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Nombre: ________________________________________________________ Hora: 1ª / 2ª / 3ª / 4ª

Mi familia
- You must complete any FIVE of the activities below for homework this unit. Completion of an additional activity will earn you
up to 4 points of extra credit. The 2 vocabulary squares are REQUIRED. If you want to get full credit and/or extra credit on
homework, you MUST complete them.
- If homework is assigned for a particular night, you must complete it THAT night to receive credit. You do not need to
complete EVERY assignment, but must complete 5 by their due dates for 100%.
- DUE ON ________________________
El verbo tener Un crucigrama Quizlet
1. Yo ___________ un hermano. Complete the crossword puzzle using Search “srtam_rhs” and find the set
2. Mi hermano ____________ 22 años. your family member vocabulary. entitled “La familia.” Play the “Spell” or
*3. ¡El 19 de diciembre yo voy a COMPLETE IN CLASS 4/25. “Write” feature and earn at least 26/32
___________ 25 años! for credit.
4. Mis padres ____________ un perro;
se llama Jack.
5. Ustedes ____________ una prueba el
6. Mi familia y yo ____________ planes
divertidos para la navidad.
7. ¿Cuántos hermanos __________ tú?
8. Vosotros _____________ un proyecto
– un árbol genealógico.
Due on Wednesday, 4/25 Due on Thursday, 4/26
Due on Thursday, 4/26

Los adjetivos posesivos Contesta las preguntas Vocabulario #1 – REQUIRED

Take the possessive adjective quiz and 1. ¿Cuántos hermanos/as tienes? Copy the family vocabulary, writing the
take a screenshot of your results. Score 2. ¿Tiene tu familia una mascota? English word followed by the Spanish
at least 9/10 for credit. 3. ¿Cuántas personas viven en tu casa? word 3 times each. For example: (vivir = to live) Grandma = la abuela la abuela la abuela
possessive3.html There are 32 terms total from 11/27.
4. ¿Cómo se llaman tus padres?
5. ¿Cómo es tu familia? (usa 2
6. ¿Cuántos primos tienes?
7. ¿Dónde viven tus abuelos?

Due on Friday, 4/27 Due on Friday, 4/27 Due on Monday, 4/30

Vocabulario #2 – REQUIRED ¡Escucha bien! Ser vs. Estar
Take the quiz on Quia for a practice of
Copy the physical description Scan the QR code and answer the following questions. ser (ICON) versus estar (LACE).
1. When is my birthday?
vocabulary, writing the English word 2. How many siblings do I have? Take a screenshot of your results and
followed by the Spanish word 3 times 3. What is my brother’s name and age? earn at least 9/11 for credit.
each. For example: 4. When is his birthday?
5. Where do my parents live? AP_rand=1863212036
Red-headed = pelirrojo pelirrojo pelirrojo 6. What kind of pet do they have?
There are 24 terms total from 11/29. 7. Where do my grandmas live?
8. How many nieces/nephews do my parents have?11
9. How many cousins do I have?
Due on Tuesday, 5/1
Due on Tuesday, 5/1 Due on Wednesday, 5/2
4/27 – Quiz on family tree and possessive adjectives 4/30 – Speaking assessment: describe a family tree 5/4 – Family tree projects due
5/2 – Quiz on physical descriptions 5/3 – Family unit test

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