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1st Quarter 2017
volume 11 issue 1

Regulars 1st Quarter 2017

3 COMMENT volume 11 issue 1
Editor: Martyn Wingrove
38 BEST OF THE WEB t: +44 20 8370 1736
40 FORESIGHT e: [email protected]

Sales Manager: Paul Dowling

Special report: forward thinking t: +44 20 8370 7014
9 Marlink’s Tore Morten Olsen and ABS’s Howard Fireman e: [email protected]
10 Cobham Satcom’s Jan Michelsen and Hatteland’s Lars Skjelbred-Eriksen Sales: Jo Lewis
t: +44 20 8370 7793
e: [email protected]
12 New VSAT services deliver faster bandwidth Head of Sales – Asia: Kym Tan
t: +65 9456 3165
13 iDirect unveils new IT platform technology
e: [email protected]
15 MEC executive interview: Satcom Global chief executive Ian Robinson
16 Analysis of the future trends in maritime communications Production Manager: Ram Mahbubani
t: +44 20 8370 7010
e: [email protected]
Safety communications
Subscriptions: Sally Church
19 New fire-fighter radio regulations are fast approaching t: +44 20 8370 7018
20 Inmarsat seeks GMDSS recognition for FleetBroadband e: [email protected]

Chairman: John Labdon

Passenger ships Managing Director: Steve Labdon
Finance Director: Cathy Labdon
22 Rising VSAT demand drives investment and consolidation
Operations Director: Graham Harman
24 Integrated technology is ordered for new cruise ships Editorial Director: Steve Matthews
27 Ferries are embracing electric propulsion and batteries Executive Editor: Paul Gunton
Head of Production: Hamish Dickie
Business Development Manager: Steve Edwards
Fleet management software
Published by:
28 Tero Marine and DNV GL expand their solutions Riviera Maritime Media Ltd
Mitre House
66 Abbey Road
Cloud computing Enfield EN1 2QN
30 Development of a host of online ship management solutions UK

Bridge systems
32 Radio Zeeland unveils new bridge systems

Training systems

34 Ship operators turn to competence assurance training
36 GE invests in a US facility and Transas’s Ralf Lehnert voices his views ISSN 1756-0373 (Print)
ISSN 2051-0586 (Online)

Next issue ©2017 Riviera Maritime Media Ltd

Main features include: automation & control; broadband communications; radar
systems; remote monitoring & diagnostics; cyber security; training simulators
Ship type: tankers & gas carriers A member of:

Total average net circulation: 4,200

Period: January-December 2015

Subscribe from just £199

Subscribe now and receive four issues of Marine Electronics & Communications
every year and get even more:
• supplements: The Complete Guide to ECDIS and Disclaimer: Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information
The Complete Guide to VSAT in this publication is correct, the Author and Publisher accept no liability to any
• access the latest issue content via your digital device party for any inaccuracies that may occur. Any third party material included with the
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ast year was a transformative the website. But we will also see many more cyber
one for the maritime satellite The biggest deals included Apax threats emerging. Riviera Maritime
communications sector with Partners merging Marlink with Telemar, Media is on top of these trends with
the launch of the first high SpeedCast announcing its intended events covering Marine Intelligence
throughput networks and new VSAT purchase of Harris CapRock and and Maritime Cyber Risk Management
solutions. A lot changed over the past Global Eagle Entertainment acquiring are due to be held in 2017, and
year, and several more developments Emerging Markets Communications. supplements covering ecdis and VSAT.
are expected over the next 12 months. Outside satcoms there were also the Shipowners will see the benefits
This year the shipping industry acquisitions of Navico and C-Map to of data analytics through data-
will adopt the fast broadband, data- form an e-navigation hub in Norway. driven preventative maintenance,
centric and video-based content Capturing market share of the voyage performance analysis and
media that high throughput satellites booming cruise sector communications route planning. We can expect more
enable. This is all based on the was a key strategy in some of these developments in e-navigation and more
constellations launched in 2016. Last mergers as well as gaining the latest advanced ecdis functions in 2017. Bridge
year, Inmarsat began its Fleet Xpress technology development. Cruise and equipment suppliers need to update
(FX) communications service using the ferry are by far the largest market for operating systems and shipowners must
Global Xpress platform for Ka-band VSAT in terms of bandwidth capacity. update ecdis to the latest standards by
based broadband. Passenger shipping is the early adopter August 2017. Owners need to be ready
Intelsat commissioned two of its of technology that enables more for the EU’s monitoring, reporting and
EpicNG high throughput Ku-band expansive onboard communications. verification regulations, which require
satellites to provide high intensity spot In 2017, we will see commercial fleets emissions monitoring strategies to be in
beams over major shipping routes. adopt faster VSAT services. Fleets of place by August.
Earlier in 2016, Telenor Satellite begun tankers, gas carriers and container ships So there is a lot or work to be done
providing fast broadband coverage over will be installing Fleet Xpress, or using in 2017. It will be a busy year for ship
the Northern European seas using its Ku-band for crew welfare, real-time operators, bridge equipment suppliers
Thor 7 satellite, and SES unveiled its data streaming and large information and VSAT technology instigators.
maritime broadband services. downloads. New modems and antennas Although there is not expected to be
On the back of all this new coverage will enable faster data rates because the many newbuilding orders in the next
came new VSAT solutions, hardware hardware has been holding back crew 12 months, there will be considerable
agreements and contracts for the service and passenger expectations. amounts of retrofitting and fleet
providers. There were also several We will see adoption of more VSAT- system upgrades. There will be
company mergers and acquisitions. All enabled applications such as real-time developments in a VHF-based data
this was covered in issues of Marine data transmissions for condition-based exchange system and e-navigation, in
Electronics & Communications and on maintenance and big data analytics. safety communications, remote ship
monitoring and data analytics. If 2016
was described as a transformational
year in marine electronics and
communications, then 2017 will be
the year of technology disruption and
adoption. MEC

Click here
for more
comment videos Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017

GLA operates lighthouses around the UK and
Ireland as aids to navigation (credit: GLA)


for existing and new IALA and
IMO-defined ASMs. These
provide a high reliability of
message delivery and message

acknowledgement support,
including a satellite up-link.
Other advantages of
VDES include the capability

to provide coverage to regions
otherwise unreachable by other
technologies, and to support a
modernised Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS). A study carried
out by Helios focused on the
Analysis shows that VDES, incorporating AIS, a terrestrial UK’s maritime network and the
implementation and use of the
link and a satellite component, should provide significant e-navigation communication
advantages for a number of e-navigation services infrastructure in the foreseeable
future, to 2030. Dr Šafář said
that four high-level user and
performance requirements

here is growing both ship and shore operations. Aid-to-Navigation (AIS- had been critical criteria for
confidence in the A particular attraction is the AtoN) and AIS man overboard assessing candidate e-navigation
VHF-based data capability to cope with higher devices. New AIS applications communication technologies.
exchange system (VDES) data rates required by some of can now also be created These were capacity, coverage,
providing a robust and globally the most demanding applications, through the use of application- availability, and confidentiality.
standardised communication said Jan Šafář, a research specific messages (ASMs), as With regard to data loads,
system for e-navigation engineer with the Research and defined by the International the study found that the most
applications, writes Aline De Radionavigation Directorate of Association of Marine Aids data-intense applications
Bièvre. The General Lighthouse the GLA. In a presentation* to to Navigation and Lighthouse were no-go areas for vessel
Authorities (GLA) of the UK the Royal Institute of Navigation Authorities (IALA) and IMO. traffic and telemedicine. In
and Ireland have been involved he also cited the possibility of Dr Šafář stressed that AIS contrast, the least data-intense
in the development and merging channels to cope with is considered an integral part applications were those where
standardisation of VDES since high data rates. of VDES. It has the highest only position co-ordinates
its inception in 2012. VDES will help to protect priority within the system needed to be transferred, such
Ongoing development AIS from future overload of and all other sub-systems are as route exchanges. VDES
work and analysis shows that its VHF data link. This has organised such that AIS is not was also the recommended
VDES, which incorporates the become an issue as a result adversely affected. Furthermore, communication system for
Automatic Identification System of the expansion of AIS uses, by building upon existing AIS weather data and for maritime
(AIS), should provide significant such as AIS search and rescue ship and shore infrastructure, single window data exchange
advantages for a number of transmitter (AIS-Sart), AIS VDES deployment costs away from port.
e-navigation services supporting emergency position-indicating could be reduced. Two 25 kHz A recent GLA study
the safety and efficiency of radio beacons (epirbs), AIS simplex channels are dedicated looking into the security

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


aspects of e-navigation critical to realise the potential

made recommendations benefits of the system to Kongsberg added an MRV application to its K-Fleet suite
regarding candidate public key navigation on the high seas and of marine fleet management software (credit: Kongsberg)
authentication methods for in the polar regions.
VDES. Current work within VDE-Ter comprises a 100
IALA and the International kHz duplex channel which
Telecommunication Union is available for data exchange
(ITU) will lead to an requiring higher capacity
international standard for than the ASM. Dr Šafář said
VDES. Securing access to radio that this may open the door
spectrum is being addressed, to IP-based applications and
and it is expected that VDES serve as a gateway to the
with both a terrestrial link Maritime Cloud.
(VDES-Ter) and a satellite
component (VDES-Sat) Jan Šafář presented a strong
to enable bidirectional case for the implementation
communication will become a of VDES at the 2016
core element of e-navigation International Navigation
communication. Conference, organised by the
The satellite component, Royal Institute of Navigation at EU EMISSIONS REGULATION
for which the ITU has yet the University of Strathclyde,
to allocate spectrum, will be Glasgow, in November. STARTS TO BITE IN 2017
The European Union’s new regulation on monitoring and reporting
ship gas emissions comes into force in 2017. The regulation, which
Galileo launched for ship requires the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2

positioning and navigation emissions from ships, covers any vessel exceeding 5,000gt which
calls at any EU port regardless of flag or country of ownership.
Shipowners that expect their ships to be affected by the MRV
The Galileo satellite constellation has begun providing positioning, regulation need to have monitoring plans prepared by 31 August
navigation and timing information for shipping, offshore and 2017. Verification organisations should also be prepared for their
search and rescue operations. The European Space Agency has role in the regulation in 2017.
officially begun open services over the first 18 satellites in the In the fourth quarter of 2016, the European Commission
Galileo constellation. published the delegated and implementing acts to support the
The opening ceremony was held at the European entry into force of the EU MRV. This followed completion of a
Commission’s premises in Brussels, Belgium. The European consultation process with input from the European Sustainable
Commission’s vice president responsible for the Energy Union, Shipping Forum’s MRV sub-group and classification societies, such
Maroš Šefčovič, commented: “With Galileo, Europe gains its as Lloyd’s Register.
own satellite navigation system that will improve a range of The commission provided information needed by shipowners
everyday services for our citizens and strengthens Europe’s or operators and verifiers. This included:
strategic autonomy.” • Regulation to determine the cargo carried for categories of ships
Galileo is Europe’s global satellite navigation system other than passenger, roro and container ships. This provides the
(GNSS). It joins the US-funded Global Positioning System (GPS) cargo parameter definitions for different ship types to support
and Russia’s Glonass as official constellations for providing clear MRV implementation
positioning, navigation and timing information. Ships use this • Guidance on templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports
information for modern electronic navigation and offshore and documents of compliance
vessels use it for dynamic positioning operations. Search and • Regulation on the verification activities and accreditation of
rescue services use the information to locate stranded vessels verifiers, with various definitions and procedural details.
and manage recovery operations. The European Commission also amended annexes to MRV
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is responsible for regulation to incorporate necessary changes to the required
operating the constellation and service. It has a remit to ensure monitoring practices and to reflect industry best practice.
a return on investment from Galileo in the form of clear, across- More MRV solutions were launched in the fourth quarter of
the-board services and applications for end users. “The centre 2016. Kongsberg Maritime added an application to its K-Fleet
of gravity for the Galileo programme is now the user, meaning marine fleet management software for MRV compliance. This
European citizens, businesses and entrepreneurs can benefit from provides monitoring and reporting of emissions on a per-voyage
the many innovative opportunities created by European GNSS,” basis to, from and between EU ports. Dynamarine has certified
said GSA executive director Carlo des Dorides. its emissions monitoring platform with a rigorous audit from
More satellites are being built and launched for the Galileo Verifavia Shipping for compliance with MRV regulations. The
GNSS. This means its full operational capability will not be platform has been tested for data gathering, inconsistency
achieved until 2020. verification and automated MRV reporting. It can also be used as
a benchmarking and analytical tool. MEC Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017



Ardmore Shipping and MTM Ship Management want onboard decisions, so they can collaborate
with those on board.”
access to data, while Lomar Shipping and Tsakos Columbia
Some shipowners have
Shipmanagement use data for regulation compliance baulked at the cost of investing
in transmitting shipboard data
in real-time. But there are
more incentives coming from

anker owners and metering and hull performance At the conference, MTM the need for owners to comply
managers are using data for analysis,” Mr Cameron Ship Management managing with the EU’s upcoming CO2
increasing amounts of explained at Riviera Maritime director Vijay Rangroo agreed emissions monitoring, reporting
data that is sent from Media’s Tanker Shipping & that crew should have access to and verification (MRV)
their ships to improve operations, Trade Conference, which was the operational data. He said: requirements, and any similar
reduce fuel consumption and held in London in November “We cannot ignore the data, system coming from IMO.
optimise maintenance. They 2016. He added: “We analyse so we use it and include the “The EU’s MRV compliance
benefit from transmitting the performance in all weathers, seafarers running the ships in is an opportunity to install
performance and condition data draughts and other conditions. this process. The data is not just systems on ships to report
from ships to shore offices, but Then we compare this with for the office managers. It is a performance for regulators
some feel the data should be similar ships and voyages. In tool that staff on board can use, and managers, and so owners
equally available to the crew. this way, we can detect different so they need to be familiar with know how well the engines
The data helps owners identify autopilot settings.” This means the software. and hulls are performing,” Mr
the key performance indicators Ardmore can identify ships At another London Papageorgiou said.
(KPIs) and early indications of that have autopilot settings conference in November, Tsakos Columbia
machinery fatigue. that result in higher fuel Lomar Shipping technical Shipmanagement is an early
Ardmore Shipping uses consumption than other tankers. director Stylianos Papageorgiou adopter of technology that
data to analyse the performance However, Mr Cameron highlighted how KPIs help enables it to comply with
of its fleet of tankers. Its chief thinks data is more useful shipmanagers and owners MRV requirements. Its energy
operating officer Mark Cameron for the ship’s master and monitor the performance of ship manager Michael Servos agreed
said this analysis has led to officers. “Data has its place engines, hulls and crews. “They that MRV brings opportunities
reductions in fuel consumption and is valued, but it should be are important for reporting for ship performance
and more optimised routeing. available on the bridge where performance to fleet managers monitoring. “MRV will enhance
Data can also be used to officers can review it and make so they can make decisions transparency and support
compare tankers in the fleet to decisions.” For example, officers about where to invest to performance monitoring.” He
detect differences in the way they can use the information to improve efficiency,” he explained. added: “It will improve the
are operated. improve navigational safety, or “Data goes back to the office accuracy of fuel measurement
“We use fuel consumption for route optimisation. for managers to make better and the application of different
techniques and investment in
the technology to achieve this.”
Mr Servos recommended
owners invest in digital systems
for automated reporting and
expressed his reservations
about the requirement for
manual input of data into EU
databases. Another cost comes
from the verification of data
by a third party. “This needs to
be automated, too, as it would
be very time consuming,” Mr
Servos said. MEC
Tanker owners and managers discussed the importance
of ship performance data at a Riviera’s conference



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Top executives from the maritime IT and communications sector predicted the future
technology trends for Marine Electronics & Communications’ forward thinking series.

capacity from different satellite operators.

Partnerships are It is however not important what satellite
vital for satellite a ship is using at any time, as long as the
link is performing as required. So going
communications forward, our focus remains on how the
overall network performs and the quality
of service we deliver.
There is and will be more choice
The focus in 2016 was on higher in the market and more flexibility to
throughputs and increased operational provide technology-agnostic services and
efficiency, and we believe that will solutions using our established global
continue in the coming years, says infrastructure, satellite capacity and
Marlink president of maritime business technical expertise. This approach enables
Tore Morten Olsen. There will be more shipping’s increasing reliance on the
demand for high bandwidth applications, use of data for smart, safe and efficient
growth in real-time monitoring, video operations. Smart shipping will continue
conferencing, and crew usage. All this to develop, moving from a patchwork Tore Morten Olsen: Technology enables
points towards the introduction of new concept to a tangible and integrated shipping’s increasing reliance on data for
technologies and services that enable reality, where all aspects of a vessel that smart, safe and efficient operations
faster connections. Because development can be linked, will be connected.
direction is steered by user requirements, To reach the reality of smart
we believe that innovation in close shipping though, organisations need to developers, shipping industry partners
partnerships with end-users will continue work together to get the most out of and satellite network operators, we will
to be vital to future developments. connectivity at sea. For instance, our continue to introduce new means and
With the launch of Inmarsat’s Fleet customer proximity has been integral to methods of enabling communications
Xpress, Telenor’s Thor 7 and Intelsat’s the development of new solutions such as solutions in support of the maritime
EpicNG high throughput services in 2016, XChange Telemed and XChange Media. market, to achieve safer, more efficient and
we now have access to a lot more satellite By working with our customers, software more attractive vessel operations.

multiply monitoring information, data

Fleet management and data calculations and reporting by multiple
analytic challenges ahead voyages, port stays and ships. A shipowner
with 20 vessels, for example, will have more
than 20,000 data points to manage each
Shipowners and operators will face more year just for MRV. Compliance will not be
regulatory pressures in 2017, a challenge the only challenge.
that is compounded by an economic Mr Fireman continues: In a tight
outlook that remains uncertain, said ABS shipping environment, preserving margins
Nautical Systems chief technology officer will be critical to remaining competitive,
and president Howard Fireman. and that will require prudent fleet
Monitoring plans for the European management enabled by software solutions
Union’s monitoring, reporting and that facilitate compliance and offer tools
verification (MRV) regulation must be for improved vessel management and more
submitted by August 2017. These plans will efficient operations.
have a substantial impact on shipowners At ABS Nautical Systems, we believe
and operators using European ports. The the regulatory landscape will continue
regulation alone will force many to collect to evolve in complexity, driving an even
and manage more data than before, and the greater need for efficiency and compliance.
increased volume of data will put a greater Financial pressure will require a relentless
Howard Fireman: Increasing volumes of demand on crew and office personnel. focus on efficiency, making software
data will put a greater demand on crew Data storage and integrity can quickly solutions a cornerstone of efficiency gains,
and office personnel become concerns when owners have to just as they will be required to accurately Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


demonstrate compliance.
Technology targeting vessel performance Flat panels will be challenged
is expected to be important to both small
and large owners and operators who
in a marine environment
are trying to achieve more with smaller
workforces and tighter budgets. Ultimately,
software vendors that provide the best value
and best tools to support operational and
financial decision-making will excel in this
challenging business environment.

Ultra high
definition is the
future of displays
Hatteland Display’s vice president for sales
and marketing Lars Skjelbred-Eriksen says
that the development of ultra high definition
displays is the future for integrated bridge
systems. “The demand for ultra high definition
– 4K – resolution displays on the bridge will
continue to grow. The beauty of 4K is that
everything on screen is much more vivid. The
viewer can see clearer and in more detail, so it
makes sense that this technology is becoming Jan Michelsen: Flat panels would be challenged by the three axes of motion
of more interest to integrated bridge system
manufacturers and systems integrators.
“The concept of our new 55in ultra high
definition chart and planning table was born The maritime industry has witnessed a lot flat panel into a mechanism that would still
out of a realisation that maritime display of discussion about flat panel antennas, be able to tilt the panel towards the satellite.
technology evolution is vital to improving the but they would be challenged by the Mechanics and electronics to steer the panel
effectiveness of modern bridge systems. The movement of ships, according to Cobham would be needed so a flat panel antenna
system provides the size and clarity needed Satcom vice president for maritime business would not be smaller, lighter or less expensive
to integrate various items of data in a single development Jan Michelsen. He thinks compared to a modern stabilised antenna.”
display, enabling integrated bridge system this is the main reason why lightweight Flat panel antennas would suit
and navigation technology manufacturers to stabilised antennas will be the main communications over low earth orbit (leo)
combine multiple data from ship systems into technology for maritime VSAT in 2017 and satellite networks such as the proposed
a single, user-friendly system. Crucially the 4K in the long term. OneWeb and LeoSat Enterprises
resolution ensures that multiple data types can “Discussions about flat panel constellations. However, these networks
be easily viewed under all conditions.” antennas are welcome because this drives are neither financed nor deployed yet.
According to Mr Skjelbred-Eriksen, innovation in the satcoms industry,” said “While flat panel antennas are starting from
another area that will expand in the coming Mr Michelsen. “Likewise, it is always scratch and facing numerous challenges, the
years is the use of panel computers, which are very important to analyse the potential current form factor of stabilised antennas
essentially maritime displays with integrated end-user benefits of new developments in will continue to be the most effective for
computers. They allow all processing to be technology. But the truth of the matter maritime applications,” said Mr Michelsen.
done from a single unit and can deliver just as is that at sea, a single flat antenna lying “Our focus remains on the evolution of an
much computing power as a more traditional on the deck operating on a geostationary already market-leading platform, enabling
display and separate PC configuration. Panel satellite will not suffice.” even greater performance and reducing the
computers have lower installation and lifecycle He continued: “Such an antenna would installation burden through software and
costs, which makes them an ideal solution be challenged by the three axes of motion mechanical developments.”
for starting to introduce cost reduction every vessel goes through – roll, pitch and Cobham Satcom has developed a Sailor
programmes within the value chain. Hatteland yaw. The moment a vessel starts moving in 60cm antenna that weighs 35kg and can
Display’s Series X panel computers can be a seaway the limited elevation angles of a be carried on board any vessel. It also
ordered with Intel Skylake processors. The flat antenna would reduce performance and manufactures the Sailor 900 antenna for
company has also developed a 32in 4K display quickly affect the quality of the link. Ku-band and Sailor 100GX for Inmarsat’s
for use on standard bridge designs. “Any manufacturer would have to build a Ka-band network. MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017

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SpeedCast reveals its Sigma
Net management service
and Cobham hardware deal,
while Intellian introduces new
terminals and Panasonic begins
offering Newtec modems

Cobham Satcom has developed a 60cm antenna for

Fleet Xpress Ka-band services (credit: Cobham)

peedCast crew or machine-to-machine Net pre-paid vouchers for “This strategic co-operation
International networks on ships. It internet access or crew calling.” benefits both SpeedCast and
introduced incorporates firewalls and SpeedCast also signed a Cobham, and supports our
Sigma Net for virtual private networking on global framework agreement ability to innovate and deliver
vessel communications and the vessel and cyber security with Cobham Satcom for reliable communications
network management over for the internet. There is a offering broadband connectivity services that help our customers
satellite constellations in cloud-based secure portal for to ships. Under this to operate smarter.”
November 2016. Sigma linking vessels to IT engineers arrangement, Cobham Satcom Also in November 2016,
Net is a cloud-based system for network management. will supply maritime stabilised Intellian Technologies launched
that provides automated Greece-headquartered antennas for SpeedCast’s Ku- a new generation of L-band
management of multiple Danaos Shipping Co is one of and Ka-band VSAT services. terminals for ships. It began
wide area network links and the first to use Sigma Net for This will help SpeedCast offer manufacturing the FB250R
satellite communications over vessel network management. Ka-band connectivity using and FB500R FleetBroadband
VSAT and L-band. It has an According to Danaos, the Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress service terminals after gaining final
integrated voice over IP server service provides a web-based with Cobham’s Sailor 60 approval from Inmarsat for
that enables digital crew calling interface that enables the GX antennas. SpeedCast has their use over the Fleet Xpress
services. This allows a caller to remote configuration of Sigma hundreds of ships operating on service. These terminals can also
choose the outbound call route Net terminals across its fleet. It Inmarsat’s XpressLink service be used with other associated
via a prefix, which reduces the added: “The reporting provided that could be migrated to Fleet network service devices.
cost. Crew can use their own by the Sigma Net portal gives Xpress over the next few years. Intellian can now provide
devices on vessels using a pre- us full visibility of traffic sent It may also have a number of a complete package to
paid personal identification and received via the wide ships, vessels and drilling rigs shipowners. This can include
number that enables vouchers area networks. Our vessel IT to migrate following its recent pre-integration testing of
to be generated and managed. support team is able to easily acquisition of Harris CapRock. Fleet Xpress hardware such as
SpeedCast explained that and quickly resolve problems SpeedCast chief executive data server racks and sourcing
Sigma Net provides managed on board via Sigma Net. In Pierre-Jean Beylier expects the of all hardware components.
network segmentation addition, the Danaos crew are technology to enable growth Customers can also create
between business-critical, extremely happy with the Sigma for both companies. He added: customised configurations of

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


their own, said Intellian. The maritime communications. (TDMA) technology. Paul Margis. “As we continue to
FleetBroadband terminals It uses dynamic bandwidth “Newtec’s broadband optimise our second-generation
deliver simultaneous voice, allocation that combines the modem allows us to access global communications network,
data, messaging, fax, and data efficiency of single channel much larger blocks of frequency we are constantly looking for
streaming over the Inmarsat per carrier (SCPC) services and better support high new pieces of critical technology
I-4 constellation and the with the dynamic bandwidth bandwidth platforms across all that will enable our customers
Alphasat satellite. allocation capabilities of of our markets,” said Panasonic to take full advantage of high
In another deal, Panasonic time division multiple access Avionics Corp chief executive throughput technology.”
Global Communications,
a division of Panasonic
Avionics Corp, selected
Newtec to supply high
bandwidth satellite modems
for its maritime satellite
communications solutions.
Versions of Newtec’s new
modem will be available with
Panasonic’s upgraded VSAT
services for commercial
shipping, cruise ships,
megayachts, river cruises and
offshore oil and gas vessels.
Newtec’s technology
will increase the bandwidth
available over maritime VSAT
by 20 times, said Panasonic.
The new modem is capable of
exceeding data speeds of 400
Mbps if linked to the next
generation of high throughput
satellites. The modem includes
three demodulators for
seamless beam switching and
simultaneous data and video
reception. It is part of the Paul Margis (Panasonic) (left) and Serge Van Herck
Newtec Dialog multiservice (Newtec) sign the modem deal (credit: Panasonic)
platform, which supports


VT iDirect has announced new DVB-S2X standards infrastructure platform and the DVB-S2X standard over
technology based on a powerful, customised application- Intelsat’s EpicNG constellation of high throughput satellites in
specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chipset that will deliver October 2016. These were tested over the Intelsat 29e satellite,
“revolutionary” gains in data throughput and will power a yielding a throughput rate of 5.71 bps/Hz, which was a 330
new line of DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X remotes called the iQ per cent efficiency performance gain on the Intelsat EpicNG
Series. “This introduces exponentially higher hub processing platform. IDirect said this would enable service providers to
capabilities and virtualisation of core gateway components to exploit the full capabilities of the DVB-S2X standard for high
offer further gains in performance and efficiency and lower speed bandwidth applications.
business costs,” said iDirect. Intelsat senior vice president for operations Mike DeMarco
This technology will benefit those developing VSAT solutions called this test a milestone in higher performance VSAT. He
that use high throughput satellites and the DVB-S2X standard. added: “With the iQ remote technology and EpicNG capacity,
The modems can be continually reprogrammed remotely to service providers can transition onto our high performance
increase network capabilities and throughput levels. This could network while leveraging their existing investment in hub
lead to an expansion of applications and the setting of new infrastructure. This is an important achievement in enabling our
service level standards. customers to expand their businesses into new applications and
IDirect successfully tested the iQ Series remote, a ground geographies and realise their future growth objectives.” MEC Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017

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MEC executive interview:

Satcom Global CEO Ian Robinson

atcom Global has introduced a global VSAT service to
deliver high bandwidth connectivity to maritime users.
According to Satcom Global chief executive Ian Robinson,
Aura VSAT offers flexible global communications at sea initially
using Ku-band with an L-band back-up.
Mr Robinson said C-band and Ka-band could be added in
the near future as service agreements and coverage are initiated.
He explained to Marine Electronics & Communications the reason
for investing in Aura VSAT. “We were Inmarsat XpressLink and
FleetBroadband resellers, but we looked at the market and saw the
need for a more tailored approach to VSAT,” he explained. “We
did not want to be a partner because we wanted the flexibility of
operating our own network. So, we decided to commit to some
Ku-band airtime by working with five satellite operators, including
SES, Eutelsat, Intelsat and JSat for the main coverage.”
Satcom Global, which is part of Broadband Satellite Services Ian Robinson: “We have signed contracts to
Ltd, also considered the trading patterns of shipping to decide deploy VSAT on more than 300 vessels”
which coverage to invest in and the technology trend in VSAT
for future expenditure. It is already looking ahead to adding more
coverage in the southern Indian Ocean between South Africa and “We have signed contracts to deploy VSAT on more than 300
Australia as Sky Perfect JSat plans to commission a satellite beam vessels already and we expect to sign contracts for another 300-400
that covers that area. vessels in the next few months,” he commented. “The challenge
In addition, more bands will be deployed on Aura next year: will be installing these systems. We are going to be busy, but we
“We will also have C-band capacity soon and could change VSAT have appointed installation service partners.” Aura will be deployed
out to Ka-band,” said Mr Robinson. “We will be able to include on tankers, offshore vessels, gas carriers, container ships and fish-
high throughput VSAT through SES coverage as three satellites processing vessels. Satcom Global has its own engineering and
are added to the network.” To adopt high throughput spot beam implementation teams that can operate globally, and a dedicated
technology, Satcom Global will need to change platform technology network operations centre in the UK. It also has offices in Asia,
from VT iDirect Evolution to its Velocity programme. The service Americas, Europe, Africa and Oceania.
provider has also invested in automatic beam switching technology. Mr Robinson said the technology it can offer will enable
Ship operators wanting to use Aura will need to install shipowners and managers to operate vessels as extensions of their
Intellian antennas and below-deck units. Mr Robinson said there corporate networks. “We have an open-pipe technology and can
were technical reason for choosing Intellian as the main hardware offer applications to optimise this pipe, to monitor sensor data, to
supplier. “These are pre-tested and part of our wider network,” he deliver crew training and welfare platforms,” he explained. “We do
said. “We can look at the antenna remotely and get performance not have any specific fair-usage or CIR restrictions. The bandwidth
reports. We also have modules on ships that reference the coverage is up to the customer, as we can offer exceptional speed.”
map and manage which beams to use." He expects the addition of high throughput satellite coverage
He continued: “We offer 1m, 80cm and 60cm [diameter] from SES satellites will open new opportunities for shipowners.
antennas with Ku-band coverage that will improve when the “Customers will be able to operate ships as offices at sea, with no
high throughput satellites are launched. We are looking to need for file compression as capacity increases,” he added.
maximise throughput.” The launch of high throughput satellites will change the VSAT
Aura VSAT has been tested on 30 vessels that operate over market in the short term, but Mr Robinson expects new technology
seven different fleets,” Mr Robinson explained. “The trials were could have a longer-term impact. “We are researching flat panel
good with one vessel getting a committed information rate (CIR) antennas and could have our own range of mini-VSAT products in
up to 2.4 Mbps. It consumed more than 150GB of data over one the future,” he explained. “Flat panels could be for the future if testing
weekend with guests and crew all using mobile devices to stream is successful. But we expect the VSAT market will consolidate around
video. So our network has been rigorously tested.” 1m antennas.” Satcom Global expects to become a Global Xpress
The next stage for Satcom Global is rolling out the service to partner in 2017 to offer different VSAT packages based on Ka-band
shipowners that have signed up their fleets. Mr Robinson said this is to the maritime sector. But for now it has the challenge of deploying
a challenge that is worth overcoming. Ku-band Aura VSAT on more than 300 ships. MEC Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017




ver-increasing data
VSAT IN C-, KU- AND KA-BAND, L-BAND BACK-UP communications
demand in the
maritime sector is driving
investment in high
throughput satellites,
while the launch of more
satellites with extra capacity
is enabling shipowners,
operators and managers to
invest in VSAT. These are
L-BAND BACK-UP the encouraging trends that
lead space markets specialist
Euroconsult to forecast a 5
per cent compound annual
growth rate in the number
of maritime terminals and
revenues over the 10 years to
2026. This is from a base of
US$1.7 billion in revenues for
C-BAND VSAT service providers in 2015.
Euroconsult also said
that revenues at the satellite
operator level were US$953
million, and that there were
338,000 active maritime
satellite terminals in 2015.
Growth in demand for
KU/KA BAND VSAT broadband communications
will come from increasing
use of data transmissions
from ships to shore, rising
requirements for passenger
internet connectivity, and
crew welfare services.
Euroconsult consultant
HTS SPOT BEAMS Capucine Fargier said
bandwidth demand is driving
investment in high throughput
satellites, which will lead to
lower costs for shipowners.
Satellites will have

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


consolidation in the
sector as companies with
“A number of higher purchasing power
additional high seek more economies of
scale and new markets.
throughput satellites There has been a recent
will be launched in spate of mergers and

the coming years”

acquisitions with SpeedCast MARITIME VSAT CAPACITY:
International acquiring
Harris CapRock and Global
Eagle Entertainment
2016: 8.5 Gbps
purchasing EMC.
Ms Fargier explained that
2010: 2 Gbps
larger payloads and lower maritime broadband demand
launch costs and increasing had led to new satellite
bandwidth capacity over the launches and investment.
world’s oceans. The number She added: “2016 was
of fixed satellite service an important milestone
operators that can provide for maritime satellite

high throughput capacity communications. It marked
is expected to reach 25 by the entry into service of high
the end of 2019, resulting in throughput satellites with
more competition and a major maritime focus.”
lower prices. This included the entry into
Ms Fargier explained: commercial operation of
“A number of additional Inmarsat’s Global Xpress and
high throughput satellites Telenor’s Thor 7 satellite and SATELLITE SERVICE OPERATORS
will be launched in the the launch of the first two
coming years, with maritime Intelsat EpicNG satellites. THAT WILL OFFER HIGH
satellite supply expected
to reach around 680 Gbps
A total of 8.5 Gbps
of C-, Ku- and Ka-band

by 2020. This will result in capacity was used for
a significant decrease in maritime VSAT business,
capacity prices.” She also compared with less than 2
expects the costs of VSAT Gbps in 2010. Investment
hardware to fall over the in VSAT led to 9 per cent
next 10 years as flat-panel
antennas are introduced.
growth in the number of
these terminals deployed

680 Gbps
“All this will drive demand in maritime applications.
for more bandwidth-hungry Euroconsult said the number
applications such as big of commercial and active
data analytics and video VSAT terminals at the end of
streaming applications,” said 2015 was more than 16,000.
Ms Fargier. This demonstrated that
This will drive demand the downturn in merchant
for VSAT in C-, Ku- and shipping market conditions

Ka-band in commercial and the collapse of the
shipping, passenger ships
and offshore vessels. But
smaller vessels are likely
offshore vessel sector had
not affected maritime
satellite communications
to continue using mobile growth. Euroconsult said
satellite services such as this was because demand
L-band. The development of is driven by increasing
smaller and cheaper mobile operational data needs,
satellite service broadband passenger communications ANNUAL GROWTH RATE OF
terminals covering basic and crew welfare. MEC
communications needs will
open up a new market, These figures were taken
said Euroconsult. from Euroconsult’s Prospects
The consultancy also for Maritime Satellite
expects there to be more Communications report TERMINALS AND REVENUES Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017



Nearly 300,000 radios will need to be ordered for shipowners to
comply with new Solas fire-fighter communications regulations

ew regulations are coming that will drive owners circumstances in which it will be used. It is the only maritime radio
to invest in two-way portable radios for fire-fighter system to accommodate spare emergency battery packs as standard.
communications. Cobham Satcom business manager for It has an ATEX 1.800 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery, IP67
maritime integration Claus Hornbech expects there to battery pack, and ATEX-approved non-rechargeable emergency
be a rush of orders for these radios as shipowners realise they need batteries. These provide an extra level of security to ensure radio
to comply with changes to IMO’s Solas rules. communication is available for fire parties when a fire breaks out, or
Solas Chapter II-2, Regulation 10.10.4 requires that a minimum if rechargeable batteries run down during an emergency.
of two portable radios are carried on board for each fire-fighting “At the end of the day, we provide communication for users
party for communications. The deadline for implementation of the who may depend on our equipment in critical situations,” said
new regulation is set to be the first radio survey after 1 July 2018 Mr Hornbech. “So, although regulations were a key driver behind
for vessels built before 1 July 2014. However, Mr Hornbech thinks development of the Sailor 3965 UHF radio, the end user was
shipowners should begin their due diligence now, before it becomes in focus throughout. It is a future-proof investment in terms of
too late. avoiding fines for non-compliance, but primarily it is a tool that can
Fire-fighters’ radios as required by regulation 10.10.4 are help onboard fire crews to save lives, or save the vessel itself, should
additional to the fire-fighters’ outfit and are intended for the fire party. a fire break out.”
This means that the total number of these radios to be carried on Cobham Satcom’s white paper New Solas requirements for
board each vessel will depend on the number of fire parties detailed fire-fighters on board vessels can be downloaded free of charge
on the muster list, rather than the number of fire-fighter outfits. from the Maritime Technology Knowledge Bank:
This makes it difficult to establish exactly how many new radios MEC
need to be delivered to the global fleet in the next 18 months, said
Mr Hornbech. The number of relevant vessels built before 1 July
2014 is approximately 89,000, of which some 60,000 to 65,000 are
covered by Solas. Some non-Solas vessels are expected to implement
the regulation on a voluntary basis. This makes the requirement for
new fire-fighter specific radios around 260,000 to 300,000 units.
“A huge number of dedicated fire-fighter radios need to be
supplied within a relatively short period of time, and the onus is on
shipowners to ensure their individual vessels are ready before the
deadline,” said Mr Hornbech. “Preparing carefully and securing the
supply chain well ahead of the deadline will minimise the risk of
disproportionate extra costs for urgent shipping or even detention of
a vessel, compared with the relatively small investment needed to get
compliant radios on board.”
With regard to the radios themselves, the regulations are open
to interpretation. Cobham has developed a portable UHF radio
that will enable shipowners to comply with the regulations. Mr
Hornbech explained: “The requirements may not be so clear on
paper when the shipowner reviews the actual regulation in Chapter
II-2, so it may be difficult to distinguish what the requirements
actually are. We set out to help mitigate confusion in the industry by
developing a radio that ensures compliance and by communicating
the challenges and potential problems clearly to our customers and
the industry at large.” The Sailor 3965 UHF Fire
Cobham’s new Sailor 3965 UHF Fire Fighter portable radio Fighter portable radio was
has been designed to enable shipowners to meet new Solas designed for communications
during ship fires
requirements. However, Mr Hornbech told Marine Electronics & (credit: Cobham Satcom)
Communications that Cobham’s engineers had also considered the Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


Inmarsat seeks GMDSS

recognition for FleetBroadband
An IMO subcommittee will discuss natural progression of the maritime safety services provided
by FleetBroadband and Fleet One, all of which operate
a request from the UK to grant over the Inmarsat fleet of four I-4 satellites. These provide a
similar coverage to the older Inmarsat I-3 constellation. The
formal recognition to Inmarsat’s FleetBroadband system supports maritime safety voice services,

FleetBroadband for use in the Global which provide distress and urgent voice communications
complying with the relevant IMO resolutions, A.694(17) and
Maritime Distress and Safety System MSC.130(75). It will also support data safety services and the
capability to receive maritime safety information, upon the
introduction of the MSDS in 2017.
The MSC decided to instruct NCSR, when it meets from 6 to 10
March (NCSR 4), to consider how the process of recognition should

be undertaken and to submit a report to MSC 98 in June. The
MO will address a request from the UK to grant formal particular question that needs clarifying is whether a new application
recognition to Inmarsat’s FleetBroadband mobile satellite for recognition and use in the GMDSS would be needed, or whether
system for use in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety FleetBroadband could be a bolt-on system. The brief discussion at
System (GMDSS), writes Aline De Bievre. The decision of IMO’s MSC 97 revealed a variety of views and the general feeling was that
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) to refer a UK information paper more information was needed before making a decision.
to its Navigation, Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue According to the UK information paper, Inmarsat
(NCSR) subcommittee is a strong indication that the organisation FleetBroadband terminals equipped with a maritime safety
is increasingly aware of the additional opportunities arising from terminal are capable of the same GMDSS functions as
developments in satellite services for enhanced GMDSS provision. Inmarsat-C, as well as having enhanced safety and distress
At the committee’s session in November 2016 (MSC 97), the UK features. They are effectively compliant with the GMDSS and can
suggested it would be advantageous for ships to have access to be used for GMDSS communications.
the FleetBroadband Maritime Safety Data Service (MSDS) for the A ship using an Inmarsat FleetBroadband terminal should
GMDSS carriage requirement under the Solas convention. This therefore be considered as meeting the Solas requirement for
requirement applies to ships of more than 300gt. an Inmarsat mobile earth station, as has already been agreed for
In an information paper, it described the MSDS as the Inmarsat C and Fleet 77. Inmarsat notified the NSCR subcommittee
in March 2016 that its Fleet 77 service, which carries voice and
data communication services, will end on 1 December 2020.
The UK’s request comes at an important time in IMO’s ongoing
work with regard to the GMDSS. The organisation has been
engaged in a comprehensive review of the GMDSS with the aim
being to modernise and upgrade it. Furthermore, it has indicated it
could recognise Iridium as a second GMDSS service provider once
a number of technical issues relating to the capability of Iridium’s
satellite constellation have been resolved.
Inmarsat is still the only global safety services provider approved
to deliver the GMDSS under the Solas convention. The Inmarsat C
service, which carries data and messaging communication services
only, has been successful in providing a critical link between vessels
in distress and Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres (MRCCs)
around the world for the past 25 years. It always prioritises seafarer
distress alerts to MRCSS and nearby ships.
At MSC 97, the UK stressed that the FleetBroadband system
had not experienced any major operational outages in either
space or ground segments. Its reliability and availability has been
Intellian introduced FB250R and FB500R terminals for in excess of the required 99.9 per cent availability each year since
FleetBroadband in December 2016 (credit: Intellian) January 2010. MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017

Asian Maritime
Cyber Risk
Management Summit
7 March 2017, Singapore


Understanding and managing cyber security risks in Asian shipping

Maritime organisations are now recognising that they need to know if their data is encrypted, and what that means,
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cyber security fitness and meet and mix with maritime and cyber security professionals spanning the worlds of owner/
operators; insurers; port operators and cyber security providers at the Asian Maritime Cyber Risk Management Summit.

The summit is a one day interactive event comprising a mix of presentations, panel discussions, and demonstrations.
Themes will include: implementation of cyber security systems for the maritime industry; risk management; operational
issues and a look at the technologies available. There will be outstanding networking, marketing and branding
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of physical hacking or market manipulation
• Users of Big Data solutions present case studies and share their experience
• Opportunities to network during lunch, refreshment breaks and at the evening drinks reception.

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Rising VSAT demand

drives investment and consolidation

SpeedCast is acquiring
Harris CapRock for its
VSAT technology and its
share of the cruise ship
market, and Color Line
is installing Telenor’s
hardware across its fleet

Cruise ship operators have invested in VSAT to meet passenger connectivity expectations (credit: Martyn Wingrove)

xpected high demand for bandwidth for passenger specialist, to gain a foothold in that sector.
services is driving acquisitions and technology He later called the acquisition of Harris CapRock “a
investment in satellite communications. It is one transformational opportunity for SpeedCast.” In November he
of the key reasons why SpeedCast International is said: “SpeedCast will become one of the largest purchasers of
acquiring Harris CapRock from Harris Corp, and why Global satellite capacity globally and create a diversified industry leader
Eagle Entertainment acquired EMC. Increasing demand for with a strong global network. The combination of SpeedCast
passenger communications has also driven investment in new high and Harris CapRock enables us to accelerate our position in the
throughput satellites with spot beams of VSAT coverage. It has led cruise sector.”
companies such as Marlink to book capacity on Intelsat’s EpicNG Harris CapRock brings its technical experience in different
constellation of satellites. types of satellite communications networks, its own antennas,
In the run up to SpeedCast’s announcement in November and investment in long-range radio and WiFi. Harris CapRock
2016 of its intention to acquire Harris CapRock, Marine Electronics president Tracey Haslam said the company provided satellite
& Communications interviewed top management of the two communications to around half of the world’s ocean-going cruise
companies. SpeedCast chief executive Pierre-Jean Beylier ships, including those operated by Royal Caribbean Cruises and
explained that the company was building its market presence in Star Cruises.
passenger ship communications (MEC October/November 2016). It offers time division multiple access (TDMA), delivered by
Earlier this year it acquired WINS, a cruise ship communications VT iDirect, and Comtech EF Data Corp’s single channel per

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


carrier (SCPC) network technology, as well as the multiband, Color Fantasy, Bohus, Color Magic, SuperSpeed 1, Color Viking
IP-enabled antenna that is offered as part of the Harris CapRock and SuperSpeed 2. This will be delivered through the Thor
One communications service. Ms Haslam explained: “We provide 7 Ka-band high-performance satellite and Ku-band coverage
uncontended TDMA so customers can burst and dynamically when required. Color Line operates ferry routes from Norway to
allocate bandwidth when needed. But SCPC is also available Denmark and Germany.
where appropriate. It all depends on customer requirements.” Telenor Maritime is acquiring SatPoint to increase its market
She has seen communications technology on cruise ships share of maritime satellite communications users in Scandinavia.
advance rapidly over the last five years as passengers demand SatPoint has a strong position in the Baltic Sea market with more
more bandwidth on board to use their own devices. “On cruise than 125 maritime broadband installations on ferries, merchant
ships once we saw bandwidth of 3 Mbps,” she told MEC. “But ships, and floating accommodation units.
penetration of bandwidth in cruise has increased as we supply Skybridge has introduced a digital voice service for passengers
more at lower costs. People want to use this for social media, and crew to use over satellite links. The VoiSea application offers
resulting in stronger demand. Growth is such that there are more free voice over IP (VoIP), messaging and high definition video over
devices on board than there are passengers.” IP to seafarers and ferry passengers. The program performs these
This leads to cruise shipowners investing in more onboard applications while keeping bandwidth consumption to a minimum.
bandwidth to attract customers. “If cruise ships want to compete It is hosted on a mobile phone and operates over the ship’s WiFi.
they will need more available gigabytes,” said Ms Haslam. “That is VoiSea uses high bandwidth networks when they are available or
more than one satellite transponder per ship, so high throughput can switch to a low bandwidth version that reduces consumption
satellites are needed to meet this demand from cruise.” to as low as 8 Kbps for messaging over narrowband capacity. MEC
The satellite service is useful until cruise ships operate in areas
that are outside the coverage or the signal is blocked. For these
scenarios, Harris CapRock offers wireless radio and long-term
evolution (LTE) 4G mobile technology. It has deployed this radio
technology in Alaska for cruise shipping, as satellite signals are
blocked by mountains because of the low angle of sight between
the antenna and satellites. Ms Haslam added: “We will also
have radio technology going into Norway, where fjords provide
obstructions to the satellite coverage.” The Harris CapRock One
antenna can switch automatically between C-band and Ku-band.
When passenger ships have the VSAT, long-range radio and
LTE technologies on board, there is an intelligent communications
director that can choose any one of these options for least-cost
routeing. Harris CapRock was investing in Phasor’s flat panel
antennas for VSAT connectivity and had taken capacity on the
latest high throughput satellites, including Intelsat EpicNG.
With the increasing number of technical solutions for passenger
services, there is a challenge for passenger shipowners in
choosing the right ones in which to invest. Ms Haslam explained:
“With the rapid growth in bandwidth demand and availability,
the challenge is in picking the right technology. We are working
on future-proofing, so we can ensure that we deliver bandwidth
and technology that can keep pace with cruise sector demand.”
She added: “We offer an always-on, multi-method delivery with
redundancy to deliver the guest experience. The internet needs
to work all the time, as passengers can become frustrated if they
cannot be connected.”
On passenger ferries the challenge is compounded by the
short amount of time that passengers spend on the ships and the
constant flow of users. Ferry operator Color Line has overcome
some of these issues by deploying WiFi and fast broadband
across its fleet to enable passengers to use their own devices
on its ships. It has expanded its contract with Telenor Maritime to
include VSAT and wireless networks.
Chief information officer for Color Line Marianne Gade Gørbitz
expects these connectivity platforms to enhance passenger
experience on its fleet of six vessels. “The agreement with Telenor
Maritime means we can offer full WiFi coverage on our vessels
with increased capacity and bandwidth during the first quarter
of 2017,” she said. “This enables further investments in digital
solutions to provide guests with the best experience on board.” Harris CapRock has developed its own IP-enabled antenna for
Telenor Maritime will provide VSAT connectivity to the vessels cruise ship VSAT (credit: Harris CapRock) Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


Integrated technology
ordered for new cruise ships

urging orders for Wärtsilä, Kongsberg Maritime, Caterpillar Marine and GE’s Marine
new cruise ships
Solutions have deployed the latest technology on cruise ships
have led to several
contracts for
integrated ship automation,
power management and
bridge systems. Some of the access to the customised cruise in Croatia for Australian cruise control, fire extinguishing,
latest electronics technology software from the main bridge line Scenic Cruises. security video and the
developments, including and from both bridge wings. For this contract, Kongsberg integrated alarm monitoring
dynamic positioning, will be Nacos Valmatic is supplying a K-Chief and control system.
installed on these newbuilding Platinum includes numerous automation control system Caterpillar Marine has
orders. For example, Wärtsilä individual systems such as with almost 10,000 input and developed control systems
won contracts in September power management, energy output points and a K-Master for its dual-fuel engines that
2016 to supply a range measuring, liquefied natural integrated bridge system. were designed for a new
of integrated automation, gas (LNG) fuel plant control, The bridge equipment will generation of cruise ships. The
bridge system and dynamic air conditioning, cabin include two independent and MaK 16 M 46 DF engines
positioning equipment for control, emergency shutdown, redundant workstations, with burn gas and diesel for cruise
four new cruise ships. Two information management, multifunctional operator stations ship propulsion. They use the
of the vessels are being built safety management control, for navigation and positioning. latest version of Cat engine
at the Meyer Turku shipyard video walls and tactical tables, There will also be a control units and software so
in Finland and the other as well as an extended alarm redundant radar network to ship operators can optimise
two ships are to be built at system. The complete system is combine signals from all four engine performance for specific
the Meyer Werft shipyard in operated and controlled from radar units on board into a operating profiles. They also
Papenburg, Germany. a total of 24 workstations at single display to improve the have fast load response, better
The deliveries will comprise different locations. situational awareness of the fuel consumption and long
Nacos Platinum bridge systems, Kongsberg Maritime crew. Scenic Eclipse will have intervals between overhauls.
including 12 multifunction gained an order, to supply functions for ice detection, Caterpillar is also offering
workstations, and Nacos integrated automation, power and wave height and direction asset intelligence and servicing
Valmatic Platinum integrated management and navigation calculations. The safety that uses remote monitoring,
automation systems. The bridge systems on a new ice class management and control automated data analytics and
workstations will be used cruise ship. It will deliver an system will gather safety- expert advisory services to
for radar applications, ecdis, integrated bridge, dynamic relevant information into a ensure the highest uptime and
voyage planning, conning and positioning, safety management common platform for manual lowest operating cost.
operations. The ships will have and control systems to 168m and automatic processing. General Electric’s (GE’s)
automatic steering and dynamic Scenic Eclipse. The vessel, with It will interface with sub- Marine Solutions has upgraded
positioning. Three compact capacity for 228 passengers, is systems, such as fire detection, propulsion control systems on
workstations will provide full being built by Uljanik Group emergency shutdown, flooding Carnival Corp’s flagship liner,
Queen Mary 2. GE replaced
oil distribution boxes on
steerable pods and modified
the harmonic filters on the
propulsion plant. It used real-
time simulation to test and
validate the technology that
was installed on the ship before
completing commissioning.
This shortened the timeframe
Kongsberg has designed integrated bridge
systems for Scenic Cruises (credit: Kongsberg) for the upgrade work in the
drydock to 18 days. MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017

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is for an energy storage control system and
Onboard DC Grid to retrofit two HH Ferries
Group vessels, Tycho Brahe and Aurora,
in 2017. They will operate on battery

power between Helsingør in Denmark and
Helsingborg, Sweden. In another order,
ABB is supplying an Onboard DC Grid
for a new hybrid car ferry being built at

Fiskerstrand Verft in Norway.
Norwegian Electric Systems has signed
a contract, valued at up to US$3.5 million,
with Remontowa Shipbuilding of Gdansk,
Poland for the delivery of two hybrid

electric systems for two new ferries. The
package consists of ultra-light converters
forming a DC grid system with four battery
packages, two on each side of the DC bus,
for redundancy. In addition, for the main

propulsion there are water-cooled, high
efficiency permanent magnet motors and
four direct-driven propellers. The ferries
are being built to operate the Woolwich
service across the River Thames for
Transport for London, in the UK. Norwegian

Electric Systems has already installed one
assenger ship operators, Hurtigruten intends to retrofit the first ship of Europe’s largest test facilities for electric
especially in Northern Europe, with the same technology, at a later date. propulsion systems, including energy
are adopting electric propulsion Hybrid propulsion and batteries have storage, and is developing a new energy
and automation technology. One been installed on increasing numbers of management system.
recent order was received by Rolls-Royce ferries operating in Scandinavia and the Ferry operators in the Solent in the
to supply hybrid power systems and new Baltic. Siemens supplied systems for the first UK are harnessing battery power. Cemre
bridge and automation technology for electric-driven ferry Ampere in 2015, and Shipyard in Turkey is building a hybrid
Hurtigruten’s two new hybrid-propulsion has since gained fresh orders. These have battery-operated ferry for Wightlink Ferries.
expedition cruise ships. included a follow-up order from Finland- The ship will have batteries for powering the
As recently reported in Riviera Maritime based FinFerries. It is also supplying two ship’s electrical supply and motion-activated
Media’s Passenger Ship Technology, new battery-driven ferries for Fjord 1 in light emitting diode (LED) lighting, as well
Hurtigruten ordered Roald Amundsen Norway, due for delivery in January 2018 as assisting with propulsion. Red Funnel is
and Fridtjof Nansen from Kleven shipyard from Turkey’s Tersan Shipyard. The order considering using batteries on a new fast
in Norway. Rolls-Royce then received a involves supplying lithium-ion batteries ferry. It took delivery of Red Jet 6, which has
contract to supply the latest automation for energy storage, thrusters, and remote conventional propulsion and power systems,
and control systems, including its Unified control modules for the propellers. in 2016, and plans to order another one from
Bridge, as well as electrical power systems, ABB has gained orders for electric drive Shemara Refit in the UK. It is interested in
Azipull propellers using permanent magnet technology for battery-powered passenger combining batteries with fuel for future new
technology, two large tunnel thrusters, ships. The latest contract, from Stena Line, dual-fuel electric vessels. MEC
stabilisers, engines and winches.
The hybrid technology is planned for
delivery in two phases. In phase one,
auxiliary battery power will provide large
reductions in fuel consumption by enabling
peak shaving. This solution is to be
installed on the first expedition ship ready
for delivery in 2018.
For phase two, larger batteries will be
installed, enabling the possibility of fully
electric sailing across longer distances and
over longer periods of time. This will be
used when sailing into fjords, at port and
in vulnerable areas, providing silent and
emissions free sailing. Rolls-Royce will install HH Ferries has decided to convert two of its ferries
this new technology in the second ship to be to run on battery power, using ABB’s Onboard DC grid concept
built, which is scheduled for delivery in 2019. Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


Tero Marine and DNV GL

expand software
New functions have been Communications. “When a company has a sensor and auto-logging data. And we can
fleet with tens of thousands of spare parts, use this to provide more transparent and
added to fleet management
items and jobs – all connected through a actionable data reporting and analytics.”
programs to improve data central database – it is important that the There is a new service in ECO Insight
analytics, reporting and data quality is high.” He continued: “Our that alerts operators to key fleet performance
voyage logging tools clean the databases effectively, and metrics on a daily basis and positions this
make the software more effective. Data information on the start-up page. DNV GL
quality is something that the rest of the has also added a monthly fleet performance
world’s software business is talking about, review and more analytics report functions
but not that much in our line of business.” on the operator dashboard. The software
He said the health, safety, quality and can be used to manage fleet performance

arine information systems environment modules had been considerably including hull and propeller, engine systems
developer Tero Marine has extended in 2016. "The docking module is in and fuel quality performance.
added new functions to its fleet the process of being expanded. This module DNV GL has also added more functions
management software TM has seen a considerable increase in its use the to its Navigator Insight voyage reporting
Master, writes Martyn Wingrove. The suite last two years, and fleet managers using this program. This includes a unique electronic
of programs has modules for procurement, report big savings over time,” he added. owner-charterer co-operation contract
maintenance, human resources, and health, Class society DNV GL has added option, where the data released to each
safety, quality and the environment. More functions to its ECO Insight fleet performance party can be tailored to reflect contractual
were added in 2016 to make the software management software. It has added analytical responsibilities. Navigator Insight reports
more versatile for different users. The and reporting features that it said should on more operational data such as port
company said the new features in TM Master enable shipowners to manage greater volumes logs and consumer usage from onboard
include functions for forecasting, incident of vessel data. DNV GL has used in-house equipment, such as cargo pumps and inert
reporting, voyage logging, document handling, developments and third-party data collection gas generators. It is also able to supply fully
auditing and failure reporting. systems to improve the analytics tools. automatic emissions reports in readiness for
According to Tero Marine director of DNV GL head of fleet performance the introduction of new regulations in 2017.
marketing Jarle Holmelid, one of the most management Torsten Büssow said the Lloyd’s Register (LR) has acquired
useful recent additions is data cleaning in-house research had been directed by Sweden’s Seasafe Marine Software &
tools. “These are actually quite unique, feedback from shipping clients who had Computation to add onboard loading
and underestimated, in fleet management concerns about data. He added: “The last year and stability software to its portfolio. LR’s
software,” he told Marine Electronics & has proven that ECO Insight can integrate ship emergency response service uses the
software for vessel modelling and stability
calculations. This team provides emergency
preparedness and response to vessel operators.
Seasafe software has a variety of features for
Eidesvik Offshore uses TM Master specialised loading operations and advanced
to manage its fleet of offshore intact and damage stability calculations.
vessels (credit: Eidesvik) * Tug and offshore vessel operator CMI
Offshore has begun using UK company
Marine Software’s marine planned
maintenance software MPMWin on a fleet
of anchor-handling tugs and high speed
catamarans. CM Jet 1, CM Rahil, CM
Rescue, CM Rose and CM Ruby will start
reporting all maintenance activities within
the MPMWin software for central data
replication ashore. MEC
European Marine
24 April 2017, Amsterdam


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The recent expansion in cloud services has led to the development of a
host of ship and fleet management solutions with online portals

Eniram’s SkyLight includes a

portable hardware unit, with
sensors and its own software
(credit: Martyn Wingrove)

loud services have become the main host for a series unit, with sensors and its own software, which is installed on a ship.
of fleet management, ship monitoring and crew This records ship performance data and sends this to a cloud-based
management solutions. Shipping companies are able to database via a satellite link.
access data from vessels in their fleets and information Eniram vice president for commercial shipping Jan Wilhelmsson
about their seafarers through secure online portals that can be said this service is free of expensive and complex onboard
accessed anywhere worldwide with a broadband connection. As installations as it comprises just one compact and mobile unit.
a result, superintendents, fleet managers and company executives “This unit has sensors and a transponder with a connection to our
can keep track of the key performance indicators (KPIs) of their own satellite coverage that sends real-time data to the fleet cloud,”
ships and crew, at their own convenience. They can also act on the he said. The service produces reports such as normalised fuel
information to optimise fuel consumption, improve ship efficiency consumption, charter-party monitoring information and the vessel’s
and ensure crew are trained to the correct standards. speed profile. “The latest development includes setting up speed
Developments in this technology mean that nearly all fleet alarms and including weather information,” said Mr Wilhelmsson.
services that have online access are cloud-based. For example, Eniram was acquired by Wärtsilä in the third quarter of 2016.
when Eniram recently developed the SkyLight service for vessel The Netherlands-headquartered VAF Instruments has developed
performance monitoring and optimisation it included a cloud-based the Ivy fleet performance monitoring software to work alongside
data centre with user access. The service uses a portable hardware its existing ship sensors and processing unit. This is accessed

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


online through a mobile application and a cloud service. VAF available globally to LR’s clients. “Our methodology and software
area sales manager Edwin Schuirink explained how Ivy provides support all phases of asset life – design, operation, tail-end life and
ship operators and managers with data analytics from a number decommissioning,” said Neil Arthur, head of RTAMO at LR. He
of onboard sensors. These include flow meter, engine torque, continued: “It is also evidence-based, which has an advantage over
propulsion thrust and fuel density sensors. “Ivy logs the data and conventional maintenance planning. It is sensitive to commercial
performs analytics on shore on the relevant data so shipowners factors such as commodity price, time to failure and cost of planned
can compare ship KPIs in the fleet,” he said. “They can compare versus corrective maintenance.”
engine performance, propeller efficiency and hull fouling by using According to LR chief technology officer Nial McCollam, the
the torque and thrust sensors. Operators can analyse data between software so far used in offshore oil and gas installations would be
drydockings to get direct visibility of the propeller and hull applicable to other high risk, capital-intensive industries, such as
performance,” Mr Schuirink added. shipping and offshore renewables. He added: “This is an important
BAE Systems is running tests on a new cloud-based software step in building global software solutions that create value for our
platform for ship KPIs and condition monitoring under the Sea- customers. We are bringing together all of LR’s existing commercial
Cores (ship energy assessment – condition optimisation and routing software activities to provide a suite of integrated solutions.”
enhancement system) project. Its consortium partners include LR is also developing other data services. “Our global technology
James Fisher Mimic, which is providing sensor data, and OSIsoft, and innovation team is also developing a range of innovative
which has developed the software. The cloud-based platform will data and digital solutions, such as remote presence inspections,
incorporate voyage data recorders, navigation equipment and engine cyber security and asset lifecycle management services,” said Mr
performance information. McCollam. LR is developing an online-based, condition-based
BAE Systems platform energy manager Adrian Skidmore said the maintenance program, which is being tested on naval ships. LR
consortium was looking at energy assessment, condition optimisation, strategic manager for technology and innovation Joseph Morelos
route enhancement and ship performance. He said the consortium said the Cyber Condition Based Maintenance (Cyber CBM)
was running trials of the Sea-Cores platform for the British Royal program can be used for analysing the condition and performance of
Navy and on commercial ships. He added: “We are looking at critical components in real-time. It also helps lower lifecycle costs as
improving vessel efficiency and changing operations, using condition- equipment can remain well maintained.
based maintenance, fuel consumption and emissions data. Around 60 Cyber CBM includes the onboard sensors and instruments,
KPIs have been developed.” cloud-based data access and data analytics. “We can include
Classification society Lloyd’s Register (LR) has acquired lubricant analysis, thermography, vibration analysis, acoustics
maintenance optimisation services that use a cloud-based databank. LR measurements and other monitoring techniques,” said Mr Morelos.
acquired UK company RTAMO (Real Time Adaptive Maintenance “We are developing the data analytics, piloting this on naval ships
Optimisation) to offer real-time maintenance management solutions to and looking for commercial shipping applications,” he added.
shipping and offshore. RTAMO has developed data-driven solutions Docmap uses cloud technology for the latest version of its fleet
to reduce maintenance costs for asset owners. It claims to have lowered management software Docmap 8. This suite of software includes
maintenance costs on offshore facilities by 30 per cent by using its a task manager, incident reporting and document management
optimisation services. This has been achieved on more than 20 offshore functions. It also has a module for corporate quality, health, safety
facilities operated by Maersk Oil, BG Group, Shell and Centrica. and environmental management. According to sales manager Adiam
It uses condition monitoring and preventative maintenance Negassie, these are all accessible through online portals to a cloud-
plans, said LR strategic project director Murray Douglas: “Using based database. Docmap 8 also has a bidirectional data link that
this software-enabled service to manage our customers’ maintenance automatically synchronises data on vessels and in onshore offices
burden will significantly reduce costs while demonstrating safe and over satellite connectivity. This can be done through automated
responsible operations.” e-mails or using a file transfer protocol with high data compression
The cloud-based technology will enable this solution to be made to minimise bandwidth use.

Boskalis deploys cloud suite to focus on growth

Dredging vessel operator Royal Boskalis to its global offices and assets over the simple. We are moving away from the
Westminster has started implementing course of the next few years. Boskalis principle of doing everything by ourselves,
Infor’s cloud-based Infor CloudSuite to will complete this project through Infor’s in-house, so that our team can focus more
support fleet management and growth UpgradeX programme. on maximising the business value for its
opportunities. The suite of online software According to Boskalis director own organisation.”
can be used for integrating procurement, for information and communications He added: “Infor CloudSuite
resource management, social collaboration technology Rien Krijger, this will enable the meets all our requirements, such as
and data analytics. company to access applications instead of interoperability with third-party systems,
Infor CloudSuite is hosted by Amazon developing them in-house. “The technology easy management and connections to
Web Services. Boskalis will begin we have to deal with is becoming more our own applications. This means that
implementing this in The Netherlands with complex,” he said. “The decision to extract the connection with other systems, such
the first live user before the end of this knowledge from Infor, which offers all as our mobile platform, can be realised
year. It expects to roll out the software specialisations together as a service, was quickly and easily.” MEC Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


Radio Zeeland unveils

new bridge systems
Navigation displays and controls were revealed at the International
Workboat Show in New Orleans in December 2016

adio Zeeland DMP has unveiled a new range of bridge one system, all these elements are integrated and displayed in a
systems for workboats and commercial vessels. The Titan streamlined touchscreen environment,” Mr Leone added.
line of navigation displays and controls can be connected Also at the International Workboat Show, Hatteland Display
either to a network or to a wired system. It combines introduced a new series of displays for workboats, ships and offshore
digital or analogue displays within the same panel so it can be vessel bridge and automation systems. This included the 55in ultra
flexible and customised for users. high definition chart and voyage planning table. This includes
Titan incorporates the technology deployed from earlier touchscreen operations, multi-data input, ecdis, radar and voyage
products, the Falcon and Sigma lines. It is ISO-certified for quality planning functions. Hatteland Display also featured its Series X
assurance and designed for installation on newbuilding projects or portfolio of displays up to 26in widescreen. These feature glass
for retrofitting vessels, including commercial ships. display control, light emitting diode backlighting, full dimming and
Radio Zeeland DMP president David Leone said it was multi-power functions. They can also come with multi-touch screen,
important for the company to develop navigation panels that optical bonding and ecdis calibration.
incorporated both digital and analogue components. “The Titan line Meanwhile, Zeaborn Group is deploying dual-ecdis and VSAT
provides a much more flexible solution and has many more variable communications on a fleet of multipurpose heavy cargo vessels. It
options," he commented. "This will make it much easier to integrate has contracted Germany-based Pronautas to deliver bridge systems
our system into a multitude of different instruments.” and Sealink communications and the XChange platform from
The instrumentation could include rudder angle sensors, an Marlink across the fleet. Pronautas will also deploy Marlink’s and its
echo sounder indicator set, wind speed and direction indicator, rate own onboard virtualised client servers on the cargo ships. Pronautas’
of turn indictor, GPS compass, autopilot and path pilot. It could IT solution includes installation of ship IT infrastructure, remote
also include an intercom station, generic control panel, trackball access and full back-up availability. The dual-ecdis equipment can
panel, steering system, joystick panel and controls for a camera or be combined with a firewall gateway to enable Zeaborn to use Pay-
search light. “The power behind the Titan Line is that within the As-You-Sail chart services for paperless navigation.
The equipment installation, commissioning and software set-up
will be conducted by Pronautas’ engineers. Bremen, Germany-
based Zeaborn provides commercial and technical management
of ships and has its own fleet of four ships with more on order.
It operates four 8,600 dwt multipurpose cargo ships and has 10
ships, of 12,300 dwt each, due for delivery during 2017. For these
it is providing technical ship management and supervision during
the shipbuilding process.
Thome Ship Management has contracted Radio Holland to
service navigation and communications equipment on a fleet of 200
vessels. The Singapore-headquartered shipmanagement company
will use Radio Holland for annual radio surveys, servicing bridge
equipment, delivery of spare parts and troubleshooting.
Thome Ship Management procurement and supply chain
manager Ryan Dalgado said the single point of contact, global
network and local contact in Singapore were important aspects of
the agreement. “We need a reliable partner we can call on to support
our worldwide activities of our entire fleet,” he commented. “It is
also convenient for us to have a local contact in Singapore, where
Radio Zeeland combines digital and analogue displays and controls we know the people and they help us wherever our vessels are in the
in its Titan bridge systems (credit: Martyn Wingrove) world.” MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017



Crews can be trained in

offshore vessel operations using the
K-Sim bridge simulator (credit: Modal)

odal Training supplied a suite of simulators courses will include: operated independently,
has begun to the centre. These will be • bridge resource and team or sections can be
courses in its used to deliver training for management interconnected to provide full
new £7 million a wide range of maritime • dynamic positioning vessel operation exercises for
(US$8.8 million) simulation roles, including bridge • navigation with radar and an entire crew. Modal Training
centre in Immingham in the crews, navigators, maritime ecdis is jointly funded by the
UK. The centre has been engineers and vessel traffic • the Global Maritime Distress Grimsby Institute Group and
created to provide a centre service (VTS) operators. A and Safety System the Humber Local Enterprise
of excellence for the ports, full range of marine simulator • human element, leadership Partnership. Grimsby Institute
energy and logistics sectors courses will be delivered and management Group director of strategic
in the Humber region, with for deck, engineering and • high voltage systems projects Sam Whitaker said
particular focus on what is electro-technical officers • engineroom operations high quality and bespoke
required for the offshore working in the deepsea, • vessel traffic services. training was needed in
renewables sector. offshore and port sectors. Each section of the the region to meet the
Kongsberg Maritime has The industry-accredited simulator system can be growing requirements of the

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


offshore renewables and

shipping sectors. He added:
“Simulation is at the heart
of what we offer here. We
are confident this will help
to create a new generation
of highly skilled offshore
operators, and will be key to
streamlining the processes for
offshore windfarm installation
and service.”

Modal Training has a full
mission bridge K-Sim simulator
rated as DNV Class A. It
incorporates a detailed
360-degrees model of the
Humber, as well as forward Offshore Simulator Centre will supply a crane simulator suite to Modal Training (credit: Modal)
and aft bridge stations for
dynamic positioning (DP) and
anchor-handling operations. Modal Training has also across a wide range of portside “Interconnection is imperative,
This can be connected to appointed Norwegian simulator and offshore operations, said enabling people to interact
work simultaneously with the specialist Offshore Simulator Offshore Simulator Centre with others,” said Mr Mills.
engineroom simulator. Centre to create an advanced chief executive Joel Alexander “From basic training to virtual
There is also a K-Sim Class crane driver simulator training Mills. He added: “A simulator prototyping, which enables the
C desktop simulator system, suite. At the centre of this environment like this will enable test and development of new
with six PCs for DP training, will be two crane simulators users to gain experience in concepts, our simulators are
and a desktop K-Sim ecdis housed in domes. Each will many crane operations.” flexible and provide the ability
and radar simulator for up to have seven projectors capable These simulators can be to interconnect with personnel,
six students. The engineroom of creating realistic training used to simulate offshore cranes and vessels.”
suite is equipped with a environments. There will also ship bridge and underwater Modal Training will
full mission K-Sim engine be six desktop classroom crane vehicle applications which also provide introductory
simulator with a new high simulators, four deck personnel will enable whole teams of courses for managers and
voltage breaker function, and simulators, an instructor station crane drivers, deck hands businesses that need a
a desktop engineroom unit. and a debrief room. and offshore vessel operators fuller understanding of the
There is also a K-Sim VTS The suite will see individuals to train together in a wide operational issues associated
operator simulator. train to drive all types of cranes, range of critical scenarios. with vessel operations.

Ship operators turn to competency assurance training

Tanker and gas carrier operator Consolidated Marine Management managers need to be aware of the competencies of their officers,
(CMM) and passenger shipping company Condor Ferries have both particularly in using navigation systems, instead of solely relying on
begun providing crew with ecdis type-specific training. The two them holding a certificate.
companies have signed up to provide annual competency assurance Latvian Shipping Co subsidiary LSC Shipmanagement already
training (ACAT) courses through UK-based Ecdis Ltd. offers ACAT courses to crew through Ecdis Ltd. Its head of
Greece-headquartered CMM will provide its crew with ACAT personnel Sanita Žurzdina said that ACAT courses for specific ecdis
training for ecdis models supplied by Japan Radio Co and Furuno models have been beneficial to the company. She added: “From
Electric on 23 ships. It operates a fleet of 12 product and chemical my perspective, the courses have given us great insight into our
tankers, three oil tankers and eight very large gas carriers. The crews’ competence and have given us peace of mind that they fully
assurance training will be available to crew on these ships for at least understand how to use the equipment. We have already found that
one year. our crew members are being reminded about the functions on their
Condor Ferries, which operates passenger ships between the UK, ecdis systems on which they needed refreshing.”
France and the Channel Islands, has agreed to use Ecdis Ltd to Ecdis Ltd provides generic ecdis training that follows IMO’s
offer competence assurance training to crew that use ecdis supplied 1.27 model ecdis course and several type-specific and familarisation
by Transas. courses. It is developing a range of additional ACAT refresher
There is increasing interest in ACAT courses as shipping courses for other ecdis models. MEC Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


GE invests
in US maritime
training centre
GE trains DP operators on its
SeaStream DP console

eneral Electric (GE) has introduced new training courses that cover
reinvested in its dynamic a larger scope of maritime operations as
positioning (DP) training school part of its expansion. This means it can
in Houston, USA in response to the train twice as many trainees as before and there was greater demand for training
changing requirements of offshore and cover subjects such as power management on this equipment. He added: “We see
maritime sectors. GE Marine Solutions automation, propulsion and drilling that demand for technical support and
has moved the Marine Technical Center operations and maintenance courses. training is gaining momentum. We
to a larger facility in the Westway Plaza, One of the new simulation facilities at strongly believe in educating mariners
Houston, and added new simulators. the centre is a MV3000 medium-voltage on how to make the best use of these
The school offers hands-on switchboard, and another is a SD7000 technologies to carry out safer and more
immersion DP training using a fully low-voltage switchboard. efficient maritime operations.”
interactive simulation suite. The centre The centre offers courses on The centre will also be used by GE
recently gained Nautical Institute SeaStream DP, MV3000 drives, vessel to provide support to ship operators in
accreditation to conduct sea-time automation and control systems. It North America that have GE systems
reduction courses using its simulators. intends to offer training on LV5, MV6 on board their vessels. GE is employing
Mariners undergoing this training will and SD7000 switchboard and switchgear field engineers and remote monitoring
be credited with 30 days of DP sea-time from May 2017. and diagnostics through its SeaStream
when they complete the five-day courses. GE Marine Solutions president and Insight and Visor solutions at the centre
Marine Technical Center has chief executive Tim Schweikert said to deliver this technical support.

Training is vital for and of qualified seafarers. Transas' task is to provide seafarers
and LNG terminal personnel with advanced simulator training.
maritime safety The recently launched Transas Academy takes a holistic
approach to training delivery. New training requirements for
seafarers will depend on simulator training more than before, and
Training of maritime personnel is vital for safety at sea, says Transas has contributed to maritime simulator training, especially
Transas Academy vice-president Ralf Lehnert. As a global leader in dynamic positioning, LNG-fuelled bunkering and ice navigation.
in advanced simulation solutions, Transas constantly keeps With the amendment of the STCW Convention coming into
track of all the aspects of development in marine technologies, force on 1 January, ice simulator training will become important.
allowing it to meet modern training standards. Transas has redeveloped the ice functionality in its simulator
Training and operation skills of the crews of ships that use to train and assess ice-navigator proficiencies in polar waters
low-flashpoint fuel should improve because of the innovative according to the Polar Code. This includes identification of ice
technologies developed through Transas' research and types, ice avoidance, risk identification, A-to-B transit in various
development capabilities in IT, mathematical modelling and ice concentrations, the use of polynyas, finding leads, iceberg drift
system integration, all implemented in the latest LNG tanker track and ice management.
and terminal simulator solutions. The new ice functionality features meet the requirements
Preparing crew means minimising the risk to the ship, of classic ice navigation training and ice management and
personnel and the environment, having regard to the nature of icebreaking training to support energy production and cruise ship
the fuels involved. The main problem is a lack of infrastructure activities in the polar regions. MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017



Marine Electronics & Communications’ website covers the latest technology developments,
contracts and deployments. Our news coverage is exclusively online and free to read.
Here are some of the most popular articles from the past month.

Forward thinking: Kongsberg’s Tom Eystø Tarbit invests

In the second article of our forward thinking that Kongsberg is doing for the UK’s Automated in tanker
series, Kongsberg Maritime looks ahead to wider Ships Ltd, which is building the world’s first
deployment of autonomous ships. The future unmanned and fully-automated vessel for offshore safety
of unmanned ships is closer than many had operations. Hrönn will be a state-of-the-art ship
expected, Kongberg Maritime vice president Tom when it is delivered, scheduled for 2018. Tarbit Shipping has upgraded
Eystø explained. He bases this opinion on the work Hrönn will be a light-duty, offshore utility its safety management system
ship servicing the offshore energy, scientific, across a fleet of tankers using
hydrographic and offshore fish-farming industries. Logimatic’s software. The
“It will initially operate and function primarily as Swedish tanker company has
a remotely piloted ship, in a man-in-the-loop deployed the Sertica fleet
control mode,” said Mr Eystø. He added: “But it management system on 14
will transition to fully automated, and ultimately tankers to improve operations
autonomous operations as the control algorithms and meet industry safety criteria.
are developed concurrently during remotely The software is already
piloted operations.” being used on two other
Mr Eystø thinks Hrönn will demonstrate the Tarbit-operated tankers. Its
viability of autonomous systems that will lead ships transport bitumen,
to construction of larger ships with greater petroleum products and
automation. “There are no technical limitations chemicals globally. The tool
to constructing large, unmanned and automated enables the shipowner to
vessels,” he said. The main challenges are comply with the Oil Companies
regulatory, but there is hope these will be International Marine Forum’s
overcome. “With the confirmed participation of Tanker Management and
class society DNV GL and the Norwegian Maritime Self Assessment (TMSA)
Authority, and Norwegian and UK institutions, it will programme. This helps tanker
be possible to rapidly, and at low-cost, build a full- operators assess, measure
size unmanned ship.” and improve their safety
Tom Eystø: Hrönn will demonstrate management systems.
the viability of autonomous systems Tarbit has deployed
the full Sertica solution
including modules covering
maintenance, procurement

NSSLGlobal UK-based NSSLGlobal has acquired Norwegian online television

specialist SnapTV to launch IP-based entertainment services for
and vessel performance. It is
also using the health, safety,

acquires IPTV maritime and offshore sectors. The companies will collaborate to
promote TV and media distribution to shipping, offshore vessels and
environment and quality
assurance module. Tarbit
specialist drilling rigs to enhance the working environment and crew welfare.
NSSLGlobal has satellite connectivity using VSAT and L-band for
technical superintendent
Joakim Hermansson explained
SnapTV these services. SnapTV provides a range of infotainment software,
hardware and services.
how useful the software is:
“With modules such as Sertica
The infotainment software service uses graphical user interfaces Inspection and Analytics, we
to provide TV, film and radio programs. Snap TV’s video on demand are now able to continuously
and TV streaming will provide a legally licenced media content to improve our tanker operations crews over NSSLGlobal’s VSAT IP@Sea service. and fulfil all relevant industry ›››

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


››› demands. As an example,

we can easily extract reports
COSCO signs energy management
on our current status in
relation to the TMSA stages,”
fleet contract with Marorka
he commented.
COSCO Shipping Lines has struck a without. We have verified that Marorka’s solution
contract to roll out energy management and has helped crews make better decisions,
operational performance solutions from Iceland leading to fuel savings and other operational

Soget and headquartered company Marorka across its

container fleet.
improvements,” said Capt. Qian Feng, manager of
the Global Marine Operating Centre.

Thales launch The rollout decision has been made following

verification of the performance improvement
COSCO Shipping Lines says that it selected
Marorka as the preferred provider of energy

port security results during pilot projects. “After two years of

continuous monitoring and comparison of the
management solutions on board its operating
fleet due to its sophisticated algorithms and
coalition pilot vessels with others in the same series,
we see a clear difference between ships with
performance record.

advanced Marorka optimisation tools and those

Thales has joined forces with
Soget to deliver secured port
systems that include physical
and cyber security. Combined,
the two companies will protect Accident highlights risk of not
critical port infrastructure from
growing digital and physical using bridge electronics effectively
threats. Thales will offer its
expertise in cyber security and The UK government has highlighted the the collision. There was also some minor pollution
in securing coastal and port importance of keeping high standards of from leaking fuel cargo.
sites. Soget will offer its supply watchkeeping following a report into a ship The MAIB said the accident happened
chain management, information- collision. The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation because a proper lookout was not being kept on
sharing and intelligence. Branch (MAIB) said high standards of bridge either vessel. This meant that watchkeepers in
Thales can deliver operations should include using radar and both vessels were unaware of the risk of collision
integrated safety, security Automatic Identification System (AIS) information and took no action to avoid the other ship.
and cyber security to reduce to identify dangers to navigation. Similar to previous MAIB investigations, this
intervention times and improve The recommendations come in a report into accident highlighted the potential consequences
information sharing between the collision of general cargo ship Daroja and of using only one officer of the watch on ships
the security operators. bunker barge Erin Wood east of Peterhead, and not using bridge navigational aids effectively.
Soget can provide logistics Scotland. The accident occurred on 29 August The MAIB said the use of radar, visual and
optimisation solutions that 2015 in daylight and good visibility, and the MAIB AIS information could have been used more
helps improve the movement report was published on 22 December 2016. Erin effectively on both ships to prevent the accident.
of goods and commercial or Wood, which was managed by Northern Oils, was
customs processes. Together badly damaged and its crew put in danger due to
they will offer a collaborative
platform and a series of
intelligent applications, such
as video protection, anti-drone
surveillance, cyber security and
To view more whitepapers visit the Knowledge
online security forces. Bank at
This should provide effective
protection to ports, said Thales To upload a whitepaper to the Knowledge Bank,
vice president for secure please email Steve Edwards at
communications and information [email protected]
systems Marc Damon. Editor’s selection: Editor’s comment:
He added: “Global ports can Editor’s selection:
Predicting performance, promoting Editor’s
Ship comment:
owners and operators are sometimes
effectively protect themselves transparency, by International Paint sceptical about coating performance claims
Telemedicine for the Marine Industry This paper examines the costs to the shipping
Intertrac Vision: a new tool to predict the and there is a genuine need for more
against all types of threats, both industry for providing healthcare and handling
impact of fouling control coatings on accurate and transparent prediction models
on land and at sea: from physical A merchant ship at sea is one of the most medical emergencies, which is required by the
ship efficiency. This paper explains why to be developed. This paper explains how
intrusions to spying and the challenging environments in which to provide Maritime Labour Convention. It explores the role
the shipping industry needs an improved Intertrac Vision can help ship owners make
healthcare. Recent legislation requires that telemedicine can play in onboard healthcare
sabotage of their communication vessel performance prediction tool. informed decisions regarding fouling
shipowners to offer seafarers a level of provision and crew welfare.
control coating selection from both an
networks and systems.” medical care as close as possible to that economic and environmental perspective.
available onshore. Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


Martek starts European

operations to support member
states. Martek has been
awarded one of a number of
framework contracts launched

drone research project

by EMSA to develop drones
for maritime applications.
Martek will develop drones
that can sample gases from a
vessel’s emissions plume by
using a sophisticated payload
of electro-optical, infra-red
imaging, and gas emission
sensors as well as detecting
the vessel’s AIS signature.
Each RPAS will have a
range of 50km from the
ground station and will have
an onboard video camera
that streams images back to
EU member states. It will also
have an onboard gas analyser
that draws samples of air to
Martek’s Paul Luen (right) measure SOx, NOx and CO2
agrees to develop drones levels, so member states can
for EMSA (credit: Martek) determine possible breaches
of EU law with regard to the
sulphur content of a ship’s fuel.

Martek is developing
artek Marine has invested in drone technology reporting on marine fuels methods of incorporating
gained a position for the last three years and for sulphur content, and command and control and
on a European has combined its existing monitoring sulphur oxides payload data streaming over
Maritime Safety Agency gas monitoring package for (SOx) emissions from ships. satellite so the drone can
(EMSA) research project that EMSA’s project. Data from sensors on RPAS operate beyond radio line-of-
is looking at remotely piloted Through this project, units can be incorporated with sight capabilities.
aircraft systems (RPAS) for EMSA intends to develop existing information to enable Martek chief executive Paul
maritime applications. The remotely piloted aircraft to member states to comply with Luen said the drone would
drone developed from the help European Union member the directive requirements. need to withstand storm force
project will be designed for states meet Council Directive EMSA will organise and winds and heavy rain, snow
monitoring ship emissions and 1999/32/EC that governs provide, as an institutional and salt spray to operate
marine pollution. Martek has the rules for sampling and service provider, pilot RPAS effectively in marine conditions.

Technology to transform battery-powered ships

Ultra-high density supercapacitors could transform the storage that do so in a much slower, more sustained way. Supercapacitors have
of energy on vessels and the way mobile devices are charged. the ability to charge and discharge rapidly over very large numbers of
UK company Augmented Optics, a subsidiary of Supercapacitor cycles. But previously developed materials had poor ratios of energy
Materials, has developed technology that it says could revolutionise density per kilogram, which meant they were unable to compete with
the capabilities of battery-powered appliances. conventional battery energy storage in many applications.
Augmented Optics worked with the University of Surrey and the However, Augmented Optics has developed high density
University of Bristol to develop high density supercapacitors that have supercapacitors using high capacitance polymers. These tough, flexible
proved to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times more powerful than and conducting materials have other potential applications including
existing batteries and other supercapacitor technology. The material bioelectronics, sensors, wearable electronics, and advanced optics.
would be safer, faster charging and more efficient than battery power. Augmented Optics chief executive Jim Heathcote said the company
It could enable battery-powered vessels to take longer voyages without was seeking commercial partners to develop ultra high energy density
needing to recharge, or mobile devices to be charged within seconds. storage devices. He added: “The test results from the new polymers
Supercapacitors store energy using electrodes and electrolytes. suggest that extremely high energy density supercapacitors could be
These charge and deliver energy quickly, unlike conventional batteries constructed in the very near future.” MEC

Marine Electronics & Communications | 1st Quarter 2017


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