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Section 10. Who May Initiate. – Administrative proceedings may be initiated by

the disciplining authority motu proprio or upon complaint of any other person.

Section 11. Requisites of a Valid Complaint. – Except when initiated by the

disciplining authority or his/her authorized representative, no complaint against a civil
service official or employee shall be given due course unless the same is in writing,
subscribed and sworn to by the complainant. In cases initiated by the proper disciplining
authority or his/her authorized representative, a show cause order is sufficient.

No anonymous complaint shall be entertained unless there is obvious truth or

merit to the allegations therein or supported by documentary or direct evidence, in
which case the person complained of may be required to comment.

The complaint in triplicate copies shall be written in a clear, simple and concise
language and in a systematic manner as to apprise the person complained of, of the
nature and cause of the accusation against him/her and to enable him/ her to
intelligently prepare his/her defense or answer/comment. However, should there be
more than one (1) person complained of,

the complainant is required to submit additional copies corresponding to the

number of persons complained of. The complaint shall contain the following:

a. full name and address of the complainant;

b. full name and address of the person/s complained of as well as his/ her/their
position/s and office/s;

c. a narration of the relevant and material facts which shows the acts or
omissions allegedly committed;

d. certified true copies of documentary evidence and affidavits of his/ her

witnesses, if any; and

e. certification or statement of non-forum shopping. The absence of any of the

aforementioned requirements may cause the dismissal of the complaint without
prejudice to its refiling upon compliance with the above requirements.
Section 12. When and Where to File a Complaint. – Except when otherwise
provided for by law, an administrative complaint may be filed at anytime with the
Commission or any of its Regional Offices, heads of departments, agencies, provinces,
cities, municipalities and other instrumentalities.

Section 13. Withdrawal of the Complaint. – The withdrawal of the complaint

does not result in its outright dismissal nor discharge the person complained of from any
administrative liability. Where there is obvious truth or merit to the allegation in the
complaint or where there is documentary evidence that would tend to prove the guilt of
the person/s complained of, the same should be given due course.

Section 14. Action on the Complaint. – Upon receipt of a complaint which is

sufficient in form and substance, the disciplining authority shall require the person/s
complained of to submit a Counter-Affidavit/Comment under oath within three (3) days
from receipt of order requiring him/her/their comment/s.

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