Corothane® I Galvapac 1K Zinc Primer PDF

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Coatings NSF/ANSI
Certified to
61 B65G11 G RAY

Revised: April 2, 2015 5.14

COROTHANE I GALVAPAC 1K ZINC PRIMER is a low VOC, • Immersion Service - potable water: Meets NSF Standard 61
moisture curing urethane zinc-rich primer. Designed for low tem- for use in potable water storage.
perature application to steel surfaces. • 250,000 gallon untopcoated
• Low temperature application - down to 20°F (-7°C) • 20,000 gallon minimum topcoated
• NSF approved to Standard 61 for potable water • Meets requirements of SSPC Paint Spec No. 40 for zinc rich
• Abrasion and chemical resistant moisture cure Urethane primer
• Easy to apply and recoat • As a primer in a urethane coating system for bridges, tanks,
• Usable for immersion service with recommended topcoated chemical, and marine structures
• Resistant to mudcracking • Ideal for priming water assisted abrasive blasted surfaces where
• Meets Class B requirements for Slip Coefficient and Creep Re- flash rusting or blooming limits the use of conventional zinc rich
sistance, .54 coatings
• Enhanced coating strength and edge protection with micaceous • Acceptable for use with cathodic protection with select topcoats
iron oxide addition • Conforms to AWWA D102 Inside Coating System #3 (ICS-3),
Inside Coating System #5 (ICS-5), Outside Coating System #2
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS (OCS-2), Outside Coating System #3 (OCS-3), Outside Coating
System #4 (OCS-4), and Outside Coating System #6 (OCS-6)
Finish: Flat • A component of INFINITANK
Color: Gray
Volume Solids: 67% ± 2%
Weight Solids: 91.7% ± 2% Substrate*: Steel
VOC (calculated): <300 g/L; 2.5 lb/gal Surface Preparation*: SSPC-SP5
Zinc Content in Dry Film: 85% by weight System Tested*:
Recommended Spreading Rate per coat: 1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer @ 3.5 mils (88 microns) dft
Standard AWWA 1 ct. Corothane I MIO-Aluminum @ 3.0 mils (75 microns) dft
Min. Max. Min. Max. *unless otherwise noted below
Wet mils (microns) 4.5 112 6.8 170 3.0 75 6.0 150 Test Name Test Method Results
Dry mils (microns) 3.0 75 4.0 100 2.0 50 4.0* 100* ASTM D4060, CS17 wheel,
Abrasion Resistance 45 mg loss
1000 cycles, 1 kg load
~Coverage sq ft/gal (m2/L) 268 6.5 358 8.8 268 6.5 536 13.1
Theoretical coverage sq ft/ 1943 psi (ASTM
1072 (26.2) ASTM D4541; ASTM D3359 D4541); 5B (ASTM
gal (m2/L) @ 1 mil/25 micron dft (GalvaPac only)
NOTE: Brush or roll application may require multiple coats to
achieve maximum film thickness and uniformity of appearance. Rating 10 per ASTM
*See Recommended Systems on reverse side ASTM D5894, 15 cycles, D610 Rusting (field);
Corrosion Weathering
Drying Schedule @ 5.0 mils wet (125 microns): 5000 hours Rating 10 per ASTM
D714 Blistering
@ 40°F/4.5°C @ 77°F/25°C @ 100°F/38°C
Direct Impact Resis-
50% RH ASTM G14 160 in. lb.
tance (Galva-Pac only)
To touch: 45 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes
300°F (149°C)
To recoat (minimum), atmospheric service: Dry Heat Resistance ASTM D2485 continuous, 350°F
8 hours 4-6 hours 1 hour (177°C) intermittent
To recoat (minimum), immersion service: ASTM D522, 180° bend, 1/4"
Flexibility Passes
24 hours 12 hours 10 hours mandrel
To recoat (maximum): Immersion
Rating 10 per ASTM
D610 for Rusting;
12 months 12 months 12 months (Galvapac/2 cts 5 year potable water
Rating 10 per ASTM
To cure, atmospheric service: Macropoxy 646 NSF)
D714 for Blistering
5 days 3 days 1 day Moisture Rating 10 per ASTM
To cure, immersion service: Condensation ASTM D4585, 100°F (38°C), D610 for Rusting;
14 days 7 days 5 days Resistance 4000 hours Rating 10 per ASTM
(GalvaPac only) D714 for Blistering
If maximum recoat time is exceeded, abrade surface before recoating.
Drying time is temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent. Pencil Hardness ASTM D3363 2H (zinc only)
Rating 10 per ASTM
For potable water service, consult for details on recoat and dry
Salt Fog Resistance D610 for Rusting;
times at indicated temperature. Sterilize and rinse per AWWA C652. ASTM B117, 5000 hours
(GalvaPac only) Rating 10 per ASTM
D714 for Blistering
Shelf Life: 12 months, unopened
Store indoors at 40°F (4.5°C) to AISC Specification for Struc-
Slip Coefficient* Class B, .54, tension
100°F (38°C). tural Joints Using ASTM A325
(GalvaPac only) and creep <.005"
or ASTM A490 Bolts
Flash Point: 94°F (34°C), PMCC
Reducer/Clean Up: Reducer #15, R7K15 (or) Wet Heat Resistance Non-immersion 190°F (88°C)
Reducer #111,
R7K111 for non-NSF, VOC *Refer to Slip Certification document
exempt applications continued on back

Coatings NSF/ANSI
Certified to
61 B65G11 G RAY

Revised: April 2, 2015 PRODUCT INFORMATION 5.14


Dry Film Thickness / ct.
Mils (Microns) Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound condition. Remove all
Immersion Service (Potable Water),Steel: oil, dust, grease, dirt, loose rust, and other foreign material to
*AWWA D102: Inside Coating System No. 5 ensure adequate adhesion.
minimum AWWA 10.0 (250)
1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 2.0 (50) Refer to product Application Bulletin for detailed surface preparation in-
2 ct. Macropoxy 646 PW 4.0 (100) formation.

Immersion Services, Potable Water, Steel: Minimum recommended surface preparation:

1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 3.0-4.0 (75-100) Iron & Steel
2 cts. Macropoxy 646 PW 5.0-10.0 (125-250) Atmospheric: SSPC-SP6, 2 mil (50 micron)
profile preferred
Immersion, with recommended topcoat:
Immersion Service (Non-Potable Water),Steel: SSPC-SP10/NACE 2, 2 mil profile
1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 3.0-4.0 (75-100)
2 cts. Corothane I Coal Tar 5.0-7.0 (125-175) Surface Preparation Standards
Condition of ISO 8501-1 Swedish Std.
Surface BS7079:A1 SIS055900 SSPC NACE
Atmospheric Service,Steel: White Metal Sa 3 Sa 3 SP 5 1
*AWWA D102 Outside Coating System No.2 Near White Metal Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5 SP 10 2
Commercial Blast Sa 2 Sa 2 SP 6 3
minimum AWWA 7.5 (188) Brush-Off Blast Sa 1 Sa 1 SP 7 4
1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 3.0 (75) Hand Tool Cleaning Rusted
Pitted & Rusted
C St 2
D St 2
C St 2
D St 2
SP 2
SP 2
1 ct. Corothane Ironox B 3.0 (75) Power Tool Cleaning Rusted
Pitted & Rusted
C St 3
D St 3
C St 3
D St 3
SP 3
SP 3
1 ct. Corothane I HS 1.5 (40)

*AWWA D102: Outside Coating System No. 6 TINTING

minimum AWWA 6.0 (150) Do not tint.
1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 2.0 (50)
1 ct. Macropoxy 646 NSF 2.0 (50)
1 ct Acrolon 218HS 2.0 (50) APPLICATION CONDITIONS
Steel: Rapid Return to Service air and surface 20°F (-7°C) minimum, 120°F (49°C)
1 ct. Corothane I GalvaPac 1K Zinc Primer 3.0-4.0 (75-100) maximum
1 ct. Fast Clad Urethane 6.0-9.0 (150-225) material: 45°F (7°C) minimum

Do not apply over surface ice

Acceptable for use over Zinc Clad PCP Ultra. Topcoat required.
Relative humidity: 30% minimum, 99% maximum

Refer to product Application Bulletin for detailed application information.

The systems listed above are representative of the product's use, Packaging: 3 gallon (11.3L) container
other systems may be appropriate.
Weight: 28.5 ± 0.2 lb/gal ; 3.42 Kg/L

Refer to the MSDS sheet before use.

Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and

DISCLAIMER The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufactur-
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are ing defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the defec-
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and tive product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product as
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,
Coatings NSF/ANSI
Certified to
61 B65G11 G RAY

Revised: April 2, 2015 APPLICATION BULLETIN 5.14


Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound condition. Remove all air and surface 20°F (-7°C) minimum, 120°F (49°C)
oil, dust, grease, dirt, loose rust, and other foreign material to maximum
material: 45°F (7°C) minimum
ensure adequate adhesion.
Do not apply over surface ice
Iron & Steel (immersion service)
Remove all oil and grease from surface by Solvent Cleaning per Relative humidity: 30% minimum, 99% maximum
SSPC-SP1. Minimum surface preparation is Near White Metal Blast
Cleaning per SSPC-SP10/NACE 2. Blast clean all surfaces using APPLICATION EQUIPMENT
a sharp, angular abrasive for optimum surface profile (2 mils / 50
microns). Remove all weld spatter and round all sharp edges by The following is a guide. Changes in pressures and tip sizes may
grinding. Prime any bare steel the same day as it is cleaned or be needed for proper spray characteristics. Always purge spray
before flash rusting occurs. equipment before use with listed reducer. Any reduction must be
compliant with existing VOC regulations and compatible with the
Iron & Steel (atmospheric service) existing environmental and application conditions.
Remove all oil and grease from surface by Solvent Cleaning per
SSPC-SP1. Minimum surface preparation is Commercial Blast Reducer/Clean Up ........... Reducer #15, R7K15 (or) Reducer
Cleaning per SSPC-SP6. For better performance, use Near White #111, R7K111 for non-NSF, VOC ex-
Metal Blast Cleaning per SSPC-SP10/NACE 2. Blast clean all sur- empt applications
faces using a sharp, angular abrasive for optimum surface profile Airless Spray
(2 mils / 50 microns). Prime any bare steel the same day as it is Pump..............................30:1
cleaned or before flash rusting occurs. Pressure.........................2500 - 3000 psi
Hose...............................1/4" ID
Tip ...................................017" - .019"
Filter ...............................60 mesh
Reduction .......................As needed up to 10% by volume

Conventional Spray
Unit.................................Graco Binks
Gun ................................900 95
Fluid Nozzle ...................070 66/65
Air Nozzle.......................947 66PR
Atomization Pressure .....60-70 psi 60-70 psi
Fluid Pressure ................15-20 psi 15-20 psi
Reduction .......................As needed up to 10% by volume

Brush..............................Natural bristle
Reduction .......................As needed up to 10% by volume

Cover .............................3/8" natural or synthetic with
solvent resistant core
Reduction .......................As needed up to 10% by volume

Surface Preparation Standards

Condition of ISO 8501-1 Swedish Std. If specific application equipment is not listed above, equivalent
Surface BS7079:A1 SIS055900 SSPC NACE
White Metal Sa 3 Sa 3 SP 5 1 equipment may be substituted.
Near White Metal Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5 SP 10 2
Commercial Blast Sa 2 Sa 2 SP 6 3
Brush-Off Blast Sa 1 Sa 1 SP 7 4
Hand Tool Cleaning Pitted & Rusted C
Rusted St 2
D St 2
C St 2
D St 2
SP 2
SP 2
Power Tool Cleaning Pitted & Rusted D St
Rusted C 3
St 3
C St 3
D St 3
SP 3
SP 3
- continued on back

Coatings NSF/ANSI
Certified to
61 B65G11 G RAY

Revised: April 2, 2015 APPLICATION BULLETIN 5.14


Stripe coat all crevices, welds, and sharp angles to prevent early
Surface preparation must be completed as indicated. failure in these areas.

Mix material thoroughly prior to use with a low speed power agita- Spreading rates are calculated on volume solids and do not include
tor until completely uniform. After mixing, pour through a 50 mesh an application loss factor due to surface profile, roughness or po-
filter. rosity of the surface, skill and technique of the applicator, method
of application, various surface irregularities, material lost during
Apply paint at the recommended film thickness and spreading mixing, spillage, overthinning, climatic conditions, and excessive
rate as indicated below: film build.
Recommended Spreading Rate per coat:
Standard AWWA Excessive reduction of material can affect film build, appearance,
Min. Max. Min. Max. and adhesion.
Wet mils (microns) 4.5 112 6.8 170 3.0 75 6.0 150
In order to avoid blockage of spray equipment, clean equipment
Dry mils (microns) 3.0 75 4.0 100 2.0 50 4.0* 100* before use or before periods of extended downtime with Reducer
~Coverage sq ft/gal (m2/L) 268 6.5 358 8.8 268 6.5 536 13.1 #15, R7K15 or R7K111.
Theoretical coverage sq ft/
1072 (26.2)
gal (m2/L) @ 1 mil/25 micron dft Pour a small amount of Reducer #15, R7K15 or R7K111 over the
NOTE: Brush or roll application may require multiple coats to top of the paint in the can to prevent skinning or gelling.
achieve maximum film thickness and uniformity of appearance.
*See Recommended Systems on reverse side
Place a temporary cover over the pail to keep excessive moisture,
Drying Schedule @ 5.0 mils wet (125 microns): condensation, fog, or rain from contaminating the coating.
@ 40°F/4.5°C @ 77°F/25°C @ 100°F/38°C
50% RH It is recommended that partially used cans not be sealed/closed
To touch: 45 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes for use at a later date.
To recoat (minimum), atmospheric service:
An intermediate coat is recommended to provide a uniform ap-
8 hours 4-6 hours 1 hour pearance of the topcoat.
To recoat (minimum), immersion service:
24 hours 12 hours 10 hours Not for use with cathodic protection except as indicated under the
To recoat (maximum): recommended systems.
12 months 12 months 12 months
Corothane I KA Accelerator is acceptable for use (except NSF ap-
To cure, atmospheric service:
plications). See data page 5.98 for details.
5 days 3 days 1 day
To cure, immersion service:
14 days 7 days 5 days
If maximum recoat time is exceeded, abrade surface before recoating.
Drying time is temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent.
For potable water service, consult for details on recoat and dry
times at indicated temperature. Sterilize and rinse per AWWA C652.

Application of coating above maximum or below minimum Refer to Product Information sheet for additional performance
recommended spreading rate may adversely affect coating characteristics and properties.
Refer to the MSDS sheet before use.

CLEAN UP INSTRUCTIONS Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
Clean spills and spatters immediately with Reducer #15, R7K15 Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and
or R7K111. Clean tools immediately after use with Reducer #15, instructions.
R7K15 or R7K111. Follow manufacturer's safety recommendations
when using any solvent. WARRANTY
The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufacturing
DISCLAIMER defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the de-
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. fective product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and as determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MER-

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