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University of San Diego

Institutional Review Board

Research Participant Consent Form

For the research study entitled:
How Does Instructional Pronunciation Training Affect Late-ESL Learners’ Accent

I. Purpose of the research study

Tsai-Chen Tsai is a student in the TESOL program at the University of San
Diego. You are invited to participate in a research study she is conducting.
The purpose of this research study is to better understand how to modify a non-
native accent as compared to Standard American English, identifying the most
effective strategies for modifying accent, and to further support ESL instructors
with possible pedagogical implications in terms of working with late ESL learners.

II. What you will be asked to do

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to:
-Participate in the accent modification training through daily in-class and out of
class practice using a web-based accent modification program.
-Complete a survey that asks you questions about your personal information
such as age, first language, and English language learning background.
-Participate in a one-on-one interview regarding your individual goals and
expectations toward the accent modification training and your experience of
being in this program.
-Conduct both pre and post assessment for measuring your improvement
through the program.

You will be audiotaped/videotaped during the interview.

Your participation in this study will take a total of 1800 minutes.

III. Foreseeable risks or discomforts

This study involves no more risk than the risks you encounter in daily life.

IV. Benefits
You will benefit from participating in this study by improving your verbal
communication skills to a certain degree, which consists of acquiring practical
knowledge about Standard American English Pronunciation.

V. Confidentiality
Any information and/or identifying records given will remain confidential and kept
in a locked file and/or password-protected computer file in the researcher’s office
for a minimum of five years. All data collected from you will be coded with a

number or pseudonym (fake name). Your real name will not be used. The results
of this research project may be made public and information quoted in
professional journals and meetings, but information from this study will only be
reported as a group, and not individually.

VI. Compensation
You will receive no compensation for your participation in the study.

VII. Voluntary Nature of this Research

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You do not have to do this, and
you can refuse to answer any question or quit at any time. Deciding not to
participate or not answering any of the questions will have no effect on any
benefits you are entitled to, like your health care, or your employment or grades.
You can withdraw from this study at any time without penalty.

VIII. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this research, you may contact either:

1) Tsai-Chen Tsai
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (626) 362-8758

2) James Fabionar
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (619) 260-7669

I have read and understand this form, and consent to the research it
describes to me. I have received a copy of this consent form for my

Signature of Participant Date

Name of Participant (Printed)

Signature of Investigator Date

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