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Satco 424

Testing and
Tank relief Valve setup
Note: this valve is used to drain the tank oil to case drain only when the tilt up is
Check Tank Pressure with tilt up on while the both arms are opening and closing
Set to approx 60 bar

Check case pressure it will be approx 10 bar while the arms are opening or closing
with Tilt up on. If pressure is higher check drain lines and centre joint bypassing.
Also the arms open or close speed may need to be slowed down.

With tilt up off and with the feed motors at full speed the case pressure should
be less than 5 bar
If Case pressure rise’s with the motors running increase the tank relief pressure

If the case relief pressure is to high the arms will be slow opening with the tilt up
If both delimb and drive arms start opening at high drive motor speeds stop
machine and check tank relief settings and case drain pressure
Feed Motor pressure checking
Note: the feed motors will need to be stall by jamming on a log or by
blocking the hose’s to the motors with a plug

Fit a gauge to the LH L.S test point for the front drive motor section, A
port for forward RH main motor and reverse RH fixed motor(Also feeds
LH fixed motor in forward and LH main motor in reverse)
Press feed forward or reverse and measure the pressure with the
wheels stalled (best to check with approx ½ engine speed) forward is
adjusted with the top main port relief, reverse with the lower port
Fit a gauge to the RH L.S test point for the rear drive motor section, A
port for forward LH main motor and reverse LH fixed motor(Also feeds
RH fixed motor in forward and RH main motor in reverse)
Press feed forward or reverse and measure the pressure with the
wheels stalled (best to check with approx ½ engine speed) forward is
adjusted with the top main port relief, reverse with the lower port

To check the relief pressure of the fixed motor relief valves remove it
from the block and swap it with the relief in the dump valve , check and
set the pressure using the tilt up pressure test port (set to 320bar)
then swap back
Delimb arm soft clamp setup
Fit a gauge to the soft clamp test point on the pilot shuttle valve
Hold arm close switch / Lever Pressure should be 280bar, (listen for the noise of
the L.S relief not a main port relief
Run feed motors at max engine speed and recheck pressure
Pressure should drop to approx 50 bar this can be adjusted with the SC RV valve
on the pilot shuttle valve, Clock wise to increase pressure and make the delimb
arm tighter when feeding
If the pressure doesn’t drop the SC SW valve maybe set to high. Turn Anti
clockwise to decrease switching pressure
If the Hold Hard clamp pressure doesn’t increase higher than the SC RV setting
the SC SW valve maybe set to low, Turn clockwise to increase switching pressure
Drive arm / Saw return pressure setup
Note: the drive arm close and Saw return are both set at approx 90 bar and the
pressure can be measure from the same test point so care must be taken to
work out what pressure you are reading and setting. At all time the test point
will measure the highest setting.

1 Saw return pressure settings, Fit a gauge to the right side L.S test point.
A: decrease drive arm close L.S relief setting by approx 1 turn
B: increase Saw return L.S relief to above saw return port relief pressure 120 bar
check and adjust this pressure when holding the arms close (you should be able
to hear the noise difference between the Port relief and the L.S relief)
C: reset the Saw return L.S to 90 bar
2 Drive arm pressure settings
D: adjust the Drive arm close L.S relief to above 120 Bar or until you here the
drive arm close port relief
E: set the drive arm close port relief to 110-120bar
F: decrease to Drive arm close port relief to 90 bar (care must be taken as the
pressure reading on the gauge will not go below 90 bar so stop decreasing the
pressure as the needle reaches 90 bar)
Tank pressure relief valve
Tank pressure Test

Case drain test port

Delimb open Pressure setup
Fit 0-400 bar gauge to Left side L.S test port
Increase delimb open L.S. pressure approx 1 turn (4mm Allen key)
Hold Arms open lever and measure delimb open port relief setting
Set to 280 bar (adjust only with engine off)(5mm Allen key)
Hold arms open lever decrease Delimb open L.S pressure to 240 bar
(can be adjusted with engine running)

Drive Arm open Pressure setup

Fit 0-400 bar gauge to Drive Arm L.S test port
Increase Drive Arm open L.S. pressure approx 1 turn (4mm Allen key)
Hold Arms open lever and measure Drive arm open port relief setting
Set to 280 bar (adjust only with engine off)(5mm Allen key)
Hold arms open lever decrease Drive arm open L.S pressure to 240 bar
(can be adjusted with engine running)
Arm Open Pressure Adjustment
Delimb arm Open L.S. adjuster
4mm Allen key lower

Pilot Hose’s on here

Drive arm open L.S. adjuster

4mm Allen Key upper

Drive arm Test Point

Looking back the back of control valve from the
Inside of Harvester be hide drive cylinder and centre wheel
Delimb Open Port relief (remove 2 x Covers) adjust only with machine turned off

Delimb L.S test point

Drive Open Port relief

Port reliefs adjust with 5mm Allen Key and 17mm Spanner
Set 40 bar higher than L.S relief (remove Red cap)
Delimb and drive pressure sequence valve setup
In Plus 1 settings set the drive arm setting to 10000 and the delimb to 7100
Increase the PS DR to max setting, then decrease the PS DR setting so the
drive arms will not open when pulsing the top delimb open when feeding
Decrease the PS DL to min setting, then increase so the delimb arms will open
with the pulse button while feeding

Adjust the Delimb setting from 7100 to the max setting that won’t close the
drive arms when pressing the delimb close switch.

For machines with grapple control from the bucket lever the switch
points(amount of lever movement) for delimb and drive arm open and close
can be adjusted from the service program.

Standard switch points PS DL 7-10bar, PS DR 15-18 bar

Port Relief for
open on the
bottom of the

L.S adjuster for delimb open on the RH side of the section

Saw sequence valve set up
Adjust the PS SAW valve to approx the half way point (change over pressure
17bar) if saw does come on when the button is pressed decrease setting.
If saw runs all the time increase the setting
Dump Valve on Carrier Tilt up pressure set to
approx 300bar

Tilt up speed control

Anticlockwise to speed up

Tilt up test point

Fitting to control Bar out Pressure
(S/N424-001,424-002 only
Left hand L.S test port

Tank pressure Test port

Saw Bar Speed control Valve

Satco 424 saw return pressure Remove plug with a 6mm Allen key and fit
a ¼”BSPP test point
Note: pilot lines are fitted not solenoids

Saw return speed adjuster

You can swap

with this test
Remove cap if fitted


Hold the head close and measure saw return pressure, use a 4mm Allen key to
adjust the L.S pressure in 1 full turn. Then use a 17mm spanner and 5 mm
Allen key to set the port relief pressure to 110 bar. Next use the 4 mm Allen
key to reduce the L.S pressure to 90 bar The L.S pressure must be 20bar lower
than the port relief pressure or machine can over heat and lack power
4mm saw return L.S adjuster
Left side
Saw return relief valve

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