2010 06 05 Meseberg Memorandum PDF

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MEMORANDUM (Meeting of Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Dmitri Medvedev ‘on 4-5 June 2010 in Meseberg) Proceeding from the principle that the security of all states in the Buro-Atlaatic community is indivisible, Chancellor Merkel and President Medvedew have today proposed to explore the establishment of an EU-Russia Political and Security Committee (ER PSC) on ministerial level (HR C.Ashton - FM S.Lavtov). ‘The committee could be charged in particular to: 1. Serve as forum for the exchange of views on current topics of the international political and security agenda 2, Establish ground rules for joint EU-Russia civil/military crisis management operations 3. Exchange views and draft recommendations on specific issues of cooperation, including various conflicts and crisis situations which the EU and Russia Jointly contribute to resolve within the framework of appropriate multilateral formats 4. With due respect to ongoing efforts (Ia, Russin-Ukraine Deelatation of 17 May 2010 and Statement by High Representative C.Ashton of 17 May 2010) the EU and Russia will cooperate in particular towards a resolution of the Transnistria conflict with a view to achieve tangible progress within the established 5+2 format (Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, OSCE, EU, US). This cooperation could Include a joint EU-Russia engagement, which would guarantee a smooth transition of the present situation to a final stage, 5. The next EU-Russia summit will review progress made within the new Committee,

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