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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: The Great Depression Name: Ivan Raspudic

Content Area: US History Grade Level: 11
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

11.6 Students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role
of the federal government.
1. Describe the monetary issues of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that gave rise to the establishment of the
Federal Reserve and the weaknesses in key sectors of the economy in the late 1920s.
2. Understand the explanations of the principal causes of the Great Depression and the steps taken by the Federal Reserve,
Congress, and Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt to combat the economic crisis.
3. Discuss the human toll of the Depression, natural disasters, and unwise agricultural practices and their effects on the
depopulation of rural regions and on political movements of the left and right, with particular attention to the Dust Bowl refugees
and their social and economic impacts in California.
4. Analyze the effects of and the controversies arising from New Deal economic policies and the expanded role of the federal
government in society and the economy since the 1930s (e.g., Works Progress Administration, Social Security, National Labor
Relations Board, farm programs, regional development policies, and energy development projects such as the Tennessee Valley
Authority, California Central Valley Project, and Bonneville Dam).

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

-Economic aftermath of WWI

-Black Tuesday
-New Deal
-Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs
-Life during the Great Depression
-The Dust Bowl
Unit Summary:

This unit covers several sections my addressing The Great Depression and The New Deal. The overall goal is for students to
understand the multiple causes of The Great Depression and reflect on whether another depression of its caliber is possible
currently. The unit starts by talking about the causes and then the policies that Herbert Hoover used to cope with the depression.
After Hoover, the unit will focus on what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did to combat the depression. Students will be performing
assessments that ask for them to look at multiple primary source documents, take written lecture notes with a reading guide, and
even create their own fireside chat about a current event!

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
•Entry-level: Students will start the unit  Supply-Side Economics Simulation:  ESP Test:
by playing a document scramble game in Students will re-enact the motions of a Students will be creating a tri-fold that
heterogeneous groups based on language supply-side economy by play in groups describes and analyzes key events and
proficiency. of six with one person as a business items from the unit. The topics are
owner and the rest a employees. Tax based on political, social, and economic
rates are cut every turn to simulate the issues from the section.
style of economics and the business
owners win by making the most  Document Based Writing Sample:
money. Students will write three separate
paragraphs answering a question of
 Farming during the depression their choice from a pool of five
simulation: questions.
Students will reenact being a farmer
during The Great Depression. Students
are given a $2,000 loan from the
teacher and need to buy seeds to crops
to grow along with livestock.

 Quizlet Flash Vocab:

Students will be completing a series of
flash cards on key terms and events
during The Great Depression. This will
familiarize them with key events for the

 Kahoot! Review:
Students will be taking a 20 question
review on their phones through the
app Kahoot! Students will be assessed
on their final score out of 20 to prepare
them for the unit test.

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Students will record (Assessments): Students will follow a prezi presentation from the teacher that requires students to record information
information from a Students will show their and think critically about the content they are recording. Students will be recording notes on a
teacher’s mini-lecture notes to the teacher and supplementary guided notes hand out to help organize the material.
while answering questions also show proof they
throughout. recorded an answer on t
questions through the
guided notes.
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will track and Students will turn in their Students will follow links that are on a handout through their electronic device. As they hunt for the
analyze the causes of the scavenger hunt style information, students will record their findings on the handout.
Dust Bowl and the effects handout after following the
on the population in the links and hunting down the
region. information from each
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will compare the Students must provide at Students will gather information from the text book on the administrative policies and programs of the
policies and programs least three bullet points on two presidents that presided over the Great Depression.
created by Hoover and FDR. their handout in order to
receive full credit.
Information must include
complete sentences and be
meaningful to the unit.
Unit Resources:
 Life Comparison to the Great Depression
 FDR Presidential Library Collection
 PBS Documentary
 Food Stamp Pamphlet
 Fireside Chat for Social Security

Useful Websites:
 Declaration of War on Poverty
 Political Cartoons Collection
 Great Depression Timeline
 Crash Course
 Modern Comparison to the Great Depression

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