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KUKAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, applying the principle of piercing the veil of

Petitioner, vs HON. AMOR REYES, in her capacity corporate fiction, that an order be issued for the
as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of satisfaction of the judgment debt of Kukan, Inc.
Manila, Branch 21, and ROMEO M. MORALES, with the properties under the name or in the
doing business under the name and style “RM possession of KIC, it being alleged that both
Morales Trophies and Plaques,” Respondents. corporations are but one and the same entity. KIC
opposed Morales’ motion. The court denied the
FACTS omibus motion.

Sometime in March 1998, Kukan, Inc. conducted a In a bid to establish the link between KIC and
bidding worth Php 5M (reduced to PhP 3,388,502) Kukan, Inc., Morales filed a Motion for Examination
for the supply and installation of signages in a of Judgment Debtors dated May 4, 2005 which
building being constructed in Makati City which sought that subponae be issued against the
was won by Morales. primary stockholders of Kukan, Inc., among them
Michael Chan, a.k.a. Chan Kai Kit. This too was
Despite his compliance, Morales was only paid the denied by the court.
amount of PhP 1,976,371.07, leaving a balance of
PhP 1,412,130.93, which Kukan, Inc. refused to pay Morales then sought the inhibition of the presiding
despite demands. judge, Eduardo B. Peralta, Jr., who eventually
granted the motion. The case was re-raffled to
Morales filed a Complaint with the RTC against Branch 21, presided by public respondent Judge
Kukan, Inc. for a sum of money. However, starting Amor Reyes.
November 2000, Kukan, Inc. no longer appeared
and participated in the proceedings before the trial Before the Manila RTC, Branch 21, Morales filed a
court, prompting the RTC to declare Kukan, Inc. in Motion to Pierce the Veil of Corporate Fiction to
default and paving the way for Morales to present declare KIC as having no existence separate from
his evidence ex parte. Kukan, Inc. This time around, the RTC, by Order
dated March 12, 2007, granted the motion. From
On November 28, 2002, the RTC rendered a the above order, KIC moved but was denied
Decision finding for Morales and against Kukan, reconsideration in another Order dated June 7,
Inc. 2007.

After the above decision became final and KIC went to the CA on a petition for certiorari to
executory, Morales moved for and secured a writ nullify the aforesaid March 12 and June 7, 2007
of execution against Kukan, Inc. The sheriff then RTC Orders but on January 23, 2008, the CA denied
levied upon various personal properties found at the petition and affirmed the assailed Orders. The
what was supposed to be Kukan, Inc.’s office at CA later denied KIC’s MR in the assailed resolution.
Unit 2205, 88 Corporate Center, Salcedo Village,
Makati City. Alleging that it owned the properties Hence, the instant petition for review.
thus levied and that it was a different corporation
from Kukan, Inc., Kukan International Corporation ISSUES
(KIC) filed an Affidavit of Third-Party Claim.
Notably, KIC was incorporated in August 2000, or A. whether the trial court can, after the judgment
shortly after Kukan, Inc. had stopped participating against Kukan, Inc. has attained finality, execute it
in Civil Case No. 99-93173. against the property of KIC;

In reaction to KIC’s claim, Morales interposed an

Omnibus Motion dated April 30, 2003, praying, and

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B. whether the trial court acquired jurisdiction over Thus, on this ground alone, the instant petition can
KIC; already be granted. Nonetheless, an examination
of the other issues raised by KIC would be proper.
C. whether the trial and appellate courts correctly
applied, under the premises, the principle of B. No.
piercing the veil of corporate fiction.
In the instant case, KIC was not made a party-
defendant in Civil Case No. 99-93173. Even if it is
DECISION conceded that it raised affirmative defenses
through its aforementioned pleadings, KIC never
A. No. abandoned its challenge, however implicit, to the
RTC’s jurisdiction over its person. The challenge
In Carpio v. Doroja,[13] the Court ruled that was subsumed in KIC’s primary assertion that it
the deciding court has supervisory control over the was not the same entity as Kukan, Inc. Pertinently,
execution of its judgment: in its Comment and Opposition to Plaintiff’s
Omnibus Motion dated May 20, 2003, KIC entered
A case in which an execution has been issued is its “special but not voluntary appearance” alleging
regarded as still pending so that all proceedings on therein that it was a different entity and has a
the execution are proceedings in the suit. There is separate legal personality from Kukan, Inc. And KIC
no question that the court which rendered the would consistently reiterate this assertion in all its
judgment has a general supervisory control over its pleadings, thus effectively resisting all along the
process of execution, and this power carries with it RTC’s jurisdiction of its person. It cannot be
the right to determine every question of fact and overemphasized that KIC could not file before the
law which may be involved in the execution. RTC a motion to dismiss and its attachments in Civil
Case No. 99-93173, precisely because KIC was
The court’s supervisory control does not, however, neither impleaded nor served with
extend as to authorize the alteration or summons. Consequently, KIC could only assert and
amendment of a final and executory decision, save claim through its affidavits, comments, and
for certain recognized exceptions, among which is motions filed by special appearance before the RTC
the correction of clerical errors. Else, the court that it is separate and distinct from Kukan, Inc.
violates the principle of finality of judgment and
Following La Naval Drug Corporation, KIC
As may be noted, the above decision, in cannot be deemed to have waived its objection to
unequivocal terms, directed Kukan, Inc. to pay the the court’s lack of jurisdiction over its person. It
aforementioned awards to Morales. Thus, making would defy logic to say that KIC unequivocally
KIC, thru the medium of a writ of execution, submitted itself to the jurisdiction of the RTC when
answerable for the above judgment liability is a it strongly asserted that it and Kukan, Inc. are
clear case of altering a decision, an instance of different entities. In the scheme of things
granting relief not contemplated in the decision obtaining, KIC had no other option but to insist on
sought to be executed. And the change does not its separate identity and plead for relief consistent
fall under any of the recognized exceptions to the with that position.
doctrine of finality and immutability of
judgment. It is a settled rule that a writ of C. No.
execution must conform to the fallo of the
judgment; as an inevitable corollary, a writ beyond The principle of piercing the veil of corporate
the terms of the judgment is a nullity. fiction, and the resulting treatment of two related
corporations as one and the same juridical person

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with respect to a given transaction, is basically numerous occasions, applied the principle where a
applied only to determine established liability;[34] corporation is dissolved and its assets are
it is not available to confer on the court a transferred to another to avoid a financial liability
jurisdiction it has not acquired, in the first place, of the first corporation with the result that the
over a party not impleaded in a case. Elsewise put, second corporation should be considered a
a corporation not impleaded in a suit cannot be continuation and successor of the first entity.
subject to the court’s process of piercing the veil of
its corporate fiction. In that situation, the court In those instances when the Court pierced the veil
has not acquired jurisdiction over the corporation of corporate fiction of two corporations, there was
and, hence, any proceedings taken against that a confluence of the following factors:
corporation and its property would infringe on its
right to due process. Aguedo Agbayani, a 1. A first corporation is dissolved;
recognized authority on Commercial Law, stated as
much: 2. The assets of the first corporation is
transferred to a second corporation to avoid a
23. Piercing the veil of corporate entity financial liability of the first corporation; and
applies to determination of liability not of
jurisdiction. x x x 3. Both corporations are owned and
controlled by the same persons such that the
This is so because the doctrine of piercing the veil second corporation should be considered as a
of corporate fiction comes to play only during the continuation and successor of the first corporation.
trial of the case after the court has already
acquired jurisdiction over the corporation. Hence, In the instant case, however, the second and third
before this doctrine can be applied, based on the factors are conspicuously absent. There is,
evidence presented, it is imperative that the court therefore, no compelling justification for
must first have jurisdiction over the disregarding the fiction of corporate entity
corporation.[35] x x x (Emphasis supplied.) separating Kukan, Inc. from KIC. In applying the
principle, both the RTC and the CA miserably failed
The implication of the above comment is twofold: to identify the presence of the abovementioned
(1) the court must first acquire jurisdiction over the factors.
corporation or corporations involved before its or
their separate personalities are disregarded; and – – –
(2) the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate
entity can only be raised during a full-blown trial It bears reiterating that piercing the veil of
over a cause of action duly commenced involving corporate fiction is frowned upon. Accordingly,
parties duly brought under the authority of the those who seek to pierce the veil must clearly
court by way of service of summons or what passes establish that the separate and distinct
as such service. personalities of the corporations are set up to
justify a wrong, protect fraud, or perpetrate a
– – – deception. In the concrete and on the assumption
that the RTC has validly acquired jurisdiction over
In fine, to justify the piercing of the veil of the party concerned, Morales ought to have
corporate fiction, it must be shown by clear and proved by convincing evidence that Kukan, Inc. was
convincing proof that the separate and distinct collapsed and thereafter KIC purposely formed and
personality of the corporation was purposefully operated to defraud him. Morales has not to us
employed to evade a legitimate and binding discharged his burden.
commitment and perpetuate a fraud or like
wrongdoings. To be sure, the Court has, on

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CA’s January 23, 2008 Decision and April 16, 2008 G.R. No. 182729 September 29, 2010
Resolution in CA-G.R. SP No. 100152 are hereby
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The levy placed upon FACTS:
the personal properties of Kukan International Sometime in March 1998, Kukan, Inc. conducted
Corporation is hereby ordered lifted and the bidding for the supply and installation of signages
personal properties ordered returned to Kukan in a building being constructed in Makati City.
International Corporation. The RTC of Manila, Romeo Morales tendered the winning bid and was
Branch 21 is hereby directed to execute the RTC awarded the PhP 5 million contract. Short changed,
Decision dated November 28, 2002 against Kukan, Morales filed a Complaint with the RTC against
Inc. with reasonable dispatch. Kukan, Inc. for a sum of money. The RTC rendered
a Decision in favor of Morales and against Kukan,
Inc. After the decision became final and executory,
Morales moved for and secured a writ of execution
against Kukan, Inc. The sheriff then levied upon
various personal properties of Kukan International
Corporation (KIC). KIC then filed an Affidavit of
Third-Party Claim. Notably, KIC was incorporated in
August 2000, or shortly after Kukan, Inc. had
stopped participating in Civil Case. In reaction to
the third party claim, Morales interposed an
Omnibus Motion dated April 30, 2003. In it,
Morales prayed, applying the principle of piercing
the veil of corporate fiction, that an order be
issued for the satisfaction of the judgment debt of
Kukan, Inc. with the properties under the name or
in the possession of KIC, it being alleged that both
corporations are but one and the same entity. By
Order of May 29, 2003 as reiterated in a
subsequent order, the court denied the omnibus
motion. In a bid to establish the link between KIC
and Kukan, Inc., and thus determine the true
relationship between the two, Morales filed a
Motion for Examination of Judgment Debtors
dated May 4, 2005. In this motion Morales sought
that subpoena be issued against the primary
stockholders of Kukan, Inc., among them Michael
Chan, a.k.a. Chan Kai Kit. This too was denied by
the trial court in an Order dated May 24, 2005.
Morales then sought the inhibition of the presiding
judge, Eduardo B. Peralta, Jr., who eventually
granted the motion. The case was re-raffled to
Branch 21, presided by public respondent Judge
Amor Reyes. Before the Manila RTC, Branch 21,
Morales filed a Motion to Pierce the Veil of
Corporate Fiction to declare KIC as having no
existence separate from Kukan, Inc. This time
around, the RTC, by Order dated March 12, 2007,

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granted the motion. KIC moved but was denied Kit, owns 40% of the outstanding capital stock of
reconsideration in another Order dated June 7, both corporations. But such circumstance, standing
2007. On petition for certiorari before CA, the alone, is insufficient to establish identity. There
same was denied. The CA later denied KIC’s motion must be at least a substantial identity of
for reconsideration in the assailed resolution. stockholders for both corporations in order to
Hence, the instant petition for review. consider this factor to be constitutive of corporate
ISSUE: Whether the trial and appellate courts
correctly applied, under the premises, the principle Evidently, the aforementioned case relied upon by
of piercing the veil of corporate fiction. Morales cannot justify the application of the
principle of piercing the veil of corporate fiction to
RULING: Piercing the veil of corporate entity apllies the instant case. As shown by the records, the
only: (1) the court must first acquire jurisdiction name Michael Chan, the similarity of business
over the corporation or corporations involved activities engaged in, and incidentally the word
before its or their separate personalities are "Kukan" appearing in the corporate names provide
disregarded; and (2) the doctrine of piercing the the nexus between Kukan, Inc. and KIC. As
veil of corporate entity can only be raised during a illustrated, these circumstances are insufficient to
full-blown trial over a cause of action duly establish the identity of KIC as the alter ego or
commenced involving parties duly brought under successor of Kukan, Inc
the authority of the court by way of service of
summons or what passes as such service. Mere
ownership by a single stockholder or by another
corporation of a substantial block of shares of a
corporation does not, standing alone, provide
sufficient justification for disregarding the separate
corporate personality. For this ground to hold sway
in this case, there must be proof that Chan had
control or complete dominion of Kukan and KIC’s
finances, policies, and business practices; he used
such control to commit fraud; and the control was
the proximate cause of the financial loss
complained of by Morales. The absence of any of
the elements prevents the piercing of the
corporate veil. And indeed, the records do not
show the presence of these elements.

In fine, there is no showing that the incorporation,

and the separate and distinct personality, of KIC
was used to defeat Morales’ right to recover from
Kukan, Inc. Judging from the records, no serious
attempt was made to levy on the properties of
Kukan, Inc. Morales could not, thus, validly argue
that Kukan, Inc. tried to avoid liability or had no
property against which to proceed. The suggestion
that KIC is but a continuation and successor of
Kukan, Inc., owned and controlled as they are by
the same stockholders, stands without factual
basis. It is true that Michael Chan, a.k.a. Chan Kai

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