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[ 20 marks ]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. It is recess time. The pupils are buying food at the ___________________.

A. classroom C. office

B. canteen D. hospital

2. The man is jogging in the ________________.

A. playground C. park

B. supermarket D. school

3. Marlisa is preparing some _______________ in the kitchen.

A. sandwiches C. chilly

B. sandwich D. potato

4. He made the kite _____________________.

A. myself C. himself

B. itself D. herself

5. They collected the books _______________.

A. herself C. yourself

B. myself D. themselves

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. Every month, I transfer part of my salary into a savings account because it is

important to _______________________________

A. save for a rainy day.

B. live for today for tomorrow never comes.

C. lend your money and lose your friend.

D. keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Ibrahim and his family are at the park. A __________(7) of birds are flying over the trees. There

is a beautiful pond under the trees and a ______________ (8) of fish is swimming in it. Rahim

saw a _______________ (9) of bees hovering around a beehive. His mother warned him not to

go near it.

7. A. crew B. flock C. fleet D. gang

8. A. school B. team C. herd D. pack

9. A. pack B. swarm C. group D. team

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. Salmah’s teachers prepared exciting activities for their annual Family Day.

A. interesting C. challenging

B. boring D. adventurous

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Mother prepared Sandwiches, Chicken Nuggets and Sausages in a basket.

B. Mother prepared Sandwiches, Chicken, Nuggets and Sausages in a basket.

C. Mother prepared sandwiches, chicken nuggets and sausages, in a basket.

D. Mother prepared sandwiches, chicken nuggets and sausages in a basket.

Question 12-15
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

It is Saturday. Sonia and her family are working in their______________(12). Sonia is

collecting dead leaves _________________(13)putting them into a bag. Her father is using a

_______________(14)to dig the ground while her mother is watering the plants. Sonia’s brother

is trimming _______________(15)hedge.

12. A. orchard B. porch C. garden D. farm

13. A. and B. while C. but D. because

14. A. rake B. hoe C. spade D. shovel

15. A. a B. an C. - D. the

Questions 16 to 20

Read the poster below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

16. Where is the Family Day going to be held?

A. Classroom and school hall
B. School hall and school field
C. School Field and library
D. Canteen and school hall

17. Who will give a speech at the event?
A. En. Danial Zaini
B. Headmaster of Sekolah Kebangsaan Muhibah
C. Parents
D. Secretary of Parent-Teacher Association

18. Who do you think can join the event?

A. Teachers only
B. Teachers and parents
C. Parents only
D. Parents and children

19. The event is organized by ____________________.

A. The Parent-Teacher Association
B. Chairperson of Parent-Teacher Association
C. Sekolah Kebangsaan Muhibah
D. En. Danial Zani

20. The sentence enjoy the wide variety of food and beverages tells us that
A. there will be only burger stalls
B. there will be only milo stall
C. there will be variety of dishes and drink stalls
D. there will be variety of drink stalls


[ 30 marks ]

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

What are you

(a) doing, dad?



(2 marks)





(2 marks)



I left my _________________________________
textbook at
home. _________________________________

(2 marks)

Read the recipe below and answer the questions that follow.

Honey Chicken
Preparation and cooking time : 20 to 25 minutes
Serving : 6 persons

1 chicken , cut into small pieces
½ tablespoon of salt
½ cup of oil for deep frying
1 onion – peeled and shredded
2 red chillies, remove seeds and cut into pieces

2 tablespoon of sauce
½ tablespoon of light soy sauce
½ tablespoon of dark soy sauce
½ tablespoon of sugar
100ml of water

1. Mix chicken pieces with salt. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown.
2. Leave 1 tablespoon of oil in wok. Fry quickly garlic, onion and red chillies until
3. Add fried chicken and cook until the sauce has thickened. Dish up and serve.

Question 22

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) The chicken pieces have to be deep-fried in hot oil until …..


yellow brown

golden brown
(1 mark)
(b) How long does it take to prepare and cook this dish?

Less than 20 minutes

Less than half an hour

An hour
(1 mark)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

( c) List two ingredients needed to cook honey chicken.



(2 marks)
(d) How many servings does the recipe provide?


(2 marks)

(e) Why do you think it is needed to fry quickly the ingredients?



(2 marks)

Read the pie chart below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) How much does Carmen spend in a month?

[1 mark]

(b) Carmen has just received an angpao. Besides those shown in the chart, how
else can Carmen spend her money wisely?

Buy some storybooks.

Buy some mobile games.
Pay some friends to finish her homework for her. [1 mark]

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given
List A List B
Carmen does not spend any on food.
Carmen spends the least as her pocket money.
Carmen has a total of RM100 on toys.
Carmen spends the most on clothes.
[2 marks]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) Why do you think we should always save money?

[2 marks]

(e) Is Carmen spending her money wisely? Give a reason to support your answer.

[2 marks]

Study the poster and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

RM 15.00 RM15.00


Anna is looking for a birthday present for her elder brother at the Little Ben’s store. She also wants to
buy some storybooks and stationery. She meets her friend, Zeus, at the store.
Anna : Hi, Zeus. What are you doing here?
Zeus : Hi, Anna. I want to buy a ruler, some storybooks and a toy car. I am using my
pocket money to buy them. However, I do not have enough money to buy all of
them. What should I do?
Anna : How much money do you have?
Zeus : I have RM30. A ruler costs RM2.50, a storybook costs RM15.00 and a toy car
costs RM25.00.
Anna : Oh, I see. The toy car is too expensive. Why don’t you buy a ruler and a storybook
now? You can keep the change and start saving some of your pocket money. You
can buy it when you have enough money.
Zeus : That’s a good idea. Thank you for your advice, Anna.
Anna : You are most welcome.

Question 24
Tick ( √) the correct answer.
(a) Anna bought a storybook and a ruler. How much did Anna spend?

RM15.00 [1 mark]

(b) ‘You can buy it when you have enough money.’

The word it in the dialogue refers to the .

toy car
[1 mark]

Question 25

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(a) ‘You can keep the change and start saving some of your pocket money.’

Why do you think Anna said that?

[2 marks]

(b) Anna’s elder brother loves outdoor activities. Suggest an item from the Little Ben’s

Store for his birthday present and give a reason to support your suggestion.

[2 marks]

(c) How did Zeus want to buy a ruler, some story books and a toy car?


[2 marks]



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