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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Let’s Solve Some Equations

Kaylie Bayes
First grade math

Common Core Standards:

OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING Work with addition and subtraction equations. 1.OA.7
Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are
true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6; 7 = 8 – 1; 5 +
2 = 2 + 5; 4 + 1 = 5 + 2. 1.OA.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation
relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in
each of the equations: 8 + = 11; 5 = − 3; 6 + 6 = .
Lesson Summary:
In this lesson students will be able to understand how using addition and subtraction they can solve and
equation. This allows to practice using their math skills and understand that quations can help them solve a
problem or find an answer.

Estimated Duration:

This lesson I plan on making it a four-day lesson by taking time to practice each addition and subtraction
individually, then move onto using them both in some equations. Then move onto practicing a little bit harder
equations combining both addition and subtraction into one equation.

Commentary: I want to let my kids know that in math we are learning how to use our addition and subtraction
in a new way and using them together.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: Class time: 30 minutes

Students will be given a worksheet to work on their basic addition, after about 10 minutes of that they will pull
out their, school given, tablets. Using the tablets they will use an online application practicing easy versions of
equations using only addition. This part would take students roughly 20 minutes.
Day 2: Class time: 30 minutes
During this class time again students will be given a practice sheet of basic subtraction problems for roughly
10 minutes. Next they will take out the tablets and use the online application to use subtraction in equations.
Next students will practice for roughly 20 minutes on paper and the tablet those equations so they understand

Day 3: Class time: 30 minutes

During this class the students will practice the equations that they practiced the days before more written and
on their tablets. This will take the 30 minutes of the class time.

Day 4: Class time: 30 minutes

During the 30 minutes of this class the students will be given 15 minutes to practice online on their tablets to
use addition and subtraction combined in one equation, then they will practice on a worksheet to better
understand the topic. This will take the last 15 minutes of the class time.

I want to test the students using a practice worksheet with some addition and subtraction equations on it to see
how they do and what else I need to do to help them understand and comprehend this topic.

Scoring Guidelines:
I will grade each like I would a homework assignment and if most of the class missed 5 or more problems then
I know I must go slow on the two days that the work on equations.

Hand out the same worksheet as in the pre- assessment.
Scoring Guidelines:
if they have more right than wrong then I know that they understood and comprehended the topic and if they
still got most of them wrong then I will go over the topic once again until they comprehend it.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
students: I will give those gifted a few harder equations to practice and if I have accelerated ones they will be
given hard equations.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: With students struggle I will try to, when the other students are doing the work, to work one-on-one
with them no matter how long it takes for them to understand it.


Homework Options and Home Connections

If the students do not finish the worksheets handed out in class during the time that they are allowed to work
on them, they will become homework for them to finish and bring back the next day.

Interdisciplinary Connections
To integrate this into other areas he students can use their new understanding of equations in science and use
them to find the weight of an object or the mass of an object. Also it can be used in social studies to help
students find a time that something happened using an equation.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers  Worksheets for pre-assessment, class time, and pot-assessment

 Teachers personal tablet

For students  Their school assigned tabets

Key Vocabulary
There are no really key vocabulary terms to know in this lesson,

Additional Notes

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