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Assignment 2 (CO3&CO4)

Q1 Air enters a 10m long section of a rectangular duct of cross section 15cm x 20cm made of
commercial steel at 1 atm and 35OC at an average velocity 7m/s as shown in Figure 1 below.
Disregarding the entrance effects, determine the fan power needed to overcome the pressure
losses in this section of the duct. (Ans: 7W)

Figure 1

Q2 Water at 15°C (ρ = 999.1 kg/m3 and µ = 1.138x10-3 kg/m.s) is flowing steadily in a 30 m

long and 5 cm diameter horizontal pipe made of stainless steel at a rate of 9 L/s. Determine:

Figure 2
a) head loss (10.2m)
b) pressure drop (100kPa)
c) pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop (0.904kW)
Q3 Water flows through a pipe at 5 L/s, as shown in Figure 3. If gage pressure for P1=12.5kPa,
P2=11.5kPa, and P3=10.3kPa, determine the head losses between 1 and 2, 1 and 3? (Ans:
0.1021m and 8.0m)

Figure 3

Q4 Oil with ρ = 876 kg/m3 and µ = 1.138x10-3 kg/m.s is flowing through a 1.5cm diameter pipe
that discharges into the atmosphere at 88kPa. The absolute pressure 15m before the exit is
measured to be 135kPa. Determine:

135 kPa L = 15 m

D = 1.5 cm

Figure 4

a) flow rate of oil through the pipe in the horizontal position. Let start with v = 0.12m/s
(Ans: 1.77x10-5m3/s)
b) flow rate of oil through the pipe in the inclined 8o upward from the horizontal. Let start
with v = 0.05m/s (Ans: 1.00x10-5m3/s)

Q5 A horizontal pipe has an abrupt expansion from D1 = 8 cm to D2 = 16 cm. The water

velocity in the smaller section is 10m/s and the flow is turbulent. The pressure in the smaller
section is P1 = 410kPa. Determine the downstream pressure P2. (Ans: 436kPa)

Figure 5
Q6 Determine the discharge capacity of a 150mm diameter new wrought iron pipe to carry
water at 20oC if the pressure loss due to friction may not exceed 35kPa per 100m of level pipe.
Tip: Assume v = 2.4m/s for the first trial

Q7 The pump shown in Figure 6 delivers a head (head of pump) of 250ft to the water.
Determine the power that the pump adds to the water. The difference in elevation of the two
pond is 200ft. (Ans: 155hp)

Figure 6

Q8 A 60mm diameter pipe contains glycerine at 20oC flowing at 8.5m3/h. Verify the flow is
laminar. Determine the head loss for these pressures? (Ans: 26.79m)

Figure 7
Q9 A reducing elbow in a horizontal pipe is used to deflect water flow by an angle θ = 45 0
from the flow direction while accelerating it. The elbow discharges water into the atmosphere.
The cross-sectional area of the elbow is 150cm2 at the inlet and 25cm2 at the exit. The mass of
the elbow and water in it is 50kg. Determine the anchoring force needed to hold the elbow in
place. The momentum flux correction factor is 1.03 at both inlet and outlet. (Ans: 1.18kN)

Figure 8

Q10 A 2.8m3/s water jet is moving in the positive x-direction at 5.5m/s. The stream hits a
stationary splitter. Such that half of the flow is diverted upward at 45o and the other half is
directed downward, and both stream have a final average speed of 5.5m/s. Determine the x-
direction and y-direction of the force required to hold the splitter in place against the water
force. (Ans: FRX = 4511N)

Figure 9

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