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Northridge Beginning Band

Performance Rubric

Name:________________________ Playing Assessment Title:_______________________

1 - Limited 2 - Developing 3 - Proficient

Instrument Student cannot Student can Student can

Assembly/Posture explain or accurately explain accurately explain &

.. demonstrate proper
disassembly of his/
proper instrument
disassembly but
instrument assembly/
disassembly with the
her instrument cannot demonstrate occasional error.

Hand Position/ Student cannot Student can Student can

Posture explain or accurately explain the accurately explain &

.. demonstrate correct correct hand position/ demonstrate correct

hand position/posture posture but does not hand position/posture
when playing the consistently with the occasional
instrument demonstrate when error when playing.

Tone Production Student is unable to Student can Student can explain

explain or accurately explain the the steps involved in
demonstrate the necessary steps production of

.. steps that are involved in producing

necessary to produce a characteristic tone,
a characteristic tone but is unable to
characteristic tone.
The student can
demonstrate proper
on his/her instrument. demonstrate them. tone production with
moderate success.
Pitch Accuracy There are little to no Some accurate An occasional

.. accurate pitches.
The few accurate
pitches are not
pitches, but there are
frequently repeated
isolated error, but
most of the time
pitches are accurate
secure. and secure.

Rhythmic Accuracy No pulse or rhythmic The pulse is The pulse is secure

consideration can be somewhat erratic. and rhythms are
.. identified. Rhythms
are mostly inaccurate
Some rhythms are
accurate. There are
mostly accurate.
There are few
frequent or repeated rhythmic errors.
rhythmic errors.

Point Total:______

. . . . . .
Keep Working! Almost There! Awesome Job!
-1- -2- -3-
Northridge Instrumental Music
Performance Rubric

Name:________________________ Playing Assessment Title:_______________________

1 - Limited 2 - Developing 3 - Proficient

Pitch Accuracy There are little to no Some accurate An occasional

accurate pitches. pitches, but there are isolated error may be
The few accurate frequently repeated present, but most of
Pitches are not errors. the time the pitches
secure. are accurate and
Rhythmic Accuracy No pulse or rhythmic Pulse is somewhat The pulse is clear
consideration can be erratic. Some and steady. An
identified. Rhythms accurate rhythms. occasional isolated
are mostly Frequent or repeated rhythmic error may be
inaccurate. rhythmic errors. present.

Tone Quality Tone is unfocused Tone is often focused Tone is focused,

and not centered and centered. clear, and centered
when playing. There Sometimes the tone throughout the
is little quality to the is uncontrolled in the normal playing range.
tone. normal playing range. Extremes in range
Extremes in range are are often controlled
generally with an occasional
uncontrolled. isolated error.
Dynamics/Expression Demonstrates no Sometimes performs Consistently performs
attention to dynamics with dynamics and with dynamics and
or expression. nuance as indicated nuance as indicated
Performance is highly in the part. in the part or by
unrefined. standard
Articulations Little to no secure Attacks are Attacks are
attacks. No attempt is sometimes secure. consistently secure.
made to execute Markings are Articulation markings
specified markings. sometimes executed are generally
accurately as directed executed accurately
by the part. as directed by the
part with an
occasional isolated

Point Total:______
Individual Performance Feedback Rubric

Criteria For Quality

Great Job! Now Try This:
Pitch Accuracy: Most of the time the
pitches are accurate and secure. Only
isolated occasional error.

Pulse: The Pulse is clear and steady. Only

occasional rhythmic errors.

Tone: The tone is focused, clear, and

centered throughout the normal playing
range. Extremes in range may be less

Dynamics: Performance consistently

demonstrates the dynamic markings as
required by the part.

Attacks: Consistently secure. Articulations

are generally executed as required by the
part. Only occasional isolated error.

Additional Comments:

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