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Technology Integration Form – SCREENCASTING

Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Level: Technology/Resource Type:
Screen Cast o Matic 9-12
Application Software Device Website
Source: (Web address, company name, etc.)

Associated Learning Standard(s): The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that. List any ISTE-S standards that
seem to naturally align with the selected resource.
Empowered Learner
Knowledge Constructor
Digital Citizen
Creative Communicator
Global Collaborator

Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
This technology resource is a screen cast where I use my computer screen to teach someone how to add a friend on facebook.
The tool allows you to record your computer screen and the actions you take on it and allows you to also narrate your actions.


How might you use this resource to promote student learning? Describe who will be doing the screencasting – you or your
students, and what purpose it will serve.
This resource I would use to help students use internet resources. A good idea that I wanted to do, but was not sure if I could pull
it off is showing how to search and use online databases for research, because that is something I feel I always need help with and
it would be very helpful to have students see what I am doing and then be able to repeat with their own research questions in

Value-Added Rating Scale

3 2 1

The integration idea described: The integration idea described: The integration idea described:

• aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards

• transforms a lesson in a way that would • enhances a lesson; likely to • serves as a nice supplement to a lesson
be impossible or very difficult without it; increase student engagement and but wouldn’t necessarily play a critical
very likely to increase student engagement support mastery of the concept(s) role within the lesson
and contribute to mastery of the
• will most likely be used by the • will most likely be used by the teacher
• optimal in a student-centered students directly during a lesson (e.g., a demonstration)
environment where students are active
and engaged in learning content

 Given the information above, how would the technology integration you described, using the selected resource? (On the
“Value-Added Rating Scale” above)
 Explain your rating based on the indicators on the rubric.

I think this technology tool makes a lesson a three on the value-added scale. This kind if tool makes it possible for students to take
home this lesson. Instead of it simply being projected on the screen in a classroom, this can uploaded and saved to a students
computer and referenced later for added depth.

This template has been adapted from the following resources:

Christie, A., (2007). Dr. Alice Christie’s 6C Model for Evaluating Apps. Retrieved from
ISTE, (2012). iste.nets•s Advancing Digital Age Learning. Retrieved from
LearnZillion, Inc. (July 2014). TeachFest Guide | Mathematics. Retrieved from
Schrock, K., (2011-14). Critical Evaluation of a Content-Based IPAD/IPOD APP. Retrieved from

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