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Customer Delight

What is Customer Delight

Customer delight occurs when a
business delivers a customer a
strong, positive experience that
exceeds that customer's

The favorable emotional response

of a delighted customer can lead
to repeat buying, loyalty and
word-of-mouth referrals Delight = Expectation + 1
Customer Delight Vs Customer Satisfaction
Are they similar…??? Absolutely NOT!!!

When most people hear about Customer Delight, they think it’s
the same as Customer Satisfaction; however, there is a very
important difference between the two, and it comes down
to exceeding versus merely meeting expectations.
So let’s take a moment to compare:

• Customer Satisfaction: Expectations are met

• Customer Delight: Expectations are exceeded
Why Customer Delight Is
The majority of businesses spend
most of their money and time on
acquiring customers and building
products. However, what happens
after a customer is obtained? This
should never be the end of a
company's goal but rather just the
Why Customer Delight Is Important

• Promoters of your brand. Social media has empowered your

clients to speak aloud about their experience with your
• It always cost more to search for new business, than getting
recurring business from existing clients
• Delighting the customers will lead to repurchase behaviour
or customer loyalty
• A delighted customer is less price sensitive
Why Customer Delight Is Important
If you do not take care of your customers, someone else will.
You make mistakes  you lose  competitor wins
When… Is it after they make a purchase????
• Every interaction is important, they should feel delighted with
call or visit.
• They should learn something with each interaction.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
• Understand, support and
Understand their problem, show
concern & suggest a solution

• Deliver Beyond Customer Expectations

Of course this requires knowing what customer
expectations are in the first place. But even the little
things (like a link to blog, relevant videos, forum links,
etc.) can put a smile on your customers face, making
the experience that much better.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
• Empower your Employees
Bottom line is pretty simple – happier employees really
do mean happier customers. Empower them with the
authority and the tools to improve customer experience,
and watch employee (and customer) engagement soar.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
• If You Screw Up, Apologize
– and Mean It
Everyone makes mistakes.
After all, companies are
people too. And of course,
customers get annoyed – but
it’s rare that a sincere
apology can’t placate even
the most upset. Provided, of
course, you back that
apology up with action, and
resolve the issue.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
• Listen to your Customers 80/20 rule
Don’t just pick up the phone and start drooling your sales
pitch or the awesome solution you have for their
problems. Spend 80% of your time listening to your
customers & do only 20% talking.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
• Educate Your Customers
Helping customers better your understand products and
services transforms buyers into promoters, as well as
helping them get immediate (and often greater) value
from their interactions.

• Get into their culture: Respect their boundaries

Don't just make assumptions about who your customers
are and how they respond. Get to know the
neighborhood/city/state/region where you are based and
express an interest in the culture.
Pillars Of Customer Delight
Respond Quickly (within one hour are
likely to get more sales, and if you don’t
have the solution/ attendant at that time,
at least tell them how & when they will
be getting assistance)

Every customer desires swift action, regardless of the

situation. The speed with which you reply to an issue or
inquiry is a perceptual indicator of how much you care.
Something as simple as a quick acknowledgment that
someone’s begun the process of resolving their issue might
be all it takes.

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