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Character Themes

Fringes of Kara-Tur
By Chris Sims
Illustrations by Tony Foti and S. C. Watson

Developing your character into someone who has a forces of the prairie, and you interact with the spirits
rich story can be a fun and rewarding process. You your tribe reveres.
likely have an idea of what race and what class you Each theme can encompass several unique stories
want to play, but you might have only a general idea within the same concept. For information on using
of what your character’s life was like before you start themes as part of character creation and rules for
playing the character at the gaming table. A theme how to gain and use theme powers and features, see
can help you flesh out your character and provide “Heroes of Nature and Lore,” Dragon 399.
some interesting options for developing his or her
This article details two character themes, Horde-
Hordelands Nomad
lands nomad and sohei. Both of these themes have Between Faerûn and Kara-Tur is a vast steppe, held
a flavor that ties them to the Forgotten Realms through history by more than one ancient empire.
setting, particularly a campaign that centers on or Despite the area’s turbulent past, the advent of the
touches on the fringes of the far eastern realm of Spellplague, and the rise of the Tuigan nation of Yaï-
Kara-Tur. munnahar, the folk of the Hordelands live as they
have for centuries. Because the steppe offers few
resources, all the nomads of the Hordelands—Taan,
Character Themes as they call themselves—are master riders and hardy
Your character’s theme is a career, calling, or identity survivalists. They rely on their mounts and livestock,
that describes who he or she is in the world. Just as as well as connections to nature and primal power,
race and class create basic definitions about who your for survival.
character is, theme adds a third character component People of the Hordelands venerate Teylas, the Sky
to help refine your story and identity. For example, if Lord, who is called Akadi in Faerûn, and worship
you’re a warlock who chooses the Hordelands nomad Etugen, Earth Mother, known among Faerûnians as
theme, you grew up on the steppes of the Hordelands Grumbar. Additionally, and to a lesser degree, the
as a student of the tribal shaman or someone innately nomads idolize a plethora of other primal spirits.
in touch with the tribal ancestors or fey of the plains. Some of these latter entities live in named places,
You are a master rider who understands the arcane

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Character Themes Fringes of Kara-Tur

such as oases, across the plains. Others represent are common, as are barbarians, druids, seekers, sha- make monster knowledge checks about creatures that
important or fierce animals of the prairie. mans, and wardens. Warlocks, especially those of the have the elemental, fey, or shadow origin.
Tribal customs among the nomads focus on pleas- fey or vestige pact, and sorcerers are the usual wield-
ing the spirits as they seek to ensure that the elements ers of arcane power among the nomads. These people Level 10 Feature
remain in balance. Those living in the Hordelands consider a “shaman” to be anyone who has powers Spirits favor those who show them reverence, and
believe that bad luck, such as an inability to find unrelated to weapon use, even if those powers are not Hordelands nomads have an immense amount of
water, is the work of offended spirits. To aid them in primal. respect for them. Your own deference to the spirits has
their work with the spirits, the nomads use primal granted you a small boon in the form of greater luck.
magic, and their familiarity with it grants them a
sixth sense when it comes to spiritual influences. Not
Starting Feature Benefit: You gain a +1 power bonus to saving
throws. If you are attempting to avoid being knocked
only do they gain closeness to the spirits that sur- Hordelands nomads are born to ride and shoot from
prone while mounted, your bonus is +5 instead.
round them, they can sense the presence of myriad the saddle. Fast travel, skilled riding, and accurate
fey crossings on the plains, which provides them with shooting are central to the nomadic way of life. As a
the opportunity to interact with fey creatures, too. nomad, you have spent more years in the saddle than Optional Utility Powers
not. Few can match your adeptness at fighting while Nomads of the steppes have to be skilled in combat
astride a mount. and survival techniques due to the unforgiving
Creating a Benefit: You gain proficiency with the shortbow. nature of the Hordelands. These hazards hone sur-
Hordelands Nomad You also gain the Mounted Combat feat. vival skills and staying power, making nomads hard
Nomads of the Hordelands are predominantly to kill. By remaining close to nature, humble toward
Mounted Combat primal spirits, and true to tribal beliefs, plainsfolk can
human, although a few have nonhuman blood.
Every adult nomad is a warrior, though with varying Benefit: While you are riding a creature, it does develop uncanny abilities.
skills, and all nomads respect primal spirits rather not take the normal –2 penalty to attack rolls that is
than deities. Martial practitioners and primal spell- imposed on mounts. In addition, the creature can Level 2 Utility Power
casters are most widespread; only a few tribesfolk make Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, or Stealth A spiritual kinship with the plains ponies of the
practice arcane arts. Fighters, rangers, and warlords checks using your skill check modifiers (not includ- Hordelands is foremost in a nomad’s upbringing.
ing any temporary bonuses or penalties) in place of The horse moves with clever grace and sure footing.
its own. Riders of the steppes learn to utilize this ability in the
saddle and draw upon their connection with Earth
Hordelands Languages Additional Features Mother to mimic their mount while out of the saddle.

Adventuring nomads speak Common, but they Steppe-Horse Spirit Hordelands Nomad Utility 2
also speak Tuigan, which uses the Thorass alpha- Level 5 Feature
You draw deeply upon your tie to the land and leap into mo-
bet as Common does. Other common languages Hordelands nomads have a knack for interacting with tion, avoiding retaliation with your first steps and moving
in the Hordelands include Shou, the language the natural world, as well as for sensing the mysti- with ease despite hindrances.
of Kara-Tur, and Primordial, the language of the cal and the elemental. Most tribesfolk use this ability Encounter F Primal
“gods” of the nomads. Members of the shaman to avoid offending the spirits. As an adventurer, you Move Action Personal
social class use Primordial and its Barazhad can use your aptitude to discern nearby supernatural Effect: You move up to your speed, ignoring difficult
alphabet to communicate information not meant influences or creatures. terrain and suffering no negative effects for squeezing. If
for common tribesfolk. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Nature you are mounted, you can instead grant your mount this
checks. In addition, you can use the Nature skill as if power’s effect.
it were Arcana to sense the presence of magic, and to

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes Fringes of Kara-Tur

Level 6 Utility Power Optional Attack Powers Level 23 Encounter Power

Beneath the steppe’s vast sky, a nomad can feel the Veterans among the Hordelands nomads send forth
awesomeness that is Teylas, the Sky Lord. The great Level 3 Encounter Power both a wave of thunder and the shock of lightning in
sky spirit moves as the breath in every creature’s Legends of the Hordelands nomads speak of the oth- each attack they make from afar.
lungs. He is life. When life is threatened, through erworldly nature of their ranged attacks. Those who
Teylas it endures. When you are threatened, Teylas have witnessed the nomads fight tell of the accom- Tempest Arrows Hordelands Nomad Attack 23
moves through you to support you. panying boom of thunder that resonates when their Thunder accompanies the crackle of lightning as you call
upon the spirits of the storm to strike your foe.
arrows strike home.
Breath of Teylas Hordelands Nomad Utility 6 Encounter F Lightning, Primal, Thunder
The wind is knocked out of you, but the breath of Teylas sus- No Action Special
Sky Arrows Hordelands Nomad Attack 3
tains you and carries you to safety. Trigger: You hit an enemy with an at-will ranged attack.
With a whispered homage to the storm spirits, you loose a Effect: The enemy takes 3d8 extra thunder and light-
Encounter F Healing, Primal ranged attack that rumbles with thunder. ning damage from the attack.
Immediate Reaction Personal
Encounter F Primal, Thunder
Trigger: An enemy bloodies you or scores a critical hit
No Action Special
against you.
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an at-will ranged attack.
Effect: You spend a healing surge and regain a number
Effect: The enemy takes 1d8 extra thunder damage
of additional hit points equal to your highest ability
from the attack.
modifier. Then, shift up to half your speed. If you are
mounted, your mount also regains a number of hit Bridging Cultures
points equal to your highest ability modifier, and it can Level 13 Encounter Power
shift instead of you.
The Hordelands and the Tuigan nation of Yaï-
Some tales describe how a nomad whispers to an
munnahar are part of the imposing expanse
arrow or a wand before attacking. Such shots can
Level 10 Utility Power that separates Faerûn from Kara-Tur. Travelers
carry the fury of Teylas in his storm form.
from either territory must cross the steppes to
The earth is a mother to the tribes of the Hordelands.
access the other area. This makes Hordelands
She gives sustenance and shelter. Her body is a source Storm Arrows Hordelands Nomad Attack 13
nomads valuable allies in Faerûn and Kara-Tur,
of protection and solidity. Steppe tribesfolk keep their Calling upon the storm spirits, you send forth an attack im-
and sometimes they seek adventure elsewhere.
feet or the hooves of their horses firmly planted. Each bued with thunder or lightning.
In either land, however, the nomads are consid-
nomad keeps his or her soul properly grounded by Encounter F Primal, Varies
ered to be barbarians and outsiders. They must
respecting the spirits of the earth. These spirits can No Action Special
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an at-will ranged attack.
work hard to gain respect among people who
reciprocate, providing stability when it is needed.
Effect: The enemy takes 2d8 extra thunder damage or are not their own.
2d8 extra lightning damage from the attack.
Hooves of Etugen Hordelands Nomad Utility 10
Earth spirits return control of your movement to you when
an enemy tries to push you around.
Encounter F Primal
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You or a mount you are riding is subjected to
forced movement or knocked prone.
Effect: Neither you nor your mount is forcibly moved or
knocked prone. Instead, you or your mount can shift
up to the number of squares you would have been
moved forcibly.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes Fringes of Kara-Tur

S ohei to wield magical power. Often divine in nature, this

power is a blessing of the sohei’s commitment to a
In Kara-Tur, as in the West, grand shrines can be deity. However, legendary sohei—even those from
found in the teeming cities. However, those seeking the same religious sect—wield varying mystical
a quicker path to enlightenment or total devotion capabilities.
to the gods prefer remote monasteries or temples. A sohei can come from any walk of life. Children
Such places of worship offer immersion in spiritual given into the service of a temple, whether orphans
pursuits and isolation from the distractions of civi- or nobles, can become sohei. Older initiates might
lization. Most are hidden high in remote hills or be anything from outlaws to ronin. Requirements
mountains, making the very act of finding the place a for becoming a militant priest include strength and
show of one’s dedication to the sacred. willpower, as well as an abundance of energy and
An urban shrine’s clergy can look to the local ambition that compels the individual to abandon the
authorities for protection from monsters, bandits, and wholly meditative life.
enemies of the faith. A wilderness temple’s devotees An adventuring sohei frequently takes on a quest
cannot—most secluded places of worship are as much for his or her religious order. A few sohei go into
fortress as monastery. Just as such a holy place needs the world to experience its mysteries, using worldly
walls, it also needs guardians who share the spiritual knowledge as part of a path to enlightenment. Other
values of their less militant fellows. sohei, such as ronin, have been expelled from or have
A sohei, sometimes called a yamabushi lost their temples. These wanderers search for a new
(“mountain warrior”) due to the usual site of far- purpose as much as any ronin does.
f lung monasteries and shrines, is a monastic soldier
trained as a temple guardian. Rather than focusing
on intense religious instruction, a sohei receives
training in meditation, body control, and martial
techniques. Although devoted clergy of the same Kensei
religion or sect might practice pacifism, a sohei The kensei paragon path from the Player’s
warrior-monk does not. Handbook is for those who have mastered one
The difference between a sohei and a fellow priest weapon to the exclusion of all others. Such mar-
is type of duty. The warrior-monk looks out for the tial perfectionists can become famous for their
safety of the temple, allowing other priests to fulfill techniques and start schools of weapon mastery.
duties that are more spiritual. A sohei can also serve Samurai and other warriors are the usual mem-
as the face of a religious order, going out into the bers of this path. An adventuring sohei might
world to spread the faith, strike against the temple’s also seek such perfection, and you can ask your
enemies, and seek objects and people important to DM to allow you to take this path even if you are
the religion. not a fighter.
A sohei’s superiors are figures higher in his or her
religious hierarchy. Every sohei is a devoted combat-
ant with mastery over preferred weapons, and each
serves those higher in the hierarchy with obedience.
As part of their service to the religion, they also learn

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes Fringes of Kara-Tur

Creating a Sohei Additional Features Level 2 Utility Power

Sohei are religious devotees focused on martial prac- The first steps toward weapon mastery are defensive—
tice. Although they might have different religions, Level 5 Feature the wielder must survive in order to defeat the enemy.
purposes, and techniques, divine power unites them. A sohei must spot danger, overt or subtle. The quiet When a foe’s attack hits, a sohei can steel his personal
Most of these warrior-monks come from among of the surrounding forest is a portent, and the furrow defenses against that attack in the instant before it
weapon-using divine classes, such as the avenger, in a temple visitor’s brow a warning. When a threat is connects.
cleric, paladin, and runepriest. Some sohei focus revealed, a sohei acts without hesitation.
more on the martial aspect of training than on the Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Insight Sohei Parry Sohei Utility 2
supernatural, as fighters, rangers, and warlords do. checks and Perception checks. Divine guidance helps you place your weapon in the path of
Obscure religious orders that are devoted to primal or an attack.
ancestral spirits could train barbarians, druids, seek- Level 10 Feature Encounter F Divine
ers, and wardens to become sohei. Other cults might Immediate Interrupt Personal
Duty requires the sohei to maintain clarity of purpose Trigger: You are hit by a melee or ranged attack while
focus on the power of the mind over the body. Psionic and to avoid outside influences, especially magical you are holding a weapon.
practitioners such as ardents, battleminds, and ones. Meditation and religious devotion help a sohei Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to the defense tar-
monks could be sohei among these sects. Religious develop a mind stronger than that of the typical war- geted by the attack until the end of your next turn.
devotion can also involve arcane practice or shadow rior. When others might break under the strain of
magic—a pious assassin, blackguard, hexblade, or mental pressure, the sohei remains resolute. Level 6 Utility Power
swordmage might become a sohei. Benefit: You gain a +1 power bonus to saving Sohei battle on in spite of adversity. When an enemy
throws against fear effects and effects that render you hinders that fighting spirit, the spirit rebels. A sohei’s
Starting Feature dazed, dominated, or stunned. meditative exercises sharpen this ability, allowing the
A key tenet of your early training is the importance warrior to cleanse the body or mind with a single act
of pressing your initial attack. As you finish off one
successful strike and turn to confront a second target,
Optional Utility Powers of focused will.

your enemies get an idea of who they’re up against. Sohei are a diverse group, but lore about them indi-
Sohei Clarity Sohei Utility 6
Benefit: You gain the sohei f lair power. cates that they share a set of divine powers. Such tales
Your mind instinctively finds its center, ridding you of a hin-
tell of sohei parrying arrows, overcoming mighty
drance to the performance of your duty.
Sohei Flair Sohei Attack magic charms, and fighting on despite a dozen
Encounter F Divine
The blood you’ ve drawn spurs you on, and you lash at other
wounds. In all the stories, the valiant sohei’s combat
No Action Personal
enemies around you with divinely inspired fury. prowess is that of a fanatic possessed of divine battle Trigger: You start your turn subjected to a dominating or
Encounter F Divine, Weapon
madness. What those unfamiliar with the way of the stunning effect that a save can end.
Minor Action Melee weapon sohei see as insanity is really the outgrowth of finely Effect: You make a saving throw against the effect.
Requirement: You must have hit an enemy with a honed skill and the lack of a fear of death. All sohei
weapon attack during this turn. know that to perform one’s duty well is worthy of any Level 10 Utility Power
Target: One creature sacrifice, and death in the name of duty is the ulti- Perfection in sohei training allows the soul to control
Level 21: One or two creatures mate honor.
Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. AC
the body when the mind is sapped. This unconquer-
Hit: 1[W] damage. able aspect of a sohei’s spiritual being is related in
Level 11: 2[W] damage. tales in which a celebrated sohei would not be felled
until his or her duty was done.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes Fringes of Kara-Tur

Sohei Invincibility Sohei Utility 10 Level 13 Encounter Power About the Author
Chris Sims has played roleplaying games for thirty years, and
Your conscious mind can no longer be relied upon, so your An experienced sohei can quickly draw his or her
he has helped produce games for nearly ten. Before he set
sense of self retreats to your innermost soul and keeps acting. weapon and rush forward to open with a brutal, up his freelance shop in the Seattle exurbs, he was an editor,
Daily F Divine focused attack. developer, and designer at Wizards of the Coast. There, he
No Action Personal worked on the Dungeons & Dragons® and Magic: The
Trigger: You start your turn dominated, stunned, or Sohei Rush Sohei Attack 13 Gathering ® games. You can read Chris’s “Analysis Paralysis”
unconscious and have at least 1 hit point. blog at, and you can follow him as
You attack without consideration for your own safety, trust-
Effect: You ignore the triggering condition and are in- @ChrisSSims on Twitter.
ing in the power of the divine to see you through the fight.
stead dazed for the same duration as the triggering
condition. Encounter F Divine, Weapon Developer
Standard Action Melee weapon Tanis O’Connor
Target: One creature
Optional Attack Powers Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. AC Editor
Hit: 3[W] + highest ability modifier damage. Miranda Horner
Level 3 Encounter Power Effect: You grant combat advantage until the end of your
next turn. Managing Editors
When foes threaten the temple or its allies, sohei Special: You can draw a weapon when using this power. Jeremy Crawford, Kim Mohan
charge fearlessly to the front. This initial advance When charging, you can use this power in place of a
allows the temple guardians to form battle lines and, melee basic attack. Producers
combined with sohei f lurry, deliver a vicious open- Greg Bilsland, Christopher Perkins
ing assault designed to break enemy formations and Level 23 Encounter Power Art Directors
weaken the foes’ resolve. An advancing sohei can do With supreme skill and deep faith, a sohei steps into Kate Irwin, Jon Schindehette
the same when leading the charge of a smaller group. combat with a savage attack against multiple foes.
Tony Foti, S.C. Watson
Sohei Advance Sohei Attack 3 Sohei Supremacy Sohei Attack 23
Centering yourself as you move, you draw your weapon and More than one foe faces your attack, which you bring to bear Graphic Production
rush to engage your enemies. with a swiftness granted by unshakable focus and the power Erin Dorries
Encounter F Divine, Weapon of faith.
Standard Action Melee weapon Encounter F Divine, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. AC Target: One or two creatures
Hit: 2[W] + highest ability modifier damage. Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. AC
Effect: You grant combat advantage until the end of your Hit: 3[W] + highest ability modifier damage.
next turn. Effect: You grant combat advantage until the end of your
Special: You can draw a weapon when using this power. next turn.
When charging, you can use this power in place of a Special: You can draw a weapon when using this power.
melee basic attack. When charging, you can use this power in place of a
melee basic attack.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes:
Samurai and Yakuza
By Jeff Morgenroth
Illustrations by S.C. Watson and Tony Foti

Developing your character into someone who has a

rich story can be a fun and rewarding process. You
likely have an idea of what race and what class you Character Themes
want to play, but you might have only a general idea
of what your character’s life was like before you start Your character’s theme is a career, calling, or
playing the character at the gaming table. A theme identity that describes who he or she is in the
can help you flesh out your character and provide world. Just as race and class create basic defini-
some interesting options for developing his or her tions about who your character is, theme adds
background. a third character component to help refine your
This article details two character themes, the sam- story and identity. Each theme can encompass
urai and the yakuza. several unique stories within the same concept.
For example, if you’re a human monk who

Samurai chooses the samurai theme, you might be a

contemplative individual born into the warrior
Samurai are the elite warriors of the nations of Koza- class even though you feel more at home chant-
kura and Wa, trained since childhood in the arts of ing prayers at your lord’s temple. Perhaps you
battle. Sworn in service to the powerful nobles who loathe the horrors of battle, and you follow the
govern the empire, they are expected to live and die teachings of the Way of Enlightenment so that
according to their master’s command. Cultured and you can overcome enemies without fighting
refined, samurai dedicate themselves utterly to the them. Though you would prefer to leave your
tenets of bushido—the warrior’s code that teaches that sword forever sheathed in its ancestral scabbard,
one’s life is not one’s own, and that nothing is more you know that you must obey your master’s com-
important than honor, obedience, and courage. mand to fight if that order is given.
Samurai are born into their class, enjoying social For information on using themes as part of
privileges second only to the ruling nobility. Many character creation and rules for how to gain and
come from families that own land themselves, and use theme powers and features, see “Heroes of
thus grow up accustomed to a life of wealth and Nature and Lore,” Dragon 399.
entitlement. The samurai’s lofty place in society

TM & © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes: Samurai and Yakuza

sometimes leads individuals down a path of arro- errands through graveyards or near hangman’s gal-
gance or brutality, since a samurai is above the law lows at night. Each samurai-in-training is taught to
when dealing with those of lower station; however, read and write, contemplating classics of literature,
Samurai as Ronin
true followers of bushido emphasize traits such as religion, and art with which to refine his mind and
benevolence and politeness, as well as courage. spirit. Finally, all are taught the martial arts for which A ronin is a samurai who, because of death or
A samurai’s training begins at a young age, when these warriors are most well known. dishonor, no longer serves a lord. Many samurai
he is introduced to the rigorous demands of bushido. Samurai heroes are expected to fight and die at begin lives as ronin when their master is dis-
Young samurai are exposed to extreme heat, cold, their lord’s command, and their adventures reflect graced or killed, after which his retainers are
and pain, enduring all with emotionless poise. They that. Samurai will undertake any quest their master cast adrift on the waves of the empire to live
are steeled against the fear of death by being sent on assigns them, whether waging open war or aveng- hand to mouth.
ing an insult to their lord’s honor; a samurai obeys Viewed as outcasts by all but the lowliest
without hesitation. A samurai who proves worthy of social castes, many ronin make their way
of reward will be honored with lands and wealth, in the world by selling their skills. A group of
and, perhaps most important, the lord’s approval. honorable ronin might become bodyguards for
Bushi of This honor, and the perpetual striving toward one’s traveling merchants, or heroically defend a vul-
Kozakura and Wa perfection of bushido, is all-important for a samurai, nerable village from bandits. Such bandits might
Though samurai are the most renowned prac- who will go to any length to maintain and uphold be ronin themselves, having become ruthless in
titioners of bushido, they are not the only ones. it. Should a samurai bring shame to himself or his order to survive in a world that doesn’t accept
Collectively, the title of bushi could apply to any master, he is allowed to take his own life in an act of them. Thus, ronin walk the path between two
martial character that lives by a code that follows ritualistic suicide, allowing him to die with his honor rivers, becoming saints or blackhearts as the
some or all of the ethics of bushido. Samurai intact. For a samurai, death is preferable to dishonor. currents dictate.
represent the social pinnacle of the bushi caste; If you decide to play a ronin character, you
can still take the samurai theme, since the train-
thus, a samurai can always be referred to as a
bushi, but a bushi need not be a samurai. Other
Creating a Samurai ing and discipline of the samurai is something
Samurai are overwhelmingly drawn to classes that that all ronin gained and held during their years
bushi might put their warrior skills to use as foot
emphasize weapon prowess. The fighter class has of service. Your life will take a very different
soldiers, guards, mercenaries, or even outlaw
the physical fortitude and skill at arms that are the turn, however, since you do not serve a master.
thugs or bandit lords.
hallmarks of the samurai; however, cultural and You are liberated from the obligation of service,
Your character might be a fighting adven-
environmental aspects of the setting are sometimes but at the same time viewed with disdain by
turer who aspires to the code of bushido, yet
best addressed by the talents of other classes. For those who consider themselves “real” bushi. As
has sworn no loyalty to a master. In this case,
instance, in realms that wage perpetual war, samu- a ronin, you alone can decide whether you will
you can use some of the flavor in the samurai
rai often become warlords, while those realms on continue to live your life by the codes of honor
theme and apply it toward your character, but
the frontier find the resourcefulness of the ranger to that meant everything to you when you served
select a theme that will more closely match
be an important trait for samurai. Exceptionally cul- your lord.
the character’s profession. Such a character
tured or mystical lands welcome samurai of arcane or
could go on to great renown, but will always be
divine classes as well, so long as the individual is able
looked down upon by those bushi who believe
to wield a sword bravely when the time comes. No
that there is more honor to be found in the
matter your class or race, as a samurai you are held to
service of a noble lord.
the strictest of behavioral standards.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes: Samurai and Yakuza

Starting Feature Additional Features Optional Powers

Honor, loyalty, and courage are an all-consuming Many samurai strive to improve their moral character
obsession to the samurai, whose cultural purpose Level 5 Feature by studying the mysteries of religion and philoso-
is to serve as a warrior. All choices concerning that As a samurai, you are expected to conduct your- phy. By gleaning truths from these ascetic codes, a
service are placed in the master’s hands, and a samu- self with the utmost poise, dignity, and politeness. samurai learns diligence, honesty, and veracity. If
rai who is given a command is expected to obey it Doing so reflects your personal honor, as well as the you pursue such enlightened studies, you might find
without pause. A core ethic of bushido is that one disciplined social order of Kozakura. Thus, you are yourself abandoning the trappings of temporal or
should never deliberate when action is called for, and respectful to your superiors, and those of lower sta- scriptural mandates, refining your spirit in an unend-
nothing exemplifies this outlook more than the fright- tion can sense the unwavering intensity that you ing quest for self-perfection.
ening intensity with which you initiate combat. In project.
the battle is when your weapon prowess makes itself Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Diplomacy Level 2 Utility Power
known; when coordination, speed, and strength com- checks and Intimidate checks. From an early age you have been groomed to with-
bine to execute a strike of great destructive potential. stand physical and emotional duress with stoic
You might favor a quick-draw style of attack, wherein Level 10 Feature resolve, giving you a sense of confidence that is
you draw your weapon and cut in a simultaneous Through a lifetime of practice, you have achieved beyond reproach. No challenge is too daunting for
movement. Or, you might prefer to adopt specialized an uncanny coordination of mind, body, and spirit, you, and your devotion to bushido gives you the deter-
postures that let you quickly close the distance to making your weapon artistry among the finest in mination to withstand any foe.
your foe. the world. Whether your attack is embellished by
Benefit: You gain the iaijutsu power. a perfection of form or the application of ancient Honorable Resolve Samurai Utility 2
techniques, one strike often spells doom for your In the service of your master you know no fear, no weakness,
Iaijutsu Samurai Utility opponent. and no surrender.
While others contemplate, you act, loyal and resolute even in Benefit: Choose a weapon group when you gain Daily F Martial
the face of death. this feature. When you make a weapon attack with Immediate Reaction Personal
Encounter F Martial a weapon from that group and score a critical hit, Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack or damaged by an
Free Action Personal attack while bloodied.
the attack deals 1d6 extra damage to the target. This
Trigger: You roll initiative. Effect: You can use your second wind. Until the end of
increases to 2d6 extra damage at level 21. the encounter, you gain a +5 power bonus to saving
Effect: You can draw a weapon and shift up to a num-
ber of squares equal to half your speed. If you end throws against charm and fear effects, and enemy
this move adjacent to an enemy, you gain a +2 power attacks never treat you as being bloodied.
bonus to the next attack roll you make against that
enemy before the end of your next turn.
If your initiative is higher than every enemy’s
initiative, any melee weapon attack you make during
your first turn of the encounter can score a critical hit
on a roll of 18–20.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes: Samurai and Yakuza

Level 6 Utility Power Yakuza

The singularity of your commitment to bushido can
make you a terrifying opponent to confront. The con- Outcasts, renegades, folk heroes, and criminals—the
Yakuza Customs
fidence in your posture, the swiftness with which you yakuza are many things to different people, but with-
out exception they are the rejects of a society that Though yakuza clans have distinct personalities
strike, and the intensity of your presence are threats
values conformity. There is a saying in Kozakura: and goals, many share common customs born
to your foes. With nothing more than a look, you can
“The nail that sticks up must be hammered down.” from their rebellious and ruthless nature. The
you can stop a charging enemy in its tracks, or com-
The yakuza proudly view themselves as these nails, first is the yakuza’s love for tattoos—an art form
mand fleeing opponents to face you honorably.
but refuse to be treated as such. considered scandalous by many Kozakurans.
Although the true nature of the yakuza is hard Most yakuza sport full-body tattoos that they
Dauntless Gaze Samurai Utility 6
to identify, most will agree that collectively they are conceal beneath their clothing, revealing the
You level an unwavering glare, projecting your focus with
scoundrels who live by their own rules and code of imagery only when in the presence of other
such intensity that your opponent is shaken to the core.
honor. Banding together in clannish groups, yakuza yakuza or when doing so enhances one’s intimi-
Encounter F Fear, Martial
gain security and power by exploiting society through dating presence. The other custom is a form of
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 3
Requirement: You must have training in Intimidate. robbery or extortion. Most are viewed as crimi- penance for disobeying the boss of the clan. A
Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares of you moves nals, but not necessarily with distaste; the unusual yakuza being punished must sever a joint from
willingly. behavior of the yakuza makes them both loved and his or her little finger with each transgression.
Target: The triggering enemy despised in the cities in which they operate. When you create a character using this theme,
Effect: The target is marked by you and grants combat consider the personal meaning of the tattoos you
Yakuza often work as street peddlers, smugglers,
advantage until the end of your next turn. conceal beneath your clothing, as well as what
thugs, gamblers, or racketeers. They associate with
each other through bonds of loyalty to their clan, your mutilated hand represents in terms of les-
Level 10 Utility Power sons you have learned.
which might include hundreds of members. Yakuza
The most skilled samurai are often those who find clans are highly organized using a hierarchical struc-
serenity in meditation. A calm spirit allows you to ture with the boss taking on the role of father and
separate yourself from pain, so while you are in a his subordinates the obedient children. Loyalty and
state of contemplation even fire becomes cool and honor are paramount to yakuza, though they eschew Some yakuza go so far as to actively attend to the
refreshing. However, the rigors of your profession the ethics of bushido in favor of more pragmatic needs of their communities, using resources to help
limit the amount of time you can spend in quietude. concerns. those that the ruling classes have ignored. Many
For you, meditation instead works best when you have In the view of most merchants and the officials peasants view the yakuza as heroes standing up for
a sword in your hand. of cities, yakuza are law-breaking thugs and crimi- the underdog against a society that treads on them.
nals. The yakuza cultivate their image as iconoclasts, A yakuza clan might defend peasants from bandits
Riddle of Steel Samurai Utility 10
and purposefully commit robberies and vandalism or the brutality of an arrogant samurai. Some clans
In your hands, weapon and warrior are united in spirit, as to ruffle the feathers of authority. A yakuza clan donate wealth to improving the infrastructure of
your mind empties of the battlefield’s distractions. their city. Yakuza have even acted as spies or assas-
often becomes the recognized face of crime within a
Encounter F Martial city, wallowing in a self-made underworld; however, sins during times of war to protect their cities from
Minor Action Personal the ravages of loot-hungry attackers. In some cases,
yakuza also realize that their livelihood depends on
Requirement: You must be holding a melee weapon. these actions are viewed with a standoffish respect
Effect: You can make a saving throw. Also, until the end
existing in the shadows of civilization, and they are
not unnecessarily destructive of people or property in by authorities, who allow the yakuza to operate with
of your next turn, you gain a power bonus to Fortitude,
Reflex, and Will equal to the highest enhancement their criminal enterprises. impunity as long as their criminal activities don’t get
bonus of a melee weapon you are holding. out of hand.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes: Samurai and Yakuza

Creating a Yakuza Ruthless Demonstration Yakuza Utility

As outcasts in the society of Kozakura, most yakuza The sight of blood and your threatening presence fill your
opponents with dread, making them think twice before at-
find themselves becoming rogues or assassins in
tacking you.
order to survive in the underbelly of civilization.
Encounter F Fear, Martial
These characters quickly develop the skills and
Free Action Personal
the mind-set that allow them to thrive in this cut- Trigger: You bloody an enemy adjacent to you or reduce
throat environment. Fighters also find a welcome an enemy adjacent to you to 0 hit points or fewer.
place among yakuza, adopting roles as bodyguards Effect: Enemies that can see you take a –2 penalty to
or enforcers who do their bosses’ dirty work. Yakuza attack rolls against you until you are hit by an attack
clans are very inclusive, inclined to welcome anyone or until the end of the encounter. Also, if you bloodied
cast off from society who can be useful to their orga- the triggering enemy, you can immediately make an
Intimidate check against it to force it to surrender.
nization. As a result, unlikely characters such as
clerics, druids, and wizards sometimes find a place
within a yakuza clan’s ranks. These characters often Additional Features
become vital assets to a clan, their talents giving it an
edge over rivals. Level 5 Feature
Yakuza know when the time is right to strike, and
Starting Feature they are relentless in pursuit of an opponent. Because
As a yakuza, you don’t win battles by going toe-to-toe of your predator’s instinct, your blade bites deepest
with enemies: You win by manipulating them into when your enemy shows weakness.
fighting you on your terms. A skilled yakuza will uti- Benefit: When you hit an enemy granting combat
lize deception, unfair positioning, coordination with advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a
allies, and every other dirty trick in the book to bring bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that
down foes. Though you are likely a skilled combat- enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus
ant, you know that the best weapon you have is the equals your Charisma modifier.
fear that your reputation is capable of creating in
foes. Rumors of underworld assassinations, corrup- Level 10 Feature
tion, blackmail, and a penchant for violence surround Some yakuza make their living by deception and
you. Whether the rumors are true or not is irrelevant. fraud, others through strong-arm tactics such as
What matters is that a menacing look from you stays extortion. Regardless of how you conduct your illicit
the hands of enemies as efficiently as a mandate from affairs, your wits have been sharpened by the harsh-
the emperor. ness of civilization’s underworld. You know the
Benefit: You gain the ruthless demonstration power. shadowy paths necessary to stay alive on the danger-
ous streets, and you are an expert at manipulation.
Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Bluff
checks or Intimidate checks (choose the skill when
you gain this feature). Also, you gain a +2 power
bonus to Streetwise checks.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4
Character Themes: Samurai and Yakuza

Optional Powers Level 6 Utility Power About the Author

Jeff Morgenroth is a regular contributor to Dungeons &
Living the life of a yakuza means forever dwelling When you single out a foe for special attention by
Dragons Insider, the digital tome he uses to share inspiration
as a misfit in an ordered society. As such, you sur- using this power, you show it the foolishness of its and adventure with his fellow gamers.
vive by your cunning and through exploiting others ways if the creature dares to confront you.
whenever possible. You can’t rely on help from a civi- Developers
lization that sneers at you, so you make your own luck You Can’t Hide Yakuza Utility 6 James Auwaerter, Jeremy Crawford
by being opportunistic or cagey. You have no com- No matter if your enemy tries to get away or stands and
Managing Editor
punctions when it comes to taking what you want, fights, it learns that either decision was a bad one.
Kim Mohan
and you are willing to use your talents to exploit Encounter F Martial
others. Yet you are not without a sense of personal Minor Action Melee 1 Producers
Target: One enemy Christopher Perkins, Greg Bilsland
honor, something your enemies find out the hard way
Effect: If the target ends its next turn in a square that
if they insult you. is not adjacent to you, you can shift up to your speed Art Directors
to a square adjacent to it as a free action. If the target Kate Irwin, Jon Schindehette
Level 2 Utility Power attacks you during its next turn, you gain a +5 power
bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end Illustrators
Though society considers them rejects, yakuza revel
of your next turn. Tony Foti, S.C. Watson
in their image as outcasts. Freed from the strict social
demands of Kozakura’s customs, you play life by your Graphic Production
own rules, evening the odds of fate with your cunning Level 10 Utility Power Erin Dorries
or your audacity. Yakuza consider each other to be family, and an
insult to one is an insult to all. If an enemy raises
Life’s Losing Hand Yakuza Utility 2 arms against you or one of your companions, you
Though fate has dealt you the hand of a misfit, you take loss coordinate a retaliation that puts fear into the heart of
and turn it into success. even the most hardened warriors.
Encounter F Martial
No Action Personal Underworld Vendetta Yakuza Utility 10
Trigger: You roll a natural 1, 2, or 3 on an attack roll or a Your opponent’s insult will not go unpunished, as the over-
skill check. whelming intensity of your counterattack promises certain
Effect: You can reroll the attack roll or skill check, with death.
a power bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. You
Daily F Fear, Martial
must keep the second result, even if it is lower.
Immediate Reaction Close burst 5
Trigger: You or an ally is bloodied by an attack made by
an enemy within 5 squares of you.
Target: The triggering enemy in the burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target grants
combat advantage, and whenever you hit the target
with an attack, it takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls
until the end of its next turn.

O c t o b e r 2 011 | D R AG O N 4 0 4

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