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Tue, Thu 6:00 PM - 7:20 PM at Gates B12

This course, Computer Consulting, is a 2-unit course, and only the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option is
available. The prerequisite is a familiarity with computers on a common operating system (Windows or
Mac OS) including its relevant applications, at the level of CS1C or beyond. This class will familiarize you
with basic hardware, software, networking, and troubleshooting techniques. Since most students take this
course in order to become a Resident Computing Consultant (RCC), we will frequently refer to the RCC
program throughout the quarter. Please note that you can only take this course for credit if you do not
waive any of the components. The waiver assessment is only administered on the first day of class.

Course Instructors: TBD
Course Coordinator: TDB
Course P.I./RCC Program Manager: Sherwin Smith, Mike Takahashi
Email: [email protected] and put “196” in the subject line
Office Hours: By appointment and additional hours scheduled during weeks when assignments are due.

Please do not contact course staff individually concerning course matters.

You must use the above email address to reach the entire course staff.

Materials and additional resources for this class will be available as needed on the Canvas site at: There is no required textbook for this course. A course reader from
previous iterations of the class is on Canvas for optional supplementary reading.

To pass this course, you must adequately participate in class, complete the final project, and fulfill the
attendance requirement. There is no final exam.

During lecture, there will be opportunities for interactive learning, and given that this is a course
about computers, it will be helpful to bring a laptop to class. If you cannot bring one to class, you
may work with someone else. It is expected that everyone will engage in these
interactive activities.

Lectures are important to this class and you are expected to attend and participate in all class
sessions. Attendance will be taken during each class and it is your responsibility to make sure that
you have been accounted for. If you do not show up on time (within reasonable limits), you will
be marked absent. You may have up to two (2) absences excused by completing additional make-
up assignments. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to contact the course staff promptly to
arrange a make-up assignment. Make-up assignments are due one week from the date it becomes
available. Missing more than a total of two classes or failing to make up any missed class sessions
will result in a grade of NC.

Final Project
The final project will consist of a 10-15 minute group workshop for the class on a topic related to
technology that demonstrates your understanding of the material in this course. The workshop will
involve audience participation and active teaching. No slides (PowerPoint, etc.) are
allowed without explicit, prior consent from the course staff. Each team will have at least 1 week
to plan your workshop. More details regarding final project logistics will be provided in Week 8.
The final project is only required for students taking the course for credit. (i.e., students that did
not waive any part of the course.)

*Due to the dynamic nature of this course, some requirements or dates may change with ample notice.
Rev1. 3.2.18
Tue, Thu 6:00 PM - 7:20 PM at Gates B12

Late Assignment Policy

You are allotted three (3) acceptable late assignment days that you may apply throughout the
course. However, for each day your assignment is late, 5% will be deducted from the final score.

• If an assignment is turned in 10 minutes late, 5% will be deducted from the final score
of that assignment and 1 of your allotted 5 late days will be used.
• If an assignment is 24 hours late, 10% will be deducted from the final score of that
assignment and 1 of your allotted 5 late days will be used.
• For each additional 24 hours, an additional 5% will be deducted from the final score of
that assignment and 1 late day will be deducted from your remaining acceptable late

You must inform the course staff via email before the due date to specify your intention to use any late days.

The Stanford University Honor Code applies to all work done for this class. While you are welcome to use
outside resources for reference and may openly discuss the assignments and exercises with other students,
all work you submit must be your own original work and must demonstrate that you, personally,
understand the concepts involved. You may not copy any answers from the Internet or any other source,
and any aid received from another person or any use of a source not handed out in class should be clearly
indicated. You will not receive credit for any work that does not meet this standard. Please review the
Stanford University Honor Code at

While not designed to take up a great deal of time, this class requires a reasonable degree effort for a
passing grade. If you put in the time required, you should do well. Do not assume that just because the class
is “pass/no credit”, that you will necessarily pass- especially with regard to the attendance
requirement. Course staff are here to help you with any material or concepts you find difficult or wish to
know more about. If you do not understand any concepts or feel that the pace is too fast or too slow, please
seek help through office hours or by contacting the course staff.


Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the
request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with
required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter
for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is being made. Students should contact the OAE
as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563
Salvatierra Walk; Phone: 723-1066; Website:

*Due to the dynamic nature of this course, some requirements or dates may change with ample notice.
Rev1. 3.2.18
Tue, Thu 6:00 PM - 7:20 PM at Gates B12

Week Date Topic

1 Tuesday 4/3 Waiver Assessment

2 Tuesday 4/10 Intro to Computer Consulting; Hardware/Software Interaction

3 Tuesday 4/17 Hardware Lecture; Hardware Lab

4 Tuesday 4/24 Operating Systems (Windows & Macintosh)

5 Tuesday 5/1 Final Project Overview, Discussion

6 Tuesday 5/8 Networking Lecture

7 Tuesday 5/15 Networking Lab

8 Tuesday 5/22 Security

9 Tuesday 5/29 Customer Service Workshop; Final Project Discussion

10 Tuesday 6/5 Final Project Presentations I

Thursday 6/7* Day before finals, no classes.
11 Tuesday 6/12* _________ 7:00-10:00 p.m - Final Project Presentations II


*Due to the dynamic nature of this course, some requirements or dates may change with ample notice.
Rev1. 3.2.18

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