Theoretical Investigation of V A P O U R Transfer Through A Capillary-Porous Body

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Int. J. Heat Mass Tran.qer. Vol. 17, pp, 961 970, Pergamon Press 1974.

Printed in Great Britain




Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, Minsk, U.S.S.R.

(Received 3 May 1973)

Abstract--In the first part of the paper an investigation is made of the capillary evaporation under
free molecular conditions for a nonisothermal case with assumption made of the evaporation occurring
both on a lateral surface and at the bottom. Two modes of reflection from the surface, diffuse and
specular, are considered. In both cases approximate expressions are derived for the fluxes of molecules
at the capillary exit. In the case of diffuse reflection, the flow of molecules leaving the unit lateral
surface and the net surface flow are obtained as well. This expression allowed investigation of the phase
transition at the wall depending on the dimensionless length and temperature drop.
In the second part it is shown that the effect of surface diffusion on the capillary conductivity is
determined by the dimensionless parameter GL equal to the squared ratio of the square mean displace-
ment of a molecule over the surface to the capillary length, and preceding the senior derivative in the
initial integro-differential equation.
In the third part, based on the approximate theory of the mean free molecular path length, an
expression is found for a vapour flow through a high-dispersed porous body when the capillary model
is an inexact one.

NOMENCLATURE THE STUDY of mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies

X including phase conversions (liquid evaporation) is not
x = L , dimensionless coordinate; only of physical interest but also of great practical
importance for the design of transpiration cooling and
m~ mass of molecule; duration of drying of moist materials. When studying
k, Boltzmann constant; the mechanism of migration of vaporous moisture in
Pc, n'e, pressure and density of saturated vapours, porous bodies the use is usually made of interconnected
respectively; capillary tubes. A porous body is often considered as
evaporation (condensation) coefficient; an equivalent conic or slit-like capillary. The relations
Q, heat necessary for evaporation of one obtained for such a model are extended to real
molecule; capillary-porous moist bodies in order to explain the
L, length of capillary (thickness of layer); mechanism of their drying. In the majority of cases,
R, radius of capillary; however, the models are designed at isothermal con-
n, dimensionless surface density of molecules ditions, while in real porous bodies liquid evaporates
[n o = n(0) is a characteristic value which the in the presence of temperature drop. Temperature
density is referred to]; drop has an essential effect on the steam pressure
Dx~ surface diffusivity; near the surface of liquid meniscus. Thus, for example,
"r;, time of adsorption; with temperature fluctuation (20_+0.013)°C the relative
u~g~ energy of adsorption and activation per one vapour pressure over the meniscus with a radius of
molecule; 1.47 x 10 2 cm changes from 0"9999 to 0.9992 which
n~ volume density of molecules; is equivalent to the decrease in the meniscus radius
2, free molecular path length; from 1.47 x 10 2 to 1"47 x 10-4cm, i.e. by the order
,u, cosine of angle between velocity vector and of two [1]. The model calculations should, therefore,
normal to area yz; be performed with regard for nonisothermity. Besides,
D~ mean thermal velocity of molecules; in the majority of cases the moisture transfer in
AT, =L-T0. capillaries proceeds according to the relationships of
interdiffusion for binary mixture (vapour plus air) with
correction for the Stefan flow (diffusional region in
mass transfer) or by the Knudsen formula in case of
0, parameters of the capillary bottom; rarefied medium (kinetic region of mass transfer). The
1, exit parameters; second case is very often considered in the works on
i, isothermal. ice sublimation from a porous body.
HMT Vol, 17. No. 9--A

More grounded calculations of vapour transfer in and condensation processes in the capillary. This
capillaries with evaporation are presented, for example phenomena is observed only at nonisothermal condi-
in [2], where the account is taken of a thermal slip tions and may be referred to as the thermal effect of
in the presence of a temperature drop along the vaporous moisture migration.
capillary wall as well as of diffusional (diffusional drift) Successive condensation and evaporation in a pore
and viscous slip. The values of these effects are found or capillary over liquid menisci were discussed earlier
to be comparable with the Stefan flow. as well but these processes were considered to pro-
The account taken of film motion of liqueous ceed at isothermal conditions. In the authors' case
moisture over capillary walls contributes to further moisture evaporation and condensation in capillary
improvement of the model mechanism of capillary are determined by the temperature drop along its
transfer [3]. Film motion of moisture is caused by the length and by the geometry of pores and capillaries
difference of liquid chemical potentials near the of the body. This is the principle point in the mechanism
capillary wall and in the bulk of liquid. It is the of moisture transfer in the capillary under the authors'
difference of chemical potentials which creates the consideration.
so-called wedging pressure. The wedging pressure is It was found through a number of investigations
determined by the pressure difference between the that surface diffusion of vapour or gas contributes
liquid-solid phase on a flat interface between the liquid much to the transfer process. Therefore the velocity
in a thin layer and the bulk of liquid adjacent to of vapour migration along the capillary length depends
the thin layer. Thus liquid evaporation proceeds not not only on the linear diffusion velocity but also on
only on the liquid meniscus in a capillary but also the time of molecule adsorption on the surface of the
from capillary walls covered with a thin liquid layer. capillary wall, i.e. on the velocity of surface diffusion.
Up to now, however, no kinetic consideration has Such a vapour migration mechanism is discussed in
been given to surface evaporation of a thin liquid layer the second part of the paper. The relationships obtained
covering the capillary walls. may be used to analyse the mechanism of drying moist
In the paper an attempt is made to describe in materials and transpiration cooling of heat-protecting
detail the mechanism of vapour transfer with a free- materials.
molecular flow in a thin capillary (microcapillary) To conclude, itis shown how the approximate theory
with account taken of evaporation both from the liquid of the mean free path length may be used for investi-
meniscus and from the lateral side of the capillary in gation of the kinetics of vapour transfer through a
the presence of a temperature gradient along the highly disperse porous body when the capillary model
capillary wall. The analysis of such a mechanism has is inexact.
shown that inside a capillary-porous body partially
filled with liquid the evaporation and condensation
processes may occur. The dimensionless parameters
s and / are the main characteristic values. The first is I. MICROCAP1LLARYVAPOUR FLOW INCLUDING
a product of the dimensionless heat of liquid-vapour PHASE CONVERSIONS

phase transition and relative temperature drop along We shall consider a cylindrical capillary with a fiat
the capillary, and the second is the capillary length to bottom (X = 0) from one side, and evaporation (sub-
radius ratio (dimensionless length of the capillary). limation) proceeding both on the lateral surface and
Rough estimation of s for liquid evaporation.into at the bottom. A constant temperature gradient is
vacuum (To = 220°; T = 10"C) yields s -~ 1.3. Then for prescribed along the capillary. The number of mol-
l = s and at / > 1 (i.e. when the capillary length is ecules evaporating from the unit surface per unit time is
greater than the radius), vapour condensation may
occur at the capillary meniscus, while near the exit Pe(T)
evaporation may proceed. However, if I < 1 (the length j(o:, T) = ~ (2~mk r)l/2 .
of the capillary is less than its radius) evaporation
takes place at both capillary ends of the same condi- It is assumed that the flow of molecules leaving the
tions. Thus, the pore structure (l) exerts a considerable unit surface contains s-fraction of evaporating mol-
effect on the mechanism of vapour migration. The ecules and 1-a-fraction of reflected molecules. In the
value l is always positive, while s may be negative paper diffuse [-4] and specular reflections are con-
as well depending on the sign of the temperature sidered.
gradient AT along the capillary (s ~ 0). If s < 0, then
with 1 = - s the mechanism of vapour migration will (a) Diffuse reflection
differ from that at / = s. Hence, the direction of the With diffuse reflection, for a flow of molecules from
temperature gradient has an effect on evaporation the unit lateral surface of a capillary the following
Theoretical investigation of vapour transfer 963

equation is obtained [the flow is referred to the value The coefficients a 1 and a 2 are sought by substituting
j(1, To) = J 0 ] : (4) into (1) (assuming that % = ~) and equating the
coefficients at exp{lx} and exp{ - I x } :
Pe(T) ( T o ~ 1/2
I(x) = ~ Pe(To)\ ~ } exp{c} exp{-c} b exp{s}
al c-I a2 c+l $2-c 2 s - l '

a l [ - c ~ l +~_~l (exp{c-l} - 1);

The first summand herein describes evaporating mol-

ecules, the second, those getting onto the unit lateral +a I
2'exp/-"+c'/ l'l

surface in the vicinity of the point x from the remaining

lateral surface (integral summand) and from the bottom b c~
[loK(x)] and then reflected (S2--C2)(sWl) I
b(1 - c 0
I o = c%+2/(1 - % )
f0 I(~)K(~)d~, l = --.
(s2- c2)(s- l) (exp {s -
In case of s = _+c [that for c~ = 1 may be written as
l} - 1).

The expressions for the functions K(x) and Kl(x ) are (Q/kTo)(AT/Tol) = + 1], the solution of equation (3)
given in [5] is expressed as follows
12X2+2 1 dK(x) b
K(x)=2(12x2+4)l/2 2 x' Kl(x)- dx I = a'1 exp{cx} + a 2 exp{ - cx} + ~ x exp{sx}, (4 l)

For nonisothermal capillary surface, if the surface where a t1 and a t2 as well as a 1 and a 2 in (4) are
temperature varies by the law determined from the system of algebraic equations
obtained after substitution of (41) into (1).
T(x) = To(1 + Ax) For the flow of molecules at the capillary exit find

and IA I << 1, the pressure Pe may be expressed as follows

Bexp - Q ~
Pe(X)= t kT(x) } where

= Bexp{-k@ ° (1-Ax)}. (2) dK2(x) - 21K(x).

In a particular case of c~ = 1 and s ¢ c for approxi-
In a number of works (for example [6]) it is shown
mate K(x) and K2(x), obtain from (1) and (5)
that for comparatively short capillaries the functions
K(x) and Kl(x) may be substituted by exponents with N =jo~RZexp{-l}I1 +~+/(exp{s+l}-l)]. (6)
sufficient degree of accuracy. Thus
K(x) = ½exp{ - Ix}. It follows from (6) that at I >> s the flow is expressed by
Using approximate expressions for K and K 1 we
substitute (2) into (1). By differentiating (1) twice and
combining the relation obtained with the initial one,
i.e. N tends to j0zrR 2 exp{s} being independent of I.
get the following differential equation
At e = 1 and s = 0 (isothermal case) the value of
d2I flow independent of I is found from (1) and (5)
dx 2 - - c2I = b exp{sx}, (3)
Ni = j0rcR 2.
The same relationship is arrived at, with exact ex-
s = - -QA C2 = M 2, b = ~(s 2_12). pressions for the functions K(x) and K2(x). A similar
kT o' result is qualitatively explained in [7].
At c~~ 1 the expressions for l(x) and N become
Solution of (3) for s 4= + c is of the form
rather cumbersome. Numerical calculations were per-
b formed for ice at To = 213°K, with approximate func-
I = a I exp{cx} + a 2 exp{ -cx} + s ~ c 2 exp{sx}. (4) tions K(x), Kl(x) and K2(x ) being used.

fl = 0, i.e. of an isothermal capillary, evaporation

//- a=o.s occurs along the whole of its length and the flow J
attains its maximum value at x = 1.
For s = 1 we have

J(x) = ½exp{ -lx}[(z3 - / ( 1 -x))exp{21x} - ½ ] , (10a)

"• j_ ..... -2-o7~
where s = - l

J(x) = ½exp{ - Ix} [½(1 + exp{2l(x- 1)} - lx]. (10b)

From (10a) it is seen that for l < l J ( 0 ) > 0 and
J(1) > 0, i.e. evaporation takes place at both ends of
/ a =0"8 the capillary and at l > 1 J(0) < 0, J(1) > 0, i.e. with
increasing x transition from condensation to evap-
c =0'[
oration occurs.
Expression (10b) indicates that for all I at x - - 0
evaporation occurs, for x = l evaporation takes place
at l < 1 and condensation, at l > 1.
2 4 6 8 lO
When evaporation proceeds only at the bottom with
diffuse reflection of molecules from the lateral sur-
FIG. h Flow N at the capillary exit vs I face, the flow I may be obtained from (1) assuming
with diffuse reflection (To = 21YK, l =
10-1 c m ) - - - A T = 0 c ; - AT = -10.

The calculations showed that for c~# 1 and AT = 0 (b) Elucidate the effect of specular reflection of molecules
the flow at the capillary exit at small I increases with l, on the net flow at the capillary exit
and then practically becomes independent of 1 (Fig. 1). The number of molecules that evaporated from the
In case of a # 1 AT # 0 the behaviour of the curves side surface and left the capillary after multiple specular
characterizing the flow dependence on / was more reflections, is written as follows [8]
At the lateral surface the net dimensionless flow of
molecules is determined by
N w = 2~R21 i j(~,
T)SI(1 - x ) d x , (11)

--J(x) = I ( x ) - l ( x ) = ~ [ l - ( x ) - e x p { s x } ] . (7)
where I is a flow of molecules getting onto unit lateral
surface. I is sought from the equation

I-(x) =
fo' l ( ~ ) K l ( l x - ~ l ) d ~ + I o K ( x ).

Upon determining I from (1), we shall calculate l -

For the number of molecules evaporated from the
bottom, then multiply reflected from the walls and
from (8) and then the net molecular flow from (7).
left the capillary obtain (by assuming ~0 = c0
Write the flow J(x) for a particular case of ~ = 1
omitting a cumbersome general formula. At s # + 1
N b = nR2j(a, To)S2(1), (12)

J(x) = lexp{ - l x } |/~

[ < + exp
_ {(fi rex}

1 exp{l(2x+fi-1)}- fl 1
-fl---1 /~, (9) S2(x)=Kz(x)+ (1-~)" K2 n ~ l -K2 '
where fl = s/l, and the positive value of J corresponds
to evaporation. Besides, the account should be taken of the molecules
It follows from (9) that the behaviour of J(x) is which left the capillary after they had evaporated from
determined by I and ft. Thus for 1 < fl < exp{/(fl- 1)} the lateral surface, got to the bottom and reflected
at x = 0 J < 0, at x = 1 J > 0. As to the case of specularly from it. They are allowed for approximately
Theoretical investigation of vapour transfer 965

through substitution by the diffusely reflected mol- from the other (X = L). The surface of liquid is char-
ecules acterized by the specular reflection coefficient a.

N'~ = 2~R2lS2(1)(1-~) j" o

j(~, T)SI(x)dx. (13)
An integro-differential equation for the surface
density of molecules is of the form
1 d [ dnl=,~:,;)_l"n({}
The flow at the capillary exit is determined by Li d~x D'(X)dx z(x) jo r(~)
summation of (11)-(13).
It follows from the calculation results for diffuse [ K l ( I x - g I)+ aK,(x + ~)] d~ - N-° K(x) - N, (14)
and specular reflections that at small l the values of YI0 /10
exit flows are similar. In case of specular reflection [K(1 - x ) + GK(I +x)].
with increasing / the rate of flow increase is higher
than with diffuse reflection. Here N o and N 1 are flows of molecules diffused from
The case of the bottom evaporation with specular the unit surface of the bottom and of those from the
reflection from the bottom and diffuse reflection from tank passed through a unit area of the open end,
the side surface is considered in the second part of respectively.
the manuscript. In equation (14) the term in the left-hand side is
specified by the surface diffusion of molecules. The
2. S U R F A C E D I F F U S I O N E F F E C T O N F R E E - M O L E C U L A R integral term in the right-hand side corresponds to the
VAPOUR FLOW THROUGH A CAPILLARY flow of molecules falling per unit surface of the capillary
Experimental investigation of gas flows in capillaries side from the remaining surface as a result of desorp-
at free-molecular regime revealed the difference be- tion by the cosine law (the first summand) and of
tween the conductivity measured and that calculated specular reflection from the bottom (the second
by the Knudsen formula. One of the reasons of this summand).
difference is surface diffusion [9]. The latter is explained The first term out of the integral sign describes a
by the fact that at low density the molecules adsorbed flow of molecules diffusing from the bottom and falling
on the surface may be considered as two-dimensional per unit surface of a capillary, the second and third
gas and thus in the presence of the density gradient terms are flows of molecules entering the capillary
a two-dimensional diffusion flow takes place which is through the open end and falling onto the wall directly
described by and after specular reflection from the bottom.
We shall formulate the boundary conditions for
integro-differential equation (14). It should be noted
s~ = - D d 2.
that surface diffusion takes place not only in a capillary
Some works are known with account taken of the but on an internal surface of the tank as well. In this
surface diffusion effect. Thus, in [10] the problem is case it is considered that at a distance of the order of
considered on the Knudsen flow in a long tube with X = l / x / ~ ~ adsorption equilibrium is achieved on the
surface diffusion flow, wherein the effect of surface tank surface, i.e. the density of molecules (dimentional)
diffusion due to linear dependence of the surface is determined by
density on the coordinate shows itself through con- r~e = NI"C 1 .
tribution of this flow to the Knudsen flow.
Then for the open end of the capillary, with account
In other works an integro-differential equation is
taken of the conjugation conditions (equality of den-
solved for the surface density of molecules which in a
sities and fluxes) on the capillary-tank interface, the
limited case of no surface diffusion transits into the
following condition of the third kind may be written
integral Klausing equation. In [ l l ] , particularly, the
solution of this equation is built by the iteration dn = L ~11(11 e - I1), (15)
method for the case of a short capillary (1 = L/R << l) dx
and in [5, 12] a similar problem is solved numerically where
for any/. In these studies, however, no investigation 1
E t -
is made of the effect of different terms in the integro- zl(l)Ds(1)
differential equation on the capillary conductivity.
For correct formulation of the boundary condition
This part of the manuscript deals with an approxi-
at x = 0 the values characterizing the kinetics of two-
mate analytical investigation of a free-molecular
dimensional evaporation should be prescribed [13].
vapour flow with regard for surface diffusion in a
Since there are no such data available in the literature,
cylindrical capillary bounded by a flat surface of
the use is made of the following condition
evaporating liquid from one side (X = 0) and connected
with the tank filled with the vapours of this liquid, n(0) = 1. (16)
The flows N o and N~ have been determined by the By substituting (19) into (18) and equating the co-
formulae efficients at e x p { - / x } and exp{lx}, we obtain two
Pe Pl equations for a 1, a 2, a 3 and a 4 determination. Two
N O = (1 - a) (2nm-k-To)l/2, N 1 (2rcmkT1)l/2 other equations are sought from boundary coffditions
(15) and (16). Hence, to calculate four unknown co-
(a) Isothermal case
efficients a system of four linear equations should
Assuming r = const, D~ = const and substituting
K(x) by the exponent, from (14) we get be solved

G L d2n
~ = n(x)-~I fo n(~)[exp{-l[x-~l} all[1-~+2~(exp{-(cl + l ) } - l) 1

No~ l 1 a
+ ~rexp{ - l(x + ¢)}] d~ - 2 ~ ° exp{ - Ix}

N 1-r + y [ - a 3 1 - t y + a exp{ - l} (l+ 1)]

2no [ e x p { - l ( 1 - x ) } + crexp{-/(1 +x)}], (17)
where + a 4 ( l -or+or e x p { - l } ) = ~ ( N o + ~ N ~ e x p { - l } ) ,
G L - EL 2 • la a . la z . I+ 1 Ni z
l + cl eXp{ - c l } ± l ~ l , a3 - ~ - + a,, - no '
It follows from (17) that the larger the dimensionless
parameter GL, the greater contribution of the surface a 1 exp{ - ci }(1 - c, G~/2) + a 2(1 + c~ G1/2)
diffusion into n distribution over the capillary surface. + a3( l + G[/2) + a~ = n e,
In particular, at Gc >> 1 the density n is found by
solution of the equation al + a 2 e x p { - q } + a 4=1. (20)
d2n To investigate the solution obtained, numerical
--~0 calculations have been performed. Of particular interest
dx 2
is the case of GL << 1 (note that for GL = 0 solution of
with boundary conditions (15) and (16), i.e. it varies equation (17) is a linear function). As it could be
linearily expected, for such values of GL the existence of bound-
ary layers is distinctly seen at the capillary ends and
n = l + Bx, B = Lx/-~(ne-1)
1+ Lx/~- in the middle the curve n(x) transits into a. linear
function (Fig. 2) whose slope coincides with that of a
On the other hand, in case of GL << 1 equation (17) straight line being a solution of equation (14) at GL = 0.
possesses a minor parameter at a major derivative. The explanation is that in this range the right-hand
Therefore, at any infinitesimal values of GL at the side of equation (17) makes a major contribution into
capillary ends the regions (boundary layers) exist its solution. This peculiarity of the dependence of n on x
where a differential term in equation (17) should be at GL << 1 is seen in the figure where the results of
regarded for, i.e. the minor parameter method being
used, the disturbed solution will not be equally ap-
plicable for the whole range of x variation. This non-
uniformity is known [14] to be displayed when the
perturbation parameter is a ratio of two lengths. In
the present problem G1/2 is a ratio of the mean square
displacement of a particle over the surface 1/x/E-to
the capillary length L.
To solve equation (17) it is differentiated twice
over x. Combination of the expression obtained with n 0.5C = 0
initial equation (17) yields

d4n 2d2n = 0, c 2 = 12+G[. 1. (18)

dx 4 cl ~dx

Solution of equation (18) is written as follows

o 0.5 i
n = a 1 exp{ - c x x } + a 2 e x p { - q ( 1 - x ) } FIG. 2. Surface density of molecules vs
+ a 3 x + a 4. (19) longitudinal coordinate.
Theoretical investigation of vapour transfer 967

numerical calculations are presented for water with the This expression is a generalization of the known
following parameters: GL = 4 x 10-3; / = 0.1; o- = 0 Knudsen formula [15] for the case of evaporation
and 0'8; T = 300°K; p~ = 3430N/m2; p~ = 490N/m 2. from a finite length capillary. To compare, it should
As to the flows in case of G L being of the order of be noted that the exact Knudsen formula (L/R >> 1,
unity, the curve n(x) cannot be divided into three zones. o-= 0) includes coefficient 8/3, and when the expo-
The net flow of molecules at the capillary exit is nential kernel is used in (21), coellicient 2.
equal to the sum of surface diffusion flow N~{1)=
2~zRJ~(1) and flow of molecules N(1) emitting through (b) Nonisothermal case
the open end of the capillary. It should be kept in The values r and D~ are related with the surface
mind that at G R >> 1, N s >> N and at (;~ << 1 N~ << N temperature as follows [9]
(since G~ = 1/ER 2 characterizes the ratio of conduc-
tivities due to surface and Knudsen diffusion).
The expression for N is of the form r = z 0 exp u ) , D~=D~oexp
" - kT(x
N = 7rR2{NoK2(1)- N~[1 - a K 2 ( 2 ) ] ',
2rcR2no I fl Assume that T = 7o(1 +Ax) and A << 1. Then lin-
+ n(x)[K(1-x)+aK(l+x)]dx. (21)
T J0 earization and substitution of the variable
Here the first term describes a flow of molecules
that diffused from the bottom and covered the distance nx(X) = n(xjexp -
L without collisions. The second term is a flow of
molecules entering the capillary through the open end.
The third term stands for a flow of molecules which reduce.equation for n~ to the form similar to that in
reached the bottom without collisions, reflected specu- case of an isothermal capillary except for the fact that
larly from it and then emitted through the open end. in the left-hand side a term containing the first wtriable
The integral term characterizes the flow of molecules dn~/dx appears. Herein, the ratio of the coefficients
desorbed by the internal surface of the capillary and of the lirst and second derivatives
left it without collision against the wall and after
specular reflection from the bottom. AT ~: 2u
The comparison of the approximate analytical solu- 7'0 kT;~
tion of equation (14) and its numerical solution for
the exact function K(x) has shown that there is but Since from an approximate analysis [9] follows that
slight difference between the values of n(x) correspond- 1
<~,:/u ~ 23, and u/k T o >>1, the order of the magnitude
ing to exact and approximate expressions for K(x), of 7 is equal to A T / 7 ) ) x u / k T o. If ?,-~ 1, then at
this difference increasing with decrease of GL and GL(0) << 1, i.e. in case of short boundary layers the term
increase of/. As for the appropriated values of N, they containing the second deriwttive is much greater than
differ from one another in a greater degree than those the summand with the lirst derivative. Hence, the
of n(x) do. solution of the equation for ~h can be presented in
In (21), in order to decrease the calculation errors, the form
an exact solution for the function K(x) should be used
rather than an approximate one. For G~ << 1, however, ni(xlro
integration of the terms with a~ and a 2 yields a small "Ei
contribution into the value of N. To simplify in- i.e.
tegration, therefore, in (21) an approximate exponential
expression for K(x) may be particularly used (in the " )/ n~IxlrIx)
n(x) -~ nl(x)ex p h"l'(i~: zi (22)
summands including a 1 and a2).
With no surface diffusion, we have for N relation-
ship (21) wherein n(x) is the solution to integral everywhere but in the nearest vicinity of the open end
equation (17) at G~, = 0 with an exponential kernel, (where the temperature Tt effect appears due to the
i.e. it is a linear function. This allows easy calculation boundary condition at the exit (15)).
of the integral term in (21) with exact kernel K(x). The flow N at the capillary exit is expressed by the
In case of L > R and N~ = 0, particularly, obtained formula differing from [21) only by 1/r(x) includcd in
within R2/L 2 the subintcgral expression. Bccause of relationship {22),
7 R NO (1 nonisothermity has almost no ell'oct on the integral
N=~ L 1_o.+2 R \ 7 L] for IAI << 1. The tirst summand in (21) depends only
L on To. Two other ones containing the tlow N~ depend

on 7'1-1/2 but since T1 = To(I+A ) and IAI<< 1 this and, with the above in view, is of the form
dependence is not significant. At low temperature
2Flctpe 1 ~L
drop the flow N, therefore, is independent of the non- N = [(2~m__m~t/z~_4fl_=n)[Lf0 n'(g)v
isothermity, while the surface densities n(x) for A = 0
and A :~ 0 are essentially different. Hence, in a non- p(]) L -
isothermal case the net molecular flow N + N~ differs -~ (2rcmkT)l/z. E 3 ( ~ ) l t E 3 ( x L - )
from the appropriate flow in an isothermal capillary
[since N~ = - [2~zD~(1)no/I] [dn/dx](1)}. + L [ ~'_n;(:)vE 2 ( L ( x _ ~ j ~ d g _ L [ 1 n'(~!v
The numerical solution to equation (14) for the case Jo 22 \2 / d:, 22
of ice evaporation showed the validity of the above
considerations and expression (22), in particular. As E2 ( ~ - x ) d?, (2rrmkT)l/2
to the cases of GL(0) ~ 1, i.e. the absence of boundary
layers, and of IA I ~ 1, i.e. high temperature drops, [L(1-x)~
X /2,3~ - - ~ , (23)
equation (14) was solved numerically to determine n(x)
and N. where


We shall consider a plane-parallel layer of a high- In equation (23) the first four terms present the
dispersed porous body limited with evaporating liquid number of molecules passing upwards through the
from below and with its vapours from above. The plane yz being at a distance of X from the liquid
system is under isothermal conditions. surface. They include evaporated molecules, those
The transient vapour flow regime that is often scattered in the layer between the evaporating sur-
encountered in technological processes is the most face and the plane yz, the molecules which scattered
complicated to be theoretically described. Consider in the layer with the thickness L, fell onto the bound-
the vapour flow through a dry layer of a porous body ary surface and diffusely reflected from it, and the
by representing the porous body-gas system as binary molecules from the volume over the porous body
mixture. The molecules of one of the components are diffusely reflected from the boundary surface. Two last
fixed, their sizes and mass greatly exceed the sizes and terms are the molecules from the gas medium over
mass of the second component (real gas) [16-18]. the porous body and those collided in the porous body
The account is taken of, that the possibility of of thickness L-X.
covering the distance X by a molecule without collision Equation (24) when being in a general form fails to
is exp[ - ( X / 2 ) ] [19], Below it is assumed that the free be solved. Therefore, the functions E z and E 3 are sub-
molecular path length is constant. In the model under stituted by exponential functions similarly to [21].
consideration 2 is of the form [19, 20] By differentiating twice equation (23) and combining
1 I I the expression obtained with the initial one, we arrive
- I- at a differential equation for the molecular density.
"~ 211 ~'12'
From the equation derived and (23) obtain the ex-
where 211 is free path length of real molecules relative pression for a flow of molecules
to the molecules themselves; 212 is free path length o f
real molecules relative to fixed molecules. When deter-
42FI~ Pe - p ( 1 )
mining ~-12 the account should be taken of the proper U - (24)
volume of fixed molecules and the possibility of their
(2r~mkT) 1/2 42 + 3L~FI"
mutual overlapping.
Consider the interface between evaporating liquid At 2/L ~ oo find from (24) an expression for evap-
and porous body. The evaporating liquid occupies the oration from flee surface
portion H of the whole surface area. The part of the
surface I - F I is occupied with solid particles of the N O = o:Fl G - P
(2rcmk T)l/2 "
porous body and reflects diffusely all the molecules
that fell on it. At 2/L--,O we get an ordinary expression for a
The total flow of molecules passing through the dry diffusion flow if in the given diffusional approximation,
layer of porous body in the direction of the axis X it is assumed that n~ ~ n(0):
consists of the difference between the number of mol-
ecules flying upwards and those flying downwards. At 1 n'(l) - n'(0)
N = - ~ v2 L
steady state this flow does not depend on the coordinate
Theoretical investigation of vapour transfer 969

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R~sum~ Dans la premi6re partie de I'article on 6tudic l'dvaporation capillaire dans des conditions de
r6gime mol6culaire fibre pour un cas non isotherme, en supposant que l'6vaporation se fait ~ la fois sur
la surface lat6rale et sur le fond. On consid6re deux modes de r6flexion sur la surface, soit diffus soit
sp6culaire. Dans les deux cas on obtient des expressions approch6es des flux de mol6cules fi la sortie du
milieu capillaire. Darts le cas de la r6flexion diffuse, on obtient h la lois le flux de mol6cules quittant
l'unit6 de surface et le flux net surfacique. On 6tudie la transition de phase a la paroi en fonction d'une
longueur adimensionnelle et dc la chute dcpression.
Dans la seconde partie, on montre que I'effet de la diffusion cn surface, sur la conductivit6 capillaire
est d6termin6 par lc param6tre adimensionnel (;L dgal an rapport de la racine carr6e de la moyenne
quadratique du d6placement d'une moldcule en surface, il la longueur capillaire. On traite l',Squation
int6gro-diff6rentielle initiale.
Dans la troisi6me partie bas6e sur la th6oric aFprochdc d[i libre parcours moyen, on trouvc une
expression pour un 6coulement de vapeur ,l travers un corps poreux fortement dispers6 quand le mod+le
capillaire n'est plus exact.


Zusammenfassung lm ersten Teil der Arbeit wird eine Untersuchung der kapillaren Verdampfung unter
der Bedingung freier Molekularbewegung fiir einen nicht isothermen Fall behandelt, wobei vorausgesetzt
isL dab die Verdampfung an der Seitenwand und am Boden stattfindet. Zwei A r t e n d e r Reflexionen
yon der Obcrfl~ichc, diffus und spiegelnd, werden betrachtet. Ftir beide F~ille werden N~iherungsbezie-
hungen fiir den Molekularstrom am Kapillarende abgeleitet. Im Fall der diffusen Reflexion stimmen
dcr Molekularstrom an den Seitenfl~ichen und der rcine Oberfl~ichenstrom iiberein. Dieser Ausdruck
crlaubt Untersuchungen des Phaseniiberganges an der Wand, dcr yon der dimensionslosen L~inge und
dcr Temperaturdiffcrenz abh~ingt.
Im zweiten Tell wird gezeigt, dab die Wirkung der Oberfl~ichendiffusion auf die kapillare Leitf'~ihigkeit
durch den dimensionslosen Parameter GL bestimmt wird, der gleich dem Quadrat des Verh~iltnisses
yon mittlerer quadratischer Verschiebung eines Moleki~ls tiber die Oberff,iche zur Kapillarl~inge ist; dies
erg~,inzt die friihere Ableitung der integralen Differentialgleichung in ihrer Ausgangsform. Im dritten
Tell wird. wenn das Kapillarmodell zu ungenau ist, mit der N:dhcrungstheorie einer mittleren freien,
molekularen Wegl~inge eine Beziehung fiir einen Dampfstrom dutch einen hoch dispersen, por•sen
K 6rper angegeben.

AHaorauna - - B FI(2pBOI71UaCTH Hccne~onauo HcnapenHe H3 KanHnn~pa B yCflOBHflX CBO60]IHOMOJ~eKy-
qflpHoro pe~HMa 2L~n HeH3oTepMH~eCKOFO cayuafl U npe~noJ~o~eHHH, UTO ~cnapeH~e npoHcxo~HT
ztH~bc~)y3uafl H 3epKant, na~. B o6oHx cay~aflx noJly~eHbJ npHOnnZ~eHHble Bblpa)KeHH~ ;1J1~ nOTOKOB
MOdleKyfl Ha BblXOLle 143 K a n n n n ~ p a , a npH dll4qb~by3HOM oTpa)KenHn HaHdleHbl TaK)Ke HOTOK MoJleKyYi,
FlocJiemme Bblpa>KeHHe FIO3BOJ]HflO HCcJleZIOBaTb xapaKTep ~ba3OBOFO n e p e x o h a Ha CTeHKe B 3aBHCH-
MOCTH OT 6e3pa3MepHblX ~flmlbE H TeMnepaTypHoro nepenana.
Bo BTOpO~ ~IaCTH pa6oTb~ noKa3aHo, ~TO BJ~HflHHe HoBepXHOCTHO~ ~IH~Oy3HH Ha rIpOBOJlHMOCTb
Kanna,~flpa onpeae.qneTcn 6e3pa3Mepnb~M napaMeTpoM GL, paBHBIM KBaapaTy OTHOIJJeHHfl cpe~ne-
UBa~]paTn~noro cMemenH~ MOneKy.~b~ no noBepxHOCTn K ~lJmne KanHJ~n~pa ~ CTOflLL[HM nepezt
c r a p m e ~ npon3Bo~no~ B ,CXO~HOM HnTerpo-~n~bdpepeHuHaJ~bnOM ypaBneUHn.
B ~rpeTbe~ ~aCTH paOoTbl Ha ocnoBe npn6J3mKeHno~ TeopHH cpenHei~ ~lnnnb~ CBO6O;~noconpo6era
H a ~ e n o Bb~pa~KeHHe~iJ~ nOTOKa napa ~epe~ BblCOKO~lHcnepcHoe n o p n c f o e TeJ]o, KOF~laKannnn~pna~
MO2I~2~b ~tBdlfteTC~t HeTOtlHO~.

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