḥ
ring fingers of the right
1 ॐ िस्सस्त हृदयाय नमः hand and place them on
the heart chakra.
Open middle and ring
fingers of the right hand
2 oṃ piśāci śirase svāhā ॐ पिशापच पशरसे स्वािा and touch the top of the
Open the right thumb
and touch the back of
3 oṃ likhe śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ॐ पिखे पशखायै वषट् the head. This is the
point where the tuft of
hair, is kept.
4 oṃ svāhā kavacāya huṃ ॐ स्वािा कवचाय हं Cross both the hands
and run the fully
opened palms from
shoulders to finger tips.
Open up the left palm
and strike it three times
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā astrāya ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे
5 with index and middle
phaṭ स्वािा अस्त्राय फट् fingers of the right
6 iti devatā nyāsaḥ इपत दे वता न्यासः

5.Dhyānam ( ध्यािम् ) :-

caturbhujaṃ raktatanuṃ trinetraṃ paśāṅkuśau modaka pātra dantau ।

karairdadhānaṃ sarasīruhastham unmattam ucchiṣṭa gaṇeṣamīḍe ॥

चतुभुणजं रितनुं पत्रनेत्रं िशाङ्कुश मोदक िात्र दन्त ।

करै दण धानं सरसीरुिस्थम् उन्मत्तम् उस्सिष्ट गर्ेषमीडे ॥

I meditate upon the unmatta or highly elated ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, who has four hands and three
eyes, whose body is red, who holds the goad and the vessel of sweets in the right hands and the
noose and tusk in His left hands and who is also seated in the lotus posture.
Perform the yantra āvaraṇa puja and pīṭha puja

6.Pañcapūjā ( पञ्चपूजा ) :-

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi |

haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi |

yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi |

raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |

vaṁ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi ||

िं - िृपथव्यास्सिकायै गन्धं समिणयापम।

िं - आकाशास्सिकायै िु ष्ैः िूजयापम।

यं - वाय्वास्सिकायै धूिमाघ्राियापम।

रं - अग्न्यास्सिकायै दीिं दशणयापम।

वं - अमृतास्सिकायै अमृतं मिानैवेद्यं पनवेदयापम।

सं - सवाण स्सिकायै सवोिचार िू जाम् समिणयापम॥

7.japamālā mantraṃ ( जपमाला मन्त्रं ) :-

Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful

oṃ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi।

caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava॥

ॐ मां मािे मिामाये सवणमन्त्र स्वरूपिपर्।

चतुवणगण स्त्वपयन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये पसस्सद्धदा भव॥

8. guru mantra ( गुरु मन्त्र ) :-

Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the blessings of all gurus and the Guru.

oṃ hrīṃ siddhaguro prasīda hrīṃ oṃ

ॐ ह्ी ं पसद्धगुरो िसीद ह्ीं ॐ

9.navārṇa mantra ( िवाणण मन्त्र ) :-

The 9 lettered mantra is –

hasti piśāci likhe svāhā

हस्ति वपशावि वलखे स्वाहा

The above mantra should be recited using the above consecrated japa māla. The māla should
have 108 beads plus a meru or head bead. The count is from the meru bead and back. The meru
bead itself should not be counted. When the count reaches the meru, flip the māla, to count in
reverse and so on, for the decided number of māla counts.

Mantra meaning:-

The meaning of the mantra is “One who’s in union with hastipiśāci", signifying the śiva-śakti-
aikya aspect of Brahman. This is the state of the union of both the dynamic and static super
consciousness, signifying supreme bliss or liberation or Brahman Itself. The sound of brahman is
oṃ also called śabda brahman. Since this mantra itself signifies Brahman, no prefix of OM is
necessary for this mantra. When oṃ is prefixed to this mantra, it becomes the 10 syllabled
mantra, which is equivally effective as this mantra.

10.devatā nyāsa ( िे वता न्यास ) :- IAST Devanāgari Procedure

Open index, middle and
oṃ hasti hṛdayāya namaḥ
ring fingers of the right
1 ॐ िस्सस्त हृदयाय नमः hand and place them on
the heart chakra.
Open middle and ring
fingers of the right hand
2 oṃ piśāci śirase svāhā ॐ पिशापच पशरसे स्वािा
and touch the top of the
Open the right thumb
and touch the back of
3 oṃ likhe śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ॐ पिखे पशखायै वषट् the head. This is the
point where the tuft of
hair, is kept.
Cross both the hands
4 oṃ svāhā kavacāya huṃ ॐ स्वािा कवचाय हं and run the fully
opened palms from
shoulders to finger tips.
Open up the left palm
and strike it three times
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā astrāya ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे
5 with index and middle
phaṭ स्वािा अस्त्राय फट् fingers of the right
6 iti devatā nyāsaḥ इपत दे वता न्यासः

11.Dhyānam ( ध्यािम् ) :-

caturbhujaṃ raktatanuṃ trinetraṃ paśāṅkuśau modaka pātra dantau ।

karairdadhānaṃ sarasīruhastham unmattam ucchiṣṭa gaṇeṣamīḍe ॥

चतुभुणजं रितनुं पत्रनेत्रं िशाङ्कुश मोदक िात्र दन्त ।

करै दण धानं सरसीरुिस्थम् उन्मत्तम् उस्सिष्ट गर्ेषमीडे ॥

12.Pañcapūjā ( पञ्चपूजा ) :-

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi |

haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi |

yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi |

raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |

vaṁ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi ||

िं - िृपथव्यास्सिकायै गन्धं समिणयापम।

िं - आकाशास्सिकायै िु ष्ैः िूजयापम।

यं - वाय्वास्सिकायै धूिमाघ्राियापम।

रं - अग्न्यास्सिकायै दीिं दशणयापम।

वं - अमृतास्सिकायै अमृतं मिानैवेद्यं पनवेदयापम।

सं - सवाण स्सिकायै सवोिचार िूजाम् समिणयापम॥

13. Samarpaṇam ( समपणणम् ) :-

Take water in uttaraṇi and by reciting the following śloka, offer the water to the earth

गुह्यापतगुह्यगोप्ता त्वं गृिार्ास्मत् -कृतं जिम्।

पसस्सद्धभणवतु मे दे व त्वत्प्रसादान्मपय स्सस्थरा॥

guhyātiguhyagoptā tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam|

siddhirbhavatu me deva tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ||

14. japānaṃtaraṃ mālāmantraṃ ( जपािंतरं मालामन्त्रं ) :-

Recite the below śloka and mantra, followed by placing the māla upon the top of the head and
then place it back in the māla bag and conceal it. It should NOT be worn.

śloka॥ oṃ tvaṃ māle sarvadevānāṃ prītidā śubhadā bhava।

śubhaṃ kuruṣya me bhadre yaśo vīryaṃ ca dehime॥

श्लोक॥ ॐ त्वं मािे सवणदेवानां िीपतदा शुभदा भव।

शुभं कुरुष्य मे भद्रे यशो वीयां च दे पिमे॥

mantra॥ oṃ hrīṃ siddhyai namaḥ॥

मन्त्र ॥ ॐ ह्ीं पसद्ध्यै नमः॥

15.Puraścaraṇa ( पुरश्चरण ) :-
Japa 100,000
Homa 10,000
Tarpaṇa 1,000
Mārjana 100
Bhojana 10

ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati daśākṣara mantra version 1

1. viniyogaḥ ( वववियोगः ) :-

oṃ asya śrī maducchiṣṭa gaṇeśa daśākṣarocchiṣṭa mantrasya kaṃkola ṛṣiḥ virāṭ chandaḥ
ucchiṣṭa gaṇapatir devatā akhilāptaye jape viniyogaḥ

ॐ अस्य श्री मदु स्सिष्ट गर्ेश दशाक्षरोस्सिष्ट मन्त्रस्य कंकोि ऋपषः पवराट् छन्दः उस्सिष्ट
गर्िपतर् दे वता अस्सखिाप्तये जिे पवपनयोगः

2. ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यावि न्यास ) :- IAST devanāgari Procedure

open the right palm and
touch the top of the
ॐ कंकोि ऋषये नमः
1 oṃ kaṃkola ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi forehead with the ring
पशरपस and thumb fingers
joined at the top.
Now touch the mouth at
2 oṃ virāt chandase namaḥ mukhe ॐ पवरात् छन्दसे नमः मुखे the lips with the above
oṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati devatāyai ॐ उस्सिष्ट गर्िपत दे वतायै Touch the heart with the
namaḥ hṛdi नमः हृपद right palm.
Run both the palms all
4 oṃ viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge ॐ पवपनयोगाय नमः सवाण ङ्गे over the body.
5 iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ इपत ऋष्यापद न्यासः

3. kara nyāsa ( कर न्यास ) :- IAST devanāgari Procedure

Use both the index
1 oṃ hasti amguṣṭhābhyaṃ namaḥ ॐ िस्सस्त अम्गुष्ठाभ्यं नमः fingers and run them on
both the thumbs.
2 oṃ piśāci tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ पिशापच तजणनीभ्यां Use both the thumbs
नमः and run them on both
the index fingers.
Use both the thumbs on
3 oṃ likhe madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ पिखे मध्यमाभ्यां नमः the middle fingers.

ॐ स्वािा अनापमकाभ्यां Use both the thumbs on

4 oṃ svāhā anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ
नमः the ring fingers.
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे Use both the thumbs on
kaniṣṭikhābhyāṃ namaḥ कपनपष्टखाभ्यां नमः the little fingers.
Open both the palms;
run the opened palms of
ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे the right hand on the
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā
6 स्वािा करतिकर िृष्ठाभ्यां front and back sides of
karatalakara pṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ
नमः the left palm and repeat
the same for the other
7 iti kara nyāsaḥ इपत कर न्यासः

4. devatā nyāsa ( िे वता न्यास ) :- IAST Devanāgari Procedure

Open index, middle and
oṃ hasti hṛdayāya namaḥ
ring fingers of the right
1 ॐ िस्सस्त हृदयाय नमः hand and place them on
the heart chakra.
Open middle and ring
fingers of the right hand
2 oṃ piśāci śirase svāhā ॐ पिशापच पशरसे स्वािा and touch the top of the
Open the right thumb
and touch the back of
3 oṃ likhe śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ॐ पिखे पशखायै वषट् the head. This is the
point where the tuft of
hair, is kept.
Cross both the hands
and run the fully
4 oṃ svāhā kavacāya huṃ ॐ स्वािा कवचाय हं opened palms from
shoulders to finger tips.
Open up the left palm
and strike it three times
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā astrāya ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे
5 with index and middle
phaṭ स्वािा अस्त्राय फट् fingers of the right
6 iti devatā nyāsaḥ इपत दे वता न्यासः
5. Dhyānam ( ध्यािम् ) :-

caturbhujaṃ raktatanuṃ trinetraṃ paśāṅkuśau modaka pātra dantau ।

karairdadhānaṃ sarasīruhastham unmattam ucchiṣṭa gaṇeṣamīḍe ॥

चतुभुणजं रितनुं पत्रनेत्रं िशाङ्कुश मोदक िात्र दन्त ।

करै दण धानं सरसीरुिस्थम् उन्मत्तम् उस्सिष्ट गर्ेषमीडे ॥

I meditate upon the unmatta or highly elated ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, who has four hands and three
eyes, whose body is red, who holds the goad and the vessel of sweets in the right hands and the
noose and tusk in His left hands and who is also seated in the lotus posture.
Perform the yantra āvaraṇa puja and pīṭha puja

6. Pañcapūjā ( पञ्चपूजा ) :-

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi |

haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi |

yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi |

raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |

vaṁ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi ||

िं - िृपथव्यास्सिकायै गन्धं समिणयापम।

िं - आकाशास्सिकायै िु ष्ैः िूजयापम।

यं - वाय्वास्सिकायै धूिमाघ्राियापम।

रं - अग्न्यास्सिकायै दीिं दशणयापम।

वं - अमृतास्सिकायै अमृतं मिानैवेद्यं पनवेदयापम।

सं - सवाण स्सिकायै सवोिचार िूजाम् समिणयापम॥

7. japamālā mantraṃ ( जपमाला मन्त्रं ) :-

Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful

oṃ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi।

caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava॥

ॐ मां मािे मिामाये सवणमन्त्र स्वरूपिपर्।

चतुवणगण स्त्वपयन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये पसस्सद्धदा भव॥

8. guru mantra ( गुरु मन्त्र ) :-

Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the blessings of all gurus and the Guru.

oṃ hrīṃ siddhaguro prasīda hrīṃ oṃ

ॐ ह्ी ं पसद्धगुरो िसीद ह्ीं ॐ

9. daśākṣari mantra ( िशाक्षरर मन्त्र ) :-

The 10 lettered mantra is –

oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā

ॐ हस्ति वपशावि वलखे स्वाहा

The above mantra should be recited using the above consecrated japa māla. The māla should
have 108 beads plus a meru or head bead. The count is from the meru bead and back. The meru
bead itself should not be counted. When the count reaches the meru, flip the māla, to count in
reverse and so on, for the decided number of māla counts.

Mantra meaning:-

The meaning of the navārṇa mantra is “One who’s in union with hastipiśāci”, signifying the śiva-
śakti-aikya aspect of Brahman. This is the state of the union of both the dynamic and static
super consciousness, signifying supreme bliss or liberation or Brahman Itself. The sound of
brahman is oṃ, also called as śabda brahman. Since the navārṇa mantra itself signifies Brahman,
no prefix of oṃ is necessary for that mantra. When oṃ is prefixed to the navārṇa mantra, it
becomes the 10 syllabled mantra, which is equivally effective as the navārṇa mantra. It also
lends more auspiciousness to the mantra, as mentioned in various tantras.

10. devatā nyāsa ( िे वता न्यास ) :- IAST Devanāgari Procedure

Open index, middle and
oṃ hasti hṛdayāya namaḥ
ring fingers of the right
1 ॐ िस्सस्त हृदयाय नमः hand and place them on
the heart chakra.
Open middle and ring
fingers of the right hand
2 oṃ piśāci śirase svāhā ॐ पिशापच पशरसे स्वािा and touch the top of the
Open the right thumb
and touch the back of
3 oṃ likhe śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ॐ पिखे पशखायै वषट् the head. This is the
point where the tuft of
hair, is kept.
Cross both the hands
and run the fully
4 oṃ svāhā kavacāya huṃ ॐ स्वािा कवचाय हं
opened palms from
shoulders to finger tips.
Open up the left palm
and strike it three times
oṃ hasti piśāci likhe svāhā astrāya ॐ िस्सस्त पिशापच पिखे
5 with index and middle
phaṭ स्वािा अस्त्राय फट् fingers of the right
6 iti devatā nyāsaḥ इपत दे वता न्यासः
11. Dhyānam ( ध्यािम् ) :-

caturbhujaṃ raktatanuṃ trinetraṃ paśāṅkuśau modaka pātra dantau ।

karairdadhānaṃ sarasīruhastham unmattam ucchiṣṭa gaṇeṣamīḍe ॥

चतुभुणजं रितनुं पत्रनेत्रं िशाङ्कुश मोदक िात्र दन्त ।

करै दण धानं सरसीरुिस्थम् उन्मत्तम् उस्सिष्ट गर्ेषमीडे ॥

12. Pañcapūjā ( पञ्चपूजा ) :-

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi |

haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi |

yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi |

raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |

vaṁ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi ||

िं - िृपथव्यास्सिकायै गन्धं समिणयापम।

िं - आकाशास्सिकायै िु ष्ैः िूजयापम।

यं - वाय्वास्सिकायै धूिमाघ्राियापम।

रं - अग्न्यास्सिकायै दीिं दशणयापम।

वं - अमृतास्सिकायै अमृतं मिानैवेद्यं पनवेदयापम।

सं - सवाण स्सिकायै सवोिचार िूजाम् समिणयापम॥

13. Samarpaṇam ( समपणणम् ) :-

Take water in uttaraṇi and by reciting the following śloka, offer the water to the earth

गुह्यापतगुह्यगोप्ता त्वं गृिार्ास्मत् -कृतं जिम्।

पसस्सद्धभणवतु मे दे व त्वत्प्रसादान्मपय स्सस्थरा॥

guhyātiguhyagoptā tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam|

siddhirbhavatu me deva tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ||

14. japānaṃtaraṃ mālāmantraṃ ( जपािंतरं मालामन्त्रं ) :-

Recite the below śloka and mantra, followed by placing the māla upon the top of the head and
then place it back in the māla bag and conceal it. It should NOT be worn.

śloka॥ oṃ tvaṃ māle sarvadevānāṃ prītidā śubhadā bhava।

śubhaṃ kuruṣya me bhadre yaśo vīryaṃ ca dehime॥

श्लोक॥ ॐ त्वं मािे सवणदेवानां िीपतदा शुभदा भव।

शुभं कुरुष्य मे भद्रे यशो वीयां च दे पिमे॥

mantra॥ oṃ hrīṃ siddhyai namaḥ॥

मन्त्र॥ ॐ ह्ीं पसद्ध्यै नमः॥

15. Puraścaraṇa ( पुरश्चरण ) :-

Japa 100,000
Homa 10,000
Tarpaṇa 1,000
Mārjana 100
Bhojana 10

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