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DBMF Army Lists for Warhammer

These lists have been designed primarily from the various flavour texts about different armies and/or
troop types, and from old and long forgotten GW sources. They are heavy in gimickry and odd troop
types, because GW likes to make figures for them, and they can be expected to be a part of many
existing collections. All allied contingents specifically mentioned in lists are either very common, or
permanent. Almost any other combination is possible for limited campaigns. The main exception to this
is that races or nations that hate each other will never ally. Nor will dwarfs ever ally with chaos, chaos
dwarfs or orks.

Magicians are reduced in power compared to WHFB, but present in every list except the dwarven. Very
few have clerics, since the only real defense against mages should be other mages. Even so, it's unlikely
that magicians would dominate a battle under these rules.

1 Albion 14 Lizardmen and Slann

2 Beasts of Chaos 15 Lustrian Amazons
3 Bretonnia 16 Moot Halflings
4 Champions of Chaos 17 Norsca Raider and Leidang
5 Chaos Dwarves 18 Ogre Kingdoms
6 Dark Elves 19 Old World Undead
7 Demons of Chaos 20 Orks and Goblins
8 Dwarves 21 Pygmies
9 Empire (2150-) 22 Skaven
10 Fimir 23 Tilean Condotta
11 Free Companies (2350-) 24 Undead Kingdoms
12 High Elves 25 Wood Elves
13 Kislev

Terrain types are:

S Sea. PRd Paved road.

FS Sea that may freeze in winter. F Large open fields.
WW Waterway. E Small fields enclosed by hedges, walls or
Rv River. irrigation ditches.
L Lake. B Boundary hedge or wall.
DH Difficult steep hill. O Orchard or olive grove.
CH Craggy steep hill. Oa Desert oasis.
WH Wooded hill. V Vineyards.
RH Rocky gentle low hill. Wd Wood.
SH Scrubby gentle low hill. M Marsh.
GH Bare gentle low hill. D Sand dunes.
BUA Built-up area. BF Boggy flat ground.
BUAf Built-up area if optionally allowed PF. SF Scrub-covered flat ground.
FW Frontier wall. RF Rocky flat ground.
Rd Unpaved roads or frequently used tracks. G Sunken gully.
Cold. Ag 2. WW, Rv, SS, GS, Wd, E, M, Rd, Rg, BUA.

C-in-C - Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP or Irr Kn (H) @ 28AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP or up to ½ Irr Kn (H) @ 28AP 1-2
Druids - Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-3
Knights and mounted sergeants - Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP 10-20
Sergeants, fyrd and town militia - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 10-48
Archers - Irr Ps (O) [can support Sp] @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 5-20
Upgrade highwayman archers - Irr mtd Bw (S) @ 6AP 0-4
Feudal light cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-6
Feudal spearmen - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 2-6
Knights of Hark Ness - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 0-2
Rabble - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-12
Upgrade Kn – up to 2/3 Irr Kn (H) @ 18AP or Upgrade Bw - up to 2/3Irr Bw (H) @ 8AP
Or Upgrade Bd - up to 2/3 Irr Bd (H) @ 10AP 0-3
Giants - Irr Gi (S) @ 12AP 0-2
The dragon of Albion - Irr Dr (O) @ 24AP 0-1

Norse ally-general - Irr Bd (O) @ 15AP or Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP *1

Norse Warriors - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP * 4-12
Norse archers - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-8
Norse scouts - Irr Ps (O) [can support Bd] @ 2AP 0-4

Only after 2450:

Upgrade Kn (F) generals - Irr Kn (O) @ 20AP All
Upgrade Kn (F) - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP Half-All
Mercenary knights - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-3
Mercenary crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @5AP 0-4

Very little is known about the armies of Albion, except that the clans of East Albion wears kilts with
nothing under, and that they're even more primitive than Bretonnia. Accordingly, this list is based on
the Anglo-Norman (DBM bk4, #3) and Scots Common Army (DBM bk4, #16).

Minima marked * apply only if any troops of that origin are used.
Cold. Ag 4. Rv, Wd, Rg, GS, SS, M.

C-in-C - Beastman Irr Wb (S) @15AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 16AP or Irr Mg (O) @ 20AP or
Minotaur - Irr Gi (F) @ 19AP 1
Sub-general –As above 0-1
Ally-general – Beastman Irr Wb (S) @10AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 11AP or Minotaur Irr Gi (F) @ 14AP 1-2
Beastman shaman - Irr Mag (I) @8AP 0-3
Beastman Bestigor herd - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-12
Beastman Gor herd - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP 8-24
Beastman Ungor herd - Irr Ax (O) - 3AP or Ungor raiders - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 8-36
Beastman Tuskgors - Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 6AP 0-8
Chaos warhounds - Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 2AP 0-12
Minotaurs - Irr Gi (F) @9AP 0-8/* 4-16
Chaos trolls - Irr Gi (I) @ 8AP 0-6
Centigor centaurs - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-12
Harpies - Irr Fl (O) @5AP 0-12
Razorgor chariot – Up to Irr Kn (O) chariot @9AP or Razorgor herd - Irr Exp (O) @ 7AP 0-6
Chaotic giants, cygors, and ghorgons - Irr Gi (S)@ 12AP or up to ½ Irr Gi (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Chaotic monsters – Uo to ½ Irr El (S) @ 20AP or Irr El (I) @ 14AP 0-4
Herdstone - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1

A sub-general is always of the same type as the C-in-C. Ally-generals of a different type are unreliable.

Numbers marked * apply only if using a general of that type.

Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, SS, GS, Wd, O, V, Rd, Rg, BUA.

C-in-C - Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP 1

Ally-general - Irr Kn (S) @ 17AP 1-3
Prophetess of the Lady – up to 1/3 Irr Mg (S) @ 12AP or Irr mtd Mg (S) @ 13AP
or Irr aer Mg (S) @ 14AP or 0-All Damsel of the Lady Irr Mg (I) @8AP or Irr mtd Mg (I) @ 9AP 0-3
Grail knights - Irr Kn (H)@ 18AP, upgrade ¼ to Paladin Irr Cl (X) @18AP or Irr aer Cl (X) @ 20AP 0-4
Nobles and knights of the realm - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 4-12
Knights errant - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-12
Men-at-arms - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-12
Peasant bowmen – Irr Bw (O) with PO @ 5AP, 0-8 can be Reg Bw (I) with PO @ 5AP,
0-6 can be Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 6-20
Pegasus knights - Irr Fl (S)@ 7AP 0-4
Mounted yeomen - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-8
War altar - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-6
Battle pilgrims - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 1-5
Ribauds - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-8
Brigands - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-8
Mercenary cavalry - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-4
Mercenary crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8
Field trebuchet - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2

Only after 2350:

Mercenary handgunners - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP or Reg Sh (I) @ 5AP 0-2
Organ guns - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2
Pavisiers - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-6

Only before 2400:

Peasant levy - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP * 6-36

Only after 2500:

Voulgiers - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-6
Upgrade peasant archers - Reg Bw (O) with PO @ 6AP 0-6
Bombards - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2

This is based on WHFB Armies, and the Medieval French list (DBM bk4, #64). Aggression is low because
they seldom have the time for external adventures, being preoccupied with fighting each other. The
notoriously unreliable Bretonnian nobles are simulated by making them ally-generals, even though they
have feudal obligations. Minima marked * apply if any foot are used. The knights may only fight
dismounted in order to attack or defend fortifications. Ordinary knights may be double-based to fight in
a wedge, provided that all knights of a particular grade are so based. That is, Kn (O) may be double-based
if every Kn (O) is double-based, and ditto for Kn (F). Peasant bowmen that are DBE'd should likewise have
the figures placed in a neat wedge.

Mercenaries are usually from, or at least hired in, Tilea or Estalia, and only rarely from the Empire. In
general, using mercenaries is considered dishonourable, and they're mostly used against external
enemies, or by the desperate.
4.- Champions of Chaos
Cold. Ag 4. Rv, M, C, D, SS, GS, Rg.

C-in-C - Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP or Irr Bd (S) @ 17AP or Slaanesh or Nurgle C-in-C - Irr Mg (S) @ 22AP or
Tzeentch C-in-C - Irr aer Mg (S) @ 24AP 1
Sub-general - as above 1-2
Chaos warbands - Irr Wb (H) @ 7AP 0-2
Priests and chaos sorcerors - Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-2
Chaos Warriors - Irr Bd (S) @ 7AP or Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP, up to 4 Irr Kn (O) if chariots @ 9AP 4-16
Chaos marauders - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 4-36
Chaos marauder horse - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP, up to ½ Irr Kn (I) @ 8AP 0-24
Chaos hounds - Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 2AP 0-12
Harpies or gargoyles - Irr Fl (O) @ 5AP 0-8
Horrible chaotic monsters – up to 1/2 Irr El (S) @ 20AP or Irr El (I) @ 14AP 0-4
War altar of chaos - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1
Chaos cultists - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP, up to 8 Khorne cultists - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP or
Up to 2 Tzeentch cultists - Irr Mg (I) @ 8AP 0-24
Slaves to the slaughter - Irr Hd (I) @ 0,5AP 0-12
Bloodletters of Khorne - Irr Wb (E) @ 6AP 0-4
Pink horrors of Tzeentch - Irr Mg (E) @ 12AP 0-2
Plaguebearers of Nurgle - Irr Bd (E) @ 9AP 0-4
Daemonettes of Slaanesh - Irr Ax (E) @ 5AP 0-4

No general may command troops belonging to more than one chaos god.
5.- Chaos Dwarves
Warm. Ag 3. WW, Rv, C, Rg, M, SS, GS, BUAf.

Chaos dwarf C-in-C - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 1

Chaos dwarf sub-general - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 0-1
Hobgoblin sub-general - Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP 1-2
Avatar of Hashut, lord of darkness - Irr Av (O) @ 20AP 0-1
Priests of Hashut - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-3
Warriors - Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 8-18
Blunderbusses - Reg Sh (I) @ 5AP 0-18
Hobgoblin Warriors - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP, can upgrade up to 1/2 Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 6-36
Hobgoblin archers - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP, can upgrade up to 1/2 Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 0-24
Slave rabble, mostly lesser greenskins - Irr Hd (I) @ 0,5AP,
can upgrade up to 1/2 Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 6-36
Acolytes of Hashut - Irr Mg (X) @ 10AP 0-4
Petrified sorcerer on litter - Reg Bge (S) @ 6AP 0-1
Hobgoblin wolf riders - Irr LH (O) @ 4AP 0-12
Ogres - Irr Gi (I) @ 8AP 0-6
Black orc slaves - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-6
Mortal engines - up to 2 Reg Art (S) cannon @ 10AP, up to 2 Reg Art (O) rockets @ 8AP,
up to 2 Reg Art (F) @ 10AP, up to 4 Reg Art (I) @ 4AP, up to 1 Irr El (C) @ 18AP 2-10
Hobgoblin bolt throwers - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-6
Daemonic constructs and engines – up to 2 Irr WWg (S) @ 10AP, uo to 2 Irr WWg (E) @ 12AP,
up to 2 Irr El (E) 24AP, up tp 1 Irr Gi (E) @ 15AP, up to 1 Irr Gi (X) @ 18AP, up to 2 Irr Art (E) @ 9AP
up to 1 Irr Aib (O) [Sh] @ 7AP 0-8
Bull centaurs - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-4
Bull centaur doom harness - Irr Exp (O) @ 7AP or up to ½ Irr Exp (E) @ 10AP 0-4
Altar of Hashut - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1
Hobgoblin sneaky gits - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 0-6

A chaos dwarf general may command all troops except slave rabble, which is beneath their dignity. A
hobgoblin general may not command chaos dwarfs or black orcs. All general elements should include at
least one chaos dwarf figure, as the general himself, or in rare cases his minder and overseer, is always a
chaos dwarf. Art (I) are mostly hand-held rockets, including bazukas. If all bull-centaurs are mounted in
wedge on double-element bases, they get all the appropriate benefits due to double-based knights,
inluding the reduced cost of the second element.

Daemon constructs and daemon engines are all highly individual, each one a unique engine of destruction.
6.- Dark Elves
Cold. Ag 4. WW, Rv, Rg, M, SS, GS, BUAf.

Dreadlord C-in-C - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP or Irr El (F) @ 24AP or

Malekith the Witch King, brilliant C-in-C - Irr Dr (O) @ 59AP or Irr El (S) chariot @54AP 1
Dreadlord sub-general - up to 2 Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP or Irr El (F) @ 24AP,
up to 1 Hag Queen sub-general - Irr Wb (X) @ 14AP 1-3
Hellfays and witherwitches - Irr Mg (O) @ 10AP, up to 2 Irr Mag (S) @ 12AP 1-4
Cold one riders - Irr El (F) @ 14AP 0-10
Cold one chariot - Irr El (O) chariot @ 19AP 0-2
Dark riders - Reg LH (S) @ 7AP, upgrade up to 8 - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 0-12
Black guard and executioners - Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 0-6
Warriors - Reg Sp (O) - 5AP or Reg Sp (F) @ 5AP 12-24
Crossbowmen - Reg Bw (S) @ 6AP, up to 6 - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 6-18
City guard - Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP 0-6
Black ark corsairs - Reg Bd (F) @ 6AP 0-12
Shades - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-10
Repeating bolt throwers - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-4
Witch elves - Irr Wb (X) @ 4AP 0-12
Khainé assassin - Irr Wb (H) @ 6AP 0-2
Blood cauldron - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1
Harpies - Irr Fl (O) @ 5AP 0-4
Whelp master animal handlers - Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 2AP 0-4
War hydra - Irr El (S) @ 24AP 0-2

Only if deploying a Black Ark:

Black Ark defenses - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 2-6
Enslaved sea dragon - Irr Dr (X) @ 20AP 0-2

The Cold One riders never dismount, unless to defend fortifications. In that case they dismount as Bd (F).
Dark riders dismount as Bw (O).
A BUAf may be placed even when aggressive, provided the battlefield has a waterway. This represents
the Black Ark, a heavily fortified fully enclosed BUA that can be made to move along waterways, forming
either a small island or a promontory. Since it can move, it can be used even if the army is the attacker. It
moves too slowly to have movement ability during a battle. Points spent on a Black Ark are lost if the
battlefield includes no waterway.
Assassins can always disguise themselves as any other foot.
7.- Demons of Chaos
Cold. Ag 4/1. Rv, M, C, D, SS, GS, Rg.

C-in-C - Irr Av (I) @ 26AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Av (I) @ 26AP or Ally-general - Irr Av (I) @ 21AP 1-2
Great Demon or Daemon Princep – Irr Av(O) @ 20AP 0-1
Harpies or gargoyles - Irr Fl (O) @ 4AP 0-8
Bloodletters of Khorne - Irr Wb (E) 6AP, up to 2 Irr Bh (E) @ 24AP 0-20
Pink horrors of Tzeentch - Irr Mg (E) @ 12AP 0-16
Plaguebearers of Nurgle - Irr Bd (E) @ 9AP 0-16
Daemonettes of Slaanesh -Irr Ax (E) @ 5AP, upgrade up to 12 Irr LH (E) @ 7AP 0-20
Flesh hounds of Khorne - Irr Wb (E) warhounds @ 5AP 0-10
Nurglings - Irr Ps (E) @ 4AP 0-12
Screamers of Tzeentch - Irr Fl (E) @ 9AP 0-8
Fiends of Slaanesh - Irr Cv (E) @ 9AP 0-4
Beasts of Nurgle - Irr Bh (E) @ 24AP 0-2
Flamers of Tzeentch - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-4
Tzeentch great winged terror @ Irr Aib (E) [Mg] @ 11AP 0-1

The aggression factor of daemon armies is usually very low to represent their instability preventing them
from venturing forth from the chaos waste. During a chaos storm, aggression instead becomes very high.

A general can command all troops belonging to his own god, and any unaligned troops. The C-in-C (or the
general of an allied daemonic contingent) can also command 0-4 elements belonging to each other god.
Generals count as sub-generals if they belong to the same god as the C-in-C, ally-generals otherwise.
8.- Dwarves
Cold. Ag 2. Rv, SS, GS, Rg, Rd.

C-in-C - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 1

Sub-generals - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 1-3
Bear riders - Irr El (I) @ 6AP 0-3 or Pony riders - Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP 0-3 0-4
Warriors - Reg Bd (O) - 7AP 12-36 or up to 12 Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or up to 12 Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 12-50
Hammerers and other dwarven elite - Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 0-12
Crossbowdwarves - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP, up to 8 Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP 6-20
Dwarf arquebusiers - Reg Sh (I) @ 5AP, up to 4 Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-16
Slayers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-8
Great anvil and forge master - Reg Cl (S) chariot @ 13AP 0-1
Runesmiths - Reg Cl (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Balloons - Irr Aib (I) [Bw] @ 4AP 0-2
Artillery - Reg Art (S) @10AP 0-4 or Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 2-10 or Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2 2-10
Flame thrower teams - Reg Ps (X) [can support Bd] @ 8AP 0-2
Miners with blasting charges - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-6
Field fortifications - TF @ 2AP Up to 4/miner
Fortifications protecting camp – TF @ 2AP 0-12
Gnome ally-general - Reg Ax (O) @ 14AP or Irr Mag (O) @ 15A 0-1
Gnome illusionist Irr - Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-1
Gnomes - Reg Ax (I) @ 3AP * 6-16

Only after 2400:

Gyrocopters - Irr Fl (O) @ 5AP 0-2
Overlord airships - Irr Aib (S) [Bw or Sh] @ 9AP 0-2
Steam juggernaut - Irr El (X) @ 22AP 0-1

Warriors classed as (I) are young and lightly armoured, often lacking shields. Art (I) are organ guns or flame
cannon. Minima marked * apply only if any gnomes are used. Gnomes can only be commanded by the C-
in-C or by their own general. Note that the great anvil counts as a chariot, and suffers all movement
restrictions of same, even though it does not count as mounted.
9.- Empire (2150-)
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, Wd, Rd, E, O, BUA.

C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) if imperial @ 35AP or Irr Kn (O) if feudal @ 20AP

or Reg Kn (I) if city or mercenary @ 30AP or Irr mtd Mag (O) if clerical @ 21AP 1
Clerical sub-general - Irr mtd Mag (O) @ 21AP
or Clerical ally-general - Reg Kn (I) @ 20AP or Irr mtd Mag (O) @ 16AP 0-1
City or mercenary ally-general - Reg Kn (I) @ 20AP or Feudal ally-general - Irr Kn (O) @ 15AP
or up to 1 Irr Kn (H) @ 23AP 0-2
Imperial or clerical military orders - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-6
Imperial reiksgard - Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 0-4
Imperial or city galleys - Reg Gal (S) [Bw] @ 4AP 0-3
Clerical or mercenary knights - Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP * 6-12
Clerical or city standard wagon - Reg Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1
City mounted burghers - Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 0-3
City guard halberdiers - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP * 2-10
City militia crossbowmen - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP, up to 6 Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP * 4-8
City militia spearmen - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP * 6-18
City, feudal or mercenary sorcerors - Irr Mag (O) 10AP 0-1
Feudal knights - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP * 6-12
Feudal landesturm and heerban - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) 2AP 0 - 1/4 0-26
Mercenary spearmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-12
Mercenary axemen, swordsmen or halberdiers - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-12
Mercenary archers and crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP * 4-12
Mercenary adventurers - Irr mtd Wb (H) @ 8AP or Irr mtd Bd (H) @ 11AP 0-1
Mercenary ogres - Irr Gi (I) @ 10AP 0-2
Greatship - up to 1 Irr Shp (O) [Bd] @ 3AP or Wolfship - up to 3 Reg Gal (S) [Bd] @ 4AP
or Wargalley - Reg Gal (O) [Bd] @ 3AP 0-6
Hell-hammers and ironfists - Reg Bts (X) [Bw] @ 6AP 0-1
Halfling allies List: Moot Halflings

Only in 2302-2304:
Change imperial C-in-C to Magnus the Pious - Reg Cl (X) @ 45AP 1
Kislevite allies List: Kislevites
High elf allies List: High elves
Teclis, high elf mage - Irr Mag (S) @ 12AP 0-1

Only after 2320:

Feudal or mercenary mounted crossbowmen - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP * 2-6
Feudal, city or mercenary light guns - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2
Imperial or city [Altdorf] battle wizards - Reg mtd Mag (I) @ 19AP 0-3
Fleglers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-4
Upgrade city militia crossbowmen with pavises - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP Any
City wagon laager – TF @ 2AP 0-12

Only after 2400:

Engineer`s guild, feudal or city bombards - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-3
Regrade city or mercenary Bw as handgunners - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP or Reg Sh (I) 5AP 0-6
Engineer`s guild or clerical war wagons - Reg WWg (O) @ 10AP 0-6
Only after 2450:
Regrade feudal knight C-in-C - Reg Kn (I) @ 30AP All/0
Regrade feudal knight ally-general - Reg Kn (I) @ 20AP
Regrade feudal knights - Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP
Replace feudal or mercenary crossbow Cv with mounted handgunners - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP * 1-3
Downgrade any Reg Kn (I) as separately deployed light lancers - Reg Cv (O) @8AP 0-6
Regrade city militia spearmen - Reg Bd (I) halberdiers @ 5AP 0-1/4 or Reg Pk (O) if Nuln @ 4AP 0-All
or Reg Pk (I) @ 3AP Any
Regrade mercenary Sp - Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP All/0
Kislevite allies List: Kislevites

Only after 2475:

Engineer`s guild volley gun - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2
Regrade mercenary Bd - Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP All/0
Regrade city militia Bd (I) and Pk (I) - Reg Pk (S) if Nuln @ 5AP or Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP
or Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP Any

Only after 2510:

Engineer`s guild outriders - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-3
Engineer`s guild steam tank - Irr Bh (X) @ 22AP 0-1
Rearm mercenary Reg Kn (I) with pistols - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 0-3

An imperial C-in-C is always the emperor. His command can include up to 4 feudal elements and any other
elements. A clerical C-in-C or sub-general is always the grand theogonist of Sigmar, and is mounted on a
chariot. Only an imperial C-in-C can use a clerical sub-general. A clerical command can include clerical,
city, heerban and mercenary elements, and fleglers. A feudal general`s command can include only feudal,
heerban and mercenary elements. A city general`s command can include only city, engineer`s guild,
heerban and mercenary elements. A mercenary general can command only mercenary elements. Minima
marked * apply only if any troops of that origin are used, except up to 4 elements of feudal troops in an
imperial command. Many city or mercenary troops are dwarves, especially blades.

Before 2235, any Kn can always dismount as Bd (O). After 2235, all Kn (I) must be in wedge formation
mounted on double element bases, and feudal Kn (O) can always dismount as Sp (S). Ps (O) can support
Sp or Ax of the same origin.
10.- Fimir
Cold. Ag 2. WW, Rv, SS, GS, Rg, Wd, M.

Meargh C-in-C - Irr Mg (O) @ 20AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Gi (O) @ 15AP or up to 1 Irr Gi (H) @ 23AP 1-2
Fimm Warriors - Irr Gi (I) @ 8AP 5-20
Fianna fimm - Irr Gi (O) @ 10AP 0-6
Dirach - Irr Mg (I) @ 8AP 0-3
Daemonic allies -Irr Hd (E) @ 2AP, or up to 5 Irr Wb (E) @ 5AP 0-10

Fimir are one-eyed ogre-sized monsters native to the marshes of Albion. All should be placed two to a
base. All daemons must be under the command of the meargh. Daemonic Wb (E) can be replaced during
the battle.

11.- Free Companies (2350-)

Allies only, no home terrain.

C-in-C ally-general - Reg Kn (I) if Empire @20AP or Irr Kn (S) if Bretonnian @ 17AP
or Irr Kn (O) if otherwise @ 15AP 1
Mercenary sorceror - Irr Mag (I) @ 12AP 0-1
Bretonnian, Border princes or Estalian men-at-arms and sergeants,
or Kislevite druzhina - Irr Kn (O)@ 10AP or up to 2 Bretonnian knights Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 3-6
Imperial mercenary men-at-arms- Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 0-2
Crossbowmen- Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 2-6
Imperial freiforstjäger - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 0-4
Bretonnian javelinmen - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-2
Ogres - Irr Gi (I) @ 8AP 0-2

Only after 2465:

Replace C-in-C with Nulner mercenary general - Reg Pk (S) @ 5AP *1
Nulner landsknechtes - Reg Pk (S) @ 5AP * 3-7
Nulner skirmishing crossbowmen - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4
Nulner halberdiers - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-2

These are the bands of old world mercenaries that figure prominently in the wars of Tilea and Bretonnia.
The Nulner landsknechtes must always be commanded by a Nulner general. Minima marked * apply if any
such troops are taken.
12.- High Elves
Warm. Ag 2. WW, Rv, Wd, O, E, V, Rd, GS.

C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP or Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 1
Sub-generals- Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or up to 2 Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP or up to 2 Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP
or up to 2 Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 1-3
Elven lords and ladies - Irr Mag (S) @ 12 AP 1-4 or up to 1 Irr Mag (H) @16AP or
Irr aer Bd (H) @ 12AP 1-3 or Irr Kn (H) @ 18AP or Irr Kn (H) if in heavy chariot 18AP or
Irr Cv (H) @ 12AP or Irr Cv (H) if in light chariot 12AP or up to 2 Irr Cl (X) if princess on unicorn @ 22AP
or up to 2 Irr Dr (O) if on dragon 30AP 2-10
Dragon princes - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 0-6 or Silver Helms - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP or Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP 0-12
Ellyrian reavers -Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-6
Light chariots - Irr Cv (O) @ 6AP 0-3
Archers - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 4-12
Spearmen - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 4-12
City guard - Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP half and Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP half 6-24
Sword masters of Hoeth - Reg Bd (X) @ 8AP 0-4
Maiden guard of the Everqueen - Reg Pk (F) @ 4AP 0-4
White lion axemen and Phoenix guard halberdiers - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-8
Warrior kindreds - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-10
Shadow warriors - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4
Marine repeater bolt-batteries - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-4
Dragonship - Irr Gal (S) [Bw] @ 3AP 0-1
Eagleship - Irr Shp (F) [Bw] @ 3AP 1-3
Hawkship - Irr Gal (F) [Bw] @ 2AP 1-4

This represents the high elf armies from the reforms of Tethlis the Slayer, at about -800 imperial. It is a
powerful elite army, but lacks light troops and will always be heavily outnumbered. All knights dismount
as Sp (S), except that Kn (S) can also dismount as Bd (S). The phoenix guard and the white lions will always
be commanded by the phoenix king, should he be the C-in-C. If the phoenix king is present and fights as a
Bd (S), he should be accompanied on the base by members of his white lion bodyguard. The Bw (X) was
first implemented by the city guard of Lothern, and is always double-based. The maiden guard may only
be used with the Everqueen, who is an Irr Mag (S).
13.- Kislev
Cold. Ag 2. Rv, GS, Rd, E, BUA.

C-in-C - Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP or Irr mtd Mag (S) if the tzarina @ 24AP 1
Sub-general - Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP or up to 1 Irr Kn (O) @ 20AP 1-2
Tartar ally-general - Reg Cv (S) @ 20AP or Irr Cv (H) @ 12AP 0-1
Ice mages - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-3
Druzhina - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Winged lancers - Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP 4-12
Cuman cavalry - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 3-4
Axmen - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 6-18
Crossbowmen - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-12
Tartar shamen - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-2
Tartar heavy cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP, upgrade up to ½ to Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP ** 2-6
Tartar light cavalry - Reg LH (S) @ 7AP ** 4-16
Tartar tribesmen - Irr Wb (F) @ 4AP 0-4
Imperial allies List: Empire

Only when fighting Chaos or Chaos Dwarves:

Upgrade tartar ally-general to sub-general - Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP or Irr Cv (H) 17AP 0-1

The ``tartars`` in the list represent a large number of different tribes living on the great steppes east of
Kislev, just south of the Chaos Wastes. They are staunch foes against chaos, and are always allied with
Kislev against chaotics. They can only be commanded by the C-in-C or by their own general, who may
command nothing else. The druzhina are feudal knights and nobles. An allied contingent must choose one
and only one of the two ally-generals marked *. A Kislevite allied contingent need not include any infantry
after 2450. The minima marked ** apply only if any tartars are used. If an allied contingent is led by a
tartar general, only tartars may be used, and no other minima apply.
14.- Lizardmen and Slann
Tropical. Ag 1. WW, Rv, Wd, M, GS, Rd, BUA.

Slann C-in-C - Irr Mag (S) 22AP 1

Sub-generals – Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Irr El (O) @ 26AP,
up to 2 Irr El (S) @ 30AP or Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP or Irr Mag (S) if slann @ 22AP 0-2 1-3
Cold one riders Irr El (F) @ 14AP 0-8
Gigantic jungle lizards - Irr El (S) @ 20AP or Irr El (O) 16AP o ruo to 4 Irr El (X) 22AP 0-6
Skink shamen - Irr Mag (I) @ 10AP 0-3
Lizardman saurus Warriors - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0/All or Reg Bd (I) @ 4AP 0/All 16-36
Skink Warriors - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-20
Skink blowgunners - Irr Ps (X) @ 8AP 0-6
Skink archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 8-36
Skink javelineers with shields - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP, up to 12 Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP 8-18
Skink javelineers - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-12
Animal handlers – Up to 6Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 8AP, up to 10 Irr Hd (F) swarms @ 1AP
or Irr Hd (I) lobotomised humans @ 0,5AP 0-12
War altar, or mummified slann mage on litter - Reg Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-1
Kroxigor - Irr Gi (I) @ 10AP, up grede 0-4 to Irr Gi (O) if with skink followers @ 12AP 0-6
Pygmy allies List: Pygmies

Weapons are mostly clubs of hardwood and obsidian, spears and blowguns. Skinks are smaller and more
agile lizardmen, kroxigor are even larger and more brutal than the common variety. For a behemoth to
qualify as (S) it should have extra runners on the base, or extra crew in the howdah.
15.- Lustrian Amazons
Tropical. Ag 2. WW, Rv, Wd, M, GS, BUA.

C-in-C - Reg Bw (S) @ 27AP or Reg Ax (S) @ 25AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP 1
Sub-generals – as above 1-2
Rigg - Irr Av (I) @ 16 AP 0-1
Priestesses of Rigg - Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 1-3
Queen`s bodyguard - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-6
Nobles - Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 6AP 0-10
Koka-kalim amazons - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 6-18
Amazons - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP, between 6-36 Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 16-45
Tribesmen - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP, uo to 8 Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-12
Large dugouts - Irr Bts (O) [Bd] @ 2AP 0-6
Pygmy allies List: Pygmies

The Lustrian amazons originated as disgruntled norse women, and now live in the tropical jungles of the
Cadiz Basin. They are rather few, and numbers are probably inflated as is. The koka-kalim are fanatical
holy warriors, crazed on the holy koka-leaf and insensitive to pain. They often fight semi-nude.

16.- Moot Halflings

Cold. Ag 0. Rv, Wd, Rd, E, O, BUA.

C-in-C - Irr Ax (S) @ 14AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Ax (S) @ 14AP 1-2
Halfling wizard - Irr Mag (I) @ 10AP 0-2
Spearmen - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 24-120
Archers and slingers – At least ½ Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP and at least Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 6-24
Cooks and baggage guards @ Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 4-6
Halfling hot pot, flaming pigs or other lunch-based improvised weapons - Reg Art (X) @ 4AP 0-4
Wagon laager or fortifications to protect camp and cooks – TF @ 2AP 8-12
Imperial allies List: Empire

Only after 2475:

Rearm archers as handgunners - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-6
Each element of baggage should have an element of baggage guards in close proximity.
17.- Norsca Raider and Leidang
Cold. Norsca raider --- Ag 4, Norsca leidang --- Ag 1. WW, Rv, C, M, SS, Rg, Wd, Rd, BUA.

C-in-C Irr Bd (O) @ 15AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Bd (O) @ 15AP 1-2
Runepriests – up to ½ Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP, up o ½ Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 1-4
Huscarles - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 8-20
Berserkers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-6
Ulfwerenar (werewolves and other skinchangers) - Irr Wb (H) warhounds @ 7AP 0-4
Scouts - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-3
Mounted scouts - Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP 0-2
Longships - Irr Bts (S) [Bd] @ 3AP 0-8

Only Raider:
Raiders - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 22-80
Archers - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ps (O) [can support Bd] @ 2AP 0-6
Horses to mount all foot +mtd @ 1AP All/0
Dark elf allies List: Dark elves

Only Leidang:
Upgrade generals on war mammoths - Irr El (S) @ 30AP Any
Upgrade mounted scouts - Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP All/0
Bondi - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP 16-72
Bondi archers - at least ½ Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP, at least ½ Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 5-22
Thralls and levy dregs - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-8
Norse dwarf ally-general - Reg Bd (S) @ 19AP 0-1
Norse dwarfs - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP * 5-25
Norse crossbowdwarfs - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-8
Norse dwarf berserkers and trollslayers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-8

This list covers both the raiding parties that all neighbours of the Norscans periodically suffer from, and
the leidang armies that defend Norsca itself against chaos. Minima marked * apply if any dwarfs are used.
Dwarfs can only be commanded by the C-in-C or by a dwarf general, who can only command dwarfs. A
raider army will ally with almost anything. A leidang army will never ally with chaos, nor with chaos dwarfs
or orks if any norse dwarfs are used.
18.- Ogre Kigdoms
Cold, Ag 4, Rv, L, DH, DH, CH, WH, RH, Wd

C-im-C Despota – Irr Gi(O) @ 20AP or Maestro Carnicero Irr Mg(O) @ 20AP 1
Sub-General Matón – Irr Gi(O) @ 20AP or Irr Gi(F) @ 19AP 0-1
Ally General Matón – Irr Gi(O) @ 15AP or Irr Gi(I) @ 13AP 0-2
Cazador – Irr Gi(H) @ 18AP or if mounted Irr El(H) @ 28AP 0-2
Colmillos de Sable – Irr Wb(F) @ 2AP 0-1 por cada Cazador
Matarife – Irr Mg(I) @ 8AP up to 1 Panzafuegos – Irr Mg(X) @ 10AP 0-3
Ogros – Irr Gi(I) @ 8AP 4-24
Tripasduras – Irr Gi(O) @ 10AP 1- 12
Gnoblas Ayudantes – Irr Ps(I) @ 1AP [Can support Gi(I) and Gi(O)] 0-10
Gnoblars – Irr Hd(I) @ 1/2AP 4-80
Tramperos Gnoblars – Irr Ps(I) @ 1AP [Can support Hd(I)] 0-5
Sueltafuegos – Irr Gi(X) @ 18AP 0-4
Comehombres – Irr Gi(H) @ 18AP 0-2
Yehtis – Irr Gi(F) 9AP 0-3
Gargantúas – Irr Gi(E) @ 15AP 0-1
Cavallería – Irr El(F) @ 14AP 0-3
Artilleria Tirasobras – Reg Art(F) @ 10AP or Escupehierros Reg Art(S) @ 10AP 0-2
Gigante Irr Gi(O) @ 10AP or Irr Gi(S) 12AP 0-1
Cuernospetreos – Irr El(S) @ 20AP or Colmillo de Trueno – Irr El(X) @ 22AP 0-2

Only after 2482

C in C - Grasientus Dientedoro Irr Gi(H) @ 28AP

Only in 2500 – 2510

C in C – Golgfag Comehombres Irr Gi(O) General Brillante @ 33AP
Comehombres – Irr Gi(H) @ 18AP 0-4
19.- Old World Undead
Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, GS, SS, E, O, Wd, M, Rg, Rd, BUA.

C-in-C -Irr Mag (O) if necromancer @ 20AP or Irr Bd (H) if vampire @ 20AP 1
Sub-generals - Irr Bd (E) if wight @ 17AP or Irr Mag (O) @ 20 AP or Irr Bd (H) if vampire @ 20AP 1-2
Death riders - Irr Cv (E) @ 10AP or up to 0-4 Irr Kn (C) 11AP 0-4 4-16
Undead giants, beasts and/or dragons - Irr Gi (C) @ 11AP or Irr Bh (C) @ 18AP 0-2
All 'dem zombies - Irr Hd (C) @ 1AP
Undead archers and/or crossbowmen - Irr Bw (C) @ 4AP 0-16
Undead reapers and swordsmen - Irr Bd (C) @ 6AP 4-16
Undead spearmen - Irr Sp (C) @ 5AP 0-16
Ghouls - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-20
Wights - Irr Bd (E) @ 9AP 0-4
Carrion - Irr Fl (E) @ 9AP 0-3
Spectres, ghosts or wraiths - Irr Exp (E) @ 10AP 0-6

Undead allies List: Undead Kingdoms

Only if Necromancer C-in-C:

Necromancers - Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-2
Mummies bought from Araby - Irr Bd (E) @ 9AP 0-1
Plague cart - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP 0-2
Screaming skull thrower - Reg Art (E) @ 10AP 0-2
Skaven allies List: Skaven

Only if Vampire C-in-C:

Lesser vampires - Irr Bd (H) @ 10AP 0-2
Minor necromancers - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-2
Vampire wannabees - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-2
Hordes of wolves - Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 2AP 0-8
Hordes of vampire bats - Irr Fl (I) @ 4AP 0-6
Feudal allies List: Empire

Only after 2450:

Skeletal arquebusiers - Irr Sh (C) @ 7AP 0-3
Skeletal pikes - Irr Pk (C) @ 4AP 0-12

The troops may contain any mix of skeletons and/or zombies, depending on how freshly undead they are.
Ethereal undead has been classed as Ax (E) to make them ignore terrain, but other interpretations are
certainly possible.
20.- Orks and Goblins
Warm. Ag 4. DH, CH, RH, SH, SF, RF, Wd, Rv.

Ork C-in-C - Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP or Irr Kn (I) on boar @ 18AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 16AP or if
Night goblin C-in-C - Irr Sp (I) @ 13AP, or Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP 1
Ork sub-general if ork C-in-C - Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP or Irr Kn (I) on boar @ 18AP
or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 16AP, or if Night goblin sub-general if night goblin C-in-C - Irr Sp (I) @ 13AP
or Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP 0-1
Ork Ally-general - Irr Wb (S) @ 10AP or Irr Kn (I) on boar @ 13AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot 11AP
or Night goblin ally-general - Irr Sp (I) @ 8AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 11AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 9AP
or up to 1 Goblin ally-general - Irr Ax (O) @ 8AP or Irr Cv (F) @ 11AP or Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 11AP
or up to 1 Forest goblin ally-general - Irr El (O) spider @ 21AP or Irr Cm (S) spider @ 13AP 1-2
Mork or Gork - Irr Av (O) @ 20AP 0-1
Shaman - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP, upgrade up to ½ Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Ork or savage ork boyz - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP 12-60
Goblin wulfboyz – up to 12 Irr Cv (F) @ 6AP or up to 12 Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 4-16
Forest goblin spider riders - Irr Cm (O) @ 5AP 0-12
Archers - Goblin or night goblin arrers - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP,
up to 8 Irr Ps (O) [can support Sp or Ax] @ 2AP, can upgrade up to 1/3 Ork or savage ork arrers - Irr Bw
(O) @ 4AP 12-60
Goblin Warriors - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP , up to 6 Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP, up to 2/3 Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP,
Up to 6 Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or up to 1/3 Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 10-60
Night goblin Warriors - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP, up to ½ Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-40
Ork or savage ork boar boyz - Irr Kn (I) @ 8AP 0-12
Ork or savage ork biguns, or black orks - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP, upgrade up to Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-12
Ork or goblin chariots - Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 6AP or Irr Exp (O) @ 8AP 0-4
Goblin and night goblin fanatics - Irr Exp (O) @ 8AP 0/All or Irr Art (X) @ 3AP 0/All 0-6
Night goblin squig herders and hoppers - Irr Art (X) @ 3AP 0-12
Goblin spear chukka - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-6
Snotlings - Irr Hd (I) @ 0,5AP 0-12
Hungry trolls - Irr Gi (I) @ 8AP 0-8
Snotling pump wagons - Irr Exp (O) @ 8AP 0-2
Snotling bat riders - Irr Fl (I) @ 4AP 0-2
Artillery – Up to 2 Goblin rock lobber - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP,
up to 2 Goblin doom divers- Reg Art (O) @ 8AP, up to 2 Goblin organ gun - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-4
Forest goblin arachnarok spider - Irr El (S) @ 20AP or Irr El (X) @ 22AP 0-2
Giants - Irr Gi (S) @ 12AP or Irr Gi (O) @ 10AP 0-2

Only in 1705-1712
Orc brilliant C-in-C Gorbad Ironclaw - Irr Kn (I) on boar @ 18AP 0-1

Only in 2420-2424
Goblin brilliant C-in-C Grom the Paunch - Irr Cv (O) chariot @ 41AP 0-1
Only after 2470
Night goblin brilliant C-in-C Skarsnik Eight Peaks - Irr Sp (I) @ 38AP 0-1
Goblin arquebusiers - Irr Sh (I) @ 4AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-4

Only in 2512-2515
Orc C-in-C Azhag the Slaughterer - Irr aer Mg (S) @ 24AP 0-1

The C-in-C is always an ork, savage ork, night goblin, or a specific named historical general. The C-in-C
can command any troops, including black orcs. Other generals can command snotlings, ordinary goblins
and mercenaries, any number of troops of their own sub-race, and up to 4 elements from each specific
other sub-race. The sub-races are orcs, savage orcs, night goblins, and forest goblins.

21.- Pygmies
Tropical. Ag 0. WW, Rv, Wd, M, Rd, BUA.

C-in-C - Irr Ax (O) @ 13AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 13AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Ax (O) @ 13AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 13AP 0-1
Ally-general - Irr Ax (O) @ 8AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 8AP 1-2
Shaman - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-3
Impis - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-6
Warriors - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 18-50
Braves - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 40-108
Spearmen - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12
Blowpipe men - Irr Ps (X) @ 8AP 0-10
Canoes - Irr Bts (I) [Bw] @ 1AP 0-6
Slann allies List: Slann

Loosely based on the Amazonian list (DBM bk4, \#72), but with greater emphasis on close combat. The
pygmies of Lustria fight only as allies of the Slann, and for self-defense. Weapons include hardwood
clubs, spears and blowpipes, combined with lots of archery.
22.- Skaven
Warm. Ag 3. M, WW, Rv, Rg, Rd, Wd, GS.

C-in-C - Irr Bd (F) @15AP 1

Sub-general - Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 13AP 0-1
Ally-generals - Irr Bd (F) @ 10AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 8AP 1-2
Ally-generals Vermin lord - Irr Av (E) @ 28AP 0-1
Grey seres - Irr Mag (S) @ 12AP 0-2
Black skaven clanrats and stormvermin - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP or Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 6-18
Clanrat Warriors - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 16-100
Skavenslaves - Up to 20 Hd (O) @ 1AP, remaining Irr Hd (I) @ 0,5AP 6-50
Skavenslave slingers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-10
Doombell - Irr WWg (O) @ 8AP 0-1
Upgrade clan Eshin clanrats with assassins - Irr Wb (H) @ 7AP 0-2
Clan Eshin gutter runners - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12
Clan Pestilens plague censer bearers - Irr Exp (O) @ 8AP 0/All or Irr Art (X) @ 3AP 0/All 0-6
Clan Pestilens plague monks - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-12
Clan Moulder beastmasters - Up to 8 Irr Wb (F) warhounds @ 2AP or
up to 8 Irr Hd (F) if giant rats @ 1AP or Up to 4 Irr Gi (I) if rat-ogres @ 8AP 0-10
Warlocks - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP, up to ½ Clan Skryre warlocks - Irr Mag (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Clan Skryre warpfire-throwers and/or poison globadiers - Irr Ps (X) @8AP 0-6
Doombringer - up to Reg Shp [Wb] (I) @ 3AP or up to 3 Warp-raider Reg Gal [Wb] (F) @ 3AP
or up to 3 Clan Pestilens deathburner Reg Gal (X) [Wb] @ 3AP 0-5

Chaos allies List: Chaos Raiders

Undead allies List: Old World Undead

Only after 2400:

Clan Skryre jezzailachis - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0/All or Reg Sh (O) @ 9AP 0/All 0-3
Clan Skryre doomwheel - Irr El (X) @ 22AP 0-2

The C-in-C can command up to two clan-specific elements from each clan. A sub-general may also
command up to 2 elements of each clan. Any other clan-specific troops must be collected under a general
of that clan. The requirement for double bases exists to give the rats the proper feeling of companionship,
without which their morale would rapidly crumble. The doomwheel should be supported by a pack or two
of giant rats. Minima marked * only apply if troops from that clan are used.
23.- Tilean Condotta
Warm. Ag 1. WW, SS, GS, Rg, M, Rv, Rd, V, O, E, BUA.

C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1

Condottieri sub-general - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 0-2
Condottieri - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 10-15
Ducal knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-2
Mounted crossbowmen - Reg LH (I) @ 3AP 0-8
Wizards drafted into battle - Irr Mag (I) @ 8AP 0-2
Militia crossbowmen - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6
Militia Spears - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP * 2-6
Militia pavisiers and crossbowmen - Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP * 4-10
Mercenary crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 0-8
Artillery – Up to 3 Bombard - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP, up to 2 Organ gun - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-4
Pioneers - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-4
Field defences – TF @ 2AP up to 3/pioneer
Carroccio standard on ox-wagon - Irr Bge (S) @ 3AP *1
Old worlder mercenary allies - List: Free Companies
Border princes allies List: Border Princes

Only after 2400:

Mercenary pikes - Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP 0-8
Mercenary bilmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-2
Rearm militia spears with pikes - Reg Pk (I) @ 3AP 0/all

Only after 2450:

Estalian mercenary sword-and-buckler men - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-4
Handgunners - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-6
Archers - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6

This list is mainly based on the Italian Condotta (DBM bk4, p58), as the information on Tilean armies is
sketchy at best. Tilean wars are fought with mercenaries and spies, for reasons of honour or gold. Warfare
is very "scientific", with little admiration for individual bravery or bloodshed. This is in no small part due
to the mercenaries' natural wish to be able to enjoy their loot while still alive. While Machiavelli's claims
that certain Italian battles were entirely without casualties were pure propaganda, many Tilean battles
have indeed been entirely bloodless as the opposing mercenaries decided the winner by maneuvre and
lottery. On the other hand, unscrupulous warlords have allied themselves with chaos, undead or skaven
to win a decisive battle, after which they killed anyone who knew of their perfidy. Such behaviour also
saves on mercenary wages.

The artillery is most often dwarven mercenaries. Minima marked * apply only if militia is used.
24.- Undead Kingdoms
Dry. Ag 2. E, D, GS, O, Rg, Rd, BUA.

C-in-C - Irr Bd (E) if mummy or wight @ 19AP or Irr Kn (E) if wight @ 25AP
or Irr mtd Mag (S) if liche @ 23AP 1
Sub-generals – As above 1-2
Ally General - Nagash, lord of the undead - Irr Av (I) 25AP 0-1
Minor liches - Irr Mag (I) @ 10AP 0-3
Undead beasts and dragons - Irr El (E) @ 24AP or Irr El (C) @ 18AP
or up to 1 Irr Dr (E) @ 18AP 0-4
Chariots - Irr Cv (E) @ 10AP, upgrade 0-6 Chariots with extra mummy or wight Irr Kn (E) @ 15AP 4-18
Stampeding skeletal cattle or scythed chariots - Irr Exp (E) @ 10AP 0-4
Skeleton Warriors - Irr Hd (C) @ 1AP, upgrade 0-15 Irr Sp (C) @ 5AP 8-30
Skeleton archers - Irr Bw (C) @ 4AP 6-16
Skeleton axemen - Irr Bd (C) @ 6AP 0-8
Screaming skull thrower - Reg Art (E) @ 10AP 0-4
Carrion - Irr Fl (E) @ 9AP 0-6
Mummies and wights - Irr Bd (E) @ 9AP 0-8
Spectres, ghosts or wraiths - Irr Exp (E) @ 10AP 0/all or Irr Ax (E) 9AP 0/all 0-6

Undead allies List: Old World Undead

These are the armies of the Undead Kingdoms south of Araby, and of Nagashizzar. The organisation is
basically the same as it always was, with the greater part of the army archers, spearmen and chariots.
Since these armies are thousands of years old, few zombies should be used. The hordes are skeletons so
damaged over the years that they have lost the ability to fight according to their training. At least half of
the figures on each base of hordes should be armed with spear or axe, and the rest may be armed with
any old thing. Of the axemen, an occasional figure may be armed with the more modern reaper. The
mummies, wights and ethereal undead were nobles, and may be armed and armoured as befits their
25.- Wood Elves
Warm. Ag 1. Wd, Rv, O, V, E, GS, Rd.

C-in-C - Reg Bw (S) @ 27AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1

Sub-generals - Reg Bw (S) @ 27AP or Reg Ax (S) @ 25AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1-3
Orion and Ariel Irr Av (I) 16AP 0-2
Elven lords and wood riders - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 4-12
Unicorn rider - Irr Cl (X) @ 18AP 0-1
Spellsingers - Irr Mag (O) 10AP, upgrade up to 2 Irr Mag (S) 12AP 1-3
Archers - Irr Bw (S) @5AP downgrade 0-20 to Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 10-30
Elven guards - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 0-12
Wardancers - Irr Ax (H) @ 6AP 0-8
Warrior kinbands and glade guards - Irr Ax (S) 4AP or Irr Pk (F) @ 3AP 10-30
Glade runner scouts - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-6
Beastmasters – up to 4 Irr Wb (S) warhounds (bears) @ 4AP,
up to 4 Irr Wb (F) warhounds (cats) @ 2AP, up to 4 Irr Exp (O) stampeding boars @ 2AP 0-6
Giant eagles - up to 2 Irr Fl (S) @ 7AP, Irr Fl (O) @ 5AP, up to 1 Irr Fl (H) @ 10AP 0-4
Treemen - Irr Gi (S) @ 12AP 0/all or Irr Gi (E) @ 15AP 0/all 0-3
Dryads or other wood spirits or elementals - Irr Ax (E) @ 5AP 0-4
Plashed wood edge surrounding ambush – TF @ 2AP 0-8

The option to make treemen Gi (E) exists because the new Citadel treemen looks more like wood
elementals than any living being. It also fits well with the dryads.

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