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EDR 317/318 LESSON PLAN (40 points)

SAMPLE Lesson Plan

*If used independent of a Unit Plan or SLO*
Name: Paige Morgan
Lesson Day
Date: Monday March 26, 2018
Grade: 4
Topic: Introducing Bar graphs and Pictographs
Grouping: Whole Class
Time: 50 minutes

 What is a bar graph?

Goal Statement
A description of the enduring understanding or big ideas that  What is a pictograph?
students will possess at the end of the Learning plan based on  What is an effective way we can display our data?
grade level content standards and curriculum.  How can we read a bar graph and a pictograph?

This lesson will be teaching the students about what a bar graph is and what a pictograph is
How will this lesson support the learning goal?
while also teaching them how to represent data using those graphs. We will also be learning
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
how to read the graphs so we can answer questions based off of those graphs.

1. Standard - CC.2.4.3.A.4
PA Standards
Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar
List the Pennsylvania Standard(s) relevant for this lesson.

 Bar graph
Academic Language
What language will students be expected to utilize by the end of the  Pictograph
lesson? Consider Language function and language demands (see  Key
Lesson Plan User Guide).  Tally
What key terms are essential?  Data
What key terms are essential to develop and extend students’  Table
academic language?  Y-axis
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice the  X-axis
new language and develop fluency, both written and oral?
Throughout the lesson, the key terms will be utilized in explicit instruction, through
discussion. Teacher will use the terms and students will use the terms through whole class
discussion, turn and talk and on their worksheets.

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1. The students will be able to correctly identify the value of each item represented on a
bar graph.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
2. The students will be able to correctly identify the value of each item represented on a
Taking into consideration the learning goal what is the objective(s)
bar graph.
of this lesson that will support the progress toward the learning
3. Students will be able to answer questions that are related to the bar graph and
The statement should be directly observable (use verbs that can be

1. Worksheet with 2 tables on it.

Technology Materials/ Resources
2. YouTube video called, Picture Graphs Second Grade - Kids learn about Picture Graphs.
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)
Created by Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids YouTube channel.
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this
a. This video will be played so the students can visually see what a pictograph is
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning
and how to pull the data into the graph.
objective/outcomes? If appropriate, what educational technology
b. They will also be learning about what a key is because that is important for
will be used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How
do the resources support the learning objectives?
3. YouTube video called, Bar Graphs for 2nd Grade Kids - Create your own Bar Graph.
Cite publications and any web resources.
Created by Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids YouTube channel.
a. This video will be played so the students can visually see what a bar graph is
and how to put the data into the graph.
4. SmartBoard
a. This will be used to display the YouTube videos that explain bar graphs and
5. Worksheets
a. Worksheets will be given out at the end of the lesson so students can get some
more practice working with each of the graphs.
b. The first worksheet deals with bar graphs while the second worksheet deals with
c. These worksheets will be handed in at the end of lesson so I can check for
d. If students are not finished the worksheets they will complete them for
6. Extra worksheets for those who finish first.

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1. I will have the students interpret the data in the table.

Anticipatory Set
2. There will be a table that goes along with a short video that we are going to watch soon.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
The table will be shown on the SmartBoard so all of the students can see it.
__7__ minutes 3. Take a look at these two tables up on the board.
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why today’s 4. What do you see? What do you notice? What are these tables trying to present?
lesson is important to them as learners? 5. Turn and talk with someone around you and talk about what you see.
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson 6. While the students talk about what they notice I will be circulating around the room to
topic? make sure students are on task.
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? 7. Awesome job! Who can tell me something that their partner noticed about the tables?
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? 8. My hope is that the students will notice many different things about the charts.
9. If the students are struggling noticing things I will be asking some questions such as,
Provide detailed steps. Which fruit has the most tally marks? Which fruit has the least tally marks? How many
people liked the green pencils? How do you know that?
Instructional Activities
1. Raise your hand if you have ever hard of a pictograph before?
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e:
2. We are going to watch a short video that will help us to get a better understanding for
Designing Coherent Instruction)
pictographs and how we can use them (YouTube video called, Picture Graphs Second
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts? Grade - Kids learn about Picture Graphs. Created by Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids
How will you model or provide explicit instruction? YouTube channel)
3. Before we start I want to share an important word with you. Have you heard of the word
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they
“data” before? Data is a word that we use in math that means a collection of
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with
teacher support)?
4. I want you all to pay close attention to the video.
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these 5. Video is a little over four minutes long.
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you 6. Throughout the video I will be repeating the important things such as, having a title for a
monitor and provide feedback? pictograph, the key, data, etc.
7. I will be walking around to make sure everyone is paying attention.
Provide detailed steps.
8. Are there any questions?
9. We will now be working on our first worksheet. This worksheet is called The Cupcake
Bakery and is all about pictographs.
10. Please put your name at the top and when you are finished with that put your pencils
11. Can someone read the directions for the class?
12. Right so the title of this pictograph is Number of Cupcakes Baked. We have cupcakes for
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
13. Can someone remind me what this little box down here is called? Right! It’s a key!
14. What does the key say for this worksheet? 1 picture of a cupcake = 100 cupcakes.
15. Go to the board and draw a cupcake, now erase half of it. What if I were to erase half of
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the cupcake? What would it be worth then? 50 that’s correct! Great job!
16. So if we see half a cupcake what does that equal? 50 cupcakes.
17. Let’s do number 7 together. Number 7 says, “The cupcake bakery only makes two kinds
of cupcakes: chocolate and white. On Friday, - everyone underline Friday- they baked
200 white cupcakes. How many white cupcakes did they make?”
18. What day are we talking about in number 7? Friday, excellent!
19. So let’s go up to Friday in our pictograph and how many cupcakes do a picture of 1
cupcake represent? 100. So we have 6 cupcakes total. They are all full cupcake pictures,
no halves. So that would mean that each of the 6 pictures would equal 100.
20. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600. The bakery made 600 cupcakes on Friday. Anyone have
any questions so far?
21. That’s not our answer just yet. Because if you go back to number 7, it says that they
baked 200 white cupcakes. So that would mean that 2 of our cupcakes are white. Circle
the 2 cupcakes.
22. We are left with, count with me. 1, 2, 3, 4 cupcakes. Each cupcake is 100 cupcakes so
that would mean we have, 100, 200, 300, 400 chocolate cupcakes that were made on
23. So what is our answer for number 7? Right, 400 chocolate cupcakes.
24. Now I want you to work on the rest of the questions for a little while.
25. If you finish or have any questions at all please ask one of us. We are here to help you!
26. Make sure to read the questions carefully!
27. Walk around while students are working. Answer any questions they may have.
28. When they are finish I will check their answers.
29. If anyone finishes early I have a worksheet for students to complete.
30. We will be working on this for about 15 (ish) minutes.
31. Those finished can hand in their worksheets. Those who are not finished can finish it for
32. Now we are going to transition from pictographs to bar graphs.
33. We are going to watch a short video that will help us to get a better understanding for
bar graphs and how we can use them (YouTube video called, Bar Graphs for 2nd Grade
Kids - Create your own Bar Graph. Created by Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids
YouTube channel)
34. Video is almost four minutes long.
35. Throughout the video I will be repeating the important things such as title, data, etc.
36. I will also be walking around the room to make sure everyone is paying attention.
37. Any questions about this video?
38. I am handing out our second worksheet that is all about bar graphs. Please put your
name on the top and put your pencil down.
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39. This worksheet is called Newspaper Bar graph. Can someone read the directions nice
and loud?
40. So the title of this graph is called Newspaper Subscription Sales. The months are along
the y-axis over here and they are December, November, October, September, August,
July, and June. Then we have the number of subscriptions on the x-axis. These numbers
start at 0 and go all the way to 1,200. Each of these boxes down here represents 100.
Let’s label that so we can read it easier.
41. Any questions so far?
42. Let’s do number 1 together. It is asking, how many newspaper subscriptions were sold
in October?
43. Let’s go up to our bar graph and go to our y-axis find the month of October. Once you
find it you move your finger along the black bar until you get to the end of it. Now we go
from the end and bring our finger down to the x-axis. If you think you have the number
give me a thumbs up. What number do we have? 950. Great! So the answer to question
number 1 is that in the month of October there were 950 subscriptions sold.
44. Try the next 3 problems on your own. Again, if you need any help or have any questions
please ask one of us.
45. Once you are finished come find me with your paper.
46. Those who finish early have another worksheet they can do.
47. They have about 10 (ish) minutes to work on the rest of the problems. Those who don’t
finish can finish for homework.
48. I will be walking around answering questions and making sure everyone is on task doing
what they are supposed to be doing.
Closure 1. What did you learn today? Turn and talk to the person next to you. Give students 2
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) minutes to talk and listen to student responses as they talk. Have a few students share
with the class.
_5__ minutes
2. Students will finish the worksheets that we did in class today for homework if they
How will students share or show what they have learned in this
didn’t finish it in class.
How will you restate the teaching point and clarify key concepts?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?
1. Writing numbers to show values for data or tallies.
2. Showing different ways to interpret data such as numbers, pictures, and tallies.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
3. Extra challenge worksheet for those who finish early.
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose
academic development is below or above the current grade level?
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What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or

learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs
of all of your students?
How does your lesson support student differences with regard to
linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity?
How will your lesson actively build upon the resources that
linguistically and culturally diverse students bring to the
How will your lesson will be supportive for all students, including
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, cultural,
and experiential resources that they bring to their learning?
How will your lesson be designed to promote creative and critical
thinking and inventiveness?
1. The students who tend to get easily distracted will be seated closer to the teacher so that
the teacher is able to easily redirect them.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
2. Repeating the important information mentioned in the videos so that those who had
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to troubling following know it was important.
increase curriculum access for students identified with special 3. Having a video will help the students who need to have examples be able to see exactly
education needs or 504? how you create both a pictograph and a bar graph.
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
(avoid using actual names of students).

1. Students who are finished earlier will be given another challenge worksheet to complete.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the
participation of students identified with special education needs?

1. The turn and talks and listening to student responses will serve as formative assessment
Assessment (Formal or Informal).
for students’ comprehension. The teacher will be able to see which students are
(1f: Assessing Student Learning)
comprehending the text and which students need more support by listening to the
How will you and the students assess where the learning objectives, answers that they share with the class and as they talk with peers.
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listed above, were met? 2. The two (or more) worksheets will be handed in to check for understanding.
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is
aligned to the above objective(s).

Reflection on Instruction I think the lesson went well. I was very impressed with how well behaved the
What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students students were for me. They are usually very well behaved with their teacher but I
have met or are progressing towards the learning outcome? thought they were going to act up for me because I am a new person teaching them.
What changes or adjustments had to be made during the lesson The students were really interactive throughout the lesson and that is something I
(justify those changes) to ensure students make adequate progress appreciated so much! I didn’t have to force anyone to answer questions or repeat
in meeting the learning objective? myself a ton. There were certain moments where I did find myself straying away
What changes will have to be made to the next lesson in order for from my lesson plan, which was fine. I also had a few moments where I was a little
students to be on pace in meeting the overall goal of the Lesson or bit stuck but I think I recovered pretty well. I am so grateful I had extra work for the
Unit? students because I did not anticipate them to nearly all finish the first worksheet as
Taking good notes about each lesson will help as you develop a quickly as they did. The videos I found were a little young and maybe a bit slow for
formal reflective narrative at the end of the SLO. the fourth graders but I really do think they explained the topics well. I also think
that these videos were the most similar I found to their normal videos they watch in
envision math. Mrs. Mooney was there to help when I needed it, which I also really
appreciated. She helped check a few of the students work for me when I was a little
backed up with the hands being raised for me to come check their work. I do wish I
had some more practice with the SmartBoard so I could be that much more efficient
with it but that will come overtime. I received a few comments from students who
noticed things and I didn’t really know how I should respond but I think I responded
appropriately. I haven’t been to this class in quite some time because of snow days
and being sick so learning the student’s names has been slow. I did not know every
ones names and that was where I struggled when it came to answering questions or
calling on those students whose hands were raised. I think I could have focused more
on my wait-time and waited a little longer for some more hands to go up. That is
something I will continue to work on to try to improve. If I were to do this lesson
over again, I would go over the answers as a class. I would project the worksheet
onto the board so every one was following along and I would review each of the
answers just for better understanding. I loved to hear the students talk with each
other at the beginning about what they noticed in the charts. I am glad that I made
sure the students completed the worksheets individually so that when I checked I
was able to see whether or not they understood the question. Their were a few
instances where I had to remind the students to read the entire question so you know
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what it is asking you to do. When I checked their work it was evident to me who
didn’t read the questions fully and who did. For those students who didn’t read it all
the way through I circled the number that I wanted them to redo and told them to
read the question carefully and try again. At the last minute I decided I would label
the piles of extra worksheets with a one and a two. I am glad I did that because even
with the labels there was still some confusion for some students. I feel as if I had a
good control of the class. When I asked them to turn and talk they did and when I
asked them to be quiet so we can move on they did that too. There were a few times
we had a few chatty children but that is to be expected and it wasn’t anything I
couldn’t handle. Overall I am very happy with the way my first lesson went. I
couldn’t have asked for a better group of students to work with for this topic and I
am so glad that it went well. I enjoy having these opportunities to get up in front of
the students. It has always been a great learning opportunity for not just the students
but for myself as a practicing teacher as well. I know that with time my confidence
in front of the students will continue to grow.

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NAME: _______________________________

The table below shows the number of trophies a school collected over 6 years.

Trophies Collected Over Six Years

Year Number of Trophies
1 15
2 9

3 12

4 18
5 20
6 22


1. What is the total number of trophies collected in 6 years?

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2. What is the total number of trophies collected in year 1 and year 4?

3. How many more trophies were collected in year 5 than year 2?

4. How many trophies were collected in years 2, 4 and 6?

5. How many trophies were collected in years 1, 3 and 5?

6. How many more trophies were collected in year 6 than year 1?

7. In what year were the most trophies collected?

8. In what year were the least trophies collected?

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Links to the YouTube videos:


Bar graph-

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