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Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng and

Preah Vihear Provinces

May 2015
Benjamin Hayes, Eang Hourt Khou, Neang Thy, Neil Furey, Chhin Sophea,
Jeremy Holden, Hun Seiha, Phen Sarith, La Pengly and Virginia Simpson

Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 5
ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS ............................................................................................ 6
CONVENTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 7
SURVEY AIM AND OBJECTIVES: ..................................................................................................... 9
SURVEY LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................. 10
2. VEGETATION .................................................................................................................... 11
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 11
METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 12
RESULTS .................................................................................................................................... 1
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 19
3. MAMMALS ....................................................................................................................... 24
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 24
METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 24
RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 25
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 31
4. BATS .................................................................................................................................. 33
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 33
METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 33
RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 37
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 41
5. BIRDS ................................................................................................................................ 44
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 44
METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 45
RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 46
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 52
6. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES ............................................................................................. 54
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 54
METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 55
RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 56
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 60
7. SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 64
REGIONAL AND GLOBAL SIGNIFICANCE ...................................................................................... 64
THREATS.................................................................................................................................. 65
RECOMMENDATIONS AND MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................... 67
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 69

List of Maps  
MAP 1 LOCATION OF PREY LANG .............................................................................................. 8
MAP 2 WATERSHEDS SHARING PREY LANG .................................................................................. 8
MAP 3 DEFORESTATION IN PREY LANG BETWEEN 2001-2011......................................................... 8
MAP 4 ECONOMIC LAND CONCESSIONS AROUND PREY LANG 2013 ............................................ 8
MAP 5 SURVEY AREAS............................................................................................................... 9
MAP 6 FOREST TYPES IN PREY LANG, FORESTRY ADMINISTRATION 2010 DATA ................................ 11
MAP 7 MINING CONCESSIONS AND EXPLORATION LICENSES YEAR ................................................ 20

List of Tables 
TABLE 1 VEGETATION SURVEY SITES. .............................................................................................. 1
TABLE 2 STATUS OF CAMBODIA’S KEY PLANT SPECIES WITHIN PREY LANG ...................................... 15
TABLE 3 SAMPLING EFFORT DURING THE BAT SURVEY AT PREY LANG ................................................ 36
TABLE 4 BAT SPECIES RECORDED IN THREE SECTORS AT PREY LANG ................................................. 39
TABLE 5 CAVES SURVEYED IN THE NORTHERN SECTOR OF PREY LANG .............................................. 40
TABLE 6 DATE AND LOCATION OF ORNITHOLOGICAL FIELD SAMPLING ............................................ 45
TABLE 7 DATES AND SITES AND HERPETOFAUNA SURVEYS ............................................................... 55

List of Figures 
FIGURE 1 NUMBER OF SPECIES IDENTIFIED IN PREY LANG BY PLANT HABIT. .......................................... 1
FIGURE 2 PERISTYLUS GOODYEROIDES ON LIMESTONE, PREY LANG ................................................... 2
FIGURE 3 EVERGREEN SWAMP FOREST, PREY LANG ..................................................................... 11
FIGURE 4 RIPARIAN FOREST, STUNG TRENG, PREY LANG ............................................................... 13
FIGURE 5 ELEPHANT FOOTPRINTS THROUGH GRASSLAND, PREY LANG ............................................. 14
FIGURE 6 CUTTING A NEW RESIN TREE, PREY LANG ....................................................................... 18
FIGURE 7 RESIN DROPS, PREY LANG ........................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 8 RATTAN-RICH SWAMP HABITAT, PREY LANG ................................................................... 19
FIGURE 9 DEFORESTATION AND BURNING, PREY LANG.................................................................. 22
FIGURE 10 DEFORESTATION AND BURNING, PREY LANG................................................................ 22
FIGURE 16 RHINOLOPHUS SHAMELI, PREY LANG .......................................................................... 38
FIGURE 17 RHINOLOPHUS ACUMINATUS, PREY LANG ................................................................... 38
FIGURE 18 R. MARSHALLI, PREY LANG ........................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 19 MURINA WALSTONI, PREY LANG ................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 20 PAVO MUTICUS ........................................................................................................ 47
FIGURE 21 LEPTOPTILOS JAVANICUS, PREY LANG ......................................................................... 48
FIGURE 22 GRUS ANTIGONE...................................................................................................... 50
LANG ..................................................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 24 HYLARANA ERYTHRAEA, PREY LANG ........................................................................... 54
FIGURE 25 SIEBENROCKIELLA CRASSICOLIS (VULNERABLE), PREY LANG .......................................... 59
FIGURE 26, PHYSIGNATHUS COCINCINUS, PREY LANG.................................................................. 61
FIGURE 28 TURTLES COLLECTED BY POACHERS, PREY LANG ........................................................... 62
FIGURE 29 RESIN COLLECTOR, PREY LANG ................................................................................. 65
FIGURE 30 REMOVAL OF TIMBER BY OX-CART, PREY LANG ............................................................ 66

APPENDIX I ................................................................................. LIST OF PLANT SPECIES RECORDED
APPENDIX II ...........................................................................LIST OF MAMMAL SPECIES RECORDED
APPENDIX III...................................................................... GEO-CORDINATES FOR BAT SURVEY SITES
APPENDIX IV ................................................................................. LIST OF BIRD SPECIES RECORDED

Conservation International, in cooperation with the Forestry Administration of
Cambodia, undertook biodiversity surveys of Prey Lang between June 2014 and
February 2015. The objectives of the survey were to determine the biodiversity values
and conservation priorities within Prey Lang, identify threats, and produce
recommendations for the alleviation of these threats. The survey covered vegetation,
mammals (including a specific study of bats), birds, amphibians and reptiles. The
survey teams recorded evidence of the presence of species, using camera trapping,
mist netting, harp traps, direct observation and captures. Sign surveys and interviews
were also undertaken. The field surveys aimed to build on existing research
undertaken in the area, and the results sections present the aggregation of both
primary and secondary data. The results are as follows:


Eight distinct forest/habitat types are present in the landscape. The majority of the
forest cover is made up of evergreen, deciduous dipterocarp and semi-evergreen
forest, but mixed deciduous forest, mixed pine broadleaf forest, evergreen swamp
forest, riparian forest and open grasslands were also identified. The total botanical
record for Prey Lang accounts for 530 species, including the orchid Peristylus
goodyeroides, a new record for Cambodia. Eleven species are listed on the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species.

The swamp forests are considered a unique forest type for the region and contain
several rare, endemic and endangered species.

There is a small area of isolated karst pinnacles in the north of Prey Lang, which
should be given special attention and focus due to their biological uniqueness.

There is large scale habitat degradation occurring; this is largely caused by forest
conversion to agriculture in the forms of economic land concessions, and small-scale
agricultural land use, logging and gold mining.


A total of 60 mammal species were identified by either direct observation, specimens

or by camera trap picture. Twenty-four of these species were bats. Eighteen Key
Species of international concern were confirmed for Prey Lang, the most significant
of which are Pileated Gibbon, Banteng and Asian Elephant.


Twenty-four bat species, arranged in six families, were recorded at Prey Lang,
representing at least one-third (24/71) of the known bat fauna of Cambodia. Despite a
suggested inventory completeness of 86–92%, continued sampling will undoubtedly
reveal additional bat species at the site.

Bat species richness and abundance was significantly greater in the northern sector,
with 15 species and 74% of total captures, followed by the central sector with eight
species and 14.9% of captures and the southern sector with eight species and 11.1%
of captures.

All of the bat species presently recorded at Prey Lang are currently considered to be
of Least Concern by the IUCN (2014). This is somewhat misleading however, as
population trends (whose quantification underlies the Red List categories) are
currently unknown for most of these species.

One bat, R. marshalli, found in the northern karst area of Prey Lang, is a new country
record for Cambodia.


A total of 266 species of birds were recorded during the survey, representing
approximately 44% of the total bird species known in Cambodia. Fifteen Key Species
were confirmed for the area. The most significant of these are the Orange-necked
partridge Arborophila davidi, Green Peafowl Pavo muticus, Great Slaty Woodpecker
Mulleripicus pulverulentus,  Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis, Greater Adjutant
Leptoptilos dubius and Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus. The seasonal pools and
grasslands around both evergreen and deciduous dipterocarp forest habitats were
found to support several regionally and globally threatened species such as Lesser
Adjutant and Woolly-necked Stork. These habitats are likely to be of high importance
to other globally threatened large water birds, and deserve more detailed

Regional endemics/near-endemics are well represented in Prey Lang, including the

Siamese Fireback Lophura diardi, Bar-bellied Pitta Pitta elliottii, and Black-browed
Fulvetta Alcippe grotei, while regionally threatened species present include the Great
Hornbill Buceros bicornis, Wreathed Hornbill Aceros undulatus and Woolly-necked
Stork Ciconia episcopus.

Amphibians and Reptiles:

A total of 67 species of herpetofauna, comprising 22 amphibians (arranged by five

families and 14 genera) and 45 reptiles (arranged by 14 families and 35 genera) were
recorded. One reptile found in Prey Lang, Gekko petricolus, is a new country record
for Cambodia.

In total, 11 Key Species were found, the most severely threatened species known to
occur in Prey Lang being the five turtle species recorded.


The Prey Lang Landscape contains some of Cambodia’s largest remaining areas of
forest that are not under official government protection. It could also rank as one of
the more significant areas of lowland evergreen forest in the Indo-Burma region, one

of the world’s top ten biodiversity ‘hotspots’ - the planet’s most biologically rich and
threatened regions.

In total, Prey Lang supports nationally and regionally important populations of 55

globally threatened animals. In particular it is a hugely important place for the
conservation of Cambodia’s birds, home to 44% of all species.

Prey Lang has considerable potential to support sustainable livelihoods for the forests’
dependent communities, and also contributes to the national economy through the
export of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and provision of important ecosystem
services. The forest is a watershed for the Tonle Sap Lake, upon which millions of
Cambodians and a significant proportion of the national economy are dependent.

Threats and recommendations:

There is a lack of effective patrolling and law enforcement in Prey Lang, which is
leading to increased encroachment, settlement, logging and hunting. These trends,
added to infrastructure development and conversion of forest to agricultural land are
fragmenting the forest, the main threat to most of the Key Species of large mammals,
amphibians, reptiles and several of the Key Species of birds. The survey team
recommend the Government of Cambodia:

➢ Initiate the protection of Prey Lang as a protected area with the highest status
possible under Cambodian law and ensure that every effort is made to give the
landscape a high priority in the international, and national conservation agenda.

➢ Immediately start training and equipping patrol staff so that they are able to
commence law enforcement for the protection of wildlife and habitats.
Immediately stop all illegal logging activities and land clearance taking place
throughout Prey Lang.

➢ Prevent any further immigration of people into the landscape, especially with
regards to the gold miners moving in to the southern area of Prey Lang and around
Phnom Chi and along the Stung Treng to Tbaeng Meachey road.

➢ Prevent any further Economic Land Concessions (ELC) being issued within Prey
Lang and monitor activities of all present ELCs and Mining Concessions.

➢ Undertake further detailed research to more accurately assess the status and
distribution, and threats to, the Key Species and to develop appropriate
conservation and monitoring strategies; especially with regards to any possible
human-elephant conflicts.

➢ Create better dialogue with all partners concerned with the conservation of Prey
Lang, involving a wider base of expertise. This will avoid a single NGO-led
conservation effort and allow greater capacity to be directed towards Prey Lang.

➢ Create local community and social media networking campaigns to promote the
urgent need for protection of Prey Lang.
➢ Undertake further broad-based surveys for those areas not visited under the
present survey, especially to the western part of the evergreen central area of
forest. The contiguity of habitat and wildlife corridors with Prey Vihear Protected
Forest should be assessed and geographical features important for wildlife should
be mapped, including rivers, streams, seasonal pools and salt licks.

➢ Conduct a full assessment on the watershed values of Prey Lang and its economic
value to Cambodia.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of H.E. Dr Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the
Royal Government of Cambodia and Head of the Forestry Administration; Dr. Keo
Omaliss, Director of Wildlife Protection and Biodiversity Department; Mr. Sao
Vanny, Chief of Sadan Forestry Administration Division, Kampong Thom.

Fieldwork was made possible thanks to the help of local authorities and the villagers of
Prey Srea Pring Forestry Community, Sochet Commune, Sandan District, Kampong
Thom Province; Krain Village, Tomring Commune, Sandan District, Kompong Thom
Province; Siem Bouk Village, Stung Treng Province; Chhvang Village, Thala Barivat
District, Stung Treng Province; Mr. Long Som Phat, Thmear Commune Chief, Chey
Sen District, Preah Vihear Province; Pnheak Roluek Village, Thmear Commune, Chey
Sen District, Preah Vihear Province; Spong Village, Anlong Phe Commune, Thala
Barivat District, Stung Treng Province; and Ms. Phok Hong, Prey Lang Facilitation
Committee, Pnheak Roluek, Thmear Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear

Special thanks go to the field team, Pengly La and supporting CI staff, Eang Hourt
Khou, Chhin Sophea, Neang Thy, Ben Hayes, Jeremy Holden, Neil Furey. For
editorial assistance and general advice, Ida Theilade, Marcus Hardtke, David
Ashewell, Joe Walston, Alex Diment, Fredric Goes, Howie Neilson, David Ware and
Winrock International staff.

USAID are gratefully acknowledged as funders of the Supporting Forests and

Biodiversity Project.

All photos by Jeremy Holden unless otherwise credited.

Asl above sea level
c. approximately
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CI Conservation International
CR Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List category of threat)
dbh diameter at breast height
DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
DD Data Deficient (IUCN Red List category of threat)
EN Endangered (IUCN Red List category of threat)
FFI Fauna & Flora International
GPS Global Positioning System
GT Globally Threatened (IUCN Red List category of threat)
GNT Globally Near-threatened (IUCN Red List category of threat)
IUCN World Conservation Union
Lao PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic
LC Least Concern (IUCN Red List category of threat)
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
MoE Ministry of Environment
NE Not Evaluated (IUCN Red List category of threat)
NP National Park
NTFP Non-timber forest product
PVPF Preah Vihear Protected Forest
REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
VU Vulnerable (IUCN Red List category of threat)
WCS Wildlife Conservation Society
WWF World Wildlife Fund

Names and spellings of villages, places in the study area generally follow those on the
1: 50’000 topographical map series. Literal translations of local names are used if no
name is shown on the maps.

Key Species are species judged to be Globally Endangered, Globally Critically

Endangered, Globally Vulnerable, Globally Near-Threatened or Data Deficient
following the definitions of the IUCN 2015.

Prey Lang is situated to the west of the Mekong River in north-central Cambodia and
stretches over four Provinces: Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear
(See Map 1.). It lies within three watersheds, the Stung Sen, Stung Chinit and Siem
Bok and traverses the hydrological divide between the Tonle Sap and Mekong Basins
(Map 2.). This region contains one of the largest areas of wet lowland evergreen
forest in Cambodia and forms part of the Indo-Burma Hotspot, one of the world’s 34
biodiversity hotspots (Mittermeier, et al., 2004). McDonald (2004) describes the
greater Prey Lang area as follows:
Remnants of Cambodia’s once vast lowland forests are now restricted to the northern reaches
of Kampong Thom Province, the more significant pieces of which extend southward from the
small village of Spong (13o 30’ latitude; due West of Stung Treng on the Mekong River) in
the Sandan and Mien Rith Districts. People in this region refer to the uppermost portions of
this forest as ‘Prey Lang’, and those more than 20 km to the South of Spong as ‘Prey Tlong.’

These forests will be referred to in the present report as Prey Lang, but this term will
also incorporate forests and habitats stretching to the south and north.

The forest landscape is not officially protected and the exact definition of the Prey
Lang boundaries are therefore unclear. A sub-decree was prepared by the Cambodian
Forestry Administration (FA) in 2008, which proposed boundaries showing Prey
Lang covering an area of approximately 480,000ha. The broadest definition of Prey
Lang covers about 520,000ha (Ashwell et al., 2004). However Prey Lang has changed
drastically in recent years. Across all areas of Prey Lang there has been considerable
habitat degradation and there is no longer full connectivity of forest cover or suitable
habitats within the originally proposed boundaries. This is most noticeable south and
north of the central evergreen forest region (see Map 3.). Already habitat connectivity
with Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary has been lost.

Along the eastern border of Prey Lang and in the south there are multiple Economic
Land Concessions (see Map 4.), many of which are for rubber plantations

Map 1 Location of Prey Lang Map 2 Watersheds sharing Prey Lang

Map 3 Deforestation in Prey Lang between 2001- Map 4 Economic Land Concessions around Prey
2011 Lang 2013

Survey aim and objectives:
Prior to this assessment several biodiversity surveys had been undertaken within Prey
Lang. For the most part these were very rapid and were conducted between 2002 -2008
(see Olsson & Emmett, 2007). The present survey was conducted between June 2014 and
February 2015. Fieldwork largely concentrated in the core evergreen area with a lesser
effort directed towards the north and south (see Map 5.).

Map 5 Survey Areas

The aim of the survey was to review the biodiversity and conservation concerns and
values within Prey Lang with the goal of obtaining official government protection of
this landscape. For this purpose vegetation, mammals (including a specific study of
bats), birds, amphibians and reptiles were selected as suitable focal taxa, with
biologists working together towards the following objectives:

 Conduct baseline surveys of the vegetation, mammal (including a specific

study of bat), bird, amphibian and reptile communities in all relevant habitats
within the Prey Lang Landscape and build on the previous knowledge of the
ecology of the landscape.
 Collect more in-depth information on species of global conservation concern;
 Recommend and identify priorities for conservation within the Prey Lang
 Evaluate and highlight the ongoing threats within the survey area and provide
recommendations for their redress.

As methodological approaches differed depending on the taxa, the authors have

described their specific survey methodologies in each of the chapters.

Survey limitations
This research was conducted in the form of a rapid assessment of the forest
ecosystems of Prey Lang. Due to limited survey time over a large area, this survey
was undertaken at sites known or suspected to have high biodiversity value. The
species lists in this document are still relatively short compared to the number of
species the diversity of the habitats and natural features of this landscape suggest the
area supports. There are also some information gaps regarding the plants, such as
phenology, their utilization and ecological preferences. Therefore, findings in this
document are regarded as preliminary. However, names of visited sites and forest
habitats could assist subsequent researchers to conduct more in-depth studies.
Further floristic study efforts are necessary to document the integrity of species
variety of Prey Lang to support policy making, and understanding the potential
economic value of the area, such as through the study of plant-derived
pharmaceuticals, and eco-friendly product development from NTFPs.

Since birds were surveyed only during the rainy season (June and October) and once
in the early dry season (December), when most of the studied areas were still wet, it is
not possible to draw conclusions about the bird populations in the dry season in the
area. Many areas in Prey Lang were disturbed by human activity before proper bird
surveys were conducted, so longer-term studies are necessary to detect lags in
responses to changes from disturbance or habituation.

Eang Hourt Khou

Botanical research in Cambodia was started by French botanists in 1907 (Le Compte
1907 – 1942). Later, the publication of Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêt Nam
in 1960 provided family accounts for Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam (ibid).
Between 1970 and 1972, a Cambodian taxonomist, Dy Phon, conducted
comprehensive botanical research in many areas, mainly in the Elephant Mountain
range and Kirirom National Park. The vegetation and floristic study stopped between
1975 and 1992 due to local unrest. Botanical research has been revitalized since
1993, however, study has been carried out periodically, based on short-term projects
(typically 3-5 years).

One of the constraints in sustained botanical study in Cambodia is the lack of a

national herbarium and trained botanists. In recent years, research on vegetation,
fauna and flora has been carried out by international institutions in collaboration with
researchers from the Forestry Administration. The leading international institutions
have been the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; the University of Texas, Pan
American, USA; and Chiang
Mai University, Thailand. A
number of conservation
NGOs such as Conservation
International (CI), Birdlife
International and donor
agencies have also invested
in understanding the last
remaining lowland
evergreen forests of Prey
Lang. In addition, the carbon
stock of Prey Lang has been
calculated for consideration
in the REDD+ initiative.
This research has produced
significant results on the
diversity of forest habitats,
and of floristic diversity,
however it is expected that
many more species remain
undiscovered. The coverage
of different forest types as
they were understood by the
Forestry Administration in
2010 is depicted in Map 6.

Map 6 Forest types in Prey Lang, Forestry Administration 2010 data

To gather more comprehensive and accurate information, the following steps were

➢ Study of the secondary data and development of an inventory of species

recorded within Prey Lang and other areas of similar forest type(s);
➢ Based on previous studies which mapped forest types within Prey Lang,
particularly Aruna (2009) and Theilade et al (2011b), selection of sites for
vegetation and flora studies;
➢ Telephone interviews with community members living inside Prey Lang to:
 Determine ease of access to selected survey sites
 Verify the existence of various habitat types in the selected survey
➢ Visits by the authors to the field sites listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Vegetation survey sites

Study site Geography UTM Alt Forest type

Boeung Pes (Pes Lake) Spong Village, Anlong Phe Commune, Thalaboriwat, Stung Treng Province 0554733-1486690 90 m Evergreen Swamp Forest

Transitional zone of swamp Spong Village, Anlong Phe Commune, Thalaboriwat, Stung Treng Province 0557774-1486625 118m Dwarf evergreen Forest
forest and evergreen forest
Evergreen forest Spong Village, Anlong Phe Commune, Thalaboriwat, Stung Treng Province 0555028-1486586 126m Evergreen Forest

Choam Thom Boundary of Spong Village and Pnheak Roloek Village, Thmea Commune, 0553820-1587457 129m Evergreen Swamp Forest
Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province (ESF)
O Porong (Porong seasonal Pnheak Roloek Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear 0553570-1488025 110m Riparian Vegetation (RV)
stream) Province
Prey Phnom Soseth Pnheak Roloek Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear 0553032-1492796 123m Semi-Evergreen Forest
Prey Phnom Soseth Pnheak Roloek Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear 0552582-1493709 124m Deciduous Dipterocarp
Province Forest (DDF)
Prey Totoeng Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0549901-1500992 145m Mixed Deciduous Forest
Prey Totoeng hill Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0549413-1500751 117m DDF dominated by
Shorea siamensis
O Traim Dom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0549517-1500764 103m RV
O Traim Dom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0548218-1501136 116m DDF
Kon Damrey hill Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0550584-1504608 156m DDF
Tompaing Ropok (Ropok Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 0552470-1504563 145m Aquatic pond with DDF
pond) environs
Chinese gold mining well Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 600953-1447287 71 m MDF
Veal Phnom Dambok Khpos Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 598510-1448122 74 m Open Grassland Area
(Dambok Khpos open Province
grassland area)
O Russey Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 597322-1447850 66 m RV, periodic stream

Close to Veal Hluong Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 596535-1448069 68 m Open Grassland Area
Veal Hluong Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 595864-1448246 64 m Open Grassland Area
Boundary of Open grassland Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 595646-1448252 71 m Open Grassland Area
and SEF Province
On the way to O kraik Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 590084-1449645 85 m SEF
O Kraik Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 589746-1449181 92 m RV
Office of Chinese gold Kampong Damrey Village, Boeng Char Commune, Sambo District, Kratie 601341-1446702 77 m MDF
mining company at Dambok Province
O Chuntol Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 545741-1490979 106 m RV
O Veay Laing Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 545692-1489883 99 m RV
Clearance site of Trapaing Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 545948-1489059 124 m SEF
Chamcar of Trapaing Roim Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 546134-1488836 128 m Farm
Trapaing Roim Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 546615-1488483 127 m Grassland Area, pond
Prey Trapaing Roim Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 548754-1487880 134 m Mixed Pine Broad Leaf
Prey Trapaing Roim Sreveal Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province 548934-1488157 136 m Mixed Pine Broad Leaf
Pralay Chroeuk, Phnom 100 Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 550120-1498479 134 m DDF with S. siamensis
Phnom Khleng Tom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 556247-1504536 153 m SEF
Phnom Khleng Tom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 556195-1504878 159 m SEF
Toek Chenh Pralay Damrey Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 556104-1504972 152 m SEF
Phnom Khleng Tom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 555934-1504835 161 m SEF
Adjacent area of Phnom Thmea Village, Thmea Commune, Chey Sen District Preah Vihear Province 555293-1505238 144 m SEF
Khleng Tom

The sites selected included representative areas of each of the eight different
habitat types identified in the results section.

➢ Creation and utilization of an ecological assessment form, and the

classification of forest types encountered using this form.

➢ Collaboration with para-taxonomists who accompanied the authors to each site

to verify the local names of species identified. In the instances where species
were known to the para-taxonomist, but not the author, only the local name for
the species was recorded.

The rapid nature of the survey did not allow for the collection of samples for further

Overall Findings

Significant contributions to the knowledge base of Prey Lang’s flora have been made
by McDonald (2004), Olsson & Emmett (2007), Francke et al (unpublished), Schmidt
and Theilade (2010) and Theilade et al (2011). This findings section draws on all of
their previous studies.

The total species account derived from existing literature is 153 species, including
some for which botanical names are unknown. The current survey has built on this list
through local interviews and field surveys to arrive at a total account of 530 species:
198 tree species, 87 treelet species, 69 liana species, 68 herbaceous species, 37 shrub
and subshrub species, 20 vine species, 15 palm species, 12 fern species, seven fungi
species, seven hemi-epiphyte species, three bamboo species, three parasite species,
two pandan species, one cycase species and one epiphyte species (see Figure 1).

Number of species by plant habit

Species account

100 69 68
50 20 15 12 7 7 3 3 2 1


Figure 1 Number of species identified in Prey Lang by plant habit

One orchid found during the survey, Peristylus goodyeroides, is a new record for

Figure 2 Peristylus goodyeroides on limestone, Prey Lang

Prey Lang was found to be composed of eight forest types, consisting of Deciduous
Dipterocarp Forest (DDF), Mixed Deciduous Forest (MDF), Mixed Pine Broad Leaf
Forest (MPBF), Semi-Evergreen Forest (SEF), Evergreen Forest (EF), Evergreen
Swamp Forest (ESF), Riparian Forest (RV) and Open Grassland (OG). The
terminology of the forest habitat description to be applied in this document follows
Rundel’s forest classification system of 1998. However, forest classification terms
used by previous researchers in Prey Lang will be noted as appropriate.

The following sections describe each of these habitat types individually.

➢ Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest (DDF)

DDF in Prey Lang is defined based on the unique structure of open canopy layers, a
deciduous character in the dry season, and a dominance of deciduous dipterocarp tree
species and seasonal herbaceous plants, with a preponderance of the two main grass
species of thatch (Imperata cylindirca, Graminae) and dwarf bamboo (Vietnamosasa
pusilla, Gramineae). Five deciduous dipterocarp species, consisting of D. obtusifolius,
D. tuberculatus, D. intricatus, Shorea obtusa and S. siamensis are distributed
randomly throughout this forest type. Termite hills and ponds are sparsely scattered
throughout this forest type, and support different species. Termite hills usually do not
have grasses on the ground, but hold many evergreen tree species and lianas. Most of
the ponds are seasonal, containing water only in the rainy season and start to dry from
November, but some large ponds hold water permanently, and so serve as water
resources for wildlife in the dry season. All ponds are home to many amphibious
herbs. Based on previous and current study, there are 191 species, 18 of which are
evergreen species (see Appendix I).

Based on plant habit, by exclusion of the emergent crown layer, DDF can be
categorized into three layers: a canopy layer, an understory and a ground story.

 The upper or canopy story includes all tree species inhabiting this forest type.
The average maximum height of these trees is around 15 meters, whereas
average minimum height ranges from around eight meters to 12 meters.
Typical deciduous tree species recorded in this forest type include Raing
Phnom (Shorea siamensis, Dipterocarpaceae), Chhlik (Terminalia alata,
Combretaceae), Khvav (Haldina cordifolia, Rubiaceae), Phchoek (Shorea
obtuse, Dipterocarpaceae), Praim Damloeung (Terminalia mucronata,
Combretaceae), Roka (Bombax anceps, Malvaceae), Samrang - Veng Khsae
(Sterculia villosa, Malvaceae), Sokram (Xylia xylocarpa, Mimosoideae),
Phlou Thom (Dillenia ovate, Dilleniaceae), Roleay Toch (Lasianthus hirsutus,
Rubiaceae), and Trach (Dipterocarpus intricatus, Dipterocarpaceae). Some of
the evergreen tree species that grow in association with other deciduous tree
species of this forest type include Laing Chey Sloek Thom (Buchanania
reticulate, Anacardiaceae), Sdok Sdol (Petes thorelii, Euphorbiaceae),
Chambak (Irvingia malayana, Irvingiaceae), Pring Bay (Syzygium fruticosa,
Myrtaceae), Sdok Sdol (Walsura robusta, Meliaceae), Thlok (Parinari
anamensis, Chrysobalanaceae) and Trayoeng (Diospyros pilosanthera,
Ebenaceae). The heights of some tree species are greatly variable and are
dependent on soil conditions. It is noted that most large trees are host to many
epiphytic plants, such as orchids and ferns.
 The understory is composed of small trees/treelets, palms and shrubs of
variable height, from approximately two meters to six meters, rarely exceeding
this height; most of them are deciduous. Deciduous species commonly
inhabiting this forest type are Baikdang (Gardenia philastrei, Rubiaceae), Ach
Sait (Brownlowia emarginata, Malvaceae), Krumpouk (Randia uliginosa,
Rubiaceae), Kandoal (Careya arborea, Lecythidaceae), Krung Samot
(Aporosa octandra, Phyllanthaceae), Nho Toch (Morinda coreia, Rubiaceae),
Kantuot Prey (Phyllanthus emblica, Phyllanthaceae), Phlou (Dillenia
parviflora, Dilleniaceae), Ampok Phleung (Dioecrescis erythroclada,
Rubiaceae), Ampok Sor (Tamilnadia uliginosa, Rubiaceae), Pika (Oroxylum
indicum, Bignoniaceae) and Roveang (Randia tomentosa, Rubiaceae).
 The ground story refers to all plants attached to the ground to a height of
approximately two meters above ground level. Species of this layer are
represented by a number of deciduous species of herb, sub-shrubs, shrubs,
ground ferns, cycases, palms and seedlings. Species representing this layer
include Sbov (Imperata cylindrical, Gramineae) and Prich (Vietnamosasa
pusilla, Gramineae). Other common species occurring across this forest type
are Bay Nhenh Chhmol (Melastoma villosum, Melastomataceae), Tundai
(Droogmansia godefroyana, Papilionoideae), Phlou bat (Dillenia hookeri,
Dilleniaceae), Dong Preah/Dong Tonsay (Phoenix loureiri, Palmae), Chahuoy
(Curcuma petiolata, Zingiberaceae), Proh (mem) (Kaempferia galangal,
Zingiberaceae), Tathok (Costus speciosus, Zingiberaceae), Toil
(Amorphophallus harmandii, Araceae), and Prang Prey (Cycas siamensis,

Climbing species commonly seen in this forest type include Khlen Tea (Harrisonia
perforate, Simaroubaceae), Ang Krong (Ziziphus cambodiana, Rhamnaceae), Char
(Voir) (Butea superba, Papilionoideae), Sang Kheur (Ziziphus oenopolia,
Rhamnaceae), Voir Doh Kun (Tetracera loureiri, Dilleniaceae) and Voir Thnoeng
(Aganonerion polymorphum, Apocynaceae).

Different deciduous tree species start to shed their leaves from December to March,
and all exposed parts of herbaceous plant species subsequently begin to die off during
the same period. After shedding their leaves, certain tree species start to flush new
leaves immediately, but others remain dormant. The dead parts of herbaceous plants,
fallen leaves and branches of plants on the ground create a large biomass, which is
prone to forest fire in the dry season. With regular annual forest fires, the DDF may
be tolerant of fire and maintain its structure. Such fires do not kill mature trees, shrubs
or lianas, because they have thick bark that is resistant to fire. However, if more
biomass is accumulated over successive years, and is suddenly affected by large fires,
mature trees may be severely affected by stronger fire intensity, which may result in
their deaths. Seedlings regenerated from roots, stumps and seeds are usually severely
affected by any fire, making it difficult for them to grow into larger plants. This may
explain why the DDF usually has sparse numbers of trees and shrubs.

All herbaceous plants start their growth by their rootstock, and most trees/small trees,
shrubs and herbs are in full bloom at the start of rainy season, from April to June.
Therefore the DDF attracts wildlife to its abundance of food in the rainy season,
especially large mammals. It is noted that not only grasses serve as food for wild
mammals, but also the fruits of some tree species - Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia
chebula and Irvingia malayana are important food sources, in particular for deer

As most of the DDFs are located in lowlands of Prey Lang and surrounded by
residential areas, they are usually subject to the threat of land clearance for farming by
either villagers or larger scale agricultural projects. In addition, this forest type also
contains a number of valuable timber species, which are subject to extensive logging.
Currently, rosewood species, such as D. cochinchinensis, D. olivery, P. macrocarpus,
Sindora. siamensis and Afzelia xylocarpa are overharvested for commercial trade.
They are listed as endangered to critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. The
majority of these species are coppiced by stumps and roots, and so, with proper
maintenance of the remaining stumps, new sprouts can be regenerated from the

➢ Mixed Deciduous Forest (MDF)

Mixed Deciduous Forest is characterised by diverse deciduous trees with a very low
percentage or a complete lack of deciduous dipterocarp tree species in some areas.
Rollet (1952, 1962, 1972) studied this forest type near Siem Reap and Buplok, and
applied a French term to it: forêst denses décidues. Martin (1973) studied vegetation
on the lower hill slopes in the northern Cardamom Mountains and termed it dry
deciduous forest. Plant species of the understory and ground story layers are
dominated by deciduous species, which shed their leaves in the dry season. Climber
species are less common and are represented by few species. The herbaceous plants
are similar to those present in the DDF, but less abundant. Therefore, forest fires
usually occur in this forest type at a low intensity. Based on field observations
conducted in a number of areas, MDF usually occurs in low lying areas of Prey Lang,
or areas with a deep and moderate, rich soil of loamy sand or clay. The two sites
composed of Prey Totoeng and O Traimkang and their environs, located to the south
of Thmea village, Thmea commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province,
represent the MDF well. The two community forests (CF) of Kroam and Kralapeas
and their environs, located in Preah Rumkel commune, Thalaboriwath District, in the
northeast of Prey Lang, are also dominated by this forest type and are similar to those
in Thmea village in terms of both species compositions and forest structure. The
author has also observed MDF within the Poukroch CF in Mondulkiri Province. This
forest type occurs in variable sizes from small to large patches, and in association
with DDF, though it sometimes occurs in transitional zones between DDF and Semi-
Evergreen Forest (SEF), or DDF and Riparian Forest (RF). The structure of this forest
type is also intermediate between the DDF and SEF, and thus hard to distinguish
precisely. Therefore, mapped delineation of this forest type cannot be precise unless
thorough ground research is conducted and cross-checked with aerial photos or
satellite images. This may be the reason for the absence of this forest type in the
national forest cover map produced by the Forestry Administration (FA) in 2010
(Map 6). A total account of 205 species recorded during this and past surveys includes
22 evergreen species, representing about 10.7 percent of all species in this forest type
(see Appendix I). MDF is composed of three layers – the canopy layer, understory
and ground story. Certain trees grow taller and become an emergent layer. Many
mature trees and certain unhealthy trees are usually intermediate between the canopy
and understory, and thus occasionally create indistinct layers.

 The canopy layer has the average height of approximately 17 meters. The
canopy cover is variable from approximately 60 percent to 80 percent, which
allows sunlight to penetrate to the ground. Trees account for 80 percent of
species. Some Key Species representing this layer consist of Sralao
Kanhchhreab (Lagerstroemiaduperreana, Lythraceae), Lve (Dillenia
pentagyna, Dilleniaceae), Trach (Dipterocarpus intricatus, Dipterocarpaceae),
Khvav (Haldina cordifolia, Rubiaceae), Chambak (Irvingia malayana,
Irvingiaceae), Svay Prey (Mangifera duperreana, Anacardiaceae), Sma Krabei
Thom/Doh Krabei (Miliusa velutina, Annonaceae), Popel (Shorea roxburghii,
Dipterocarpaceae), Sangkuot Tmart (Stereospermum cylindricum,
Bignoniaceae) and Sokram (Xylia xylocarpa, Mimosoideae).
 The understory layer refers to all treelets, shrubs and juvenile trees, ranging
from three to seven meters in height. Most of these species are deciduous,
which shed leaves in December, and produce young leaves and flowers in
April and May. Species representing in this layer are Chhkae Sreng (Cananga
latifolia, Annonaceae), Romduol (Melodorum fruticosum, Annonaceae),
Khleng Kung (Wrightia pubescens, Apocynaceae), Dork Po (Markhamia
stipulacea, Bignoniaceae), Haisan (Senna garrettiana, Caesalpinioideae) and
Dai Khla (Gardenia angkoreansis, Rubiaceae). Gardenia angkoreansis is very

common along the road to Veal Hluong, in Kampong Damrey village of
Boeng Char commune.
 The ground layer is usually less dense, and thus forest fire is not as intense as
in the DDF. In some areas, where the ground has exposure to sunlight, a
greater number of thatches (Imperata cylindrical) and sometimes dwarf
bamboo/Russey Prich (Vietnamosasa pusilla) and sedges of the family
Cyperaceae are encountered, whereas in areas with less sunlight penetrating to
the ground, for instance O Traim Dom which is closer to a stream, thatches
and dwarf bamboo are absent and have been replaced by seedlings. Certain
species recorded included Toel Tom (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius,
Araceae), Spey Kok (Synedrella nodiflora, Compositae), Tathok (Costus
speciosus, Zingiberaceae), Phtuok Sar (Globba cambodgensis, Zingiberaceae),
Proh (mem) (Kaempferia galangal, Zingiberaceae) and Khteu (Zingiber
zerumbet, Zingiberaceae).

Climber species are less common in this forest type, and most of them represent
deciduous species, which also frequently grow in DDF areas. Examples include Voir
Char (Butea superba, Papilionoideae), Khlaeng Poir (Bauhiniabracteata,
Caesalpinioideae), Khlen Tea (Harrisonia perforate, Simaroubaceae), Khsuos
(Getonia floribunda, Combretaceae), Phdao Kraek (Calamus viminalis, Palmae),
Tumpaing Baychou Prey (Ampelocissus martini, Vitaceae) and Voir Sleng (Strychnos
rupicola, Loganiaceae).

Epiphytic and hemi-epiphytic species are represented by orchids, Suot Damrey

(Hydnophytum formicarium, Rubiaceae), Pokmoat Preah Ream (Platycerium
wallichii, Polypodiaceae), Trachek Damrey (Hoya diversifolia, Asclepiadaceae) and
Panheu Ka-aek (Dendrophthoe pentandra, Loranthaceae).

Economically, this forest type is rich in populations of the four rosewood species of
Dalbergia olivery, D. cochinchinensis, Pterocarpus macrocarpus and Afzelia
xylocarpa, and other highly-valued timber species, mainly belonging to dipterocarp,
lagerstroemia and other legume families. Small patches of paddy rice fields of
approximately 0.5 to one hectare in size are randomly scattered within this forest in
Prey Lang, in particular in low lying areas where there is both more water and richer
soil as a result of the accumulation of biomass.

➢ Mixed Pine Broad Leaf Forest (MPDF)

A large patch of Mixed Pine Broad Leaf Forest is located at Veal Amoul of Trapaing
Prei area, Sre Veal village, Thmea commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear
Province, at the elevation of 136 meters a.s.l. Another patch of pine forest was also
reported to be present at O Lang area in Stung Treng Province, or around 2 km
northeast of upper stream of O Kraik, extending to O Khsach (Kou Veurn, Kampong
Kbeurng villager, Kratie Province, pers comm.). Previous studies reported pine forest
in many areas, ranging from the south to north of Tonle Sap to the northern lowland
of Cambodia (Dy Phone 1970, Legris and Blasco, 1972; Martin 1973, and Rollet,
1972), randomly scattered in between Siem Reap and Kampong Thom Province, and
to a limited degree near Siem Bok, in the west of Mekong River (Legris and Blasco,
1972). MPDF was also recorded in Boeung Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Kampong Thom
Province (Eanghourt K. 2014). Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the
two-needle pine forest is widespread in the southwest and central regions of

This forest type is characterized by a mix of two-needle pine tree species and other
broad leaf tree types. Tree species occurring in this forest type are a mix of evergreen
and deciduous trees. The canopy layer of this forest type is variable from more open
to moderately dense depending on the majority of counterpart tree species. For an
area with pine tree dominance and more deciduous counterpart, the canopy is more
open which allows sunlight to reach the ground, and encourages the growth of
herbaceous plants, especially grasses. Only 57 species in total were recorded in Prey
Lang’s MPDF, and 45.6 percent were evergreen species (see Appendix I). In general,
the crown layers can be categorized in three distinct layers including canopy layer,
understory and ground composition.

 The canopy layer of this forest type is made up of evergreen pine tree species
of two needle leave pine trees, and other counterpart broadleaf tree species
such as Popel (Shorea roxburghii), Phdeak (Anisoptera costata), Trach
(Dipterocarpus intricatus), Chramas (Vatica odorata), Chheuteal Kreus
(Dipterocarpus costatus), Thlok (Parinari anamensis, Chrysobalanaceae),
Thnong (Pterocarpus macrocapus, Papilionoideae) and Angkort Khmao
(Diospyros bejaudii, Ebenaceae).
 The understory is composed of species such as Kray Krahorm (Xylopia
vielana, Annonaceae), Kray Sor (Xylopia pierrei, Annonaceae), Popoul
Thmor (Vitex pinnata, Labiatae), Lngieng Kon Nga (Cratoxylum formosum,
Hypericaceae), Tbeng (Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Dipterocarpaceae), Mrech
Tansaiy (Baeckea frutescens, Myrtaceae), Krung Samot (Aporosa octandra,
Phyllanthaceae) and Roveang (Randia tomentosa, Rubiaceae).
 Ground herbaceous plants are dominated by grasses, with sparse clumps of
Bay Nhenh (Melastoma saigonense, Melastomataceae) and Tathok (Costus
speciosus, Zingiberaceae). The former Thmear Commune Council of Chey
Sen District has reported that communities living in Sandan District, Kampong
Thom Province, tapped oleoresin from pine trees in 2006, but resin collection
activity was abandoned due to the deaths of a number of pine trees after
tapping (pers comm.).

➢ Semi-evergreen Forest (SEF)

Due to the variation of the forest structure and species diversity, Semi-evergreen
Forest has been termed variously by different researchers visiting different forests.
Lagris and Blasco (1972) termed it in French as forêt dense semi-decidue, and used
the term dry evergreen forest, whereas Maxwell (2006-2007) suggested a more
specific term - Mixed Evergreen + Deciduous Hard Wood Forest (MXF). Rundel
(1999) preferred the term Semi-evergreen Forest due to the variable proportions of
evergreen and deciduous trees. The SEF is characterized by more diverse floral
species, a tall and multi-layered forest structure, and is located in lower areas with
more seasonal rainfall regimes (Rundel, 1999). McDonald explained that this forest
type is a transition zone between deciduous and evergreen forests, and varies
considerably in terms of stature, species composition and vertical layered structure
(McDonald, 2004). Stands of 40 meters in height and more than one meter in
diameter were reported to be common in this type of forest in the past (Rollet, 1972).
Some SEF areas are dominated by populations of Lagerstroemia spp, accompanied by
counterpart species of Dipteroarpus costatus, Xylia xylocarpa, Anisoptera costata and
Irvingia malayana. Because of tall stands with larger diameters, local communities
usually refer to this forest type as ‘Prey Sroang’ or in technical Khmer terms, ‘Prey
Paik Kandal Sroang’. Due to the fact that most species are on the ground level and
that there are many large evergreen trees, this forest type is usually not affected by
fire in the dry season. It consists of diverse plant species, but only 152 species have
been recorded by researchers, of which 77 are evergreen, representing 50.65% of
species in this forest type.

McDonald observed two SEF sites located near the upper stream of O Lang (Kbal O
Lang) in 2004, and encountered two intact SEF areas with stands ranging from 25 to
35 meters in height and 40-80 centimeters in diameter. With such broad variable
forest structure and plant communities, this forest type is difficult to describe based
on observations at a few sites. Moreover, height of individual stands are continuous
from the ground to the emergent layers, making it hard to distinguish layers. If based
on plant life forms, three crown layers can be divided as follows:

 Emergent and canopy layers are composed of a number of key evergreen tree
species, for instance the dipterocarp tree species of Chramas (Vatica odorata)
and Chheuteal Bangkuoy/Chheuteal Kreus/Chheuteal Chhngor (Dipterocarpus
costatus); Thlok (Parinari annamensis, Chrysobalanaceae), Chambak
(Irvingia malayana, Irvingiaceae), Chheu Sor/Chia (Alstonia spatulacea,
Apocynaceae); and Trasek (Peltophorum dasyrrachis, Caesalpinioideae).
Many large trees are home to epiphytic orchids and ferns.
 The understory layer is comprised of a number of tree communities of certain
Myrtaceae species like Smach/Smach Doam/Pring Krahorm (Syzygium
zeylanica) and Pring (Syzygium spp.); species of Guttiferae - Pha-ong
(Calophyllum saigonense) and Tromoung (Garcinia oliveri, Guttiferae); and
species of Sapindaceae - Mien Prey (Dimocarpus longan) and Semoan Sach
(Nephelium hypoleucum), Trorb Tum (Crypteronia paniculata,
Crypteroniaceae), Neang Pha-aek/Atit (Dehaasia cuneata, Lauraceae), and
Popoul Thmor (Vitex pinnata, Verbenaceae).
 The ground floor contains many evergreen, woody and herbaceous plants and
seedlings. In the dry season, the ground vegetation remains green but very dry.
In areas with larger stands and denser canopy, the ground cover is sparse and
easy to walk through. In more disturbed areas, Krakoa (Amomum ovoidium,
Zingiberaceae) and other members of the ginger family are abundant. The
notable hemi-epiphytic plants are represented by Voir Ka-aep (Rhaphidophora
peepla and Rhaphidophora Montana, Araceae), Mrech Prey (Piper sp.,
Piperaceae) and Phka Kandoeng (Hoya oblongacutifolia, Asclepiadaceae).

Larger woody climbing species are represented by Khanma (Ancistrocladus

cochinchinensis, Ancistrocladaceae), Voir Khlot (Gnetum gnemon, Gnetaceae),
Angkunh Sva (Archidendron lucidum, Mimosoideae), Voir Ankunh (Entada
phaseoloides, Mimosoideae), Voir Chek Tum (Artabotrys hexapetalus, Annonaceae),
Kandap Chang-E (Salacia typhina, Celastraceae), Kuy (Willughbeia edulis,
Apocynaceae), Voir Taling (Coptosapelta flavescens, Rubiaceae), Voir Dek
(Dendrotrophe varians, Santalaceae), and rattan (Calamus spp., Plectocomia
pierreana, Myrialepis paradoxa and Korthalia laciniosa).

➢ Evergreen Forest (EF)

Evergreen forest refers to forests with a dominance of evergreen species, from the
canopy to the ground layer, and herbaceous plants in combination with a rich variety
of epiphytic orchids, ferns, Hoya, Araceae and creeping species. The literature from
the French period did not report the study of EF within Prey Lang. Similarly, recent
studies have not precisely described this forest type within this landscape. Most of the
studies on this forest type were conducted within the Elephant Ranges of the Bokor
National Park in the south of Cambodia, through the Central Cardamom Mountain
ranges in the southwest of the country (Rundel 1999). In Prey Lang, the surveyed
sites of this forest type were in the environs of Boeng Pes and O Kraik. The record of
plant species up to date has accounted for only 111 species, 91 (about 82%) of which
are evergreen species. Based on the description of EF given in Rundel’s book, Forest
Habitat and Flora in Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Vietnam, large patches of the forest
adjacent to the Evergreen Swamp Forest in Prey Lang can be classified as Evergreen
Forest. The vertical stuture of the crown layers is continuous, again making it difficult
to define its layers properly. However on the basis of plant life form, (for instance
tree, treelet, shrub, herb and climber), four crown layers can be defined as follows.

 The canopy layer is uneven, and the stands are usually 15-20m high, but
sometimes reach 30-35m. Local guides reported that the average lower height
of trees is natural, not a result of logging. Chheuteal Kreus (Dipterocarpus
costatus), Chheuteal Toek (D. alatus), Trach (D. intricartus), Koki Msao
(Hopea odorata), Phdeak (Anisoptera costata), and Chambork (Irvingia
malayana) represent this layer. The counterpart species like Thlok (Parinari
anamensis, Chrysobalanaceae), Bangkuv Hobphlae (Aglaia cambodiana,
Meliaceae), Bangkuv Sva (Aglaia elaeagnoidea, Meliaceae), Kamping Reach
(Sandoricum koetjape, Meliaceae), Tatrao (Fagraea fragrans, Loganiaceae)
and Trasek (Peltophorum dasyrrhachis, Caesalpinioideae) are also seen in this
forest type. Most of the trees are cylindrical with small buttresses, grey bark
and one to two thirds of vertical crown. Because of their sparse distribution
throughout the forest, the canopy is relatively open, allowing sunlight to
penetrate to the lower layers. The upper part of the trees are frequently host to
epiphytic orchids and ferns, and their crown layers are sometimes host to large
bird species. Trees with diameters of greater than one meter are rarely seen,
except in the case of dipterocarp trees.
 The subcanopy layer is denser. Most of these trees are cylindrical in shape,
and reach between 14 to 17 meters in height and 30 to 40 cm in diameter. Tree
species include a number of Ebenaceae species like Angkort Khmao
(Diospyros bejaudii), Chheu Khmao (Diospyros crumenata) and Chheu
Phleung (Diospyros undulata var. cratericalyx); certain species of Guttiferae -
Tromoung (Garcinia oliveri), Prohout (Garcinia vilersiana); Khos
(Lithocarpus polystachyus, Fagaceae); Chramas (Vatica odorata,
Dipterocarpaceae); two species of Annonceae - Kray Krahorm (Xylopia
vielana) and Kray Sor (Xylopia pierrei), and Phlong (Memecylon laevigalum,
 The understory layer includes all treelet species and shrubs with maximum
ranges from one to six metres in height. These species grow well under shade.
A number of species representing this story include Angkea Bath (Gomphia
serrate, Ochnaceae), Angrae Daek (Dracaena cambodiana, Asparagaceae),
Kon Khmom (Dracaena fragrans, Asparagaceae), Chunlos (Lepisanthes
rubiginosa, Sapindaceae), Phlov Neang (Cleistanthus tomentosus,
Phyllanthaceae), Slang (Ardisia sanguinolenta, Primulaceae), Snay (Streblus
asper, Moraceae), Pha-av (Licuala spinosa, Palmae) and Chumpou
Prey/Chhnok Thmatbat (Ardisia helferiana, Primulaceae).
 The ground layer accounts for all herbaceous species, certain treelets and sub-
shrubs, and all seedlings. Its height is counted from the surface layer to a
height of approximately one meter. This layer receives little sunlight, so
grasses and thatches are very rare. A number of species representing this layer
are species of Primulaceae - Sakou Phnom (Ardisia smaragdina) and Seda
Prey (Ardisia villosa); and species of Zingiberaceae - Krakei (Alpinia
oxymitra) and Krakoa (Amomum ovoideum, Zingiberaceae), Romchek Phnom
(Pandanus capusii, Pandanaceae) and Snaeng Ton (Aglaonema modestum,

The climbing species are diverse, but their populations are low in this forest type,
mainly occuring in canopy gaps. These species include many rattan species - Phdao
chvaing (Calamus palustris), Phdao Sno (Plectocomia pierreana), Ph'dao Soam
(Daemonorops jenkinsiana), Sesoeng (Calamus tetradactylus); many legume species
such as Angkonh Sva/Chondeu Sva (Archidendron lucidum), Angkunh (Entada
phaseoloides), Voir Antong (Derris elliptica); Khanma (Ancistrocladus
cochinchinensis, Ancistrocladaceae); Voir Khlot (Gnetum gnemon, Gnetaceae), and
Voir Thlok (Toxocarpus lagenifer, Apocynaceae). Hemi-epyphytes are dominated by
Changkeh Angkrang (Pothos scandens, Araceae), Mrech Tansay (Piper sp.,
Piperaceae), Voir Ka-aeb (Rhaphidophora peepla, Araceae), and Hoya spp.

➢ Evergreen Swamp Forest (ESF)

The Evergreen Swamp Forest (ESF) has been coined as such probably due to the fact
that the central area of Prey Lang is covered by large patches of water in the rainy
season, which are then reduced to smaller patches in the dry season. Floristically,
species compositions inhabiting this landscape represent evergreen forest, but are not
associated with the swamp forest surrounding the Tonle Sap/Great Lake (McDonald
2004). Due to large intact forest areas in the past, the extensive underground water of
this landscape was stored and released. Therefore many spring areas, permanent
ponds or lakes (locally called Boeng) and permanent swamp/boggy areas mainly
dominated by grasses occur randomly across the landscape. These special landscape
features play a vital role in either storing water in the rainy season or maintaining
water in the dry season for wildlife. They may also provide a significant underground
water source to support agricultural crops and people living in the low lying areas by
means of well construction for water consumption (McDonald 2004).

Figure 3 Evergreen Swamp Forest, Prey Lang

The study of the inland Evergreen Swamp Forest was conducted by McDonald
(2004), and later, more extensive studies were carried out in 2008, 2009 and 2010 by
a research team from Copenhagen University (Denmark), Texas University (USA),
and the Forestry Administration (FA) of Cambodia. Many inland swamp areas have
been reported, scattered between the Porong and O Lang rivers at altitudes ranging
from 50-100 meters asl., of which five sites, including Choam, north of Spong,
Choam Spong, Choam Takong, Choam west of Takong, and Choam Svay, had studies
conducted on either botanical or ecological species diversity and hydrology. Choam
Takong, with a size of 2km by 1km, was reported as being the largest swamp
(McDonald 2004). Although there are some differences in species composition in the
swamp areas, the characteristics of the Evergreen Swamp Forests are generally
represented by hydrophytic trees with aerial and stilt roots on the ground, dense
understories that may be more open in places, an irregular canopy of 8-35 meters in
height, and a sparse emergent layer of trees and palms (Livistona saribus) with
heights ranging from around 30-35 meters (McDonald 2014). Some species are
confined to the swamp areas, though many of them can also be found on upland areas
(Theilade et al., 2011). Based on floristic compositions, three layers can be defined as

 The canopy layer is represented by Kuok (Myristica iners, Myristicaceae), two

unknown species of the genus Litsea spp., Pring Angkaim (Syzygium sp.,
Myrtaceae), Prolop (Mastixia pentandra, Nyssaceae), Sreung (Ploiarium
alternifolium, Bonnetiaceae), Deum Tronum Kamphem (Archidendron
clypearia, Mimosoideae) and some fig trees (Ficus spp., Moraceae).
 The understory trees are represented by Slapang Sloek Chhaek (Macaranga
triloba, Euphorbiaceae), Changkort Praik (Pternandra caerulescens,
Melastomataceae), Phnheav Toek (Baccaurea bracteata, Euphorbiaceae),
Sralork (Euonymus glaber, Celastraceae), Memecylon umbellatum
(Melastomataceae), Pring Krahorm/Smach Doam (Syzygium zeylanicum,
Myrtaceae) and Pha-ong Chorm (Calophyllum spectabile, Guttiferae). The
clumpy species are represented by Sla Prey (Areca triandra, Palmae), Pha-av
(Licuala spinosa, Palmae), Soam (Daemonorops jenkinsiana, Palmae) and the
tree fern, (Cibotium barometz, Cibotiaceae). A few small trees and climbers
like Angredek (Dracaena gracilis, Asparagaceae) and Nepenthes species are
confined to the swamp’s border.
 The ground cover is dominated by two species of Cyperaceae – Traset Choim
(Mapania macrocephala) and Hypolythrum nemorum. Other aquatic species
inhabiting the open water areas or adjacent ponds include Kork Moul (Isolepis
crassiuscula, Cyperaceae), Sarai (Najas indica, Najadaceae), and Utricularia
aurea, Lenthibulariaceae (local name unknown). Based on a comparision of
species compositon with other Swamp Forests in the region, it is clear that the
inland Evergreen Swamp Forest is endemic to the central lowlands of
Cambodia (Theilade, 2010).

The transitional zone between swamp forest and mainland evergreen forest is known
as ‘Prey Sail’ or ‘dwarf forest’ in the indigenous Kuy language. Similar to swamp
forest, the forest of this area is short, with an average maximum height of around
eight meters and a 50 cm diameter breast height (dbh). The forest ecosystem of Boeng
Pes (Pes Lake) is a good example of this forest type. The trees are mainly represented
by evergreen species, with few deciduous species. Tree species occurring in this zone
include a number of dipterocarp species - Phdeak (Anisoptera glabra), Trach
(Dipterocarpus intricatus) and Chramas (Vatica odorata); two species of Annonaceae
- Kray Krahorm (Xylopia vielana) and Kray Sor (Xylopia pierrei); Kokoh (Sindora
siamensis, Caesalpinioidae); and three species of Ebenaceae – Chheu Phleung
(Diospyros undulata var. cratericalyx), Angkort Khmao (Diospyros bejaudii) and
Chheu Khmao (Diospyros crumenata).

➢ Riparian Forest (RF)

The term riparian vegetation is applied to vegetation located along small and large
streams, which functions as erosion protection. The species compositions along the
streams running though different forest types largely reflects the forest types it is
adjacent to. However certain species such as Raing Toek (Barringtonia acutangula,
Lecythidaceae), Khtum Toek (Nauclea officinalis, Rubiaceae), Kum Phneang
(Hymenocardia punctata, Phyllanthaceae), Phdao Toek (Calamus siamensis, Palmae),
Ampong Traing (Lasia spinosa, Araceae), Phdao Sva (Flagellaria indica,
Flagellariaceae) are much more common on stream banks.

Figure 4 Riparian Forest, Stung Treng, Prey Lang

This vegetation type plays a dominant role in protecting soil from erosion and keeping
water clear, and is also an important habitat for wild animals in the dry season. The
soil of this forest type is usually wet and loamy as a result of the accumulation of
decayed plant materials.

➢ Open Grassland Area

Open areas are characterized by an area covered with grasses and sparse clumps of
shrubs and dwarf trees. Veal Hluong, along the road to O Kraik, represents this
habitat well. This area is surrounded by a mosaic of dwarf MDF and SEF. The
substrate is poor, sandy with fine grains, making it difficult for plants to grow.
Grasses are dominant, usually reaching 0.3m in height, and are associated with other
counterparts, such as herb, vine and shrub species. The local names of a number of
herbaceous members inhabiting this grassland area are unknown, including
Rhynchospora rubra, Ischaemum indicum, Mnesithea mollicoma, Eremochloa
ciliaris, Fimbristylis distycha, Burmannia wallichii, Burmannia coelestis, Eriocaulon
truncatum. Other herbaceous plants and herbs are represented by Chahuoy (Curcuma
petiolata, Zingiberaceae) and Voir Chuy (Streptocaulon juventas, Asclepiadaceae).
Some shrubs, treelets and trees, growing sparsely in small colonies, include Toek Doh
Khla Toch (Holarrhena curtissii, Apocynaceae), Phlou Bat (Dillenia hookeri,
Dilleniaceae), Preal Chunlos (Corona auriculata, Malvaceae), Lngeang Ach Konnga
(Cratoxylon formosum, Hypericaceae), Dai Khla (Gardenia angkorensis, Rubiaceae),
Trach (D. intricatus, Dipterocarpaceae), Trasek (Peltophorum dasyrrhachis,
Caesalpinioideae). These trees rarely reach adulthood, as this grassland area suffers
from annual forest fires caused by humans.

Figure 5 Elephant footprints through grassland, Prey Lang

Key Species

A total of 13 out of the total record of 530 species have been listed in the IUCN Red
List (see Table 2.). These species include Beng (Afzelia xylocarpa), Phdeak
(Anisoptera costata), Prang (Cycas siamensis), Neang Nuon (Dalbergia olivery),
Kranhuong (Dalbergia cochinchinsis), Chheuteal Toek (Dipterocarpus alatus), Yieng
Daeng (Dipterocarpus costatus), Koki Thmor (Hopea ferrea) Koki Msao (Hopea
odorata), Chramass Trang/Popel (Hopea recopei), Sral Sloek Pee (Pinus merkusii),
Thnong (Pterocarpus macrocarpus), and Popel (Shorea roxburghii). Shorea guiso has
become very rare due to over-extraction during the past 10-15 years, but has not been
placed on the IUCN Red List, and Sindora siamensis has also recently come under
threat as a result of over-extraction. At present, the most common species,
Lagerstroemia calyculata, is seriously over-logged, and may face threats in the near
future. The other five species present in the Prey Lang - Anisoptera costata, Cycas
siamensis, Dipterocarpus alatus, Dipterocarpus costatus and Shorea roxburghii - are
still moderately common. Pinus murkusii is still abundant in the mixed pine broadleaf

A total of 12 out of the 21 national priority species for conservation concern

determined by the Forestry Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries (FA’s Tree Monographs 2004) are present in Prey Lang. These species
include Beng (Afzelia xylocarpa), Chress (Albizia lebbeck), Chhkae Sreng (Canang
latifolia), Kranhoung (Dalbergia cochinchinensis), Neang Nuon (Dalbergia oliveri),
Angkort Khmao (Diospyros bejaudii), Chheu Khmao (Diospyros crumenata), Tatrao
(Fagraea fragrans), Dai Khla (Gardenia angkorensis), Koki Msao (Hopea odorata),
Sral sleukpi (Pinus merkusii), and Popel (Shorea roxburghii). Around 75% of the 20
high-priority tree species determined by FA’s Cambodia Tree Seed Project in 2003
are also found in Prey Lang.

Table 2 Status of Cambodia’s Key Plant Species Within Prey Lang

Plants IUCN Red List Status in Prey Lang


Very rare






Afzelia xylocarpa Beng EN x

Aglaia pleuropteris n/a CR x
Anisoptera costata Phdeak EN x
Aquilaria crassna Chankrassna CR x
Cycas siamensis Prang VU x
Dalbergia olivery Neang Nuon EN x

n/a EN x
Kranhuong VU x
Dipterocarpus Chheuteal
EN x
alatus Toek
n/a CR x
Yieng Daeng EN x
Dipterocarpus Chheuteal
EN x
dyeri Chngor
Dang / CR x
Chheuteal Ko
Hopea ferrea Koki Thmor EN x
Hopea helferi Koki Daek CR x
Hopea latifolia n/a CR x
Hopea odorata Koki Msao VU x
Hopea pedicellata n/a EN x
Hopea pierrei Koki Khsach EN x
Hopea recopei EN x
Hopea siamensis n/a CR x
Intsia bijuga Kokoh Prek VU x
Mangifera flava n/a VU x
Sral Sloek
Pinus merkusii VU x
Thnong VU x
Shorea henryana n/a EN x
Koki Phnang
Shorea hypochra CR x
/ Kamnhan
Shorea roxburghii Popel EN x
Khchov /
Shorea thorelii Phchoek CR x
Vatica cinerea n/a EN x
Sindora siamensis Kokoh n/a n/a n/a x
Sindora siamensis Kokoh n/a n/a n/a x
Shorea guiso Chor Chong n/a n/a n/a x

The Evergreen Swamp Forest of Prey Lang is a unique and very special natural
feature, which is host to many aquatic and terrestrial species in terms of refuge and
food sources, and provides a valuable ecological function. Based on previous studies
by ecologists and botanists, this Evergreen Swamp Forest is distinct from the swamp
forests of Tonle Sap/Great Lake and Stung Sen in terms of floristic composition and
vegetation structure (McDonald, 2004).

Ecologically, the forest ecosystems of Prey Lang are a vital refuge for fauna and
flora, and are home to large wild mammals such as elephant, banteng, gaur and bear
and other key faunal species (Olsson and Emmett, 2007). The author observed on
this survey that individual old and tall stands in the forest provide significant habitat
for other species such as orchids, ferns, Hoya spp., mosses, lichen and animals such
as lizards, nesting birds and insects. These species in turn provide food sources for
other, larger organisms. Any reduction in these stands, regardless of other remaining
forest, degrades biodiversity.

Prey Lang is rich in biological resources that support the livelihood of the forests’
dependent communities, and also contributes to the national economy through the
export of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and other ecosystem services. It is
notable that five dipterocarp species are significant for the community living in and
reliant on the forest. These species include the three liquid-resin producing species of
Dipterocarpus costatus, D. alatus and D. intricatus, and two solid resin producing
species, Shorea obtusa and S. siamensis. One of the main sources of liquid resin
derived from D. costatus, D. intricatus and D. alatu is taken from this landscape.
Local traders told the authors that more than 10,000 Karn (one Karn is 30 litres, or 28
kg, of liquid resin), were supplied annually by just four villages (Spong, Padevoat,
Pnheak Roloek, Sre Veal) to four middlemen in two villages, Pnheak Roloek and Sre
Veal. This resin is transported to the main depot in Chhaep District of Preah Vihear
Province for further processing and export to Vietnam and Thailand (local resin trader
in Pnheak Roloek, pers comm. 11 Dec., 2014). Oleoresin derived from Pinus murkusii
had in the past also been tapped by local community from Kampong Thom Province,
but this practice was abandoned when the tapping resulted in the death of the pine
trees (Former Head of Tmea Commune Council, pers comm, 12 Dec., 2014).

A vast variety of other NTFPs, for instance green cardamom, honey, rattan, bamboo,
solid resin, wild fruits, etc. could provide substantial sources for either subsistence
utilization or commercial trade. There is currently no local market demand for these
NTFPs, but there is internationally. Prey Lang is also home to medicinal plants, and
therefore very important for future scientific research in this field.

Hydrologically, the Prey Lang forest serves as significant watershed for the Tonle
Sap/Great Lake and the Mekong River, and contributes to flood control in the peak
rainy season between August and September (Thailade & Schmidt, 2010), vital
ecosystem services. It also makes a major contribution to the regulation of
underground water in the dry season.

Overall, it is clear that Prey Lang provides multiple benefits for both economic
development and local climate balance.

Figure 6 Cutting a new resin tree, Prey Lang

Figure 7 Resin drops, Prey Lang

Figure 8 Rattan-rich swamp habitat, Prey Lang


Based on the research team’s observation, there are several main drivers of
deforestation in Prey Lang, including forest conversion to agriculture in the form of
economic land concessions including rubber and gold mining; inefficient small scale
agriculture by local communities and migrants; and substantial uncontrolled logging
by individuals from outside and inside the community.

A number of economic land concessions within and adjacent to this area have been
granted to foreign and local companies for mining and agro-industry (Aruna 2009 &
Michaud 2013), adding pressure to the degraded ecosystems. Some of these
concessions are in areas with high biodiversity value (NGO Forum, 2013). A large
area located in Damkambet commune of Sandan District has been completely
cleared for rubber tree plantation (ibid). As is common across other parts of
Cambodia, security staff and workers employed by the company also contribute to
poaching, logging and illegal fishing.

Gold mining excavations have been operated by both individual households and
companies who have received exploration licenses from the government (direct
observation and community members, pers comm., 30 Dec. 2014). Phnom Chi,
located in Sandann District, is well known for gold mining excavations operated by
its local community, and is also under exploration by a Chinese company (Aruna
2009). There is a further small mining excavation area at Dambok Sor, an annex
village of Kampong Damrey village, Boeng Char commune, Sambo District, being

explored by either individual households or a Chinese company (direct observation
and community members, pers comm., 30 Dec., 2014). This area is adjacent to Prey
Lang. Rocks are pounded and sifted to extract gold. The use of chemical substances
has been reported in extracting gold in this area (Local Community members, Boeng
Char commune, pers comm, 30 Dec., 2014). An estimate of mining concessions is
presented in Map 7, as sourced from Open Development 2015.

Map 7 Mining concessions and exploration licenses year

Members of all the villages visited by the survey team are presently engaged in
logging operations related to house construction and local market supply (pers obs.).
Timber is cut and sawn into planks, square-shaped logs and poles by chainsaw, and
then transported from the forest to the villages. Tillers and sometimes local-made
trucks have been used as means of transporting this wood, rather than ox carts. One
tiller can carry 2-3 cubic meters of wood, and one truck is capable of carrying 10-12
cubic meters of wood (Local community members, pers comm, Thmea commune,
18 Feb., 2015). Logging is mainly conducted in the dry season because conditions
are more conducive to transporting wood from the forest. Reports are that Thmea
Village of Thmea commune, located in Prey Lang, logs approximately 70 cubic
meters daily in the dry season (Commune Consul Thmea Commune, pers comm., 18
Feb., 2015). Small-scale logging by individual households becomes larger in scale if
all villages of the four Provinces across Prey Lang are taken into account. Logging
causes the loss not only of trees themselves but also the destruction of surrounding
vegetation, such as seedlings, saplings and other small plants and opens gaps in the
forest, which are easily colonized by invasive species. In addition, forest fires may
result if substantial cutting is undertaken in one large area. Most of the valuable
timber species, such as rosewood, are already very scarce, and loggers are moving to
the next most valuable species. Largestroemia calyculata, which grows in colonies
in both the Semi-Evergreen Forest and Mixed Deciduous Forest will likely be
heavily logged (ibid). This forest type will be susceptible to forest fire in the near
future due to the large amount of debris left behind after logging operations. Forest
fires occurring in the SEF will destroy entire ecosystems and alter vegetation
compositions because of the ensuing domination of deciduous pioneer species.

Small-scale agricultural fields were also encountered by the team in some areas of
Prey Lang. These small-scale farming areas are mainly located within the DDF,
MDF and SEF, rich in highly valuable trees. A few small patches of evergreen
swamp forest in the core of Prey Lang, located in Pnheak Roloek village, on the trail
to Spong village, appeared to have been newly cleared for unknown purposes.

The team observed that at present, many landless households or households holding
small plots of land for agriculture migrate to forested areas, which still have low
populations, in order to search for land to plant rice, rubber, beans, cassava, cashew
trees and other crops to support their livelihoods. In other areas of Cambodia a
common practice is for migrants to buy land from the local community, who then
need to open new areas for their own farming, and this is suspected to be also
occurring in Prey Lang. Similarly, poor families who migrate from other Districts or
Provinces are expected to be seeking forest areas and clearing them themselves for
housing and farming. Indications are that land clearing will continue for as long as it
is not controlled.

Electro-fishing poses a further threat. When fish populations in the area are depleted,
local livelihoods begin to rely on farming and logging. In Thmear village, electro-
fishing gear is used by almost every household, as well as by local police (local
community members, Thmear Village, pers comm, 12 Dec., 2014). Every day fish
are transported by motorcycle from Preah Vihear Province to Thmear and other
villages, extending to Spong Village, and passing through Prey Lang’s core zone, to
sell to forest dwellers, who used to rely upon plentiful fish in their areas (ibid).
Figure 9 Deforestation and burning, Prey Lang

Figure 10 Deforestation and burning, Prey Lang


➢ Promote the sub-decree on Establishing Protected Forest and Biodiversity

Conservation ‘Prey Lang’ over an area of 480,000 ha to have it passed by the
Royal Government of Cambodia, and effectively applied in Prey Lang.

➢ Enforce the law on illegal logging, poaching and fishing immediately, to

reduce increasing pressure on natural resources.

➢ Raise awareness on the sub-decree and Forestry Law, and the significant
value of Prey Lang Landscape ecosystems to the environment and the local
economy across the communities of the four Provinces. Provide schools with
an environmental education programme through lectures, posters and/or short
films, to educate children on the value of the forest, wildlife and environment
within their area.

➢ Engage key stakeholders, especially Village Chiefs, Commune Councils,

Commune police, the military and the community on the protection and
management of Prey Lang. They should be engaged in every activity, from
awareness-raising to forest patrols, regardless of the cost and their current
level of willingness. This strategic approach will result in long-term outcomes
for Prey Lang’s protection.

➢ Take into account land use requirements by villages and communes within
Prey Lang, to demarcate zones for agricultural land, settlement areas, and
forest reserves. Establish more Community Forests (CFs), to secure abrupt
land use change in areas near villages, sustainable usage of the natural
landscape and to buffer Prey Lang.

➢ Diversify the livelihoods of forest reliant communities within Prey Lang

through improvement of farming practices, eco-friendly, intensive agriculture
and the introduction of agro-forestry systems with commercial value rather
than just for household subsistence. Promote NTFP development through
different approaches, such as through sustainable collection techniques,
vocational training on product development and market development.

➢ Undertake ongoing botanical study in Prey Lang. Some examples of the

species that are very diverse but less known are in the families of the higher
plants of Orchidaceae, Graminae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Leguminosae,
Rubiaceae, Lauraceae and Myrtaceae to the lower plants of fern, fungi and
mosses. These species require long-term research, and long-term
collaboration with other institutions abroad or in-country are needed to
compile a checklist for this landscape.

➢ Incorporate the REDD+ scheme, which was studied in 2011, into

management plans for the area.

➢ Commit sufficient funds to support the above activities effectively and protect
this unique landscape.
Ben Hayes

Historically mammal research and surveys in Cambodia were limited to a few early
expeditions between the 1930s -1960s with more of an emphasis on larger species
such as the Kouprey (Wharton, 1957; Osgood, 1932.). However due to civil conflict,
foreign occupation and instability, no further research was conducted until the 1990s.
Prior to this survey, there has been little research undertaken on the mammal fauna of
Prey Lang. Some ad hoc localized camera trapping, general observations and a few
species specific surveys were conducted by Conservation International, World Wide
Fund for Nature, Fauna and Flora International and the Wildlife Conservation Society
between 2002 and 2008 (see Olssen and Emmett, 2007). However, these tended to be
very rapid in nature with little overall field time.

The following methodology was employed in the mammal survey:

➢ Camera Trapping
Up to 17 Automatic Bushnell camera traps were utilized and these were set
between July 2014-February 2015. Camera trap locations were concentrated in
the central area of evergreen forest (see Map 6.), and set at ‘optimal’ locations
such as animal trails, water sources and salt licks. Special attention was paid to
locations where mammal signs were detected. Traps were left in the forest for
4-8 weeks and set for operation day and night, and then rotated to other
locations. A total of 3,555 Camera Trap Days were undertaken. Additional
survey work was undertaken in the northern area of Prey Lang in and around
the karst hills bordering Prey Vihear Protected Forest, as well as a short visit
to the southern area of Prey Lang.

➢ Night Spotting
Routes were walked in suitable areas such as paths, forest fringes and dry
riverbeds at different times of the night. Species were found by looking for
eye shine using red spectrum filtered head torches and a 2000 lumen spotlight.

➢ Signs
Forest paths and streambeds were walked in the daytime in suitable habitats
looking for opportunistic signs such as mammal tracks and droppings. Some
early mornings were spent listening for vocalizations of gibbons.

➢ Interviews
Interviews with local villagers and hunters were conducted regarding specific
information about certain Key Species, wildlife trade and localities of
saltlicks, caves and other geographical features.

Overall findings

In total 36 mammal species were recorded through camera trapping, night spotting and
diurnal observation work looking for signs/tracks. Eighteen of these are IUCN listed
species of conservation concern. A full list of species recorded is provided in
Appendix II.

Key Species

Banteng (Bos javanicus) IUCN: Endangered

Banteng were recorded by camera traps, from several locations in the central
evergreen forest area of Prey Lang. This species typically occurs in open Dry
Deciduous forest in rocky or hilly country. Although naturally diurnal, human
disturbance has caused it to become nocturnal as well as occupying less preferential
habitat such as mixed/evergreen forest (Timmins et al., 2008C). The species is found
throughout South-East Asia including Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and
Cambodia as well as South China, Java and Borneo (Francis, 2008). In Cambodia the
species is found sporadically throughout the north and east, as well as in the
Cardamoms, although the most significant population is found in Mondulkiri
Province (Timmins et al., 2008C). It is believed that the population in Cambodia has
declined by more than 90% since the 1960’s due to continued hunting, as well as
habitat disturbance and fragmentation due to agricultural expansion and infrastructure
developments (Timmins et al., 2008C).

Figure 11 Bos javanicus, camera trapped during survey, Prey Lang

Gaur (Bos gaurus) IUCN: Vulnerable
Two Gaur were recorded during the present survey from camera trap images at one
salt lick. It has also been confirmed in low numbers by camera traps and signs from
previous surveys (Olssen and Emmett, 2007). All these records were from the central
evergreen area of Prey Lang. In Cambodia, Gaur probably declined by 90% or more
in the period from the late 1960s to the early 1990s and the most significant
populations are thought to be in the Siema Biodiversity Conservation Area and the
Srepok Wilderness Area, and to a lesser degree in the northern plains and central
Cardamoms (Duckworth et al, 2008). Hunting is the major threat to this species,
compounded by loss of suitable habitat: large tracts of suitable habitat hold few or no
Guar. Ongoing habitat degradation and conversion is continually reducing the
potential populations. In addition, there is a large trade in Gaur parts for decorative
and medicinal purposes. (Duckworth et al, 2008). Its known range is through South-
East Asia, including Nepal, India, and extreme Southern China (Francis, 2008).

Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) IUCN: Endangered

Elephants were recorded by camera traps in several locations throughout the central
evergreen forest of Prey Lang. Most records were from several salt licks in the
western part of this forest in Stung Treng Province. Several other individuals were
documented along an old logging concession road in Kratie Province. Based on initial
analysis of the photographs and videos there are at least 13 identifiable individuals
with one video alone showing six elephants passing the camera. From past surveys
there has been no accurate data on the actual numbers of elephants in the Prey Lang
and the only reference is Maltby & Bourchier (2010), which gave an estimate of 20
elephants based on interview data. The most recent estimate for the number of
elephants in Cambodia range from 250-600, with the Eastern Plains Landscape in
Mondulkiri Province and the Cardamom Mountains holding the most significant
populations (Maltby & Bourchier, 2010). The nearest connecting protected area to
Prey Lang that has a population of elephants is in Prey Vihear Protected Forest, where
estimates range from 4-16 elephants remaining (Brook et al., 2012). The greatest
threats to the Asian elephant today are habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation,
which are driven by an expanding human population, in turn lead to escalating
conflicts between humans and elephants when elephants eat or trample crops
(Choudhury et al., 2008). Other major threats include poaching for ivory and body
parts. The species occurs in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in South
Asia and Cambodia, China, Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sumatra), Lao PDR, Malaysia
(Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah), Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam in South-East
Asia. Feral populations occur on some of the Andaman Islands (Choudhury et al.,

Figure 12 Elephas maximus camera trapped during survey, Prey Lang

Dhole (Cuon alpinus) IUCN: Endangered

During this survey three individuals were reported to have been seen by one of the
local guides. This was in DDF forest in the northern area of Prey Lang close to the
boundary of Prey Vihear Protected Forest. A single individual was also recorded from
the central evergreen area during the 2005 WWF camera trapping survey of Prey
Lang. Depletion of natural prey base and habitat loss and transformation are the main
threats to Dholes (Durbin, et al., 2008). Their known range extends throughout South-
East Asia including from Southern Siberia to India, Sumatra and Java (Francis, 2008).

Sambar (Rusa unicolor) IUCN: Vulnerable

No Sambar were recorded during the present survey. However, it has been confirmed
by camera trapping from previous surveys (Olssen and Emmett, 2007). All these
records were from the central evergreen forest area of Prey Lang. Local guides and
hunters interviewed during this survey reported Sambar to be in low numbers and
seldom caught. This species occurs in a wide variety of habitat types across its range
including: evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous forests (Timmins et al., 2008B).
Its distribution within South-East Asia includes: Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam,
Cambodia and Peninsular Malaysia (Francis et al., 2008). Tolerant of forest
degradation, this species is typically found in highest numbers in regions of broken
habitat, which include opens areas in contrast to pristine forests (Timmins et al.,
2008B). Hunting is the predominant threat to this species in South-East Asia (Francis,

Large Indian Civet (Viverra zibetha) IUCN: Near-threatened
This species was regularly photographed by camera traps from the central evergreen
forest area. Considered reasonably common throughout its range, habitat loss and
degradation are a threat to this species as well as hunting for food and medicinal
purposes (Duckworth et al, 2008). Its known range is through South-East Asia
including Nepal, North-East India, and southern China (Francis, 2008).

Large Spotted Civet (Viverra megaspila) IUCN- Near-threatened

This species was not documented during the present survey. However, it has
previously been recorded once on camera trap from the central evergreen forest area
of Prey Lang (Olssen and Emmett, 2007). The population status of this species is
poorly known and there are few records across its range (Duckworth et al, 2008). The
main threats are habitat loss and hunting. Its known range is through South-East Asia
including southern China (Francis, 2008).

Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) IUCN- Vulnerable

This species was not documented during the present survey. However it was recorded
in the central evergreen forest area of Prey Lang during a WWF 2002 camera trapping
survey. It is reasonably well documented from other protected areas in Cambodia,
most noticeably in the Cardamom Mountains, though like other large cat species it is
elusive and rare across its range. The clouded leopard is hunted for the illegal wildlife
trade - large numbers of skins have been seen in market surveys, and there is also
trade in bones for medicines, meat for exotic dishes and live animals for the pet trade
(Sanderson et al, 2008). It’s known range is through South-East Asia including
southern China, Nepal, North-East India, Sumatra and Borneo (Francis, 2008).

Smooth–coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) IUCN: Vulnerable

This species was not documented during this present survey. However, it was
recorded in the central evergreen forest area of Prey Lang during a 2008 CI camera
trapping survey. An earlier otter-focused survey also recorded several otter pelts and
body parts in local villages, with interviewees stating that they had recently seen
otters. They stated that when they are in the forest to collect NTFPs or hunt they often
see otters either swimming or on the riverbanks, typically in groups of two to ten
animals. They stated that otters are most abundant near the streams of Olung,
Ochoam, Osiembok, Stung Pongrong and Okrak (Olssen and Emmett, 2007). The
main threats to Asian otter populations are loss of wetland habitats due to construction
of large-scale hydroelectric projects, reclamation of wetlands for settlements and
agriculture, reduction in prey biomass, poaching and contamination of waterways by
pesticides (Hussain., et al. 2008). The Smooth Coated Otter’s known range is through
South-East Asia and South Asia (Francis, 2008).

Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) IUCN: Near-threatened

This species was commonly observed throughout the survey area. It is easily
distinguished as the largest tree squirrel in the region and was regularly seen in the
high canopy. This species, although widespread throughout South-East Asia
(Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Peninsular Malaysia), has
declined considerably in many areas due to loss and fragmentation of tall forest, as
well as hunting (Francis, 2008). Human induced habitat degradation due to shifting
agriculture practices, small-scale logging, clear-cutting, forest fires, expansion of
human settlement and harvesting for local consumption have been observed to be
major threats for this species in South Asia (Waltson et al., 2008).

Figure 13 Ratufa bicolor, camera trapped during survey, Prey Lang

Bengal Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) IUCN: Vulnerable

This species was observed once during night spotting along DDF forest trails in the
northern part of Prey Lang near Prey Vihear Protected Forest. One other recently
caught specimen was seen at a hunter’s camp in the central evergreen forest area of
Prey Lang. Several dried specimens for sale were also observed in villages just
outside the Prey Lang boundaries. It occurs throughout South-East Asia and also
North-East India, Bangladesh and South China. Populations are declining due to loss
of forest habitat as well as hunting and trapping for the pet trade (Francis, 2008). This
species is found in a large number of protected areas throughout its range, but at low
densities (Streicher et al., 2008).

Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonina) IUCN: Vulnerable

This species was observed on very few occasions during the survey area, all sightings
were from the central evergreen forest area in Prey Lang. However, local hunters and
guides reported this species as relatively common. It is assumed to be restricted to
small areas of forest with the lowest levels of human disturbance, where it is known
to forage predominantly on the ground but readily climbs trees to forage if disturbed.
In Cambodia the primary threat to this species is hunting for food and the wildlife
trade (Boonratana et al., 2008). Its known range is through South-East Asia:
Myanmar, Thailand (South to about 8oN), Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia (Francis,
Pileated Gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) IUCN: Endangered
During the survey this species was commonly heard calling throughout the central
evergreen area of Prey Lang and several groups were heard from the karst area in the
northern area of Prey Lang. Arboreal, found typically in tall forest canopy, this
species occurs in small family groups. In Cambodia, the primary area of importance is
the Cardamom Mountains, in the southwestern region, which is relatively intact,
where densities are on the order of 1-2 groups/km2 (Brockelman et al.,2008). Their
distribution is restricted to South-East Thailand, South-West Laos and in Cambodia
West of the Mekong River (Francis, 2008). Populations in Cambodia are in severe
decline due to habitat destruction through logging and agricultural intensification in
remote areas (Brockelman et al., 2008).

Indochinese Silvered Langur (Trachypithecus germaini) IUCN- Endangered

This species was recorded by camera trap, while visiting several salt licks in the
western part of the central evergreen forest. Sizeable groups were documented on
camera traps, though no observations were made during this or past surveys. Local
guides and hunters reported the Indochinese Silvered Langur to be relatively common
throughout the central evergreen forest area of Prey Lang. This is mainly a lowland
species, with a preference for evergreen and semi-evergreen, mixed deciduous,
riverine and gallery forest (Nadler et al., 2008). Cambodia is considered the
stronghold for this species (Moody et al., 2011). The major threats to this species are
hunting, mainly for subsistence use and traditional ‘medicine’, the pet trade and
habitat loss (Nadler et al., 2008). Their known range extends from South-East
Thailand, southern Lao PDR, Cambodia and Vietnam west of the Mekong (Francis,

Bear spp. (Helarctos malayanus. /Ursus thibetanus.) IUCN: Vulnerable

During this survey one individual was recorded by camera trap from the central
evergreen forest area. However, the quality of the imagery meant it could not be
identified to species level. Previous surveys have recorded Helarctos malayanus from
camera trapping. Ursus thibetanus was also recorded in Prey Lang based on size of
claw marks on trees by Olssen and Emmett (2007). The two major threats to both
species are habitat loss and commercial hunting (Fredriksson et al., 2008). Both
species of bear range throughout South-East Asia (Francis, 2008).

Hog-badger (Arctonyx collaris) IUCN Near-threatened

This species was recorded three times during the survey, twice from camera trap
images and once from a hunter’s specimen. All records were from the central
evergreen forest area. The Hog-badger is known from forested areas as high as 3,500
meters, and it feeds on ‘tubers, roots, earthworms, insects, and other small living
creatures’ (Lekagul and McNeely 1977). It is distributed throughout South-East Asia
and also North-East India, China and Sumatra (Francis, 2008). In Cambodia this
species occurs in level lowlands, in mosaics of deciduous and semi-evergreen forests.
In southwestern and eastern Cambodia it is considered to be quite common (Timmins, 2008).

Thirty-six mammal species have been confirmed in Prey Lang. Eighteen of these are
IUCN listed as species of global conservation concern.

The overall field observations of mammals during the survey was considered quite low
when compared to other protected areas in Cambodia. This was especially the case for
primates, with very few sightings apart from vocalisations of Pileated Gibbon groups.
However, camera traps frequently recorded certain species such as the Common Palm
Civet, Wild Pig, Muntjac, Leopard Cat, Yellow-throated Marten and Malayan
Porcupine, and there are certain species, namely Sunda Pangolin (IUCN-CR) and
Leopard (IUCN-NT), not sighted in this survey but accurately described in interviews
as being present in the central evergreen area of Prey Lang. The overall mammal list is
thus likely to be proven higher than this initial list, with further research. More
extensive surveys would also be required to determine individual species populations.

Certain species, such as the Tiger, which were confirmed in a WCS 2003 survey of
Prey Lang, have been taken off the species list since there is no recent evidence of
their existence.

While further survey work is required to assess the full significance of the area for
mammals and with a sizeable area of Prey Lang still un-surveyed, the presence of
certain regional endemic and near endemic species highlight that the Prey Lang is an
area of high conservation priority for mammal conservation in Cambodia. Of
particular importance is the presence of Banteng, Pileated Gibbon, Indochinese
Silvered Langur and Asian Elephants, of which Prey Lang could habor significant
national populations and thus should be considered of regional importance for the
conservation of these species.


Hunting, habitat fragmentation, clearing for agriculture, immigration, logging and lack
of enforcement and protection appear to be the main threats to the mammal
communities in Prey Lang. Hunters were observed in considerable numbers during the
survey and especially prevalent in the central evergreen forest area of Prey Lang. Most
observed hunting was undertaken by snaring and the use of crossbows and dogs. Gun
shots were heard only once during the survey and no firearms were seen on any of the
hunters encountered. Local guides also reported the historical use of poison at salt
licks, water holes and poisoned bait and mentioned large numbers of banteng being
killed by this method. However, they said this practice had been stopped and there was
no evidence seen during the survey of this taking place.


● Undertake specific surveys concentrating on the Key Species, in particular a

focus on the status and distribution of wild cattle species and elephants.

● Conduct further research on the status and distribution of primates within Prey
Lang, especially with regards to Bengal Slow Loris, Pileated Gibbon and the
Indochinese Silvered Langur.
● Undertake surveys on the small mammal communities with emphasis on
● Commission further camera trapping throughout Prey Lang, particularly in
areas that were not surveyed during this assessment.
● Conduct a focused habitat assessment and ground survey on whether there are
any feasible wildlife corridors that can be created for movement of wildlife
between Prey Lang and other suitable habitats, in particular with regards to
linking Prey Lang to Prey Vihear Protected Forest in the North.

Neil Furey

Bats are divided into two suborders: the Yinpterochiroptera (Rhinolophoid bats and
old world fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera (all other bats), whose ability to perceive
their surroundings using echolocation, together with powered flight, has allowed them
to master the night skies and exploit a wide range of niches worldwide (Schnitzler et
al., 2001; Jones and Teeling, 2006). Over 1,259 bat species are currently recognized
(Fenton 2012), many of which feed on nectar and fruit, and this figure continues to
grow each year with the discovery of new species. Fruit bats are the main pollinators
of many economically and ecologically important plants (Fujita and Tuttle, 1991;
Bumrungsri et al., 2013), and as many species carry seeds over long distances, they
make a significant contribution to reforestation of cleared areas (Sritongchuay et al.,
2014). Most echolocating bats are insectivorous and these are the primary consumers
of nocturnal insects (Nowak 1994), including economically significant quantities of
major agricultural pests in Thailand (Wanger et al., 2014) and important vectors of
human disease e.g. mosquitoes.

Bats form a critical component of Southeast Asia’s mammal fauna, as the group
constitutes approximately 30% of the region’s mammal species, and can comprise as
many as half of all mammal species in tropical rainforests (Kingston et al., 2006).
Southeast Asia is also a pivotal area for global bat conservation as it supports over
25% of the world’s bat fauna and at least 197 of the 342 species known from the
region are endemic (Kingston 2010, 2013). Despite the economic and conservation
importance of bats (Kunz et al., 2011), the composition and biogeography of the
Cambodian fauna is poorly known. Though knowledge has increased in recent years,
only 70 bat species are currently documented in the scientific literature for the country
(Chheang et al. 2013), a figure which lags far behind that for neighboring Laos (92
species: Douangboubpha et al., 2014), Vietnam (approximately 120 species: Kruskop,
2013) and Thailand (119 species: Bumrungsri et al., 2006). Correspondingly little is
known about the natural history of Cambodian bats, despite their being the most
diverse mammal order in the Kingdom.

The aim of the chiropteran survey at Prey Lang was to complete a first inventory of
bat species at the site, evaluate the site’s importance for Cambodian bats and
recommend actions to promote effective conservation.

Three field surveys were undertaken, the first in the southern ‘Srae Pring’ sector from
June 16–25, 2014, and the second and third in the northern ‘Chhep’ and central
‘Spung’ sectors from October 20–30 and December 22–30, 2014 (see Appendix III
for more detail). These periods represent the beginning and end of the wet season in

➢ Live-trapping

Bat species vary in their relative susceptibility to capture with mist nets and harp traps
(Francis 1989, Berry et al., 2004). As our aim was to maximize inventory
completeness, both capture devices were employed in sampling. An assortment of
mist net sizes were used depending on local topography (e.g. 3x3m, 7x3m, 10x3m,
12x2.5m), all of which were 70 denier nets. Four-bank harp traps with a capture
surface of 2.4 m2 were employed. To standardize units of sampling effort between
these traps, sampling effort for mist nets was calculated as m2 of net multiplied by the
number of hours for which they were set (m2mnh), while harp trap effort was
similarly calculated as m2 of harp trap multiplied by the number of hours of use

Harp traps were used overnight during the survey and checked hourly from 1730–
2100 hours and then again the following morning, while mist nets were employed
from 1730–2100 hours each night, except where rain prohibited live trapping. Nets
were attended constantly while in use and disabled after each session. Selection of
sampling locations largely focused on flyways within the forest understory, such as
trails, watercourses and natural linear breaks in the vegetation, and trapping was
avoided on consecutive nights at the same location.

➢ Roost searches

Daytime searches were undertaken to locate and assess bat roosts. These were mostly
confined to caves located in the northern sector of Prey Lang. As many bat species
use caves on a transient basis, either seasonally as maternity roosts or nocturnally as
feeding roosts, their absence during a single visit does not necessarily mean that the
site is unused or abandoned. Use of caves by bats and people was therefore
determined by initially entering each cave to:

1. Directly observe and census the bats at roost. While many bat species prefer to
roost in clusters, some species roost singly while others prefer to roost in
crevices, which can be easily overlooked. Ultrasound detectors (below) were
used to detect the latter species.
2. Search for guano. Fresh guano is the most obvious evidence of recent use by
bats and the size of guano deposits can provide a rough idea of population size
and length of occupancy (provided it has not been harvested). Fruit bats and
insectivorous bats also produce different guano and this was used to determine
which were present.
3. Assess past bat use. This was determined by searching for remains of bats on
floors and stains on walls and ceilings from bat skin oils and urine.
4. Assess human use. Evidence typically includes footprints, garbage, graffiti,
rock scratches, fire pits and religious items such as burnt incense and other
offerings. The presence of long sticks and fragments of fishing nets usually
indicates that bat hunting has occurred.

Following initial assessments, live trapping was undertaken at selected cave colonies
to determine their species composition. This was undertaken using mist nets of
varying size during evening emergence (typically 1730–1930 hours).

➢ Acoustic sampling

An ultrasound (bat) detector (D240x, Pettersson Electronik AB) was employed to

assess nightly bat activity and record species echolocation calls following Furey et al.
(2009) and Phauk et al. (2013). All signals registered were stored using an Edirol
HR09 digital recorder (Roland) and analyzed using Batsound Standard vers. 3.31
(Pettersson Electronik AB).

➢ Species identification

Bats were measured, photographed and identified in the field using Francis (2008)
and released as close as possible to their capture site. Reproductive condition was also
recorded following Furey et al. (2011). Species representing less than 0.5% of total
captures were defined as locally rare. Where required to confirm species
identifications, a minimum number of non-reproductively active adults were retained
as voucher specimens in 80% ethanol. Voucher specimen skulls and bacula (where
taxonomically important) were subsequently extracted for measurement and
comparative examination. Specimens collected are deposited in the zoological
collections of the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation at the Royal University of
Phnom Penh. Accession numbers are available from the first author. Taxonomy
follows Simmons (2005) with recent modifications (Bates et al. 2007, Soisook et al.
2008, Csorba et al. 2011).

➢ Statistical procedures

To determine the completeness of sampling effort at Prey Lang, true species richness
(Smax) was estimated using abundance data and multinomial methods developed by
Solow and Polasky (1999) and Shen et al. (2003). To create upper and lower bound
estimates of species richness, predictions were based upon a quadrupling of sampling
effort and inventory completeness was calculated as the ratio of species observed
(Sobs) to those estimated i.e. Sobs/Smax x 100.

Assemblage evenness (E1/D) was calculated by dividing the reciprocal form of

Simpson’s Index values by S (number of species). Values for E1/D range from 0–1,
reflecting increasing evenness in the relative abundances of species. Species
composition between sectors was compared using the Chao-Jaccard Abundance-based
Similarity Index (CJ-SI) and Estimator (CJ-SE) (Chao et al. 2005). Values for CJ-SI
and CJ-SE range from 0–1 and reflect increasing similarity in shared species

➢ Sampling effort

Over the course of the three field surveys, a total of 18 trapping nights representing
3,296.3 m2mnh (mist-net-hours) and 789.6 m2hth (harp-trap-hours) were achieved at
84 locations in Prey Lang, including 11 caves and 73 forest interior locations (Table
3.). Geo-coordinates for these are provided in Appendix III.

Table 3 Sampling effort during the bat survey at Prey Lang

Area Sampling Sampling m2mnh m2hth Notes

Nights Points
Northern sector 8 (22–29.10.14) 40 1,063.5 340.8 11 caves, 19 trails & 10 rivers in forest
Central sector 5 (24–28.12.14) 27 1,538.3 247.2 26 trails & 1 river in forest
Southern sector 5 (18–22.06.14) 17 694.5 201.6 14 trails & 3 rivers in forest
Total 18 84 3,296.3 789.6

Of the 40 points sampled in the northern sector, 26 (including seven caves and 19
forest interior locations) were located at Phnom Thom (central UTM 0579500,
1525400), a forested limestone karst outcrop, whereas the remaining 14 (including
four caves and 10 forest interior locations) were located at Phnom Chhngauk (central
UTM 0580900, 1523300), a discrete karst outcrop situated approximately 2km to the
southeast. Both outcrops were vegetated in closed-canopy semi-evergreen forest
(including areas of Lagerstroemia spp. around their base) and situated in a landscape
dominated by dry deciduous forest, grassland and chamkar. Sampling locations
ranged between 100–170m asl and sampling effort was partially influenced by rain,
which occurred on four nights after 2100 hours.

Photo: Neil Furey

Figure 14 Southern face of Phnom Thom in the northern sector of Prey Lang.

Photo: Neil Furey
Figure 15 Lagerstroemia forest at base of Phnom Thom in northern sector, Prey Lang

Of the 27 locations sampled in the central sector, all but one (a forested river) were
trails within tall closed-canopy semi- to fully-evergreen forest in a seasonally
inundated area including numerous chamkar in early stages of regrowth (UTM
0559830, 1473800). Sampling effort ranged between 80–140m asl and was
uninfluenced by rain. Of the 17 locations sampled in the southern sector, 14 were on
trails and three on rivers in an area of heavily disturbed semi-evergreen forest (UTM
0575595, 1454128), which had been intensively logged by the Pheaphimex
concession prior to 2002 and more selectively afterwards. Sampling effort ranged
between 100–130m asl and was heavily affected by rain, which occurred on all but
one of the five sampling nights.

Overall findings

Twenty-four species arranged in six families were recorded at Prey Lang (Table 4).
Estimates of true bat species richness (Smax) ranged from 25.0 to 26.9, suggesting an
overall inventory completeness ratio of 86–92%. Evening bats (Vespertilionidae)
were best represented in terms of species richness with seven species, though they
accounted for significantly fewer captures (9.1% of total captures) compared to
horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae, 67.9%) of which six species were recorded. Leaf-
nosed bats were also represented by six species but only 10.1% of captures, followed
by sheath-tailed bats (Emballonuridae: 2 species, 6.4%), false vampire bats
(Megadermatidae: 2 species, 2.7%) and Old world fruit bats (Pteropodidae: 1 species,

Assemblage evenness was low at 0.21 due to the hyper abundance of Shamel’s
horseshoe bat Rhinolophus shameli in the northern sector, which represented 41.6%
of total captures. The second most abundant species was acuminate horseshoe bat R.
acuminatus (11.1%), whereas four taxa were locally rare, being represented by a
single individual for each: ashy leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros cineraceus,, diadem leaf-
nosed bat H. diadema , black-bearded tomb bat Taphozous melanopogon and
Walston’s tube-nosed bat Murina walstoni. One species, Marshall’s horseshoe bat R.
marshalli, constitutes the first country record for Cambodia, whereas the record of M.
walstoni is the fourth known locality for the species nationally.

Photo: Neil Furey Photo: Neil Furey

Figure 16 Rhinolophus shameli, Prey Lang Figure 17 Rhinolophus acuminatus, Prey Lang

Photo: Neil Furey Photo: Neil Furey

Figure 18 R. marshalli, Prey Lang Figure 19 Murina walstoni, Prey Lang

Table 4 Bat species recorded in three sectors at Prey Lang

Northern Central Southern

# Family / Species
Sector Sector Sector
Old world fruit bats, Pteropodidae
1 Greater short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx 11
False vampire bats, Megadermatidae
2 Greater false vampire bat, Megaderma lyra 2
3 Lesser false vampire bat, Megaderma spasma 2 4
Horseshoe bats, Rhinolophidae
4 Acuminate horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus acuminatus 24 9
5 Malayan horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus malayanus 25
6 Marshall’s horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus marshalli 2 3
7 Lesser brown horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus microglobosus 13
8 Least horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pusillus 4
9 Shamel’s horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus shameli 123
Leaf-nosed bats, Hipposideridae
10 Great leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros armiger 3
11 Ashy leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros cineraceus 1 1
12 Diadem leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros diadema 1 1
13 Cantor's leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros galeritus 8 1 1
14 Intermediate leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros larvatus 3 13
15 Large-eared leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros pomona 5
Sheath-tailed bats, Emballonuridae
16 Black-bearded tomb bat, Taphozous melanopogon 1 1
17 Theobald’s tomb bat, Taphozous theobaldi 3 18
Evening bats, Vespertilionidae
18 Titania's woolly bat, Kerivoula titania 2
19 Hardwicke’s woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii 3 3
20 Round-eared tube-nosed bat, Murina cyclotis 2
21 Walston’s tube-nosed bat, Murina walstoni 1 1
22 Peter’s myotis, Myotis ater 7
23 Least pipistrelle, Pipistrellus tenuis 1 1
24 Blanford's bat, Hesperoptenus blanfordi 5 2
Total 219 44 33
Key: 1 = Locally rare species (<0.5% of total captures), 2 = New country record, 3 = Large cave
colonies of these species were encountered in the northern sector (see below) – the figures on the right
do not include these colonies.

Bat species richness and abundance was significantly greater in the northern sector
with 15 species and 74% of total captures, followed by the central sector with eight
species and 14.9% of captures and the southern sector with eight species and 11.1%
of captures. Estimates of true bat species richness (Smax) ranged from 16.2–17.6 in
the north and 12.2–13.2 in the center to 9.0–10.0 in the south, suggesting inventory
completeness ratios of 80–86%, 61–66% and 80–89% respectively. Assemblage
evenness was low to moderately high at 0.21 (north), 0.38 (central) and 0.65 (south).
Pair-wise similarity in shared species composition was low between all the three
sectors (CJ-SI values: 0.023–0.338) and increased only marginally when the effects of
unseen shared species were incorporated (CJ-SE values: 0.037–0.352).

➢ Cave bat colonies

Eleven caves were explored during survey of the northern sector at Prey Lang. Of the
seven caves explored at Phnom Thom, all but one (C4: located in the eastern interior
of the site) was located on the southern face of the hill and only one (C6) did not
contain bats or evidence of past occupancy. All four caves investigated at Phnom
Chhngauk supported bat colonies, though only one (C8) was of elevated interest in
supporting several thousand Theobald’s tomb bats T. theobaldi. Survey results for
each cave are provided in Table 5 below.
Table 5 Caves surveyed in the northern sector of Prey Lang

# Summary Characteristics
Phnom Thom, above floodplain (UTM: 0579103, 1525235). Consists of a porch with left and
right leads. Right lead extends a few meters only, whereas the left lead descends for ≈50m,
C1 22.10.14 steeply initially and gently thereafter. Left lead includes a small shrine, several large erosion
domes and one skylight. Extensive bat staining, though only 4-5 insectivorous bats (including H.
armiger) were observed, as was old insectivorous bat guano above the seasonal water line.
Phnom Thom, above floodplain (UTM: 0579089, 1525251). Single large and roughly circular
chamber ≈10m in diameter, dominated by central flowstone column. Large erosion dome at rear
C2 22.10.14 with extensive bat stains and 3-4’ deep carpet of insectivorous bat guano. Guide reported a
‘thousand’ bats were present five years previously, though only ≈20 were observed. Clear
evidence of hunting also noted and two species were recorded: H. larvatus and T. melanopogon.
Phnom Thom, above floodplain (UTM: 0579500, 1525281). Large overhang with two vertical
C3 23.10.14 crevices on cliff face, which were not accessible. Approximately 150 H. larvatus , were observed
in these.
Phnom Thom, higher elevation cave (UTM: 0580539, 1525120). Consists of a wider-than-deep
porch (ca. 7x5m) with overhang at centre-rear, behind which the upper portion of erosion dome
C4 23.10.14
leads to a passage which was not accessible. Extensive bat staining and hunting evidence was
observed in the porch where R. shameli, R. malayanus and H. larvatus were recorded.
Phnom Thom (UTM: 0577543, 1525882). Low entrance cave located in karst foothills above
floodplain with an initial steep descent and many breccias. Approximately 1,000 H. armiger and
C5 25.10.14 H. larvatus were observed at roost. Unequivocal evidence of hunting and guano harvesting
(small store of full rice sacks) were also observed, although the latter may not have been recent
as thick deposits of undisturbed/fresh guano were present in several areas.
Phnom Thom (UTM: 0577734, 1525747). Consists of a rock overhang that forms a shallow
C6 26.10.14 porch area (ca. 4m deep). A single descending lead to right of porch was explored, which
terminated after several meters. No bats or evidence of their past occupation was observed.
Phnom Thom (UTM: 0577735, 1525713). Nearby and similar to C6 in that entrance is a porch
area overhung by a cliff face. Main lead is to right and descends for a few meters to a level
C7 26.10.14 passage, which leads to a large chamber (≈10–15m diameter and height) containing a roost of 3–
400 H. armiger and H. larvatus (H. armiger being dominant). This continues via two leads, the
lower of which was accessible and ended after ≈40m. No evidence of disturbance was observed.
Phnom Chhngauk (UTM: 0580878, 1523241). Set at base of hill with small entrance shrine.
Consists of an overhung porch beyond which a large chamber subsequently narrows into a
massive chamber heavily stained with guano and bat skin oils that has a rear skylight. Abundant
C8 27.10.14
evidence of guano harvesting and bat hunting was noted and several thousand T. theobaldi were
recorded in the rear chamber. Two smaller caves are located to the left of the entrance, the nearer
also heavily stained, though no bats were recorded in either cave.
Phnom Chhngauk (UTM: 0580388, 1523087). Located at hill base in heavily disturbed forest
and easily accessed via one gently-descending and ≈15m long passage beyond the overhung
C9 28.10.14 porch area. This includes a series of variably-sized erosion domes and is under water at its rear.
Extensive staining was observed, yet only a handful of tomb bats Taphozous spp. were noted at
the entrance. Abundant evidence of disturbance of hunting was also recorded.
Phnom Chhngauk (UTM: 0580881, 1523138). A steeply-ascending and high-vaulted cave with a
single lower entrance ≈10m above hill base on cliff face and at least five skylights towards upper
rear. Main chamber is strewn with boulders and stepped flowstones and is ≈20–30m in height
C10 28.10.14
and ≈40–50m in diameter. Only ≈100 tomb bats Taphozous spp were observed, though staining
was noted in several unoccupied erosion domes. Abundant evidence of use was also observed in
the form of hunting sticks, guano harvesting, burnt incense and guard-rail at entrance.
Phnom Chhngauk (UTM: 0580933, 1523138). A descending cave with two entrances set ≈25m
above hill base, only the left of which was explored (the right being inaccessible). It comprises
C11 28.10.14 three chambers: the second includes a small skylight and the last is relatively level. ≈20 H.
armiger and two H. galeritus were recorded and wall staining was less abundant compared to
other caves. Evidence of cave use included graffiti, hunting and guano collection.

Key Species

All of the bat species presently recorded at Prey Lang are currently considered Least
Concern by the IUCN (2014). This may be misleading however, as population trends
(whose quantification underlies the Red List categories) are currently unknown for
most of these species. Further, given the very large extent of intact habitat and limited
sampling to date, it is highly probable that future studies will reveal the presence of
additional bat species at the site. As such, the conservation significance of Prey Lang
for bats is in all likelihood considerably greater than presently documented.
Nevertheless, in supporting at least a third of the national fauna, the area is clearly
important for Cambodian bat conservation.

Marshall’s horseshoe bat R. marshalli

Two individuals were caught in a mist net on a forest trail (F13, Appendix III) in the
early evening of October 26, 2014 in the northern sector, while a third was caught
overnight in a harp trap on a forest trail (F12, Appendix III) later that same night. The
external, craniodental and acoustic characteristics and measurements of all three bats
match R. marshalli. The species is relatively uncommon and is a cave-dwelling
forest-interior specialist known only from scattered localities in Thailand, northern
Laos, Vietnam and Peninsular Malaysia (Francis, 2008). The records from Prey Lang
are the first for Cambodia.

Walston’s tube-nosed bat Murina walstoni

A single bat was caught in a harp trap on a forest trail (F31, Appendix III) in the early
evening of December 25, 2014 in the central sector of Prey Lang. This individual
matches well the diagnoses of Csorba et al. (2011), who recently described the species
from Veun Sai in Ratanakiri Province, including specimens from Koh Kong Province
and Dak Lak Province (Vietnam). Since then, additional records have emerged from
Preah Vihear Province (Furey, unpublished data), Laos and Vietnam (Francis and
Eger 2012). Though all Murina dwell in foliage and are typically considered forest-
interior specialists (Furey et al. 2010, Kingston 2013), M. walstoni appears to use
more open and drier habitats than other members of the genus.

Prey Lang supports at least one-third (24/71) of the known bat fauna of Cambodia and
in all likelihood somewhat more. Despite a suggested inventory completeness of 86–
92%, continued sampling will undoubtedly reveal additional bat species at the site.
Field experience strongly supports this, as many genera and species typically
encountered in Cambodian forests have yet to be recorded e.g. Megaerops spp.,
Myotis spp. and Tylonycteris spp. This is particularly true for the central and southern
sectors where sampling effort was comparatively limited.

It should be noted that the importance of caves in these isolated hills is not confined
to bats but also includes the subterranean invertebrates that depend on their guano. As
a result of these diverse assemblages, caves now rank among the hottest of
biodiversity hotspots (sensu Myers et al. 2000) worldwide in terms of their levels of
species endemism and threat (Whitten 2009). It should be noted that the importance
of caves in these isolated hills is not confined to bats but also includes the
subterranean invertebrates that depend on their guano. As a result of these diverse
assemblages, caves now rank among the hottest of biodiversity hotspots (sensu Myers
et al. 2000) worldwide in terms of their levels of species endemism and threat
(Whitten 2009).


Unequivocal evidence of bat hunting was encountered at seven of the ten caves
supporting bat colonies in the northern sector of Prey Lang. Evidence of population
declines was also encountered in several caves. This poses a major concern as the
large aggregations of bats typically attracted to such sites can represent a sizeable
proportion of local populations and are highly vulnerable to human disturbance
(Furey and Racey in press). Guano collection and other cave uses were also observed
at several sites and have strong adverse potential, particularly during critical breeding
periods such as late pregnancy, lactation and weaning (Furey et al. 2011). In contrast,
only one instance of bat hunting was encountered in the central sector and no
evidence was encountered in the southern sector. In these sectors, it is helpful from a
conservation perspective that no (or at least less) caves seemingly exist locally as bat
populations will be more evenly distributed and consequently less vulnerable to
human depredations.

The widespread continuation of illegal timber logging at Prey Lang is well

documented and also poses a major concern. Studies in Vietnam have demonstrated
dramatic declines in bat abundance between areas with natural forest compared to
those with secondary cover (Furey et al., 2010). The removal of older, larger trees
presents a particular concern as these tend to provide more cavities and crevices for
foliage-dwelling species. Allied to this, a sizeable proportion of the known bat fauna
of Prey Lang (14 of 24 species) comprises forest-interior specialists (e.g. members of
the Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae and most taxa within the Murininae and
Kerivoulinae subfamilies) which are poorly adapted to foraging in open areas
(Kingston 2013). Internal habitat fragmentation is therefore likely to erode their
foraging effectiveness and consequently increase local extinction risks. Such concerns
are all the more relevant due to species range shifts anticipated as a result of global
climate change (Jones and Rebelo 2013).


➢ Undertake further surveys to fully document the conservation significance of

Prey Lang for bats, particularly in the northern sector, where many more karst

hills and caves have yet to be assessed.

➢ Protect all caves supporting bat colonies at Prey Lang from hunting. This
prohibition need not extend to guano collection, as this could be encouraged
to support local livelihoods and conservation objectives through the
promotion of sustainable harvesting techniques (e.g. IUCN SSC 2014).

➢ Accord priority to protection of forest habitat, with particular emphasis on

maintaining forest connectivity and protecting forest areas encompassing
surface water, such as the interior swamp forests in the central sector.

Chhin Sophea

Birds are considered an ideal taxon for studying the impacts of habitat changes on
biodiversity in tropical forests, as bird community composition can be strongly
influenced by disturbance to forest vegetation structure. Birds also perform vital
ecological functions in tropical forests and have roles as pollinators, seed dispersers
and predators (Felton et al., 2008). Furthermore, quantitative assessment of the IUCN
Red List shows that the threat status of the world’s birds has steadily worsened since
1988 (Butchart et al., 2004), with 93% of threatened forest avifauna found in tropical
forests (BirdLife International, 2004).

The earliest ornithological literature relating to Cambodia dates from the end of the
19th century; however, for most of the following one hundred years, the
ornithological fauna of Cambodia remained little studied (certainly in comparison to
neighbouring countries). According to Delacour (Eames et al., 2001), up until the
mid-1990s, the only significant ornithological literature about Cambodia came from
three sources. The first was from the 4th Franco-British Expedition to Indochina from
1927-28 by Jean Delacour, Pierre Jabouille and Willoughby Lowe, who conducted the
earliest research in the Cardamom Mountains. This research was published by
Delacour in 1929 and summarized again in 1931 in four volumes of Les Oiseaux de
Indochine Francaise. The second source of information is from Paul Englebach, a
French doctor who lived in Cambodia between the 1930s and 1940s and published
several papers on bird status and identification. The final literature is an unpublished
manuscript entitled ‘A Preliminary Checklist of the Birds of Cambodia’ written in
1964 by William W. Thomas, an American diplomat who lived in Phnom Penh from
1959 to 1961. This last manuscript remained the most reliable summary of
Cambodian ornithological fauna until 2003.

In 1992, the first foreign ornithologist returned to Cambodia, but the security situation
as a result of civil war severely restricted fieldwork. The subsequent arrival of
international conservation NGOs such as the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS),
allowed comprehensive fieldwork and publication to begin (Daltry & Momberg,
2000). In 2003 Tan Setha, a Cambodian conservationist, and Colin Pool, an
ornithologist, collaboratively produced a Field Guide to the Birds of Cambodia, which
categorized 535 species (Setha & Poole, 2003). Until December 2012, a total of 599
bird species had been recorded and confirmed in Cambodia, of which about two-
thirds are resident and a quarter are winter visitors. This indicates remarkably high
diversity for a country with a topography that consists mostly of lowlands. Indeed, the
whole of Western Europe supports about 650 bird species in a range 20 times larger
than that of Cambodia (Goes, 2013). However, Cambodia hosts only two strictly
endemic species (Cambodian laughing thrush Garrulax ferrarius and Cambodian
tailorbird Orthotomus chaktomuk); and two near-endemic species (Chestnut-headed
Partridge Arborophila cambodiana and Mekong Wagtail Motacilla samveasnae),
whose ranges marginally extend into adjacent countries. Another 13 highly distinctive
subspecies are also endemic to the Cardamom Mountains.
The total bird species listed in this report have been compiled from a combination of
secondary sources such as relevant wildlife surveys, information gained through local
interviews and field sampling (Table 6).

Table 6 Date and location of ornithological field sampling

Date Survey Areas

16-25 June, 2014 Field work started in Sre Pring Village, where the team stayed for one night;
headed up to the first base camp located in central Prey Lang, Kampong Thom
Province for one night; shifted to the second camp, 2,252meters away from the
first camp; and concluded the last three days at Phnom Chi in the south.
20-30 November, 2014 Two nights were spent at Chhvarng village Along Chrey Commune, Chheb
District, Preah Vihear Province. Four nights were spent at Phnom Thom and
three nights at Phnom Chhngorck.
22-30 December, 2014 The survey started at Pnheak Rolouek, Thmear Commune, Chey Sen District,
Preah Vihear Province, and moved to Spong village the location of three
provincial boundaries (Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom and Stueng Treng
Province). The base camp was set in the swamp forest 18km from Spong

Birds were sampled using a combination of transect lines, mist-netting surveys and
opportunity search. The combined methods are useful for studying bird presence and
richness (Blake & Loiselle, 2001; Wang & Finch, 2002) and may complement each
other in terms of species encountered. Birds were surveyed along meandering
transects (existing trails) from 0500-1130hours and 1500-1800hours daily.

Mist-nets were used just a few days before the end of the trips and when most areas of
each base camp had been observed. Mist-nets were used to detect small and shy bird
species in the forest understory. Three sizes (12m × 2.5m x 3 sets, 15m × 2.5m x 4
sets and 10m x3m x 1 set) of 70-denier passerine mist-nets (mesh size of 16 × 16mm
and 19 × 19mm) were used depending on the habitat structure at the site. Mist-nets
were deployed only at camp 2, where nets were opened from 0530-1700hours, and
checked hourly.

Opportunity searches were conducted to record targeted bird species, colonies and
nest sites, where the locations were outside the trail; especially when surveyors saw
fruit trees or heard birds call. Binoculars were used to aid observation and a digital
recorder (Edirol R-09HR) recorded bird calls where needed to later confirm

Birds were mainly identified through sightings or calls; captures were only used for
identification confirmation when required. Bird identifications were made based upon
field guides (Robson, 2008; Setha & Poole, 2003; Goes, 2013) and a bird songs
webpage ( The conservation status and importance of birds
were based on Goes (2013).

Overall findings

A total of 266 bird species representing 61 families were recorded in Prey Lang using
the combination of transects, mist-nets, camera trap records and opportunity search
techniques employed by the researchers. When added to the observations from other
bird records (Olsson & Emmett, 2007) including locals interviewed, the bird list
exceeds 266 species of 61 families (see Appendix IV).

Of those, 15 species are listed by the IUCN, 56 species are Regionally Threatened in
Laos and Thailand, while 38 species have been listed as Threatened in Cambodia.
More information is needed for these species (see Appendix IV).

Key Species

White Shoulder Ibis Pseudibis davisoni (IUCN-Critically Endangered)

White Shoulder Ibis is a very localized resident in dry deciduous forest, grasslands
and undisturbed rivers in lowlands. It forages mainly at livestock-grazing pools,
meadows, rice fields and river channels (Goes, 2013). Based on observations, there is
a lot of available habitat that looks suitable for this species in Prey Lang (eg Site 2
and 3). No individuals were recorded during the survey but several local people
described them and assured us that the species is present. The population declined
dramatically during the 20th century due to habitat loss (largely land conversion for
agriculture) and human hunting of adult birds, eggs and chicks for food (Birdlife
International Cambodia Programme, 2012).

Giant Ibis Pseudibis gigantean (IUCN-Critically Endangered)

The Giant Ibis is the national bird of Cambodia. In Prey Lang, Site 2 is likely a very
good habitat for this species due to the several seasonal ponds, which are far enough
from human disturbance to afford some protection. The surveyors did not encounter
any individuals on account of the seasonal pools being full of water. The Giant Ibis is
extinct in Thailand and now confined and largely endemic to Cambodia, being only
occasionally found in Laos and Vietnam. The global population is estimated at less
than 400 birds (BirdLife International, 2015).

Green Peafowl Pavo muticus (IUCN-Endangered)

One group of Green Peafowl was heard at Site 1 in the semi-evergreen forest and
another at Site 2, where the habitat mostly consists of DDF forest with less semi-
evergreen forest close to the foot of Thnom Thom and Phnom Chhngorck Mountains.
The species is extinct in part of India and in Bangladesh, and is now confined to
Myanmar, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos (BirdLife
International, 2015). The major threat to this species is persecution for food and trade
driven by the high market value of live birds and feathers (Goes, 2013).

Photo La Pengly
Figure 20 Pavo muticus

Greater Adjutant Leptoptilos dubius (IUCN-Endangered)

An adult Greater Adjutant was found in a seasonal pond at Site 2 more than 5km
away from base camp. Another was feeding with a Woolly-necked Stork in an
uncompleted dried seasonal pond, approximately 100m from the main stream in Site
3. The species is easily confused with the Lesser Adjutant (Birdlife International
Cambodia Programme, 2012). This species prefers mainly lowland freshwater
wetland. In Cambodia, the main populations are found in the Tonle Sap swamp forest,
grassland and dry deciduous forest landscapes. Habitat loss, hunting for food, and
direct and indirect poisoning from agricultural practice are the threats to the species
(Goes, 2013).

Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus (IUCN-Vulnerable)

Several Lesser Adjutant individuals were found. At Site 1, one was found perched on
a tree close to the main road to Sre Pring village and three individuals were found
foraging in grassland close to a big seasonal pond between Kamnob and Phnom Chi
Mountain. At Site 2, two individuals were found flying over a seasonal pond and
grassland about 5km from the base camp, and remains of wings and a head left by a
hunter were found at a bank stream connected to a larger lake near by. At Site 3, four
individuals were found foraging mixed with Woolly-necked Storks and two
individuals were flying over a seasonal pond and old grass. The species is distributed
across South and Southeast Asia and Indonesia, with the global population estimated
at 6,500-8,000 birds, of which as many as 2,500-4,000 individuals are believed to
occur in Cambodia (BirdLife International, 2015). Habitat loss, hunting, chicks and
egg collection are considered the major threats to this species (Birdlife International
Cambodia Programme, 2012).

Photo Chhin Sophea

Figure 21 Leptoptilos javanicus, Prey Lang

Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus (IUCN-Vulnerable)

At Site 1, two Great Slaty Woodpeckers were found, one in DDF on the road close to
Srekass, and another was heard about 3km from camp. At Site 2, five individuals
were found singing and alarming with White-bellied Woodpeckers in DDF. Site 2
represents very good habitat for this species and other woodpeckers, and should be
considered as a main site for woodpecker watching and a potentially important area
for long-term conservation of the species. A previous study strongly suggests that this
species prefers large mature trees (Lammertink et al., 2009), so to support the
population of this species, the dominant vegetation in Site 2 should be conserved.
Like the White-bellied Woodpecker, it may be heavily affected by the loss of large
trees and riverine forest.

Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola (IUCN-Vulnerable)
Only two Yellow-breasted Bunting individuals were spotted in grassland in open
habitat surrounded by DDF in Site 2. This species is a non-breeding winter visitor
and spring passage migrant in rice fields, scrub, grasslands and marshes in lowlands.
The species was formerly globally Near Threatened in 2004 and upgraded to globally
Vulnerable in 2008 due to declines noted in breeding areas and high levels of trapping
for food and merit release at migration and wintering sites (BirdLife International
2015; Gilbert et al., 2012).

Indian Spotted Eagle Aquila hastate (IUCN-Vulnerable)

One individual was spotted on a tree of DDF forest close to three connected seasonal
pools approximately 5km from the base camp at Site 2. The species looks similar to
the Serpent-crested Eagle, with white spots on its underside and no tail bar as the keys
to distinguish it. It was historically recorded at Chep District in Preah Vihear in 2009
(Goes, 2013). That record could help to confirm the species identification.

Sarus Crane Grus antigone (IUCN-Vulnerable)

No individuals were found during the survey; yet the information from interviewing
with local people from three studied areas indicate that the locals are aware that Sarus
Crane is the tallest bird with a distinct red head. The surveyors take this knowledge as
confirmation that Sarus Crane is present in the area. Sarus Crane is a rare resident of
grasslands in plains and lowlands, including meadows and the grassy margins of
pools in DDF and undertakes seasonal movement (Goes, 2013). In Cambodia the
largest population is found at Ang Tropeang Thmor, Banteay Meanchy Province.
BirdLife International in 2015 stated that this species is facing risk in Laos, and is
extinct in Thailand. The major threats to this species are the loss of wetland habitats
and human persecution (direct and indirect poisoning and hunting for food) (BirdLife
International, 2015).

Photo Haroldo Castro
Figure 22 Grus antigone

Pale-capped Pigeon Columba punicea (IUCN-Vulnerable)

One Pale-capped Pigeon was found in a DDF at the foot of Mount Thom (Phnom
Thom) of Site 2. In Cambodia, most records of this species come from Mondolkiri
and Thmar Baeuy in Preah Vihear Province (Goes, 2013). Its conservation status in
Cambodia is difficult to assess as the species is not known to face any specific threats,
although it might be incidentally affected by the widespread practice of hunting and
poisoning pigeons (Goes, 2013).

Orange-necked Partridge Arborophila davidi (IUCN-Near Threatened)

One individual was heard and sighted between semi-evergreen and evergreen forest in
Site 2. To try and confirm the identification, mist-nets and opportunity search were
deployed; they were not successful however. The species is quite rare in Prey Lang;
most records were made in Mondulkiri Province, especially in Seima Protected Forest
(Goes, 2013). Orange-necked Partridge is reported as endemic to Southern Annamese
lowland forest. The finding of this species in Prey Lang fills the biogeographical gap
in the center Cambodia, suggesting that this species may not be endemic to
Annanmese; however, further study of the species distribution in that area is
recommended to confirm this. The abundance of this species is difficult to assess, as
the species is particularly unobtrusive, rarely vocal, and has an inexplicably patchy
distribution (BirdLife International, 2015), suggesting a small population, perhaps in
the low to mid-hundreds range.

Painted Stork Mycteria leucocephala (IUCN-Near Threatened)

The species is widespread in various lowland wetlands such as swamp forest,
grassland and marshes, as well as coastal mudflats, reservoirs, rivers and wet fields
(Goes, 2013). Along the survey in Prey Lang, two groups with three and five
individuals were found, one in a swamp forest and another in a seasonal pool in DDF
of Site 2. Hunting for human food consumption is the major threat to the species
(Goes, 2013).

Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster (IUCN-Near Threatened)

This species has been confirmed to occur in various freshwater wetlands including
swamp forest, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, floodplain marshes and the upper Mekong
channels (Robson, 2008; Goes, 2013). In Prey Lang, one individual was found
perching on a tree above a seasonal pool approximately 5km from Site 2’s camp, and
another was feeding mixed with Little Cormorants in a swamp forest along the road
up to base camp of Site 3. Egg and chick collection are the most significant threats to
this species (Goes, 2013).

White-rumped Pygmy Falcon Polihierax insignis (IUCN-Near Threatened)

Several individuals were sighted along a trail from base camp of Site 1 to Phnom Chi.
This species is usually found in DDF and lower hills. The extensive dry deciduous
forests in Cambodia support the largest part of the global population. Its
unobtrusiveness may result in impressions of low density. However, there was until
recently no reason to believe the species was declining or at risk due to its widespread
occurrence and consistent records at all regularly watched sites. The recent wave of
economic land concessions, especially across the north and northeast lowland forest
landscape, including within protected areas, present major concerns for the near
future. Although present in other wooded habitats, these are sub-optimal for this dry
deciduous forest specialist. Fragmentation and severe degradation of dry deciduous
forest may severely affect the species and its status requires regular monitoring (Goes

Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis (IUCN-Near Threatened)

The species seems to be fairly common in Prey Lang as they were in all surveyed
sites. This may be due to the fact that Prey Lang still has a high density of large and
tall trees that provide safety, shelter and a food source for this species. In Cambodia,
the species has undergone historical and recent declines in parts of its range. Other
surveys have concluded that the Cardamom and Elephant mountains are the
strongholds for the species, with a second healthy population in central-southern
Mondolkiri. Other populations are increasingly fragmented. The species is threatened

by hunting for food and trophies, habitat loss and degradation, particularly logging of
the large trees that it requires for nesting (Goes, 2013).

Even though the fieldwork was undertaken during a short time period, mostly during
the rainy season, and covered a relatively small area, the species represented in this
preliminary report represent approximately 44% of the total birds recorded throughout
Cambodia. There was previously little known about the biogeography and status of
birds in Prey Lang, even though this forest has been confirmed as being the biggest
remaining lowland forest in the region. It was interesting to note the presence of
species such as the Orange-Necked Partridge, which was mostly recorded in the
north-east region of the country and is now confirmed in Prey Lang; and the Green
Peafowl which, we now know, has a large available habitat in Prey Lang. Although
globally and nationally significant species such as Giant Ibis, White-Shouldered Ibis
and Sarus Crane were not spotted during the survey, the information from local
communities and direct site surveying strongly indicate that those species are present,
and may be found during the dry season when the waters narrow into the specific
seasonal ponds.

The survey was too brief to draw final conclusions regarding the relative importance
of different habitats, because the survey was undertaken in just a few habitat types.
These were mostly in dry deciduous forest because they were easily accessed in wet
weather, but surveying was harder in the evergreen and semi-evergreen forest found
mostly in the north central region (Site 1). In addition, there was significant potential
for survey bias in evergreen and semi-evergreen forest because the forests are
secondary old growth with very dense understory and forest floor layer, which caused
difficulty in sighting and hearing birds.


According to the survey, the major threats to birds in Prey Lang are:

➢ Habitat loss and degradation: birds are threatened by habitat loss and
fragmentation caused mainly by logging (found everywhere in Prey Lang) and
clearing forest for local agriculture use. Local agricultural clearings were
found not only in the areas close to the villages but also in the areas where
solid and liquid resin tree species were found. Increased access into the region
via logging roads may also promote higher hunting pressure on birds.
➢ Hunting for local consumption: Evidence of hunting was found such as
remaining feathers, dead birds being carried by hunters and live birds in nets
set in the swamp forest. These nets may capture not only birds but any flying
animal. Several people, old and young, who accessed the forest were carrying
sling shots and/or locally invented air guns. There is little discrimination in
birds hunted because the surveyors found evidence of small-bodied birds such
as Drongos to big birds such as Lesser Adjutant being hunted.

Photo Chhin Sophea
Figure 23 Wings of Leptoptilos javanicus (lesser Adjutant) abandoned by hunters, Prey Lang


➢ Protect Prey Lang under the national forestry laws.

➢ Significantly improve current law enforcement activities, not only for logging
but also for forest clearing and hunting.
➢ Deliver educational programmes on the importance of birds, especially at the
local communities level. Young villagers should be the first targeted group.
➢ Carry out longer bird surveys at the surveyed areas and expand to other parts
of Prey Lang.
➢ Teach birding techniques to enforcement individuals who regularly access the
forest, so they can record the bird data.
➢ Create bird watching sites at the potential bird areas such as at the DDF of Site
2, not just for tourists but also to encourage local researchers.

Neang Thy

Herpetofauna are cold-blooded amphibians and reptiles with body temperature
fluctuating according to the surrounding environment in which they live. Amphibians
include frogs, caecilians and salamanders, although the latter are absent in Cambodia
(Neang & Holden, 2008). Reptiles include crocodile, turtles, lizards, snakes and
tuatara (Cox et al., 1999; Das, 2010), and again the latter is not present in Cambodia.

Herpetological studies in Cambodia have been few. The first herpetofauna studies in
Cambodia were initiated by Günther (1861, 1864) and Bourret (1936, 1941, 1942),
followed by Smith (1943), Shibata (1967) and Saint Girons (1972) prior to the start of
the civil war in 1975. Due to the prolonged conflict lasting for almost three decades,
and the resulting inaccessibility of many areas, knowledge of Cambodia’s
herpetofauna remained poor and lagged far behind that generated in Cambodia’s
neighbouring countries of Thailand (Taylor, 1962, 1963, 1965), Laos (Stuart, 1999,
2005) and Vietnam (Inger et al. 1999; Orlov et al., 2002).

Post-conflict herpetological field resurgence mainly concentrated on the Cardamom

Mountains of southwest Cambodia (Grismer et al., 2008; Neang et al., 2014; Ohler et
al., 2002; Stuart & Emmett, 2006) and north-eastern Cambodia (Rowley et al., 2010;
Stuart et al., 2006, 2010). Some sporadic surveys were also carried out along the
Mekong River (Bezuijen et al., 2009), Tonle Sap Lake (Brook et al., 2007a, 2007,
2009) and around Siem Reap (Hartmann et al., 2013). Brook et al. (2007a, 2007b,
2009) also assessed the impact of hunting and trade on the reproductive and trophy
ecology of water snakes of Tonle Sap. These surveys were carried out in the vicinity
of Prey Lang. however Prey Lang itself was almost unvisited by biologists.

The exception to this is, a single survey on amphibians and reptiles conducted by
Rowley (2007) and turtle survey conducted in the central evergreen forest of Prey
Lang by Olsson & Emmett (2007).
This survey is therefore the first
comprehensive herpetological
study of Prey Lang, aiming at
justifying the importance of
herpetofauna as part of the area’s
biodiversity value, identifying
the threats to Prey Lang’s
herpetofauna, and
recommending practical
conservation actions to save the
last remaining lowland forest
block of Prey Lang.
Figure 24 Hylarana erythraea, Prey Lang

The first fieldwork was conducted between June 16 and 22, 2014 around C1 and C2
(see Table 7 for localities). A brief search after rain at night was also carried out in
Sreping Village on June 17, 2014. The second field survey was undertaken between
July 20 and 27, 2014 around the Phnom Thom karst at C3. Additional scattered
surveys were also carried out in Srekhas and O’Krak at Prey Lang (see Table 7). Most
surveyed areas were felled under the past logging concessions of Pheaphimex
Company. The two main large tree species Dipterocarpus costatus and Anisoptera
costata, which dominated the semi-evergreen forest, were removed during the 1990s
and early 2000s. Meandering logging roads in Prey Lang remain in use by illegal
loggers, hunters and NTFP collectors. All survey dates and efforts are shown in
Table 7.
Table 7 Dates and sites and herpetofauna surveys

Survey Survey Elevati

UTM (WG84) Habitat types
Date sites on
Dry deciduous
dipterocarp forest with
17-Jun-14 village 0563859 1431573 58m
pools, ponds and
puddles at road side
Lowland semi-
18-21-Jun- Camp1 evergreen forest,
0575570 1454149 101m
14 (C1) disturbed by logging in
1990s and 2000s.
Hilly semi-evergreen
22-24-Jun- Phnom
0571918 1430036 320m forest with large resin
14 Chi (C2)
trees remaining
Thnom Thnom Thom, karst
20-27-Jul- Thom, surrounded semi-
0579149 1524759 120m
14 Karst evergreen forest and dry
(C3) dipterocarp forest
Seasonal rice field
10-Oct-14 0584807 1464460 89m surrounded by semi-
evergreen forest
19-Nov-14 0588174 1449162 - Semi-evergreen forest

Opportunistic searches for amphibians and reptiles were undertaken both day and
night in most macro and microhabitats around the studied sites. These included
searches along shallow, slow and fast moving streams, along forest trails, in swampy
areas, around ponds, pools, puddles, tree trunks, caves and karst. Logs were
overturned in some places. As far as possible, species encountered were caught,
photographed and released unharmed. Amphibians and reptiles were identified by
using Field Guide to Amphibians of Cambodia (Neang & Holden, 2008), Reptiles of
Southeast Asia (Cox et al. 1999; Das 2010) and Turtles of Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
and Cambodia (Stuart et al. 2001).
Overall Findings

A total of 67 herpetofaunal species is confirmed for the first time from the
herpetological field survey and literature review for Prey Lang.. The species comprise
22 amphibians (arranged by five families and 14 genera) and 45 reptiles (arranged by
14 families and 35 genera). Olsson & Emmett (2007) also reported two frogs, four
turtles and two snakes that were not found by the current study. Additionally, the
author observed a king and a monocellate cobra during his field work in Prey Lang in
Kampong Thom Province in 1999 and 2001 respectively. The present survey yielded
57 herpetofaunal species (20 amphibians and 37 reptiles). However, it is believed that
the number of amphibian and reptile species found at Prey Lang remains incomplete,
as any additional field effort resulted in more species discoveries. Species which were
expected to be found, but which remain missing from the current list include the
Butterfly Lizard, Burmese Python and many other snakes. A list of all herpetofaunal
species confirmed for Prey Lang are presented Appendix V.

The majority of the species found (85%) are the representatives of anthropogenically
modified habitats and they can be found in the lowlands throughout Cambodia. Six
species, including Ingerophrynus macrotis, Hylarana mortenseni, Theloderma
stellatum, Siebenrockiella crassicolis, Calotes mystaceus and Sphenomorphus
stellatus had previously been recorded in the Cardamom Mountains (Emmett &
Olsson 2005; Grismer et al. 2008; Ohler et al. 2000; Stuart & Emmett, 2006) and
Siem Reap (Hartmann et al. 2013). Two frogs (Limnonectes dabanus, Pelochylax
lateralis) and two turtles (Cyclemys oldhemii, Heosemys grandis) had been recorded
in Kratie, and Mekong River (Benzuijen et al. 2007; Neang & Holden 2008; Stuart &
Platt 2004), and the latter three species were also identified in Siem Reap (Hartmann
et al. 2013). This result provides further range extension from the extreme
easternmost boundary of those species reported from the Cardamom Mountains and
the extreme westernmost boundary of those reported from eastern Cambodia (east of
the Mekong). The record of Limnonectes dabanus at Prey Lang is interesting because
we can now confirm its presence on both the western and eastern sides of the Mekong
River; likely a result of the geographical allopatric formation of the Mekong River
about 5,000 years ago (Woodruff 2010). Hylarana morternseni from Prey Lang was
incorrectly identified as H. nigrovittata by Rowley (2007), therefore its occurrence
remains confirmed only in western Cambodia (not eastern, as this species occurs in
the Cardamoms and Siem Reap.

More importantly, one reptile found in Prey Lang, Gekko petricolus, is confirmed for
Cambodia for the first time. The record of this species in the Prakas dated January 25,
2007 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery was premature because
there were no other papers, reports, photographs or specimens confirming its presence
in Cambodia at that time Scincella rupicola was found for the second time after it was
first discovered in Siem Reap (Hartmann et al. in prep.). The two reptile species are
highly likely to occur only in the areas around Prey Lang and north to the border of
Thailand, being biogeographically isolated from the Cardamom Mountains and
eastern Cambodia.
One species of skink (Lygosoma sp.) that has been found in the Cardamom Mountains
in recent years (Neang, unpublished data) and Prey Lang from the present survey is
potentially new to science. The genetic analysis of this species is being checked.

Pelochelys cantorii, a giant soft-shell turtle is a large and deep aquatic reptile that has
only been confirmed in the Mekong River (Benzuijen et al. 2007; Stuart & Platt,
2004). Although to some extent it may intrude to the vicinity of Prey Lang’s area
(Olsson & Emmett 2007), there may not be large and deep enough water bodies at
Prey Lang for this species. Hence it has been excluded from the present record.
Siamese crocodile was reported to inhabit the deep river near the karst area by local
communities from Chavang village. Based on local guide reports, Sok & Sin (2003)
and Sok & Prum (2003) believed that crocodiles were present at Prey Lang.
According to the reports, the highest potential area for Siamese crocodiles is Pong
Barang at UTM 0558785, 1449585, Mean Rith Commune, Sandan District, Kampong
Thom Province. In a recent interview by Chhin Sophea with experienced local forest
guide, Mr. Sy from Chhvang Village, Sam-ang District, indicated that crocodiles were
present in the large river (O’Thom) about 5 km north of Phnom Thom. He claimed
that ten years ago he alone caught more than 200 crocodile individuals. He claimed
that combined with those caught by others, about 2000 crocodiles were sold to
middlemen. In the early dry season last year (2013), he spotted two crocodiles while
revisiting his fishing net setting in the river. As there was no confirmation by either
sighting or dung record of Siamese crocodiles by the survey team, the present report
has excluded the reptile from the list. However, it would be worthwhile to invest
additional efforts to resurvey the areas in the dry season to confirm its presence or

Key Species

Of the 22 amphibians, one frog is listed by IUCN (2014) as Data Deficient (DD), two
listed as Near Threatened (NT) and 18 as Least Concern (LC). Of the 47 reptiles, one
terrestrial turtle is listed as Endangered (EN), six as Vulnerable (VU), 13 as LC and
26 have not been evaluated yet (NE). The details of distribution and status of species
listed in the IUCN threatened category is provided below in Table 9.

Table 8 Summary of Prey Lang’s Herpetofauna species listed by IUCN

IUCN red list of

threatened category Amphibians Reptiles Total
EN 0 1 1
VU 0 6 7
DD 1 0 1
NT 2 0 2
LC 19 12 31
NE 26 26
Total 22 45 67

➢ Amphibians

Annam Wart Frog Limnonectes dabanus (Smith, 1922), IUCN-DD:

This species has been previously recorded in eastern Cambodia (Neang & Holden,
2008; Stuart et al., 2006) and Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2009). The record of this
species in Prey Lang extends its range to the west in the lowland at 101 meters above
sea level (asl.). This is perhaps the lowest altitude recorded for this frog as Stuart et
al., (2006) reported it above 450 meters asl. Its population in Prey Lang seems to be
low as only a few individuals were observed during the survey time. Due to its
localized distribution this frog is listed by IUCN as Data Deficient (DD).

Mortensen’s Frog Hylarana mortenseni Boulenger, 1903, IUCN-NT:

This species has been previously recorded in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains
(Ohler et al., 2000; Stuart & Emmett, 2006; Neang et al., 2010) and south-eastern
Thailand (Chan-ard, 2003). The record of this species in Prey Lang extends it range to
the east, probably to the lowest altitude of 101 meters asl. Due to its localized
distribution and habitat degradation, this species is listed as Near Threatened (NT).
This medium sized frog is also reportedly hunted for local consumption in all its
ranges in Cambodia.

Spotted Warty Tree Frog Theloderma stellatum (Taylor, 1962), IUCN-NT:

This species was previously recorded in both the Cardamom Mountains and
northeastern Cambodia (Neang & Holden 2008), and Vietnam (Nguyen et al. 2009).
The finding of this species in Prey Lang fills the biogeographical gap in the center of
Cambodia, suggesting that this species occurs throughout the country. This species is
not impacted by hunting but is affected by removal of large trees with holes,
especially resin trees (Dipterocarpus costatus and D. alatus) and bamboo. Localized
occurrence and habitat degradation prompted IUCN to list it as Near Threatened

➢ Reptiles

Asian Box Turtle Cuora amboinensis (Daudin, 1802), IUCN-VU:

This species is known throughout most of Southeast Asia (Cox et al., 1999; Das,
2010). The species was previously reported in most western parts of Cambodia
(Daltry & Chheang, 2000; Hartmann et al., 2013; Olsson & Emmett, 2007; Stuart &
Platt, 2004) and is likely to be relatively common in most of its range. But its
population in Prey Lang seems to be becoming rare due to heavy harvesting for both
consumption and trade. Due to over exploitation and habitat degradation, it is listed as
Vulnerable (VU).

Asian Giant Terrapin Heosemys grandis (Gray, 1860), IUCN-VU:

This species has been recorded in most Southeast Asian countries (Das 2010; Stuart et
al., 2001). In Cambodia it has been reported from most parts of the country
(Hartmann et al., 2013). The finding of this turtle in Prey Lang fills a gap between the
east and west, suggesting it occurs throughout Cambodia. As with other turtle species,
this species has been harvested all over its range, thus it is listed by IUCN as
Vulnerable (VU).

Black Marsh Turtle Siebenrockiella crassicollis (Gray, 1830), IUCN-VU:
This species is recorded in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia
(Das, 2010; Stuart et al. 2001). In Cambodia, this species was previously recorded in
the Cardamom Mountains and Kampong Thom Province (Stuart & Platt, 2004; Som
et al., 2005) and Kulen Prom Pep National in Siem Reap (Hartmann et al., 2013). The
record of this species in Prey Lang extends its range to Cambodia’s central lowland.
Two juvenile individuals were observed during the survey, suggesting that an adult
population remains viable for breeding but may have declined due to hunting (Olsson
& Emmett, 2007). Due to overexploitation and habitat loss in most of their ranges,
this species is listed by IUCN as Vulnerable (VU).

Photo: Neang Thy

Figure 25 Siebenrockiella crassicolis (Vulnerable), Prey Lang

Asian Soft-shell Turtle Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770), IUCN-VU:

The turtle occurs in most of Southeast Asia (Das 2010; Stuart et al., 2001). This
species is commonly found nationwide (Hartmann et al., 2013), but its population has
declined throughout its range due to overharvesting. Because of high demand for
consumption and trade, it is listed by IUCN as Vulnerable (VU).

Elongated Tortoise Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853), IUCN-EN:

This terrestrial tortoise species has been recorded in most Southeast Asian countries
(Das, 2010; Stuart et al., 2001). It has been reported to occur all over Cambodia
(Bezuijen et al., 2009; Emmett & Olsson, 2005; Hartmann et al., 2013; Stuart and
Platt, 2004). The presence of this species in Prey Lang fills the biogeographical gap
between the Cardamom Mountains and eastern plain. Because of its terrestrial nature,
the population has been severely impacted throughout its range by forest clearing and
especially by local hunters and dogs. It has been listed by IUCN as Endangered (EN)
to address its conservation importance.
Spitting Cobra Naja siamensis Laurenti, 1768, IUCN-VU:
This species was previously reported to occur in the Indo-Burmese region (Cox et al.,
1999; Das, 2010). The spitting cobra has been recorded throughout Cambodia
(Grismer et al., 2008; Wüster & Thorpe, 1994). This fatally venomous species has
been severely affected by overexploitation for traditional medicine and local
consumption and trade, prompting IUCN to list it as Vulnerable (VU).

King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah (Cantor, 1836), IUCN-VU:

This is the largest, longest and most venomous species of snake in the world. It was
reported throughout Southeast Asia (except the Philippines) to Nepal and India (Cox
et al., 1999; Das, 2010). It has been recorded throughout Cambodia (Daltry &
Chheang, 2000; Saint Girons, 1972; Stuart et al., 2006). Due to overharvesting for
traditional medicine, local consumption and trade, and habitat loss, this species is
listed by IUCN as Vulnerable (VU). In July 2014, the author observed indigenous
people in Siem Pang District, Stung Treng Province, selling one kilogram of King
Cobra for 40USD.

The result indicates that Prey Lang supports high diversity with a high rate of
regionally and globally threatened species, as at least 10 herpetofaunal species (or
15%) are listed by IUCN in the threatened category. Although 26 species are yet to be
evaluated, the current discoveries and their distribution ranges reported here could be
useful for future IUCN assessment.


The high diversity and relatively high proportion of globally threatened herpetofaunal
species in Prey Lang are critically important as they are the indicators of a healthy
environment (Hartwell et al. 1998). Currently, herpetofauna at Prey Lang appears to
be being severely threatened by many unsustainable activities. Observed threats
include the conversion of forest for settlement, agriculture and development, and
habitat fragmentation by the construction of infrastructure. Past and current selective
logging have changed the forest composition and structure, which alters the
microclimate, and increases sedimentation in hydrological systems leading to
shallower water regimes, and unfavorable conditions for breeding and shelters for
water dependent species.

Beside professional poachers, loggers around development sites hunt all kinds of
wildlife to supplement their diet. Many groups of hunters and many snares were
observed and reported during the surveyed period, suggesting that the daily
subsistence income of many community members living around Prey Lang relies
largely on hunting. Large-bodied amphibians and reptiles were reported to be
collected for food, such as Hylarana mortenseni, Hoblobatrachus rugulosus and
Kaloula pulchra, while reptiles are collected for both bush meat and trade. Land
monitor lizards (Varanus bengalensis) were observed hanging in stores for sale in
Boeung village at Prey Lang. A number of water dragons (Physignathus cocincinus)
were seen being carried by local hunters during August 2014 in the survey area.

Figure 26, Physignathus cocincinus, Prey Lang

The Reticulate Python and all turtle species are reportedly hunted for both local
consumption and trade, according to people in (community members, Siem Bok,
Srepring and Chhvang pers comm.). Two turtle traders, one in Sandan District and
another in O’Lang Village in Siem Bok District, were reported as buying all wild
turtle species caught from Prey Lang and adjacent areas (ibid).

Figure 27 Herpestes urva (Crab-Eating Mongoose) in a turtle trap, Prey Lang

Photo La Pengly
Figure 28 Turtles collected by poachers, Prey Lang

In summary, reduction of critical habitats by forest conversion for logging and
agriculture, and hunting for consumption and trade, have reduced the range and
distribution of certain herpetofaunal species.


➢ Undertake law enforcement to stop illegal logging and land conversion for
settlement and agriculture. These unsustainable activities will severely affect
herpetofauna in the longer term.
➢ Stop newcomers migrating to Prey Lang, as this trend is leading to forest
conversion for settlement and agriculture, and wildlife poaching.
➢ Ensure protection for Phnom Chi, which is covered by rock boulders and
cloaked in evergreen forest, which are important habitats for many reptiles.
Phnom Chi is surrounded by dry dipterocarp forest, so it is important for other
animals to seek shelter during fires in the dry season.
➢ Preserve wetlands, major streams and rivers for water dependent species,
including the Tonle Sap endemic Water snake (Enhydris longicauda), all turtle
species and the Annam wart frog (Limnonectes dabanus).
➢ Identify local community needs and provide support for agricultural
improvement to reduce dependency on limited forest and wildlife resources in
the area.
➢ Provide education and awareness to people, to mainstream the importance of
wildlife and relevant laws to sustain Prey Lang ecosystems.
➢ Undertake further herpetological fieldwork to obtain a more complete species
➢ Resurvey the Siamese crocodile in the dry season to confirm its status at Prey
Lang. If the population remains viable, there should be a good area conserved
to recover its population, using it as a flagship species to protect Prey Lang.
➢ Identify and stop turtle and other threatened herpetofauna poaching and trade
around Prey Lang.

Regional and global significance
Prey Lang contains some of Cambodia’s largest remaining areas of forest that are not
under official government protection. It also ranks as one of the more significant areas
of lowland evergreen forest in the Indo-Burma region, one of the world’s top ten
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ - the planet’s most biologically rich and threatened regions.
The Indo-Burma Hotspot includes all non-marine regions of Cambodia, Lao PDR,
Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, plus parts of southern China.

Biologically, the fauna of Prey Lang should be considered favorably diverse and to
date 55 species under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species have been confirmed.
The landscape supports nationally and regionally important populations of several
globally threatened animals. In addition, interview and previous survey data indicates
the possible presence of several species in Prey Lang that, if confirmed, would further
elevate the conservation importance of the landscape. These include the Hairy-nosed
Otter Lutra sumatrana (IUCN-EN), Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis (IUCN-
CR) and the Giant Ibis Thaumatibis gigantea (IUCN-CR). Taking into consideration
the rapid nature of most of the surveys conducted, as well as the large areas still
unsurveyed, it is very likely that further species will be added to this list by any
further research, as well as the overall biodiversity knowledge of Prey Lang.

Botanically, there is a diverse mosaic of eight distinct habitats with the central area of
evergreen forest being the largest contiguous section. This area also includes the
evergreen swamp forests, which preliminary documentation indicates is endemic to
central Cambodia. This is based on stature, species composition, structure, species
dominance and phenology (McDonald, 2004).

The small area of isolated karst pinnacles in the northern section of Prey Lang is
worthy of special note. Karst is often associated with outstanding biodiversity, above
and below ground, with markedly different species assemblages in different parts of
the world (Vermeulen and Whitten 1999). Endemicity and diversity are the rule
especially in isolated karsts in the tropics (Clements et al.2006). Karst landscapes are
rare in Cambodia and particularly under-represented in Cambodia’s protected areas

Prey Lang is enormously important to the Kuy people, who rely on the forest’s NTFP,
and cherish their resin trees in particular as a critical livelihood base. As described
earlier in this report, Prey Lang is home to many other NTFPs with strong
international markets which warrant exploration rather than destruction.

Figure 29 Resin collector, Prey Lang

Considering Prey Lang’s many distinctive biodiversity values, the importance of the
landscapes water catchment, and REDD+ potential, the area certainly justifies
protection at the highest level. However, as mentioned, the landscape is detrimentally
changing and at an ever increasing rate (see threats below) and if action is not taken
soon to protect this area then many of the biodiversity values will vanish

➢ Logging

Historically much of Prey Lang has been logged and three logging
concessions belonging to Pheapimex Fuchan, Everbright CIG Wood Co. Ltd.,
and Colexim Forest Concession were active in the area until 2002 (Schmidt
and Theilade, 2010). Today, logging is taking place at an alarming rate
(survey team, pers obs). This is largely concentrated in the central evergreen
forest area and, as witnessed during the present survey, there seems to be a
continuous flow of timber being taken out by any means of transport. To date
this is totally unhindered.

Figure 30 Removal of timber by ox-cart, Prey Lang

➢ Hunting and wildlife trade

As with logging, there seems to be uncontrolled hunting throughout the

landscape (survey team, pers obs). Previous surveys reported there being an
organized system of illegal hunting and trade in Prey Lang and wildlife is
apparently transported to Stung Treng, Kratie and Kampong Thom towns for
sale (Olssen and Emmett, 2007). There is also specific hunting for bats taking
place in the karst caves in the north and this is likely to have severe impacts on
bat populations there.

➢ Land clearance and access

Due to the flat topography of Prey Lang, there is ease of access from all
directions, and as with hunting and logging there seems to be unhindered land
clearance taking place throughout the landscape. This is especially prevalent
in the southern and northern areas of Prey Lang. Small local scale clearing
was commonly observed as well as much larger clearing of land for
plantations or general clear felling. Recent infrastructure development and
especially the new road running from Stung Treng town to Tbeng Meanchey
has accelerated immigration of people, all of whom have started to clear land
for agricultural purposes. Around Phnom Chi there has also been a large
immigration of people involved with gold mining (survey team, pers obs),
largely dealing with rubber (Seiha, H. pers obs). This has created new access
roads and thus further increased pressure on the landscape’s natural resources.
Overall, this has created a much more fragmented landscape.

Recommendations and management considerations

➢ Prioritize clear demarcation and definition of the boundaries of Prey Lang with
possible conservation zoning of the key areas, such as the central evergreen forest,
the karst hills and potential linkage with Preah Vihear Protected Forest.

➢ Initiate the protection of Prey Lang as a protected area with the highest status
possible under Cambodian law and ensure that every effort is made to give the
landscape a high priority in the international, and national conservation agenda.

➢ Immediately start training and equipping of patrol staff so that they are able to
commence law enforcement for the protection of wildlife and habitats.
Immediately stop all illegal logging activities and land clearance taking place
throughout Prey Lang.

➢ Prevent any further immigration of people into the landscape, especially with
regards to the gold miners moving in to the southern area of Prey Lang and around
Phnom Chi and along the Stung Treng to Tbaeng Meachey road.
➢ Prevent any further Economic Land Concessions (ELC) being issued within Prey
Lang and monitor activities of all present ELCs and Mining Concessions.

➢ Undertake more detailed research to more accurately assess the status and
distribution, and threats to, the Key Species and to develop appropriate
conservation and monitoring strategies; especially with regards to any possible
human-elephant conflicts.

➢ Create better dialogue with all partners concerned with the conservation of Prey
Lang, involving a wider base of expertise. This will avoid a single NGO-led
conservation effort and allow greater capacity to be directed towards Prey Lang.

➢ Create local community and social media networking campaigns to promote the
urgent need for protection of Prey Lang.

➢ Undertake further broad-based surveys for those areas not visited under the
present survey, especially to the western part of the evergreen central area of
forest. The contiguity of habitat and wildlife corridors with PVPF should be
assessed and geographical features important for wildlife should be mapped,
including rivers, streams, seasonal pools and salt licks.

Aruna technology, (2009). Rapid Assessment of Prey Lang Forest. Downloaded from
Open Development.

Ashwell, AD. (1997). Cambodia: A National Biodiversity Prospectus. IUCN, Phnom


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Appendix I: Plants Species of Prey Lang.

Genus  Species  Family  Khmer Name 
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Pork
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Sokram
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Raing/Phchoen
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Rongea
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Kanh-chor
Unknown Unknown Unknown Phset Kngoak
Unknown Unknown Meliaceae Sdao Khmoach
Unknown Unknown Vitaceae Voir Mchou Sna
Abrus precatorius Papilionoideae Angkrem Angkrorm
Abrus pulchellus Papilionoideae Voir Ampil
Acacia megaladena Mimosoideae Voir Aem
Acacia pennata Mimosoideae Thmor Toib (dem)
Acacia intsia Mimosoideae Thmea
Acacia concinna Mimosoideae Bay Damneub
Acronychia pedunculata Rutaceae Prangorl
Adinandra integerrima Theaceae Srakom
Afzelia xylocarpa Caesalpinioideae Beng
Aganonerion polymorphum Apocynaceae Voir Thnoeng
Ageratum conyzoides Compositae tuntrean khet nhi/Phka Hoy
Aglaia cambodiana Meliaceae Bangkuv (Hobphlae)
Aglaia elaeagnoidea Meliaceae Bangkuv Sva
Aglaia lawii Meliaceae Bangkov Kengkang
Aglaonema modestum Araceae Snaeng Ton
Albizia millettii Mimosoideae Voir Ampil
Albizia myriophylla Mimosoideae Voir Aem
Albizia lebbeck Mimosoideae Chress
Albizia corniculata Mimosoideae Chamriek
Alpinia oxymitra Zingiberaceae krakei
Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae me chor, sait tba
Amomum ovoideum Zingiberaceae Krakoa
Amorphophallus harmandii Araceae Toil
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Araceae Toel Tom
Ampelocissus arachnoidea Vitaceae Voir Tumpeang Bai Chou
Ampelocissus martini Vitaceae Tumpaing Baychou Prey
Amphineurion marginatum Apocynaceae Kraloam Pe
Ancistrocladus cochinchinensis Ancistrocladaceae Khanma
Ancistrocladus harmandii Ancistrocladaceae Khann Ma
Andrographis paniculata Acanthaceae Pramat Monus (grass)
Anisoptera costata Dipterocarpaceae Phdeak
Anogeissus acuminata Combretaceae Suoy/Sev
Anomianthus dulcis Annonaceae Treal Sva
Antidesma montanum Phyllanthaceae Krachak andeuk
Antidesma cambodianum Phyllanthaceae Kampung tra-oh
Antidesma cochinchinensis Phyllanthaceae Dang keap kdam
Antidesma japonicum Phyllanthaceae Tromuoch
Aphanamixis polystachya Meliaceae Parker Bang keou
Aporosa ficifolia Phyllanthaceae Krung
Aporosa octandra Phyllanthaceae Krung Samot
Aporosa villosa Phyllanthaceae Krung Momis

Archidendron lucidum Mimosoideae Angkonh sva/Chondeu Sva

Archidendron clypearia Mimosoideae Tranom Kamphem (deum)
Archytaea vahlii Bonnetiaceae Stieng
Chumpou Prey/Chhnok
Ardisia helferiana Primulaceae Thmatbat
Ardisia Primulaceae Phnek Trei
Ardisia crenata Primulaceae pong chap
Ardisia sanguinolenta Primulaceae Slang
Ardisia smaragdina Primulaceae Sakou Phnom
Ardisia villosa Primulaceae Seda prey
Areca triandra Palmae Sla Prey
Artabotrys hexapetalus Annonaceae Chek Tom (Vol)
Artocarpus nitidus Moraceae Sampor
Artocarpus rigidus Moraceae Khnoa Prey
Arytera Littoralis Sapindaceae Bei Sanloek(Drem)
Asplenium nidus Aspleniaceae Sambok Satt
Atalantia monophylla Rutaceae Kroch Prey
Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Sdao
Baccaurea ramiflora Euphorbiaceae Phnheav
Baccaurea bracteata Euphorbiaceae Phneav toek
Baeckea frutescens Myrtaceae Mrech Tansaiy
Bambusa bambos Gramineae Russey Roleak
Barringtonia acutangula Lecythidaceae Raing Toeuk
Barringtonia racemosa Lecythidaceae Raing Phnom
Bauhinia bassacensis Caesalpinioideae Angkunh Sva
Bauhinia bracteata Caesalpinioideae Khlaeng Poir
Bauhinia variegata Caesalpinioideae Cheung Ko
Beaumontia murtonii Apocynaceae Choir Banh
Berrya mollis Malvaceae Anseum/Taseum
Berrya mollis Malvaceae An Seum
robusta (Roxb.)
Bhesa Ding Hou Centrolepidaceae Chambak Ka-aek
Bolbitis copelandii Dryopteridaceae Pramoay Damrei

Bombax anceps Malvaceae Roka
Borreria alata Rubiaceae Ma-orm Phnom Nhi
Bouea oppositifolia Anacardiaceae Mak Prang
Brachiaria mutica Gramineae Smao Koo
Brachiaria reptans Gramineae Smao Ko
Breynia vitis-idaea Phyllantaceae Phnek Preab
Bridelia retusa Phyllanthaceae Chhlik Pok
Brownlowia emarginata Malvaceae Ach Sait
Brucea amarissima Simaroubaceae Roliey smorng
Brucea javanica Simaroubaceae Pramat Mnos (dem)
Buchanania glabra Anacardiaceae Laing Chey Damrei
Buchanania lanzan Anacardiaceae Kantuot Proang
Buchanania reticulata Anacardiaceae Laing Chey Sloek Thom
Buchanania siamensis Anacardiaceae Laing Chey Sloek Toch
Bulbophyllum sect. sestoshilos Orchidaceae
Burmannia disticha Burmanniaceae Bay Marn
Butea superba Papilionoideae Char (Voir)
Butea monosperma Papilionoideae Cha (Deum)
Caesalpinia digyna Caesalpinioideae Khvav Banla
Calamus palustris Palmae Phdao chvaing
Calamus rudentum Palmae Phdao Dambang
Calamus siamensis Palmae Ph'dao Toek
Calamus tetradactylus Palmae Sesoeng
Calamus viminalis Palmae Phdao Kraek
Calophyllum soulattrii Guttiferae Pha-ong Slek Thom
Calophyllum spectabile Guttiferae Pa ong chorm
Calophyllum tetrapetalum Guttiferae Pha ong
Calophyllum thorellii Guttiferae Pha-ong Toek
Calophyllum pisiferum Guttiferae Pha-ong Toch
Cananga latifolia Annonaceae Chhkae Sreng
Canarium album Burseraceae Talait
Canthium parviflorum Rubiaceae Chaik Kralik
Capparis micracantha Capparaceae Kanhcheu Baydach
Cardiospermum halicacabum Sapindaceae Peng Poh Sroam
Careya arborea Lecythidaceae Kandoal
Caryota urens Palmae Tunsae`

Danhet Chhneang/Danghet
Cassia tora Caesalpinioideae Khmoach
Cassia sp. Caesalpinioideae Kal
Cassia alata Caesalpinioideae Dang Het
Cassytha filiformis Lauraceae voir meas
Catunaregam tomentosa Rubiaceae Lveang
Cayratia trifolia Vitaceae Tradet (voir)
Cenolophon oxymitrum Zingiberaceae Krakei
Centella asiatica Compositae Tracheak Kranh Srok
Cephalacanthus angustifolius Rubiaceae Khtum Kok
Cerbera manghas Apocynaceae Kralaim Per
cf Mitragyna rotundifolia Rubiaceae Khtum,
cf Vitex pinnata Labiatae Khnoeul*
Chisocheton cumingianus Meliaceae Bang Kuv Sva
Chromolaena odorata Compositae Kantraing Khaet
Chrozophora tinctoria Euphorbiaceae Tumpoung Phleung
Chrysopogon aciculatus Gramineae Kantreuy
Cibotium barometz Dicksoniaceae Promoay damrey
Cinnamomum burmannii Lauraceae Kuntuy Ve
Cladogynos orientalis Malvaceae Preal Chhmol
excavata var.
Clausena villosa Rutaceae Kantrop Kmoach
Cleistanthus tomentosus Phyllanthaceae Phlov Neang
Clerodendrum nutans Labiatae ronteah banh
Clerodendrum paniculatum Labiatae Ronteash Banh
Clitoria ternatea Papilionoideae Sandek Barang
Coldenia procumbens Boraginaceae Cheung Tokae (grass)
Colocasia esculenta Araceae Kdat
Colona auriculata Malvaceae Preal
Combretum latifolium Combretaceae Voir Romeat Sor
Combretum quadrangulare Combretaceae Sang Kae
Congea tomentosa Verbenaceae   

Connarus cochinchinensis Connaraceae Lom Posh/Chhkae Vong Veng

Connarus semidecandrus Connaraceae Lunpos Daek
Coptosapelta flavescens Rubiaceae Voir Taling
Corypha lecomtei Palmae Traing
Costus speciosus Zingiberaceae Tathok
Cratoxylum cochinchinense Hypericaceae L'ngeang Thom
Cratoxylum formosum Hypericaceae Lngieng Kon Nga
Crotalaria Striata Papilionoideae Smao Changkrang Sva
Crotalaria verrucosa Papilionoideae Changkrang Sva
Croton joufra Euphorbiaceae Ta Poung
Croton stellatopilosus Euphorbiaceae Tumpoung Phleung
Chahuoy, rumduol cheung
Curcuma gracillima Zingiberaceae phnom
Curcuma alismatifolia Zingiberaceae Chahuoy Phka Krachak
Curcuma petiolata Zingiberaceae Chahuoy
Curcuma thorelii Zingiberaceae Chahuoy Baitang
Cyanthillium cinereum Compositae Smao Roy
Cyathostemma micranthum Annonaceae unknown

Cycas siamensis Cycadaceae Prang Prey
Cymbidium aloifolium Orchidaceae Lompeng Preahream
Cymbidium poilanei Orchidaceae Bay Damneup
Cynodon dactylon Gramineae Chen chean
Cyperus rotundus Cyperaceae Kravanh Chrouk
Dactyloctenium aegyptium Gramineae
Daemonorops jenkinsiana Palmae Ph'dao Soam
Dalbergia pinnata Papilionoideae Voir Ampel
Dalbergia thorelii Papilionoideae Angkrem Angkram
Dalbergia cultrata Papilionoideae Kranhoung Sva
Dalbergia cochinchinensis Papilionoideae kranhoung
Dalbergia oliveri Papilionoideae neang nuon
Dalbrgia nigricans Papilonoideae Snoul
Dasymaschalon tomentocum Annonaceae Cheung Chab
Decaspermum montanum Myrtaceae Phlong Sor
Dehaasia cuneata Lauraceae Neang Pha-aek
Dendrobium delacourii Orchidaceae
Dendrolobium lanceolatum Papilionoideae Tronum Bangkuoy
Dendrolobium baccatum Papilionoideae Tronom Bangkuoy
Dendrophthoe pentandra Loranthaceae Panheu ka-aek
Dendrotrophe varians Santalaceae Voir Dek
Derris elliptica Papilionoideae Voir Antong
Derris scandens Papilionoideae Voir Preng Sor
Derris trifoliata Papilionoideae Voir Preng krahorm
Desmodium triquetrum Papilionoideae Changkeh Angkrang
Desmodium rostratum Papilionoideae Tranung Bangkuoy
Desmos chinensis Annonaceae Chek Tom
Dialium cochinchinensis Caesalpinioideae Kralanh
Dicranopteris linearis Gleicheniaceae vor thnanh
Digitaria adscendens Gramineae
Dillenia ovata Dilleniaceae Phlou Thom
Dillenia pentagyna Dilleniaceae Lve
Dillenia hookeri Dilleniaceae Phlou bat
Dillenia parviflora Dilleniaceae Phlou
Dimocarpus longan Sapindaceae Mean Prey
Dioecrescis erythroclada Rubiaceae Ampok Phleung
Dioscorea Dioscoreaceae Damlong Chrang
Dioscorea hispida Dioscoreaceae Kduoch
Dioscorea brevipetiolata Dioscoreaceae Damlong Tean
Dioscorea oryzetorum Dioscoreaceae Damlaung chrouk
Dioscorea pentaphylla Dioscoreaceae Damlong Toeuk
Diospyros bejaudii Ebenaceae Angkort Khmao
Diospyros crumenata Ebenaceae Chheu Khmao

Diospyros ehretioides Ebenaceae Lomaing/Ming Maing
Diospyros filipendula Ebenaceae krachass
Diospyros malabarica Ebenaceae Dang Koa
Diospyros pilosanthera Ebenaceae Trayoeng
Diospyros sp. Ebenaceae Krum
Diospyros sylvatica Ebenaceae khchas
undulata var.
cratericalyx (Craib)
Diospyros Bakh. Ebenaceae Chheu Phleung
Diospyros venosa Ebenaceae Angkat Khmao
Dipterocarpus alatus Dipterocarpaceae Chheuteal Toek
Dipterocarpus costatus Dipterocarpaceae Kreus
Dipterocarpus intricatus Dipterocarpaceae Trach
Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Dipterocarpaceae Tbeng
Dipterocarpus retusus Dipterocarpaceae Chheuteal Preng
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Dipterocarpaceae Khlong
tuberculatus var.
Dipterocarpus tomentosus Dipterocarpaceae Khlong Momiss
Donax grandis Marantaceae Ron
Dracaena cambodiana asparagaceae Angrae Daek
Dracaena fragrans asparagaceae Angredek
Dracaena gracilis asparagaceae Angre Dek
Droogmansia godefroyana Papilionoideae Tundai
Drosera burmannii Droseraceae smao sanseumduoch
Drosera indica Droseraceae smao sanseumduoch
Ehretia laevis Boraginaceae Sangkae Phleung
Eichhornia crassipes Pontederiaceae Kamphloak
Elaeocarpus hygrophilus Elaeocarpaceae Chambak Prang
Eleusine indica Gramineae Cheung Krass (grass)
Enkleia siamensis Thymelaeaceae Khleay
Entada phaseoloides Mimosoideae Angkunh
Entada reticulata Mimosoideae Ampel
Eriocaulon longifolium Eriocaulonacae Tumhou (Smao)
Erythrophleum fordii Caesalpinioideae Traim Kang
Erythrophleum succirubrum Caesalpinioideae Treas
Euonymus glaber Celastraceae Sralork

Eurycoma longifolia Simaroubaceae Antung sor-Antung Krahorm

Fagraea fragrans Loganiaceae tatrao
Fagraea racemosa Loganiaceae Prohout Toek
Fernandoa adenophylla Bignoniaceae Ampor
Ficus ischnopoda Moraceae Chrey Toek
Ficus pumila Moraceae krabei chuldei

Ficus fistulosa Moraceae Po Lvea
Ficus hirta Moraceae Lvea Dei
Ficus pisocarpa Moraceae Chrey Krem
Ficus sp. Moraceae Chorm
Ficus sp. Moraceae Trang Thom
Flacourtia indica Salicaceae krakhop prey
Flagellaria indica Flagellariaceae Phdao Sva/Phdao Andiek
Gacinia cochinchinensis Guttiferae San dann
Garcinia cambodgiensis Guttiferae Prohut Phnom
Garcinia merguensis Guttiferae Kreh/Kre´
Garcinia oliveri Guttiferae Tromoung
Garcinia schefferi Guttiferae Prous
Garcinia vilersiana Guttiferae Prohout
Gardenia angkorensis Rubiaceae Dai Khla
Gardenia obtusifolia Rubiaceae Chontol Pongmoan
Gardenia philastrei Rubiaceae Baikdang
Genus Species Family Khmer name
Getonia floribunda Combretaceae Khsuos
Gigantochloa albociliata Gramineae Russey Khley
Globba cambodgensis Zingiberaceae Phtuok Sar
Glochidion eriocarpum Euphorbiaceae Russey Sach
Glochidion lanceolarium Euphorbiaceae Se Sach
Gluta laccifera Anacardiaceae kreul
Glycosmis pentaphylla Rutaceae Phling Phlaing
Gmelina philippensis Labiatae Anchanh
Gmelina villosa Labiatae Anh Chanh
Gnetum gnemon Gnetaceae Khlot
Gnetum leptostachyum Gnetaceae Voir Khlot
Gomphia serrata Ochnaceae Angkea Bath
Grewia asiatica Malvaceae Pophlea Preus
Grewia eriocarpa Malvaceae Po Phlea
Haldina cordifolia Rubiaceae Khvav
Harrisonia perforata Simaroubaceae Khlen Tea
Hegnera obcordata Papilionoideae Baek Phsaeng voir
Helicteres angustifolia Malvaceae Sombok Chheas
Helicteres hirsuta Malvaceae Priel Chhruk
Heritiera javanica Malvaceae Duong Chaem
Hewittia malabarica Convolvulaceae
Hibiscus mutabilis Malvaceae Kabass Prey
Hibiscus Malvaceae Ach Chrouk
Holarrhena curtissii Apocynaceae Toek Doh Khla Toch
Holarrhena pubescens Apocynaceae Toek Doh Kha Thom
Homonoia riparia Euphorbiaceae Rey Toek

Hopea odorata Dipterocarpaceae Koki Msao
Hoya diversifolia Asclepiadaceae Tracheak Damrei
Hoya kerrii Asclepiadaceae Nom Damrei
Hoya oblongacutifolia Asclepiadaceae Phka Kandoeng
Hydnocarpus anthelminthica Salicaceae Krabao Tunle
Hydnocarpus saigonensis Salicaceae Krabao Sva
Hydnophytum formicarium Rubiaceae Suot Damrey
Hymenocardia punctata Phyllanthaceae Kum Phneang
Hymenocardia wallichii Phyllanthaceae Phling Phlaing
Hymenodictyon excelsum Rubiaceae Aloak
Hypolytrum nemorum Cyperaceae
Hypserpa nitida Menispermaceae Voir Yeav
Imperata cylindrica Gramineae Sbov
Irvingia malayana Irvingiaceae Chambak
Ixora chinensis Rubiaceae Kaimronteah
Jasminum scandens Oleaceae Voir Chha-oeng Poh
Kaempferia galanga Zingiberaceae Proh (mem)
Lagerstroemia calyculata Lythraceae Sralao
Lagerstroemia cochinchinensis Lythraceae srolao
Lagerstroemia duperreana Lythraceae Sralao kanhchhreab
Lagerstroemia floribunda Lythraceae Trabaek Prey
Lagerstroemia macrocarpa Lythraceae Etanel Phlaethom/Kroal

Lasia spinosa Araceae Ampong Treang/Trav Banla

Lasianthus hirsutus Rubiaceae roleay toch
Lasianthus lancifolius Rubiaceae roleay thom
Leea asiatica Leeaceae
Leea indica Leeaceae Bay K'daing
Lentinus aquarrosulus Polyporaceae Phset Chheu
Lepisanthes rubiginosa Sapindaceae Chunlos
Lepisanthes sp. Sapindaceae Chonlos Toch
Lepisanthes tetraphylla Sapindaceae Changkran
Licuala spinosa Palmae pha-av
chinensis subsp.
Limnophila Aromaticum Plantaginaceae Maam Dei
Lithocarpus polystachyus Fagaceae Khos
Litsea glutinosa Lauraceae Krapul Bay
Litsea sp. Lauraceae
Litsea sp.1 Lauraceae
Litsea sp.1 Lauraceae
Livistona saribus Palmae Treak
Lophopetalum wallichii Celastraceae Poan Talei
Lygodium flexuosum Schizaeaceae Voir Khnanh
Lygodium conforme Schizaeaceae Voi Laelor/Voir Alor
Macaranga denticulata Euphorbiaceae Sla Pang
Macaranga griffithiana Euphorbiaceae Pang
Macaranga triloba Euphorbiaceae Slapang Sloek Chhaek
Madhuca bejaudi Sapotaceae Srakum Si Phlae
Madhuca butyrospermoides Sapotaceae Srakum Phnom
Madhuca cochinchinensis Sapotaceae Srakum (Siphlae)
Mallotus peltatus Euphorbiaceae Beus Phnom
Mangifera duperreana Anacardiaceae Svay Prey
Mapania macrocephala Cyperaceae Traset cheum
Markhamia stipulacea Bignoniaceae Dork Po
Mastixia pentandra Nyssaceae Prolop
Melastoma saigonense Melastomataceae Bay Nhenh
Melastoma sanguineum Melastomataceae Nhenh
Melastoma villosum Melastomataceae Bay Nhenh chhmol
Melientha suavis Opiliaceae Prich
acuminatum var.
Melmecylon tenuis Melastomataceae Phlong-Phngiehs
Melodorum siamensis Annonaceae Kreal
Melodorum fruticosum Annonaceae Romduol
Memecylon acuminatum Melastomataceae Phngeas
Memecylon laevigalum Melastomataceae Phlong
Memecylon umbellatum Melastomataceae
Merremia vitifolia Convolvulaceae

Miliusa velutina Annonaceae Sma krobei Thom/Doh Krabei

Millingtonia hortensis Bignoniaceae Angkea Boss
Mimosa pudica Mimosoideae Preah Khlorb
Mimosa invisa Mimosoideae Preah Khlab Damrei
Mischocarpus sundaicus Sapindaceae Sandek Prey
Mitragyna parvifolia Rubiaceae Khtum Phnom
Mitragyna speciosa Rubiaceae Khtum Toek
Morinda pandurifolia Rubiaceae Nho Toek
Morinda coreia Rubiaceae Nho Toch
Mussaenda cambodiana Rubiaceae sattaba
Myrialepis paradoxa Palmae phdao russei
Myristica iners Myristicaceae Kouk
Najas indica Najadaceae Sarai
Nauclea officinalis Rubiaceae Khtom Toek
Nauclea orientalis Rubiaceae Kdol
Neolitsea zeylanica Lauraceae Kantuy Ve

Neonauclea sessilifolia Rubiaceae Khtom Roleay/Roleay Thom

Nepenthes geoffrayi Nepenthaceae Ampong Sramoach
Nepenthes thorelii Nepenthaceae Bampong sromoch

Nephelium hypoleucum Sapindaceae Semoan Sach
Nephrolepis cordifolia Lomariopsidaceae Thnaing cheum
Ochna integerrima Ochnaceae Angkea sel
Ochrocarpus siamensis Guttiferae Sophi
Olax obtusa Olacaceae Aphtok
Olax scandens Olacaceae Kdor Kralet/Aphtok
Oroxylum indicum Bignoniaceae Pika
Oryza rufipogon Gramineae Sra Gnae
Osbeckia cochinchinensis Melastomataceae unknown
Oxyceros horridus Rubiaceae Yuthka
Oxyceros horruda Rubiaceae Snaeng Ko
Paederia scandens Rubiaceae Voir Phoam
Pandanus capusii Pandanaceae Romchek Phnom
Pandanus humilis Pandanaceae Romchek
Parinari anamensis Chrysobalanaceae Thlok
Passiflora foetida Passifloraceae Sav Mav Prey
Pavonia rigida Malvaceae Kolap Phnom
Peltophorum dasyrrhachis Caesalpinioideae Trasek
Peperomia pellucida Piperaceae Krasaing Tieb
petes thorelii Euphorbiaceae Sdok Sdol
Phaleria Euphorbiaceae Ngob Prey
Phoenix loureiri Palmae Dong Preah/Dong Tonsay
Phragmites vallatoria Gramineae Bo Bos
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Prork Phlae (dem)
Phyllanthus lasiogynus Phyllanthaceae Praphenh Nhi
Phyllanthus collinsiae Phyllanthaceae Ampet/Rompaot Sesh
Phyllanthus emblica Phyllanthaceae Kantuot Prey
Phyllodium pulchellum Papilionoideae Ang Prumbre Kroay
Physalis angulata Solanaceae Peng Poah Sroam
Pinus merkusii Pinaceae Sral sleukpi
Piper sp Piperaceae Mrech Tansay
Piper Piperaceae Mrech Sva
Piper lolot Piperaceae Chi Phlou
Piper Piperaceae Mlou Prey
Pistia stratiotes Araceae Chork
Pokmoat Preah Ream/Kantoab
Platycerium wallichii Polypodiaceae Yeak
Plectocomia pierreana Palmae Phdao Sno
Polyalthia evecta Annonaceae Bat Phtel
Polyalthia modesta Annonaceae Chek Tum

Polyalthia cerasoides Annonaceae Snay Del/Mai Del (Ngai Del)

Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae Kbet Chuon
Pothos scandens Araceae Changkeh Angkrang voir
Prismatomeris sessiliflora Rubiaceae romdenh meas
Prismatomeris tetrandra Rubiaceae Mdenh Meas
Psychotria serpens Rubiaceae Voir Daek
Psychotria asiatica Rubiaceae Sroam Dav
Psydrax pergracilis Rubiaceae Mekang
Pteridium aquilinum Dennstaedtiaceae vor thnanh/Khmanh
Pternandra caerulescens Melastomataceae Changkat prak
Pterocarpus macrocarpus Papilionoideae Thnung
Pterospermum semisagittatum Malvaceae Preal Phnom
Pyrrosia longifolia Polypodiaceae poprork baiy damneup
Quisqualis conferta Combretaceae Dong Preah
Randia tomentosa Rubiaceae Roveang
Randia uliginosa Rubiaceae Krumpouk
Rhaphidophora montana Araceae Voir Ka-ep
Rhaphidophora peepla Araceae Voir Ka-aeb
Rhodamnia cinerea Myrtaceae puoch uol
Rhynchospora rubra Cyperaceae unknown
Saccharum arundinaceum Gramineae Treng
Salacia chinensis Celastraceae Viey
Salacia macrophylla Celastraceae Kandapchang-E
Sandoricum indicum Meliaceae
Sandoricum koetjape Meliaceae Kamping Reach
Sapium insigne Euphorbiaceae Chheu Romoas
Schleichera oleosa Sapindaceae Pong Ro
Scleropyrum pentandrum Santalaceae Lolok Kev
Securinega virosa Euphorbiaceae Thmenh Trei
Selaginella delicatula Selaginellaceae unknown
Selaginella siamensis Selaginellaceae Cheung toekkae
Senna garrettiana Caesalpinioideae Haisan
Senna sp. Caesalpinioideae Ngaisan
Sesbania javanica Papilionoideae Snoa
Shorea guiso Dipterocarpaceae Choi chong
Shorea hypochra Dipterocarpaceae Kamnhan
Shorea obtusa Dipterocarpaceae Phchoek
Shorea roxburghii Dipterocarpaceae popel
Shorea siamensis Dipterocarpaceae Reang Phnom
Sindora siamensis Caesalpinioideae kokoh
Sorghum halepense Gramineae Treng
Spatholobus acuminatus Papilionoideae Voir Ta An
Spatholobus parviflorus Papilionoideae Voir Khnhae
Spondias pinnata Anacardiaceae Mkaak Prey
Spondias malayana Anacardiaceae Mkak Prey
Spondias pinnata Anacardiaceae Pon Sva

Stephania Menispermaceae Krabei Choldei (Voir)
Sterculia gilva Malvaceae Samrorng chorm
Sterculia villosa Malvaceae Samrang - Veng Khsae
Stereospermum cylindricum Bignoniaceae Sangkuot Tmart
Streblus asper Moraceae Snay
Strophanthus caudatus Apocynaceae Choir Banh
Strychnos axillaris Loganiaceae Voir Yeav
Strychnos polyantha Loganiaceae Voir Sleng
Strychnos rupicola Loganiaceae Voir Sleng
Strychnos urupieda Loganiaceae Voir Paprork
Strychnos nux-vomica Loganiaceae Sleng
Strychnos nux-blanda Loganiaceae Poveak
Suregada multiflora Euphorbiaceae Tromoung Sek
Synedrella nodiflora Compositae Spey Kok
Syzygium albiflora Myrtaceae Pring chorm
Syzygium bracteatum Myrtaceae Pring Uol
Syzygium cochinchinense Myrtaceae Pring Kmom
Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Pring Doh Krabei
Syzygium fruticosa Myrtaceae Pring Bay
Syzygium grande Myrtaceae Pring Kbalta
Syzygium laosense Myrtaceae Pring Chan
Syzygium polyanthum Myrtaceae Pring Muoyroysratab
Syzygium zeylanicum Myrtaceae Smach Deng
Tabernaemontana bovina Apocynaceae Mtes prey
Tamilnadia uliginosa Rubiaceae Ampok Sor
Terminalia alata Combretaceae Chhlik
Terminalia bellirica Combretaceae Talat
Terminalia bialata Combretaceae Popeal Khae
Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Sramor
Terminalia corticosa Combretaceae Puntaley
Terminalia darfeuillana Combretaceae Samor Prey
Terminalia mucronata Combretaceae Praim Damloeung
Terminalia nigrovenulosa Combretaceae Preah Phnov
Terminalia triptera Combretaceae Preah Phnov
Tetracera loureiri Dilleniaceae voir doh kun
Tetrameles nudiflora Datiscaceae spong
Tetrastigma planicaule Vitaceae Voir Trolenten
Tetrastigma harmandii Vitaceae Voir Tradet
Thunbergia laurifolia Acanthaceae
Tinospora crispa Menispermaceae Bandol Pech
Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae Rok Kait
Toona surenii Meliaceae Chham Chha
Toxocarpus lagenifer Apocynaceae Voir Thlok

Trema orientalis Connabaceae Steav
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Cucurbitaceae Pul Ek (dem)
Tristaniopsis merguensis Myrtaceae Rumleang
Tristaniopsis burmanica Myrtaceae Sra ngam
Uncaria Rubiaceae Antong (Voir)
Uraria lagopodioides Papilionoideae Kantuy Kamprok
Urena lobata Malvaceae Arch Chrouk
Utricularia aurea Lentibulariaceae Saray
Uvaria hahnii Annonaceae Treal Sva (voir)
Vatica odorata Dipterocarpaceae Chramas
Vetiveria zizanodies Gramineae Sbov Ronndahs
Vietnamosasa pusilla Gramineae Russey Prich
Viscum articulatum Viscaceae Panheu Ka-aek
Vitex pinnata Labiatae popoul thmor
Wallichia Palmae Tonsae Bath
Walsura sp. Meliaceae Eysei psam srach
Walsura robusta Meliaceae Sdok Sdol
Wrightia annamensis Apocynaceae Chheu Dai Khla
Wrightia religiosa Apocynaceae Popich Changwa
Wrightia pubescens Apocynaceae Khleng Kung
Xanthophyllum virens Polygalaceae Prich
Xerospermum noronhianum Sapindaceae Semoan Thmor
Xylia xylocarpa Mimosoideae Sokram
Xylopia pierrei Annonaceae Kray Sor
Xylopia vielana Annonaceae Kray Krahorm
Xyris indica Xyridaceae Thnork Toek (grass)
Zanthoxylum nitidum Rutaceae Preah Kamchait
Zingiber pellitum Zingiberaceae unknown
Zingiber zerumbet Zingiberaceae Khteu
Ziziphus cambodiana Rhamnaceae Ang Krong
Ziziphus oenopolia Rhamnaceae Sang Kheur
         Bay Arm

Appendix II: Mammal Species Prey Lang

Common Name Scientific name e IUCN
Bengal Slow Loris Nycticebus bengalensis HS, O VU
Northern Pig‐tailed
Macaque Macaca leonina O VU
Long‐tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis O, CT
Pileated Gibbon Hylobates pileatus V EN
Indochinese Silvered langur Trachypithecus germaini CT EN
Malayan Sun Bear Helarctos malayanus CT, S VU
Asiatic Bear Ursus thibetanus CT, S VU
Dhole Cuon alpinus O EN
Golden Jackal* Canis aureus CT
Yellow‐throated Marten Martes flavigula CT
Hog Badger Arctonyx collaris HS, CT NT
Smooth‐coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata CT VU
Binturong* Arctictis binturong CT VU
Large Indian Civet Viverra zibetha CT NT
Small Indian Civet Viverricula indica CT
Common Palm Civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus CT
Large Spotted Civet* Viverra megaspila CT VU
Small Asian Mongoose Herpestes javanicus O
Crab Eating Mongoose Herpestes urva CT
Leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis CT
Clouded Leopard* Neofelis nebulosa CT VU
Asian Elephant Elephas maximus CT, S EN
Eurasian Wild Pig Sus scrofa CT
Lesser Mousedeer Tragulus kanchil CT, HS
Red Muntjac Muntiacus muntjak CT
Sambar* Rusa unicolor CT VU
Banteng Bos javanicus CT EN
Gaur Bos gaurus CT VU
Black Giant Squirrel Ratufa bicolor O, CT NT
Variable Squirrel Callosciurus finlaysonii O
Cambodian Striped Squirrel Tamiops rodolphi O
Indochinese Ground
Squirrel Menetes berdmorei O
Indian Giant Flying Squirrel Petaurista philippensis O
Small Flying Squirrel Hylopetes sp O
Northern Tree Shrew Tupaia belangeri O
Malayan Porcupine Hystrix brachyura CT
Malayan Colugo Galeopterus variegatus O
HS= Hunters specimen, CT= Camera Trap, V= Vocilisation, O= Observation, S= Signs
* Past surveys

Appendix III: Locations sampled during the bat survey at Prey Lang

Date Code UTM

22-Oct-14 C1 0579103, 1525235
22-Oct-14 C2 0579089, 1525251
23-Oct-14 C3 0579500, 1525281
23-Oct-14 C4 0580539, 1525120
25-Oct-14 C5 0577543, 1525882
26-Oct-14 C6 0577734, 1525747
26-Oct-14 C7 0577735, 1525713
27-Oct-14 C8 0580878, 1523241
28-Oct-14 C9 0580388, 1523087
28-Oct-14 C10 0580881, 1523098
28-Oct-14 C11 0580933, 1523138
22-Oct-14 F1 0579120, 1525005
22-Oct-14 F2 0579190, 1524783
23-Oct-14 F3 0579131, 1524980
23-Oct-14 F4 0579041, 1525137
23-Oct-14 F5 0580539, 1525120
23-Oct-14 F6 0579197, 1524814
24-Oct-14 F7 0579408, 1524869
24-Oct-14 F8 0579440, 1524857
24-Oct-14 F9 0579883, 1524640*
24-Oct-14 F10 0579883, 1524640*
24-Oct-14 F11 0579276, 1524962
25-Oct-14 F12 0579266, 1525085
25-Oct-14 F13 0579360, 1524896
25-Oct-14 F14 0579630, 1524470*
25-Oct-14 F15 0579630, 1524470*
26-Oct-14 F16 0579816, 1524608
26-Oct-14 F17 0579867, 1524611
26-Oct-14 F18 0579872, 1524620
26-Oct-14 F19 0579878, 1524579
27-Oct-14 F20 0580844, 1523319
27-Oct-14 F21 0580789, 1523367
28-Oct-14 F22 0580878, 1523241*
28-Oct-14 F23 0580878, 1523241*
28-Oct-14 F24 0580878, 1523241*
28-Oct-14 F25 0580878, 1523241*
29-Oct-14 F26 0581473, 1523515*
29-Oct-14 F27 0541473, 1523515*
29-Oct-14 F28 0581527, 1523437*
29-Oct-14 F29 0581527, 1523437*
24-Dec-14 F30 0560049, 1473387

24-Dec-14 F31 0560311, 1473190
24-Dec-14 F32 0560029, 1473444
24-Dec-14 F33 0560319, 1473107
25-Dec-14 F34 0560349, 1473454
25-Dec-14 F35 0560315, 1473341
25-Dec-14 F36 0560320, 1473093
25-Dec-14 F37 0559528, 1474299
25-Dec-14 F38 0559366, 1474418
25-Dec-14 F39 0559280, 1474502
26-Dec-14 F40 0559878, 1472015
26-Dec-14 F41 0559916, 1472139
26-Dec-14 F42 0560353, 1473398
26-Dec-14 F43 0559317, 1474377
26-Dec-14 F44 0559444, 1474456*
26-Dec-14 F45 0559477, 1474376*
27-Dec-14 F46 0560330, 1473633
27-Dec-14 F47 0560234, 1473818
27-Dec-14 F48 0560150, 1474054
27-Dec-14 F49 0560060, 1474309
27-Dec-14 F50 0561003, 1475357*
27-Dec-14 F51 0561314, 1475437*
28-Dec-14 F52 0559929, 1473719
28-Dec-14 F53 0560092, 1473893
28-Dec-14 F54 0560083, 1474256
28-Dec-14 F55 0560096, 1474370
28-Dec-14 F56 0559963, 1474236
18-Jun-14 F57 0575595, 1454128*
18-Jun-14 F58 0575595, 1454128*
18-Jun-14 F59 0575595, 1454128*
19-Jun-14 F60 0574342, 1456366*
19-Jun-14 F61 0574342, 1456366*
19-Jun-14 F62 0574342, 1456366*
19-Jun-14 F63 0575595, 1454128*
20-Jun-14 F64 0575595, 1454128*
20-Jun-14 F65 0574119, 1454565*
20-Jun-14 F66 0574119, 1454565*
20-Jun-14 F67 0574119, 1454565*
20-Jun-14 F68 0579819, 1451808*
21-Jun-14 F69 0575595, 1454128*
21-Jun-14 F70 0575595, 1454128*
21-Jun-14 F71 0575595, 1454128*
22-Jun-14 F72 0576752, 1453909*
22-Jun-14 F73 0576752, 1453909*
Key: C=Cave, F=Forest, *=Approximate

Appendix IV: Bird Species of Prey Lang

F English Latin Khmer Threat status Pr Hab De Recorded

a Name Name Name ey itat cte
m La cti
il ng on
y G Reg Ca x,y Me Sources
lo ion mb ,z tho
b al odi d
al a
Francolins, Quails, Partridges p
& Pheasants (Phasianidae)
Chinese Francolinu ទទតុកត x, DDF H, Chhin 2014
Francolin s y,z ,SE S
pintadeanu តត
Rain Quail Coturnix ្រកូច្រទូង L y DDF H, Chhin 2014
coromande Kn S
lica េខម ow
Blue- Coturnix ្រកូច្រទូង (La N- z DDF H, Chhin 2014
breasted chinensis o,T Thr S
Quail េខៀវ hai) .
Orange- Arborophil ទទកទឹក G R x EF,S H, Chhin 2014
necked a davidi N Ran E S
Partridge ្រកូច T ge
Scaly- Arborophil ទទេជើង x,y SE H, Chhin 2014
breasted a ,z S
Partridge chloropus ៃបតង
Red Gallus មន់ៃ្រព x,y EF, H, Chhin 2014
Junglefowl gallus ,z DDF S
Siamese Lophura េស្តចកូលីត (La x,z EF, H, Chhin 2014
Fireback diardi o), SE, S
Tha SW
Grey Polyplectr មន់េទ R y EF H Chhin 2014
Peacock on Ran
Pheasant bicalcarat ្របេផះ ge
Green Pavo េកងកៃបតង G Lao Thr x,y SE, H Chhin 2014
Peafowl muticus T- , eat. DDF
E Tha
n i
Whistling Ducks, Ducks & p
Pygmy-geese (Anatidae)
Lesser Dendrocyg ្របវ ឹក z SW, H Chhin 2014
Whistling na DDF
Duck javanica
Storks p
Painted Mycteria រនលពណ៌ G Lao N- z SW, S Chhin 2014
Stork leucoceph N , Thr DDF
ala T Tha .
Asian Anastomus ចេងក លខយ Lao z SW, S Chhin 2014
Openbill oscitans , DDF
ង (Th
Black Stork Ciconia រនលេខម Lao y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
nigra , ,SW
Woolly- Ciconia សត្វកស Lao x,y SE, H Chhin 2014
necked episcopus , ,z DDF
Stork ( ្រតុំ) Tha ,SW
Lesser Leptoptilo ្រតដក់តូច G Lao N- x,y SE, S Chhin 2014
Adjutant s javanicus T- , Thr ,z DDF
V Tha . ,SW
u i
Greater Leptoptilo ្រតដក់ធំ G Lao Crit y,z SE, S Chhin 2014
Adjutant s dubius T- , ical DDF
E Tha ,SW
n i
Ibises & p
White- Pseudibis កងខួនេខ
្ល ម G Lao Crit y,z DDF I L.In 2014
shouldered davisoni T- , ical
Ibis C Tha
r i
Giant Ibis Pseudibis កងយក G Lao Crit y,z DDF I,O L.In 2014,
gigantea T- , ical Olsson, A. &
(ឪឡឹក,្រត C Tha Emmett, D.E.
យ៉ង់) r i 2007

Bitterns, Herons p
& Egrets
Yellow Ixobrychus កុកសំបក z SW H, Chhin 2014
Bittern sinensis S

Cinnamon Ixobrychus កុកេមទសទុំ z SW H Chhin 2014

Bittern cinnamom
Black- Nycticorax ែខ្វកយប់ (La z SW S Chhin 2014
crowned nycticorax o)
Night ្របេផះ
Little Butorides ្រក ច់(្រក z SW S Chhin 2014
Heron striata
្វ យ)
Chinese Ardeola កុក្រកក x DDF S Chhin 2014
Pond Heron bacchus
កបលេ ន ត
Javan Pond Ardeola កុក្រកក y,z SW S Chhin 2014
Heron speciosa

កបលេ ន ត
Eastern Bubulcus កុកេគ y DDF S Chhin 2014
Cattle Egret coromand
Grey Heron Ardea ្រក (La y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
cinerea o), ,SW,
្របេផះ Tha SE
Purple Ardea ្រក ធនង់ y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Heron purpurea ,SW H
Little Egret Egretta កុកេ្រគង y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
garzetta ,SE,
តូច SW
Cormorants p
(Phalacrocoracidae) & Darters
Little Phalacroc ែក្អកទឹកទូច Lao y, DDF S Chhin 2014
Cormorant orax niger z , SW
Oriental Anhinga េ មញ G Lao N- y, DDF S Chhin 2014
Darter melanogas N , Thr z , SW
ter T Tha .
Ospreys (Pandionidae) and p
Hawks, Eagles & allies
Black Baza Aviceda ទ ំង ្ល ប x,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Oriental Pernis រ តឃមំុ x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
Honey ptilorhync
Buzzard hus
Black- Elanus ទ ំង z DDF S Chhin 2014
shouldered caeruleus
Kite លលក
Black Kite Milvus ែខ្លងេខម Lao Thr z DDF S Chhin 2014
migrans , eat.
Black-eared Milvus ែខ្លង z DDF S Chhin 2014
Kite lineatus
Crested Spilornis អកពស់ៃ្រព x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Serpent cheela ,z ,SE H
Shikra Accipiter ទ ំង ្ល ប x,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
badius H
Japanese Accipiter ទ ំង ្ល ប y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Sparrowha gularis
wk ែឆកតូច
Besra Accipiter ទ ំង ្ល ប x,z SE S Chhin 2014
Indian Aquila ឥ្រនទីយ៍ៃ្រព G Thr y DDF S Chhin 2014
Spotted hastata T- eat.
Eagle V
Falcons and p
White- Polihierax ទ ំង ្ល ប G Lao x DDF S Chhin 2014
rumped insignis N ,(Th
Pygmy ្រសួចចុង T ai)
Falcon ខនងស
Collared Microhier ទ ំង ្ល ប x DDF S, Chhin 2014
Falconet ax H
caerulesce ្រសួចតូច
Oriental Falco ទ ំង ្ល ប (Th y SE S Chhin 2014
Hobby severus ai)
Rails, Crakes & p
Coots (Rallidae)
Slaty- Rallina ដុំដុរេជើង្រក z SW S Chhin 2014
legged eurizonoid
Crake es េម៉
Slaty- Gallirallus កេ្រញះ y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
breasted striatus ,SW
Rail កបលេ ន ត
Baillon's Porzana ដុំដុរតូច L z SW S Chhin 2014
Crake pusilla Kn
Ruddy- Porzana កែ្រតត(ដុំ z WS S Chhin 2014
breasted fusca
Crake ដុរ្រកហម)
Watercock Gallicrex ក្លំុ Lao z WS S Chhin 2014
cinerea ,(Th
Black- Porphyrio េទម Lao z OP S Chhin 2014
backed indicus
Common Gallinula មន់ទឹកេខម z OP S Chhin 2014
Moorhen chloropus
Cranes p
Sarus Grus េ្រក ល G Lao Thr x,y DDF I L.In 2014
Crane antigone T- ,Th eat. ,z
កបល V ai
្រកហម u

Buttonquails p
Small Turnix ្រកួចតូច (La N- y DDF S Chhin 2014
Buttonquail sylvaticus o, Thr
Tha .
Stilts (Recurvirostridae), p
Lapwings & Plovers
River Vanellus ្រតេដវវ ិច Lao Thr y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Lapwing duvaucelii ,Th eat. , SW H
ទេន្ល ai
Grey- Vanellus ្រតេដវវ ិច (La z DDF S Chhin 2014
headed cinereus o,T
Lapwing កបល hai)
Red- Vanellus ្រតេដវវ ិច y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
wattled indicus , SW H
Lapwing ទួល
Little Charadriu សត្វកបល z DDF S Chhin 2014
Ringed s dubius ,SW
Plover ធំវ ័ណ្ឌ្រទូង
Painted-snipes (Rostratulidae) p
& Jacanas (Jacanidae)
Greater Rostratula ែខ្វកពណ៌ z DDF S Chhin 2014
Painted- benghalen ,
snipe sis SW,
Pratincoles p
Small Glareola ទ្រនទីតទេន្ល (La z DDF S Chhin 2014
Pratincole lactea o,T ,SW,
hai) OP
Doves & p
Rock Dove Columba ្រពប្រសុក z DDF S Chhin 2014
livia ,OP
Pale- Columba ពពូល G (La L y DDF S Chhin 2014
capped punicea T- o), Kn
Pigeon កបល V Tha ow
្រពែលត u i n

Red Streptopeli លលក្រទំ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014

Collared a ,z ,SE H
Dove tranquebar ង
Spotted Streptopeli លលក x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Dove a chinensis ,z ,SE H
Emerald Chalcopha លលក x EF,S S, Chhin 2014
Dove ps indica E H
្ល បៃបតង
Zebra Dove Geopelia លលកតូច x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
striata ,z , OP H
Orange- Treron ពពូល្រទូង (La y,z SE,S S Chhin 2014
breasted bicincta o,T W
Green េភ្លើងកបល hai)
Pigeon ៃបតង
Thick- Treron កំបុក
្ល x,y EF,S S, Chhin 2014
billed curvirostra ,z E,D H
Green (ពពូលចំពុះ DF,S
Pigeon ធំ) W
Yellow- Treron ពពូលេជើង Lao y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
footed phoenicopt , H
Green erus េលឿង Tha
Pigeon i
Green Ducula ្រពបៃ្រព Lao N- x,y SW, S, Chhin 2014
Imperial aenea , Thr DDF H
Pigeon Tha .
Ashy- Treron ពពូល Lao N- ?? ?? Ca. Camera trap
headed phayrei , Thr Tr 2014
Green- កបល Tha .
pigeon ្របេផះ i

Mountain Ducula ្រពបភនំ x,y EF,S S, Chhin 2014

Imperial badia .z E,D H
Pigeon DF
Parrots & p
Vernal Loriculus េសក្រកិច x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
Hanging vernalis
Alexandrin Psittacula េសកេ ម Lao Thr x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
e Parakeet eupatria , eat. H
Grey- Psittacula េសកកបល N- x,z DDF H, Chhin 2014
headed finschii Thr ,SW S
Parakeet ្របេផះ .
Blossom- Psittacula េសក ត់ (La y DDF H, Chhin 2014
headed roseata o, S
Parakeet Tha
Red- Psittacula េសកសក x,y SE, S Chhin 2014
breasted alexandri DDF
Parakeet (េសកយី)
Coucals, p
& Cuckoos
Greater Centropus ល្អួតធំ x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Coucal sinensis ,z ,SW S
Lesser Centropus ល្អួតសបូវ y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Coucal bengalensi S
Coral-billed Carpococc សត្វយំ Tha y SE H Chhin 2014
Ground yx i
Cuckoo renauldi
Green- Rhopodyte តុកកគូ x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
billed s tristis ,z
Chestnut- Clamator េ ៉ x,z DDF S Chhin 2014
winged coromand
Cuckoo us កំេប៉ យ
Asian Koel Eudynamy េ ៉្រសុក x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
scolopaceu ធំ
Violet Chrysococ េ ៉ ្វ យ x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
Cuckoo cyx
Banded Cacomanti េ ខ
៉ ួនអ
្ល xy DDF H, Chhin 2014
Bay s S
Cuckoo sonneratii នកន់េ ន ត
Plaintive Cacomanti េ ៉្រសុក x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Cuckoo s S
merulinus តូច
Drongo Surniculus េ ៉េខម y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Cuckoo lugubris H
Large Hierococc េ ៉ៃ្រពធំ z DDF S Chhin 2014
Hawk yx
Cuckoo sparverioi
Indian Cuculus េ ៉ៃ្រព x,y DDF H Chhin 2014
Cuckoo micropteru
s េពះេ ន ត
Owls (Tytonidae p
& Strigidae)
Common Tyto alba ែខ្លង្រ ក (La N- x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Barn Owl o, Thr S
្រសុក Tha .
Oriental Phodilus ឪឡ្រកបី z SW H Chhin 2014
Bay Owl badius
Collared Otus lettia ឪឡឡឹក x,z DDF H, Chhin 2014
Scops Owl ,SE S,
Oriental Otus sunia ឪឡពូប x,z DDF H Chhin 2014
Scops Owl ,SW
Spot- Bubo ទីទុយធំៃ្រព (La L ?? ?? Ca. Camera trap
bellied nipalensis o,T Kn Tr 2014
Eagle Owl hai) ow
Brown Fish Ketupa ទីទុយ្រតី (La N- x,z SE, H Chhin 2014
Owl zeylonensi o,T Thr DDF
s ថងសេ ន ត hai) .
Spotted Strix េមៀមធំវូ (La z SW H Chhin 2014
Wood Owl seloputo o),
Collared Glaucidiu េមៀមតូច x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Owlet m brodiei ,z ,SE, H,
ែភនកបួន SW C
Spotted Athene េមៀមតូច y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Owlet brama H
Frogmouths (Podargidae) & p
Nightjars (Caprimulgidae)

Great Eared Eurostopo ពព្លក់ធំ x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Nightjar dus , SE S
Large- Caprimulg ពព្លក់ចង់ x,y DDF H Chhin 2014
tailed us
Nightjar macrurus
Indian Caprimulg ពព្លក់តូច x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Nightjar us S
Savanna Caprimulg ពព្លក់ជូវ ិច z DDF H, Chhin 2014
Nightjar us affinis S
Treeswifts (Hemiprocnidae) & p
Swifts (Apodidae)
Crested Hemiprocn ្រតេចៀកកំ x SE S Chhin 2014
Treeswift e coronata
[Germain's] Aerodram ្រតេចៀកកំ L x DDF S Chhin 2014
Swiflet us Kn
[germani] តូចសំបុក ow
សឮ n

White- Hirundapu ្រតេចៀកកំ x DDF S Chhin 2014

throated s
Needletail caudacutu ធំបំពង់កស
Silver- Hirundapu ្រតេចៀកកំ y DDF Chhin 2014
backed s
Needletail cochinchin ធំខង
ន ែ្រពក
Brown- Hirundapu ្រតេចៀកកំ x DDF S Chhin 2014
backed s
Needletail giganteus ធំខង
ន េ នត
Asian Palm Cypsiurus ្រតេចៀកកំ x,y SE, S Chhin 2014
Swift balasiensis ,z DDF
េ នត
House Apus ្រតេចៀកកំ x DDF S Chhin 2014
Swift affinis

Trogons (Trogonidae) & p
Rollers (Coraciidae)
Orange- Harpactes ្រតហគនេពះ x,y SE, S Chhin 2014
breasted oreskios ,z DDF
Trogon េលឿង ,SW
Indian Coracias ទវេខៀវ x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Roller benghalen ,z S
Dollarbird Eurystomu ទវៃ្រព y SE S, Chhin 2014
s orientalis H
Kingfishers p
Banded Lacedo កដបៃ្រព x,z SW, S, Chhin 2014
Kingfisher pulchella SE H
Stork-billed Pelargopsi ងវកក z SW S, Chhin 2014
Kingfisher s capensis H
White- Halcyon កដប្រទូង x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
throated smyrnensis ,z ,SW
Kingfisher ស
Blue-eared Alcedo ចចត x,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Kingfisher meninting ,SE
Common Alcedo ចចត្រកឹម z SW S Chhin 2014
Kingfisher atthis
Pied Ceryle កដបេខមស Lao N- z SW S Chhin 2014
Kingfisher rudis Thr
Bee-eaters p
Little Merops ្រតេដវតូច x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
Green Bee- orientalis ,z ,SW
Blue-tailed Merops ្រតេដវ (La x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
Bee-eater philippinu o)
s កបល
Chestnut- Merops ្រតេដវ x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
headed leschenaul ,z
Bee-eater ti កបលេ ន ត
Hoopoes (Upupidae) & p
Hornbills (Bucerotidae)
Common Upupa បគូ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Hoopoe epops ,z ,SW H
Oriental Anthracoc េកងកងតូច x,z SW, H, Chhin 2014
Pied eros DDF S
Hornbill albirostris សេខម
Great Buceros េកងកងធំ G Lao Thr x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Hornbill bicornis N , eat. ,z ,SE, S
T (Th EF,S
ai) W
Wreathed Aceros ព្វំង Lao Thr x EF H, Chhin 2014
Hornbill undulatus , eat. S
Barbets p
Lineated Megalaim េប៉ លេ ក x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Barbet a lineata ,z H
Blue-eared Megalaim េប៉ លេ ក y SE Chhin 2014
Barbet a australis
Coppersmit Megalaim េប៉ លេ ក x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
h Barbet a ,z ,OP S
haemacep អំបុក
Wrynecks, Piculets & p
Woodpeckers (Picidae)

Eurasian Jynx ្រតេសះ y DDF S Chhin 2014
Wryneck torquilla
Heart- Hemicircu ្រតេសះតូច y DDF S, Chhin 2014
spotted s canente H
Woodpecke ពពល
r បំពងកស
Rufous- Hypopicus ្រតេសះ Tha L y DDF S, Chhin 2014
bellied hyperythru i Kn H
Woodpecke s េពះេ ន ត ow
r n
Grey- Dendrocop ្រតេសះេខម y DDF S, Chhin 2014
capped os ,SE H
Pygmy canicapillu សតូច
Woodpecke s
Spot- Dendrocop ្រតេសះេខម (La y DDF S Chhin 2014
breasted os analis o)
Woodpecke សអងកន់
r េពះ
Yellow- Dendrocop ្រតេសះេខម Lao L y DDF S Chhin 2014
crowned os ,Th Kn
Woodpecke mahrattens សកបល ai ow
r is េលឿង n

White- Dryocopus ្រតេសះធំ (La N- y DDF S, Chhin 2014

bellied javensis o,T Thr H
Woodpecke េពះស hai) .
Lesser Picus ្រតេសះ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Yellownape chloroloph H
us កំេប៉ យ
Laced Picus ្រតេសះ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Woodpecke vittatus ,SE H
r ៃបតង
Streak- Picus ្រតេសះ (La y DDF S, Chhin 2014
throated xanthopyg o), H
Woodpecke aeus ៃបតងកឆនូត Tha
r i
Black- Picus ្រតេសះ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
headed erythropyg H
Woodpecke ius ៃបតង
r កបលេខម
Grey- Picus ្រតេសះ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
headed canus H
Woodpecke ៃបតង
r កបល
Common Dinopium ្រតេសះេភ្លើ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014

Flameback javanense ងធំ ,z ,SE H
Greater Chrysocol ្រតេសះេភ្លើ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Flameback aptes H
lucidus ងតូច
Rufous Micropter ្រតេសះ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Woodpecke nus ,SE H
r brachyuru េ ន តចំពុះ
s េខម
Great Slaty Mulleripic ្រតេសះធំ G (Th N- x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Woodpecke us T- ai) Thr H
r pulverulen ្របេផះ V .
tus u
Broadbills p
Black-and- Cymbirhyn សត្វចំពុះធំ Tha N- z SE,S S Chhin 2014
red chus i Thr W
Broadbill macrorhyn េខម្រកហម .
Banded Eurylaimu សត្វចំពុះធំ y,z SE S Chhin 2014
Broadbill s javanicus
Dusky Corydon សត្វចំពុះធំ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Broadbill sumatranu H
s កស
Pittas (Pittidae) p
Blue- Pitta soror ប៉ ក់េខទ វ (La L z SE H Chhin 2014
rumped o), Kn
Pitta ចុងខនងេខៀវ Tha ow
i n
Bar-bellied Pitta ប៉ កេខទ វ (La L x SE S Chhin 2014
Pitta elliotii o), Kn
េពះបងកង់ Tha ow
i n
Hooded Pitta ប៉ ក់េខទ វប z SE S, Chhin 2014
Pitta sordida H
េ នត
Blue- Pitta ប៉ ក់េខទ វ x,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
winged moluccensi H
Pitta s ្ល បេខៀវ
Gerygone (Acanthizidae), Flycatcher-shrike p
and Woodshrikes (Tephrodornithidae)
Bar-winged Hemipus អល់ែអក x S Chhin 2014
Flycatcher- picatus
shrike ្ល បេខម
Large Tephrodor អល់ែអក y DDF S Chhin 2014
Woodshrik nis gularis
e មធយម
Common Tephrodor អល់ែអក y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Woodshrik nis H
e pondiceria តូច

Woodswallows (Artamidae) & p
Ioras (Aegithinidae)
Common Aegithina េចកេច x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Iora tiphia ,z ,SE, H
្ល បេខមស OF
Great Iora Aegithina េចកេច x S Chhin 2014
្ល បេខម
Cuckooshrikes & Minivets p
Large Coracina អល់ែអកធំ y DDF S Chhin 2014
Cuckooshri macei
Indochinese Coracina អល់ែអក x,y EF, S, Chhin 2014
Cuckooshri polioptera DDF H
ke ្ល ប្របេផះ
Black- Coracina អល់ែអក y SE S Chhin 2014
winged melaschist
Cuckooshri os ្ល បេខម
Swinhoe's Pericrocot េចកេទស y DDF S Chhin 2014
Minivet us
cantonensi ្របេផះស
Ashy Pericrocot េចកេទស y DDF S Chhin 2014
Minivet us
divaricatus េខមស
Small Pericrocot េចកេទស y DDF S Chhin 2014
Minivet us
cinnamom តូច
Scarlet Pericrocot េចកេទសធំ y DDF S Chhin 2014
Minivet us
Whistlers (Pachycephalidae) p
& Shrikes (Laniidae)
Brown Lanius ចបដូន y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Shrike cristatus H
លេ ន ត
Burmese Lanius ចបដូ y DDF S Chhin 2014
Shrike collurioide
s លខនង
េ ន តទុំ
Long-tailed Lanius ចបដូន L y DDF S Chhin 2014
Shrike schach Kn
លកនទុយ ow
ែវង n

Orioles p
Black- Oriolus េចកទុំ y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
naped chinensis ,SE H
Oriole កញច ឹងកេខម
Black- Oriolus េចកទុំ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
hooded xanthornus ,z ,SE H
Oriole កបលេខម
Drongos p
Black Dicrurus អេនទបេខម x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Drongo macrocerc ,z S
Ashy Dicrurus អេនទ x DDF S, Chhin 2014
Drongo leucophae H
us ប្របេផះ
Bronzed Dicrurus អេនទបេខម z SE S, Chhin 2014
Drongo aeneus H
Lesser Dicrurus អេនទបរ ំ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Racket- remifer ,z ,SE H
tailed េយលភនំ
Hair- Dicrurus អេនទប z DDF C Chhin 2014
crested hottentottu
Drongo s កំេប៉ យែខ
Greater Dicrurus អេនទបទងក z DDF H Chhin 2014
Racket- paradiseus
tailed ៃ្រន្ត
Fantails p
White- Rhipidura កញជ ក់ ្ល Tha y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
browed aureola i H
Fantail ចិេញចើមស
Pied Fantail Rhipidura កញជ ក់េខម x,z DDF H, Chhin 2014
javanica S

Monarchs & Paradise p
Flycatchers (Monarchidae)
Black- Hypothymi សត្វសួគ៌ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
naped s azurea ,z ,SE H,
Monarch េខៀវ C
Asian Terpsipho សត្វសួគ៌ x,z SE,S S, Chhin 2014
Paradise- ne W H
flycatcher paradisi សុី
Jays, Magpies, Treepies & p
Crows (Corvidae)
Eurasian Garrulus ឆ្អងឆ្អតខ្លួន y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Jay glandarius H
េ នត
Red-billed Urocissa ឆ្អងឆ្អតេខៀវ x,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Blue erythrorhy H
Magpie ncha
Rufous Dendrocitt ឆ្អងឆ្អ y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Treepie a H
vagabunda តេលឿង
Racket- Crypsirina ្រតមក់ខ្ល y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
tailed temia ,SW
Treepie ៃ្រព
Southern Corvus ែក្អកេគក x,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Jungle macrorhyn ,SW

Crow chos
Canary-flycatchers p
(Stenostiridae) & Typical Tits
Grey- Culicicapa ចបសុីរយ
ុ y SE S, Chhin 2014
headed ceylonensi H
Canary- s េលឿង
flycatcher កបល
Grey Tit Parus ចបសំបក y DDF S, Chhin 2014
cinereus H
េឈើ ឆូត

Larks p
Indochinese Mirafra ្រកូចេ ម y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Bushlark erythrocep
hala ្ល បេ ន ត
Bulbuls p
Black- Pycnonotu ពពិចកបល y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
headed s atriceps ,SE H
Bulbul េខម
Black- Pycnonotu ពពិចកបល x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
crested s ,z ,SE H
Bulbul flaviventris កំេប៉ យេខម
Red- Pycnonotu ពពិច (Th z SW S Chhin 2014
whiskered s jocosus ai)
Bulbul ្រតេចៀក
Sooty- Pycnonotu ពពិចកបល y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
headed s ,SE H,
Bulbul aurigaster េខមចុងខនង C

Stripe- Pycnonotu ពពិច x DDF S, Chhin 2014
throated s H,
Bulbul finlaysoni ពុកមត់ C
Yellow- Pycnonotu ពពិច្រកច x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
vented s goiavier ,z H
Bulbul (ចប្រកច)
Streak- Pycnonotu ពពិច y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
eared s blanfordi ,SE H,
Bulbul ្រតេចៀកឆនូត C
Puff- Alophoixus ពពិច x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
throated pallidus ,z ,SE H
Bulbul បំពង់កស
Martins & p
Common/P Riparia ្រតេចៀកកំ z SW S Chhin 2014
ale Sand riparia/dil
Martin uta ្របេផះ ល
Barn Hirundo ្រតេចៀកកំ z SW S Chhin 2014
Swallow rustica
Red- Cecropis ្រតេចៀកកំ z SW S Chhin 2014
rumped daurica
Swallow េខមេ ន ត
Leaf Warblers & Seicercus p
Warblers (Phylloscopidae)
Dusky Phylloscop ចបដូន y DDF S Chhin 2014
Warbler us fuscatus
Radde's Phylloscop ចបដូន z DDF S Chhin 2014
Warbler us
schwarzi ស្លឹកពណ៌
Arctic Phylloscop ចបដូន y,z SE,E S, Chhin 2014
Warbler us borealis F,D H
ស្លឹក ក់ទិ DF,S
ក W

Two-barred Phylloscop ចបដូន z SE,S S Chhin 2014

Warbler us W
plumbeitar ស្លឹកឆនូត
sus ្ល បពីរ
Pale-legged Phylloscop ចបដូន z SW S Chhin 2014
Leaf us
Warbler tenellipes ស្លឹកេជើង
Plain-tailed Seicercus ចបដូន y SE S Chhin 2014
Warbler soror
តំ ប
Acrocephalus p
Oriental Acrocepha ចបដូន y,z OP S Chhin 2014
Reed lus
Warbler orientalis េ ម ធំ
Thick- Acrocepha ចបដូន y DDF S Chhin 2014
billed lus aedon
Warbler េ ម ចំពុះធំ
Grasshopper Warblers & p
Grassbirds (Locustellidae)

Lanceolate Locustella ចបដូន y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
d Warbler lanceolata
េ ម ឆនូតខនង
Striated Megalurus ចប្រកុក (Th y DDF S Chhin 2014
Grassbird palustris ai)
Cisticolas, Prinias & p
Tailorbirds (Cisticolidae)
Brown Prinia ចបដងកូវធំ y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Prinia polychroa ,OP H
Rufescent Prinia ចបដងកូវ y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Prinia rufescens H
្ល បពណ៌
Grey- Prinia ចបដងកូវ y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
breasted hodgsonii
Prinia ្រទូង្របេផះ
Plain Prinia Prinia ចបដងកូវ y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Common Orthotomu ចបេតត x,y DDF H, Chhin 2014
Tailorbird s sutorius ,z .OP S
Dark- Orthotomu ចបេតត z SW S Chhin 2014
necked s
Tailorbird atrogulari ៃ្រព
Scimitar p
Babblers &
White- Pomatorhi ចបដូន z SE,S S Chhin 2014
browed nus W
Scimitar schisticeps ៃ្រពចំពុះ
Babbler េកងេលឿង
Rufous- Stachyrido ចបដូន R z SE,S S Chhin 2014
fronted psis Ran W
Babbler rufifrons ៃ្រពថងស់ ge
Pin-striped Macronou ចបដូន x,y SE, S, Chhin 2014
Tit Babbler s gularis ,z DDF H,
ៃ្រពបំពង់ក ,SW C
Chestnut- Timalia ចបដូន y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
capped pileata ,SW
Babbler ៃ្រពបំពង់ក

Fulvettas, Wren-Babblers & p
allies (Pellorneidae)
Black- Alcippe ចនដូន (Th z SE S Chhin 2014
browed grotei ai)
Fulvetta ៃ្រពចិេញចើម

Abbott's Malacocin ចបដូន z SW S, Chhin 2014
Babbler cla abbotti H,
ៃ្រពចំពុះធំ C
Scaly- Malacopte ចបដូន x,y SE, S, Chhin 2014
crowned ron DDF H,
Babbler cinereum ៃ្រពបន្តូល C
Puff- Pellorneu ចបដូន x,y SE, S, Chhin 2014
throated m ruficeps ,z DDF H,
Babbler ៃ្រពបំពង់ក C
េប៉ ង
Laughingthrushes, Siva & p
Mesia (Leiothrichidae)
White- Garrulax ចកវ ៉ក x,y SE, H, Chhin 2014
crested leucolophu DDF S
Laughingth s កំេប៉ យស ,SW
Lesser Garrulax ចកវ ៉កវ ័ណ្ឌ z SE S Chhin 2014
Necklaced monileger
Laughingth ្រទូងេខម
Fairy-bluebirds (Irenidae) & p
Nuthatches (Sittidae)
Asian Irena េចកទុំេខៀវ x,y SE S, Chhin 2014
Fairy- puella ,z H,
bluebird C
Neglected Sitta ចបសំបក y,z SE, S Chhin 2014
Nuthatch neglecta DDF
េឈើ េពះ
Velvet- Sitta ចបសំបក y,z SE S Chhin 2014
fronted frontalis
Nuthatch េឈើ ចំពុះ
Mynas & p
Golden- Ampelicep រ ិកែកវ (La z SE S Chhin 2014
crested s o,T
Myna coronatus កបល hai)
Common Gracula រ ិកែកវ (Th y,z SE, S, Chhin 2014
Hill Myna religiosa ai) DDF H
White- Acridother រ ិកែកវ y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
vented es grandis
Myna ្រកបី( ជ
Common Acridother រ ិកែកវ x,y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Myna es tristis ,z H
េគ( ជ

Vinous- Acridother កេ្រញច ក y DDF S Chhin 2014
breasted es
Myna burmannic ្រទូងេ ន ត
Black- Gracupica ្រគលីង្រគ x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
collared nigricollis ,z
Starling េ ង(ក
េ្រញ ចវណ្ឌ
Chestnut- Sturnus កេ្រញច ច y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
tailed malabaric
Starling us កនទុយេ ន ត
Thrushes, Cochoas & p
Shortwings (Turdidae)
Dusky Turdus ពពិចថម្រទូង y DDF S Chhin 2014
Thrush eunomus
Robins, Forktails, Chats & p
Rock Thrushes
Oriental Copsychus ្វ េចក y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Magpie saularis H
Robin ្រសុក
White- Copsychus ្វ េចកៃ្រព x,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
rumped malabaric H,
Shama us C
Eastern Saxicola ពពិចេ ម y DDF S, Chhin 2014
Stonechat maurus H
Pied Saxicola ពពិចេ ម z DDF S Chhin 2014
Bushchat caprata
Blue Rock- Monticola ពពិចថមេខៀវ y,z SE, S, Chhin 2014
thrush solitarius DDF H
White- Monticola ពពិចថម z SE S Chhin 2014
throated gularis
Rock- បំពង់កស
Flycatchers & p
Asian Muscicapa ចបសុីរយ
ុ y,z OP S, Chhin 2014
Brown dauurica H
Flycatcher េ ន តៃ្រព
Yellow- Ficedula ចបសុីរយ
ុ y,z SE,S H Chhin 2014
rumped zanthopygi W
Flycatcher a ចុងខនង
Taiga Ficedula ចបសុីរយ
ុ y,z DDF S, Chhin 2014
Flycatcher albicilla ,SE H
េ ន ត្រសុក

Verditer Eumyias ចបសុីរយ
ុ y SE S, Chhin 2014
Flycatcher thalassinu C
s ពណ៌ទឹកស
Hainan Cyornis ចបសុីរយ
ុ y,z SE S, Chhin 2014
Blue hainanus C
Flycatcher េខៀវៃហ

Tickell's Cyornis ចបសុីរយ
ុ z SE,S S Chhin 2014
Blue tickelliae W
Flycatcher េខៀវ ល
Blue- Cyornis ចបសុីរយ
ុ x,z SE S, Chhin 2014
throated rubeculoid H,
Flycatcher es េខៀវបំពង់ក C
Leafbirds p
Blue- Chloropsis េចកខចី ្ល ប y,z SE S Chhin 2014
winged cochinchin
Leafbird ensis េខៀវ
Golden- Chloropsis េចកខចីថងស x,y SE, S Chhin 2014
fronted aurifrons DDF
Leafbird េភ្លើង
Flowerpeckers p
Thick- Dicaeum ចបកន្លង់ z SE S, Chhin 2014
billed agile H
Flowerpeck ចំពុះធំ
Yellow- Dicaeum ចបកន្លង់ y,z SE S, Chhin 2014
vented chrysorrhe H
Flowerpeck um គូថេលឿង
Scarlet- Dicaeum ចបកន្លង់ច x,y DDF S Chhin 2014
backed cruentatu ,z ,OP
Flowerpeck m ខនង្រកហម
Sunbirds & p
Ruby- Chalcopar ចបកន្លង់ y,z SE S Chhin 2014
cheeked ia
Sunbird singalensis បំពង់
Brown- Anthreptes ចបកន្លង់ x,z DDF S Chhin 2014
throated malacensis
Sunbird បំពង់ក
េ ន តចស់
Van Leptocoma ចបកន្លង់ z SE S Chhin 2014
Hasselt's brasiliana
Sunbird ្រទូង្រកហម

Purple Cinnyris ចបកន្លង់ x SE, S Chhin 2014
Sunbird asiaticus DDF
Olive- Cinnyris ចបកន្លង់ y,z SE,S S, Chhin 2014
backed jugularis W H
Sunbird ពណ៌អូលីវ
Little Arachnoth ចប z SE,S S Chhin 2014
Spiderhunte era W
r longirostr ពីងពងតូច
Sparrows p
Plain- Passer ចប្រសុក y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
backed flaveolus ,OP
Eurasian Passer ចបផទះ y,z OP S Chhin 2014
Tree montanus
Weavers p
Baya Ploceus ចបពូក (La N- y DDF S Chhin 2014
Weaver philippinu o,T Thr
s ្រទូងេ ន ត hai) .

Avadavat, Munias & p
Parrotfinches (Estrildidae)
White- Lonchura ចបច្រងកង់ z DDF S Chhin 2014
rumped striata ,OP
Munia ចុងខនងស
Scaly- Lonchura ចបច្រងកង់ z OP S Chhin 2014
breasted punctulata
Munia ្រទូង្រសក
Wagtails & p
Forest Dendrona ខទប់ដីៃ្រព y,z DDF S Chhin 2014
Wagtail nthus ,OP
Eastern Motacilla ខទប់ដីេពះ y,z SW S Chhin 2014
Yellow tschutsche
Wagtail nsis េលឿង
Paddyfield Anthus ្រកូចអិន y,z OP S Chhin 2014
Pipit rufulus
Olive- Anthus ្រកូចអិនខនង y DDF S Chhin 2014
backed hodgsoni
Pipit ពណ៌អូលីវ
Buntings p
Yellow- Emberiza ចបៃ្រពែវង G (Th N- y DDF S Chhin 2014
breasted aureola T- ai) Thr ,OP
Bunting េពះេលឿង V .

Appendix V Herpetofauna species known to occur at Prey Lang

names English name IUCN status Localities Sources
Duttaphrynus This
melanostictus Common Asian toad LC C3 survey
Ingerophrynus This
macrotis Large-ear toad LC C2 survey
Kalophrynus This
interlineatus Striped sticky frog LC C4 survey
Kaloula This
pulchra Common Asian bullfrog LC SPV survey
Microhyla Berdmor's narrow mouth This
berdmorei frog LC C3 survey
Olsson &
Microhyla Painted narrow-mouth Emmett
butleri frog LC (2007)
Microhyla Ornate narrow mouth This
fissipes frog LC C1, C3 survey
Microhyla Dark-side narrow mouth This
heymonsi frog LC C1, C2 survey
Microhyla Beautiful narrow mouth This
pulchra frog LC C3 survey
Micryletta Spotted narrow mouth This
inornata frog LC C3 survey
Hylarana This
mortenseni Mortensen's frog NT C1, C2 survey
Hylarana This
erythraea Red-eye frog LC C1 survey
Pelochylax This
lateralis Korakit frog LC C3 survey
Fejervarya This
limnocharis Paddy frog LC C1, C2 survey
Hoplobatrachu This
s rugulosus Rugulose bullfrog LC C1 survey
Limnonectes C1, C2, This
dabanus Annam wart frog DD C5 survey
Occidozyga This
lima Green floating frog LC C1 survey
Occidozyga This
martensii Marten's floating frog LC C1 survey
Chiromantis This
nongkhorensis Nong khor'bush frog LC C1 survey
Olsson &
Chiromantis Emmett
vittatus Striped bush frog LC (2007)
Polypedates This
leucomystax Common treefrog LC C1, C2 survey
Theloderma This
stellatum Spotted warty frogs NT C3 survey
Olsson &
Cuora Emmett
amboensis Asian box turtle VU (2007)
Cyclemys This
oldhemii Black plastron leaf turtle NE survey
Olsson &
Heosemys Emmett
grandis Asian giant pond turtle VU (2007)
Olsson &
Indotestudo Emmett
elongata Elongated tortoise EN (2007)
Siebenrockiella This
crassicollis Black marsh turtle VU C1 survey
Olsson &
Amyda Emmett
cartilaginea Asiatic softshell turtle VU (2007)
Calotes This
versicolor Common garden lizard NE C2, C3 survey
Calotes This
mystaceus Blue crested lizard NE C3 survey
Draco This
maculatus Spotted gliding lizard LC C2 survey
Physignathus This
cocincinus Water dragon NE C1 survey
Hemidactylus This
platyurus Plat tailed gecko NE C1, C3 survey
Dixonius This
siamensis Siamese gecko NE C1, C3 survey
SPV,C1,C This
Gekko gecko Tockay gecko NE 2, C3 survey
Gekko This
petricolus Sandstone gecko NE C2, C3 survey
Hemidactylus This
frenatus House gecko NE C2 survey
Takydromus This
sexlineatus Asian grass lizard LC C4 survey
Eutropis This
longicaudata Long tailed sun skink NE SPV, C3 survey
Eutropis This
macularia Speckled forest skink NE C1, C4 survey
Eutropis This
multifasciata Common Asian skink NE C1 survey
Lygosoma This
bowringii Bowring's skink NE C3 survey
Lygosoma sp. Short limb supple skink NE C3 survey
Scincella This
rupicola Red tailed skink NE C2, C3 survey
Sphenomorphu This
s maculatus Stream skink NE C1, C2 survey
Sphenomorphu This
s stellatus Starry forest skink NE C2 survey
Lipinia This
vittigera Striped tree skink NE C2 survey
Varanus This
bengalensis Land monitor lizard LC C1 survey
Malayopython This
reticulatus Reticulate python NE C1 survey
Enhydris This
bocourti Bocourt's water snake NE C1 survey
Enhydris This
plumbea Yellow belly water snake LC SV survey
Homalopsis This
buccata Puff-face water snake NE C1 survey
Ahaetulla This
prasina Asian vine snake LC C4 survey
Boiga cyanea Green cat snake NE C3 survey
Olsson &
Boiga Emmett
siamensis Siamese big eye snake NE (2007)
Xenochrophis Chequerred keeled back This
flavipunctatus snake NE C1 survey
Dendrelaphis Brown keeled back This
subocularis snake LC SPV, C3 survey
margaritophor This
us Slug snake NE C1 survey
es This
pulverulentus Mock viper NE C1 survey
Bungarus This
candidus Black-white banded krait LC C2 survey
Bungarus Black yellow banded This
fasciatus krait LC C5 survey
Naja kaouthia Monocellate cobra LC NT*
Naja siamensis Spitting cobra VU C3 survey
Ophiophagus (1999),
hannah King cobra VU NT*
Calloselasma This
rhodostoma Malayan pitviper LC C2 survey
Trimeresurus This
macrops Large eyed Pitviper LC C1 survey
Olsson &
Xenopeltis Emmett
unicolor Sunbeam snake LC (2007)
Subtotal of 45
*Neang Thy pers obs

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Greater Mekong USAID Supporting Forests and
PO Box 1356 Biodiversity Project
Phnom Penh, Cambodia Room 588, Building F
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