Thunder Bay Age Friendly Community Wide Action Plan

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Thunder Bay Age Friendly

Community Wide Action Plan

February 2017
Table of Contents
LETTER FROM AGE FRIENDLY THUNDER BAY EXECUTIVE...................................5
COMMUNITY PROFILE................................................................................................10
CUSTOM NEEDS ASSESSMENT.................................................................................12
AGE FRIENDLY THUNDER BAY..................................................................................14
COMMUNITY WIDE ACTION PLAN ..........................................................................16
SAFETY AND SECURITY...................................................................................20
NEXT STEPS.................................................................................................................34
OLDER ADULTS’ ROLE...............................................................................................36


Age Friendly Thunder Bay is pleased to present the Thunder Bay Age Friendly
Community Wide Action Plan. This plan reflects a lengthy process of dialogue
and documentation. Age Friendly Thunder Bay undertook a year long community
based research. The plan reports on the project findings and recommendations
in this document. The recommendations provide a scope of goals and activities
to enhance the quality of life for seniors in our community.
Our report proposes a comprehensive assessment of income security,
employment supports and related services for working age adults, which builds
on the foundation laid out in breaking the cycle and its vision “of a province where
every person has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential and contribute
to and participate in a prosperous and healthy Ontario.”
The Committee’s journey since our appointment in December 2009 has
reinforced a deep and continuing goal to develop a community plan. This plan
compliments the City of Thunder Bay’s Age Friendly City Services Action Plan
(2015). With the two plans working together, seniors in our community will be
well served.
Age Friendly Thunder Bay thanks the researcher and the Steering Committee
members for their efforts in conducting thorough community-based research,
writing and editing this report. Steering Committee members consistently
demonstrated their dedication to the project through their willingness to meet
often and regularly, make suggestions, provide contacts, and feedback and in
their commitment to make the report concise, readable, useful and meaningful for
our community.
We believe that now is the time to engage Thunder Bay seniors from all sectors
and walks of life in constructing a long-term vision of a future for seniors
that can guide a coherent, purposeful and focused strategy for reform in our
community over the next five years and beyond. The Committee thanks you
for this opportunity to contribute to Thunder Bay’s Age Friendly initiative and
for the support that the community has provided in completing our task. We
remain ready to offer our assistance as Thunder Bay takes the next steps in
implementing the plan.
Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Johnson, Chair, Age Friendly Thunder Bay

Executive Members:
Melissa Berry, Marie Klassen, Karen Lewis, Randy Moore, Barb Philp
This Thunder Bay Age Friendly Community Wide Action
Plan was developed through a one year community
engagement process. We are thankful to all of the
participants who took the time to provide their input to
set us on the path to an age friendly community!

This project
was funded by

Page 6
In support of the Thunder Bay Senior Charter, Age
Friendly Thunder Bay will lead and coordinate initiatives to
improve the quality of life of Older Adults.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 7

Since 2009, Age Friendly Thunder Bay and its partners have
committed to improving the quality of life of Older Adults by
developing services and strategies that respond to Older Adults’
circumstances and aspirations. Its results include a Business
Guide, Five Year City Services Action Plan, a Custom Needs
Assessment and now this Five Year Community Wide Action Plan.

In November 2011, the City of Thunder Bay was accepted as a member of the
Network of Age-Friendly Cities by the World Health Organization. As part of its
commitment, the City developed a five-year City Services Action Plan that would
tackle many projects facilitating the improvement of City infrastructure and services
to better meet the needs of Older Adults. Shortly after completion of the City
Services Action Plan, the City, Age Friendly Thunder Bay and other partners worked
together with Lakehead Social Planning Council to receive funding to develop a
Thunder Bay Age Friendly Community Wide Action Plan.

The Project
This Community Wide Action Plan Project had three defined phases:

I. Custom Needs Assessment - October 2016

Through a comprehensive survey, focus groups and a Seniors Summit, Custom
Needs Assessment identified where Thunder Bay community services fulfilled
the needs of Older Adults and where gaps existed and improvements needed
to be made.

II. Community Wide Action Plan - May 2017

Through a series of interviews, focus groups and a Seniors Summit, action
items were identified and prioritized by community members.

III. Recommendation of the Organizational Structure - May 2017

As a result of discussions with a number of Age Friendly communities across
Canada, an effective organizational structure for Age Friendly Thunder Bay
has been recommended. This structure will allow Age Friendly Thunder Bay to
effectively lead and co-ordinate the action items set out in this plan.

Page 8
Essential Features of Age Friendly Cities
In 2007, the World Health Organization (“WHO”)
developed a checklist of essential features of Age
Friendly Cities. The checklist defined the essential
features by key domains: Outdoor Spaces
and Buildings; Housing; Transportation; Social
Participation; Community Support and Health
Services; Civic Participation and Employment;
and Respect and Social Inclusion. These eight
key domains were the premise of the work
completed for the Customs Needs Assessment
and the Community Wide Action Plan.

Thunder Bay’s Age Friendly Model

Thunder Bay has a unique population with a diverse set of needs, which government
agencies do not appear to be fully or effectively funding based on community needs.
A conclusion was made after much of the work was completed: Thunder Bay
cannot rely 100% on funding to meet Older Adults needs. Community partners and
residents need to work together to come up with a creative approach to improving
the lives of Older Adults, now and in the future. As a result, a new relational
model was developed to illustrate not only the essential features of Thunder Bay’s
Age Friendly community, but its relationship with Older Adults, families, friends,
neighbours and service
providers. This relationship
isn’t just about the City
and its service providers
ensuring that the essential
features are available to its
residents. It is a two way
relationship in which both
service organizations, and
City residents participate
and have a role.

The key WHO domains

continue to be integral in
this new model and are
incorporated within the key
nodes: safety and security;
neighbourhood; supports;
and communication.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 9

Community Profile
Over 33% of Thunder Bay’s
population will be 60 years and
older by 2036.

Located on the shores of Lake Superior, Thunder Bay has a population of

approximately 121,621 people1, and is a regional hub providing pertinent health
and other services to many other Northwestern Ontario communities. Priding itself
as a clean, green and beautiful community, Thunder Bay’s citizens enjoy a good
quality of life.

Thunder Bay has the third highest population of seniors in Ontario2. Its median age
is 43.6 years, higher than the Ontario median of 40.4 years3. As shown below, the
senior population, or 60 years and over, represented about 24% of the population,
or 29,220 people in 20114. The greatest population however fell between the ages
45 to 59. Much of this demographic is part of the baby boomers5.

Page 10
Thunder Bay is the sixth most
culturally diverse community
of its size in North America6.
While there is a large Finnish
and Italian population, the
Indigenous community in Thunder
Bay continues to grow. Various
community officials estimate that
the indigenous population may be
25% to 30% of the total population,
although most recent statistics do
not confirm this.

Other Key Community Statistics

• In 2011, median individual income for Older Adults in Thunder Bay was $28,500,
compared to the Ontario median of $31,1917.
• Up to 25% of single Older Adults live in poverty.
• Just over 40% of housing units provided by the District of Thunder Bay Social
Services Administration Board are designed for seniors8.
• Approximately 75% of Older Adults own their own homes, while 25% of Older
Adults rent9. More than 50% of those who rent spend more than 30% of their
income on rent10.
• A higher percentage of Thunder Bay residents have been diagnosed with cancer,
diabetes and heart disease than Ontario residents. As the population ages, the
health care system will continue to be taxed11.
• Use of hospital services by Thunder Bay residents is among the highest in Ontario.
Older Adults represent more than 65% of the hospital days and 70% of alternative
long term care days12.

“There is no affordable housing solutions for seniors who want to

downsize. Apartment buildings are mostly older and inadequate.
Condos are ridiculous in pricing so we are forced to stay in our current
home which is now too big for us and no longer as affordable”
Survey Participant

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 11

Custom Needs
10 focus groups
520 survey respondents
90 senior summit participants
In preparing the Custom Needs Assessment, impromptu and focus group sessions
were held and a survey was released to both Older Adults and Caregivers and other
Adults. The information gathered through this process was introduced and discussed
at the first Seniors Summit.

10 Focus Groups
Focus group sessions were held in ten locations around the City from February to
June 2016, connecting Older Adults of various ages, ethnicities and abilities.

520 Survey Respondents

A comprehensive survey was released in February 2016. This survey was conducted
to engage Older Adults, age 60 years and older, caregivers, and residents between
the ages of 18 and 59 in a discussion of what they believe is needed in Thunder Bay
to improve the quality of life for Older Adults. These surveys were released informally,
meaning the results of the survey were not random and inferences toward the general
population cannot be made.

June 2016 Seniors Summit

More than 90 participants attended and were involved in further identifying Older
Adult needs and commencing the development of possible action items.

Key Findings
Overall, Older Adults were satisfied with the social and recreational activities in the
City, felt respected and mostly integrated in the community. They had positive things to
say about numerous community services. On the other hand, caregivers and younger
adults did not see aging as positively as Older Adults. The key gaps identified by
all survey participants included: isolation, housing, community and health services,
accessibility, convenience of shopping and transportation.
Page 12
% of Survey % of Survey
Participants who Participants who
agree or strongly disagree or strongly
agree disagree
Older Adults prefer to age at Isolation is an issue for
86% home. 78% Older Adults.
There are many things to Older Adults do not feel safe
89% keep Older Adults busy. 67% when outside during the night.
Older Adults have friends to Wait times for Older Adult
88% connect with. 73% housing are not reasonable.
Wait times for supportive
Older Adults feel safe when
73% outside during the day. 72% housing are not reasonable.
Other Adults and Caregivers
87% There are volunteer
opportunities available. 71% do not feel that mental health
needs are met.
Older Adults feel that physical
83% health needs are met. 70% There are not enough long term
and short term care options for
Older Adults feel that mental Older Adults readily available.
70% health needs are met.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 13

Age Friendly
Thunder Bay
Age Friendly Thunder Bay (“AFTB”) is currently a Steering
Committee made up of representatives of over 40 organizations
throughout Thunder Bay and led by an executive team. It is not
incorporated, receives no direct funding and has no paid staff.

Proposed Organization Structure

For Age Friendly Thunder Bay to effectively and efficiently lead the
coordination and completion of its actions, it must be incorporated
as a not-for-profit organization. The proposed relationship would be:

Page 14
The key benefits to incorporating as a not-for-profit corporation include:
• Ability to seek funding as a not-for-profit corporation;
• Focus and dedication to its mission statement;
• 100% of funding received committed to project and programming;
• Flexibility to set up operations, policies and procedures to minimize operating
costs, maintain strong controls and improve communication, partnership and
collaboration opportunities; and
• Part-time or full-time staffing could be hired to administer and co-ordinate
programming and initiatives, as set out in the Community Wide Action Plan.

As a not-for-profit organization, sustainability is at risk. It is very

important that a sustainable funding model be developed through
planning and continued discussions with potential partners. Similar to
other not-for-profit corporations, Age Friendly Thunder Bay will continue
to require volunteer dedication, the ability to attain funding, effective
partnerships and collaborations and strong management and oversight.

In support of the Thunder Bay Senior Charter,
Age Friendly Thunder Bay will lead and coordinate
initiatives to improve the quality of life of Older Adults.

To achieve its mission, Age Friendly Thunder Bay
• Lead Thunder Bay’s Age Friendly movement;
• Engage and inspire community organizations
to work together;
• Communicate with the community at large; and
• Coordinate community efforts to build an Age
Friendly community.

See Appendix Three for more details of the

Recommended Organization Structure.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 15

Community Wide
Action Plan
12 focus groups
16 interviews
170 senior summit participants

In preparing the Age Friendly Community Wide Action Plan, additional focus group
sessions and interviews were held. Some of the key findings from these sessions
are summarized below.

Focus Group and Interview Key Findings

• The government funds multiple organizations for similar services.
• Funding is tight. Organizations can not meet the demand.
• Organizations could improve services with more funding.
• Partnerships may reduce costs and improve efficiency.
• Services needed by Older Adults are being provided, however improvements
need to be made.
• Transportation is limited.
• There are many organizations who provide services and supports to Older
Adults but these citizens may not qualify or don’t know the process to qualify;
there are wait lists; or services are not affordable.
• Not everyone who needs help is getting help.
• Everyone’s needs are different. One size doesn’t always fit all.
• Many Older Adults are isolated. Residents are very concerned for isolated
• People seem to be less willing to help others. It is unknown why this may be.
• Social participation increases health, wellness and longevity.
• Older Adults struggle navigating through the health care system when
something is wrong.
• Communication is a problem.

Page 16
Thunder Bay’s Age Friendly Model
While WHO’s eight key domains (housing; transportation; social participation; respect
and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information;
community support and health services and outdoor spaces and buildings) were the
key considerations throughout the development of this Age Friendly Community Wide
Action Plan, a model which would better reflect the vision of an Age Friendly Thunder
Bay was developed. This model reflects the importance of both community service
organizations, Older Adults, neighbours, friends and families working together to achieve
a more Age Friendly Thunder Bay. This model, which was introduced at the November
2016 Seniors Summit, has four key nodes in which the WHO’s domains reside. As an
example, housing and transportation are part of safety and security; while respect and
social inclusion is not only part of neighbourhood, it has also been integrated into safety
and security.

November 2016 Seniors Summit

As a result of the information gathered during the Custom Needs Assessment, along
with additional focus groups and interviews, a number of possible action items were
introduced at the November 2016 Seniors Summit for vetting. More than 170 participants
attended and were involved in prioritizing the next steps to making Thunder Bay a more
Age Friendly community.

See Appendix Four for the November 2016 Seniors Summit Results Summary.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 17

Guiding Principles
Age Friendly Thunder Bay, its staff, volunteers, stakeholders and partners will be
guided by the following values, while leading, coordinating and participating in
age friendly initiatives.

Clear and Concise We promote clear and concise communication.

Efficient and Effective We strive to work efficiently and effectively. We
encourage the expansion and enhancement of
existing programs, where possible.
Creative and Collaborative We encourage a creative and collaborative
approach when developing solutions to improve
the quality of life of Older Adults.
Culturally Sensitive We will be mindful of and integrate, where
possible, the diversity of Thunder Bay’s
Positive, Respectful and We engage with stakeholders and community
Friendly members in a positive, respectful and friendly

Page 18
Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 19
Community Wide Action Plan

Safety and Security

Older Adults want to feel

safe and secure. They
need a home, food and “Stores fill their aisles with
financial security. Older ‘goods’ making it difficult to
adults need to be safe navigate”
while travelling, shopping, Survey Participant
going to appointments
and/or participating in
events or activities.

Page 20
Action Item Timeline
Develop and communicate a stronger plan to help Older Years 1 to 5
Adults age in their homes.
Sample List of Partners
City of Thunder Bay, Community Care Access Centre,
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St.
Joseph’s Care Group, Canadian Red Cross, Wesway,
Meals on Wheels, Local Health Integration Network, etc.

Develop and communicate a stronger plan to better meet Years 1 to 3

the housing needs of Older Adults.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board,
Castlegreen Co-operative Housing, Hilldale Retirement,
Housing and Homelessness Coalition, etc.

Expand and enhance the number of home safety and other Year 2
assessments completed each year.
Sample List of Partners
Canadian Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services,
EcoSuperior Environmental Programs, etc.

Engage youth to obtain jobs working with seniors by Years 3 to 5

communicating future demands in the workforce.
Sample List of Partners
YES Employment Services, Community Economic
Development Commission, North Superior Workforce
Planning Board, Confederation College, etc.

“My pension makes it difficult to find affordable

housing. I share a house with a friend”
Survey Participant

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 21

Community Wide Action Plan


Community supports and

health services need to be “the wait for mental health
available to Older Adults professionals is not right”
to assist them with their
physical, health, social Survey Participant
and recreational needs.
These supports and “I am fortunate to have an
services are provided by
government agencies, not
excellent GP”
for profit organizations, Survey Participant
volunteers, family, friends
and neighbours.
Page 22
Action Item Timeline
Establish a transportation hub that coordinates and helps Years 1 and 2
provide better transportation services for Older Adults.
Sample List of Partners
Canadian Red Cross, Thunder Bay Indian Friendship
Centre, Metis First Nation, City of Thunder Bay, etc.

Investigate the best approach and create a road map to Years 1 to 3

help Older Adults navigate and utilize the community and
health services.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St.
Joseph’s Care Group, Victorian Order of Nurses, March of
Dimes, Independent Living Resource Centre, etc.

Advocate for increased funding dollars for community Year 1 to 5

Sample List of Partners
City of Thunder Bay, community service organizations, etc.

Develop a volunteer program that helps adults transition Year 4

from driving to taking public or other transportation.
Sample List of Partners
Lakehead University, Centre for Education and Research
on Aging and Halth, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences
Centre, St. Joseph’s Care Group, etc.

Create a pilot project to provide all Older Adults a point Year 2

of contact when they leave the hospital to discuss health
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St.
Joseph’s Care Group, Health Clinics, Wesway, Brain Injury
Services of Northern Ontario, etc.

... continued on next page

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 23

Action Item Timeline
Develop a medical equipment “re-use” program, where old Year 3
equipment is donated, cleaned, refurbished and reused.
Sample List of Partners
Canadian Red Cross, Shoppers Home Health Care,
Community Care Access Centre, etc.

Perform a review of select participating community service Years 1 and 2

organizations to find efficiencies and more effective
operating models.
Sample List of Partners
Lakehead Social Planning Council, not-for-profit
organizations providing support services to Older Adults,

Evaluate access to and availability of outpatient mental Years 1 and 2

health care services for Older Adults.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St.
Joseph’s Care Group, Canadian Mental Health Association,

Advocate for any needed mental health care services, as Years 3 to 5

identified above.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St.
Joseph’s Care Group, City of Thunder Bay, etc.

Page 24
Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 25
Community Wide Action Plan


Neighbourhood is the
community that surrounds
each person. It is family, “I see too many seniors in just
friends, neighbours, all my building alone that spend
ages, all genders and all too much time alone with no
cultures. It is the community
hub that provides social, place to go”
cultural, spiritual and Survey Participant
recreational activities. Being
a good neighbour is being
helpful, respectful, kind and
Page 26
Action Item Timeline
Develop recreation and social programming that closes gaps between Years 1 to 3
cultures and ages and is open to all membership and participation.
Sample List of Partners
Community hubs, churches, recreational and social clubs, City of
Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Public Library, etc.

Implement a communication marketing effort that motivates Years 4 and 5

neighbours, family and friends to help support and stay involved in
older adults’ lives.
Sample List of Partners
Canadian Red Cross, Lakehead Social Planning Council, Alzheimers
Society etc.

Develop and implement a pilot project to identify and support isolated Years 2 and 3
Older Adults.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St. Joseph’s Care
Group, Canadian Mental Health Association, Alzheimers Society, etc.

Develop strategies to engage retired men as volunteers, mentors and Years 4 and 5
recreation participants.
Sample List of Partners
Lakehead Social Planning Council, United Way, etc.

Expand existing marketing programs focused on healthy eating, Years 1 to 5

disease prevention and the eat local food movement.
Sample List of Partners
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St. Joseph’s Care
Group, Local Food Movement agencies, Farmers’ Market, etc.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 27

Action Item Timeline
Create an effective program for Older Adults to assist youth through Years 1 to 5
mentorship and skills based tutoring.
Sample List of Partners
Community Economic Development Commission, YES Employment
Services, North Superior Workforce Planning Board etc.

Create an intergenerational pilot project bringing youth and Older Year 3

Adults together (in schools, retirement and care home etc.).
Sample List of Partners
Lakehead Public District School Board, Thunder Bay Catholic District
School Board, Thunder Bay Public Library, Nishnawbe Aski Education
Council, Matawa Learning Centre, etc.

Page 28
Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 29
Community Wide Action Plan


A community can
have everything that
an Older Adult needs “Healthy eating and disease
but it is essential that
information and services
prevention very important to
are communicated in a me. Seniors do not always eat
manner that is easy to sensibly”
understand, respectful,
Survey Participant
delivered with patience,
and using a method that
reaches as many Older
Adults as possible.
Page 30
Action Item Timeline
Encourage partners to network, to understand existing Years 1 to 5
initiatives and to jointly participate in Age Friendly initiatives
within community hubs.
Sample List of Partners
Lakehead Social Planning Council, all Older Adult service
organizations, Thunder Bay Public Library, etc.

Communicate services and supports available to older adults, Years 2 to 5

i.e. transportation, housing, health, community services, using
tools and techniques preferred by Older Adults.
Sample List of Partners
Canadian Red Cross, Community Care Access Centre,
Lakehead Social Planning Council, etc.

Leverage the existing business toolkit to provide customer Year 2

service training for local businesses and organizations with
significant Older Adult clientele.

Sample List of Partners

Alzheimers’ Society, Canadian Mental Health Association,
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Develop and implement an evaluation process to assess the Year 3

success of these Age Friendly Projects.

Sample List of Partners

Lakehead University, City of Thunder Bay, Lakehead Social
Planning Councl, etc.

Lobby the government to provide people on the phone to Years 3 to 5

patiently answer questions.
Sample List of Partners
City of Thunder Bay, Lakehead Social Planning Council, etc.

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 31

Action Item Timeline
Initiate steps to improve system of communicating current Years 1 to 5
needs and status of palliative and high needs adults for access
by all community care partners.
Sample List of Partners
Victorian Order of Nurses, Wesway, March of Dimes,
Community Care Access Centres, etc.

Facilitate contributions to aging health symposiums with speakers Years 1 to 5

and workshops on topics to assist Older Adults and care partners
to navigate the health and community services system.
Sample List of Partners
Most health and community service organizations, etc.

Page 32
Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 33
Next Steps
All community partners, residents, family, friends
and neighbours must continue to work together,
in a big or small way, and take the next steps to a
more Age Friendly Thunder Bay.

As a leader in this initiative, Age Friendly Thunder Bay has a significant role in the
implementation of this action plan. Its next steps are crucial in the overall success
of an Age Friendly Thunder Bay.
1. Establish a not-for-profit corporation which can formally take on the role as
leader, coordinator and facilitator;
2. Bring together community partners and residents who will have the experience,
skills and initiative to assist in the development and completion of the action
items herein;
3. Seek funding to move these initiatives forward; and
4. Always continue to bring together community partners and residents to work
together and help create a more Age Friendly Thunder Bay.

See Appendix Five for the Sample Best Practice Age Friendly Initiatives.

Page 34
Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 35
Older Adults’ Role
“I’m not saying all seniors should be running a city
or running a business, but I am saying seniors are
good for a lot more than simply running a bath,
baking cookies or babysitting grandchildren.”
Hazel McCallion

As an Older Adult, it is difficult to solely rely on the systems in place. It is important

to ensure that we help ourselves and others the best that we can. We must plan
for the future, seek out information and answers, advocate for ourselves and
communicate our needs. Given the current reality, with insufficient funding for
community organizations to help us out, it is important that we help, support and
motivate each other to take control and improve our lives.

Page 36
“My mother volunteered into her 80s at
Grandview lodge. She enjoyed working with older
adults even when she became one”
Survey Participant

Thunder Bay Community Wide Action Plan Page 37

1. Statistics Canada, 2016 Census for Thunder Bay CMA, 2017
2. City of Thunder Bay, Summary of Key Trends and Indicators, retrieved from:
3. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
4. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
5. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
6. Thunder Bay CEDC, 2014 Community Profile, retrieved from:
7. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
8. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
9. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
10. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
11. Statistics Canada, Health Profile for Thunder Bay, December 2013
12. Health Profile-City of Thunder Bay Integrated District Network May 2012
Age Friendly Thunder Bay
Custom Needs Assessment
October 2016

Outdoor Spaces & Social Participation &

Public Buildings Housing Transportation Recreation

Community Support & Civic Participation & Respect & Social Communication &
Health Services Employment Inclusion Information
COMMUNITY PROFILE.................................................................................................4
CUSTOM NEEDS ASSESSMENT.................................................................................8
OUTDOOR SPACES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS..............................................10
SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND RECREATION.................................................16
COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND HEALTH SERVICES........................................18
CIVIC PARTICIPATION AND EMPLOYMENT..................................................20
RESPECT AND SOCIAL INCLUSION...............................................................22
COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION.........................................................24


Front Cover Photos: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Since its inception in 2009, Age Friendly Thunder Bay and its partners have
been committed to improving the quality of life of Older Adults by developing
services and strategies that respond to Older Adults needs, circumstances
and aspirations. This commitment was formalized when the City of Thunder
Bay and 13 community partners endorsed or supported the Senior Charter.

In November 2011, the City of Thunder Bay was accepted as a member of the
Network of Age-Friendly Cities by the World Health Organization. As part of
their commitment, the City developed a five-year City Services Action Plan that
would tackle many projects facilitating the improvement of City infrastructure
and services to better meet the needs of Older Adults. Shortly after completion
of the City Services Action Plan, the City, Age Friendly Thunder Bay and other
partners worked together with Lakehead Social Planning Council to receive
funding to develop a Thunder Bay Age Friendly Community Wide Action Plan.

The Project
The Community Wide Action Plan Project has three defined phases:

I. Custom Needs Assessment

The Custom Needs Assessment is crucial in the development of the
Community Wide Action Plan. The objectives of this Phase are to identify
where Thunder Bay community services fulfill the needs of Older Adults
and where existing gaps exist where improvements should be made.

II. Community Wide Action Plan

Upon completion of the Custom Needs Assessment, the Thunder Bay
Age Friendly Community Wide Action Plan will be developed. This will
involve a series of interviews, focus groups and a second Seniors Summit
to assist in the creation of a five year action plan. This action plan will
set out objectives to be achieved to better meet the needs of our diverse
population, addressing the identified gaps in services and will include
short and long term strategic actions.

III. Recommendation of the Organizational Structure

As a final step in this Project, recommendations will be made, outlining
the most effective organizational structure for Age Friendly Thunder Bay
to become in order to work with its Partners and achieve the objectives
set out in the Action Plan.


This report is the results of the Custom Needs Assessment completed between
November 2015 and June 2016.

Phase I: Custom Needs Assessment

In developing the Custom Needs Assessment, the following steps were taken:
• Gathered and reviewed all relevant existing studies and background materials;
• Hosted a number of interviews, inpromptu focus group sessions with Older
Adults, caregivers, service providers and other stakeholders;
• Created, released and tabulated surveys for both Older Adults, Caregivers and
Other Adults; and
• Developed this final Custom Needs Assessment Report.

Essential Features of Age Friendly Cities

In 2007, the World Health Organization
developed a checklist of essential features
of Age Friendly Cities. The checklist
defined the essential features by key
domains: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings;
Housing;Transportation; Social Participation
and Recreation; Community Support and
Health Services; Civic Participation and
Employment; and Respect and Social

These key domains were the premise of

the work completed for the Customs Needs


Nestled along Lake Superior, Thunder Bay has a population of approximately
121,000 people1, but is a regional hub providing
pertinent health and other services to most
Northwestern Ontario communities. Priding itself as
a clean, green and beautiful community, Thunder
Bay’s citizens enjoy a good quality of life.

Thunder Bay has the third highest population of
seniors in Ontario2. Its median age is 43.6 years,
higher than the Ontario median of 40.4 years3. As
shown below, the senior population, or 60 years and over, represented about
24% of the population, or 29,220 people in 20114. The greatest population
however fell between the ages 45 to 59. Much of this demographic is part of
the popular baby boomers5.

Thunder Bay is the sixth most culturally diverse community of its size in
North America6. Ethnicities include English, French, Finnish, Italian, Chinese
and Aboriginal7, to name a few. Based on Statistics Canada 2011 National
Household Survey, there are approximately 11,670 individuals who identify
themselves as Aboriginal. Various community officials estimate that the
aboriginal population may be closer to 25% to 30% of the total population8.


Older Adults
According to the Ministry of Finance’s Ontario Population Projections, the senior
population aged 60 and over is projected to increase 16% by 2021, and will continue
to increase until 20419. It is estimated that by 2031, one third of Thunder Bay’s
population will be 60 years of age and over10.

Income Level
Based on the 2011 National Household Survey, the median total individual income is
$31,19111, which is slightly higher than the Ontario median total individual income of
$30,29012. In 2011, the median income of a Senior, aged 65 or older, was $28,500. In
2014, the median income increased to $31,26013.

Low Income

Median Older Adult


Up to 25% of
single Older Adults
live in poverty.


According to the 2011 National Household
Survey there are 52,060 households within “There is no affordable
the community16. Housing sizes vary from one housing solutions for
person to six or more, with an average of 2.3 seniors who want to
persons in households17. Housing development downsize. Apartment
in the city is showing a slight increase with a total buildings are mostly older
of 70 homes being built so far into July 2016. and inadequate. Condos
This is compared to 67 homes in 2015, resulting are ridiculous in pricing
in a 4% increase in housing within the city18. so we are forced to stay
in our current home which
According to the District of Thunder Bay Social is now too big for us and
Services Administration Board, the supply of units no longer as affordable.”
designed for seniors has declined accounting for
only 42% of the portfolio19. Furthermore, there Anonymous Survey
is shift in seniors’ needs to more supportive
services which allow them to live comfortably
and independently within their own homes.
Approximately 75% of seniors own their homes,
an increase from 2001 when 73% owned their own homes20. 25% of seniors
in Thunder Bay rent their own living spaces of which 50% spend more than
30% of their income on rent21.

Generally, the health of Thunder Bay
residents is worse than the average
Ontario resident. The prevalence of
cancer, diabetes and heart disease
is generally higher in Thunder Bay
than Ontario.

Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay


Characteristics Bay District Ontario
Health Unit
Health Conditions
Overweight or obese 61.7% 52.6%
Arthritis 21.3% 17.2%
Diabetes 8.1% 6.6%
Hospitalized stroke event 158 119
Hospitalized acute 295 198
myocardial infarction
event rate*
Cancer incidence* 443.0 398.8
Health Behaviours
Current smoker, daily 18.3% 14.4%
Heavy drinking 20.1% 16.9%
Leisure-time physical 53.8%
activity, moderately active bbb61.5%
or active
Self-injury hospitalization* 219 63
Sense of community 70.8% 67.5%
Life satisfaction, satisfied 92.7% 91.8%
or very satisfied
* per 100,000 population

Source: Statistics Canada, Health Profile for Thunder Bay, December 2013

The use of hospital services by Thunder Bay residents is consistently among the
highest in Ontario. Given that older patients represent more than 65% of the hospital22
days and the 70% of the Alternative Long Term Care days, the health care system
will continue to be taxed as the Older Adults age. Creative solutions will need to be
sought to ensure that Older Adults can live independently, and with quality of life.


In preparing the custom needs assessment, impromptu and focus group
sessions were held and a survey was released to both Older Adults and
Caregivers and other Adults. While the release of the surveys did not follow
a formal approach, many groups were targeted by working with various
community organizations.

Focus Groups
91 Participants

Focus group sessions were held in ten locations around the city, connecting
Older Adults of various ages, ethnicities and abilities.

Survey Results
330 Older Adults
190 Caregivers and Other Adults

A comprehensive Survey was released in February 2016. This survey was

conducted to engage older adults, age 60 years and olders, and caregivers,
and residents between the ages of 18 and 59 in a discussion of what they
believe is needed in Thunder Bay to improve the quality of life of Older Adults.
We had an excellent response of 520 total surveys. However, results are
not random and inferences toward the general population cannot be made.
Below, some Survey details are listed.
• There was both a paper copy
and online version available to
community members. Copies were
available at the Public Library and
Older Adult service organizations;
• There were 27 questions, including
130 subquestions for Older Adults,
covering the eight domain areas;
• There were 26 questions, including
97 subquestions for Caregivers
and Other Adults, very similar to
questions asked of the Older Adults;
• The questions were statements to which the respondents could choose
five responses, from strongly disagree to strongly agree;


• For each domain, participants had an opportunity to provide an open ended response;
• Respondents had the option to not respond or indicate not applicable or don’t know.

Seniors Summit
90 Participants

The Seniors Summit was held in June 2016. More than 90 participants attended and
were involved in further identifying Older Adult needs and commencing the development
of possible action items.

Key Findings
On the next pages, the results of the findings from the focus groups, survey results and
senior summit have been summarized by domain area. Any reference to percentages
refer to survey results. General statements were derived based on feedback in the survey,
focus groups or Senior Summit. Overall, participants are satisfied with the social and
recreational activities in the city, feel respected and mostly integrated in the community
and have positive things to say about numerous services in the community. The key
gaps identified include: isolation, housing, community and health services, accessibility
and convenience of shopping, and transportation.

% of Survey % of Survey
Participants who agree Participants who disagree
or strongly agree or strongly disagree

Older Adults prefer to age at Isolation is an issue for

86% home. 78% Older Adults.
There are many things to Older Adults do not feel safe
89% keep Older Adults busy. 67% when outside during the night.
Older Adults have friends to Wait times for Older Adult
88% connect with. 73% housing are not reasonable.
Wait times for supportive
Older Adults feel safe when
73% outside during the day. 72% housing are not reasonable.
Other Adults and Caregivers
87% There are volunteer
opportunities available. 71% do not feel that mental health
needs are met.
Older Adults feel that physical
83% health needs are met. 70% There are not enough long term
and short term care options for
Older Adults feel that mental Older Adults, readily available.
70% health needs are met.
Thunder Bay is a city that prides itself
on its great outdoors! What are Older
Adults’ needs to be able to access our
outdoor spaces? Can Older Adults
comfortably and safely participate in
outdoor activities?

As for public buildings, what are the needs

of Older Adults using these buildings?
How can buildings be designed or
adapted to allow the aging population
to remain mobile, participate in activities
and remain independent? Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results
Older Adults feel safe when they go outside
73% during the day.
45% Outdoor spaces and public buildings are clean.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Cultural activities, libraries and other
recreational spaces are great assets in
the community.

Great hiking!

* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this

Survey Results

53% Stores and malls do not have sufficient benches

Older Adults do not feel safe when they go
67% outside during the night.
46% Buildings do not have sufficient seating indoors.
48% Floors and pavement are not safe to walk on.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Stores put too many goods in the aisles.

There is insufficient handicap parking available.

TBRHSC parking is too far and too expensive.


Housing is a basic right, creating a
feeling of safety, security and a place
where wonderful memories are usually
made. Thunder Bay has one of the
largest percentages of Older Adults
living independently in their homes in
the province.

Is there sufficient and affordable

housing? Can Older Adults live
independently and comfortably? Is
there adequate support for Older
Adults to age in their homes?
Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results

Older Adults
86% prefer to age
at home.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Neighbourhoods foster a sense of community.

* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this

Survey Results
Maintenance and renovation services are not
58% available and/or affordable.
Wait times for Older Adult housing are not
73% reasonable.
Wait times for supportive housing are not
72% reasonable.
64% There are insufficient housing options.
There are insufficient low income housing
59% options.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Finding the right home at the right price with available
services and activities is difficult.
More creativity in resolving the housing issues is needed.


The City of Thunder Bay, formerly
the City of Port Arthur and Fort
William, covers a wide geographical
area. Transportation is key to the
participation in cultural, recreational
and social activities, volunteering and
employment and access to social,
health and community services.

What transportation options are

available for older adults? Are these
options affordable and safe? How can
the community help older adults get to
where they want to go and stay active?

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results

72% Sufficient driver education courses are available.

59% There are sufficient delivery options available.
50% The city is easy to drive in.
49% Seniors can be easily and safely dropped off in
front of public buildings.

* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this

Survey Results

63% Taxis are not accessible and/or affordable.

44% Home delivery is not affordable.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Volunteer based transportation services don’t have
enough volunteers.
It is difficult to travel in Thunder Bay since it is so spread


Staying active and involved helps to keep
Older Adults healthy. Whether participating
in social, cultural, recreational or spiritual
activities in the community, Older Adults
enjoy the comraderie of family and friends,
and entertainment of all sorts.

Are community events accessible,

affordable and appealing to Older Adults?
Are Older Adults able to maintain and
establish support relationships?

Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results

89% There are many things to keep Older

Adults busy.

88% Older Adults have friends to connect with.

Fitness classes are geared to abilities and
82% age.
75% There are many clubs and groups available.
There are sufficient classes and activities
76% geared to Older Adults’ needs.
76% There are number of ways to meet people.
* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or General Comments during Needs Assessment
strongly agree with this “Existing programs are fantastic.” (Anonymous)

Survey Results
Isolation is an issue for Older
78% Adults.
Health, age or income is a barrier to
47% participating in activities.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
“It can be difficult to meet new people.”
Existing popular programs need more funding,
staff or volunteers to expand.


As Older Adults age, there is a greater
need for community support and health
services. The stronger supports and
health services allow Older Adults to age
in place and maintain a greater level of

Does the community have an adequate

range of health and community support
services available and accessible to
promote, maintain and restore health? As
individuals, what can Older Adults do to
stay healthy?

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results
Older Adults feel that physical health needs are
83% met.
Older Adults feel that mental health needs are
70% met.
84% Pharmacists explain medication.
Older Adults are treated with respect and dignity
77% when receiving medical care.
67% Medical team takes an interest in Older Adults’
health and well-being.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Focus on providing health care services outside of the
* Percentage of Survey hospital has many positive effects.
Participants who agree or Volunteers in health and community services spend
strongly agree with this
statement. additional time to share and care for Older Adults

Survey Results
Other Adults and Caregivers do not feel that
48% physical health needs are met.
Other Adults and Caregivers do not feel that
71% mental health needs are met.
There are not enough long term and short term
70% care options for Older Adults, readily available.
61% Finding a primary care provider is difficult.
50% The hospital care system is not adequate.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
More dieticians are needed.
Non-OHIP covered costs are difficult to afford.


Older Adults continue to contribute to
society well beyond age 55, either through
paid jobs, volunteerism or involvement in
civic duties. In fact, Older Adults comprise
one of the largest segments of volunteers
in Thunder Bay.

How can Older Adults continue to

contribute to the community? Are volunteer
and paying job options available for 55+
workers? Are the volunteer options for
Older Adults accessible for all and are
volunteers valued? How are Older Adults
able to participate in the civic government
and community action groups?

Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results

87% There are volunteer opportunities available.

55% It is easy to find jobs or volunteer opportunites.
Older Adults feel that they face no discrimination
48% due to age when working or volunteering.

* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this

Survey Results
Other Adults and Caregivers feel that Older
63% Adults’ expertise is not valued or sought out by
younger workers.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Skills need to be better matched with volunteer
and/or work positions.
Employment discrimination is present.


Respect can be simple gestures:
a smile, holding a door
open, listening, patience and
understanding. Older Adults have
many stories and experiences
to share and teach younger
generations. The feeling of
respect and social inclusion
encourages older adults to
continue to participate in activities,
improving their overall health and

Do Older Adults feel respected

and included as an important part
of the community? How can they
be involved in decision making and
social activities?

Source: Courtesy of the City of Thunder Bay

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results

68% Older Adults feel their opinion is respected.

Older Adults feel that their opinions and
63% concerns matter to others.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Family and friends are willing to help when needed.

* Percentage of Survey
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this

General Comments during Needs Assessment

There is not always trust that contractors and
other service people are being honest.
Everyone is different, a greater variety of ways
to provide input are needed.
There is an inadequate amount of
intergenerational mingling, activities and
Newcomers do not always feel welcome in
Thunder Bay.
Negative attitudes and media promotion of
negative events is discouraging.
Racism still exists in the community.


Knowing where to find and understand information is crucial for Older Adults to take
care of themselves, their family members and homes. Staying in touch with family
and friends, and keeping up with available programming that is of interest to them is
vital to Older Adults’ quality of life.

Is information distributed in an effective manner to reach Older Adults? Are

communication options easy to understand, affordable and available?

Agrees or Strongly Agrees Disagrees or Strongly Disagrees


Survey Results
Older Adults can easily read printed information
77% or visual displays.
Older Adults like to talk to a real person on the
95% phone instead of an automated voice.
Older Adults have access to computers and
79% internet at minimal charge.
Publications and broadcasts geared to Older
64% Adults are helpful.
General Comments during Needs Assessment
Older Adults obtain their information from
friends, television and newspapers.
Information is most helpful from health and flu
shot clinics, social and religious groups, and
* Percentage of Survey activities and events.
Participants who agree or
strongly agree with this The public library, internet and local newspapers
statement. are great sources of information.

General Comments during Needs Assessment

Older Adults do not as often obtain their
information from Senior Community Information
Guide, Twitter and the Guide to Programs and
Services for Seniors in Ontario.

Filling out forms can be difficult for a variety of

reasons. Help is not always available.
Not all seniors know how to use today’s
technology to access information.


Demographics Older Adults Caregivers Other Adults

Number of Participants 330 42 148

Male 25% 4% 23%
Female 75% 26% 77%
18 to 24 0.38% 17% 9%
25 to 34 0.38% 24% 11%
35 to 44 - 10% 13%
45 to 54 1% 24% 30%
55 to 64 23% 17% 35%
65 to 74 49% 4% 2%
75 and over 26% 4% -
Own or Rent
Own 80% - -
Rent 20% - -
Do you live alone or with others
Alone 36% - -
With others 64% - -
Type of dwelling
Housing 76% - -
Condominium 7% - -
Apartment 9% - -
Seniors housing 7% - -
No current permanent 1% - -
Gross Household Income per year
Under $9,999 1% 3% 8%
$10,000 to $19,999 6% 10% 6%


$50,000 to $69,999 25% - -
$70,000 to $99,999 11% - -
$100,000 and over 7% 27% 19%
Prefer not to answer 24% 13% 25%
Ethnicity/racial background
First Nations/Inuit/Metis 1% 11% 9%
Italian 2% 11% 7%
Hispanic 0.4% 4% 2%
Asian 0.4% 4% 3%
African 1% - 1%
European 49% 30% 53%
Other 46% 41% 24%


1. City of Thunder Bay, About Thunder Bay, retrieved from:
2. City of Thunder Bay, Summary of Key Trends and Indicators, retrieved from:
3. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
4. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
5. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA, 2011
6. Thunder Bay CEDC, 2014 Community Profile, retrieved from:
7. Statistics Canada, NHS Focus on Geography Series – Thunder Bay, CMA retrieved from:
enm/2011/as-sa/fogs spg/Pages/FOG.cfm?lang=E&level=3&GeoCode=595
8. Statistics Canada, NHS Focus on Geography Series – Thunder Bay, CMA retrieved from:
enm/2011/as-sa/fogs spg/Pages/FOG.cfm?lang=E&level=3&GeoCode=595
9. Government of Ontario – Ministry of Finance, Ontario Population Projections Update: Spring 2016 Based on the 2011
Census, retrieved from:
10. City of Thunder Bay, Summary of Key Trends and Indicators, retrieved from:
11. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA – Income of Individuals, 2011
12. Statistics Canada, Individuals by total income level, by province and territory, 2016
13. Statistics Canada, Seniors’ characteristics, by age group and source of income, 2016
14. Lakehead Social Planning Council, Thunder Bay and District Poverty Reduction Strategy: Annual Report 2014, retrieved
15. Statistics Canada, Seniors’ characteristics, by age group and source of income, Table 111-0035, retrieved from: http://
16. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA - Housing, 2011
17. Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey for Thunder Bay CMA – Family Income,
18. Thunder Bay CEDC, Housing – Urban Housing Starts, 2016, retrieved from:
19. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
20. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
21. The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board, Under One Roof: A Housing and Homelessness Plan
2014-2024, retrieved from:
22. Health Profile-City of Thunder Bay Integrated District Network May 2012, retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/marvin/Downloads/


PAGE 100
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PAGE 104

Q4 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding outdoor spaces.
Answered: 144 Skipped: 376

# Responses Date

1 I have the advantage of living close to the Neebing river and chapels park; lovely area. Usually clean, peaceful, non 5/1/2016 10:50 PM

2 I have difficulty walking long distances. There is seldom a bench outside to recoup or for that matter just inside the 4/30/2016 3:06 PM

3 if you want people to feel safe in downtown South Side - the boar needs to move elsewhere. East past Victoriaville 4/30/2016 2:58 PM
looks dirty and unkept. Cigarette butts and liters around the bar plus customers congregate outside the bar. There are
needles and syringes in that area which is why the lovely Take a Hike relocated to the North Side Vickers park needs
more tables and benches away from Play Area Marina - there are limited parking spaces -for events it is a long walk
in -even if you drive from south side and take bus to marina- it is awkard for an elderly person-in and out of car-in and
out of bus walk to park carrying a chair and repeat that on the way hoe. It's difficult. it is better at Chippewa park

4 Perfect example is the TBR hospital. Walking from parking lot,as well as once inside,too long to walk to elevator or to 4/30/2016 2:57 PM
whom you wish to visit or to xray. etc.

5 i dont do to much if I know there aren't washrooms - also in the streets I worry about ice and falling 4/30/2016 2:48 PM

6 Too many drunk people. 4/30/2016 2:44 PM

7 Sidewalks are not cleared of snow for days after a snowfall. I have to take the bus with a walker. Dawson Road at 4/30/2016 2:20 PM
Safeway is horrible and dangerous.

8 Sidewalks are not cleared of snow for days after a snowfall. I have to take the bus with a walker. Dawson Road at 4/30/2016 2:05 PM
Safeway is horrible and dangerous.

9 Not enough handicapped parking or access 4/30/2016 2:05 PM

10 there is poo parking near public in downtown P.A. 4/30/2016 1:56 PM

11 Public areas are generally clear but there is often ice in the winter that people can easily slip on. 4/30/2016 1:55 PM

12 I am quite independent and have not encountered problems so far, though walking from Auditorium parking lot in 4/30/2016 1:53 PM
winter can be somewhat challenging

13 Use boulevard lane, Marina, parks as recreational oppertunities regularly 4/30/2016 1:43 PM

14 Most benches located near bus line...usually full or people smoke nearby. There are handicap parking places... often 4/30/2016 1:38 PM
full (which is good) but then people further away I have to walk (good for some but not others). Safe and night
depends on whether you like...whether walking or (I am always more cautious)

15 TB Regional Hospital- too few handicap -Too far to walk 4/30/2016 1:32 PM

16 Not everything can be perfect. Need to be patient! 4/30/2016 1:31 PM

17 difficulties accessing or leaving Marina either by car or walking. Also crossing to St. Joseph's Hospital. Parking and 4/30/2016 1:25 PM
walking to Regional Hospital and Riverview Hogarth is a nightmare.

18 with the exception of crossing the streets at intersections.pedestrian walk signs are short and many drivers are not 4/30/2016 1:19 PM
watching for pedestrians

19 I feel safe walking during the day in my area but would not walk around here at might. 4/30/2016 1:19 PM

20 no problems 4/30/2016 1:08 PM

21 search for washrooms 4/30/2016 12:53 PM

22 need to pick up often pets and dispose coffee cups tissues don't spit on sidewalk. 4/30/2016 12:51 PM

23 No always taken care of. 4/30/2016 12:49 PM

24 I feel saddened to see shopping trolleys dumped in the river in county fair. Love the walkways though, thanks 4/30/2016 12:47 PM

25 bird droppings at parks - hard to walk at times. Sidewalks downtown both cores are dirty and in places - broken. 4/30/2016 12:39 PM

1/8 PAGE 105

Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

26 Depends on what are. Uneasy if large group around 4/30/2016 12:31 PM

27 Reasonable - if well paved, smooth. Winter -poor. 4/30/2016 12:18 PM

28 Downtown T-Bay South, parking not good and I do not feel safe at night in this area. 4/30/2016 12:17 PM

29 Not enough handicap spaces 4/30/2016 12:17 PM

30 Usually, parking is list of a problem 4/30/2016 12:14 PM

31 Try walking on a city sidewalk. The slant causes hip problems. It is very difficult to wheel someone in a wheel chair as 4/30/2016 12:08 PM
the slant keeps pulling the chair towards traffic. And snow removal is a joke!!!

32 often long distances to walk from parking lot to building. eg. hospital, malls 4/30/2016 12:08 PM

33 Large parking lots are inconvenient and not safe for pedestrians. Too much garbage and cigarette butts along streets 4/30/2016 12:06 PM
and sidewalks and bus stops.

34 Not enough handicap parking places. 4/30/2016 12:00 PM

35 Nobody checks to see if there are handicapped stickers on cars. 4/30/2016 11:41 AM

36 -misuse of handi-cap parking. -senior parking without disability -80 years and older -larger parking spaces so you can 4/30/2016 11:35 AM
open your dooes all the way -younger generation think they role their space

37 In the winter the sidewalks and many parking lots are poorly maintained, they have outs and are at times very icy 4/30/2016 11:29 AM

38 Have really enjoyed walking in friendship G'NDS and some other parks and green spaces please the eyes and soul. 4/30/2016 11:25 AM

39 I consider this to be a safe area in which to live. Events I attend are all located in safe areas, well lit and lots of people 4/30/2016 11:22 AM

40 I'm thankful at 70 I do not have any disabilities and do not need to use benches or other seating for the time being 4/30/2016 11:14 AM

41 groups of young people come right up and try to stop me from going farther. They hog the sidewalk, pathways and 4/30/2016 11:01 AM
even fields.

42 ok 4/30/2016 11:00 AM

43 This year (2015-16) due probably to our weird weather , the sidew-lks have been very poorly cleaned and de-iced. 4/30/2016 10:58 AM
Brodie Street near Victoriaville, had poorly cleaned sidewalks, and very slippery.

44 Disgusting. Very dirty. Lots of cigarette butts, lots of loitering in some public places and panhandling. Spit is a big issue 4/30/2016 10:49 AM
for me. I think there is an old law regarding spitting in public places.

45 I usually use handicap parking, except if the weather is good, and therected I'd NO ICE. I like a short walk if possible 4/30/2016 10:47 AM

46 Parks are littered with pet droppings. Some outdoor spaces are being used as "off leash" for dogs making it dangerous 4/30/2016 10:38 AM
for others to walk their pets. Some parking lots are not usable -full of pot holes and icy in winter.

47 Parking lots often icy in the winter. traffic flow puts pedestrian at risk in parking lots. Outdoor spaces are plentiful, but 4/30/2016 10:31 AM
poorly maintained regarding garbage, cracks (potholes ) in sidewalks and walking trails, not safe after dark.

48 Parking lots often icy in the winter. Traffic flow puts pedestrian at risk in parking lots. Outdoor spaces are plentiful , but 4/30/2016 10:14 AM
poorly maintained regarding garbage; cracks (potholes) in sidewalks and working trails, not safe after dark.

49 City trails are good for walking and biking. 4/30/2016 10:11 AM

50 I think we could have more spaces designated for "handicap" category and as there are some for moms with infants, a 4/30/2016 10:10 AM
few for elder adults with mobility issues (but not designated as being handicapped) would be helpful, of course, there
will probably be some abuse of these spaces.

51 I have experienced many of the outdoor spaces and appreciate them very much -located in places where natural 4/30/2016 10:01 AM
beauty and safety are key qualities.

52 The best "outdoor" seating can be found at the marina park; otherwise .......... Walking is the "best" form of excersice, 4/30/2016 9:54 AM
so sidewalks should be cleaned "quickly" of snow and ice!

53 1I like the clear, large signage on city streets. 2 we need better signage at centennial park 4/30/2016 9:44 AM

54 Greatest hazard for seniors in Thunder Bay is driving and walking in many of our poorly designed parking lots, 4/30/2016 9:37 AM
especially at malls

55 Our city is blessed with green spaces including accessible parks such as Centennial Boulevard, and now include the 4/30/2016 9:30 AM
Lakehead Psych property organizations like; Friends of Chippewa and The Conservatory & Lakehead Cons.
Authourity for public involvement and therefore the promoted and for printed.

2/8 PAGE 106

Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

56 I feel safe in my neighbourhood; walking at the marina and also Boulevard Lake - during the day time. Shopping areas 4/30/2016 9:20 AM
- I chose well lit and accessible parking lot. In places I feel less comfortable. I avoid, or need to take a friend.

57 Don't do outdoor things. summer indoors. 4/30/2016 9:18 AM

58 I feel safe walking during the day in my area but would not walk around here at night. 4/30/2016 9:12 AM

59 Most are good but the hospital does not have enough spaces for the amount of people using it. 4/2/2016 2:29 PM

60 No comment. 3/29/2016 3:55 PM

61 Public drinking is rampant on the walking paths, we fear to go out alone and have dogs for protection. 3/28/2016 4:47 PM

62 Garbage everywhere. Sidewalks used by bicycles or scooters driven by adults. Snow banks at bus stops or long uncut 3/28/2016 12:37 PM
grass. Transit does not consider seniors when they get on or off the bus they pull too far from curbs or they stop with
objects right outside the doors ie garbage cans or poles. Transit drivers have no respect for seniors or disabled when
they do not wait til people are seated before they speed away. Outside seating taken by youth or smokers.

63 not sure what you mean by 'outdoor space' - the above questions refer to parking lots - I assume there will be more 3/27/2016 4:27 PM
meat later so will defer on this question

64 Not being disabled but in good physical condition I have to park wherever there is a space. Sometimes It is quite a 3/26/2016 1:19 PM
walk and sometimes I just go home. I have friends that I have to drop at a doorway so they can enter a shop. The
parks I have been to (Marina, Vickers, Boulevard) leave a lot to be desired. Garbage left laying around, dog feces too.
Don't even think about using a washroom anywhere. I have been walking at the Marina and been asked for money,
smokes my jacket by Native people. They enter my private space and frighten me out of there. I never feel safe there.

65 Need more parking spaces for disabled and need to be monitored so able bodied people aren't using them. 3/25/2016 11:52 AM

66 Parking spots although designated handicap are still too far from the areas to be enjoyed easily. Often there is some 3/25/2016 12:22 AM
sort of curb making it difficult to navigate with a walker and never are there benches nearby parking to get a rest after
disembarking from the car and taking a walker out..

67 At my age it is wise to remember that one cannot move as fast as would-be purse snatcher. I am still fairly mobile, 3/23/2016 3:40 PM
luckily. I experience more difficulty these days when trying to find a parking spot so I can shop on Court St. or go to a
restaurant there or on Cumberland. The city has not been designed to make it easy to shop near to where one
resides. Big parking lots are essential in enabling elderly folk to visit retail stores and public buildings. These are not
always present or the few that are are occupied. We cope as best we can with what is there. I always park at the curb,
or in a parking lot, I do not, by choice, use parkades.

68 I feel that the parking spaces in older malls or public buildings are not wide enough for some seniors that have 3/23/2016 9:31 AM
difficulty trying to get out of their vehicles. I've seen many times that they push the car door with their feet, and low and
behold the car that happens to be beside will get a "big bruise". But even when you're carrying bags of groceries and
trying to get into your car. I agree that it could also be a problem with people not parking in the proper space. I will not
walk or go outside at night on my own for I don't feel safe.

69 The regional hospital is a prime example of very poor parking for seniors...parking is limited for the amount of people 3/22/2016 10:28 AM
needing to go to the hospital daily...many times the lots are full and can be very dangerous to walk from in winter...
also very very expensive if needing to be there regularly...

70 There are simply not enough parks. The mornings are the coldest and darkest, and starkest of any Canadian city I 3/22/2016 10:28 AM
have been or lived in. Evenings are painful with the late sunsets that steal away the peace that comes at the end of
the day adding to stress especially in summer.

71 Lots of litter and garbage. More benches for seniors needed. During wintertime, access to bus stops and community 3/22/2016 10:26 AM
mailboxes is very difficult, especially if you have mobility problems. The LIFT transportation system needs to be more

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72 Some public parks may have only one bench and you have to call the Parks Authority to place them in the park. Also 3/22/2016 10:01 AM
some parks and walkways are not maintained in winter months so they are safely conducive to walking. Elderly are
afraid of ice, gravel so they don't slip and fall. Our roads maintenance is a joke and an embarrassment to this city. We
have had 5 water main breaks in a 2 block area in two years... This is not good maintenance. Our older areas are in
need of infrastructure, the lead water main lines are becoming corrosive, not to mention unhealthy. The roads
themselves are not well maintained. Why do we continue to fix roads that were just completed. Is the product not
good, the contractors doing the work, is it a make work project yo keep our construction companies on the payroll?
We are using way too much salt on sidewalks and roads that eat the pavement and concert, I'm not an engineer but
even I can see this...not to mention the salt seeping into our waterways. We pay the highest municipal taxes in
Ontario...higher than even some new areas in Calgary...for wha?. This city should be ashamed. For our taxes we
expect MORE! More associations available to help seniors with snow removal ...this can keep older people in their
homes, and yes these are the people who are paying the high taxes. An indoor walking space for elderly and dogs
would be novel. It is hard to get out of vehicles when snow is not removed to the curbs. Your car door is up against a
snow bank or you are trying to get out of vehicle on a slant wth the car door ajar. Not an easy thing to go when you are
having difficulty walking.

73 Try parking downtown south ward other than the parade, and most folks are scared to Use the park ads. Parking is a 3/22/2016 9:01 AM
major issue where ever we go, Thunder Bay take in a huge out lying area, so Christmas for example, is crazy, also
any long weekend. Nice to have what shopping we have, altho there is no department stores, and everything has to be
ordered in, they will not sell floor models unless discontinued. No wonder we shop Duluth, or online. City wants the
taxes, but if there is no appropriate parking, who will come? This Event Centre, I have not met one person in factor,
and parking is the issue. Plus they can not fill the Fort William Gardens, go figure!

74 Numerous outdoor areas close to neibourhoods 3/22/2016 3:14 AM

75 I think that there is a lot of potential here but a pleasant experience is marred by: dog owners in public parks and paths 3/21/2016 3:22 PM
that do not pick up after their pets, or let their dogs run loose rather than on a leash as is the law which makes my
experience less than enjoyable each time I love to walk but find the city dirty and littered - I found mexico cleaner!!!!
There are some really beautiful parks close at hand for all to enjoy There are some rivers and streams to take
advantage of in a kayak or canoe in the city There are beautiful bike paths and roads around the city to enjoy More
attention is needed to make the city more walk friendly - too many pedestrians are hit each year by cars at crosswalks,
etc The city needs to create a cross city bike/walk trail from the south to the north end

76 city is not clean , lack of clean up from road construction noticeable by the numerous orange cones lack of flowers 3/21/2016 1:40 PM
and shrubs planted by city down town cores esp. the south core are dingy dark hangouts with a atmosphere of danger
mayor roads into city eg Harbour Expressway have over grown grass in summer traffic islands in city are weed traps
and curbing is not maintained anywhere in city Marina Park green areas and buffer zones over grown and full of
weeds lack of lighting under bridges on bike and walking trails Compared to other cities I visit , it is not walker friendly,
and lacks any civic pride in the outward appearance it projects having said the above Boulevard Lake is an example
of good maintenance of a green space

77 There is a strong tendency for people using outdoor spaces to litter. In the downtown Fort William area people will 3/21/2016 12:38 PM
have lunch while sitting outside and drop their garbage on the spot even though a trash bin is within 20 ft of where
they were sitting. That garbage accumulates and if the property owner doesn't clean it up it is an eyesore and a
problem for others. The basic premise is "I don't care"

78 Would like to see more benches along the Neebing/McIntyre and the floodway. Generally I love Thunder Bay for its 3/21/2016 12:09 PM
awesome outdoor areas. Also more opportunities to get rid of garbage and recycling are needed. I do not feel these
spaces are appreciated as evidenced by the litter and those who do not pick up after their dogs. I feel the lighting is
adequate and like to walk in the evening I do feel an effort is being made by the municipality to provide more parking
opportunities for seniors and those with disabilities. I think education is in order for those using scooters and motorized
wheelchairs (and all of us) on the active transportation routes. What is the speed? Can it be enforced? Are the trails
wide enough to accommodate these vehicles? If not what are the options?

79 Most spaces that are or should be designated for seniors are taken over by young able bodied kids that are 3/21/2016 11:35 AM
disrespectful and make no effort to move. Plus most areas outdoors are surrounded by cigarette butts and garbage!

80 I am still fit and do not have mobility issues. 3/21/2016 9:22 AM

81 I am still fit and able bodied so have not had problems with accessibility. 3/21/2016 9:17 AM

82 Parking lots are poorly designed for pedestrians. There is no provision for safe (segregated) walking lanes alongside 3/21/2016 8:29 AM
or between rows of parked vehicles. One must walk through travelled areas often behind cars and hope they're
noticed when cars are entering/exiting the parking lot.

83 Maintenance could be improved. During winter months, there should be more attention to safety in the parking areas 3/19/2016 6:03 PM
and walkways, especially for the mobility-challenged (better treatment of icy conditions, better lighting and signage,

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84 I find the city streets could be cleaner. There are garbage cans but I have seen them overflowed and garbage is on 3/18/2016 3:04 PM
streets. When they had employees cleaning the streets and emptying garbage cans the city looked pleasing and well
kept. The city strives to have areas accessible to older adults and are improving areas for disabled people but I have
been in other cities that are more accessible. Snow removable from sidewalks could improve but businesses could
help with that.

85 Thunder Bay has great walking paths around Boulevard Lake and Marina Park, with benches to sit at and look out at 3/18/2016 10:50 AM
the Lakes.

86 Not certain what you are referring to ,parking? 3/17/2016 2:51 PM

87 Compared to other large cities, Thunder Bay is not as clean nor as free from spray paint vandalism on many 3/16/2016 6:59 PM
attractions around town. St. Joseph's Hospital has not had sufficient parking for quite some time now due to
construction and the old courthouse has been blocked from having it's parking lot utilized. Victoriaville has parkade
parking but there is always questionable citizens in the stairwell. Also, the ramp is quite far for someone using a
walker to navigate. There is an alarming amount of crime in this city based on its population. The downtown Thunder
Bay South core seems to attract a large number of vagrants and people who will approach you for money, cigarettes,
etc. I would not walk anywhere at night in this city due to the crime rate, especially in the downtown cores.

88 At 86, in recovery from a heart attack (2 years ago) I cannot walk very far. I exercise on a treadmill on the building 3/16/2016 3:09 PM
where I live. Walking outside i winter is very difficult. I am glad to have a handicap parking card but often find there
are no spaces available anyway. On the other hand, if I can park close to a store without taking a handicap space I will
do that because there are people more handicapped than I am. I appreciate the fact that the city parks are kept
reasonably tidy, and that the Parks department plants flowers in parks. I am sad that it is necessary to clean up so
much trash- that there are a lot of people who do not seem to feel a responsibility to the common areas that we all
share. Is there any way to do a positive promotion to encourage people not dispose of trash properly and not throw (in
particular) food containers from cars? Most dog owners do pick up after their pets, and I find it disconcerting that some
cannot accept that responsibility. Again, how do you get people to accept that we all share some property in common -
parks, streets, even back lanes - and that means caring for it? How do you promote responsibility along with the
freedom that we appreciate in a democracy?

89 Dog poop. Young not respectful. Lack of quiet spaces. Inappropriate graffiti. But all things taken into account, I would 3/15/2016 9:09 AM
say they are somewhat pleasant & could be even more so if everyone took care of them as they would their own

90 I feel comfortable travelling alone during the day anywhere in Thunder Bay. At night I prefer not to travel outside 3/15/2016 8:33 AM
alone, but feel comfortable with others.

91 Boulevard Lake -parking lot at south/main beach is in terrible shape; two separate pathways: faster users (bicyclists, 3/14/2016 8:05 PM
roller-bladers) and slower users would be an improvement and safer, a wider walkway over the dam would be safer,
and washrooms open from Victoria long weekend to Thanksgiving would be better than existing, and the belt at the
main beach made the lake handi-cap accessible in the past.

92 dog parks are nice to have, enjoy walks at swimming at Chippewa 3/14/2016 7:11 PM

93 WE walk in County Park most everyday,i am 78 years old with health problems but there are no benches or places to 3/14/2016 6:07 PM
sit and rest in that park.

94 In the months when there is no snow on the ground, most places are ok, but once there's snow on the ground, being 3/14/2016 4:42 PM
outside is less safe for most people who might have mobility concerns.

95 Our Spring Winter Summer and Fall seasons carry all different problems for seniors with disabilities (most seniors 3/14/2016 4:05 PM
have some sort of disability) and this part of the survey I find hard to answer because you don't know which season to
place your answer for. As a wheelchair user winter, spring suck big time on the sidewalks, bus routes\stops, public
barrier free parking----the city dose a poor job of snow removal and slush\water puddles at curb cuts. " just a few

96 Most parking lots are well lit. Outdoor areas for concerts, etc. are great, but parking is limited at the waterfront. 3/14/2016 2:32 PM

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97 There is just too much dog shit all over the public sidewalks after the winter snow melt!!! There is sometimes too much 3/14/2016 12:10 AM
dog shit on the walkways at Boulevard Lake pathways - even in the summer. Sidewalks are uneven and rough. Years
ago an elder couple choose to walk in the street because the sidewalks were so bad. Some sections of sidewalk have
been missing for up to three or more summers, the asphalt patches quickly deteriorate, and the area is an obstacle
course. The streets are deplorable, i.e. ponded water gets splashed on pedestrians of all ages as vehicles speed
pass. Some streets do not have enough grade or cross slope to drain the water. When this is combined with the well
pass replacement date pavement (with depressions and potholes), pedestrians are subject to being splashed. Street
light has now improved. Last year it was terrible as the lights would flash on and off - unexpectedly leaving pedestrians
in the dark. Some street lights are obscured; i.e. the light is prevented from reaching the sidewalk due to trees in the
boulevard. Lighting levels between street lights are inconsistent. The neighbourhoods are an eyesore with dilapidated
vehicles. Private property is not maintained. Sheds are sometimes totally out of character with the neighbourhood; for
that matter so are some houses with the white plastic sheeting blowing in the wind, etc. The street signs are much to
small; especially for those with failing eyesight. The street signs should have larger lettering and be reflectorized.

98 We find the public parks in Port Arthur very well kept and enjoyable. We use the walking trails frequently. 3/13/2016 8:08 PM

99 nor enough seating, not very clean, sometimes not very safe even during the daytime 3/13/2016 7:24 PM

100 Worst parking in the City is at TBRHSC = for distance and cost and cumbersome machinery to charge for parking. 3/12/2016 1:19 PM
Love going to the waterfront in Marina Park. Not perfect but darn close to it. Hillcrest Park is first place to take visitors
for an impressive overview of the City. Driving around Boulevard Lake ranks high too.

101 My husband has a handicap parking permit, but often there are insufficient spots available. We used to love going to 3/12/2016 11:37 AM
the Marina for different events, but now, with his mobility issues, we seldom even try. I wish there was more handicap
parking available at the Marina for sure. I never go out at night by myself - unfortunately, we have too many scary
people around. I am even afraid to drive at night, thinking about what I may encounter.

102 Many outdoor spaces are replete with animal feces and garbage in general (Cascades, Boulevard Park) The city 3/12/2016 11:14 AM
should make more of an effort to keep these public spaces clean. Generally, there are not enough places for people to
sit when they get tired (Marina Park) Most benches are already occupied because there are so few of them. Public
outdoor spaces should be continually monitored and cleaned more often than they are now.

103 I avoid going outdoors in public places during evenings. Would not go walking by myself anywhere. 3/12/2016 8:11 AM

104 The hospital parking lot and the retirement home parking lots on Lillie Street are not older adult friendly. 3/12/2016 12:49 AM

105 I would like to see more sidewalks and bike lanes, to enhance active transportation 3/11/2016 4:18 PM

106 Some are dangerously icy. 3/11/2016 3:54 PM

107 Litter everywhere! Need more waste and recycling bins...and a new attitude! Thunder Centre is a nightmare. The 3/11/2016 2:27 PM
design is such that it is impossible to park at one store and easily walk to the other stores rather than drive to and park
at each one. And driving around the berms etc. is ridiculous. Off leash pets are a problem. And how will we afford
plants for all of our beautiful gardens once the Conservatory greenhouses are gone?

108 I find them difficult to get around. Better parking and walkways with fewer cracks and bumps would help. 3/10/2016 8:32 PM

109 I have walked around Chapple's golf course a few times & it seems to be well looked after. I haven't been able to get 3/10/2016 12:08 PM
out too much, "have been in a cast for 6 weeks". what I have seen seems to be working ok.

110 I am not much of an outdoor person, but do enjoy the area at the Waterfront. I feel safe in walking most of the streets 3/8/2016 10:08 PM
in Thunder Bay.

111 There is insufficient disabled parking spaces and/or access to ramps for people using walkers or other devices in 3/5/2016 6:38 PM
pretty much every location in the city. Distance from these spaces to doors are often too far. There are often bumps
and cracks that wheels get caught in. Many ramps are at unsafe angles for walking up. People hang out around the
doors or the sides of buildings in some areas making me feel very uncomfortable. I don't go to parks because it's too
hard to use a walker in them. For me, the waterfront area is almost totally inaccessible. As for sitting outside of a mall,
I don't consider it a safe thing to do.

112 I still drive so rarely look for seating outside of malls, etc. There is a very good walking path near my home and a friend 3/5/2016 1:54 PM
and I walk there in the good weather. I live in a quiet neighbourhood and have no fear of walking outdoors, even at
night. I realize, however, that not all neighbourhoods are as safe. There are a number of parks in our city; however, if
you can't drive yourself there, I don't know what the public transportation is like.

113 I enjoy Boulevard and Centennial walking trails and snow-shoeing. Also walks along Lake Superior. 3/4/2016 6:13 PM

114 I feel ok going out but lighting could be better at centennial mall as lights in parking lot quite often are out parking lots 3/4/2016 4:09 PM
around town are slippery as are city sidewalks Right now it is dangerous to try to walk streets slippery sidewalks
unsaleable especially in Marilyn park subdivision

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115 There is a lot of garbage around outdoor spaces.I find a lot of writing on walls that never get cleaned off. I called the 3/4/2016 1:55 PM
city twice and also 211 about it.

116 Where are the questions about issues for people who have to walk and take public transit. Sidewalks are few and far 3/4/2016 12:56 PM
between , horribly maintained in winter . Pedestrian crossings are not long enough for able bodied people and a real
issue for people who are slowing down , use walkers or other mobility devices. We are very focused on those who use
vehicles and that is not the way of the future nor does it encourage people to be physically active in their day to day
life. This also could be one of the reasons for our high rates of chronic disease.

117 The most difficult thing for an active older person is to find a safe, ploughed area in which to walk in the winter. 3/4/2016 11:01 AM
Sidewalks are precarious. I usually use Chapples circle. It is critical that this is maintained.

118 Poor snow removal of snow banks downtown...difficult to get to parking meters etc. Icy sidewalks and frozen catch 3/3/2016 4:40 PM
basins resulting in treacherous footing. Limited seating for bus stops, outside malls for waiting for taxis etc. Extremely
expensive taxi fares. It cost me $60.00 return from Northwood to the PA Clinic. Buses accelerating before people have
safely taken a seat. (I landed on top of a gentleman in a wheelchair ...fortunately, nobody was hurt). Poor to non-
existent parking for handicapped or frail elderly at events like Summer in the Parks Sidewalks and curbing are awful
for people in wheelchairs and walkers (in the summer). Huge shopping carts in big box stores..difficult for the elderly
to manoeuver Items on grocery store shelves placed far too high for anyone under 7feet. (Just try to find someone to
get things down for you :) ) TBRHSC Emergency dept. A horrible place for an elderly person to have to go. Too much
noise and confusion. Police, security guards, corrections officers keeping watch over violent, vocal, swearing
individuals coming down off drugs or whatever. Over crowding, stretchers lining the halls or only chairs available for
the patients. Disgustingly filthy washrooms. My mother now has VRE for life after having to visit there twice. Etc, etc.

119 I am very mobile so do not meet many challenges with outdoor spaces 3/3/2016 3:58 PM

120 The new bicycle/walking trail along Golf Links Road has not been plowed all winter. It is unusable. I have been 2/29/2016 11:19 AM
approached by people wanting money outside of grocery stores and malls. These people really frightened me. I do not
feel safe walking in Thunder Bay during the daytime, anymore. I feel safer to stay at home once it gets dark.

121 I don't feel safe as I am often approached for money. Parking lots are often slippery. If I need to rest benches are not 2/27/2016 10:50 PM

122 I am appalled at the's everywhere! Why do the public washrooms close so early? Boulevard Lake 2/27/2016 9:28 PM
should be open at least until the first snowfall.

123 Difficult to walk over broken curbs, uneven pavement, cracks, gravel. Waterfront is beautiful to walk around. But 2/26/2016 3:07 PM
difficult to manage with a walker due to uneven sidewalks. In the winter sidewalks are not always plowed and
sometimes I walk on the road when it is too icy on a path.

124 Handicap spaces are often taken up by people who don't need them. Parking lots are very slippery and have uneven 2/26/2016 2:32 PM
surfaces in the winter time.

125 In the spring, summer and fall, I quite often run and walk by myself around Blvd Lake and in Centennial Park. In the 2/24/2016 3:32 PM
winter, I snowshoe occasionally in Centennial Park. I cannot cross country ski ( my favourite) because people walk on
the ski trails there and make it dangerous for me. During the summer, I've taken my grandchildren to Centennial Park
to play and visit the animals and to Marina Park to go to the splash pad.

126 When I take my grandson to the park, I always have to check the ground area first for items such as bottles, broken 2/24/2016 11:23 AM
glass, Tim Horton's paper ups, pizza boxes and explicit graffiti. It's very discouraging as I know the City has put much
effort into walking paths and parks, putting up bus shelters and more waste receptacles on the streets. In the River
Terrace area unfortunately, right after the walking paths were ready, graffiti artists(?) were out too to complete their
dirty work.

127 The Marina park does not have enough parking spaces for special events they hold.It is difficult for seniors to carry 2/24/2016 10:28 AM
their lawn chairs into the park to watch summer events so many do not come to the events for that reason. Also most
parks do not have enough benches placed in the summer so people can sit and relax or eat a snack, etc. Also
covered areas are needed in the parks so people can still stay when it is raining and have a picnic, etc.

128 Depends on which part of the city you are in...I find some areas very intimidating as I feel unsafe if there are a group 2/24/2016 10:16 AM
of people coming towards me. I do not go out at night as I don't feel comfortable leaving a place in the dark to get to
my car

129 I feel pretty comfortable outside most of the time. There is a problem with crossing some streets like Memorial where 2/23/2016 8:45 PM
the distance between traffic lights is such that people cross where it is not so safe. I notice this as a walker and as a
driver. If a person is a strong walker it doesn't make so much difference, or if you can run, but for people who are tired
it is a long way.

130 Outdoor Activities Great cross country skiing Great parks Centennial and Boulevard Waterfront Park - ice rink good 2/23/2016 8:40 PM
roller blading good Marina too few spaces. Great hiking CENTENNIAL WALKING Boulevard Picnic areas ???? Flower
Parks -Hillcrest

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131 Not enough parking in Marina park for special events. Too hard to park outside the park and walk in with your lawn 2/23/2016 5:32 PM
chair, etc.especially for seniors. Also more benches needed in parks throughout the city to be able to sit down in the
summer and enjoy a snack or lunch that you bring with you. Also a covered area is needed in parks where you can sit
when it is raining in the summer.

132 No place close to park at Sister Lila Greco for old people. Also the hospital is difficult for people especially the 2/23/2016 2:11 PM
emergencey area. People are dropped off and picked up.

133 I enjoy golfing regularly. Miss Municipal Golf Course. Enjoy Chippewa Park occasionally in summer. Enjoy walking in 2/23/2016 10:47 AM
the Northwood area summer and winter. Sidewalks along the river walk and the floodway area are convenient. Enjoy
the Conservatory. Dome walking for seniors in winter is a good idea. I also enjoy some of the programmes offered in
the Key.

134 Seasonally, is the issue. I am fortunate to be a driver and manage quite well. I choose to park in the furthest parking 2/23/2016 9:47 AM
spot to exercise a walk into my destination-summer a "cakewalk", winter a challenge but I do proceed with care. I am a
walker first and then a driver. Drivers are unaware of walkers and the stop lights do not give sufficient time to move
forward. I live in a residential area which I feel is secure but rarely, if ever, so so in the evening alone.

135 Rest areas need more bathrooms More litter boxes around streets for garbage 2/23/2016 8:33 AM

136 Have no issues in the daytime. I prefer not to go to some areas at night, especially in the colder months. I have been 2/22/2016 8:13 PM
approached by aboriginal people three times in the last 14 months - looking for money when I was shopping at night &
when I was at a movie. I was uncomfortable with that. My husband has been in a Mac's Mart recently when a robbery
took place - at 10 p.m. It was quite frightening. These incidents do not lend themselves to our city being as safe or
friendly as is needed.

137 As a driver for Mom, 95, I find that handicap parking spaces are not always sufficient. As myself, I prefer to park 2/22/2016 7:27 PM
further away and walk a bit, to ensure close spots are available for elderly, pregnant or disabled persons.

138 On the whole this city is fairly safe but I am uneasy walking around Victoriaville and surrounding area. There are many 2/22/2016 4:49 PM
recreation areas that a senior can make use of--skiing golfing exercise classes or just plain walking.

139 There are some areas of town that do not feel safe at night. I tend to avoid those areas. Some parking lots are not well 2/22/2016 12:34 PM
lit, and although I understand they are private property and it may be expensive to light them, they do not always feel
safe, with to see obsticles walking to your car, or whether there are people in the parking lot that may do harm. Parks
are lovely and well kept. Entertainment in public areas is well done. Parking could be better for seniors at these

140 Many are not kept clean and in some there are a lot of people just milling about, seemingly aimless. Like Victoriaville, 2/22/2016 10:39 AM
where you have to walk through crowds of them in order to get down the street or into the mall. There are many
handicap parking spots and spots for people with infants, but the rest of the near the building spots are generally all
taken if the stores are busy. Sidewalks and streets take forever to get plowed unless you live in a prime area.
Otherwise, snow and ice make walking in winter treacherous, especially at the ends of the blocks.

141 Walking, biking, hiking, snowshoeing, skating, dog walking, skiing, 2/21/2016 4:10 PM

142 I am fully mobile but it was extremely difficult when I was caring for my parents who were not mobile. Hospital is a 2/19/2016 6:42 PM
classic example of transporting hell. Taxi service for disabled people needs to be greater and more respect for the

143 There are a few spaces but not enough parking spaces for the aging seniors. I do not always feel safe in the daytime 2/19/2016 3:56 PM
at intercity mall as young teenagers see it as a hangout. Why are these kids not in school?

144 Not enough handicap parking without slight hills or curbs. 2/19/2016 1:07 PM

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Q6 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding buildings.
Answered: 118 Skipped: 402

# Responses Date

1 I can still move without assistance and thus I am not always aware of spaces in deference to those who use scooter, 5/1/2016 10:52 PM
walkers and canes but generally city facilities seem very accessible and more businesses are becoming the same.

2 I don't use a walker, cane. So am not aware of any difficulties 4/30/2016 3:07 PM

3 Occasionally buildings, do not have accessible washrooms as jet. Buildings outside this winter needed more sand or 4/30/2016 2:59 PM
non slip preparations.

4 This winter - parking lots and sidewalks were often too slippery. Needed sanding. 4/30/2016 2:58 PM

5 handicap bathrooms are a problem. I need to help hubby inside stall and with scooter and two people not good.not 4/30/2016 2:25 PM

6 Mall washrooms at County Fair hard to access with a walker or wheelchair. 4/30/2016 2:21 PM

7 mall washrooms at County Fair hard to access with a walker or wheelchair 4/30/2016 2:06 PM

8 Limited signage to identify location of washrooms in retail stores. Age of building determining factor in suitability for 4/30/2016 2:03 PM
seniors. Too expensive for business owners to renovate- particularly of a small locally owned business.

9 Too generic, not specific enough. What building? 4/30/2016 1:59 PM

10 Most of the building are old and dirty, they also look like they're all falling apart. i just wish the gouverment could clean 4/30/2016 1:57 PM
up our buildings and streets. beautiful view of lake surperior yet nothing to show for it.

11 ok so far 4/30/2016 1:54 PM

12 Most retail stores gear towards younger people as they purchase more than the smarter seniors do!! 4/30/2016 1:45 PM

13 Again it depends on your mobility.Malls are spread out quite a distance for some ...Hospitals also. 4/30/2016 1:41 PM

14 TB Regional Hospital-too few handicap -too far to walk 4/30/2016 1:33 PM

15 Most public buildings are fine Pick and share where you go 4/30/2016 1:32 PM

16 with the abnormal isle conditions of this winter I found few establishments (LIBRARIES INCLUDED) that adequately 4/30/2016 1:27 PM
sanded parking lots and entrances,most shipping centres did very little.

17 Meeting a walker or motorized wheelchair in an aisle or washroom. Particularly if the individual is alone. Some of 4/30/2016 1:27 PM
these custom need items from top or bottom shelves.

18 Aisles in store are not easily navigated for healthy walkers aND certainly need to be adjusted to accommodate those 4/30/2016 1:26 PM
with disabilities

19 Usually public washrooms are close by but occasionally I have had to search for one 4/30/2016 1:20 PM

20 Women's washrooms at airport has sink-counters under which wheelchairs can not advance far enough 4/30/2016 1:17 PM

21 No problems. 4/30/2016 1:08 PM

22 Distances between benches and public washrooms are way to far. There are also no washrooms by the city hall bus 4/30/2016 1:07 PM

23 regular bathrooms stalls could use gabbiness public washrooms at boulevard are clean and well maintained. 4/30/2016 12:56 PM

24 search for washrooms 4/30/2016 12:55 PM

25 In winter sometimes outdoors is harder to maneuver because I use a walker. 4/30/2016 12:50 PM

26 Bathrooms at Marina Park - music area- very poor. Bathrooms at County Fair - older, Grandview - older, ackward for 4/30/2016 12:40 PM
accessibility - the arena - hockey venues etc.

27 S some have no handicapped operated doors 4/30/2016 12:39 PM

28 People using the washroom often untidy. 4/30/2016 12:18 PM

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29 Washrooms too far away 4/30/2016 12:17 PM

30 Too warm in the winter. "To cool" in the summer 4/30/2016 12:15 PM

31 Aisles especially bad in grocery stores. Many buildings are difficult to access. Handicapped entrances and doors need 4/30/2016 12:10 PM
better marking. Too many floors are tiled with a tile which is slippery when wet.

32 most buildings/stores don't have benches 4/30/2016 12:09 PM

33 It really depends on the building . I've seen some that are great, and some that are horrible. 4/30/2016 11:58 AM

34 i helped my mother with her shopping. we found me aisled were to close when we met an on coming customer. 4/30/2016 11:38 AM

35 Retail stores have too much merchandise in the aisles. 4/30/2016 11:36 AM

36 A lot of grocery stores in Tbay have rah aisles blocked with excess merchandise or stocking apparatus. It is very 4/30/2016 11:32 AM
difficult if there are people trying to maneuver around the blockages; especially if using walkers, wheelchairs or even
strollers never mind the shopping carts the customers are using.

37 Port Arthur clinic-very poorly designed, very small wash rooms, also very difficult to access to walker.- Most public 4/30/2016 11:30 AM
buildings have good accomodation for walkers. scooters wheelchairs-But elevators desprately need to be bigger in
many buildings.

38 Generally washrooms are well maintained. However if possible I try to avoid them. The worst washroom ever was the 4/30/2016 11:16 AM
sovereign room on aa road - a few years ago - haven't been back.

39 When using walkers I find many a time with so many people, I seem to wait, wait, wait until people rush sometimes 4/30/2016 11:02 AM
push me aside. Not enough room.

40 ok 4/30/2016 11:00 AM

41 Some grocery stores have piles of merchandise in aisles, hard to get around 4/30/2016 10:56 AM

42 basically clean and well kept. Can't comment on wheel chairs as I am mobile. 4/30/2016 10:49 AM

43 Some stores put too much "stuff" in the aisles 4/30/2016 10:48 AM

44 I do not have mobility issues but look after a parent who does. Impossible to navigate aisles with her walker in many 4/30/2016 10:33 AM
restaurants and storeshe. Restrooms not accessible still in some places

45 Canadian Tire parking lot is terrible. 4/30/2016 10:24 AM

46 Grocery store aisles are not wide enough. Floors at Intercity are slippery 4/30/2016 10:19 AM

47 I do not have mobility issues but look after a parent who does. Impossible to navigate aisles with her walker in many 4/30/2016 10:17 AM
restraints and storeshe. Restrooms not accessible still in some places

48 Some floors at Victoria ville are slippery. T.B.R.H.S.C corridors are too long-not enough seating in corridors. 4/30/2016 10:13 AM

49 With an increasingly aging population in Thunder Bay, more bench/seating are needed. 4/30/2016 10:12 AM

50 I have to think about some of these as I do not need these services yet - but I do know they exist. 4/30/2016 10:03 AM

51 Some "grocery" stores fill their aisles with "goods" making it difficult to navigate. 4/30/2016 9:55 AM

52 1 motorized wheelchairs that travel roads need standardized lights (brakes and shocks) 4/30/2016 9:47 AM

53 In the past I have volunteered to give transportation to people in wheelchairs to where ever they may need to and will 4/30/2016 9:42 AM
continue to do so. I'll get right to the point, the walking clinic behind Jansens pharmacy on the corner of Bay and
Algoma is not wheelchair accessable. I'm sure this could easily be fixed.

54 Doors without automatic open often difficult to open! 4/30/2016 9:38 AM

55 Newer buildings seem better lit, clean public washrooms and are welcoming. Older buildings are run down, don't feel 4/30/2016 9:22 AM
well maintained, inviting or safe.

56 Washrooms depend on building. In general washrooms not well maintained. Too many things in aisles for displays. 4/30/2016 9:20 AM
Walmart floor plan needed - paper one would pay - 25 cents for. Signage not always easy.

57 Pavement outside of shopping malls are vastly spotted with big holes, which could damage vehicles. 4/30/2016 9:15 AM

58 Usually public washrooms are close by but occassionally i have had to search for one. 4/30/2016 9:14 AM

59 Cannot complain about them. 4/2/2016 2:31 PM

60 The Regional Hospital requires way to much walking. First of all outdoors from parking. And once inside the long 3/29/2016 11:37 PM
corridors are very long. The same is true of the Hogarth-Riverview Manor.

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61 Public washrooms, depending on where you go, can be very dirty and unappealing to use. Sometimes, there is no 3/29/2016 4:05 PM
choice, when you "gotta go."

62 Poor sidewalk width, car dependent developments in Intercity area, lack of pedestrian crossings all along main 3/28/2016 4:49 PM
roadways, narrow paths

63 Automatic doors either don't work or are lacking Floors slippery. Benches used by youth or smokers. Better lighting. 3/28/2016 12:37 PM

64 The designs of where to put parking were not well thought out. Wide pavilions in front of buildings look nice but cause 3/25/2016 12:27 AM
hardships to get to the buildings. During winter the snow build up forces me to be housebound., then relying on family
and friends to get groceries and such.

65 Many buildings today have elevators so one can get to an upper floor, but it is not uncommon to suddenly find that one 3/23/2016 3:47 PM
cannot get to an appointment because of the lack of an elevator. I do not have any problem with this but handicapped
folk might. There are many more buildings with automatic doors that allow people in walkers or wheel chairs to gain

66 Washrooms in all public buildings and retail outlets should have hand bars in cubicles 3/22/2016 1:06 PM

67 I have no issues here 3/22/2016 10:30 AM

68 Some of the washrooms found in public places and retail stores are amongst the worst I have ever seen. Absolutely 3/22/2016 10:30 AM

69 More benches needed. Some public washrooms are disgusting. Clearing of snow is not always done promptly to gain 3/22/2016 10:29 AM
safe access to buildings. Grocery stores very often have congested aisles for those in wheelchairs.

70 One particular building in mind, our Intercity Mall has public washroom only at one end of mall. This is totally 3/22/2016 10:01 AM
unacceptable. Most businesses do not have a public washroom and are reluctant to have you use their facilities. I
understand they require cleanliness and supplies but older people require a washroom more frequently than most.
There are certainly not very many breastfeeding stations in public washrooms. I think that malls should be designed to
have stores that cater to elderly at one end so the person doesn't have to walk the whole mall to find something unless
they need too. The malls are basically geared for the much younger generation (stores). There are few stores that
cater clothing for the older generation.

71 Most business places, have merchandise stacked on the aisles, and to the ceiling.. Ex.....Dollar Stores, Grocery 3/22/2016 9:06 AM
Stores, except Safeway..they have nice wide aisles, and relaxing space to shop. Health Clinics, God help you if you
need to see a Doctor at the Port Arthur clinic, and you can not do stairs, or have a walker. Churches , a lot are main
floor, or have elevators, all are required to have handicap access.

72 Relative easy access 3/22/2016 3:15 AM

73 New buildings are well designed for Seniors. It is hard and costly to retrofit older buildings, I think we need to be 3/21/2016 12:14 PM
patient as owners stage the changes needed.

74 Buildings vary. Older ones have more accessibility issues. 3/21/2016 9:23 AM

75 Newer buildings are accessible but older buildings can present difficulties with stairs and narrow spaces. 3/21/2016 9:19 AM

76 The condition of public washrooms varies from place to place. There appears to be no standard. Retail stores are 3/21/2016 8:42 AM
difficult to navigate for those without mobility issues. Grocery store aisles are narrow. Additional displays placed within
the aisles create obstacle courses for all shoppers.

77 There appear to be sufficient handicapped parking spaces but more attention to ramps and walking surface conditions 3/19/2016 6:06 PM
is warranted.

78 Parking lots have been so icy the past two years dangerous from car to mall need more sand 3/17/2016 2:53 PM

79 I do not have mobility issues but my friend does. I am flabbergasted at the lack of automatic door openers! One 3/16/2016 6:22 PM
proprietor said "Do you know how much they cost?" He even said "You don't look very handicapped!"

80 I have no complaints about buildings as far as the questions above are concerned. I appreciate having benches too sit 3/16/2016 3:13 PM
on in the malls. Sometimes there is no place to sit and catch your breath in stores. Since I manage my lifestyle with
as few trips as possible, I go to the places that i know I can use easily. It is hard to answer the questions above
because of the choices that I have to make in my rather inited lifestyle.

81 malls use flooring (ie Intercity Mall) that is hard on anyone with back problems. I don't go there more than twice a year 3/15/2016 9:30 AM
and once if I can avoid it. Victoriaville same-and I haven't gone in years. There is parking for handicapped, but there
is non for elderly, or physically challenged but don't have handicapped designation.

82 Some have aisles blocked by displays. 3/15/2016 9:10 AM

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83 I have no troubles at buildings as of now, with the exception of Boulevard Lake washroom buildings - porta-potties are 3/14/2016 8:07 PM
available at the East and West beaches.

84 no issues 3/14/2016 7:12 PM

85 Sometimes buildings are very difficult to get into -- doors are too heavy. Sometimes the floors are very slippery, 3/14/2016 4:43 PM
especially if it's wet outside. There isn't always a place to sit down by the door.

86 Retail stores (not all) junk up the aisles with no thought given to the scooters or wheelchairs. 3/14/2016 4:13 PM

87 Many stores stack inventory in isles and it is often difficult to get around them. As they bring stock out on pallets, they 3/14/2016 2:36 PM
don't wait until people are clear of the isles, but just forge ahead and expect patrons to move.

88 government buildings? public buildings? retail buildings? Difficult to respond to this question. Specific to the Intercity 3/14/2016 11:19 AM
Mall - tile floors are slippery. Steps are not marked (eg food court), especially difficult for those with poor eyesight.
Parking: why do we need to pay for parking at government buildings?

89 Building street numbers are not displayed in this City. When drivers are looking for a building, they are luck to find the 3/14/2016 12:14 AM
correct block in some instances, let alone the proper building number that is listed for the business in the phone book.
One can probably argue that building street numbers are for firefighters and they know, but every day people are
looking for a building that they seldom frequent and the building street number is not visible to either a motorist or
pedestrian. Where are the developmental control officers at City Hall?

90 bldgs. are not very clean, not very easy to find washrooms which are not very clean 3/13/2016 7:25 PM

91 Being normally agile as if I were a younger adult, at 76 I have not noticed a great many shortcomings. 3/12/2016 1:23 PM

92 No real problems - I find Intercity mall easy to access. My husband walks there because he can sit at intervals. It's the 3/12/2016 11:39 AM
only place he can go walking.

93 The answers above depend entirely on what building you are in. Most older buildings are not adequate for seniors: no 3/12/2016 11:18 AM
benches or places to sit while waiting; poor signage as to where to go to find what you are looking for and no one
around to ask. Sometimes people are rude if you are hard of hearing or have poor vision.

94 Washrooms are in short supply! 3/11/2016 2:28 PM

95 I did go into one restaurant on Valentine's day & was very disappointed they didn't have the push button for wheel 3/10/2016 12:14 PM
chair excess to open the door. I was using crutches & I had to wait for my husband to open the doors. I thought all
buildings were supposed to be wheelchair assailable. that was my only complaint everywhere else was maintained

96 The floors at Intercity Mall were slippery on March 3 when there were information booths for seniors throughout the 3/5/2016 6:51 PM
mall. I rented a wheelchair for this event because I knew the booths would be too far apart and spread out for me to
use my walker. My daughter had trouble keeping from slipping on the floor when we attempted to enter a store
(doorway lips make it a chore to do). The family washroom is nicely laid out but the disabled stall is small for a larger
wheelchair. The doors are not being properly maintained and I cut my hand trying to open it to get out. There are many
stores I can't go into in Intercity Mall because the aisles are crowded or the displays are not lined up to leave space.
Intercity Mall is not the only place where problems occur. Most stores have similar problems. Another issue is
washroom accessibility almost everywhere. The stalls are usually the last one in a lineup and have no turning space for
a wheelchair. Most are also too small to be able to close the door with a chair inside. Another building with major
accessibility problems is the Auditorium. The disabled parking spots are at the bottom of a steep hill that most seniors
have trouble walking or being pushed up. Some of the doors are too narrow for larger chairs or hand-manipulated
wheelchairs and there are too few accessible washroom stalls. Really, the place needs separate accessible

97 I have no specific complaints about buildings in this city. I am still able to walk and get around independently, so 3/5/2016 1:57 PM
cannot comment on wheelchair, walker, etc. accessibility. The parking lot around the mall where I shop is well-
maintained and sanded, etc.

98 No problems as yet but I am not disabled. 3/4/2016 6:15 PM

99 Intercity our largest mall have not sheets near sears we need carts to push to carry things and help balance intercity 3/4/2016 4:13 PM
does not have this shopping at Sears is impossible unless you can carry items and walk the carriers on wheels are not

100 Metro on Red River is always full of boxes and you can't get around them. Shoppers is also bad for that. I realize these 3/4/2016 1:56 PM
are not city buildings.City buildings are fine.

101 Generally speaking the indoor facilities I use are adequate. Recreation facilities usually take a back seat to funding. I 3/4/2016 11:03 AM
speak specifically about Churchill Pool which has sub-standard cleanliness. I think the City has made a del effort on
the accessibility front.

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102 I am very mobile so do not meet many challenges with regard to this 3/3/2016 3:59 PM

103 Aisles are not wide enough. 2/27/2016 10:52 PM

104 Some buildings, some stores are clean, wide doors, good signs and benches,but not all. Floors are often wet, slippery 2/26/2016 3:15 PM
due to salt sand and snow. Older women are vulnerable in some places ie. Victoriaville mall.

105 Some buildings are better than others. 2/26/2016 2:33 PM

106 Most of the time I do find washroom areas tidy and clean. I see the workers caring for the areas. 2/24/2016 11:25 AM

107 I believe many buildings in Thunder Bay are not well designed for seniors and people in wheel chairs. Also parking is 2/24/2016 10:35 AM
too expensive. There needs to be more benches and seating areas in malls as seniors often need to sit and rest for

108 Again depends on where you are in the city. Some take pride in their washrooms and keep their stores clean. Others 2/24/2016 10:18 AM
not so much

109 Many grocery stores have their aisles jammed with items, making anyone in a wheelchair, or with a walker, find it 2/23/2016 9:09 PM
difficult to get through.

110 Washrooms need improvement. County Fair dismal -library improvement. 2/23/2016 8:42 PM

111 I am sure people in wheelchairs have trouble getting around in stores and restaurants. 2/23/2016 5:34 PM

112 I am agile enough to be in control but do see others in stressful situations limited by their mobility. 2/23/2016 9:50 AM

113 Many times I find walking to be unsafe in the winter. We live near the Spence Clinic. Water pools at the end of our 2/22/2016 8:20 PM
driveway on the street and freezes. I have spoken to a city counsellor & I have called city hall. No repairs were made.
It's been several years Last Nov. an older lady slipped on the Norah St., south where this problem exists. Sooner or
later this dangerous situation could well lead to a very serious injury. Not exactly safe or friendly. I am not impressed
with anything potentially dangerous being neglected. On another note. Two trees were removed near our property,
they have not been replaced. It's been over 2 years.

114 Metro - too many pallets crowding aisles, difficult for Mom and me to maneuver without holding someone up. Intercity - 2/22/2016 7:30 PM
some stores have narrow aisles, not suitable for walkers or wheelchairs. Rent is too expensive to allow bigger aisles.
It's getting harder to take Mom out with her walker.

115 Shopping aisles are usually very crowded and difficult to navigate. 2/22/2016 2:07 PM

116 Some stores at shopping centres do not have sufficient room for people using walkers, scooters or wheelchairs. 2/22/2016 12:38 PM
Parking lots and side walks can be icy and are not always well maintained. Some floors in buildings are quite slippery if
your boots or shoes are wet. If people are disabled, they cannot always reach items they may need on store shelves
and employees are often hard to find.

117 Some handicapped washrooms are not really handicapped friendly including the hospital and it can be very difficult for 2/19/2016 6:46 PM
an elderly person to move around in these facilities. It can be very dangerous transferring from the wheelchair to the
toilet etc & back.

118 In winter the doorways should be cleaned of all snow and ice. 2/19/2016 3:58 PM

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Q9 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding transportation.
Answered: 115 Skipped: 405

# Responses Date

1 Walk. Don't drive anymore. Only take taxi when getting lots of groceries. Walker has basket to carry groceries. 4/30/2016 3:09 PM

2 have been repairing junot street 3 years in a row - do not use expressway because of lights beening sun and dangers 4/30/2016 3:08 PM
there. Balmoral only other alternative for me.

3 At this time been fortunate most times, to have relatives or friends give me a ride when needed. 4/30/2016 3:05 PM

4 too much speeding too many impatient drivers I love to walk but there are too many cyclists using the sidewalks even 4/30/2016 3:00 PM
when there are biking lanes - they don't go with the flow of traffic. They come from behind and in front- the occasional
one will say "passing on the left." But often I don't even hear them as they bike behind me and pass - they go very

5 I walk everywhere. Don't drive anymore. Only take taxi when getting lots of groceries. My walker has basket. 4/30/2016 2:59 PM

6 Lift bus must be booked one full wk ahead.Not easy for last min plans. Taxi very expensive. 4/30/2016 2:28 PM

7 Bus drivers are kind and sometimes drop me off in safer locations in winter. Priority should be given to cleaning 4/30/2016 2:23 PM
sidewalks and bus stops in winter.

8 Bus drivers are kind and sometimes drop me off in safer locations in winter. Priority should be given to to cleaning 4/30/2016 2:09 PM
sidewalks and bus stops in winter

9 more signage needed for roads 4/30/2016 2:02 PM

10 Taxies are way to expensive. 4/30/2016 1:58 PM

11 I hope our city will get some smaller houses or vans for small groups of seniors to get around the city. ie, recreation 4/30/2016 1:54 PM
and events at lower cost than taxis

12 Driver in that city take chances; don't drive according to weather conditions, distracted.. (so many cell phonespecially 4/30/2016 1:47 PM

13 poor-need more lift plus 4/30/2016 1:44 PM

14 So far so good Again all things cannot be perfect Use some tolerances. 4/30/2016 1:32 PM

15 excellent connecting roads between wards (5) SOME STREETS REQUIRE EXTRA CARE,Victoria, s Algoma, North 4/30/2016 1:29 PM
Court, Arundel

16 Almost an impossibility to be dropped off anywhere in the Bay/Algoma area of Simpson Street (Norwest Community 4/30/2016 1:28 PM
Health Centre).

17 The streets of thunder bay need repairs 4/30/2016 1:27 PM

18 Live off 25th Sideroad. Too far to walk to Rosslyn Road for bus services. Hill I can't climb in between. 4/30/2016 1:21 PM

19 I have tken the Can Drive course offered by LU and feel I am a reasonably good driver-too bad others are not! 4/30/2016 1:20 PM

20 Need transportation for excursion(S) such as Kakabeka falls, vanderweese. 4/30/2016 1:09 PM

21 Personally I am able to drive. I have helped mom use handicapped access taxis and the bus (good). 4/30/2016 12:41 PM

22 Taxis are far too expensive. 4/30/2016 12:21 PM

23 Can't afford taxi! Ride the bus for a month - it is an eye-opener. Too difficult to get around city - especially crosstown. 4/30/2016 12:14 PM
Bus stops are not always level, frequently snow or ice covered. Look at the stop in front of of the 55 Plus centre on
River Street!!!

24 Many streets have no street names at intersections. All Street signage needs to be in larger print. 4/30/2016 12:10 PM

25 Many bus stops need upgrading ( exp, at country fair and P.A. health center!) Bus routes to make it easier to access 4/30/2016 12:09 PM
stores at some large shopping centers, bus drivers are polite and helpful.

26 Taxi's and alternate can be very expensive. 4/30/2016 12:00 PM

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27 I drive my own car. 4/30/2016 11:43 AM

28 my mom had used city bus during daisy and cab when i was not available to drive her i am still able to drive her. 4/30/2016 11:41 AM

29 Access to city bus is not available at all areas of the city. Thankfully, to date I have not required specialized services. 4/30/2016 11:35 AM
Life driving miss daisy etc.

30 DIFFICULT! But many people are friendly and helpful. 4/30/2016 11:31 AM

31 I drive my own car but there is bus service near this building. 4/30/2016 11:24 AM

32 Have asked but not as yet. They have one year waiting list as a phoned. In our building we have 60+ apartment, home 4/30/2016 11:18 AM
and some to go everyday on Transit buses which they said bedbugs come with their clothes here this year 4 times the
extra. Poison guys with machines to get rid of them here.

33 The roads are in an appalling conditions. 15 sets of traffic lights (unsynchronized)from Hilssdale Rd to Cumberland St. 4/30/2016 11:17 AM
(Nicholas 4.5km ) Timmins lanes poorly marked (lanes, arrows with away), cheating unsafe driving conditions

34 2008 i was struck by a city bus and received two fractured bones. 4/30/2016 11:02 AM

35 Thunder Bay is an easy place to drive in if only drivers drove the speed limit. Seems T. B. does not have a speed limit. 4/30/2016 11:01 AM
If you drive the speed limit you hold everyone up

36 My father had a stroke and lost his licence. Lift+ was offered as an alternative for him, and he was very pleased with it. 4/30/2016 11:01 AM
Thunder Bay drivers (all ages) need drivers ed!

37 Bus system seems quite good. Taxis stink and not generally an option. 4/30/2016 10:51 AM

38 I don't drive at night anymore but have freinds and family to take me when I want to go 4/30/2016 10:50 AM

39 I have a vehicle. The roads are absolutely deplorable - even the rare good ones!! 4/30/2016 10:41 AM

40 I try to avoid certain travel times because there are many elderly drivers who should not be on the road. 4/30/2016 10:39 AM

41 FRIGHTENING - so many aggressive and distracted drivers I am in my early sixties and am nervous especially in 4/30/2016 10:35 AM
parking lots and now avoid driving at rush hour

42 Pot holes are very bad. Street names confusing - Hodder, Water, Waterloo, Balmoral, James, Edward, Golf Links - one 4/30/2016 10:32 AM
intersection for street names! One road should be one name! Telephone book map is too small to see.

43 Have my own car but not for long because of the terrible paving job done on City main streets. 4/30/2016 10:25 AM

44 I think Thunder Bay has a good public transit system. I commend the city in having all it's buses be handicap 4/30/2016 10:19 AM
accessible. The city needs to devote more resources to ensure that all bus stops are cleaned and accessible without
snow/ice in winter.

45 Not requiring transportation services yet but have knowledge of others who do - believe there are options for people 4/30/2016 10:06 AM
requiring alternatives to personal transport.

46 1 driver Ed a refresher courseso should be required for yourself drivers who don't seem to understand speed limitso! 2 4/30/2016 9:50 AM
older drivers need exposere to modern car technology

47 To walk or bike is the best way to get around. The fresh air and exercise keeps me healthy. We could use more bike 4/30/2016 9:45 AM
paths in T.Bay. We are going in the right direction.

48 Hard to drive in city in certain areas, due to many lovage pot holes in pavement and city is very slow in repairing 4/30/2016 9:27 AM
some areas such as Balmoral has been bad for months! I have my own vehicle and am able to get around on my own
- currently!

49 Can't negotiate Northwood. To get from north to south easy. Infrastructure problem with Balmoral. Would like to do 4/30/2016 9:25 AM
Driver courses. Taxi for accessible - a challenge to get.

50 i have taken the CanDrive course offered by LU and feel I am a reasonably good driver -too bad others are not! 4/30/2016 9:14 AM

51 Prefer to use my own car as long as I am able to drive. 4/2/2016 2:33 PM

52 LIFT was the most terrible experience for my son to plan. I went every day for a year to see my wife for lunch and LIFT 3/29/2016 11:40 PM
was very hard to organize. Also I understand that unlike Handi-Transit, LIFT will not make excursions outside the city

53 I used to bicycle but there is no support for safe storage in any mall or business. 3/28/2016 4:50 PM

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54 When the city took over hagi or now lift +they denied people who were referred by doctors to hagi. Your management 3/28/2016 12:46 PM
are not medical experts and have hurt many people. Some of these people are now shutins cause they can't get
around. Where does one go for help to fight for their rights. A doctors referral should mean more than your
management's opinion.

55 I am assuming personal vehicle also includes my bicycle as well as an auto. No category above for walking - living in 3/27/2016 4:31 PM
Westfort allows me to many of my errands on foot

56 Still independent 3/25/2016 11:54 AM

57 Parking is usually located too far from the businesses' entrance making it too difficult for me to access many. So I do 3/25/2016 12:32 AM
not patronize those that are if possible when I drive myself..

58 I feel confident behind the wheel. I or my partner do the driving. We find that there are many big one ton trucks in the 3/23/2016 3:57 PM
city with drivers who want to drive over the speed they have to get somewhere super emergency
maybe. We try to drive protectively. The roads have become more dangerous because of the many deep potholes
which drivers try to avoid when they come upon them. This means that their vehicles swerve into the oncoming lane.
We give other seniors rides to events, take the bus when necessary, and walk if the distance is not too great.

59 Thunder Bay is an easy city to drive in but if you're a newcomer and elderly, it is very confusing especially when the 3/23/2016 9:37 AM
same street changes name 3-4 times. It does take a while to get accustomed to this city, I've been there....

60 I chose not to have a personal vehicle for 5 years. I used public transportation (city buses) most of the time and taxi 3/22/2016 1:13 PM
services often. Our city transportation service was excellent, however the snow and at many bus stops was not
adequately cleared and often made it difficult and/or dangerous to get on or off the. bus.

61 Taxis need to have a higher standard of cleanliness for the vehicle and its driver. Ours are usually very poorly 3/22/2016 10:34 AM
presented. The rates are ridiculously high. I have been in taxis in many major cities and our rates are a rip-off. From
my friends, I am told that LIFT needs to be more accessible and expanded.

62 It costs a lot of money to maintain one's vehicle given the poor state of the roads and the increased use of roadsalt. 3/22/2016 10:34 AM
Too much salt is used compared to what they used some years ago. The spray compromises my windshield making it
hard to see traffic and pedestrians. Cut back on salt, use more sand.

63 Many main streets in poor condition. can't see lane lines most of the year... 3/22/2016 10:32 AM

64 Other than the road maintenance being distressful, hard on our vehicles, gas prices out of this world I have another 3/22/2016 10:12 AM
beef. The road signage for locals and I can't even imagine a new resident is bizarre. How does one street begin as
Arthur Street to Simpson St to Water Street to Cumberland, etc and eventually downtown Yonge St in Toronto? How
May Street becomes Memorial Ave. and then becomes Court St. This is totally confusing...when amalgamation
happened why was this not part of the deal? Our traffic lights in some main through fares don't seem to be sinked.

65 Thunder Bay is a beautiful city, but there is an issue with signage, if I did not know the city, I would be forever lost on 3/22/2016 9:15 AM
some streets....come down Simpson, and look for miles as an example, City planning is terrible, they pave roads, then
dig up to add something else, it's like putting the cart before the horse. Buses, run where we live empty, maybe one
person...? Taxi service if needed, costs a fortune just to get to the airport. The older folks, that are no longer able to
drive, need volunteer help, cars provided by the city, and a nominal fee that fixed incomes can afford...

66 For taxis accessible yes, affordable not - that question should have been divided. I also walk & use my bicycle. Just out 3/21/2016 12:15 PM
of curiosity why are Disagree and Neutral changed on this page. I had to double check my answers here.

67 I own a vehicle and drive myself 99% of the time. 3/21/2016 9:41 AM

68 No problems to date. 3/21/2016 9:24 AM

69 Taxi service is very expensive, and there appears to be no standard in terms of cleanliness. The condition is often 3/21/2016 9:01 AM
appalling. It's little wonder that Uber's taken off in large centres. I've used this service in other centres. The cars are
clean, the drivers professional, availability and fares are good. There is little incentive to use public transit on a regular
basis. Depending where you want to go, the trips can be long, often indirect, requiring multiple transfers. Fares are
high for seniors.

70 I had a stroke in Dec 2015 and I have recently began using Lift and find the service affordable, drivers very helpful and 3/18/2016 3:11 PM
courteous. I do drive and have my own vehicle but do not drive presently.

71 No horrible experiences come to mind 3/17/2016 2:55 PM

72 I am still driving. Once I can't do that I will have more knowledge of the options available. I do appreciate sharing rides 3/16/2016 3:16 PM
with friends. or I go to events very early so that I do not have far to walk.

73 having my own car ,find I can drive myself . 3/15/2016 3:00 PM

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74 I use taxi's to travel. I have back problems, sciatica. I am still working (66yrs) but intend to retire in summer. My 3/15/2016 9:40 AM
income will be slashed in half so using a taxi will not always be an option. I have to plan ahead regarding how far I will
have to walk. I used carts to assist me, but since stores have fixed that carts cannot be used off their site, (I used
Walmart cart to assist me to Winners or Chapters) Now, I am restricted. Intercity has no carts in the Mall another
reason I avoid the place.

75 Too many drivers feel they must be "first". Parking lots are difficult sometimes because of huge half ton trucks blocking 3/15/2016 9:16 AM
back up vision. My shut in son sometimes takes a wheelchair friendly taxi, but prefers not to as they are not cleaned
between passengers & he is on immune suppressants & easily picks up infections.

76 in the summer, spring, and fall I bicycle across and throughout the city on its roads and cycle-lanes; in the winter, 3/14/2016 8:14 PM
once a week, I take a city bus as we use only 1 car.

77 noissues 3/14/2016 7:14 PM

78 I drive my own van and use a wheelchair/ go to our accessability meetings so I keep an eye open for things through 3/14/2016 4:24 PM
out the city that would cause problems for seniors / persons with disabilities.

79 we need to post speed limits in parking lots 3/14/2016 11:45 AM

80 The taxi cabs were dirty at one point in time, especially those working for one particular company. I have not used a 3/14/2016 12:16 AM
taxi recently.

81 Some streets with merges are difficult as we need to crane our necks to see oncoming traffic properly (e.g: High Street 3/13/2016 8:18 PM
merging with Memorial). In winter, high snow banks are a visibility hazard; they need to be cut down more and more
quickly. NB: we sit high in our vehicle.

82 city is fairly easy to get around if you have your own vehicle, but the streets are mostly in deplorable condition!! 3/13/2016 7:27 PM

83 Again, at 76 I am as agile as in 50 year old so I am not experienced in the needs described above. 3/12/2016 1:27 PM

84 Driving in Thunder Bay has always been a challenge since there are so many drivers that don't follow simple rules. But 3/12/2016 11:41 AM
it's still a small enough city, so I feel comfortable driving here.

85 So far, I have been able to drive myself or walk to my destinations. 3/12/2016 11:21 AM

86 In summer use bike or walk Now I am retired I have the time, and save the environment 3/11/2016 4:24 PM

87 City transit has improved but the time between buses is still too long. Would smaller buses outside of peak times be 3/11/2016 2:31 PM

88 Getting into the homes to visit my friends is awful. Parking is too far away from the entrance and I can't get to see 3/10/2016 8:35 PM

89 Since I have had my cast on for 6 weeks & am waiting for the swelling to go down I have been getting rides with 3/10/2016 12:20 PM
friends or my son during the week, on weekends my husband usually drives. Once I am able to get around better I
will be using the car on a regular basis.

90 I generally find that the traffic is easy to get around, except during rush hours when there are a lot more vehicles on 3/8/2016 10:13 PM
the road. Of course the roads are somewhat hazardous with all the pot holes and bumps and having to drive around
them to avoid a good jolt.

91 My daughter is my usual ride. I find that my particular walker does not fold well for taxis or bus and when I rent a 3/5/2016 6:57 PM
wheelchair, I cannot book rides from services ahead of time. The buses are totally a no-no for me even if I have a chair
as I cannot ride backwards. I get sick to my stomach and get a sore back due to health issues. I commented
elsewhere on the lack of sufficient disabled parking spaces and accessible ramps. I have no idea about delivery
services because I live in a locked building and would have to walk to an outside door to receive a delivery and I do
not use a chair or walker when I am home.

92 As mentioned before, I am still able to drive my own car, so have none of the above needs. 3/5/2016 1:59 PM

93 I mostly drive myself and often walk if weather is decent and destination is within several km. When driving I note that 3/4/2016 6:22 PM
many drivers are speeding and generally ignoring good driving practices. I

94 Disabled parking meters should be shovelled out if disabled how do you get to sidewalk over snow bank to get to 3/4/2016 4:16 PM
sidewalk and meter check out disabled meters near roosters restraunt

95 I feel Thunder Bay is a difficult city for transportation for elders. Bus stops are normally too far away from bus routes 3/4/2016 2:31 PM
for elders to walk to them.commercial vehicles are too expensive for fixed income seniors. The lift program is as I
understand it is extremely inefficient.

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96 I found the some of the transit drivers rude and didn't wait for seniors to sit down before they took off. If they were late 3/4/2016 1:56 PM
they told me to hurry up and get on the bus. One argued with me when I asked her to drop me off on a place which
was safe but closer to the medical appointment.I didn't feel safe going to some areas in town.

97 Really again not a comment about people who actually use their legs to get somewhere. If we were in Europe I'm sure 3/4/2016 1:00 PM
this survey would not be so vehicle centric. I walk for errands which are within 1/2 hour of my home drug store, coffee
shops etc

98 Taxis in the City are sub par for the most part. Unclean with unhelpful drivers......and very high rates. I would use a 3/4/2016 11:05 AM
taxi as an absolute last resort.

99 I had a Class F Drivers Licence when I moved to Thunder Bay seven years ago. I chose to utilize public transportation 3/3/2016 12:25 PM
because the high majority of drivers in Thunder Bay belong to the 95 Club. (95% of them should not be driving). Even
walking is risky. I've had close calls numerous times. At least NOW drivers are "suppose" to wait until pedestrians are
safely out of the crosswalks.

100 The bicycle lanes are ridiculous. I have a beautiful new bicycle and I don't use it very much because I do not feel safe 2/29/2016 11:26 AM
using the bike lanes. They are treacherous and confusing, at best.

101 Difficulty parking in winter weather. I don't need a handicap space but can't always manage the diatance with winter 2/27/2016 10:55 PM

102 At 67 years I drive my own car and take 90year old mother to appointments and shopping. She suffers with 2/26/2016 4:11 PM
Alzheimer's and makes poor decisions. She she refuses to apply for handicap sticker I must walk her through very icy
parking lots. Drivers often drive too close without stopping to give us time to cross.

103 I am not sure that refresher courses for seniors is going to help make driving safer. In my experience the 'close call' 2/26/2016 2:41 PM
scenarios I have had while driving in this city have been perpetrated by a younger driver. When I was taking my 90
something mother to appointments I could not drop her off at the door because of her dementia, she would have
panicked once I was out of her sight, and yet I often could not find a handicap spot very close to the building. I
therefore had to walk her with her walker sometimes great distances and sometimes in nasty weather or hazardous
terrain. For my family, it worked to bring an extra person along but I realize that this is not always possible.

104 My concerns with driving in Thunder Bay include the shape of the roads and the rudeness of some drivers. 2/24/2016 3:37 PM

105 I do not find that Thunder Bay offers many things for Seniors or people who are immobile. I do not know of any 2/24/2016 10:22 AM
grocery store that will deliver if I cannot get out. I won't take a city bus as I find they do not run often enough and I feel
unsafe getting off. i will not take a taxi because they are dirty and the drivers drive too fast and are very expensive

106 this page is poorly designed - neutral should not be between disagree and strongly disagree 2/23/2016 8:48 PM

107 Too many Stop Lights! Red River Rd 2/23/2016 8:43 PM

108 I am always in control of my present destiny but am aware of the reality of falling or losing my drivers license. For this 2/23/2016 9:54 AM
reason, I know that I must be able to access services when needed.

109 Taxes from the airport are way too pricy. There needs to be an airport shuttle service which would be easier to afford. 2/22/2016 8:23 PM

110 I've used Driving Miss Daisy once for Mom, expensive, will only use if I am incapable of driving. I drive Mom to all of 2/22/2016 7:33 PM
her appointments, drive myself or take a bus to my appointments. Friends share rides to entertainment events.

111 Cannot make use of bus service as the nearest one is 3-4 blocks away which is not convenient when you have 2/22/2016 4:56 PM
difficulty walking or carrying parcels or groceries. So far luckily I am able to drive my own car.

112 Generally driving is great in the city. The only issue I have is merge lanes are not long enough and people often have 2/22/2016 12:41 PM
to stop and not merge. ie. Harbour Expressway and Golf Links/Edward intersection.

113 Snowbanks outside of the courthouse, Brodie Street entrance hinder being dropped off. Ice and snowbanks must be 2/22/2016 10:42 AM
maneuvered in order to get to the sidewalk which is often slippery.

114 find that taxi rates are so much more expensive here than big cities. 2/21/2016 10:01 AM

115 Driving in T Bay is dangerous. Some older drivers need to be pulled over and their license taken away or al least 2/19/2016 4:02 PM
given a reaction time test. Some older people are even driving intoxicated. their solution is to drive at 30 mph.

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Q13 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding housing.
Answered: 115 Skipped: 405

# Responses Date

1 Where I live I can walk to grocery store and bank. Other people in my building don't. 4/30/2016 3:11 PM

2 my condo has 35 apartments and are mainly all inhabited by seniors. I have been here 25 years and love it, will 4/30/2016 3:09 PM
remaind there forever if I can

3 Wait times are definitely not reasonable to access supportive housing. 4/30/2016 3:08 PM

4 It is very difficult to find people for the small jobs that often need to be done. People say they will call or come but you 4/30/2016 3:01 PM
never hear from them/some don't even show up for appointments

5 Where I live I can walk to grocery store and bank. Other people in my building don't. 4/30/2016 3:01 PM

6 I can still live in my home and manage maintenance it. I've heard I should back when accommodations now basement 4/30/2016 2:50 PM
takes years t get assistance of anyhelp when you need it

7 I rented and paid 2 most ahead for my apt. | was selling my house-husband already in long term care. 4/30/2016 2:33 PM

8 None 4/30/2016 2:07 PM

9 i have not been in many reason look often 2 years for my sister to get into an house. 4/30/2016 2:01 PM

10 House pricing went up way to high and i am unable to afford anything nice. 4/30/2016 1:59 PM

11 We are managing alright now, but free needing lower maintenance, accessible housing in 10=15 years. We have lined 4/30/2016 1:56 PM
in co-op housing before and would like that if a spacious one floor unit were available and affordable as we have very
modest pension income. We do not want to live in seniors only housing

12 Good 4/30/2016 1:45 PM

13 Hopefully, I am able to remain in my home _ although the using costs are alarming! However if one needs supportive 4/30/2016 1:34 PM
housing, nursing home, one needs to be prepared to pay for some, forget about inheritances its your money to
provide for you! Need to bring back (means test)! Means assessment.

14 none Have been fortunate to own a house since moving to T.B. 4/30/2016 1:31 PM

15 I am fortunate t 4/30/2016 1:21 PM

16 My building is not accessable friendly at all- a wheelchair cannot navigate the entrance alone however it does have a 4/30/2016 1:12 PM
handicap access equipped appartment unit.

17 good 4/30/2016 1:02 PM

18 We were lucky to get a cheap house with the help from Thunder Bay housing. We are so grateful. 4/30/2016 12:56 PM

19 Most of the time, it's really great but sometimes some people get away with way too much. 4/30/2016 12:52 PM

20 I am fortunate to be in my own home with my husband. Having helped Mom with housing concerns, there are gaps 4/30/2016 12:43 PM
when one needs assistance and long term care (wait times etc).

21 Apt where we live do not have disability access 4/30/2016 12:41 PM

22 Love condos 4/30/2016 12:23 PM

23 housing for seniors hard to come by. 4/30/2016 12:20 PM

24 I can get help from people in the apartment. Maintenance is done in the apartment. Sometimes people are supportive 4/30/2016 12:19 PM
in retail and other services. I left my house 'cause I couldn't manage the yardwork - grass, snow, 63 bags of leaves!
Bus access was too far away. I moved to an apartment.

25 Much, because of the difficulty getting into long term care homes, our 'retirement home' is more and more turning into 4/30/2016 12:12 PM
a 'care home', as for the physical and mental conditions of new residents are concerned.

26 The apartment building has an elevator but it is not in services. 4/30/2016 12:11 PM

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27 as a single women for many years ,i had difficulty finding reliable help to maintain or repair the regular work that is 4/30/2016 11:45 AM
requierd examples deak repairs replacing rain.

28 Taxes are too high. 4/30/2016 11:44 AM

29 I am on the wait list for the pr cook apartments. I understand the waiting time could be several years it has now be 2 4/30/2016 11:37 AM
years since I applied.

30 I sold my home after my husband died and now I rent. This building is central and accessible in all ways. I am 4/30/2016 11:29 AM
comfortable and know many of my neighbours - so not lonely or isolated and do not have to worry about maintenance..
Rental was a smart decision for me and I was privileged to be able to finance it.

31 Read that I am still able to live independently in my own home. I do not want to end my days ware-housed in a long 4/30/2016 11:20 AM
term facility

32 At this time March 16, 2016, 76 yrs old (female) I'm finding it increasingly difficult to maintain my home, I do get help 4/30/2016 11:19 AM
from family but it's limited- hiring a handy man professionally or not is very expensive on a senior income.

33 I was born in Ontario. I got married in Ontario. My 4 children was all born in Ontario but because of work moved to 4/30/2016 11:18 AM
Manitoba. About 21 years lived there , my husband died in Manitoba. About 21 years ago then mother was in her 90s
then came from the farm after 65 years did not want home care help, so I wanted to come and live in the apartment
where she lived. I was with her 3 months waiting for an empty apartment when there was so I could get my
belongings from out west. The office manager said coming from another province and would have to live one year in
Ontario before I'm allowed to get an apartment? Then when I stayed helped my mother for the third month before I
went back west a senior man lived in BC married there and children separated cost of apartment but had money and
same nationality as office manager. How can they do that? So met a man here who was living in a bedroom got
married. Got 2 bedroom apartment. They had to take me, then. Unfair and crooked workers. Shame shame.

34 I live in hotel rooms and sometimes it's awful because the people are bad. 4/30/2016 11:03 AM

35 Houses are not affordable especially for many younger people who do not make a lot of money. Its the same for 4/30/2016 10:53 AM
seniors. If on a fixed income its difficult to pay taxes and utilities and keep your home.

36 I am very comfortable in my own home and have 2 grandsons who replace bulbs, shoveled snow and are usually a 4/30/2016 10:52 AM
valid let when I need help.

37 I own my own home, lock, stock and barrel. Nary a lien. 4/30/2016 10:45 AM

38 Expensive to get repairs, renovations completed. My mother needs a LTC bed and has been waiting in her opt. No 4/30/2016 10:38 AM
longer safe to live alone, but wait list continues to be an issue

39 I used to live in caslegreen Co-op and found it very good. 4/30/2016 10:33 AM

40 I do know that there are wait times (up to 30 years!) In some housing (e.g. P.R. Cook apartments) and others have 4/30/2016 10:22 AM
wait times of 10-15 years.

41 I have not had problems, but I know people, who have had to wait too long for affordable housing. We need more 4/30/2016 10:17 AM
affordable housing. Senior's apartment buildings need renovations badly.

42 No problems at this point with my husband and i for my 96 year old father waiting for long term care was stressful.he is 4/30/2016 10:07 AM
a veteran needed 24 hr suppression h has dementia,was wondering after breaking his hip in December. he go into
Hogarth river view quickly after being discharged for st. Joseph's. being a veteran probably helped a lot.

43 I am concerned about the accessibility of private homes that many seniors live in - and their inability to more to more 4/30/2016 10:07 AM
appropriate housing.

44 1 grass cutting and snow removable services need to be more accessible 4/30/2016 9:51 AM

45 Thunder Bay has very affordable private housing, but I feel that property taxes are too high. 4/30/2016 9:49 AM

46 Property taxes and cost of utilities are very high. When I am living on my own (my daughter is a student soon to leave 4/30/2016 9:43 AM
home), I find these costs hard to maintain in a fixed income budget. Thoughts of leaving for more affordable housing
are not pleasant as options are limited. When considering home maintenance costs along with property taxes and
utilities, staying in my home nears impossible levels.

47 We sold our home 1 year ago - rented a two bedroom apartment, rent is in excess of $1200 per month which I 4/30/2016 9:30 AM
consider too high for what we get!!

48 Staying where I am as long as I can afford it. 4/30/2016 9:28 AM

49 Not much experience 4/2/2016 2:37 PM

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50 I waited over a year to be reunited with my wife who needed the care available in Long Term Care. I understand that 3/29/2016 11:45 PM
the wait lists are very long and that for several years only those in crisis are admitted. This has led to chronic care
patients remaining in acute care beds. Staying at home sounds great with care providers coming to the home, but
many health care givers reports seniors being alone a lot and living in dirty and unsafe surroundings, but with no
alternative. Jasper Place and Sister Leila Greco have long waiting lists.

51 Owning your own home is great, but assistance is needed in some areas, i.e. snow removal. 3/29/2016 4:11 PM

52 As I am in retirement process I am looking at moving from the city as the long term care options are way too industrial 3/28/2016 4:53 PM
scale compared to any home and visiting is a long car dependent distance that I may not be able to make in any case
for visitation.

53 Far too expensive. Wait lists too long. Not clean or safe. 3/28/2016 12:49 PM

54 Too many units have stairs, laundry facilities located sparsely, narrow doorways too high of cupboards and no safety 3/25/2016 12:41 AM
bars in bathing area. One must have them installed themselves as well as handheld showers. Many do not allow even
cats as pets. I hate the fact I must sell my home to move into an apartment as I cannot take care of my home properly.

55 I like living in a single family dwelling. We have a two bedroom house with a rec room and additional bedroom in the 3/23/2016 4:05 PM
basement. The lot is big enough to have a vegetable garden in the summer. the house is over 40 years old. It is in
good repair and very convenient for an older couple. We live in a quiet neighbourhood which is about a 30 minute walk
form a small plaza with a grocery store and a drug store. We will live here as long as we are both healthy.

56 I know several seniors who have been on the waiting list for long term care for 2 or more years. This is unacceptable. 3/22/2016 1:35 PM
We know our population is aging and we need to be creating more long-term care and assisted living spaces in
Thunder Bay. One of my friends (90) was recently hospitalized for 2 weeks and her husband (94) who suffers from
dementia had no one to take care of him. The hospital, therefore, admitted him as well. He stayed in hospital for one
night and then fortunately, Wesway took him for 3 days until her daughter from another province arrived to take him
home. This made me wonder how many hospital beds are being taken up by seniors who do not require
hospitalization but do require assistance. Perhaps we should be looking at creating and supporting temporary
residences for seniors who find themselves in this type of situation.

57 I would feel better dealing with contractors knowing that they are honest and reasonable. Too many are not. I wish 3/22/2016 10:52 AM
each one of them had to be certified by the city.

58 Thunder Bay needs to proactively prepared for the senior expansion that will be in just a few years...Apartments with a 3/22/2016 10:40 AM
large comfortable common room, to offer daily exercise classes, scheduled entertainment options etc. apartments that
can be converted as per the needs of the tennant. Apartments where laundry is available on each floor...with a
common outdoor area for just sitting, walking, planting flowers or small garden areas...Older people need and want
something to do every day...This will keep them healthier mentally and physically...

59 It was difficult when we decided to down size to find a home in a well maintained, safe neighbourhood. We found 3/22/2016 10:29 AM
what we wanted, a corefloor (one floor) home finally. There are not enough of these homes on the market. Older
people don't need a lot of stairs and more aces-ability to move about their home. They require non-slip flooring, wider
doorways etc. I wrote an article to the Editor once about perhaps making older adult gated floor
housing, drug store, grocery store, fitness facility, pool all within the gated property. People could use golf carts to get
around just like gated older communities in the south. More elderly people would stay in their homes if they were
more convenient (hence more taxes paid). Besides there are not enough elderly nursing homes or assisted living
homes to keep up with Thunder Bays aging population. Our hospital has elderly people waiting for homes. This would
certainly help our continual gridlock. People also must think of the district. As people age in their communities they do
not have the infrastructure for assisted living or homes that are senior friendly so they too get on the list in our city.

60 Housing has become very expensive, rent follows that, it's all about money, even some senior homes, there should be 3/22/2016 9:20 AM
a cap on prices charged, depending on the seniors income.

61 contractors are not interested in the small jobs that seniors or others want - they put you on the back burner unless it 3/21/2016 3:26 PM
is a big job worth their while

62 There were some comments that I was not neutral on that i would have put unknown if that category existed. 3/21/2016 12:17 PM

63 No problems as yet. Intend to scale down to apartment within next few years. Am aware that there may be waiting lists 3/21/2016 9:27 AM
for apartments.

64 My experience is based on supporting an aged parent. The process for obtaining supportive housing was challenging 3/21/2016 9:14 AM
and unbelievably long. Demand greatly exceeds availability. New housing start-ups seem designed for young families,
with little regard to the changing demographic. Condominium units in the form of town houses aren't a priority. Nor are
small single family dwellings.

65 Fortunately I can afford to rent a private home. Based on my recent experience involving an aged parent, I believe 3/19/2016 6:10 PM
that the present shortage of assisted living and nursing home beds is critical.

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66 I prefer to remain in my own home as long as is possible but if I reach a stage where I in need more care and support 3/18/2016 4:40 PM
than is available or that I can afford in my own home or if I am demented and require 24 hr constant supervision then I
want to be able to access long term care facility. I do not want to be a burden on my family.

67 I was fortunate that when I worked I invested for my retirement. I am able to rent an apartment that is secure and well 3/18/2016 3:27 PM
maintained. But with the cost of food and other essentials going up and up I have concerns that I may have to look for
other housing. I worked in a pension office and I always heard from seniors that apartments were priced high and hard
to find. The waiting times to get into an affordable geared for seniors apartment took years to get into. They always
stated that they end up in hospital because they couldn't afford to pay rent, get groceries and other essentials for living
as their money didn't stretch far enough. Disabled people stated that as well. I think the city must think about building
more geared to income apartments for seniors, disabled people and low income families. Never mind building a new
civic centre. If the mayor wants to be remembered doing something for this city he should think more for the low
income families, disabled and seniors and not for a building like a civic Centre.

68 Currently in my own home and due to lonliness contemplating moving to a senior complex so am just now researching 3/18/2016 10:54 AM
my options

69 So far I have no experience's re housing 3/17/2016 2:58 PM

70 After deciding to sell my home I have had only one experience of apartment living. It is still extremely suitable for my 3/16/2016 3:22 PM
needs. I realize that I (and everyone really) could have one event that would be necessitate a change of life style. I
hope that I can stay here, and find services that I need as that becomes necessary. I am content to live with that
decision, knowing that I could have a situation that would necessitate a more major change.

71 At this time ,I am able to continue to live on my own,the only negative the location on the Southside and by city Transit 3/15/2016 3:10 PM
(at City Hall) it does not feel as safe and comfortable in the nieghbourhood (outside)

72 I am aware of the waiting list for low income and senior housing/apartments. I have been in McIvor Court and am 3/15/2016 9:54 AM
aware of the problems there. Seniors do not feel safe and mixing people with unmedicated mental health
problems/homeless people with addictions under the age of 65 wasn't such a great idea. My aunt lived at McIvor when
it was for seniors only, and It was a far different place than it is today. I visited my sister there, and a friend also lived
there. There was fights, drug deals, people being allowed in the building by other tenants that were roaming the halls
bugging others for money or cigarettes. I know this isn't just a problem of McIvor court. It makes me want to be taken
out of my home in a wooden box, rather than go into one of these places.

73 Some subsidized housing is not cared for by those living in it. Often when someone moves out the city must 3/15/2016 9:21 AM
redo/repair everything. Some senior homes I have visited are not well staffed causing stress to clients & families.
There seems to be a double standard in placing the subsidized housing..a "not in my neighbourhood " attitude.

74 We are not considering moving to a senior apartment for another 10 years - or health issues arise. 3/15/2016 8:36 AM

75 my criticisms above are what I have heard others experience 3/14/2016 8:17 PM

76 there seems to bad news ;lately..broken elevators, cockroaches., bedbugs...makes people not want to live there.. 3/14/2016 7:18 PM

77 Property taxes are so high that they will drive me from my home and probably drive me out of the City. 3/14/2016 12:19 AM

78 We strongly feel that there is need for more cooperative housing, but there are insufficient accessible units in the 3/13/2016 8:24 PM
coops and the waiting lists are long. More federal and provincial funding is needed to improve this situation. We do not
want to have to live in a seniors ghetto--we want to live in a multi-generation situation when we do require different

79 no problem so far 3/13/2016 7:30 PM

80 Normal for any adult, senior included. 3/12/2016 1:31 PM

81 Since I still live in my own home, my answers are mostly based on what I hear about other people's experiences. My 3/12/2016 11:47 AM
husband and I are thinking that we will be looking to downsize into an apartment soon. I haven't really been to
enthusiastic about what is available now. Sometimes I wonder how people even find apartments to rent in Tbay.

82 The wait times to access housing for people who need some help are deplorable; obviously there are not enough 3/12/2016 11:26 AM
spaces available for those who need them. We own our own home and so far have been able to manage the care and
maintenance of it.

83 I understand based on the experience of close friends and their families, that wait times for long term care is extremely 3/11/2016 9:37 PM
long and frustrating.

84 No concern But- help for minor renovation/ repairs a challenge 3/11/2016 4:27 PM

85 Can't afford to renovate & can't get in to senior home for years. Long wait list. 3/11/2016 4:02 PM

86 Second hand knowledge from friends who have greater need than we do. 3/11/2016 2:34 PM

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87 We have lived in this house for close to 29 years now, both my husband & I are getting to the point where it's too hard 3/10/2016 12:30 PM
to do the shoveling & cutting the grass. Luckily our son has moved back home so he is able to do the things around
the house that we can't. For how long he will stay we don't know. Eventually we will sell the house & either move out
of province or stay here but either way would be looking for an apt. to live in.

88 Currently able to live in our own home, but costs do keep going up. May not at some point be unable to remain in 3/8/2016 10:16 PM

89 I live in an apartment building above a store. There are too many stairs and it is not a geared to income or senior's 3/5/2016 7:10 PM
building though it is reasonable rent, good landlord and comfortable space and there are some other seniors living
here. The other housing options that I am aware of are not to my liking. I have friends in apartments that don't feel
safe because of problems with some of the other residents or feel trapped because the apartment is too small and
they cannot move because the costs in other places are way out of reach for limited income people. I'm very worried
about finding a place when I have to be in a wheelchair more often. I have tried to visit friends in some of these
buildings and find I cannot stay there very long as the rooms are small, ceilings low and I feel trapped and fearful. I
also cannot walk the long hallways to get to apartments in most of these buildings.

90 Since my husband died six years ago I have remained in our home. I am quite able to care for it with help now and 3/5/2016 2:04 PM
then from a cleaning lady. I have the grass cut through the Red Cross and a couple of kind neighbours who snow-blow
my driveway after a heavy snowfall. I have little knowledge re senior housing and care facilities.

91 Happy here but have had problems with some of the neighbours from time to time. Noise, smoking and untidiness. Our 3/4/2016 6:28 PM
condo is within easy walking distance from most places we frequent.

92 My housing is fine but in the winter the city plows after I am ploughed so it gets filled in Red Cross sponsors the snow 3/4/2016 4:22 PM
removal but the second time I have to find someone and pay again it used to be if the city ploughed you in you called
the contracted and paid a reduced amount but not any more if you have no family it is hard to find someone u less you
pay 65 in berlington if you are a senior the city cleRs the city part in other cities they lift the blade this would save
hospital admissions as I have see 80 yeR olds trying to cleR a pTh when they are disabled seniors don't like to waste

93 Having helped seniors try to get into senior housing is a lengthy wait. Once notified you only have three days to 3/4/2016 2:35 PM
accept. Long term care is almost impossible to access.

94 Most condo's are out of reach for seniors unless you can sell your house for the same price as the price as the condo 3/4/2016 1:56 PM
that you want to buy and can afford the condo maintenance fees plus taxes. Out of reach for senior women and
anyone on a fixed income.

95 We wish to stay living independently until our health deteriorates to the point where we need living support. We 3/4/2016 11:08 AM
appreciate the neighbourhood we live in which is friendly and supportive. Neighbours tend to look after one another
and it is social.

96 Researched senior housing when I moved here in 2007. Expensive. 3/3/2016 6:32 PM

97 Very difficult to fine good, reliable people who will provide outside services (like snow removal), small indoor 3/2/2016 5:25 PM
maintenance and construction, and in-home services (like cleaning, etc.).

98 My pension makes it difficult to find affordable housing. I share a house with a friend. Senior subsidized housing has a 2/26/2016 4:25 PM
long wait list and not all are in desirable locations or close to shopping

99 Wait times are long unless you are on a crisis list. Although the care is good/adequate most of the time, I would prefer 2/26/2016 2:52 PM
to see the standard be better and all of the time. I am not so sure that aging at home is a good strategy. In my mothers
case I saw her become more and more isolated and her social skills so diminished that once she did move into a
senior home she was unable to be social and interact with people. In her case all 3 of her children lived here in town
close by. What happens to seniors who don't have family living close to them or who don't interact with them very
often. Older people may be afraid to move, like all of us they prefer the status quo, some with dementia are even more
intractable, but promising help at home and actually getting adequate help consistently are two different things. In my
experience with my mother's care, the help was just not enough, not consistent and they could not be there as often
as she needed.

100 At present, I do not feel as safe in my home as a did years ago. I always lock my door now when I am in my home 2/24/2016 3:40 PM
where in the past I did not.

101 I cannot afford a Seniors home (apartment style) as it is very expensive and when you are on a fixed income it is 2/24/2016 10:25 AM
unattainable. I do not want to live in a ward as I find they are not well staffed.

102 Haven't, as yet, had a problem and am not looking forward to later years. 2/23/2016 9:13 PM

103 Contractors in Thunder Bay are not reliable, and frequently charge more than agreed upon. 2/23/2016 8:53 PM

104 Ownership of a home is affordable! 2/23/2016 8:45 PM

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105 Not enough low rental housing in city. 2/23/2016 5:39 PM

106 I am comfortable in my present situation and financially secure. 2/23/2016 9:57 AM

107 I understand that if I have a bit of money which I worked hard for all my life that i do not have as good a chance to get 2/23/2016 8:43 AM
into a seniors home as someone who didn't work or squandered their money.

108 I have worked in many city housing buildings over the past ten years. Many seniors are scared because people who 2/22/2016 8:30 PM
have drug & alcohol issues live there. It's way too risky to mix age groups, especially with vulnerable older people.
Change your current system so seniors are in age specific buildings only. Also, with seniors, there needs to be a staff
person on site for access to help for seniors. As things currently are, I would never consider living in a seniors
apartment building run by the city. They need to be made safe.

109 Mom - 95, just moved into long term care, the journey through the system is very frustrating, rooms are not easily 2/22/2016 7:39 PM
available, one must jump through hoops and say the right words to access long term care when it is convenient for the
family. Turning down a room removes the senior from the list, one has to wait 3 months to reapply, and then go to the
bottom of the list again. Families are not supposed to have their own lives and vacations??? Me - I don't want to go
through the process again, would rather move to a senior's centre that would allow a gradual transition to more
services, or die earlier. There has to be a better way. I've lost a lot of joy in living due to worrying about Mom and trying
to work with THE SYSTEM. My serious demeanour may be stuck.

110 I have not had any experience with affordable housing as I do own my own home. I have had experience with help 2/22/2016 5:03 PM
when my husband was ill. The CCAC was wonderful to help with items to make his stay in our home more
comfortable. We had a nurse every week to check on him and support help when we needed it.

111 I don't have any issues with housing at the present time. My mom was on a waiting list for many years for senior 2/22/2016 12:43 PM

112 When I retire, I do not believe I will be able to continue living in my home. Mortgage and the rising cost of food and 2/22/2016 10:45 AM
utilities will be out of reach for me. Then what ?

113 My mother lives in an apt building that is maintained by Thunder Bay Housing. It was supposed to be a senior bldg. 2/21/2016 10:17 AM
but over the years anyone will get in because the office says, everyone needs a place to live and we have to put them
in if there is an empty space no matter the age! The previous bldg. she was in ( Amelia st. ) had drugees, drunks, drug
pushers, teens coming in at all hours for drugs saying they were going in to visit their "uncle", outside doors left open
so family or friends could come in and use free wash machines, people in dire need of psych help, drunks banging on
doors at two in the morning looking for booze... I could go on and on... I finally had to warn Housing that if she was
hurt, we would sue as nothing was being done about danger in that bldg. Thank goodness she is in a better bldg. now.
PLEASE, PLEASE make these bldgs. seniors only, and KEEP them that way for the protection of our seniors!!! Also
monitor how many people are living in a "singles" apt that are not supposed to be in there!

114 There is no affordable housing solutions for seniors who want to downsize. Apartment buildings are mostly older and 2/19/2016 6:54 PM
inadequate. Condos are ridiculous in pricing so we are forced to stay in our current home which is now too big for us &
no longer as affordable.

115 The thing is I do not know how to get informed about senior housing. The agencies etc. or where to find info. Written 2/19/2016 4:05 PM
not on the computer

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Q15 Please tell us about your regarding

social participation and recreation.
Answered: 104 Skipped: 416

# Responses Date

1 Most programs stop in the summer. The season becomes very lonely time for me 5/1/2016 10:45 PM

2 Don't take advantage of clubs but know they are available. 4/30/2016 3:12 PM

3 At present time, I am most satisfied with my involvement in social activities. 4/30/2016 3:10 PM

4 we have VON excercises to prevent falls 2x weekly and are well attended. have coffee time for all once a month and 4/30/2016 3:10 PM
pot luck and xmas parties also large groups of card players to connect with within the condo.

5 Don't take advantage of clubs but know they are available. 4/30/2016 3:03 PM

6 Too expensive 4/30/2016 2:50 PM

7 Although I've always been very social. I've needed the last year to recuperate from care giving. 4/30/2016 2:36 PM

8 Physical handicap prevents me from participating. I go to church, once a month. I go for coffee 5 to 6 times a week on 4/30/2016 2:26 PM
the bus.

9 Physical handicap prevents one from participating. I go to church, once a month. I go for coffee 5 to 6 week on the 4/30/2016 2:13 PM

10 None 4/30/2016 2:07 PM

11 the 55 plus centre is a wonderful place with many opportunities for recreation and meeting people. I wish there were 4/30/2016 1:58 PM
an outdoor pool in the north part of the city. The Heath st pool is great and I go as often as possible in summer, but it
is quite a long distance for me t go there, no costs in time and gas

12 55 plus has great opportunities 4/30/2016 1:51 PM

13 Lots of choice, granted very little infees. Maybe less tobacco, and liquor will help. Casino seems to be popular with 4/30/2016 1:38 PM
seniors unfortunately - there are better options

14 As we age it becomes very difficult to participate in many activities that require physical dexterity, strength, vision and 4/30/2016 1:30 PM

15 There are not enough exercise classes to accommodate all 60+ who would like to participate in classes geared to their 4/30/2016 1:21 PM

16 Good faith experiences and exercise at Canada Games Complex 4/30/2016 1:05 PM

17 The 55plus is a godsend for me 4/30/2016 1:04 PM

18 We have got some good programs now in our building. 4/30/2016 12:57 PM

19 Where I live it's difficult to plan things because volunteers are very hard to find. Everyone wants to do things to enjoy 4/30/2016 12:53 PM
but they don't want to do any work.

20 I enjoy the activities at the 55 Plus and wish the City would enlarge this wonderful facility as it is getting overcrowded 4/30/2016 12:44 PM
(exercise classes etc).

21 Enjoy having meal or coffee at home with freinds 4/30/2016 12:43 PM

22 sit down tai chi good exercise and socialise. Sit down yoga good exercise and socialize. Volunteer Pool sauna and 4/30/2016 12:34 PM

23 Counsel wants to take away another golf course 4/30/2016 12:25 PM

24 Except for 55 + centre activities are limited. I can afford it but I know many seniors who can't. Plus, transportation is 4/30/2016 12:22 PM
always an issue.

25 Would like more sessions/workshops to learn new crafts, gardening ideas etc. I-2-3 hour outings would be nice. 4/30/2016 12:13 PM

26 Some socialization on Sunday nights at one church in North end. 4/30/2016 11:46 AM

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27 Have taken part in 55 Plus programs and events for a long time. A wonderful place in which to enjoy aging. There is 4/30/2016 11:31 AM
much to do in this city and we have a strong cultural focus which I enjoy regularly - TBSO concerts and other music

28 Access (easy ) to/utilizing of facilities depends on my hearing my own personal while and $ (private pension in addition 4/30/2016 11:23 AM

29 I do get around fairly good now I'm still driving but I'm not sure how long that will still be in effect. 4/30/2016 11:21 AM

30 I find it I try to give, do, help and others seem they take advantage too much and I have to stop going, giving and 4/30/2016 11:18 AM
doing. I cannot keep up. I'm tired.

31 I keep fit - maintaining our home - cleaning etc. As a couple we enjoy walking 4/30/2016 11:18 AM

32 The Alzheimers society has contacted me re: theri talks, etc. A family member has Alzheimers. My church sends 4/30/2016 11:06 AM
emails re meetings, socials etc

33 Drinking beer at the bar and i walk outside a lot. 4/30/2016 11:05 AM

34 I regularly attend concerts at the auditorium and freinds. My church is a great source of participation and friendships to 4/30/2016 10:54 AM

35 I live with my wife! 4/30/2016 10:46 AM

36 No problem inow this area for myself. 4/30/2016 10:39 AM

37 I am involved in curling and church activities. 4/30/2016 10:35 AM

38 Fishing buddies. Lots of socializing, church, Knights of Columbus 4/30/2016 10:32 AM

39 I know there are many different shapes/forms if/when I wish to access it, now that I am retired I plan/hope to start 4/30/2016 10:26 AM
using the different programs offered at 55 Plus.

40 55+ Center is excellent for seniors. The church activities are important to me. Fitness courses for seniors are great. 4/30/2016 10:19 AM

41 I do tai chi 6 times 1 week,not through a city facility. winter,1 also x country ski- summer /swim in a fresh water lake 4/30/2016 10:16 AM
walk all year around i attend Magnus live theatre. also musical events at the community some events at summer in the

42 I have learned that the pool at Lakehead University should become more "accessible" to those that have "limited" 4/30/2016 10:04 AM

43 Events are poorly advertised! 2 better control of volume is needed expecially at Silver City and the Community 4/30/2016 9:58 AM
Auditorium. The health unit has FAILED in this instance Older adults are always directed to her Internet; telephones
would be quick and better

44 There are activities for older adults- but I have had to work hard at finding them and reaching out to others. As a 4/30/2016 9:49 AM
younger older adult, 55 Plus may not be the place for me exclusively, though programs are extensive there. Fees are
NB in my consideration for what I do.

45 Participate in cycling and cross-country skiing. Age not a limitation in participation! 4/30/2016 9:41 AM

46 We go to movies, dances, events at Magnus theatre and the auditorium. We bowl once a week and walk a lot. 4/30/2016 9:35 AM

47 There are some options - but not many. Need to know what's available. Advertising is lacking. Go to Movati and do 4/30/2016 9:32 AM
courses I can manage - for my finances - I'm budgeting - Not in everyone's price range. Barrier - cost. Events - don't
go to the Marina - too much walking for me. Went back to school - doing curse at Thunder Bay Literacy - affordable.

48 I try to go to as many as I can 4/2/2016 2:39 PM

49 Very difficult when one is alone. Minimal friends and family live out of town. 3/28/2016 12:52 PM

50 My passion is swimming and the gym. I have taught in both fields and participated in both areas, in all types of fitness. 3/26/2016 1:35 PM
I have met many young acquaintances in this particular venue. Card playing is not my forte but have played as an
extra, enjoyed that too.

51 Churchill Pool needs renos to make it have more room and benches in the shower area as well as safety bars. Some 3/25/2016 12:48 AM
benches must be higher as well. The Heritage should never had been closed as it was perfectly designed for those
with disabilities and those with age issues.

52 At present I am in two choirs, go to some exercise classes, walk, attend church most Sundays, do some volunteer 3/23/2016 4:15 PM
work, attend memorial services of friends, go out to lunch at least once a week., keep tabs on my family members
living here, help them when I can., read daily, help neighbours when I can, and generally have a full life.

53 Since I am still healthy and mobile, I do not have a problem socially or doing any recreation that I wish. 3/22/2016 10:54 AM

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54 We need to start looking at this from a different angle...many more older people would enjoy entertainment in the 3/22/2016 10:46 AM
comfort of their own building...many are hesitant to go out in winter or the hot sun...apartment buildings need to have
accommodation for entainment in each building with maybe some City staffers Or volunteers to come and get people
motivated for exercise, or entertainment or just socialize...

55 We have a small network of friends. We do docile visiting, cards, suppers etc. Just a note: please check your spelling 3/22/2016 10:35 AM
and grammar of your survey. Names of a consulting company should be in caps. Take this no. 15 question - remove
regarding or rewrite question. Do not rely on spell check always it does not correct your grammar.

56 We are totally on our own at this time, however, what happens down the road is another issue. 3/22/2016 9:22 AM

57 I live in Westfort and are disappointed that if I want to participate in any activities that I need to go to the 55 Plus 3/21/2016 3:28 PM
Centre in Port Arthur to do so When can we expect to have the same conveniences on the south side????

58 Have busy social life: church, volunteer activities, two choirs, use 55 plus centre, do outdoor activities year round. 3/21/2016 9:30 AM

59 If you don't have a car, it's not worth the effort. The one, fully functioning, older adult centre in the city is not 3/21/2016 9:27 AM
conveniently located to be accessible by all citizens. Only those who drive or live within walking distance can take
advantage of the programs and activities offered by the centre. Using public transportation, I would have to allow 3
hours travel time to access services at the centre. This isn't feasible for morning activities, unreasonable for mid-day
activities, and less than ideal for evening programs.

60 don't use things like fitness centers 3/21/2016 8:20 AM

61 As an active volunteer during most of my life, I have benefited from my contacts to access social participation and 3/19/2016 6:13 PM
recreational opportunities.

62 Having recently won my battle with cancer, however, also losing my husband - I am currently feeling very lonely and 3/18/2016 10:58 AM
seeking other avenues. Only recently joined the Retirement group at MJB Library to see if this is a way of finding
women in my situation to create a friendship.........Wish there were programs such as this on both sides of Waverly as well

63 Love 55# Centre!!! Have attended regular for years mostly exercise classes This place is such a valuable place for 3/17/2016 4:02 PM

64 I use the facilities of the 55 Plus centre. I participate in the VON exercise program (in this building) and I can't praise it 3/16/2016 3:29 PM
enough. It is wonderful! I participate in a Tai Chi private class specific to older and handicapped people. I am still on a
church committee, and have a regular involvement in church. I volunteer at the symphony concerts and fundraising
events. I attend general and committee meetings of the University Womens' Club. I am a part of a medical support

65 I am able to take part in activities that I wish too. I presently sit on the West Arthur Community Centre Board. 3/15/2016 3:14 PM

66 I have a friend and family I am frequently in contact with. I am not a joiner but I keep busy and am never bored. 3/15/2016 9:58 AM

67 Whatever I want to be a part of is easily done. I belong to church groups, horticultural groups, friendship get together 3/15/2016 9:25 AM
soon...and then there is the 55+ centre.

68 Currently still working, in my own home and belong to social non profit groups - I am busy. 3/15/2016 8:38 AM

69 I participate in T. B. Cycling club, and T. B. Nordic Trails. I am locally born and raised, so have family here. 3/14/2016 8:21 PM

70 you can be as busy as you want 3/14/2016 7:20 PM

71 We have been dome walkers since its inception. Regularly go for coffee with friends , Attend sporting events and 3/14/2016 6:21 PM
really like the waterfront area with the park and good restaurants.

72 I'm on Groups and committees and I do my own recreation stuff. And very happy. 3/14/2016 4:34 PM

73 I still work full time and find that many activities for seniors happen during the day. It would be nice to have more 3/14/2016 2:40 PM
activities available in the evening.

74 We live in the north side, and have to drive to the south side to participate in the dome walk. There are no outdoor 3/13/2016 8:31 PM
pools to swim in in the north side (preferable during the summer, and free). Public tennis courts are poorly maintained,
and we are part of a group that use these facilities. There are insufficient indoor tennis courts for the winter months.
The 55+ Centre is wonderful, and answers many of our other social and recreational needs.

75 no problems 3/13/2016 7:31 PM

76 I am able to do any thing I want to do. 3/12/2016 1:34 PM

77 The only thing preventing me from participating in more recreational activities is the cost. But there are other free or 3/12/2016 11:49 AM
decently priced activities available, so I can just pick something else.

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78 Whoever wrote the above request needs some grammar lessons! I live near 55 Plus and am very lucky to have this 3/12/2016 11:31 AM
facility so close to me. I can easily walk to it. It is a marvelous Centre. Unfortunately, it is overcrowded. We need other
facilities like this in different areas of the city!!!! I am also close to Volunteer pool where I can exercise and swim and it
is an easily walkable distance.

79 Although there are lots of activities to participate it, I wish they were more affordable. 3/11/2016 9:39 PM

80 I attend aquabics at Churchill Pool. I attend V>O>N> classes at West Thunder.lso volunteer at Hogarth-Riverview 3/11/2016 5:40 PM
Manor weekly.

81 Canada games complex- strong seniors exercise classes are awesome, a life changer Cross country skiing, biking, 3/11/2016 4:30 PM
hiking also help keep me fit and connected More outings like hiking club, but during the week would be good

82 A new 55+ building with salt water pool on the south side would be nice. 3/11/2016 4:05 PM

83 My circle of golfing friends has shrunk since the closure of Municipal Golf Course. Two of my regular golf partners no 3/11/2016 2:41 PM
longer golf since, because of their health conditions (arthritis/osteoporosis). Muni allowed them to continue to walk 9-
holes which was very therapeutic. No other course is flat enough for them to do so. They could golf using a cart of
course (at considerable expense) but the point of the activity is the exercise gleaned from the walk! Not all golfers
"ride around in carts drinking beer" Rebecca!

84 I currently have a membership @ the Movati Club & try & go as often as 6 days a week. Swimming, yoga & a 3/10/2016 12:43 PM
beginners adult friendly aerobic class.

85 There are any number of things to do in this city. Lately though I have found that the newspaper does not carry much 3/8/2016 10:19 PM
in the way of information regarding things that are happening. I think your experiences depend upon how much effort
you put in finding things to do.

86 I have a full life, enjoy being alone and being able to follow my own interests including working and socializing on my 3/5/2016 7:16 PM
computer or by phone, reading, crafts and more. I do not want to be forced into activities I don't enjoy and it is difficult
for me to get out. I can always arrange to go to a concert or something of interest and there are a few things I intend to
look into but I have little interest in clubs and such.

87 Since I am still in good health I am involved in many volunteer activities through my church and the local Aviation 3/5/2016 2:10 PM
Centre. I also attend a fitness class three times a week, geared to older women, which is very affordable ($1 each
time!!) led by a former phys. ed. teacher who is great. I think it is very important for older people to nurture their
friendships and "keep in touch".

88 I curl with the"go slow" curlers. Have sung with a few choirs. I generally am able to find enough to interest me without 3/4/2016 6:33 PM
joining a lot of groups.

89 55 plus has courses but people are not real friendly they have there friends and that's it 3/4/2016 4:25 PM

90 I am always taking classes and I enjoy going to 55 plus and the library. 3/4/2016 1:56 PM

91 I remain active in terms of personal fitness, (walking and swimming), recreation programmes (art with my 3/4/2016 11:11 AM
granddaughter), volunteering and board work. I enjoy reading and gardening as well. We try to remain active with

92 I reach out to people for social interaction and recreation. Most have been beneficial and rewarding. 3/3/2016 6:38 PM

93 I retired several years ago and found things a bit boring. I needed to get out and search for some new interests and 2/26/2016 2:59 PM
find new friends who were also retired, and I needed to do that on my own. Some people may not be able to put
themselves out there, but if you look you will find. Through Nancy Angus and her older adult initiative I was able to
access many free or reasonably priced options for activity geared for seniors. There is still more that can be done to
make things easier for seniors in this city.

94 I won't go by myself. It would be nice to have someone to go with. 2/24/2016 11:30 AM

95 I am not a person who likes to be out all the time. I like my privacy and only attend things occasionally. 2/24/2016 10:27 AM

96 Movati Club Excellent! 2/23/2016 8:46 PM

97 Too busy to fill in this space.....currently, I feel healthy, wealthy and wise! 2/23/2016 9:59 AM

98 I am very impressed with staff at 55 plus. 2/22/2016 8:32 PM

99 Working full days limits the amount of activities that I can join. Also, making time for Mom cuts into recreation time as 2/22/2016 7:42 PM
well. Maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul are very important. As a single person, there is a limit to the amount of
money that I can spend on activities, but that does not keep me at home! There are affordable activities for many folks,
one has to have the momentum to go out and keep going.

100 Yoga and exercises at Complex 2/22/2016 6:45 PM

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101 I have cut back on many of my activities due to my age and husbands illness but I still keep up my yoga and 2/22/2016 5:11 PM
connecting to my circle of friends that I have made over the years. My neighbour and I get together every Monday
morning for coffee as we are both recent widows. I understand the 55+ has people who will visit or phone seniors who
are alone.

102 At the present time, I still work full time. My social life is also busy. 2/22/2016 12:45 PM

103 Retirement Explorers has been a very positive experience for me. I am busy and active with this group twice a week. I 2/22/2016 10:25 AM
have met people with whom I can relate. I can see lasting friendships developing.I appreciate that the city sees the
value in supporting older adults. Although I have a good social network, I wonder about having friends in future. In the
last 3 months, one good friend has died and 2 others have moved away. Several friends talk about eventually moving
to where their children live. I know how important social connections are to my well-being and activity level.

104 There is very little for the healthy 60 to 70 age group that I am aware of. the 55 plus offers very low key physical 2/19/2016 4:11 PM
activities like bowling etc. I belong to Kamview and ski there often but by myself. I also belong to the ladies cycling
club and am one of the older participants. Really wish there was a group that wished to make a travel club for us who
are healthy enough to travel but are not snow birds.

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

Q18 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding respect and social inclusion.
Answered: 81 Skipped: 439

# Responses Date

1 Have to cross street to get to Tim's. Traffic has to stop for me. 4/30/2016 3:13 PM

2 As a retired nurse I am still called and consulted regarding medical issues I am in many groups-craft, budget, classes, 4/30/2016 3:10 PM
art, etc

3 Have to cross street to get to Tim Horton's. Traffic has to stop to let me go. 4/30/2016 3:04 PM

4 It is frequently mentioned in the Newspaper - Elderly people that should be in Long Term Care are taking up active 4/30/2016 3:02 PM
treatment beds - This is blaming the victim - what are they supposed to do? Elderly with Alzheimer's Disease are
treated poorly at TBRHSC - they are a low priority and their care is inappropriate.

5 no problems yet 4/30/2016 2:51 PM

6 I'm very seldom disrespected.Usually from young people unfortunately. I don't require a lot /any help get from 4/30/2016 2:42 PM
strangers.-unless you are talking about opening doors for me.

7 I am still working part-time so have good experiences in this regard. Hopefully this will continue in full retirement. 4/30/2016 1:59 PM
Generally, I find if one offers respect, one is accorded respect

8 Asking for directions and people always are helpful if they can 4/30/2016 1:52 PM

9 One needs to book for and show respect and social inclusion 4/30/2016 1:39 PM

10 some sales people prefer not to have to deal with seniors. People with hearing difficulty are often considered to be 4/30/2016 1:38 PM
mentally handicaped

11 Having to call a number - being put on hold 15 to 20 minutes. 4/30/2016 1:31 PM

12 No problems 4/30/2016 1:29 PM

13 grocery steen always offers. 4/30/2016 1:08 PM

14 I feel respected 4/30/2016 1:06 PM

15 I am very surprised at how younger people are very helpful and respectful. It's awesome. 4/30/2016 12:54 PM

16 I've never ever needed help! 4/30/2016 12:51 PM

17 Some strangers will offer help, by opening and closing doors because They are mobility scooters or if they see you 4/30/2016 12:46 PM
hearing difficulty

18 Cashiers (2) Do not respect senior -Have complained to manager, person still the same. 4/30/2016 12:39 PM

19 Who are these strangers? Customer Service representativeskills? customer service reps, then the #is "too many times 4/30/2016 12:32 PM
to count ". If unsolicited then it is as noted

20 My opinions matter to me! Community feedback sessions are not properly advertised! I haven't been helped by a 4/30/2016 12:27 PM
stranger - YET! City held open houses are poorly advertised. It is as if the city does not want to hear from the citizens.

21 A lady paid for my gas one day 4/30/2016 12:26 PM

22 i greet everyone with a smile. it is 99% effective for a positive response. 4/30/2016 12:24 PM

23 Family helps. No comments 4/30/2016 11:47 AM

24 I am still active in many areas of personal interest, however, I need to be aware that my opinion is not always helpful 4/30/2016 11:33 AM
for future planning. My daily experience is that of a senior.

25 Twice in the last 2-3 months. I have had a store clerk offer to help me get my purchases to my car. (I am quite able to 4/30/2016 11:08 AM
walk etc on my own). It was appreciated by me.

26 I have foundone that most people are helpful to seniorsee and usually respectful 4/30/2016 10:56 AM

27 The native people I have encountered are generally very respectful to their elders. The white youth are not as a rule 4/30/2016 10:55 AM
respectful to their elders.

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28 There isn't any. 4/30/2016 10:49 AM

29 Even though Thunder Bay has an aging population the attitude towards older adults is less positive than I would like to 4/30/2016 10:40 AM

30 I am 69 years old and active in the community (different boards and special organizations and groups). I do not 4/30/2016 10:32 AM
consider myself "old" and I find respect is a matter of attitude. I treat others with respect and I expect to be treated the

31 my tai chi association is very social a respectful of all people. 4/30/2016 10:18 AM

32 People love to hold doors open for you to enter "first" 4/30/2016 10:05 AM

33 Typically, if I am friendly and initiate casual conversation, people respond favorably. However, I have to work at the 4/30/2016 9:53 AM
casual chit chat and it is not forthcoming and easy in all situations.

34 No negative experiences! Yet!! 4/30/2016 9:42 AM

35 Respect is not a problem ! 4/30/2016 9:36 AM

36 Remembrance Day older man used to get invited to school to talk. Amazed at times someone will open a door. After 4/30/2016 9:35 AM
my hip surgery - people were amazing.

37 Most of the organizations are very respectful of seniors. 4/2/2016 2:41 PM

38 I have been shown the most disrespect from Native Elders who continue to not take responsibility for their situation, 3/28/2016 4:57 PM
which if one is from a mixed ethnic background, is whining.

39 Try to complain or seek advice most phones are just recordings asking to press this or that. Call backs are minimal to 3/28/2016 12:56 PM

40 when your hair turns gray it's all over. People treat you like you are senile, feeble, and stupid. They patronize me in 3/26/2016 1:45 PM
the most embarrassing ways. I have told people ( my doctor included) not to call me dear, or hon or anything other
than my full married name? That is a real degradation to me. I stand up for myself but many don't.

41 Well, everyone knows we are here. I have been helped by people holding doors open for me and I always say thanks. 3/25/2016 12:57 AM
No one has ever been rude to me because of my age out in the public. There are many businesses which offer senior
discounts. What is more important is to have easier access to affordable help in simply helping which usually can not
be obtained unless officially classed as disabled, with everyday issues and activities. I have just gotten a doctor after
not having one for over7 years. Hopefully I will be officially certified disabled particularly since I am now 65.

42 I find that the media portrays seniors as senile, poor drivers, complaining, instead of positive contributors to our 3/22/2016 11:05 AM
society, whether in the past or in the present. It would be great to see a bi-monthly newspaper article where a small
write-up about a senior is featured for everyone to read, not just in the Senior's Newsletter. Community sessions seem
to be more for show, rather than taking citizen's opinions seriously. It seems that there is always a hidden agenda.

43 I see too many seniors in just my building alone that spend too much time alone with no place to my building, 3/22/2016 10:53 AM
some seniors sit in the lobby just hoping for someone to talk to...wouldn't it be nice if there was actually a room where
they could go and play cards, make coffee, exercise, solicalize in comfort, maybe even get up and have a dance or
two every month or so...if every building took the smallest apartment and converted it into a common area, I believe
this would be a positive approach for future seniors who want to live on ther own for as long as possible and still get
out of their apartments and not have to worry about rides, winter, budgets etc.

44 I believe respect should start being taught from home...of course I am old school. Opening a door for an elder or 3/22/2016 10:45 AM
anyone for that matter is respect. Manners that we do little see nowadays....again start at home or school. Taking your
hat off in a restaurant or public place. Taking your hat off when the national anthem is played. Moving over on a
sidewalk or in a mall for a senior who may not be able to walk well.

45 When people sense that I am struggling, they often step up and ask if I need help 3/22/2016 10:39 AM

46 This is an ongoing work to help seniors, home services, are not always qualified, ex. PSW must be certified, 3/22/2016 9:27 AM
companies, ex. Bay Shore, do not abide by this rule. Home services, are greatly needed, but these employees, must
be accountable, and work in pairs so that if there is an inside the, it can be reported. Socially, it is up to you to have
friends, but another program to visit those all alone, might be nice. Cruelty, must be watched, volunteers should work
in pairs.

47 People are generally courteous. Do not need help. I also offer help to older people or mothers with kids. 3/21/2016 9:33 AM

48 There are fortunately many good-hearted people living here in Thunder Bay but I am concerned that our volunteer 3/19/2016 6:15 PM
base is aging.

49 My experiences regarding respect are shown to me on a daily basis with such a simple guesture of having ones door 3/17/2016 4:06 PM
opened when out & about

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50 The fact that I am still regarded as offering something to committees and that I still am accepted as a volunteer 3/16/2016 3:33 PM
confirms social inclusion. Bridge and Scrabble at 55 Plus, plus game times with friends also show inclusion.

51 Frankly, I don't think this city/counsel listen to anyone except themselves. I don't know how I will live on a pension 3/15/2016 10:02 AM
when the city taxes, costs keep going up and will eat my pension.

52 I have never had a problem with either, but I don't choose to participate in events meant for the younger crowd & I am 3/15/2016 9:28 AM
fortunate to experience good health.

53 If you are pleasant yourself you attract pleasant people, in need or not. 3/15/2016 8:39 AM

54 I am 66 a old, very mobile and active, and reasonably alert; hence I have not experienced any problems to date. 3/14/2016 8:23 PM

55 no issues 3/14/2016 7:21 PM

56 As a wheelchair user people on a whole are asking if I need help when I'm shopping for stuff. 3/14/2016 4:39 PM

57 I feel the perception on seniors needs to change. I still see ads with little old grey haired ladies. I'm a senior and will 3/14/2016 2:43 PM
never look like that! Many of my friends that are seniors, couldn't be "stereotyped" by these images. It's time to
change! Our music, our culture and our appearance is not what media would expect.

58 I attempted to participate into the City budget consultations. The event was very orchestrated; and, many people left 3/14/2016 12:27 AM
very early in the meeting. This was a lost opportunity to chart a new course for this City. Who wants to make a
deputation to Council. This event was too well managed. It looks like we are going to get an Events Centre. I doubt if
many of those Senior mentioned at the front of this article will use this facility for numerous reasons.

59 So far, our experiences are positive. 3/13/2016 8:34 PM

60 no problems 3/13/2016 7:32 PM

61 I am fine. I recognize that many seniors are not as healthy and involved as I am. I am still on the helping end rather 3/12/2016 1:42 PM
than the receiving end for help. Your survey hints that everyone considered as Older Adult is somehow less than agile
or capable. Remember many people are living healthy lives up to 100 years of age and they likely were still very frisky
in the 60 - 80 range.

62 I don't think I have ever felt left out because of my age. Sometimes my own personality - being shy and insecure - is 3/12/2016 11:51 AM
my only limitation.

63 I think that city officials ask for input from the people but pay no attention to it. The Event Centre is a classic example. 3/12/2016 11:40 AM
Many residents have asked for a referendum and have been totally ignored. Council does what they think is a good
idea, not what people actually want. The closure of schools is another specific example: the Board held all kinds of
meetings and then did exactly what they intended to do before the meetings were even held. Just because we are old
does not mean that we are stupid. Many of us held responsible jobs and are very well educated, but not too many
people value our opinions. In this regard, we are not respected.

64 Had tire trouble and young man changed my tire and would not accept any monetary reward. 3/11/2016 5:42 PM

65 A two way street. We can't wait around to be included...we must include ourselves! 3/11/2016 2:42 PM

66 no comment at this moment. 3/10/2016 12:47 PM

67 My daughter and a couple of friends are usually the people who help me to go places and do things. 3/5/2016 7:19 PM

68 This survey alone shows there is interest in knowing what seniors think. I rarely need help from strangers unless it is 3/5/2016 2:16 PM
to open a door, etc. I am quite independent as yet. I helped at my grandson's kindergarten class when I was in my
early 70s, and felt I was respected and appreciated. Re customer service agents, my biggest complaint is that they
often speak too quickly or have an accent which makes it difficult to understand them. Many young people speak very
quickly and especially if they are repeating the same thing over and over, slur and do not enunciate.

69 I generally find that most people in thunder Bay are helpful and friendly. 3/4/2016 6:36 PM

70 Think the health system in TB is inconsiderate to Seniors.wait times in the TBRHSC emergency are horrific. People 3/4/2016 2:41 PM
are sent home before they should because of the gridlock situation which is constant.

71 I enjoy living in Thunder Bay. 3/4/2016 1:56 PM

72 Their is ageism especially in the service and food industry. Actually, as I write this I realize it is alive and well in the 3/4/2016 11:13 AM
medical arena as well. People referring to you as "dear" and "honey" is so offensive. One has to be a strong advocate
when ill.

73 On the whole, I find people responsive to friendly social conversation. However, I often initiate the interaction myself. 3/3/2016 6:44 PM

74 Like everything else, I think sometimes I feel valued and at other times not so much. Mostly I would say my 2/26/2016 3:01 PM
experiences have been positive.

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75 Being with children makes life happier 2/24/2016 10:28 AM

76 I interact with my environment all the the time-capitalize on it or ignore it when necessary. I am thankful for what is 2/23/2016 10:02 AM
working in my life and prayerful when it might appear to be out of control!

77 No negative experience to date, however I am a young senior & quite fit. 2/22/2016 8:34 PM

78 Respect is a big part of my work environment, it is publicized, but not always followed. Respect is a big part of my 2/22/2016 7:46 PM
Toastmasters experience. Respect is part of my friendships. Some churches restrict the amount of activity women can
undertake, I find that is not respectful of women. Being a divorced woman, there are some instances where my
company is not desired, those are the situations to avoid or go in with "both barrels blazing".

79 I find the people in this city are very respectful of seniors - holding doors for you, letting you go ahead in a line giving 2/22/2016 5:20 PM
up a seat when there is no place to sit etc. We have a group at our church that puts on a lunch for seniors of the
parish at no charge once a month. It's great to get out and meet and talk to other people.

80 Generally, I feel respected and am included socially when I choose. I feel this may change once I retire. I really don't 2/22/2016 12:49 PM
like when sales people are condescending, even though they may not mean to be. I don't like when they call me
"dear". I find it demeaning.

81 Many people do not see me as a senior yet so this does not concern me. I volunteer in the community and the people 2/19/2016 4:13 PM
I help give me loads of respect.

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

Q20 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding civic participation and
Answered: 68 Skipped: 452

# Responses Date

1 I worked for 40 years and had no desire to volunteer as I have enough groups and now time to pursue all the activities 4/30/2016 3:11 PM
I love.

2 I've volunteer @ meals on wheels, it's good to do We see a lot of people who need help or who are alone 4/30/2016 2:52 PM

3 I have facilitated a support group for Parkinson's for 17 years. I'm retired with no need to have/seek employment 4/30/2016 2:44 PM

4 especially volunteering. people raised eyebrows when I took paid employment after retirement. no one questions 4/30/2016 1:41 PM

5 Lots of volunteer opportunity 4/30/2016 1:39 PM

6 I feel that i am going to have to custimize my own future. i don't seem to 'fit' 4/30/2016 1:26 PM

7 I continue to do spent time and did before I retired. I alter dr menk on wheels and one at volunteer at 55 plus 4/30/2016 1:08 PM

8 Retired teacher (34 years), Dew Drop Inn, Christmas Cheer volunteer, HAGI bingos volunteer, 55 Plus volunteer, 4/30/2016 12:46 PM
Church volunteer, school volunteer (grandchildren's school)

9 Volunteering is great depending on the maturity of the paid staff. Some paid staff can be quite dismissive. 4/30/2016 12:29 PM

10 At my current age all the group i socialize with or volunteer of are fitting to my needs. 4/30/2016 12:27 PM

11 My volunteer experiences have been positive for the most part. 4/30/2016 12:14 PM

12 Not working anyplace. 4/30/2016 11:48 AM

13 I volunteered for many years during and after retiring due to an injury I had to step down; now there are so many 4/30/2016 11:40 AM
restrictions (police check) time shifts, access etc. That I feel frustrated and do not want to deal with the haste of re-
applying for sometime I freely gave my time and energy.

14 I pick volunteer opportunities and am sensitive to my limits. 4/30/2016 11:35 AM

15 I decided that I would be a stay at home mom - which allowed me to participate in our 3 children's activities in grade 4/30/2016 11:21 AM
school. Our children were born in 1967-1975-1977 so there was generally quite a bit of time spent with each child and
their activities

16 Service Canada was only too happy to have me employed and trained during the last federal election. Canadian Red 4/30/2016 11:10 AM
Cross is happy to train volunteers (one of which I am) and have asked it I'd like to be a deployed in Canada during

17 I have no desire to be employed but often pick up my great granddaughter from school and enjoy her company till she 4/30/2016 10:58 AM
is picked up by her family

18 Good no complaints. Good volunteers are hard to find and generally elders/retirees and dependable. 4/30/2016 10:56 AM

19 I have no inclination! 4/30/2016 10:49 AM

20 No problems for me in this area 4/30/2016 10:41 AM

21 Lots of volunteer ( limit volunteers replace with jobs). Very hard to find jobs for seniors. 4/30/2016 10:33 AM

22 I am retired, but there are many opportunities for volunteering. 4/30/2016 10:21 AM

23 Not yet re discrimination but I am 63. But later? 4/30/2016 10:19 AM

24 I am still full time and employed. I know many in my age bracket who are retired work at what they wish to - and have 4/30/2016 10:09 AM
many opportunities for satisfying volunteer experiences.

25 Many volunteer opportunities available to me- flexible and accommodating to my needs. Employment- would love to 4/30/2016 9:56 AM
work PT but no more than 3 days/week 4 hour shifts- VERY HARD to find.

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26 We are fortunate to have retire 55 Centers and other fortitudes catering to the need of older adults leader (volunteer 4/30/2016 9:51 AM
pool-exercise yoga and Ti chi.

27 Until I sold my home (and garage) I would build a quality piece of outdoor furniture for the Hope Classic (curling) 4/30/2016 9:38 AM
cancer event!!

28 Not so easy to find jobs. Found upgrading at College and computer course at Thunder Bay literacy. 4/30/2016 9:36 AM

29 Not much experience 4/2/2016 2:43 PM

30 Far too much red tape to go thru to volunteer. Fine line between work or volunteer for those disabled and nonworkable. 3/28/2016 12:59 PM

31 Up until 9 years ago I was active in Girl Guides. Many places have barriers for me as I am old as well as mobility 3/25/2016 1:00 AM
challenged. I am not as strong as I was younger.

32 Volunteer with my church and United Way. I am still working part-time with my employer that I retired from 12 years 3/23/2016 9:45 AM
ago. I feel very blessed!!!!

33 I can not comment on this 3/22/2016 10:54 AM

34 Husband was let go due to age and experience...employer called it Mandatory Retirement ( which an employer is not 3/22/2016 10:52 AM
suppose to do. I lost my job after 23 years at a place and 7 years in my last position because they said I didn't have
enough experience and education. Even though work ethic and loyalty are there it is not always enough.

35 People have generally been friendly and accommodating. 3/22/2016 10:41 AM

36 I am retired, and feel strongly that seniors can be active, but young people should be first choice for employment. If 3/22/2016 9:32 AM
you have worked for 30+ years, then your place of business closes, you should retire. One example, there may be
work, but as one ages, you do not have the same patience that is required, mind you, a lot of the younger generation,
do not have good work ethics either.

37 Have not sought paid employment in last eight years. Many groups seem to need volunteers. 3/21/2016 9:34 AM

38 I find it frustrating that my past experience and skills are not being well-utilized. Fortunately, I remain active in my own 3/19/2016 6:18 PM
part-time business.

39 I have had very positive experiences in the areas of volunteering that I am interested in. I'm retired and not interested 3/18/2016 4:47 PM
in finding employment at this time so I can not comment on that aspect of this survey.

40 Having been out of the work force for a number of years, feel very incompetent with modern technology. As far as 3/18/2016 11:01 AM
volunteering for something - it is very difficult for some individuals like myself to do it on my own!

41 I had a mixture of part-time and self employed until age 73 and was available as a consultant, but that all ended 10 3/16/2016 3:37 PM
years ago. Civic partciipation? Not sure what you mean.

42 Retired from the city.I follow council mtgs. have worked on local campaigns. 3/15/2016 3:20 PM

43 Being retired for 20 years, I have no inclination to re enter the work force. I have & still do volunteer at several health 3/15/2016 9:33 AM
related events, (fund raisers), church. I prefer to choose carefully so as not to bring home anything harmful to my son'
s precarious health.

44 I volunteer with Bicycles for Humanity, T.B. cycling club, and TBSO. I attend local information collection/presentation 3/14/2016 8:26 PM
sessions, most recently T. B. park planning.

45 casual employment available in my field, lots of volunteer oppurtunities 3/14/2016 7:23 PM

46 I still work full time in an executive position. I attend community and government consultations particularly around 3/14/2016 2:45 PM
health care. I intend to work several more years.

47 Training for those who are interviewing seniors (who are not seniors themselves) would decrease age-bias. 3/14/2016 11:49 AM

48 I attempted to get re-training for as older worker. YES employment agency had both a program and funding 3/14/2016 12:32 AM
specifically geared for older workers. In spite of several requests, I never did not any approvals for funding that was
specifically geared for my demographic; even though I provided the name of one course in particular that would have
allowed me to qualify for several professional opportunities. The reason those persons have jobs is because people
like me (and numerous others) don't have jobs.

49 So far, our volunteer and paid employment experiences are positive. 3/13/2016 8:37 PM

50 none 3/13/2016 7:33 PM

51 This survey is taking too long. I am retired and want to get this finished so I can enjoy the rest of the day outdoors. 3/12/2016 1:45 PM

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52 I have attended three different universities and have an MA. I taught for the Lakehead Public School Board for thirty 3/12/2016 11:46 AM
plus years. Since I retired, I have done extensive volunteer work for several agencies: Habitat for Humanity, the
Thunder Bay Symphony, Debate 2000, Lakehead Public School Board, Magnus Theatre, 55 Plus Centre, Coalition
Against Povery, etc.

53 I have more opportunities to work than I will use 3/11/2016 4:33 PM

54 Regular volunteer in my areas of interest. 3/11/2016 2:43 PM

55 I am on disability & am limited to what I can & can't do. I haven't been volunteering since it isn't accessible for me. 3/10/2016 12:55 PM

56 I am well respected in all the things I participate in and volunteer to do. One volunteer experience leads to other 3/8/2016 10:24 PM
volunteer experiences. There is never a lack of things that can be done in this city.

57 Until recently I was very active in women's issues, especially disabled women's issues. Health conditions limit my 3/5/2016 7:22 PM
participation in these things now and I am not really interested in struggling to do things that are not easy for me any

58 I have not been employed since I was 69 and have not sought employment, so do not know what the situation is. I do 3/5/2016 2:23 PM
however volunteer a great deal and have found my work skills (office work and teaching) to be a great help. I've never
felt any discrimination - rather the opposite. I think volunteers are greatly appreciated and provide a great service in
this city, from working at the Shelter House, fund-raising for various organizations, as well as in their own churches.

59 A few years ago when I took a year off from curling because of a broken knee I worked as a part-time tax return 3/4/2016 6:42 PM
preparer. I presently volunteer for Hospice Northwest and have volunteered for United Way and assist at a church food

60 I enjoy volunteering and feel appreciated. 3/4/2016 1:56 PM

61 I am a contributing member of society giving back as much as I can using skills and leadership developed over the 3/4/2016 11:15 AM

62 I still work 2 days a week (minimum wage) . I enjoy the social interaction and it gives me a little extra spending money. 3/3/2016 6:48 PM
By profession I was a recreation therapy coordinator in long-term-care. LOVED it.!!

63 Too busy to comment on this aspect-I am lucky to have a boring life and love every minute of it! 2/23/2016 10:04 AM

64 N/c 2/22/2016 8:35 PM

65 Employment is good at this point, retirement is a few years away. There is a trend among younger people to not 2/22/2016 7:48 PM
respect the contribution of older people, pervasive in our society. Therefore, I am not sure how I will enjoy retirement
and volunteering. That remains to be seen.

66 There are many places to volunteer. The newspaper usually has a list of them. I used to be busy volunteering 2/22/2016 5:26 PM
practically every day but have cut back. The senior nursing home are always looking for help for the residents, and
within our church there are many places you could volunteer you time.

67 I still work full time in an executive position. I feel respected in my workplace. My experience and opinions matter. 2/22/2016 12:50 PM

68 As a retired teacher and coach, I felt comfortable going back to help in the school communities but I had to seek them 2/19/2016 4:18 PM
out. The principals were not aware I was available. I also had to seek out my hospital placement. The paper is good
but our community needs to be more vocal on where volunteers are needed and who to contact.

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

Q24 Please tell us about your experiences

regarding communication and information
available to you.
Answered: 64 Skipped: 456

# Responses Date

1 Don't know about 211. Real person to understand on the phone. 4/30/2016 3:17 PM

2 I always have music on so never get info on radio. The newspaper is my main source for information 4/30/2016 3:12 PM

3 if one is looking for information one could find it. but sometimes things are available to seniors but not advertised 4/30/2016 2:53 PM
enough to those who do not know even think of things to do

4 English is not first language so it is difficult. 4/30/2016 2:31 PM

5 voices on automated records not clear-too much contents-too many instructions to follow 4/30/2016 2:06 PM

6 more information needs to be in clear, larger print;. Less background noise in better in places where people want to 4/30/2016 2:01 PM
have conversations or hear a presentation

7 I'm afraid I use very little of the previous services. My life feels quite full at the moment but I'm sure useful for others 4/30/2016 1:56 PM

8 Seek and you will find 4/30/2016 1:40 PM

9 We have good information in our building. 4/30/2016 1:00 PM

10 I don't get much information because sometimes flyers, seniors magazines are all gone before I get one. 4/30/2016 12:57 PM

11 I use printed and media information to find what I need. 4/30/2016 12:47 PM

12 I chose neutral most often because I haven't looked for info I can't obtain 4/30/2016 12:34 PM

13 i volunteer at three different locations,and give extra unpaid work/hours of my part time employment. 4/30/2016 12:33 PM

14 More information needs to come through "the Source" because it gets to most homes. 4/30/2016 12:32 PM

15 It is sometimes hard to track down the information one needs/wants. 4/30/2016 12:15 PM

16 Use of internet. 4/30/2016 11:51 AM

17 211 is extremely useful in obtaining information 4/30/2016 11:26 AM

18 Have no cell. No computer. Too old to learn now. Money is a PROBLEM for me. 4/30/2016 11:20 AM

19 I obtain much of my info through the internet (news etc) TBPL sends me emails of events. 4/30/2016 11:14 AM

20 Available all the time. 4/30/2016 11:08 AM

21 use of internet 4/30/2016 11:05 AM

22 Sometimes I have deficulty hearing people but when it let them know they accommodate me 4/30/2016 11:00 AM

23 Its okay. 4/30/2016 10:57 AM

24 I have no need to communicate! 4/30/2016 10:51 AM

25 Need to know where/how to look for information No personal problems at this timemail, but could are it becoming 4/30/2016 10:43 AM
more challenging as aging occurs

26 Information is really available. 4/30/2016 10:22 AM

27 211, 1-800 or 1-888 are very useful services! 4/30/2016 10:01 AM

28 Signage if there I can read it. Need to be able to understand person on phone. Never heard of Information Guide. 4/30/2016 9:39 AM
Lots of information about retail.

29 I get newspaper daily also watch newscast daily! 4/30/2016 9:39 AM

30 Very good 4/2/2016 2:47 PM

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31 Rather annoying when constantly asked "do you have a computer". My income doesn't warrant computer purchase. 3/28/2016 1:05 PM
How insulting.

32 I truly dislike the automated phone voices and menus and often cannot access a live person even on government 3/25/2016 1:05 AM

33 I find that this is adequate. In fact there is too much information coming from all directions. There is always some event 3/23/2016 4:23 PM
happening.. or maybe two or three about the same time in the month. Life can get quite tiring if one trys to do

34 We find that telephone, Internet and television services are highly priced for a seniors pension. 3/22/2016 10:55 AM

35 Our paper, is a rag, sorry, but, I can read online everything before the local news at 6 pm... Retailers, well, we have 3/22/2016 9:40 AM
had services, and they are NOT reliable! It's like let's just get the job Done and leave, service, good service is very
hard to find, two furnaces in one winter, excuse me, first company went under, however we did luck out and find an
excellent one. This sort of thing makes seniors very wary, just to expensive on a fixed income. Everyone advertises,
but the quality of service is debatable. Family Doctors, do no medicals, just referrals, and we wait forever !

36 No problems. 3/21/2016 9:36 AM

37 I use the Internet and personal email to remain engaged. 3/19/2016 6:21 PM

38 I love the Walleye booklet that comes out once a month also booklet for women ect I feel a part of society and it gives 3/17/2016 4:21 PM
me insight as to events I can attend that are no cost

39 CCAC has been helpful when needed - both for information and assistance. 211 is helpful and Lakehead Social 3/16/2016 3:48 PM
Planning Council has a wealth of information. I dislike having to play through 3 or 4 sets of "press 1, press....." to try
and reach a person who can answer questions. Just because that technology is available does not mean that it is the
best way to handle incoming calls. I was really frustrated at on Canadian Cancer Society site (not in T Bay) that
ended up in a closed loop from one number to another number that returned you to the first number. UGH!!! The
internet is a great source of information, as long as you apply a reasonably critical lens to the information. It is a
constant source of new information and surprises. Friends are also a source of information but also need that critical
lens. Support groups are usually excellent.

40 I am able to communicate by phone ,cell phone .E-mail . I search out information. 3/15/2016 3:26 PM

41 No problems. If you want to find out something, it might take a bit of digging, but so it should. That keeps our brains 3/15/2016 9:37 AM

42 found this survey on facebook 3/14/2016 7:26 PM

43 I Google everything if I need to know something. It's convenient and easy! 3/14/2016 2:55 PM

44 My son tried to volunteer many times. After high school he never did get any response. 3/14/2016 12:40 AM

45 It would be helpful if all such information was available in one place, such as a dedicated web site, updated at least 3/13/2016 8:46 PM

46 no problems 3/13/2016 7:36 PM

47 You are losing me. this better end soon. 3/12/2016 1:50 PM

48 There are some gaps in the availability of information.I think it is the responsibility of the city to make information about 3/12/2016 11:52 AM
local services, health care and housing more readily available.

49 Internet available, but prices for home connection high 3/11/2016 4:38 PM

50 doesn't really apply to me 3/10/2016 1:01 PM

51 Find that the newspaper no longer carries as much information as it use to regarding things that are happening in the 3/8/2016 10:33 PM
community (notice of upcoming events). Sometimes it is hard to find things out that are helpful until you are talking to a
friend who has had the same experiences and what they found out. Sometimes it is just not knowing where to look.

52 I'm just starting to look into housing issues and catching up with recent changes in my medical services and needs. 3/5/2016 7:25 PM

53 Between TV and the newspaper I feel up-to-date on world and city affairs. Friends and emails also provide information 3/5/2016 2:28 PM
and news of interest. I have not as yet had to request home healthcare and other seniors' services.

54 Have a computer and receive the daily newspaper. they seem to meet most of my needs but I do get upset with the 3/4/2016 6:48 PM
long waits on requests for telephone info.

55 I get most of my info from the TB web pages and newspapers 3/4/2016 1:56 PM

56 We are active on the internet and read many sources of information sites. 3/4/2016 11:18 AM

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57 New phone book is useless. Print too small. Large print publications are rare (except at library) 3/3/2016 6:58 PM

58 If I am looking for information it is easily found 2/24/2016 10:31 AM

59 I am able to access and receive any help or information as required. 2/23/2016 10:08 AM

60 I am quite good at finding out what I need to know. A Lo of older seniors do not have the access younger seniors do. 2/22/2016 8:38 PM

61 Google can find just about anything you want. It's really important for local agencies to keep their web-sites up to date 2/22/2016 7:51 PM
and provide information easily. The seniors of today have technical skills to pull this information up, and use it to the
max! Senior activities apply to my Mom, I'm way too young at 61 1/2 to access these activities myself.

62 At this point I only look for what I need. I often use the internet. 2/22/2016 12:53 PM

63 White print on coloured backrounds are hard to read. The newspaper is invaluable. 2/22/2016 10:32 AM

64 I would like to become more computer friendly but am not aware of or if anyone offers programs. I prefer the paper or 2/19/2016 4:22 PM
radio and television broadcasts.

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Q26 Please tell us about your with

community and health services.
Answered: 90 Skipped: 430

# Responses Date

1 My doctor is semi retired. No physical and long wait times cannot find another doctor. 5/1/2016 10:48 PM

2 I am particularly impressed with North West Community Health Care. Get my feet looked after plus any other 4/30/2016 3:17 PM
questions pertaining to health are are answered.

3 Have a physician. Good care. 4/30/2016 3:17 PM

4 Would like more information published from health unit. Ie - I am due my tetanus shot and never see times or days are 4/30/2016 3:13 PM
available for service. The hospital consolidated 3 hospitals and does not met the amount of beds needed. Need more
old age nursing homes as beds are held up by placement needs of elderly.

5 Home Care Services- sometimes no one shows up; generally care givers are not on time. They do not give LSW 4/30/2016 3:04 PM
enough time to get from one place to another so of course they are late. -Big disconnect between Hospital and Home
care -poorly coordinated

6 I have been treated with respect and a lot of ppl are. But a lot of seniors and younger ppl are not treated w/ respect or 4/30/2016 2:54 PM
in a health way and these situations have been horrible. I am very much afraid to get sick and need to ask for help-
treatment, respect or dignity

7 Wait times are too long. 4/30/2016 2:33 PM

8 Not all people find it easy to access health care same still don't have Dr waiting times for apt . My doctor retired but 4/30/2016 2:03 PM
instead of having to search for a new Dr I was given a new Dr as we're the rest of the clisn't so "what a gift"

9 I am fortunate to have friends and family who helped me find health care provided (jumped the Que) don't know how 4/30/2016 1:53 PM
others manage. Have received excellent care at TB RHSC during dionostic events events.scans etc at Ft.WM clinic

10 Please do not abuse! See that too often, appointment used for socialization 4/30/2016 1:42 PM

11 Occasionally long lines and long waits for medical clinics 4/30/2016 1:30 PM

12 flu shots-good experiences with 4/30/2016 1:13 PM

13 Only doctor I have. 4/30/2016 1:12 PM

14 I have a drug plan that page 85% for meet times. The seniors pay for the distention fee 4/30/2016 1:12 PM

15 I have awesome health care. My doctor is caring as well as a paramed. I am happy with all of that. 4/30/2016 12:58 PM

16 my visitor and i helped our mothers medical needed her my medical needs have not been posted out since retirement 4/30/2016 12:43 PM
22 months i myself was forced into early retirement because of medical reasons working now p.t to do something
besides volunteering.

17 Some service providers are trained to meet the needs of older adults. Medication is affordable 'cause I don't need 4/30/2016 12:35 PM
much! I often feel like an interruption in their day.

18 P.A. Health clinic is not easy to get to unless you get a ride or take a taxi, and the washrooms? - I have often 4/30/2016 12:19 PM
wondered what a heavy person when they ''need''strikes.

19 Don't use. See family physician. 4/30/2016 11:53 AM

20 Unble to find a cardiologist after my physician referred me almost a year ago replacement for our / my refered GP is a 4/30/2016 11:44 AM

21 My doctor is in the spence clinic, but I go to other places for blood work that are closer to my home. 4/30/2016 11:43 AM

22 Continual grid coach @TBRHSC disrespectful behavior toward patients by TBRHSC personal parking fees, Every 4/30/2016 11:33 AM
med, Clinic that can, change fees in 2012 I paid $350 for parking while rec treatment TBRHSC access to 1st class
cancer treatment is maid up apriciated

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23 I can say I have poor doctors. Came from a trip from visiting my daughter out west, very much in pain, rushed to see 4/30/2016 11:26 AM
my doctor. She didn't even put me on the table, gave me pills (not pills about 40 and didn't help. How could she know
but guess what the pain was. Changed doctors. This one about the same. Takes about 5 minutes to be on computers
to see what ails me before I told her my two toes are blue, black, purple. Taking off my sock she told me to put your
sock on. Didn't walt to look at it. I was told to go home and have a tyenol. What? She already stood at the dorr to
open it and have another client - patient come in? I'm so upset with Thunder bay. Dros am in pain and suffer

24 We need more home visiting and medical assistance for seniors, systems set up for emergency happenings for seniors 4/30/2016 11:26 AM
living alone.

25 CCAC is involved with my step Mom's care. They have been good with her. I have received "shots" at the TB District 4/30/2016 11:17 AM
health Unit and have had good service there. Shoppers Pharmacies have been respectful when filing my prescriptions.

26 Our hospital emergency is a hell hole to lay on a stretcher for 2 days is unacceptable, feel sorry for staff who have to 4/30/2016 11:11 AM
put up with it. Get rid of the smoking police they don't inform it!!! Would people no smoking if enforced.

27 Dentist- You must pay full amount of appointment in cash, no credit 4/30/2016 11:10 AM

28 The VON has services of exercise classed in serious locations that are well attended and appreciated by seriousome, 4/30/2016 11:02 AM
no cost

29 Its pretty good. Mainly positive experiences. 4/30/2016 10:58 AM

30 I have not experiences! 4/30/2016 10:53 AM

31 health services problem with long waits - over a year for a test. 4/30/2016 10:45 AM

32 Wait times are unacceptable lack of beds in the hospital and in long term care is a serious and ongoing problem 4/30/2016 10:44 AM

33 Physicians are retiring and new ones are being very selective about the type of patients they will take on- I have seen 4/30/2016 10:39 AM
overall deterioration in the quality of health care in the past 40 years, although there have been many good
breakthroughs in research and technique.

34 I still have a family physician but when she retires i am worried about getting another one. special 1st appt. take way 4/30/2016 10:36 AM
to long. my dermatoligest just retired with no repayment. i have a basil cell car and need yearly checkups. for my dad
dealing ccac was often a problem.

35 I am a happy with my doctor, ambulance services and care and care at the hospital. 4/30/2016 10:24 AM

36 When General Practitioner (MD) resigned as well as the cardiologist we have had trouble finding replacements in case 4/30/2016 10:06 AM
of the cardiologists that are without the service.

37 Hearing protection is needed free! WHY NOT MAKE EAR PLUGS AVAILABLE 4/30/2016 10:06 AM

38 I am upset with the closure of the Municipal Golf Course. Many Seniors used it. The proposed (by the Mayor) sale of 4/30/2016 10:00 AM
Strathcona is not the way to go, with the City supposedly interested in "healthy lifestyles".

39 Have not been able to get a family physician since Dr.Otto Salonen retired. Actually it doesn't matter, as we have been 4/30/2016 9:55 AM

40 In 2004 I had a major surgery - the doctors, nurses and other care givers at our new hospital were, as far as I'm 4/30/2016 9:43 AM
concerned were on top in their field - no complaints!! Also shopper drug store in Northwood has to be complimented!

41 Physician so lucky. Good care. Fort William Clinic - have dietician. 4/30/2016 9:41 AM

42 We need more doctors and specialists 4/2/2016 2:49 PM

43 Since my family doctor retired I have had seven nurse practicioners. Have had breast cancer with surgery. Accessing 3/28/2016 1:10 PM
medical reports are "teeth-pulling" stress.

44 The hospital is not large enough for this area, rooms are at a premium. They go into gridlock a lot of the time. The staff 3/26/2016 1:56 PM
does great work under the pressure. My age is a factor on how I am treated.

45 Wait lists for specialists are far too long. The process to access certification as disabled is far too complicated draining 3/25/2016 1:10 AM
me of what little energy I have to prove I have medical issues.

46 The hospital here is struggling to meet the medical need of citizens here. People often have to wait long hours in the 3/23/2016 4:32 PM
emergency department of our hospital and then may be sent home until tests are done or the results of tests become
available. I have had good care here despite the fact that I had an indifferent doctor. Luckily I was able to become the
patient of a new physician and I feel that I am in good hands now. When an operation is needed the operating staff
seem to do a good job and I am well looked after later in the hospital. We have good palliative care in a second
hospital for those who are suffering from a deadly disease.

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47 Hospital conditions are not good for recuperation. Being housed in the crowded ER for days or put in the overflow 3/22/2016 11:13 AM
units with so many other patients with just a curtain between you and one bathroom for 20 people is ridiculous. You
can't sleep properly, can't get the nurse's attention, other visitors can be disruptive, etc. It's a horrendous situation
that's been going on for too long.

48 Thunder Bay Medical Arts Bldg. has stairs going to 2nd floor or down to main floor , I don't know how someone in a 3/22/2016 11:09 AM
wheel chair, crutches, walker can use the building. So many buildings are like this. Not very easily accessible. Why
does one have to go to one building to have a mammogram, ultra sound and then go to another clinic to see the dr. All
in the same day. One stop shopping would be nice. By can't tests be fine in w same building as clinics. This is
disjointed medical care. Parking at the hospital is very high especially for those using the facility at great
lengths...people using chemo, radiation daily. The Fracture Clinic is so busy waits can be up to 5 hours...this is
unacceptable. There should be a special price for these people. Ostomy supplied in the city are very high...Shoppers
Home Health Care sure have the market cornered in this respect. Out sourcing, on-line shopping is the way to go
here. Question grammar again terrible.

49 I returned to Thunde Bay 16 years ago and could not find a doctor...I am finally under the care of a nurse practitioner 3/22/2016 11:00 AM
for the past 3 years...thank heavens I am relatively healthy

50 Waiting times are far too long. The hospital is inadequate, too small and ill equipped to handle the people using it. 3/22/2016 10:48 AM
Parking is both too expensive, and it is a very long way to walk from the parking lots. Just don't get sick when living in
Thunder Bay!

51 Lots of improvement required in this area., 3/22/2016 9:42 AM

52 The TBRHSC is underfunded and inadequate to meet the growing needs of the aging demographic and regional 3/21/2016 9:44 AM
demands for its service. The process for obtaining long-term care or assistive accommodation is onerous for care
givers and the person concerned.

53 I have no serious health problems and have always had a doctor. Am part of a family health network so have access to 3/21/2016 9:39 AM
a walk-in clinic for emergencies.

54 There are a wide variety of services available but coordination and communication could be improved. 3/19/2016 6:24 PM

55 The staff at the hospital do their best to provide quality care but there are not sufficient beds available to provide care 3/18/2016 4:56 PM
in the way an acute hospital should. If there were sufficient long term and alternate care beds available to relieve the
hospital of the gridlock problem then the level of care and comfort would increase.

56 When I was in hospital I heard from people that there would be more beds available if people requiring short term and 3/18/2016 3:44 PM
long term care had more options. They would receive the care they require as well.

57 The wait for mental health professionals is not right, myself having to wait 6 months for an appointment for one on one 3/18/2016 11:05 AM

58 My community / health services are 55plus They are awesome!!!!!!! 3/17/2016 4:24 PM

59 I am 60 now, and am concerned that when I really need a doctors when I'm older, my family Dr. (who we've had for 40 3/17/2016 11:47 AM
years) will retire, and my husband & I will need to find a new Dr.

60 Your 'what' with community and health services? I have a doctor at a clinic but it does not provide a variety of services 3/16/2016 3:55 PM
under that roof. I have used our hospital (the cardiac section saved my life because I would not have made it to
Toronto). I have had other surgeries at our local hospital. CCAC has met my needs but I also had family support so I
do not know what it would be like to be totally dependent on CCAC. I use the services of a chiropractor, and have
used physiotherapy and dental services.

61 I have a Family Dr. therefore no problems re: app'ts etc. 3/15/2016 3:30 PM

62 I am lucky, I have a doctor, many don't. However, 7 years ago my former doctor retired just as I was diagnosed with 3/15/2016 10:13 AM
cancer and no family physician to take his place (Port Arthur Clinic). Others have been "caught" the same way. The
Regional Hospital is another walking nightmare. I have had or witnessed good, the bad and the ugly at that hospital.
They should have kept three hospitals.

63 When our family dr retired we were fortunate enough to get a new one through someone we knew. My son has 3/15/2016 9:41 AM
multiple serious health problems & we find that each specialist has his/ her own agenda. This lack of communication is
frustrating to say the least.

64 I have a family physician, a medical plan, a dentist, and a good pension. 3/14/2016 8:31 PM

65 I am lucky to be healthy, but do not have a family doctor. 3/14/2016 7:27 PM

66 I receive excellent services. Although I don't require services from a Personal Support Worker, I know there is a real 3/14/2016 2:57 PM
shortage of them in the northwest, and in Thunder Bay.

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67 Answers to these questions should have a "depends" column. Access to some medical clinics: parking is a hassle, and 3/14/2016 11:53 AM
paying for parking is confusing. Meals may be available, but some are poor quality.

68 My medical team is doing a "job". Personal care, respect and dignity seem to be lacking. 3/14/2016 12:40 AM

69 When we have to use over-the-counter medications, we find these not very affordable as there is no subsidy for them. 3/13/2016 8:51 PM

70 no problems 3/13/2016 7:38 PM

71 Our hospital is in dire need of expansion! The service received there has always been very good, but heaven help you 3/12/2016 11:56 AM
if you need to be admitted!

72 I have a family doctor and good access to health care Other home services, such as personal care through CCAC are 3/11/2016 5:12 PM
wait listed or unreliable ( based on my experience in care of others) There are too many "silos" in health care- funding
is tied to provider or diagnosis, not individual need. Money saved in one area may cause increased costs in another
(ie lack of long term care and hospital overcrowding)

73 I have had a family physician for 40 years...we are fortunate. Not sure what happens when he retires. 3/11/2016 2:47 PM

74 I have a family Dr. & although she is quite busy, when I do see her she takes the extra time for me. She is now @ the 3/10/2016 1:09 PM
Port Arthur Clinic which has the lab, xrays & any other medical needs in the same building as well as specialists. It is
across town but when I don't have the car I can get my son or a friend to drive me, if nothing else I can always take a

75 Sometimes co-ordination of services doesn't work well, although my husband has had a different experience. His 3/8/2016 10:37 PM
services seem to be well co-ordinated and they work as a team.

76 My GP retired recently and I haven't yet met my new one but I'm really hoping she will be as accepting and good as he 3/5/2016 8:19 PM
was. My specialists have been very encouraging and helpful all along.

77 I am very satisfied with my doctor at the Fort William Health Centre. I rarely have to see my doctor, but when I do, I 3/5/2016 2:31 PM
don't have to wait long for an appointment and she is pleasant and helpful. Fortunately I have a Health Plan which
covers most of my meds, which are not many. I have no complains with the health services in this city.

78 My dr allows one question then you need to go back you are in and out in 3 min then go again waste of time 3/4/2016 4:32 PM

79 Difficult to get timely medical appointments. A friend I cared for greatly benefited fro the care of a community health 3/4/2016 11:22 AM
clinic. Enabled her able to live independently much longer than would normally be the case. pharmacists play a key
role in wellness...often overlooked. Homesupport after hospital is miserly.

80 Moved to Thunder Bay seven years ago after living in Yellowknife for 18 years. Was SHOCKED at lack of health care 3/3/2016 7:06 PM
providers.Took months and great effort to find health care provider. (now see NP at Nor-West Community Health

81 I feel that I should be able to go to a walk in clinic that is convenient for me for additional services when needed 2/26/2016 3:10 PM
without being punished or possibly fired by my doctor for it. I resent being told by the government where I must get my
medical care. Wait times in emergency are ridiculously long.

82 I have found that my doctor listens to me and my concerns. 2/24/2016 3:48 PM

83 Family practice doctors are hindered by government protocols, and have become not as wholistic and preventative as 2/23/2016 9:05 PM
they once were.

84 I am fortunate to have an EXCELLENT GP who helps me to maintain my standard of wellness. 2/23/2016 10:10 AM

85 Medical services are beyond poor! I have a doctor who is barely civil yet I cannot get another one. Three times she 2/22/2016 8:49 PM
has misdiagnosed serious issues. I have no faith in her; I have had to go to Duluth to see a specialist - the cost was
not really high, the service was excellent, timely & caring. The med school has not improved things at all. My husband
recently waited 4 months to see a cardiologist. The day of the appointment we waited 3 hours, were seen by a student
& the cardiologist came in for the final 10 minutes. This man grew up here, people said he was amazing. It was an
awful experience for my husband who had never been seriously ill before. If I was running a clinic with this local doctor,
I would fire him, he was totally incompetent. We were upset for days. Because doctors are so scarce here you dare
not make a complain. We plan to go to Duluth for advice.

86 As a working person, I do not access Senior health care. I am still using working people health care. I'm fine, but.... 2/22/2016 7:54 PM
As a daughter, health care is not always accessible - eg. St Joseph's Hospital is no fun to drive a senior. There is not
enough handicap parking spots, drop off should have someone there to watch over seniors while family park the
cars/trucks, etc.

87 Port Arthur Clinic does not make itself accessible for dropping seniors off without paying to exit the parking lot - seniors 2/22/2016 6:13 PM
who can not walk from the road are disadvantaged. Taxis are not charged but caregivers are.

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88 I have access to a great Family Health Team that can meet most of needs. I have great private health insurance, so I 2/22/2016 12:57 PM
don't ever have to worry about the cost of medication, dental, glasses, etc. I feel abuse the emergency department and
some just don't have a primary care providers. I believe treatment should be at home as much as possible.

89 I feel very fortunate to have the health centre that I have. Young doctors & multiple services which help me manage 2/19/2016 7:02 PM
my own health.

90 My new doctor is excellent. The emergency at the hospital is inadequate but that is not due to staff. They are saints. It 2/19/2016 4:32 PM
is due to lack of staff and the long hour the staff have to work. I am not only referring to nurses and doctors but all of
the technicians as well. People forget that if you have to wait for an x-ray that it is a specialist who is needed to do this.
When my parents were home, in their home of 60 or so years, we had to hire a nursing student to live with them
(another saint). If not for her, we would of had to put them in a home and they would of been separated. We also hired
2 different girls from the Philippines, to help with their care. What was supplied by our government was totally
inadequate. Very sad.

5/5 PAGE 148


PAGE 149

Q35 Please share your experiences

regarding Older Adults and the ease of
access and movement in Public Areas.
Answered: 77 Skipped: 443

# Responses Date

1 good ease of access 4/30/2016 3:14 PM

2 i typically see older adults in public areas and at outdoor events in city parks 4/30/2016 1:10 PM

3 there are pockets in town that don't seem safe day or night 4/30/2016 12:57 PM

4 McIntyre Mall-> many people begging for money. Downtown Fort William miserable access if they don't have a car 4/30/2016 12:49 PM

5 many older building have stairs or elevators at the end of a long long hallway which is difficult for some. Also floors are 4/30/2016 12:45 PM
slippery for walking in halls

6 i feel that older adults have a hard time outdoors due to insufficient or lack of accessibility or uven walkways lack of 4/30/2016 12:31 PM
benches - dirty public areas

7 There are no places to sit. I walk everywhere and see no seating areas. Snow rice on sidewalks are a problem. Older 4/30/2016 12:18 PM
people, people with disabilities, people with strollers cannot go anywhere in winter.

8 Younger walkers and drivers get too impatient 4/30/2016 12:01 PM

9 I find Public areas much more suitable for older adults. 4/30/2016 11:18 AM

10 packing often too far to walk from 4/30/2016 11:06 AM

11 Show blockage of public transit shelters etc are not cleared sufficiently for seniors who have walkers/wheelchairs 4/30/2016 10:49 AM

12 Winter seems to place barriers on older adults. most outdoor spaces are older adult friendly 4/30/2016 10:38 AM

13 Public transportation is slow. Companies like HAGI need to be more accessible They are currently lacking. 4/30/2016 10:16 AM

14 its ok. Depends where you go. 4/30/2016 9:55 AM

15 N/A 4/30/2016 9:43 AM

16 Not enough benches around for them. They get hired quickly and need to rest. Need garbages around these 4/30/2016 9:25 AM
benches/seating areas as well

17 I haven't mobility problems so access to parking and buildings is not a problem. Someone visiting the hospital TBR HS 3/30/2016 4:27 PM
C it can be challenging.

18 in some area's handicap parking is not clearly marked. In winter some area's have ice and not sanded where older 3/24/2016 8:59 AM
adults walk.

19 Very difficult for parents to maneuver canes etc. on roads, curbs , entrances to building, sidewalks with poor vision... 3/23/2016 12:04 PM
Huge risk for slip n fall unless they have someone accompanying them. Everything is dependent on family public
transportation due to lack of businesses in walking distance to senior buildings. Bus system lacks accommodation for
bus stalls during waiting times to avoid our harsh weather or a place to sit during wait periods. Poor street and parking
lighting in the winter early nights eliminates going out in the evening due to safety for slips and intimidation.

20 One problem is crossing many streets. I've noticed walk times at lights are very short; anyone who may need more 3/23/2016 12:15 AM
time to get across the road barely has sufficient time and could be in danger from the light changing or impatient
drivers trying to make turns. Also, bus service to some commercial areas auch as Home Depot and surrounding
merchants is non existent making it impossible for many seniors who no longer drive.

21 Not enough handicap parking areas or located in an improper area. 3/22/2016 7:52 PM

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22 Many restaurants or businesses housed in old buildings are not accessible to anyone with any walking impairments - 3/22/2016 3:08 PM
due to stairs and lack of elevators. Sidewalks are never clear for anyone, and there are not enough cross walks.
Thunder Bay as a community or city does not appear to put pedestrians first. Due to the long winter season, much of
the time spent walking/riding mobile devices is on the roads because sidewalks aren't maintained. This is dangerous
and has resulted in accidents. Campaigns that promote people to give the right-of-way to pedestrians would be
appreciated. More signage could help this, but actually changing people's mentality to actually stop when people are
crossing is key. People have learned to 'j-walk' because there is not enough cross walks. Lets make it safer by
enforcing people to give the right-of-way no matter where they need to cross.

23 Unfortunately, as there are a lot of younger people who may congregate in public areas, sometimes older adults feel 3/22/2016 2:31 PM
uncomfortable in those settings if there is not enough seating or areas to wait.

24 Public areas are not cleared of ice and snow to allow a safe environment for older adults to walk. 3/21/2016 10:12 PM

25 I looked after both parents until they both passed in 2914.My mother was very out going and involved in many 3/21/2016 8:36 PM
things.When she started to slow down following surgery we found it very hard for her to get around in the winter.My
father broke his hip in 2013 at a restaurant on Arthur street when he missed a step in poorly lit conditions.Although we
harboured no resentment to the restaurant the lighting has never changed.Following his recovery after a month in St
Joseph's hospital he was allowed to come home.We had to modify our entrance for his accessibility but it was
adequate.The following spring my mother passed and dad was heart broken.As his dementia progressed it was
decided we needed to put him in a home.Pioneer Ridge was a wonderful place for dad although by this time he had
given up and passed in November 2014. I guess as I aged I wonder how I will manage with a limited income.Homes
for the aged in Thunder Bay are crowded and such long waiting lists.I myself am 55 years old with a few of my own
health problems.I just think the city could be a lot more friendlier to older adults.Thank you

26 Difficult to answer the questions as if all older adults feel the same way or have the same needs. 3/21/2016 4:24 PM

27 I don't feel there is easy access to shopping (especially groceries) from any of the 'senior' buildings. My mother is in 3/21/2016 1:52 PM
the Northwood area and for a year no grocery store. I know this is no fault of the city but it is important that things like
grocery/drug stores/bank be available (walking distance). My 86 year old mother is able to walk to church almost every
Sunday and other activities there. At 86 she takes advantage of the exercise and social activities at the Community
Centre in Westfort. She uses public transport to get around to appointments and to visit friends and family. Issues and
concerns would be moving around safely when it has snowed and melted causing icing she has fallen several times
luckily not requiring serious medical intervention. Bus schedules as well as she has them memorized there are
occasions where the buses have been so off schedule she has been left waiting in inclement weather and/or late at
night. I do find that better efforts to keep aisles clear of obstacles for those with poor eyesight could be improved upon.
However also understand that the obstacles are likely there to foil criminals. Overall I think Thunder Bay gets an
above passing grade for seniors in all areas but there needs to be continuous effort to help our senior / aging
population feel safe in their homes and in public, feel part of the community, feel they matter, without income barriers
and that they can be self sufficient and self manage as much as possible.

28 Big box stores do not accommodate a healthy, active lifestyle for older adults. They usually require a car to get to and 3/21/2016 1:25 PM
many seniors are unable to drive. They also have expansive parking lots and the stores themselves are very large
which may be difficult and overwhelming for some. Supporting development of small businesses within a 5 mins walk
of most people's homes would provide greater accessibility to supplies and services while promoting physical activity
that maintains health and independence during aging. Our city is too spread out. We need to focus on enhancing
downtown communities to include a mix of housing and business in a small geographical area while incorporating
green spaces and other communal meeting places to encourage frequent interactions amongst neighbours. This can
help reduce social isolation, improve well-being and have positive effects on health.

29 There is little to no active support for seniors with incomes below the poverty line. There is little to no accessibility 3/21/2016 12:54 PM
accommodations made for ANYONE in the winter, let alone old people or the disabled.

30 The city never plows sidewalks - physically fit people can't walk anywhere so of course older adults will have major 3/21/2016 11:56 AM
issues with this as well. The transit system is also awful for anyone who can't drive. It takes hours and numerous
transfers to get the most basic places.

31 Ramps and accessible access is not consistent. Stores and restaurants all should be required be fully accesible 3/21/2016 11:09 AM

32 There are interesting public areas in Thunder Bay however many of them have 'hidden' areas which lend themselves 3/21/2016 10:20 AM
to the appearance that they are unsafe.

33 Parking lots are very poorly designed in many areas of the City. Intercity mall floor surface is extremely dangerous 3/21/2016 8:13 AM
(slippery). There are very few areas for seniors to sit and rest - no wall rails to hold on to.

34 Lack of seating in parks, at bus stops, sidewalks are terrible!!! 3/15/2016 9:01 PM

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35 Community safety is a growing concern. Many people I support and work with feel genuine concern for their safety 3/15/2016 3:36 PM
while in the community and at times in their own homes. With the advancements in technology, it is great for the
younger generations, but these conveniences can be difficult for older adults to understand. How many services have
converted to electronic from person to person, eg; banking, govn't services, retail etc. People used to be able to speak
face to face or on a phone, now it is online or automated.

36 Sidewalks sometimes treacherous in winter. Not all neighborhoods have sidewalks. 3/15/2016 1:10 PM

37 Many areas of the City are not well maintained in terms of being easily accessible for older adults, particularly in winter 3/15/2016 1:09 PM
when sidewalks are so poorly "cleaned", roadways take days to be plowed, and are not always sanded. Sidewalks are
heaved and/or cracked causing tripping hazards. Accessible parking is limited in many areas.

38 In the winter it is difficult to park in certain areas with seniors as sidewalks are not completely clear of ice and snow 3/15/2016 10:00 AM
and it is almost impossible for them to get out of the car and climb over snow banks.

39 Westfort area has a long way to go in terms of friendliness, safety and parking availability. If I were senior, I would 3/15/2016 9:30 AM
most definitely NOT go out at night!

40 I think the City has done a good amont of work to make its buildings and services accessible; however there are still a 3/15/2016 9:09 AM
lot of private places that do not -- i.e. washroom access, accessible doors that would be hard for an older person to
open. Also, I believe that public transit (city buses) is pretty scary - with both the daily clientele and aslo the drivers
that seem to speed up fast and slam the breaks. The taxis are also scary for a senior -- they look horrible, smell and
are dirty, and the drivers to not look appropriate or professional - making them not look trustworthy. I am also
concerned that the area where the "older adult" homes are located. If you look at where any retirement homes or care
homes are located - the residents cannot walk anywhere. They are too far from a coffee shop, a corner store/grocery
storre or bank or other indoor areas where they can go to walk and/or socialize. My parents have just moved into a
place and there is no where for them to walk to -- so my dad is terrified for when he can no longer drive -- he feels that
he will be a prisioner in his "home". So I think access to the public areas needs to be addressed in future planning of
any more housing.

41 I would love to see greater attention to the needs of persons with disabilities and those requiring assistive devices. It is 3/15/2016 8:57 AM
far too crowded in some stores for people in wheelchairs or using walkers to move about - this is also evident in
washrooms which do not meet all of the requirements for accessibilitiy - ie much too small and on sidewalks where the
grading is off and makes it dangerous for mobility. In addition, there should be opportunities for people who require the
use of scooters to safely travel to their destinations in the same way people on bikes are afforded space.

42 My mother is on oxygen full time - as such, parking is very important. 3/15/2016 8:56 AM

43 Outside public spaces I think we should improve on the seating available. Example is the Community Auditorium - 3/15/2016 8:55 AM
patrons could potentially line up along Paul Shaffer Drive and have to wait before the doors open. While the railing up
the slope is a nice thing, there's no seating. Bus stops present an issue too, not just for older adults but people with
disability/mobility issues. It's hard to provide a bench/seat at every stop; even our City Hall hub has a lack of seating.

44 A lot of the issues have nothing to do with "city services". Older adults staying in their homes need to deal with all the 3/15/2016 8:49 AM
issues that aging brings in a home and neighbourhood that is designed for mobile adults. There is a definite lack of
affordable transitional housing. Market rent spaces in 'government' housing is scarce. Private venues are way too
pricey. There is room for a non for profit development of senior clusters for social seeking yet functional seniors. As a
taxpayer, I don't see why it has to cost the government purse for it. Grants could be available for start-up because this
does relieve the pressure on the 'system' - but it should be self supporting. Private stores need to be educated about
the value of having seating while waiting on change rooms etc. Some grocery stores are very accommodating when
helping the seniors in my life.

45 I do not have much experience with this issue 3/14/2016 7:55 PM

46 A larger accessibility ramp up to the Intercity Food Court, rather than so many stairs would be beneficial. 3/14/2016 5:09 PM

47 Sideways are full of holes with the heaving they are giant puddles to go through 3/14/2016 11:03 AM

48 Sidewalks are in horrible condition throughout the city through winter. 3/14/2016 10:30 AM

49 From what I have observed around the city, older adults using canes, walkers, and wheelchairs are quite well 3/12/2016 11:10 AM
accommodated on sidewalks, public transit, and in parks.

50 I use public transit and I see an increase in bus driver courtesy to seniors . 3/11/2016 9:13 PM

51 I work with disabled adults and winter time is awful when dealing with wheelchairs 3/8/2016 10:51 AM

52 Parking in the North and South cores is not very convenient! 3/7/2016 8:00 PM

53 worked LTC, accessibility is limited, education about serving seniors may be helpful, walkways, sidewalks, etc in 3/4/2016 2:51 PM
winter make movement impossible for many seniors who are unwell or using assistive devices.

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54 -sidewalks are often cracked and bumpy, making it hard for elderly in wheelchairs -crossing the street on Arthur street 3/4/2016 2:28 PM
(at the light) there wasn't enough time for the elderly man to cross with his powerchair. -besides Intercity mall, there
isn't many places for elderly to go walking indoors with benches that are free

55 My Dad likes to go to Marina Park. He finds it easy to get around there, even though walking is difficult for him. 3/3/2016 9:52 PM

56 This biggest complaint I have in this area is the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital parking situation-there are not enough 3/3/2016 9:59 AM
handicapped spots. Nearly everytime my father goes there for his cancer apts. his caregiver cannot find a
handicapped spot, or any spot for that matter. It's a huge problem. He can be dropped off at the front door but it is still
an issue for the caregiver to try and find suitable parking. The lots are always full.

57 i think the need for more seating in things like our largest mall are necessary, there is seating available, but when a 3/3/2016 9:27 AM
person with an oxygen tank and a walker has to walk 5 minutes to get to the next available spot that is lengthy. Also
aisles in stores even grocery stores are often cluttered with displays..this makes it extremely difficult to manouveur a
walker let alone a wheelchair

58 Thunder Bay is a good place to age because it's affordable but the rise of violent crimes is disturbing. Clean public 3/3/2016 9:20 AM
areas - many businesses do not have outdoor garbage cans anymore which just encourages littering. It should be a
bylaw that all commercial stores and restaurants have outdoor garbage AND recycling bins AND poop bags for ppl
walking dogs in city parks. In the winter months snow removal is terrible. Sidewalks are slippery and often are not
plowed/sanded quickly. It shouldn't take 3-4 days after a large snowfall to plow out lesser used side streets - many
seniors live in those areas and it's very difficult for them to get out when their roads have already hardened from
freezing because they haven't been plowed in time. It is also a challenge for emergency responders to access
someone in need in these areas. The city should consider plowing residential streets and lifting the blades in front of
driveways so as not to create so much snow at the end - which many seniors have to shovel out themselves without
assistance. Outdoor areas do not look as clean as they used too - especially when so many smaller green spaces are
no longer mowed regularly. City has been doing a terrible job pruning city Boulevard trees in residential areas. The
city hasn't been maintaining/cleaning out garbage from backlands and many ditches are overrun with knee length
grass and other debris. Many older buildings in the city have limited options for creating accessibility for disabled and
older seniors. The LU pool/track has limited handicap access. The Waverley library ramp is too steep. How can this
meet code? Parking - Hardly any parking in the downtown areas. There's no parking at st. Joes anymore, hardly any
parking at Magnus, no parking at the two main library branches - the parkades are too far for a disabled person or
senior to walk and in the evenings people do not feel safe walking that far. Seniors are the ones with more disposable
income to spend, and more importantly they care more about shopping locally - yet there isn't sufficient parking in the
areas the city is developing for local shops. Closing off the portion of red river road in the Port Arthur downtown core
will only make things worse.

59 Public transport not easy to access - specifically bus stops with protection from inclement weather and very safe and 3/2/2016 12:45 PM

60 I think the Sunday City Bus schedule is a big barrier for seniors. We need consistency. Seniors do not feel safe on the 2/29/2016 4:56 PM
bus by themselves. The bus drivers are very busy but if they could make an extra effort to ensure a seniors is settled
and make the seniors aware that they ensure they settled before they start driving the bus again, I think this would be
a gesture that goes along way. The seniors needs to be assured by the bus drivers. Taxi prices are a barrier for
current seniors. Our traffic lights are not long enough or they need islands. Also it would be nice if traffic lights would
assume there is always a pedestrian there so the light is always the pedestrian time frame.

61 I do not believe that older Adults with walkers would find this city very easy to go around. Sidewalks are not 2/27/2016 6:17 PM
maintained to a level that allows for safe movement for someone with mobility issues. Not all sidewalks have ramps
leading into the street for adults to cross and no areas to rest.

62 Public areas that are often designated for ease of access and movement in public places are somewhat accessible but 2/26/2016 1:17 PM
not always totally accessible.IE: may have an elevator located in the building however easy access is not always the
case, public washrooms within the designated wheelchair accessible building may have grab bars for transferring but
not all doorways into the washroom stall is wide enough for either a manual or power wheelchair to go through or
ones that are wide enough does not have the right amount of space for a wheelchair whether manual or power to
maneuver within the washroom stall which becomes problematic for individuals using the washroom independently.
The sink area within the washroom is not always accessible for individuals to wash their hands or the paper towel
dispenser is not always low enough to reach.

63 Difficult to navigate curbs on a handicap scooter and walker....also very dangerous when crossing streets at the lights. 2/25/2016 9:43 AM
My mother has almost been hit twice by vehicles not watching what they are doing.

64 -Certain public spaces are polluted or have other uninviting conditions, causing older adults to avoid them -Many 2/24/2016 2:56 PM
seniors feel unsafe walking anywhere alone especially at night -Parking and uneven ground/unsafe entrance ways
can be hazardous for seniors entering certain places

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65 Thunder Bay needs to work on ensuring sidewalks are available in residential areas. Current River for example has an 2/24/2016 11:07 AM
aging population and one of the main streets Rita street does not have side walks. This is a main street leading to
Boulevard Lake and makes access very difficult and scary at times with increased traffic along Rita Street as it also is
a main road to the Current River Arena. Current River is one example but Thunder bay is lacking lighted sidewalks in
many residential areas.

66 -Parking distances and walking conditions can be a challenge for older adults to make it safely into and around many 2/24/2016 10:55 AM
public spaces -Some parks are uninviting because of pollution and conditions that cause older adults to feel unsafe

67 Public transport does not have easy access to Thunder Park stores such as Additionelle, Carter's, etc. for disabled / 2/24/2016 8:49 AM
Elderly people Not much outdoor public seating for Elders needing to sit and rest while out shopping, for example
there are NO Outdoor seating at any Wal Mart in Port Arthur or Inter City areas, or at Nygaard's, or at Wholesale
Club......I really don't recall seeing outdoor seating available outside any stores in the city!!! Boulevard Lake has times
when the trails are covered in Geese poop all around the entire lake! Sexual Assault Centre does not have a
Handicap entrance / door assistance button WAIT LIST for Castlegreen / Superiorview Housing for a main floor
apartment is over 4 years!!! PLUS the building they placed my mother in after the 4 year wait has steps or a hill to
navigate to get down to her car / the parking lot!!! How ridiculous is that set up????????????? There is no parking
near her front door, but other tenants create their own parking space in front of their doors; however, there is no way
to do that in front of my mother's entrance!!!

68 I think there should be a place to put walkers, benches closer together for breaks while shopping, washrooms need to 2/23/2016 3:10 PM
be close at hand or more of them, especially for older women. Stairs should be limited as many elders cannot
manouver them with their walkers, carts and without assistance.

69 Transportation is a real issue, need better or more flexible (Lift) hours of operation and should be more for daily use, 2/23/2016 2:55 PM
the shopping mall has a great food court, but throughout the mall should be additional seating, close to the
exits/entrances, people waiting for a ride need to be able to sit. The city run homes need to have more staff. Older
adults should be aware of what is available to them, more advertising or more discussion on what is available in the
city. Not all are aware of special programs or assistance, the 55 plus centres should be more vocal as well. The winter
snow removal drivers are wonderful, but should be more mindful when plowing the streets, notice the corners all filled
with snow, seniors have issues climbing over this especially with a walker, they should get a reduce taxi rate, we must
have one of the highest rates in the province.

70 I worked in intercity. No enough seating in ancor stores- good in the mall. No place to stores coates or parcels in the 2/22/2016 12:00 PM
winter. Business is lost as they get to hot. Air conditioning too high in the summer( any age) Staff poorly trained for
disabilities- rushing though transactions. Signage too small. Clearance displays block isles.

71 I have had older adults say they dont feel safe at night largely because they can't see as well, or in the winter it is ice. 2/22/2016 9:47 AM
Not because they think the streets are not safe.

72 I only take my mom where there is easy access to the doors. A good example is the TBCA. I drive the car to the front 2/22/2016 9:46 AM
door and she can get in there. There is always a line up of seniors doing this at concerts, especially for the Symphony
Saturday concerts. This was good design to build the auditorium with a covered outdoor waiting area as it can take
some time to get the car to the pick up zone. More places should build "Kiss and Ride" areas like they now do in
many public schools for parents in cars to easily and safely drop off and pick up kids. There NEEDs to be more places
for seniors to sit if they are out for a walk. Heath Park has NO outdoor seating areas as the benches have been
vandalized. Transit stops are also vandalized. Seeing grocery carts in ditches all over the city is an eyesore. Could a
private sponsor build benches for folks around town that could be used by all ages?

73 poor side streets for using mobility devices, pot holes etc.Ice in winter++ lack of automatic doors on public places. 2/22/2016 9:39 AM

74 Many businesses do not have barrier-free access and older streets do not have sidewalks. 2/22/2016 9:09 AM

75 Many older adults require the use of walkers. While there are often handicap seats available for those in wheelchairs, 2/21/2016 12:12 PM
there is often no space for walkers in seating areas of Intercity Shopping Center Food Court and the like. At the
Summer in the Parks, special events at Boulevard Lake, etc, the paved walkways are often utilized by the vendors
and blocked for those with walkers. There isn't enough handicap parking available at the Marina Park. Shuttle busses
would be beneficial, or have the vendors bring their stuff in, then move their vehicles out until the event is over, in
order to create more parking. The outdoor Parks Program could utilize rental golf carts (ie: Centennial Park, Boulevard
Lake, Chippewa Park, etc), where there are uneven paths. .

76 I'm 56 yr old retired early on municipal pension 1030/mth net due to health issues. I'm still waiting for rent help via 2/21/2016 10:32 AM
November app at TBDSSDB office behind City Hall on Arthur St. They told me at time they're 5 wks behind processing
apps. City Concil needs to approve more manpower to this office to help overburdened workers.

77 Lack of seating available in public areas especially shopping malls, city streets, malls and outdoor parks. Seating that 2/19/2016 10:42 AM
is available is low and it makes it difficult for seniors to stand up from sitting position. Should have higher rise seating

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Q37 Please share your experiences

regarding Older Adults and the ease of
access and movement in Buildings.
Answered: 61 Skipped: 459

# Responses Date

1 washrooms are always a disaster! doorways not updated to size 4/30/2016 3:14 PM

2 winter is always a challenge and I think buildings need to be better designed to prevent slips and falls. Very few 4/30/2016 1:11 PM
buildings can accommodate scooters properly.

3 Most buildings are designed for healthy adults and then attempted to adapt them. Some are successful, some are not 4/30/2016 12:49 PM

4 i think it would be a great idea if this mall that promotes walking had a slip resistant walking surface 4/30/2016 12:41 PM

5 buildings do not have enough floor space- due to an over abundance of stock/merchandise-flooring is/can be slippery 4/30/2016 12:32 PM
and cause falls

6 Slippery in winter. Not enough seating. Difficulty entering buildings from poorly maintained outdoors. E.G library ramp- 4/30/2016 12:19 PM
how to get to it from icy sidewalks.

7 Port Arthur Clinic is terrible Algoma Clinic 4/30/2016 12:02 PM

8 The newer building are more accessible than some of the older buildings. 4/30/2016 11:18 AM

9 spence clinic needs to be updated for seniors. Parking, washrooms, cleanliness, etc 4/30/2016 10:34 AM

10 Requires more benches and railing to those accessing areas around stairs. They are currently lacking! 4/30/2016 10:17 AM

11 lots of places are being more aware 4/30/2016 9:55 AM

12 N/A 4/30/2016 9:44 AM

13 Not enough benches around for them. They get tired quickly and need to rest. Need garbages around these 4/30/2016 9:26 AM
benches/seating areas as well.

14 Most buildings are age appropriate. 3/30/2016 4:30 PM

15 Stated in previous question.... poor lighting, dififcult getting in and out... doorways not marked with yellow tape to 3/23/2016 12:06 PM
avoid tripping ... areas extremely slippery outside building.... huge risk for slip n falls needing family to accompany

16 Thunder Bay has an extremely wide variety of public buildings with differing excessibility levels. Many older buildings 3/23/2016 12:25 AM
are not accessible at all while newer malls and shops are navigated easily. Weather is a big issue. In winter I've often
noticed that sidewalks are not passable for anyone using mobility aids due to uncoordinated plowing between sidewalk
and street plows. The sidewalk plow cleans but then the street plow blocks corners and curbs with snow.

17 Some handicap access doors are poorly maintained. The doors do not always work. 3/22/2016 7:55 PM

18 As mentioned, lack of accessible bathrooms in local restaurants located in old buildings. 3/22/2016 3:09 PM

19 As I am not an older adult or support one, I am not sure of the answers. The questions should be directed to the 3/22/2016 2:32 PM
appropriate age demographic to get the correct responses.

20 Shopping centres do not have adequate washrooms for older adults. Distances between washrooms are too great for 3/21/2016 10:14 PM
older adults to access. Sidewalks are uneven.

21 Ailed are cluttered products are not full and not easily accessible not all doorways are properly ramped and doubled 3/21/2016 9:12 PM
doors too close to each other to get through with wheelchairs and scooters or doors not timed well for slower mobility

22 Some grocery stores have too narrow aisles or have product blocking aisles.Some stores only have one way easy 3/21/2016 8:46 PM
access.Some clinic buildings have continual elevator problems.

23 Some buildings are excellent,but many are not. Very frustrating when stores have wide enough aisles, yet put extra 3/21/2016 4:28 PM
stock or displays in the aisle space, significantly limiting the space, creating awkward congestion.

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24 I find racks that have nothing on them and metal brackets can be a bit of a hazard for those with poor eyesight, I've 3/21/2016 1:55 PM
also seen staff breeze past customers or a follow me only to have them move far to fast to follow.

25 Very dependent on the specific building 3/21/2016 1:27 PM

26 Thunder Bay has lax standards when it comes to accessibility for the disabled, getting help for old people would be 3/21/2016 12:55 PM
impossible if we can't even help disabled people.

27 It varies greatly building by building and also time of day. Grocery stores and big box stores are horrible and leaving 3/21/2016 11:57 AM
big stock piles in the middle of aisles during open hours. Dollarama, Walmart and Metro are all bad for this.

28 See comments above about accessibility. Outdoor spaces. Also the time to cross streets at lights is barely long 3/21/2016 11:11 AM
enough for wheelchairs or ambulatory folks to get across.

29 As previously mentioned floor surfaces are very dangerous in Intercity mall. There are no rails to hold on to and 3/21/2016 8:15 AM
minimal "mid-way" seating to rest at. Washrooms are sparsely located and not accessible in the middle of the mall as
they are on the 2nd floor.

30 There is no seating in most retail areas, there are many retail stores like Metro Arthur Street and the Shoppers Drug 3/15/2016 9:07 PM
Marts that have pallets of stock to be put on the shelves or in the middle of aisles! Unacceptable!

31 I feel signage in many public places is not sufficient 3/15/2016 3:37 PM

32 Many of the City's older buildings are not designed for ease of access for older adults. While 3/15/2016 1:12 PM
modifications/accommodations have taken place in many instances, it simply isn't feasible in others.

33 Generally good. For example ramps are available to access all University bldgs. 3/15/2016 1:12 PM

34 I believe there could be inprovements made for wheelchair/walker/scooter access in some businesses. 3/15/2016 9:11 AM

35 I think in some cases we could do better with this, an example is grocery stores. Reaching items on high shelves can 3/15/2016 9:00 AM
be a problem, whether you're a senior or not - being short creates a barrier! Our libraries have limited space to work
with, so traveling in a wheelchair between shelves, and again, reaching top shelves.

36 Older buildings obviously don't accommodate as well. Newer buildings are much better. Parking for handicap are 3/15/2016 8:53 AM
plentiful - never had a problem getting a space when with aging parents. Do have a problem with policing for those
who obviously don't need the accommodation. that could use a campaign.

37 I don't have much experience with this issue. 3/14/2016 7:58 PM

38 Not enough automatic doors for easy access with a walker or wheel chair 3/14/2016 11:05 AM

39 Not enough wheelchair tables in local mall. In the winter more people with wheelchairs seem to go to the Mall as an 3/14/2016 10:33 AM
outing and can't get a wheelchair access table.

40 Some doors are difficult to open 3/11/2016 9:15 PM

41 Try to navigate a wheelchair in a small elevator or small washroom good luck to you 3/8/2016 10:52 AM

42 I think there is room for improvement on this score. Newer buildings might be okay, but older ones can definitely use 3/7/2016 8:02 PM
more room for walkers etc. Some older buildings do not have elevators, which is very problematic.

43 aisles may be wide enough but are often cluttered with sale items, products, etc., limiting access! 3/4/2016 2:51 PM

44 -sidewalks are not maintained (snowy in winter) and cracked/bumpy in summer. In the winter, it is debatable to safely 3/4/2016 2:30 PM
walk, I would never try with a wheelchair -buildings could use more seating for elderly to sit and rest

45 I can't comment on the width of aisles and doorways for walkers and scooters, but when I take my Dad shopping he 3/3/2016 9:55 PM
has no difficulty with the space to move for him walking in stores, malls, and public buildings.

46 many doors do not have an auto open button for older adults/handicapped and it makes it difficult for a person using an 3/3/2016 9:30 AM
aid to open the door especially if they are frail and try to hold the door open while pushing a walking aid such as a
walker or even when using a cane

47 Some public washrooms are not always accessible (Boulevard lake and marina) but they are clean. There is sufficient 3/3/2016 9:27 AM
indoor seating in malls but not outdoor (county fair and Thunder Bay mall) Newer stores/buildings are often designed
to sufficiently fit walker and wheelchairs but older buildings often do not have wide enough aisles or aisles that are
"just" wide enough. Many places are not stroller/wheelchair friendly (city libraries, city transit for double wide strollers,
handicap parking spots are too narrow and not enough) It's ridiculous that in this city (and not other larger cities in
Canada or anywhere in the states) that anyone with a handicap sticker has to pay for parking at any metered spot.

48 Lots of older buildings in the city not upgraded for aging adults or accessible needs 3/2/2016 12:47 PM

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

49 Sometimes there is too much extra stocking items in the middle of the isles it makes it really hard to get around. Also 2/29/2016 5:00 PM
offering more motorized scooters is large stores would be very helpful. seniors tire easily so they need a better option.
it doesn't have to bee scooters but they need some way of getting around the store more easily.

50 I believe benches should include signage designating them as "Elder Friendly Zones" asking others to give up the 2/27/2016 6:18 PM
seat if an elder is in need of rest.

51 Malls do not have enough space within their shopping areas or individual retail stores for walkers, scooters or 2/26/2016 1:23 PM
wheelchairs to maneuver safely between the clothing racks. Even for an individual to be able to move between the
racks with the use of a cane often becomes a fall risk due to the small spaces in between which therefore makes it
even more difficult for the individual requiring a scooter or wheelchair (whether manual or power). Some of the more
local restaurants within the city does not even have wheelchair access due to stairs or doorways that are too small.

52 -Many signs could be improved by enlarging them and making them more visible -Certain buildings/businesses still do 2/24/2016 2:59 PM
not offer wheelchair access/wide enough doors for walkers -Uneven pavement and flooring can be a fall risk for older

53 Intercity mall has a second floor washroom that is not easily accessible and weaving through a food court is also a 2/24/2016 11:10 AM
challenge for the able bodied. Signs should be posted at a lower level for those in wheel chairs as well as at eye level.

54 -Uneven pavement and unsafe flooring can be problematic fall risks for older adults -Some places could use better, 2/24/2016 10:55 AM
bigger, and more visible signs to direct seniors

55 At times there are aisles blocked, but not often...... 2/24/2016 8:50 AM

56 I have to take a person in a wheel chair to medical appointments, not all buildings are wheelchair friendly, no space to 2/23/2016 2:57 PM
turn around , some of the shopping stores in the mall do not have wheel chair friendly dressing rooms,

57 Many stores, have displays set up in the aisles which make navigating the aisles difficult when I take my mom out. 2/22/2016 9:53 AM
She does not use a walker, wheelchair or scooter, but at 97 she can easily trip and I don't like all the clutter in the
aisles. Many offices ask people to remove boots. If a company has this policy, they should think of the older person
and provide chairs for people to remove boots. They should also make sure that if they do this, they provide foot
coverings for people to wear such as slippers or disposable foot coverings. Also, many people such as my mom have
difficulty reaching down to undo their shoes. In this case, if there is no person accompanying the senior to the
appointment, staff should be willing to help the person remove and replace their shoes. We provide this for young
children in daycare, why not for an older person? Another suggestion is to sweep up the floors regularly. It's not fair to
ask people to take off their boots then ask them to walk through a wet, muddy floor in their stocking feet - this is
dangerous and uncomfortable.

58 Many buildings are not barrier-free. 2/22/2016 9:11 AM

59 I regularly find, in a double-door situation, that one of the doors is kept locked. I often wonder why there haven't been 2/21/2016 12:26 PM
more law suits from people with degenerative bone diseases (ie: osteoporosis), which I would have thought would put
a stop to this problem. There should be better bathroom facilities at the north end of Intercity Mall. Navigating the
washrooms on the 2nd floor, with a scooter or wheelchair is nigh impossible and expecting the elderly to stick to the
food court is unreasonable. The Inclusion Services section of the Complex would be better utilized with more staff to
assist and better advertised. Many community centers bathrooms cannot be considered accessible and often the
washrooms at our parks are closed far earlier in the season than they should be.

60 I do find many stores try to make use of every single space and this causes problems for scooters and such to be able 2/19/2016 1:39 PM
to manover. I would get quite upset if I could not move about and would not return if that was the case.

61 Poor sigining available. Siging should be available in large print for visually impaired adults and at eye level. Floors are 2/19/2016 10:45 AM
wet increasing slips and falls. Poor lighting in some areas.

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

Q39 Please share your experiences

regarding assisting Older Adults with their
transportation needs.
Answered: 62 Skipped: 458

# Responses Date

1 transportation variety, good servicd 4/30/2016 3:14 PM

2 unfortunately I do not have much experience in this area. particularly delivery of meals prescriptions 4/30/2016 1:11 PM

3 Thunder Bay is full of horrible pot holes. rivers are swerving everywhere to miss those holes. Drivers splash you if you 4/30/2016 12:50 PM
are walking/bicycling in spring or rain.

4 Transportation costs are too high! Taxi services are ridiculous! To have to get registered with the city to use the lift 4/30/2016 12:33 PM
plus service is an outrage! Meals on wheels is a wonderful service but please provide more tasteful and appealing

5 More iPhone apps for older ppl uber 4/30/2016 12:27 PM

6 I live with older adults. The roads are horrible. Driving on main roads is hell-potholes like crazy! 4/30/2016 12:20 PM

7 Some seniors as a fixed income contact afford to pay for delivery of meals and groceries 4/30/2016 12:05 PM

8 referrals to life and often - not everyone can access...sometimes on with multiple people having to make many stops- 4/30/2016 11:08 AM
inconvenience for elderly.

9 Taxi waits can easily often be upwards of 40 minues. Renting buses for groups of seniors is not accessible. Costs can 4/30/2016 10:50 AM
be heavy

10 public transportation is not accessible and taxi services are not affordable 4/30/2016 10:39 AM

11 the bus stops are not senior friendly. They are icy, some provide benches. 4/30/2016 10:24 AM

12 there needs to be more information availble to the publicc 4/30/2016 9:57 AM

13 N/A 4/30/2016 9:44 AM

14 St. Joseph's hospital on Algoma st. pick-up area is difficult and often crowded with standing vehicles. Parking is 3/30/2016 4:33 PM
almost impossible to find.

15 - lack of rural city Thunder Bay meal and food delivery keeps expanding but does not a lot the services 3/23/2016 12:08 PM
for these areas. Difficult learning about services unless parent accesses internet; taxi service is atrocious in cost... no
bussing in neebing area , forcing parents to move to the city

16 I don't have much experience here 3/23/2016 12:30 AM

17 Perhaps the City/Ontario Government can an offer a grant for businesses who offer transportation services for older 3/22/2016 3:12 PM
adults so that they can meet the needs of their clients. Grant could make the service more affordable, or perhaps go
towards purchasing equipment/developing strategies that enhance their service.

18 Streets have potholes and challenging to drive especially in the right lane which has more potholes. Many taxis drivers 3/22/2016 9:58 AM
drive too fast and vehicles lack cleanliness(inside&outside) from my experiences. Costly to use taxi service.

19 Taxi services are not affordable to older adults on a fixed income. 3/21/2016 10:16 PM

20 Taxis are expensive would be nice to see flat rates for seniors especially for multiple trips or a day pass capability as 3/21/2016 9:16 PM
well better assistance for them from driver

21 Trying to drop off older adults next to the main doors is always a problem because idiots that are to lazy to park are 3/21/2016 8:56 PM
always double parked.

22 Not very applicable to our circumstances. 3/21/2016 1:56 PM

23 The driver education in this city is so bad. It's rude to expect just seniors to have to re-educate themselves when even 3/21/2016 12:58 PM
young drivers here suck. A better approach would be to properly train young drivers, so they don't develop 60 years of
bad habits.

24 Taxis are way too expensive and some drivers are too rude to assist older adults if they need the extra help 3/21/2016 11:59 AM

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25 Drop-off areas are often congested(ie. multiple drivers at the same time); security staff don't provide an opportunity for 3/21/2016 10:23 AM
drivers to safely get the senior into the building.

26 Our City is a mess with respect to roads! It is a disgrace! That said, driving is horrific trying to avoid pot holes, etc. Our 3/21/2016 8:18 AM
taxi rates are the highest in the country which is also a disgrace! Having lived in Southern Ontario for 10 yrs and
returning, I am appalled at our taxi service/rates.

27 HAGi transit has too long wait times and is not cheap! 3/15/2016 9:09 PM

28 For the areas I have checked off "neutral" I do not know enough about that to give an opinion. transportation is a huge 3/15/2016 3:41 PM
issue. Private transportation such taxi's are very expensive. Services such as Lift Plus are difficult to book and very
little short notice availability. Public transportation provides an affordable service to those who can use it; however
there are serious safety concerns as well.

29 Thunder Bay is not an "easy" city to drive in, particularly with the road names changing from one end to the other! If 3/15/2016 1:18 PM
you aren't familiar with the City, it's easy to lose your way. It is not easy and safe to drop older adults off at all
buildings, and there definitely isn't enough parking around some of them to just pull in to drop someone off and go park
farther away. "Drop off" zones should be considered. Taxis are hardly an affordable option for older adults on a fixed
income, nor is delivery of groceries. There are few stores that will even do so.

30 My father still drives so this is not an issue at this time. Parking is often an issue - hospital parking is very expensive 3/15/2016 8:59 AM

31 Buses have become scary and my parents won't take them even though they have a stop right outside their door. 3/15/2016 8:54 AM

32 I don't have much experience with this issue. 3/14/2016 8:00 PM

33 Greater accessible and affordable transportation is needed, through a service like Lift Plus. 3/14/2016 5:13 PM

34 Our taxis are some of the most expensive I have seen Toronto New York both are more affordable. With the loss of 3/14/2016 11:10 AM
totally as accessible cab company and the refusal to add more accessible licenses to current companies means long
waits for accessible cabs

35 LIFT is a decent program that is needed. It would be very nice if one didn't have to order a bus a week ahead. No 3/14/2016 10:37 AM
chance of ever going out when you just "feel" like going.

36 I have an elderly friend living in long term care. I sometimes take her on excursions using taxis equipped for 3/12/2016 11:21 AM
wheelchairs. Service so far has been quite prompt, friendly, and reliable. I am also aware of the Link service offered by
Thunder Bay Transit, and private companies, including Driving Miss Daisy, who have the means to afford such
options. I have recently been trying to make better use of public transit in the city myself, in an effort to reduce my
dependence on my car. I often see older adults, some with aids such as walkers / wheelchairs, using the buses. The
transit drivers I've observed have been courteous and patient, lowering the kneeling buses (all of them kneel)s and
waiting until the person is settled in a seat. I've also seen other passengers change seats to free up the priority seating
when an elderly / disabled person enters the bus. Public transit needs to be more of a priority for us in this city, in my
opinion. Many seniors cannot afford any other option for transportation. I find that the buses here come infrequently
(sometimes only every 40 minutes during the daytime on weekdays), and cease to run as of midnight. We cannot
assume that older adults are not out and about after midnight. If we want more people of all ages to access public
transit, then we need to make it more "user-friendly;" ie. more frequent, and better connections between buses.

37 Bussing to grocery stores is a wonderful idea 3/11/2016 9:17 PM

38 From what I've heard from older friends and family, the refresher courses are a joke. We need to be providing real 3/7/2016 8:07 PM
education and screening to make sure our Older Adults are driving safely on the road. Taxis are accessible but in my
opinion not very affordable, especially for adults who are not financially well-off. I have no experience with meal/home
delivery services and so cannot comment. I'd also like to note that our bus system is atrocious! It may be affordable
but it is not at all convenient, running at best every half hour. If an Older Adult needed to get across the city using this
service it would take them an hour, rather than the 20-25 minutes max it in reality should take. Why do we not have
an express bus running between the terminals and Intercity shopping centre? Why is there no express bus between
the Brodie terminal and the airport? All of these things would help make busing in the city more convenient for those
who need to rely on its services.

39 -taxis are very expensive. -Lift Plus is not very convenient 3/4/2016 2:58 PM

40 HAGI has a long wait times and aren't always available, private companies, ex driving miss daisy are costly! Not 3/4/2016 2:53 PM
always accessible re: must be able to transfer also so limits those with mobility issues.

41 I checked off neutral for most of these because I am the one getting the meals, groceries, prescriptions and packages 3/3/2016 9:57 PM
for my parents, and driving them to appointments, so I don't know the answers to most of these questions!

42 I answered "not applicable" to the above questions as I am unaware of these services, etc. 3/3/2016 11:54 AM

43 Taxi's are not affordable, we are priced too high. Especially if a senior is on a fixed income. You really should look at 3/3/2016 10:25 AM
other cities. Pricing should also be looked into for delivery services.

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44 Taxis are NOT affordable (in comparison to other cities) but they are accessible. Seniors cannot be easily dropped off 3/3/2016 9:36 AM
and picked up and the front of most businesses (st joes, all hospitals and health facilities, our non-profit health group
had to switch our regular meetings from one library (Waverley) to another (Mary Black) because of in sufficient
accessible parking and drop off in front of that building) The options for delivery are good but not always affordable for
limited income and the information isn't easy to find (all in one place) they should be.

45 there should be reduced rates for the elderly with taxi companies...or those who use the services frequently for teh 3/3/2016 9:31 AM
same appointments etc should be offered flat rate.

46 our roads need to be repaired washrooms are usually clean but often you have a long walk to find one 3/3/2016 8:58 AM

47 All previous about busing - not all adults can afford taxi's 3/2/2016 12:48 PM

48 Currently only Westforrt food delivers for groceries another store would be appropriate to meet the demand. Our 2/29/2016 5:02 PM
Streets need to be streamlined so that we do not have 4 different names for one road that is confusing.

49 Transportation for those without their own vehicle is either expensive or not easily accessible. Cabs are expensive and 2/27/2016 6:20 PM
often filthy and again an elder would have trouble getting to the cab if sidewalks and driveways are not maintained.
Buses are impossible to get to when streets and sidewalks are not plowed nor do they drop elders off close enough to
their homes. It is a definite challenge for our elders.

50 Thunder Bay city streets can be difficult for our age friendly community as many of the streets in Thunder Bay start 2/26/2016 1:33 PM
with one name and become several different names before an individual reaches their destination. Entrances are often
congested to mall entrances and can be confusing for individuals when being dropped off. There may be accessible
taxi's available but they are not affordable for individuals and although we have lift plus which is somewhat available,
the scheduling of lift plus is not always convenient to the individual. Private pay services are available but again not
affordable. The bus transportation may be accessible in the sense of wheelchairs now being able to access the city
bus however weather conditions often prohibit individuals due to ice and snow buildup on sidewalks. We are moving
forward in this area but it seems to be at a snail's pace.

51 My mother experienced a terrible incident where the cab driver was angry with her for wanting to be dropped off first 2/25/2016 9:46 AM
on a shared ride. She had to use the washroom which was why she asked to be dropped off first. The cab driver said
some offensive things to her.

52 -Many transportation and delivery services are not within the financial limitations of many older adults -Long waitlists for 2/24/2016 3:00 PM
some services -Must meet certain criterias to be eligible for many services -Driving can be a challenge for older adults
in Thunder Bay and renewed education and training can be extremely expensive

53 Building entrances along red river road are not easily accessible for dropping off especially in the restaurant area 2/24/2016 11:12 AM
where parked cars line the street.

54 A lot of stores have Handicap doors at entrances, but there is still always a curb for seniors to go up on first....... 2/24/2016 9:03 AM

55 Taxi cabs are way over priced, other cities are much more reasonable, the other option is wait times, when you need 2/23/2016 3:01 PM
a wheel chair taxi you can wait for over an hour, whatever time of day it is, the Lift is more reasonable but not
attainable nor flexible enough for daily living and sudden needs, do not use the bus system, not sure about that.

56 Unless you have a vehicle public transportation is not adequate. Taxis are too expensive. 2/22/2016 1:24 PM

57 My mom has an account with a taxi service so she does not have to go into her purse to get money when using a taxi. 2/22/2016 10:03 AM
However, she never uses a taxi. She finds the taxis dirty and is scared of some of the drivers. She did have a friend
however who swore by this service. Her friend always requested a particular taxi driver and in most cases, the taxi
dispatcher was able to book this driver. My mom has never had her groceries delivered but she has friends who only
get their food so they can stay in their homes from Westfort Foods. Their delivery service is top-notch and they are a
local, caring company. My mom does not use the Shoppers Drug Store pharmacy delivery service because she
doesn't know when they are coming. She prefers to get me or a friend to drive her to our neighbourhood Shoppers
where she can order her prescriptions and get some other treats in the store. The staff there are very accommodating.
Thunder Bay is so spread out that it's not easy to drive in. Drivers of all ages need to be reminded to pay attention to
the road. I think providing driver refreshers for folks of all ages and getting free workshops and online driving options
for older adults would be great.

58 High snow banks do impede access to fronts of buildings. 2/22/2016 9:49 AM

59 Lift + application system slow, form confusing to complete and booking 1 week in advance all create barriers for use. 2/22/2016 9:44 AM
Especially the booking system for older adults, having to call to book ride 1 week in advance, engaged line ++ and
'sold out' by the time they actually get to speak to operator. Other transportation options are costly, especially taxi's
Red Cross has long wait list and lack of volunteer drivers yet have sufficicent vehicles.

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60 The cost of cabs in the City of Thunder Bay is ridiculous when you compare to other municipalities. For Older Adults 2/22/2016 9:16 AM
on fixed incomes it is not a viable option for some. $65 return trip from McKellar Place to the hospital means some
Older Adults must choose between purchasing food or going to a medical appointment. There are many Older Adults
where family members who do not participate in their care or transportation needs. There should be a special rate for
Older Adults with Special needs. If a barrier-free cab is required the wait times are very long. We need more of these
specialized cabs. Any volunteer services, such as Red Cross have long wait lists.

61 More authorization for ticketing should be given to facilities in order to dissuade people from parking in drop-off zones 2/21/2016 12:37 PM
(ie: grocery stores, emergency department at the hospital, malls). These areas are often clogged by inconsiderate,
able-bodied patrons. The street names changing, as often as they do, create confusion. The new bike lanes are also
very confusing, not user friendly and are serious accidents waiting to happen. Taxi's are definitely not affordable as a
regular alternative to driving/home delivery, for someone on a fixed income.

62 Transportation needs are not affordable - particulaily Taxi Cabs and Driving Miss Dasiy. Lift Plus is confusing with 2/19/2016 10:54 AM
bookings. Can never get though to book and once you do they can not accodate the times requested. Why must one
book a week in advance. Why can't one block book their times with Lift Plus espcially if they are attending a block
program such as a exercise class at 55+ or speciaity medical program. Lift Plus does not serve the out lining areas.
Can Lift Plus not be same as a regular bus route as oppose to door to door services. Some of the Lift Plus drivers are
not friendly or helpful. The process to get accepted with Lift Plus is too long. Home delivery services are not affordable
or their is lack of information out there on what services are available for home delivery. More education is needed to
seniors in this aspect.

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Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

Q41 Please share your experiences

regarding assisting Older Adults' housing
Answered: 55 Skipped: 465

# Responses Date

1 none 4/30/2016 3:15 PM

2 Most of my experience in this area is second hand based on the experiences of friends 4/30/2016 1:12 PM

3 many ppl complain about senior housing and the mentally ill that live there and also low income adults that are 4/30/2016 12:53 PM

4 rental costs in Thunder Bay are exorbitant. Homeowners are gouging ppl in an efforts to get rich! People on low 4/30/2016 12:46 PM
income cannot afford 800-1600/month for rent.

5 It would be nice if there were condo's for 65+ age group only. 4/30/2016 12:42 PM

6 Monthly costs of services and rent are too expensive for some individuals and what is affordable to low income 4/30/2016 12:33 PM
individuals are not located in a safer area of TBAY

7 Puleeze! there are no options for housing low income people. I know. I'm waiting. AC for keeping @ house - that's a 4/30/2016 12:21 PM
joke. Who can afford it?

8 Most times the wait time is far too long to get seniors into proper handling. Also the building in Thunder Bay are not 4/30/2016 12:07 PM
maintained. I have seen bugs and cockroaches

9 listening to friends with aging parents-it seems there is a very long waiting list 4/30/2016 11:19 AM

10 Funding needs to become available for local housing options that are not just geared to incomes but fit seniors 4/30/2016 10:51 AM

11 Housing is a huge problem in TBAY - not affordable or available -There are options for people who have money -long 4/30/2016 10:39 AM
term care is terrible

12 Housing is not accessible for low socio economic individuals. The waitlists are an insult. People who require housing 4/30/2016 10:25 AM
need to forsee the future and apply years in advance.

13 there needs to be more 4/30/2016 9:57 AM

14 When my grandma was alive to get into st joes heritage the waiting list was 15 years. Totally unacceptable. I've heard 4/30/2016 9:36 AM
aterrible things over and over again. The poor elderly that have no family left should not have to deal with this.

15 Any older adult that I have known needing a home has had to endure a long waiting period. The active hospital in 3/30/2016 4:39 PM
Thunder Bay has long term care patients that take up beds because there is no where else to go.

16 Studies show it is more economical for seniors to stay in their own homes with home care. The process of receiving 3/23/2016 12:43 AM
homecare is often difficult to maneuver, and availability sometimes poor. For lower income seniors care can be
subpar. The last government advocated seniors staying in their homes, and now cuts are being made to CCAC which
is one the most important assets in Thunder Bay. Care homes are even more of a quandry...more so for low income
seniors. Our community need to do much better.

17 My parents home care is not always reliable.With dimencia, changing staff is very confusing because of reliability of 3/22/2016 8:00 PM
help and the people sent do not always work properly.

18 There are not enough supportive housing options for seniors. Retirement homes to not provide adequate services to 3/21/2016 10:20 PM
seniors and often outside agencies are required to provide services required. Retirement homes are too costly.
Thunder Bay housing does not provide adequate clean safe environments for seniors.

19 The wait lists are attrocious and affordability the same under staffed unclean and studying in own home old age and 3/21/2016 9:23 PM
CPP are not enough to sustain quality of life

20 As I said previously Pioneer Ridge was a wonderful facility for Alzheimer's and Dementia patients.The care on the 3/21/2016 9:16 PM
ward was second to none on other floors the care was not as good.

21 Wait times are too long. Organizations like ccac seem to have high turnover in employment. Clients suffer due to this 3/21/2016 8:45 PM
and it becomes confusing for them.

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22 I have a friend who will be 65 shortly and has been waiting to get into low income housing for approximately 6 months 3/21/2016 2:01 PM
she is moving between friends and family. She is responsible, works and is clean etc... but finding it difficult to have a
home of her own. My mother thankfully has a small pension left by my father almost 30 years ago that helps her but it
was meager to start with and has been carefully doled out over the years. When she was living in her own home there
was maintenance and repairs which ate up a lot of the money now she is in an apartment for just over 5 years it has
been better but she has to be very careful.

23 there isn't affordable anything in this city, let alone things that are affordable for old people that don't work/have 3/21/2016 12:59 PM
irrelevant skills.

24 When supportive living is the only solution, there are very few options available other than high-end private facilities. 3/21/2016 10:27 AM
Although the facilities are clean, offer reasonable meal choices as well as in-home care, the locations are isolated from
public facilities.

25 Seniors homes are limited and become less and less with our aging populations. They are overcrowded and with gov't 3/21/2016 8:24 AM
cutbacks lack services the homes are in a sad state of affairs. There have been too long of wait lists and far too many
outbreaks of "scabies" and other strange diseases.

26 Housing is a concern. Affordable housing comes at a cost of safety and location, you get what you pay for. If you can 3/15/2016 3:47 PM
afford a good apartment whether it is a private building and or in a seniors building there are many nice places
available to meet the need of the tenant in safe secure locations and buildings. many seniors are concerned with the
increases to the cost of living eg property taxes, owning a home will soon not be affordable

27 It is well known the wait lists to access housing for older adults are can take years. My own parents were on 3/15/2016 1:26 PM
the list for 12 years! And when we would try to follow up, nobody ever seemed to give us the same answer, let alone
the right answer as to who to contact. My parents were lucky to have people to advocate for them. Others aren't so
lucky and get lost in a system that is not easy to navigate. It seems that there is quite a gap between the the availability
of "geared to income" housing and "market rent" housing. And the amount being charged for some of the housing
options is beyond what the average senior can afford. There may be a lot of available housing in the private sector,
but if you can't afford it, you sit on the waitlist for the City run homes for years in some cases.

28 On a waiting list for Market housing for years already 3/15/2016 8:56 AM

29 I don't have much experience with this issue to offer a comprehensive opinion 3/14/2016 8:05 PM

30 I have recently bought a core floor planning for my retirement and future aging. Three people have knocked on my 3/14/2016 11:15 AM
door practically begging me to sell for them to have a place for there aging parent. A friends mother was in hospital for
6 months waiting for a bed in a nursing home.

31 We are told there are 800 people on a waiting list for senior housing. Not sure about geared to income. Seems like a 3/14/2016 10:54 AM
very long wait for a person who may find it difficult to stay and continue to afford up keep of their own home. Noticed
this happens ie. when husband or wife end up in nursing care...immediately all income from spouse that is in care
goes to pay for healthcare/nursing home. Most couples depend on both cheques to sustain their life at family home.
Depletion of savings/stress while on long waiting list for housing. With the reduction in staff at nursing homes, and the
need to be there in order to give extra necessary care to spouse in nursing home. Housing/appartments that are next
to nursing home facilities should be available to caretaker spouses that have partner in nursing home before others
that only require geared to income housing.

32 The elderly friend I mentioned earlier spent three weeks in hospital while she waited for a bed in a long-term care 3/12/2016 11:27 AM
facility. I realize this may not be long by other people's experiences, but for those three weeks, she contributed to the
state of gridlock that seems to be very frequent at TBRHSC. Other older adults may not be quite ready for long-term
care (ie. they need more support / physiotherapy), and St. Joseph's Rehab. centre also has long waitlists, from what I
know. My own mother, who lives in Toronto, is of advanced age, and is considering moving to some type of supportive
housing facility. I have made inquiries as to assistive living options for her here in Thunder Bay. I was told at Jasper
Place that she is too independent and high-functioning for their facility; only 15% or so of their units are reserved for
such people. While this makes sense, it seems also that there is a need for seniors-only apartments / condos in our
city, where those who are still able to manage 90% on their own, can live without concern about young people having
parties, children, and dogs making noise.

33 I am not aware of a lot of the services these statements allude to. Wait times do not seem reasonable, especially for 3/7/2016 8:10 PM
supportive housing.

34 -many seniors have difficulties getting into a housing or facilities -there are long waitlists -I know someone who ohas 3/4/2016 3:07 PM
aged significantly beyond their years (actually 59, body aged to 80s) however, didnt qualify for any housing or
independent living facility or LTCH because they did not meet the age requirement

35 our ltc beds are too low, many seniors wait in acute care while on lists for LTC, supportive housing is almost non 3/4/2016 2:55 PM
existent in comparison to number of seniors.

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36 I am glad that we were able to get a walk/in bath/shower installed for my Dad, and that Home Funding Grants were 3/3/2016 10:03 PM
available to help with the cost. However, I have heard of long wait times to get into senior housing, especially for
people ready to move out of the Regional Hospital into alternate level of care facilities. My parents would prefer to stay
in their own home, and so far this has been feasible with my help. However, I am worried about when the day comes
that we aren't able to care for Dad at home. Will there be a place for him?

37 Home modification - contractors are expensive unless it goes through CCA or another government grant it is not 3/3/2016 9:46 AM
affordable at all especially for seniors on limited income. There is NOT sufficient AFFORDABLE housing or long-term
care residency for seniors in this city. It's why so many seniors are stuck in our hospitals taking up space and
resources that could be going to emergencies instead of constant care. It's a big problem in our community. I
understand a lot of this is regulated by the province but more should be done to focus on eliminating this problem in
the industry and by city council. Some senior facilities are close to retail areas and others are not. I believe regular
private bussing services to these centres are available tho. Wait times for long term care and assisted living and senior
apartments are abysmal in this city.

38 the staff ratio in some homes are not the same as others, when a newly opened Long Term Care home in thunder bay 3/3/2016 9:35 AM
had it's staffing questioned (they had 3 PSW's) to care for 32 individuals my mother residing in Long Term care has a
flr of 28 residents and only 2 PSW's I had then heard after the fact that the newly opened home had that flr staff
increased to (4) PSW's per shift....ridiculous

39 housing is available if you have the money to pay for it there are dumps in Thunder Bay which are low income and 3/3/2016 9:04 AM
many seniors are stuck in these places

40 My mother waited too many months for low income housing and was not happy with building that did come available 3/2/2016 12:52 PM
but very little choice

41 I have heard that not all the apartments for older adults are clean and this is very important to seniors. I don't think the 2/29/2016 5:07 PM
baby boomers are going to want to inconvenience their kids and they will be wanting to move into an apartment where
they can provide care if needed. Assisted living homes, they are not going to want to go to long term care until it is
absolutely necessary.

42 Elders are being warehoused into homes that treat them as invalids or children. They now have to follow schedules, 2/27/2016 6:23 PM
get up when told, eat when told, and staff shortages means horrible levels of care. New options for styles of homes
must be considered including allowing the elders more freedom. Communal living is an excellent option, allowing
them to cook and bake and allowing them to sleep in or do as they please. I believe they earned the right.

43 Housing in itself is a major determinant of health yet is the least one addressed in many of our cities. Housing for age 2/26/2016 1:49 PM
friendly individuals is also limited due to total accessibility, affordable prices and location. The wait times for housing is
quite long for all of the above reasons however the longest wait lists are for fully accessible housing. The quality of life
for many individuals is jeopardized due to the long wait list and individuals may have to wait in a hospital setting. The
process of completing housing applications and the processing of applications is often time consuming for the
individual. The wait times for Supportive Housing or even a LTC facility is also atrocious. The location is not always
feasible due to bus routes and times as well.

44 My parents have been waiting 19 YEARS to get into a seniors living home and when called about availability, they 2/24/2016 4:18 PM
were rushed through the process. The apartment offered was wrong (1 bedroom when they asked for a 2 bedroom).
Forced to make a decision in ONE DAY - they decided to stay in their own home and continue to WAIT EVEN
LONGER to get the 2 bedroom apartment that they originally asked for 19 YEARS AGO. I hope they live long enough!

45 -Housing is a major issue for older adults in Thunder Bay due to extremely long waitlists, lack of options for low income 2/24/2016 3:30 PM
people, and lack of sufficient housing (mould, unclean). -Many seniors are isolated in their homes and do not have
many contacts. If they do not have support and safety devices in place, they may not know who to call in an
emergency. -Older adults are living in conditions that are unsafe to their health

46 My parents live on their own and are very independent. I was not aware of grants that may be available to seniors. 2/24/2016 11:16 AM
This information should be made readily available and easy to access for seniors.

47 My mother was on a wait list for a main floor apartment for over 4 years, then they placed her in an apartment and her 2/24/2016 9:06 AM
car is parked down a hill or numerous steps away!!!

48 Persons residing in the city run homes deal with shortage of staff and all kinds of problems, the actual residential 2/23/2016 3:03 PM
homes I have been told are priced way to high for most.

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49 I worry about when I need to access housing. I would prefer to be in a seniors' home instead of staying at home, 2/22/2016 11:58 AM
because most of my needs will be met. However it will be cheaper, I think, to stay at home and I will still have
autonomy. I know that seniors' homes are always understaffed, even the "good ones". I also think, that because of this
chronic underfunding, my personal needs will not matter and I will get the same "McDonalds" treatment as every other
resident in the home. The cost of living in a supported environment will only go up and I don't know that I will be able
to afford this when I'm older. I've worked with seniors. Those seniors who need to go into a supported home and have
low income (and sometimes complex medical conditions) don't get quality service. The homes, poorly staffed, rely on
family to do what they consider "extra" care.

50 My mom lived in her home until 90. She gave up her house after a couple of contractors tried to "rip her off." As a 2/22/2016 10:22 AM
family, we never felt comfortable with strangers coming into her home for quotes when she was alone. She had a leak
in her roof and because it was a "small" job none of the contractors she called would even come to look. When
someone did say they were coming she'd stay at home and wait and they wouldn't show up, nor would they call to say
they weren't coming. What could be helpful is a small job contractor who would be like a broker to send out licensed,
reputable contractors and handypersons to do jobs and give quotes in a timely and safe manner. My mom moved from
her home into a rented condo at age 90. She loved the condo living because she made friends with people of all
ages. They had regular pot-luck suppers in the common room and because of these gatherings she made more new
friends. As a caregiver we did not worry so much about her living in the condo because of the great neighbours she
had. She loved living there and exploring her new area on foot. She could walk to the grocery store and pharmacy at
Northwood Plaza. She enjoyed the way the neighbours in the streets around the condo decorated for Hallowe'en and
Christmas. She embraced her new living arrangement and often said she wished she had moved into a condo when
she was younger. When her landlady wanted the condo for herself, my mom had to move out. She then moved to
Chartwell Isabella. It is extremely expensive and she worries constantly about having enough money to pay her
monthly fee of $3500+. I think the worry and the change in routine of being surrounded by "old" people who are
constantly going back and forth to the hospital is stressful. She lost so much weight when she moved in six months
ago. Now at 97, she is accepting life in retirement living. She enjoys the people she has met there, the staff who go
the extra mile, the exercises and the community members who come to them to entertain.

51 Many older apartment buildings are not barrier-free. As a tenant ages and they at some point need to use a walker or 2/22/2016 9:25 AM
wheelchair, accessibility becomes an issue. Bathroom doors are too narrow for proper access. Doors in the lobby are
not easy to enter as they are not automatic. Upgrades to these older buildings are required as there are not enough
barrier-free apartments available. The process for OT assessment and placing speciality items in place (grab bars and
other requirements) is slow to execute. For many adults on fixed incomes staying in their homes and paying for
upgrades and private services (snow removal, lawn etc) is not an option. Most will sell their homes and look to
apartments or assisted living facilities.

52 You can call for help in your home. Receiving help is another matter. Probably 30% of the time, the staff do not show; 2/21/2016 1:03 PM
they show up late and leave early because the Agency has over-booked them; staffing for services are stretched thin
(if someone calls in sick there is rarely anybody available to fill in); if you have any special needs (ie: tube feeding,
medications, physio, etc), it is difficult to find staff that are properly trained; if fill-in staff are available, a good chunk of
respite time is often used up in my training the staff, before I can leave. We have had a ton of poor experiences trying
to find contractors to do small jobs for a reasonable fee. Most well known companies won't show up for a small job and
the odd-job companies often rip off the elderly. We have horror stories to relate in our dealings with Shoppers Drug
Mart double-dipping, admitting they did so, but never repaying the amount taken; Medi-Chair/Superior Home Health
overcharged us by thousands on a payment system for a Lift, ramp and bathroom reno, and we had to threaten legal
action before they'd give our money back, (and the job is still not complete a year after it was started); and I have a list
of people that I warn others about, that did shoddy work or didn't bother to show up. Trying to find an electrician to
show up to do a small job is nigh impossible and you have to "know somebody" in the field. Aging at Home funding
grants are often worded in such a fashion that only people in the know are able to complete the paperwork
successfully. And, even when this happens, it is often the case that there isn't enough funding to go around and you
have to get your paperwork in during a small window of opportunity in order to be successful. The grants for a
reduction in city run utilities for example is absolutely ridiculous. Your home has to be a worthless shack before you're
eligible. Often hallways are clogged with equipment, in seniors facilities and hospitals. I've worked in facilities for the
aged and can attest to regular and frequent medication errors (1/2 dozen a day); facilities refusing to train personnel
(untrained personnel asked to give injections and perform wound care); chronically under-staffed facilities (one PSW to
80 elderly with a nurse 'on call' who doesn't necessarily pick up the phone when called); cold meals, late meals, no
meals, missing narcotics; blah, blah, blah (Yes this was all reported. No, nothing changed)... The line-ups are so long
to get into a nursing home, the only way you're getting in is to be placed in hospital first, with nobody willing to take
you in, (and hospital beds are regularly being taken up by patients awaiting a bed in a nursing home). My Mom tried to
get on a wait list for supportive housing and they refused, stating that there no longer was a wait list due to high

53 I've been waiting 12 weeks for rent help on my low pension 1000/mth income. Cam Gibb. :-S :-( 2/21/2016 10:40 AM

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54 There is a lack of education for families and seniors regarding housing options avaialble. The system and to have to 2/19/2016 11:25 AM
naviagte though the system is long and confusing. Housing available is not affordable for most seniors as they are on
fixed incomes. Wait times for seniors to get into Long Term Care or other supportive housing options is too long and
unreasonable. Most supportive housing and Long Term Care facilities/alternative housing lack trained professional
stafff to look after seniors. Most facilities work short staff therefore impacting the care for seniors who can not look
after them selves.

55 There is not enough supportive housing available for seniors. Many of the current city run seniors apartment buildings 2/19/2016 9:39 AM
have bed bugs and cockroaches. Extensive waittimes up to 15 years for supportive housing puts seniors safety and
wellbeing at risk while they wait for this service.

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Q43 Please share your experiences as it

relates to social participation and
recreation of Older Adults.
Answered: 53 Skipped: 467

# Responses Date

1 I see many opportunities for older adults to participate but I feel more could be done to provide transportation to avoid 4/30/2016 1:13 PM

2 Many older adults cannot drive at night and re therefore "locked-in" in the evenings. Transport is minimal and 4/30/2016 12:54 PM

3 isolation leads to many other health issues 4/30/2016 12:46 PM

4 isolation plays a big part in whether older adults are social or not-intercity mall-thunder bay 55+ centre all are great 4/30/2016 12:35 PM
when it comes to accessing and being available to older adults-but they do not take into consideration as to the time of
year-and accessibility during that time.

5 I have with older adults. Even these questions are insulting. There is nothing for them or me - were all low income 4/30/2016 12:22 PM

6 Some senior apartments have activities in the common areas for seniors to participate. If they can drive they can get 4/30/2016 12:08 PM
to the 55 plus centre or complex for recreational activities

7 I know the 55 plus centre is an excellent place for older adults to be social and get exercise 4/30/2016 11:20 AM

8 isolstion is a huge issue. Local events are great for community connections but how do seniors access them? Old fort- 4/30/2016 10:52 AM
city bus times too long. Festival of India-couldn't stand in lines Intercity mall-> 0 carts for seniors to hold on to, 0 wheel
chairs to take out, will not allow seniors to store bags in strollers to shop

9 -isolation is still a big issue in TBAY regardless if programs/groups are available. 4/30/2016 10:41 AM

10 Participation is available for older adults that are independent and healthy. Programming to support mental health is 4/30/2016 10:26 AM
minimal. The waitlist for a friendly volunteer through 55+ centre is very lengthy. Numerous older adults are isolated in
their homes as social networks fall apart due to death. Medical/health related. Families became responsible to provide
social opportunities what happens when children have moved?

11 theres lots of outdoor events with accessabilities to all kind of older adults. 4/30/2016 9:59 AM

12 Isolation is not an issue for a healthy adult. 3/30/2016 4:40 PM

13 I've known seniors who are less outgoing and don't have family in the city who had become isolated and house bound. 3/23/2016 12:55 AM
I'm not sure of the best solution, but community has to be a part of their care: neighbours, churches, city service
people and other organizations all have to take part to make contact and create relationships. Encouraging learning
technology like computer skills can keep seniors plugged in and connected to community and family.

14 My father was sent to a receational facility and hated every minute. They catered to most but didn't respond to his 3/22/2016 8:03 PM

15 Social, creative participation increases people overall health and well being. However, many stigmas and 3/22/2016 3:25 PM
misconceptions are deep rooted in our culture, that lead people to believe they are deteriorating. People become silent
as they age, and often isolate themselves. They don't realize their own potential, simply because they have bought
into the belief systems created for them. To change peoples perceptions of aging is a starting point to living longer.
People can't simply be told "you'll live longer if you do this and that!" they need to Believe in something, and have a
spirit behind what they're doing. We need more creative people working in hospitals, retirement homes, apartment
buildings, community centres- the list goes on. Change begins when a nurse picks up a guitar and sings. We need to
create a future filled with inspirational opportunities that don't say, 'we're here to entertain you because you're old". We
need to figure out how to encourage people to participate in interactive, social creative programming. And especially
we need to higher professionals to create a culture that isn't ageist. Debunk some of those ever-present myths about
ageing. Encourage the aging community to share their voice.

16 Well older adults and the young old are able to access recreational easily. Older adults who are at risk of isolation 3/21/2016 10:26 PM
(unwell older adults or the old old) have difficultly accessing recreational activities. Most no longer drive or require
assistance with day to day activities that participating in recreational activities is a challenge. Older adults need to
socialize to maximize well being. More services are required and better access to services is required (ie transportation
to and from activities without added cost or having to call a week in advance).

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17 Programs are not always affordable and those who are not able to access places on own won't go 3/21/2016 9:26 PM

18 I truly believe there are older adults out their who would benefit from the participation in these programs but either 3/21/2016 9:20 PM
through no knowledge or ability to get transport they are missing out.

19 Traditional recreation activities need to change to fit the needs of older adults. For example, pickleball is a 3/21/2016 6:21 PM
sport/activity that is ideally suited for active adults. However, opportunities are lacking. 55+ Centres offer this activity
but the courts are not appropriate. There is a Thunder Bay Pickleball club but it has a difficult time working with the
Centres and requires more support. Pickleball and other age appropriate activities need to be emphasized in Thunder
Bay. While cards and board games are also needed, there should be a greater emphasize on physical activities, like

20 People in their 60's are reluctant to consider themselves 'older adults' and therefore lose out on much social 3/21/2016 2:06 PM
participation and recreation. More could be done ie: an activity every day but it is also up to the individual what they
enjoy or are willing to participate in. I was unaware that swimming was available at a reduced cost for seniors (aside
from 'senior rate' which would likely still be cost prohibitive to low income seniors.) Many community / city sessions are
in the evening which may not be accessible to older adults due to not feeling safe, poor eyesight at night etc...

21 Old people would have to travel 10's of KMs within Thunder Bay just to get to any of these events. Since 3/21/2016 1:00 PM
transportation is so bad, they likely never make it to events that are offered.

22 There are many social and recreational opportunities available, however at the cost of not only membership, but also 3/21/2016 10:30 AM
transportation to and from the facility. My concern is regarding 'neighbourhood' opportunities for those individuals
wanting to remain in their own home.

23 55 plus offers many activities and is accessible. Cost is not reasonable as some programs are over-priced. 3/21/2016 8:25 AM

24 Generally I feel the community provides many opportunities for people and try to minimize barriers 3/15/2016 3:48 PM

25 Participation can only occur if an individual has a way to get to the place the activity is being offered. Many older 3/15/2016 1:30 PM
adults don't drive. You have to book the "Lift" van so far in advance you can't plan anything spontaneously unless you
have a family member or friend able to bring you. Using a taxi regularly just isn't an affordable option for many people.

26 don't know the solution. there are options that my parents won't take advantage of. Frustrating. Issues is that my mom 3/15/2016 9:26 AM
craves social - but my dad needs more care. She feels she can't leave him. There is not enough support in home to
allow for her to leave and do errands.

27 this really largely depends on whether transportation is available and ability to pay 3/15/2016 9:01 AM

28 Despite plenty of options for seniors to 'get out' I still think there's an isolation issue. I watch my own mother in law 3/15/2016 8:58 AM
who as her mobility decreases not 'want' to go out more, despite that it's becoming easier for her with a variety of
services or locations that are available to her.

29 I don't have much experience with this issue. 3/14/2016 8:06 PM

30 If you are a primary caretaker of an individual that is in nursing home care, ( Most normal people do not just leave 3/14/2016 11:01 AM
them there) or if you are taking care of someone in your home. There is not much time for social or recreational
activities at all. Winters in Thunder Bay are most difficult for elderly folks.

31 I think it's difficult to make generalized statements about older adults in our city. Some find it very difficult to make 3/12/2016 11:29 AM
social contacts, I'm sure. In particular those who do not have family here are affected in this way. However, there
certainly are opportunities for socialization and activity for older adults. Perhaps what is needed is more volunteers /
staff to accompany those without family support, and arrange for them to get to the events.

32 Public transportation is not always available to some events . 3/11/2016 9:23 PM

33 Transportation and costs and accesability 3/8/2016 10:54 AM

34 -there are some programs for older adults, however, they often can't access them. transportation is an issue, as well 3/4/2016 3:09 PM
as having a support person. It cant always be up to the caregiver to bring an elderly somewhere to exercise. -free
support services are limited, and paying for a service is very expensive

35 this group should be a part of the strategic planning for recreation with city of thunder bay work currently occurring! 3/4/2016 2:56 PM

36 I am glad for the 55+ Centre on River St. It is easy to get to and has lots of activities. However, my Dad still feels 3/3/2016 10:05 PM
isolated because he doesn't have many friends left, and he is not the sort of person who makes new friends easily.

37 Whenver I've been in any kind of group setting ie., a class or a course I am taking there always seems to be 'a pairing 3/3/2016 10:04 AM
up', that is no one goes by themselves, they always go with a friend and when you do go by yourself you seem to be
on the outside. I have heard this from seniors as well. Like a high school clique. I don't know what would be the
answer to this.

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38 Isolation is dependent on the persons personality. Many social adults will get out there and take advantage of the 3/3/2016 9:49 AM
affordable things to do in the city, of which there are many.

39 the recreation staff at my mother's long term care facility are truly wonderful and are always eager to give 3/3/2016 9:37 AM
updates...they do a lot and encourage residents to take part, just wish that that ancient building had a better
greenspace that would allow residents to spend more time outside in a secure environment

40 recreation may be affordable to the working class, but many on a fixed income, the cost is large transportation is an 3/3/2016 9:09 AM
issue, Lift+ booking 1 week in advance is ridiculous most seniors can't afford a taxi

41 Luckily my mother has strong support group including friends and church because not always someone to take her to 3/2/2016 12:55 PM
places if she decided to join a class.

42 Transportation is growing issue for seniors. The programs might exist but getting them there is a challenge. 2/29/2016 5:10 PM
Transportation is expensive.

43 Activities depend on where in the city you live and if you know of anyone who can bring you into the fold. Most would 2/27/2016 6:24 PM
not be open to just walking in and introducing themselves. Even elders can be shy.

44 When looking at the above statements regarding social and recreational activities, availability and affordability is a 2/26/2016 2:02 PM
major barrier. The majority of our age friendly community functions within a limited income which does not leave a lot
of room for the cost attributed to many of the recreational activities themselves and then the cost of transportation for
many of the recreational activities becomes another stressor. Low income also plays a major factor in the isolation of
many individuals as the cost to participate in social functions and recreational activities is more than what the
individual can afford, location is another issue as individuals may not be able to access the recreational activities due
to use of mobility aids or individuals may not be aware of the programs available. Sometimes the variety of programs
themselves may include what the average individual may have an interest in.

45 -Transportation and financial limitations can put many older adults at a disadvantage, making barriers for them to 2/24/2016 3:32 PM
attend programs and meet other people -Isolation is still a major issue and there are seniors who have no
contact/connection with others

46 There could be more community outreach to ensure all seniors know what is available to them in the community. 2/24/2016 11:18 AM
Doctors offices would be a good place to promote what is available.

47 My mother lives in Castlegreen / Superiorview area and we are not aware of any Older Adult recreation located in that 2/24/2016 9:08 AM
area........she has also been in the city for years, and has not been invited to any senior events in the city; therefore
the only one we can think of would be the 55+ Centre which is not close and we have no idea what is going on there.
My mother does not have a computer to access such information.

48 My mom has aged well because of her role in her faith community. she has always contributed by being on 2/22/2016 10:32 AM
committees, planning events, participating in the Sunday services. She's known as "the hugger" and this nickname
means so much to her. She has been a member of the First Wesley United Church congregation since she moved to
Fort William 70+ years ago. She knows friends who have been isolated and always is a person to call out to friends
using the telephone. THese calls are a lifeline for many. She finds the telephone especially important because my
mom no longer drives. Not driving in Thunder Bay creates isolation for many older adults. There are many recreation
activities for older adults in Thunder Bay and one great example is the VON Exercise programs that are lead
throughout Thunder Bay. These 30 minute classes are great for balance and socializing. They are also free so
definitely affordable for all. More groups seem to be closing down because their members are aging and the young
people are not stepping up. It's important that we start to encourage car pooling and doing what churches have done
for years to pick up the elderly members of the congregation so they can get to church. There are diverse
programming options at the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre but it's location is not accessible for some people. Getting
there by public transit or taxi can be expensive for people in Thunder Bay South. They need to start more satellite
programs throughout various locations in THunder Bay. Maybe like the Book Mobile that the TBPL had years ago!
Speaking of the TBPL, their service to home-bound seniors is invaluable. They should be applauded for linking isolated
seniors to the community through volunteers who deliver books, cds, DVDs and more importantly, a quick chat and
some face-to-face interaction with a senior who cannot get out of their home.

49 I am quite looking forward to access all the programs I am aware of when I retire and have more time to enjoy them. I 2/22/2016 9:52 AM
think TBay will be a great place to live in retirement. Much more affordable than other cities.

50 Older adults attitude to paying for recreation is at times a barrier to participation. Needs to be more options on Fort 2/22/2016 9:50 AM
William side of town and in rural area, transportation issue for rural participation due to limited city transit and Lift +
area. Need 75+ recreation centre ( have 55+ centre) VON exercise groups are excellent, though only 30 minutes in
length, older folks would like longer or social aspect aswell with these classes.

51 My father has dementia and is in a wheelchair. There are not a lot of programs geared toward special needs. Due to 2/22/2016 9:27 AM
his dementia it is often difficult to have him participate in mainstream activities.

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52 My husband's disability (Parkinson's), is a common one in Thunder Bay. There are two places that are geared to 2/21/2016 1:16 PM
fitness for his abilities. One is inclusion services at the Complex (where there is nobody to assist and they don't return
your phone calls when you're looking for assistance); and the other is the 55+ Centre, where you have to pass a
physical to join. For geared-to-income individuals, the fees for services are out of reach and often the reason facilities
are not utilized. When looking to cheaper alternatives (parks, etc), washroom facilities are often
unavailable/inaccessible/poorly maintained. Parking for activities is very limited and one has to arrive hours before an
event has started in order to find accessible parking. It would be very beneficial to have subsidized, elderly day care
available to those who are taking care of a parent and still working. This would help keep many out of retirement
homes, so their loved-ones could still earn a living. In working with BISNO, their coordinator (who works full time at
recreational activities), is hard pressed to come up with interesting activities, geared to low-income individuals. So, I'd
say that if these activities exist they're not advertising very well.

53 There is only one 55+ centre that is located on the north side of town therefore can be a berrier for some seniors as 2/19/2016 11:41 AM
Transportaiton Needs or lack of transportation would impact them access the facility. Some more neighbourhood
community centres need to focus on seniors needs and meeting needs of seniors in their community. Offer more age
freindly programs for seniors. Some programs and activites for seniors are not affodable. Not all needs are met for all
seniors. More specialized programs need to be offered to meet the needs of those in wheelchairs, mobility issues,
cognitive issues and frail elderly. Thunder Bay 55+ is more geared to active healthy seniors. and those in the younger
age bracket of 55 - 70. There needs to be More Programing to meet the needs of seniors with mental health issues.
The city of Thunder bay lack in offering programs and activites for seniors with mental health issues.

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Q45 Please share your experiences as it

related to the inclusion and respect for
Older Adults.
Answered: 39 Skipped: 481

# Responses Date

1 Many customer service people are very helpful and patient but I have also seen many who are not but that is not 4/30/2016 1:14 PM
necessarily only directed at older adults.

2 Older adults have a lot to contribute but people do not listen. 4/30/2016 12:55 PM

3 Customer service in a automated phone age is extremely frustrating. Real voices on phones is much easier for the 4/30/2016 12:46 PM

4 I do not feel that older adults are not respected in the capacity that they shouldn't be-they are snubbed in public and at 4/30/2016 12:36 PM
times be looked at to being a nuiscence

5 more involvement with youth in schools 4/30/2016 12:28 PM

6 LOL! 4/30/2016 12:22 PM

7 younger ppl now after do not have patience or respect for seniors in today's world 4/30/2016 12:08 PM

8 the way older people are treated and respect depends on the person that is dealing with them. (Sometimes good, 4/30/2016 11:20 AM
sometimes terrible)

9 more respect is needed 4/30/2016 10:42 AM

10 Retirement homes offer a lot of respect for seniors 4/30/2016 10:35 AM

11 Automated services are difficult to maneouver. If senior has disposable income, anything is possible in this city. If they 4/30/2016 10:28 AM
don't it can be a very lonely, isolated life.

12 I dont know much. I have no negative or positive information as I have not been informed. 4/30/2016 10:00 AM

13 Phoning for information can be challenging if the person is a machine. 3/30/2016 4:43 PM

14 A memorable experience was a trip to Canadian Tire where they had a senior working in the key department. At first 3/23/2016 1:02 AM
ai have to say I was skeptical, but his knowledge, experience and service was far superior to the younger staff. I felt
ashamed of my inner prejudice and made a note to not prejudge older people.

15 I pretty much answered this one in my last response. I feel most people are not respected, whether within family or 3/22/2016 3:36 PM
community. Not as respected as they should be, anyways. Perhaps encouraging individuals to create better relations
within their own family is a place to start. My hope is it would catalyst from there. But with high levels of depression in
many people in general, sometimes it is hard to talk about sensitive topics and also leads to isolation from family or
society. Perhaps providing opportunities for family members (or simply people) of any age to participate in sessions
that provide some guidance on how to share quality time with older adults, people with depression or anxiety, illness,
or any other visible/invisible barrier or disability. Basically, I'm suggesting trauma training sessions of sorts. Figure out
a way to equip individuals or families with the means to communicate with those who no longer wish to communicate.
Those people who are on the fringe and perhaps are suicidal or simply disconnected. This relates to respect, as I've
seen older adults in my family begin to "lose their marbles" as some have seen, and are pushed away. I would like to
encourage families to share those experiences, not label them (as crazy), and be open to the healing that much occur
as one lives. Trauma when left un-earthed leads to mental illness and disconnect. People with these stigmas are not
respected. We need to build awareness about mental illness, it's stigmas and misconceptions. Create supports where
it counts - at home, and within families, and branch out from there.

16 Again, not in a position to comment with any specific knowledge. 3/22/2016 2:36 PM

17 There is still stigma in regards to older adults that they cannot be productive members of society. Older adults may 3/21/2016 10:30 PM
have deficits that impair their hearing, eyesight, cognition but society is not tolerably of these deficits and do not give
the extra attention older adults may require.

18 I think more effort should be given to include older adults in schools and community programs they have a wealth of 3/21/2016 9:22 PM
knowledge to share if only someone would ask

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19 I think it is easy to be kind to the 'sweet old person' but that is often not the case. Often older people may have poor 3/21/2016 2:09 PM
social skills (ie: smell bad), be slower, medical issues (dementia/alzheimers), quick tempered, etc... it may be more
difficult to show inclusion in those cases.

20 I do not feel seniors are heard. They have more to contribute, but not understood, they are asked to conform to the 3/15/2016 3:50 PM
new society.

21 I can't speak to many of these questions; however, I noticed from experience that people, tend to dismiss the older 3/15/2016 1:33 PM
adult when seeking answers to questions and/or input. I've noticed it in different settings, including health care. I can
say that I have also noticed some people make every effort to engage with older adults and that is very much

22 Should do more intergenerational activities. 3/15/2016 1:16 PM

23 Older adults are as includes as they choose to be. There are many volunteer opportunities for functional older adults. 3/15/2016 9:29 AM
As seniors need care, they are less considered. Many older adults have opinions that are not reflective of an inclusive
world and their opinions are neither welcomed nor parents are racist based on their culture.

24 I don't have much experience with this issue. 3/14/2016 8:07 PM

25 I hope these statements are true but do not know. 3/7/2016 8:11 PM

26 -i havent seen efforts to include elderly 3/4/2016 3:16 PM

27 Whether older adults are respected and spoken to patiently by customer service agents depends on the person 3/3/2016 10:13 PM
speaking to them. Some are really good, and others need some education in that area. As for inviting older adults to
participate in the classroom, that is a tough one. Teachers are so overwhelmed with just trying to cover the curriculum,
particularly these days with all the behaviour issues and undiagnosed, unsupported, and therefore unmet learning
needs in the classroom, that it is difficult to remember to invite older adults to participate. Not to mention the need to
go out and get a Criminal Background Record Check if the adult will be working with children on classroom activities.

28 Older adults are included in planning at st joes and the 55 plus centre but that's the only few I'm familiar with) You 3/3/2016 9:58 AM
can't get decent customer service anywhere in this city anymore regardless of age. Self checks, not as many
brochures and flyers available as everything is online, lousy hours of operations, essential service representatives
(especially health care) are overall short tempered and unwilling to assist seniors in need. This is due to understaffing
and under training and an overlapping of services between agencies. Older adults opinions are not respected as
seniors do not have enough voice in the health care system and planning of accessibility and larger government
support services (health Canada, revenue Canada, service Canada, etc)

29 there are a couple of groups that bring young school children into the home my mother resides in and there are also 3/3/2016 9:39 AM
groups that create items for easter etc and drop them off, so that all residents receive a small gift at that
time...encouraging young people to interact is a wonderful way to keep those residents who may never see their
grandchildren or great grandchildren......motivated

30 I know some schools have joined up to include seniors but lots more should and not just senior homes. Too many 3/2/2016 12:57 PM
seniors living alone with limited in home support/care need the socializing more than others.

31 This city and society in general does not respect our elders. They are seen as a burden or an inconvenience rather 2/27/2016 6:25 PM
than the carriers of wisdom that they are.

32 Inclusion of older adults within the community setting has decreased drastically over the years in many communities. 2/26/2016 2:12 PM
Older adults often are misunderstood within their community, discounted or considered to be "just old". In today's
school system older adults are used less often for the transferrable and valuable skills they bring to their community IE:
skilled labor in the workforce has become an issue. Media often portrays older adults as a hindrance rather than an
asset, often commercials regarding older adults indicates they are incontinent, require a pharmacy of medication to
exist or are helpless.

33 -Progression has been made to value older adult's opinions more in decision making and involve them with other age 2/24/2016 3:33 PM
groups to benefit all.

34 My mother has been in the city for years and does not have any knowledge of senior activities other than the 55+ 2/24/2016 9:09 AM
Centre, but we don't even know what they offer either

35 My mom is looked up to by many younger people but I only think that is because she has mixed with people of all 2/22/2016 10:36 AM
ages all her life. By staying involved in committees in her church, she was able to stay relevant and informed. She
does not want to talk to people on the phone when you have to go through a series of prompts. She always asks me
to do this because, for example, she can't handle the many Shaw Cable prompts when she has a question about her
Shaw Cable bill. This survey is a good way to get her to participate with her comments. I will take a lap top to her
building and she will dictate to me what she wants to communicate about aging in Thunder Bay.

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36 In recent years, the city has increased it's consultative process considerably. There seems to be focus groups, and 2/22/2016 9:54 AM
opinion gathering sessions all the time - I think the most recent was the parks and recreation one. I know of quite a
few "older adults" who volunteer in local schools. I know there is an intergenerational choir that my mother use to be
involved with.

37 Thunder Bay doesn't only have a racism problem, it also has an ageism problem. Whenever I see the elderly trying to 2/21/2016 1:34 PM
advocate, I see the 'haters' getting all the airtime while shouting negative remarks at the elderly (cane-shakers, raisins,
etc). With regard to planning and feedback, I agree that opinions are asked for. I don't agree that they are listened to.
The lip service given over the mailbox/delivery fiasco is a perfect example. Customer service agents (particularly over
the phone and door-to-door), are more likely to be con-artists and high-pressure sales agents and to be avoided at all
costs by the elderly. There should be more done to protect the individual without having to resort to expensive legal
action. Media time given the elderly in Thunder Bay is more likely to consist of opinion pieces that would have the
driver's licenses of the elderly taken away. Not that this isn't sometimes the case, but you don't see similar pieces on
raising the driving age of boys to that where the insurance companies feel they are at par with girls... As a foster
parent, I've never seen the elderly utilized in schools. And, over the years, I've dealt with a lot of schools.

38 I have a 5 and a 9 year old at Corpus Christi and they have never had seniors in thier classroom for any type of events 2/19/2016 1:42 PM
or activites.

39 Inclusion services needs to be exteneded in the community. This community needs more Intergenerational 2/19/2016 1:12 PM
Programming and Elder programs to help the youth of today.

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Q47 Please share your experiences with

respect to Older Adults' participation in the
Answered: 34 Skipped: 486

# Responses Date

1 im not sure if anyone can easily find a job but there are many volunteer opportunities 4/30/2016 1:14 PM

2 Older adults are not viewed as helpful in the workforce- a lot of new technology that is seen as useful-can be confusing 4/30/2016 12:36 PM
and employers do not take the time and do not have the patience to help them along

3 youth need to appreciate elders 4/30/2016 12:29 PM

4 Again-no! Nobody cares about anyone who has little, have physical limitations, is old. 4/30/2016 12:23 PM

5 If older adults can drive there is lots of things they can do once they retire. If they can't drive themselves it is too costly 4/30/2016 12:09 PM
for public transportation everyday

6 I have seen many older adults volunteering at community events. Nice to See! 4/30/2016 11:21 AM

7 there could be better or more job opportunities towards older adults 4/30/2016 10:00 AM

8 Healthy older adults who have retired usually find it easier to step into a volunteer position. 3/30/2016 4:46 PM

9 While volunteer opportunities for older adults are numerous, employment options and related training are very limited. 3/23/2016 6:59 PM

10 Older adults are invaluable in the community. Seniors volunteering are a big asset to the community. I've known many 3/23/2016 1:09 AM
who have. Paid jobs are much more difficult to find, but more businesses should take advantage of the many seniors
with time, experience and skills to offer.

11 I know of a few volunteers who work and help out with the aged. A real God Send for them! 3/22/2016 8:06 PM

12 The Thunder Bay Art Gallery has a number of older adult volunteers that don't seem to face discrimination. However, 3/22/2016 3:37 PM
this may be due to the demographic who attends the gallery. Overall I see many older folks working around the city,
but I think ageism is present everywhere and depends on each individual.

13 Working and volunteering are two different aspects where opinions may vary. Hard to comment 3/22/2016 2:37 PM

14 Older adults who may have impairments would require support to continue to volunteer but there is no supports 3/21/2016 10:33 PM
available to allow them to continue something they always enjoyed.

15 My mother volunteered into her 80s at Grandview lodge.She enjoyed working with the older adults even when she 3/21/2016 9:25 PM
became one.

16 Again overall I feel a passing grade is warranted but there is room for improvement. I do feel there are many 3/21/2016 2:53 PM
limitations to who gets to take part in activities and most that wouldn't be chosen will back away and choose not to try
again which leads to feeling isolated.

17 We need to be very careful about how we classify employment and self-employment opportunities. There are many 3/21/2016 10:36 AM
people who choose to take early retirement and then want to pursue employment as a means of socialization, however
I have seen more than my share of women in particular who need to work in retirement in order to meet their financial
needs. I find that there are virtually no opportunities for young graduates to be mentored by seniors with a broad range
of skills and contacts.

18 Although unacceptable - age discrimination is real with respect to finding work. 3/21/2016 8:27 AM

19 Volunteer groups will squeeze the life out of older adults if they could. There needs to be shorter less intense 3/15/2016 9:31 AM
opportunities. There are few opportunities to blend generations - older and elementary - these would be of value.

20 I don't have much experience with this issue. 3/14/2016 8:10 PM

21 Again I hope these statements are true but for the most part do not know. 3/7/2016 8:12 PM

22 -able bodied elderly are more likely to be able to volunteer 3/4/2016 3:23 PM

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23 There are lots of volunteer activities available for Older Adults in the community. I just spent several hours today 3/3/2016 10:20 PM
helping with the TBSO Fruit & Cheese sale, and I do lots of other volunteer work in the community too. Paid work,
perhaps there is not so much for Older Adults. Sometimes younger workers seek out the expertise of retired workers. I
am recently retired, and three times in the last week younger workers have sought me out to ask for help. I have not
seen age discrimination when it comes to volunteering, but I don't know about when working.

24 I am not very familiar with seniors or older adults seeking work, so I am not able to reply proficiently to the above 3/3/2016 9:40 AM

25 I know several people who lost their jobs approx. 10-15 yrs ago and nobody would hire them due to their age. I don't 3/3/2016 9:33 AM
think things are any better now.

26 Our culture does not value senior life experience and therefore not taught to next generation all older adults have to 3/2/2016 1:01 PM
offer and several corp. businesses lay off older adults with seniority to save paying higher wages.

27 Again elders are not invited to join in community discussions or activities ... too often seen as "too much trouble". 2/27/2016 6:25 PM

28 Participation in the community of older adults are often limited due to discrimination ( re: workforce), volunteering and 2/26/2016 2:34 PM
the expertise of older adults seems to be less invited.

29 -Age discrimination can still act as a challenge and barrier for seniors when looking for paid work 2/24/2016 3:34 PM

30 I work with many younger people and they do not seek out advice from older workers. I feel that many young people 2/24/2016 11:23 AM
feel that they know it all and do not value the advice from senior employees who have so much knowledge. Each work
place should be responsible for implementing mentorship programs within their organizations to ensure the younger
workforce is trained properly and that the older staff are respected for what they bring to the table.

31 My mom has always volunteered and she has gained so much from her volunteer experiences in a variety of 2/22/2016 10:39 AM
organizations including the Shriners Ladies, the Canadian Red Cross, the Thunder Bay Symphony and her church.
When she was younger she used to volunteer to go with the residents of Pinewood Court to the swimming pool at the
Airlane Hotel. She was also able to get part-time work later in life.

32 i know there is volunteer Tbay. People just have to look and they can find what they want for the most part. 2/22/2016 9:55 AM

33 Older adults are very visibly employed in service industry........what about young people opportunities if more jobs 2/22/2016 9:52 AM
taken by elderly??

34 A lot of seniors lack the education of what is available in the community to participate in. Most seniors do not have the 2/19/2016 1:36 PM
motivation to participate in the community.

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Q50 Please share your experiences as it

relates to communication and information
for Older Adults.
Answered: 37 Skipped: 483

# Responses Date

1 From my observations communication and motor motion is generally good but there is still room for improvement. 4/30/2016 1:15 PM

2 Slot of helpful information is on the internet- some older adults do not have access or understanding of technology- 4/30/2016 12:38 PM
then even if it is available-they have to wait for longer periods of time. And they usually end up going without the help
they need.

3 Here you tried to read bottles? Information? Too small not easily found. 4/30/2016 12:23 PM

4 some forms for medical care are too long and overwhelming for seniors to comprehend. PSW's are not trained how to 4/30/2016 12:10 PM
communicate with seniors or how to be compassionate.

5 a lot of communication is done via social media which some older adults choose to not be a part of. 4/30/2016 10:06 AM

6 No one cares fr the elderly. ony there own businesses and money. The world is greedy and we are killing each other 4/30/2016 9:40 AM
and our future's

7 Communication is good but a good friend is always more helpful .A good deal of info is shared in a friendly 3/30/2016 4:50 PM
environment and retained.

8 For older adults who are not "online" it is a challenge to find information about programs and services through other 3/23/2016 7:02 PM
methods if you don't know where to look or ask. 211 service is helpful for those aware of it. Government offices in
particular (Feds re pensions, prov re health cards, drivers licences) have less front line staff than ever, again, a
challenge for those who prefer to deal in person or even by phone with a local office.

9 Many seniors are not tech savvy and still use print, tv and audio means for information, so that media needs to be 3/23/2016 1:16 AM

10 Some times very hard or confusing to finf or locate information needed. 3/22/2016 8:09 PM

11 As the population ages, the media devices are aging with them and becoming more commonly used. Perhaps making 3/22/2016 3:42 PM
the internet more accessible could be an area of focus as there are many considerations to accommodate everyone's
needs, not just seniors. Encouraging local businesses and organizations to consider
online accessibility would be a good start to an accessible future online.

12 There are available publications that provide information regarding the above although many older adults aren't aware 3/21/2016 10:36 PM
where to find those publications.

13 It can be hard to navigate through the services that are available to older adults.This needs to be more user friendly 3/21/2016 9:28 PM

14 With the technology so prevalent many organizations are neglecting the importance of 1:1 communication, printed 3/21/2016 2:57 PM
material, accessible help from a real person who is knowledgeable and helpful. It is sometimes difficult for older adults
to obtain printed material that is up-to-date. Government Services are extremely difficult to navigate through for older

15 The Key is a terrific resource! 3/21/2016 11:18 AM

16 My experience is that 'umbrella' organizations such as the CCAC are not fulfilling their role as a 'one-stop' shop for 3/21/2016 10:41 AM
housing, healthcare and medical services. One of the biggest gaps is that of assisting seniors and their families to plan
and anticipate changes in needs and care. In other words it is shocking for families to realize that the wait for certain
housing options may be years.

17 Many older adults do not have access to computers and this is a real problem as communications are limited in other 3/21/2016 8:29 AM

18 generally, I feel as we moved to a electronic age where most information is only accessible via internet at times. I'm in 3/15/2016 3:55 PM
my early 40's and at times find it difficult to locate information, two or three generations ahead of me find it difficult. It's
harder to find people to speak to and or literature to read on paper to gain the information you are looking for.

19 I think a lot of effort goes into developing communication but I'm not sure how successful it is in being communicated. 3/15/2016 1:59 PM

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20 Information is crammed. Little effort for clear language and design. Even I have trouble reading and filling in application 3/15/2016 9:36 AM
forms. Must sift through all the legalese to get to the real information. Must find activities and services among stuff for
low income and other community What is low income anyway? real issue of clarity with differing levels of availability of
services. My parents were not rich. They don't have government job pensions. They saved all their money and now are
cut off access to programs and services offered to those who squandered their money and did nothing to build for the

21 I agree all these services are available, but to varying degrees 3/14/2016 8:14 PM

22 Seniors need health information. Many have no idea what to expect of the healthcare system once they require in 3/14/2016 11:11 AM
home care, nursing home, and often released from hospital too soon or rehab at St Joseph's then home too soon.
Often spouse or family members become overwhelmed with no options. Nursing homes full. Housing full. No
advocates to guide folks through the processes. Not easy and very stressful for families to deal with health or housing
situations for elderly in Thunder Bay.

23 -I think there are services/information available, but it is hard to know of/find out about -many people don't know about 3/4/2016 3:32 PM
services until they hear about it from a friend or maybe a social worker helps them

24 The information is out there - I have not had an issue finding what is available. 3/3/2016 10:22 PM

25 Social programs are advertised extensively - the key, around town, community clip boards, paper, walleye, library 3/3/2016 10:14 AM
newsletter, etc... There's lots of information out there but not all seniors know how to find it. There was a seniors
information and directory in 2009 put out by the caregivers support committee of Thunder Bay and as far as I know it
has not been republished or updated. This should be done every year. Also, there should be a seniors health
magazine/newspaper published monthly that shows all health options available to them. The seniors magazine now
does not have enough health options available. The magazine should be co-contributing by the two hospitals and
other health related agencies such as CCA, lung association, heart and stroke, Canadian cancer society, Alzheimer's
society, VON, audiology, health care clinics, etc.

26 It is not easy for older adults to navigate various types of communication; for example Revenue Canada will not give 3/3/2016 10:13 AM
out forms to customers anymore, they send them to the library to use a computer. Many do not know how to do this,
seniors feel like they are being shoved somewhere else rather than getting the help that they need at the point of
service. A lot of services are like this now, where the senior is referred to the 'internet' and they do not have the skills
to do this.

27 I think with the aging demographic as it is incurring, people need to be advised earlier of what options are out 3/3/2016 9:44 AM
there..haveing a 80 yr old person suddently enter into the hospital and from there into a position where they will never
return home, leaves the family and that individual, worried, and stressed out. People have no idea that there is such a
long wait to enter such a facility and I think if there was more informaiton in the form of television commercials and
newspaper/radio ads identyfing that seniors need to be aware and start planning planning for retirement is one
thing...but after that not everyone understands and if they do not have an advocate that can help them with choices or
speak for them..that is truly sad

28 I am unsure if they key is delivered is older adult facilities such as apartments buildings etc. Home Healthcare is 2/29/2016 5:16 PM
currently a challenge to keep the staffing. I think the pay is to low and that created a lot of turnover.

29 Most are left to stay informed on their own. It is up to the individual and that individual's family. 2/27/2016 6:27 PM

30 Most of these statements above have been introduced into the community however follow up or consistency is still 2/26/2016 2:36 PM

31 -Many seniors are still unaware of many services available in the community -Some information is not provided in the 2/24/2016 3:37 PM
forms that older adults most commonly access -Isolated seniors require more support with accessing/filling in

32 I feel that more information needs to be available regarding the above in places where seniors frequent to ensure they 2/24/2016 11:26 AM
get the information. For example doctors offices, the hospital, coffee shops, restaurants, community centres etc..

33 My mom reads the THunder Bay Seniors paper and the Chronicle Journal. She feels she is informed but is 2/22/2016 10:44 AM
disappointed with the CHronicle Journal lately. Most of the information she needs about seniors programs are
supplied to her through the recreation programmer at Chartwell. When she was living in her home she used the
Caregiver Support Committee Thunder Bay Seniors directory or asked one of her kids for assistance. She also used to
go to the Herb Carroll 55 Plus Centre where she was able to pick up information folders etc. She likes Vision TV
because they have information programs of interest to seniors and they have programming like the sing-along shows
and Murder She Wrote that she likes.

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34 electronic age not helpful to all seniors, more and more places are using this format, not friendly for those adults that 2/22/2016 9:58 AM
cannot navigate. cognitive impairment and language/eduation barriers limit seniors ability to independently complete or
understand inforamtion provided in written format.... need navigator to assist with forms, accessing services etc,
especially if family support limited. Finding information is at times very confusing for seniors and their families,
especailly with rapidly changing funding etc creating new delivery methods of services. Need more up to date info for
seniors shared at libraries, churches, on radio/tv etc.

35 55+ centre does a fabulous job getting their information out. The Key is super for listing activities. There is 211 for 2/22/2016 9:57 AM
other information or the library. Again, if you look for it, you can find it.

36 The cities website needs an overhaul. Obtaining information is often outdated, incomplete, quite difficult for those in 2/21/2016 1:48 PM
the know to navigate and certainly not easily available for the elderly. I am a follower of the cities facebook page which
announces upcoming events. I find that some events are almost annoyingly over promoted and others don't show up
on my feed at all, with the occasional one not showing up on my feed until the event is already over. While volunteer
and employment opportunities may exist, they are not well advertised. The Lift services are seriously over taxed. One
must jump through ridiculous hoops in order to use these services. We have been on a waiting list for over a year in
order that we don't have to phone in every week, during that sweet spot, to obtain a weekly ride to physio. As well,
there have been times where my husband has been held hostage in their vehicle for hours before he is returned
home. Users should be able to book these trips on line and in advance. Thunder Bay Housing is predominantly used
up by the working poor. There are very few options/placements for safe housing for seniors. Retailers are more
concerned about price per square foot than they are in attracting the elder dollar. Insufficient spacing in aisles and
change rooms let the elderly know whether their business is sought after or not.

37 More information needs to be available for seniors. Information for older adults should be available all forms of media 2/19/2016 1:46 PM
and though mail. Not all seniors have or access computers and others means of social media. Information should be
available in all forms of communication, large print and easy to read

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Q52 Please share your experiences as it

relates to community and health services of
Older Adults.
Answered: 40 Skipped: 480

# Responses Date

1 Again I do not have a lot of experiences in this area and that is why I have so many neutral responses 4/30/2016 1:16 PM

2 Not nenough care providers in the city who care or have the patience to consider all health care areas for older adults 4/30/2016 12:39 PM
who need it- some health care providers give a prescription to sedate the problem.

3 Again-unless one has nobody cares. Older adults are never considered in planning. Those requiring medical care are 4/30/2016 12:25 PM
screwed. I know! I'm waiting my parents have given up on ever getting proper care.

4 I have friend in long term care. When they may have been changed and they have a bowel movement or are wet 4/30/2016 12:12 PM
again before the 4 hours to change them they are left to rot in it for the 4 hours. That is just inhumane to do that to
seniors, PSW programs are too short and they do not learn to be compassionate or how to communicate with seniors

5 medication can be very expensive for some people -shortage of home health care services 4/30/2016 11:22 AM

6 i find it exceedingly challenging to have persons with dementia in hospital. My mom's recent trip had me hiring around 4/30/2016 10:37 AM
the clock care cause not enough staff to watch out for her.

7 SJ hospital is atrocious for parking and accessibility. As is TBRHSC. CCAC homecare services are poorly coordinated 4/30/2016 10:32 AM
and rarely showing up. Mental health Services ie therapy/counselling are minimal for older adults to access. Janen's
can charge for pills that are covered if dosage is written differenly by family General practitioner. Family general
practitioner do not have the time it takes to listen to adults and help navigate a system. Referral forms are lengthly, and

8 Access to long term care is extremely difficult at this time, very long waits and home care services are a patchwork in 3/23/2016 7:05 PM
spite of CCAC and LHIN centralizing some services. People with no family or friends to advocate for them fall through
the cracks at an alarming rate.

9 My experience has been that many health care providers are bias against seniors and tend not to listen to their 3/23/2016 1:22 AM
concerns and just prejudge or dismiss their health concerns. My mother in law was told she was depressed when in
fact she had cancer which she later died from.

10 When my great-grandmother was passing, of course my family didn't want her to pass in her own bed, which was 3/22/2016 3:44 PM
unfortunate. But what was really unfortunate is I had to hear her request for a bath for days. We all knew she was
dying, and I sincerely feel the hospital refused to give a bath because she was dying anyways. A good cleanse is
necessary and appreciated and should be offered, even if you're going to pass in a week or so. Disrespectful.

11 Wait times are long for some services. Not all providers are knowledgable how to work with older adults with cognitive 3/21/2016 10:40 PM
impairments. Older adults with mental health issues are marginalized and do not have adequate supports to keep them
out of the health care system. Homecare is inadequate.

12 If you are lucky to have a family physician that is good but heaven help you should your Dr.retire and you have chronic 3/21/2016 9:35 PM
problems.A lot of new physicians do not want to take on chronic patients that leaves you at the mercy of the
emergency department.

13 Home care services are very disorganized and poorly managed. Front line workers need to make more money. 3/21/2016 8:57 PM

14 Again, cannot answer easily due to variety of people this covers, both from the older adult group and the care/service 3/21/2016 4:41 PM
providers. For this reason many (most?) questions throughout answered 'neutral'.

15 I've seen both extremes to excellent heath care services to the worst. The worst being patients not being tended to 3/21/2016 3:00 PM
properly and being dismissed only to have their health rapidly decline to the point no amount of medical service could
help them the best being my Aunt and Mother have received excellent response for service through
CCAC/homehealth and at the hospital.

16 There are large gaps in meeting the mental health needs, particularly conditions caused by isolation and depression. 3/21/2016 10:48 AM
Many seniors want to remain in their own homes, however isolation is inevitable. There are some wonderful in-home
services offered(ie. companionship, friendly visiting) however they come at a cost. I want to applaud the services
offered by clinics such as the Nor-West Community Health Centre however this is one centre only, serving a specific
catchment area.

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17 The health services in Thunder Bay is sad and pathetic. Our "new" hospital rapidly deteriorating. Patients of all ages 3/21/2016 8:35 AM
are not respected. Seniors / others are left in hallways and medical prognosis are delivered with no patient
confidentiality or dignity. Accessiblity is a huge problem - why parking was not put "under" the hospital leaves me
baffled??? Shortness of Dr's and walkins that limit "who/when" is a real problem as well.

18 I feel our local health care system does not meet the needs of the older adults in our community. I feel they have the 3/15/2016 3:59 PM
training and expertise; however I do not feel the system has provided them adequate funding to meet the demand.
This results in a delayed system while people wait and wait.

19 It is not easy to find a primary health care provider...there is a shortage in Thunder Bay. Nor are there enough long 3/15/2016 2:06 PM
term and short term care options. Alternate level of care numbers are high in Thunder Bay, as are the wait lists for
long term care.

20 Many Red cross workers are lazy and unsupervised. the quality of the job with no benefits attracts the worst workers. 3/15/2016 9:42 AM
Snow removal services are incompetent and un supervised. Emergency should be split between casualty/injuries like
sports etc and real emergencies. Clogging up chairs with coughing children is a stupid use of funded medical services.
Stitching up can be done outside of emergency - check out Manitoba. There is a point where the only attention
available is for 'crying wolf' and this needs to be discouraged. Doctors are stressed and overworked, but there is no
stream for these space-takers. I get why they are curt.

21 In regard to the last statement - Thunder Bay does not have a community health clinic that provides a variety of 3/15/2016 9:24 AM
services under one roof. i.e. all clinics do not have a lab or x-ray department anymore; nor does a dietitian or podiatrist
exist at a clinic. Older Adults (and all people for that matter) need run all over town to complete the tasks of just a
regular annual physical.

22 I don't have much experience with this issue a detailed answer 3/14/2016 8:18 PM

23 TB Regional hospital is good for acute care patients but not good for temporary long term care warehousing.They do 3/14/2016 11:32 AM
not have PSWs at the hospital so the nurses are doing work that should be done by PSW care workers for elderly. I
have experienced this first hand with elderly parent. The nurses at TBRH detest working with elderly as they are acute
care nurses and not nursing home workers. They will spend more time talking about meds than helping patient to the
toilet. The culture is that they are better. Well not better at looking after elderly, only paid much better and perhaps
better educated. The regional hospital does not hire personal care workers because of nurses unions, they don't want
them in there. It is sad that you have to have a family member attend to a sick person almost all the time to ensure that
they are properly looked after and bathed. It seems to me there is more administration and not enough hands on
workers anywhere you go for seniors. I have seen elderly women crying at the doorway of their spouses hospital room
because they are sending the woman's spouse home too soon and she is weary from being caretaker for many years.
People sent home too soon often end up back again (revolving door) but are forced to go home as there is no long
term care available. Some people can't afford long term care as household income is affected. Catch 22. I honestly
think this is not a local problem but sadly not the greatest to grow old. Also in home care is a disaster. They send a
different person each day. They never get a chance to really know the routines of the person they care for. CCAC is
horrible to work with on many levels. There is certainly a healthcare crisis in Thunder Bay. Sadly you have to
experience it to know it exists.

24 The hospital staff was wonderful to my mother when she needed their services in January 3/11/2016 9:34 PM

25 shortage of specialists Doctors grid lock in hospital shortage of beds for extended care facilities no services with 3/8/2016 10:57 AM

26 -there should be a clinic with a variety of health services under one roof -multiple services have to be co-ordinated by 3/4/2016 3:48 PM
the family care-givers -meals on wheels is a good, healthy service -services are not readily available (long term/short

27 From what I have seen, if you are white and middle class, it is easier to get the care you need with respect and dignity 3/3/2016 10:25 PM
than some other social groups.

28 wow, I could write a book on this one, but what I will simply state is that people that provide care in LOng Term Care 3/3/2016 12:13 PM
facilities are for the most underappreciated and overworked and I have witnessed two actual events of upper level staff
berating nurses in stairwells. the care that is provided in hospitals to elderly people falls very short..sure the patient is
checked on every few hours or when medicaitons or meals arrive...however when people are in isolation and can't
open a pudding cup or don;t have a shower for 4 days I find that appauling. I understand that nurses are overworked,
but hiring a nurse (presently in 2nd or 3rd) yr in the capacity of asssisting nurses or hiring PSW's for hospitals would
be a good thing. My mother spend almost 3 months in our local Regional Hospital and there were at times the
custodial staff were more caring than the nursing staf also staff need to address patients/residents with their names
and not (honey or dear)

2/3 PAGE 180

Age Friendly - Custom Needs Assessment Survey SurveyMonkey

29 Discharged from SCPP as soon as their medication needs are met, many need to have continuing support and they 3/3/2016 10:33 AM
are on their own. Physicians are a little easier to find now that we have the Northern School of Medicine. Out patient
wellness programs are improving but the home makers overall I rate as poor. Medical center locations are improving
and providing services under one roof

30 Obtaining a family physician is improving, more parking especially accessible parking at health centres needs 3/3/2016 10:19 AM
improvement. Many health care representatives are great, others are awful. It depends on the health care worker

31 Again, there is a shortage of staff who will take the time to cater to an elderly person, without getting frustrated with 2/27/2016 6:28 PM

32 -Many older adults experience poor services/care in the healthcare system (ex: being sent home from the hospital in a 2/24/2016 3:39 PM
taxi in a delirious state) -Many existing unmet needs remain -Getting to appointments and waitlists are a challenge

33 Many doctors seemed rushed and stressed when interacting with my aging parents. Their bedside manner needs 2/24/2016 11:30 AM
work. I attend many medical appointments and find that they could use more time to get questions answered and the
doctors need to spend more time listening instead of quickly interrupting them or cutting them off. If I wasn't there with
them I feel that would not get the same service and level of care.

34 Aboriginal people are still not treated with respect whether older or younger......I have heard numerous complaints 2/24/2016 9:14 AM
from aboriginal people saying they were accused of abusing alcohol or drugs from our Thunder Bay Regional Health
Sciences Centre - Emergency department Staff when they try accessing health care

35 As a caregiver, this is one of the most difficult areas to address. When my mother fell when she was 93, I was told by 2/22/2016 10:55 AM
a witness that saw this event at Intercity Mall, that the paramedics were rude and uncaring. In fact, the witness wanted
to file a complaint (she was a nurse on maternity leave) but we asked her not to. My mother had wonderful care from
the team in Emergency and her surgeon, Dr Payeda was caring and very interested in her care and recovery. She
was able to stay at the hospital for a few days after her surgery and the staff there did their best. My mom was
especially pleased that she had a male nursing student who was looking after her. She enjoyed his company and
wanted to encourage him to do well in his studies. When he asked her for feedback on what he was doing she was
always gracious and helpful in her critique. She often thinks of him. She also had a roommate from an isolated First
Nations community. She thinks of that woman too because she never wanted to turn the light off at night. My mom
said she liked that idea too so they formed a strong, but quiet friendship. When my mom was discharged to SJCG, that
roommate and her partner came to say good bye to my mom. My mom then went to SJCG. Her she excelled. The staff
let her stay in her room when she wanted to watch the curling and they laughed when she and her roommate woke up
at 3:30 am for the Royal wedding of William and Kate. She enjoyed the goal-setting and could actually feel herself
getting stronger and going farther. When she returned home, she was assessed by CCAC and put on a waiting list for
bathing assistance. She never got any help from CCAC. By the time they called, it was months later and she had
managed to bath herself in the meantime. She said what happens to the people who are worse off than her? They
also sent a home care physiotherapist that my mom is sure damaged her arm when she pushed on it too hard. I have
heard that homecare is important but we need to start valuing the people who do this important work by paying them
better and expecting quality care.

36 disjointed, multiple places of assessment,referral, bandaid solutions, wait lists, over whelm seniors with suggestions of 2/22/2016 10:07 AM
multiple service places........

37 After caring for both parents in their own home prior to their passing, my family found the CCAC services quite 2/22/2016 10:01 AM
bureaucratic - lots of repetitive questionaires. different people coming in and out of the home. It was very confusing for
them particularly with early signs of dementia/confusion. We ended up hiring a private homecare provider to
supplement our own care, just for piece of mind!

38 More clinics like the Lakehead Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic are needed. 2/21/2016 1:52 PM

39 Shortage of medical doctors inpack patient care. Lack of speciality in the areas of geratrics. Lack of medical 2/19/2016 1:52 PM
professionals for senior care. Alot of seniors are repeat visitors in the ER due to lack of services available in the
community. There is a lack of mental health services for seniors in the community. Lack of speciality programs and
services for seniors with cognitive problems.

40 I am sorry I dont deal with any of these issues as I have not had to worry about my parents yet. I am answering from 2/19/2016 1:45 PM
what I hear and see on TV, Radio and in conversation.

3/3 PAGE 181


September 14, 2016

Ms. Marie Klassen Ms. Rebecca Johnson
Director of Services Chair, Executive Committee
Lakehead Social Planning Council Age Friendly Thunder Bay
125 Syndicate Avenue South, Unit 38 205‐138 Ravenwood Avenue
Victoriaville Centre
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6H8 Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 4H8

Dear Ms. Klassen and Ms. Johnson,


As requested, we reviewed best practice models across Canada in order to provide
recommendations regarding the most effective organization structure for Age
Friendly Thunder Bay, as it moves forward.

During our review, we researched a number of cities, then interviewed eight

communities whose models were fairly well developed. We also considered the key
objectives that Age Friendly Thunder Bay wants to achieve in its organizational

Summaries of the organization structures and key details have been outlined in
Appendix One. It includes the following models:

1. Crime Prevention Council, Thunder Bay……………………………..…………page 7

2. Drug Strategy Implementation Panel, Thunder Bay…….…………………page 8
3. Brantford, Ontario……………………………………………………………..…………page 9
4. Edmonton, Alberta…………………………………………….…………………………page 11
5. London, Ontario………………………………………………..….………………………page 13
6. Ottawa, Ontario……………………………………………………………………………page 15
7. Portage La Prairie, Manitoba……………………………………..………….………page 17
8. Saanich, British Columbia……………………………………………………..………page 19
9. Waterloo, Ontario………………………………..…………………………….…………page 21

Note that we summarized the pertinent information but did receive additional
information as well. If you would like more information, please let us know. If we do
not have it, we can contact the community representatives again.

In developing an organization structure that works effectively to achieve the
strategies that will be set out in the Community Wide Action Plan, the following
objectives should be achieved:
 Sustain operations over a long period of time;
 Maximize the ability to obtain funding;
 Minimize operating costs;
 Be committed to the overall vision to be an Age Friendly Thunder Bay;
 Increase partnership and collaboration opportunities; and
 Improve administrative and other staffing supports for volunteer team.

As you know, no recommended structure can guarantee sustainability or success of

the organization. Regardless of the structure, it will take volunteer dedication, the
ability to attain funding, effective partnerships and collaborations, and strong
management and oversight.

Based on our best practice review, there were a number of different models used:
 A not for profit corporation ("NPO") was established and all initiatives and
programs were operated thereunder;
 Working or, advisory committee was established by City Council, filled by
community member volunteers or organization representatives then
administered through one of the City departments; and
 Another NPO administered the program, as a result of a number of organizations
determining its necessity.

We discussed these potential models below.

Unincorporated Steering or Advisory Committee 
This structure would be the same as the existing structure of Age Friendly Thunder
Bay, where the committee is made up of a number of organizations and/or
individuals interested in making Thunder Bay an age friendly community. While

Age Friendly Thunder Bay Organizational Structure Review  Page 2 

this structure is least expensive, it is heavily reliant on volunteer time and is not able
to seek funding on its own. Its policies, composition and other details could be
modified to better meet the needs of Age Friendly Thunder Bay. However, its
unorganized nature, need for staffing and funding would make it difficult to
effectively sustain.

 Strong collaboration with the City  Difficult to obtain direct funding
and other partners required for because committee is not an
success incorporated NPO
 No start up costs and minimal  Heavy reliance on volunteers
operating costs necessary to lead and administer
 Executive can lead committee once  Loss of motivation when plans do
overall direction given by Steering not get implemented in a timely
Committee manner, if volunteer lead
 Working groups could be formed  Staff could not be hired and paid
from the Steering Committee through the committee
membership to tackle action items  Reliance on partnerships to seek
funding and provide staffing if
 No formal Board structure may
result in problems if decision
making by Executive is controversial
 No limitation of liability through
corporate structure or insurance

Independent Not for Profit Corporation 
A number of communities, such as Ottawa, Brantford, and Edmonton, had
established a separate not for profit corporation as its Age Friendly Organization.
This corporation would be run by an independent Board of Directors and could have
a number of committees and subcommittees. An example of the structure could
include the following:

Age Friendly Thunder Bay Organizational Structure Review  Page 3 

Board of  Evaluation 
Director Committee

Age Friendly 
Thunder Bay  Executive 
(Incorporated  Committee

Adhoc Action  Funding and 

Committees Finance 

eg, Housing

 Independent Board of Directors  Difficult to sustain not for profit
would lead the organization, with organizations, without consistent
membership providing input at AGM funding source
through the development of strategic  Minimum costs to sustain the
directions operations, possibly including staff,
 Strong partnerships could be insurance and office costs
developed through invitation to  Heavy reliance on partnerships,
Board and/or various committees of collaborations and volunteer
the organization dedication
 Cross collaboration with the City
could be through Board membership
and/or working groups
 With funding supports, staff could be
retained directly by the organization
to administer its directives
 Organization would be eligible to
apply for its own operational and
project funding
 Its mandate would be an Age
Friendly Thunder Bay, focusing on
community services

Age Friendly Thunder Bay Organizational Structure Review  Page 4 

Committee under Existing Not for Profit Corporation 
Rather than incurring the expense of operating a separate entity, the Age Friendly
Thunder Bay initiatives and programming could be run through an existing Not for
Profit Corporation.

Board of 
Existing NPO

Existing NPO

Age Friendly  Other
Thunder Bay  Committee or 
Committee Initiatives


 Resource sharing with another  Existing NPO will have many
organization mandates, Age Friendly Thunder
 Strong partnerships and Bay may compete for staff or
collaborations with NPO and other volunteer attention and funding
organizations  Administrative funding allocated to
 With funding supports, staff could be NPO for every project, reducing
retained directly by organization to direct funding available to Age
administer its directives Friendly Thunder Bay
 Organization eligible for funding  Heavy reliance on partnerships,
 Cross collaboration with the City collaborations and volunteer
could be through committees or dedication
working groups

Age Friendly Thunder Bay Organizational Structure Review  Page 5 

You requested that we make a recommendation regarding the most effective
Organizational Structure Model that may best meet the needs of Age Friendly
Thunder Bay. In considering some of the key objectives of this initiative, we believe
that the most appropriate structure would be for a Not for Profit Corporation to be
established with a separate Board of Directors. This structure would achieve the
 Ability to seek funding as a Not for Profit Corporation;
 Focus and dedication to its mission statement;
 100% of funding received committed to project or programming;
 Flexibility to set up operations, policies and procedures to minimize operating
costs, maintain strong controls and improve communication, partnership and
collaboration opportunities; and
 Part‐time or full‐time staffing could be hired to administer and develop
programming and initiatives, as set out in the Community Wide Action Plan.

Using this model there is risk of lack of sustainability, however, this risk is not much
greater than either of the other possible models. The sustainable funding model
needs to be developed through planning and continued discussions with potential

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Kind regards,

Donna Smith, CPA, CA, CBV, CFF

Age Friendly Thunder Bay Organizational Structure Review  Page 6 

TO:    FILE 


DATE:    NOVEMBER 25, 2016 


N ≈ 169 Participants (162 participants counted @ 1:53PM ‐ Tuesday November 15, 2016) 

*WS is the total count of stickers for the main bullet and its respective sub‐bullets 
*The top five action items per category have been bolded 
Outdoor Spaces and Buildings  OS 
Transportation  TRP 
Housing  HOUS 
Social Participation  SOC 
Respect and Social Inclusion  RESP 
Civic Participation and Employment  EMP 
Communication and Information  INFO 
Community Support and Health Services  HS 

Page 1 

  Number of   
 Develop a strategy to communicate services and supports  WS - 185  ALL 
available to older adults, i.e. transportation, housing,   
health, community services, using tools and techniques  80 
preferred by Older Adults

 Provide coordinated information that ALL groups who  33  HOUS/SOC/INFO 

have visiting programs can share with clients (i.e. church 
visiting volunteers, TBPL Home Delivery etc.) 
 Encourage high‐traffic businesses and other organizations  31  INFO/OS 
to be info hubs for older adults’ wellness and other 
community information 
 Start a pilot project in one senior‐dense neighbourhood  17  INFO 
to go door to door with information of interest to seniors 
(i.e. Part of Westfort) 
 Communicate the job websites and apps that seniors can  12  EMP/INFO 
use for a job search by placing this information strategically 
for seniors to access 
 Taking best practice communication strategy (i.e., Fire  8 INFO 
Prevention) and apply to priority older adult areas
 Communicate existing mentorship programs (i.e. Thunder  4  EMP/INFO 
Bay & District Entrepreneur Centre) 
 Provide training for staff and volunteers when speaking to  56  RESP/INFO 
older adults in person by telephone or online 
 Network with all community partners to understand what  51  INFO 
other organizations are doing and to help each other with 
 Host an aging health symposium with speakers and  36  HS/INFO 
workshops on topics to assist older adults and care 
partners to navigate the health and community services 
 Continue to educate businesses on ways to better service  29  RESP 
older adults 
 Lobby government to provide people on the phone to  29 RESP/INFO 
patiently answer people’s questions

Page 2 
 Update and expand 211 (free community information  29  INFO 
telephone service)
 Design an information sheet for older adults who are  29  TRP/INFO 
driving and/or ready to transition to obtaining 
 Improve system of communicating current needs and  27  HS/INFO 
status of palliative and high needs adults for access by all 
community care partners 
 Offer lunch/dining and “age friendly” learning events with  16  SOC/INFO 
currently funded programming (i.e. Community Dining 
 Launch a communication strategy focused on healthy  12  HS/INFO 
eating, disease prevention and the eat local food 
 Work with Insurance industry to inform older adult drivers  7  TRP/INFO 
and volunteer drivers what their insurance coverage 

Other Comments 
 I don't see anything specific to Pharmacy care. Need to have volunteer retired pharmacists to visit 
seniors in their homes to discuss medications – lots of problems with interactions of health store 
products, over the counter medication and prescription drugs 
 More options for meeting new people, going on group outings and making friends 
 Have all old restaurants and health and Doctor offices outfit bathrooms with high toilets and bars for 
 Healthy eating and disease prevention very important to me. Seniors do not always eat sensibly 
 Get seniors living in Long term care to these seminars! 
 Apply/consider best practices and user input to all action items chosen 
 None of this plan reflects the needs of frail elderly seniors with communication challenges 
 Would like to go to auditorium – looking for others to go with but I need transportation 
 Have a central place to see who is introduced and get in touch with to share rides. 
 Common themes for communication 
 Expanded 211 would be one of the key strategies to communicate services and supports 
 Easier access to all information/contact numbers of services/groups aimed at seniors 
 Re: Developing a strategy to communicate – We need to find a better more innovative way to reach 
seniors. More outreach. Before they have an accident or failure in health – Proactive 
 To have TBAYTEL to offer seniors to tag unto family plan (like students do) for $20.00 a month 
 Have a place on the TV to get information for seniors (ticker tape) – more info on Thunder Bay Page 

Page 3 
 Strategies should include "web sites" that are inclusive and "up to date" published information is more 
expensive and hard to update. Other types of delivery are costly and hard to find volunteers. 
 Take groups of seniors on the bus to introduce them to bussing/transfers/etc. So they have the 
knowledge and self confidence to take the bus 
 No door to door‐ unsafe for seniors to get to door and they don't trust people who come to the door. 
 Communicate if all City services are available in the surrounding rural areas! 
 Create situations well before needs arise 
 How much is 211 being used and does everyone know about it? 
 I've lost my drivers license, now what? 
 All agencies geared to seniors also need a PHONE LINE – not just internet 
 Port Arthur Clinic has terrible service and unfriendly gate keepers 
 Continue to educate businesses on ways to better service older adults and all agencies on senior issues 
 CCAC is not giving the answers 
 Businesses must take initiative to educate businesses on ways to better service older adults 
 Start pilot project on Women's Institute – K.B, Slate River, Rosslyn, Broadway Ave. – get involved with 
Age Friendly 
 Better understanding of Dementia / Alzheimer's 
 Job websites and apps seniors can use for jobs is a waste of time and energy – young people can't find 
jobs – do Seniors want to work? 
 Mentorship programs – what programs available? (not well communicated) 
 Palliative care – cost consumer/family 
 Communication with Pharmacists 
 Door to door pilot project could encourage scammers who will use this as a way to get into seniors' 
 Old phone book model where Seniors Services were listed in large print 
 Leave pamphlets 
 Taxi drivers need to be educated as to how to deal with wheelchairs, etc. 
 Partner with organizations (e.g. SHIFT) regarding ageism – and supporting family "aging vs. babies" 

  Number of   
 Develop recreation and social programming that closes  WS – 94  SOC 
gaps between cultures and ages and is open to all for 
membership and participation 
 Encourage expansion of current free programs like VON  37  HS/ SOC 
Exercise and Fall Prevention classes 
 Seek out strategies to subsidize/sponsor older adult  15  SOC 
activities (i.e. P.R.O Kids 

Page 4 
 Implement a communication marketing strategy that  WS – 85  RESP 
motivates neighbours, family and friends to help support 
and stay involved in older adults’ lives 
 Inspire neighbours to get to know and watch out for  35  RESP 
each other 
 Develop a communication strategy to get seniors  15  HS 
involved in neighbourhoods in meaningful and consistent 
 Develop and implement a pilot project to identify and  WS – 80  HS/RESP 
support isolated older adults 

 Create a working group to reduce isolation  39  HS/ ESP 

 Create effective programming for older adults to help and  WS – 64  EMP 

assist youth and youth to assist elders through mentorship 
and skills based tutoring 
 Develop formal programs within workplaces for older  18  EMP 
workers who are willing to mentor younger or newer‐to‐
the‐job workers 
 Implement an intergenerational food delivery system,  58  SOC/RESP 
where paid youth will deliver meals to older adults and 
provide socialization 
 Develop strategies to engage retired men as volunteers,  56  EMP 
mentors and recreation participants by recognizing that 
men may be more isolated than women in later life 
 Create and maintain an up to date map of indoor and  WS – 37  OS 
outdoor recreational programming options for older adults 

 Develop an inventory of age friendly parks and outdoor  7  OS 
 Show community ways to step up and provide options for  35  HS 
giving care partners a chance for respite 
 Showcase businesses who provide reduced or sponsored  32  OS 
rates for seniors 
 Create intergenerational pilot project bringing youth and  28  EMP 
older adults together (in schools, retirement and care 
home etc.) 
 Encourage the development of social, recreational,  22  SOC 
creative and active programming in community hubs 

Page 5 
 Launch a social media marketing campaign geared to  19  INFO 
improving communication to seniors by launching a “Say it 
Forward” campaign (similar to “It Takes a Village”) 
 Encourage participation of service organizations, faith‐ 14  SOC 
based organizations and other community groups in age‐
friendly initiatives 
 Engage retired old and new friends to work together on  12  EMP 
needed projects 
 Develop a training program for those who want to teach  11  EMP 
or provide social and recreational programming to older 
 Create a business case showing renovation funding is  10  HOUS 
more cost effective than building new facilities 
 Encourage businesses and private foundations to sponsor  9  HOUS 
efforts to bring neighbourhoods and older adults together 
 Develop a Recognition System for work being done by staff  5  RESP 
and volunteers who work with seniors 
 Communicate project outcomes  2  INFO 

Other Comments 
 Exercise classes in neighbourhood recreation centres, I.e., Vale, John and Jumbo. All classes were 
cancelled a few years ago 
 Because of where we live, definition of neighbourhood needs to be expanded to include Shuniah, 
Oliver Paipoonge, etc. Better linkages between city and outlying municipalities 
 Mental health issues often prevent the other outcomes from being achieved – where does this fit in? 
 Ensure that needs of seniors are "top of mind" during the implementation of Recreation and Facilities 
Master Plan 
 Better linkages with Thunder Bay Public Library – lots of great "free" workshop and community hub 
 I signed up for computer mentorship program with St. Ignatius – NEVER HAPPENED, why? 
 Stop adding more to the burden of families already caring for Seniors – provide local supports to 
families caring for seniors 
 Use of experienced labour and people (like the use of elders in F.N circles) give purpose and feeling of 
 Programming to connect "old and new" provides a structure safe way for mentorship 
 Try to encourage renewal by participation rather than government funding. They can perpetuate the 
projects and if needed they will receive support 
 Involve high school students in older adult support needs through their 40‐hour community volunteer 
hours' program 
 Have high school students in neighbourhoods – offer to shovel snow for volunteer hours 

Page 6 
 Encourage expansion of V.O.N exercise programs 
 School groups, church groups, high schools need to be involved with seniors 
 Car pools to take people 
 Rural areas need to get involved in Community halls, papers, newsletters 
 Business case showing renovation funding is more cost effective than building new facilities ‐ too large 
of a project, break it down 
 Aging in Place committee is already in place but is low priority 
 Get youth groups, church groups, and students involved by providing them an incentive to get 
involved (volunteer hours, badges, recognition) 
 Develop a recognition system where volunteers and staff who work with seniors get badges, hours for 
their service 
 Make proper maps – highlighted and delivered in mailbox 
 No Social Media for Seniors 
 Get volunteers to run the intergenerational food delivery system, can't afford that 
 Break actions into small baby steps 
 Housing in Thunder Bay  Granny flats, suites in basements, development of age friendly subdivisions 
 Encourage older people to tell their stories to younger people (i.e. Schools) 
 Retired men need to accept women in men's fix it club workshop @ 55+ centre 
 Future seniors are in trouble facing many challenges e.g. Cooking, communicating 
 Healthy eating – meals on wheels, in hospital 
 Access and funds to buy healthy food 
 Keep people in mind where travelling distance is a problem 
 Coordinate volunteer working groups through community centres – information would be easily 
available through monthly newsletters 
 Farmers donate excess/damaged fruit and veggies to seniors at a "drop off" spot‐community center, 
volunteer bag goods and are available to bring to senior's home. Socializing simultaneously, once a 
week (Program runs successfully in Hawaii) 

Safety & Security 
  Number of   
 Develop and communicate a stronger plan to help older adults  WS – 320  INFO HOUS 
age in their homes   
 Develop an Aging in Place committee that works with multi‐   HOUS 
unit property owners and home owner representatives to  19 
provide supports and programming that can be used at various 
facilities or neighbourhoods 
 Develop a Working Committee where housing partners can  36  HOUS 
network and share programming 

Page 7 
 Educate business owners, developers and contractors to  30  HOUS/OS 
provide safe accessible and age friendly indoor and outdoor 
spaces for all seasons 
 Advocate for financial resources to help homeowners and  34  HOUS 
rental property owners become more age‐friendly 
 Develop a working group and communication strategy to help  10  RESP 
older adults trust others and accept help and support 
 Investigate creative housing models that may better meet the  56  HOUS 
needs of older adults 
 Develop intergenerational housing model, where post‐ 55  HOUS 
secondary students and young families could live with older 
adults, providing supports for reduced rent 
 Identify partners that could be leaders to develop effective  24  HOUS 
housing solutions for older adults 
 Develop and communicate a stronger plan to better meet the  WS – 124  HOUS 
housing needs of older adults 

 Determine the demographic that will utilize future supportive  12  HOUS/HS 

housing facilities. Develop culturally appropriate dwellings and 
 Consider the use of older buildings, such as Dawson Court,  72  HOUS 
Grandview and schools to meet supportive housing shortage 
 Expand and enhance the number of home safety and other  43  HOUS/HS 
assessments completed each year (i.e. EMS Paramedicine 
 Engage youth to obtain jobs working with seniors by  39  EMP 
communicating future demands in the workforce 
 Provide assertiveness training and other creative options for  23  HOUS 
older adults to feel confident in their own homes with 
contractors, care providers and family members 
 Create a pilot project in an established neighbourhood where  20  HOUS 
homes in a one block radius can renovated or retrofitted to be 
age friendly (i.e. Current River) 
 Create and release a survey to better understand older adults  19  HOUS/INFO 
current and future housing needs/wants 
 Educate friends, family and volunteers on the risks and rewards  16  TRP 
of sharing rides and driving others 
 Establish an annual volunteer and job fair for older adults  16  EMP 

Page 8 
 Create and release survey to understand why older adults do  16  OS 
not feel safe outside at night and develop programming to 
improve safety 
 Advocate to give private developers opportunity to bid on new  11  HOUS 
multi‐unit housing for older adults funded by government 

Other Comments 
 I am concerned about what is lost when there is a change. I observed a general middle class white 
group as I looked around. When it was free I believe we had a more diverse representative group. 
 Elder Abuse – 1) Physical, 2) Financial from family or someone in elder's "Trust' circle 
 I do not see where "safety" of seniors in Long Term Care is being addressed. They need to feel safe in 
these facilities. 
 Screening of volunteers entering homes – perhaps government can absorb cost of police check or a 
portion of 
 Research, create and communicate housing options and supports for high needs i.e. Dementia 
 Improve walkability, build more cross walks everywhere so seniors can cross streets 
 LTC options absent 
 Retrofit buildings wherever possible 
 Educate police to the needs of older adults 
 Making the assumption that people need training rather than the reality of mental/cognitive decline 
 What about the vulnerability of homeless seniors? 
 Dog friendly seniors park 
 Reverts back to effective architecturally designed buildings that change with the needs of the people 
 Partners could be used to change buildings 
 Avi Friedman has developed a model of age appropriate housing that can be changed based on the 
needs and ages of the owners. The walls can be made into difference space allocation, i.e. more 
bedrooms for an increase in family size – reduction in bedrooms when kids move out. Use of 
community gardens in the common areas to help people meet and create community interactions 
 Avi Friedman has written about suburban planning, space management, construction and technology 
management – designed housing prototypes 
 Need to repurpose buildings that have had their functionality changed. Dawson court is uniquely 
situated to be a home for seniors. Public‐Private Partnership can affect a change with minimal 
government money 
 Building standards code should be changed so all new buildings will have doors and hallways to 
accommodate wheelchairs and walkers 
 Increase police services for older adults 
 Need more "Detective Dione MacLaurin's" 
 Need an Ombudsman for Elder Abuse in Ontario 

Page 9 
 Consider the use of older buildings, such as Dawson Court, Grandview and schools to meet as a 
community for exercise, crafts, dance, etc. 
 When surveys are done – make action to be taken otherwise why bother filling out survey! 
 Access information to "educate" – where are the best volunteers? 
 Safer, cleaner, more affordable taxis 
 Better coordination of traffic lights (shouldn't be controlled by Southern Ontario) 
 Caption needed at bottom of daily news – listing current events in city 
 Homes designed and adapted for handicap and aging 
 Building sidewalks for safer walking 
 The use of older buildings – do not meet the safety standards – this is why Dawson Court and 
Grandview have closed 
 Safe, clean, affordable transportation options (taxi's standards are too low; often cannot find 
seatbelts, smells of smoke) 

  Number of   
 Investigate the best approach to help older adults  WS – 173  HS 
navigate and utilize the health care system 

 Bring together key partners to develop a more  33  HS/INFO 

efficient and effective process of coordinating 
multiple services geared to older adults 
 Develop a one‐stop access point to assist families to  40  HS 
navigate health and community services 
 Provide “health coaches” to help adults determine  45  HS 
their real services needs, not just those they may be 
eligible for 
 Advocate for increased funding dollars for community  WS – 121  HS 

 Expand and enhance the Red Cross snow removal  37  HS 

and grass cutting services 
 Expand and enhance friendly visiting and telephone  26  HS/INFO 
assurance programs 
 Expand and enhance the Community Paramedicine  27  HS 
Program (currently operated by EMS) 
 Expand and enhance the Congregate Dining  9  HS/SOC 
Program (currently offered by Canadian Red Cross) 

Page 10 
 Develop a volunteer program that helps adults  WS – 36  TRP 
transition from driving to taking public or other 
 Provide driver transition training to assist those who  21  TRP 
are unable or unwilling to drive 
 Create a listing of all community organizations,  31  INFO 
networks and groups developed to assist older adults 
in any capacity 
 Create a pilot project to provide all older adults a  29  INFO/HS 
point of contact when they leave the hospital to 
discuss health issues 
 Develop a medical equipment “re‐use” program,  26  HS 
where old equipment is donated, cleaned, refurbished 
and reused 
 Create a roadmap of community and health services  19  INFO/HS 
based on level of care needed 
 Establish a neighbourhood village support project  16  INFO/EMP/RESP/HS 
where members provide volunteer services for each 
other and obtain help from carefully selected business 
and contractors 
 Ensure that screening and assessment tools are  12  RESP 
culturally sensitive 
 Create a “find a ride” system  12  TRP 

 Perform a review of multiple community service  9  HS 
organization to find efficiencies and more effective 
operating models 
 Advocate for the development of a degraduated  6  TRP 
driver licensing system 

Other Comments 
 Develop or enhance supports for caregivers of older adults who have ceased driving, these are the 
individuals who "pick up" the driving for the older adult, they may have support needs as well 
 Communicate the presence of programs that are available after the establishment of them, SECOND 
STEP essential PART of Establishment 
 This is "meals on wheels" style, but medical – check‐up for Blood pressure, checking blood sugar 
monitoring, etc. 
 This EMS/Community Paramed Program: not many understood what this is. 

Page 11 
 Go beyond communicating and navigating re. health care to include Prevention, i.e. for vision 
screenings, home safety assessments (Community Paramedic Program). 
 Build supports for mentally ill seniors developing dementia 
 A listing of resources already existing, health links and 211 
 Snow removal/grass cutting  recruit high school students or college/university students to volunteer 
to do these services with seniors. High school students need 40 hours of volunteering work to 
 People prefer to find total access information in one stop shopping 
 State of the art technology replaces older but still viable equipment that can be used in other 
diagnostic areas 
 Financially many seniors can't afford cabs but don't qualify for Lift Plus 
 Health coaches should be 2nd step after Pilot Project 
 Financial awareness ‐> Workshops, mentors (no fee, no expectation to purchase products) 
 Financial awareness ‐> budgeting, income tax, government programs available to older adults that are 
not investment based 
 Information on Travel Insurance, Health and Dental Extended Benefits. Make sure it is neutral and not 
attached to sales, easy to navigate and understand options, needs for insurance as you age 
 Directory is great idea; needs to be maintained for current needs (not outdated) – this strategy along 
with the "health coaches" and housing options strategy will add capacity and confidence 
 Oral health services must become the NORM to help keep people as healthy as possible for as long as 
 Could the high schools attain their volunteer hours by snow shovelling and grass cutting or even small 
"helps" for seniors 
 Develop best practices for grief support for older adults 
 Improve best practices for individuals living with dementia, aging in place, or in a home 
 Advocate for the development of a degraduated driver licensing system – i.e. for people who don't 
drive at night. Or drive just around town. No Highway 
 Isn't there an existing ad hoc committee of transportation service organizations to improve the 
effectiveness and efficiency of transportation for health, recreation and social purposes? 
 Kakabeka Falls, including the Senior Village, has a number of residents who cannot drive due to vision 
impairment and other disabilities. We need a disability equipped shuttle bus to be provided daily so 
that Kakabeka Falls residents can access medical and other services in Thunder Bay 
 Older adults need to participate in advanced directives re: health care, and in policies related to 
assisted dying 
 Nutrition teachings – i.e. the food provided by government organizations is purified starch, chemical 
additives and bad types of fat (margarine, veg shortening, trans fats...) 
 A shuttle bus or passenger train made available to rural areas on a daily basis is needed 
 Distribute information regarding Congregate Dining Program 
 Washrooms at bus terminals needed 
 Increase access to lift program 

Page 12 
 Rural transportation/ outlying areas, e.g., Rosslyn, Kakabeka, Shuniah, etc. – at a fair price (Taxi's are 

Guiding Principles 
  Number of 
•Clear and concise communication  86 

• Enhancement and expansion of existing programs, where possible.  58 

•Solution building through creative collaboration and partnering  34 

 • Culturally‐sensitive lens  34 

• Efficient and effective  31 

• Positive and friendly engagement  22 

•Accountability and integrity  19 

• Meaningful participation  17 

 • Cost‐effective  17 

Other Comments 
 What about the needs of the disenfranchised who cannot speak for themselves? 
 This survey/plan is biased toward capable seniors 
 I.e. Community Paramedical program – many did not understand this 
 Meaningful participation is very broad – what does it mean? 
 Meaningful participation – looking at these BIG changes are very important – but people need more 
than nursing care, transport, housing they need to FEEL a part of the community. They need to still 
feel purposeful and that what they are doing day to day is meaningful 
 Anything that is done should be efficient and effective as those involved want to avoid wasting time or 
energy. They underline the need for co‐ordination and consolidation. We have seen services 
reduced/amalgamated to become more viable. 
 Could First Nation be asked to be a presenter from their Elder(s) perspective 
 All too often services are religious based and alienating to people who do not share that faith, 
including indigenous world views 
 Information source that is current, easy to access (senior friendly), centralized, accessible across all 
cultures and abilities 
 Good use of funding dollars would be expansion of 211 – by pooling similar organizations' 
representation in the info shared. 
 Participate in conversations 

Page 13 
 Share tasks equally 
 Respectful, professional, be on time, come prepared 
 Include hours of operation in all business listings 
 Public awareness – so that seniors who are home bound can also participate in providing feedback 


Page 14 


What we liked 
 Process, options (i.e. Stay in group or go to other rooms) 
 Smaller group allowed richer conversations 
 Action items were clear 
 Addition of comments  
 Fruit was great 
 Reasonable amount of time 
 Intergenerational content 
 Coordination of serviced 
 Making neighbourhoods accessible, safe and connected 
 Making stores more accessible (corridors are crowded) 
 Independent living 
 Multi‐generational ideas (housing, daycare, schools) 
 One stop communication place 
 Community paramedic program 
 Thank you to Age‐Friendly Committee for work so far and great venue and sound 
 Lots of positive work done up to today 
 Suggestion of coordinated central service and information combination of physical and digital 
 Promote 211 widely, implement 311 for city services 
 Social isolation ideas to reduce isolation – networking businesses and organizations to coordinate 
 Aging at home was considered 
 Happy with the direction this is going 
 Intergenerational action items 
 All issues were covered – very informative 
 International housing 
 Outcomes assisted in clarifying each action's purpose 
 Happy to see "perception of safety" 
 Liked focus on "men" – isolation 
 Lot's of information 
 Outcomes were a great idea and clarified the action items 
 Nice to see that the youth was mentioned 
 Nice to see that mental health is being discussed 

What we didn't like 
 Some ideas were to broad 

Page 15 
 Some duplication 
 Too much duplication 
 Too much paper material (program – waste of $ ‐ use elsewhere, plastic gift bag – use cloth, paper or 
none at all 
 Not enough areas focusing on healthy eating 
 Lack of representation of all cultures in Action Items 
 Lack of education on Paramedic Program 
 Overlap of some items  
 More clarification on action points 
 Seniors too broad a term (55+, 65+, 75+, 85+ ‐ the needs are quite different. Health is a huge factor 
 Having to charge $30 affected diversity of attendance 
 Difficult to choose only 17 action items 
 Poster layout could have been cleaner/more separated 
 Need more time 
 Not a lot of chances to interact outside of table group 
 A lot of the initiatives are geared to "active seniors" 

What was missing 
 Mental health issues 
 Implementing these ideas in smaller communities and rural areas 
 No mention of roles of pharmacists (drug interaction) 
 Indigenous peoples at Summit 
 Participation from men 
 Expert at each station 
 Mental health awareness and issues should be more in the fore 
 More mention specifically about Mental Health Issues 
 More direct communication pertaining to Action resulting from 2016 Seniors Summit (i.e. Newsletter 
by mail, not email) 
 Representation from Rural Thunder Bay included in age friendly summits (Reeves and Mayors) 
 Intergeneration opportunities (every school should have a program) 
 Communication 0 language services, repository for translation 
 Municipality role 
 Mental Health 
 Multiculturalism missing 
 Whole plan misses the needs of frail, elderly seniors – hearing and vision impairments 
 Long‐term care as an issue was not listed (i.e. high needs seniors – think about transition time) 

General Comments 
 Large aging population at present = no living accommodations for seniors who need 24‐hour care. 
Utilizing "Court House", schools and renovating to facilitate living accommodations for seniors 
 More geared‐to‐income services 

Page 16 
 User friendly transportation ("Dial a Bus" or Uber for seniors) 
 City is unsafe due to public drinking and drug use 
 Active seniors are helping non‐active isolated seniors 
 Youth are not stepping forward and helping seniors 
 Educate Youth – teach respect of seniors 
 The mayor, council and administrators need to respect seniors and stop using the words "Cane 
 Newspapers and media should not be using derogatory terms relating to seniors – stop ageism! 
 Start recognizing seniors with cognitive issues/impairments and how to be diagnosed/assessed earlier 
and how to relate/advocate for their needs 
 Help neighbours when possible 
 Neighbourhood gardens 
 Make sure supports are in place for everyone and that they are culturally sensitive and inclusive 
 In one community where I lived there was a day (city‐wide) for neighbourhood potlucks hosted by 
some willing family/person. It was an annual event – helped neighbours 
 Accessibility and safety for parking need for well lit parking lots and outdoor spaces 
 Food security – need for education about "real food," gardening and nutrition 
 Transportation, largely the availability and safety of transportation from rural areas 
 Meal prep in the home – no service provider for this 
 Need for mental health support both for family care‐giver as well as the senior. 
 Address increasing needs to allow people to stay in home 
 Services provided for ALL needs (Mental health) 
 Provide communal housing options for all including high needs 
 More emphasis on wellness (aging healthy, proactive prevention in eye care, dental care and mental 
wellbeing) education (get schools to teach healthy aging) 
 Emphasize importance of advance care planning – wills, Power of Attorney, "living wills", etc. 
 Clear understanding of "care/housing" options – assisted living; nursing homes; long term care; 
senior's homes 
 Issues surrounding long term care – security, safety, communication, staff shortages 
 Affordable housing  
 Communication Issues 
 Issues around Southside 55+ centre, communication, new location 
 First Nation Issues – communication, housing and safety & security 
 Homeless Issues 
 Lack of access and knowledge of services (grocery delivery, service businesses) 
 Need for accessible and affordable housing to stay in own homes in community 
 Pet rescue for seniors – setup before person passes away or goes into long term care – system to 
adopt the animal rather than going to Humane Society‐ establish relationship 
 Increase funding overall to serve older adults 
 Communication of meal programs (211 is a start) 

Page 17 
 Develop a support network for people to share experience to reduce fear and gain supports in a time 
of transition for person and caregiver (ex. Someone losing hearing) 
 Local neighbourhood exercise programs 
- Affordable, no membership 
- It existed 3 years ago 
- V.O.N is great but is low key, need something to raise heart rate 
 Communication is key – provide access to information about resources (needs to be centralized) 
 Plan ahead for Aging – which requires ability and support 
 Networking with all of your resources 
 Cultures coming together, offering culturally appropriate programs 
 211 guide book: like "The Key" – add into already existing handouts 
 Many areas need improvement 
 Change starts with communication 
 A lot of like‐minded people 
 More pools in Thunder Bay (warm) 
 Youth volunteer hours: getting involved with older adults 
 Get information out there – finding out who to talk to 
 No ability to plan (don't know where to look) 
 Minimize phone trees 
 Small is good 
 Duplication of services is an issue 
 Being able to speak in 1st language is very important 
 More grocery/businesses that offer services not through a third party 
 More varying hours for clinics to accommodate busy life style 
 At a certain age, busses should be free 
 More access to documents online 

Page 18 
Appendix Five 
Sample Best Practice Age Friendly Initiatives 

Oasis Senior Support Living Program, Kingston, ON 
Oasis is a retirement community in Kingston, Ontario. "Due to the high number of seniors living in the 60‐unit 
apartment building, residents decided to self‐organize and form a not‐for‐profit organization that helps plan and 
develop programs and services that collectively serve the needs of seniors living in the building. Among them are onsite 
personal support, common meals, a team of volunteer staff, and a seniors’ lounge created through the in‐kind 
contribution of the building owner… Oasis is not a retirement home, long‐term care home or supportive housing 
program. The residents of Oasis are the decision‐makers on all matters relating to programming and services in the 
OWN Co‐Op Housing Project, Toronto, ON 
"This project was spearheaded by the Older Women’s Network Ontario (OWN), a feminist equality‐seeking nonprofit 
formed to fight poverty, low wages, marriage breakdown, inadequate pensions and poor housing … OWN was 
determined to address the severe housing problems of older women… The complex is designed with good‐sized one‐ 
and two‐bedroom units.  Some have solariums or balconies, all have central air conditioning, seven units are fitted for 
persons with disabilities, and twenty apartments can be made wheelchair‐accessible in the future.  Amenities include 
a ninth‐floor lounge with walkout to an award‐winning roof garden, a library, and meeting rooms for members and 
community use. " 


Beacon Hill Villages in US (founded in Boston) 
In 1999, Beacon Hill Village's founders came together to stay engaged in their own neighbourhood by having a more 
active role in taking care of themselves and each other, as opposed to being "taken care of." The "village" is 
composed of expert staff who provide a variety of services, aswell as volunteers and partners. Ultimately, the 
governance and design of the village are decided on by those who live in the neighbourhood. 


Humanitas Deventer, Netherlands (Amsterdam) 
Started in Amsterdam, Humanitas care homes have allowed six university students to live rent free in return for 
atleast 30 hours of socialization with older residents per month. Amsterdam, at the time was expecting a 
student housing shortage of 9,000 units and also cut funding for seniors over 80. “I think that the students 
influence the whole tone of the conversation here,” CEO Gea Sijpkes explains on the thinking behind her idea. “So 
that it’s not only about death, sickness and old age, but also about youth, about parties, about girlfriends.” Rather 
than a generation gap, these old and young people have become very close by living side‐by‐side." 


Shinkoukai Model, Japan 
"In Japan, the nursing home system had been two tiered: either low quality of care or extremely costly. Nursing 
homes were less culturally accepted because it was thought to be honorable to take care of ones parents into their 
old age, despite the strain this may have on career paths and personal lives. The Japanese Shinkoukai 
model addresses quality of care and affordability in three unique ways: it has a social impact element by employing 
marginalized citizens (including homeless, disabled and non‐Japanese Asians), it ensures high quality care by gaining 
third party certification (the ISO‐9001, a quality rating used by restaurants and hotels), and minimizes costs by 
purchasing unused buildings (farmhouse, dorms, office buildings) and converting them into nursing homes."  

Baba Yaga, France 
"The Baba Yaga model was created by Therese Clerc, who, in her 60s, began thinking hard about how she wanted to 
live in her old age. To learn more about her options, she began visiting seniors homes and talking with residents about 
their experiences. Appalled by what she learned, Therese Clerc rounded up friends and began lobbying French 
politicians to fund what became the baba yaga’s house. It took 13 years, but the women eventually convinced funders 
to construct a six million dollar six‐story women’s only seniors home. The women moved in October 2012.  

Better at Home Transportation Services, South Vancouver, BC 
"Better at Home is a program designed to help seniors live independently in their homes by providing simple, non‐
medical support services, such as light housekeeping and transportation to seniors living in the South Vancouver area. 
Services are charged on a sliding scale based on income. The program is delivered through a partnership between the 
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH), Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS), funding by the 
Government of BC and managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland." 

STAR (Seniors Transportation Access and Resources), Lower Mainland, BC 
"STAR helps seniors age in place and lead healthy, fulfilling lives in communities built around walking, cycling, public 
transit and ride/car share programs…In 2012, following the success of the pilot project, support from the Vancouver 
Foundation enabled STAR to launch transportation service planning with several seniors‐serving agencies in British 
Columbia." They perform needs assessments and execute feasibility studies, build business plans and provide access 
to knowledge and support materials and have developed a network hub so that agencies can connect, discuss 
challenges and solutions, and collaborate in the development of better transportation systems for seniors. They offer 
three types of knowledge and expertise: alternative transportation solutions, social enterprise and community 
development. "STAR is a social enterprise whose activities are charitable. STAR engages in economic activities that 
empower seniors, their families, and their community agencies."        


Retired Brains (USA) 
An information and job source for boomers, retirees and adults preparing for retirement.  Founded by Art Koff, an 80 
year old senior who is grounded in the needs and problems facing Seniors seeking employment. Retired Brains offers 
several sources of volunteer programs ranging from volunteering in Nepal, hosting an exchange student and/or 
working for a charity or non‐profit. 



Peace Corps 50+ (USA) 
Program which enlists the help of Older Adults who are interested in helping the Peace Corp. Activities include 
community learning about business or technology, classroom presentations, and recreational programs for youth 
development. Service can last from three months to two years and participants are given a choice of country, type of 
work and timing of when they volunteer. 


Evergreen Seniors Community Centre, Guelph, ON  
The Evergreen Seniors Community Centre is a 25,000‐square‐foot, recreation facility that is wheelchair accessible. 
"The Centre has a gymnasium/auditorium, several activity/meeting rooms, snooker room, a lending library, a health 
room, a computer lab, and a public dining room." Free lunch delivery is offered to three apartments. Programs 
include Ballroom dancing, Cardio dance, Celtic dance, Chair yoga. Technology programs include getting started, 
computer maintenance, computer mentoring, purchasing a computer, skype, and smartphones." 


Human Endeavour, Vaughan, ON 
"Human Endeavour is a not‐for‐profit organization in Vaughan that has as its mission a promise to serve diverse 
seniors through its award‐winning wellness programs and through the new initiative, HOPE adult day program for frail 
ethno‐cultural seniors." Began in 2012 by creating a welcoming environment for seniors so that they can engage in a 
variety of social, recreational, physical and mind‐stimulating activities. This program is for people who have suffered 
from stroke or who exhibit conditions of dementia and Alzheimer’s or are too frail. 


Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston and River Market, Arkansas 
Malls like Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston and River Market in Little Rock, Arkansas, are malls, but function as 
public gathering places. They include quirky stores, food outlets, performance space, public or private meetings, and 
access to parks, walking trails, and other attractions. Malls have Walking tracks, indoor spaces in climates where such 
spaces are needed, and safe places to gather.   

RISE (Reach Isolated Seniors Everywhere), Canada 
National campaign in Canada to gather organizations and individuals across the country to spread awareness of social 
isolation. Some programs described include: 

 "REACH (Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger) and Street Culture Youth have a partnership to 
provide delivery service and a REACH food security program for seniors. Youth are paid to deliver frozen 
meals and staples to seniors. Seniors receive meals and have a conversation with youth couriers. The 
initiative is receiving good feedback from seniors and the couriers are encouraged to call REACH if one of the 
seniors where they delivered a meal seems unwell." 
 "L.I.N.K.S. (Live Independently and Keep Social) is a volunteer group that supports older isolated adults and 
helps them stay involved in their community. Volunteers are matched with seniors and help them with 
recreation and social activities, registration and transportation options until they gain confidence to 
participate independently. Referrals come from individuals, family, friends and the medical community, 
creating a community safety net for isolated seniors or for those at risk of social isolation." 


City of Boston 
Provides several forms of communication for its Older Adult population. The city publishes the Boston Seniority 
Magazine which deals with all events and interests of older "Bostians." The City has a weekly cable television and 
radio show called the "Boston Seniors Count" which invites experts to discuss topics related to Older Adults. In 
addition, Older Adults may also tune into the "Don't Retire, Inspire" television show which showcases Older Adults in 
the community sharing stories and wisdom. 


Stitcher Retirement Talk for Boomers, Seniors and Retirees 
"Retirement Talk is a weekly podcast intended for seniors, boomers and retirees, examining all aspects of retirement: 
actions, ideas, memories, and plans. We will consider travel, life goals, family, community, exercise, relocating, 
housing, continuing education, friends, health, and end of life issues." 

Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON 
"Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto has created a model of best practices that improved care for seniors and saved 
money… The Acute Care for Elders (ACE) initiative suggests that teams of specialist doctors, nurses, social workers, 
therapists, pharmacists, dieticians and volunteers to provide coordinated care for patients…the model suggests tools 
to help emergency room staff identify high‐risk seniors. It offers protocols for issues common to the elderly such as 
medication management, pain control, falls and pressure ulcers. It seeks to reduce the use of urinary catheters and to 
take several steps in discharging patients and following up to ensure they do not become confused, fall or need to 
return to the hospital… among patients over the age of 65, there was a 28 per cent drop in the lengths of stay, 14 per 
cent fewer readmissions within 30 days, a 93 per cent decline in pressure ulcers and 74 per cent less use of urinary 
catheters. It also saved the hospital close to $6.7 million in 2014." 


Preventive Home Visits (PHV), Denmark 
"Since 1998, all Danish municipalities have been required by law to offer the PHV to all citizens aged 75 and older. 
Danish health care is financed by the public sector, and municipalities deliver various services to older citizens under 
legislation established by the central government… Home visits are usually carried out by trained nurses who offer 
advice and support on health and social issues. They do not diagnose, prescribe medication or refer older adults to 
specialist doctors… The PHV model is based on the practice of care as negotiation. This means that home visits are by 
invitation and offered twice a year. Older citizens who accept them choose what they want to share with the health‐
promotion staff… About 80 per cent of all Danish seniors regularly participate in the program… Studies showed PHV 
home visits have led to raising 80‐year‐olds’ functional levels; have led to fewer nursing‐home days; have led to fewer 
falling accidents, and have delayed the need to move an older person into a nursing home."


Fredericia Model, Denmark
The Model that got started because of a pair of socks. "Imagine I’m an elderly woman and I’m having trouble putting 
on my control socks. Instead of a caretaker coming to my home twice a day to put them on and take them off, under 
this new model [sic]… personal trainer would come to my home and work with me to get stronger on a 6‐8 week 
program so that I can manage my socks myself. There are immediate cost savings (8 wks vs. twice daily forever) and 
preventative cost savings to the health system since I am healthier in general [sic]… I feel empowered by the system, 
not at the mercy of it [sic]… They ask a very simple question… “What would you like to be able to do again?”, focusing 
on bringing back the ability to function in a self reliant way. The public service is treated as an intervention rather 
than a long term relationship with the citizen [sic]." 

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