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Date ___________________ Pd ________

The Rise of Totalitarian Dictatorships

I. The Rise of Totalitarian Dictators
A. The Impact of World War I
1. After WWI, many nations were struggling to __________________
2. A global _____________________________ in the 1930s led to high
unemployment & a sense of ________________________ in Europe
3. The Treaty of Versailles created _______________________ among
many nations
B. In this climate of postwar uncertainty, __________________________
increased & citizens turned to totalitarian dictators to rule the nation
1. _____________________________ leaders are ________________
who control all aspects of the government & the lives of the citizens
2. Totalitarian leaders gained support by promising jobs, promoting
________________________, & using propaganda
3. Dictators held on to their power by using censorship, secret
_____________________, denying ________________________, &
eliminating opposing rivals or political parties
II. Totalitarian Dictators
A. Stalin in the Soviet Union
1. Among the first totalitarian dictators was ___________________________ of the Soviet Union
2. Stalin was ____________________ & seized all property, farms, factories in order to ______________________ the
economy & create equality
3. He used a _______________________________________ & the Great Purge to eliminate rivals
4. Stalin’s ___________________ Plans & collective farms improved the Soviet Union’s industrial & agricultural output
B. Benito Mussolini in Italy
1. Fascism
a. Not all totalitarian dictators were Communists
b. In ____________, ___________________, & Spain, people turned to an extremely nationalist gov’t called fascism
i. _________________ gov’ts were controlled by dictators who demanded _____________________ from citizens
ii. Fascists did not offer _____________________________ & used one-party to rule the nation
c. Fascism vs. Communism
i. Unlike Communists, fascists believed people could keep their _______________________________
ii. Mussolini & Hitler believed in fascism: the idea that nations need strong ___________________, total authority
by one party, but that people can keep private property
iii. Stalin was a Communist believed that the government should control all ______________________ & business
2. In Italy, __________________________________ formed the Fascist Party
a. Mussolini gained popularity by promising to revive the economy, rebuild the _______________, & expand Italy to
create a new _________________ Empire
b. Mussolini created the ________________________ (a secret police force) to enforce the goals of his Fascist Party
3. By 1922, Mussolini was popular enough to lead a “_____________________________________” & forced the Italian
king to name him prime minister
4. As _________________________________, Benito Mussolini was known as “Il Duce” (the chief)
a. Mussolini ended __________________________ & all opposition parties
b. Mussolini built up the military to create new _____________
c. He planned to conquer new ____________________________ in Africa for Italy
C. Adolf Hitler in Germany
1. The Nazis were a ___________________ group in Germany that wanted to overthrow the disloyal Weimar Republic
2. ______________________________ was an early Nazi recruit & quickly rose to power in the party
3. Hitler was ____________________ by Mussolini & used many of his ideas to make the Nazi Party strong in Germany
a. The Nazis created their own militia called the ______________________________
b. Hitler planned a ____________________________________ but he was _______________ & jailed for 9 months
4. While in jail, Hitler wrote _________________________ which outlined his plans for Germany
a. He wrote that Germans were members of a ____________________ called Aryans & all non-Aryans were inferior
b. He declared that Germans needed lebensraum (_________________) & should conquer Eastern Europe & Russia
c. He called the Versailles Treaty an outraged & vowed to ___________________ taken from Germany after the war
5. When Hitler was released from jail in 1924, he spent years organizing the Nazis into Germany’s most powerful
political party
6. In 1933, Hitler was named ______________________ (prime minister) of Germany
a. As chancellor, Hitler used his power to name himself _________________________
b. He called his gov’t the ________________________ to promote _______________ & nationalism
c. Hitler put Germans to work by building ______________, highways, weapons, & increasing the _______________
d. He created the gov’t protection squad called the _______ and a secret police called the ___________________ to
eliminate rivals & control all aspects of Germany
7. Attacks on Jews
a. In 1935, Hitler began a series of _______________________ laws called the ______________________________
that deprived German Jews of the rights of citizens, forbade mixed Jewish marriages, & required Jews to wear a
b. In 1938, Hitler ordered ______________________________ (Night of Broken Glass), a series of ______________
on Jewish synagogues & businesses
D. Hideki Tojo in Japan
1. After WWI, Japan was the _____________________ nation in Asia & was ready to _______________________ new
lands to provide resources for Japanese industry
2. Emperor Hirohito, gave full control of the Japanese military to _______________________________________ who
served as a military dictator
E. In the 1930s, Japan, Italy, & Germany began aggressively _____________________ into new territories… these actions
caused ____________________________ in 1939
1. Italy invaded _____________________ & Albania
2. Japan invaded Manchuria, northern _____________; invaded Indochina & the East Indies
3. Germany annexed Austria & ____________________________________

Comparing Communism, Fascism, Democracy

Fascist Italy Nazi Germany Communist Soviet Union Democracy United States

Brief description of this government Brief description of this government Brief description of this government

Similarities among totalitarian governments How is this different from


How is this different from Communism? How is this different from Fascism? How is this different from both
Communism and Fascism?

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