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AFL skills assessment rubric

Student name: _______________________

Nelson Physical Education Studies for Western Australia 2A, 2B © Cengage Learning Australia 2010
 Demonstrates  Demonstrates  Demonstrates  Successfully  Is able to  At pace is able  At pace is able
Skills ability1to wrap 2 to
an ability 3 to
an ability 4
completes a 5
successfully to hold6 an 7 an
to hold
arms around a position position stand-up tackle tackle a large opponent and opponent and
tackle bag and correctly to correctly to where the opponent and stop them from stop them from
 Positions
hold hands
on firmly  Is ablea to
make mark
tackle  Demonstrates
make a tackle  Hands move at
opposition  Able them
stop to mark
from  Demonstrates
releasing the  Running atthe
to the ball the ball on  ability
Achievesto mark
some the balliswith
player the ball the
releasing ability to jump
ball speed is able to
the chest the ball
success with force and
retarded overhead under
ball at the ball  mark a to
Is able fast
the tackleinand
a player is able to some pressure  Demonstrates moving
and dumpball
is able to retard strongly grab  Demonstrates ability to lead  Has the ability
opponent on the
the opposition the ball awareness of at the ball at to hold off
ground an
player  Is able to take a opponents to pace and opponentanin a
chest mark on position their complete a show of
the run own body in mark on the strength and
 Demonstrates  Runs towards  Reads the  Demonstrates  Demonstrates
such a way as  Demonstrates
chest  Demonstrates
mark the ball
ability to track the ball bounce of the an ability to run an abilitythe
to shield to an ability to an ability to
the ball in flight ball past and assist find space and block  Demonstrates
move an
space skills ball ability to jump
 Starts to read a teammate receive the ball opposition opposition
players from over opponents
player out of
the play and to markcreating
the ball
move early into entering the space,
 In a stationary  Guides the ball  Demonstrates
position  Demonstrates  Uses their non-  space
Demonstrates  space for
Kicking teammates
kick, holds the to the foot with correct ability to kick preferred foot ability to use ability with both
ball in two one hand technique using their non- when they are their non-  feet toearly
hands and  Demonstrates whilst on the preferred foot under pressure preferred foot accurately
when kick
successfully ability to run  Demonstrates to successfully over distance  to a fast
Runs moving
forward or
lands the point complete the  Is able to kick ability to kick dispose of the  Demonstrates player, whilst
back well
of the ball on kicking skill accurately on correctly whilst ball ability to pass under
the ball
the laces whilst jogging goal over 30 m under pressure  Demonstrates to a player  Is able to
arrives –
 Is able to kick ability to pass leading into successfully
reading the play
accurately to a player who space demonstrate
is in space  Is able to kick various screw
 Is able to kick
 Is able to kick accurately on kicks around
accurately on
accurately on goal over 45 m goal
goal over 35 m
goal over 40 m  Is able to kick
accurately on
goal over 50 m

 Holding the ball  Demonstrates  Demonstrates a  Has the ability  Is able to  Under pressure,  Under extreme
in the hand, is ability to successful to handball handball to a is able to use pressure, is
able to punch successfully handball to a whilst moving moving target handball to able to pick the
the ball with a handball the target showing  Demonstrates with either maintain ball up off the
closed fist ball off the the correct spin ability to hand possession of ground and
hand to a  Demonstrates handball to a  Demonstrates the ball handball to a
stationary ability to moving target ability to  Demonstrates teammate with
target handball handball ability to either hand
 Demonstrates
successfully ability to successfully handball  Demonstrates
over 10 m over 15 m successfully ability to
Nelson Physical Education Studies for Western Australia 2A,handball
2B © Cengage Learning Australia 2010 over 20 m handball
2 successfully
over 12 m
over 25 m

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