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Project on

Malabar gold
jewellery store
Business research is the process of designing, gathering,
analyzing, and reporting information that may be used
to solve a specific business problem.
As we all know market research is an ancient technique
to find out how one things rank against each other. It
has been used since the time began.
Market research comprises one of the most important
and fascinating facets of marketing. The ethical aspects
of market research and the responsibilities each of the
marketing research stakeholders have to themselves,
one another, and the research project presented and
developed in more detail throughout the text.
 Design of the study:
o Introduction of the study
o Objectives

o Scope of the study

o Methodology of data collections
o Limitation of the study
 Gold Industry:
o Introduction
o History
o Applications
o Occurrence
o Production
o Price
o Current supply and demand statistics
o Factors influencing gold prices
o Indian jems jewellery industry
 Malabar Gold:
o Introduction
o History
o Area of operation
o Malabar Gold - Kasaragod Unit
o Management & Staf
o Special Features
o Mission
o Social responsibility
o Organizational Structure
o Sources of fund
o Details of Malabar Gold collections
 Consumer Behaviour:
o Introduction
o Consumer Behaviour
o Buyer – an enigma
o Factors influencing consumer behaviour
o Outlet selection and purchase
o Purchase behaviour
o Post purchase behaviour
 Consumer behaviour analysis of customers of
Malabar Gold:
o Introduction
o Analysis of data
 Finding and suggestions:
o Introduction
o Findings
o Suggestions
o Conclusion
o References
o Few Snaps
o Questionnaire
Introduction to the study
Society is a diversified in all aspects. We see this
among consumers, marketers, producers and even
among consumer behaviour from theoretical
The study of consumer behaviour enables marketer
to predict consumer behaviour in the market; it
also produces under standing of the role that
consumption has in the lives of individuals.
Consumer behaviour is defined as a behaviour that
consumers display while searching for purchase,
using, evaluation and disposal of products, services
and ideas that they to satisfy their needs. The study
o f consumer behaviour is concerned not only with
what consumers buy, but also with what they buy
it, when, from where and how they buy it and how
often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the
specific meanings that products hold for
consumers. Consumer research takes place at every
phase of the consumption process; before the
purchase, during the purchase and after purchases.
Consumer behaviour is the study of how people
buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they
buy. It attempts to understand the buyer decision
processes/buyer decision making process, both
individually and in groups. It studies characteristics
of individual consumers such as demographics,
psychographics, and behavioural variables in an
attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries
to assess influences on the consumer from groups
such as family, friends, reference groups, and
society in general.
What we buy, how we buy, where and when we
buy, in how much quantity we buy depends on our
perception, self concept, social and cultural
background and our age and family cycle, our
attitudes, beliefs, values motivation, personality,
social class and many other factors that are both
internal and external to us.
Consumer behaviour is interdisciplinary; i.e. it is
based on concepts and theories about people that
have been developed by scientist in such diverse
disciplines as psychology, sociology, social
psychology, cultural anthropology and economics.
Consumer research is the methodology used to
study consumer behaviour.
The study of consumer behaviour is the study of
how individuals make decision to spend their
available resources on consumption elated items. It
includes the study of what, why, when and form
where they buy etc.
Consumer behaviour is a relatively new field of
study emerged in late 1960s with no history or
body of research of its own unlike branches of
economics. Many early theories concerning
consumer behaviour were based on economic
theory on the notion that individuals act to
maximize their benefits in the purchase of goods
and services.
There are number of reasons why the study of
consumer behaviour developed as a separate
marketing discipline. As sum as the marketing
researchers began to study the buying behaviour of
customers, they realized that, despite a something
“ me too” approach to fashions, many consumer
rebelled at using the identical products everyone
else used. The primary purpose or studying as part
of a marketing curriculum is to understand why and
how consumers make their purchase decisions.
These insights enable marketer to design more
efective marketing strategies.
Consumer behaviour has become an integral part of
strategic market planning. The belief that ethics
and responsibility should also be integral
components of every marketing concept, which
calls on marketer to fulfil the needs of their target
market in ways that improve society as a whole.
In addition to studying consumer uses and
purchase and post purchase evaluations of the
product they buy, consumers researchers are also
interested in how individuals dispose the other
one’ s new purchase.

 To analyse the behaviour of customers of Malabar
 To know the motivating factors of consumers in
purchasing products of Malabar Gold.
 To know how brand preference is formed in
purchasing Malabar Gold’s ornaments among
 To analyse marketing strategies of Malabar Gold.
 To ascertain the level of brand loyalty and brand
image associated by consumer with a brand name
‘ Malabar Gold’ and the reason for this.
 To measure the level of satisfaction of customers of
Malabar Gold.
 To study the consumer perception towards Malabar

Statement of the problem

gold ornaments outlet named MALABAR GOLD with
entire package of ofers and with unique collections of
designs. So after 15 years of business and service, it is
important to know how the customers’ behaviour is
against its competition and how efective has been the
product positioning. After the purchase of specialty
goods or shopping goods, the customer exhibits post
purchase behaviour. It may be either cognitive
consonance or cognitive dissonance. The consonance
leads to dissatisfaction. But when it comes to customers
going in high value premium segment goods such as
gold, diamond and platinum ornaments, in a high
competitive with too many players in the market, then
the customer surely has a wide range of choice to
choose from and carefully evaluates the diferent
showrooms before making a purchase decision. In such
a situation, any of purchase dissonance will lead to very
high degree of dissatisfaction, which may also lead to
spreading negative option to the prospective buyer of
jewellers’ outlet. The MALABAR GROUP OF COMPANIES
has launched its gold ornaments outlet named
MALABAR GOLD with entire package of ofers and with
unique collections of designs. So after 15 years of
business and service, it is important to know how the
customers’ behaviour is against its competition and how
efective has been the product positioning. After the
purchase of specialty goods or shopping goods, the
customer exhibits post purchase behaviour. It may be
either cognitive consonance or cognitive dissonance.
The consonance leads to dissatisfaction. But when it
comes to customers going in high value premium
segment goods such as gold, diamond and platinum
ornaments, in a high competitive with too many players
in the market, then the customer surely has a wide
range of choice to choose from and carefully evaluates
the diferent showrooms before making a purchase
decision. In such a situation, any of purchase dissonance
will lead to very high degree of dissatisfaction, which
may also lead to spreading negative option to the
prospective buyer of jewellers’ outlet.

Scope of the study

This study of under standing the behaviour of the
customers on jewellery brand, namely MALABAR GOLD,
apart from helping to acquire a better insight and
understanding into the vital, but trivial aspects of the
jewellery market, it also helps in assessing the
companies strength and weakness against the
competing jewellery brands. Thus helping in finding the
loop holes in the company’s products on in finding
logical solutions to the problems.

This study helps in finding out:

 How the customers rate the various attributes in

Malabar Gold as against other competitors.

 How efective has been the company in positioning

Malabar Gold as a reputed jewellery showroom.

 How efective has the company’s marketing

strategy of low making charge, with ofering a
whole lot of unique features provided in the

Methodology for data


1. Source of data:
There are broadly two types of data available to a
researcher. They are;
(a) Primary data
(b) Secondary data

Primary data:

It refers to the first hand information collected by the

researcher, specific to the research problem. It includes
using diferent primary data collection tools such as
personal interview using questionnaires, telephone
surveys, mail surveys etc. For the present study, primary
data was collected by survey method using

Secondary data:

It is the information that already exists for another

purpose. This refers to all those data which are
collected for some earlier research work. The secondary
data for this work was obtained form company profile,
company magazines, website, newspapers, internet,
text books, reports and form company brochures and
other promotional materials.

2. Sampling:
In the consumer market research, there is a problem of
selecting a sample of few hundred respondents from a
vast population. The reason for sampling is that it is not
possible to cover the entire population in the field of


Type of sample: Simple random

Sampling: For this study the
respondents were customer
of Malabar Gold only were
Research instruments: Structured closed ended
Method: The respondents were
contacted personally and

Limitations of the study

The main limitations are:-

 Time limitation for compelling the project.

 The data obtained in some cases may be biased.

 Difficulty in communication within the city while

conducting the survey.

 The information obtained from the consumers

based on questionnaires was assumed to be

 Since the survey is based on sampling method, it

does not disclose the character of the entire
Gold has long been considered the most desirable of
precious metals, and its value has been used as the
standard for many currencies in history. Gold has
been used as a symbol for purity, value, royalty. One
of the salient features about the gold is that a single
gram of weight is not at all wasted since its
exploration. It has been rounding in diferent hands in
one or the other way.
The history of gold starts from 2600BC. A huge
description is available in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. It
may be the first metal used by humans and was
valued for ornamentation and rituals. Important
locations famous in the name of gold are Red sea in
Saudi Arabia, Lydia, Romania, Las medullas, in Spain,
Rosia Montana in Transylvania, Central America, Peru
and Columbia.
Today, gold has emerged as an important mean for
investments also. Volatile markets and unstable
economic conditions have also added to it. China is
largest producer followed by South Africa. But India is
the largest consumer of gold, where it is largely used
for jewellery together with investment. India’s
diversified religious customs and rituals have helped
to the high demand for gold.
The symbol for the Sun has been used since ancient
times to represent gold. The Turin mining papyrus
Gold has been known and highly-valued since
prehistoric times. It may have been the first metal
used by humans and was valued for ornamentation
and rituals. Egyptian hieroglyphs from as early as
2600 BC describe gold, which king Tushratta of the
Mitanni claimed was "more plentiful than dirt" in
The south-east corner of the Black Sea was famed for
its gold. Exploitation is said to date from the time of
Midas, and this gold was important in the
establishment of what is probably the world's earliest
Coinage in Lydia between 643 and 630 BC.
The Romans developed new methods for extracting
gold on a large scale using hydraulic mining methods,
especially in Spain from 25 BC onwards and in
Romania from 150 AD onwards.
The Mali Empire in Africa was famed throughout the
old world for its large amounts of gold. Mansa Musa,
ruler of the empire (1312–1337) became famous
throughout the old world for his great hajj to Mecca
in 1324. When he passed through Cairo in July of
1324, he was reportedly accompanied by a camel
train that included thousands of people and nearly a
hundred camels. He gave away so much gold that it
took over a decade for the economy across North
Africa to recover, due to the rapid inflation that it
During the 19th century, gold rushes occurred
whenever large gold deposits were discovered. The
first documented discovery of gold in the United
States was at the Reed Gold Mine near George Ville,
North Carolina in 1803. The first major gold strike in
the United States occurred in a small north Georgia
town called Dahlonega. Further gold rushes occurred
in California, Colorado, Otago, Australia,
Witwatersrand, Black Hills, and Klondike.
Because of its historically high value, much of the gold
mined throughout history is still in circulation in one
form or another.

In various countries, gold is used as a standard for
monetary exchange, in coinage and in jewellery. Pure
gold is too soft for ordinary use and is typically
hardened by alloying with copper or other base
metals. The gold content of gold alloys is measured in
carats (k), pure gold being designated as 24k.
As a medium of monetary
Gold coins intended for circulation from 1526 into the
1930s were typically a standard 22k alloy called
crown gold, for hardness. Modern
collector/investment bullion coins are typically 24k,
although the American Gold Eagle and British gold
sovereign continue to be made at 22k, on historical
tradition. The world wide used coins are American
Gold Eagle, British Gold Sovereign, Canadian Gold
Maple Leaf, Gold Kangaroos, Australian Gold Nugget,
Australian Lunar Calendar Series, Austrian
Philharmonic and American Bufalo.

Because of the softness of pure (24k) gold, it is usually
alloyed with base metals for use in jewellery, altering
its hardness and ductility, melting point, colour and
other properties. Alloys with lower cartage, typically
22k, 18k, 14k or 10k, contain higher percentages of
copper, or other base metals or silver or palladium in
the alloy. Copper is the most commonly used base
metal, yielding a redder colour. 18k gold containing
25% copper is found in antique and Russian jewellery
and has a distinct, though not dominant, copper cast,
creating rose gold. Fourteen carat gold-copper alloy is
nearly identical in colour to certain bronze alloys, and
both may be used to produce police and other badges.
Blue gold can be made by alloying with iron and purple
gold can be made by alloying with aluminium, although
rarely done except in specialize jewellery. Blue gold is
more brittle and therefore more difficult to work with
when making jewellery. Fourteen and eighteen carat
gold alloys with silver alone appear greenish-yellow and
are referred to as green gold. White gold alloys can be
made with palladium or nickel. White 18 carat gold
containing 17.3% nickel, 5.5% zinc and 2.2% copper is
silver in appearance.

Other uses
 Salts and radio scopes of gold are used in
 Gold leaf, flakes or dust is used in some gourmet
foodstufs, sweets and drinks as decorative ingredient.
 Gold is used in dentistry as crowns and permanent
 Gold threads are used in embroidery
 Gold has been used for electrical wiring in some high
energy applications, atomic experiment and other
electrical equipments.
 Olympics, Nobel Prize and other competitions and
honours award a gold medal to the winner.
In nature, gold most often occurs in its native state
(that is, as a metal), though usually alloyed with
silver. Native gold contains usually eight to ten per
cent silver, but often much more - alloys with a silver
content over 20% are called electrum. As the amount
of silver increases, the colour becomes whiter and the
specific gravity becomes lower. Ores bearing native
gold consist of grains or microscopic particles of
metallic gold embedded in rock, often in association
with veins of quartz or sulphide minerals like pyrite.
These are called "lode" deposits. Native gold is also
found in the form of free flakes, grains or larger
nuggets that have been eroded from rocks and end
up in alluvial deposits (called placer deposits). Such
free gold is always richer at the surface of gold
bearing veins owing to the oxidation of accompanying
minerals followed by weathering, and washing of the
dust into streams and rivers, where it collects and can
be welded by water action to form nuggets.

Gold minerals
Gold usually occurs in nature as the native element or
as the gold silver alloy electrum. Gold does occur
combined with tellurium as the minerals calaverite,
krennerite, nagyagite, petzite and sylvanite. Gold also
occurs as the rare bismuthide maldonite (Au2Bi) and
the antimonide aurostibite (AuSb2). Gold also occurs
as rare alloys with copper, lead, and mercury: the
minerals auricupride (Cu3Au), novodneprite (AuPb3)
and weishanite (AuAg)3Hg2).

Since the 1880s, South Africa has been the source for a
large proportion of the world’s gold supply, with about
50% of all gold ever produced having come from South
Africa. Production in 1970 accounted for 79% of the
world supply, producing about 1,000 tones. However by
2007 production was just 272 tones. This sharp decline
was due to the increasing difficulty of extraction,
changing economic factors afecting the industry, and
tightened safety auditing. In 2007 China (with 276
tones) overtook South Africa as the world's largest gold
producer, the first time since 1905 that South Africa has
not been the largest.

Other major producers are United States, Australia,

China, Russia and Peru. Mines in South Dakota and
Nevada supply two-thirds of gold used in the United
States. In South America, the controversial project
Pascua Lama aims at exploitation of rich fields in the
high mountains of Atacama Desert, at the border
between Chile and Argentina. Today about one-
quarter of the world gold output is estimated to
originate from artisanal or small scale mining.
After initial production, gold is often subsequently
refined industrially by the Wohlwill process or the
Miller process. Other methods of assaying and
purifying smaller amounts of gold include parting and
inquartation as well as cupellation, or refining
methods based on the dissolution of gold in aqua
The world's oceans hold a vast amount of gold, but in
very low concentrations (perhaps 1–2 parts per 10


Today, like all investments and commodities, the price
of gold is ultimately driven by supply and demand,
including hoarding and disposal. Unlike most other
commodities, the hoarding and disposal plays a much
bigger role in afecting the price, because most of the
gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to
come on to the market for the right price.


 India is the largest consumer of gold in the world

followed by China and Japan.
 India is emerging as world’s largest trading centre
of gold with a target of US$18 bn set for 2015.

 India dominates the world’s cut and polished

diamonds (CPD) market.

 In value terms, the country accounts for

approximately 55% of global polished diamond
market and nearly 9% of the jewellery market.

 Surat contributes 90% of India’s total diamond


 India’ s domestics branded jewellery market is

estimated at Rs 600-700 crores.

 There are 13 bullion importing bank in India.

 India’ s gem and Jewellery Exports Promotion

Council (GJEPC) is aiming at turning India into an
international diamond trading centre.
 Since India is already enjoying 80-85% of the world
CPD market, scope for further growth in diamond
exports is limited. Hence, if India’s gems and
jewellery sector is to substantially increase exports,
the best lies in the jeweller sub sector.
 India’ s imports an average of 18000 bars a day,
about 70% of the total demand and the balance is
being sourced to indigenous output and metal
recycled from old jewelleries.

 The main reason why India has not made a dent in

jeweller exports market is the existence of
government restrictions in their domestic jewellery
industry in the pre-economic liberalization era. If
the gold jewellery exports are to be encouraged, it
would be necessary to allow bulk imports of gold
which would have to be converted to jewellery and
then exported.



Malabar Gold Pvt Ltd is a unit of a corporative setup

called Malabar Group of Companies. It is one among
the 26 units or firms under Malabar Group of
Companies. Today Malabar Gold is a leading jeweller in
south India and Middle East. It has not only retail
outlets but also runs wholesale outlets too. Malabar
Gold is reputed jeweller maker and has millions of
customers across India and outside.


The name “ Malabar” itself gives a clear idea of its

origin, it was born on 5th July 1993 at Kozhikode, which
is known as heart of Malabar i.e., northern Kerala. The
founder of Malabar Gold is Mr M.P Ahamed, who is the
present chairman.
Earlier Malabar Gold was known as “Malabar
Jewellers” . The present corporate office is at Kozhikode.
Within 15 years Malabar Gold is successful in spreading
its wings throughout Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra
Pradesh, and Gulf countries.

Area of operation
Malabar Gold has opened its outlets throughout South
India and Gulf countries. In total it has 26 outlets
including wholesale outlets. They are listed as below:
Kerala: Calicut, Kannur, Thalassery, Kasaragod,
Palakad, Manjeri, Trissur, Perinthalmannna, Vadakara,
Kochi, Edappal, Kodungalloor, Kanhagad, Thodupuzha,
Sulthan Bathery.

Karnataka: Mangalore, Bangalore (2 outlets).

Tamilnadu: Tirur, Erode.

Andhra Pradesh: Vijayawada, vizag, Kadapa, Nellore,


UAE: Sharjah, Ajman, Al-Ain, Bur-Dubai.

They also extend their business in Payyannur,

Coimbatore, Mysore and Tiruvananthapuram.


Malabar Gold opened its franchise in Kasaragod on 7th
December 2003. It was inaugurated by Panakad
Hyderali Shihab Thangal. It is located in the Century
Park shopping complex, near municipal new bus stand.
The showroom is fully air conditioned and has a good
parking facility too.

Special features of Malabar

 Exclusive showroom for 100% BIS hallmarked 916
gold collections.
 A vast array of modern designer collections from
India, Singapore, Europe, Middle East etc.
 Pure value for money guaranteed while buying and
 Lifelong guarantee and free maintenance for gold
 German made gold check carat analyser to check
the purity of gold while buying and selling gold.
 Exclusive collections of MG diamonds.
 IGI certificate of authenticity and buy back
guarantee for diamond ornaments.
 Special counter for world class branded watches
like Omega, Rado, Mont Blanc, Seiko, Foce, Tissot,
Espirit, Continental, Police, Tag Heuer, Caterpillar,
D4 swiss, Accurate and Citizen.
 2 years international warranty and after sale service
for Swiss made watches.
 International Gemological Institute’s certificate for
diamond ornaments.
 PGI certificate for platinum ornaments.
 Availability of well trained professional sales
 Certain percentage of profit is reserved for charity.

Vision of the organization is as follows:

 To provide employment opportunity to educated


 To training to unskilled persons.

 To provide employment to persons from rural area.

 To provide good quality products at reasonable


 To give customers the best value for their money.

 To provide good working conditions.

 To earn reasonable profit.

Social responsibility means the obligation of a business
to act in manner, which will serve the best interest of
the society.
Towards the employees
Workers are, indeed the pillars of the organization. They
are the important part of the organization. It is
therefore very necessary to keep them satisfied and
give them in due. According to modern philosophy,
labour is a human being and worker next.
Malabar Gold has to ensure job security for their
workers and has to pay reasonable salaries for their
efort. It also creates good working conditions like good
lighting, ventilation, air conditioning etc. to its
employees. The company also provides ESI to their staf.
They are provided with accommodation, insurance
coverage and uniforms to the staf. The firm also
ensures selection and recruitment is being done
without any discrimination like caste, colour, religion,
and state.

Towards the customers

The satisfaction of the customers should be the primary
concern of every business concern. Malabar Gold
ensures marketing of such goods which are demanded
by the customers based on their taste and preferences.
It also ensures adequate supply of good quality
products at reasonable price. After all their punch line is
“ beauty meets quality” .
Towards the society

Every organization has responsibility not only towards

employees and customers but also towards the society
also. Malabar Gold ensures maximum utilization of
nation’ s rich resources. They try to dispose less
wastage. Together with this they also create more
employment opportunities. Provide jobs for
unemployed youths of rural area. It also maintains good
relation with local area.

An organizational structure explains how authority and
responsibility flows from one head to other. In Malabar Gold
Managing Director is at the top level. He sets the plans and
policies. He controls each and every corner of the showroom.
Malabar Gold follows the centralized form of structure. It
means that all powers are vested with the op level
management. The organization mainly has 4 departments and
each department its own departmental heads and trainees.
Sources of funds
The main sources of the funds are bank loans and from
other financial institutions. Almost half of the capital
are owned fund.



The exclusive collections of Malabar Gold include:

World class designer jewellery from Italy, Turkey,
Korea, Bahrain and Singapore.
 Traditional jewelleries from Karnataka and Kerala.
 Royal Mughal collections
Karachi bangles.
Calcutta collections.
Rajkot collections.
Zara collections.
Antique collections.
Hansa collections.
Bombay and Bombay special collections.
Signity studded jewelry.
Daily wear bangles and chains.
Formal or work wear jewelry.
Navrathna, birthstones, lucky stones studded with
Platinum ornaments with “ 950 Purity Assurance
Card” .
Wide range world class branded watches like
Omega, Rado, Mont Blanc, Seiko, Foce, Tissot,
Espirit, Continental, Police, Tag Heuer, Caterpillar,
D4 swiss, Accurate and Citizen.
Varied collections of their own brand diamond
collection called MG diamonds.
Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy,
what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It
blends elements from psychology, sociology, socio-
psychology, anthropology and economics. It attempts to
understand the buyer decision processes/buyer
decision making process, both individually and in
groups. It studies characteristics of individual
consumers such as demographics, psychographics, and
behavioural variables in an attempt to understand
people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the
consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference
groups, and society in general.
Belch and Belch define consumer behaviour as 'the
process and activities people engage in when searching
for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and
disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their
needs and desires'.
Buyer- an enigma
Although it is important for the firm to understand the
buyer and accordingly evolve it marketing strategy, the
buyer or consumer continues to be an enigma –
sometimes responding the way the marketer wants and on
other occasions just refusing to buy the product from the
same marketer. For this reason, ht buyers’ mind has been
termed as a black box, the marketer provides stimuli but
he is uncertain of the buyer’s response. This stimulus is a
combination of product, brand name, colour, style,
packaging, intangible services, merchandizing, shelf
display, advertising, distribution, publicity and so forth.
Further today’ s customer is being greatly influenced by the
media especially electronic. Technological developments in
the field of information, biotechnology and genetics, and
intensive competitions in all products and services are also
impacting consumer choices.


The factors that influence consumer behavior can be

classified into internal factors and external
environmental factors. External factors do not afect the
decision process directly, but percolate or filter through
the individual determinants, to influence the decision

The individual determinants that afect consumer

behaviour are:

 Motivation and involvement

 Attitudes
 Personality and self concept
 Learning and memory
 Information processing
 The external influences or factors are:
 Cultural influences
 Sub-cultural influences
 Social class influences
 Social group influences
 Family influences
 Personal influences
 Other influences


It is important to marketer to regularly study buyer
behaviour. The diferent tools available to him or her
This is the most common technique used in studying
consumer behaviour. It involves the use of
questionnaires. Diferent scaling techniques like Likert
and Thurstone are used to measure consumer attitudes.
The problem with survey methodology is that it gives to
marketer only conscious response of the customer.

Projective Techniques
To throw the customer of his or her conscious level and
to get know subconscious-level responses, projective
techniques like word association, picture association
and thematic appreciation tests have been used. This
provides valuable information on his or her product or
brand and about the customer’s lifestyle and self


We have seen that in many products, decision-making is

a very lengthy process, and takes a very long time. The
problem is recognized and a lot of information is
gathered. After this is done, the last two stages of
decision-making, that is, the purchase and post
purchase come into play. Purchase is very important as
it generates revenue, and post purchase gives us an idea
of the likes and dislikes of the consumer. Post purchase
behaviour also establishes s link between the marketer
and the target market segment.

Purchase is important to the marketer as the product

was planned, produced, priced, promoted and
distributed after a lot of efort. If purchase does not
take place, the marketer has failed in his marketing
efort. He then needs to change the marketing mix. He
has to change entire strategy, as the ultimate aim of the
marketer is to float a product which will generate
revenue and bring satisfaction to the customers.
Purchase is important for his success, for achieving his
objectives and for formulating competitive strategies
against the competitors. It marks the end of his search,
end of his eforts and chooses the brand of his choice
for expected benefits.
In this chapter an attempt is made to study about
behaviour of consumers of consumers in Kasaragod district
about Malabar gold.

Table No. 1
Showing the no. of customers in sex classes:
Category No. of Percentage
Male 10 10 %
Female 90 90 %
Total 100 100 %

We have surveyed 100 people from which 90 were
female and 10 were men. We chose women as the
dominating influence as jewellery is mostly a women’s’
accessory. Women mostly use jewellery such as
bangles, necklace, rings etc. But men mostly use rings
and a bit of necklace as their jewellery. So women use
more variety of jewellery than men, hence we
concentrated on surveying women rather than men.
Table No. 2
Showing the no. of respondents belonging to diferent
income level

Income Group (in Rs) No. of Percentage

Below 12000 10 10
12000-16000 30 30
16000-20000 40 40
Above 20000 20 20
Total 50 100
Showing the number of customers happy with the
showroom facilities:

Status No of respondents Percentage

Yes 86 86%
No 14 14%
Total 100 100%
Showing the customers rating on overall service of
Malabar Gold with respect to other jewellers in town.

Rating No. Of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 14 14%
Good 48 48%
Average 38 38%
Poor 0 0%
Total 100 100%
Showing the customers rating on their level of

Rating No of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 12 12%
Good 52 52%
Average 36 36%
Poor 0 0%
Total 100 100%
This part gives overall information about the consumer
behaviour of Malabar Gold customers. It also includes
findings, suggestions and conclusions about the study.


 Most of the respondents are females.

 Customers of Malabar Gold are mainly from upper
class and upper middle class families.
 Most of the purchasers of Malabar Gold are mainly
 Malabar Gold has got large no. of gold ornaments
 Only a few customers are not aware of products
other then gold available in Malabar Gold.
 The making charges of Malabar Gold are
satisfactory according to the respondents.
 Television is the advertising media through which
large no. of customers came to know about
Malabar Gold.
 Factors like company image, quality, advertisement,
collections have equally influenced the purchase.
 Major no. of respondents is satisfied with the
showroom facility.
 Designs of ornaments are rated as good.

 Respondents got immediate response for the

complaints registered.

 Salesman responsiveness is rated as somewhat

good and average.

 Malabar Gold provides good service facility.

 The overall performance of Malabar Gold is good.

 Level of satisfaction of customers is good.

 Respondents are ready to insist their well wishers

to purchase from Malabar Gold.

 The consumer behaviour of Malabar Gold is good.

 Malabar Gold customers are business people and
have high income, so it should be better to frame
promotion programs targeting the lower class
 With regard to advertising, the company should
focus on persuasive advertising highlighting the
unique feature and benefits of their products.
 Only a few customers had purchased watch,
diamonds and platinum ornaments, so a special
attention should be paid in these areas.
 Among the service facilities, respondents suggest to
improve parking facility.
 More advertisement should be made in media
other than television.
 Steps should be taken to attract more male

To conclude the overall responses of the customers of
Malabar Gold is good. The overall performances in all
areas are satisfactory.

During the study it was found that the following factors

such as making charges, salesman responsiveness,
ornaments designs, price etc. has satisfactorily
influenced consumer behaviour.

Further, there is some kind of promotion activities

required to hold the present customers and make new

Books referred to:
 Company profile and magazines
 Business world

Websites visited:



Few Snaps:

1) Name: ________________________________
Address: ________________________________
Ph. No: ________________________________

2) Sex:
Male [ ]
Female [ ]

3) Income group (Rs /Month):

Below 12000 [ ]
12000-16000 [ ]
16000-20000 [ ]
Above 20000 [ ]

4) Marital status:
Married [ ]
Unmarried [ ]

5) Age (in years):

Below 18 [ ]
19 - 28 [ ]
29 - 38 [ ]
Above 38 [ ]
6) What product did you buy from Malabar Gold?
Gold ornaments [ ]
Watch [ ]
Platinum [ ]
Diamond [ ]

7) Are you aware of products other than gold

available in Malabar Gold? (Like diamond, watch,
platinum etc.)
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

8) Amount of gold you own (in grams):

Below 56 [ ]
56 - 120 [ ]
120 - 200 [ ]
Above 200 [ ]

9) Are you satisfied with making charges of Malabar

Yes [ ]
No [ ]
10) Media through which you came to know about
Malabar Gold?
Newspaper [ ]
Television [ ]
Yellow pages [ ]
Friends and relatives [ ]

11) Which factor influenced your purchase?

Company image [ ]
Quality [ ]
Advertisement [ ]
Selection available [ ]

12) Are you satisfied with the showroom facility of

Malabar Gold?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

13) How would you rate the designs of gold ornaments

available in Malabar Gold?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Poor [ ]
14) Are you able to get immediate response for the
complaints registered?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

15) How would you rate the salesman responsiveness

of Malabar Gold?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Poor [ ]

16) How would you rate the service facilities available

in Malabar Gold?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Poor [ ]

17) How would you rate overall performance of

Malabar Gold with respect to other jewellers?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Poor [ ]
18) What is your level of satisfaction?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Poor [ ]

19) Will you insist your well wishers, friends and

relatives to purchase from Malabar Gold?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

20) Suggestions, if any:


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