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Feedback and Control Systems

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Date Performed: _________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Feedback and Control Systems


Activity No. 4

This activity aims to equip the students with the skills and knowledge in analyzing control systems using the
root locus approach.


At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to obtain transient response, steady-state error and
stability information on feedback control systems using the root locus approach.


Root locus is the graphical representation of the paths of the closed-loop poles as a parameter of the
system is varied. Commonly, this parameter is the forward gain of the system. A generalized root locus
approach was also presented in the discussion with which an open-loop pole was being varied and the
locus of the closed-loop pole was tracked.

The root locus gives the control engineer to analyze and design higher-ordered system in graphical
approach. The use of computer-aided tools such as MATLAB and LabVIEW will also simplify the analysis
and design process, since these tools will take away the laborious mathematics and have the designer
focus more on interpreting the results.


To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation and the MathScript modules.

Note: The following steps can be accomplished either in MATLAB or LabVIEW. In LabVIEW, the
MathScript tool can be accessed via the Welcome window on the Tools menu, then choose MathScript
Window. The Command Window of this tool works in the same manner as that of the MATLAB command

1. The unity feedback system shown below will be analyzed using root locus techniques. Note that the
root locus is the plot of the open-loop transfer function KG(s)H(s) as K or the gain is varied.

Activity No. 4 – Root Locus Analysis of Systems Page 1

Feedback and Control Systems

( )( )
In this case, G(s) = ( )( )
and H(s) = 1. Define these transfer function in MATLAB or
LabVIEW using the commands

>> Gnum = poly([3 5]); Gden = poly([-1 -2]);Hnum = [1];Hden = [1];

>> G = tf(Gnum,Gden); H = tf(Hnum,Hden);

Note that the variable K is not included in the transfer function G(s). This is because the root locus
command of MATLAB and LabVIEW automatically assigns K as being multiplied to G(s).

2. The rlocus() command plots KG(s)H(s) as the function of K. To get more information about the
command, type in help rlocus on the command window. In this case, use the command

>> rlocus(G*H,0:0.01:1000);

which plots the root locus of the open-loop transfer function KG(s)H(s) from 0 < K < 1000 with
increments of 0.01 per point.

Q1.2(a) Sketch the root locus as shown in the plot generated by MATLAB or LabVIEW. Indicate the
location of the open-loop poles and zeros as applicable.

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Feedback and Control Systems

Q1.2(b) Based on the root locus, will the system break into oscillation at some gain ? Will it also
be unstable? Label on the sketch above these regions.

3. The root locus sketch contains important points and information. Use the command rlocfind()to
locate important points in the root locus. (Tip: you might want to zoom into the point of interest first
before using the rlocfind()command for better accuracy.) The format of the command is

>> [K p] = rlocfind(G*H)

where G and H are the objects that represent the forward and the feedback transfer functions
respectively and K will contain the value of the gain at the selected point and p the location of the
closed-loop poles at that gain K.

Note: The command rlocfind()produces an interactive root locus graph for both MATLAB and
LabVIEW. In MATLAB, you will be allowed to choose a point on the root locus, and the value of the
gain and the closed-loop poles are returned by the command. In LabVIEW, you are allowed to select a
particular gain or drag the closed-loop poles (represented by red x’s) into your desired location. Still the
command returns the gain at the chosen point and the closed-loop poles at that particular gain.

Q1.3(a) Using the rlocfind()command, find the following points as indicated in the table
below. Verify the values using manual calculations.

Gain at the point of Closed-loop poles at

Point of interest
interest the point of interest
Breakaway point from
the real axis
Break-in point into the
real axis
The point at which the
system is oscillating

Q1.3(b) What is the range of gain so that the system is stable? Discuss how this can be obtained
in the root locus.

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Q1.3(c) What are the rules for sketching the root locus that can be observed from the sketch?
Discuss each and how these rules are manifested in the sketch.

4. Sketch the root locus of the system shown below. This system is to be analyzed for transient response
and steady-state error. The system is to operate with a 1.52% overshoot.

Q1.4(a) What is the damping ratio that corresponds to the operating overshoot of the system
above? This will be your

MATLAB. Superimpose the d line that corresponds to the operating overshoot of the system using
the command sgrid(dr,wn) where dr is the one computed above, and wn equals zero, so that
the ω circle will be suppressed.

LabVIEW. With the rlocfind() called, the complex s-plane grid is automatically displayed. You
might have to zoom and drag repeatedly to find the d line.

Once the d line is drawn, locate the intersection of the line to the root locus.

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Feedback and Control Systems

Q1.4(b) The root locus and the line will intersect at three points. Find each of those points, then
determine the gain and the closed-loop and open-loop poles for each case. Fill up the table below.

Gain complex closed- Closed-loop zero
closed-loop pole
loop poles
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3

Q1.4(c) In each cases, explain which case has a valid second-order approximation.

5. With the gain in each case known, the closed-loop transfer function can now be computed. From here,
the step response parameters and the steady-state error can now be obtained.

Q1.5(a) Use MATLAB or LabVIEW to complete the table below. The programs and techniques
deployed in the previous activities can be used to complete the table.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Dominant complex closed-loop
Third-order closed-loop pole
Closed-loop zero
Second-order approximation
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant

Q1.5(b) Use the control design and simulation module of LabVIEW to simulate each of the cases
above and plot their step responses on separate sheets of paper.

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1. The block diagram of a six-degree of freedom industrial robot’s swing motion system is shown below. If
K = 64,510, use the root locus to predict the time response and steady-state error parameters of this
system (Hardy, 1967).

2. It is important to precisely control the amount of organic fertilizer applied to a specific crop area in order
to provide specific nutrient quantities and to avoid unnecessary environmental pollution. A precise
delivery liquid manure machine has been developed for this purpose (Saeys, 2008). The system
consists of a pressurized tank, a valve and a rheo-logical flow sensor. After simplification, the system
can be modeled as a closed-loop negative feedback system with a forward-path transfer function
2057.38K(s − 120s + 4800)
G(s) =
s(s + 13.17)(s + 120s + 4800)
consisting of an electrohydraulic system in cascade with the gain of the manue flow valve and a
variable gain K. The feedback path is comprised of
10(s − 4s + 5.333)
H(s) =
(s + 10)(s + 4s + 5.333)
(a) Sketch the root locus of the system.

Activity No. 4 – Root Locus Analysis of Systems Page 6

Feedback and Control Systems

(b) Find the range of the gain K for closed-loop stability.

(c) Find the value of K that will result in the smallest settling time for this system.
(d) For the value of the gain K found in part (c), determine the time response and steady-state error
specifications of the system.

N. Nise. (2011). Control Systems Engineering 6th Edition. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons.

R. Dorf& R. Bishop. (2011). Modern Control Systems 12th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

National Instruments (2010 Nov 29). Root Locus for Control Systems. NI Developer Zone. From retrieved 2012 Nov 03.


A. Assessment rubric for the activity’s intended learning outcomes (70%)

1 2 3 4 Points

The student was able

Obtain transient response, to obtain some The student was able
steady-state error and The student was able parameters of the to use the root locus of
The student was not
stability information on to sketch the root locus system from its root the system to obtain its
able to sketch the root
feedback control systems but cannot obtain any locus but some of transient response,
locus of the system
using the root locus parameters from it. them are incorrect and steady-state error and
approach. (MP 1) the student was not stability information.
able to interpret them.

The student was able

Obtain transient response, to obtain some The student was able
steady-state error and The student was able parameters of the to use the root locus of
The student was not
stability information on to sketch the root locus system from its root the system to obtain its
able to sketch the root
feedback control systems but cannot obtain any locus but some of transient response,
locus of the system
using the root locus parameters from it. them are incorrect and steady-state error and
approach. (MP 2) the student was not stability information.
able to interpret them.

Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /2)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 6) x 100%

A = 70% of the Percentage Score

Activity No. 4 – Root Locus Analysis of Systems Page 7

Feedback and Control Systems

B. Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments (30%)

Performance Indicators 1 2 3 Points

Members follow good

Members do not follow Members follow good
and safe laboratory
Conduct experiments in accordance with good and safe laboratory and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
good and safe laboratory practice. practice in the conduct of practice at all times in the
in the conduct of
experiments. conduct of experiments.
Members are able to
Members are able to
Members are unable to operate the equipment
Operate equipment and instruments with operate equipment and
operate the equipment and instruments with
ease instrument with
and instruments. ease and with minimum
The group has complete
Analyze data, validate experimental values data, validates
The group has complete
against theoretical values to determine The group has experimental values
data but has no analysis
possible experimental errors, and provide incomplete data. against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
valid conclusions. values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /3)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

B = 30% of the Percentage Score

Laboratory Rating

A B Total

Activity No. 4 – Root Locus Analysis of Systems Page 8

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