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\iX/hat is magic? \iMhat is a spell? Can we, living at the beginning
ofthe 21st century with all our technological and scientific
knowledge, really be expected to believe in such things, or are they
just another form ofescapism from the harshness ofmodern life?
There are many theories about why and how
spells work. Some people believe that supernatural
forces are involved, others that the unconscious
mind is a powerful instrument that responds to
symbols and ritualistic actions in a very special and
interesting way. In other words, a spell is simply a
way of concentrating the power of the mind in order
to bring about a desired result. It al1ows you to take
greater control, and thereby more responsibility,
over your own life. It is not an escape from reality,
but an embracing of it.
None of the spells in this book requires you to beliwe rn
anfhing that you have not personally experienced. Nor do you
have to accept the existence ofthe supernatural. All you need to
do is keep an open mind. There are spells for just about every
aspect oflife: career, love, friendship, self-development, and
so on. The spells draw their inspiration primarily from the rich
symbolism of the tarot, but also include elements from the
Kabbalah, African systems of magic, astrology, angelic invocation,
and the use ofessential oils, candles, and forms of
mental concentration. They are easy to perform,
and all you need is a deck of tarot cards, plus a few
other simple ingredients.
But are the spells guaranteed to work? The answer
is that magic works differently for different people.
For some, results from spellcasting are amazingly
sudden; for others, they come more slowly; and for some, not at
all. Most people can expect to get reasonably impressive results in
a relatively short period of time; but if a spell does not appear to
work for you, it could be that there are certain things you have to
go through in life and, therefore, you cannot use a spell to make
something different happen. Even if this is the case, casting a spell
will still work on some lwel, by helping you to come to an
understanding ofhow you must grow and evoive in your life.
TaRor maqrc

The tarot consists of seventy-eight cards. The twenty-two

maj or arcana or trump cards have titles and are numbered
from one to twenty-one; the Fool is usually unnumbered
or labeled zero. The fifty-six minor arcana cards comprise
four suits: Cups, \7ands, Coins, and Swords. Each suit has

fourteen cards: ten pip cards, numbered ace to ten, and

four court cards-page, knight, eueefl, and king.

@F T{_Itr TAR@T
The tarot first appeared in northern Italy during the latter halfofthe 14th century, but the
origins of its imagery go back much farther than that. One theory is that tarot cards are all
that remain fiom hieroglyphic books destroyed during the burning of the great library of
Alexandria. Another theory is that the tarot was created by a grouP of scholars who met
in Fez in Morocco around the year 7200 to establish a universal symbolic
language. Odrers believe that gypsies brought the cards to Europe in the
late 14th century, when theywere forced to flee persecution in India.
One thing we know for sure is that, in 7392, Jacquemin Gringonneur was
paid 56 sob de Paris (gold pieces) to paint three decks oftarot cards in gilt for

King Charles M of France. Another famous early deck is the 15th-century Italian
Visconti-sforza tarot (modern reproductions are pictured on the left). The most
influential tarot imagery however, is the medieval-inspired designs of the l8th-
century Throt de Marseille (some cards from this deck are pictured on Page 12).The
wordtarotitself isaFrenchadaptationof theltalianword t(fflcclor tarocchi,the
name of a card game, and the word trump derives from the Italian trionf meaning
triumph (in the game, the major arcana trump cards triumph over the minor arcana)


In the 19th century Eliphas Ldvi and Papus drew attention to the numericd similarities
beween the twenty-two major arcana cards, the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew
alphabet, and the twenq/-two pathways connecting the ten spheres in the tree oflife of
the Jewish Kabbalah. The pathways-each associated with a leter of the Hebrew alphabet-
are linked with certain spiritual experiences that each of us must traverse in order to achieve
higher states ofawareness and understanding. Ldvi, and Papus after him, developed the
theory that the cards of the major arcana also symbolize this spiritual journey of mankind.
TaRor maqrc 1l


This diagram shows the Hebrew names of the ten spheres of the tree of life of the Kabbalah,
their translation, and the minor arcana cards with which the spheres are associated. Each
pathway is linked with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet and a card from the major arcana.


'' Meici
f a tor


During the 19th and early 20th cenruries, numerous

mystical organizations, such as the Order of the Golden
Dawn, Order of the Silver Star, and Order of the Gmple
of the East, sprang up, with the avowed purpose of
training people in magical and esoteric techniques
as a means of creating a spiritual dynamic capable of
accelerating the evolution of humaniqy. These groups
expanded the ideas ofldvi and papus, and are largely
responsible for the way in which we interpret tarot
cards to this day.
Two popular tarot decks-the Thoth and the Rider_
\(/xi1s-\^/s1s designed by members of the Order of
the Golden Dawn. This group of mystics is alio largely
responsible for the astrological associations ofthe tarot.
Although these associations can vary to some degree,
most commonly the major arcana is linked with the
twelve signs ofthe zodiac and ten planets, and each
suit of the minor arcana is linked with one of the
four elements.
asTR@LOqrcaL assocraTr@Ns @f TH€ maj@R aRCaNa























asTRol@qrcal ass@cIaTI@NS @F TH€ mrN@R aRCaNa




TaRor maqIC

\7hen we look back into the history

of humanity, we can see that magic
has always played a key role in the way
that humans live. Primitive man lived
in fear of storms, lightning, floods, and
drought, and would use magical means
to propitiate the forces of nature.

@F rnaqlc
\(henever decisions needed to be made, ancient tribes
would seek guidance from sorcerers, who were able to
commune with the spirit world. In Celtic Europe, for
exampie, it was the Druids who exercised sway over the
minds of the people; and in every place in the world,
there is evidence of such "interveners with the gods."
As tribal society grew into countries, and economic
dwelopment aiid trade began, magical practice turned
into religion, which is still ultimately a way in which we
attempt to persuade our gods to grant us certain things
that we are unable to control ourselves. It could be said
in this regard thar prayer is a form of magic.


The essential difference between religion and magic is
that, with the former, we are expected to have faith that
is, a belief in something that we do not really experience
and know for ourselves to be true. In magic, no belief
' is necessary, and rather than accepting the will ofsome
deity or spirit greater than ourselves, we attempt to direct
spirituEl forces in the way that we wish to see them move.
Magic is far more self-directional, far more causative.
It places the responsibility for the outcomes of onet life
directly in the hands of those who practice it. So, magic
we can then define as a causative approach to life'
Tar.or ITiaqrc

. r3&

#*"* #

The word "spell" derives from ancient times when the wise
woman or man of the tribe would casr rune stones upon the
ground and read what they 'spelled" out. A runic letter was
carved on each small stone, each letter meaning something
specific, such as "arrow," "oxen," "gift," and so on. By "reading"
how the letters fell, she or he would be abie to determine the
will of rhe gods in a parricular instance.
The symbols that we see on raror cards are simply more
sophisticated versions ofthese crude carvings in stone. The
whole spectrum ofspiritual realities is represented in the
symbols ofthe major arcana, and every conceivable scenario
or experience is represented in the minor arcana.
TaRor maGrc 17

The tarot is generally used for divinatory purposes;

that is, an attempt to understand what has gone before
and discover what the options might be for the future.
The person having the reading receives a kind of
reprogramming that prepares him or her for certain
events, and creates expectations in his or her unconscious
mind. In a senseJ a tarot reading is a spell.
This book takes tarot spellcrafting to a higher level.
The tarot deck becomes our basic instrument, and is
used to create incredible experiences for those who are
prepared to try it. rVhat we are doing in casting a magic
spell is reaching around the rim of time and transferring
something that we are karmically entided to from
a future time period to the present. Thus, there
is no way we can ever bring anything to ourselves
through magic to which we are not entitled.
V4rat we are able to do is activate latent karma
and bring benefits into our lives sooner than
would otherwise occur-

,ddryry" ,,,,r'*'

f arol maqrc

Although some people believe that

it is wrong to use magic to influence
events, most agree that it is perfectly
acceptable to use magic to take
greater control over one's life as

long as the free will of others is not

impinged upon. Most agree that you
should ask permission before casting
a spell for someone else.

@F rnaqrc
BLaCK maqrc
The basic intention of magic should be to bring about
greater freedom, love, and happiness. \Xlhen hatred is
the emotion used to instigate negative changes in the
lives of others, this is often called black magic. \X/hen
an individual moves down this path, he or she sows the
seeds oF his or her own destruction.
Black magic not only uses magical forces for selfish
ends, but is also generated by emotions such as hatred,
fear, and ignorance, and has as its ultimate aim the
harming and destruction of humanity. Those who choose
to practice such magic may experience short-term gains;
they may well get their revenge or attain wealth very
quickly. Howew! in a relatively short space of time,
the negative forces they are sending out will return
and act against them, but evgn stonger.
f ano-t maqIC


One of the most popular rypes of spell is the love spell, but
to use magic to make a particular person fall in love with you
is something that you should avoid. Instead, it is better to
invite an unknown lovet your soul mate, to come into your
life. The spiritual forces that you set in motion through the
use of magic may well have someone else in mind than the
person you desire, someone who would be far bemer for you
in the long run.
You might well be able to draw the person you desire to
you, but think for a moment-just how well do you know
him or her? A wiser policy is to iet the identity of your
future lover be determined by the higher spiritual forces
that watch over us, and guide us whenever we give them
the chance. To interfere with the free will of another for
our own gratification takes us close to black magic, no
matter how much we may feel justified in doing so, or
how desperate we may be.
rG€PrNq a
maqrcaL DraRV

-i: might like to maintain a magical diary once you begin

rtiic.asting, in which you keep a record of your thoughts,
:--::ms. hopes, and fears, as well as the spells you perform.
,r -ill help you maintain a grearer sense ofcontrol over your
r:cical rvorkings. V/hen people are new to magic, they can
:flrme swept up in their own enthusiasm, and end up in
r ::Jm in which everl'thing is suddenly magical. This is a
r:ri:- ro instabiliry. Keeping a diary will help you maintain
r ne of balance and control over how your life is unfolding
1:r :-scorlse to the magic you are making. Knowledge, like
:uwr- is norhing without control.
\:nrgical diary also gives a sense ofperspective, in
rm..!r -iou can look back and see the coffelation berween a
spell that has been casr and the result that was
u*,sr€tl \\lthout keeping tabs on the causes and the effects,
muu rd1 neyer really know whether something has worked
m rcr- In addition, as your practice of magic evolves, you
will r;ut ro see the world differently, and your diary will
nnr"rie precious recollections for you to look back on.
Ta.Ror maqilc

Before beginning your spellcasting, you should spend

some time creating the right physical atmosphere. Always
make sure you have everything you will need for the spell
at hand. This includes a consecrated tarot deck, some
magical tools, and any special ingredients listed in the
spell. You may also like to dress in special robes. \When
you have everything ready, set up your altar and begin.

wEaRINq sP€CIaL R@B€s
you may find it helpful to wear special robes during your spellcasting. A simple, T:shaped,
ankle,length robe is very easy to make. You can make several robes in your favotite colors,
or perhaps wear colors to match the altar cioths recommended in the spells. Although they
are not vital, robes can help you achieve a magical state of mind by divorcing you from the
ordinary mundane world. some people regard wearing robes as a sign of respect and honor
for the practice of magic. After all, if you were practicing karate, you would invest in a
speciai suit of ciothing.
Tanor ITIagrc

maqrcaL T@@LS
The four basic tools used on the tarot altar are a knife
or censer to fepfesent the Suit ofswords, awand or
candlestick to q'mbolize the Suit of lVands, a cup or
glassto represent the Suit of Cups, and a coin or crystal
to symbolize the Suit of Coins. These will help you
connect more closely wirh rhe symbolism of the tarot.
It is worth spending some dme and perhaps money on
finding appropriately beautiful objects. Although not
vital, this will help to show your respecr for the power
of t}re forces you are intending to direct through your
magical work.
You can keep your magrcel tools as s).rnbolic objects,
or utilize them in the spells if you wish. For example,
ifa spell requires that you inscribe words into a candle,
you could use your m"gt.d knife to do so. Similarly, if
a glass of water is needed, you could pour t}re water into
your magical cup or glass. Always keep your tools separate
from those things you use in your weryday life, and care
for them well. It is a good idea to store them in a special
spell box by the side ofyour altar when not in use.

Tanor ITIaglc


For each of the spells in this book, you will find a list
ofingredients, including particular altar cloth colors,
candles, and essential oils, as weli as obiects such as

mirrors, coins, and foods. Although magic is really

about harnessing rhe power ofyour o*n unconscious
mind, the use of these ingredients is a way of encouraging
this to happen. Ifyou cannot find the exact ingredients
recommended, apply a little common sense and choose
suitable alternatives. For example, ifyou cannot find rose
essential oil for a love spell, choose another oil with a

heady, flowery scent. You should also

leel free to decorate your altar with
any other items that seem appropriate.
For example, if a spell uses jasmine oil,
you might like to scatter jasmine petals
on the altar. tWhen you have finished
casting a spell, let the candles and/or
incense burn for as long as you have
time, unless indicated otherwise (do
not leave them burning unattended)'
TaRor maqrc 25


It is important to keep all the talismans and amulets you make along the way.
An amulet is a three-dimensional object, such as a stone or coin, that represents
i-our magical purposes. A talisman is a two-dimensional object, such as a piece
of parchment with something written on it, to attract certain influences or
repel others. You must exercise control over any items you make. To leave
rhem lying around for children to play with, or anyone else for that matter, is not
good practice. They represent significant stages ofyour own development, and they
contain considerable quantities ofyour personal life force. Always treat them with
respect; a good idea is to store them in your spell box alongside your magical tools.
Some of the spells prompt you to carry a talisman or amulet with you at certain
dmes. To do this, you could make an uanga bag to hold them. An uanga bag is the
-{Gican name for a pouch containing magical objects that is hung around the neck.


To dress a candle means to anoint it with oil. In doing so, you

consecrate it for magical use. Place a little essendal oil on your
index finger. Starting at the middle of each candle, take the oil
up to the top, then straight down to the bottom, then up to
the middle again, twisting the candle as you go.

r:j, ^
'' ]", ,
s :
Lrrror IT)agrc


You can work with any deck oftarot cards you prefer-
simply choose the ones you like the look of, or that
seem mosr appropriate to the spell you wish to cast.
Most people settle on a couple of different decks that
they like to work with. -When not in use, store the **J
cards safely, perhaps in a velvet pouch in your spell box. .o *** W
Never allow anvone else to touch vour rarot cards.
B.ltor. ,rring a deck of cards lo, th. firr, rime, ir is a
good idea to consecrate them. To do this, spread them
face up across a table, or even the floor (which musr be
clean). Holding a bottle oflavender essential oii in one
hand, place your other hand over it, and recite:

May the power of uniuersal good bless this oil, as a ymbol of m7 intention to stud1,
learn, and train, and ma1 my actizns, thoughts, and tuords be guided b7 this power.

Pour a little oil onto the fingertips ofone hand, then pick
up the cards with your other hand, one by one. Spread a
very thin layer ofoil over the surface ofeach card, taking
care not to put too much on them. If you do, you will
create a mess and find that the cards stick togerher.
As you go through the deck, look at the stories being
told in the images on the cards. Reflect on the good times
you have enjoyed in your own life so far, and also the
times of sadness and regret. Let yourself be moved by
whatever tears or laughter happens to surface through
this process. As you oil the court cards (the king, queen,
knight, and page), you may find yourselfthinking about
some of the people you have known in rhe past. You
might like to wonder about the people who will play a
significant role in your life in the firture. \,)7hat might they
look like? \What might life be like when you meer them?
Thke a look-what do you see?

TaRor maqrcl


Arl altar acts as a kind of radio transmitter

between you and the magical realm. You
can use an ordinary table or chest. The most
effective altars are usually the simplest; the
purity of the design seems to maintain the
potency of the magic. The more detailed
your altar, t}re more you may be distracted
by it. Remember that the altar is for your own
personal use. It is not there to impress others
with its grandiosiry.
Use a compass to ascertain the directions
north, south, east, and west. Ifyou do not have
a compass, approximate the four points based
on the direction in which the sun rises (east). Starting
in the east, mark out the elemental symbols for each
direction on the tabletop (see chart below); either draw
them directly on the altar with chalk or on pieces of
parchment or paper. As you do so, invoke the presence
ofthe archangel that governs each direction by reciting
the appropriate name, slowly and with deep resonance.
Lay a cloth on the table. It can be a sma11 cloth in
the center or a large cloth that drapes over the sides ofthe
altar. It does not matter if it covers the symbols you have
drawn; the important thing is that you know they are



yellow; strong winds
racing clouds

Suit of Swords-
knife or censer



there, harnessing the power of tl-re elements for your magic. Place the appropriate tarot
symbol (your magical tools) at each of the compass directions (see chart below left).
As you do so, visualize the four archangels standing around the circle, looking down
at you. Feel their piercing eyes and thoughts as they scan you, ascertaining the purirT-
ofyour intentions. I
\W4ren you are ready to begin spellcasting, return your magical tools to their storagc
box or leave them on the altar, either to use in the spell or for decoration. Ifthe spell
requires lots of ingredients, it may be best to remove them. tWhen you have finished
a spell, leave everything in place on the altar for at least one night before dismantling
it. Some spells involve leaving specific items on the altar as a rhanlsgiving; if you wish,
rrcu can do this lor all the spells-some candy ar-rd a glass of wine make good offerings.
TaRor maqr(

Before casting a spell, it is a

good idea to try some meditation

exercises to help you relax and
achieve the right magical state of
mind. Sirnilarly, using such exercises
to close the spiritual faculties after
a spellcasting is also important.

a maqrcaL
Make the room as comfortable as possible and sit in
front of your altar, with your magical tools in front of
you. As well as representing the four suits of the minor
arcana, these items also symbolize the four elements
of time, matter, thought, and energy. Sit and enjoy the
experience of getting into your mode of magician. You
should have fun with this; magic is there to be enjoyed.
Let your thoughts run through your mind, and try
to recall a pleasant experience. Part ofthe art ofmagic is
being aware ofwhere your thoughts are taking you, and
every now and again consciously influencing the direction
they are heading. Imagine yourself walking in a beautiful
place. The smells, sights, and sounds of this place are
sweet, and known only to you. Open up communication
wirh all the creatures you meet there. You will find that
some of this communication is emotional rather than
verbal. tWhat you are doing is creating a link berween
your conscious and unconscious mind, and thereby the
collective unconscious mind to which we are all linked.
TaRor maqtc

This easy-to-use spellfinder will help you find

the most appropriate spell for your needs.


Ilrrc--r 111 ;rr,rr

Personal: The Chaiiot Spell p52. Removing negative

The Herniit Spell p56,. influences: The Fool Spell p3.8.. l

The Mogn gpgll p74 ,,

The Ernperor Spell p46
The Vgrld SpelirpsO Deadr Spell p64
Spell lor Self-prolection pl 16 The Devil Spell p68
ioyed ones: The Charioi Spell p52 ,,
Juclgment Spell p78
TheTiiwa Spdil p70,, ' Spell for Getting Rid ola Lover p1.Q6

The'Moon'Spell.p74 .,,.. Spcll lor Vmqrri"hing

Tli6 Sun Spell p76 froublesorne People p1 08
Tlie )Vbdd Spell p80 ' Spell tbr Self protecrion p I i o
lor Pioteqting:Childien 'I
Sprel.f Making a decision: he Lorers Spell p50
The Chadot Spellp52 , ' i I he Hermir Spetl p5rr
l-he \X./heel ofForrune speJl p58 I he Hanged Man Spell po2
The .Sun Spell p76 'Winning a batde: fhe Emperor Spell p4tr
Spell lor lrorecring the Home pl l4 The Iower Spell p:9
flre Magician Spell p40 Spell lor Settling Dispurcs pl l0
The \X/heel of Forrune Spell p58
I he Tower Spell p70

Attracting lover The Empress Spell pr4

fhe Lover. Spell psg
The Emperor Spell p46 lhe Moon Speli p'4
Srrengrh Spcll p00 Spell lor fnhancing Love p I 00
The Devil Spell p08 Spell lor Pnsionare Lncounrcrs pl04
The \rr Spell p72 Fidelity: [-he Lovers Spell p50

.ludgmenr Spell p7B Spell for Cening Rid ola Lover pl06
Spell lor Advcnrurei in I ile p86 Fertility: The Fmpre's Spell pr4
:pcll For Scllempowcrmenr pl 18

The M4gliim 5pe11 p40

The Erirpress Spell. p44 .

The Heiriiit Spellp56

The Sta Spell,p72' Material: fnt Nt+gr:il1S.pell:p!o; ,'' .'; :

Spell foi Enminadons.p94

P.asqlqg r.r . :tr.
Tlie High PtGgtes!:3:fil1 p42.,,,,,|,',

Spell for Sel[-empowermenr pl l8 The'!(heel of Foit,i".,$pett:pis.'

the Fool Spcll p38 Thel:Sun,Spe:ll 076
the Hanged ,\'t;n spell p62 J,ldgliati,spdl!,p7!r r,

lempcrance Spell p66 fhe li/'.,-o.r14,5pe11. tgg


\pell lor Sell:-iniriarion pl20 Spell for the Admirarion of Odrcn p84
Spell lor Uncovering Secrers p I 22 Speli lor rhe Riches ofrhe F.anh p88
:pell for Gaining Magical Knouledge pl2-t Emotional: Judgment Spell pr5
Spell for the Mmira on of Orher. pSa

fh. High Pricsre.. Spell p42 Ju'rice Spell p54

r he \\leel of Forr une Spell p5g Judgment Spell p78

The Fool travels along the road of experience,

welcoming new encounters. Connected with LJranus,
the Fool is related in mythology to all those who
embark on fantastical quests-he is Jason in search

of the Golden Fleece. He can lead us forward into new

adventures, and open doorways that previously we had not
imagined existed. The Fool is the genius within each of us.

To break down barriers that have grown around you; to open the doorway to new and
interesting experiences, r'elationships, and ways of thinking; to embark on new travels
and business opportuniries.

maqrcal woRKrNq
Inscribe your name along the side ofthe red candle, then dress
the candle with cinnamon oil. Place the candle in the east of
the altar, and light it. Inscribe the following words along the
side of the white candle: "Freedom, Joy, Happiness." Dress the
candle with sandalwood oil, then piace it in the west of the
altar, and light it. Lay the Fool card between the two candles,
and holding both hands over it. recite:

In the name of theforces of light, I herelry consecrate my lifei

experience, so that it shall be Jilkd with Jieedom, happiness,
andjory, and that in so liuing I shall be a beacon ofencouragenrcr::
to others. Let the power of light shine through all my workings.
I am the Fool, he is in me, and I in him. So more it be.

Visualize yourselfdressed as the Fool, and concentrate

VOII WILL NEED on building circles of colored light around you. Imagine these lights shooting offin
Ctrendharcloth @ all directions throughout the universe. Pick up the cord, tie it into a knot, then carefi:ll1-
IC'f, O cut through the knot, saying:
Redcandle @

Cinnamon esettialoil @ Let this cord represent all that has euer held me back, and let this act ofmagical intention
candk @ represent the road to feedom that now opens before me.
Sandaluood esential oil @
Tbe Fool card @ Seal the cut ends of the cord with some molten wa" from each candle, then store the pietc
Lengthofnrd @ in a safe place as an amulet.

The Magician, also known as the Cobbler or Juggler, relates

to the legends of Thoth Tehuti in the Egyptian pantheon,
Hermes in the Greek pantheon, and Mercury in the
Roman pantheon. He is the lord of communication,
bringing messages to mortals from the higher realms.
It is through him that we are able to classify and
analyze diverse phenomena. ,,: :

To secure success in contracts, finances,
IVhite abar cloth Q
The Magician card @ acquisitions, examinations, and business; for protection against fraud or embezzlement,
Tao Telbw or success in legal entanglements, and victory in court decisions; for increased writing skills and
whitecandbs @ foreign travel; for the abiliry to influence others favorably, particularly those with influence
Cinnamon or clote over you, or who are in a position to bring benefits, material or otherwise, into your life.
esntial oil and oil buner @
Parchment or paper @ maqrcal w@RKrNg
Pen or Paintbmh Lay the Magician card in the center of the altar, between tvvo lit yellow or white candles.
with red ixh or paint @ Place the oil burner containing the essential oil in the north of t}re altar and light it. Visuali=
Drawsting pouch @ yout seating area becoming surrounded by a wonderful circle of yellow light, with yourseH
at the center. Starting as a small point oflight, you see a figurc-
eight pattern emerge and flow around the edges ofthe circle.
fu it does so, the circle solidifies into a three-dimensional
sphere of light, like a miniature sun, resplendent and radiatins
security, harmony, and intelligence. On a piece of parchment.
use red ink or paint to draw the symbol for Mercury in red
(pictured above right). Carefully fold or roll up the symbol ,-r
place it in the pouch as a talisman. \fear this around your n.:ri
or carry it with you in a pocket or purse until you are satisl::
with the success you have achieved. To enhance its efficact: c;r
some ofthe essential oil onto the pouch for several days att=
performing the spell.
Ff :i::ii:ii'lii::i::a' ::l!.lt:::
i:rl,llLrii:,i i::lli:.1':::it::ji:ii:ii:l:'ia,i::
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The High Priestess represents the power of intuition.

ith the Moon, she holds in her hands
a book or scroll on which is written many powerful
secrets. In mythology, she is the goddess who can
bestow gifts upon whomsoever she chooses, and

H IqFI :;: :;;::i.",:i::,';.:,:T'

STtrS S S Ptr LL
maqrcal rNT€NTroN
To activate your powers ofintuition; to uncover secrets, especially the secret desires ofothers:
to discover where riches are hidden; to develop your counseling and hea-ling abilities; to gain
entry into the world of magical forces.
Darle blue almr clotb Q maqrcal w@RKrN(;
Bkch candh @ Place the black candle in the east of the altar, the white candle in the west, and light them.
Vhite candle @ Put the oil burner containing essential oil in the north of rhe altar and light it. Lay the High
Frankincens e esentia I oi I Priestess card berween the two candles. and recite:
and oil burner @
The Higlt Priestas card @ Blessed be my mind, which shall realize great thzughts. Blessetl be my q,es, which shall look upo,,
\Yhite chalh or a// the heauens. Blessed be m1, ears, which shall hear the worA ofthe god and goddess. Blessed b;
length ofwhin cord @ my /oins, tuhich shall connect taith the earthlT rea/ms into u,hich I haue been born. Blessed be n:,
Small minor @ feet, u,hich shall walk uith the guidance and guardianship ofthe higher pztuers.

As you recite each sentence, touch the appropriate body part

with both palms. rVith the piece of chalk, draw a spiral fiorn
the feet of the High Priestess downward to the outer rim of
the altar cloth. Alternately, use a piece ofwhite cord to form
the spiral. Make sure that each circle of the spiral is slightlv
larger than the last. As the oil burns, visualize your thoughli.
hopes, and aspirations rising up to a higher realm.
Gaze into the mirror, and imagine that you see the roon
behind you turning a bluish hue, and that there is a silven
moon hanging from above. Picture the image of the High
Priestess superimposed upon your own face, and open a
conversation with her. Ask her what you will. You will be
given the answers you need.
The Empress is a radiant, beautiful woman, filled
with purity and divine love. She can soothe away the
heartbreak of a lifetime, and impart a sense of lightness
and fulfillment into the hearts of others. In mythology
she is Venus, the goddess of love, and she can besrow
love on whomever she pleases.

To ease
the heart ofsadness, regrets, and
disiilusionment; to create complimentary energies for becoming pregnant; to feel young
and revitalized; to ignite the flame ofpersonal creativitp to receive an abundance oflove.
Darh grren abar cloth Q ma(,ircal- w@RKINq;
K",/i @ Inscribe your name along the side of the orange candle, dress it with bergamot oil, then plac<
Orange candle @ it in the of the altar and light it. Inscribe the following words along the side of the lighi
Bergamot esential oil @ green candie: "Love, Abundance, Love." Dress this candle with frankincense oil, then place
Light green candlc @ it in the west of the altar and light it. Lay the Empress card between the two candles, studt
Franhincense esential oil @ the card for a few moments, then recite:
The Empres carcl @

Serchells @ Let this card represent the pouuer ofthe goddess ofloue, and mq this spiritual being look upon
Fkwos @ me as a ftting receptacle for May the energies of hae, neatiaity, and hatmony Jhw

into and through my life fom this point fonmrd and for all
time. So mote it he.

Thke the seashells in your 1eft hand, and the flowers in your
right hand, and walk clockwise around the altar three times.
At each of the compass points, pause, face ourward from the
altar, and bow your head, as if the goddess were approachine
from each of the directions. Imagine that the air around r.ou
is a vibrant golden white, and picture this energy flowing
directly into your heart. Allow yourselfto feel a sense of
warmth, release, and completion. Face the altar again, and
while looking at the Empress, pass your hands filled widr
shells and flowers from the tip of your head, down over \-o:j:
body, to your toes. As you do so, visualize the cleansing efi!-:
that the shells and flowers are having on your aura.

Associated with Aries, the mighty Emperor is a man who

can take responsibility and make important decisions.
He represents the warrior in each of us, for in a sense
e ach of our lives is a story of struggling for freedom
from the constraints rhar others might like to set
around us. As well as a bringe r of war, he is also
the establisher of a lasting peace based on real justice.

maqrcal rNT€NTTON
To increase assertiveness, effectiveness, and leadership abilities; to achieve a more
independent lifesryle; ro succeed in a new project where there is likely to be conflict
with others; for victory in all oflife's batdes.

magrcal w@RKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, then place one in tle east of the
altar and one in the west. Lay the Emperor card betq,een them.
and light the candles. Place the tobacco in a censer or oil bume:
in the north ofthe altar and light it; the tobacco plant is sacred
to Mars. \fhen you have done this, walk around the altar in
At each of the compass points, draw the
a cloch,vise direction.
symbol of Aries (pictured above right) in the air with the kniti.
Return to your starting position and recite:

I herebl inuoke the power ofthe Emperor hrd ofarmies, to be n:t

shield and my sword in the battles that lie ahead. Let my arm bt
strong and grant that I may fght a good battle. So mote it be.

Facing inward, look at the Emperor and think back to some

ofthe battles you have faced in the past. In particular, think
about setbacks and opponents. Now visualize a huge giant
VoU WILL NeeD facing those same opponents. See them running from the giant, their ranks breaking as
Red altar cloth Q their armies are dashed to pieces. Picture this giant standing on the opposite side of the
Tioo red candles @ altar. Both of you lean forward until your heads touch and begin to merge rogether. Vhe-
sunJlouer oil @ this has happened, allow the giant to straighten up, this time taking your head with him.
The Emperor card @ up onto his shoulders. Look around you from your new perspective on top of the gianr,.
Pincb of tobacco and shoulders. \W4-ro can stand against you now?.
censer or oil bumer Q

The Hierophant, also known as the Pope, represenrs

spiritual power on the earrhly plane, and holds the
keys to heaven and hell. Connected with Taurus,
he is a teacher who brings his students along the road
of knowledge, carefully preparing them to take on
responsibilities as they learn from him.

To gain greater knowledge of the mysteries of life
and death; ro succeed in educational activities and examinations; to gain the respect
and admiration of others.

VOU WILL NCCD maqrcal w@RKrNq

Gold abar ckth Q Inscribe your name along the side of both candles, then dress them with oil. place one
K"'f" O candie in the east of the altar and one in the west, and light them. Lay the Hierophant
Two orange candlzs
@ card ben^.een them and recitc:
Frankincerce esentlal oil @
The Hierophant card Q I hereby inuoke the pouter of the Hierophant. Ma:/ he be present in ail m7 undznahings, by nighr
Parchment or paper @ and fu day, and may he make m7 life a place of rqfuge
fom the storm. Mdster teacher, grant that
Pen or paintbmb I shall proue a good stud'ent to your teachings, so that I in tarn liuaJ/ teach and htspire others, uho
witb red ink or paint @ in turn shall teach and inspire f.rrure generaions. So mote it be.

Visualize concenrric circles of light emanating from your altar.

out into space, in all directions. As you see rhis happen, nodce
that they take on different colors; do not try to make them
any particular color. On the piece of parchment, draw the
symbol for Taurus (pictured above right) in red. Concentrate
all t}re circles of light going into the symbol, then visualize
a wise and learned teacher coming along a road to meet you.
Look into his face. In your imagination, step into his world,
and let him take you with him. \K/hen you return, maintain th=
sense of his presence around you. Keep the parchment near \j-j
as a taiisman so that you can access tlis energy whenever you
need guidance and direction.


The the me of the Lovers appears in all the world's

mythology, as well as in contemporary literature and
movies. Associated with Gemini, the Lovers represent the
story of two pe ople who find rrue love afte r many trials
and testing experiences. Together, they can overcome
the obstacles that other people place around them.

maqrcaL rNT€NTTON
To attract your soul mate; to artract more love into your life in general; to make
the right decision about a relationship problem; ro ensure your partnert fideliry.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress the gold candle with oil, place it in the center of
the altar, and light it. This candle represents the golden
charisma you possess inside, which this spell will reveal
to your soul mate. Rest the Lovers card upright against
the candle. Dress the green candle with oii and light
it. Hold the candle up in front ofyou, close your eyes,
and imagine the qua.lities you would like in a lover.
Place the green candle beside the gold one so thar
rhey are rouching and recire:

I hereby inuoke the pouer of the Louers. May they be

present in my life at this point, may they participate in
my relationship choices, and may my Life become filled.
with abundant loue. In the name ofthe archangel
Gabriel so mote it be.

VOU WILL Ne eD Tie the two lengths of cord together, and imagine yourself and another person being
GoLl ahar clotb Q linked by some binding agency, out on the astral plane. Msualize meetingeach other
Gold caxdle @ in a gamut of guises and situations-going for a walk together, swimming, eating out,
Rose esential oil @ staying in, making love, and so on. Make the images as big and as bright as you can.
Tbe Louers card @ As the candles burn down, continue to see the other person near you. Keep the tied
Green candb @ lengths ofcord in a safe place as an amulet.
Two ltngths of red ord @
The Chariot is linked with concentrarion and
direction of energy. In ancie nt time s the charior was
i the quickest and most effective way of moving fighting
men from one position to another, so the Chariot
represents the power to defend ourselves and respond
ll). to threats. It is also linked with the astrological sign
of Cancer, which symbolizes the home and motherhood.

maqrcaL rNT€NTTON
To secure your personal boundaries
and achieve greater salety and security; for protection berore embarking on a hazardous
mission; to safeguard mothers, children, and the home.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
VOU WILL NEEI) Dress both candles with oil, place one in the east of the altar and one in the west, and ligh:
White abar cloth @ them. Lay the chariot card betwee. them, close your eyes, and hold both hands
Two blne carulks @ over it. Be silent for a few minutes, then open your eyes and recite:
Rosemary esential oil @
The Charior carl @ I hercby summon the power of the chariot, to be with me antl to participate in all my
Lengtb ofchah @ actiuities in whateuer way it witb thanks and in appreciation, so mote it be.
so chooses.

Visualize energy from your hands flowing down into the

card, and see the suggestion of movement in the image.
As you breathe, pull in rhe energy from the air around vou.
and let it flow down through your body and from your ha:: .,
Imagine a golden disk hovering above your head. Let your
head open up, and allow this disk to move inside your hc-
through your body, and out through your hands. See the
golden light encompassing the Chariot.
Tell the charioteer who requires protection and again,.; -.. :.
He is one of the most powerful protective spirits. picture :-:
embarking on his mission, and thank him for coming to . , _
and pledging his service. Do not call on him too frequen:
or trouble him with perry marters, because he may beco:::=
angry and reluse his help. As an offer-ing to him, place a -.:_-.
ofchain on the altar. Leave it there lor two or three dar.
- ,
rhe has been casr, then bury it ar a crossroad\.

Justice is depicted holding a scale, which to weigh

the transgressor against or her sins. She also possesses

a double-edged sword, one edge to deal out punishment

and the other edge to save. She is connected with
Libra, and symbolizes balance and harmony.

maqrcaL rNT€NTroN
To secure fairness in a legai problem, lawsuit, or divorce settlement; to improve
your karma and gain your just desserts.

maqrcal woRKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, place the white candle in the east of the altar and the black
candle in the west, then light them. Lay the Justice card berween them, and focusing your
VOU WILL Ne eD mind on the matter troubling you, gaze into the card for around fifteen to wenry minutes.
Darh green altar clotb Q Think about it in as much detail as possible, including its origins and possible ourcomes.
\x/hite candle @ Make sure you spend the full amount of time doing this. \frite down everytiing that
Btach candle @ comes to mind if you find it helpful.
Ykng-/angavntialoil @ \X4ren you are finished, pick up the length ofcord, and with one hand behind your
Jwtice cdrd Q back and the other hand up above your shoulder, hold the cord so that it runs behind you
Length of coil @ between both hands. Pull the cord with alternate hands. As you pull with the lower hand,
I'en with red ink @ notice that it pulls down uncomfortably on the upper hand, and vice versa. This is the poin:
Parchment or paper @ \X{hatever situation you are in, the only way you can change things is by taking responsibilir_.
Enuekpe @ for having allowed it to happen. That may be by omission rather than commission, but bt
taking responsibility you take control. Now you realize that
you do not have to pull one hand against the other.
Using red ink, write down on the parchment what it is
that you would like to be experiencing in a year's time. Writ:
in as much detail as you can. Place the parchment inside the
envelope, seal it, and keep it safe for one year. (It is best to
do this spell on New Yeart Eve.) After a year has passed,
open the enveiope. You will be amazed at just how much
has come to pass.
a"j"".,.d with Virgo, rhe Hermit symbolizes the journey
in search of enlightenment. Often he represents God
moving upon the face of the world, tesring the people
he meets, rewarding those who trear him with charity,
and punishing those who try to make him suffer.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To uncover hidden secrets; to discover the causes ofthings; to develop your critical and
anall'tical faculties; for protection against gossip; for a good reputation and the regard of
those in authority; for interesting encounrers while traveling; for enhanced ability to make
shrewd decisions that will affect your life in important ways.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress the white candle with essential oil, place it in the nor*r
ofthe altar, and light it. Put the feather in the east ofthe altar
the eggcup ofolive oil in the south, and the hourglass in the
west. Rest the Hermit card upright againsr the candle. Dip
the feather into the olive oil and wipe a small smear on your
forehead. Dip the feather into the oil again and sprinkle
droplets around the altar in a cloclavise direction. Replace
the feather and turn over the hourglass, so that the sand
begins running through rhe narrow channel.
Visualize yourself as a tree, with the roots deepening inro
the earth, and the branches reaching far up into the sky. Fea
the wind on your arms, and imagine that fruit of many kini;
is growing from your fingers. Underneath your roes you carl
sense tiny animals burrowing into the ground; it may even
feel ticldish. Focus on the image on the card, and allou. it rc
until finally the Hermit walks out of the card and in::
VOU WILL NeeD the room in front of you. Allow him to walk right into you physically. He has now becc::.:
Gray abar cloth (Q part of you. \X&en a.ll the sand has run through the hourglass, sprinkle some salt arour.c
ivhite candle the rim of the altar, working in a clockwise direction.
MTnh esential oil @
Feather @
Egcup of oliae oil Q
HourgLus @
The Hemit card @
Sah @
ln. *n.el of Fortune is connected with the cyclical
pattern of life and death. Associate d with Jupiter, a
symbol of gene rosity and abundance, the best place to
be is at the cenrer of the \fheel. \flhoever sits there is
unaffected by the imposrors

WHtrtrL of success and failure.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To develop generosiry compassion, and cheerfulness in t}re face ofadversiry; for success,
abundance, and new business and travel possibilities; to gain the applause of the crowd;
to safeguard i nvestmen rs, especially p roperry.

maqrcal woRKrNq
Place the candles on the altar
in the form ofan equilateral triangle----one in the north,
one in the southeast, and one in the southwesr. Lay the'x/heel ofFortune card and the
VOU WILL NCED oil burner containing essential oil within the riangle of candles. Light.the oil burner, ar'd
Red ahar cloth @ as its wisps of aroma begin to rise, imagine tlat your desires rise up with them. spend a feo-
Three blue candles @ moments thinking about what you would like ro happen, then recite:
The \Yheel of Fornne card @
Fran h inc erce es ntia/ o il MaL the mighry creatiue pou,ers of the uniuerse smile u?on me, and grant me the balessings thar ri:
andoil burner @ uorld has to ffir May m.y life become richly rewart{ed, and malt I be haed and ad.mired
for dx
Siluerandgoldcoirc @ uondetful person I really am. So mote it be.

Gaze into the card, and in your imagination, see the wheel
begin to spin. Look at how the spinning creates sparks that
in turn generate waves of bright light. Hold your arms crosseri
in front of you, like an Egyptian mummy, and visualize the
\Wheel of Fortune spinning inside
your body. Imagine that
there is a new source ofpower being activated inside you,
more powerful than anlthing you have ever before experien:
Consecrate the coins by passing them *rrough ths arqru-u-
smoke fiom the oil burner. Keep them safe, and in future
times of stress, hold them in your hand as an amulet ro prrr-r*
a point of connection with the greater wealth that you har-=
summoned forth in this spell.

This card pertains to personal power and the ability to

mobilize resources order that a particular objective
may be atrained. Associated with Leo, Strength is
depicted overpowering a lion, represenring the triumph
of positive forces over negative, and spirit over marter.

qT{-r sPtrLL
maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To release magical capabilities and realize your potential; to attain great honors,
recognition, and admiration; to rise rapidly in your chosen profession; to improve
self-esteem and achieve success in competition; to wipe away regrets and remorse.

maqrcal 'w@RKrNq
Dress the candles with oil and place one at each of the four compass points of the altar.
Light the candles, lay the Strength card berween them, and recite:

By north, sourh, east, anduest, I summonthepowers of light. Raphaelofthe east, appear

VOU WILL NECD b{ore me! Mihael of the south, appear before me! Gabriel of the west, appear before me!
\Ybite ahar cloth Q Uiel of the nzlth, dppel1r before tne!
Four red candles @
Jumine erential oil @ Imagine that you can see the oudines of the archangels coming toward you from far away.
S*ength card @ See them approaching, until they stand around you by the aitar. Gaze into the card, and
Pdlcbment or pa?er O picture it coming to life. Bring the image out from the card and into your abdomen. Imagine
Paintbruh and red paint @ that inside your mind there are numerous switches, dials, and controls. Look for the one
marked "Strength," and switch it as high as it will go. Look
around inside this control room ofthe mind and see all the
machines hum into life.
Draw an image that is symbolic of each archangel along
the relevant sides of the parchment in red paint. This couid
be a cloud in the east for Raphael, a volcano in the south for
Michael, a wave in the west for Gabriel, and a tree in the north
for Uriel. In the center, draw the symbol ofleo (pictured above
right). Picking up each candle in turn, put a dab berween each
angelt drawing and the Leo symbol. Leave this talisman on the
altar for three days and nights so that it is fully charged, then
keep it safe. You could perhaps frame it.

There are many references in world mythology

to a man who hangs from a tree or wooden cfoss.
In Norse legend there is Odin, who discovered the
secrets of the runic letters while hanging upside down
rom the grear world tree, Yggdrassil. Connected with
eptune, the basic meaning of this card is sacrifice;
other words, giving up one thing in exchange for
mething dee med of greater value .

HaNqED maN
maqrcal INT€NTr@N SPtrLL
To make the wisest decision when faced with many choices; ro get a new perspective;
?/aizt ahar saf)e @ to increase stamina and the abiliry to make sacrifices whcn necessary.
K"'f Ql
Redcanrtle @ maqrcal w@RKrNq
Puryb candh @ Inscribe your narne along the side ofboth candles, then dress the red candle
with bergamot
Bergamot ond uetiuert oil and the purple candle with vetivert oil. Place the red candle in the east ofthe
altar ancl
axential oils Q the purple candle in the west, then light them. Lay the Hanged Man card in
the center.
The Hanged Man catd @ Reflect back on all the times you have experienced sacrifice in your life. Think
about the
GLas ofwanr @ following themes of sacrifice:

1. Sacrificing for yourself

z. Uthers sacrrfctngJor you.
3. You sacrifcingfor others.
4. Others sacrifcing.for others.

\7ith each chain of thought, rry to draw out the lessons to be

q qr, learned from the experience. Now, place the red candle on top
of the Hanged Man, drink all but a few drops of the water,
then blow out the red candle. As you do so, visualize a spiraling
bl band of thick, white light, almost like shining fog, rising up
from the card through the candle, then encircling the altar
and billowing around you. Allow yourself the sensarion of
being purified by this source ofcosmic energr. \X4rerever you
go, this band of power will lo11ow you, driving away any forces
that try to hold you back. \When you have finished, sprinkle the
remaining drops of water around the rim of the altar.

Death's job is to cur down and clear away negarive

conditions that have ourworn their value, in order
to make way for more positive influences to come in
the future. Linked with Scorpio, Death represenrs rhe
final illusion, and when we break through that barrier,
we move into a new realm where we can function as
spiritual be ings, independe nt of rime,
matter, energy, and space .

maqrcal rNT€NTroN
To clear away negative and unwanted influences, people, and conditions; to set yourself
free from old restraints so that you can move onto new things; to send messages of love
and remembrance to the departed spirits of loved ones.
Black ahar clotb @ maqrcal w@RKrNq
Bkch candle @ Dress the candle with oil, place it in the center of the altat and light it. Rest the Death card
Wtiaert esentinl oil upright against the candle, and spend a few minutes gazingar the image. Pour some oil into
and oil burner @ the oil burner and light it. Pick up the oil burner (stand it in the shallow bowl ifit is too hot
Death card @ to hold) and walk around the alrar in a clochvise direction. Facing outward, salute each of
Shallow boal @ the compass points by raising the burner above your head, with your arms outstretched in
Length ofbkcb cord @ front of you. When you have finished, pur rhe oil burner down on rhe altar, then pick up
Sci:nn @ the length ofcord and scissors, and cut the cord into little pieces. As you do so, recite:

Let this act of magical intention represent thdt, fom this mzment
on, I haue set myselffee fiom those past influences and people
with uhich or utith whom I no lnnger haue any rea/ or ualuable
connection. In the name of the archange/ Michae/, so mote it be.

Direct your mindt eye ro noticing just how faded and distant
the recollections of those unwanted memories are. As if you
wete a movie directot use yolr camera skills to move the
images lartler and farther away on the horizon. Gather
together the pieces ofcord, and making sure no pieces
are lost, place them in the bowl and burn them.

Temperance appears as a glorious angel, with wings

outstretched, and pouring liquid from one vessel
into another. Linked with Sagittarius, she represents
harmony, moderation, introspecrion, and healing.
As with all angels, Temperance can help us both
spiritually and marerially, and bring grace and
inspiration into our lives.

maqrcaL SP€LL
To bring about healing, borh physically and emotionally; to help gain insight into the
past so that you can understand the present more fully, and thereby influence the future.
Plain almr satface (Q maqrcal w@RKrNq
Gold candle @ Dress the green candle with jasmine oil, piace it in the north of the altar, and light it.
Junine esential oil @ Pour some ylang-ylang oil into the oil burner, place it in the west of the altar, and light
Ylanglkng esential oil it. Lay the Temperance card in the south, and put the birthday cake in the east. Moving
and oil bumer @ clockvise around the altar and facing ourward, salute each of the compass points by bowing.
Temperance cdrd. @ Imagine that one ofrhe four archangels is standing at each ofthese points. Return to your
Small bithday calee @ starting point and light the candles on the cake. placing both hands over it, ask the forces
A/?w birthday cahe candles @ oflight to bless it, reciting:

Forces of light, czme t0 mine aid. Forces of light, come be my

fiend. I ca// upzn lou to listen to m7 request. I call a?on lou
to assist tne in attaining (spectf, details).

Meditate on the card, and allow it to flicker gradually into

life. As you gaze into the card, imagine it growing, until you
can actually step into it and talk directly to the alrgel yourseif.
Rela-r as much as you can. It is at this point that healing on
a deep emotional and psychological level can begin to take
place. V{hen you feel that the dme is right, and that you have
spent enough time in this place, step out of the card. Blow out
the candles on the cake, and ear some of it. Leave some of the
cake as a thanksgiving to the angel, and meditate on what the
angel has said to you.
Linked with Capricorn, the Devil is a symbol of
.:, '
rr::.,t.' negativity and destructiveness. In ancient mythology,
l.g.nd, tell of wars berwe en rhe gods, with one side
representing light and humanity, and the other evil
and hatred for the human race. In this lifetime, we
must each make a choice about which side we are going
to pledge our allegiance to. \fle may rry ro posrpone
I_t ,
,l r.
making the decision, but we cannot escape it.

maqrcaL rNT€NTroN
'Io free yourselffrom negativiry; ro granr yourselfforgiveness; to shut down
self-destructive tendencies.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Place the red candle .in the west of the altar, the black candle
in the south, and light them. Lay the Devil card in the north
and stand the glass of wine or milk in the east.'Ihke a couple
ofsipt From rhe glass and recire:

I call upon the power of light to be uith me ahaays. La this forttfi,

me as I embrace the pou.,er of good ouer euil.

Stretch out both your hands in front ofyou, palms upward.

On one palm, visualize yourself in miniature form, but
epitomizing everlthing that is negative. Perhaps picture yourself
with alternating expressions of env1,, hatred, and fear. On the
other palm, see yourself again in miniarure, but radiating
everlthing that is positive. Slowly bring both palms closer and
closer to each other and toward your chest. .When they touch,
merge the two images of yourself together. This is now your
VO U WILL Ne eD inner sell rW4rereas
previously there were nvo warring factions inside you, now there is an
Plain altar surface Q essential unity between the different aspects of your personality. Thke another sip of wine.
Red candk @ You have just taken an important step toward personal integration, on a very deep level.
Bkch candlt @ Now visualize yourself standing on a road in two to three years' time, and iooking back
The Deuil catd @ at this moment. Imagine some of the important events that you would like to take place
Glas of red wine or t'zitk Q to happen' but need a ce.ain


place of refuge
The Tower can be both a place refuge and
incarceration. Connected with Mars, it symbolizes
the difficulties we all face from time to time on our
spiritual journey through life, but also the cathartic
quality of those difficulties, which will eventually
allow us to achieve enlightenment and happiness.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To establish new projects on a solid foundation; to protefi financial assets; to safeguard
for increased health and safety; for success in martial
maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, *ren place one in the northwest and one in the center of
VOU WILL NeeD the altar. Light them. Lay the Tower card in the southeast of tle altar, so that the candles
Red altar clotbQ and card run diagonally across its surface. Visualize yourself standing at the top of the
Taoredcandbs @ battlements of an ancient tower. Over the thickwalls, you can see an incredible iandscape
Cinnamon esential oil @ where mighry armies are on the move. You realize that you are a general, symbolically, and
The Tbwer card @ that the army you are directing is in fact the army of your life's forces. Moving clockrvise
Piece of iron Q around the altar and facing outward, summon the four archangels-Michael in the south,
?inch of tobacco and Gabriel in the west, Uriel in the north, and Raphael in the east-by drawing the symbol
ceuerorfreproofsutface @ of Mars (pictured above right) in the airwith the piece of iron.
Returning to your starting position, allow each ofthese
symbols to become filled with electric light, shining like
beacons in the darkness. In your mindt eye, see yourself
dressed in a generalt uniform, or the robes and crown ofa
warring king. See each ofthe archangels helping you prepare
for the battles that lie ahead. Spend as much time as you want
on this. Burn the tobacco as an offering to the spirit ofbattle
you have just successfully invoked.
ln. ,r", represents peace, serenity, and tranquillity.
It shows us the peace we will find after having
passed through life's trials, and symbolizes spiritual
recuperation and repose, when we can take stock
of what has passed and make plans for the future.
The Star also has links with Aquarius, which
repre sents humanitarianism and thinking of others.

maqrcal rNT€NTloN
To assist in the evolurion oFhumaniry; to render yourself worthy and able ro serve others;
to instigate original thoughr and invenriveness.

maqrcal 'w@RKrNq
Dress both purple candles with oil, then place one in the east
and one in the west of the altar. Lay the Star card between the
candles and light them, reciting:

In the name of the creator of all things, I open my life so that it

may be flled with diuine spirit. Show me the path follow. Be

with me, through my lifei story, as afaithfulfiend. and counselor

In the narne ofall that is good and benefcial, so mote it be.

Inscribe the symbol ofAquarius (pictured above right) in

several placeson the white candle, then place it on the altar
above the card and light it. Draw more of the symbols at
random on the altar cloth with blue chalk. Meditate on your
relationship with humanity. Ask your guardian angel for advice,
and let yourself be guided by it. \X&en you feel the time is
right, blow out the candles and leave some candy on the altar
VOU WILL NeeD as a thanksgiving for your angelt advice. Repeat this ritual at the same time of day on the
lvhiti atar clothQ following two days. During that period, either when you are awake or in your dreams, you
Tiro @ will be given a message or a vision about how your life can proceed.
purple candtes You may well have a
Jojoba avntiat oil @ flash of inspiration, or it could be something more subde.
The Sur card @
K"if" O
\Ihite candb @
Blue chalh @
Candy @


The Moon hovers high in the night sky, and can alter
how we perceive things. Everything appears different at
night, and it can be difficult to see the truth of what is

happening. Connected with Pisces, the Moon is linked

with the subconscious, and represenrs intuition,
imagination, and sensitivity.

maqICaL rNT€NTr@N
'Io uncover deceptions and get to SP€LL
the bottom of a mystery; to protectyourself against being misled; ro prorectyou and your
family against illness or psychological problems; to combat gossip and rumors; to create an
attractive, mysterious presence; ro attract a potential lover.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, then place one in the east and
one in the west of the altar. Light them and recite:

Here I stand, inuohing the presence of the Moon. Let the mists
of illusion be cleared jiom my mind, and let me perceiue the
true ndture of the euents aboutwhich I inquire. So mote it be.

Lay the Moon card between the candles and concentrate on

it. Allow it to come to life, and see yourself in it. 'Vhen you are
firmly inside the image, conjure the presence of your guardian
angel. Let this angel take you on a journey. Be attentive to the
things you are shown. The fartler you travel on thisjourney,
t}re more you will benefit. tW/hen the time is right, burn the
fennel leaves on a fireproofsurface or in a censer. \W4ren the
flames have died down but smoke is still rising, place the silver
coin on the bed of leaves, visualizing a silvery moon shining
VOU WILL NeeD around you as you do so. Repeat this spell on the following two days, using all the original
?kin Q
ahar sutface ingredients but new fennel leaves. tVhen you have finished, scatter the burned leaves on
Two darb blue candlzs @ the ground outside, preferably at a crossroads. Keep the coin safe, and whenever you feel
Rosemary esenial oil @ the need, yor.r can hold the coin as an amulet to reignite the Moon's astral presence. V{hen
The Moon card @ you do so, it will give you a sense of mystery that others will recognize and find fascinating.
fennel leaue' @
Fireproofsw'face or censer @
Siluo coin @
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I The Sun represenrs light, health, and happiness, and


,,..,, : symbolizes the growth and harmonious development

:, , of all aspects of life. Connected with the life-giving

Sun of our own solar system, it is one of the most
joyful cards of the tarot.

,.,i]tl:]:|::{*&.i,.l &],:,,,,,i,,,,,,..,,.,,.
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maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
For improved health and the well-being of children; to bless the home with a fruitfirl year
ahead; to achieve material securiry and an improved lifestyle; for increased travel abroad.

maqrcaL woRKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, then place the yellow candle in the east and the orange candle
in the west of the altar. Decorate the altar with an assorrment of fruit, then lay the Sun card
between the candles, light them, and recite:

I hereby inuohe the power of the Sun to be my

fiend in this lifetime. Ma\ its ra\s burn neither
VOU WILL NCCD too harshly upon m7 face, nor too hot upon my back. May the spirits that are of the sun be with
Orange abar clotb Q me in all my undertakings. May success come to me, and may kfe be tled u,ith happiness
ry f
Yellow candle @ and feedom. So mote it be.

Orange candle @

Sandahtood avntial oil @ Visualize a golden disk shining in the room, above your head. Ler this disk slowly come
Asortment offruit @ down inside your head, all the way through your body. Feel the presence ofthe rays as they
The Sun card @ shine from within you. Let your aura become irradiated by this shining disk. spend some
time doing this. As the candles burn down, meditate on rhe
powerfi-rl inflow ofpositive forces that is already beginning to
make its way into your life. After you feel you have spent long
enough on this, pinch or snuffout the candles; do not blow
them out. Eat a portion offruit. Repeat the spell on the
following two days. \7hen you have finished, garher up
any remaining fruit and bury it at a crossroads.

Judgment is often depicted as the dead rising from their

graves in the earth, about to enter into a new Linke d

with Pluto, lord of the underworld, Judgment represents

powerful transforming influences, as each thing in life
turns lnto opposite-death into life, white into
black, and so on.


To transform your life completely; to fiee yourselffrom negative ph1'sical habits and ways
of thinking; to discover new sources of material, spiritual, and emotional wcalth.

maqICaL W@RKINQ "',

Dress the candleswirh rhe oil. and place them in the east and wesr oF the altar. Light rhem,
then lay the Judgment card in the center with the chess set and board just below. Recite:

VOU WILL NEED I call upon the mightyforces of the uniuerse t0 czme to m1 aid. Let theseforces enable me to make
Gold abar drape Q the changes I utant t0 see happening. Ler the spiriualforces of this card shou me zuhere I may
Two gold candles @ discoaer new wealth, in all its rnanifestations. So mote it be.

Franhincerce esextial oil @

Judgment card @ Concentrating on the card and chess set, visualize a powerful spirit army coming toward
Cbes set uith board @ you, banners and pennants fly'rng. As it nears, it stops, and pledges its support to you. From
deep inside your mind, speak with it, and tell it what you want
it to bring to you. V/hen you have done this, send it on its war-.
Do not let it loiter. The temptation to sleep or break offhere
will be strong, but maintain control and stay awake'
Visualize the army riding off and engaging in many activities
in order to bring you what you desire. Imagine a circle of
vibrant, humming energy around you. You will find that
you can send strands ofthis energy out into space, by thinking
ofthe results that you wish to experience. Repeat this spe1l

each day for seven days.

gg* 80.. l T +i-.! maioR &rr.-caNa

*93 ,
'r Depicted as a woman dancing within a circle, the
5:iS i tVorld invites us ro join in her joyous celebration of
ffi.. life . Connecred with Saturn, she represenrs the creative
#f' processes in which we all share, the successes we have
:& already had, and the achievemenrs that lie ahead.

magrcaL rNT€NTTON
To attain great honors, recognition, and material success; for blessings for your entire
family; to create opporrunities for trade and travel abroad; for protection when traveling
and harmony in the workplace.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Inscribe your name along the side of the candle. Dress the candle with oil, place it in the
center ofthe altar, and light it. Rest thetMorld card upright against it and recite:

VOU WILL NCCD In tlte name of the pou,erfulforces of light, I ca// upon the elemental kingc{oms to come to my aid,
\Y/bi* altar chth lQ and bring me the success and honors that are my hearti desire. I ask also that others may benef.t
I{"'f O Jiom the blesings that are accorded to me. In the name of the archangel Uriel, so mote it be.
Wbite candk @
Lauendzr esentia/ oil @ visualize Uriel standing before you. He appears in shades of green and russet, with the
Tbe World card @ golden brown of the earth glinting around him. As you look at him, you can hear the rustle
Gks of milh @ of leaves in the wind, and smell the odor of fresh-cut grass. Visualize a srream of gold coming
Boul oJfuit and gain @ from him to you. Spend as much time as you can focusing on this, and make the image as
real and colorful as you can. Picture all the things you are going
to do when this new prosperity reaches you. Make the imagery
as vivid and physical as possible. Leave the glass of milk and
bowl offruit and grain on the altar as a thanksgiving. Repeat
the spell each day lor seven days. \7hen the spellcasting is
complete, bury the milk, fruit, and grain in a cemetery or
at a crossroads. \Within a short space of time, you will begin
to see the benefits of the spell.

'*.. :'..j1:'9 .:..

F..' ..'f: fe,
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NG 'rrr[ (,aRDS

This spell uses four raror cards: rhe Magician helps

you to get your message across convincingly; the High
Priestess activates your inner resources; the Vheel
of Fortune unleashes your hidden potential; and
the Star triggers inspiration of the highest order.

@THtrRS maqrcal rNT€NTroN
To enable you to shine, even in the presence ofcompedtors; ro caprure the imaginarion
oforhers' and help rhem leel a sense of rapporr wirh you and your obiecrives: ro achieve
VOU WILL NEED amazing good lorrune.
\Y/bir ahar clotb Q
K"tf, O maqrcal woRKrNq
Purple candle @ Inscribe your name along the side of both candles. Dress them with oil, then place them in
Yelkwcandb @ the middle of the altar and light them. Burn the remaining oil in the oi1 burner, positioned
Ambergris or muh in front of the candles. Lay the Magician card in the east of the altar, the High priestess in
esential oil and ail bumer @ the south, the \W/heel of Fortune in the west, and the Star in the north. \Wave some of the
Four tarot car* @ scented smoke from the oil burner over each ofthe cards, starring in dre east and working
Ametlryst @ cloclqvise around the altar. After you have done so, recite the following three times:

Lord Magician, Lady Priestess, bring Tour light to shine on me

that all may see the glory in me as I moae through hfe. I am your
humble seruant on this motal plane. Let the immortal light of
your diuine loue shine taithin me.

Stand by the altar, and hold the amethyst in your right hand.
Focus in your heart on the theme of 1ove. Visualize a light
emanating from inside you, lighting up the room you are
in. Concentrate this light into a circle, and move it up above
your head. Keep focusing your thoughts on the reality ofthis
1ight. Imagine thar the room is growing brighter, and when
you are ready, bring the power from this circle down into the
amethyst. Carry the amerhysr with you as an amulet.

You will need seven cards for this spell: the Fool opcns
the gateway ro new opportunities; the Knights or eueens
of the four suits safeguard you on your journey; rhe Three
of \fands sparks your powers of leadership; and the \World
opens the doorway to undreamed of riches.

maqrcal rNT€NTTON
To enhance the sense ofadventure in your life; to enable you to approach chaflenges or
problems wirh zesr and enthusiasm.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Inscribe your name along the side of the red candles. Dress
drem witl oil, place them in the north, east, and west of the
altar, and lighr them. Inscribe rhe words "The world opens for
me" in the white candle, continuaily reciting the words as you
do so. Dress the candle with oil, place ir in the south of the
altar, and light it.
lay the Fool card in the cenrer ofthe altar. As you do
so, visualize some ofthe experiences you have been through
in your life. Lay the Queen (if you are female) or Knight
(if you are male) of Coins in the southeast, the
Queen or
Knight of Swords in the southwest, the Queen or Knight of
\fands in the northwest, and the Queen or Knight of Cups
in the northeast. Consider the battles you have been through
in life, and the achievements you would like to happen. place
the Three of \fands sidewise below the Fool, with the \World
card upright across ir.
VoU WILL NeeD Hold your arms in the air, and imagine a vast corridor opening up in front of you, with
Redabarckth Q a road stretching
out, running into the distance. Behind you, four horsemen srart ro move
K"ili O forward as you step out onto the road. They are your guardians and providers as your
Three red candles
@ journey opens uP. It is they who will bring an abundance ofopportunities, conracrs,
cinmmon esential oil @ guidance on choices that will have to be made. Imagine yourself mounted alongside them;
lYbix candle Q you are now on youf way.
Seum tarct caft* @
q rH€ CaRDS

You will need six tarot cards for this spell: the Ace of
Coins represents the riches of the earth; the Four of
Coins symbolizes enduring benefits; the Nine of
Coins represents prestige and recognition; the \(orld
pertains to material success; the \Wheel of Fortune to
the theme of abundance; and the Empress to that of
fertility and the seeds of possibility.


maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To gain the friendship of the spirits of t}te earth, so that they open up the gateway to great
riches; to live your life in splendor.

maqrcal 'w@RKrNq
Place the oil burner containing frankincense oil in the northofthe altar and light
it. Lay the green cord all the way around the circumference of the altar, with the
ends overlapping. Visualize a circle ofgolden light spinning around
you and the altar to form a cone ofpower. Place
the Ace of Coins in the north of the altar, the Four
of Coins in the southeast, and the Nine of Coins in
the southwest.
Hold both hands over the Ace of Coins and picture
a massive doorway opening up in front ofyou. Let your
skin feel the draft as it widens. Imagine that you can see an
A-laddin's cave of ffeasures, stacked with ingots, sacks of silver
and gold coins, and crates ofprecious stones. Picture yourseif
entering the cave and carrying some of the riches out with you.
Scatter as much jewelry and money across the altar as you can.
Hold your hands above the Four of Coins and visualize yourself enjoy,ing the benefits
of those riches.See yourself in your ideal hom9.., ,w.ith y611r pglfeq! parder, and in a

wide variery of situations. \,X/hen you are satisfied, place both hands over. ihe Nine
ofCoins and visualize yourselfbeing recognized and appreciated by people. See the
look ofadmiration and respect on their faces. Imagine the benefits that you are able
to bring about in t}re lives of others with yogr new-found riches.
rH€ Ca+los

Now, place the three major arcana cards on the altar

in the form of a triangle. Lay the \World in t}re south of
the altar, the \W4-reel of Fortune in the northwest, and the
Empress in the northeast. You will see that yorl
have now construqed a six-pointed star. Imagine
yourselfar a future point in your life, looking
back upon this moment as rhe srarring point.
Think about the planets associated with these
three cards-Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus,
respectively-and their spheres of influence.
Saturn represents devotion to work and completion
of duties; Jupiter symbolizes abundance and hidden
opportunity; ar-rd Venus governs the laws of attraction
and how success may be attained through exercising
charm, grace, love, and harmony.
i Tie the two ends ofthe green cord together and
place it inside rhe star shape you have formed. 'Write a
list of the things you would like lhe universe to give you
on a piece of parchment with red ink. Make them outlandish
and extravagant. Place this list in an envelope, seal it, and
keep it safe. Leave the altar
as itfor three days, then
dismantie it and untie the cord.
Try to wear the cord around
your waist or neck regularly
over the next year. In a year's
time, open the envelope; you
will be surprised at how many
things will h".'e cori. to pass.


Siluer silh abar cbth Q Paper cunenq, and coins @
Franh inc eu e essential o i I Pdrchment or ?d?er O
and oil burner @ Pen with red inh @
Length ofgren cord @ Enaelope G)

Six tarot carA @

Pieres of gold and siluer j*rlry €l

This spell requires three cards: the Two of .Wands allows

you to take the lead in discussions; the Magician gives
you persuasive powers; and the Star enables you ro shine
like a star, above all others.

maqrcaL TNTENT r@N
To succeed in an interview; to acquire a radiant light around you that will win others over
to your side in a.ll kinds of stressful situations; to gain friends and influence people.

maqrcal woRKrNq
Dress the candles with the oil, then place the red candle in the north of the altar and the
white candle in the east. Lay the Two of tVands card in the west of the altar, and balance
the Magician and Star cards upright against each other in the south. Thke your time doing
this, so that they do not fall over during the spellcasting. If
this does happen, stand them upright once again and repeat
the spell from the beginning. Light the candles and recite:

I call upon the spirit of Hermes, lord of communication, to be

present with me at m)/ interuiew. (Giue the date, time, and place
of the interuiew if possible.) May the spirits take note that the gods
haue decreed that I haue been chosen as the successful cantlidate.

Sprinkle some salt around the perimeter of the altar, then

sprinlde the remaining salt around the Magician and Star cards
\X&ile the candles burn down, focus your mind on an inragc
of you walking out from the interview with the interviewer
by your side, and going offto lunch together or for a drink.
As you walk, you are both laughing and chatting, as ifyou
har,. f.ilown each other all of your lives.


Plain altar surface Q
Redcandb Q
\Yhite candle @
Franbincerce esential oil @
Tbree tarot car^ e,
Sah @
Five cards are needed for this spell: the \Wheel of Fortune
contributes hope and inspiration; the Magician grants
intellectual prowess; the Hermir increases analytical
:1# powers; the Three of Coins represents apprenriceship;
,i-' and the Eight of Coins exemplifies
LL F@R gaining mastery of a craft.

maqrcaL rNT€NTroN
Tb pass examinations with flying colorsl ro succeed in comperirions: ro gain masrery in
your chosen field ofstudy or work.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
VOU WILL NCED Dress both candles with oil, place them in the norti of the altar, and light them. Lay the
Plain alar surface @ \Mheel of Fortune card in the nonlwest of the altar, and the Magician in the northeast.
Tuo puryle candles @ Visualize the force ofthese cards beginning to spill out onto the surface ofthe alra! and
Lauender esentidl oil @ iike a liquid, down onto the floor around you. Ciose your eyes and feel the liquid slowly
Fiue tarot caruls @ spreading around your feet. Lay t1re Hermit card in the sourhwesr of the altar, and the
Pieceofcodorquartz @ Three of Coins in the southeast, then place the Eight of Coins in the center.
Gold and siluer tiuel Let the energies ofthe cards emanate around you until you feel a spinning sensation.
orpapo @ After some time, visualize this force becoming a smaller circle, and let it move up and dosn
your body. \X/hen you are ready, bring this energy into your
hands, and then pick up the piece ofcoral or quartz and let rhe
force flow into it. Holding the stone to your chest, visualize
seeing yourselfcollecting your certificate, or receiving the ne*:
rhar you have passed, and recire:

I herefu call upon my own unconscious mind to achieue its full

?otentidl s0 that I malt pass this examination (giue title and date
of examination) and progress to mJ/ next stage of deuelopment.

Sprinkle gold and silver tinsel or paper all over the altar in
celebration, and carry the stone with you to your examination
as a powerful amulet.

You will need three tarot cards for this spell:

the Chariot will send you off in rop ge ar toward your
goal; the Magician enhances your intellectual resources
of memory, reason, and inte lligence, and the ability
to use your experience in a constructiye manner;
and the Hermit grants carefulness.

]@R YA"
maqrcal rNT€NTTON
To pass your driving test; to help you improve your driving skills; to give you a sense of
well-being and achievement in general.

vou wrLL NeeD maqICaL w@RKINq

altar ckth Dress both candles with oil, place the red candle in the east of the altar and the yellow candle
Red @
canrllt in the west, and light them. Lay the Chariot card in the center, with the Magician on the
wllow candle @ right and the Hermit on the left. Msualize these three forces combining to help you attain
Hvsop or Jinnel asential oil @ your objective. Picture yourself in a ca! in complete control of everl'thing happening inside
Tbree tarot cards @ the car, and with full knowledge of everything happening outside it.
Parchment or paper @ Draw a smal1 cartoon-sryle sketch on the parchment in red ink or paint showing you
Pen witb red ink @ driving around in a car. This drawing does not have to be very ornare; matchstick-style
peoplewill do. V4ren you have finished drawing, lay the
parchment across the cards, raise both hands over it, and recite:

I hereby ca// upon the potuer of the carA to assist me in improuittg

my driuing ski//s. Let this moment represent the point in time tahe,:
I pass m1t driuing test. So mote it be.

Visualize all the possible mistakes you might make during

your test in
as much detail as you canr then picture yourself
completing every aspecr ofthe test perfectly. Run through
this set of images quickly, then very slowly, then quickly
again. Thke the drawing witl you ro your resr as a talisman.
ffi,&, Nq TH€ car{DS
fbl Use five tarot cards for this spell: the Six of Coins
,ffi\ establishes the principle of sharing; the King, Queen, and
Page of Cups summon the men and women with whom
you can explore the theme of frie ndship and affinity;
and the Six of Cups enhances
SP€LL F@R the ability to care about others.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To expand and develop warmth, affinity, comradeship, and unity with those living and
experiencing life on similar wavelengths.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Inscribe the word "Friendship" along the side ofboth candles.
Dress them with the oi1, then place one in the east and one
in the west ofthe altar. Light both candles. Lay the tarot
cards in a lucky horseshoe shape in the center ofthe altar in
the following order: Six of Coins, King of Cups, Queen of
Cups, Page of Cups, and Six of Cups. Recite:

La these cards represent the forces offiiendship in m7 lift Mrl

this quali4t be blessed in my hfe, and may the Jiiendships ofpao,
present, and future be a source of happiness and fulf llment for
me. May I also be a source of blessingfor those with whom I haue
jiiendship. In the name of the archangel Gabriel, so mote it be.

*-** o Meditate on past and present friends. Visualize yourself

sitting in a circle of orange light, and imagine that this light
is something you can send across time and space to the people
VOU WILL NCED in your memory. As it reaches them, their hces light up with smiles as they are reminded
Green abar cloth Q of you, and they wave to you in greeting. Spend some time doing this. There is no hurry.
K"tf, @ As you look at the cards on the table, imagine you can see interconnecting lines ofenergr-
Tto green candles @ running between them. Each card begins to flicker with movement as this energy rravels
Ykngllang asential oil @ from one to another. They appear to pulsate with a life force. Visualize a green ray oflight
Ffue tarot cards @ emanating from the cards and surrounding you, and feel filled with the love and friendship
of others. Continue this visualization for as long as you wish.
€ CaRDs

Six cards are used in this spell: the Five of Coins shows
where an area of instability may lie, and reveals how you
may best deal with it; the Two of Cups opens the way
for new encounters; Temperance creates a spiritual
dynamic through which you can absorb previous
experiences and learn from them; the Ten of C,rpr '

questions the realm of commitmenrs; the Ten of Coins

adds the eleme nt of stability and material consistency;
and the Lovers sets the scene for the entire theme of
love and choices in marre rs of love.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To explore love on every physical and emotional level; to open yourselfup to whatever
the gods and goddesses oflove maywish you to learn; to bring a greater flow oflove
and affection into your life.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress the candles with oil, place one in the easr and one
in the center of the altar, and light tlem. Using the chalk
or cord and starting in the east, draw or form a large spiral
clockwise around the perimeter of the altar, gradually
moving in toward the center. You will have to walk
around the aitar to do this. Stop about a quarter of
the way into the center.
Place the Five of Coins at the point
at which you have stopped the spiral.
Look at dre card, and picture two .
people together, but suffering
from loneliness and misery.
Although they are traveling
in the same direction, each
is very much alone.
ComRrN-tN(l rHE Cartos


L@Vtr .


See yourselfas one ofthese characters, lonely and without 1ove. Continue drawing or

forming the spiral until you are abour half of the way into the cenrer. Place the Jwo of Cups
at this point, and as you do so, recognize that this card represents your journey toward
meedng someone, however circuitous the route may be. Recite:

I call upon the archangel Haniel, archangel ofthe

sphere ofWnus, to bring about a meeting with
the person who is to become my soul mate, in
accordance tuith m7 owil greater spiritudl g00d,
and that ofthe ot/1er perszn. So mote it be.

As you recite these words, lay the Temperance card alongside

the Two of Cups. Imagine that you can hear the rustle of
wind or wings. Haniel appears before you; the lower two-
thirds of his body is light green, the upper third pink.
Spend some time in building this image. You may
get the sensation of the room becoming warmer as
this happens, or your body heating up. Either way,
it is a good sign.
Light some incense, then continue the spiral until
you are three-quarters ofthe way into the center ofthe
altar. Lay the Ten of Cups and the Ten of Coins at this
point, then continue the spiraling pattern into the center.
Lay the Lovers card in the center. Look at how the spiral
interconnects all the cards, and as you look down upon
the last card, reflect on how much happiness and emotional
stabiliry you are shordy going to experience in the new
loving relationship that you have brought into being.
Attach the red cord to the ring, hold it above the altar
like a pendulum, and allow it to spin in a circular direction,
following the course of the
spiral. As it spins, recite: "Soul
mate, Soul mate, Soul mate."
tVhen the ring has stopped
spinning, wear it around
your neck for seven days
as an amulet, keeping it on
even when you take a bath
or shower. After this period,
keep both the ring and the
cord as a reminder of the
spell you have cast.


Gold altar cloth Q Six tarot cards @
Two grem candles @ Muh or sandzhaood incense

Rose esmtial oil @ and cemer or oil burner @

rYbite chalh or length of A ing, preferablf goH @
white cord @ Lengtb of red nrd @
Nq rHE caROS

This spell uses four tarot cards: the Two of Cups

represents a new loving relationship; the Page of \fands
symbolizes a new person entering your life unexpectedly;
the Lovers show the opportunities for love in your life;
and the Eight of \7ands de picts some thing coming into
your life very quickly.

To unleash the desires ofthose around you; to tlrrn your own sparks offantasy into the
VOU WILL NCED flames oF actual experience.
Rcdabar cloth Q
Red candle @ maqrcal w@RKrNq
Orange candle @ Dress the candles in the oil, then place the red candle in the north ofthe altar and the
Rov esential oil @ orange candle in the south. Light them and recite:
Four tarot cards @
Flower petal: @ I call upon the forces ofloue and light to bring me a pasionate louer so that ute can enjoy each

HourgLrs @ orheri company and buemaking.

Selection ofsercual
thanlugiuing ffirings @ Lay the Two of Cups with the Page of across it in the west of the altar, and the Lovers
with the Eight of rX/ands across it in the east. Sprinkle some
flower petals all around t}le altar and recite:

Let the spirits take note, for the gods haue decreed that I am to be

giuen a hot, passionate louer for m)/ pleasule. May my joy be made

full. So mote it be.

Recite three times. Place the hourglass in the center ofthe altar,
turn it upside down, and think about the passionate encounters
you would like to have until all the sand runs through. Picture
yourselfin vivid detail in as many different sexual situations as
you like. Leave chocolates, scent, makeup, sery clothing, or a
sex toy on the altar as offerings. Repeat the casting on three
days in a row. \X/hen you have finished, take all of the offerings
and bury them quite deeply in a secluded place. The more
lavish the thanksgiving offering, the speedier and more
impressive the result.

This spell uses five tarot cards: the Lovers symbolizes the
choices to be made regarding who you are going to love ;

the Seven of Cups represents confusion concerning love

matters; the Two of Cups symbolizes a new phase in
a loving relationship; the Eight of Swords re pre sents

frustration and the need to cut yourself free; and the Two
of Swords symbolizes the ability to make the right choice.


Plain abar surface @ To free yourself from a relationship in which you feel rapped, so that both you and your
Redcandb @ lover can move onto new pastures without any feelings ofhurt, betrayal, or heartbreak.
Bkch candlz @

Fiue tarot cards @ maqrcal w@RKrNq

Sah @ Place the red candle in the north of the altar, the black candle in the south, and light them.
GLus ofwater @ Lay the Lovers card in the center and recite three times:
Lock ofyour huer's hair or

a small piece of sheepshin @ Here I place myself and (giue his/her name). May the gods look down, and help me to send
Bod ofrose petals @ him/her on his/her way.

Lay the Seven of Cups card in the west of the altar, with the
Two of Cups across it, and recite three times:

Here he/she is, looking the other way his/her emotions changing
shijling and mouing azuay fom me.

Lay down the Eight of Swords with the Two of Swords across
it in the east of the altar, and recite three times:

Here hehhe goes, unable tofnd his/her way back. He/she is gone

for goor/ now. So mote it be.

Sprinkle a little salt in each of the four compass points, then

repeat with sprinkles of water. Place the lock of your unwanted
lover's hair in the bowl ofrose petals in the center ofthe altar
and set them alight.
rNq rH€ Caros

Four tarot cards are needed for this spell: the Devil
represents negativity in all its forms; the Tower depicts
things tumbling down; the King of Swords symbolizes
victory; and the Nine of \flands represe nts barricades
of protection.

To break a connection with
someone who has become a
troublesome influence; to set yourselfand the other person free, so that you can both move
in different directions and get on with your lives in peace.

VOU WILL NECD maqrcal w@RKrNq

Bkcb ahar cbth @ Lay the Devil card in the north of the altar and t}re Tower in the south. Stand the red candle
Redctndb @ on top of the Devil and the black candle on top of the Tower. Light the candles and recite:
Bkch ctndle @

Four tarot cards @ Hail the wind, hail the storm, let peace return to my life and. may (giue name of the person) be
Pieca ofbrohen glas or sent atua! whereuer is bexfor him/her to be, but not near me, for my hfe is grined and burdened
a few rusty iron wik @ fui his/her presence. So mote it be.

Bottb @
Repeat three times, each time more slowly and more
powerfully. Place the broken glass or rusty nails in the bottle,
repeating the name of the troublesome person for several
minutes. Seal the bottle, and put it between the rwo candles.
Place the King of Swords on top of the bottle (lay the bottle
on its side if necessary) for several minutes, then pick up the
card in one hand and the bottle in the othe! and play-act
your card fighting with the bottle, emerging victorious. Put
the bottle to one side, then lay the Nine of \fands alongside
the King of Swords in the center of the altar. Recite:

Let this be rny moment of uictory, and now that (giue name) ha:
gone, the sun will shine on me and on him/her

This spell requires nine tarot cards: Justice brings balance

to the situation; Judgment indicates that the dispute
will soon be over; the King and Queen of Swords act as

judges; Strength represents yourself; the Eight of Swords

symbolizes your enemy; the Six of \flands evokes victory;
the Four of Coins encourages financial gain; and the
Six of Coins brings financial
SP€LL F@R redress from your enemy.

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To obrain a lavorable ourcome in a dispure or legal marter. Ii should be someching important
that will allect your lile subsranrially lor years ro come. not jusr a minor problem.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Place the candles in the middle of the altar, a little apart from
each othet and light them.Place Justice and Judgment berween
and just below the candles. Salute the cards by saying aloud:

I ash you for Tour help to bring this dispute to a fauorable

lutcome. P/ease show your merqt and wipe /naqt /tn)/ negatiue
karma I may haue brought upon this euent, and gi.ue me improued
understandingfor the future. Judgneent, I ask that you influence
theforthcoming euents in my fauor so that lour greatness may be
rnagnifed. So mote it be.

Place the King and Queen of Swords, one on either side

of Justice and Judgment. Holding Strength in your right
hand, and the Eight of Swords in your left, use the former
to demolish the latter in a mock battle. Then place the Eight
of Swords face down below Justice and Judgment to show
VOU WILL Ne eD its defeat. Place Strength face up above them, berween the candles.
Bkch altar cloth lQ To seal the victory, place the Six of \7ands, Four of Coins, and Six of Coins in a row
Tuo red candles @ above Strength. Give thanla for your success by placing a small glass of milk or brandy and
Nite tarot cards @ a few chocolates on the altar. Leave the altar as it is for three days, lighting the candles each
Glas ofmith or brandy @ day for as long as you have time. \X{hen the three days are ove! bury the thanksgiving
Chocolates Q offerings at a crossroads.

rNq r'rr€ caRDS

Use four cards for this spell: the Sun represents the power
of life; the Six of Cups adds the influence of youthfulness;
the Ten of Cups symbolizes your commitment to
the child; and the Empress represents the child
and contributes harmony.

maqrcal rNT€NTI@N
To protect children from harm; to fill your child's life with happiness, joy, security,
gentleness. and harmony.
Gold altar cloth Q maqrcal w@RKINq
K"tft @ Inscribe the name ofthe child (or children) along the side ofboth candles. Ifyou are
Tuo red candles @ casting this spell for an unborn chiId, inscribe the word "Baby'' unless you know what its
Rore essmtial oil and name will be. Dress the candles with oil, place them in the east and west of the altar, and
oil bumer @ light them. Place the oil burner containing essential oil in the north ofthe altar and light it.
Four tarot cards @ Sit quietly for a few moments, thinking about the child and the happy times that you hope
Lmgtbs ofred and green lie ahead for him or her. Visuaiize the altar vibrating with life, as it prepares to send an
cord or red and green chalh @ important message into the outer realms of the universe. Recite:

May the unseen forces gather tlreruselues around this child

(grue name), that he/she shall be safe /iom an1 harm, physical
and non-plrysical. I call upon all the forces ofspirit to protect this

cbild wherner his/her footsteps shall lead, nou and in the ftture'
Icall upon the spirits of our ancestors to be with him/her for all
tinre, so that hind and beneuolentforces may lead him/her to
p athway of happines and fulf llment.

Recite this three times. Lay the Sun card in the north of the
altar,with the Six of Cups in the southeast and theTen of
Cups in the southwest. Draw or form the shape of a triangle
around the perimeter olthese cards with green chalk or cord'
Place the Empress in the center of the a.ltar and draw or form
three circles around it with red chalk or cord. Visualize the
child(ren) for whom you are casting this spell actually inside
the card, within the protective circles and triangles.

This spell requires five cards: the \World denotes

stability; the Nine of Coins symbolizes recognition
and acknowledgment; the Ten of Coins represents
organization; and the King and Queen of Swords
act as guardian powers of the spirit world.

H@m€ maqical INT€NTI@N
To protect your home and all your loved ones;
to make your home a stable, well-run environment in which all who live there can thrive;
to help everyone live rogether in harmony and murual respecr.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Inscribe the address you wish to protect along the side of both candles (the number or
VOU WILL NECD name of your house will do). Dress the candles with oil, place them an)'r,vhere on the altar,
tVhite altar cloth
Q and iight them. On the parchment, draw a picture of your home in red (it can be a very
K"'rt @ simple drawing). Draw a spiral emanating ourward from the front door, going around
Two white candles @ and around the house in a clochvise direction. Put the parchment in the center ofthe altar
Ykng-ylang avntial oil @ and lay the \(orld card above it. Place the Nine of Coins on the left of the \forld and the
Parchment or paper @ Ten of Coins on the right.
Pen or paintbreh with Meditate on the spiral emanating from your drawing, and imagine it flowing around the
red inb or paint @ cards and filling the room you are in. Visualize your home, and see this spiral of powerful,
Fiue tarot cards @ active energy surrounding it. See your family members inside the home, protected by this
force. Lean the King and Queen of Swords against the nvo
candles and recite:

Let these kuo cards replesent the guardian forces that nozu sunound
and peruade m7 home. Let only the inJ'luences of good enter in,
and may the spiritual and ange/i forces that now surround my
home be actiue and uigilant. In the natne ofthe archangel Gabriel,
so mote it be.

Keep the drawing safe as a talisman; it would be a good idea

to frame it and hang it above the inside of your front door.
rNq TH€ cirRDS

This spell combines three tarot cards: Temperance denotes

maturity and harmony; the King or Queen of Swords
represents the mighty warring powers of the universe
that are hidden within you; and Justice symbolizes
balance and a just outcome .

maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To summon the secret powers of the universe to assist in your endeavors; to receive the
protection ofthe spirits against those who are against you.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Inscribe your name along the side of both candles. Dress them
with oil, place them in the east and west of the aItar, and light
them. Lay the Temperance card alongside the candle in the
west, and the King (if you are male) or Queen (if you are
female) of Swords next to the candle in the east. Take the red
ribbon and make a figure-eight shape around the card and
candle in the east, and the card and candle in the west. Recite:

I dedicate these candles untl m)r oun prztection so tbdt thqr can
light up my way. I dedicate Tbmperance t0 re?resent my guardian
angel, and the King/Queen of Swords to represent myself. a warrior
in the ways of the world.

As you do so,think about some of the troubles you have been

through, and how you have survived and triumphed. Tie the
nvo ends ofthe cord together, and as you do so, recognize the
symbolic linking that is now taking place between you and your
VOU WILL NCED guardian angel. Very careful1y inscribe a simple X shape on the tail side of the coin. This is
lf,y'hite abar cloth Q the runic letter gifu, which means gift. Rub some of the essential oil into the coin, and a1low
K"rJ" @ it to dry. PiaceJustice in the center ofthe figure eight. Holding the coin above the card,
Two red candles @ imagine a stream ofgolden light traveling around the red cord, through the card, and up
Htgh John the Conqueror into the coin. Allow the sensation of warmth and power to flow through your body. Keep
or iasmine esential ail @ d-re coin with you as an amulet.

Three tarot card: @

Length ofredibbon @
Metallic coin @

This spell requires four cards: the Emperor represents

decisive action and independence; the Five of \fands
imparts the power to push through obstacles; the Three
of lVands teaches le adership over others; and the Seven
of Wands give s the power to tackle obstacles systematically.

maqrcaL INT€NTI@N
To become empowered and bursting with charisma; to bring new projects to fruition;
to transform brilliant ideas into real goals.

maqrcal w@RKrNq
Dress both candles with oil, place them in the east and west of
the altar, and light them. Place the Emperor card in the center
of the a1tar, and put the diamond or crystal on top of it. Such
stones are formed under massive pressure deep within the earth,
so they represent the process by which the creation of real value
takes place. Be aware of how you are like a diamond-through
adversity and the pressure ofopposing forces in your life, you
have become a being ofvalue.
Lay the Five, Three, and Seven of\7ands in the north of
the altar. Reflect on the struggles you have been through; on
the battles you have won, and on those you have lost' Spend
as long as you iike on this. Conjure in your mind all those lost

opportunities, setbacks, and scenarios of disempowerment.

As they appear, imagine that they turn into a liquid, and flow
down from your mind, along your spine, into your left hand'
Hold your ieft hand over the \fand cards, and picture these
VOU WILL NECD images flowing into them. These cards act as a valve, allowing negativity to enter them,
Red altar cbth @ but letdng nothing back out. Recite:
Tbo red or ordnge candles @
Bergamot esential oil @ I stand here, at this point of my hfe, understanding why certain ercnts haue transpired the way
Four tarot cor* @ they haae. Now I am readl to moueforward, may the unseenforces ofgood grant that I am nout
Diamond or crystal @ worthT and ready to enter this new phase oflife.

Carry the diamond or crystal with you as an amulet.

Coms ING THE Caros

This spell uses tarot cards: the Hierophant represents

knowledge and accumulated awareness; the Page of
\fands shows how to apply that knowledge to your
own and the Aces of the four suits represe nt
the value of new beginnings.

maqrcal INT€NTI@N
To set in motion powerful forces that will allow you ro move into the inner circle of
spiritual and magicai traditions; to achieve a flexible, receptive state of mind so that
you can understand your inner self more completely.

magrcal- \M@RKrNq
Holding the bottle of lavender oil, concentrate your thoughts around the rheme of searching.
At first, nothing may seem to happen; but if you continue, spiritual energies will eventually
flare and spark around you. Lay the tarot cards on the altar in a random patrern. Vsualize
VOU WILL NeeD the power of your own mind walking into the cards, like a hitchhiker in the middle of the
Blue alar cbth Q desert suddenly finding the pyramids and entering one. Now go within, deep within, until
Lauender esential oil
@ you come across a statue of black obsidian stone. V{hat does this statue say to you? tW4rat
Six tarot cards @ might be its meaning? Here, more than anywhere else, you might feel that someone is
oah lzaf @ trying to talk to you. Allow this state of mind ro continue for as long as you desire,
conversing with rhe spirits.
Pour a few drops ofoil onto the oak leal then walk
clockwise around the altar, facing outward and holding up
the oak leafin front ofyou at each ofthe four compass points.
Return to your starting position, and place the leafin rhe center
ofthe altar. Recognize that the generarions ofthe initiated that
have gone before you constitute the main trunk of the tree,
and that your life is symbolized by this leai Bury the leaf at
a crossroads or cemetery.
r x*t- O
'€ CaRDS

Use three tarot cards for this spell: Temperance helps

you to learn from the past; Judgmenr allows you ro
go into new experiences with a sense of celebration;
and Death represents the negative, disempowering
influences of the past.

S€CRETS maqrcal rNT€NTr@N
To revea.l hidden secrets that are restricting you and preventing your progress; to understand
the true reasons ofyour current situation so that you can move forqrard to a new phase.

maqrcal woRKrNq
Inscribe your name along the side of both candles. Dress them
with oil, place them in the east and west of the altar, and light
them. Lay the Temperance card in the center of the altar, and
lean the Judgment and the Death cards against the candles in
the east and west, respectively. Recite:

In the name ofthe archangel Gabriel, I call upon theforces of

light to uncouer t/te secrets concerning 6pectf, what you uould
lihe to gain enlightenment about) and to bring me a deeper
understanding ofthe euents that brought it to pass. I stand
at the doorway, and humbly seeh admission to the secrets and
m)\teries concerning this mattex

Pick up the stone and blow on it to represent consecration by

air. Sprinkle it with water to symbolize consecration by water.
Hold it over one ofthe candles to represent consecration by
VOU WILL Ne eD fire, then rub some of the sa,lt into it to symbolize consecrarion by earth. Holding the stone
Pkin altar sulface Q in your hand, allow your mindt eye to scan the situation from a variety of different angles.
K"rf' @ Keep the stone with you as arr amulet until you receive enlightenment.
Two blue or putple candles @
Dragonls blood or

cloue esential oil @

Tbree tarot cards @
Smallstone @
Glas of water @

Salt @
!i THrj caRDS

Three cards are used in this spell: the Magician helps

you to learn, absorb, and organize the information inside
yourself; the High Priesress assists in making intelligent,
, .-.
"*, *oJi,o^
intuitive application of that information; and the
Hierophant provides enrry ro rhe
LL F@R secret areas of the mind.

INq maqrcaL
KN @wl'
maqrcal rNT€NTroN
To understand the causes of things, so that you can influence evenm in alignment with
your own desires; to discover your destiny; to learn the ways ofthe spirit world.

vou wrLL NeeD maqICaL w@RKINq

Bkch alut cloth Q Inscribe the word "Cause" along the side of the black candle and "Effect" along the white
K"'f" @
candle. Dress both candles with oil, place the black candle in the east ofthe altar and the
white candle in the west, and light them. Lay the Magician card in the center of the altat
Bkck candle @

\Yhin candte @
then lean the High Priestess upright against the white candle, and lean the Hierophant
High John tbe Conqueror upright against the black candle.

or uetiuert esntial oil

Q Place the mirror or crystal ball on the altar. Gaze into it, and imagine that you can see

Three tarot cards things moving within it. Throughout your coundess lifetimes, deep within the reel of
Minor or crystal ball @ data banl<s of your unconscious mind, there exists an enormous repository of knowledge.
Imagine massive computers coming to iife in your head;
their screens begin to glow with multicolored flashing lights
and humming sounds fill the air. Inside this imaginary control
panel, look around for the dials marked "Knowledge," "Love,"
"Fortune," and "Good Health." Reset each of these dials to
maximum. Notice how this affects the lights and sounds.
Something is beginning to happen, deep inside your
unconscious mind; you are triggering long-dormant
psychic and magical consciousness. Recite:

In the name ofthe uniuersal pouers ofunderstanding I giue thanks

for all the help I haue receiaed touard my euolution, and call upon
a/l that is euo/utionary to continue u,'orbing with me toward these
same ends. So mote it be.
/\ Four 88-89, 10 emotional wealth, spellfinder 35

Six 98, 110 Emperor 1 i 8

abundance 58, 88 Eight 94 Emperor Spell 46
admiration 48, 84 Nine 88-89, 1 14 Empress 88-90, 112
spellfinder 34 Ten 100-102,1i4 Empress Spell 44
adventures in life 38, 86 tool representing 23 enlightenmenr 56
affiniry 98 communication 40 ethics l8-21
Alexandria, library 10 compass directions 28 examinations:
alphabet, Hebrew l0 compassion 58 success in 48, 94
altar: competitiYe situations: spellfinder 34
decorating 24 success in 94
setting up 28 29 spellfinder 34
tools for 23 consecration:
amulets 25 ofcandle 25 faith 14
angels, guardian, invoking 33 of tarot cards 26 fenility 88
Aquarius 72 creatiYit\/ 44,80 spellfinder 35
archangels 28, 29 spellfinder 35 fidelity, spellfinder 35
Aries 46 crystal 23 financial protection 70
astrology 12 13 ctp 23 spellfinder 35
Cups (Suit): financial redress 1 10
Ace 120 Fool 86
B fwo 100-102, 104,106 Fool Spell 38
bag, for talisman or mulet Six 98, 1 12 forgiveness 68
25 Seven 106 friendship 98
bal,ance 54, 110, 116 Ten 100-102, 112 future, influencing 66
batdes, winning 70 Page 98
spellfinder 35 Queen 98
black magic 18, 20 King 98 Lr
^J. . 5{l
breathing 33 tool representing 23 (remtnt --
business success 58 generosity 58
spellfinder 34 glass 23
gods, communing with 14
Death 120 Golden Dawn, Order of the 12
C Death Spell 64 gossip 74
Cancer 52 deception, uncovering 74 Gringonneur, Jacquemin 10
cmdles, dressing 25 decision making 56, 68 guudian angel, invoking 33
candlestick 23 spellfinder 35
Capricorn 68 decisive action 118
carefulness 96 destiny, discovering 124
Celts 14 destructiveness 68 Hanged Man Spell 62
censef 23 Devil 108 happiness 44,76
Chariot 96 Devil Spell 68 spellfinder 34
Chariot Spell 52 diary, keeping 21 harmony 54,65,80,112
charisma 1 18 disputes, settling 1 10 healing 66
chariry 56 divination 17 heakh 70,76
Charles M, King of France l0 divorce 54 spellfinder 34
children 76 driving test, success in 96 Hebrew alphabet 10
protection of I 12 Hermes 40
Cobbler rrr Magician Hermit 94, 96
coins 23
,F Hermit Spell 56
Coins (Suit): elements: Hierophant 120,124
Ace 88, 120 minor arcana and,12, 13 Hierophant Spell 48
Three 94 symbols on altar 28,30 High Priestess 124
IND€X 127

High Priestess Spell 42

history 10-13
Lovers 100-102, 104, 106
Lovers Spell 50
home 76 Papus 10, 12
prctection 52, ll.4
spellfinder 35
humanitarianism 72
passionate encounters 104
peace 72
persuasive powers 92
black magic 18, 20 physical health, spellfinder 34
ethics l8-21 Pisces 74
T planets, associations with major arcana
I practice of 14-17
imagination 74 magical powers 60 12, 13
independence 118 spellfinder 34 Pluto 78
ingredients 24 Magician 84, 92, 94, 96, 124 Pope ser Hierophant
insight, spellfinder 35 Magician Spell 40 positive characteristics 60
inspiration 84 Major Arcana 10 spellfinder 35
intelligence 96 astrological associations 12-13 potential, realizing 60, 84
interviews, success in 92 links with tree of life 11 prayer 14
introspection 66 spells 36-80 pregnancy, spell for 44
intujtion 42,74 symbols 16 prestige 88
spellfinder 34 Mars 70 Priestess 84
investments 58 Marseille, Tarot de 10 problems, spellfinder 35
material wealth 70 properry safeguarding 58
spellfinder 35 protection 108
maturity of children 1 12
) 1

meditation 30
of family 74, 11.4
Judaism 10
Judgment il0, i20 memory 96 finances 70
Judgment Spell 78 Mercury 40 ofhome 114
Juggler srr Magician mindset for magic, achieving personal 74, 116
Jupiter 58, 90 30,33 of properry 58
Justice 110,116 Minor Arcana 10 spellfinder 35
Justice Spell 54 astrological msociations 12-13 psychological health, spellfinder
links with tree of life 11 34
-1 symbols 16

Kabbalah 10
tree oflife 10, 11
moderation 66
Moon 42
Moon Spell 74
Queens 86
karma 54 motherhood 52
knife 23
Knights 86 R
knowledge i20 reason 96
hidden, spellfinder 34 negatiYe influences: relationship, freeing oneself from
magical, gaining 124 removing 60, 64,78 106
spellfinder 35 respect 48
negatiYiry 68, 108 spellfinder 34
L) Neptune 62 riches srr wealth
lavender essential oil 26 new horizons, spellfinder 34 Rider-\faite tarot 12
leadership 46,86,118 robes 22
legal success 54 rumors 74
spellfinder 34 @ rune stones 16
Leo 60 obstacles, tackling 1 18
Ldvi, Eliphas 10, 12 occultism 12
Ltbra 54 Odin 62 S
Iight 76 opportunities, spellfinder 34 sacrifice 62
love 44, 100-702 Order of the Golden Dawn 12 safery 70
spellfinder 35 Order of the Silver Star 12 Sagittarius 66
love spells 20 Order of the Temple of the Saturn 80, 90
lover, getting rid of 106 East 12 Scorpio 64

secrets, discoyering 42, 56, 122

spellfinder 34
Temperance 100-102, 116, 122
Temperance Spell 66 CREDITS
self-destruction 68 Temple of the East, Order of the 12
sel f-doelopmen r. spellfi nder ThirdEye 32
Quarto would like to thank md
35 Thoth tarot 12 acknowledge the following for allowing
self-empowerment 1 18 Thoth Tehuti 40 us to reproduce images oftheir raror
self-esteem 60 tools 23, 28,29,30 cards in this book:
spellfinder 35 Tower 108
self-initiation 120 Tower Spell 70 Illustrations from the Visconti-Sforza,
self-protection 1 16 tranqurlity 72 Dragon, and Morgan-Greer tarot
sensitivity 74 transforming life 78 decls reproduced by permission of
sereniqt 72 travel 56,75,80 US Gmes Systems, Inc, Stamford,
sharing 98 spellfinder 34 CT 06902, USA. Copyrights A D75,
Silver Star, Order of the 12 tree oflife 10, 1 1 1996, and 1993 respectively by US
sorcerers 14 troublesome people, vmquishing 108 Games Systems, Inc, Stamford, CT.
spellbox 23,26
Further reproduction prohibited.
spellcasting 16-17
preparations for 22-29
spellfinder 34-35
uanga bag25
Illustrations from the Throt de Marseille
reproduced by permission ofFrance
spells: Uranu s38 Canes Grimaud, 49 rue Alexandre,
derivation 16
BP 49, 54132 Saint Mu Cddex, France.
ingredients 24
results /
theories about 6
Yenus 44,90
Further reproduction prohibited.

\7e would also like to thank Charlie's

spirit world, communing with 14 victory 108, 1 10 Rock Shop, London, for kindly allowing
spiritual weahh. spellfinder 35 Virgo 56 us to photograph their products.
Star 84,92 Visconti-Sforza tarot 10
Star spell 72
All other illustrations ue the copyright
Strength 1 10
ofQuarto. \X/hile every effort has been
Strength Spell 60
made to credit contributors, Quarto
success !8, 70, 80, 88 wand 23 would like to apologize should there
in examinations 94 \fmds (Suit): have been any omissions or errors.
spellfinder 34 Ace 120
Sun 1 12 Two 92 Terry Donaldson is the director ol
Sun Spell 76 Three 86, 118 the London Tarot Tiaining Centre and
Swords (Suit): Five 1 18 can be contacted via its website at
Ace 120 Six 1 10 and by
Two 106 Seven 1 18 email at [email protected].
Eight 106, 110 Eight 104
Queen 110, 114, lt6 Nine 108
King i08, 110, l14, 116 Page 104, 120
tool representing 23 tool representing 23
wars, berween gods 68
TL wealth 78, 88-90
spellfinder 35
talismans 25 Vheel of Fortune 84,88-90,94
tarocco (tarocchi) I0 rX/heel ofFortune Spell 58
tarot: workplace, harmony in 80
for divination 1Z rX/orld 86, 88-90, I
history 10-13 Vorld Spell 80
tarot cards 10
consecrating 26
storing 26 IJ
symbols 16 Yggdrasil 62
Taurus 48 youthfulness 112
ISBN 0-7641 -5402-8

=, Iiliffiililililililililil mtnflfiflt
$18.95 Canada 926.50

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