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Light activity, such as walking, jogging, driving, standing guard, Dodge vs. energy blasts & projectiles: No bonus and a -4 penalty
doing repairs and similar activity, can be conducted for hours Parry vs. energy blasts & projectiles: No bonus and a -8 penalty
without affecting the character adversely. (apply common sense
and logic). Even intense activity, such as 20 minutes of combat
followed by rest or light action, will not significantly impair the
character's efficiency MODERN WEAPON COMBAT:

A character can hold their maximum carry weight load for (P.E. × Point-Blank Range (10 feet or less): 5 or higher required to hit. If
4) minutes. Halve that time if running or fighting. A character can the target is immobilized and the shooter is not shooting wild, the
hold their maximum lift weight load for P.E. melee rounds. A attack automatically hits (no roll to hit necessary).
character can run at maximum speed for one minute for each Close Range (within 60 feet): 5 or higher required to hit.
point of P.E. Greater Distance (more than 60 feet): 8 or higher required to hit.
Called Shot: 12 or higher required to hit. Aimed shots only. Strike
Prolonged periods of combat or heavy exertion (an hour or more bonuses are halved.
of intense, continual, physical exertion) will take its toll on the Ricochet Shot: 15 or higher required to hit. Aimed shots only. No
character. Reduce the following once every hour: Speed -2, strike bonuses.
Initiative -2, Parry -1, Dodge -1, Damage -2.
Point-Blank Damage is rolled normally. Apply damage to S.D.C. as
normal. Then apply half the rolled damage again, direct to Hit
TAKING AND RECOVERING FROM DAMAGE: Points. Explosives bypass S.D.C. and do their damage direct to H.P.

Situations such as diving onto a grenade, getting shot in the head Short Burst damage is 1 round ×2. Uses 1 attack and 20% of the
at point blank range, falling from a great height, etc. will do clip.
damage "direct to Hit Points," skipping S.D.C. entirely.
Long Burst, ammo clip with 15 or less rounds: Damage is one
A character continues to take damage (1 Hit Point) every minute round ×2. Uses 1 attack* and 50% of the clip.
due to blood loss from cut and stab wounds. This will stop once Long Burst, ammo clip with 16-29 rounds: Damage is one round
the wounds are treated and bandaged. ×3. Uses 1 attack* and 50% of the clip.
Long Burst, ammo clip with 30-50 rounds: Damage is one round
For every 10% of H.P. lost, the character is -1 to strike, parry, and ×5. Uses 1 attack* and 50% of the clip.
dodge, -5% on all skills and -5% speed. (or see the optional tables
on page 18 and 19 of Heroes Unlimited, Second Edition instead). Entire Magazine Burst, ammo clip with 15 or less rounds: Damage
is one round ×5. Uses 3 attacks* and entire the clip.
When Hit Points are at 0 H.P., and/or negative (up to -P.E.) the Entire Magazine Burst, ammo clip with 16-29 rounds: Damage is
character lapses into a coma and will die in P.E. hours. The one round ×7. Uses 3 attacks* and entire clip.
character also dies if negative Hit Points exceed -P.E.. Entire Magazine Burst, ammo clip with 30-50 rounds: Damage is
one round ×10. Uses 3 attacks* and entire clip.
To survive the coma and be stabilized (brought back to 1 H.P.),
the character must successfully roll under the recovery *Semi-automatic weapons need 2 attacks for a Long Burst and 4
percentage two out of three times. This can be attempted every attacks for an Entire Magazine Burst.
hour until the character dies.
Shooting wild applies when the person is blinded, angry, running,
Treatment from non-professional, but with medical skills: 01-18% rolling, leaping, shooting from a moving vehicle, spraying an area,
Treatment from an intern or nurse (R.N.): 01-32% etc. Penalty is -6 unless the shooter has the W.P. (see above). No
Treatment from a doctor without proper facilities: 1-46%. Short Bursts. Long Bursts or Entire Magazine Bursts are modified as
Treatment from a doctor at a clinic (fair facilities): 01-56% follows: Damage is one round ×2 if less than 30 rounds fired (uses 2
Treatment from a hospital: 01-66%. attacks), and one round ×5 if 30 or more rounds are fired (uses 3
Treatment from a major, large hospital (or by magic, psionic attacks). 20% chance to hit others within 20 feet of target who
healing, or from a god): 01-70% were not behind cover – roll for each.

Recovery: Non-professional treatment. This is basic, first aid-type Spraying an area to hit multiple targets: Roll at -6 to hit main
treatment by oneself or non-medically trained people. Rate of target. Roll again to hit the “area” rolling 1D4 for number of
Recovery: 4 S.D.C. per day and 2 Hit Points per day. additional, intended targets hit. 1D4 bystanders in the area and not
behind cover have a 50% chance to be hit – roll for each. All targets
Recovery: Professional treatment. This is medical treatment from hit take damage from just one round.
a doctor, clinic or hospital. Rate of Recovery: 6 S.D.C. per day and
2 Hit Points per day (first 2 days), then 4 Hit Points per day. Indiscriminate spray of fire: Roll to strike, shooting wild. Everyone
not behind cover can roll a normal dodge. All bystanders in the
I.S.P. Recovery: 2 per hour of sleep/rest, 6 per hour of path of the attack and not behind cover each have a 50% chance to
meditation. be – roll for each. All targets take damage from just one round.
P.P.E. Recovery: 5 per hour of sleep/rest, 10 per hour of
meditation. Machine Guns: See Heroes Unlimited Second Edition, page 76.

A character cannot throw more than their carry Typical Female Civilian Typical Male Civilian
weight limit. When a throwing range is provided, Level: 3-5, or 9 +1D4 (highly skilled) Level: 3-5, or 9 +1D4 (highly skilled)
add 1 foot for every P.S. attribute point. When a Attributes: P.S. 7-10, P.E. 10-14, all Attributes: P.S. 10-14, all others 8-11
throwing range is not provided for an object, use others 8-11 S.D.C.: 1D6 +6, +15 if very physical
these guidelines below: S.D.C.: 1D6 +6, +15 if very physical H.P.: P.E. +3D6, +1D6/level
H.P.: P.E. +3D6, +1D6/level
Normal and Strong P.S. Up to 1 lb: 50 feet, Add 1
foot per P.S. point. Heavier objects: 2 feet per every
3 P.S. points.
Extraordinary P.S. Up to 1 lb: 200 feet. Up to 10 lb:
100 feet. Up to 100 lb: 50 feet. Up to 200 lb: 10 feet. Hand Strikes
Add 1 foot per P.S. point. Heavier weights: 4 feet per
every 3 P.S. points. Human Fist (punch): 1D4 + P.S. damage bonus
Elbow, Forearm or Backhand: 1D6 + P.S. damage bonus
Superhuman P.S. Up to 1 lb: 200 feet. Up to 10 lb: Body Flip/throw: 1D6 + P.S. damage bonus
100 feet. Up to 100 lb: 50 feet. Up to 200 lb: 10 feet. Victim loses initiative and one melee attack
Add 1 foot per P.S. point. Heavier weights: 5 feet per Karate Strike/Punch: 2D4 + P.S. damage bonus
every 3 P.S. points.
Foot Strikes
Supernatural P.S Up to 1 lb: 300 feet. Up to 10 lb:
200 feet. Up to 100 lb: 100 feet. Up to 200 lb: 30 Average Human Kick Attack: 2D4 + P.S. damage bonus
feet. Add 1 foot per P.S. point. Heavier weights: 6 Knee or Snap Kick: 1D6 + P.S. damage bonus
feet per every 3 P.S. points. Karate Kick Attack: 2D6 + P.S. damage bonus
Crescent Kick: 2D4+2 + P.S. damage bonus
Damage from Heavy Objects: 1D6 + 1D6 points per Roundhouse Kick: 3D6 + P.S. damage bonus
every 33 pounds (3D6 points per every 100 lbs), plus Usable once per melee. Must be the only kick used all melee.
P.S. damage bonus. So a 200 pound (90 kg) item will Wheel Kick: 2D6 + P.S. damage bonus
inflict 7D6 points of damage; a 2,000 lb (1 ton) object Cannot be done immediately before or after any kick.
will inflict 6D6x10+1D6! Axe Kick: 2D6 + P.S. damage bonus
Usable repeatedly. Must be the only kick used all melee.
HOLDS (OPTIONAL): Jump Kick: 6D6 + P.S. damage bonus (Automatic critical!)
Must be the first attack. Uses all attacks that melee.
Holds use both hands to grab on to the opponent Flying Jump Kick: 4D6 + P.S. damage bonus
and immobilize him. If the strike is successful the Cannot be used in close range. Counts as two melee attacks.
victim is helpless until released and is an easy target Backward Sweep: No damage! Knockdown. Cannot be parried.
for others. Neither the attacker nor the victim can Usable on attacks from behind only.
attack, parry or dodge while the hold is working. To Tripping/Leg Hook: No damage! Knockdown. Cannot be parried.
escape a hold both the victim and attacker roll 1D20
+ P.P.. The attacker also adds in all his bonuses to Note: A Power Punch or Power Kick can be used with all hand and foot strikes
hold. High roll wins! which deal damage (except Leap and Jump Kicks). Damage is double the dice
amount, + P.S. damage bonus. Counts as two melee attacks.
Arm Hold: The arm is twisted around to the victim's
back. Any items in the hand of the arm being held Knock Out/Stun: Usually available on an unmodified strike of 19 or 20 and
can be easily removed. can be used in place of a critical strike, but the player must announce his
intention to use a knock out attack before he rolls to strike. Victims of a
Leg Hold: The victim is on the ground with his leg successful KO/stun attack must roll above a 15 on 1D20 (P.E. bonuses apply)
held up. There's no way for him to get up until the to remain conscious. Failure to save results in being knocked unconscious for
hold is released. 1D4 melee rounds! A successful save means the character remains conscious
but loses two melee attacks and all combat bonuses are reduced by half for
Body Hold: Any number of wrestling holds. The 1D4 melee rounds.
victim can be held on the ground or in a standing
position. Death Blow: Only available when combat training notes it. Uses two attacks
and the player must announce his intention to use a death blow attack
Neck Hold: The victim is held around the neck from before he rolls to strike. Victims of a successful Death Blow attack are dealt
behind. double the normal attack damage (plus P.S. damage bonus) direct to hit
Note: Characters with the Wrestling skill know all points! Does not work through body armor unless the A.R. is overcome in the
these holds at first level. Hand to Hand: Martial Arts attack roll. Against opponents with a Natural A.R., if the attack roll is beneath
teaches them at 3rd level, Hand to Hand: Expert the Natural A.R. then the death blow will still inflict S.D.C. damage.
teaches them at 4th level, and Hand to Hand: Basic
teaches them at 5th level.

Typical Teenager Typical Child Typical Senior Citizen

Level: 0-1 Level: 0 Level: Any
Attributes: 1D6+4 for all Attributes: 1D6 +1 for all Attributes: P.S. 1D6 +3, P.E. 1D6 +3,
S.D.C.: 1D6 +10 S.D.C.: 1D6 +2 Spd. 1D6 +3, all others 3D6 or 9
H.P.: P.E. +2D6 H.P.: P.E. +1D6 S.D.C.: 1D6 +2
H.P.: P.E. +12 + 2D6


Normal P.S. (up to 16): Carry (P.S. ×10) lbs. Lift (P.S. ×20) lbs. Being knocked down off of one's feet results in losing one melee
Strong P.S. (17 to 40): Carry (P.S. ×20) lbs. Lift (P.S. ×40) lbs. attack/action. And if thrown, hurled, or pushed several yards or
Extraordinary P.S.: Carry (P.S. ×100) lbs. Lift (P.S. ×200) lbs. meters the character is likely to lose two melee attacks.
Superhuman P.S.: Carry (P.S. ×200) lbs. Lift (P.S. ×300) lbs.
Supernatural P.S.: Carry (P.S. ×300) lbs. Lift (P.S. ×500) lbs. Humanoid Knock-Down Impact Table: Applicable to most
human-sized characters, even in body armor.
01-15 S.D.C.: No chance. Withstands the blow.
Note: Add the P.S. damage bonus to the damage noted below. The 16-30 S.D.C.: 01-20% chance of being knocked off feet.
damage bonus can be left off if the character is trying to pull his 31-40 S.D.C.: 01-30% chance of being knocked off feet.
punch or the attack is only a slap. A bite or head butt typically 41-50 S.D.C.: 01-50% chance of being knocked off feet.
inflicts half the normal punch damage (with no P.S. damage bonus). 51-60 S.D.C.: 01-70% chance of being knocked off feet.
61-70 S.D.C.: 01-90% chance of being knocked off feet.
P.S. 15 or less: Inflicts 1D4 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 2D4 on a 71 or more S.D.C.: 100%! Knocked off feet and stunned! The
full strength punch, or 3D6 S.D.C. on a power punch (counts as two character loses all attacks/ actions that entire melee round.
melee attacks).
Super-Foe Knock-Down Impact Table: Applicable to characters in
P.S. 16 to 20: Inflicts 1D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 2D6 on a full power armor, robots, powerful supernatural beings, characters
strength punch, or 4D6 on a power punch (counts as two melee who are invulnerable or can alter their physical structure and
attacks). characters with an S.D.C. of 250 or higher.
P.S. 21 to 25: Inflicts 2D4 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 3D6 on a full 1-30 S.D.C.: No chance. Withstands the blow.
strength punch, and 6D6 with a power punch (counts as two melee 31-50 S.D.C.: 01-10% chance of being knocked off feet.
attacks). 51-70 S.D.C.: 01-20% chance of being knocked off feet.
71-100 S.D.C.: 01-40% chance of being knocked off feet.
P.S. 26 to 30: Inflicts 2D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 4D6 on a full 101-150 S.D.C..: 01-60% chance of being knocked off feet.
strength punch, or 1D4×10 on a power punch (counts as two melee 151-200 S.D.C.: 01-80% chance of being knocked off feet.
attacks). 201 or more S.D.C.: 100%! Knocked off feet and stunned! The
character loses all attacks/actions that entire melee round.
P.S. 31 to 35: Inflicts 2D6+2 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5D6 on a
full strength punch, or 1D6×10 on a power punch (counts as two
melee attacks). JUMPING:
P.S. 36 to 40: Inflicts 3D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 6D6 on a full A normal untrained human can leap 5 feet across and 4 feet high.
strength punch, or 2D4×10 on a power punch (counts as two melee If they have Acrobatics and/or Gymnastics then add 2 feet per
attacks). level to that number (total, not per skill).
P.S. 41 to 50: Inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 1D6×10 on a Excerpted from the Rifts Main Book, page 44.
full strength punch, or 2D6×10 on a power punch (counts as two
melee attacks) With a running start and supreme effort (using up 4 attacks), a
character can jump horizontally as follows:
P.S. 51 to 70: Inflicts 5D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 2D4×10 on a
full strength punch, or 3D6×10 on a power punch (counts as two Normal/Strong P.S.: 0.3 ft per point in P.S., or 3 ft per 10 P.S.
melee attacks). Extraordinary P.S.: 0.6 ft per point in P.S., or 6 ft per 10 P.S.
Superhuman P.S.: 1.2 ft per point in P.S., or 12 ft per 10 P.S.
Pull Punch: The ability to control the force of a hand to hand Supernatural P.S.: 3.6 ft per point in P.S., or 36 ft per 10 P.S.
attack, whether it be a punch, kick or with a hand weapon. The
character can choose to inflict ½ damage, ¼ damage, one point of Leaping vertically can be done to a height equal to half the
damage, or no damage at all! A player must declare a pulled punch distance of horizontal leaps - except for Supernatural P.S.. A
and roll an 11 or better on 1D20 to successfully pull his punch. A Supernaturally strong character can leap vertically 2.4 ft per
failed roll to pull means full damage is accidentally inflicted. point in P.S., or 24 ft per 10 P.S.

Easy: Roll of 4 or better. Examples: hearing a loud noise, or finding a bright- A character’s Spd score is the maximum number of
colored object against a white background. feet per second a character can move at full sprint.
Moderate: Roll of 8 or better. Examples: looking for somebody in a well-lit area,
or hearing a slight noise. Spd 10 = 7 m.p.h. Spd. 88 = 60 m.p.h.
Challenging: Roll of 14 or better. Examples: looking for something in poor light, Spd. 22 = 15 m.p.h. Spd. 293 = 200 m.p.h.
or hearing something over a noisy background. Spd. 29 = 20 m.p.h. Spd. 1,027 = 700 m.p.h.
Difficult: Roll of 17 or better. Examples: finding something in the dark, or hearing
a snake sliding over a carpet. S.D.C. VALUES OF COMMON OBJECTS:
Perception versus skills: The person using perception rolls 1D20 and adds Airplane, Single Engine: 400 S.D.C.
perception bonuses as normal. The person using the skill adds +1 to the target Airplane, Jet Airliner: 2,000 S.D.C.
number for every 15 percentage points in the skill. If the skill use is successful, Boat, Canoe/Row Boat: 40 S.D.C.
use the Challenging or Difficult target number. If the skill use is unsuccessful, use Boat, Cabin Cruiser: 450 S.D.C.
the Easy or Moderate target number. Boat, Cargo Freighter: 8,000 S.D.C.
Box, Cardboard: 2 S.D.C.
ENTANGLE: Box, Wood Shipping Crate: 12 S.D.C.
Box, Metal Shipping Crate: 48 S.D.C.
Entangle: Instead of a parry or dodge, the defender can use their next attack to Car, Compact: 250 S.D.C.
attempt to trap the weapon or arm of the attacker. An entangle is successful if Car, Luxury: 450 S.D.C.
the defender rolls above the attacker's strike roll. It takes one attack and a roll to Car, Door Only: 150 S.D.C.
entangle to keep an opponent's arm or weapon trapped/pinned every round. Car, Windshield: 70 S.D.C.
Car, Window (side): 35 S.D.C.
In order to get free, the entangled opponent must roll a successful dodge Chain (to cut or snap): 30-50 S.D.C.
against the entangle roll; high roll wins. The character using the entangle move Door, Interior, Wood: 100 S.D.C.
cannot attack without releasing his entangling hold. Door, Exterior, Wood: 170 S.D.C.
Door, Metal Grille: 350 S.D.C.
SKILL PENALTIES: Door, Solid Metal: 600 S.D.C.
Door, Metal Safe: 800 S.D.C.
Alien or Super-Advanced Technology or Magic: -30% to -40%, or -80% to -95% Door, Bank Vault: 5,000 S.D.C.
Pressure situation (No big deal): -5% to -10% Handcuffs, Regular: 60 S.D.C.
Pressure situation (Deadly): -15% to -30% Handcuffs, Heavy: 120 S.D.C.
Countermeasures, traps and alarms are in place: -10% to -30% Handcuffs, Super-Alloy: 300 S.D.C.
Difficult Task/Complex or Unfamiliar: -10% to -15% Leather Strap: Light: 1-4 S.D.C.
Trying to do something while moving: -5% to -40% Leather Strap: Heavy: 10 S.D.C.
Frightened or jumpy: -5% to -10% Leg Irons, Light: 120 S.D.C.
Seriously wounded (less than half H.P.): -15% Leg Irons, Heavy: 200 S.D.C.
Leg Irons, Super-Alloy: 500 S.D.C.
Note: The G.M. may also impose a reasonable penalty to any situation where Lock, Common Latch: 40 S.D.C.
the character faces an unusual or difficult task. A reasonable penalty will range Lock, Dead Bolt: 100 S.D.C.
between -10% to -30%, but sometimes lower or dramatically higher penalties Lock, Heavy Padlock: 75 S.D.C.
may be appropriate. Motorcycle: 100 S.D.C.
Rope: Light (to cut): 6 S.D.C.
SAVING THROWS: Rope: Heavy (to cut): 12 S.D.C.
String/Twine (to cut): 1 S.D.C.
Harmful Drugs/Toxins: 15 or better. Truck, Medium Sized Pickup: 450 S.D .C.
Magic: Basic Spell: 12 minimum, higher against powerful wizards. Truck, Half-Ton Hauler: 550 S.D.C.
Magic Circles: 13, (Protection: 16-20) Truck, Freight Hauler: 650 S.D.C.
Magic Ritual: 16 or better. Wall, Interior Plaster: 75 S.D.C. per 10ft²
Magic Wards: 13 or better. Wall, Exterior Wood: 150 S.D.C. per 10ft²
Poison: Lethal: 14 or better. Wall, Exterior Brick: 200 S.D.C. per 10ft²
Poison: Non-Lethal: 16 or better. Wall, Cinder Block: 300 S.D.C. per 10ft²
Insanity: 12 or better. Wall, Reinforced Concrete: 400 S.D.C. per 10ft²
Psionics: 15 or better for non-psionics. Wall: Super-Alloy: 1,000 S.D.C. per 10ft² (military)
12 or better for Latent, Minor and Major Psionics. Weapon, Hard Wood: 40 S.D.C.
10 or better for Natural or Master Psionics. Weapon, Metal Sword: 100 S.D.C.
Weapon, Small Pistol: 35 S.D.C.
Horror Factor: Each creature has its own H.F.. To save, roll 1D20 + any bonuses the Weapon, Assault Rifle: 75 S.D.C.
character may have. Roll only on the first melee round of each encounter, not Weapon, Artillery Piece: 1,500 S.D.C.
every round of combat. On a failed save the character loses initiative, loses one Window, Ordinary Glass: 20 S.D.C.
attack, and cannot defend himself against the creature’s first attack that round. Window, Plexiglas: 35 S.D.C.

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