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1. Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religion that emerged in ___________ years ago.
Answer: 3,500 (C)
2. _______ is the founder of Judaism.
Answer:Moses (D)
3. The term “Anti-Semitism” was coined in______.
Answer:1879 (B)
4. The phrase, “All blood must be drained from meat and poultry before it is eaten,” is on what
bible verse?
Answer:Leviticus 7:26-27 (A)
5. ______ is a Jewish book known to be Exodus.
Answer:Shemot (D)
6. What day is known as the Day of Atonement?
Answer:Yom Kippur (B)
7. What day of the week is the Jewish Sabbath celebrated?
Answer:Friday at sunset until Saturday at sunset (B)
8. Bamidmar is a Jewish book known to be______.
Answer:Numbers (B)
9. What holiday is celebrated in honor of God sparing his people the plagues in Egypt?
Answer:Passover (C)
10. Holocaust is a _____ word means “sacrifice by fire.”
Answer:Greek (D)


1. Who are the Gods of Christians?

Answer:Jesus and Jehovah (C)
2. How many books are in the Bible?
Answer:66 Books (A)
3. How many writers have written the Bible?
Answer:40 Writers (C)
4. Who is the founder of Christianity?
Answer:Jesus Christ (A)
5. What is the Christians' sacred text called?
Answer:Bible (D)
6. What is the meaning of the Bible?
Answer: Compilation of Books (A)
7. A man committing himself to priesthood is called what?
Answer:Ordination (B)
8. It is a set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.
Answer:Doctrines (D)
9. It is the blessing of initiation after baptism.
Answer:Confirmation (C)
10. It is when someone confesses his/her sins and gets absolution.
Answer:Matrimony (D)

1. The Islam started on what century?

Answer: 7th Century (C)
2. Which of the following is not an essential part of Islamic belief?
Answer:The Belief in Sorcery (C)
3. The _____ is the exact word of God.
Answer:Qur’an (B)
4. Jihad means_______.
Answer:To Strive or Struggle (B)
5. What do you call the believer of Islam?
Answer:Muslim (C)
6. The creator of all human beings that Islam believed.
Answer:Allah (D)
7. According to Muslims, Muhammad was a(n) _______.
Answer:Prophet (C)
8. Sunni’s and Shia’s split due to a_______.
Answer:Difference in opinion over who should lead the Muslim community following
Muhammad’s death (C)
9. Which of the following beliefs is held by Muslims, Jews, and Christians?
Answer:Belief in One God (C)
10. The holiest city in Islam is named_______.
Answer:Mecca (C)


1. Who is the ultimate reality in the universe?

Answer: Brahman
2. This is the creation story in Rig Weda.
3. This is a concept which explains the causality through a system where beneficial effects.
4. Its means “eternal self.”
5. It is a member of the highest caste or Varna in Hinduism.
6. This is the social order that people are different.
Answer:Caste System
7. What is the sacred text of Hinduism?
8. Who is the devotion and the love of a personal god?
9. Who is the one of the most widely revered?
10. This is the most authoritative of the books of the Hindu code in India.
Answer:Laws of Manu

1. Who is the founder of Theravada Buddhism?

Answer: Siddhartha Gautama
2. What is the meaning of Pali Canon?
Answer:The Word of Buddha
3. What is the sacred text of Theravada Buddhism?
Answer:The Sutras
4. Which of the Eight Path Folds means that knowledge of the Four Noble Truths?
5. Which of the eight path folds means that it is the right action?
6. One of the place where in Theravada Buddhism is strongest?
Answer:Sri Lanka
7. It is a form of meditation which is used to make the mind calm.
8. It is a form of meditation which is used to achieve insight into the true nature of things.
9. What is the first cause of suffering?
Answer:The mental hindrance of desire and sensing.
10. What is the last cause of suffering?
Answer:The mental hindrance of doubt and certainty.


1. What is the meaning of “Bodhi”?

Answer: Awakened (D)
2. If Christianity has a Bible, and Islam has a Qur’an, Mahayana Buddhism has ____________.
Answer:Sutras (A)
3. It is also the other term for “concentration.”
Answer:Dhyana Paramita (C)
4. It comes from an ancient Indian-Iranian word that means “hero.”
Answer:Virya Paramita (B)
5. It develops selfless compassion.
Answer:Sila Paramita (F)
6. It is the beginning of bodhicitta.
Answer:Dana Paramita (E)
7. What is/are the similar doctrine/s of Mahayana Buddhism into Theravada Buddhism?
Answer:Four Nobel Truths (A) and Eight Fold Path (C)
8. Who told the Monks that Nirvana can’t be imagined?
Answer:Siddhartha Gautama (A)
9. What religion does Mahayana Buddhism have an encounter when there was a development
of Buddhism to Zen (Chan) Buddhism?
Answer:Taoism (B)



1. It is the origin of everything that exists and doesn’t exist.

Answer: Tao (B)
2. This is the person who follows and respect the way of the Tao.
Answer:Taoist (C)
3. A Chinese philosophy later on developed as a religion that base on the writings of Lau-Tzu.
Answer:Taoism (A)
4. Taoist sacred text which means, “Classic on Converting the Barbarians.”
Answer:Hua Hu Ching (C)
5. It means “Book of the Way and Its Power or Manifestation.”
Answer:Tao Te Ching (A)
6. It means “Book of Change.”
Answer:I- Ching (B)
7. Wu-tuo-mi Dao was founded by who?
Answer:Chang Dao Ling (D)
8. Who is the founder of Taoism?
9. In relationship between humanity and nature, what principle stated that everything is
composed of two opposite forces known Yin and Yang?
Answer:Harmony with nature (B)
10. Therefore, Tao follows what is natural. Which of the following principle of relationship
between humanity and nature do these belong?
Answer:Follow the Earth (A)

1. What is the meaning of “Shinto?”

Answer: The Way of God (A)
2. Where the exact location of Shinto?
Answer:Japan (C)
3. Who is their God?
Answer:Kami (B)
4. Where does Shinto do their rituals?
Answer:Shrine (A)
5. Who is their founder?
6. What do we call the feast of the Shinto?
Answer:Matsuri (B)
7. What is their scripture?
Answer:Kojifi and Nihongi (C)
8. Their scripture were produced in response to the introduction of __________?
Answer:Buddhism (C)
9. There is an old saying that “Born a Shinto and die a __________.”
Answer:Buddhism (C)
10. They believe that the first gods were two siblings. Who is the two siblings?
Answer:Izanagi and Izanami (A)

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