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Elementary Education Program


Teacher Candidate: Amanda Cordero Subject/Grade/Program Type: Math/Grade 1
Date: October 4th, 2017 Title of the Lesson: Lesson 11 (Eureka Math )
Lesson Essential Question: Topic or Big Idea:
How are different strategies helpful when solving Solve add to with change unknown math stories as
a problem? a context for counting on by drawing,writing
equations, and making statements of the solution.
In what ways can operations (subtraction and
addition) affect numbers?
Unit Essential Question:
How will students use different strategies to
solve an equation with a missing variable using
the sum and one additive given to them?
Introductory/Acquisition Extending Thinking Assessment Lesson
Lesson Lesson

Focus Student Learning Outcome(s):(Component 1C)

Content Outcome
Students will understand how to represent and solve problems using addition
and subtraction within 20.

Performance Outcome
Students will begin to apply addition and subtraction to problems using an
equation opening up their ability to begin to solve real-world problems.

Content Standard(s):

Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations
of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a
symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Common Core Relevance/Rationale: (Components 1A,1C)

Students will be able to understand using numbers of base ten to develop and
understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction. By developing
skills to do addition and subtraction, this will allow students apply the concept of
addition and subtraction to their everyday lives, from being at home, playing and
going to school.
Language Statement of Language Objective: (Components 1B, 1C)
(Classes with
Students will be writing the concept of the lesson in a fluency practice, application
problem,concept development sheet and in an exit ticket. Students will demonstrate
understanding by being interactive with the lesson and using common movement
Elementary Education Program
to help aid the instruction.

Model of Statement of Adult Roles: How will the other adults in the classroom support
Co-teaching students (aides, paraprofessional, special educator, resource teacher, etc.)?
(Component 4D)

My cooperating teacher and I will be co-teaching the classroom, as I instruct the

lesson, demonstrate and develop the skills with the children, Mrs. Dalfonso will be
going around the classroom and aiding the children who are falling behind or need
extra support during the lesson and reinforce/reiterate the concept being taught.

Anticipatory Set Do Now / Warm-up: How will you engage students in learning? How will you
/Activating connect the lesson to their prior knowledge? (Component 1E)
8:25-9pm (35 Minutes)

Morning work will be given, it will consist of an activity that revisit the previous
lesson and then an activity that introduces the lesson being taught that day.

T: Good Morning everyone, Today’s morning work will be our target practice
worksheet that we did yesterday during our lesson and a story based math practice
sheet to practice our math skills for yesterday and today.

S: Ask questions they may have.

T: We will have about 20 mins (8:25-8:45) to work on our morning work and what
you do not finish, we will work on throughout the day.

** Students will work independently and when finished will placed finished work in
red bin and if needing completion will put in their folder and submit by end of day***

8:45- 9am

T: Boys and girls, please put all pencils and math worksheets away and come to
the carpet for Calendar.

T: Today is Wednesday,October 4th, 2017. It will be approximately 65 degrees

today. Today we will be continuing/finishing our counting book.

**Reads book and asks connection questions**

T:Can anybody tell me how many months there are in a year?

S: *12 months and sings Months of the Year Song.

T: Good job! How many days are there in a week? What day is it today? Yesterday
was? Tomorrow will be?

S: 7, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday.

T: How many days have we been in school?

Elementary Education Program
S: 21

* talk about temperature, weather

*read 100 days of school book
*count with piano fingers

Introductory / Teacher Directed Activities: (Teaching of the new concept): How will you aid
Short Lecture/ students in constructing meaning of new concepts? How will you introduce/model
and/or new skills or procedures? What instructional strategy(ies) will you introduce, re-
Developmental introduce or utilize to ensure comprehension? (Component 1E)
Students have been responding well to movement through the math lessons. I will
be having the students do a Cheer Count. Students will be standing at their desk
and start with their hands on their head. They will then proceed to raise their arms
for each new number. I will revisit previous lesson of squatting at odd numbers and
standing at even numbers.

Fluency Practice- ( 8 Minutes total) 10am-10:08

3 mins total- 1 min explanation

Count on cheers- Students will be counting by adding two.They will do a cheer

motion by starting with both hands on the head (representing the Big number) and
then raise each hand to make 2 more of what the big number is. Start at 5 and
make your way up.

T: Classy Classy
S:Yessy Yessy

T: To start off our math lesson, we are going to practice counting by adding two to
our big number. Remember when i give you the big number you put it in your head.
We will whisper our big number and the number that comes next but will chant the
second number. Watch me as i show you what to do.

5 (touches head) 6 (raise left hand) 7 (raise right hand and shout)

T: Okay, let's’ try our big number is 6 we are going to add two.

S: 6, 7, 8

T: What is two more than 5?

S: 8

Second Fluency: ( 5 Mins)10:03-10:08

Students will be given a number bond dash worksheet. They will be given 90
Elementary Education Program
seconds to complete. Demonstrate first 5 problems and then set timer. Once
students are done have them place paper in red bin.

T: Boys and Girls let’s do the first 5 problems together. (proceed working on the first

S: Students share their response/thought

T: Okay! Now that we did the first 5 together, you will have 90 seconds to do as
many problems as you can. Pencils up! On your mark, get set, go!

90 seconds pass

T: Pencils down and papers in the red bin! When you get to your table, please put
the cap on the back of our markers and get ready to learn!

Teacher Guided Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to use new
Practice concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this process? (Component 1E)
Students and I will be doing concept development and problem set that is geared
towards the skills that were taught. I will be working with them to complete the
question and have students answer questions that i have that reflect the problem
being worked on.


Concept Development (10:10-10:20---10 Mins)

Supplies: Marker, Eraser and white boards, Teddy Bear counters

T: Okay boys and girls, I am going to read you a word problem and we are going to
need to find the missing number. You have a dry erase board and a marker and
you will be following along with me.


T: 5 bears go to the playground (place 5 bears on the elmo and have the kids write
5 on their board) Some more bears show up. Now there are a total of 9 bears
playing at the park. (place 9 bears after the equal sign, and write the number 9 in
the box). How many more bears showed up to make the total 9 bears?

T: Okay, so we were given our sum and our first number (5). If we have to get to a
total of 9 bears, how many more bears do we need to add? Lets start with our big
group in our head (5) lets count on now.

S: ** Students will count on to get to 9

T: *** Choose a student*** how many more bears do you think we have to add to
get to 9?

S: Answers
Elementary Education Program
T: Is ** student** right?

S: They answer as a whole

T: Okay let’s do one more problem, 4 bears get on the school bus . The school bus
makes another stop and more bears come on. When they get to school, there are
10 bears on the bus in total. How many more bears came on the bus? We were
given two numbers. What is the total amount of bears that are on the bus, what is
our Sum?

S: **10**

T: Good! ( place 10 bears on top of the number 10) and what is the other number
that we were given?

S: **4**

T: Good job! (Place 4 bears on top of the number 4) How many more bears do we
need to make 10? Let’s put our number in our head, ** kids touch head** now lets
count on to make 10.

S: Students count to 6.

T: How many more beard do we need to make 10?

S: ** 6**

Problem Set ( 10:20-10:45----20 mins)


T: Good Job! let’s move on to our problem set. Open your books to page ** Insert
page** ** student** please read our first problem.

S:*** Reads first problem***

T: Great job, what number do we put on our big box?

S: 5
t: what number do we put in the small box?

*** will continue with the pattern of conversation for the remaining problem of the
problem set worksheet.***

Independent Practice Activities, Refinement, and Extension: What opportunities will students
Practice or have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will students
Activities expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real-world
situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning
Elementary Education Program
outcomes? (Components 1E, 1F)
Students will be given an exit ticket that correlates with the lesson, students will
have 3 minutes to do the exit slip independently or with a buddy.

Students will complete the exit ticket and must wait for myself and cooperating
teacher to go around and check work. If done correctly they can put the paper in
their mailbox and sit quietly until tables are called for lunch.

**Exit Slip 10:- 10:48 (3 MINS)

T: I just gave you guys your exit tickets for todays lesson. Place complete the exit
ticket and when you're done, Mrs. Dalfonso and I will walk around to check your
work. If right, put a smiley face and place it in the mailbox. Go back to your seat
and show us that you are ready for lunch.

S: Students work and will raise their hand when done.

Assessment/ ✱Formative ✱Closure Activities: ✱Summative Assessment:

Closure Assessment: How How will you assist How will you ensure that all
What does will you & your students students in reflecting students have mastered the
success on know if they have upon what they learned identified learning indicators?
this lesson’s successfully met the today and are preparing How will you assess their
outcomes look outcomes? What for tomorrow’s lesson? learning daily? How will you
like? specific criteria will be What homework will be assess their learning at the
What is the met in a successful assigned to help students end of a unit?
evidence of product/process? practice, prepare, or
learning? elaborate on a concept or
(Component skill taught?
Student Students will Students will be given the Students will be given a
Success will demonstrate successful homework assignment for number dash worksheet.
be criteria through the lesson 11. The They are given 90 seconds
demonstrated application problem homework will consist of to complete as many
through an exit that is given to them the students using the 5 problems as they can with
ticket for the that coincides with the group cards to complete success.
end of the lesson taught. number bonds and
lesson and equations.
through their
Resources/ (Component 1D)
● White boards
● Elmo
● Bear counters
● Math Workbooks
Access for How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage
All: appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity – ELL, IEP, &
Gifted, etc. (Components 1B, 1C, 1E)
Each student will have the ability to respond to questions. Ell students will be
demonstrating understanding through interactive activities with their peers and
Elementary Education Program
Differentiatio What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for
n: Students with learning differences in your class? Be as specific as possible.
(Component 1B, 1D)

All students can receive the following modifications if needed:

1. Clarify and check for understanding

2. Read or paraphrase subject matter
3. Repeat verbal instructions - reading instructions
4. Multisensory instruction
5. Close proximity to the teacher
6. Study Sheets/summary sheets/outlines of the most important facts
7. Presentation of materials in small steps
8. Elmo Document Camera used
9. Visual demonstrations
10. Functional level material
11. Send daily/ weekly progress note home via agenda book
12. Implement a classroom behavior management plan
13. Provide frequent, immediate , positive feedback
14. Peer assistance

Reflection: 1. In general, how successful was the lesson? Did the students learn what you
(Component intended for them to learn? How do you know?
4A, 4E) a. I thought that the lesson went very smoothly. Before the concept
development of the lesson, the students were introduced to a
counting game. The students were asked to practice counting on
continuing the number line based on whatever number the student
before them said. By using this fluency practice game, the students
were able to practice their counting without needing to use their
fingers. Listening to the students during independent work, I was
able to observe if they were using the technique introduced.

2. What evidence do you have of student learning? What do those samples

reveal about those students’ levels of engagement and understanding and
a. Evidence that I have of student learning is their exit slips and their
application problems that we did the following day. The students
showed success in figuring out the number sentence. This reveals
that they are aware of the strategie and that they use it during the
lesson because the were very eager to participate and show them
getting the answer by using the skill. This skill was also proven
successful because our lower learning students started using the
technique to try and figure out the answer before asking myself or
my cooperating teacher for help.

3. How did your classroom procedures (routines, transitions, student

movement and configuration) enhance or detract from the lesson? What, if
anything, would you do different?
a. I felt that the transitioning between the different math sections went
very smoothly. Being that the Eureka math keeps the same
transitioning throughout the different sections of the lessons, the
students have become comfortable with the transition. I feel that if i
Elementary Education Program
were to do anything different, I would have all the material ready for
them on their tables to take away from time taken away from passing
out the materials that they would be working on that day.

4. Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and why?
a. I did end up departing from my plan. I unfortunately had to do away
with the application problem section because I felt that the students
needed more time to work on the concept development. Based on
the academic ability of the classroom and the amount of content
expected to be covered within an hour, I felt that the students would
be overwhelmed with information and not grasp the content as well
as I would want them to.

5. If you had an opportunity to teach this lesson again to the same group of
students, what would you do differently?
a. If I were to teach this lesson again to the class, I would change up
the concept development section and add more problems that they
would see on their homework and on the problem set. I feel that if
the concept development is worked around that and uses problems
similar to what they would see, they would have a more successful
outcome on their homework and their problem set understanding.

6. What did you learn from informal assessment during the lesson? How did
the results impact your instruction and/or student learning?
a. Through informal assessment, I realized that I need to change my
pacing when it comes to teaching the information to the students.
Although my class is around the same academic capability, there are
some students who do struggle and fall behind and I need to make
sure that they are not only getting the concept of the lesson but are
also keeping up with the class. Although this does set the higher
learners behind, it aids not only to doing a recap of the information
being taught for those who are keeping up. but it also allows the
students that are falling behind to have the ability to learn the
information a second time to really retain the information.

7. What impact did student behavior have on cognitive engagement and

a. Based on Domain 2d, the students did an excellent job with their
behavior, they were all set and ready to learn. Although there were
some students that veered off and lost focus, I was able to get them
back on track and with the class. The students showed enthusiasm
during the lesson and demonstrated the desire to learn more.

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