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Republic of the Philippines

First Judicial Region

Branch 30
San Fernando City, La Union

Civil Case No. 9569
-versus-, For: Declaration of Absolute
Nullity of Marriage under Article
DEF 36 of the Family Code


I, ABC, of legal age, Filipino citizen, a resident of Sevilla, San

Fernando City, La Union, Philippines, under oath, hereby declare and
state that:

I am the witness in the above-entitled case;

In relation to this case, Atty123, supervised my examination in

his law office at City of San Fernando, La Union;

In answering the questions asked of me, I was fully conscious

and that I did so under oath and that I may face criminal liability for
false testimony or perjury;

The following are the questions asked of me and the

corresponding answers I gave. The questions asked were in Ilocano
and English and my answers given in Ilocano were in turn translated
into English.


The testimony of the witness is being offered to prove the


a. She personally knew the parties in this case;

b. To prove that the petitioner and respondent are married to
each other;
c. To prove that the petitioner and respondent are no longer
living together as husband and wife;

d. She will also identify pertinent documents relative to his
motion; and
e. To prove all other matters relevant to this petition.


1. Q – Before we proceed, are you are aware that you are under
oath and your answers will make you face criminal liability for
false testimony or perjury, as the case maybe, if you make any
untruthful statements in this affidavit?
A- Yes, sir.

2. Q – Do you know the petitioner in this case?

A – Yes, sir.

3. Q – How are you related to the petitioner?

A – He is the nephew of my husband, sir.

4. Q- How about the respondent, do you know her?

A – Yes, sir. She is the husband of the petitioner.

5. Q – When did the petitioner and the respondent get married?

A –August 30, 1999 at San Fernando City, La Union, sir.

6. Q – How did you know such fact of marriage between the

petitioner and the respondent?
A – I attended their wedding, sir. I was even one of their principal

7. Q – Aside from that, do you have any document to show that your
daughter and the respondent are married to each other?
A – Yes, sir. Their marriage certificate.

8. Q – If that marriage certificate would be shown to you would you

be able to identify it?
A – Yes, sir.

9. Q – I am now showing to you a marriage certificate that was

previously marked as Exhibit “A”, is this the one you are
referring to?
A – Yes, sir.

10. Q – Do the parties have a child?

A – Yes, sir. They have a daughter named 777 who was born on
September 7, 1999 at San Fernando City, La Union.

11. Do you have document to show such fact of birth?
A – Yes, sir. Her Birth Certificate.

12. Q – If that birth certificate you mentioned will be shown to you,

would you be able to identify them?
A – Yes, sir.

13. Q – I am now showing to you a birth certificate of one 777 who

was born on September 7, 1999 at San Fernando City, La Union to
ABC and DEF, whichwas previously marked as Exhibits “B”, is
this the document you are referring to?
A – Yes, sir ma’am.

14. Q – After the wedding of the parties, where did they settle?
A – They settled in the house of the Marlu’s mother at Lingsat,
San Fernando City, La Union, sir.

15. Q – Were the parties employed after their wedding?

A- None, sir. But they applied for employment abroad.

16. Q- Were they able to find job?

A – Yes, sir. They found employment in Saudi Arabia.

17. Q – So they worked and lived together in Saudi?

A- Yes, sir.

18. Q- Did they go home for a vacation?

A –Yes, sir.

19. Q – After their vacation, what happened next?

A – Marlu returned to Saudi, while Cherry stayed in the Philippines
for good.

20. Q – Are you aware of what happened to their relationship after

Marlu returned to Saudi?
A – Yes. They were no longer in good terms thereafter, sir.

21. Q – Why do you say so?

A – Because Cherry no longer goes home to Lingsat. She went
home to their house in Bangar instead.

22. Q – Is that all?

A – No, ma’am. I saw the respondent with another man, who
turned out to be her paramour.

23. Q – Why do you say that said man is her paramour?

A – Because they were so sweet and that Cherry lo longer deny
having a relationship with that man.
A – Yes, sir.

24. Q – Are they still living together as husband and wife?

A – No, sir.

25. Q – Do you know when did their marriage end?

A – I can no longer recall, sir.

26. Q – Who has custody over their child?

A –The child is with Cherry, sir.

27. Q – How about the financial support for their children?

A – Marlu gives support directly to their child, sir.

28. Q – Do the parties still communicate with each other?

A – No, sir.

29. Q – Do you think their marriage can still be saved?

A – No, sir. They do not want to talk with each other since 2009.

30. Q – What else?

A – Because they no longer love nor respect each other.

31. Q- Is that all you can say about this case?

A – Yes, sir

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this
2 day of April 2018 at San Fernando City, La Union


Subscribed and sworn before me on the date and place above-

written. Affiant is personally known to me.


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