Clinical Practice Guidelines PSOHNS2016

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Clinical Practice Guidelines


Clinical Practice Guidelines

Acute Otitis Media in Children

Cleft Lip Alveolus and Palate
Allergic Rhinitis in Adults
Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Adults
Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Adults

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Working Group

Ruzanne M. Caro, MD
Jose M. Acuin, MD
Manuel E. Villegas, Jr, MD
Erasmo Gonzalo D.V. Llanes, MD
Christopher E. Calaquian, MD
Karen June P. Dumlao, MD

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Clinical Practice Guidelines


Foreword (3)

Acute Otitis Media in Children (4)

Philippine Academy of Neurotology,
Otology and Related Sciences

Cleft Lip Alveolus and Palate (12)

Philippine Academy of Facial Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery

Allergic Rhinitis in Adults (23)

Philippine Academy of Rhinology

Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Adults (32)

Philippine Academy of Rhinology

Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Adults (36)

Philippine Academy of Rhinology

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Clinical Practice Guidelines


We take pride in this first of a series of releases of the 2016 PSOHNS clinical practice guidelines. This release includes
updated versions of the guidelines on allergic rhinitis, acute bacterial rhinosinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis in adults.
Significantly, there are new guidelines that address acute otitis media in children, and cleft lip alveolus and palate. Starting in
2015, the study groups representing the relevant ENT subspecialties met with the Guideline Committee to select the existing
guidelines to update and the topics for the guidelines to be developed. They also adopted a standard guideline reporting
format and development process as defined by the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) Instrument.
With technical assistance and computing services provided by PSOHNS, members of the subspecialty study groups wrote the
initial guideline drafts which were then presented to the institutions with ENT residency training programs and to the regional
chapters of PSOHNS. Copies of the CPGs were them sent to the general membership of PSOHNS and relevant external experts
for comments. The study groups then revised the drafts accordingly. In 2016, the CPGs underwent peer review.

The previous set of guidelines has been widely used as ‘must reads” of ENT residents in training and as such were used
to evaluate care delivered by residents in training. We hope that the 2016 series will be extensively used to improve patient
outcomes by changing professional practice, shaping ENT care policies and driving new research. For these to happen, the
guidelines have to be widely discussed and adapted to specific clinical settings.

Guidelines do not implement themselves. Clinical pathways, that is, institution – specific protocols and pre-printed
order sets, based on the strongest guideline recommendations, must be developed by multidisciplinary hospital groups.
Pathways have been proven to effectively translate guideline recommendations into process and outcome improvements.
We, otolaryngologists, can demonstrate leadership by heading these pathway groups and championing pathway

Guidelines are not cast in stone. They are living, breathing documents which should be critically appraised, just like any
form of research, for their validity and applicability. They have expiry dates that should trigger automatic re-evaluation
and revision. They are like cars that depreciate once they are released from their makers. Thus, we should be alert to new
evidence that may modify or reverse their recommendations.

Guidelines do not dictate care, only guide it. Guidelines should not be used to unreasonably standardize care. As doctors
we are required to bend care to respond to unique patients’ needs, not blindly adhere to guidelines. Rather we can use
guidelines during audits and peer reviews to debate, discuss and learn from our colleagues’ care decisions and the consequent
outcomes of such care. This invites healthy professional competition and benchmarking. Our patients should ultimately
benefit from sensible guideline adoption.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Acute Otitis Media in Children

Philippine Academy of Neurotology, Otology and Related Sciences

Generoso T. Abes, MD The level of recommendation and evidence for therapeutic studies
C. Gretchen Navarro-Locsin, MD from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Evidenced-based Clinical
Alexander C. Cabungcal, MD Practice Guidelines were used in the grading of recommendations for this
Charlotte M. Chiong, MD guideline.
Marieflor Cristy M. Garcia, MD
Teresa Luisa I. Gloria-Cruz, MD
Norberto V. Martinez, MD
Maria Rina T. Reyes-Quintos, MD
Table 1. Levels of Recommendation
Joel A. Romualdez, MD
Franco Abes, MD
Cristopher Ed Gloria, MD Grade Descriptor Qualifying Implications for
Emmanuel Dela Cruz, MD Evidence Practice
Marichu Forence Ciceron, MD
Level I evidence or Clinicians should follow
Harvey Hendrix Chu, MD a strong recommenda-
consistent findings
Frederick Fernandez, MD A Strong tion unless a clear and
from multiple studies
Ryan Chua, MD recommendation of levels II, III, or IV compelling rationale for
Frendi Cristi, MD an alternative approach
Ham Casipit, MD is present
Giselle Gotamco, MD
Mark Alcid, MD
Generally, clinicians
Ace Dela Rosa, MD
Levels II, III, or IV should follow a recom-
Veronica Mendoza, MD
evidence and mendation but should
Anli Kael Tan, MD B Recommendation
findings are generally remain alert to new in-
consistent formation and sensitive
These clinical practice guidelines are for the use of the Philippine
Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. It covers the diagnosis
and management of acute otitis media in children 2 months to 12 years Clinicians should be
of age.1,2 flexible in their decision-
Levels II, III, or IV making regarding appro-
C Option evidence, but priate practice, although
findings are they may set bounds
The objectives of the guideline are (1) to emphasize the requisites on alternatives; patient
for the diagnosis of acute otitis media in children and (2) to describe preference should have
treatment options based on current evidence.3 a substantial influenc-
ing role
The National Guideline Clearing House, Society for Middle Ear Disease
Organization and Cochrane Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders Group of Clinicians should con-
Level V evidence: sider all options in their
the National Institute for Health Research were searched for guidelines
D Option little or no systematic decision making and be
on acute otitis media. Additional Search Strategy included electronic
empirical evidence alert to new published
databases (Cochrane Database, Medline, CINAHL, Pubmed Database, evidence that clarifies
ScienceDirect, DOAJ, Biomed Central), local libraries, including attempts the balance of benefit
of searching for unpublished literature. Electronic database were versus harm; patient
searched using the keywords otitis media to include acute otitis media preference should have
limited to the English language. The search yielded 19,653 articles. a substantial influenc-
ing role
Forty five articles were chosen for review and were divided as follows:
Meta-analysis/Systematic Review 10 From the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Evidence-based
Randomized Controlled Trial 7 clinical practice guidelines.
Descriptive/Cohort 12
Clinical Practice Guidelines 16

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Table 2. Level of Evidence for Therapeutic Studies hyperemia of the mucoperiosteum. Symptoms will include mild
earache, ear fullness and fever. An erythematous and markedly
Level Type of evidence retracted eardrum is seen upon otoscopy.
2. Stage of Exudation
1A Systematic review (with homogeneity) of RCTs This stage marks the outpouring of fluid from the dilated permeable
capillaries. All symptoms are aggravated especially pain and fever. A
1B Individual RCT (with narrow confidence intervals) red and thickened bulging eardrum with loss of the light reflex is seen
on otoscopy.
1C All or none study 3. Stage of Suppuration / Perforation
During this stage the eardrum ruptures and there is a lot of discharge
2A Systematic review (with homogeneity) of cohort studies seen from the middle ear. Fever and pain are relieved but hearing
loss seems to have worsened.
2B Individual Cohort study (including low quality RCT, e.g. 4. Stage of Coalescence and Surgical Mastoiditis
<80% follow-up) This stage is marked by a milder recurrence of pain, mastoid tenderness
and fever. Mastoid tenderness and sagging of the posterosuperior
2C “Outcomes” research; Ecological studies wall are revealed upon further evaluation of the patient.
5. Stage of Complication
3A Systematic review (with homogeneity) of case-control This stage marks the extension of the infection beyond the middle
studies ear.
6. Stage of Resolution
3B Individual Case-control study This stage may occur at any stage of the disease.

4 Case series (and poor quality cohort and case-control PREVALENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY
study AOM can affect any age group, although epidemiologic studies report
that it is more common among children younger than 3 years of age. Two
5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal or based thirds of these children are expected to have one episode of AOM during
on physiology bench research or “first principles” childhood and one third of them will have more than three episodes
before they reach the age of 2. Thus age is an important factor in the
From the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine incidence of AOM.
DEFINITION A wide range of AOM incidence rates can be found in different
Acute otitis media (AOM) is defined as an acute middle ear countries. In the Asia-Pacific region, incidence ranges from 0.69%
inflammation. It is characterized by signs and symptoms of middle ear among Thai school children aged 7-9 years old to 33% among Australian
inflammation with or without the presence of effusion of less than 3 aboriginal children aged 6 to 30 months. Reports from both Europe and
weeks duration4. the US, show that 62% of children aged less than one year and 83%of
those up to the age of three have suffered at least one bout of AOM.
ETIOLOGY In the Philippines, a cross sectional survey of children ages 0 – 12 years
AOM can be due to multiple multiple organisms such as viruses and old showed an overall prevalence of AOM at 9.6%, with the 0 to 2 year
bacteria. The most common cultures AOM bacteria are Streptococcus age group having the highest prevalence4. By means of extrapolation
pneumonia, non-typable Hemophilus influenza and Moraxella catarrhalis. there were approximately 2,721,676 children that were presumed to
Among cases of AOM the most commonly isolated bacterial pathogens have acute otits media (out of 228,427,779 among the 0-14 age group,
are S.pneumonia in 25-50%, H.influenza in 15-30% and M.catarrahlis in based on Philippine Health Statistics done in 2005). According to the
3-20%. The common AOM viruses in children are respiratory syncytial 2007 National Statistics Data, around 2% of all antibiotic prescriptions
virus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus and enterovirus. in the Philippines were for the treatment of AOM. The estimated cost
There is still controversy whether all these viruses are pathogens that of antibiotic treatment for AOM among the pediatric population was
cause AOM, but it has been identified that adenovirus poses the greatest estimated to be around 5.7 billion Philippine pesos.6
risk of causing AOM after a bout of upper respiratory tract infectin. Co-
infection with a viral cause of AOM has been a suspected reason for RISK FACTORS
failure of antibiotic therapy4. Risk factors for AOM are not exactly involved in its pathophysiology,
rather their presence may indicate a higher chance of AOM occurrence.
These risk factors are divided into non-modifiable host related risk
NATURAL HISTORY OF ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA4,5. factors (age, sex, race, genetic predisposition) and environment-related
modifiable risk factors (exposure to smoke, poor socioeconomic status,
AOM may be clinically seen in any of the following natural congested living conditions, daycare center attendance, previous use of
occurring stages: antibiotics, bottle feeding and use of pacifiers)4,5
1. Stage of Hyperemia/ Retraction In a systematic review of the risk factors associated with AOM among
This is the onset of disease, which is characterized by a generalized indigenous people in Australia, it was found that swimming pool use may

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

also attribute to AOM occurrence. Additional host-related risk factors scale with a duration of at least 48 hours and body temperature of
identified included premature birth, allergies, immunological deficiency, 39°C or more.9
cleft palate defects, craniofacial abnormalities and adenoid hypertrophy.
Seasonality as another environmental factor may increase the risk of Figure 1. Visual Analog Scale
otitis media.7 In contrast to most western countries, the Philippines has Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

only two seasons: the rainy season (from June to November) and the dry 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
season (from December to May) 8. no


1. Diagnosis of acute otitis media is based mainly on clinical parameters. 2. Pneumatic otoscopy is recommended as a primary tool in the
A good clinical history and physical examination, particularly diagnosis of middle ear effusion.
otoscopy and pneumatic otoscopy can obtain criteria that will fulfill Grade B Recommendation Level 2B Evidence
the clinical diagnosis of acute otitis media4.
Grade B Recommendation Level 3A Evidence An important criteria for AOM diagnosis is the presence of middle
ear fluid. In order to identify signs and symptoms of middle ear effusion,
1.1 Diagnosis of acute otitis media requires confirmation with the use of pneumatic otoscopy is recommended4.
1.1.1 History of acute (within 3 weeks) onset and Pneumatic otoscopy is 70-90% sensitive and specific for determining the
1.1.2 Signs and symptoms of middle ear presence of middle ear effusion (MEE) when compared to 60-70% accuracy
inflammation and with simple otoscopy11. Findings include limited or absent mobility of the
1.1.3 Presence of middle ear effusion tympanic membrane, which is the best predictor of AOM (high sensitivity
95%, high specificity 85%), cloudiness of tympanic membrane with (high
1.2 Any of the following otoscopic findings sensitivity 74% and high specificity 97%) and bulging of the tympanic
1.2.1 Limited or absent mobility of the membrane (low sensitivity 51% and high specificity 97%)12.There can be
tympanic membrane9,4 difficulty in the assessment of the tympanic membrane of infants and
Best predictor of AOM (high sensitivity 95%, young children due to problems with cooperation, the external auditory
high specificity 85%)9 meatus anatomy and the presence of cerumen. In such cases the diagnosis
1.2.2 Cloudiness of tympanic membrane9,4 of AOM cannot be made certain. The use of pneumatic otoscopy in order
High sensitivity 74% and high specificity 97%9 to confirm the restricted mobility of the tympanic membrane can be
1.2.3 Bulging of the tympanic membrane9,4 helpful but may also present problems when performed among small
Low sensitivity 51% and high specificity 97%9 children13,14.
1.2.4 Markedly retracted tympanic membrane9,4
1.2.5 Distinct erythema of the tympanic membrane4 3. Tympanometry is not routinely recommended in the diagnosis of
1.2.6 Air-fluid level or air bubbles behind the tympanic AOM.
membrane9,4 Grade C Recommendation Level 2B Evidence
1.2.7 Perforation with otorrhea9
The sensitivity and specificity of tympanometry, using pneumatic
A good clinical history and otoscopic examination of the tympanic otoscopy as a gold standard, has been assessed. The presence of a type
membrane is the key to the correct diagnosis of AOM. A or normal tympanogram does not completely rule out the presence
of air-fluid levels and effusion in the middle ear. Only when performed
1.3 Any of the following findings
together with normal otoscopy can it be predictive of the lack of middle
1.3.1 Otalgia
ear fluid. A type B or flat tympanogram should be confirmed by means
Older children with AOM usually present with a
of repeated measurements and by the correlation of tympanometry with
history of rapid ear pain. Among young preverbal
pneumatic otoscopy15.
children tugging, rubbing or holding of the ear may
A particular disadvantage of tympanometry is that it requires a good
suggest otalgia. Excessive crying and changes in the
seal of the external auditory canal. A tympanogram cannot be obtained
child’s sleep pattern may also suggest otalgia9.
in children who often move or cry because an adequate seal cannot be
1.3.2 Fever
Acute occurrence of otalgia, fever and/or otorrhea
supports the diagnosis of AOM but is nonspecific as
an entity. In relation to the diagnosis of AOM, it has 4. Tympanocentesis is not routinely recommended in the diagnosis of
a sensitivity of 54% and a specificity of 82%10. acute otitis media.
Grade C Recommendation Level 2B Evidence
Mild symptoms include mild otalgia on the visual analog scale with a
duration of less than 48 hours and body temperature of less than 39°C.9 Tympanocentesis is the gold standard for bacteriologic diagnosis but
Moderate to Severe symptoms include otalgia on the visual analog it is not usually indicated in the diagnosis of acute otitis media4.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE for their initial AOM treatment.5 The Europeans and the Americans may
OTITIS MEDIA differ in the institution of symptomatic relief as initial treatment for AOM
but they both agree that antimicrobials should immediately be given to
1. Pain relief is an important part of effective AOM management. children of ages less than 6 months, have fever greater than 39°C or have
Treatment in order to address otalgia is recommended. severe otalgia. These three indicators have been associated with a greater
Grade B Recommendation Level 3A Evidence likelihood of treatment failure and serious infection.3 On the other hand,
several studies have considered children with an age of less than 2 years
Most of the articles that were reviewed and the consensus taken from to be an indication for immediate antibiotic therapy regardless of any
different groups agreed that pain associated with acute illness should be other associated risk factor.22,23
addressed17. Treatment options should be based on the severity of illness
with incorporation of the preference of the parent/caregiver and the
patient. Consideration of benefits and risks should be done whenever Table 3. Indications for antibacterial treatment versus observation in
possible18. Pain should be addressed during the first 24 hours upon children with uncomplicated AOM24
diagnosis. Paracetamol (10-15 mg/Kg/dose) and Ibuprofen (5-10mg/Kg/
dose) are the mainstay of treatment that can provide analgesia for mild Moderate or Severe
Age Mild AOM
to moderate pain19. AOM
The use of topical anesthetics is currently not recommended because < 6 months Antibacterial Antibacterial
there was a paucity of evidence with regards to its benefits among Treatment Treatment
patients who concurrently took oral analgesics when they were compared Antibacterial treatment
to patients who concurrently took placebo medications19. 6 months to 2 years Antibacterial in bilateral AOM
Treatment Observation in unilateral
2. Initial observation is an option among children two years and older AOM
with mild symptoms and among infants 6 to 23 months old with ≥ 2 years Antibacterial
unilateral mild AOM. Treatment Observation
Grade B Recommendation Level 2A Evidence

Initial observation for AOM refers to deferment of antibacterial

treatment for the first 48 to 72 hours while providing symptomatic
relief.19 Observation must be a joint decision between the clinician and 4. High dose amoxicillin is recommended as the first-line treatment
the parents or caregiver. In such cases, a system for close follow-up and among most patients with mild AOM.
a means of beginning antibiotics must be in place if symptoms worsen Grade A Strong Recommendation Level 1A Evidence
or no improvement is seen within the initial 48 to 72 hours. Safety net
antibiotic prescriptions (SNAP) can be given at the initial visit with a Amoxicllin is recommended as first line therapy based on its favorable
specific instruction that it will be used only when the condition of the pharmacologic profile against drug-resistant pneumococci, its proven
child persists or worsens after 48 to 72 hours.20 SNAP prescriptions should efficacy, safety profile, narrow spectrum of activity and low cost.9
be dated so as to prevent the inappropriate use of antibiotics15. Amoxicillin (80-90 mg/Kg/day in 2 divided doses) is effective in
Parents or caregivers should be educated about the self-limiting inhibiting most non-susceptible strains of pneumococci and to achieve
nature of most cases of AOM, the importance of pain relief early in the adequate concentration of the drug in the middle ear fluid.9,22 Amoxicillin,
course, and the possible side effects of antibacterials (i.e. hypersensitivity, given in high-doses, is able to maintain a minimal inhibitory concentration
vomiting, diarrhea and diaper rash) 9. (MIC) of antibiotic in the middle ear, exceeding the MICs of intermediate
and high-level penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae.25,26 In 2014, Philippine
3. Initial antibiotic therapy should be prescribed among the following: data reported that resistance of Streptococcus pneumonia to Penicillin
a. Children 6 months and older with severe signs or was 7% - 10.3% (n=257; 95% CI: 5.9-13.4) while there was a Penicillin
symptoms of unilateral or bilateral disease and, resistance of 6.6% to 13.4% for Haemophilus influenza.27 Resistance to co-
b. Children less than 2 years old with bilateral disease trimoxazole was reported to be between 17% to 23% for Streptococcus
without severe signs or symptoms pneumonia and 22% to 43% for Haemophilus influenza from 2008 to
Grade B Recommendation Level 2A Evidence 2014.27

Initial antibiotic therapy is defined as treatment of AOM with 5. An antibiotic with β-lactamase coverage is recommended as a first
antibiotics prescribed upon diagnosis, which has the intent of starting line treatment for severe AOM or when a child’s symptoms worsen
antibiotic therapy as soon as possible. A recent systematic review that or fail to respond to initial amoxicillin treatment. (Figure 2)
compared the effectiveness of antibiotic and placebo in the initial Grade B Recommendation Level 2B Evidence
treatment of uncomplicated AOM showed that antibiotic use provided a
marginal benefit with regards to pain relief during the early stages of the Severe AOM suggests a more severe disease or the presence of
disease.21 Some experts believe that children aged less than two years resistant strains necessitating Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (90mg/Kg/
and children with bilateral disease or with otorrhea need antimicrobials day amoxicillin plus 6.4mg/Kg/day of clavulanic acid) as initial therapy.4

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

6. If the patient is allergic to amoxicillin, alternative drugs should be shorter courses in children younger than 2 years. In mild to moderate
considered. cases, 7 days of antibiotics is preferred for children 2 to 5 years of age and
Grade C Recommendation Level 2B Evidence a 5 to 7 day course for children 6 years and older.9
In a Cochrane review that compared short and long course antibiotics
Depending on the type of allergic reaction observed, for AOM, children in the former group had a higher treatment failure rate
several antibiotics can be recommended. when they were compared to children who received longer courses of
antibiotics (OR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.21–1.71)18. In another systematic review,
Table 4. Alternative drugs to amoxicillin for allergic patients.5 it was found that short–course azithromycin (3-5 days), had a low risk of
treatment failure29.
Type I Hypersensitivity Reac- Non-Type I Hypersensitivity
For time-dependent antibacterial agents such as penicillins (amoxicillin)
tion* Reaction**
and cephalosporins, drug concentrations must be maintained above the
minimum inhibitory concentration for at least 40% of the dosing interval
Azithromycin ***Cefdinir
in order to maintain its efficacy. The efficacy of these drugs increase
(10 mg/Kg/day once daily on (14 mg/Kg/day in 1 or 2 doses)
along with their concentrations. Therefore the bactericidal activity of
Day1, followed by 5 mg/Kg/day Cefpodoxime
these antibacterials are dependent on their length of exposure to the
on day 2-5) (10 mg/Kg/day once daily)
pathogen. This principle may explain a risk of treatment failure when
Clarithromycin Cefuroxime
amoxicillin is given for a short course29.
(15 mg/Kg/day in 2 divided (30 mg/Kg/day in 2 divided
doses for 10 days) doses)
8. Clinicians must reassess the patient if the symptoms worsen or fail
Erythromycin Cefixime
to respond to the initial management options within the first 48-72
(30-50 mg/Kg/day in 3 divided (8mg/Kg/day once a day or in 2
hours in order to confirm the diagnosis of AOM, to determine the
doses) divided doses)
existence of possible complications and to exclude other causes of
the illness.
(6-12 mg/Kg/day trimethoprim
8.1. If the patient was initially managed with observation,
in 2 divided doses)
management options include the initiation of antibacterial
*Type I hypersensitivity is immediate or anaphylactic hypersensitivity. The reaction takes 15-30
minutes from the time ofexposure to the antigen. 8.2. If the patient was initially managed with an antibacterial
**Non-Type I hypersensivity is not an immediate reaction and may involve other mechanisms agent (s), management options include 1) change of the
of allergy.
*** Not available in Philippines (Philippine National Drug Formulary) antibacterial agent(s); or 2) tympanocentesis or myringotomy
in addition to modification of the antibacterial therapy.
Clindamycin (30 mg/Kg/day TID) can be used for patients who are Grade C Recommendation Level 3A Evidence
allergic to penicillin and are penicillin-resistant S pneumonia suspects. A
single dose of parenteral ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg) has been shown to be Within 24 hours of antibiotic therapy, the patient’s condition is
equivalent to 10 days of amoxicillin and has been known to be effective expected to stabilize. Pain relief is a useful indicator of treatment
for patients who cannot tolerate the oral form of antibiotic treatment4. response.4 The time course for clinical response should be within 48-
A five-day single-dose azithromycin regimen was shown to provide 72 hours. Criteria for response include the following: 1) defervescence
clinical results parallel to 10 days worth of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid as within 48-72 hours, 2) decrease in irritability and 3) normalization of
well4. Cefixime has excellent activity against β- lactamase–producing H. sleep/eating patterns.
influenzae and M. catarrhalis but has significantly weaker activity against If AOM is confirmed in a patient initially managed with observation
S. pneumoniae than amoxicillin. Therefore, cefixime may be a good choice but has not been noted to clinically improve, the clinician should begin
for AOM unresponsive to agents with high activity against S. pneumoniae, antibacterial therapy. A patient who was initially given amoxicillin may be
as these cases of AOM are likely attributed to H. influenzae or M. shifted to high dose amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (90 mg/Kg/day + 6.4
catarrhalis.28 In severe cases of AOM that do not respond to antibacterial mg/Kg/day). A 3-day course of once daily dosing of Ceftriaxone (50mg/
therapy, a referral to a specialist may be warranted for tympanocentesis. Kg/day IV/IM) may be given to patients with vomiting.3 In a local study,
The tympanocentesis may lead to a definitive identification of the a single 50 mg/Kg IM dose of Ceftriaxone was shown to be effective for
involved pathogen and may further provide a better evaluation of the the treatment of uncomplicated AOM and did not show any significant
disease3. side-effects.30
Tympanocentesis or myringotomy may provide immediate pain
7. Duration of antibiotic treatment should depend on the age of the relief. The procedure may also establish a microbiological analysis of
patient and the severity of the disease. the aspirate in order to isolate the pathogens involved and affirm their
Grade A Strong Recommendation Level 1A Evidence antibiotic sensitivities especially among AOM cases that have failed to
respond to various antibiotic regimens9,18,25. Grevers mentioned that
Antimicrobial treatment for 10-14 days continues to be the current tympanocentesis is only indicated for treatment of complications of
clinical practice for AOM.4 A standard 10-day course is favored over AOM, treatment failures and in conditions wherein imminent tympanic
membrane perforations cannot be avoided31.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Table 5. Antibiotic treatment after 48-72h of failure of Initial In the Philippines, a cohort study done among children 2 to 6 months
Antibiotic Treatment9 old showed no difference in the development of AOM in children
whether they were given PCV or not. However, the relative risk data
First-Line treatment Alternative Treatment derived from this study showed that the vaccine was beneficial in
preventing AOM33. Further studies are still needed in order to determine
Ceftriaxone, 3 days the effects of widespread implementation of PCV on AOM, the effects
Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Clindamycin of other serotypes of PCV on AOM, and the risks of complications that
(90mg/Kg/day amoxicillin with (30-40 mg/Kg/day in 3 divided PCV vaccine may impose in the general population. However, the overall
doses) w/ or w/o third-generation reduction of AOM cases that may be brought about by the use of PCV-11
6.4 mg/Kg/day clavulanate in 2
divided doses) may prove to be more beneficial and cost effective in the future.
(30-40 mg/Kg/day in 3 divided
doses) plus third generation Figure 2. Algorithm for Treatment of AOM in children
Ceftriaxone cephalosporin
(50 mg/Kg IM or IV once a day AOM
for 3 days) Tympanocentesis or

6 months to 2 years old < 6 months old > 2 years old

Specialist consultation

Mild Unilateral AOM Moderate/Severe or Moderate/Severe AOM Mild AOM

bilateral AOM

9. The use of antihistamine and/or decongestant therapy is not

recommended for the treatment of acute otitis media.
Grade A Strong Recommendation Level 1B Evidence
Allergic to
Antihistamine/decongestant therapy is not recommended for the Amoxicillin?
management of AOM. Upon review of the Cochrane database, studies Observe for
48-72 hours
that examined the efficacy of antihistamines or decongestants upon
identification of acute signs or symptoms of AOM, found no significant
differences between treatment groups. The use of antihistamines and/ Yes No

or decongestants did not appear justified in the treatment of AOM and is

therefore not recommended given their known side effects18. However, it Start Cephalosporin
or Macrolide
was recognized that these agents may be used for concomitant illnesses Symptom
such as allergies.4
10.Clinicians should recommend pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to improvement
after 48 hours?
all children. Yes No

Grade B Recommendation Level 2A Evidence

Yes No

In a recent systematic review on the effects of PCV vaccination in

AOM prevention, the use of PCV-7 showed modest beneficial effects Shift to Amoxicillin +
among healthy infants but it was unable to reduce overall AOM episodes. Clavulanate (for non-allergic
to Amoxicillin patients) or
Furthermore, the administration of PCV 7 among older children with a Ceftriaxone or Clindamycin

history of AOM had no beneficial effect on preventing future episodes of

AOM. On the other hand, the use of PCV-11 showed overall reduction in
all causes of AOM32.
The incorporation of PCV-7 in routine childhood immunization improvement
after 48 hours?
programs in the US proved to be cost effective. An Asian study done in
Singapore showed the cost effectiveness of PCV-7 on vaccinated infants Resolution Yes No
when herd immunity was present. Overall, pneumococcal conjugate antibiotic
vaccines have proven to be safe and immunogenic among young Reassess diagnosis and
children4. tympanocentesis/Myringotomy

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

11.Clinicians may recommend annual influenza vaccine to all children. in order to determine whether probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
Grade C Recommendation Level 2B Evidence and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12) might be effective in reducing the risk
of infections in infancy. During the first year of life, nine out of thirty-
Upper respiratory tract infections usually caused by viruses may result two (28 %) infants who received probiotics and twenty-two out of forty
in AOM particularly in young children. The administration of influenza (55 %) infants who received placebo encountered recurrent respiratory
vaccine demonstrated efficacy in the prevention of AOM by 30% to 55%.9 infections (RR 0·51 (95 % CI 0·27, 0·95); P1⁄4 0·022). This data suggests
In another study done among children aged 7-50 months, it was found that that probiotics may offer a safe means of reducing the risk of early acute
influenza vaccine had an 83% efficacy rate against influenza-associated otitis media and antibiotic use as well as reducing the risk of recurrent
AOM and a 36% efficacy against all-cause AOM.34 In the US, Influenza respiratory infections during the first year of life. However, further clinical
vaccine is now recommended for all children 6 months of age and older9. trials are still warranted to confirm its direct effects on AOM39. Several
Influenza vaccine has to be encouraged because it may be useful in the studies have also suggested that probiotics did not prevent episodes of
prevention of first AOM episodes35. However, a recent Cochrane review AOM in infants and children.40,41 More studies with bigger populations
revealed that the influenza vaccine had no effect on drug prescription and high levels of evidence are still needed in order to arrive at a definite
rates, the prevention of AOM, as well as the consequences of vaccination conclusion.
and the socioeconomic impact of the influenza vaccine36.

12.Clinicians should encourage exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY

Grade B Recommendation Level 3A Evidence 1. US Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Guidance for Industry and FDA
Staff: Pediatric Expertise for Advisory Panels. Taken from
Breast milk contains lactoferrin, secretory IgA and antibodies. It RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm082185.htm
stimulates the infant’s immune response and interferes with bacterial 2. Knoppert D, Reed M, Benavides S, Totton J, Hoff D, Moffet B, Norris K, Vaillancourt
attachment to the nasopharynx4. Exclusive breastfeeding for at least R, Aucoin R, Worthington M. Paediatric Age Categories to be Used in Differentiating
3 months reduces the incidence of AOM by 13% while 6 months of Between Listing on a Model Essential Medicines List for Children: Position Paper.
World Health Organization archives.
exclusive breastfeeding reduced the incidence of AOM to 50%35. None of
3. Philippine Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Clinical Practice
the studies that explored the association of AOM in infants with duration Guidelines: Acute Otitis Media in Children. 2006.
of breastfeeding had randomized controlled designs, but when they were 4. Abes et. al. Acute Otitis Media: Current Evidenced-Based Recommendations for
taken together the results showed a pattern of protection of exclusive Primary Care Physicians. Manila Otorhinolaryngological Foundation, Inc, Manila
breastfeeding9. The position of a child during breastfeeding may be 2013.
5. Philippine Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Clinical Practice
better when compared to a child who is bottlefed in a supine position.
Guidelines: Acute Otitis Media in Children. 2006.
The supine position and the negative pressure created in the eustachian 6. Caro RM, Llanes, EGDV, Ricalde RR, Sarol JN Jr. Prevalence of Clinically Diagnosed
tube during bottle-feeding may cause infants to suck excessively which Acute Otitis Media (AOM) in the Philippines: a National Survey with Developing
may in turn lead to episodes of AOM.37 Country’s Perspective. Acta Medica Philippina. 2014;48(4):30-4.
7. Jervis-Bardy J, Carney LS. Otitis Media in Indigenous Australian children: review of
epidemiology and risk factors. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (2014), 128
13.Clinicians should encourage prevention of AOM by reduction of risk
(Suppl. S1), S16–S27.
factors and education of parents/caregivers 8. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration.
Grade C Recommendation level 2A Evidence
9. Allan S. Lieberthal, Aaron E. Carroll, Tasnee Chonmaitree, Theodore G. Ganiats,
Parent’s and caregivers’ awareness of the disease helps prevent AOM. Alejandro Hoberman, Mary Anne Jackson, Mark D. Joffe, Donald T. Miller, Richard
M. Rosenfeld, Xavier D. Sevilla, Richard H. Schwartz, Pauline A. Thomas and
Knowledge and avoidance of modifiable risk factors may alleviate the
DavidE. Tunkel. The Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media. Pediatrics
burden of AOM.4 In a review of studies on risk factors for recurrent AOM 2013;131;e964
they found out that pacifier use, exposure to cigarette smoke, attendance 10. Subcommittee for Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management
at daycare facilities, craniofacial anomalies and less breastfeeding history of Acute Otitis Media in Children. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis and
increased the incidence of AOM recurrence.38 Avoidance of exposure Management of Acute Otitis Media in Children. Auris Nasus Larynx 39 (2012) 1-8
11. Heikkinen T, Ruuskanen O. Inlfuenza vaccination in the prevention of Acute Otitis
to tobacco smoke may also reduce the incidence of AOM in children18.
Media in Children. Am J Dis. Child. 1991 Apr; 145(4):445-8.
Careful handwashing and use of alcoholic solutions among school-aged 12. Allan S. Lieberthal, Aaron E. Carroll, Tasnee Chonmaitree, Theodore G. Ganiats,
children were shown to reduce the incidence of AOM by 27%. On the Alejandro Hoberman, Mary Anne Jackson, Mark D. Joffe, Donald T. Miller, Richard
other hand, pacifier use has been shown to increase the risk of AOM by M. Rosenfeld, Xavier D. Sevilla, Richard H. Schwartz, Pauline A. Thomas and
30%35. DavidE. Tunkel. The Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media. Pediatrics
13. Helenius KK, Laine MK, Tahtinen PA, Lahti E, Ruohola A: Tympa - nometry in
14.Probiotics are not recommended for the prevention of Acute Otitis discrimination of otoscopic diagnoses in young ambulatory children. Pediatr Infect
Media in children Dis J 2012; 31: 1003–6 28. Klein JO: Otitis media. Clin Infect Dis 1994; 19: 823–33
Grade C Recommendation level 2B Evidence 14. Laine MK, Tahtinen PA, Helenius KK, Luoto R, Ruohola A: Acoustic reflectometry in
discrimination of otoscopic diagnoses in young ambulatory children. Pediatr Infect
Dis J 2012; 31: 1007–11
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted


CPG INSIDE.indd 10 11/23/16 6:51:30 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

15. UMHS Guidelines Oversight Team. Guidelines for Clinical Care Ambulatory: Otitis 39. Rautava, S, Salminen S, Isolauri E. Specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute
Media. University of Michigan Health System 2013. infections in infancy – a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study British
16. Casey J, Pichichero M. Acute Otitis Media Update 2015. ContemporaryPediatrics. Journal of Nutrition (2009), 101, 1722–1726 doi:10.1017/S0007114508116282
com March 2015 40. Cohen et al. Probiotics and prebiotics in preventing episodes of acute otitis media
17. Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health and Task Force on in high-risk children: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.Pediatr
Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents , The Assessment and Management of Infect Dis J. 2013 Aug;32(8):810-4. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e31828df4f3
Acute Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents Pediatrics 2001;108;793 41. Hatakka et al. Treatment of acute otitis media with probiotics in otitis-prone
18. Olesczuk M, Fernandes R, Thomson D, Shaikh N. The Cochrane Library and acute children-a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised study.Clin Nutr. 2007
otitis media in children: an overview of reviews . EVIDENCE-BASED CHILD HEALTH: A Jun;26(3):314-21. Epub 2007 Mar 13.
COCHRANE REVIEW JOURNAL Evid.-Based Child Health 7: 393–402 (2012).
19. Sanders, S. Glasziou, PP. Del Mar C.B., Rovers, MM. Antibiotics for Acute Otitis
Meida in Children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 1. Art. No.
20. Nesbit, C. Powers, M. An evidenced-based approach to managing acute otitis media.
Pediatric Emergency medicine practice April 2013 volume 3 number 4.
21. Sanders, S. Glasziou, PP. Del Mar C.B., Rovers, MM. Antibiotics for Acute Otitis
Meida in Children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 1. Art. No.
22. Bluestone CD, Klein JO. Otitis Media in Infants and Children. 4th ed. Hamilton: BC
Decker Inc, 2007 pp 213-325
23. McWilliams CJ, Goldmann RD. Update on Acute Otitis Media in Children younger
than 2 years of age. Cam Fam Physician. 2011 Nov; 57(11):1283-5.
24. Thomas JP, Berner R, Zahnert T, Dazert S. Acute Otitis Media—a Structured Approach
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(9): 151−60
25. High dose amoxicillin: Rationale for use in otitis media treatment failures. Paediatr
Child Health Vol 4 No 5 July/August 1999
26. Rationale behind High-Dose Amoxicillin Therapy for Acute Otitis Media Due to
Penicillin-Nonsusceptible Pneumococci: Support from In Vitro Pharmacodynamic
Studies. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 41 No. 9 Sept. 1997
27. Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Reference Laboratory. Antimicrobial
Resistance Surveillance Program 2014 Data Summary Report. Research Institute of
Tropical Medicine DOH 2014.
28. Nelson, M. An update on treatment strategies for Acute Otitis Media. InetCE 221-
29. Gulani A, Sachdev HPS. Effectiveness of shortened course (≤ 3 days) of antibiotics
for treatment of acute otitis media in children. A systematic review of RCT efficacy
trials. World Health Organization 2009.
30. Bravo LC AG, Castillo Y, Sunga-Mallorca E, Matsuo JM, Hernandez M. Open-Labeled,
Non-Comparative Trial: Single-Dose Intramuscular Ceftriaxone For Uncomplicated
Acute Otitis Media in Children Philippine Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines
Journal. 1999;3(1):22-6.
31. Grevers G et al. Identification and characterization of the bacterial etiology of
clinically problematic acute otitis media after tympanocentesis or spontaneous
otorrhea in German children. BMC Infectious Diseases 2012
32. Fortanier AC, Venekamp RP, Boonacker CWB, Hak E, Schilder AGM, Sanders EAM,
Damoiseaux RAMJ. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for preventing otitis media.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD001480. DOI:
33. Chu T, Cachola D, Regal MA, Llamas AC. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (Non-
Typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) Protein D, Diphtheria or Tetanus Toxoid
Conjugates) in Prevention of Acute Otitis Media in Children: A Cohort Study.
Manuscript Submitted for Publication
34. Heikkinen T, Ruuskanen O. Inlfuenza vaccination in the prevention of Acute Otitis
Media in Children. Am J Dis. Child. 1991 Apr; 145(4):445-8.
35. Marchisio P, Bellussi L, Di Mauro G, Doria M, Felisati G. Acute otitis media:
From diagnosis to prevention. Summary of the Italian guideline. International
Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 1209–1216. doi:10.1016/j.
36. Jefferson T, Rivetti A. Vaccines for preventing Influenza in healthy children. Cochrane
Database Systematic Review. 2012 Aug 15;8:CD004879
37. Brown CE, Magnuson B. On the physics of the infant feeding bottle and middle ear
sequela: Ear disease in infants can be associated with bottle-feeding. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol 2000;54:13-20.
38. Lubianca Neto JF, Hemb L, Silva DBE. Systematic literature review of modifiable risk
factors for recurrent acute otitis media in childhood. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2006; 82: 87-


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Clinical Practice Guidelines


Philippine Academy of Facial Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery

Jaime Anthony A. Arzadon IV MD source and was modified for this clinical practice guideline. This report
Christopher Malorre E. Calaquian MD will need to be reviewed and modified periodically with new and updated
Richel L. Cavas, MD knowledge.
Armando M. Chiong, Jr MD
Edwin M. Cosalan MD These clinical practice guidelines are for the use of the general
Virgilio R. De Gracia MD otorhinolaryngologists. This covers the diagnosis and management of
Rachel T. Mercado-Evasco, MD unilateral cleft lip alveolus and palate deformities of pediatric patients
Mark Arjan R. Fernandez, MD (18 years and younger).
Aileen Delos Santos-Garcia, MD
Ramon E. Gonzales, MD OBJECTIVES
Kathleen R. Fellizar-Lopez, MD The objectives of the clinical practice guidelines are to (1) aid the
Nelson G. Magno, MD general ENT in the diagnosis and classification (2) evaluate presurgical
Dennis Cristobal S. Mangoba, MD diagnostics (3) evaluate surgical options (4) describe the multidisciplinary
Homer M. Matias, MD cleft care team in managing patients with unilateral cleft lip alveolar and
Michael Edward A. Navalta, MD palate deformity.
Roberto M. Pangan, MD
Eduardo Francisco V. Tanlapco, MD LITERATURE SEARCH
Raynald Edlin P. Torres, MD The National Library of Medicine’s PubMed database was searched
Lyra V. Veloro, MD using keywords cleft lip, cleft palate and management. The search was
Manuel E. Villegas, Jr, MD limited to journals published in English for the last fifteen years, and local
Cesar V. Villafuerte Jr, MD, MHA accredited ENT institution reports.
Lei-Joan S. Vital, MD
Vanessa P. Cabaluna, MD A total of 590 journals were initially searched and narrowed to 84
Alexander Edward S. Dy, MD journals. Of the 84 researches used in the guideline development, thirty-
Rodolfo U. Fernandez III, MD three committee reports and protocols from institutions were used as
Emilio Raymund G. Claudio, MD guides for the formulation of the clinical practice guidelines. The articles
Loella Joy C. Lustestica, MD were divided accordingly:
May Cristine L. Obana, MD Meta-analysis 8
Mary Harmony B. Que, MD Randomized control trial 4
Non-randomized control study 11
DISCLOSURES Descriptive study 24
The members of the Philippine Academy of Facial Plastic and Committee report 33
Reconstructive Surgery did not receive funding for the creation of Four unpublished researches were included due to their relevance
these guidelines. PAFPRS has no conflicts of interest and has nothing to as they provided local data for the recommendations. All materials were
disclose assessed for relevance and classified according to levels of evidence and
grades of recommendations based on guidelines from the Oxford Centre
INTRODUCTION for Evidence-Based Medicine.1
The clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on the unilateral cleft lip
alveolus and palate deformity was created by the Philippine Academy The guideline development group was divided into three subgroups to
of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PAFPRS), a study group of formulate key recommendations on diagnosis and pre-surgery concerns,
the Philippine Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, surgical and multidisciplinary management. A series of meetings over
Inc. which is composed of general otolaryngologists, facial, plastic and one year were performed for writing, discussion and appraisal of
reconstructive otorhinolaryngology surgeons from different accredited recommendations prior to external review and publication.
ENT training institutions as well as ENT practitioners. The views from
other specialty groups such as plastic surgeons, pediatricians, dentists DEFINITIONS
and families of patients were considered and included in the creation of Cleft lip and palate is a congenital anomaly with a wide range of
these guidelines. presenting variety of forms and combinations. It is the failure of fusion
of embryonal facial clefts. Cleft lip ranges from notching of the lip to a
The current CPG for Cleft Lip and Palate of the University of the complete cleft, involving the floor of the nose. It may be associated with
Philippines - Philippine General Hospital (PGH) is acknowledged as a a cleft of the primary palate (alveolus/pre-maxilla) and with clefts of the


CPG INSIDE.indd 12 11/23/16 6:51:31 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

secondary palate (hard and soft palate). Cleft lip can further be described the patients with unilateral clefts, majority were cleft palate deformities
as unilateral or bilateral, complete or incomplete.2 (37%) and cleft lip deformities (21%). Of the patients with isolated
unilateral cleft lip deformity, 75% were left-sided.7
Primary surgical procedures are the initial interventions designed to
correct the deformities associated with the cleft lip and palate. These RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE DIAGNOSIS OF
include: cheiloplasty, alveoloplasty, rhinoplasty, and palatoplasty. CLEFT LIP AND PALATE

Primary rhinoplasty is the initial procedure that is usually done during 1. History-taking is essential in the evaluation of patient with cleft lip
the primary cheiloplasty. This involves the release and repositioning and palate deformity.
of the deformed alar cartilage and/or columella. The aims of primary Grade D Recommendation Level 5 Evidence
rhinoplasty are to achieve normalization of the nose, i.e., symmetry, by
lengthening the cleft side columella, elevating the lower lateral cartilage, Risk factors for cleft lip and palate include maternal alcohol
and shortening or lifting the cleft side heminose.2 consumption, reduced folic acid concentrations, and genetic linkage.
Based on a study by Bezerra et al., maternal alcohol consumption and
Secondary surgical procedures are the follow-up interventions reduced folic acid concentrations increases the risk for non-syndromic
designed to correct the residual deformities associated with the cleft cleft lip and palate.8
lip and palate. These include alveolar bone grafting, palate rerepair or
velopharyngoplasty, definitive rhinoplasty, lip revision and orthognathic 2. An initial Head and Neck examination is essential in the evaluation
surgery.2,3 of patient with cleft lip and palate deformity.
Grade D Recommendation Level 5 Evidence
Definitive rhinoplasty is a nasal procedure to correct residual nasal
deformity done once approximate facial maturity is achieved.2, 3 The head is inspected for symmetry. The auricle and the external
ear canal are checked for development and location. A facial analysis
PREVALENCE is helpful to identify abnormalities of facial symmetry and harmony.
Cleft lip and palate represents the second most frequently occurring Otologic examination includes pneumatic otoscopy and tuning fork tests.
congenital deformity. The incidence of cleft lip and palate varies Cleft palate is commonly associated with Eustachian tube dysfunction due
considerably according to race. The incidence among Caucasians is to an abnormal insertion of the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles in
1:1000 live births, while American Indians is 3.6:1000 live births. The the posterior margin of the hard palate. Anterior and posterior rhinoscopy
incidence for Asians is slightly higher, Japanese 2.1:1000 live births and will identify clefting, septal abnormalities, intranasal masses and
Chinese, 1.7: 1000 live births.4 choanal atresia. Oral cavity examination will reveal any cleft, dental arch
abnormalities and tongue anomalies such as bifid tongue, macroglossia,
Based on an 8-year study done by the Corazon Locsin Montelibano glossoptosis, or lingual thyroid. In addition, malocclusion, hemifacial
Memorial Regional Hospital in 1997, the prevalence of cleft lip with or hypertrophy or atrophy, and facial clefting are documented. The upper
without cleft palate is 2 per 1000 live births. Based on the Philippine Oral airway tract is evaluated by assessing the adequacy of phonation, cough,
Cleft registry in 2008, the incidence is 0.46 per 1000 live birth. and deglutition, and by auscultating and palpating the neck.9

According to a census by the Philippine Birth Defects Registry Project 3. The Thallwitz Classification in the diagnosis of CLAP deformities is
from 1999-2001, cleft lip and palate is the third most common birth recommended.10 For ICD-10 and PHIC use, the Veau classification is
defect in the Philippines (first is multiple congenital anomalies, second recommended.
is ankyloglossia). A total of 110 cases of cleft lip and palate were tallied, Grade D Recommendation Level 5 Evidence
5.6:10,000 live births.5
Cleft lip and palate patients will be classified according to the Thallwitz
In a census done in Philippine General Hospital from 1996-2000, there nomenclature and ICD-10 system. The institutions using the Thallwitz
were 378 cases of bilateral cleft lip (associated cleft palate not specified), are the following: Philippine General Hospital, Manila Doctors Hospital,
208 cases of cleft lip with palate and 188 cases of cleft lip alone. In 2002, Far Eastern University Medical Center, Quezon City General Hospital,
an average of 21 CLAP patients per month was seen at the ORL outpatient Veteran’s Memorial Hospital, St. Luke’s Medical Center, University of the
clinic of the Philippine General Hospital. Four to eight cleft operations East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Quirino Hospital, and
per month were performed.6 East Avenue Medical Center.
Based on a study done by the Manila Doctors Hospital Department of
Otorhinolaryngology on their patients with cleft lip and palate from 2004 The Veau system classifies cleft lip and palate deformities into four
to 2014, a demographic profile was developed. A total of 178 patients classes, depending on whether the primary and/or secondary palates are
were seen, with an overall sex ratio of 1.17 male: 1 female. Eighty percent affected and by laterality.11 This classification system is used by the ICD
of the cases were unilateral, while 20% were bilateral. Of the patients and PHIC. (Table 1)
with bilateral clefts, 78% had a combined cleft plate and lip deformity. Of


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Table 1. Veau system of Figure 1. Thallwitz nomenclature

Incomplete cleft, soft palate only (right side) (midline) (left side)
Veau Class I
(no unilateral/bilateral designation) L-lip A-alveolus H-hard palate S-soft palate H-hard palate
Veau Class II Hard and soft palate, secondary palate only A-alveolus L-lip
(no unilateral/bilateral designation)
Veau Class III Complete unilateral cleft including lip L1
(primary and secondary palates) L2
L = Lip - 1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3
Veau Class IV Complete bilateral cleft
ALVEOLUS A = Alveolar cleft - 1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3

HARD PALATE H = Hard palate cleft - 1/3 or 2/3

The ICD-10 system is an international standard of coding. Various L1 or 3/3
descriptions of cleft deformities and their codes are seen in Table 2. L2
S = Soft palate cleft - 1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3
Table 2. ICD-10 system L3

Cleft hard and soft palate with cleft lip, bilateral Q374
Cleft hard and soft palate with cleft lip, unilateral Q375
Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, bilateral Q370 RECOMMENDATIONS ON DIAGNOSTICS AND
Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, unilateral Q371 PRE-SURGERY
Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, bilateral Q354
Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, unilateral Q355 1. Early second trimester detection of CLAP deformity through
Cleft hard palate, bilateral Q350 ultrasonography is recommended.
Cleft hard palate, unilateral Q351 Grade C Recommendation Level 4 Evidence
Cleft lip Q36
Cleft lip, bilateral Q360 The second trimester ultrasound recommended can be done
Cleft lip, medial Q361 in conjunction with the ultrasound commonly recommended by
Cleft lip, unilateral Q369 obstetricians to screen for congenital anomalies. Early detection of a cleft
Cleft palate Q35 deformity can prepare the family for future interventions, be it medical,
Cleft palate with cleft lip Q37 surgical, psychological, or economic.12
Cleft palate, medial Q356
Cleft palate, unspecified, bilateral Q358 2. Folic acid supplementation is recommended prior to conception.
Cleft palate, unspecified, unilateral Q359 Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
Cleft soft palate with cleft lip, bilateral Q372
Cleft soft palate with cleft lip, unilateral Q373 Based on the 2010 Cochrane review for periconceptional folic acid
Cleft soft palate, bilateral Q352 supplementation for the prevention of cleft deformities, folic acid
Cleft soft palate, unilateral Q353 supplementation is favorable.13,14
Cleft uvula Q357
3. While Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) with or without Auditory
Brainstem Response (ABR) is already done for newborn hearing
screening, Tympanometry is recommended to be added for patients
with cleft palate.
The Thallwitz nomenclature (commonly known as the LAHSHAL) is Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
a descriptive classification since site, size, extent and type of cleft are
considered. Severity of the deformity is objectively documented and the Paradise, et al. developed the term “universality of otitis media in
recorded findings can easily be stored into a computer for data analysis. cleft palate children” after demonstrating that 96% of cleft patients had
Each area is divided into thirds, and cleft defects are graded as to extent middle ear effusion hence evaluation of hearing status including newborn
of affected areas. Grading is done for both sides as shown in Figure 1. hearing screening is necessary.15,17


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

3.1 According to a study done by Dhillon in 1988 and Robinson 7. Presurgical application of Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM) for cleft
in 1992, 92% - 97% of patients with cleft palate develop otitis palate is recommended
media with effusion.16,17 In a study done at Manila Doctors Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
Hospital, 100% of patients with cleft palate have otitis media
with effusion on both ears.18 The use of nasoalveolar molding has proven to be an efficient method
3.2 Based on a study by Handzik-Cuk et al., type B tympanograms for reducing cleft width and improving nasal shape and symmetry in
are associated with 21-40-dB hearing loss in patients with cleft unilateral clefts. The immediate success of the therapy facilitates cleft
lip and palate.19 Otitis media with effusion is associated with surgery immensely. Regardless of the cleft width, preoperative narrowing
patients with cleft palate due to velopharyngeal insufficiency.19 of the lip and alveolar segments, nasal shaping and columella lengthening
3.3 It is established that pediatric patients with effusion develop help to reduce tissue tension and therefore improve surgical outcome by
significant hearing loss that could affect speech and language. minimizing wound healing disturbances and scarring.29
These children are set to a mild to moderate hearing loss that
averages about 25 dbHL as a result of the fluid in the middle ear SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF THE UNILATERAL CLEFT LIP-ALVEOLUS-
space. Such occurrence will impair the ability to hear speech, PALATE DEFORMITY
and thereby encode information ineffectively and inaccurately, The aim of cleft surgery is to restore the entire cleft defect to as near
from which language develops. Speech at a conversational a normal anatomy as possible. It is divided into primary and secondary
level will be difficult for these patients that will lead to poor surgical procedures.
interaction, then subsequent decreased opportunities to learn
3.4 An otoacoustic emission test (OAE) or an auditory brainstem
response (ABR) test is used as hearing screening in newborn 1. Cheiloplasty is done as early as three months
with cleft lip and palate.21 Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
3.5 A retrospective study of middle ear effusion and treatment
outcomes with cleft palate patients at the Connecticut Early cheiloplasty is not done as it has been proven to cause maxillary
Children’s Medical Center from 2005 to 2009 by Szabo, et al. retrusion and reduced maxillary length.30 Performing the procedure at
revealed that 82% of cleft palate passed the newborn hearing three months or later allows the child to achieve significant maxillary
screening. 98% developed middle ear fluid requiring at least growth, to allow for more tissue availability for the repair, more time
one set of tubes; while 75% only required 1-2 sets of tubes for parent-child bonding, and more time for the parents to gain a better
before resolving the eustachian tube dysfunction sufficiently understanding and acceptance of the child’s congenital deformity.
that OME did not reaccumulate.22,23 Rotation advancement for both complete and incomplete unilateral cleft
lip repair is the most common technique among training institutions
4. Pre- and post-operative photodocumentation of patients with cleft previously cited.
lip and palate deformity may aid the clinician in surgical planning
and assessing surgical outcomes. 2. Alveoloplasty (soft tissue only) can be done with primary cheiloplasty
Grade C Recommendation, Level 4 Evidence or until the ideal age for bone grafting is reached
Grade C recommendation, Level 4 Evidence
Based on literature, there are no standardized views for pre and
post-operative photodocumentation of cleft lip and palate patients. Early alveoloplasty is not done as it has been found to result in
However, there are some studies who have used frontal and submental reduced maxillary height.31 The procedure is delayed to allow significant
photographic views for post-operative assessment of patients.24, 25, 26 maxillary growth and to allow for more tissue availability for the repair.
The alveolar bone grafting procedure is postponed until 7 to 9 years old
5. Cephalometric radiographs for patients ages 6 and above (start because it is at this time where the root of the permanent canine has
of mixed dentition) and candidates for alveolar bone grafting is formed 1/3 to 2/3, and the crown is still partially covered by bone.32,32,34
recommended. At this age, there is minimal retrusion noted as opposed to it being done
Grade C Recommendation, Level 4 Evidence earlier.

Cephalometric radiographs aid in surgical planning for alveolar bone 3. Primary rhinoplasty can be done with primary cheiloplasty or until
grafting especially for patients ages 6 and above who already start to as early as 14 years old for females and 16 years old for males which
have mixed dentition.27 is the ideal age for definitive rhinoplasty.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
6. Pediatric evaluation and clearance prior to surgical intervention to
assess for other co-morbid conditions is recommended. Primary rhinoplasty occurs with the initial lip repair as previous
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2 Evidence beliefs on early nasal surgery interfering with nasal and midface growth
have been overturned.35,36 The benefit of early intervention allows for an
For any surgical procedure, pre-operative evaluation and clearance is earlier restoration of nasal shape with the potential for more symmetric
recommended.28 nasal growth as well as to spare the child the psychosocial impact of


CPG INSIDE.indd 15 11/23/16 6:51:31 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

ridicule and bullying.37, 38 Definitive rhinoplasty is done after facial growth follow-up tympanometry was done after 12 months in studies previously
is completed, which is around 14 years old in females and 16 years old cited and showed considerable changes in compliance for both groups
in males.39,40 even after extrusion.52,53

4. Palatoplasty can be done at 12 to 18 months. Table 3. Timing of Primary Surgical Procedures

Grade C Recommendation Level 4 Evidence

Surgery is ideally based on stage of phonemic Procedures Timing

development or articulation age, and not chronologic age.41 Surgery is
delayed to a time after 12 months so that the repair required to establish Cheiloplasty As early as 3 months
a competent velopharyngeal sphincter is minimized. Surgery should
be performed by 18 months to minimize development of irreversible Alveoloplasty (soft tissue Can be done with primary
pathologic compensatory speech patterns.41,42 Although some studies only) cheiloplasty or until the ideal age
have advocated early surgical intervention, there is insufficient evidence for bone grafting is reached
that early palatal closure is superior to surgery performed later. In fact,
early palatoplasty produces maximal growth inhibition in all dimensions, Primary rhinoplasty Can be done with primary
and the surgical region has been shown to grow more slowly than the cheiloplasty or until the ideal age
surrounding tissue, possibly due to the extent of scar contracture.43,44 for definitive rhinoplasty is reached

5. Ventilation tube insertion can be done as indicated. Palatoplasty 12 to 18 months

Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
Ventilation tube As indicated
Otitis media with effusion was found in 92-100% of patients with cleft insertion
palate to have otitis media with effusion. 45

Patients with type B tympanogram (less than 0.35 compliance)

are recommended to undergo myringotomy with ventilation tube RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SECONDARY SURGICAL PROCEDURES
insertion. Randomized trials show a mean 62% relative decrease in The secondary surgical procedures aim to improve on the aesthetic
effusion prevalence after insertion of ventilation tubes.46 Palatoplasty and other functional problems.
and ventilation tube insertion solved 48.7% of ears with otitis media
with effusion.47 Palatoplasty and ventilation tube insertion changed the 1. Alveolar bone grafting can be done as indicated at 7 to 9 years old in
pressure conditions in the middle ear cavity raising the hearing level consultation with the Orthodontist.
to about 17 decibels in the middle-ear-diseased cleft palate patients. Grade B recommendation, Level 2B evidence
Patients who underwent palatoplasty alone did not show changes in
middle ear function.48 The advantages of alveolar bone graft in an alveolar cleft have been
noted to be the following: (1) assists in the closure of the buccoalveolar
A study done at Manila Doctors Hospital comparing otitis media oronasal fistula, (2) provides bony support for unerupted teeth and teeth
with effusion using tympanometry among patients with cleft palate adjacent to the cleft, (30 forms a continuous alveolar ridge to facilitate
who underwent either palatoplasty with ventilation tube placement orthodontic correction of malocclusion, (4) supports the nasal floor and
versus ventilation tube placement alone revealed statistically significant the base of the alae to improve nasal aesthetics. 54
improvement in the outcome on repeat tympanometry in terms of
middle ear condition with palatoplasty and ventilation tube placement Mixed dentition bone grafting does not affect subsequent vertical
(combined procedure), and likewise with ventilation tube placement and antero-posterior development of the maxilla in complete unilateral
alone. However, it noted better results are obtained in favor of doing the cleft lip and palate patients during the first postoperative years in several
combined procedure with a statistically significant difference between retrospective cephalometric studies.55
the pre- and post-surgery compliance in tympanometry.49
Ventilation tubes are known to ventilate the middle ear for an average 2. Palate re-repair/velopharyngoplasty can be done as indicated or
of 6 to 14 months, which would improve hearing loss to a mean of 6 to whenever recommended by a speech therapist.
17 dB.50 Grade B recommendation Level 2B evidence

Recommended follow-up intervals for the evaluation of otitis Velopharyngoplasty is an important method for repair of
media with effusion among patients with cleft palate deformities who velopharyngeal insufficiency in patients with cleft palate. Speech quality
underwent palatoplasty and ventilation tube insertion are varied. The is improved but an intensive interdisciplinary cooperation of all specialists
American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Otolaryngology has published involved is necessary. 56
guidelines for follow-up at intervals of no longer than 6 months51 (Table 3). A


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

A systematic review indicated an increased incidence of velopharyngeal RECOMMENDATIONS ON A MULTIDISCIPLINARY

insufficiency as revealed by higher odds of secondary operations in the CLEFT CARE TEAM
straight-line intravelar veloplasty repair of unilateral cleft lip-cleft palate
when compared to the Furlow z-plasty.57 Cleft patients are best managed in an environment of a
multidisciplinary cleft care team which includes pediatricians, cleft
3. Definitive rhinoplasty can be done as indicated, as early as 14 years surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, orthodontics, prosthodontics,
old for females and 16 years old for males. nutritionists, clinical otologists and audiologists, speech pathologists,
Grade C Recommendation Level 4 Evidence clinical psychologists, and genetic councilors .62 The team should include
the family of patients with cleft deformities as well. Institutions with
Definitive rhinoplasty if indicated is performed after the completion of programs for patients with cleft deformities and their families should strive
maxillary and nasal growth, which usually occurs at 14-16 years of age in to complete their multidisciplinary teams to ensure the comprehensive
women and 16-18 years of age in men. The goals of this surgery are final and holistic care of these patients.
creation of lasting symmetry, achieving definition of the nasal base and tip,
relief of nasal obstruction, and management of nasal scarring and webbing.58 1. Pediatricians should be a part of the multidisciplinary CLAP team
from birth to adolescence to oversee their general well-being and
proper growth and development.
4. Lip revision can be done as indicated but not earlier than 3 months
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
from previous lip surgery.
Grade C Recommendation, Level 4 Evidence
1.1 Pediatric management begins in the hospital nursery by ruling
out possible associated anomalies.63
Traditionally scar revision is performed 6-12 months after repair.
However, a repair that is uneven, or is obviously poorly positioned may 1.2 Pediatricians are in a unique position to help prepare children
be revised as early as 3 months after the previous lip surgery. If it is and their families for surgery and help the perioperative team
possible to tell early that the scar will not improve with maturation, early optimize care. Communication about conditions related to
revision with realignment may allow it to mature more rapidly.59 increased risk in the OR and aiding the family to advocate for
their child in a stressful situation are valuable contributions to
In a review of 750 patients with unilateral cleft lip, secondary the preoperative preparation of the pediatric patient.64
reconstruction was performed in 35% of patients.60
1.3 Since pediatricians oversee the well-being of the child including
5. Orthognathic surgery can be done as indicated as early as 14-16 the normal growth and development after surgery, frequent
years old for females and 16-18 years old for males monitoring is required for children who may be at risk for
Grade B Recommendation Level 2B Evidence growth failure, delayed development, or any other significant
Orthognathic surgical correction is planned at skeletal maturity
usually at 14-16 years of age in women and 16-18 years of age in men, 2. Cleft surgeons (Otolaryngologist, Plastic Surgeons, Oral and
following orthodontic preparation.61 (Table 4) maxillofacial surgeons) with explicit documentation of training in
cleft care should perform cleft lip and palate surgery, scar revisions,
Table 4. Timing of Secondary Surgical Procedures and rhinoplasty.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence

Procedure Timing 2.1 Explicit documentation here entails “documented evidence of

residency training (as an operating surgeon, not as an assistant)
Alveolar bone grafting 7 to 9 years in consultation with the in lip, palate and nasal procedures” 62
3. Orthodontics (dentofacial orthopedics) and dental care should be an
Palate re-repair / ve- As indicated or whenever integral part in the rehabilitation of the child with cleft lip and palate
lopharyngoplasty recommended by a speech therapist and can be initiated at any age from birth to adolescence 65, 66
Grade B Recommendation, Level 3 Evidence

Definitive rhinoplasty As early as 14 years old for females and 3.1 In dental rehabilitation, the dentist provides oral health
16 years old for males information and should be able to follow the child with cleft
lip and palate since the first months of life until establishment
Lip revision As indicated but not earlier than 6 of mixed dentition, craniofacial growth and dentition
months from previous lip surgery development.65

3.2 The orthodontist monitors the craniofacial growth and

Orthognathic surgery As early as 16 years old for females and
development and corrects malocclusions, which are more
18 years old for males
complex compared to patients without clefts 66


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

4. Prosthodontist should be an essential part in care of the child with velopharyngeal insufficiency after cleft palate surgery to obtain
alveolar and palate deformity in creating nasoalveolar molding normal articulation.
devices (NAM). NAMS should be done in infancy to narrow and Grade B Recommendation, Level 3B Evidence
prevent further widening of the cleft palate.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 3 Evidence 7.1 Speech therapy can begin as early as 2 weeks following surgery,
if the patient feels well and the surgeon agrees.74
4.1 Feeding instructions, molding appliance fitting and feeding
plate modification are done in infancy. A study by Konst showed 7.2 Following cleft palate closure, speech is usually evaluated at
that children treated with intra-oral prosthesis during their regular 4-6 month intervals, or as needed, in order to ensure
first year of life followed a more normal path of phonological the continued development of articulation skills and the use of
development between 2 and 3 years of age.67 adequate velopharyngeal function. In general, speech therapy
is usually initiated anywhere from 20 months to 2 years of
4.2 The combined use of palatal obturator and lactation education age.74
reduced feeding time, increased volume intake and was
associated with good growth.68 7.3 Children ages 3 through 5 are more receptive to acquiring new
speech patterns and correcting abnormal speech patterns than
5. Breastfeeding is encouraged for patients with cleft lip and palate older children. They are in a critical period of brain development,
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence making the brain more receptive to learning these skills.74

5.1 Mothers should be counseled about likely breastfeeding 7.4 When oral-nasal resonance balance and articulation were
success. Where direct breastfeeding is unlikely to be the combined in each child, those children who achieved both
sole feeding method, the need for breastmilk feeding should normal oral-nasal resonance balance and normal articulation
be encouraged, and when appropriate, possible delayed (per age expectancy) amounted to 88%. 75
transitioning to breastfeeding should be entertained.69
8. Clinical audiologists and otologists are recommended to be part
6. A nutritionist is recommended to be part of the team for feeding of the team to determine the hearing status and evaluate of the
presence of middle ear diseases among cleft palate patients.
instructions and support for new parents of babies with cleft lip and
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence
palate deformity.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
8.1 Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) with or without Auditory Brainstem
Response (ABR) and Tympanometry can be done for newborns
6.1 The patient with cleft lip and/or palate deformity is faced with
with cleft palate as previously recommended.76
nutritional problems beginning at birth because of the difficulty
in feeding resulting from the altered anatomical structures.
8.2 Paradise, et al developed the term “universality of otitis media
Nutritional deficiencies lead to inadequate nourishment and in cleft palate children” after demonstrating that 96% of cleft
poor weight gain in the young patient that can cause delays in patients had middle ear effusion hence evaluation of hearing
any contemplated surgery for the repair of cleft deformities.70 status including newborn hearing screening is necessary. 15,77
6.2 Nutritionists provide feeding guidance beginning in the 8.3 An otoacoustic emission test (OAE) or an auditory brainstem
neonatal period by giving information concerning the feeding response (ABR) test is used as hearing screening in newborn
resources available for children with clefts, including breastmilk with cleft lip and palate according to Tropper, et al. 21,77
whenever necessary by use of feeding bottle, cup, spoon or
feeder; including the appropriate posture during feeding, and 9. A clinical psychologist is recommended to be part of the team to
pre- and post-feeding oral hygiene.71 work with the child, parents and the family to ensure normal
functioning by providing intervention on issues such as parental
6.2 Growth parameters are monitored closely during the first week adjustment and cleft child self-esteem.
of life and over the long term. 72 Grade C Recommendation, Level 4 Evidence

6.3 In a study done at Manila Doctors Hospital to determine the 9.1 The earliest intervention may help to improve social competence
effectiveness of integrating clinical nutrition management and reduce stress beginning in the antenatal or perinatal stages
with individualized nutrition counseling in the CLAP surgical of care when working with parents and significant family
mission, the following were the findings: all patients had less members. 78
than normal BMI pre-operatively and statistically significant
weight gain was seen in patients with individualized nutrition 9.2 Emotional effects and psychological aspects of cleft lip and
counseling.73 palate deformities and their treatment must be considered.
Understanding of the causes of cleft deformities is clouded by
7. A speech pathologist is recommended for the management of myths in the community. This causes increased anxiety among
the child, parents and the rest of the family.78


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

10.A genetic counselor is recommended to be part of the team to Bardach et al. evaluated the treatment outcome in bilateral cleft lip and
help the family gain understanding of the predisposing factors and palate with a multidisciplinary approach. The evaluation was comprised
determine risk of recurrence. of a plastic surgeon, an orthodontist, an otolaryngologist, and a speech
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence pathologist. This is the first reported attempt at a multidisciplinary
evaluation of a center’s treatment management of complete bilateral
A comprehensive clinical genetic evaluation is a key component in cleft lip and palate with no associated malformations.85
the management of cleft lip and palate and should include diagnosis,
recurrence risk counseling and counseling regarding prognosis. 62, 64,78 Professionals and lay people rated nasolabial appearance differently.
Their ratings did not correlate with the results from a self-assessment
11.The family of patients with cleft deformities which may include questionnaire of patients with UCLP and controls. The current results
parents, guardians and older siblings are recommended to be part suggest that judgement of nasolabial appearance in adults treated for
of the multidisciplinary team. UCLP differs among professionals, laymen, and patients. This should
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence be considered in the decision-making process for secondary surgical
treatment of signs of clefts.86
The family of patients with cleft deformities as part of the
multidisciplinary team should be properly oriented in order to empower 3. Institutional outcomes should be reported as outcomes researches
them in decision-making and the day-to-day care and long-term for the medical community to contribute in improving the
interventions needed by the patients.79 comprehensive multidisciplinary care for patients and families with
unilateral cleft lip alveolus and palate care.
Better recommendations can be developed with better evidence
of reported outcomes of care. The following are recommendations on A reliable measure of the facial appearance of patients with cleft lip
outcomes monitoring for Unilateral Cleft Lip Alveolus and Palate care. and palate is essential if meaningful research into surgical outcome is to
progress. Assessment of facial appearance should be used in conjunction
1. Assessment parameters should be standardized for the different with assessment of speech, psychosocial adjustment, dental arch
stages of unilateral cleft lip alveolus and palate care. relationships, and conventional cephalometric analysis. 84,87
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
Intercenter and multicenter studies are useful methods for evaluation
Various instruments are available in literature, however, there is no
treatment outcomes. The inclusion criteria should be uniform and the
single instrument available that comprehensively assess perceptions of
assessment should be approached from multiple perspectives including
children with cleft deformities. Suggested parameters like aesthetics and
facial appearance, speech, craniofacial morphology and occlusion. 88
associated conceptual and perceptual consequences, functional deficits
in chewing, breathing, and vocal resonance, and treatment benefits is
recommended to be included in a quality of life instrument.80,
The goal of any postoperative plan should be to minimize complications
and return the child to normal life as quickly as possible.
Evaluating satisfaction must be the fundamental goal in any team
with genuine concern for the well-being of people in their care. The
challenge is to improve these efforts through the development of more 1. Minimal hospital stay and early discharge after surgery is
robust and revealing instruments that can be meaningfully used in the recommended.
future international comparison.81 A study from Manila Doctors Hospital Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
evaluated the treatment and delivery of services to indigent patients with
cleft lip and palate deformities. It included a questionnaire to determine Katzel et al. evaluated practices of American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial
patient and family satisfaction, questionnaire for participant physicians, Association surgeons and cleft teams in relation to length of hospital stay
and review of outcomes (e.g. complications symmetry, revisions). 82 following cleft repair and postoperative complications. The findings in
this study suggest cleft patients are discharged early, within 1 or 2 days
For purposes of documentation and outcome analysis, a standardized postoperatively. Several studies support the safety of this type of early
video recording to assess cleft surgery outcomes has been suggested. 83 discharge specifically in non-syndromic patients.89

Several inter-center studies have cited and used nasolabial aesthetic The financial benefits to patients and the health care system because
outcome evaluation and have been shown to provide a reasonably of early discharge following cleft palate repair have also been documented
reliable and reproducible rating system. The system allows sensitive in the literature.89
rating of the individual feature of the nasolabial complex and appears
workable in practice.84 2. Immediate return to breastfeeding after surgery is recommended.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
2. A panel of assessors is the best method to adopt in the evaluation
of outcomes.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

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57.Timbang MR, Gharb BB, Rampazzo A, Papay F, Zins J, Doumit G. A systematic review a regional cleft lip and palate center in the United Kingdom. Fetal and Maternal
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methods of cleft palate repair. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Nov;134(5):1014-22. 79.Pelchat D, Lefebvre H, Proulx M, Reidy M. Parental satisfaction with an early family
58.Cutting CB, Secondary cleft lip nasal reconstruction: state of the art. Cleft Palate intervention program. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2004 Apr-Jun;18(2):128-44.
Craniofac J. 2000 Nov;37(6):538-41. 80.Raposo-do-Amaral CE, Kuczynski E, Alonso N. Quality of life among children with
59.Wright CH. Techniques for Scar Revision [Internet]. Grand Rounds Presentation, The cleft lips and palates: a critical review of measurement instrument. Rev Bras Cir Plast
University of Texas Medical Branch, Dept. of Otolaryngology, 2006 June 21.Available 2011;26(4):639-44.
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060621.pdf. Eurocleft study: Intercenter study of treatment outcome in patients with complete
60.Salyer KE, Genecov ER, Genecov DG. Unilateral cleft lip-nose repair: a 33 year cleft lip and palate. Part 4: Relationship among treatment outcome, patient/parent
experience. J Craniofac Surg 2003 Jul;14(4):549-58. satisfaction, and the burden of care. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005 Jan; 42(1):83-92.
61.Phillips JH, Nish I, Daskalogiannakis J. Orthognathic Surgery in Cleft Patients. Plast 82.De Ocampo, R., Villegas, M., Villafuerte C. Evaluating Treatment and Delivery of Services
Reconstr Surg, 2012 March;129(3):535e-548e. to ORL- CSR patients who have Cleft lip and palate deformities. Forthcoming.
62.Critical Elements of Care: Cleft Lip and Palate. American Cleft Palate Craniofacial 83.Morrant DG, Show WC. Use of standardized video recordings to assess cleft surgery
Association Team Standards Self-Assessment Instrument. 5th ed 2010. Available from outcome. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 1996 Mar;33(2);134-42. 84.Mercado A, Russell K, Hathaway R, Daskalogiannakis J, Sadek H, Long RE Jr, et al.
63.Goldschneider KR, Cravero JP, Anderson C, Bannister C, hardy C, Honkanen A, et The Americleft Study: An inter-center study of treatment outcomes for patients with
al. The Pediatrician’s Role in the Evaluation and Preparation of Pediatric Patients unilateral cleft lip and palate part 4. Nasolabial aesthetics. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial
Undergoing Anesthesia. Pediatrics. 2014 Sep;134(3):634-41. Journal. May 2011 May;48(3):259-64. Epub 2011 Jan 10.
64.American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association [Internet]. Parameters for evaluation 85.Bardach J, Morris HL, Olin WH, Gray SD, Jones DL, Kelly KM, et al. Results of
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November]. Available from: Center. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1992 Mar;89(3):419-32; discussion 433-5. 86.Asher-McDade C, Roberts C, Shaw WC, Gallager C. Development of method rating
65.Freitas JA, das Neves LT, de Almeida AL, Garib DG, Trindade-Suedam IK, Yaedú RY, nasolabial appearance in patients with cleft of the lip and palate. Cleft Palate Cranofac
et al. Rehabilitative Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate: Experience of the Hospital for J. 1991 Oct;28(4):385-90; discussion 390-1.
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Appl Oral Sci. 2012 Feb;20(1):9-15. unilateral cleft lip and palate: relation between professional and lay rating and
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67.Konst EM, Rietveld MA, Peters HF, Prahl-Andersen B. Phonological Development Rev Oral Bio Med. 1999;10(2):225-239.
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71.Bessell A, Hooper L, Shaw WC, Reilly S, Reid J, Glenny AM. Feeding interventions for
growth and development in infants with cleft lip, cleft palate or cleft lip and palate.


CPG INSIDE.indd 21 11/23/16 6:51:31 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines


Unilateral Cleft Lip And Palate


Refer to
Initial Evaluation and Documentation
Otologic Evaluation
General Pediatric Evaluation

Initial Evaluation and Documentation Refer to

Team NasoAlveolar Mold (NAM) Creation

Cheiloplasty at 3 months
Primary Rhinoplasty
Alveoloplasty if alveolus involved
Y Lip Revision
Nasal Primary 3 months from Surgery
Asymmetry Rhinoplasty (as indicated) Ventilation Tube
at 3 months Palatoplasty at 12 months Insertion
(as indicated)

N Speech Therapy

Alveoplasty Palate re-repair/velopharyngoplasty as
indicated by speech therapist
Involved at 3 months
Male Female

Definitive Rhinoplasty at 16 Definitive Rhinoplasty at 14

Orthognathic Surgery at 16-18 Orthognathic Surgery at 14-16

Cheiloplasty at 3 months

Lip Revision as indicated after 6 Rhinoplasty
months for previous surgery 14- Females
16- Males


CPG INSIDE.indd 22 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines


Philippine Academy of Rhinology
Antonio H. Chua, MD, FPSOHNS Additionally, older journal articles, unpublished literature and
Anne Marie V. Espiritu, MD, FPSOHNS oral communications were included. A draft of the evidence-based
Rodante A. Roldan, MD, FPSOHNS recommendations (EBR) was collated and presented by the panel to the
January E. Gelera, MD, DPBOHNS general assembly of ORL-HNS specialists.
Benjamin S.A. Campomanes, Jr., MD, FPSOHNS This guideline will undergo review and updating five (5) years after
Cecile B. Duran, MD, FPSOHNS publication, or earlier, depending on the emergence of new information.
Ma. Lourdes B. Enecilla, MD, FPSOHNS
Peter I. Jarin, MD, FPSOHNS The development of this guideline was funded exclusively by the
Norman N. Mendoza, MD, FPSOHNS Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The
Niño Bernardo V. Timbungco, MD, FPSOHNS views or interests of the funding body have not influenced the final
Gil M. Vicente, MD, FPSOHNS recommendations.


This clinical practice guideline (CPG) is intended to describe appropriate All authors have stated that they have no competing interests.
care based on the best available scientific evidence and broad consensus
for allergic rhinitis in adults. It aims to reduce inappropriate variations in DEFINITION AND PREVALENCE OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS
clinical practice and to highlight management principles unique to the Allergic rhinitis (AR) is defined as chronic or recurrent IgE-mediated
specialty of Otorhinolaryngology in the Philippines. inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Primary symptoms include rhinorrhea,
sneezing, nasal itching, nasal congestion and postnasal drainage. It may
TARGET POPULATION, SETTING AND be associated with other symptoms such as frequent throat clearing,
PROVIDERS OF CARE eye itching, tearing, eye redness, palatal itching, impaired sense of smell
This CPG is for use by the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head (and taste), fatigue, impaired concentration and reduced productivity.(1-3)
and Neck Surgery. It covers the diagnosis and management of Allergic It can be classified as intermittent or persistent, and as mild or moderate-
Rhinitis (AR) in adults. severe.(3) Intermittent AR is characterized by symptoms of less than four
(4) days a week OR less than four (4) consecutive weeks. Persistent AR
OBJECTIVES has symptoms occurring for more than four (4) days a week AND for
The objectives of this guideline are (1) to provide the requisite criteria more than four (4) weeks.(3) Using a conservative estimate, AR occurs in
for the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis; (2) to describe the current diagnostic over 500 million people around the world. Its prevalence is increasing in
techniques; and (3) to recommend management options relevant to the most countries. In the Philippines, prevalence ranges from 18% in urban
local setting. areas to 22.1% in rural areas and from 26% in young children to 32% in
adolescents (4)
The panel was asked to review the previously published guideline RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE DIAGNOSIS OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS IN
for allergic rhinitis. Data from scientific studies were presented in an ADULTS
analytical framework in the initial panel meeting, and revisions and 1. The diagnosis of AR is strongly considered in the presence of the
recommendations were formulated. In the present document, an following symptoms: nasal itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and/or nasal
extensive search of MEDLINE, National Library of Medicine’s PubMed congestion or obstruction, triggered by allergen exposure. Symptoms
database, and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) may be associated with conjunctival redness, itchy and/or teary eyes.
Evidence Report and Technology Assessment was done using the Grade A Recommendation, Level 1C Evidence
keyword “Allergic rhinitis”, exploded to include definition/classification,
prevalence/epidemiology, diagnosis, and therapy. The search was limited Gendo et al (2004) showed that eliciting the following points in the
to articles involving adult (19 years old and above) humans, and those medical history would lead to an accurate diagnosis of AR: allergy triggers,
published in English from 2010 to 2015. The search yielded 885 articles presence of nasal symptoms and watery-itchy eyes, positive personal
which included the following: history of atopy, and positive family history of atopy (positive likelihood
Meta-analysis/Systematic Reviews: 66 ratios ranging from 2.49 to 6.69).(5) Crobach et al (1998) earlier showed
Randomized controlled trial: 295 that medical history alone compared favorably to radioallergosorbent
Consensus report/ CPG: 4 tests (RAST) and skin prick tests (SPT) for allergies to tree pollen, grass
pollen, weed pollen, house dust mite, mold, cat dander, and dog dander.
When only the medical history was used, the diagnostic power of the
logistic regression model was 0.77 to 0.89. (6)


CPG INSIDE.indd 23 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Supportive clinical information that must be sought includes the (PPV) of 50%, and a Negative predictive value (NPV) of 80%. This may
following: be due to relative subjectivity in evaluating the nasal cavity. However,
combining history with PE increases the diagnostic accuracy to SN=87%,
1.1 The frequency and duration (intermittent or persistent) and SP=87%, PPV=77%, and NPV=93%.(8)
severity of symptoms
1.2 Personal history of other manifestations of atopy 3. Nasal endoscopy is strongly recommended for selected patients.
1.3 Family history of atopy Grade A Recommendation, Level 1C Evidence
1.4 Identification of possible allergens in the environment: home,
workplace, school, etc. Nasal endoscopy allows a more thorough visualization of nasal and
1.5 Absence of symptoms upon change of environment nasopharyngeal structures with a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of
1.6 Result of previous allergy testing (e.g., skin test, serum specific 92%. Endoscopy was found to identify more disease than rhinoscopy
IgE test, nasal provocation test) (85% versus 74%); and a similar picture was seen when combining history
1.7 The effects of previous allergen avoidance measures with either endoscopy or rhinoscopy. It provides valuable information
especially in cases with atypical symptoms, complications, treatment
failures, or when other pathology is suspected.(9, 10)
Figure 1. Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
4. A complete Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) examination must be
Mild 0 to <5 Moderate-Severe 5 to 10 performed on all patients with AR.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence

Performing a complete ENT examination provides information on

the chronicity and severity of the patient’s AR (e.g., high-arched palate,
open-mouth posture, Denny-Morgan lines, nasal crease). The presence
of other associated conditions, such as otitis media with effusion, may
Not bothersome Most bothersome also be uncovered.

The severity of the disease may be evaluated using a visual analog 5. Detailed allergic work-up, e.g., skin tests, serum specific IgE tests, or
scale in answer to the question of “how bothersome are your symptoms nasal provocation tests, may be performed for the following:
of rhinitis”? This can help guide the clinician on the appropriate 5.1 Patients with whom a questionable diagnosis exists
management.(7) 5.2 Patients unresponsive or intolerant to pharmacotherapy
5.3 Patients with multiple target organ involvement (i.e., allergic
manifestations in the eyes, nose, throat, skin, lungs, etc.)
1.8 Response to pharmacological treatment and previous 5.4 Patients for whom immunotherapy is considered
immunotherapy 5.5 Patients with suspected Local AR (LAR)*
1.9 A simple Visual Analog Scale (VAS) quantifying the severity of Grade A Recommendation, Level 1C Evidence
rhinitis symptoms (Figure 1)
2. Anterior rhinoscopy must be performed to support the diagnosis Specific IgE testing is indicated to provide evidence of an allergic basis
of AR and other nasal pathology. The following findings may be for the patient’s symptoms, to confirm or exclude suspected causes of
observed: the patient’s symptoms, or to assess sensitivity to specific allergens for
2.1 Pale gray, dull red, or red turbinates avoidance measures and/or allergen immunotherapy.(6, 11, 12)
2.2 Boggy turbinates
2.3 Minimal to profuse, watery to mucoid nasal discharge In general practice, if skin tests are not readily available, serum specific
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence IgE tests may be carried out. With the advent of Molecular Allergology,
the standardization and number of tested allergens is expected to
Anterior rhinoscopy using a nasal speculum and head mirror/head increase and skin testing may eventually be replaced by tests such as
light, although offering a limited view, remains an appropriate method ImmunoCAP Immune Solid-phase Allergy Chip (ISAC).(13, 14)
for studying pathologic signs observed in most cases of allergic rhinitis.
Moreover, anterior rhinoscopy helps to exclude conditions other than AR Cost and geographic constraints were considered by the panel as
(e.g., nasal polyposis, infectious rhinitis, nasal septal deviation, sinonasal important clinical modulating factors in our setting. Benefits of allergy
tumors and systemic disorders with sinonasal manifestations).(1, 3) testing include high accuracy and low adverse effects. However, these
tests are relatively expensive and may not be readily accessible to many
Examination is performed before and after topical decongestion and, patients.
when needed, topical anesthesia. Suctioning of excessive secretions is *Local allergic rhinitis (LAR) is a subset of AR wherein patients have
also performed to optimize visualization. a clinical history and physical examination findings consistent with AR,
The diagnosis of AR based on physical examination (PE) alone is but have no evidence of systemic atopy (i.e., negative skin prick tests,
not reliable and consistent. Raza et al (2011) found that PE alone has a negative serum specific IgE tests). However, on nasal provocation testing
Sensitivity (SN) of 67%, Specificity (SP) of 63%, Positive predictive value


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

with aeroallergens, patients with LAR show local increased levels of In Fullante and Hernandez’ (2005) unpublished observations, they
specific IgE, tryptase, and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP). Rondon et found that the most common indoor allergens are house dust mite
al (2012), found a 28.9% prevalence of LAR in patients with AR. LAR is (69.3%), cockroach (56.8%), and cat hair (8%).(23) In a recent study of
treated as AR.(15) children with AR, Santos-Reyes and Gonzalez-Andaya (2014) found that
D. farinae (86%), D. pteronyssinus (87%), B. tropicalis (60%), cat pelt
RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS IN (47%), and cockroach (45%) were the most predominant allergens.(24)
ADULTS Regionally, Andiappan et al (2014) found that Blomia tropicalis (68.9%),
1. Patients should be advised to avoid or minimize exposure to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (68.5%), and German cockroach
allergens. (14.6%) were the predominant indoor allergens in Singapore.(17) Bunnag
1.1 Highly pollen-allergic individuals should limit exposure to the et al (2009) reported that house dust mite (64.7%), cockroach (49.8%),
outdoors when high pollen counts are present. and dog (44.2%) were the predominant indoor allergens in Thailand.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2C (18)
Asha’ari et al (2010) found that house dust mite (80%), cat dander
(37.8%), and Mucor mucedo (20%) were the predominant indoor
Cua-Lim (1978) identified grass pollen as the predominant pollen allergens in Malaysia.(25)
in the Philippines, followed by Mimosa, Moraceae, Cyperaceae, lower
vascular plants spores, Amaranth, Coconut, Tiliaceae, Pinus, Compositae Indoor allergen avoidance measures have been shown to reduce
and Alnus.(16) Regionally, Andiappan et al (2014) found that Bermuda allergen levels but do not necessarily result in symptom control or
grass, Common ragweed, and Acacia were the predominant outdoor decreased medication use.(1, 19, 26-33)
allergens in Singapore.(17) Bunnag et al (2009) reported that Bermuda
grass, para grass, sedge, careless weed were the predominant outdoor 1.3 Multimodal environmental control strategies are better than
allergens in Thailand.(18) any single strategy.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
Weather factors affect pollen counts in various ways. High humidity,
moisture and barometric pressure cause pollen to rupture into tiny Individual allergen avoidance measures have failed to show
particles that can be carried and distributed by winds. Pollen counts are consistent decrease in AR symptoms and/or medication use. Combining
generally highest on sunny, windy days with low humidity.(1, 19-21) environmental control strategies may offer more benefit for patients
with AR.(1, 2, 19) When the quality of life (QOL) is severely affected due to
Limiting exposure to the outdoors may include exercising indoors, allergen exposure, transfer of residence/work may be considered.
keeping doors and windows closed, doing activity after 10 a.m. (when
pollen counts are lower), wiping pets that have come in from outside 2. Nasal saline irrigation (NSI) or douching is recommended as an
with a damp cloth to remove pollen on their coats, and washing and adjunctive treatment for patients with allergic rhinitis.
drying clothes indoors to avoid pollen contamination. Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A‒ Evidence

1.2 Indoor allergen avoidance may provide some benefit for A meta-analysis done by Hermelingmeier (2012) showed NSI
patients with AR. performed regularly was observed to have a positive effect on all
1.2.1 Clinically effective dust mite avoidance includes a combination investigated outcome parameters in adults and children with AR. NSI
of measures such as humidity control, frequent change produced a 27.66% improvement in nasal symptoms, a 62.1% reduction
of beddings, avoidance of carpeting and heavy curtains, in medicine consumption, a 31.19% acceleration of mucociliary clearance
avoidance of clothed upholstery, dust mite covers for time, and a 27.88% improvement in quality of life.(34)
beddings, and the use of tea sprays or acaricides.
1.2.2 Reduction of indoor fungal exposure involves removal of Studies on NSI are heterogeneous as to the type, amount, and timing
moisture sources, replacement of contaminated materials, and of nasal irrigation and the use of different saline solutions. Nevertheless,
the use of dilute bleach solutions on nonporous surfaces. NSI is well tolerated, inexpensive, easy to use, and there is no evidence
1.2.3 Removal is the most effective way to manage animal or showing that regular, daily irrigation adversely affects the patient’s health
cockroach sensitivity. or causes unexpected side effects.(34)
1.2.4 Pollen movement indoors may be minimized by closure of
doors and windows during the relevant time of year, and 3. Oral antihistamines are strongly recommended in AR with
by active removal from indoor air through the use of high- intermittent symptoms and short term allergen exposure.
efficiency particulate air filters. 3.1 Oral antihistamines have been found to cause statistically
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence significant improvement of nasal symptoms in patients with
allergic rhinitis.
In the Philippines, Cua-Lim (1994) found that the most common Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
aeroallergens were house dust mites (87%), cockroach (41%), mold
spores (37%), cat dander (36%), kapok (35%), dog dander (32%), grass Oral antihistamines have a rapid onset of action, once-daily dosing,
pollens (26%), weed pollens (25%), Acacia pollen (2%).(22) maintenance of effectiveness with regular use, and the availability of some
drugs over the counter without need of a prescription. Some patients who


CPG INSIDE.indd 25 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

fail to improve with one agent may respond to an alternative drug in this 6. A short course of oral corticosteroids (5 to 7 days) may be
category. Maximum benefit is seen with continuous use, but use on an recommended in AR with moderate-severe and persistent symptoms
as-needed basis can provide significant symptom relief and is appropriate not responsive to INCS.
for some patients, especially those with intermittent symptoms.(1-3, 35) Grade B Recommendation, Level 2C Evidence

3.2 Second-generation antihistamines are generally preferred Short course systemic corticosteroids are often used clinically
over first-generation antihistamines because the former are for patients with severe AR but this lacks evidence of superiority to
associated with less sedation, performance impairment, and INCS. A paper by Karaki et al (2013) comparing the use of INCS versus
anticholinergic effects. systemic corticosteroid revealed no significant difference making INCS
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence sufficient in the treatment of AR.(42) Also, due to known side effects, oral
corticosteroids are not routinely given hence should not be considered as
Histamine in the brain facilitates learning and memory, and regulates first-line treatment of AR patients.(1-3, 42)
the circadian sleep/wake cycle. First-generation antihistamines,
which cross the blood-brain barrier, interfere with histamine’s 7. Oral anti-leukotriene agents, alone, in combination with
functions. Moreover, the long half-lives of drugs (≈24 hours) such antihistamines, or in combination with INCS, may be recommended
as diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine, mean that in AR especially in the presence of asthma.
these effects are still present the following morning leading to daytime Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
somnolence, increased traffic accidents, decreased productivity at work
and reduced children’s learning. Second-generation H1 antihistamines Recognizing that as many as 40% of patients with AR have coexisting
are largely devoid of these effects.(1-3, 36) asthma, montelukast may be considered when treatment can benefit
both upper and lower airways.(1-3, 43-45)
4. Intranasal antihistamines are recommended alternative therapy
to oral antihistamines in AR with intermittent symptoms and short 8. Intranasal cromolyn sodium may be used in AR, especially
term exposure to allergens. because of its lesser side effects. However, it is less effective than
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence corticosteroids, and has not been adequately studied in comparison
to anti-leukotriene and antihistamine agents.
Intranasal antihistamines are efficacious and equal or superior to Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence
oral second-generation antihistamines. Antihistamines are generally less
effective than intranasal corticosteroids.(1, 37-39) Cromolyn sodium inhibits the degranulation of sensitized mast cells,
thereby blocking the release of inflammatory and allergic mediators. It
5. Intranasal corticosteroids (INCS) for at least one month, is strongly may be given several hours prior to allergen exposure, thus preventing
recommended in AR with intermittent moderate-severe symptoms, symptoms of the early phase reaction. However, adherence is poor
persistent symptoms, and long-term exposure to allergens. Duration because it should be taken 4 times daily compared to once or twice daily
of therapy can be individualized based on patient follow-up dosing for antihistamines and INCS.(1, 2, 46)
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence Chromones are safe, even for small children and pregnant women,
however, they are less efficacious compared to antihistamines, and are
INCS are the most effective medication class in controlling symptoms not strongly recommended as first line treatment of AR.(1, 2, 46, 47)
of allergic rhinitis.(1, 2, 40)
9. Oral and topical decongestants may be used for patients with
5.1 Topical antihistamines may be added to INCS for patients with prominent nasal obstruction. However, they must be used judiciously
inadequate control and exacerbation of symptoms. and according to pharmacologic indications.
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence 9.1 Oral decongestants can reduce nasal decongestion but
can result in side effects such as insomnia, irritability and
Studies have shown that the combination of INCS and topical palpitations.
antihistamines is more effective than INS and topical antihistamine Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence
monotherapy.(1-3, 41)
5.2 Oral antihistamines may be considered when topical Oral decongestants have clearly shown improvement of nasal
antihistamines are unavailable. obstruction and are even more efficacious if given together with INCS.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence (48)
However, due to possible adverse effects of headache, dry mouth,
hypertension, and nervousness, use of decongestants is limited to short
Due to scarcity of topical antihistamine in the local setting, the course treatment.(1, 2)
addition of oral antihistamine in combination with INCS for cases with
uncontrolled AR symptoms or in cases of exacerbation is an option.


CPG INSIDE.indd 26 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

9.2 Topical decongestants can be considered for short-term or • Patients who cannot tolerate or who refuse
possibly intermittent or episodic therapy of nasal congestion, pharmacotherapy
but are inappropriate for long-term daily use because of the • Patients who are chronically exposed to allergens
risk for the development of rhinitis medicamentosa. • Patients with rhinitis and symptoms from the lower
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B airways during peak allergen exposure
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence
Development of rhinitis medicamentosa poses a significant
concern for clinicians prescribing topical decongestants. While topical Immunotherapy produces significant improvement of AR symptoms
decongestants are often given for 3-10 days, there is insufficient literature which leads to improvement of quality of life and decreased need for
on the appropriate duration of use.(1-3, 46) Toohill et al (1981) found a 1% medical therapy. The positive benefit of SIT continues even after
incidence of rhinitis medicamentosa in his practice.(49) discontinuation. A study by Jacobson et al (2007) documented that
9.3 Oral and topical decongestants should be used with caution in beneficial effects were observed at 10 and 8 years after treatment
patients of any age who have a history of cardiac arrhythmia, cessation for subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) and sublingual
angina pectoris, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, immunotherapy (SLIT), respectively.(56)
bladder neck obstruction, glaucoma or hyperthyroidism.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2A‒ Evidence Additional advantages of SIT are prevention of asthma and reduction
of new sensitizations.(1, 2, 52, 56, 57)
Regular use of oral and topical decongestants comes with caution so
as to avoid adverse effects particularly involving the cardiovascular and 11.3 The use of SIT has potential adverse effects. These are classified
neurovascular systems. A meta-analysis study by Salerno et al (2005) as local (SCIT: redness and induration at site of injection; SLIT:
concluded “pseudoephedrine caused a small but significant increase in oral itching and discomfort) or systemic reactions (urticaria,
systolic blood pressure (0.99 mm Hg; 95% CI, 0.08 to 1.90) and heart gastrointestinal upset, wheezing and anaphylaxis). Thus, SIT
rate (2.83 beats/min; 95% CI, 2.0 to 3.6) with no effect on diastolic blood should not be used in patients with uncontrolled asthma.
pressure (0.63 mm Hg, 95% CI, -0.10 to 1.35)”.(50) Decongestants may be Grade B recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
given as rescue medication to patients with inadequate response to INCS
and antihistamines and/or in cases of symptom exacerbation.(1-3, 51) A safety data systematic review of SIT by Lin et al (2003) reported
rates of local reactions ranging from 0.6% to 58% for SCIT and 0.2% to
10. Combination preparations of pharmacotherapeutic agents may be 97% for SLIT.(1, 53)
considered for patients suffering from AR with inadequate response
to monotherapy. The rate of systemic reactions has been reported to be from 0.6% to
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence 0.9% and deaths at 1 per 2.5 million (3.4 deaths per year) for SCIT.(58, 59) No
deaths were recorded for SLIT.(1)
Formulations combining two drugs such as oral antihistamine
and oral decongestant, oral antihistamine and oral montelukast, oral Due to possibility of serious adverse effects, it is recommended
antihistamine and oral steroid, topical antihistamine and INCS may offer that SCIT should not be used in patients with uncontrolled asthma.
additional symptom relief for some patients, as well as the convenience Additionally, SCIT should be administered in a clinic where serious
of single intake dosing.(1, 2) reactions can be promptly recognized. Patients should also be observed
for 30 minutes after injection.(59)
11. Allergen specific immunotherapy (SIT) is effective for the treatment
of AR. 11.4 Patients must be well-informed of the costs of SIT before
initiating it.
11.1 Allergen immunotherapy may prevent the development of Grade D recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
new allergen sensitizations and reduce the risk for the future
development of asthma in patients with AR. The cost of immunotherapy in the Philippine General Hospital
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence Allergy Section is 90-280 pesos for charity patients, and 190-390 pesos
for private patients per injection of allergens (Espiritu AMV 2015, oral
SIT represents the only treatment that can alter the natural history communication, 1st October). In private hospitals (Abong JM 2015, oral
of AR. It restores normal immunity and/or increases tolerance against communication, 1st October), rates vary widely. The initial injection is at
allergens resulting in decreased AR symptoms, and long-term allergen- least 700 pesos and the cost goes up as the concentration of the allergen
specific immune tolerance. Overall, available evidence supports in solution increases with subsequent injections. Charity patients spend
the effectiveness and safety of both subcutaneous and sublingual approximately 800-1,600 pesos/month, while private patients may pay
immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.(1, 2, 46, 52-55) upwards of 2,800 pesos/month.(60, 61)

11.2 It may be used in the following select group of AR patients: 12. VAS scoring should be done periodically to assess symptom severity,
• Patients who did not benefit from avoidance therapy and and monitor response to treatment.
pharmacotherapy Grade A Recommendation, Level 1C Evidence


CPG INSIDE.indd 27 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Bousquet et al (2007) concluded that a simple and quantitative BIBLIOGRAPHY

method (VAS) can be used for the evaluation of the severity of allergic
rhinitis. In this study, the receiver operating characteristic curve results 1. Seidman MD, Gurgel RK, Lin SY, Schwartz SR, Baroody FM, Bonner JR, et al. Clinical
showed that patients with a VAS of under 5 cm could be classified as practice guideline: Allergic rhinitis. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
‘mild’ rhinitis (negative predictive value: 93.5%) and those with a VAS of 2015;152(1 Suppl):S1- 43. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
2. Global Atlas of Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: European Academy
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genetic factors, and even innate steroid resistance. Diagnosis-related 9. Hughes RG, Jones NS. The role of nasal endoscopy in outpatient management. Clinical
Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences. 1998;23(3):224-6.
factors may include missing the presence of nasal hyperreactivity, septal 10.Stankiewicz JA, Chow JM. Nasal endoscopy and the definition and diagnosis of chronic
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also impact adherence to therapy. Treatment-related factors include 13.Melioli G, Bonifazi F, Bonini S, Maggi E, Mussap M, Passalacqua G, et al. The
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modality that is inappropriate for the patient’s symptom severity.(63) patients with respiratory symptoms. Clinical Biochemistry. 2011;44(12):1005-11.
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14. Although there is no surgical treatment for allergic rhinitis, surgery 16.Cua-Lim F, Payawal PC, Laserna G. Studies on atmospheric pollens in the
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• Anatomical variations of the septum with functional relevance
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Clinical Practice Guidelines

24.Santos-Reyes M, Gonzalez-Andaya A. Association of total serum IgE with severity of in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: a placebo-controlled study. Clinical
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26.Nurmatov U, van Schayck CP, Hurwitz B, Sheikh A. House dust mite avoidance 49.Toohill RJ, Lehman RH, Grossman TW, Belson TP. Rhinitis medicamentosa. The
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29.Sever ML, Arbes SJ, Jr., Gore JC, Santangelo RG, Vaughn B, Mitchell H, et al. Cockroach 53.Lin SY, Erekosima N, Suarez-Cuervo C, Ramanathan M, Kim JM, Ward D, et al.
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31.Wood RA, Chapman MD, Adkinson NF, Jr., Eggleston PA. The effect of cat Sublingual immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and
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1998;158(1):115-20. immunotherapy has long-term preventive effect of seasonal and perennial asthma:
33.Nicholas CE, Wegienka GR, Havstad SL, Zoratti EM, Ownby DR, Johnson CC. Dog 10-year follow-up on the PAT study. Allergy. 2007;62(8):943-8.
allergen levels in homes with hypoallergenic compared with nonhypoallergenic dogs. 57.Inal A, Altintas DU, Yilmaz M, Karakoc GB, Kendirli SG, Sertdemir Y. Prevention of
Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2011;25(4):252-6. new sensitizations by specific immunotherapy in children with rhinitis and/or asthma
34.Hermelingmeier KE, Weber RK, Hellmich M, Heubach CP, Mosges R. Nasal irrigation monosensitized to house dust mite. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2007;17(2):85-
as an adjunctive treatment in allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 91.
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treatment of allergic rhinitis - an IPD meta-analysis of 140,853 patients. Allergol Int. 35.
2013;62(2):215-22. Epub 2013 March 25. 59.Bernstein DI, Wanner M, Borish L, Liss GM. Twelve-year survey of fatal reactions
36.Church MK, Maurer M, Simons FE, Bindslev-Jensen C, van Cauwenberge P, Bousquet J, to allergen injections and skin testing: 1990-2001. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
et al. Risk of first-generation H(1)-antihistamines: a GA(2)LEN position paper. Allergy. 2004;113(6):1129-36.
2010;65(4):459-66. 60.Espiritu AMV. Immunotherapy Costs in University of the Philippines-Philippine General
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Asthma Immunol. 2011;106(2 Suppl):S1. Epub 2011/02/10. 61.Abong JM. Immunotherapy Costs in Private Hospitals in the Philippines. 2015 (Oral
38.Kaliner MA, Berger WE, Ratner PH, Siegel CJ. The efficacy of intranasal antihistamines Communication).
in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. 62.Bousquet PJ, Bachert C, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Mullol J, Klossek JM, et al.
2011;106(2 Suppl):S6-S11. Uncontrolled allergic rhinitis during treatment and its impact on quality of life: a
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oral administration. Clin Exp Allergy. 1996;26 Suppl 3:11-7. 63.Hellings PW, Fokkens WJ, Akdis C, Bachert C, Cingi C, Dietz de Loos D, et al.
40.Weiner JM, Abramson MJ, Puy RM. Intranasal corticosteroids versus oral H1 receptor Uncontrolled allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis: where do we stand today?
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43.Esteitie R, deTineo M, Naclerio RM, Baroody FM. Effect of the addition of montelukast
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47.Meltzer EO. Efficacy and patient satisfaction with cromolyn sodium nasal solution


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Clinical Practice Guidelines



History of nasal itching, sneezingm rhinorrhea, and nasal *Pharmacologic

congestion or obstruction triggered by exposure to allergens Treatment

Supportive Clinical Information Mild, intermittent Moderate-Severe,

(with VAS) symptoms of sneezing, intermittent or persistent
nasal itching and symptoms po
rhinorrhea sym

Complete ENTHNS examination

(with anterior rhinoscopy and/or nasal endoscopy) INCS alone
Oral antihistamine

If with inadequate If with inadequate d

control, SHIFT TO control, ADD
Clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis Intranasal
antihistamine antihistamine
INCS Other combination
therapy †

Pharmacologic Environmental control (

treatment* measures


CPG INSIDE.indd 30 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Uncontrolled AR
VAS > 5

Detailed allergic work-up when possible

(e.g., skin tests, serum specific IgE tests, nasal provocation tests)

t therapy for
poorly controlled
symptoms or with Review Review Review Review
Disease-related Diagnosis- Patient-related Treatment-
factors ‡ related factors ‡ factors ‡ related
• Exogenous • Incorrect • Inadequate factors ‡
• Endogenous diagnosis intake of • Inadequate
• Genetic • Concomitant medication treatment
+ factors local disiease • Poor • Lack of
oral • Global • Concomitant adherence symptom-
decongestants airway systemic oriented
disease disease treatment

Consider Immunotherapy: Consider surgery:
OR • Patients who did not • If persistence of nasal
benefit from avoidance obstruction is due to
INCS therapy and anatomic variations (e.g.
+ pharmacotherapy tubinate hypertrophy,
intranasal • Patients who cannot septal deviation, prominent
decongestant tolerate or who refuse septal swell body)
(3 days or less) pharmacotherapy • Development of chronic
• Patients who are rhinosinusitis
OR chronically exposed to
INCS • Patients with rhinitis and
symptoms for the lower
airways during peak
allergen exposure
(5-7 days)

‡Adapted from Hellings et al (2013) (63)


CPG INSIDE.indd 31 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines


Philippine Academy of Rhinology


Cecile B. Duran, MD, FPSOHNS The development of this guideline was funded exclusively by the
Norman N. Mendoza, MD, FPSOHNS Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The
Antonio H. Chua, MD, FPSOHNS views or interests of the funding body have not influenced the final
Ma. Lourdes B. Enecilla, MD, FPSOHNS recommendations.
Anne Marie V. Espiritu, MD, FPSOHNS
Josefino G. Hernandez, MD, FPSOHNS All authors have declared that they have no competing interests.
Peter I. Jarin, MD, FPSOHNS
Niño Bernardo V. Timbungco, MD, FPSOHNS Rhinosinusitis is a group of disorders characterized by inflammation
Gil M. Vicente, MD, FPSOHNS of the mucosa of the nose and paranasal sinuses. (1) Sinusitis is generally
preceded by rhinitis and rarely occurs without concurrent rhinitis,
PURPOSE therefore, sinusitis is best described as rhinosinusitis. (2)
This clinical practice guideline (CPG) is intended to describe appropriate
care based on the best available scientific evidence and broad consensus Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is an inflammatory condition involving
for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in adults. It aims to reduce inappropriate the paranasal sinuses, as well as the lining of the nasal passages, which
variations in clinical practice and to highlight management principles lasts up to 4 weeks (28 days).(1) In general, a diagnosis of acute bacterial
unique to the specialty of Otorhinolaryngology in the Philippines. rhinosinusitis (ABRS) may be made in adults with symptoms of a viral
upper respiratory infection (URI) that have not improved after 10 days
TARGET POPULATION, SETTING AND or worsen after 5 to 10 days.(2) There may be some or all of the following
PROVIDERS OF CARE symptoms: nasal drainage, nasal congestion, facial pressure/pain,
This CPG is for use by the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head postnasal drainage, hyposmia/anosmia, fever, cough, fatigue, maxillary
and Neck Surgery. It covers the diagnosis and management of Acute dental pain, and ear pressure/fullness.(2) On the other hand, the European
Bacterial Rhinosinusitis (ABRS) in adults. Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS) has included all
cases lasting for < 12 weeks with complete resolution of symptoms under
OBJECTIVES acute rhinosinusitis.(3)
The objectives of this guideline are (1) to provide the requisite
criteria for the diagnosis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis; (2) to describe The most common bacterial species isolated from the maxillary
the current diagnostic techniques; and (3) to recommend management sinuses in adults with ABRS are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus
options relevant to the local setting. influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis.(2) Other streptococcal species,
anaerobic bacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus have also been
METHODOLOGY documented in a smaller percentage of cases.
The panel was asked to review the previously published PSO-HNS
CPG for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Adults. Data from scientific PREVALENCE
studies were presented in an analytical framework in the initial panel The prevalence of bacterial infection in patients with diagnosed ARS is
meeting, and revisions and recommendations were formulated. In the not well-defined given the difficulty of distinguishing viral from bacterial
present document, an extensive MEDLINE, National Library of Medicine’s ARS because the clinical features are similar. (2, 4) Predisposing factors for
PubMed database, and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality rhinosinusitis include allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps,
(AHRQ) Evidence Report and Technology Assessment was done using the rhinitis medicamentosa, trauma, dental infections, immunodeficiency,
keyword “acute sinusitis” or “acute rhinosinusitis”, exploded to include or other factors that lead to inflammation of the nose and paranasal
the definition/classification, prevalence/epidemiology, diagnosis, and sinuses. In addition, rhinosinusitis is found more commonly in patients
therapy. The search was limited to articles involving adult (19 years old with tumors, Wegener’s granulomatosis, HIV infection, Kartagener’s
and above) humans, and those published in English from 2006 to 2015. syndrome, immotile cilia syndrome, and cystic fibrosis.(2)
The search yielded 310 articles, which included the following:
Meta-analysis/Systematic Reviews: 27 Presumed bacterial ARS (ABRS) is one of the most common conditions
Randomized controlled trial: 64 encountered by clinicians. Secondary bacterial infection of the paranasal
Consensus report/ CPG: 2 sinuses following an antecedent viral upper respiratory tract infection
Additionally, older relevant literatures were included. A draft of the (URI) is estimated to be 0.5% - 2% of adult cases.(1) The prevalence of a
evidence-based recommendations (EBR) was collated and presented by bacterial infection during ARS is estimated to be 2% - 10%, whereas viral
the panel to the general assembly of ENT-HNS specialists. causes account for 90% - 98%. Several imaging, clinical and laboratory
This guideline will undergo review and updating five (5) years after tests have been used to increase the likelihood of a correct diagnosis
publication, or earlier, depending on the availability of new information. of ABRS with endoscopically directed middle meatal cultures (EMMC)


CPG INSIDE.indd 32 11/23/16 6:51:32 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

being a viable culture method for determining antimicrobial efficacy and nasopharynx for anatomical abnormalities and the origin of purulent
bacterial resistance patterns.(5, 6) discharge. Additionally, endoscopy-guided retrieval of samples for
microbiological culture may be done.
In a prospective controlled study by Berger and Berger regarding the
1. The diagnosis of ABRS is based on the following criteria: use of flexible endoscopy for diagnosis of ABRS, it was shown that using
• Acute onset of some or all of the following symptoms: nasal clinical criteria alone had moderate predictive value of 66.3%, highlighting
congestion, purulent nasal discharge (anterior/posterior the need for objective measures for diagnosis of ABRS.(6)
nasal drip) with or without facial pain/pressure, dental pain
and ear pressure/fullness, fever, cough, fatigue, hyposmia/ Endoscopically guided cultures of the discharge from the middle
anosmia that fail to improve after 10 days meatus have a sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 91%, positive predictive
• Symptoms worsening within 5-10 days after an initial value of 83% and negative predictive value of 89%, with an overall
improvement (i.e. double worsening) accuracy of 87% compared with direct sinus aspiration.(5) It may be
• Symptoms not lasting beyond 4 weeks performed in selected cases: 1] in the establishment of present local
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence bacteriology and resistance; 2] in cases where initial antibiotics fail to
improve patient symptoms; 3] or in patients with immune-compromised
In the first 3 to 4 days of illness, there is difficulty in differentiating status or with severe infection.(5)
a viral etiology from early-onset bacterial etiology of rhinosinusitis. If
symptoms persist for 5 to 10 days, this could represent the beginning 4. Imaging Studies are NOT recommended for the routine diagnosis of
stages of ABRS. In this time period, a pattern of initial improvement ABRS.
followed by worsening characterized by new onset of fever, headache Grade A(-) Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
or increased nasal discharge may be observed. This pattern of “double
worsening” or “double sickening” is consistent with ABRS. (1, 2, 7) Sinus radiography has moderate sensitivity (76%) and specificity (79%)
The severity of the disease may be evaluated using a visual analog compared with sinus puncture in diagnosing ABRS. Sinus involvement is
scale (Figure 1) in answer to the question of “how troublesome are your common in documented viral URIs, making it impossible to distinguish
symptoms of rhinosinusitis”? This can help guide the clinician on the ABRS from viral ARS based solely on imaging studies. Plain films of the
appropriate management. (1) sinuses are inaccurate in a high percentage of patients.(8)

5. Imaging Studies are reserved for patients with persistent symptoms,

Figure 1: Visual Analog Scale (VAS) recurrent ABRS or complications, and when sinus surgery is
mild 0 to 3 Mild 4 to 7 Severe 8 to 10 Grade A(-) Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence

When a complication of ABRS or an alternative diagnosis is suspected,

imaging studies may be obtained. (8) Complications of ABRS may include
orbital, intracranial, or soft tissue involvement while alternative
diagnoses include malignancy and other noninfectious causes of facial
pain. Radiographic imaging may also be obtained when the patient has
co-morbidities that predispose to complications, including diabetes, an
Not bothersome Most bothersome immune-compromised state, or a history of facial trauma or surgery. (7, 9)

CT imaging of the sinuses is appropriate when a complication of ABRS

2. A thorough physical examination should include inspection, is suspected based on severe headache, facial swelling, cranial nerve
palpation of the maxillary and frontal sinus, as well as anterior and palsies, or forward displacement or bulging of the eye (proptosis). The CT
posterior rhinoscopy. findings that correlate with ABRS include opacification, air-fluid level, and
Grade D recommendation, Level 5 Evidence moderate to severe mucosal thickening. (7, 9, 10)

Performing a complete ENT examination provides information on Complications of ABRS are best assessed using iodine contrast-
the chronicity and severity of the patient’s ABRS. The presence of other enhanced CT or gadolinium- based Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to
associated conditions, such as otitis media with effusion, may also be identify extra-sinus extension or involvement. Suspected complications
uncovered. Nasal decongestion and suctioning of excess secretions may are the only indication for MRI of the Paranasal sinuses in the setting of
be performed to aid in diagnosis. ABRS. (7, 9, 11)

3. Nasal endoscopy is a safe, radiation-free, and relatively inexpensive

office procedure. It may be used to examine the nasal cavity and


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE BACTERIAL Second-line treatment options are the following:
RHINOSINUSITIS Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid 2g q 12h
Doxycycline 100mg q 12h
1. The primary treatment for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis (ABRS) is Levofloxacin 500mg OD
empiric antibiotic therapy. Moxifloxacin 400mg OD
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A and 2B Evidence 3. Failure of second-line antibiotic treatment warrants further
1.1 First-line antimicrobial regimen for ABRS in patients with low- Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence
risk for antimicrobial resistance:
Patients with ABRS with inadequate response to treatment should be
Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid 625mg q8h or 1g q12h OR worked up for other conditions and possible disease modifiers. (5, 6, 9)
Amoxicillin alone at 500mg q8h or 1g q12h
Further work-up may include, but not limited to, the following:
Patients at low risk for antimicrobial resistance are those <65 3.1 CT of the Paranasal Sinuses
years of age, no prior antibiotic use within the past 30 days, no 3.2 Sinus or meatal culture
prior hospitalization in the past 5 days, no co-morbidities and 3.3 Immune system studies
not immunocompromised.(12)
4. Watchful waiting is an option in uncomplicated ABRS (Temperature
Amoxicillin may still be used for patients with no history of <38.3oC, no extra-sinus complications), provided that there is good
antibiotic use in the past 6 weeks and where local resistance follow-up.
patterns support its use. (1, 12) Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence

1.2 Seven (7) to ten (10) days is the recommended treatment Early-onset viral ARS and ABRS show considerable overlap in
duration for ABRS (7, 12-14) inflammatory mechanisms and clinical presentation.(4, 7, 17) Antibiotic
therapy is started if the patient’s condition fails to improve 7 days after
1.3 For Penicillin allergy: the diagnosis of ABRS has been made or if symptoms worsen at any time
Doxycycline 100mg q12h OR (double-worsening). Complications of ABRS are similar regardless of
Levofloxacin 500mg OD OR initial management. (7, 17)
Moxifloxacin 400mg OD
5. Nasal saline irrigation (NSI) is safe to use and is recommended as an
Respiratory Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin) adjunctive treatment.
are not first line treatment and should only be used in penicillin- Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
allergic patients.(15)
Hypertonic saline irrigation showed a modest benefit for ARS and
In recently published international guidelines, macrolides are may have superior anti-inflammatory effect and better ability to improve
not recommended as first-line therapy in ABRS due to increasing mucociliary clearance. (7, 18)
prevalence of S. pneumoniae resistance. However, local data
on erythromycin for S. pneumonia showed <5% resistance for 6. Intranasal Corticosteroid Sprays (INCS) may be used as monotherapy
the past decade. (16) Therefore, the use of macrolides may still or adjunct therapy to antibiotics in the empiric treatment of ABRS.
be considered. Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence

Second-generation cephalosporins are no longer recommended Topical Nasal Steroids can be used alone or in combination with oral
as monotherapy due to variable resistance patterns among S. antibiotics for symptomatic relief of ABRS. (7, 19, 20)
pneumoniae.(12) However, due to absence of local data, the
panel still considers this as an option in ABRS treatment. A Cochrane review found that INCS increased the rate of symptom
improvement from 66% to 73% after 15-21 days of use.(19, 20)
2. Second-line antimicrobial regimens are considered for patients
at high risk of antimicrobial resistance and for failure of initial 7. There is a lack of available RCTs supporting the efficacy and use of
treatment. topical and oral decongestants, and antihistamines in the treatment
Grade C Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence of ABRS.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
Failure of first-line treatment should be considered in all patients with
worsening or no improvement of symptoms after 5-7 days and second-
line antimicrobial regimen should be started. (7)


CPG INSIDE.indd 34 11/23/16 6:51:33 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Symptomatic management should focus on hydration, analgesics, 12.Chow AW, Benninger MS, Brook I, Brozek JL, Goldstein EJ, Hicks LA, et al. IDSA clinical
antipyretics, saline irrigation and INCS. (3, 7) practice guideline for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in children and adults. Clin Infect
Dis. 2012;54(8):e72-e112. Epub 2012 March 20.
13.Ahovuo-Saloranta A, Rautakorpi UM, Borisenko OV, Liira H, Williams JW, Jr., Makela
8. In the management of patients with ABRS, patient education is M. Antibiotics for acute maxillary sinusitis in adults. The Cochrane database of
important and should emphasize avoidance of inciting factors like systematic reviews. 2014;2:CD000243.
allergens, environmental irritants or microbes (bacteria, fungi, 14.Lemiengre MB, van Driel ML, Merenstein D, Young J, De Sutter AI. Antibiotics
virus), as well as discussing treatment options with emphasis on for clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis in adults. The Cochrane database of
systematic reviews. 2012;10:CD006089.
antibiotic resistance patterns. 15.Karageorgopoulos DE, Giannopoulou KP, Grammatikos AP, Dimopoulos G, Falagas ME.
Grade D Recommendation, Level 5 Evidence Fluoroquinolones compared with beta-lactam antibiotics for the treatment of acute
bacterial sinusitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 2008;178(7):845-
ABRS is frequently initiated by a viral upper respiratory infection. 54.
The pathophysiology in the development of ABRS involves an interplay 16.Research Institute for Tropical Medicine. Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
Program 2014 Data Summary Report. Data Summary Report (Antimicrobial Resistance
between a predisposing condition (allergies, environmental irritants, Surveillance Reference Laboratory, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine -
anatomical deformities, and immune deficiency), infection and Department of Health). Muntinlupa: Research Institute for Tropical Medicine. 2014.
consequent inflammation of the nasal and paranasal sinus mucosa. (4) 17.Falagas ME, Giannopoulou KP, Vardakas KZ, Dimopoulos G, Karageorgopoulos DE.
Comparison of antibiotics with placebo for treatment of acute sinusitis: a meta-analysis
Antimicrobial resistance is a global health problem. It causes of randomised controlled trials. The Lancet Infectious diseases. 2008;8(9):543-52.
18.Wabnitz DA, Wormald PJ. A blinded, randomized, controlled study on the effect of
prolonged illness, which may lead to mortality and risk of spreading the buffered 0.9% and 3% sodium chloride intranasal sprays on ciliary beat frequency.
disease. It also creates a financial burden to the patient due to increased The Laryngoscope. 2005;115(5):803-5.
cost and prolonged duration of treatment. On the global economic 19.Zalmanovici Trestioreanu A, Yaphe J. Intranasal steroids for acute sinusitis. The
scale, economic losses could be observed due to reduced productivity Cochrane database of syst reviews. 2013;12:CD005149.
caused by the illness and higher cost of treatment. Thus, judicious use 20.Hayward G, Heneghan C, Perera R, Thompson M. Intranasal corticosteroids in
management of acute sinusitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of
of antibiotics should be practiced and patients should be made aware of family medicine. 2012;10(3):241-9.
this by discouraging them from taking antibiotics without the advice of 21.World Health Organization. Antimicrobial Resistance Global Report on Surveillance.
doctors. (21) World Health Assembly, World Health Organization, 2014.


1. Meltzer EO, Hamilos DL, Hadley JA, Lanza DC, Marple BF, Nicklas RA, et al.
Rhinosinusitis: establishing definitions for clinical research and patient care. J allergy
Clin Immunol. 2004;114(6 Suppl):155-212.
2. Anon JB, Jacobs MR, Poole MD, Ambrose PG, Benninger MS, Hadley JA, et al.
Antimicrobial treatment guidelines for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg. 2004;130(1 Suppl):1-45.
3. Fokkens WJ, Lund VI, Mullol J, Bachert C, Alobid I, Baroody Fuad, et al. European
Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012. Rhinology. 2012;
50(Supplement 23).
4. Smith SS, Ference EH, Evans CT, Tan BK, Kern RC, Chandra RK. The prevalence of
bacterial infection in acute rhinosinusitis: a Systematic review and meta-analysis. The
Laryngoscope. 2015;125(1):57-69..
5. Benninger MS, Payne SC, Ferguson BJ, Hadley JA, Ahmad N. Endoscopically directed
middle meatal cultures versus maxillary sinus taps in acute bacterial maxillary
rhinosinusitis: a meta-analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;134(1):3-9.
6. Berger G, Berger RL. The contribution of flexible endoscopy for diagnosis of acute
bacterial rhinosinusitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2011;268(2):235-40. Epub 2010
July 8.
7. Rosenfeld RM, Piccirillo JF, Chandrasekhar SS, Brook I, Ashok Kumar K, Kramper M, et
al. Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Adult Sinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
2015; 152(2 Suppl) S1-S39.
8. Cornelius RS, Martin J, Wippold FJ, 2nd, Aiken AH, Angtuaco EJ, Berger KL, et al. ACR
appropriateness criteria sinonasal disease. J Am Coll Radiol 2013;10(4):241-6. Epub
2013 Feb 16 .
9. Setzen G, Ferguson BJ, Han JK, Rhee JS, Cornelius RS, Froum SJ, et al. Clinical consensus
statement: appropriate use of computed tomography for paranasal sinus disease.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012;147(5):808-16. Epub 2012 Oct 12.
10.Hoxworth JM, Glastonbury CM. Orbital and intracranial complications of acute
sinusitis. Neuroimaging clinics of North America. 2010;20(4):511-26. Epub 2010 Oct
11.Mafee MF, Tran BH, Chapa AR. Imaging of rhinosinusitis and its complications: plain
film, CT, and MRI. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2006;30(3):165-86.


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Clinical Practice Guidelines


Philippine Academy of Rhinology
Josefino G. Hernandez, MD, FPSOHNS This guideline will undergo review and updating five (5) years after
Peter I. Jarin, MD, FPSOHNS publication, or earlier, depending on the availability of new information.
Ma. Lourdes B. Enecilla, MD, FPSOHNS
Benjamin S.A. Campomanes, Jr., MD, FPSOHNS The development of this guideline was funded exclusively by the
Antonio H. Chua, MD, FPSOHNS Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The
Cecile B. Duran, MD, FPSOHNS views or interests of the funding body have not influenced the final
Anne Marie V. Espiritu, MD, FPSOHNS recommendations.
January E. Gelera, MD, DPBOHNS
Rodante A. Roldan, MD, FPSOHNS All authors have stated that they have no competing interests.
Gil M. Vicente, MD, FPSOHNS
PURPOSE Rhinosinusitis is a group of disorders characterized by inflammation
This clinical practice guideline (CPG) is intended to describe appropriate of the mucosa of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
care based on the best available scientific evidence and broad consensus
for chronic rhinosinusitis in adults. It aims to reduce inappropriate Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is defined as inflammation of the nasal
variations in clinical practice and to highlight management principles cavity and paranasal sinuses and/or the underlying bone that has been
unique to the specialty of Otorhinolaryngology in the Philippines. present for at least 12 weeks. It is primarily an inflammatory disorder
due to multiple etiologic factors. There is increasing evidence that
TARGET POPULATION, SETTING AND the recalcitrance and chronicity of this disease is due to a deranged
PROVIDERS OF CARE host immune response against environmental agents. (1) Due to the
This CPG is for use by the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head obstruction of the sinuses secondary to the inflammatory process, there
and Neck Surgery. It covers the diagnosis and management of Chronic may be occasional acute exacerbations of rhinosinusitis associated
Rhinosinusitis (CRS) in adults. with infection. However treating the infection, without addressing the
underlying inflammatory disorder, will likely lead to increased frequency
OBJECTIVES of exacerbations. Thus, accurate and comprehensive diagnosis and
The objectives of the guideline are (1) to provide the requisite criteria management is essential.
for the diagnosis of CRS; (2) to describe current diagnostic techniques;
and (3) to describe treatment options relevant to the local setting. CRS is divided into two subgroups, CRS without nasal polyps (CRS
w/o NP) and CRS with nasal polyps (CRS w/ NP). These have differences
METHODOLOGY in etiopathogenesis and response to various treatment modalities.
The panel was asked to review the previously published PSO-
HNS CPG for Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Adults. Data from scientific Nasal Polyps are smooth, semi-translucent, pearly white to pinkish,
studies were presented in an analytical framework in the initial panel pedunculated masses of edematous inflamed mucosa commonly
meeting, and revisions and recommendations were formulated. In the originating from the ostiomeatal complex.
present document, an extensive search of MEDLINE, National Library
of Medicine’s PubMed database, and Agency for Healthcare Research Surveys conducted in recent years using patient-reported symptoms
and Quality (AHRQ) Evidence Report and Technology Assessment was of CRS lasting >12 weeks revealed a prevalence of 5-13% in the United
done using the keywords “Chronic sinusitis” or “Chronic rhinosinusitis”, States, Europe and China. (2) However, prevalence of doctor-diagnosed
exploded to include definition, classification, prevalence, epidemiology, CRS is lower with rates of 2-4%. (3)
diagnosis and therapy.
The search was limited to articles involving adult (19 years old and CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS (CRS)
above) humans, and those published in English from 2006 to 2015. The
search yielded 718 articles, which included the following: 1. The diagnosis of CRS is based on the following criteria:
Meta-Analysis/ Systematic Reviews: 68 -Presence of two or more of the following symptoms, one of which
Randomized controlled trial (RCT): 91 should be either (a) nasal blockage/obstruction/congestion or
Consensus report/CPG: 6 (b) nasal discharge (anterior/posterior nasal drip); (c) facial pain/
pressure; and (d) reduction or loss of smell.
Additionally, older relevant literatures were included. A draft of the - Duration of ≥12 weeks
evidence-based recommendations (EBR) was collated and presented by - AND presence of any of the following objective
the panel to the general assembly of ORL-HNS specialists. evidence of inflammatory disease, (a) mucopurulent discharge


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

primarily from the middle meatus; (b) nasal polyps; (c) edema/ it was found that (+) NE findings afforded an added value of 25-28% for
mucosal obstruction primarily in the middle meatus; (d) radiographic ruling-in CRS and (-) NE afforded an added value of 5-30% for ruling out
imaging showing mucosal changes within the ostiomeatal complex CRS. The authors concluded that NE should be the first-line confirmatory
and/or sinuses. test for diagnosing CRS. (7)
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence The Endoscopic Appearance Score (8) (Table 1) can be obtained at
Table 1: Endoscopic Appearance Score (8)
The severity of the disease may be evaluated using a visual analog
scale (Figure 1) in answer to the question of “how troublesome are your Characteristic Baseline 3mos 6mos 1yr
symptoms of rhinosinusitis”? This can help guide the clinician on the Discharge, right (0,1,2)
appropriate management. (3) Discharge, left (0,1,2)
Figure 1: Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Edema, right (0,1,2)
Edema, left (0,1,2)
mild 0-3 Mild 4 to 7 Severe 8 to 10 Polyp, right (0,1,2,3)
Polyp, left (0,1,2,3)
* Discharge: 0 – no discharge; 1 – clear, thin discharge; 2 – thick, purulent

Edema: 0 – absent; 1 – mild; 2 – severe

Polyp: 0 – absence of polyps
Not bothersome Most bothersome 1 – polyps in the middle meatus only
2 – polyps beyond the middle meatus but not blocking the
nose completely
3 – polyps completely obstructing the nose
1.1. A distinction should be made if there is an acute exacerbation
of CRS.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence baseline and at regular intervals to monitor response to treatment.

Acute exacerbation of CRS is diagnosed when there is sudden 3. Multi-slice high resolution computed tomography scan may be
deterioration of the patient’s condition with either worsening used to confirm the diagnosis of CRS, especially in patients with
of baseline symptoms or development of additional symptoms. a prolonged or complicated course, failed medical management
This is usually associated with bacterial infection. (1) and/or in whom surgery is contemplated. Plain sinus x-rays have a
limited role in the diagnosis of CRS and is not recommended.
1.2. CRS should be distinguished from Recurrent Acute Bacterial Grade B Recommendation, Level 2C Evidence
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence Conventional computed tomography (CT) non-contrast scan
demonstrates good sensitivity (85%) and above average specificity (59%)
Recurrent Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis (rABRS) is diagnosed when in diagnosing sinusitis in general. (9) The CT scan can aid in evaluating the
the patient has 4 or more episodes of Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in extent of mucosal disease, patency of the sinus ostia and ostiomeatal
a year without signs or symptoms of rhinosinusitis in between episodes. complex, as well as the presence of anatomic abnormalities or tumors. It is
Though the symptom burden of CRS and rABRS is similar, distinction recommended in failed medical therapy, in the presence of complications
should be made between the two because antibiotic utilization is higher or in suspected malignancies. The anatomic detail the CT scan provides is
in rABRS (4) (5) (6) also a useful roadmap for the surgeon during surgery. CT scan should be
obtained in all patients who will undergo endoscopic sinus surgery.
2. The clinical diagnosis of CRS should be supported with objective
documentation of sinonasal inflammation through anterior High-resolution multi-slice CT (MSCT) shows advantage over
rhinoscopy and/or nasal endoscopy. conventional CT in demonstrating CRS. Superior image quality is
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence obtained from coronal reconstructions from MSCT of the PNS compared
with coronal reconstructions of single-slice CT (SSCT). There is absence
Anterior rhinoscopy remains the first step in evaluating patients with of dental metal artifacts in coronal reconstructions of MSCT thus
this disease but it is of limited value. Nasal endoscopy (NE) is highly conferring superiority over direct coronal images of SSCT. (10) Images in
recommended for a thorough examination. It provides better illumination all three planes (i.e. coronal, axial, sagittal) is recommended. In a study
and visualization compared to anterior rhinoscopy. Likewise, it facilitates by Kew et al (2002), it was found that the addition of the parasagittal
visualization of the sinus drainage pathways in the middle and superior view improved the surgeon’s understanding of the anatomy of the frontal
meati as well as the nasopharynx. recess by a mean of 57% on a 10-point visual analogue scale. In fact, with
In a systematic review by Wuister et al in 2014 comparing the the parasagittal scan, the surgical plan for the patient was altered in more
diagnostic value of nasal endoscopy against CT scan as the gold-standard, than 50% of the patients studied. (11)


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

PNS x-rays are rapid, economical and non-invasive but give limited 2. Nasal saline irrigation (NSI) is recommended for management of
evaluation of the paranasal sinuses and the lower third of the nasal CRS w/o NP.
cavity. These have high specificity but 50% sensitivity in diagnosing CRS. Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
The upright Waters view may suggest but cannot rule out the presence
of sinusitis. (12) It has been reported in a Cochrane meta-analysis and several
systematic reviews that NSI provide symptomatic relief in CRS. (18) (19) (20) (21)
4. Maxillary aspirate or endoscopic-guided middle meatal swab culture It has even been shown to be effective as sole treatment in CRS though
and sensitivity may be done in cases of acute exacerbations of CRS. its effect is not as significant as with the use of INCS. (18)
Grade C Recommendation, Level 2A Evidence
High-volume (>100ml) low-pressure saline irrigation is superior to
Maxillary aspirate culture and sensitivity is useful for establishing saline spray in improving symptom scores. Similar symptom improvement
present local bacteriology and resistance, for patients who are is seen when comparing isotonic vs. hypertonic saline irrigations. (21) (22)
immunocompromised, for those with severe infections, or for research
purposes. Occasionally, endoscopic-guided middle meatal cultures 3. CRS in acute exacerbation should be treated with short-term
may be done as an alternative to maxillary sinus puncture for obtaining antibiotics.
cultures in patients with CRS (13). Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence

5. Other tests may be done to further investigate modifying factors Short-term antibiotic treatment is defined as treatment duration
in the development of CRS as well as to assist in the evaluation of shorter than 4 weeks. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cefuroxime axetil and
obstructive symptoms. ciprofloxacin have been used with CRS in acute exacerbation with good
Grade C Recommendation, Level 3B Evidence clinical response. (3) INCS should be continued while the patient is on
antibiotic therapy.
Allergy skin testing and determination of serum IgE levels may
be performed to diagnose allergic rhinitis and atopy. Although the 4. Long-term, low dose macrolide therapy, lasting >12 weeks, is an
relationship of allergy to CRS w/ and w/o NP remains controversial and option in the management of CRS w/o NP especially in those with
results of studies are conflicting, determining the presence of this disease normal or low total serum IgE levels
in the patient may still be helpful in choosing appropriate treatment Grade B Recommendation, Level IIB Evidence
options. (14)
Numerous open studies and one RCT have reported the efficacy of
Tests may be done to determine if the patient has bronchial asthma
long-term, low dose macrolide as treatment for CRS with a response rate
and/or sensitivity to aspirin. The presence of aspirin-exacerbated
of 60-80%. Macrolides have been used for airway inflammatory disease
respiratory disease such as Samter’s triad (i.e. aspirin sensitivity, asthma
due to its immunomodulatory activity rather than its antibacterial effect.
and nasal polyposis) has been shown to be associated with high recurrence
Data suggests that CRS patients with normal or low total IgE (<250 U/ml)
rate of nasal polyps and 15-20% long-term revision surgery rate. (15)
are more likely to respond to macrolide treatment compared to those
with high serum IgE levels. (3) It has been shown to suppress neutrophilic
Rhinomanometry and rhinometry can be useful in assessing airflow
inflammation in the airways. (23) Thus, macrolide treatment would
and nasal cavity volume. It can be useful for patients complaining of
nasal obstruction to assess if it is a result of inflammation or a mechanical most likely benefit patients with symptoms dominated by neutrophilic
obstruction. (3) inflammation such as purulent discharge or postnasal drip. (2)

RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC The recommended dosage regimen based on RCTs:
RHINOSINUSITIS WITHOUT NASAL POLYPS (CRS w/o NP) a. Roxithromycin 150mg/day for 12 weeks (24)
b. Clarithromycin 250mg/day for 12 weeks (25)
1. CRS w/o NP, being an inflammatory disease, should be primarily or 500mg/day for 12 weeks (21)
treated with intranasal corticosteroids (INCS) Side-effects of long-term macrolide treatment should be considered
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence such as development of antibiotic resistance, GI disorders, cardiac
arrhythmia and hepatotoxicity. (2)
INCS improved symptom scores with minimal reported adverse
effects in a Cochrane review of RCTs and 5 meta-analyses. (16) Long-term low-dose macrolide therapy may be given together with
INCS especially when there is inadequate response to INCS alone. (21)
A systematic review of RCTs done by Snidvongs (2013) on the efficacy
of INCS concluded that there is enhanced effectiveness of INCS in patients 5. Short-term oral steroids may be used in patients with severe disease,
with prior sinus surgery and with direct sinus delivery (i.e. steroid sinus alone or in combination with other treatment options
irrigation) (17) Grade B Recommendation, Level IIB


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Oral steroids, in combination with antibiotics or INCS, have been shown Recommended INCS dosage regimens based on RCTs and
to improve symptoms, radiologic findings and nasal endoscopy findings local availability of the drug:
in patients with CRS w/o NP in several retrospective and prospective Fluticasone propionate nasal spray 200mcg BID (31) or 400mcg/BID (32)
studies. However, there is lack of high quality RCTs to support the use of Mometasone furoate nasal spray 200mcg OD (33) or 200mcg BID (34)
oral steroids, whether alone or in combination, for CRS w/o NP. (26)
2. Topical NSI is recommended for symptom relief in CRS w/ NP.
6. Mucolytics and decongestants have been traditionally used in the Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
management of CRS, however there is no evidence supporting their
use. Based on a Cochrane review, the benefits of topical NSI outweigh the
Grade C and D Recommendation, Level 4 and 5 Evidence respectively minor side effects associated with its use. There is evidence that it has
beneficial effects when used as a sole treatment modality but it is not
There were no RCTs found on the use of mucolytics and decongestants as effective as INCS in CRS w/ and w/o NP. (18) The beneficial physiologic
for the treatment of CRS w/o NP (3) effects of NSI are improvement in ciliary beat activity and mucociliary
clearance as well as removal of antigens, biofilms and inflammatory
7. Topical antibiotics, oral and topical antifungals and probiotics are mediators. (2)
not recommended in the management of CRS Studies have shown greater symptom improvement with high-volume
Grade A(-) Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence saline irrigations. Recommended is a volume of 100-240 ml split between
two nasal cavities once to three times per day. (21)
Three RCTs using topical antibiotics for CRS showed no added
benefit compared to saline. Likewise, no RCTs or systematic reviews for 3. Short-term oral steroids may be given as an adjunct treatment
oral and topical antifungals and probiotics were found. These are not option for rapid though transient effects on polyp size reduction and
recommended for the management of CRS w/o NP. (3) symptom improvement.
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
8. Surgical management may be considered if the patient does not
improve after 2-3 months of INCS treatment. Systematic reviews have shown the short-term benefit of short courses
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence of oral steroids (i.e. 2-4 weeks) with reduction in polyp size and subjective
improvement in nasal symptom scores and quality of life. (35) Patient’s
Large prospective studies and case series have shown that endoscopic response to a course of oral steroids may aid the clinician in deciding
sinus surgery (ESS) is effective and safe for the management of patients whether to continue with medical treatment or to consider surgery.
with CRS w/o NP who have failed medical treatment. (3) Long-term success Short-term treatment courses of systemic steroids combined with long
rates of ESS are high with over 90% symptomatic improvement. Greater term INCS led to satisfactory results in 85% of patients. If more than
improvement is seen in CRS w/ NP compared to CRS w/o NP. (1) three systemic courses of oral steroids proved to be necessary for control
of severe or progressive disease, a surgical option may be proposed. (36)
There is paucity of well-designed RCTs comparing medical vs. surgical
treatment for CRS w/o NP. Based on a Cochrane review, the evidence Suggested dosage regimen of steroids based on RCTs:
shows that surgical management is just as effective as prolonged maximal a. Prednisolone 25mg/day for 2 weeks (37)
medical management. Thus, ESS should be reserved for patients who b. Prednisone 30mg/day for 4 days then taper by 5mg every 2
have failed to improve with maximal medical treatment. (27) The reported days for a total of 2 weeks (38)
incidence of complications from ESS ranges from 0.3 to 22.4%, majority of c. Methylprednisolone 32mg/day for 5 days followed by 16mg/
which are minor causing minimal patient morbidity. Major complications day for 5 days, then 8mg/day for 10 days (39)
(i.e. CSF leak, orbital hemorrhage) occur in <1% of patients. (1) d. Methylprednisolone 16mg/day for 7 days (40)

RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC Oral steroids may also be given perioperatively to improve surgical
RHINOSINUSITIS WITH NASAL POLYPOSIS (CRS w/ NP) outcomes. In a double-blind RCT done by Wright et al (2007), patients
treated with 30mg of prednisone 5 days preoperatively and 9 days
1. The management of CRS w/ NP is primarily medical, with INCS as postoperatively had technically less difficult surgery compared to
the first-line treatment option. placebo, as reported by the surgeon, and significantly healthier cavities
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence postoperatively. (41)

INCS are indicated for long term treatment of CRS w/ NP. (28) Numerous 4. Long-term, low-dose macrolide treatment may be given as an option
systematic reviews support the efficacy of INCS in terms of symptom in CRS w/ NP, especially if there is poor response with INCS. Greater
improvement, decrease in polyp size, prevention of polyp recurrence response is seen in patients with normal or low serum IgE or non-
after surgery, improvement in nasal airflow and olfaction. (3) (29) (30) eosinophilic type of CRS w/ NP.
Grade B Recommendation, Level 2B Evidence


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Clinical Practice Guidelines

There are few studies on the effect of long-term low-dose macrolide additional benefit when used as an adjunct to INCS. Some studies have
where the population was specifically defined into groups of CRS w/ shown that LTRAs have greater effect in patients with concomitant allergic
or w/o NP. These studies showed a moderate effect on polyp size and rhinitis, asthma and aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) but
patient symptoms. (3) Early studies by Suzuki et al (2000) showed that further studies are needed. (21) (49)
response to macrolide therapy was inversely related to serum IgE level
and eosinophil counts in the sinus mucosa. He found no relation between 7. Surgical management is recommended if there is failure of medical
response to macrolide therapy and tissue neutrophilia. (42) This was further management.
corroborated by Haruna et al (2009) where he found poorer response to Grade A Recommendation, Level 1A Evidence
macrolides in CRS w/ NP. He found that there was statistically significant
increase in the percentage of eosinophils in the sample polyp tissue of Failure of medical management implies that the patient still
patients who had poor response to macrolide therapy. (43) experiences CRS-specific symptoms that negatively affect quality of
life and daily productivity. In mild to moderate persistent disease (i.e.
Some have proposed classifying CRS w/ NP into eosinophilic or non- VAS 0-7 and/or Grade 1-2 nasal polyps), ESS is an option if there is no
eosinophilic due to difference in clinical profile and therapeutic response. improvement after 3 months of medical therapy. In severe persistent
Many regional studies suggest that there is increased prevalence of disease (i.e VAS 8-10 or grade 3 nasal polyp), ESS is an option if there is
the non-eosinophilic type of nasal polyposis among Asians. Although no improvement after 1 month of medical therapy. (3) Even with severe
at this time there is no single agreed-upon criterion for differentiating disease, giving initial medical treatment will have the added benefit
eosinophilic vs. non-eosinophilic polyps, a recommendation can be of optimizing conditions for surgery. Surgical treatment temporarily
made to classify eosinophilic polyps in the presence of >5 eosinophils/ relieves ostiomeatal complex blockage and serves primarily to facilitate
hpf. This criterion was selected based on the preponderance of evidence the penetration of topical steroid therapy. (37)
correlating this cut-off to disease severity and clinical outcomes and due
to its simplicity and practicality. (44) (45) (46) (47) Systematic review and large outcome studies have shown the
safety and efficacy of ESS for CRS w/ NP. However, systematic reviews
Due to lack of strong evidence supporting the use of long-term, have shown no significant difference in benefits of medical vs. surgical
low dose macrolide in CRS w/ NP and the possible side effects of this management in terms of symptom scores and quality of life. (50) Thus,
mode of treatment (i.e. antibiotic resistance, GI symptoms), the panel surgery is recommended if there is failure of medical management.
recommends reserving this for patients with poor response to INCS, low
Several studies have shown that ESS is superior to other sinonasal
serum IgE and non-eosinophilic type of nasal polyps.
procedures (i.e. polypectomy, Caldwell-Luc, radical nasalization and
intranasal ethmoidectomy) with greater rates of complete relief of
Suggested dosage regimen of macrolides based on
symptoms and better overall outcomes in terms of symptom score and
uncontrolled trials(48):
disease recurrence. However, there are no studies comparing open
a. Clarithromycin 400mg/day for at least 12 weeks
sphenoethmoidectomy with ESS for CRS. (3) (51)
b. Roxithromycin 150mg/day for at least 8 weeks
8. Early postoperative care with use of nasal saline irrigation,
5. Short-term treatment with Doxycycline may be given as a treatment
debridement and corticosteroid (topical intranasal and/or oral) is
option in CRS w/ NP strongly recommended. Other therapeutic interventions may be
Grade A Recommendation, Level 1B Evidence tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
Grade B recommendation, Level 2A Evidence
One theory for the development of nasal polyps is the presence of
Staphylococcus superantigens and targeting this mechanism is one way Postoperative use of INCS has been shown to significantly improve
of treating CRS w/ NP. An RCT by Van Zele (2010) has shown that giving polyp score, patient’s symptom scores and decrease the odds of polyp
Doxycycline at 200mg on the first day followed by 100mg/tab once daily recurrence compared to placebo (52)
for a total of 20 days resulted in moderate though significant decrease in
nasal polyp size, nasal symptoms and mucosal and systemic markers of 9. Measurement of subjective and objective treatment outcomes is
inflammation. (39) The study population involved patients with recurrent recommended. Persistence or recurrence of disease will warrant
nasal polyps after surgery for grade 3 polyps. Doxycycline may be given further workups for modifying factors.
as an adjunct treatment which may benefit a subset of the population Grade D recommendation, Level 5 Evidence
with CRS w/ NP.
In a systematic review by Quintanilla-Dieck et al (2012), the most
6. Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) can be a treatment option commonly utilized CRS-specific quality-of-life (QOL) instruments were the
especially in those with concomitant allergy. Sinonasal Outcomes Test (SNOT-22), the Rhinosinusitis Disability Index
Grade C Recommendation, Level IIB (RSDI) and the Chronic Sinusitis Survey (CSS). (53) Persistent or recurrent
disease may indicate the possibility of previously unrecognized modifying
A recent systematic review (2015) showed that LTRAs, specifically factors such as immunodeficiency, AERD, allergy, odontogenic infection,
Montelukast, may improve symptoms of CRS compared with placebo but laryngopharyngeal reflux, ciliary dysmotility, granulomatous disease and
there was no difference compared with INCS. Montelukast did not confer various other systemic diseases with sinonasal manifestations. (1)


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Clinical Practice Guidelines


1. Kennedy D, Hwang P. Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses and Skull Base. New 24.Wallwork B, Coman W, Mackay-Sim A, Greiff L, Cervin A. A double-blind, randomized,
York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2012. placebo-controlled trial of macrolide in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis.
2. Akdis C, Hellings P, Agache I, editors. Global Atlas of Allergic rhinitis and Chronic Laryngoscope. 2006;116(2):189-93.
Rhinosinusitis: European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 2015. 25.Zeng M, Long XB, Cui YH, Liu Z. Comparison of efficacy of mometasone furoate versus
3. Fokkens WJ, Lund VI, Mullol J, Bachert C, Alobid I, Baroody Fuad, et al. European clarithromycin in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps in
Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012. Rhinology. 2012; Chinese adults. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2011;25(6):e203-207.
50(Supplement 23). 26.Lal D, Hwang PH. Oral corticosteroid therapy in chronic rhinosinusitis without
4. Bhattacharya N. Comparison of symptoms scores and radiographic staging systems in polyposis: a systematic review. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2011;1(2):136-43.
chronic rhinosinusitis. Am J Rhinol. 2005; 19(2): 175-9. 27.Khalil H, Nunez D. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis.
5. Kaper NM, Breukel L, Venekamp RP, Grolman W, van der Heijden GJ. Absence of Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2006:3 CD004458.
evidence for enhanced benefit of antibiotic therapy on recurrent acute rhinosinusitis 28.Rosenfeld RM, Piccirillo JF, Chandrasekhar SS, Brook I, Ashok Kumar K, Kramper M, et
episodes: a systematic review of the evidence base. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. al. Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Adult Sinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
2013; 149(5) 664-7. Epub 2013 Sep 24. 2015; 152(2 Suppl) S1-S39.
6. van Loon JW, Van Harn RP, Venekamp RP, Kaper NM, Sachs AP, van deh Heijden GJ. 29.Kalish L, Snidvongs K, Sivasubramaniam R, Cope D, Harvey RJ. Topical steroids for
Limited evidence for effects of intranasal corticosteroids on symptoms relief for nasal polyps. Cochrane Database of Systematic Review. 2012; 12: CD006549.
recurrent acute rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013; 149(5): 668-73. 30.Banglawala SM, Oyer SL, Lohia S, Psaltis AJ, Soler ZM, Schlosser RJ. Olfactory
Epub 2013 Sep 6. outcomes in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis after medical treatments: a
7. Wuister AM, Goto NA, Oostveen EJ, de Jong WU, van der Valk ES, Kaper NM, et al. systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014; 4(12):986-94.
Nasal endoscopy is recommended for diagnosing adults with chronic rhinosinusitis. Epub 2014 Nov 14.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014; 150(3): p. 359-64. Epub 2013 Dec 9. 31.Jankowski R, Klossek JM, Attali V, Coste A, Serrano E. Long-term study of fluticasone
8. Lund VJ, Kennedy DW. Quantification for staging sinusitis. The staging and therapy propionate aqueous nasal spray in acute and maintenance therapy of nasal polyposis.
group. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 1995;167: 17-21. Allergy. 2009;64(6):944-50. Epub 2009 Mar 3.
9. Bhattacharyya N, Fried MP. The accuracy of computed tomography in the diagnosis of 32.Vickova I, Navratil P, Kana R, Pavlicek P, Chrbolka P, Djupesland PG. Effective treatment
chronic rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope. 2003 Jan;113(1):125-9. of mild-to-moderate nasal polyposis with fluticasone delivered by a novel device.
10.Baumann I, Koitschev A, Dammann F. Preoperative imaging of chronic sinusitis by Rhinology. 2009;47(4):419-426.
multislice computed tomography. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Oct; 261(9): 497- 33.Stjarne P, Olsson P, Alenius M. Use of mometasone furoate to prevent polyp relapse
501. after endoscopic sinus surgery. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;135(3):296-
11.Kew J, Rees GL, Close D, Sdralis T, Sebben RA, Wormald PJ. Multiplanar reconstructed 302.
computed tomography images improves depiction and understanding of the anatomy 34.Small CB, Hernandez J, Reyes A, Schenkel E, Damiano A, Stryszak P, et al. Efficacy and
of the frontal sinus and recess. Am J Rhinol. 2002;16(2):119-23. safety of mometasone furoate nasal spray in nasal polyposis. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
12.Timmenga N, Stegenga B, Raghoebar G, Van Hoogstraten J, Van Weissenbruch R, 2005;116(6):1275-81. Epub 2005 Sep 26.
Vissink A. The value of Waters’ projection for assessing maxillary sinus inflammatory 35.Patiar S, Reece P. Oral steroids for nasal polyps. Cochrane Database of Systematic
disease. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002;93(1):103-9. Reviews. 2011; 7: CD005232.
13.Dubin MG, Ebert CS, Coffey CS, Melroy CT, Sonnenburg RE, Senior BA. Concordance 36.Bonfils P, Nores JM, Halimi P, Avan P. Corticosteroid treatment in nasal polyposis with
of middle meatal swab and maxillary sinus aspirate in acute and chronic sinusitis: a a three-year follow-up period. Laryngoscope. 2003;113(4):683-7.
meta-analysis. Am J Rhinol. 2005;19(5):462-70. 37.Vaidyanathan S, Barnes M, Williamson P, Hopkinson P, Donnan PT, Lipworth B.
14.Wilson K, McMains K, Orlandi R. The association between allergy and chronic Treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis with oral steroids followed
rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps: an evidence-based review with by topical steroids: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2011;154(5) 293-302.
recommendations. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014;4(2):93-103. Epub 2014 Jan 2. 38.Benitez P, Alobid I, de Haro J, Berenguer J, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Pujols L, et al. A short
15.Georgalas C, Cornet M, Adriaensen G, Reinartz S, Holland C, Prokopakis E, et al. course of oral prednisone followed by intranasal budesonide is an effective treatment
Evidence-based surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps. Curr of severe nasal polyps. Laryngoscope. 2006;116(5):770-5.
Allergy Asthma Rep. 2014;14(4):427. 39.Van Zele T, Gevaert P, Holtappels G, Beule A, Wormald PJ, Mayr S, et al. Oral steroids
16.Snidvongs K, Kalish L, Sacks R, Craig JC, Harvey RJ. Topical steroid for chronic and doxycycline: two different approaches to treat nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin
rhinosinusitis without polyps. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2011; 9: Immunol. 2010;125(5):1069-1076.
CD009274. 40.Sanchez RC, Campomanes Jr. BSA, Aguilar NA. Low dose, short-term oral
17.Snidvongs K, Kalish L, Sacks R, Sivasubramaniam R, Cope D, Harvey RJ. Sinus methylprednisolone for nasal polyps: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
surgery and delivery method influence the effectiveness of topical corticosteroids trial. Philipp J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;21(1):24-27.
for chronic rhinosinusitis: systemic review and meta-analysis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 41.Wright ED, Agrawal S. Impact of perioperative systemic steroids on surgical outcomes
2013;27(3):221-233. in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis: evaluation with the novel
18.Harvey R, Hannan SA, Badia L, Scadding G. Nasal saline irrigations for the symptoms perioperative sinus endoscopy (POSE) scoring system. Laryngoscope. 2007;117(11 Pt
of chronic rhinosinusitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;3:CD006394. 2 Suppl 115):1-28.
19.Van den Berg JW, de Nier LM, Kaper NM, Schilder AG, Venekamp RP, Grolman W, et 42.Suzuki H, Ikeda K, Honma R, Gotoh S, Oshima , Furukawa M, et al. Prognostic
al. Limited evidence: higher efficacy of nasal saline irrigation over nasal saline spray factors of chronic rhinosinusitis under long-term low-dose macrolide therapy. ORL J
in chronic rhinosinusitis-an update and reanalysis of the evidence base. Otolaryngol Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2000;62(3):121-7.
Head Neck Surg. 2014;150(1):16-21. Epub 2013 Nov 15 43.Haruna S, Shimada C, Ozawa M, Fukami S, Moriyama H. A study of poor responders
20.Rudmik L, Hoy M, Schlosser RJ, Harvey RJ, Welch KC, Lund V, et al. Topical therapies for long-term, low-dose macrolide administration for chronic sinusitis. Rhinology.
in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis: an evidence-based review with 2009; 47(1):66-71.
recommendations. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2013; 3(4):281-98. Epub 2012 Oct 8. 44.Soler ZM, Sauer DA, Mace J, Smith TL. Relationship between clinical measures and
21.Rudmik L, Soler ZM. Medical therapies for adult chronic sinusitis. A systematic review. histopathologic findings in chronic rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;
JAMA. 2015;314(9): 926-39. 141(4): 454-61.
22.Pynnonen MA, Mukerji SS, Kim HM, Adams ME, Terrell JE. Nasal saline for chronic 45.Payne SC, Early SB, Huyett P, Han JK, Borish L, Steinke JW. Evidence for distinct
sinonasal symptoms: a randomized control trial. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. histologic profile of nasal polyps with and without eosinophilia. Laryngoscope.
2007;133(11):1115-20. 2011;121(10):2262-7.
23.Harvey R, Wallwork B, Lund V. Anti-inflammatory effects of macrolides: applications 46.Kountakis S, Arango P, Bradley D, Wade Z, Borish L. Molecular and cellular staging for
in chronic rhinosinusitis. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am. 2009; 29: p. 689-703. the severity of chronic rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope. 2004;114(11):1895-905.


CPG INSIDE.indd 41 11/23/16 6:51:33 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines

47.Snidvongs K, Lam M, Sacks R, Earls P, Kalish L, Phillips PS, et al. Structured

histopathology profiling of chronic rhinosinusitis in routine practice. Int Forum of In acute exacerbation:
CRS w/o NP
Allergy Rhinol. 2012; 2(5): 376-85. + Short-term non-macrolide
48.Fokkens W, Lund V, Mullol J. European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal antibiotics
Polyps 2007. Rhinology Suppl. 2007;(20):1-136. INCS
49.Wentzel JL, Soler ZM, DeYoung K, Nguyen SA, Lohia S, Schlosser RJ. Leukotriene + NSI
antagonists in nasal polyposis: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Am J Rhinol
Allergy. 2013;27(6):482-9.
50.Rimmer J, Fokkens WJ, Chong LY, Hopkins C. Surgical versus medical interventions Improvement
Yes Continue INCS
for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;(12): + NSI
51.Dalziel K, Stein K, Round A, Garside R, Royle P. Endoscopic sinus surgery for the No
excision of nasal polyps: A systematic review of safety and effectiveness. Am J Rhinol.
2006; 20(5):506-19.
52.Fandiño M, Macdonald KI, Lee J, Witterick IJ. The use of postoperative topical +/- Long-term low-dose macrolide therapy
(if serum IgE low/normal)
corticosteroids in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: a systematic review and +/- Oral steriods
meta-analysis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013; 27(5):e146-57. +/- Topical steroid irrigation
53.Quintanilla-Dieck L, Litvack JR, Mace JC, Smith TL. Comparison of disease-specific
quality-of-life instruments in the assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Int Forum
Allergy Rhinol. 2012;2(6):437-43. Yes


CT scan


Follow up: INCS + NSI

+/- Tropical steroid irrigation
+/- Oral steroid
+/- Long-term low-dose macrolide
Consider modifying factors (i.e. immune problem)


CPG INSIDE.indd 42 11/23/16 6:51:33 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines


Mild disease Moderate disease Severe disiease

VAS 0-3 VAS 4-7 VAS 8-10

+ NSI Short-course oral
For 2-3 months steroid

INCS (consider higher dose)

No + NSI Improvement
Improvement Yes
+/- Short course oral steroid after 1 month
+/- Doxycycline or Long-term
low-dosed macrolide

Continue INCS + NSI No

Review every 3-6mos. CT scan


+/- oral steroids
+/- long-term low-dose macrolide
Consider modifying factors
(i.e. immune problem)


CPG INSIDE.indd 43 11/23/16 6:51:33 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines


Treasurer: ELMO R. LAGO, JR., MD, FPSO-HNS


Immediate Past President: ARMANDO M. CHIONG, JR., MD, FPSO-HNS


Northern Luzon: JOSE B. OROSA, III, MD, FPSO-HNS
Southern Tagalog: RAMON V. CARMONA, JR., MD, FPSO-HNS
Central Eastern Visayas: MERVIN LOUIS C. VARONA, MD, FPSO-HNS
Southern Mindanao: J. GABRIEL C. DE BORJA, MD, FPSO-HNS

Ms. Mia Filipina B. Mabuti • Ms. Melissa B. Martinez • Ms. Sharon T. Barraquiel


CPG INSIDE.indd 44 11/23/16 6:51:33 PM

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