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Zulfan Efendi*1, Zulfikri Mukhtar1, Zainal Safri1, Abdullah A. Siregar1, Nizam Z. Akbar1,
Abdul H. Raynaldo1

Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara, Adam
Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia

* Email: [email protected]

Background: Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function is an important part of the
routine echocardiographic examination to identify the underlying heart disease and determine
the appropriate treatment. Mitral annular displacement toward the apex in systolic plays
important role in pump function of the left ventricle. At the start of diastolic, the
atrioventricular (AV) plane begins to ascend rapidly toward the atrium away from the apex.
Atrial systole also contributes to ventricular filling by further displacing the AV plane in the
same direction, and this notice as the last part of the diastolic phase of AV plane
displacement and is associated with the P wave of an electrocardiogram.
Methode: A diagnostic test was performed to outpatients and inpatients undergoing elective
echocardiography at Department of Cardiology in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan from
October 2017 to February 2018 in accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Mitral
annulus plane systolic excursion (MAPSE) examination was performed using M-mode
method on septal, lateral, inferior and lateral mitral annulus and then calculated mean. The
diastolic function is measured by assessing E/e. The value of the tested points was tested
using ROC curve statistic test and obtained sensitivity and specificity values. Further
assessed the strength of the relationship with bivariate analysis.
Result: A total of 81 samples were found in this study, with 41 samples meeting inclusion
and exclusion criteria. Mean MAPSE with cutoff value <13,625 had a sensitivity value of
62.5%, specificity 51.2%, positive predictive value of 58.3%, and a negative predictive value
of 55.5% (p <0.05). The result of bivariate analysis with Pearson method showed the
coefficient value of 0.242 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: MAPSE measurements had a weak positive correlation in determining left
ventricular diastolic function so it may help to determine the left ventricular diastolic function
along with available parameters.
Keywords: Mitral annular plane systolic excursion, MAPSE, mitral annular displacement,
diastolic function, echocardiography, E/e’.

Echocardiography is a major modality in the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic

functions in the last two decades. Evaluation of diastolic function through doppler provides

important prognostic information in a variety of patients. Limitations in some areas,

especially remote areas, are the limitations of medical support equipment such as

echocardiography, whereas some regions have echocardiographic devices that are not

equipped with Doppler facilities which are the main modalities in determining diastolic

function. This study tested the modalities used to assess left ventricular diastolic function

with a relatively simple method using M-mode echocardiography.

Echocardiography studies show that the displacement of the atrioventricular (AV)

valve plane to the apex at the time of systole indicates an important role in left ventricular

pump function. Atrioventricular displacement recording method is quite easy and the

magnitude of AV field displacement can be used to assess left the ventricular systolic

function in patients with acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, and severe

chronic congestive heart failure. At the beginning of diastole, the AV field begins to rise

rapidly toward the atrium away from the apex. Atrial systole also contributes to ventricular

filling by moving the AV field further in the same direction, and this can be noted at the end

of the diastolic phase of AV field displacement and associated with the P wave on the EKG

(Alam, 2002).


This was a cross-sectional study. The inclusion criteria were 35-70 years old, sinus

rhythm, had a left ventricular ejection fraction> 50%, had no significant mitral valve

deformities (mitral stenosis and / or mitral regurgitation), lacked significant aortic and aortic

root abnormalities (aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, or aortic dilatation), had no congenital

cardiac abnormalities, pericardial abnormalities such as significant pericardial effusions and

pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy disease. Exclusion criterion was a poor acoustic


Echocardiography examinations were performed using a Vivid S6 imaging device

(GE Medical systems) with a 3.5 MHz variable frequency transducer. Systolic function was

performed to measure LVEF by biplane method (modification of Simpson) and diastolic

function using mitral inflow method (ratio E / e '), septal e', lateral e ', tricuspid regurgitation

rate (TR velocity), and left atrium volume (LA). Mitral annulus plane systolic excursion

(MAPSE) was measured on 4-chamber and 2-chamber pieces by placing the M-mode cursor

through 4 regions (septal, lateral, anterior, and inferior) of the mitral valve annulus and

measuring the distance between the lowest point at the beginning of systolic (the beginning of

the QRS complex) to the highest point at the end of systolic (end of wave T). After obtaining

all four values of MAPSE from all regions, an average MAPSE score was taken that reflects

the global longitudinal function in the left ventricle (Hu K et al., 2013).

Descriptive statistics were used to represent the entry of the study. The free variable

was the left ventricular diastolic function in the categorical scale, and the dependent variable

was the MAPSE in a numerical scale. The data were assessed for the normality of distribution

and transformed as appropriate. Results were expressed as frequencies and percentages for

categorical variables. Each characteristic of the data tested its significance between normal

and abnormal diastolic function. Cut-off points for numerical data are obtained through the

ROC curve, the area under the curve (AUC) was used to assess the accuracy of the diagnostic

test. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value for each

dependent variable were obtained with 2x2 tables. While the MAPSE relationship with left

ventricular diastolic function was assessed by Pearson or Spearman correlation test.


Total number of subjects was 81 people, consisting of 40 people with normal left

ventricular systolic and diastolic function (hereinafter referred to as controls) and 41 people

with normal left ventricular systolic function and abnormal left ventricular diastolic function

(hereinafter impaired diastolic function) . Male gender consisted of 21 people (51,2%) with

impaired diastolic function and control found 23 people (57,5%), while female gender

consisted of 20 people (28,8%) with impaired diastolic function and control found 17 people

(42,5%). The mean age of subjects with impaired diastolic function was 60.59 years while in

control was 48.83 years. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction in control subjects was

57.24% while in subjects with impaired diastolic function was 55.93%. The end diastolic

dimension of the left ventricle in control was 44.28 mm, while the subject with impaired

diastolic function was 43.41 mm. In addition TAPSE in control was 22.83 mm and in

subjects with impaired diastolic function was 21.22 mm. In MAPSE examination, the inferior

segment and mean MAPSE had significant p-value with control MAPSE value was 14.14

mm, while in subjects with impaired diastolic function was 13.34 mm.(Table 1)

The mean MAPSE echocardiographic data on diastolic function were searched for

cut-off value using ROC curve, then sought sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,

and negative predictive value.(Figure 1)

Mean MAPSE with a cutoff value of <13.625 mm (p <0.05) for abnormal left

ventricular diastolic function has a sensitivity of 62.5%, a specificity of 51.2%, a positive

estimate of 55.5%, and a negative predictive value of 58.3%.(Table 2)

To assess the correlation , this study use Pearson method because the samples were

distributed normaly. The coefficient of 0.242 was found which showed a weak positive

correlation between mean MAPSE with statistically significant diastolic function (p

<0.05).(Table 3)

This study was a cross-sectional study that examined the MAPSE value in M-mode

echocardiography as a parameter in determining left ventricular diastolic function. This

research was conducted in Adam Malik hospital Medan since October 2017 until February

2018 and involving 81 sample. The sample were an outpatient and inpatient conducting

elective echocardiography examination at echocardiography lab for both routine and

diagnostic checks that meet inclusion and exclusion criteria

Impaired ventricular relaxation leads to a reduction in initial ventricular filling,

resulting in a larger residual volume in the left atrium in the final phase of the diastolic phase,

thus the higher the atrial preload. This results in a stronger left atrial contraction and elevated

left atrial activation, which is reflected in the increased contribution of left-handed AV plane

displacement. In contrast to longitudinal left ventricle (LV) systolic function, longitudinal LV

diastolic function is impaired only in hypertensive patients with normal ejection fraction and

fractional shortening which may indicate abnormal LV filling behavior. The diastolic

extension of the longitudinal fibers seems to contribute greatly to the diastolic behavior of the

left ventricle (Koulouris et al, 2005).

Left ventricular myocardial fibers are predominantly longitudinal or oblique to

subendocardium and subepicardium and circular in the intermediate layer. Measurements

with M-mode echocardiography from atrioventricular displacement plane have been shown to

be a simple method for assessing the systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricular

longitudinal fibers. In a variety of clinical settings, this index has been shown to carry

important diagnostic and prognostic information with impressive left ventricular dysfunction

from the moment. Indeed, some experts have proposed its use as a screening tool that

complements the conventional echocardiography index to detect patients with mild

myocardial dysfunction (Andren et al 1998).

Patients with hypertension and normal LV ejection fraction and fractional

shortening initially thought to have a normal diastolic function or even isolated diastolic

dysfunction, have been shown to reduce the systolic function of the left ventricular

longitudinal fibers. This may indicate that the change in longitudinal shortening of the left

ventricle, determined by the function of the subendocardial fibers, is a very sensitive marker

of early systolic dysfunction. Longitudinal fiber diastolic function becomes abnormal only

when abnormal diastolic behavior coexists. Assessment of longitudinal fiber diastolic

function using M-mode echocardiography can identify left ventricular abnormal relaxation

with high accuracy and reproducibility (Koulouris et al, 2005).

The progress of echocardiography has gone hand in hand with the growing

knowledge of the function and role of atria in cardiovascular disease (Cameli et al., 2009,

Zile et al., 2002). Techniques for assessing diastolic function are still developing, looking for

a perfect noninvasive way to assess left ventricular diastolic pressure. This study only wants

to take part in finding other parameters in determining diastolic function. With the rationale

of echocardiography M-mode remains a fundamental part of routine echocardiography

examination (Anderson et al, 2002), this study aimed to tested MAPSE as one of the

parameters for determining the left ventricle systolic function in addition to other parameters

that already available.

Standard diastolic function examination was performed by following the diastolic

function determination algorithm with good systolic function according to ASE guideline

2016 by making E /e' value as the main reference. Meanwhile, the MAPSE examination was

performed by placing the M-mode cursor on the mitral annulus in septal, lateral, inferior, and

anterior and the mean values are taken. Furthermore, a statistical test was performed to obtain

the value of the point of intersection and obtained the value of sensitivity, specificity, positive

predictive value, and negative predictive value.

On the basic characteristics of the study subjects found statistically significant at

age (p <0.001). The thickness of the septal wall when both systolic and diastolic have

significant differences in the study and control subjects (P = 0.002). There was no significant

difference in the dimensions of the left ventricle, left atrium dimension, or aortic annulus.

While the E and A ratios experienced significant differences between control and sample (p

<0.001), and mean MAPSE also had statistically significant (p <0.05).

In the statistical test results with ROC curve obtained the number 13.625 on the

under the curve area 0.635 as a cutoff point with a sensitivity of 62.5% and specificity 51.2%

(p <0.05).

The correlation between mean MAPSE and diastolic function was tested by

bivariate analysis using Pearson method and obtained coefficient value 0.242 which has a

weak positive correlation between mean MAPSE and diastolic function.

Conflict of interest: None declared

Tabel 1. Clinical and echocardiographical characteristic

Variable Normal diastolic Impaired diastolic P value

function (Control function
group) (n=41)
Sex 0.57
 Female 17(42.5) 20(48.8)
 Man 23(57.5) 21(51.2)
Age (Year±SD) 48.83±12.08 60.59±6.185 0.000
EF Simpson(%±SD) 57.24±3.79 55.93±2.98 0.702
IVSD (mm±SD) 9.73±2.219 11.27±2.09 0.002
IVSS (mm±SD) 11.38±2.05 12.88±2.147 0.002
LVEDD (mm±SD) 44.28±5.711 43.41±6.054 0.512
LVESD (mm±SD) 28.35±4.86 27.98±4.327 0.715
LVPWD (mm ±SD) 10.23±2.475 10.56±2.259 0.526
LVPWS (mm±SD) 14.53±2.53 14.4±3.171 0.893
FS (%±SD) 36.78±5.2 35.29±4.35 0.168
TAPSE (mm±SD) 22.83±2.86 21.22±3.10 0.018
LA(mm±SD) 32.23±3.92 33.07±4.56 0.373
Ao (mm±SD) 20.20±2.06 20.63±1.98 0.338
E/A 1.24±0.23 0.77±0.24 0.000
DT (msec±SD) 174.4±39.46 282.07±349.12 0.057
MAPSE Septal 13.2±1.937 12.68±2.11 0.255
MAPSE Lateral 14.48±1.754 13.78±1.93 0.094
MAPSE Inferior 14.5±1.71 13.2±2.12 0.003
MAPSE Anterior 14.2±1.91 13.39±1.93 0.06
MAPSE Rerata 14.14±1.53 13.34±1.69 0.03
Figure 1. ROC curve mean MAPSE to impaired diastolic function

Table 2. Sensitivity and specificity of mean MAPSE and impaired diastolic function

Cut off
Normal Impaired
mean p-
diastolic diastolic AUC Sens Spes ND+ ND
MAPSE value
function function
>13.625 25(62.5) 20(48.8) 0.037 0.635 62.5% 51.2% 58.3% 55.5%
<13.625 15(37.5) 21(51.2)

Table 3. Correlation between mean MAPSE and impaired diastolic function

Mean MAPSE (mm) r Pearson p-value

13.74+1.65 0.242 0.030

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