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Grammar Competition Year 6

For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (A, B, C
or D) and shade you answer in the answer sheet given.

1. Here is ______________ money for you to buy yourself a good dinner.

A. much B. some C. a few D. a lot

2. The firm rejected Trish’s application for the managerial post as she has ________experience in
A. any B. some C. little D. a little

3. As I am new to the company, I do not know ___________ people here yet.

A. few B. many C. much D. plenty

4. Does your mother know that _______________ will be home late?

A. I B. it C. she D. you

5. I do not know where Clara and her family are. I have not heard from any of ______________ since they
left the house an hour ago.
A. us B. you C. them D. they

6. They have been arguing a lot lately. I am relieved that everything worked out ___________ for in the end.
A. it B. us C. them D. they

7. Do you know ____________ to contact in times of emergency?

A. who B. what C. whom D. which

8. To_______________ do I report on my first day of work?

A. who B. when C. whom D. where

9. I miss my childhood years. _____________ were the days when everything was still perfect and we
had no worries.
A. That B. This C. These D. Those

10. I think __________ are his. I saw him put them here just now.
A. that B. this C. These D. those

11. They may be competition but I think their proposal has too many loopholes. __________ is much better.
A. Ours B. Mine C. Yours D. Theirs

12. _____________ should work together to make this event a success.

A. No one B. Anyone C. Someone D. Everyone

13. This situation is getting out of hand. We should do _______________ about it.
A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

14. Do you want to watch a comedy or a horror movie? ____________ is fine by me.
A. Each B. None C. Either D. Neither

15. You should treat ___________to a good meal after this project is over; you deserve it for working so hard.
A. myself B. oneself C. yourself D. yourselves

16. They cannot blame anyone for their misfortune. They brought it upon ______________.
A. itself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves

17. Derek has a ______________ closet than his brother.

A. big B. biggest C. bigger D. more big

18. The bill is the _____________ I have paid.

A. hefty B. heftier C. most hefty D. heftiest

19. He scored far _____________ than his brother did for the Science test.
A. bad B. worse C. worst D. worsen

20. Amongst the three of you, Timmy is the _______________ of my worries.

A. less B. least C. little D. a little

21. _____________ either my father or my brother coming for the show?

A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Has

22. His father _____________ instructed him to help his brother with his homework.
A. is B. are C. has D. have

23. Seeing Timothy’s longing glance, Thomas ________________ his cake with him.
A. share B. shared C. was sharing D. is sharing

24. It is a privilege for you to ____________ working here.

A. am B. be C. do D. been

25. Mr Ang _____________ chair the meeting later in the evening; he is after all, the owner of the company.
A. can B. may C. will D. might

26. Jun Ying confidently _________________ her idea at the board meeting this afternoon.
A. present B. presents C. presented D. presenting

27. The scientist has ______________ his findings in a scientific journal.

A. publish B. published C. publishes D. publishing

28. It is relaxing to ____________ to the sound of falling rain.

A. listen B. listens C. listened D. listening

29. Jun Hong _____________ his life to helping children with disabilities. Their families were extremely
grateful for his help.
A. dedicate B. dedicated C. dedicating D. will dedicate.

30. He _______________ the questions carefully before he gave his answer.

A. ponder B. ponders C. pondered D. pondering

31. Please do not act like you _____________ this place.

A. own B. owns C. owned D. owning

32. Mr Lim has been ________________ hostage for the past two days.
A. held B. hold C. holds D holding

33. We know for sure that he __________________ been kidnapped while walking home.
A. has B. is C. have D. are

34. I will ____________ you to the promise you made to me.

A. hold B. held C. holds D. holding

35. Thomas Edison ______________ the light bulb.

A. invents B. invented C. has invent D. have invented

36. Mrs Woo is _____________ her children in their schoolwork; she is too busy to entertain you.
A. coach B. coaching C. coached D. coaches

37. Jane asked if I ______________ the question which she asked.

A. understand B. understands C. understood D. understanding

38. Mei Chang _____________ hard because she does not want to disappoint her parents.
A. study B. studied C. studies D. has studied

39. The children ______________ the house at 7 a.m. on weekdays.

A. is leaving B. leave C. have left D leaves

40. Kimmy is really chatty; she ____________ non-stop for over an hour!
A. is talking B. are talking C. has talked D. have talked

41. By the time he arrives, I would _______________ for over an hour for him!
A. had waited B. have waited C. had been waiting D. has been waiting

42. She ______________ in this job for ten years. She likes it very much.
A. was B. were C. have been D. has been

43. We should stay _________________since it is raining heavily outside.

A. there B. down C. indoors D. outdoors

44. The frightened child crawled ___________ the bed to hide from the burglars.
A. over B. beside C. on top of D. underneath

45. ______________ I request a change in my password?

A. Will B. Could C. Ought D. Would

46. Humans cannot walk ______________ walls.

A. in B. into C. down D. through

47. I shall tidy my bedroom _____________.

A. last year B. yesterday C. tomorrow D. sometimes

48. Do think ____________ before you make an important decision like this.
A. quick B. careful C. quickly D. carefully

49. I will get back to you ________________, please hold on for a while.
A. short B. shorts C. shorter D. shortly

50. Let us settle this matter _______________ before it gets out of hand.
A. slow B. quick C. slowly D. quickly

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