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PAPER NO.: 134

Second generation of two-stage turbocharging
Power2 systems for medium speed gas and diesel
Thomas Behr, ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland
Markus Kahi, ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland
Armin Reichl, ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland
Melanie Hubacher, ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland

Abstract: The most important technology drivers ferent temperature levels and flow area requirements.
in the development of modern four-stroke medium And, as contamination build-up is not comparable, this
speed engines are high total engine efficiencies, low results in different turbine cleaning concepts. Com-
operating costs and high power density while comply- pressor stage designs are specifically optimized for
ing with ever more stringent emission legislation. In two-stage requirements. Consequently dedicated de-
addition, optimization of initial costs has been con- signs, highly efficient and compact turbochargers are
sidered during development to allow for short pay- being realized. Low and high pressure turbocharg-
back time and thus for a competitive advantage in the ers will be based on the new concept of an extended
area of power generation where reciprocating engines cartridge which will facilitate service down times even
compete with gas turbines. Improvement in all areas shorter than those on existing single stage applica-
mentioned above can be achieved with the applica- tions. The second generation system is the result of a
tion of the latest turbocharging technologies. ABB Tur- step change development process motivated by field
bocharging is currently developing the second gen- experience gathered from first generation serial sys-
eration two-stage turbocharging system for medium tems. Studies presented at the CIMAC conference in
speed gas and diesel engines. The work comprises 2007 revealed that two-stage turbocharging systems
a complete portfolio with four sizes covering the entire would soon become a commercially attractive alter-
power range of large medium speed engines. All com- native to state-of-the-art single stage turbochargers.
ponents of this new system will be fully optimized for Three years later, the first two-stage turbocharger de-
combined use in the two-stage system. Completely signs for medium and high speed gas and diesel en-
new designs are being developed for the thermody- gines were presented. The first serial engine appli-
namic components. The focus is on high efficien- cations were introduced to the market with claimed
cies for fuel savings, system compactness and flexi- benefits proven. With the development of the sec-
ble operation. Axial turbines will be applied for both ond generation Power2 turbocharging system, ABB
low and high pressure stage. The turbine stage de- Turbocharging provides an optimized technology en-
signs take into account the diverging needs between abling full exploitation of the advantages of two-stage
high and low pressure sides. These result from dif- turbocharging for large medium speed engines.

©CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai

The most important technology drivers in the
development of modern four-stroke medium
speed engines are high total engine efficiencies,
low operating costs, and high power density while
complying with ever more stringent emission
legislation [1]. In addition, optimization of initial
costs has been considered during development to
allow for short pay-back time and thus for a
competitive advantage in the area of power
generation where reciprocating engines compete
with gas turbines. Improvement in all areas
mentioned above can be achieved with the
application of the latest turbocharging
technologies [2] [3]. Figure 1: A100-M cutaway view
The use of gaseous fuels driven by emission The first two sizes of this turbocharger platform
compliance and fuel prices is nowadays common are to be released in 2013.
for many applications while liquid fuels such as
HFO, MDO and diesel oil have been dominating A much higher boost pressure and higher
these engine segments for decades. turbocharging efficiencies are required to fully
exploit the benefits of the Miller cycle. These can
These circumstances have led to strong be achieved by the application of two-stage
development activities on both diesel and gas turbocharging systems.
versions of the large medium speed engines. High
pressure turbocharging technologies are in both The first generation of two-stage turbocharging –
cases a key enabler to achieve the design targets. the “Power2 first generation” – is already
successfully in use since 2010 [4] [5] [6]. Two
The increased pressure and efficiency is utilized system frame sizes have been released for serial
in different ways between the diesel and gas production. Until today around 50 Power2
engine. systems have been taken into operation. By now,
front runner systems have acquired more than
For Diesel engines, Miller cycle and high pressure 10’000 operating hours. Engine efficiency gains
turbocharging, in particular two-stage and emissions reduction clearly beyond the
turbocharging systems, enables for substantial potential of any single stage system have been
reduction of NOx emissions while improving fuel demonstrated. Forecasts were even exceeded.
efficiency at the same time. Alternatively, highly
fuel optimized designs are possible when an SCR The next major step in the development of
catalyst (Selective Catalytic Reduction) is applied turbocharging systems for large medium speed
for subsequent treatment of the exhaust gases to engines will be the “Power2 second generation”.
reduce NOx emissions down to the required level. With the second generation system pressures of
up to 12 bar and efficiency levels of over 80% are
The Miller cycle in combination with high pressure possible with an intercooler temperature of 55 °C.
turbocharging technology is applied also for gas This new Power2 800-M platform will be
engines. Here it is the key to avoid the knocking discussed in detail in the main section of this
phenomena thus lead to improved engine paper.
efficiency, power density as well as good altitude

Moderate Miller cycles require up to 6 bar boost

pressure and up to 70% turbocharger efficiency.
These applications can still be covered with
1-stage turbocharging. For this purpose a new
single stage turbocharger type with axial turbine
has been designed for large medium speed
engines, extending the A100-M generation. A
cutaway view of A100-M is presented in Figure 1.

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 2

reasonable levels of fuel consumption or thermal
load. Nonetheless the remaining NOx emissions
BENEFITS OF POWER2 are considerably lower such that leaner EGR or
SCR systems can be utilized.
Two-stage turbocharging is a key technology
contributing to the simultaneous reduction of fuel 105

consumption and emissions as well as enabling Reference Miller - 2-stage turbocharging

0 Ref IMO1
an increase of engine power density [7] [8] [9].

Specific Fuel Consumption [%]

7' 1 2-stage
2 Power
Area of achieved results
3 Miller 1
Two-stage turbocharging allows for a large 100
2 0 4 Overlap1
reduction of NOx emissions in diesel engines, 5 Miller 2
6 Overlap 2
complying with many of the emission regulations 7 Injection
worldwide. For most stringent rules like IMO Tier 4
3, two-stage turbocharging can be seamlessly 95
integrated with EGR or SCR. Challenges
• part load 7
• engine start
Two-stage turbocharging combined with the Miller • cold combustion
cycle on four-stroke engines allows a reduction up 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 [%]
NOx 160

to 9% of the specific fuel consumption -

considering same NOx emissions - compared to
the 1-stage turbocharged counterpart. Figure 2: BSFC - NOx trade-off [7] [10]

Furthermore two-stage turbocharging supports The air and gas states in the intake and exhaust
engine power densities well beyond today's most receiver are important boundary conditions for the
advanced levels with a related potential to reduce gas exchange and in-cylinder process of the
specific initial cost of future solutions. internal combustion engine set by the
turbocharging system. In particular, the difference
In the first part of this chapter the main between intake and exhaust pressure (engine
advantages of two-stage turbocharging are briefly pressure drop) is relevant for the engine
described, while in the second part the operation, as it has a direct impact on the gas
characteristics of ABB’s second generation two- exchange process. In general, a large pressure
stage turbochargers are presented. drop translates into fuel saving.

Fuel consumption and NOx emissions The driving parameters of the engine pressure
drop can be isolated with simple considerations
Extreme Miller cycle allow for an appreciable about the energy balance on the turbocharger
reduction of the overall cycle temperature. This shaft [11]. The pressure difference over the
has a direct positive impact on the NOx emissions engine is a function of the overall pressure ratio,
without affecting the engine efficiency. Figure 2 the product of turbine inlet temperature and
shows that the engine operation in the well-known turbocharging efficiency (expressed by parameter
bsfc-NOx trade-off diagram is shifted towards a c in Equation 1) for constant ambient conditions,
clearly favorable region if combined with the high system losses and overall air/fuel ratio. From
turbocharging efficiency provided by two-stage Figure 3 and Equation 1, the following becomes
turbocharging. obvious: Turbocharging efficiency and turbine inlet
temperature have the same effect on the engine
When fully exploiting the potential of Miller cycle pressure drop.
and two-stage turbocharging, simulation predicts
a NOx reduction of up to 70% and fuel savings of ̇
up to 9% compared to a 1-stage reference. The ̇
blue line shows the steps along the optimization
path to reach the new trade-off curve. Power2 in As a matter of fact, high turbocharging efficiency
combination with power density increase, Miller is beneficial for any internal combustion engine as
timing and lower valve overlap achieves a it improves the engine pressure drop. On a four-
considerable benefit. Measurements shown in stroke engine it can be assumed that a minimum
Figure 2 support the simulation results obtained pressure drop is required to assure proper gas
from first two-stage series applications. exchange and scavenging in order to account for
the flow losses through the valves (pumping
However, it seems that NOx emissions compliant work). Every excess value of the pressure drop is
with IMO Tier 3 cannot be reached with Miller converted directly into piston work and contributes
cycle and two-stage turbocharging alone at to improve engine cycle efficiency.

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 3

pRec - pTI Compactness
c=2.4 ηT=0.8
[bar] TTI=550 C
3.5 For a given intercooler temperature, overall
TTI=520 C c=2.2 pressure ratio and component efficiency, a
3.0 defined LP-compressor pressure ratio can be
determined for a maximal exploitation of the
4-stroke/ 2-stage intercooling, and therefore maximization of the
turbocharging efficiency.

1.5 The trade-off between equivalent turbocharger

efficiency and turbine size is shown in Figure 4.
1.0 With Power2 second generation the pressure ratio
split between LP and HP compressor stage is
0.5 4-stroke/ 1-stage
chosen slightly right of the one corresponding to
2-stroke/ 1-stage the optimum of TC efficiency. This definition yields
ηT=0.6 smaller LP turbine area and therefore a more
compact design of the LP turbocharger. The HP
ηT=0.5 turbine area is less affected by a split change.
c=1.4 c=1.6 c=1.8
-1.0 80.5% 300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Equivalent TC efficiency
Pressure ratio pC Effective LP turbine area
Equivalent TC efficiency
80.0% 250

Effective turbine area

Effective HP turbine area
Figure 3: Engine pressure drop over pressure 79.5% 200
ratio [10]

Design point
79.0% 150
With an unchanged engine configuration, an
improvement of turbocharging efficiency produces 78.5% 100
mainly a reduction of the turbine inlet temperature
offsetting some of the benefits. However a valve 78.0% 50
timing adjustment for a constant temperature
permits full use of the turbocharging efficiency for
engine efficiency improvement. Figure 4: Eq. TC efficiency vs. turbine area

Higher pressure ratio at a given air/fuel ratio Performance Potential

means either higher brake mean effective To show the potential of Power2 second
pressures or higher Miller effect. The latter is generation an example of two different engine
connected with some cycle efficiency losses designs is presented in Figure 5 based on
(Miller loss) which increase with pressure ratio. simulations. In this example an intercooler
These losses can be compensated by a high temperature of 55 °C and 70 °C is assumed, this
turbocharging efficiency, which is then essential to declaration is necessary with regard to ηTC,eq.
make extreme Miller with high engine efficiency Pressure losses between compressors are
© ABB Group
feasible. Figure 3 shows that
Novemberfor higher
29, 2012 | Slide 9 pressure assumed to be 50 mbar and between turbines
ratios a higher turbocharging efficiency is even pressure losses are negligible which was already
more important. measured on a two-stage application. With these
assumptions ηTC,eq > 80% can be achieved at full
Flexibility load.
The high turbocharging efficiency achievable with 85%
two stage turbocharging allows the delivery of the
required air pressure in an efficient way and
additional power due to the improvement in the 75%
Eq. TC efficiency

gas exchange process. 70%

65% A100-M
Intensified Miller cycle and increased power Power2 800-M PIC=9, TIC=55°C
density both drive boost pressure and 60%
Power2 800-M PIC=9, TIC=70°C
turbocharging efficiency requirements. A solution 55% Power2 800-M PIC=12, TIC=55°C
is offered providing pressure ratios up to 12 and Power2 800-M PIC=12, TIC=70°C
turbocharging efficiency more than 75% that 2 4 6 8 10 12
meets all requirements for next engine Pressure ratio
generations [12] with ABB’s Power2 second
generation turbocharging. Figure 5: Eq. TC efficiency over PIC

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 4

Thermodynamic boundary conditions and engine
requirements of turbochargers operating in a two-
stage system differ from the ones of 1-stage
turbochargers. Consequently, the design of
turbochargers intended for two-stage applications
has to reflect these differences in order to achieve
an optimum performance.

For the second generation of two-stage

turbocharging systems ABB decided to develop
entirely new turbocharger designs, which are
especially optimized for two-stage requirements.
Field experiences gained with the first generation
have been incorporated in the design to ensure
optimum performance and reliability. Figure 7 Power2 800-M: High-pressure
The concepts of the new high-pressure and low-
pressure turbocharger have been deduced from
Ease of service
the following three main design targets:
Engine availability is a key factor for achieving
 Ease of service optimal economic performance. Consequently, the
time required for service work needs to be
 Optimum performance reduced to a minimum. In case of two-stage
turbocharging this aspect becomes even more
 Compactness important as there are twice as many
turbochargers to be serviced. During development
These targets have been pursued during of the new turbocharger generation, service
development without compromises starting from friendliness has been considered from the very
the overall turbocharger concept down to detail beginning. The designated goal was to reduce
design solutions. The translation of the targets service time of the complete two-stage system
into turbocharger design is explained in more below the reference value of current 1-stage
detail in the next sections. turbochargers.

Cross-sectional cuts of the new LP and HP Today ABB turbocharger series TPL and A100-M
turbocharger designs are presented in Figure 6 for medium speed engines feature the so-called
and Figure 7. “cartridge” group, consisting of the rotor, bearings
and directly related casings. After removal of the
air casings it is possible to perform a quick
exchange of the cartridge from the cold side of the
turbocharger. With this concept it is not necessary
to access any hot gas casings during service.

For the second generation turbochargers the

proven cartridge concept has been enhanced in
order to further reduce service time. All working
steps of a standard service have been analyzed in
detail prior to the development, including detailed
feedback from the ABB service network. Time
consuming tasks have been identified, i.e.
removing turbocharger insulation, and assimilated
into the new design. Based on these findings the
so called Extended Cartridge concept has been
Figure 6 Power2 800-M: Low-pressure
turbocharger The idea behind the Extended Cartridge is a
turbocharger which has an outer shell, consisting
of compressor casing and gas casings, and a

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 5

cartridge group which contains the entire interior Optimum performance
of the turbocharger. In order to exchange the
cartridge during service, only the air inlet casing Overall system efficiency results from the
together with the insert wall of the compressor individual performance of various turbocharger
needs to be removed. All other interfaces to the components. Naturally, major contributors are
engine, such as oil connections, air outlet flange compressor and turbine stages. Additionally, the
connection, gas inlet and gas outlet flange design frame work around these components
connections, remain untouched. Furthermore needs to be considered to achieve an optimum
there is no need to remove the insulation of the system performance. Therefore, the design of flow
turbocharger anymore since only the flange channels and subsystems has been optimized
connection of the air inlet needs to be accessed specifically during development of the new
during service. A visualization of the Extended turbochargers.
Cartridge concept is presented in Figure 8. Parts
shaded in grey remain untouched during service. Air inlet casings
The cartridge group is marked in blue. The inlet diameter of the impeller wheel and blade
height increase significantly due to the high
A dedicated tool has been developed together specific volume flow of the low-pressure
with the Extended Cartridge Concept, which compressor stage. The flow channel design of the
enables quick exchange of the cartridge. The tool air inlet casings needs to account for this design
is used to extract or to insert the cartridge change. The air inlet flow needs to be turned by
from/into the turbocharger casing. Due to the fact an angle of 90° in the case of the radial suction
that the associated assembly processes do not branch. Flow turning should be realized with the
require the help of a crane, delays due to limited smallest space demand at minimum aerodynamic
crane availability or limited accessibility of the losses despite the increased diameter at the
turbocharges can be avoided. This aspect branch outlet. Furthermore, a homogeneous flow
becomes more important with two-stage distribution at impeller inlet is required to limit
turbocharging systems as the number of blade excitation. In order to be able to satisfy all
turbochargers increases. A crane is needed only requirements, an optimization algorithm has been
once for lifting down the cartridge to the applied in combination with numerical simulations.
transportation pallet and back. Service time has Figure 9 gives insight into the design process,
been further reduced with the help of the newly including design space definitions and final
developed tool. design. As a result of the optimization a pareto-
optimal design has been obtained, which attains
about 20% reduction in blade vibration excitation
potential and about 7% reduction in pressure drop
with respect to the initial design.

Figure 8 Extended Cartridge concept

Another contribution to engine downtime reduction a) b)

is the inspection of turbochargers by endoscopy.
With this method the condition of compressor and Figure 9 Numerical optimization of LP air
turbine stages can be checked avoiding suction branch, a) Design range
unnecessary removal of the cartridge group. b) Optimization result
Endoscopic inspections are offered by ABB
service stations [13]. Gas outlet flow channel
The flow channel from the exit of the turbine rotor
until the outlet flange of the gas outlet casing
represents a major challenge for aerodynamic
design. The flow leaving the turbine rotor in the
axial direction will be decelerated in the turbine
diffuser before it has to be redirected by 90
degrees towards the outlet flange. The highly

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 6

complex flow field in the gas outlet casing and its Turbine cleaning
associated losses contribute significantly to
overall performance of the turbocharger. Preservation of turbine performance under HFO
Numerical simulation methods have been applied operation conditions represents a basic
in order to minimize total pressure loss and to requirement for turbocharging systems of large
increase the recovery of static pressure in the gas medium-speed four-stroke diesel engines.
outlet channels of the new HP and LP Regular turbine cleaning during operation ensures
turbochargers. An example of the numerical stable performance of the engine. Experience of
simulation of the entire LP turbine stage is ABB Turbocharging with turbine online cleaning
presented in Figure
Power2 10.
800-M LP
has been used for the design of the new cleaning
Velocity streamlines unit. A novel single nozzle design has been
developed for the new turbocharger generation.
By using 2-phase flow CFD simulations, locations
and shape of injection holes located along the
0.75 nozzle body have been optimized (see Figure
12b). The nozzle body can be easily accessed
0.50 from the outside. First field tests with a similar
design have been conducted successfully. The
new cleaning nozzle concept represents a robust
design which allows highly efficient cleaning of the
c/cmax [-]
turbine stage during operation.
Compressor cleaning
Figure 10 CFD simulation of flow field through Measurements on field turbochargers have shown
gas inlet casing, turbine stage, gas outlet that fouling of compressor stages can reduce
casing: Velocity streamlines compressor efficiency by up to 3 %-points
depending on the condition of the intake air. In
Gas inlet casings order to preserve compressor efficiency regular
At turbine inlet, the gas inlet casing geometries of online water cleaning is required. The cleaning
both HP and LP turbochargers have been interval and the water distribution determine the
generated by using advanced numerical success of the cleaning. For the new turbocharger
simulation methods. A comparison between a generation an injection system has been
standard design and the result of the optimization developed, which allows effective cleaning at
process is presented in Figure 11. As a result of sufficiently short intervals (see Figure 12a).
the optimization the total pressure loss of the
casing could be reduced by about 25%. The
circumferential distributions of mass flow and inlet
flow angle at turbine inlet have been equalized to
generate the best possible turbine inlet flow field.
Additionally, space requirements of the gas inlet
casing have been reduced due to the more
compact flow channel. The new geometry of the
flow channel further allows the application of a
new kind of turbine cleaning nozzle, which is
described below. a) b)

Figure 12 CFD flow simulation of water

injection during online cleaning
a) compressor side b) turbine side

New shaft seal design

Air leakage into the engine oil system known as
blow-by represents an undesired side-effect
related to the turbocharging system [6]. Blow-by
leakage reduces turbocharger efficiency and
a) b) increases costs for oil mist separation on the
engine side. In the case of two-stage
Figure 11 LP gas inlet casing a) initial design turbocharging there are two turbochargers
b) optimized design contributing to the overall blow-by leakage. The

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 7

high pressure level of the HP turbocharger (two-stage first generation) and the new LP
increases significantly the driving pressure ratio turbocharger of Power2 800-M (second
across the shaft seals, which correlates with the generation). The size of the filter silencers has
leakage rate. Labyrinth shaft seals known from 1- been scaled such that the associated compressor
stage axial turbochargers are not sufficient to stages would deliver the same volume flow. The
reduce overall blow-by leakage of a two-stage comparison shows that new LP filter silencer is
turbocharging to an acceptable level. Therefore, about 9% smaller as compared to the one of the
ABB turbocharging investigated alternative scaled TPL67-C34 and about 5% smaller as
sealing technologies. For the new turbocharger compared to a scaled first generation LP
generation a new shaft seal concept will be used turbocharger filter silencer. Similar ratios apply to
for HP and LP turbochargers. In comparison to the diameter of the compressor casings.
state-of-the-art labyrinth seals, the new sealing
concept reduces blow-by leakage rate by about
75%, which has been confirmed by comparative
measurements (Figure 15). With this technology
overall blow-by leakage rates of 1-stage
turbocharging systems or even below will be
achieved with the new two-stage generation.

Figure 14 Relative comparison of filter silencer

dimensions of different TC series (scaled to
identical compressor volume flow)

Axial length of the turbochargers has been

reduced as well to minimum dimensions which are
defined by the diameters of the turbocharger
Figure 13 Measured blow-by leakage rates of
flanges. Further reduction would result in an
labyrinth seal and new sealing design
overlap of adjoining flanges (Figure 15).
Miscellaneous Air inlet Air outlet Gas outlet Gas inlet

In addition to the aforementioned features further

performance optimization measures have been
implemented in the new two-stage turbocharging
generation. For the HP turbocharger different
thrust bearings will be available optimized for the
specific thrust ranges minimizing bearing losses.
On the compressor side of the HP turbocharger
the cooling system of the compressor stage has
been optimized to improve cooling efficiency and Figure 15 Axial dimensions of LP turbocharger
hence to minimize volumetric losses. defined by flange diameters

Compactness A compact engine mounting concept becomes

Mounting of two-stage turbocharging systems on possible as a result of the aforementioned
an engine requires highly compact designs of HP dimension optimization measures with the second
and LP turbochargers. Compactness and
© ABB Group
November 29, 2012 | Slide 4
generation of two-stage turbocharging (Figure 16).
aerodynamic performance are generally opposing
design targets. Nevertheless, outer dimensions of
the turbocharger could be reduced to a minimum
through careful aerodynamic optimization of flow
channels as described in the previous section. In
this way increased specific volume flows of
thermodynamic components could be exploited to
reduce overall dimensions of the turbocharger
when compared to previous generations. Figure
14 shows a relative comparison of filter silencer
dimensions of TPL67-C34, Power2 550-M LP Figure 16 Power2 800-M

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 8

THERMODYNAMIC COMPONENTS generation LP compressor stage could be further
FOR TWO-STAGE TURBOCHARGING reduced because of this design achievement.

Two-stage turbocharging implies specific

requirements on thermodynamic components that
differ from the ones of 1-stage systems. Pressure
ratios of compressors and turbines in low-
pressure and high-pressure turbochargers of two-
stage systems are generally different to
components in 1-stage turbochargers. With
respect to flow areas, differences in fluid density
resulting from specific temperatures and
pressures in the high and low pressure stages
need to be respected. In addition, performance
maps of compressors and turbines need to be
matched perfectly in order to allow unrestricted
engine operation over the entire load range.

With this focus on the specific needs of two-stage

turbocharging ABB Turbocharging developed an
entirely new set of thermodynamic components
optimized for combined application in high-
pressure and low-pressure turbochargers of a
two-stage system. Individual requirements of each
component have been derived from thorough
analysis of system optimization studies. In this
way, an optimization of system thermodynamic
efficiency, operating flexibility and compactness of
the system could be achieved. This design
strategy implies in reverse that each single Figure 17 Compressor performance maps of
thermodynamic component of the high-pressure A100-M (1-stage) and Power2 800-M LP (two-
and low-pressure stage represents an integral stage) at equal impeller wheel diameter
part of the overall system.
The high-pressure turbocharger features two
The challenge for the development of the LP compressor stage variants, which are specified
compressor stage was to achieve maximum according to the desired overall pressure ratio.
efficiency in combination with a large performance The compressor stage known from the first
map width with the smallest possible stage generation yields optimum performance for
dimension for the required pressure ratio. Figure applications with pressure ratios up to  C=10. For
17 shows the performance map of the new pressure ratios up to  C=12 an entirely new HP
Power2 800-M LP compressor in comparison to compressor stage design has been developed.
the performance map of a state-of-the-art 1-stage Both stages have been optimized focussing on
compressor stage. For comparison both stages compressor map width and efficiency at their
are scaled to the same impeller wheel diameter. specific operating range. Performance maps of
Shaded areas in the plot mark areas of isentropic both stages are presented in Figure 18. Shaded
compressor efficiency greater than 80%. Both areas in the plot mark areas of isentropic
stages operate at an efficiency level of up to 84% compressor efficiency greater than 80%. Both
at design pressure ratio. This comparison stages operate at an efficiency level of up to 84%
visualizes that both compressor stages yield at design pressure ratio.
excellent performance at their designated
operating points despite the different levels. A
large compressor map width could be achieved at
design pressure ratio in the case of the new LP
compressor stage. Furthermore, the specific
volume flow with respect to the impeller wheel
diameter has been increased by about 10% when
compared to the LP compressor stage of the first
generation. The overall dimension of the second

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 9

Figure 19 Turbine efficiency vs. specific
effective flow area of 1-stage TC and Power2
800-M HP

As there are specific requirements for the HP

turbine, requirements for the low-pressure turbine
stage differ significantly from those for 1-stage
turbines. The required range of specific volume
flows in the case of the low-pressure turbine is
shifted towards a lower level as compared to
1-stage turbines (Figure 20). Consequently, this
lower requirement has been exploited in the
design of the new LP turbine stage to gain higher
stage efficiency. Performance could be further
improved by using a rotor design without damping
wire. Maximum isentropic efficiency level of up to
Figure 18 Compressor performance maps of 89% at design point has been verified on a test rig
Power2 800-M HP turbocharger with the new low-pressure turbine. This
outstanding performance of the LP turbine
For the high-pressure turbocharger an axial contributes significantly to the overall system
turbine design has been chosen. This kind of performance.
turbine design combines the advantages of high
specific volume flow, excellent efficiency even at
part load and good acceleration behavior due to
low mass moment of inertia. The application of
axial turbines becomes feasible given the targeted
power range of the Power2 800-M system and its
associated component dimensions. The high-
pressure turbine stage needs to cover a wide
range of volume flows due to the large range of
possible pressures and temperatures at turbine
inlet. Furthermore, mean diameter of the turbine
stage is limited in order to achieve an optimum
overall performance level in combination with the
compressor stage. In accordance to these
boundary conditions a highly compact turbine Figure 20 Turbine efficiency vs. specific
stage has been developed. Specific volume flow effective flow area of 1-stage TC and Power2
of the new stage has been increased by about 800-M LP
20% with respect to previous 1-stage turbine
designs. Figure 19 shows a comparison of turbine
efficiency with respect to specific volume flow of a
typical 1-stage turbine and the new high-pressure
turbine stage. Turbine efficiency of the previous 1-
stage turbine could be reproduced despite the
increased upper limit of specific volume flow.

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 10

 New thermodynamic components enabling a
CONCLUSION compact design for flexible arrangement on
the engine, high natural frequencies and
A combination of several technology drivers is consequently low vibration levels.
influencing today the development of large diesel
and gas engines. The targets are an increased  Low and high pressure turbochargers both
power density, reduced emissions and high total with axial turbines to achieve the required
engine efficiency. The turbocharging system is a large flow areas and enable an optimal
major contributor to achieve these targets arrangement on the engine.
simultaneously as shown in several publications
before. A high pressure single stage turbocharger  Completely new turbine stages designed for
such as A100 or a two-stage turbocharging the specific characteristics of a two-stage
system is required for optimal engine performance system, i.e. very high flow areas on the high
in more and more cases. pressure unit and outstanding efficiencies on
the low pressure side.
The design of two-stage turbocharging systems
introduced in recent years for large medium speed  A newly designed compressor for the low
diesel and high speed gas engines are still based pressure stage yielding very high efficiencies
partly on technology and concepts derived from and specific volume flows.
single stage turbochargers. Although these
systems are already far superior to single stage  Two different compressor designs in the high
systems and can fulfill very high pressure ratio pressure turbocharger to cover the required
and efficiency requirements, they are not taking pressure range with high efficiencies. The well
full advantage of the potential two-stage benefits. proven stage for higher pressures is newly
designed; the stage for lower pressure is
Therefore, ABB Turbocharging has decided to taken over from the first generation system.
develop the second generation of two-stage
turbocharging systems. The Power2 800-M
system is characterized by the following features: OUTLOOK
 Four system sizes covering medium speed The Power2 800-M system provides for the
engines with bore sizes between approx. 300 segment of large four-stroke medium speed
and 500 mm. engines full flexibility to implement future
technologies for emission reduction, high power
 A system designed for compression pressure density and high fuel efficiency.
ratios up to 12.
The next foreseeable step in the development
 Special features such as a newly designed process is the design of a second generation
shaft end sealing system are implemented in system for smaller engines in the high speed gas
order to cope with the expected system engine segment. Such a system will also be highly
pressures, while keeping blow-by on a very optimized for the specific engine segment
low level. requirements. It is expected, that similar
compressor stages as in the Power2 800-M
 New service concept based on an Extended system can also be used in this system as the
Cartridge enabling service down times equal thermodynamic requirements are quite similar.
or shorter than those for single stage

 New tool concept supporting the service

concept in a most efficient way.

 A high flexibility for the pressure ratio split

between low pressure and high pressure side
was considered in the overall thermodynamic
component concept. This takes into account
different requirements from the diesel and gas
side as well as high altitude installations.

© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 11

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© CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai Paper No. 134 12

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