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guide for the

application, operation, and maintenance of

automatic circuit reclosers

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services
C37.61-1973 I

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard Guide for the
Application, Operation, and Maintenanceof
Automatic Circuit Reclosers

IEEE Reclosers and Sectionalizers Subcommittee
NEMA Automatic Circuit RecloserTechnical Committee

Approved June 22,1972

IEEE Standards Committee

Edison Electric Institute
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved June 14,1973

American National Standards Institute

Published by
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
345 East 47th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services
American National Standard

AnAmericanNational Standard impliesaconsensus of those sub-

stantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National
Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer,
and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard
does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the
standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using
products, processes,orprocedures not conforming tothestandard.
AmericanNational Standards are subject to periodicreview and users
are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.
CAUTION NOTICE: This AmericanNational Standard may be
revisedorwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American
National Standards Institute require that actionbe taken to reaffirm,
revise,orwithdraw this standard no laterthan five years from the
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receive current information on all standards bycallingorwriting the
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway. New York,
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C37 63-73

(This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Guide for the Application, Operation, and Maintenance
of Automatic Circuit Reclosers, C37.61-1973, IEEE Std 321-1973.)
This is anew standard developed to provide informationontheselection,application,
operation and maintenance of automatic circuit reclosers. It represents current practice on this
product in the United States.
The preparationof this standardwas the cooperative work of the IEEE Switchgear Committee
(Reclosers and Sectionalizers Subcommittee), which prepared this standard, and the NEMA
Switchgear Section (SG-13 Automatic Circuit Recloser Technical Committee), and the C37
Subcommittee on Automatic Circuit Reclosers and Line Sectionalizers, which reviewed and
approved the document.
Upon recommendation of this latter subcommittee, theproposed American National Standard
was voted on by Standards Committee C37 on Power Switchgear, and subsequently approved as
a n American National Standard.
Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this standardwill be welcome.They shouldbe
sent to the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Inc, Broadway, New York,N. Y. 10018.

T h e American National Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and
following personnel at the timeof approval:
approved this standard, had the

C. L. Wagner, Chairman
C. M. Clevenger, Executive Vice-chairman, High-Voltage Switchgear Standards
W. R. Wilson, Executive Vice-chairman, IEC Activities
W. E. Laubach, Executive Vice-chairman, Low- Voltage Switchgear Standards
J. G . Werner, Secretary

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. S. Novak
Electric Light and Power Group.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. E. Beehler
H. G. Frus
K. D. Hendrix
F. R. Solis
C. D. Stalnaker
R.W. Hudson ( A l t )
R. H. Knight (Alt)
J. P. Markey (Alt)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Friedrich
J. B. Owens
H. O . Simmons, J r
G. W. Walsh
H. F. White
H. H. Fahnoe(Alt)
J. A. Imhof ( A l t )
M . J. Maier ( A l t )
D. C. Musgrave ( A l t )
National Electrical Manufacturers Association.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. P. Colaiaco
R. W. Dunham
C. E. Gryctko
W. J. Smith
W. R. Wilson
J. G . Werner (Alt)
Tennessee Valley Authority.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owen S. C. Hammer
U.S.DepartmentoftheArmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. H. Bruck
U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureauof Reclamation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edward N. Tomsic
U. S. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command.
COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. M. Hannemann
Licensed by Information Handling Services Leonard W. Johnson ( A l t )
C37 = b L - 7 3 1 4 8 0 5 7 0 2 0028366 b

T h e personnel of the IEEE Reclosers and Sectionalizers Subcommittee who prepared this
standard were as follows:
L. V. McCall, Chairman
R. S. Arnold F. W. Edwards
Bohlinger A. L. R. A. Few
W. L. Carey J. P. Fitzgerald
L. B. Crann E. R. Longman
W. G. Dolloff B. H. Schultz
F. C. Tuefel

T h e personnel of the NEMA Automatic CircuitRecloser Technical Committee who reviewed

and approved this standardwere as follows:
B. H. Schultz, Chairman H. Colin Smith, Secretary
R. H. Arndt A. F. Parks
R. E. Koch (Alt) G . O . Perkins
A. L. Bohlinger K. G. Darrow (Alt)
J. R. Laughlin Fred C. Tuefel
J. R. Jones (Alt) W. C. McKay
R. S. Arnold E. J. Field
R. A. Few

T h e personnel of the C37 Subcommittee on Automatic Circuit Reclosers and Line Sectional-
izers who-reviewedand approved this standardwere as follows:
B. H. Schultz, Chairman . H. Smith,
Colin Secretary
. R. H . .Arndt R. A. Few
A. L. Bohlinger J. P. Fitzgerald
L. B. Crann E. R. Longman
G . W. Dolloff M. L. Paulson
F. W. Edwards i F. C. Teufel

When this standard was approved on June 22,1972, the E-EE Standards Committee had the fol-
lowing membership:
J. Forster, Chairman
B. O . Weinschel,Chairman
Vice S . I. Sherr, Secretary

S. J. Angello G. E. Hertig S. W. Rosenthal

Saul Aronow J. L. Koepfinger Gustave Shapiro
Jack Avins Harvey Lance R. M. Showers
B. B. Barrow B. J. Leon P. H. Smith
F. K. Becker D. T. Michael F. G . Timmel
Richard Brereton J. D. M. Fhelps L. van Rooij
W. H. Cook R. H. Rose, II R. V. Wachter
Louis Costrell W. T. Wintringham

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

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1. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 . Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. ... . 7
3. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 . Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.1 Recloser Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Information Needed for Recloser Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.3 SelectingtheRecloser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 . Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2 Reclosing After Lockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3 ColdLoadPickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6 . Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.1 Frequency of Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.2 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8. Revision of American National Standards Referred to in This Document
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Fig 1 Circuit for Sample Problem 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fig 2 Comparison of Time-Delay or Retarded Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fig 3 Sample Recloser-Fuse Coordination Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fig 4 Circuit for Sample Problem 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fig 5 Circuit for Sample Problem 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Appendix A Recloser Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
A l . StandardRatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
A2 . Operating Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
A3. AccessoryEquipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fig A l Typical Time-Current Curvesof a Single-phase. Hydraulically-Controlled
Recloser Rated 100 A Continuous Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Appendix B Procedure To Determine Maintenance Basis on Number of
Operations of Oil-Filled Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Table B1 Recloser Duty Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Appendix C Basis of Derivation of Duty Factors and Standard
Operating Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fig C l Recloser Duty Factor versus Interrupting Current Rating ........................ 22

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

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C37 *61-73 m 4 8 0 5 7 0 2 O028368 O I

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard Guide for the
Application, Operation, and Maintenanceof
Automatic Circuit Reclosers

1. Scope tional information onrecloser ratings and the

selection of recloser operatingsequences is
Thisapplication guideprovides informa- provided in AppendixA.
tion on the selection, application, operation, Section 5, Operation, recommends t h a t op-
and maintenanceof single or multi-pole alter- erating checks be made on reclosers a t the
nating-currentautomaticcircuit reclosers. time of installation, and after operation, and
T h e guide is for use inconjunctionwith discusses the problems associated with reen-
American National Standard Requirements ergizing a circuitwhichisprotected by a
for Automatic Circuit Reclosers for AC Sys- recloser.
tems, C37.60-1968, and Supplement C37.60a- Section 6, Maintenance, covers the recom-
1971. T h e definitions in American National mended frequency of maintenance, and main-
Standard C37.60-1968 apply to thisguide. tenance procedures. A procedure to determine
maintenance according to the number of re-
closer operations is described in Appendix B.
2. Purpose About 90 percent of all faults on overhead
distribution lines are temporary faults caused
Thisapplication guide was developed to by lightning, conductor slap, or by animal or
identifytheprinciplecharacteristics of re- treecontact.Earlyeffortstoimprovethe
closers,indicatethesysteminformation reliability of service on distribution circuits
needed, and give step-by-step procedures used led to the development of the repeater fuse.
to select reclosers for specific applications. With this arrangement,if a fuse were blown,a
second and, if necessary, a third fuse, would
automatically be insertedintothecircuit.
3. General Since most faults were temporary in nature,
service was usually restored automatically by
Due to thewide variety of operating condi- the replacement fuse, and long service inter-
tions, many different application and main- ruptions were avoided.
tenanceproceduresare employed by users. T h e success of the repeater fuse led to the
This guide does not attempt to present all of development of the automatic circuitrecloser,
theseandis necessarilylimitedin scope. aself-controlled interrupting device which
Wherethereare severalacceptableproce- senses fault currents and proceeds through a
dures, as in theselection of recloser operating predetermined sequence of opening and re-
sequences,commonlyusedalternativesare closing operations, followed by resetting, hold-
described, with a discussion of their relative closed or lockout. Early reclosers were single-
advantages. It assumes that the user of this phase, oil-filled,series-trip devices in which
guide will have someexperience withfault main circuit current above a specified value,
current calculation procedures and with the flowing through a solenoid or operating coil,
application of fuse or relay-controlled circuit provided the energy requiredto open the mai-1
breakersto electric power systems. For the contacts.
user lacking this experience, a list of selected T h e first reclosers had relatively low contin-
references isincluded in Section 7. Sample uous and interrupting current ratings. With
problems illustrate the procedure followed in loadgrowth,highercontinuous andinter-
selectingsingle-phase andthree-phase re- rupting current ratings have been developed.
closers, and inprovidingcoordinationwith Modern reclosers are manufactured insingle-
other protective devices in the circuit. Addi- phase and in three-phase units with mechani-

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services
C37 61-73


cal or electronic control. Interruption maybe (9) Location of major or critical loads and
in oil or in a vacuum. Reclosers having higher whether they are single-or three-phase
current ratings may be shunt trip actuated, 4.2.2 Manufacturers’ data on available re-
with operating energy for tripping and con- closers:
tact opening being obtained apart from the (1) Time-currentcharacteristic(TCC)
main circuit. curves
(2) Operating sequence and control
(3) Current and voltage ratings
(4) Optional accessories
4. Application 4.2.3 Data on other sectionalizing devices
with which the recloser must coordinate:
4.1 Recloser Characteristics. A knowledge of (1) Size or current rating
recloser characteristics and standard ratings (2) Time-currentcharacteristic(TCC)
is a prerequisite to their proper application. curves
T h e characteristics of importance in appli-
cation are:
4.3 Selecting the Recloser. I n selecting a re-
(1) Voltage rating
(2) Continuous current rating closer i t is assumed that the operating se-
quence will be predeterminedby system prac-
(3) Interrupting current rating
tice orby the characteristics of other sectiona-
(4) Minimum tripping current
lizingdevices with which the recloser must
(5) Operating or time-current characteristic
(6) Operating sequence
See Tables 2 and 3 of American National
(7) Reclosing interval
StandardSupplement C37.60a-1971, Note
(8) Reset time
that reclosers are classified by “linenum-
A discussion of recloser characteristics is
bers.” This terminology will be used herein to
given in Appendix A. Manufacturers’ catalogs
identify or refer to various classes of reclosers.
provideinformationonavailable recloser
models, theirindividualcharacteristicsand T h e following steps are to be followed in
optional accessory equipment. Standard rat- selecting a recloser:
ings and requirements for reclosers are speci- Step 1: From Table 2of American National
fied in American National Standard C37.60- Standard Supplement C37.60a-1971, identify
1968 and SupplementC37.60a-1971. allrecloser line numbers acceptable for the
circuit voltage.
(1) Line 1 reclosers may be used on circuits
4.2 Information Needed forRecloser Appli- of 2.4-15 kV
cation. The minimal information given below (2) Line 2-43, inclusive,reclosersmay be
is needed for recloser selection. used on circuits of 2.4-15.5 kV
4.2.1 System data and circuit map show- (3) Line 9-12, inclusive, reclosers may be
in g: I used on circuits of 15.5-27 kV
(1) System voltage (4) Line 13reclosers may be used on circuits
(2) System grounding of 27-38 kV
(3)Systemimpulseinsulationrequire- (5) Line 1 4 reclosers may be used on circuits
ments of 38-48.3 kV
(4) Tentative recloser location (6) Line 15 reclosersmay be used on circuits
(5) Location of other sectionalizingdevices of 48.3-72.5 kV
(6) Maximum and minimum fault currents The remaining steps of this procedure as-
a t each sectionalizing device location sume the use of line reclosers that satisfy this
(7) X / R ratio atpoint of application voltage criteria.
(8) Minimum fault current’ at end of each Step 2: Determine maximum load current
circuit or at endof recloser zone ofprotection (allowing for some load growth) at therecloser
location. From the recloser line numbers of
‘See Sample Problems 1 and 2 for typical methods of Step 1, note from Table 3 of American Na-
determining minimum fault current, and Sample Prob-
lem 3 for an alternative methodof determining the end
of tionalStandardSupplement C37.60a-1971
the zone of protection. those that havecontinuouscurrentrating

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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C37.63-73 m 4 8 0 5 7 0 20 0 2 8 3 7 0 B I

equal to or greater than the maximum load characteristics of circuit elements to be pro-
current. tected.
S t e p 3: Determinethemaximum sym- Device-to-device coordination is done by a
metrical fault currentat the recloser location. comparison of time-currentcharacteristic
(Allowing for future increase in fault current.) (TCC) curves, operating sequences, and reset
From the recloser line numbers meeting the times of the qualifying reclosers withthe
conditions of Steps 1 and 2, identify all those protective characteristics of other sectionaliz-
thathaveaninterruptingcurrentrating ing devices on thecircuit. Occasionally it may
greater than the maximum fault current.Use be necessary to change the size, settings, or
the applicable part of Table 3 of American locations of the other sectionalizing devices
NationalStandardSupplement C37.60a- wherecoordination is notobtainedwith a
1971. recloser that is otherwise suitable.
Step 4: Determine the minimum fault cur- T o ensure t h a t circuitelementsaread-
rent at the end of the zone protected by the equately protectedfromexposure to over-
recloser. current, the summation of the clearing times
From the recloser line numbers of Step 3, of the TCC of the qualifying recloser should be
identify all those with minimum tripping cur- compared with the damage TCCof the circuit
rents less than the minimum fault current. elements, such as switches and conductors, to
Refer toTable3 of AmericanNational be protected. This is toensurethat de-
StandardSupplement C37.60a-1971 which energization will occur before damage to the
gives minimum trip settingsfor nonseries coil circuit elements takesplace.
reclosers. For series coil reclosers, double the Step 6: At this point, it likelyis that several
continuouscurrentratings of Table 3 of linenumber reclosers will meetallthe re-
American National Standard Supplement
quired conditions.
C37.60a-1971 to obtain the minimum tripping
In thiscase, consider the following in select-
ing a particular line number:
NOTE: Some series coilreclosersare availablewith (1) System standards and inventory prac-
nonstandard seriescoils having a minimum trip value less tices may call for the use of only one recloser
than 200 percent of the continuous current rating. line number thatwill be suitable anywhere on
An alternative method is to define the end the system within voltage limitations.
of the zone of protection of a recloser as that (2) T o minimize investment, thelowest cost
point on a circuit having a maximum line to recloser line number t h a t qualifies maybe the
ground fault value of some multiple at least deciding factor.
1.5 times of the recloser minimumpickup (3) System practice with respect to the use
of three-phase or single-phase reclosers may
current, to ensure that the minimum fault
be the deciding factor.
current will be greater than the minimum
tripping current.
(4) Desired flexibility of the recloser control
may dictate theuse of a particular line num-
I n t h eevent that no recloser under Steps 2,
3, and 4 can meet this requirement for min- ber.
imum tripping orpickup,athree-phasere- Step 7: It is also likely that several continu-
closer with a ground trip auxiliarydevice may ous current ratings(series coil only) of a given
be used effectively onagroundedsystem. line number may meet all requirements.
These auxiliaries are available and can detect T h e selection will be influenced by the fol-
minimumfaultcurrents of a few amperes. lowing considerations:
Ground fault sensitivity is limitedby the fact (1) T h e largerratingpermitsmore load
thatthereis loadconnectedfromlineto growth and will be less sensitive to lockout on
neutral, causing some current to flow in the inrush andcold-load pickup currents.
neutral, under normal load conditions. (2) T h e smaller ratingwill be more sensitive
Step 5: From therecloser line numbers and in the detection of fault currents below the
continuous current ratings that meet the pre- calculated minimum.
cedingrequirements, select thosethat will Step 8: After the recloser line number and
coordinate with other devices on the circuit, continuous current rating have been deter-
and coordinate with the damage time current mined, refer to the manufacturer’s catalogfor

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services

7 7.2/12.5 kV Wye

Existing Line # 3
Recloser - I O O A
Series Coil c J E%AYkaul+
Load Current
Current = IOOOA

Point A I
- Recloser "+J
H- Sectionalizer Current
Minimum Fault
Current = 160A

Point A 2 Note
t" A fault resistance of 40 ohms
Fault was assumed in the calculation
Current = 140A Current = 7 0 0 A ofminimumfaultcurrentvalues

Minimum Fault Current = 150A

Fig 1
Circuit for Sample Problem 1

the model t h a t correspondsto the selected minimum fault by the 70 A recloser (140 A
rating. f 10 percent pickup) would, however, be mar-
Information on optional equipment and ac- ginal and therefore thisrecloser size probably
cessories can be obtained in the catalogfor the would not be considered. To determine wheth-
specific recloser selected. er these various recloserswill coordinate with
4.3.1 Sample Problem 1. Select a recloser the substation recloser, the TCC curves may
for use at Point ABC1, giventhe data in Fig 1. be compared as shown in Fig 2. In practice, it
Solution: The loadcurrentandavailable is oftenassumed thata lower continuous
fault current at Point ABC1 permits the use current rated series coil recloser will coordi-
of a single-phase series coil recloser. Referring nate with a larger continuous current rating
to Table 3 of American National Standard series coil recloser, particularly if they are of
Supplement C37.60a-1971, continuouscur- the same make. This is not true for certain
rent rating mustbe at least 35 A, but for load olderreclosers.Also, at locations where the
growth a 50 A, or even a 70 A, rating shouldbe fault current is high relative to the recloser
considered. Checking the interrupting rating ratings, the separation of adjacent rated re-
for these sizesshows thata 50 ALine 1 closer TCC curves may not provide positive
recloser or 35, 50, or 70 A Line 2, 3, and 4 coordination.
reclosers would meetthe interrupting require- Insuchcases,it isadvisablenottouse
ments. T h e minimum calculated fault current adjacent coil ratings. Until experience is
of 140 A at the en% of the zone of protection gainedwiththevarious recloser character-
based on an assumed fault resistance of 40 fl istics, it is advisable to compareTCC curves.
should be detected by any of the foregoing coil Since Fig 2 shows that coordination will be
sizes of 35, 50, or 70 A. Detection of the obtained with any of the possible reclosers,

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C37.61-73 u 4805702 0028372 I 1

Fig 2
Comparison of Time-Delay or Retarded Curves

the selectionmust be basedon the consid- ratings of the sectionalizer tobe sure that they
erations discussed earlier. For this example, it are adequate for the maximum system fault
is most probable that the 50 A Line 1 recloser currents at thesectionalizer location.
would be selected since it meets all require- The selection of the load side fuse at Point
mentsadequatelyandhasthe lowest first A2 is determined by plotting the TCC charac-
cost. teristics of the 50 A Line 1 recloser on loga- Coordination with Load Side De- rithmic paper or using transparent overlays
vices. When a recloser is installed in a circuit, and selecting a fuse size in accordance with
the coordinationof load side devices must also system coordination practices.
be checked. The continuous current ratingof Fig 3 shows that a 20 A fuse will be satisfac-
the automatic line sectionalizer2at Point Al tory for use at Point A2.
should be 50 A, the same as that of the recloser 4.3.2 SampleProblem 2 - Selection of
at PointABC1. Coordination will be obtained Three-phase Reclosers.A three-phaserecloser
with smaller ratings, but in thiscase it will be may be installed instead of single-phase re-
necessarytocheck theshorttimecurrent closers forany of the following basic reasons:
(1) T h e circuit load exceeds the maximum
'An automatic linesectionalizer is a self-contained currentratingavailableinsingle-phase re-
circuit opening device that automaticallyopens the main closers.
electrical circuit through it aftersensing and responding (2) T h e maximum short-circuit current ex-
to a predetermined number of successive main circuit
impulses of predetermined or greater magnitude. It opens ceeds the maximum interrupting rating avail-
while the main circuitis de-energized. able in single-phase reclosers.

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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C37 = 63-73 48057020028373 3 r

Fig 3
Sample Recloser - Fuse Coordination Chart

(3) T h e loadiscritical to single phasing, show that theLines 6,7, and8 reclosers are all
a n d requires a three-phase switchingdevice. nonseries coil reclosers with continuous cur-
(4)Less investment may be required com- rent ratingsof 560 and 1120 A, respectively. In
pared tothe use of three single-phasere- view of the present maximum load current of
closers. 200 A and making allowancefor load growth,
(5) It may be preferablefora particular it appears that the 560 A continuous current
substation design. ratingisadequateand thereforeonly the
Example: T h e procedure used in selecting a Lines 6 and 7 reclosers will be considered.
recloser for Point A, Fig 4, is as follows: Note that for nonseries coil reclosers, there
Nominal voltage 7.2A2.5 kV Wye. is only one continuous current rating. Min-
Although single-phase .reclosers are avail- imum phase current trip setting is variable,
able which will satisfy the load and short- however, and as indicatedby Table 3 of Amer-
circuit requirements at “A,” assume t h a t a ican National Standard Supplement C37.60a-
three-phase switching device is preferred for 1971, a Line 6 or 7 recloser may be obtained
one of the other reasons noted above. Based with trip settings of 200, 280, 400, 560, 800,
on the maximum fault current at Point A, a and 1120 A.
recloser having an interrupting rating of 8000 Assume t h a t for coordinationwith the
Aorgreaterisrequired.FromTable2 of source side device, a 400 A phase trip current
AmericanNationalStandardSupplement is the maximum setting that can be tolerated.
C37.60a-1971, this requirement would be sat- For load growth purposes this also seems be to
isfied by any of the Line 5, 6, 7,or 8 reclosers. a reasonable choice.
Since some margin above interrupting rating The datagiven on the sketchof Fig 4 shows
is usually desired by users, it is probable that a minimum calculated fault current“(1ine-to-
the Line 5 recloser ráted at 8000 A would not
311n this example, theminimumfaultcurrent was
be considered. Tables 2 and 3 of American determined by assuming a fault resistance to ground of
National Standard Supplement C37.60a-1971 20 a.

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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C37 6 1 - 7 3 1 4 6 0 5 7 0 20 0 2 6 3 7 4 5 1

Point A Point D
7.2/12.5 k V Wye r1
I r - -
R ;RI"-
I '
- t

Maximum Fault Maximum Fault

Current = 8000A _ . L _ Current = 270A
Load C u r r e n t Point C
= 200A

A fault resistance of 2 0
ohms w a s assumed in
the calculation of fault
- Recloser currentvalues.

Minimum FaultCurrent = 250A

Fig 4 .
Circuit for Sample Problem 2

ground) of 250 A at Point E. Sincethis In checking the catalog data of the manu-
current will not cause phase current tripping facturer whose recloser has been chosen for
at theselected rating, itis necessary to install general use,i t is found t h a t a Line 6 recloser is
ground tripping to detect the minimum fault not offered. Therefore, the Line 7 recloser is
current. These accessories are not standard- selected.
ized, but reference to manufacturers' catalogs 4.3.3 SampleProblem 3 - Selection of
show minimum ground tripping ratingsof 50, Three-phase Reclosers (Alternative Method).
70, 100, 140, and 200 A. Any of these will As analternativetocalculatingminimum
detect the minimum fault current. fault current at a predetermined zone end,
The criteriafor phase current unbalance on with a n assumed valueof fault impedance, the
this system is based onamaximum of 20 zone end can be defined as that point where
percent of the maximum load current of the the maximum fault current is some multiple
three phases. Usingthe phase tripping current (say 1.5 x or 2.0 x ) of the recloser coil min-
setting as the maximumpossible load current imum pickup value. This method takes into
and taking 20 percent of this value gives a account the probability of the occurrence of
tentative minimum ground tripof 80 A. After some fault impedance, while somewhat sim-
considering the possible unbalanced current plifying the calculations required. This'meth-
through the recloser in the eventof the open- od is illustrated in Fig 5.
ing of the most heavily loaded single-phase In selecting a recloser for Point A, a review
branch circuit, it appears that 100a A ground of Tables 2 and 3 of American National Stan-
trip settingwould be satisfactory. T h e recloser dardSupplement C37.60a-1971 reveals the
selected foruse at Point A would have the following:
following characteristics: Voltage Rating: Voltage rating lines 1-8 are
(1) Line 6 or 7
(2) Continuous current rating, 560 A NOTE: Lines 9-15 are for higher voltage systems and
wiIl not necessarily work properly on 72112.5 k v lines.
(3) Minimum-phase tripping current,400 A
(4) Minimum ground tripping current, 100 Interrupting Rating: Lines 1 and 2 are not
A acceptable; the remainder are acceptable.
(5) Time-current characteristics to coordi- Continuous Current Rating: Lines 1 and 2
nate with thesource and load side devices are not acceptable; the remainder are accept-
(See sampleproblem 1 for illustration) able.

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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C37 = 61-73 I 4 8 0 5 7 0 2 0028375 7 B

4 24 Miles 1/0 ACSR 7.2/12.5 k V

14.5 Miles

t"--+i 6.5 Miles

" - I

Point A -I Point B "I Point C

X "
Y c

Point 3 Ø Fault Ø - G Fault

X = Zone of protection of recloser at point A A SOOOA 3300A
y= II
II II II B B 760 A 560 A
z= " II II II c C 560 A 280 A
Fig 5
Circuit for Sample Problem3

A Line 3 recloser is adequate in all respects, at Point C(14.5 miles from Point A), a Line 1
and should be a good economicchoice for recloser with a 35 A coil can be applied. The
application at PointA. T h e coil should have a Line 1 recloser zone end will be a t a point
continuous current capability equivalent to where the phase-to-ground fault current is 35
the largestloadexpected, and desirably a X 2 X 2 = 140 A. This point is beyond the end
minimum rated coil size.4 A 140 A coil could of the circuit. In everycase, the recloser
be selected, and with the desired operating selected conforms to requirementsfor:
sequence, if coordinationwith sourceside (1) Voltage rating
devices exists; this recloser would be installed (2) Interrupting capability
at PointA. (3) Continuous capability
Inthis example, it is assumed thatthe (4) Coordination with adjacent devices
end of the zone of protection for any recloser This alternate method can be appliedto
is that point where the maximum phase to branch lines as well. It can also be used in
groundfaultcurrentisequalto twice the those situations where reclosers must be ap-
recloser pickup current. Therefore, the zone plied at specific locations (junctions, etc) dic-
end for the recloser at Point A is that point tated by operating requirements.
where the maximum phase to ground fault
current is 140 x 2 x 2 = 560 A. Calculations
show that thisoccurs 6.5 miles from PointA. 5. Operation
A second recloser is required a t this point (B).
Byagainemploying the selectionprocess 5.1 Installation. All personnel responsible for
described for A, it is established t h a t a Line 2 supervision and operation should become fa-
recloser with a 70 A coil can be applied at miliar with reclosers and their functionbefore
Point B. The end of the zone of protection for placing equipment in operation. This can be
the recloser at B will be the point where the accomplished by studying the manufacturer's
phase-to-ground fault current is 7 0 x 2 x 2 = instruction book and diagrams.
280 A, or 14.5 miles from Point A. Similarly, Before installation:
(1) Check for external mechanical damage
'Minimizing the coil size has theadvantages of: (2) Check oil levelof oil-filled reclosers
(1) Providing faster clearing of faults, reducing the .. (3) Check theoperatingsequencetodeter-
probability of damage to circuit elements. mine that therecloser operates asspecified
(2) Extending the zone of protection to optimum value.
An excessive number of unitsis avoided, whilemain- (4) Check the operation counter (Record its
taining adequate protection. reading when installation is completed)

14 Inc
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A record card for each recloser should be with the manufacturer’s recommendations or
kept on file t o show the make, type,size, and operating experience.
serial number of the unit, and the date of 6.1.1 Maintenance Based on Elapsed Time.
purchase and date and location of the instal- T h e frequency of inspection and maintenance
settings,and se- will vary with the operating service and with
quences of operation. local conditions. Initial inspections shouldbe
Additionaldatashouldincludedates of made in accordance with the manufacturer’s
inspection and maintenance, natureof main- recommendations. Local conditionsof humid-
tenance, oil test data, and reassignment to ity and temperature mayaffect the frequency
other locations. of maintenance necessary. Study of main-
tenance records extending over several years
5.2 Reclosing After Lockout. If the recloser
will be helpful in determining proper main-
has operated to lockout, the operator should
tenance schedules.
first make a complete visual inspection ofthe
recloser for evidence of external damage such 6.1.2 Maintenance Based on Number of Op-
as broken or cracked bushings, thrown oil, etc. erations. Reclosers may be maintained after a
After the fault has been removed from the line certain number of operations,
a n d inspection indicates that everything is in from the recloser operation counter readings.
order, therecloser may be closed. Aprocedure for evaluating useful life of a
recloser based on standard duty is presented
in Appendix B.
5.3 Cold-Load Pickup. Excessive currents ex- 6.1.3 Maintenance Based on Elapsed Time
perienced on circuit reenergization may cause and Number of Operations. I n recloser main-
operation of the recloser to lockout. T h e ex- tenance; the use of time interval alone as a
cessive currentsarecaused by twopheno- basis for servicing does not take into account
mena: both arelikely to occur: the frequency and severity of the recloser
(1) Inrush currents associated with motor operations.On theotherhand, use of the
starting, transformers, and the like. The dura- number of operations alone ignoreselapsed
tion of this component of cold-load pickup is time during which the oil may have deterio-
quite short, a matter of several cycles. rated.
(2) An increaseinthe post interruption Asuggestedmethod of combining the
loadvaluerelativeto thepre-interruption elapsed time and operation factors is as fol-
load value due to loss of diversity of cycling lows: Maintenance and internal inspectionof
loads (electric heating, air conditioners, etc). reclosers should be performed at 100 oper-
The ratioof the post interruption load topre- ations or every three years, whichever occurs
interruption load‘varies with the length of first. However, operating experience with par-
interruption but can be as high as 2. Due to ticular designs is the best basis for estab-
this effect excessive currents may persist for lishment of maintenance schedules.
tens of minutes.
If cold load cannot be picked up, the circuit
may be sectionalized to disconnect part of the 6.2 Procedures
load, or the recloser may be by-passed tempo- 6.2.1 Field Inspection. After installation, a
rarily. Nonseries coil reclosers may have spe- recloser should be carefully inspectedat estab-
cial control provisions to allow for the inrush lished intervals,
which may be seasonal,
component of cold-load pickup. monthly, or quarterly, oreven less frequently.
T h e inspection should include checking the
Caution: Do not hold the operating lever of
tank for oil leakage and examining the bush-
series coil reclosers in a closed position i n a n
ings for cracks, as well as the coverage of other
attempt topick up cold load.
itemsrecommendedby themanufacturer.
T h e counter reading should be recorded a t t h e
6. Maintenance time of inspection.When the inspection is
made, it is recommended that the recloser be
6.1 Frequency of Maintenance. All reclosers bypassed by suitable means, and isolated, and
should be maintained after a number of oper- t h a ta n operatingtest be performed. T h e
ations, or after a time interval, in accordance recloser should be manually operated several

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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c37 = b l l - 7 3 1 9 8 0 5 7 0 2 0028377 O
~ I”

times to the lockout position by means of a of sludge deposits. The insulation canbe test-
switch stick, or other control. Operating tests edby a 60 Hz high-potential test, by power
may disclose possible sources of trouble and factor measurement,or by dc insulation tests.
are also of value in preventing the accumu- T h e 60 Hz high-potential test voltage should
lation of high-resistance oxides onthe contact be 75 percent of the 1 minute dry withstand
surfaces. voltage shown in Table 2, Column 5, of Ameri-
6.2.2 Servicing. When reclosers areser- can National Standard Supplement C37.60a-
viced, the following itemsshould begiven 1971.
particular attention: (4) MinimumTrippingCurrent - The
(1) Oil - Never assume that new oil is free minimumtrippingcurrenttestismadeto
of moisture. It should be tested for dielectric determinethe recloser tripsatthe proper
strength before using, with breakdown across current value. This test described
is in Section
a standard 0.1 in gap occurring at not less 5.5 of American National Standard Supple-
than 26 kV rms,theminimumacceptable ment C37.60a-1971.
dielectric strengthfor new oil. Breakdowna t a When conducting low-voltage; high-current
lower test voltage usually indicates excessive tests for determining minimum trip, follow
moisture in the oil. This moisture should be recommendations of thereclosermanu-
removed by filtering before the oil is used in facturer.
any typeof electrical equipment. (5) Time-Current Characteristics - Manu-
Whenreclosers aretemporarily removed facturer’s maintenance manuals usually con-
from service for minor repair work prior to tain instructions for this type of test. Test
their scheduled servicing,. test the oil before conditionsandprocedurearedescribedin
putting the recloserback in service. If the Section 5.10 of American National Standard
dielectric strengthof the oil is lessthan 22 kV C37.60-1968.
rms, it shouldbe replaced with clean dryoil. (6)Lockout - New or reconditioned re-
NOTE See American National Standard Methods of closers should be checked by operating them
TestingElectricalInsulating Oils, C59.2-1970 (ASTM through their sequence to lockout before they
D117-69) for approved test methods. are placed in service. T h e procedure for this
(2) Vacuum InterruptingModules - These test varies with the make and type of recloser.
T h e manufacturer’s instruction manual will
modulesmay lose dielectricstrengthfrom
usually describe the procedure for the specific
leaks caused by excessive mechanical strain,
insufficiently degassed contact materials, or
(7) Reset - T h e resetting time of a recloser
other causes. Vacuum gap dielectric strength
should be checked during the lockout test and
can be tested with a 60 Hz high-potential test
at the manufacturer’s recommendedvoltage. should be within the limits setby the manu-
Vacuumcontactsshould be adjusted for facturer.
proper contact opening travel, contactclosing 7. References
over-travel and contact closing force accord- ANSI C37.010-1972 Application Guidefor AC
ingtomanufacturer’s recommendedproce-
High-VoltageCircuitBreakers (IEEE Std
dure. 320-1972)
ANSI C37.60-1968 Requirements for Auto-
matic Circuit Reclosers for Alternating-Cur-
STRUCTIONSCAREFULLYFOR RE- ANSI C37.60a-1971 Supplementto C37.60-
(3) Insulation - The insulation of fiber ANSI C37.85-1972 Safety Requirements for
parts and of electrical wiring may deteriorate AutomaticLineSectionalizers for AC Sys-
due to aging, moisture, and the accumulation tems

5See AmericanNationalStandards C37.85-1972 and WagnerandEvans, Symmetrical Com-

C37.85a-1972 which establish X-radiation limits
for pow- ponents, New York: McGraw Hill Book Com-
er vacuum interrupters. pany, 1933.

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Coordination o f protection and construction 8. Revision of

of distribution circuits, AIEE Committee Re- American National Standards
port, AIEE Transactions, vol 73, part IIIB, Referred to in This Document
1954, PP 1609-1624.
ElectricalTransmissionandDistribution referred to in this document are superseded
Reference Booh, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania: a revision approved by the American National
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1950, 4th Standards Institute; Inc., the revision shall
ed, chapter II. apply.

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~u 4805702 0028377


(These Appendixes are not a part of American National Standard and IEEE Standard Guide for the Application,
Operation, and Maintenanceof Automatic CircuitReclosers, C37.61-1973, IEEE Std 321-1973.)

Appendix A
Recloser Characteristics
A general understanding of standard rat- A L 4 Continuous Current Ratings. These rat-
ings and operating characteristics and avail- ings are given in Table3 of American Nation-
able accessoriesisnecessary for the proper al Standard SupplementC37.60a-1971.
application of automatic circuitreclosers. NOTE: Since reclosers are designed to tripa t a current
that may be substantially in excess of the continuous
current rating, they may carryoverload
an for which they
A l . Standard Ratings are notself-protecting. Information as to operationin this
region should be obtained from the manufacturer.
A l . 1 Voltage Rating. The maximum voltage
ratings for variousclasses of reclosers are A2. Operating Characteristics
given in Column 3 of Table 2 of American A2.1 Trippingand Control.Reclosers are
NationalStandardSupplement C37.60a- classified as series trip or nonseries trip de-
1971. vices.
A series trip recloser obtains the energy to
A1.2 Interrupting Current Rating. The inter- trip its main contacts from the system fault
rupting current ratings of the various classes current flowing through a solenoid or oper-
of reclosers are given in Table 3 of American ating coil which is electrically in series with
NationalStandardSupplement C37.60a- the line. Since the operating coil carries main
1971. Note that the interrupting rating of a line currentat all times,it produces a magnet-
given line or class recloser is not the samefor ic force proportional to the productof the coil
all continuous current ratings in that line. turns and line current (NI). Consequently,
Reclosers are rated in symmetrical amperes there is a definite relationship between con-
with test power factors as indicated by the tinuouscurrentrating,minimumtripping
X / R ratios in Columns 9,11, and of13 Table 2 currentrating,andmaximuminterrupting
of American National Standard Supplement current rating.
C37.60a-1971. These test power factors gener- The control for series trip coil reclosers is
ally will be more severe than thoseen- actuated by the operating coil solenoid. This
countered on systems where the reclosers are provides reliability and simplicity, but limits
applied within the ratings. the choice of operating characteristics. T h e
T h e recloser is not a constant kilovolt-am- fast and time-delayed curves of the series trip
pere device, and its interrupting rating does recloser arenotadjustable. .
not vary withvoltage or X / R ratio. Therefore, A nonseriescoilreclosermayderive its
if the applied voltage or the X / R ratio is less energy for operating the tripping mechanism
than rating, no increase in interrupting cur- and opening the main contacts from a source
rent capability should be assumed unless in- other than the main circuit; for example, a
dicated in published data or approved by the battery.Consequently,thereis nodefinite
manufacturer. relationship between continuous current rat-
A L 3 Minimum Tripping Current. For series and minimum tripping current rating. Fault
trip reclosers this is standardized at two times current is sensedusually by current trans-
the continuous current rating. The minimum formers, and the control is actuated by the
trippingcurrent for shunt trip reclosers is resultingsignal. The controlmay be elec-
adjustable and has no standard relation to the tromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or elec-
ratedcontinuouscurrent.Information for tronic in nature. It is typically very flexible
specific reclosers should be obtained from the providing the user with a wide choice of oper-
manufacturer. ating characteristics.
COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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C37 61-73 1 4 8 0 5 7 0 02 2 8 3 8 0


A 2 . 2 Recloser Functions. Reclosers may have Curve A

either a lock-open or a hold-closed function. Fast or
A2.2.1 Loch-OpenFunction. A recloser Instantaneous
with this function opens and recloses its con- Setting
tacts on sensing fault current. If the fault is
sustained in nature, the recloser proceeds to
operate to a final contact-open position. T o
restore service, the recloser must be closed by Curve B
the actionof a n operator. Slow or Time
Typical operating sequences for lock-open Delay Setting
reclosers include:
(1) Two fast andtwo time-delay operations
(2) One fast andtwo time-delay operations
(3) One fast andthree time-delayoper- Curve C
ations Extended Time
(4) Three fast andonetime-delay oper- Delay Setting
. ..
(5) Two fast and onetime-delay operations CURRENT IN AMPERES

All of these sequences provide a high degree

of protection against the effects of transient Fig A l
- and sustained faults. They also permit ready TypicalTime-CurrentCurves of a Single-
coordination with other sectionalizingdevices Phase,Hydraulically-ControlledRecloser
such as fuses and automatic line sectionali- Rated 100 A Continuous Current
Zers. While reclosers may be set for all fast or
slow operations, these sequences are seldom
used in practice primarily'because of coordi-
nation difficulties. current flows through the recloser, the per-
Time-current characteristic curves for lock- missible duration limited only by the thermal
open reclosers are not standardized and must time-current characteristics of the series coil.
be obtained from the manufacturer. When someother device on theload sideof the
Characteristic curves for reclosers usually circuit(usuallya fuse) interruptsthefault
begin a t 200 percent of the full-load rating of current, the recloser automatically resets to
the unit and extend to the maximum inter- the normal operating position. As with the
rupting rating. Fast or instantaneous curves lock-open function,the two instantaneous
are plotted to the maximum clearing time for hold-closed sequencesprovide for clearing
one opening, and all variations are negative, temporary faults without a prolonged inter-
or to. the faster side. Time-delay curves are ruption.Thethermal time-loadcharacter-
plotted to the average clearing time for one istics of the series coil provide additional time
opening and have a * 10 percent tolerance. for a wide range of sectionalizing fuse ratings
Recloser operatingtimesmayvarywith tooperate. Thus,withinfusecoordination
temperature. When oil or other liquid is used capabilities, more sectionalizing points can be
asthetimingmeans,operation a t sub-zero used within the zone of protection of each
temperatureshas been foundto be slower recloser.
t h a n shown by the published curves. A2.3 Reclosing Interval. T h e reclosing inter-
A typicaltime-currentcharacteristic val is the open-circuit time between an auto-
curve for aseries trip, lock-open recloser is matic opening and the succeeding automatic
shown in Fig A l . reclosing. On most single-phase reclosers this.
A 2 . 2 . 2 Hold-Closed Function. Analter- time is fixed and cannot be adjusted. How-
native recloser operatingscheme usesre- ever, on some reclosers the reclosing interval
closers havinga hold-closed function. T h e can be adjusted over a wide range. T h e min-
reclosers areset for asequence of twoin- imum reclosing interval must be long enough
O stantaneous operations and then hold closed.
T h e contacts are held closed as long as fault
to allow the arc path to deionize. This inter-
val,whereused,isnormallyapplied as the

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C37 * h l - 7 3 1Lt8057020028383 2


first reclosing operation and isconsidered fast resetting times are used, multiple lightning
or instantaneous reclosing. strokes to a feeder, repetitive conductor slap
Reclosers having solid state or static elec- due to wind, or 'other fault may causerecloser
tronic controls have independent adjustments lockout, even though these repeating faults
for each reclosing interva€.This offers the are of a temporary nature. .
advantage of flexibilityforconsiderations
such as relay resetting times and fuse cooling
periods. A3. Accessory Equipment
A2.4 ResetInterval. The time required for Manufacturers provideaccessoryequip-
the recloser to return to its initial operating ment for use with reclosers which serve to
condition. T h e reset interval may be initiated increase theoperational flexibility of this
from fault inception- or from successfulre- equipment and whose use frequently provides
close. Onseries tripand some shunttrip the solutionto an operating or application
reclosers, the reset interval is a fixed time. On problem. These accessories are not standard-
reclosers having solid state or static electronic ized and may not be available for all recloser
controls, the reset time is adjustable to a aery classes or makes.
shortintervalwheninitiated by successful While the following list is not all inclusive,
reclose. it is representative of the accessories that are
Theoptimum resettime setting is one available:
which is as fast as possible without allowing (1) Ground tripping accessory
resetting during the reclosing periods to pre- (2) Remote operating mechanism
vent reclosing and trip operations or "pump- (3) Current transformers
ing." I n practice,thisoptimumsetting is (4) Current metering
difficult to obtainexcept with reclosershaving (5) Target' accessory
resetfromsuccessful reclose, inwhichre- (6) Nonreclose attachment
setting is blocked in the presence of current (7)Loopautomaticsectionalizingequip-
above the minimum pickup level. When long ment

Appendix B
Procedure To Determine MaintenanceBasis
on Number of Operations of Oil-Filled Reclosers

If desired, thestandardoperatingduty empirical formula: Operating duty = (Inter-

shown in Table 2 of American Nationá1 Stan- ruptedcurrent) x (Number of operations), .
dardSupplement C37.60a-1971 providesa the total operating duty factorfor the recloser
means for evaluating the useful life of a re- can be calculated as follows: .
closer understandardizedconditions.Since
the fault dutyis dependent o n the location of 40001.6X 12 Operations = 303.6 X IO4
each fault, it is necessary to assume typical 20001.6 X 20 Operations = 180.0 X IO4
. . 8 0 0 ln6 X 32 Operations = 72.0 X IO4
fault conditions to use the recloser counter
reading to indicate the total number of oper- Total64 Operations = 555.6 X IO4
ations. NOTE: 11a6 =I X fl
Example: Considerarecloser of 4000 A
interruptingcapacity,asshownonLine 3, Thedutyfactor for each of the recloser
Table 2, American National Standard Sup- ratings shown in Table 2 of American Nation-
plement C37.60a-1971 withtestcurrents of al Standard Supplement C37.60a-1971, using
4000, 2000, and 800 A, whichare 90-100 the standard duty cycle andcalculatedas
percent, 45-55 percent, and 15-20 percent, shown above, is shown in TableB1.
respectively, of the interrupting rating. Since NOTE: Refer to Appendix C, Basis of Derivation of
the standard operating duty is based on the Duty Factors and Standard Operating Duties.

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C37 6 1 - 7 3 B 4805702
0028382 4 I

Table B1 Assume
a 3 recloser having
a 4000 A
Recloser Duty
Factors interrupting
having a duty factor
of 555.6 X lo4.
Recloser Line No
of Table 2 of (4000 X O.75)le5 = 16.4 X lo4 per operation
American National Standard Permissible number
- Recloser duty factor
Factors X lo4
of operations -
1 165
Duty factor per operation
2 209 - 5 5 5 . 6 ~'O4 =
34 operations
3 556
4 556 x 'O4 a t 3000 A
5 1399 If other fault currents have occurred, the
6 1685
7 3510 accumulated effect, or sum of these oper-
8 3510 ations, can be calculated.
9 291 Example: Againusing a Line 3 recloser
10 975
11 1399 having a duty factor of 555.6 x lo4, assume
12 1399 faults have occurred, asfollows:
13 2573
14 1958 Number
of Fault
15 1399 Operations

800 10 A 10 x 8OO1e5 22.5 X lo4

1 0 01 02 A 12 X 10001.5 37.8 X lo4
20 2500 A 20 x 25001.5 250.0 x lo4
Using the dutyfactors shown inTable B1, it 10 4000 A 10 X 40001.5 253.6 X lo4
is possible tocalculate the total number of
interruptions permissible for any combination Total 563.6 x lo4
of fault currents. In the above example, the cumulative duty
Example: How many operatiogs can a re- exceeds the duty factor for the rating. This
closer perform if all of the faults are at 75 indicates t h a t recloser maintenance shouldbe
percent of maximum interrupting
rating? performed.

Appendix C
Basis of Derivation of Duty Factors
and Standard OperatingDuties

Thetotaloperatingdutyfactor for auto- calculated by dividing the total dutyfactor at

matic circuit reclosers listed in Table B1 is a the test current by the operating duty per
function of theinterruptingratingand is interruption, where theoperatingduty per
normally established on the basis of the curve interruption is equal to
shown in Fig C l . NOTE: I ' . : = Z x 6
The operating duty at the three test cur-
rents used inthestandardoperatingduty This number is rounded off to the nearest
tests are apportioned asfollows: multiple of four operations, except at max-
imuminterruptingrating, when this ap-
Duty-Cycle Test Current- proximationmaydistortthedistribution
Percent of SymmetricalPercent of TotalDuty greatly. At maximum interrupting, the near-
est even number of operations should be used.
100 50 After the unit operations a t each test cur-
50 37.5 rent have been determined, the total standard
20 -12.5
duty cycleis recalculated. If necessary, ad-
justments in the number of unit operations (in
multiples of four operations)a t t h e20 percent
The number of unit operations a t each test and 50 percent test currents may be made to
current of the standard operating duty testis bring the total duty factor close to the em-

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C37 bL-73


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Interrupting Current Rating-Symmetrical Amperes x IO3 At Rated Maximum Voltage

Fig C l
Recloser Duty Factor
Versus Interrupting Current Rating

22 Inc
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C37 61-73


pirical value determined fromthe curve of Fig Determine the numberof unit operationsat
Cl. each test current as
Example: Assume a n oil circuit recloser
having a symmetricalinterrupting
rating of factor
8000 A at rated
maximum voltage. From
the current
the at
curve of Fig C l , the total duty factor should
be No Of unit Operations =
Duty factor per operation
1470x lo4.
The duty factorapportionedtoeachtest
Test Current Calculated No of Unit Operations
current will be as follows: Unit Operations Rounded Off
Duty Cycle Test Current 8000 10.3 10
(Amperes) Operating Duty 4000 21.8 20
1600 28.8 28
8000 (100%) 735 X 104 (50%)
4000 (50%) 551 X 104 (37.5%)
1600 (20%) 184 X l o 4 (12.5%) Recalculate the total duty factor
as follows:
1470 X l o 4 (100%)
Duty Factor Duty
Calculatetheoperatingduty per inter- Test
Current per Operation No of Factor
(Amperes) Operations
X 104 X 104
ruption as follows:
8000 71.5 5 71 10
4000 505
25.3 20
Test per 1600 179
6.4 28
Total Duty Factor = 1=*
8000 x d m = 71.5 x lo4
4000 4000 x d m-= 25.3 x lo4
1600 1600~ v= 6.4x lo4 *This value isshown in Table B1 of Appendix B.

COPYRIGHT Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,23

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Related Standards in the C37 Series

C37.03-1964 (R 1969) Definitions for AC High-Voltage C37.010-1972 Amdication Guide for AC High-Voltage - -
Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers (ÎEEE Std 320-1972)
C37.04-1964 (R 1969) Rating Structure for AC High- C37.1-1962 See: C37.90
V o l t a g e Circuit
(Including Supplements C37.2-1970ManualandAutomaticStationControl,
C.37.04a-1970 and C37.0db-1970) Supervisory, and Associated Telemetering Equipments
C37.05-1964 (R 1969) MethodsofDetermining the C37.4-1953(R 1966) Alternating-CurrentPower Cir-
ValuesofaSinusoidal Current Wave andNormal- cuit Breakers[IncludesSupplementsC37.4a-1958(R
FrequencyRecoveryVoltagefor ACHigh-Voltage 1966) andC37.4b-19701
QrcuitBreakers C37.5-1969MethodsforDeterminingValues of a
C37.06-1971SchedulesofPreferredRatingsandRe- Sinusoidal Current Wave, Normal-Frequency Recovery
latedRequiredCapabilities for AC High-Voltage Cir- Voltage, and a Guide for Calculation of Fault Currents
cuit Breakers Rated o n a Symmetrical Current Basis forApplicationofACHigh-VoltageCircuitBreakers
C37.07-1969InterruptingCapabilityFactorsforRe- Rated ona Total Current Basis
closing Service for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers C37.6-1971Schedules of PreferredRatingsfor AC
C37.071-1971 Requirements for Line
Closing for High-VoltageCircuitBreakers Rated o n a Total Cur-
Switching Surge Voltage Control for AC High-Voltage rent Basis
Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis C37.7-1960 (R 1966) Interrupting Rating Factors for
C37.072-1971Requirements forTransientRecovery Reclosing Service Power Circuit Breakers
Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on C37.8-1952 (R 1966)RatedControl Voltages and
a Symmetrical Current Basis (IEEE Std 327-1971) Their Ranges for Power Circuit Breakers
C37.0721-1971ApplicationGuide forTransientRe- C37.9-1953(R 1966)Test Code for PowerCircuit
covery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Breakers (Includes Supplement C37.9a-1970)
Ratedon aSymmetricalCurrent Basis (IEEEStd C37.11-1972 Requirements for Electrical Control for
328-1971) AC High-VoltageCircuitBreakers Rated o n aSym-
C37.0722-1971 Prefeped F a m i e n t Recovery Voltage metrical Current Basis and a Total CurrentBasis
RatingsandRelatedRequired Capabilities for AC C37.12-1969 Guide Specifications for AC Power Cir-
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical cuit Breakers (Rated o n a Symmetrical Current Basis
Current Basis and a Total Current Basis)
C37.073-1972RequirementsforCapacitanceCurrent ~ 3 7 . 1 3 - 1 9 7 3Low-Voltage AC PowerXircuit Breakers
Switching for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated Used in Enclosures (IEEE Std 20-1973)
o n a Symmetrical Current Basis (IEEE Std .341-1972) C37.14-1969 Low-Voltage D C Power Circuit Breakers
C37.0731-1973 ApplicationGuide for Capacitance and Anode Circuit Breakers
CurrentSwitchingfor AC High-Voltage Circuit C37.15-I954 (R 1967)RatedControl Voltages and
Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis .(IEEE Their Ranges for Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breakers
Std 342-1973) C37.16-1973 Preferred Ratings, Related Requirements,
C37.0732-1972 Schedule
Preferred Ratings -for andApplicationRecommendations for Low-Voltage
CapacitanceCurrentSwitching for ACHigh-Voltage PowerCircuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit
Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis Protectors
C37.074-1972 Requirements for
Switching-Impulse C37.17-1972 Trip Devices for .AC and General-Purpose
Voltage Insulation Strength for AC High-Voltage Cir- DC Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers
cuit Breakers RatedonaSymmetricalCurrent Basis C37.18-1968 Eequirements for Field Discharge Circuit
(362 kV and Above) (IEEE Std 839-1972) Breakers for.Rotating Electric Machinery
C37.076-1972Requirementsfor PressurizedCompo- C37.19-1963SafetyRequirements for Low-Voltage
nents of AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a AC Power Circuit Breakers and Switchgear Assemblies
Symmetrical Current Basis (IEEE Std 340-1972) (Excluding Molded-Case Breakers)
C37.078-1972Requirements forExternalInsulation C37.20-1969 S ~ t c h g e a rAssembliesIncludingMetal-
for Outdoor AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated Enclosed. Bus (IEEEStd27-1969)(IncludesSupple-
o n a Symmetrical Current Basis (IEEE Std 343-1972) ment C37.20a-1970)
C37.0781-1972 Schedule of Dielectric Test Values for C37.23-1970 Guide for Calculating Losses in Isolated-
Outdoor AC High-VoltageCircuitBreaker External Phase Bus (IEEE Std 298-1969)
Insulation Rated on a-Symmetrical Current Basis C37.24:1971 Guide for Evaluating,the Effect of Solar
C37.09-1964 (R 1969) Test Procedure AC High-Volt- Radiation onOutdoor Metal-CladSwitchgear (IEEE
age (Including
Supplement Std 144-1971)
C37.09a-1970) continued onback cover

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C37 h l - 7 3

Related Standards in the C37 Series


C37.26-1972GuideforMethods of PowerFactor C37.42-1969 Specifications for Distribution Enclosed,

Measurement for Low-Voltage Inductive Test Circuits Oped, and Open-Link Cutouts
(IEEE Std 330-1972) C37.43-1969 Specifications
C37.27-1972ApplicationGuideforLow-Voltage AC Links for Use in DistributionEnclosed,Open,and
Non-IntegrallyFusedPowerCircuitBreakers(Using Open-Link Cutouts
SeparatelyMountedCurrent-LimitingFuses)(IEEE C37.44-1969SpecificationsforDistribution Oil Cut-
Std 331-1972) outs and FuseLinks
C37.28-1969 Low-Voltage AC Integrally Fused Power C37.45-1969SpecificationsforDistributionEnclosed
Circuit Breakers Single-Pole Air Switches
C37.29-1970Low-Voltage AC PowerServiceProtec- C37.46-1969 Specifications for Power Fuses and Fuse
tors (600-Volt Insulation Class) Disconnecting Switches
C37.30-1971DefinitionsandRequirements for High- C37.47-1969 Specifications for Distribution Fuse Dis-
Voltage Air Switches,Insulators,and Bus Supports connecting Switches, Distribution Fuse Supports, and
(IEEËStd 324-1971) Distribution Current-Limiting Fuses
C37.31-1962 (R 1969) Electrical and Mechanical Char- C37.48-1969GuideforApplication,Operation,and
acteristics of Indoor Apparatus Insulators Maintenance of Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links,
C37.32-1965 Schedules of Preferred Ratings, Manufac- Secondary Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air
turing Specifications, and Application Guide for High- Switches,PowerFuses,FuseDisconnectingSwitches,
Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch and Accessories
Accessories C37.60-1968 Requirements for Automatic Circuit Re-
C37.33-1970 Rated Control Voltages and Their Ranges closers for Alternating-Current Systems (Including Sup-
for High-Voltage Air Switches plement C37.60a-1971)
C37.34-1970 Test Code for High-Voltage Air Switches C37.61-1973Guidefor the Application,Operation,
(IEEE Std 326-1971) and Maintenance of Automatic Circuit Reclosers (IEEE
Std 321-1973)
C37.35-1962 (R 1969) GuidefortheOperationand C37.63-1969RequirementsforAutomaticLineSec-
Maintenance of High-VoltageDisconnectingSwitches tionalizers for AC Systems
C37.40-1969Service CondifionsandDefinitionsfor C37.66-1969Requirements for Oil-Filled
Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links, Secondary Fuses, Switches for AC Systems
Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Power C37.85-1972SafetyRequirements for X-Radiation
Fuses, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories Limits for AC High-Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupt-
C37.41-1969 Design Tests for Distribution Cutouts and ers Used in Power Switchgear
FuseLinks, Secondary Fuses, DistributionEnclosed C37.90-1971RelaysandRelaySystemsAssociated
Single-Pole Air Switches,PowerFuses,FuseDiscon- with Electric Power Apparatus (IEEE Std 313-1971)
necting Switches, and Accessories C37.100-1972 Definitions for Power Switchgear

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