Literature Form 1

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Literature Form 1 - King Arthur Synopsis

1. King Arthur - Sir Lancelot - Guinevere

2. It is the year 650 in England… There is
no king and people are fighting…
3. Merlin, the super duper smart magician
dreams a dream… The king is… ARTHUR!!
4. For this, Merlin makes a magic stone…
With sword that only can be pulled out by
the TRUE king…
5. A young kid, named Arthur… Pull it out!
King! Our New King!
6. After four years of Merlin’s teaching,
Arthur has become a strong, good king…
7. King Arthur goes all out to fight for his
country and he always wins…
8. One day, he meets Guinevere… She’s so
beautiful and he wants to marry her so
9. He even builds her a new castle at
10. However, Merlin says… Guinevere will
bring nothing good for you! All the advice
fall on the deaf ears… Merlin decides to
leave… Take the magic sword. Be careful
not to break it— without it you are
nothing. Goodbye…
11. Three weeks later Arthur marries
12. Guinevere gives Arthur a large round
table… Only the strongest knights can sit
at this table!
13. A competition held to find the
strongest man in the country. In the
competition, Gawain fights many men…
Nobody can beat him until… I, Lancelot,
am the strongest knight in England!
14. Lancelot becomes the first knight of
the Round Table… And soon, knights come
from all over the country…
15. Arthur treats Lancelot as his best
friend… While Guinevere and Lancelot
always go riding together…
16. One night, Morgan, Arthur’s half sister
and her son, Mordred visit… They are
friendly… What a beautiful castle!
17. But later… in their room… King Arthur
will be dead. You must be king, my son!
18. With a chance, Mordred comes to
Arthur… Perhaps Guinevere and Lancelot
are in love…
19. A conflict happens… Do you love my
wife? Yes, but… Leave Camelot now,
before I kill you. You don’t understand…
20. As a result… Lancelot rides away
quickly with some knights. Guinevere is
very unhappy.
21. Morgan finds Arthur and provokes
him… Find Lancelot and fight him!
22. When Arthur and his knights find
Lancelot and are ready to fight… Let’s
fight! I don’t want to fight. Let’s talk. No!
Mordred is now king! Everybody thinks
King Arthur is dead, and the queen is in
23. Arthur and his knights, including
Gawain quickly ride back to Camelot…
They meet Mordred face to face and then
Arthur saw a snake on the ground and
raise his sword to kill it… Take that!
24. People around Mordred saw Arthur’s
action and think the fight has begins…
25. The fight starts… And Gawain, Arthur’s
true friend dies… No! Gawain… my true
friend… Where’s Mordred? I want to kill
26. Arthur finds Mordred and they fight…
Arthur LOSES the fight!
27. Just then, Lancelot and his soldiers
arrive… I’m here now. We can win this
battle! You can’t… I’m dying…
28. Lancelot finds Mordred… And kills
him… You traitor Mordred! No…!
29. Arthur gives his last words… Take my
sword. Throw it into the river over there!
30. Lancelot throws the sword… A hand
comes out of the water…
31. They are saying goodbye… Goodbye
Lancelot. Find Guinevere and look after
her. Yes, my lord… Come with me Arthur.

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