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Press its Power and its Misuse

This world has seen the dawn various forms of government. Change is the law of nature and moreover, man is never satisfied with
one thing and he wants novelty. He experimented with various forms of government and let them pass through the fires of trials and
errors and ultimately he got an ultimate form evolved and it is nothing else but democracy.
Perfection is difficult to achieve and it should not be achieved because that will lead to stagnation and man’s inventive brain would
get rusted. Democracy is a form of government that touches the outskirts of perfection. It is the only form that allows individual to
live with dignity and it creates an atmosphere in which he has all the opportunities to feel himself at his best. In it will of the masses
predominates. The story does end with here, the democracy to survive needs a constitution that guarantees liberties, obligations rights
and duties , the right to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The right to the freedom of speech and freedom of
expression is the backbone of any democratic set-up.

Involve various agencies

There are various agencies which serve as watchdogs of the rights of the people— legislature, executive and judiciary. Besides these
agencies, the press, known as the Fourth state, also serves as the most powerful ally of democracy. Press plays a dominant role as a
pillar of strength for the edifice on which the superstructure of democracy rests. Its freedom is a sacred entity to be safeguarded at
any cost. Thomas Jefferson, America’s second President, rightly opined, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that
cannot be limited without being lost.” Another great personality said, ‘Where no freedom of the press existed, and grievances
consequently remained representable and unaddressed, innumerable revolutions have taken place in all parts of the globe, or if
prevented by the armed force, the people continued ready for insurrection.” A free press is indispensable for ensuring openness in
society as also for reforming it.

Newspaper become staple food

We remain curious to know what is happening around us and this inborn instinct nobody can suppress. Situation is so fluid that
changes are fast occurring and it is well-nigh difficult to remain ignorant of the happenings and the events. When we talk of press we
invariably mean newspaper: Today newspaper has become our staple food. If the newspaper boy gets late even by half an hour we go
restless and begin to stroll, from right to left and left to right like the pendulum of a clock. If the newspaper is on a holiday a feeling
of killing gap fills our minds. It shows how indispensable newspaper has become for people in general.

Newspaper disseminates news

Newspaper disseminates news, local, national an international but this dissemination of news does not end the function of newspaper.
It carries views also. It keeps the public well informed. Its publication spreads lights of knowledge concerning various current
problems. Its absence can render people in general mere puppets in the hands of the party in power. Thus the newspaper is of dire
necessity. Jefferson thinks—”Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter.

Newspaper acts liaison between government and masses

The newspaper acts as a kind of liaison between the government and the masses. In a democratic set-up the press is a powerful means
of education. By reporting current events and interpreting them to the readers, it helps them to take an intelligent and alert part in the
affairs of the society and the nation. It prepares the public to raise its voice against the arbitrary actions of the government. It also
prepares them to appreciate the moves of the government if they are good in public interest. In this way people get socially and.
politically aware and vigilant. Press acquaints the people with the policies and actions of the government and at the same time it
publishes the reaction of the public and enables the party in power to modify its policies and measures. It keeps a constant eye on the
movements of the government, its ministers and its officials and this function of the press keeps the government machinery on its
alert and on its toe and it dares not do anything against the will of the people. It keeps them reminding that they are finally
answerable to the multitude and they are enjoying power on their behalf. Thus it keeps a correcting check on the corruption and
tyranny of the government.

Spreads awareness
The newspaper spreads political awareness amongst the people. People mostly are not in a position to Formulate and express original
opinions on most of the issues confronting the nation, as they are too much involved in eking out their livelihood. Newspaper gives
them ideas to ponder over and chew upon. One thing people do arid that is, they discuss the news and views of the newspaper and
reach their own conclusions and invariably they analyze if they have used their voting right judiciously or not. This analysis is only
possible when newspapers spread political education. This places a great responsibility upon all the people connecting with
newspaper publication to be honest and upright to furnish the people with authentic news and in no case they should try to make
Press is not a small thug.
A newspaper touches on almost all things under the sun— religious, educational, soci3l, political, economic, scientific, agricultural
technological and what not. It is a school, a college and a university. It satisfies the needs of each and every segment of society, It
entertains, rejuvenates, refreshes, educates and it can be called the teacher, the guide and the philosopher. It makes citizens vigilant
and imparts them the boldness to criticize the government measures which are harmful. Editorials based on logic and reasoning clear
doubts from the minds of the people and inculcate in them the spirit to see things in their right perspective. Public opinion might be
vague if the press’ searchlights were not constantly turned on.
The press, if functions in an irresponsible manner may do untold ‘harm. Presentation of distorted views can mislead the public and
public opinion may be inflamed. It can degrade the taste of the people. Some newspapers use fiery language and give hot and
glamorous headlines simply to attract the attention of the masses and thereby boost their circulation and earn some extra bucks. They
become breezy and sensational; to push up their sales by publishing scoops and scandals and indulge in character assassination. It is
very easy for the press to blend facts and fictions and present something spicy to excite the sentiments and emotions of the masses. It
stands on the bank, throws a pebble into the stagnant water and watches ripples.
Every newspaper is either the organ of some political party or some business tycoon and a fear always lurks that it may forego
objectivity and fairness in the interests of the party or of the individual. So sometimes it becomes very difficult for a newspaper to
remain honest and upright. A newspaper in the clutches of a communal party can be more dangerous. Through its presented biased
views it can vitiate the social atmosphere and dent communal harmony and start riots. Some newspapers are unabashedly sycophant
and they become touts of the government and pride themselves on publishing and appreciating even anti-people and anti-national
measures of the government. Thus newspapers have great responsibility towards society. Reputation of editors, the correspondents
and the professional reviewers is at stake. If newspapers indulge in discriminatory publication much harm is caused to the very cause
which they stand to serve. For example, press behaved in an irresponsible manner before the declaration of emergency and it
encouraged lawlessness and disorder. And the result was imposition of emergency and strict press censorship was imposed.
Democracy which was to be safeguarded by the press was fettered because of the irresponsible behavior of the press. History is full
of many examples when the voice of the press was muzzled and many a time press itself was responsible for this.

The press has unlimited power. Can it be completely free?

Even the greatest democrat will not say ‘yes’ to this question. Man is absolutely free to think in any way but this thinking can’t be
allowed to be expressed as it is. Liberty of expression is hedged by certain restrictions. Its duty is to restrain public feelings on
controversial issues. It is now generally recognized that some curbs are necessary to prevent misuse of the freedom of the press.
Freedom must not be allowed to degenerate into license.
There would be total chaos if everybody were allowed to publish what he thought or felt. City gutters would be full of human blood.
God, religious opinions ,are beyond criticism and if the press starts decrying this God or that God, starts condemning this belief or
that belief, starts denouncing ‘this religious opinion or that religious opinion there would be, bloodshed and all pervasive chaos. Press
can’t do this. Freedom of thought can’t be allowed to touch unimaginative heights. Freedom of press is sacred privilege and its use
requires tact and patience. It carries with it many obligations. First obligation is to publish only the correct news. Second, it must not
make news sensational just to excite emotions and sentiments of the masses. It must realize that whatever it writes is taken for
granted and people have staunch belief in that. So it must be cautious enough to give thoughts the shape of words with all precaution
and vigilance on its command. To err is human and it is good to feel sorry. Verbal remarks are easily forgotten when one says sorry
but written remarks leave their scars even after tendering a written apology. Many a time newspapers publish wrong news without
ascertaining the fact and the next day they publish their unqualified apology. But the damage has been done, so they must be very
cautious. Third, they should be objective in their approach and present fact or fiction as it is. They should not overcoat bitter pills
with surgery substance. Fourth, they should abstain from taking up controversial issues as such attempts may vitiate the whole
atmosphere and bring untold miseries to the common people. Fifth, they should refrain from the habit of character assassination.
Sixth, they are free to criticize but they should not misquote and misrepresent. Rights and obligations go cheek by jowl—this must be
borne in mind all the time.

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