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978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition

Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
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Part I


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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
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A Short Primer on Situated Cognition

Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede

In recent years there has been a lot of buzz it seems to us as good as any (for compet-
about a new trend in cognitive science. The ing proposals, see Anderson, 2003; Clancey,
trend is associated with terms like embodi- 1997; Wilson, 2002).
ment, enactivism, distributed cognition, and In this brief introductory chapter, we
the extended mind. The ideas expressed using present a bird’s-eye view of the concep-
these terms are a diverse and sundry lot, tual landscape of situated cognition as seen
but three of them stand out as especially from each of the three angles noted previ-
central. First, cognition depends not just on ously: embodiment, embedding, and exten-
the brain but also on the body (the embodi- sion. Our aim is to orient the reader, if
ment thesis). Second, cognitive activity rou- only in a rough and preliminary way, to the
tinely exploits structure in the natural and sprawling territory of this handbook.
social environment (the embedding thesis).
Third, the boundaries of cognition extend
beyond the boundaries of individual organ- 1. The Embodied Mind
isms (the extension thesis). Each of these
theses contributes to a picture of mental Interest in embodiment – in “how the body
activity as dependent on the situation or shapes the mind,” as the title of Gallagher
context in which it occurs, whether that sit- (2005) neatly puts it – has multiple sources.
uation or context is relatively local (as in the Chief among them is a concern about the
case of embodiment) or relatively global (as basis of mental representation. From a foun-
in the case of embedding and extension). It is dational perspective, the concept of em-
this picture of the mind that lies at the heart bodiment matters because it offers help
of research on situated cognition. According with the notorious “symbol-grounding prob-
to our usage, then, situated cognition is the lem,” that is, the problem of explaining how
genus, and embodied, enactive, embedded, representations acquire meaning (Anderson,
and distributed cognition and their ilk are 2003; Harnad, 1990; Niedenthal, Barsalou,
species. This usage is not standard, though Winkielman, Krauth-Gruber, & Ric, 2005).

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
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This is a pressing problem for cognitive sci- the high-level central systems responsible
ence. Theories of cognition are awash in for thinking, and central processing oper-
representations, and the explanatory value ates over amodal representations. On the
of those representations depends on their embodied view, the classical picture of the
meaningfulness, in real-world terms, for mind is fundamentally flawed. In particu-
the agents that deploy them. A natural lar, that view is belied by two important
way to underwrite that meaningfulness is facts about the architecture of cognition:
by grounding representations in an agent’s first, that modality-specific representations,
capacities for sensing the world and acting not amodal representations, are the stuff
in it: out of which thoughts are made; second,
that perception, thought, and action are co-
Grounding the symbol for ‘chair’, for constituted, that is, not just causally but also
instance, involves both the reliable detec- constitutively interdependent (more on this
tion of chairs, and also the appropriate
distinction follows).
reactions to them. . . . The agent must know
what sitting is and be able to systemati- Supposing, however, that the sandwich
cally relate that knowledge to the perceived model is retired and replaced by a model in
scene, and thereby see what things (even if which cognition is sensorimotor to the core,
non-standardly) afford sitting. In the nor- it does not follow that cognition is embod-
mal course of things, such knowledge is ied in the sense of requiring a body for its
gained by mastering the skill of sitting (not realization. For it could be that the sensori-
to mention the related skills of walking, motor basis of cognition resides solely at the
standing up, and moving between sitting central neural level, in sensory and motor
and standing), including refining one’s per- areas of the brain. To see why, consider that
ceptual judgments as to what objects invite sensorimotor skills can be exercised either
or allow these behaviors; grounding ‘chair’,
on-line or off-line (Wilson, 2002). On-line
that is to say, involves a very specific set of
physical skills and experiences. (Anderson, sensorimotor processing occurs when we
2003, pp. 102–103) actively engage with the current task envi-
ronment, taking in sensory input and pro-
This approach to the symbol-grounding ducing motor output. Off-line processing
problem makes it natural for us to attend to occurs when we disengage from the envi-
the role of the body in cognition. After all, ronment to plan, reminisce, speculate, day-
our sensory and motor capacities depend on dream, or otherwise think beyond the con-
more than just the workings of the brain and fines of the here and now. The distinction is
spinal cord; they also depend on the work- important, because only in the on-line case
ings of other parts of the body, such as the is it plausible that sensorimotor capacities
sensory organs, the musculoskeletal system, are body dependent. For off-line function-
and relevant parts of the peripheral nervous ing, presumably all one needs is a working
system (e.g., sensory and motor nerves). brain.
Without the cooperation of the body, there Accordingly, we should distinguish two
can be no sensory inputs from the environ- ways in which cognition can be embodied:
ment and no motor outputs from the agent – on-line and off-line (Niedenthal et al., 2005;
hence, no sensing or acting. And without Wilson, 2002). The idea of on-line embodi-
sensing and acting to ground it, thought is ment refers to the dependence of cogni-
empty. tion – that is, not just perceiving and acting
This focus on the sensorimotor basis of but also thinking – on dynamic interactions
cognition puts pressure on a traditional con- between the sensorimotor brain and rele-
ception of cognitive architecture. According vant parts of the body: sense organs, limbs,
to what Hurley (1998) calls the “sandwich sensory and motor nerves, and the like.
model,” processing in the low-level periph- This is embodiment in a strict and literal
eral systems responsible for sensing and act- sense, as it implicates the body directly. Off-
ing is strictly segregated from processing in line embodiment refers to the dependence

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
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of cognitive function on sensorimotor areas (approach), and thinking about something

of the brain even in the absence of sen- negative, like hate, involves negative motor
sory input and motor output. This type of imagery (avoidance). This result exempli-
embodiment implicates the body only indi- fies off-line embodiment, insofar as it sug-
rectly, by way of brain areas that process gests that ostensibly extramotor capacities
body-specific information (e.g., sensory and like lexical comprehension depend to some
motor representations). extent on motor brain function – a mainstay
To illustrate this distinction, let us con- of embodied approaches to concepts and
sider a couple of examples of embodiment categorization (Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002;
effects in social psychology (Niedenthal Lakoff & Johnson, 1999).
et al., 2005). First, it appears that bodily The distinction between on-line and off-
postures and motor behavior influence eval- line embodiment effects makes clear that
uative attitudes toward novel objects. In not all forms of embodiment involve bodily
one study, monolingual English speakers dependence in a strict and literal sense.
were asked to rate the attractiveness of Indeed, most current research on embodi-
Chinese ideographs after viewing the latter ment focuses on the idea that cognition
while performing different attitude-relevant depends on the sensorimotor brain, with
motor behaviors (Cacioppo, Priester, & or without direct bodily involvement. (In
Bernston, 1993). Subjects rated those ideo- that sense, embodied cognition is something
graphs they saw while performing a posi- of a misnomer, at least as far as the bulk
tively valenced action (pushing upward on of research that falls under this heading is
a table from below) more positively than concerned.) Relatively few researchers in
ideographs they saw either while performing the area highlight the bodily component of
a negatively valenced action (pushing down- embodied cognition. A notable exception is
ward on the tabletop) or while performing Gallagher’s (2005) account of the distinc-
no action at all. This looks to be an effect tion between body image and body schema.
of on-line embodiment, as it suggests that In Gallagher’s account, a body image is a
actual motor behaviors, not just activity in “system of perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs
motor areas of the brain, can influence atti- pertaining to one’s own body” (p. 24), a
tude formation. complex representational capacity that is
Contrast this case with another study of realized by structures in the brain. A body
attitude processing. Subjects were presented schema, on the other hand, involves “motor
with positively and negatively valenced capacities, abilities, and habits that both
words, such as love and hate, and asked enable and constrain movement and the
to indicate when a word appeared either maintenance of posture” (p. 24), much of
by pulling a lever toward themselves or by which is neither representational in charac-
pushing it away (Chen & Bargh, 1999). In ter nor reducible to brain function. A body
each trial, the subject’s reaction time was schema, unlike a body image, is “a dynamic,
recorded. As predicted, subjects responded operative performance of the body, rather
more quickly when the valence of word than a consciousness, image, or conceptual
and response behavior matched, pulling the model of it” (p. 32). As such, only the
lever more quickly in response to posi- body schema resides in the body proper;
tive words and pushing the lever away the body image is wholly a product of the
more quickly in response to negative words. brain. But if Gallagher is right, both body
Embodiment theorists cite this finding as image and body schema have a shaping influ-
evidence that just thinking about some- ence on cognitive performance in a variety
thing – that is, thinking about something of domains, from object perception to lan-
in the absence of the thing itself – involves guage to social cognition.
activity in motor areas of the brain. In par- So far, in speaking of the dependence
ticular, thinking about something positive, of cognition on the sensorimotor brain and
like love, involves positive motor imagery body, we have been speaking of the idea that

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
More information


certain cognitive capacities depend on the boost efficiency and extend one’s epistemic
structure of either the sensorimotor brain or reach.
the body, or both, for their physical real- One of the best articulations of the idea
ization. But dependence of this strong con- of cognitive off-loading involves the concept
stitutive sort is a metaphysically demand- of epistemic action (Kirsh & Maglio, 1994).
ing relation. It should not be confused with An epistemic action is an action designed
causal dependence, a weaker relation that to advance the problem solver’s cause by
is easier to satisfy (Adams & Aizawa, 2008; revealing information about the task that
Block, 2005). Correlatively, we can distin- is difficult to compute mentally. The best-
guish between two grades of bodily involve- known example of epistemic action involves
ment in mental affairs: one that requires the computer game Tetris, the goal of which
the constitutive dependence of cognition on is to orient falling blocks (called “zoids”) so
the sensorimotor brain and body, and one they form a maximally compact layer at the
that requires only causal dependence. This bottom of the screen. As the rate of fall
distinction crosscuts the one mooted ear- accelerates, the player has less and less time
lier, between on-line and off-line embodi- to decide how to orient each block before it
ment. Although the causal/constitutive dis- reaches the bottom. To cope better with this
tinction is less entrenched than the on-line/ constraint, skilled players use actual physical
off-line distinction, especially outside of phi- movements on the keyboard to manipulate
losophy circles, it seems no less funda- the blocks on the screen – a more efficient
mental to an adequate understanding of strategy than the “in-the-head” alternative
the concept of embodiment. To see why, of mentally rotating the blocks prior to ori-
note that the studies described previously enting them on the screen with keystrokes.
do not show that cognition constitutively A roughly analogous strategy of cognitive
depends on either the motor brain or the off-loading facilitates more mundane tasks
body. The most these studies show is some like grocery packing (Kirsh, 1995). The prob-
sort of causal dependence, in one or both lem here is to arrange things so that heavy
directions. But causal dependencies are rel- items go on the bottom, fragile items on top,
atively cheap, metaphysically speaking. For and intermediate items in between. As the
this reason, among others, it may turn out groceries continue to move along the con-
that the import of embodiment for foun- veyor belt, decisions about which items go
dational debates in cognitive science is less where need to be made swiftly, to avoid pile-
revolutionary than is sometimes advertised ups and clutter. As items come off the con-
(Adams & Aizawa, 2008). veyor belt and enter the work space, skilled
grocery packers often rapidly sort them by
category (heavy, fragile, intermediate) into
2. The Embedded Mind distinct spatial zones prior to placing each
item in a bag. This procedure significantly
It seems natural to think of cognition as an decreases load on working memory relative
interaction effect: the result, at least in part, to the alternative of mentally calculating the
of causal processes that span the boundary optimal placement of each item as it enters
separating the individual organism from the the work space, without the benefit of exter-
natural, social, and cultural environment. To nal spatial cues.
understand how cognitive work gets done, Both of these examples of epistemic
then, it is not enough to look at what goes action point to the importance of minimiz-
on within individual organisms; we need ing load on internal memory, on working
to consider also the complex transactions memory in particular. This echoes the twin
between embodied minds and the embed- themes of Brooks’s (1991) “world as its own
ding world. One type of such a transaction is model” (p. 140) and O’Regan’s (1992) “world
the use of strategies for off-loading cognitive as an outside memory” (p. 461). The com-
work onto the environment, a useful way to mon idea here is that, instead of building

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
More information


up detailed internal models of the world and world (Hutchins, 1995). The scope of
that require continuous and costly updat- this ecological perspective on the mind is
ing, it pays to look up relevant informa- very broad indeed. Having expanded far
tion from the world on an as-needed basis. beyond Gibson’s (1979) work on vision, it
In other words, “rather than attempt to informs research programs in virtually every
mentally store and manipulate all the rele- area of psychology, from spatial naviga-
vant details about a situation, we physically tion to language acquisition to social cog-
store and manipulate those details out in the nition. It is nicely illustrated by theories
world, in the very situation itself” (Wilson, of social rationality, which try to explain
2002, p. 629). The suggestion that intelligent human judgment and decision making in
agents do best when they travel informa- terms of the structure of the social envi-
tionally light, keeping internal representa- ronment (Gigerenzer, 2000). Somewhat fur-
tion and processing to a minimum, informs ther afield, the ecological view has begun to
a wide spectrum of research on cognition in show up with increasing frequency in the
the situated tradition (Clark, 1997). Vision literature on phenomenal consciousness,
science affords a nice example of this trend that is, consciousness in the “what-it’s-like”
in the form of research on change blind- sense popularized by Nagel (1974). It is
ness. This is a phenomenon in which viewers implicit, for example, in the enactivist idea
fail to register dramatic changes in a visual that the felt quality of visual awareness is
scene – a phenomenon that some interpret a by-product of ongoing agent-environment
as evidence that the visual system creates interaction (Noë, 2004). It also informs con-
only sparse models of the world, giving rise structivist conceptions of consciousness,
to representational blind spots (O’Regan, such as the idea that an individual’s con-
1992). scious mental life tends to mirror that of
The embedding thesis, then, goes hand in socially salient others (Robbins, 2008). Both
hand with what Clark (1989) calls the “007 of these suggestions about the nature of phe-
principle.” nomenal consciousness – arguably the last
bastion of Cartesian internalism – reflect a
In general, evolved creatures will neither newly invigorated ecological perspective on
store nor process information in costly ways the mind.
when they can use the structure of the envi-
ronment and their operations upon it as
a convenient stand-in for the information-
processing operations concerned. That is, 3. The Extended Mind
know only as much as you need to know to
get the job done. (p. 64) Assigning an important explanatory role to
brain-body and agent-environment interac-
Embedding, in turn, goes hand in hand with tions does not constitute a sharp break from
embodiment, as off-loading cognitive work classical cognitive science. Both the embodi-
depends heavily on sensorimotor capacities ment thesis and the embedding thesis can be
such as visual lookup, pattern recognition, seen as relatively modest proposals, given
and object manipulation. Epistemic actions, that they can be accommodated by rela-
for instance, typically require embodiment tively minor adjustments to the classical pic-
in a strict and literal sense, as they involve ture, such as the acknowledgment that “not
real-time dynamic interaction with the local all representations are enduring, not all are
physical environment. symbolic, not all are amodal, and not all are
The theoretical and methodological independent of the sensory and effector sys-
import of embedding, however, is much tems of the agent” (Markman & Dietrich,
wider. It points to the importance, in gen- 2000, p. 474; see also Vera & Simon, 1993).
eral, of studying cognition “in the wild,” The same cannot be so easily said, however,
with careful attention to the complex inter- of the claim that cognition is extended –
play of processes spanning mind, body, the claim that the boundaries of cognitive

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
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systems lie outside the envelope of individ- to the conclusion that cognition is extended
ual organisms, encompassing features of the as well. Or so the reasoning goes.
physical and social environment (Clark & Another part of the motivation behind
Chalmers, 1998; Wilson, 2004). In this view, the extension thesis traces back to a fic-
the mind leaks out into the world, and cog- tional (but realistic) scenario that Clark and
nitive activity is distributed across individ- Chalmers (1998) describe. They introduce
uals and situations. This is not your grand- a pair of characters named Otto and Inga.
mother’s metaphysics of mind; this is a brave Otto is an Alzheimer’s patient who supple-
new world. Why should anyone believe ments his deteriorating memory by carry-
in it? ing around a notebook stocked with use-
One part of the answer lies in the promise ful information. Unable to recall the address
of dynamical systems theory – the intel- of a museum he wishes to visit, Otto pulls
lectual offspring of classical control theory, out his trusty notebook, flips to the rele-
or cybernetics (Ashby, 1956; Wiener, 1948; vant page, looks up the address, and pro-
Young, 1964) – as an approach to model- ceeds on his way. Neurotypical Inga, in con-
ing cognition (Beer, 1995; Thelen & Smith, trast, has an intact memory and no need for
1994; van Gelder, 1995). Using the tools of such contrivances. When she decides to visit
dynamical systems theory, one can describe the museum, she simply recalls the address
in a mathematically precise way how various and sets off. Now, there are clear differences
states of a cognitive system change in rela- between the case of Otto and the case of
tion to one another over time. Because those Inga; Otto stores the information externally
state changes depend as much on changes in (on paper), whereas Inga stores it internally
the external environment as on changes in (in neurons); Otto retrieves the information
the internal one, it becomes as important by visual lookup, whereas Inga uses some-
for cognitive modeling to track causal pro- thing like introspective recall; and so on.
cesses that cross the boundary of the indi- But according to Clark and Chalmers, these
vidual organism as it is to track those that differences are relatively superficial. What
lie within that boundary. In short, insofar as is most salient about the cases of Otto and
the mind is a dynamical system, it is natu- of Inga, viewed through a functionalist lens,
ral to think of it as extending not just into are the similarities. Once these similarities
the body but also into the world. The result are given their due, the moral of the story
is a radical challenge to traditional ways of becomes clear: “When it comes to belief,
thinking about the mind, Cartesian internal- there is nothing sacred about skull and skin.
ism in particular: What makes some information count as a
belief is the role it plays, and there is no rea-
The Cartesian tradition is mistaken in sup- son why the relevant role can be played only
posing that the mind is an inner entity from inside the body” (Clark & Chalmers,
of any kind, whether mind-stuff, brain 1998, p. 14). As for the fact that this con-
states, or whatever. Ontologically, mind ception of mind runs afoul of folk intu-
is much more a matter of what we do
itions, well, so much the worse for those
within environmental and social possibil-
ities and bounds. Twentieth-century anti- intuitions.
Cartesianism thus draws much of mind This conclusion is not forced on us, how-
out, and in particular outside the skull. ever, and a number of theorists have urged
(van Gelder, 1995, p. 380) that we resist it. For example, Rupert (2004)
argues that generalizing memory to include
Implicit in this passage is a kind of slippery cases like Otto’s would have the untoward
slope argument premised on a broad theo- effect of voiding the most basic lawlike gen-
retical assumption. Grant that cognition is eralizations uncovered by traditional mem-
embodied and embedded – something that ory research, such as primacy, recency, and
the dynamical systems approach takes more interference effects – and without furnishing
or less as a given – and it is a short distance anything comparably robust to substitute in

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
More information


their place. In short, insofar as the goal of Block, N. (2005). Review of Alva Noë’s Action
scientific inquiry is to carve nature at its in Perception. Journal of Philosophy, 102, 259–
joints, and lawlike regularities are the best 272.
guide to the location of those joints, it is Brooks, R. (1991). Intelligence without represen-
not clear that a fruitful science of extended tation. Artificial Intelligence, 47, 139–159.
memory is possible, even in principle. More Cacioppo, J. T., Priester, J. R., & Bernston, G. G.
(1993). Rudimentary determination of atti-
generally, Adams and Aizawa (2008) con-
tudes: II. Arm flexion and extension have dif-
tend that the standard argument for pushing ferential effects on attitudes. Journal of Person-
the boundary of cognition beyond the indi- ality and Social Psychology, 65, 5–17.
vidual organism rests on conflating the meta- Chen, S., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). Consequences
physically important distinction between of automatic evaluation: Immediate behavior
causation and constitution. As they point dispositions to approach or avoid the stimulus.
out, it is one thing to say that cognitive Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25,
activity involves systematic causal interac- 215–224.
tion with things outside the head, and it is Clancey, W. J. (1997). Situated cognition. Cam-
quite another to say that those things instan- bridge: Cambridge University Press.
tiate cognitive properties or undergo cogni- Clark, A. (1989). Microcognition. Cambridge, MA:
tive processes. Bridging this conceptual gap MIT Press.
Clark, A. (1997). Being there. Cambridge, MA:
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Gallagher, S. (2005). How the body shapes the
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Gibson, J. J. (1979). The ecological approach to
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anthropology, robotics, and other fields. In Glenberg, A. M., & Kaschak, M. P. (2002).
this chapter we have touched on a few of the Grounding language in action. Psychonomic
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effort to convey some sense of what situ- Harnad, S. (1990). The symbol grounding prob-
ated cognition is and what the excitement is lem. Physica D, 42, 335–346.
about. The twenty-five chapters that follow Hurley, S. L. (1998). Consciousness in action.
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Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cam-
in the vicinity, in depth. Both individually bridge, MA: MIT Press.
and collectively, these chapters reveal what Kirsh, D. (1995). The intelligent use of space. Arti-
“getting situated” means to cognitive sci- ficial Intelligence, 7, 31–68.
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cial Intelligence, 72, 173–215. Review, 9, 184–211.

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
More information


Noë, A. (2004). Action in perception. Cambridge, van Gelder, T. (1995). What might cognition be,
MA: MIT Press. if not computation? Journal of Philosophy, 91,
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Thelen, E., & Smith, L. B. (1994). A dynamic Wilson, R. A. (2004). Boundaries of the mind.
systems approach to the development of cog- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
nition and action. Cambridge, MA: MIT Young, J. Z. (1964). A model of the brain. Oxford:
Press. Oxford University Press.

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84832-9 - The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition
Edited by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede
More information


Scientific Antecedents of Situated


William J. Clancey

Introduction provides a broad historical review of the

scientific antecedents of situated cognition;
In the late 1980s, an artificial intelligence Gallagher (this volume) details philosophi-
(AI) researcher trying to untangle controver- cal aspects.1
sies about the nature of knowledge, mem- What idea could be so general that it
ory, and behavior would have been sur- applies to every scientific discipline? And
rounded by perplexed computer science and why was this idea so controversial in the
psychology colleagues who viewed situated AI community? What aspect of cognition
cognition ideas as fool’s gold – or even sug- relates the social sciences, linguistics, ped-
gested that those ideas threatened the foun- agogy, animal cognition, and evolutionary
dations of science itself. But scholars knew biology to neural theories of perception,
the concepts and methods of situated cogni- learning, and memory? What problematic
tion from a much broader and deeper back- aspects of cognition in AI research foreshad-
ground, one that embraced Dewey’s (1896) owed the development of a situated episte-
early objections to stimulus-response the- mology? These are the topics I discuss in
ory, Wittgenstein’s (1953/1958) notions of this chapter. In large part, the story cen-
family resemblances and language games, ters on particular scientists, but I present the
Gibson’s (1966) affordances, Bateson’s (1972) central ideas as crosscutting themes. These
ecology of mind, Polanyi’s (1966) tacit themes reveal that human cognitive pro-
knowledge, von Bertalanffy’s (1968) general cesses are inherently social, interactive, per-
systems theory, and so on, in the work of sonal, biological, and neurological, which is
dozens of well-known figures in philosophy, to say that a variety of systems develop and
psychology, linguistics, ethology, biology, depend on one another in complex ways.
and anthropology. Indeed, throughout sci- Many stories can be told about these interre-
ence, including AI itself during the 1960s lations. The concepts, perspectives, and the-
and 1970s, one finds at least the seeds for oretical frameworks that influenced the sit-
a situated theory of cognition. This chapter uated cognition of the 1980s are still alive in


© Cambridge University Press

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