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Case 3:18-mj-01979-JMA Document 1 Filed 04/25/18 PageID.

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_ _ __JEPUTY

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Magistrate Docket No.

Plaintiff, ~ 18MJ1979
) Title 8, USC 1324(a)(l)(A}(ii)
) Transportation of Illegal Aliens
Mambasse Koulabalo PATARA, )
Defendant. )
The undersigned complainant being, duly sworn, states:
On or about April 24, 2018, within the Southern District of California, defendant Mambasse
Koulabalo PATARA, with the intent to violate the immigration laws of the United States,
knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that certain aliens, namely, Fermin LOPEZ and
German RAMIREZ-Gonzalez, had come to, entered and remained in the United States in
violation of law, did transport and move, said aliens within the United States in furtherance of
such violation of law; in violation of Title 8, United States Code, Section 1324(a)(l)(A)(ii).

And the complainant further states that this complaint is based on the attached statement of
facts, which is incorporated herein by reference.

David R. Steiman
Border Patrol Agent


THIS 25th DAY OF April,2018 .
~r.i:~ JAN . ADLER ··
~"'Y!.V\ . United States Magistrate Judge
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Mambasse Koulabalo PATARA


Furthermore, the complainant states that Fermin LOPEZ and German RAMIREZ-Gonzalez, are ·
citizens of a country other than the United States; that said aliens have admitted that they are
exportable; that their testimony is material, that it is impracticable to secure their attendance at
the trial by subpoena; and they are material witnesses in relation to this criminal charge and
should be held or admitted to bail pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 3144.

On April 24, 2018, Border Patrol Agents F. Gamez and A. Moreno were assigned to the
Interstate 8 Border Patrol Immigration checkpoint near Pine Valley, California. The checkpoint
is located approximately twelve miles north of the United States/Mexico International
Boundary, and eight miles east of the Tecate, California Port of Entry. All warnings signs,
cones and lights were operational.

At approximately 12:15 AM, Agent Gamez observed a Black 2006 Toyota Corolla four door
sedan approach the primary inspection area. Agent Gamez noticed the vehicle was occupied by
a driver, later identified as Mambasse Koulabalo PATARA, a male front passenger, later
identified as German RAMIREZ-Gonzalez, and another individual sleeping in the backseat later
identified as Fermin LOPEZ.

As the vehicle came to a complete stop at the primary position, PATARA immediately stated he
is a United States Citizen, an off duty police officer and showed a Los Angeles Police
Department identification card. PATARA appeared to be nervous and was visibly shaking.
PATARA also stated the LAPD does not give their officers badges. Agent Gamez immediately
noticed RAMIREZ appeared very nervous and constantly kept looking away and avoided eye

Agent Gamez asked PATARA what LOPEZ' citizenship was. PATARA said LOPEZ is a
United States citizen. Agent Gamez then woke up LOPEZ. and asked him where he was from
and if he was a United States citizen. LOPEZ said yes but answered as ifhe didnt understand
the question. Agent Gamez repeated his questions in the Spanish language and LOPEZ said he
is a United States citizen and did not have any kind of photographic identification.

Agent Gamez asked PATARA where they were coming from. P ATARA said they were
coming from the Golden Acorn Casino. PATARA and LOPEZ appeared very nervous, and due
to this behavior, Agent Gamez referred the subjects and vehicle to secondary inspection for
further questioning and document checks.
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Mambasse Koulabalo PATARA

As the vehicle pulled into the secondary inspection area, Border Patrol Agent A. Moreno
approached it and began to talk to the PATARA. At this point, PATARA informed Agent
Moreno that he was a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department and that he was in
possession of his service issued weapon. PATARA handed Agent Moreno what appeared to be
a legitimate Los Angeles Police Department identification card. Agent Moreno then had
PATARA exit the vehicle. Agent Moreno performed a pat down on PATARA, discovered a
pistol concealed in the rear of PATARA's waistband and secured the weapon. Agent Moreno
then performed an immigration inspection on both RAMIREZ and LOPEZ. Both RAMIREZ
and LOPEZ stated that they did not possess immigration documents that would allow them to
enter or remain in the United States legally.

PATARA, RAMIREZ and LOPEZ were transported to the Campo Border Patrol Station for
further investigation. At the station, both RAMIREZ and LOPEZ were queried through various
Department of Homeland Security databases. RAMIREZ and LOPEZ were confirmed to be
illegally present in the United States. At approximately 1:30 AM, PATARA, RAMIREZ, and
LOPEZ were placed under arrest.

Material witnesses Fermin LOPEZ, and German RAMIREZ-Gonzalez admitted to being

citizens of Mexico illegally present in the United States. Neither of the material witnesses
claimed to have made any smuggling arrangements.

LOPEZ stated that he illegally entered the United States along with RAMIREZ, his nephew, on
April 22, 2018 between the hours often and eleven in the morning. LOPEZ stated that they
walked for a day and a half before reaching the Golden Acorn Casino. LOPEZ stated that once
arriving at the casino, he washed up in one of the bathrooms. Shortly after exiting the
bathroom, RAMIREZ informed him that he was able to procure transportation. LOPEZ was
unsure how RAMIREZ was able to convince an unknown person to give them a ride. LOPEZ
was instructed by RAMIREZ to get into the black four door sedan. LOPEZ sat in the rear seat
until they arrived at the Border Patrol checkpoint.

RAMIREZ claimed he and LOPEZ illegally crossed the border six days prior. They were able
to get a ride to Los Angeles, California by an unknown individual. RAMIREZ continued to say
he has known PATARA for about five years. RAMIREZ referred to PATARA by his first
name. RAMIREZ also said he has done some work on PATARA's property. Referring to his
arrest with PATARA, RAMIREZ said that he decided to travel with P ATARA from San
Fontana, California to the Viejas Casino in Alpine, California. They gambled at the
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Mambasse Koulabalo PATARA

Viejas Casino for approximately one hour then they decided to go to the Golden Acorn
Casino in Campo, California. He stated that they were at the Golden Acorn Casino for
approximately I 0 to 15 minutes. They left the casino between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM and drove
towards Los Angeles. When asked if they had made any stops, RAMIREZ stated that they
drove directly from the casino to the checkpoint. When asked if he !mew how long the drive is
from the casino to the checkpoint, he replied that we should know that since we work the area.
RAMIREZ stated that the vehicle never traveled east of the Golden Acorn Casino. RAMIREZ
was asked how it was possible for a 15-20 minute drive to the checkpoint took over three hours
RAMIREZ stated that he does not know.

When presented with a photographic lineup Material witness German RAMIREZ-Gonzalez was
able to positively identify PATARA as the driver in this smuggling event.

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