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Chief Judge Marcia S. Krieger

Civil Action No. 17-cv-01654-MSK-MJW

LINDSAY ALEXANDRIA SAUNDERS-VELEZ, a/k/a Elias Alexander Saunders-Velez








THIS MATTER comes before the Court pursuant to Ms. Saunders-Velez’s Emergency

Ex Parte Request for Temporary Restraining Order (# 38).1


Ms. Saunders-Velez is a transgender inmate in the custody of the Colorado Department

of Corrections (“CDOC”). She commenced this action pro se,2 alleging violations of 42 U.S.C.

The Motion was filed under a Level 3 Restriction under D.C. Colo. L. Civ. R. 7.2.
Although that restriction is appropriate for proceedings that are ex parte in the sense that only the
filer and the Court should have access to them, this motion is filed ex parte in the sense that Ms.
Saunders-Velez requests that the Court take action on it before hearing from the Defendants in
opposition. In such circumstances, the Court perceives of no justification for any level of
restricted access to the motion under Local Rule 7.2, and thus directs the Clerk of the Court to
lift the restriction on Docket # 38.

§ 1983, implicating her rights under the Fourth and Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

She contends, among other things, that the Defendants have not provided her with adequate

medical treatment for her gender identity disorder (e.g. by refusing to address her with female

pronouns, by denying her access to appropriate clothing and commissary items consistent with

her gender identity, etc.) and that the Defendants require her to undergo physical searches

conducted by male prison officials despite the fact that “she does not feel safe” in such


April 20, 2018, Ms. Saunders-Velez, through counsel, filed the instant Motion for

Temporary Restraining Order. The animating event recited in that motion is the fact that Ms.

Saunders-Velez has been convicted of a disciplinary offense and sentenced to a 30-day

assignment to “Cell House 3’s punishment pod.” Ms. Saunders-Velez alleges that, during a

previous housing assignment to Cell House 3 (although apparently not the “punishment pod”),

she was subjected to instances in which fellow inmates would remove a “privacy screen” that she

was authorized to put up when using her cell’s bathroom facilities, causing her to be exposed to

the view of other inmates. Ms. Saunders-Velez also makes general allegations that “throughout

her incarceration with CDOC” – a period encompassing at least three different housing

assignments at two different prison facilities -- she has been “repeatedly threatened with sexual

Because Ms. Saunders-Velez’s Amended Complaint (# 5) was drafted pro se, and her
current counsel has only entered an appearance recently, the Court construes that pleading
liberally. Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1972).
Arguably, Ms. Saunders-Velez’s Amended Complaint also contains a claim for violation
of Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment, in that she alleges that “Female offenders
assigned to the sex at birth cannot be placed in restrictive housing, removed from population, or
have their phone right taken away” but “Intersex or transgender females do not get the same
treatment as females assigned to the sex at birth.” Whether the Court treats this claim as extant
or not does not affect the analysis herein.

assault and/or the request for sexual favors” and was “sexually assaulted by a male inmate” on an

occasion in December 2017.4 The motion expresses concern about Ms. Saunders-Velez’s

assignment to the “punishment pod,” noting that it “has very little supervision by prison staff”

and that Ms. Saunders-Velez believes that there are as many as four inmates currently assigned

to that pod that have “threatened her with sexual assault and/or requested sexual favors from her”

in the past. Ms. Saunders-Velez has expressed to her counsel a “genuine fear that she would be

subjected to sexual violence if placed in Cell House 3” and her counsel expresses a concern

because, on at least one occasion in the past, Ms. Saunders-Velez has resorted to self-harm in

order to effectuate a transfer from a housing assignment she considered unsafe.

Notably, although Ms. Saunders-Velez initially appears to have intended to seek relief

preventing her transfer to the punishment pod, her motion notes that, by the time it was drafted,

that transfer had already occurred. Thus, her Prayer for Relief requests that the Court “prohibit

CDOC from holding Ms. Saunders-Velez in the punishment pod at Cell House 3.”


A. Standard of review

To obtain an ex parte temporary restraining order, Ms. Saunders-Velez must first comply

with Fed. R. Civ. P. 65(b)(1). That rule requires her to: (i) demonstrate, via affidavit or verified

complaint, facts that show that she will suffer irreparable harm before the defendants can be

heard in opposition, Rule 65(b)(1)(A); and (ii) certify in writing any efforts that the she has made

The instant motion states that the circumstances of this assault are “detailed in her
Amended Complaint.” In actuality, the event was referenced in a “Memorandum” (# 25) filed
by Ms. Saunders-Velez. The Memorandum states only that “On or about December 9, 2017,
plaintiff was sexually assaulted by an offender,” and does not elaborate. The Memorandum goes
on to suggest that Ms. Saunders-Velez would eventually move to amend her complaint to
“challeng[e CDOC] policies” that place transgender female inmates alongside male inmates,
although, at present, she has not moved for leave to make such an amendment.
to give the defendant notice of the motion and the reasons why such notice should not be

required, Rule 65(b)(1)(B).

In addition, Ms. Saunders-Velez must also make a sufficient showing as to the traditional

elements for provisional injunctive relief: (i) that there is an imminent and irreparable harm that

she will suffer if the injunction is not granted; (ii) a substantial likelihood that she will prevail on

the merits of her claims; (iii) the balance of the equities favors the granting of the request; and

(iv) that the injunction would not be contrary to the public interest. RoDa Drilling Co. v. Siegal,

552 F.3d 1203, 1208 (10th Cir. 2009). Moreover, where the injunction being requested is

mandatory in nature – as it is here, insofar as Ms. Saunders- Velez seeks an injunction that would

disrupt the current status quo and require CDOC to transfer her to another housing assignment –

the factors are “closely scrutinized to assure that the exigencies of the case support the granting

of a remedy that is extraordinary even in the normal course” and require a “strong showing both

with regard to the likelihood of success on the merits and with regard to the balance of harms.”

O Centro Espirita Beneficienty Uniao Do Vegetal v. Ashcroft, 389 F.3d 973, 975-76 (10th Cir.


B. Merits

The Court will put aside the procedural requirements of Rule 65(b)(1) for the moment,

mindful that counsel for Ms. Saunders-Velez has only recently appeared during the pertinent

events, leaving little time for preparation of supporting affidavits.

Nevertheless, the Court finds that Ms. Sanders-Velez has not made a showing of either an

imminent and irreparable injury, nor a likelihood of success on the merits of her claims, that

would warrant issuance of a temporary restraining order. Turning first to success on the merits,

the Court notes that, at present, Ms. Saunders-Velez’s Amended Complaint asserts claims

challenging the sufficiency of the therapeutic treatment she is receiving for her gender dysphoria

and her obligation to submit to searches conducted by male prison officials. Even assuming she

achieves complete success on these claims, the remedies available to her are fairly narrow and

none would require CDOC to modify her housing assignment in any way.5 A preliminary

injunction is a means of providing a party with provisional relief that they might ultimately

obtain on a permanent basis if the litigation succeeds; it is not an invitation for the Court to grant

relief that is entirely orthogonal to the substantive claims asserted in the action, simply because

such relief is convenient or desirable to a movant. Admittedly, Ms. Saunders-Velez’s most

recent pro se “Memorandum” filing suggests that she was contemplating amending her

complaint to assert what could be considered an 8th Amendment claim for failure to protect her

from assaults from her fellow inmates. If such a claim were at issue in this suit, the Court might

be willing to say that the provisional relief Ms. Saunders-Velez seeks – a reassignment of her

housing location – is relief that would be available to her on the merits. But, as yet, Ms.

Saunders-Velez has not moved to make such an amendment, nor has the Court granted such.

Accordingly, the Court cannot say that Ms. Saunders-Velez has demonstrated a likelihood of

success on the merits of any claim that would entitle her to relief in the form she seeks.

More importantly, the Court also finds that Ms. Saunders-Velez has not adequately

alleged that she is likely to suffer an imminent, irreparable harm. In this regard, the Court pauses

to attempt to identify the specific harm(s) contemplated by Ms. Saunders-Velez’s motion.

The Court is particularly mindful of that fact that Ms. Saunders-Velez’s current
predicament is the result of a disciplinary conviction. Courts must afford prison officials
appropriate deference and flexibility in deciding how to manage matters of inmate discipline and
security. Sandin v. Conner, 515 U.S. 472, 482 (1995). It is not clear whether Ms. Saunders-
Velez is reluctant to serve her disciplinary sentence in any “punishment pod,” or whether her
concerns are limited to the unique aspects of the one in Cell House 3, but in either event, the
Court is reluctant to substitute its judgment for the Defendants’ in deciding how best to address
Ms. Saunders-Velez’s adjudicated misconduct.
Certainly, the most concerning harm would be Ms. Saunders-Velez suffering a physical assault

of some kind from a fellow inmate due to her placement in the punishment pod. The motion is

somewhat oblique on the likelihood of this occurring. It alleges that Ms. Saunders-Velez did

indeed suffer a physical assault by another inmate in December 2017, but does not identify the

perpetrator, much less state that the perpetrator is presently housed in the punishment pod.

(Indeed, a fair reading of the motion suggests that the assault occurred after Ms. Saunders-Velez

was transferred out of Cell House 3 entirely, and was residing in Cell House 7 – presumably, the

housing assignment to which she would return if the injunction she seeks were granted.) Ms.

Saunders-Velez has identified at least one actual resident of the punishment pod that she fears

(and three other potential residents), but it is not clear that this resident is one who has

“threatened her with sexual assault” or whether he has simply “requested sexual favors from

her.” The motion lumps both actions together with an indecisive conjunction, but the two

actions are not necessarily equivalents, and the latter does not inherently convey a threat of

physical harm to Ms. Saunders-Velez.

Thus, the Court cannot say that Ms. Saunders-Velez has described a set of circumstances

where she is genuinely at risk of suffering an imminent physical assault at the hands of a fellow

inmate. Even if she had, the Court is given pause by a curious vagueness in her motion. The

immediate response a reader might have to Ms. Saunders-Velez’s concerns that she might be

attacked by a fellow inmate would typically be that “prison staff are there to protect her from

such things.” Ms. Saunders-Velez’s motion elides this concern with the briefest of statements:

she states, without elaboration (or, perhaps even personal knowledge) that the punishment pod

“has very little supervision by prison staff.”6 This is simply a conclusory statement, one which,

without further details, the Court is unable to meaningfully evaluate. Accordingly, the Court

finds that Ms. Saunders-Velez has not made an adequate showing that she is subject to an

imminent risk of physical assault by fellow prisoners.

The second category of harm that Ms. Saunders-Velez may be describing is what might

be referred to as “embarrassment.” Her motion recites that she desires to shield her use of toilet

(and perhaps shower, although the motion is somewhat unclear on this point) facilities from the

view of other inmates, and that CDOC had issued her a “privacy screen” to accomplish that goal.

However, she states that the privacy screen is ineffective, insofar as fellow inmates have been

able to remove it while she is using the bathroom facilities, exposing her. Although the inmates

in her prior housing assignment largely respected her use of the screen, she fears that inmates in

the punishment pod will once again attempt to remove it. The Court does not intend to belittle

these concerns by characterizing them as mere embarrassments, but some degree of loss of

physical privacy is a harm that is endemic to the incarceration context. More significantly, the

Court cannot say that the fear that inmates in the punishment pod will attempt to remove the

privacy screen and view Ms. Saunders-Velez using bathroom facilities is the kind of irreparable

harm that would warrant a disfavored, mandatory injunction.

Finally, Ms. Saunders-Velez (or, perhaps more accurately, her counsel) is concerned

about the risk of self-harm: that Ms. Saunders-Velez will be so fearful or distraught by virtue of

being assigned to the punishment pod that she will engage in some form of self-harm in order to

force CDOC to transfer her elsewhere. Once again, the Court does not seek to minimize these

The Court notes the apparent irony of Ms. Saunders-Velez’s implication: that a
“punishment pod” – a place where the most incorrigible of inmates are housed – is a portion of
the prison that is guarded less effectively than portions of the prison where Ms. Saunders-Velez
would prefer to be housed.
concerns or to case doubt upon Ms. Saunders-Velez’s perilous emotional state. However, the

Court is compelled to note that such concerns are largely vague and conditional: counsel is

concerned that Ms. Saunders-Velez might choose to harm herself if she remains in the

punishment pod, because she has done so once before. But the mere possibility that she might

take such action is too slender a reed for the Court to grant her the extraordinary relief of a

mandatory injunction. To hold otherwise would be to suggest that inmates may, by virtue of

threats of self-harm, dictate their own conditions of confinement.

Accordingly, the Court finds that Ms. Saunders-Velez has failed to make an adequate

showing on both the likelihood of success and irreparable harm factors, such that her request for

a temporary restraining order (# 38) is DENIED.

Construing Ms. Saunders-Velez to also request a preliminary injunction seeking the same

relief, the Court will attempt to expedite such proceedings. The Court will hold a non-

evidentiary hearing on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of addressing

whether an evidentiary preliminary injunction hearing is necessary and, if necessary, to set such

a hearing. The parties shall be prepared to address what pertinent facts are disputed, and to

identify the witnesses or evidence they intend to present on any disputed facts, as well as to

estimate how much time should be allocated for any evidentiary hearing. To ensure maximum

time for preparation, counsel for Ms. Saunders-Velez shall e-mail a copy of the Ex Parte Motion

and supporting affidavit to defense counsel immediately upon receipt of this Order.

Dated this __ day of ___, 2018.


Marcia S. Krieger
Chief United States District Judge

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