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Supervisor : Prof. AHMED KHIDIR YAGOUB

Co-Supervisor: Dr. OMER YO&IF OMER


JUNE 2000
Section One
Chapter One
Some Aspects of Tin Chemistry

Introduction :
(1-1) Elemental Tin.
(1-2)Bonds Forming.
(1-3) The Nature of (Sn-O)Bond .
(1-4) Synthesis of Tin Alkoxides.
(l-4-l)The Direct Route.
(l-4-2)The Reaction between Tetrachlorosilane and Alcohol.
(l-4-3)The Reaction between Tintetrachloide and Sodium
(l-4-4)Other Methods.
(1-5) Double Alkoxides of Tin.
(1-6) Uses of Metal Alkoxides .

Chapter Two

Some Selected Physical & Chemical

Properties of Tin Alkoxides .

(2-1) Physical Properties of Tin Alkoxides .

(2-2) Infra-Red Spectrum of Tin Alkoxides .
(2-3)Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Alkoxides .
(2-4)Some Selected Chemical Properties of Tin
(2-4-1) Hydrolysis Reaction.
(2-4-2) Reaction with Halogens, Hydrogen
Halides & Acyl Halides .
(2-4-3) Reaction with Alcohols .

Section Two
Chapter Three
(3) Experimental.
(3-1) General Techniques & Procedures .
(3-1-1) Infra-Red Spectrum.
(3-l-2)Gas-Liquid Chromatography.
(3-2) Starting Materials.
(3-2-2)Tin Foil.
(3-2-3)Tin Tetra Chloride.
(3-2-4)Sodium Metal.
(3-2-5)Mercury(I) Chloride.
(3-3)Reaction Procedure & Apparatus .
(3-3-1 )The Reaction between Tin Foil & Dry Ethanol Using
Mercury(I) Chloride Catalyst.
(3-3-2)The Reaction between Anhydrous Stannic Chloride with
Dry Ethanol.

(3-3-3)The Reaction between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic

Chloride in presence of Ethanol.
(3-3-3-1) The Reaction between Sodium Metal & Ethanol.
(3-3-3-2) The Reaction between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic
Chloride in presence of Ethanol.
Chapter Four
Results & Calculations
(4) Results.
(4-l)Results of IR & GLC Analysis .
(4-2)Results of IR & GLC Analysis .
(4-3)Results of IR & GLC Analysis .
(4-4) Results of Solubility.
(4-5) Results of Melting Points .
(4-6) Form of Products .
(4-7)Summary & Calculations of Reaction (3.3.1)
(4-8)Summary & Calculations of Reaction (3.3.2)
(4-9)Summary & Calculations of Reaction (3.3.3)

Section Three
Chapter Five

(5) Discussion.
(5-1) The Reaction between Tin Foil & Dry Ethanol Using
Mercury© Chloride Catalyst.
(5-2)The Reaction between Anhydrous Stannic Chloride with
Dry Ethanol.
(5-3)The Reaction between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic
Chloride in presence of Ethanol.
(5-4)Comparison between Tin Ethoxides Produced by the Three
Different Methods.


This study aimed to prepare Tin Ethoxide by

different metho&and to notice the effect of some

variable parameters on the growth of the product.

These reactions were carried out and the

products were analyzed. Infra-Red (IR) spectrum

showed the existence of (Sn-O) bond .GAS-Liquid

Chromatography results confirmed the IR analysis

and showed that tin (II) ethoxide was formed and


the main product was a dimer of tin ethoxide .

The variable temperature, time and speed of

stirring affected the amount of the product




Section One, the Historical , includes two
chapters. i
Chapter one explores some information about tin element,
physical and chemical properties, the bonds form by tin, the
nature of tin-oxygen bond, methods of preparation of tin
alkoxides, the double alkoxides of tin and some uses of metal
Chapter two takes the physical properties of tin alkoxides
including the methods of analysis, Infra red and Gas Liquid
Chromatography. Also some selected chemical properties were
l.L Elemental Tin:
Tin , symbol Sn, as a member of group (IV) of the Periodic
Table and a member of sub-group containing germenium and lead,
has atomic number 50, atomic weight 118.7, A [Kr] 4d10 5S25P2(9)
electronic configuration and exhibits valence numbers of 2 and 4.
Tin exists in three allotropic modifications with the transition
}32l Sn
\6l\ Sn
3g1 8V Liquid
(Gray tin) (White tin) (Rhombic tin)
The relative percentage of tin in the earth's crust (0.004) which is
very small comparing with the list of the commonly used metals.
In seawater it is found at concentration of 0.003g/ton(5). Tin shows
lower melting point (Table 1.1.1) that indicates it does not use all
four outer electrons for metallic bonding(10). Tin can be considered
a truly chemical metal while it is mechanically a weak metal for
constructional uses. Its non-toxicity and relative freedom from
corrosion by weak acids, alkalis and other electrolytes make it
useful in handling foods and in other exacting application(5). There
are several reports of the occurrence of metallic tin in nature in
Bohemia, Bolivia, New south Wales and Nigeria. Tinstone or
cassiterite is the source of commercial tin, which is known
chemically as stannic oxide, SnC>2. The extraction of tin from
tinstone involves reduction of the ore by heating it with coke or
coal and lime stone in either a reverbetatory furnace or a small
blast furnace. The oxide is reduced(39) : l

(y\ Sn2O + 2C = 2COJ+ Sn


The molten tin collected on the bottom of the furnace(47).

Tin is not attacked either by water or air at ordinary temperatures,
separately or together so it is used as a protective covering. It takes
fire when heated in air to between 1500° and 1600°C burning with
a white flame to stannic oxide. It combines directly with chlorine
forming stannic chloride.
It reacts slowly with dilute hydrochloric acid and fairly rapidly
with the concentrated acid forming solutions of stannous chloride.

Sn + 2HC1 • SnCl2 + H2 t
i .
Tin is slowly attacked by cold sulphuric acid, but the hot
concentrated acid attacks the metal forming stannic sulfate and
sulphur dioxide(39). ;

Sn + 4H 2 SO 4 •Sn(SO4)2 + 2SO2t+ 4H2O

Boiling concentrated alkali hydroxide solution slowly attack

tin forming solutions of stannates e.g.(39).

Sn + 2K0H + H2O • K 2 Sn0 3 + 2H2t

Tin is used in making useful alloys like solder and

Table(l-l-l): Some Selected Physical Properties of
Tin Element

Property Value Ref.

Melting point °C 231.9 5,35

Boiling point °C 2270 5,35

No. of Isotopes 10 5

Electro negativity 1.5 29

Viscosity centi poise at 240° 1.91 5

Heat of formation at 25° AH° 72 Kcal / mol (vapour) 4

Free Energy of formation at 25° AG° 64 Kcal / mol (vapour) 4

Entropy at 25° S° 40.2 cal/deg/mol(vapour) 41

Allotropic modification Gray tin(a) white tin (P) liquid at m.p. 35

Crystal system Diamond Body-Centered _ 35

Cubic Tetragonal

Density g/cc 5.77 7.29 6.97 35

Atomic radius / A 1.41 39

Table (1.1.2): Ionization potential values ofj tin (evj ^

Ionization Sn+ Sn 2+ Sn J+ Sn 4+ Sn i + Sn 0+ Sn ; + SnH+ Sny+
Potential (ev)
Value 7.332 14.6 30.7 46.4 91.0 103 120 151 176
1.2. Bonds Forming :

Tin has an electronic configuration as [Kr] 4dlo5s25p2. Tin has

4d orbital filled with ten electrons because it comes after a series
of transition element this gives it big size atom (Table 1.1.1.).
5s, 5p orbitals have two electrons each : Because tin atom has
a formally vacant p orbital as well as a lone pair of electrons there
is the possibility that it may accept or donate electrons when reacts
with other species.
According to electronegativity value of tin (1.5 on Pauling's
scale) compared with that of silicon (1.8 on Pauling's scale), tin
suggested to be a true metal(29). Tin differ(8) from Si and Ge, it can
form ionic bonding by donating the electrons of 5p-orbital and 5S-
orbital. In addition to that in rare times it can donate one or two
electrons from 4d-orbital. Tin ionizes in aqueous solution and
gives cationic species e.g. SnCl+, SnCk, SnCk and SnCU (soluble
in H2O). Tin can accept electrons to form complex anion such as
SnCl6~(35). '
Like carbon and silicon tin has the ability to form covalent
bonds. Quadrivalent organotin often present the, tetrahedral sp3
hybridization(9). e.g.

Me Me

Me Me

The vacant 5d-orbital, gives tin the ability to form the partial
Tc-bond with groups that have extra pairs of electrons unshared in
a-bonding. The monomeric nature of silicon and germanium
alkoxides in contrast to analogous tin derivatives may be ascribed
to stronger P n - dn bonding in the former whibh diminishes in
germanium and appear to be insignificant in case of tin
Tin can form bridged structures, involving five coordinate of
many compounds (R3SnX)(11).
Where : R = alkyl group X = halide.
Some tin alkoxides are polymeric with bridged alkoxy
groups(4), when tin bears more electronegative substituents, its
Lewis acidity increasing and coordination with d-electron rich
sites lead to sp3d or sp2d2 hybridization(9). There exist compounds
in which more than nine tin atoms may be linked together in the
form of branches or rings(11).

Table (1.2.): Selected Values of Electronegativity of

Elements According to Pauling's Scale

H(2.1) 0(3.5) F(4.0)

C(2.5) Cl(3.0)
Si(1.8) Br(2.3)
Ge(1.8) 1(2.5)
1.3. The Nature of (Sn-O) bond:

Tin-oxygen bonds could be expected to have around 65%

ionic character because of the low electro-negativity of tin(7)
(Table 1.1.1).
Like Si, the tetra-covalent (Sn-O) bonds in organo-tin
alkoxides is caused by a-bond and hybridized 5s and 5p orbitals of
tin atom with 2p-orbital of oxygen. The interaction of unshared p-
electrons of oxygen with 5d-orbital of tin has been termed by (Pn -
djr) situation.

Vacant Sn 5dxz filled oxygen 2p% (d* - P*) multiple

orbital orbital bond

Fig. (1.3) (dn - PTT) situation in SnO

The length of (Sn - O) is determined by IR srJectrum(4) and is

found to be equal 183.7 Pm(2). The calculated value of bond length
for (Sn - O) is equal (207 Pm) by adding atomic radii of Sn (141
Pm) and that of oxygen (66 Pm)(34). This difference (23.3 Pm) is
due to the existence of (dn - P*) interaction. -to
The heat of formation of (Sn - O)s is equal7-285.8 KJmol"1,

the expected heat of formation of (SnO2)s is equal -571.6 KJmol"1

but it was found equal to -580.7, the difference is due to existence
Tin also forms coordination covalent bonds with oxygen in
organotin alkoxidecompounds. The strength{1) of tin-oxygen
coordinate bond was estimated as 4.5 Kcal/mol at several
temperatures(l). This bond is reactive and easily broken.
1.4. Synthesis ofTinAlkoxides:

1.4.1. The Direct Route :

Metal alkoxides was prepared by the direct reaction of metal

and alcohol as :

M + nROH • M(OR)n + n/2H2

Where : M = metal, n : Number of moles (oxidation No. of M) R =

alkyl group.

Group(rv) elements which have more electronegative need a

catalyst and high temperature to rea.cfc . i The
reaction of silicon was studied with several alcohols. The reaction
of silicon with methanol gives (40 - 45%) yield and with ethanol
gives only (10%) yield(40) using the following route

4CH3OH + Si Cu(250 - 300°C) Si(OC2H5)4 + 2H2 t

ufh&t us i0 the catalyst > CuzCl^solvated in alkyl benzene,
the methoxide . produced was in a high yield (85%)(34) .The
lower primary alcohols give small yields while secondary and
tertiary alcohols did not react.
Like silicon, the reaction between tin metal and alcohol was
carried out in the presence of Hg2Cl2 as a catalyst and(250° -
300°C temperature. Catalysts like iodine, mercuric chloride,
mercuric iodide etc.. can be used in this type of reaction. The role
of the catalyst may be involved cleaning the metal surface or the
formation of intermediate derivatives like chloride1or iodide which
could react more readily with alcohol(7).
This type of synthesis takes long time to give small yield of
the product and the final product has very high purity.
1.4,2. The Reaction between Tetrachlorosilane and Alcohol:

The starting materials are metal tetrachloride and alcohol.

This reaction can occur directly without using a catalyst. The
initial step must be the solvation of metal tetrachloride in alcohol.
Tin reacts like silicon. The solvolysis of the chloride appear to
occur completely with the replacement of the halogens by alkoxy
groups: t

SiCl4 + 4C2H5OH • Si(OC2H5)4 + HCl

The mechanism of the reaction was proposed by Sidgwick

for Si that the reaction might occur through initial coordination of
the alcohol followed by elimination of hydrogen chloride(7).

R Cl Cl !~H ~~CPt Cl
/ \ \ \ /
-> Si (-HC1) O—» Si
/ \ * / / \
IH Cli Cl R RO Cl

(-HCD Si and so on . Si
y x
/ \

Alcohols react readily with hydrogen halides to yield alkyl

halides and water. The higji temperature catalyzed the reaction(45).
In the above reaction HCl by-product contaminates the main
product by reacting with ethanol forming water. The product is
sensitive to moisture. A base like pyridine was used in this type of
reaction to neutralize HCl and give C5H5N.HCI adduct. Bradley
attempted to prepare tin alkoxides by the ammonia method(28), this
give impure products contaminated with some chloride and
nitrogen contents. Maire(7) doubtful in view with Bradley and
Mehrotra in final product to be contaminated with impurities, he
prepared Sn(OC2H5)4 pure compound by the ammonia method.
The reaction with primary and secondary alcohols yields the tetra-
alkoxide directly, the reaction with tertiary alcohols appears to
yield a mixture of the hydroxide and tetra-alkyl chloride.

1.4.3. The Reaction between Tin Tetrachloride and Sodium


The synthesis of Sn(OEt)4.2EtOH employing the reaction of

tin tetrachloride with sodium ethoxide in the presence of excess
ethanol has been reported(7).The reaction involving the use of
metal chloride and sodium alkoxide did not yield pure tetra-
alkoxides of tin and zirconium(41).The reaction of tin tetrachloride
with sodium ethoxide in 1 : 4.5 ratio was reported(7) to give a
complex [Sn(OEt)6]H2.
Bradley(28) attempted to prepare tin tetra-alkoxides by the
reaction of tin chloride with sodium alkoxides but the resultant
product was a double salt of sodium and tin :

2SnCl4 + 9NaOC2H5 • NaSn2(OC2H5)9 + 8NaCl

This double alkoxide reacts with hydrogen chloride or

alcoholate of tin trichloride mono-ethoxide yield tin tetra-ethoxide
as follows: i

NaSn2(OC2H5)9 + HC1 •2Sn(OC2H5)4 + NaCl +


Or . . « .

3NaSn2(OC2H5)9 + SnCl3(OC2H5).C2H5OH

• 7Sn(OC2H5)4 + 3NaCl + C2H5OH

The tin tetra-ethoxide obtained was still impure because of

the nonvolatile nature of the product which could not be made free

from the small amount of sodium chloride contaminated with it.
Davies reported(7) his unsuccessful attempts to synthesize butyl tin
tri-alkoxides by the reactions of butyl tin trichloride with sodium
alkoxides. He observed only partial replacement of chlorine in
butyl tin chloride with sodium methoxide which finally yield
dichloride mono-methoxide.

BuSnCl3 + NaOMe • BuSnCl2 (OMe) + NaCl

The reaction did not appear to proceed beyond the

replacement of one chlorine from butyl tin trichloride.
Gaur(7) observed the complete replacement of chlorines in
ethyl tin|butyttin trichlorides with primary, secondary and tertiary
alcohols quite smoothly and a number of tri-alkoxides were
successfully obtained:

RSnCl3 + 3NaORf • RSn(OR')3 +3NaCl

The reaction of tin chloride with sodium alkoxide is

successfully for the synthesis of alkoxides derivatives in the
presence of excess of alcohol.
1.4.4. Other Methods;

The alkoxides can also be prepared from the metal oxide or

hydroxide with alcohol. This method yields water which
hydrolysis the product easily. So this kind of reaction
accomplished using organic solvents (e.g. benzene) which form
azeotrops with water to fractionate it from the product. This
method gives good yield.
Reaction of a dialkyl tin oxide with an alcohol or phenol in
benzene or toluene(41> 43) yielded not the expected dialkoxides, but
instead the tetra alkyl dialkoxy distannoxane was formed :

(R3Sn) 2O + 2ROH > 2R3SnOR + H2O

2R SnO + 2R0H — > R2(RO) SnOSn(OR)Ri + H2O


The dialkyl distannoxane on being heated in vaccuo yielded
the volatile diakyl tin dialkoxide and a residue of diakyl tin oxide.

R2(RO)SnOSn(OR)R2 -> R2Sn(OR)2 + R2SnQ

Attempts to prepare monoalkyl tin alkoxides from its oxide,

Gaur observed that ethanol and isopropanol did not show any
reactivity towards it but with n-butanol the monobutoxy derivative
was formed and characterized as
Bu Sn (O)(OC 4 H 9 n ):
Bu Sn O3/2 + C4H9OH __* Bu Sn (O)(OC4H9n) + lA H2O
Another method is the reaction of alkoxides with alcohol, termed
as alcoholysis or alcohol interchange reactions used foralkoxy
derivatives. The facility for interchange of alkoxy group increases
from tertiary to secondary to primary groups J Bradley(7) thus
prepared a number of primary, secondary and tertiary alkoxides by
the alcoholysis reactions of tin tetra isoproxide isopropanolate
with various alcohols in the presence of benzene.
SnCOPr1^ PrpH + 4R0H —•SnCOR^ + SPi^OH.
The tetra-alkoxides oftin(7) are best produced by an alcohol
exchange reaction. The mechanism of this type of reaction is
postulated(7), which indicates that the Sn-0 bond is broken as
shown below:
R H8+

V 7

Alkyl tin trialkoxides have been more recently synthesized again
by the reaction of alkyl tin trisdiethyl amide with alcohols.
Thomas(7) utilized this method for preparation of Sn(OPri)4. Pi^OH
from Sn(NMe2V The alcohol and the dialkyl amine formed in the
reaction mixture was fractionated out with a hydrocarbon solvent
or with alcohol itself.
Loberth and Kula(7) carried out the alcoholysis reactions of
alkyl tin tris (diakyl amide) for the preparation of number of alkyl
tin trialkoxides.
Gaur(7) prepared mono-alkyl tin chloride alkoxides by the
reaction of alkyl tin chloride with the corresponding alkyl tin tri-
isopropoxide in different stoichmetric ratios :
2RSnCl3 +
RSnCl3 + 2RSn(OPri)3
Dialkyl tin monochloride monomethoxide have also been
prepared by the reaction of dialkyl tin dichloride and the
corresponding dialkyl tin dimethoxide(7):
R2SnCl2 + R2Sn(OMe)2 • 2R2Sn(OMe)Cl
Alkyl tin alkoxides are prepared from the corresponding
alkyl tin hydride and alcohol in the presence of zinc chloride

1.5. Double Alkoxides of Tin :
Double metal alkoxides are believed to be prepared by the
following(7) :-
(1) Reaction of alkali alkoxides with another metal alkoxides:
U(OEt)5 + NaOEt ^NaU(OEt)6
(2) Reaction of metal halides with potassium, sodium or aluminum
2SnCl4 + 9Na(OPri) • NaSn2(OPri)9 +8NaCl
(3) alcoholysis reactions :
M(OR)n +R3"SiOH ^==±M(OSiR 3 ") n . x (OR) n +xROH
The double alkoxides of alkali metal and tin MSn(OPr1)9
(M =Li, Na) are non volatile and appear to disproportionate in the
following manner on being heated under reduced pressure(7).
heat SnCOPA + MOPr1
MS^OPr1) heat fc 2Sn(OPri)4 + MOPr1
However, these derivatives have been purified by
crystallization from fro-propanol.
Table 1.5. Physical Properties of Some Ethoxides and
Double Ethoxide of Tin, Sodium(32)
Alkoxide Colour, form m.p, °C b.p. °C Solubility

ROH Org. sol.

White solid 200(dec) :

Sn(OC2H5)2 (+) (+)

_Sn(OCH5)4 White solid Unmeltable ad. (+) (+)

NaOC2H5 White solid 260(dec) ad. (+) (+)

^arS^OC 2 H 5 ) 9 ] White solid 260(dec) bcryst (+)

(+): soluble, a d . : not distillable , b : may be crystallize.

1.6. Uses of Metal Alkoxides:
Metal alkoxides have advantages because of their catalytic
properties, ease of hydrolysis, solubility in organic solvents and
They are mainly used as catalysts (in ziegler polymerization,
trans esterification and condensations) with partial or complete
hydrolysis, alcoholysis or trans-esterification in coating for plastic,
textile, glass and metals, and in additives for adhensives and paints
and for the cross-linking or hardening of natural and synthetic
Alkoxides are valuable precursors to metal oxides through
hydrolysis, pyrolysis or combustion. High purity of metal
alkoxides offer advantage, as starting materials for the preparation
of high purity oxides with high surface areas with the volatile
alcohol and the absence of ionic impurities(7). The hydrolysis was
very effective for depositing oxide films on graphite and in
producing powders and fibers of ultra-high purity ceramic
materials. High purity specialized glass films(32).
Tin alkoxides act as a source of nucleophiles, compounds
containing (Sn-O-C) bond were usedfortrimerisationofphenyl
wocyanate phNCO and ethyl /socyanate EtNCO(2). Tin alkoxides
,/also used in manufacture of some insecticides.




2.1. Physical Properties of Tin Alkoxides:
Tin alkoxides of primary alcohols are non volatile and
presemably polymeric with bridging alkoxy groups but the tertiary
alkoxides are monomeric and distilled easily at reduced
pressure(4).Tin alkoxides appear to be thermally less stable than the
corresponding silicon and germanium, all normal alkoxides of tin
undergo decomposition on being heated under reduced pressure(7).

Table 2.1. Some Physical Properties of Tin Sthoxide

Comparing with Silicon Sthoxide
Compound Si(OEt)4 Sn(OEt)4 Ref.

Electro-negativfcfcf 1.8 1.5 29

Covalent radii n 1.11 1.41 32

Boiling 166°C/760 ~ 32

Degree of 1.0 4.0 32


Colour state Colourless White 34,7

mobile liquid solid

2.2. Infra-red Spectrum of Tin Alkoxides :
The IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum extends from
0.8um (800nm) to 1000um(lnm)and subdivided into near IR
(0.8-2um), middle m (2-15um) and far IR (15-1000 urn). The
fundamental regionjpetween (2 and 15 um).IR spectroscopy can
be used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, metal
alkoxides can identify by qualitative analysis only. Metal
alkoxides M(0R) (R : alkyl) exhibit v(CO) at Ca. 1000 cm"1 and
v(M0) at 600 - 300 cm"1(37). v(CO) for alkoxides, is in the region
1200 - 950cm"1 for (CH3)2 Sn(OCH3)2(27).
Four sets of bands in the region 700 - 500 cm"1 due to
various v(Sn-C) and v(Sn-O) stretching vibrations was observed(7).
The bands observed at about 700 and 670 cm"1 have been assigned
to (Sn-CH2) rocking vibrations arising due to gauche and trans
conformations respectively. The other bands observed at about
500 and 600cm"1 have been assigned to Vs and Vas (Sn-C)
stretching vibrations respectively. The band observed at 500 cm-1
was assumed to be associated with (Sn-O) stretching mode also
but there is no clear distinction between v(Sn-C) and v(Sn-O)
stretching vibrations due to their coupling(7).
Gaur studied(7). alkyl tin trialkoxides supported the above
view and also assigned the strong bands due to v(C-O)Sn in the
range 1030-1070cm"1 in primary alkoxides which shift to (940 -
980cm"1) in isopropoxide.

Table 2.2.1. Vibrational Spectrum of Alcohol

Assignment IR spectrum (cm"1) Reference

O-H(str.) - ./ 3700 - 3000 cm"1 26
C - O(str.) 1200 - 1000 cm"1 26

C-O-H(Bending in Plane) 1500 -1200 cm"1 26-25

C-O-H(Bending out of Plane) 650 -250 cm"1 26-25

CH3 &CH2(str.) 3000-2800cm"1 24

C-C (str.) 926,1100-1050 cm"1 46

C-0 (Str.) 1100-1090 cm"1 16,17

Table 2.2.2. Vibrational Spectrum for Different Bonds

Assignment IR spectrum (cm"1) Reference

(C-Cl) 800 - 600 cm'1 25

Sn-Cl (str.) 394 cm"1 25

Sn-O-C (Str.) 1040 (w) cm"1 46

Sn-C 880 (vw) cm"1 7

V(Sn-O) 430 cm"1 3

C-C (str.) 926,1100-1050 cm"1 46

C-0 (Str.) 1100-1090 cm"1 ,16,17

Sn-O-C(str.) 1095- 1050 cm"1 48

(Sn-O) over tone 980 cm"1 48

2.3. Gas-Liquid Chromatosraphv ofAlkoxides:
Gas liquid chromatography is used for volatile mixture requires
separation of the components, it shows the number of components
and the relative quantities of each. Although it is limited to
volatile materials, GLC working at temperatures up to 450°C and
this give the possibility of converting many materials into a
volatile derivative extend the applicability of separation.
GLC is the most powerful technique for the rapid and
convenient analysis of the composition of mixture of organic
compounds. It is based on the partition of components between a
mobile gas phase and stationary liquid phase retained as a surface
layer on a suitable solid supporting medium. There are many
columns thatoreused for separation of alkoxides the important one
is OV17 which is 1.5 long, fitted at 140°C. Another one is (OV-
101) on chromsorb W, 2 meter column(38) FID the flame
ionization detector the most used for organo-metal £ompounds(23)
The retention times for the separated peaks can be calculated
by measuring the distance between the starting point and the
middle of each peak. The area under each peak is relative with the
concentration of the component, it can be calculated by
determining the height of the peak in cm and the base of the peak
in cm and applied base data in the relation(39)

A = Peak height X Vz width of peak

2.4. Some Selected Chemical Properties of Tin Alkoxides:
1. Hydrolysis Reactions(7):
The hydrolysis of metal alkoxides readily leads to the formation
of the hydroxides or hydrated oxides. When restricted amounts
of water are added, these metal alkoxides undergo partial
hydrolysis reactions yielding in same cases products of definite
composition as oxide alkoxides MOn(OR)x.
The hydrolysis of tin ethoxide was carried put in acidic,
basic and acid-base medium. A white gel was formed
and varied in time according to the type of the medium.
In acidic medium the formation of the gel was observed
first then in acid-base medium and thirdly in basic
medium. The mechanism of the hydrolysis as follow :
(1) In presence of hydrochloric acid (H+)

(i)(EtO)n—Sn—OEt + £TO >(EtO)n— Sn—O+—Et +H2O

(EtO)n— Sn— O+H2+ EtOH

X (ii) (EtO)n— Sn—O+H2+H2O<->(EtO)n— Sn— OH + H+ O

(iii) (EtO)n— Sn— OH + (EtO)n— Sn— OH — •

(EtO)n— Sn— O— Sn— (OEt)n + H2O
(iv)(EtO)n— Sn— OH +(EtO)n— Sn— OEt >
(EtO)n— Sn— O—Sn—(OEt)n+ EtOH

n = integer from 1-5 .

(2)In presence of base such as sodium hydroxide :

(i) (EtO)n— Sn— OEt + OH(-} ^ /(EtO) n — Sn—(OEt )V>

I /
OH (Complex)

(EtO)n— Sn— OH + EtO ()

(ii)EtO w + H 2 O — • EtOH + OH ()
n = integer from 1-5 .

2. Reactions with Halogens, Hydrogen Halides and(7)

Acyl Halides
The reactions of metal alkoxides with halogens were studied.
The reaction between titanium tetra-n-butoxide, and chlorine or
bromine yielded dihalide dibutoxide coordinated with one mole
of alcohol as TiX2(OBu)2-BuOH and n-butyl propionate.
The tetra-alkoxides reacted with hydrogen chloride to form the
tetrachloride alcoholates.
2Sn(OR)4 + 7HC1 > SnCl3(OR).ROH + SnCl4.2ROH
, + 4ROH
In contrast to the high stability of silicon tetra-alkoxides
toward hydrogen halides, the germanium and tin alkoxides
observations are again in accordance with the earlier study in
which it was shown that tin tetrachloride reacts with alcohols to
form the above types of alcoholates. The reactions of tin tetra-
alkoxides (primary and secondary) with acetyj halide yielded
mixed halide alkoxide derivatives. However, the reaction become
complicated in the case of the tetra-butoxids and dichtorfote

diacetate was finally obtained .The reaction appeared to proceed in
two stages as is illustrated by the following equation:
Sn(OBul)4 + 4CH3COC1 ^ SnCl4 + 4CH3COOBut
SnCl4 + 2CH3COOBul • SnCl2(OCOCH3)2 + 2Bu< Cl

3. Reactions with Alcohols^-*:

Metal alkoxides react with a variety of primary, secondary
and tertiary alcohols as well as phenols to set up the following
M(OR)n + xROH ^z±M(OR) n . x (OR) x + xROH
The forward reaction could be promoted by fractionating out
the alcohol formed if it is more volatile. In some cases a solvent
like benzene forms an azeotrope with the liberated alcohol (e.g.
ethanol and wopropanol) facilitates not only fractionation of the
liberated alcohol but also makes it possible to carry out the
reaction in any stoichiometric ratio of the reactants to get the
desired mixed alkoxides.

The alkoxides of silicon are materials which cover a wide
range in applications. The alkoxides of it are well known of their
availability. The early studies discovered that the alkoxides of
other elements of group(iv) have similar importance as that of
silicon. They can be used instead of silicon alkoxides because
they have similar properties and even better than silicon itself.
Tin alkoxides have been widely used in industry as a
suitable precursor for synthesis. They are used for producing
building materials similar to natural stone from sintered glass or
sintered glass ceramic. They are also used in the formation of an
electrically conductive transparent coating or transparent
dielectric materials. They polymerize to form tin-oxygen bonds.
The co-polymer of them like indium-tin oxide is used in
preparing a layer uses as coatings, inks, a substrate e.g. glass,
ceramic, plastics. The introduction of sucrose residues into
organo-tin pesticides substantially increased the biological
activity per unit weight of tin, in addition the compound are very
effective against fungi.
Tin alkoxides are important materials in industrial
societies. Every year there are tenths researchers come out with
new utilities of tin alkoxides. The current work is concern of
preparing tin ethoxide by different methods. The study takes tin
alkoxides as independent unit without comparing it with silicon
alkoxides except in few cases. Some characteristic and physical

properties are taken on consideration. Therefore, the objectives
of the present work are as follows :
1-To investigate some routes of preparing tin ethoxides and
follow up- the growth of the products.
2-To study the effect of some variables parameters on the
growth of the products.

To accomplish the above objectives a closed system

(Fig3.3.) was chosen for preparing tin alkoxides. It was decided
to analyze the products by using IR spectrum and GLC with
OV101 column for characterization of final product.
All experimental results have been outlined in detail in the
following experimental section.




Guard tube (containing CaCL)


Dropping funnel

Round-bottomed flask

Hot plate magnetic stirrer

Fig. (3,3.) >..

Reactions System
3.1. General Technique and Procedure :
3.1.1 Infra-Red Spectrum (IR):
A Perkin-Elmer 1310 spectrometer recorded infra-red
spectrum over the range 4000 - 600 cm"1 was used for analysis.
Solid was dissolved in ethanol and the solution was analyzed by
taking a spot between sodium chloride plates . Polystyrene was
used as standard calibration reference.
3.1. Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC):
A Pye Unicam PU4500 chromatography was used for
analysis. The conditions of GLC that used for analysis are in the
following Table 3.1.2.
Table 3.1.2. The Conditions of (GLC )

Parameter Description

Type of detector Flame Ionization Detector

Column OV101 ,

Program 150°-280°C

Rate °C/min 8°C

Injection Temperature 150°C

Injected Volume 2M

Detector Temperature 250°C

Attenuation 128X1O3X1

Flow rate of gas 20 ml/min.

carrier Nitrogen

3.2. Starting Materials:
The following chemicalsjjised as theyjpackaged.
3.2.1. Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol):
99.5% v/v dry ethanol had been used
Molecular weight 46 molarity 17.117.
m.p. -115°C density (at 20) 0.787.
b.p. 78.3°C
3.2.2. Tin Foil:
The percentage of its compound(4).
Sn% Cu% Pb% Sb%
88 3 8 1

Pale yellowish metal, the upper layer cleaned uii^ s c r a t c h ^

with sand paper.
3.2.3. Tin Tetrachloride:
Anhydrous SnCl4, colourless , fuming, caustic liquid. Sn
45.56%, Cl 54.44%.
Molecular weight 260.5 Molarity 8.37
Density 2.776 m.p. 33°C
Conc% 89.995% b.p. 114.1°C
Corrosive, moisture sensitive, supplied by BDH Chemicals
packaged in Surel seal bottle.

3.2.4. Sodium Metal:
Bright silvery metal, very reactive metal, float on water, kept
in paraffin oil, m.p 97.81, b.p. 882.90., atomic weight 2, valency 1
3.2.5. Mercury (l) Chloride :
A white powder, supplied by BDH chemicals
molecular weight 472.,09 density 7.15
m.p. 400 i
insoluble in alcohol, ether, toxic & it was used as received .
3.3. Reaction Procedure and Apparatus:
The starting materials were put in a cleaned 3-necked round
bottom flask. A reflux condenser was vertically connected from
one side to central neck of the round bottom flask and the other
side was connected to a guard tube containing CaCl2 and glass
wool to avoid atmospheric moisture. One side neck of the round
bottom flask was fitted with a thermometer, the other side neck
was fitted with stopper and was used for adding the starting
materials by using dropping funnel. The system was refluxed at
certain temperature and degree of stir for specific time using hot
plate magnetic stirrer. (Fig.3.3 ) .
3.3.1 The Reaction between Tin Foil and Anhydrous Ethanol
using Mercury m Chloride as Catalyst:
A. The surface of tin was activated by scratching the above
layer of tin with sand paper. (2.9927g) of tin was cut into small
pieces and placed into 3-necked round bottom flask. Absolute
ethanol (150cm3, 2.5676M) was added one portion .Mercury(i)
chloride (0.057lg) was added to the content of the round
bottom flask . The system was refluxed at 80°C and 100 rpm
stir. ;

B. The reaction was repeated using (l,GQ75g) of tin, ethyl

alcohol (100 cm3, 1.7117M) and tinny amount of mercury (i)
chloride. The system was refluxed for 45 hours The final

reaction mixture was filtered to separate the unreacted tuCThe
remainder solution was distilled at atmospheric pressure to
separate the ethanol at temperature range 78° - 80°. The residue
was small white precipitate. The distilled ethanol and the
precipitate which dissolved in absolute ethanoj were analyzed
by IR spectrum and shown by (Fig. 4.1.1 &Table 4.1.1. ) and
(Fig 4.1.2 & Table 4.1.2.) .The solubility and melting point for
the solid product were tested(See 4.4.1 & 4.5).
C. The same reaction was repeated again using (2.9953g) of tin,
ethyl alcohol (100 cm3,1.7117M) and tinny amount of Hg2Cl2
at 100°C and 300 rpm stir. The hot plate magnetic stirrer was
stopped at the first night, then it was continued work during the
later nights. Samples of solution (0.2 cm3) were taken
periodically with a pipette during the j"eac;tipj.. The final
reaction mixture was filtered and the remained ethanol was
separated. The residue was small tiny white precipitate. The
samples and products were analyzed by IR spectrum. (Fig. and Fig. . And also analyzed by GLC spectrum
(Fig. 4.1.4 to Fig. 4.1.8 ; Table 4.1.4.) .The solubility of the
solid product was tested in ethanol and the test of melting point
was done (See 4.4.1 and 4.5).

3.3.2 Reaction between Anhydrous Stannic Chloride with
Absolute Ethanol:
A. Absolute ethyl alcohol (100 cm3, 1.7117M) was placed into
3-neck round bottom flask (Fig. 3.3.). Anhydrous stannic
chloride (SnCl4) (25 cm3,0.2125M) was added to ethyl alcohol
using dropping runnel. The addition wasdropwise from one
side neck for an hour. White fumes were observed inside the
round bottom flask during the addition of SriCU. This white
fumes tested with litmus and it was changed into red. After that
the reaction mixture was refluxed at 80°C and 100 rpm stir for
six hours. The colour of the solution was pale yellow at the end
of the reaction.
The reaction mixture was distilled at atmospheric pressure into :
l)The first portion was collected at the range 78 - 80°C.
2)The second portion was collected at the range 90 - 120°C.
3)The third portion was dark yellow, cooled under room
temperature turn into dark yellow solid. The solid was
dried and turn into white solid. The product fractions
were analyzed by IR spectrum.
Fraction (i) (Fig. 4.2.1. and Table 4.2.1.).
Fraction (n) (Fig 4.2.2., Table 4.2.2.).
Fraction (in) (Fig. 4.2.3. Table 4.2.3).
The solubility and melting point were tested for solid
fraction (See 4.4.2. & 4.5.).
B. The reaction was.repeated using the same amount of starting
materials. The stannic chloride was added one portion. The system
was refluxed at 100°C and 300 rpm stir for 12 hours. Samples of
the reaction mixture were taken periodically.

The reaction mixture was distilled at atmospheric pressure into
two portions.
(1) The first portion was collected at the range 78 - 80°C.
(2) No portion was collected until 130°C, the remainder WPS
dark yellow solution which turn into white solid, samples and
products were analyzed by IR spectrum.(Fig. and I'ig. And also GLC spectrum was used for analysis (See

Fig .4.2 5. to Fig 4.2.9., Table 4.2.5.)

The solubility of the solid products was tested in different
solvents and the test of melting point was done (See 4.4.2 & 4.5).

3.3.3 The Reaction between Sodium Ethoxide and
Stannic Chloride in presence of Ethanol
This experiment contain two parts :
1. Formation of sodium ethoxide by the direct reaction
between sodium metal and absolute ethanol.
2. Exchange metal reaction between the prepared sodium
ethoxide from the above reaction and stannic chloride in
the presence of ethanol. Reaction between Sodium Metal and Absolute Ethanol
A. Absolute ethanol (100 cm3,1.7117M) was placed in round
bottom flask (Fig. 3.3.) . Sodium metal (1.0048 g) was cut into
small pieces, dried with fine paper and added to ethanol piece by
piece until all pieces were added. The reaction mixture was
refluxed at 80°C and 100 rpm stir for VA hour. Samples (0.2 cm3)
were taken periodically for analysis. After stopping the system, the
unreacted ethanol was distilled at the range 78-80°C. The
remainder was yellow solution dissolved in small amount of
ethanol. The system was kept closed for the sebond part of the
reaction. The samples were analyzed by IR and <3LC techniques
(Fig. 4.3.1. & table 4.3.1& Fig and (Fig.4.3.4 & Table
4.3.5.). The Reaction between Sodium Ethoxide and
Stannic Chloride in the Presence of Ethanol
The product of experiment (Fig. was used for this
reaction in the same closed system. Using the dropping funnel
from one side neck of the round bottom flask, (5 cm3,0.0425M) of
dried stannic chloride was added. A vigorous reaction was
occurred. An immediate white fumes and white precipitate were
appeared . The reaction mixture was refluxed at 80°C and 100 rpm
stir to expel the gas for one hour. Samples (0.2cm3) were taken

The final reaction mixture was filtered to separate ethanol at
temperature range 78 - 80°C. All the solution was distilled, IR
spectrum and GLC technique were used to analysis the samples
and products (Fig.4.3.2. & Table 4.3.2 & Fig. ) and (Fig Fig.4.3.6.& Table 4.3.2). The white precipitate was dried
and weighed. The solubility and melting point were tested.(See
4.4.3 & 4.5.)
B. The above experiment was repeated^in the first part (
The absolute ethanol was dried using calcium oxide before using
it, 100 cm3 was taken, sodium metal (1.95235g) was cut into
small pieces and cleaned in petroleum spirit then add to the
ethanol piece by piece. The reaction mixture was refluxed for an
hour. The mixture was distilled at the range 78 - 80°C. The
remainder was pale yellow solution.
The second part the addition of dried stannic chloride
occurred in steps first (3cm3) then (7 cm3). White1 precipitate was
formed immediately. The solubility and melting point were tested.
(See 4.4.3 & 4.5.)

The following relations were used in the
calculations :

(1) Molarity = Number of moles X 1000


(2) Weight in grams = Number of moles X Molecular (Atomic)


(3) Molarity for liquid = T^ppgity X 1QQft X

Molecular Weight

(4) Percentage Weight = Practical Weight X 100

Theoretical Weight



Fig. (4.1.1.)
Infra-red Specfrum of Distilled Ethanol Collected at range78~80°C
of the Reaction (B) between Ethanol and Tin Metal


Table 4.1.1. (Fig. 4.1.1) Infra-Red Spectrum of Distilled
Ethanol Collected at Range 78-80°C
Of Reaction (B) between Ethanol &
Tin Metal.

Frequency (cm"1) Assignment

3200* (s) O H stretch

2777 (s) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (b) O-H bending
1063 (s) C-C stretch
1030(s) C-0 stretch
1010 (w)
)000(w) Sn-0 bending
869 (s) CH2 and CH3 deformation

s : strong
b : broad
w : weak
* : hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.

fig. (4.1.2.)
Tnfra-red Spectrum of Product Dissolved in Ethanol
of the Reaction (3) betvteen Ethanol an«l Tin Metel
4000 3000 2000 v/AVENUHBEfc (err 1 ) woo 9oo Soo 709
f t * r > • > • 1. • 111, •. 1 1 . /1 / 1 1 1 * 1 1 . • 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 1 1 'i 1

Table 4.1.2. (Fig. 4.1.2) Infra-Red Spectrum of Product
Dissolved in Ethanol of Reaction (B)
between Ethanol and Tin Metal.

Frequency (cm"1) Assignment

3200* (s) O-H stretch
2777 (s) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (b) O-H bending
1063 (s) C-C stretch
1030 (s) C-0 stretch
1010(w) Sn-0 bending
952 (s)
869 (s) CH2 and CH3 deformation

s : strong >
b : broad
w : weak
* : hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.

Variations of Sn—p bond measured by I.R. spectroscopy, in the
reaction between tin foil and absolute etlutnol in the presence of
mercurous cliloridc as a catalyst at 100°C and 300° stir, with time.
The peaks were taken at the range 845 - 1250 cm"1.

No. , , Time (hour) I.R. Spectrum

! Fig. 0 After Zero

No. Time (hour) I.K. Spectrum
Fig. 9 After Nine

Fig. 10
stopping the
reaction for

Fig.ll Five hours

No. Time (hour) I.R. Spectrum
iji. 12 Twenty-
hours After

Fig.13 Thirty
hours After

Fig.14 Forty hours

No. Time (hour)
Fig.15 Sixty Five
hours After

Fig.16 Ninety
hours After

. .•**' . ' • '•-'.' .'.. ,\y.

Fig.17 Hundred
and Ten
hours. After
• - v • ' ' • • ' • • • ' • • ' • • ' • .
'No*- Time (hour) I.R Spectrum
Fig.18 ^Product

(dissolved •
in absolute

• . . • '.•- , f • . : ' : . • •'•,• • • " \ • : ? '

Fig.19 -Distiiiated


The analysis of the products of the reaction between tin foil and
absolute ethanol in presence of mercurous chloride at 100°C and
300° stir by I.R. spectroscopy. The peaks were taken at the range
(845 -1250 cm1).

No. Sample
Fig. 1 Product
Dissolved in

Fig. 2 Distillated

Fig. 3 Absolute
Fig. (44.40
GLC Chroma tograrn of sample (A) of ike
between Tin Melal and absolute Ef$jan<sl
CLC C h r o m a t o g r a m of sample (B) o f the Reaction
Tin Metal and ah«;nfute ^ t h l

Fig. )
GLC Chromatogra/n ofsample ( Q of IKeHeadion
befiVeen Tin Metal rt»^ absolute Ethanol
GLC Chroma togram of sample (D) of the Reaction
between Tin Metal and absolute Eihanol

Fig. (4.1.8.)
GLC CJircmatogratfl of sample (E) of the Re
between Tin Metal and absolute Cthano

Table 4.1.4. Results of GLC of Samples of the Reaction
between Tin Metal and Absolute Ethanol
in presence of Hg2Cl2 as Catalyst

Sample Taken at Peaks Retention Peak Base in Area Area%

time time (Rt) night in cm
hours cm
A 7 1 1.2 22.6 7.2 81.36 92.057
2 10.0 1.6 2.3 1.84 2.082
3 12.1 4.5 2.3 5.18 5.861
Total 88.38
B 37 1 1.3 22.5 7.2 81.00 92.424
2 10.2 1.4 2.2 1.54 1.757
3 12.6 3.0 3.4 5.10 5.819
Total 87.64
C 84 1 1.5 22.5 7.2 81.00 92.360
2 11.0 1.3 2.3 1.50 1.710
3 13.3 2.6 4.0 5.20 5.930
Total 87.70
D Product 1 1.1 22.9 7.0 80.15 91.673
dissolve 2 10.0 1.6 2.1 1.68 1.922
in ethanol 3 12.3 3.5 3.2 5.60 6.405
Total 87.43
E Distilled 1 1.7 23.5 7.0 82.25 95.329
ethanol 2. 10.8 0.8 2.3 0.93 1.066
3 12.9 2.3 2.7 3.11 3.605
Total 86.29

Table 4.2.1. (Fig. 4.2.1.) Infra-Red Spectrum for Distilled
Ethanol at Range 78 - 80°C for
Reaction (A) between Stannic
Chloride and Ethanol.

Frequency (cm'1) Assignment

3200* (s) O-H stretch
2777 (s) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (s) O-H bending
1063 (vs) C-C stretch
1030 (vs) C-0 stretch
1020 (w)
1000 (m) Sn-0 bending
990 (m)
' 869 (s) CH2 and CH3

vs very strong
s strong
w weak
m : moderate
* hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.

Fig. (4.2.1.)
Infra-red Spedrum of Stannic Chloride Collected at range 90- 120°C
of the Reaction (A) between Stannfc Chloride and EthanoL
Table 4.2.2. (Fig. 4.2.2.) Infra-Red Spectrum for Fraction
Collected at 90-120°C for
Reaction (A) between Stannic
Chloride & Ethanol.

Frequency (cm"1) Assignment

3200* (b) O-H stretch
1063 (w) C-C stretch
1030 (w) C-0 stretch
869 (s) CH2 and CH3

b : broad
w : weak
s : strong
* : hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.

Infira-red Spectrum of Product Dissolved In Ethanoi
of the Reaction (A) between Stannic Chloride and FthanoL

(or1) 'too
l f l i l } l * t t t t |
I I I I I >V » »
I I . I I
f f •>•! ' I t I < I > I I

1 able 4.2.3. (Fig. 4.2.3.) Infra-Red Spectrum for Product
Dissolved in Ethanol of Reaction (A)
between Stannic Chloride and

!_ Frequency (cm"1) Assignment

1 3200*(b) O H stretch
2777 (s) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (s) O-H bending ;
1265 (vs)
, 1063 (m) C-C stretch
1032 (s) C-0 stretch
1031 (m)
1000 "(w) Sn-0 bending
990 (w)
869 (m) CH2 and CH3

vs very strong
s strong
w weak
m moderate
b : broad
• hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.

"3 (4-2-4--IJ

Variations of Sn - O bond measured by I.R specti'oscopy, in the

reaction between anhydrous stannic chloride and absolute ethanol at
100°C and 300 stir, with time. The peaks were taken at the range
845-1250 cm 1 .

No. Time (hour) I.R. Spectrum

Fig. 0 After Zero

Fig. 1 After One

Fig. 2 After Two

No. Time (hour) , LR. Spectrum
Fig. 3 After Three !

Fig. 4 After Four

Fig. 5 After Five

Fig. 6 After Six

No. Time (hour) I.R Spectrum
Fig. 7 After Seven

Fits. 8 After Eight | \

Fig. 9 i After Nine

Fig. 10 j After Ten

Tlie analysis of the products of the reaction behveen anhydrous
stannic chloride and absolute cthanol at 100°(! and 300° stir by I.R.
spectroseopy. The peaks were taken at the range S45 - 125(1 cnfJ.

No. Sample I.R. Spectrum

Fig. Solid

Fig. 2 Product
Dissolved in

Fig. 3 Distillated

Fig. 4 Absolute
GLC Chromatogram ofsampteCF) of the. Reaction
between Stamaic CKloride and absolute EtKanot

10 V
Fig. (4.2,6.)
GLC Chroma togra m of sample C<3)of the Reactfoh
between Stannic Chloride and absolute Ethanol I
Fig. C4.17J
CLC Chroma togrann of sample (H) of the Reaction
bh S f c Chloride and «aL^ula Ei>iai»ol
Fig. &2.S.)
GLC Chromatograna of sample (I) ofihe. Reaction
l E l
Fig. (4.2,9.)
GLC Chromatogram of sample (J) of the Reaciion
between Siannic Chloride and absolute Ethanol
Table 4.2.5. Results of GLC of Samples of the Reaction
between Stannic Chloride and Ethanol.

Sample Taken at Peaks Retention Peak Base in Area Area%

time time (Rt) hight in cm
hours cm
F 3 1 1.2 22.4 7.0 78.40 93.367
2 10.7 2.1 1.7 1.79 2.132
3 12.9 3.6 2.1 3.78 4.501
Total 83.97
G 5 1 1.5 22.3 7.0 78.05 91.726
2 10.8 1.6 2.0 1.60 1.881
3 13.1 3.2 3.4 5.44 6.393
Total 85.09
H 7 1 1.5 21.9 7.0 76.65 91.163
2 10.8 1.3 2.2 1.43 1.701
3 13.1 3.0 4.0 6.00 7.136
Total 84.08
I 9 1 1.7 21.8 2.0 21.80 71.312
2 10.7 0.9 1.4 0.63 2.060
3 12.2 1.4 2.2 1.54 5.038
4 18.3 1.5 2.4 1.80 5.888
5 3.5 3.0 3.2 4.80 15.702
Total 30.57
J Product 1 1.2 21.3 7.2 76.68 93.467
dissolve 2 10.2 0.6 2.2 0.66 0.805
in ethanol 3 12.6 1.5 1.6 1.20 1.462
4 17.3 2.8 2.5 3.50 4.266
Total 82.04
Table 4.3.1. (Fig. 4.3.1.) Infra-Red Spectrum of the Product
Dissolved in Ethanol of Reaction (A)
between Sodium Metal and Ethanol

Frequency (cm"1) Assignment

3200* (s) O-H stretch
2777 (vs) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (b) O-H bending
1063 (s) C-C stretch
1030 (s) C-0 stretch
960 (s) Na-0 stretch
869 (s) CH2 and CH3 deformation

s : strong
vs : very strong
b : broad
* : hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.
Infra-red Spectrum of Product Dissolv ed in Ethanol of the
Reaction (AJ between Stannicckloridei iw the Presence qf EthanaL

900 %QO
±L-J i u, _: ) • I i i i i i—._ L_i i I I I i • ' ' • • ' • ' • * i i. I i i_

- > /
Table 4.3.2. (Fig. 4.3.2.) Infra-Red Spectrum of the Product
Dissolved in Ethanol of Reaction (A)
between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic
Chloride in the Presence Ethanol

Frequency (cm*1) Assignment

3200* (s) O-H stretch
2777 (s) CH2 and CH3 stretch
1428 (b) O-H bending
1063 (s) C-C stretch
1030 (vs) C-0 stretch
1010 (w) Sn-0 stretch
995 (w)
960 (w) Na-0 stretch
869 (s) CH2 and CH3

s strong
vs •very strong
b : broad
w weak
* : hydrogen bonding caused shift in the frequency.
- (4-3.3-1)
Variations of Na—O bond measured by I.R. spectroscope in the
reaction between sodium metal and absolute cfh;rnol a t 10fl°C and
100. stir, with time. The peaks were taken at the range
845-1250 cm-4.

No. Time (min) \rR. Spectrum


Fig.2 After

Alter Forty
No. Time (niin) I.R, Spedrurvi
Fig. 4 After Sixtv

Fig. 5 After

Fig. 6 After

' • ' • ' • • ' . - • / . s ' ' ^ , '

Fig. 7 Product in
Variations of S n - O bond measured by I.R. spectroscopy, in the
reaction between anhydrous stannic cliloride and sodium et}ioxide
at 100°C and 100 stir, with time. The peaks were taken at the range
845-1250 cm 1 .

No. Time (min) I.R. Spectrum

Fig. 0 After Zero

Fig. 1 After

Fig. 2 After

\ 1 ^
Fig. 3 After Forty
• F i v e : "•••
~No7 Tiine (min) I.R. Spectrum
Fig. 4 After Sixty

Fia.5 Alter

Fig. 6 After

-:? Q
/ (•••
Kg. (43.4,)
, GLC Chromalogra/h of sample CK) of the Reactuon
between Sodium Metal amJ absolute Ethanol
Fig. 04.3.5.)
QLC diromatogrann of sample (/V) of the Reaction
between Sodium trhoxide ancl Stannic Chloride
in the preSeTTce of Eihano
Fig. (4.3.6.)
GhC Chromatogram of sample (|v[) of the Reaction

in the presence of Ethanot

Table 4.3.5. Results of GLC of Samples of the Reaction
between Sodium Metal and Ethanol.

Sample Taken Peaks Retention Peak Base Area Area

at time/ time (Rt) height in in cm %
hours cm
1 1.1 23.8 1.8 21.42 64.01
K 60 2 3.2 4.3 5.6 12.04 35.98

Table 4.3.6. Results of GLC of Samples of the Reaction

between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic Chloride
in Presence of Ethanol.

Sample Taken at Peaks Retention Peak Base Area Area%

time/ time (Rt) height in in cm
hours cm
1 1.2 24 7.0 84.00 95.912.22
N 80 2 _ 3.6 2.6 1.5 1.950 70.257
3 10.3 0.3 1.5 0.220 1.533
4 12.7 1.4 2.0 1.400
Product 1 1.2 24 4.3 51.60 89.899
M dissolved 2 - 6.6 1.0 3.3 1.65 2.873
in 3 10.1 0.3 0.7 0.11 0.192
ethanol 4 12.2 0.2 0.7 0.07 0.122
5 15.4 2.0 4.0 4.00 0.965
Fig, (4.3.7,)
GLC Chromatogi'arn of Absolute Et a?
4.4 Solubility :

Table 4.4.1. Product 1 : of Reaction (B) between Tin Metal and

Absolute Ethanol in the Presence of Mercury (I)

Solvent Solubility
Ethanol Readily soluble
Distilled water Soluble and white
ppt. was formed

Table 4.4.2. Product 2 : of Reaction (A) and (B) between

Stannic Chloride and Absolute Ethanol.

Solvent Solubility PA Solubility PB

Distilled water Soluble and crystalline Soluble and crystalline
Dilute HC1 Partially soluble Partially soluble
Mineral Acids, Partially soluble Partially soluble
NaOH Partially soluble Partially soluble
Benzene Slightly soluble Slightly soluble
Chloroform Slightly soluble Slightly soluble
Ether Soluble Soluble
Dichloromethane Soluble Soluble
Table 4.4.3. Product 3 of Reaction (A) and (B) between
Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic Chloride .

Solvent Solubility PA Solubility PB

Ethanol Soluble Soluble
Distilled water Soluble and Soluble and
crystalline crystalline
Dilute HC1 Partially soluble Partially^soluble
H2SO4, HNO3 Partially soluble Partially soluble
NaOH Partially soluble Partially soluble
Benzene Slightly soluble Slightly soluble
Chloroform Slightly soluble Slightly soluble
Ether Soluble Soluble
Dichloromethane Soluble Soluble

4.5. Melting point:

All product 1,2,3, were unmeltable until 340°C.

4.6. Formation of Product:

All product 1,2,3, were white solids.

Table 4.7.1. Summary and Results of Reaction (A)
between Tin Metal and Absolute Ethanol
Catalysed by Mercurous Chloride

Time (Hours) 50
Temperature (°C) 80
Stir (rpm) 100
Solid reactant weight /g Ethanol volume /cm3
After reaction 3.3500 110
Before reaction 3.0498 150
The difference 0.3002 40

Table 4.7.2. Calculation of Result of Table 4.7.1

Reactant Product
Tin Ethanol
Weig No. of No. of Volu No. of Weight
htin moles moles me moles in
gram Cm3 grams
Theoretical 2.992 0.0252 0.1008 5.8889 0.0252 7.527
ly 7
Practically 0.178 0.0015 0.006 0.3505 0.0.015 0.448
Percentage 5.95%
Table 4.7.3. Summary and Results of Reaction (B) between
Tin metal and Absolute Ethanol Catalysed by
Mercury (I) Chloride.

Parameter Condition
Time (hours) 45
Temperature °C go
Stir (rpm) 100
Solid reactant Ethanol Solid product
weight /g volume /cm3 weight/g
Before reaction 1.0075 100 0.0
After reaction - 60 0.0421

Table 4.7.4. Calculation of Result of Table 4.7.3.

Reactant Product
Tin Ethanol
No. of No. of No. of Volume No. of Weight/g
grams moles moles cm3 moles
.Theoretically 1.0075 0.0085 0.0340 1.9836 0.0085 2.5390
Practically 0.0119 0.0001 0.0006 0.0329 0.0001 0.0421
Percentage 1.658%
Table 4.7.5.Summary and Results of Reaction (C)
between Tin Metal and Absolute Ethanol
Catalysed by Mercury(I) Chloride

Parameter Condition
Time (hours) 117
Temperature °C 100
Stir (rpm) 300
Solid reactant Ethanol volume Solid product
weight /g cm3 weight/g
Before reaction 2.9927 100 0.0
After reaction - 50 0.5382

Table 4.7.6. Calculation of Result of Table 4.7.5.

Reactant Product
Tin Ethanol
No. of No. of No. of Volume No. of Weight/g
grams moles moles Cm3 moles
Theoretically 2.9927 0.0252 0.1008 5.8889 0.0252 7.527
Practically 0.2136 0.0018 0.0072 0.4206 0.0018 0.5382
Percentage 7.15%
Table 4.8.1. Summary and Results of Reaction (A)
between Tin Tetrachloride and Absolute Ethanol

Parameter Condition
Time (hours) 6
Temperature °C 80
Stir (rpm) 100
Reactant Product weight/g
stannic chloride Ethanol
volume cm volume cm3
Before reaction 25 100 0.0
After reaction - 60 23.829

Table 4.8.2. Calculation of Result of Table 4.8.2.

Reactant Product
Tin Ethanol
No. of No. of No. of Volume No. of Weight/g
grams moles moles Cm3 moles
Theoretically 25 0.2125 49.658 0.85 0.2125 63.474
Practically 9.388 0.0798 18.64 0.319 0.0798 23.829
Percentage 37.54%
Table 4.8.3. Summary and Results of Reaction (B)
between Tin Tetrachloride and Absolute Ethanol

Parameter Condition
Time (hours) 12
Temperature °C WO
Stir (rpm) 300
Reactant Solid product
Stannic volume Ethanol volume weight/g
cm cm3
Before reaction 25 100 00
After reaction - 60 26.0431

Table 4.8.4. Calculation of Result of Table 4.8.3.

Reactant Product
Tin Ethanol
No. of No. of No. of Volume No. of Weight/g
grams moles moles Cm 3 moles
Theoretically 2.9927 0.0252 0.1008 5.8889 0.0252 7.527
Practically 0.2136 0.0018 0.0072 0.4206 0.0018 0.5382
Percentage 7.15%

Table 4.9.1. Summary and Results of Reaction 3.3.3.(B)

Parameter Condition
Time (hours) 1
Temperature °C 100
Stir (rpm) 300
Reactant Product weight/g
Na/g Ethanol SnC14 --
cm cm3
Before I 1.9523 100
After I - 62
II 10 6.0788

Table 4.9.2. Calculations of Results of Table 4.9.1.

Reactant Product
Sodium Stannic chloride Complex NaCl
No. of No. Weight
moles of No.of Volume No.of (g) No.of Weight
moles. moles (g)
moles Cm3 moles
Theo 0.0849 0.0849 0.0189 2.2196 0.0094 6.255 0.0754 4.411
tact- — — 0.0106 1.2471 0.0053 3.498 0.042 2.467
Perce- 55.92

Table 4.9.3.: Summary and Results of reaction 3.3.3. (A)

Parameter Condition Parameter Condition
Time in hours l>5 Time in hours 1.5
Temperature °C • SO Temperature °C SO
Stir 100 Stir 100
Na Ethanol Weight of Volume of
weight volume product SnCl cm3
(g) cm3 A
Before 1.0048 100 -- 5
After 60 3.0502 am


Table 4.9.4. (I) Calculations of Results of Table 4.9.3 (I)

Na Metal Ethanol
No.of No.of No.of Volume No.of
grams moles moles Cm3 moles

Theoretical 1.0048 0.0437 0.0437 2.553 0.0437

Table 4.9.4.(11) Calculation of Results of Table 4.9.3 (II)

Reactant Product
Sodium Stannic Complex Sodium
Ethoxide Chloride Chloride
No. of No. of Volume No. of Weight No. of Weight
moles Moles CnP moles (g) moles (g)
Theoretically 0.0437 0.0097 1.1425 0.0086 3.234 0.0319
Practically 0.0239 0.0053 0.624 0.624 0.0027 1.775
Percentage 54.89




5.1 The Reaction between Tin Metal and Absolute Ethanol

Using Mercury (I) Chloride Catalyst: i;

The reaction between Tin element and dry Ethanol has

been carried out using Mercury(i) Chloride as icatalyst based
on the difference (0.3002g) between the weight of solid
reactant after and before reaction (Table 4.7.1.) . To confirm
this result the experiment was repeated changing the
variables temperature , time of reaction and the amount of
reactants .After the reaction was ceased, the unreacted tin
was separated , the remainder solution was distilled at the
range 78-80 °C as fraction(i) and small amount of solid
product was left over as fractional) which dissolved in
ethanol after been weighted for IR analysis . The analysis
indicated that fraction(i) was ethanol (Fig.4.1.1 & Table
4.1.1.) and faction(ii) exhibited the existence bf(Sn-O)bond
at wave numbers 1010,1000,995 cnr 1 (Fig 4.1.2 & Table
4.1.2 .) . This result showed that tin ethoxide. was formed .
According to this, tin metal reacts with ethanpl as follows:

Sn + 4 C2H5 OH Hg2Cl^ Sn(OC2H5) 4 + 2 H2 f


Because tin element was believed to be covered with an

oxide layer(39) 9 the upper surface of it was scratched before
the reaction. Ethanol played two roles , small amount of it
did react while the majority of it stand as solvent .
Although a closed system was used for the reaction , there
was a great loss in ethanol ascribed to evaporation because
high temperature was supplied to the system'(Table 4.7.1) .
Also there was a loss during separation and filtration .

Mercury(i) chloride was suitable catalyst to accelerate the
rate of the reaction . The ion exist* as a dimer Hg + _Hg + ,
and does not dissolve in ethanol , therefore , it was
believed that it attacked by the upper oxide layer of tin to
give the i

O — Sn — 0: 2Hg+ — Hg+ • 2Hg2O + Sn

Then tin (II) ion attacked by ethanol.

Sn(OEt )2
Tin(n) Ethoxide

To make these results more valid,the formation of

(Sn-O) bond was followed by periodical IR analysis by
repeating the experiment and changing the variables
temperature , speed of stir , time and the amount of the
reactants . The growth of (Sn-O) was followed at the range
845-1250cnr1 . The (Sn-O) peaks interfered with (C-O) peak
and the number of them increased with time (Fig &
The G1C analysis for the samples manifested the
result. Taking absolute ethanol as reference (Fig.4.3.7), the
Chromatogram displayed three peaks . Peak No. 1 represent
the solvent ethanol which had the same retention time as
reference (Fig 4.1.4. & Fig 4.3.7) . Peak No.2 & Peak No.3
were suggested to be the product (Fig4.1.4 to Fig 4.1.8) and
(Table 4.1.4). Peak No.2 & Peak No.3 in all samples and
product nearly had the same retention time (Table 5.1.1),
indicating the presence of tin ethoxide . Peak No.2 was small
compared to Peak No.3 by calculating the areas under the
Peaks (Table 5.1.2) . Peak No.2 decreased with time while
Peak No.3 increased , so Peak No.2 might 'A stand as
intermediate while Peak No.3 stand as the main product .
The ratio between Peak No.2 & Peak No.3 nearly was 2:6 in
all samples , thus the ratio of the ethoxy groups in the two
peaks was believed to be 2:6 respectively (Table 5.1.2).
Therefore , the component of Peak No.2 was expected to be
tin(ii) ethoxide [Sn (OC2H5) ] and the component of the
Peak No.3 was either a complex hexaethoxytin
[Sn(OC2H5) ] or a dimer ditinnoxane [(OC2H5) 3-Sn-O-Sn
(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 ] 6

Sn (OC2H5) 2 + 4 C2H5OH •[Sn(OC2H5 V]



Sn (OC2H5)2 + 4 C2H5OH

[ (OC2H5)3-Sn-O-Sn (OC2H5) 3]

The test of solubility pointed out tinethoxide

dissolved in ethanol and distilled water (Table 4.4.1). It was
white solid , unmeltable until 340C (See 4.5 ,4.6) and it
was found that the variables time , temperature and speed
of stir affected the amount of the product (Table 4.7.1 to
Table 4.7.6).
Table 5.1.1. The Retention Time of Samples of the Reaction
between Tin Metal and Ethanol Using Mercury (I)
Chloride as Catalyst.

Sample Time in Retention time (RT)

Peak Peak Peak
No.l No.2 No.3
A 7 1.2 10.0 12.1
B 37 1.3 10.2 12.6
C 84 1.5 11.0 13.3
D Product 1.1 10.0 12.3
E D. Ethanol 1.7 10.8 12.9

Table 5.1.2. The Percent Area under the Peaks of Samples of the
Reaction between Tin Metal and Ethanol using
Mercury (I) Chloride as Catalyst.

Sample Time in Area % Ratio

Peak Peak Peak Peak2: Peak3
No.l No.2 No.3
A 7 92.057 2.082 5.861 2:6
B 37 92.424 1.757 5.819 2:6
C 84 92.365 1.717 5.930 2:6
D Product 91.673 1.922 6.405 2:6
E D. Ethanol 95.329 1.066 3.605 1 :4

5.2. The Reaction between Stannic Chloride and Absolute
Stannic chloride was added to absolute ethanol, a white
fumes was appeared which was assumed to be hydrogen
chloride gas. Stannic chloride firstly dissolved in ethanol. The
system was refluxed for six hours, then the reaction mixture was
distilled into three fractions, (i), (ii), (in) . Fraction (in) was
white solid which believed to be the product. The three fractions
were analyzed using IR spectrum. Fraction (i) , which was
collected at the range 78-80°C was suggested to be ethanol.
Fraction(ii) ,which was collected at the range 90-120°C was un-
reacted stannic chloride, while fraction (111) which was
dissolved in absolute ethanol for analysis showed the existence
of (Sn-O) bond at wave numbers 1031 ,1000,990 cm-1 this
emphasis the formation of tin ethoxide [See Fig. 4.2.1 & Table
4.2.1] , [See Fig 4.2.2 & Table 4.2.2 ] and [See Fig 4.2.3 &
Table 4.2.3 ]. Thus stannic chloride could react with absolute
ethanol according to the following equation :

SnCU +4C2H5OH • Sn(OC2H5)4 +4HClt

On repeating the experiment using the similar amounts of

starting materials ,changing the variables time, speed of the
magnetic stirrer and temperature ,the growth of tin ethoxide was

followed with time by taking a sample periodically for analysis
by IR spectrum. The IR spectrum was taken at the range 845-
1250 cm-i [Fig. ] showed that the solid tin ethoxide had
more than fourteen small peaks. That small peaks were
interfered with (C-O) and (C-C) stretching peaks when the solid
dissolved in ethanol. The growth of the peaks was followed up
with time in the range 845-1250 cnr1. The number of the peaks
started growing on increasing the time . Thus, the formation of
tin ethoxide was directly proportional with time through this
method of reaction. The mechanism of the reaction was
suggested to be as that proposed for the reaction of silicon
chloride and ethanol as follows :

Et Cl Cl ,_H _?ii
^O > Sn (-HC1) O > Sn
/ \
fH Cf\ Cl Et EtO Cl

EtO Cl EtO OEt

/ A ^ Q ^
and so on w Sn
' / \
EtO Cl EtO OEt

The samples and product were analyzed using GLC [Fig.
4.2.5 to 4.2.9] .Peaks we/* appeared 5the retention time(RT)
were determined and areas under the peaks were calculated for
each samples, [Table 4.2.5]. Peak No. 1 was suggested for
ethanol according to the reference [Fig.4.3.7 ]. Peak No. 2 and
peak No.3 were suggested for tin ethoxide . All samples and
product chromatograms had the same peaks with approximately
similar retention times [Table 5.2.1]. Thus, the products were
the same in all samples. On comparing areas under the peaks for
Peak No.2 and Peak No.3 , Peak No. 2 was smaller than Peak
No.3 and with increasing the time Peak No.2 decreased while
Peak No.3 increased [Table 5.2.2]. The ratio between them was
2:6. As a result, Peak No.2 contained two ethoxy groups while
Peak No.3 contained six ethoxy groups. Peak No.2 was tin(II)
ethoxide [Sn(OC2H5)2 ] and stand as intermediate where as,
Peak No.3 might be hexaethoxytin Sn(OC2H5)6 or an oligomer
ditinnoxane [(OC2H5)3Sn-O-Sn(OC *H )3] which stand as the
main product.
After nine hours Peak No.4 was appeared with high
retention time to give another shape of tin ethoxide. The long
time of reaction polymerized tin ethoxide to give a polymer with
high number of ethoxy groups ditinnoxane [(OC2H5)nSn-O-

The solubility of the experiments A & B gave the similar
results (See Table 4.4.2). Tin ethoxide dissolved in ethanol and
water then polymerized, the acid and base were good media for
polymerizing tin ethoxide, they were slightly soluble in a non-
polar solvents . The melting point of tin ethoxide in good
agreement with the reported literature (Table 1.5.) , was
unmeltable until 340 °C (See 4.5).
By comparing between experiments A and B, although they had
the similar amounts of starting materials , but they had different
amount of product (Table 4.8.1 to Table 4.8.4). The difference
was ascribed to the change in variables time , speed of stirring
and temperature. The percentage of the product was increased
with increasing the above variables . The difference in the
volume of ethanol was due to the large amount of it was
contributed in the formation of the ethoxides and small amount
was lost as vapour during the filtration and distillation.

Table 5.2.1. The Retention Time of the Peaks of Samples of the
Reaction between Stannic Chloride and Ethanol.

Sample Time in Retention time (RT)

Peak Peak Peak Peak
No.l No.2 No.3 No.4

F 3 1.2 10.7 12.9 • —

G 5 1.2 10.0 12.3 i - -

H 7 1.5 10.8 13.1 :- -

I 9 . 1.7 10.7 12.2 18.3

Product 1.2 10.2 12.6 17.3

Table 5.2.2.The Percent Area under the Peaks of Samples of

the Reaction between Stannic Chloride and
Sample Time Area % Ratio
in Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak2 : Peak3
hours No.l No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5

F 3 93.367 2.132 4.501 — 2:6

G 5 91.726 1.881 6.393 — 2:6
H 7 91.163 1.701 7.136 — 2:7
I 9 71.312 2.060 5.038 5.888 15.702 2 : 5 : 6 : 1 5
J product 93.467 0.805 1.462 4.266 2:2:6

5.3 ^he^Reftbtion between Sodium Ethoxide and Stannic
CKtorftfe in the presence of Ethanol

The first part of this reaction was to produce sodium

ethoxide through the reaction between sodium metal and
absolute ethanol according to the following equation :

Na C2H5OH •NaOC 2 H 5 + 1/2 H 2 |

The system was refluxed to expel hydrogen gas .Samples

were taken periodically during reflux for analysis. After
stopping the reflux, the unreacted ethanol was separated and the
remainder was a yellow solution dissolved in small amount of
ethanol. Samples were analyzed using IR spectrum [Fig. 4.3.1. ]
and [Table 4.3.1. ] . (Na-O) stretching appeared at wave
numbers 1050 cm-1 and ( 960-940) cm-1.
The variation of (Na-O) with time was followed at the
range 845-1250 cm"1 [Fig. 4.33.1].The second part was the
reaction of the produced sodium ethoxide and stannic(iv)
chloride . An immediate white precipitate separated , it was
accompanied with white fumes. The system was refluxed to
expel the fumes and samples were taken for the analysis . After
the reflux the ethanol was separated and a white precipitate was
left. Samples and product were analyzed with IR spectrum [Fig.
4.3.35-]. (Sn-O) bond peaks appeared at wave numbers 1010,

995 cm"1 due to the formation of tin ethoxide also there was
small peak for (Na-O) ascribed to existence of unreacted sodium
ethoxide .The growth of the tin ethoxide was followed on
increasing time at the range 845-1250 cm-1 [See Fig]. A
sample from the first part ^preparation of sodium ethoxide, was
analyzed with GLC. The GLC chromatogram gave two peaks
[Fig.4.3.5 & Fig.4.3.6] and [Table 4.3.4]. Peak No.l was
attributed to the solvent ethanol according to the reference [Fig.
4.3.6]. Peak No.2 had the same retention time like that of
sodium ethoxide . Peak No.3 was due to the product tin(II)
ethoxide [Sn(OC2H5)2 ] and PeakNo.4 was due to hexaethoxytin
Sn(OC2H5)6 or an oligomer ditinnoxane [(OC2H5)3Sn-O-
Sn(OC2H5)3] . Peak No.5 appeared in the product due to the
formation of a polymer [Fig. 4.3.6] .The experiment with the
two parts was repeated. The final product in each had the same
solubility (See Table 4.4.5). The product was soluble in ethanol
and distilled water then polymerized. The product reacted with
acids and bases and it was endothermic . That meant it was not
only one product but also there was others.

According to the literature (Table 1.5) a complex of a
double alkoxide of NaSn2(OC2H5)9 was formed so the reaction
was occurred as follows :

NaOC2H5 + 2 SnCl4 C2H5O5 NaSn (OC2H5)9 +8 HCl

NaSn2(OC2H5)9+HCl •NaCl + 2 Sn(OC2H5)4 +

So that, the product was a mixture of NaSn2(OC2H5)9 ,

Sn(OC2H5) andNaCl .

Table 5.3.1. The Retention Time of the Peaks of Samples of the
Reaction between Stannic Chloride and Sodium
Ethoxide in the Presence of Ethanol.

Sample Time Retention time (RT)

in Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak
hours No.l No.2 No.3 No.4 No. 5
K 60 1.1 3.2
M 80 1.2 3.6 10.3
N Product 1.2 6.6 10.1 12.2 15.4

Table 5.3.2. The Percent Area Under the Peaks of Samples of

the Reaction between Stannic Chloride and Sodium
Ethoxide in the presence of Ethanol.

Sample Time Area % Ratio

In Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak
hours No.l No.2 No.3 No.4 No. 5
K 60 min 64.02 35.98 — —
M 80min 95.918 2.227 0.257 1.599 1:6
N Product 89.849 2.873 0.192 0.122 6.965 l:l:a

5.3. Comparison between Tin Ethoxides Produced by the
three Different Methods:

The tin ethoxide produced by method (3.3.1) required a

long time to form a small yield comparing it with the other
methods . Also the reaction needed high temperature in addition
to catalyst. Ethanol played two roles, solvent and one reagent.
The product was less than 10% (Table 5.4.3) but with high
purity. The tin ethoxide produced by method (3.3.2.) the time
was suitable to give a good yield, temperature Catalysed the
reaction. Ethanol was also used as a solvent and one reagent.
The product was less than 50% (Table 5.4.3.). The tin ethoxide
produced by method (3.3.3.) was obtained immediately and
didn't need catalyst. Ethanol used as solvent. The amount of the
product was more than 50% (Table 5.4.3.).
Tin ethoxide prepared by the three different methods was
white solid unmeltable and soluble in ethanol and distilled
water. The GLC analysis showed three peaks, Peak No. 1, had
similar retention time in the three products due to ethanol, also
peak No.2 had the similar retention time due to tin(II) ethoxide
Sn(OEt)2 and Peak No.3 had the similar retention times ascribed
to the main product (an oligomer of tin ethoxide (0Et)Sn-O
Sn(OET)3 (Table 5.4.1,). The products of experiment (3.3.2.)
and (3.3.3.) had peak No.4 ascribed to the formation of polymer.

Peak No, £ appeared in product of experiment (3.3.3.) due
to a complex NaSn2(OEt)9. An oligomer of experiment (3.3.1)
showed high area under the peak comparing with that of
experiment (3.3.2) and (3.3.3.). The tin(II) ethoxide and the
oligomer of experiments (3.3.2) and (3.3.3.) transferred to
polymers which had the highest area under the peak (Table
3.4.2). Products of (3.3.1) and (3.3.2) containing oligomer of tin
ethoxide while the product of (3.3.3.) containing other products
with tin ethoxide.

Table 5.4.1. Comparison of Retention Time (RT) of
Tin Ethoxides Produced by different methods

Retention time (RT)

Product Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak
No.l No.2 No.3 No.4 No. 5
PI 1.1 10.0 12.3
P2 1.2 10.2 12.6 17.3
P3 1.2 10.1 12.2 15.4 6.6

Table 5.4.2. Comparison of Percent Area Under Peaks of Tin

Ethoxides Produced By different methods .

Area %
Product Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak
No.l No.2 No.3 No.4 No. 5
PI 91.396 1.916 6.385
PI 91.486 1.048 1.906 5.560 —
P3 89.844 0.360 0.120 6.850 2.826

Table 5.4.3.Comparison between the Percentage of Area Under

the peaks of Tin Ethoxides produced by different
methods .

Product Percentage
PI 1-7.15 Less than 10%
P2 37-41.03 Less than 50%
P3 54.85 - 55.92 More than 50%


Tin ethoxide has been prepared using

there different routes. The first route is the
direct synthesis by reacting tin element and
liquid ethanol, the second route by reacting tin
tetra chloride with ethanol liquid and the third
route is reacting sodium ethoxide with tintetra
chloride. All these reactions are carried out
under similar conditions . It has been found
that the reaction between tin tetra chloride and
liquid ethanol was more effective than other
routes. This leading to a formation of high
yield with high purity.
IR analysis showed that the final
reaction product was tin ethoxide and results
obtained are in good agreement with all
previous work carried out in this department
or else where . Also GLC analysis of final
reaction product agreed with IR data.
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