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Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: AEC005


Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043


B.Tech IV Semester End Examinations,March- 2018
Regulation: IARE-R16
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70

Answer any ONE question from each Unit

All questions carry equal marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only


1 a) Briefly explain the classification of signals. a)Determine the convolution of two functions [7M]
using graphical method
i)x(t)= e -5t u(t).
ii)h(t)= u(t+4)

b) Define the system and types of a linear systems? Also derive the transfer function of [7M]
linear time variant and invariant system.

2 a) [7M]
State Autocorrelation and Cross correlation. Write any four properties of auto correlation
and cross correlation
b) Find the autocorrelation, power, RMS value and sketch the PSD for the [7M]
signal x(t)=(A+ sin 100t) cos 200t


3 a) Mention the different types of Amplitude modulation and Briefly explain.Also Derive the [7M]
equation of a single tone modulation of AM system and power caluculation in AM.
b) Determine the efficiency and the percentage of the total power carried by the sidebands of [7M]
the AM wave for the tone modulation when µ=0, µ=0.5.

4 a) Demonstrate the DSB-SC modulator? Briefly explain how the ring modulator is used [7M]
for generation of DSB-SC wave.
b) Discuss the various techniques to detect the SSB-SC signal.Also Explain the synchronous [7M]
detection of DSB-SC signal using Costas receiver.
5 a) Describe various methods of generating SSB wave. Why don’t we use SSB type of [7M]
modulation for broadcasting of music.
b) An SSB transmission contains 10KW. This transmission is to be replaced by a [7M]
standard amplitude modulated signal with the same power content. Determine the
power content of the carrier and each of the side bands when the modulation is

6 a) Derive time domain description and frequency domain description of Vestigial Side Band [7M]
modulated wave. Give the advantages over SSB.

b) The modulating signal m(t) is a single sinusoid given by m(t) = A cos(2000πt). Sketch the [7M]
corresponding DSB SC and SSB SC signals for the carrier frequency 10kHz. Sketch the
AM signal for the modulation index 0.75.
7 a) Explain the generation of narrowband frequency modulation and wideband frequency [7M]
modulation with neat block diagram.
Design A single tone FM is represented by the voltage equation as V(t) = 12 Cos (6x10 8 t+ 5Sin [7M]
1250t). Determine the following a) carrier frequency b) modulating frequency c)
modulation index e) maximum deviation f) what power will this FM wave dissipiate in
100Ω resistance.
8 a) Analyze the performance of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in frequency modulation. Also [7M]
discuss the frequency characteristics of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.
b) Briefly explain with the of the block diagram how Phased Locked Loop (PLL) is used to [7M]
demodulate the frequency modulated signal .
9 a) Explain the concept of receivers in communication system. Draw the block diagram of [7M]
superhetrodyne receiver and explain the function of each block.

b) In a broadcast superhetrodyne receiver having no RF amplifier the loaded Q of the antenna [7M]
coupling circuit is 100. If the IF frequency is 455 KHz determine
i) the image frequency and its rejection ratio for tuning at 1.1KHz.
ii) the image frequency and its rejection ratio for tuning at 25MHz.

10 a) Write notes on sampling theorem with diagram and explain the types of sampling.Also [7M]
explain the graphical and analytical proof for band limited signals .

b) A signal x(t) with Fourier transform X(jw) undergoes impulse-train sampling to generate [7M]

where T = 10−4 . For each of the following sets of constraints on x(t) and/or X(jω), does the
sampling theorem guarantee that x(t) can be recovered exactly from x p(t)?
(a) X(jω) = 0 for |ω| > 5000π
(b) X(jω) = 0 for |ω| > 15000π
(c) Re{X(jω)} = 0 for |ω| > 5000π
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043

The course should enable the students to:

S.No Description

I Develop skills for analyzing different type’s signals in terms of their properties such as energy, power,
correlation and apply for analysis of linear time invariant systems.

II Analyze various techniques of generation and detection of amplitude modulation (AM), frequency
modulation (FM), and phase modulation (PM) signals
III Differentiate the performance of AM, FM, PM systems in terms of Power, Bandwidth and SNR
(Signal-to-Noise Ratio).

IV The major objectives of this subject are for the students to establish a firm foundation for the
understanding of telecommunication systems and evaluate analog Communication system in terms of
the complexity of the transmitters and receivers.


Students who complete the course will have demonstrated the ability to do the following.

CAEC005.01 Understand the signal and analyze the Fourier Transform for different standard signals.

CAEC005.02 Understand and analyze the concept of convolution and correlation of signals.
Discuss about the system and their classifications based on properties and derive the transfer
function of linear time variant and invariant system.
Discuss about the basic elements of communication system, importance of modulation and
different types of modulation.
Understand the time domain, frequency domain description and power relations of amplitude
modulation, various techniques of generation and detection of AM. Noise in AM.
Analyze the time domain, frequency domain description of Double Side Band Suppressed
CAEC005.06 Carrier (DSB SC), various generation techniques and detection techniques of DSB SC, Noise in
Understand the time domain, frequency domain description of amplitude modulation single side
band modulated wave, various techniques of generation and detection of SSB, Noise in SSB SC.
Analyze the time domain, frequency domain description of Vestigial side band modulation,
generation and detection of VSB.
Discuss the comparison of different amplitude modulation techniques and applications of
various amplitude systems.
Analyze the basic concepts of Frequency modulation like single tone , spectrum analysis of
frequency modulated wave and transmission bandwidth of FM.
Understand the concepts of narrow band frequency modulation, wide band frequency
modulation and pre emphasis and de emphasis circuits in FM.
Discuss the generation of frequency modulation waves by direct method and indirect method
and detection methods like balanced frequency discriminator, foster seeley discriminator, phase
locked loop etc.,
Discuss the concept of receivers in communication system and receiver types like tuned radio
frequency receiver and super heterodyne receiver.
Analyze the characteristics of the receiver like sensitivity, selectivity, image frequency rejection
ratio, choice of intermediate frequency and fidelity.
Understand the concept of sampling and its types, and analyze the graphical and analytical proof
for band limited signals.
CAEC005.16 Apply the concept of analog communication to understand and analyze real time applications.

CAEC005.17 Acquire the knowledge and develop capability to succeed national and international level
competitive examinations.


SEE Blooms
Question No. Course Learning Outcomes Taxonomy
a CAEC005.01 Understand the signal and analyze the Fourier
Transform for different standard signals.
1 b CAEC005.03 Discuss about the system and their classifications
based on properties and derive the transfer function of Understand
linear time variant and invariant system.
a CAEC005.01 Understand the signal and analyze the Fourier Understand
Transform for different standard signals.
b CAEC005.02 Understand and analyze the concept of convolution Understand
and correlation of signals.
a CAEC005.05 Understand the time domain, frequency domain Remember
description and power relations of amplitude
modulation, various techniques of generation and
detection of AM. Noise in AM.
b CAEC005.05 Understand the time domain, frequency domain Remember
description and power relations of amplitude
modulation, various techniques of generation and
detection of AM. Noise in AM.
a CAEC005.06 Analyze the time domain, frequency domain Understand
description of Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier
(DSB SC), various generation techniques and
4 detection techniques of DSB SC, Noise in DSB SC.
b CAEC005.06 Analyze the time domain, frequency domain Understand
description of Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier
(DSB SC), various generation techniques and
detection techniques of DSB SC, Noise in DSB SC.
a CAEC005.07 Understand the time domain, frequency domain Understand
description of amplitude modulation single side band
modulated wave, various techniques of generation and
5 detection of SSB, Noise in SSB SC
b CAEC005.07 Understand the time domain, frequency domain Understand
description of amplitude modulation single side band
modulated wave, various techniques of generation and
detection of SSB, Noise in SSB SC
a CAEC005.08 Analyze the time domain, frequency domain Understand
description of Vestigial side band modulation,
6 generation and detection of VSB.
b CAEC005.09 Discuss the comparison of different amplitude Understand
modulation techniques and applications of various
amplitude systems.
a CAEC005.11 Understand the concepts of narrow band frequency Understand
modulation, wide band frequency modulation and pre
7 emphasis and de emphasis circuits in FM.
b CAEC005.10 Analyze the basic concepts of Frequency modulation Remember
like single tone , spectrum analysis of frequency
modulated wave and transmission bandwidth of FM.
a CAEC005.11 Understand the concepts of narrow band frequency Remember
8 modulation, wide band frequency modulation and pre
emphasis and de emphasis circuits in FM.
b CAEC005.12 Discuss the generation of frequency modulation waves Understand
by direct method and indirect method and detection
methods like balanced frequency discriminator, foster
seeley discriminator, phase locked loop etc.,
a CAEC005.13 Discuss the concept of receivers in communication Understand
system and receiver types like tuned radio frequency
receiver and super heterodyne receiver.
b CAEC005.13 Discuss the concept of receivers in communication Understand
system and receiver types like tuned radio frequency
receiver and super heterodyne receiver
a CAEC005.15 Understand the concept of sampling and its types, and Understand
analyze the graphical and analytical proof for band
limited signals.
b CAEC005.15 Understand the concept of sampling and its types, and Understand
analyze the graphical and analytical proof for band
limited signals.

Signature of Course Coordinator HOD, ECE

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