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International General Certificate of Secondary Education


BIOLOGY 0610/1
PAPER 1 Multiple Choice
45 minutes
Additional materials:
Multiple Choice answer sheet
Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

TIME 45 minutes

Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has already been done for you.
There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four
possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft
pencil on the separate answer sheet.
Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet.


Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.

This question paper consists of 16 printed pages.

SP (SLC/JB) S21866/4
© CIE 2002 [Turn over

1 Which activities are carried out by all living things?

A excreting, growing, reproducing, respiring

B excreting, moving, reproducing, sleeping
C growing, moving, respiring, thinking
D growing, respiring, swimming, thinking

2 An organism has a segmented body, pairs of jointed legs and a hard exoskeleton (outer covering).

To which group does it belong?

A annelids
B arthropods
C molluscs
D nematodes

3 Use the key to identify this animal.

1 legs present ............................................ go to 2

legs absent ............................................. A
2 five pairs of legs ...................................... B
four pairs of legs ..................................... go to 3
3 two body sections ................................... C
three body sections ................................ D


4 Which parts are found both in plant and in animal cells?

A cell membrane, chloroplast, vacuole

B cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
C cell wall, chloroplast, cytoplasm
D cell wall, nucleus, vacuole

5 The diagram shows some internal parts of the human body.

What do these parts form?

A an organ
B an organism
C an organ system
D a tissue

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6 The diagram shows four different cells (not drawn to scale).

1 2 3 4

blood cell sperm cell root hair cell muscle cell

Which cells provide a large surface area for absorption?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4

7 The diagram shows a plant cell before and after being placed in a sugar solution for ten minutes.

What describes the concentration of the sugar solution compared with that of the cell sap, and the
type of molecules moving into the cell?

concentration of sugar solution molecules moving

compared with cell sap into the cell
A higher sugar
B higher water
C lower sugar
D lower water

8 Why are all gaseous exchange surfaces moist?

A Concentration gradients occur only in liquids.

B Gases dissolve before diffusing across the surfaces.
C Gases move across the surfaces by osmosis.
D Molecules cannot diffuse in air.


9 The table shows two properties of four different chemicals.

Which chemical is an enzyme?

destroyed by
molecular structure
chemical temperatures
includes nitrogen
above 65 ºC
A ✓ ✓
B ✓ ✗ ✓ = true

C ✗ ✓ ✗ = false
D ✗ ✗

10 The apparatus shown in the diagram was used for an experiment on starch digestion.

Which tube would contain most maltose after 20 minutes?

tube A tube B tube C tube D

starch starch
solution starch solution
and solution and
amylase amylase

water bath at 15 °C water bath at 37 °C

11 The equation represents a process that occurs in plants.

carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen

What is the name of this process?

A evaporation
B photosynthesis
C respiration
D transpiration

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12 What is carried by the phloem?

A chlorophyll
B mineral salts
C starch
D sugar

13 How is the rate of transpiration affected by increasing humidity and by increasing light intensity?

increasing increasing
humidity light intensity
A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

14 The table shows the results of food tests carried out on a fruit.

test Benedict’s biuret ethanol iodine

result positive positive negative negative

What did the fruit contain?

A fat and reducing sugar

B fat and starch
C protein and reducing sugar
D protein and starch

15 Why is iron needed by the body?

A to form strong bones

B to make haemoglobin
C to provide energy
D to repair cells


16 Four foods were analysed to discover their chemical structure.

Which food is an oil?

food key

A B C D ✓ = present

contains the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ = absent

contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓

made up of amino acids ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
made up of fatty acids and glycerol ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
storage compound in plants ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
storage compound in animals ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗

17 What is the most likely cause of a heart attack?

A blocked coronary arteries

B diet lacking in vitamins C and D
C infection by microorganisms
D regular exercise

18 The graph shows a person’s heart rate before, during and after a period of exercise.

At which point did the period of exercise stop?


heart rate


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19 Why is yeast used in breadmaking?

A to produce alcohol
B to produce carbon dioxide
C to use up oxygen
D to use up sugar

20 The graph shows the rate and depth of breathing in a person before exercise.


volume of air in 2.0

lungs during
breathing / dm3 1.5

0 4 8
time / s

Which graph shows the rate and depth of breathing of the same person immediately after a period
of exercise?

2.5 2.5

volume of air in 2.0

volume of air in 2.0
lungs during
lungs during
breathing / dm3
breathing / dm3 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
0 4 8 0 4 8
time / s time / s

2.5 2.5

volume of air in 2.0 volume of air in 2.0

lungs during lungs during
breathing / dm3 1.5 breathing / dm3 1.5

1.0 1.0
0 4 8 0 4 8
time / s time / s


21 Which of these describes excretion?

A getting rid of undigested food

B releasing energy from food
C removing waste products of metabolism
D transporting carbon dioxide in the blood

22 What happens to hormones and to urea in the liver?

hormones urea
A broken down broken down
B formed broken down
C broken down formed
D formed formed

23 After a meal, the concentration of blood glucose increases.

Which organ removes this blood glucose and converts it into a storage compound?

A kidney
B liver
C pancreas
D rectum

24 The diagram shows shoots of maize seedlings.

Which shoot shows negative geotropism?


light light

gravity gravity

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25 The diagram shows the male reproductive system.

Where do sperm production, seminal fluid production and semen release occur?

sperm production seminal fluid production semen release



26 The diagram shows two flowers from the same plant.


1 4

How can pollination occur between these two flowers?

pollen transferred from pollen transferred to

A 1 3
B 1 4
C 2 3
D 2 4

27 The diagram shows changes in the thickness of the uterus lining of a woman.

thickness of
uterus lining

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time / weeks

What happens each time at X?

A fertilisation
B implantation
C menstruation
D ovulation

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28 By definition, what increases during growth?

A complexity
B dry mass
C height
D number of parts

29 The diagram shows the early growth of a green plant.

What is occurring?

mitosis development
A ✓ ✓
✓ = occurs
B ✓ ✗
✗ = does not occur
C ✗ ✓
D ✗ ✗


30 In the life cycle of a mammal, what describes the eggs or sperms and the cells of the embryo?

eggs or sperms cells of the embryo

A diploid diploid
B diploid haploid
C haploid diploid
D haploid haploid

31 What is always found in female gametes and may be found in male gametes?

A one X chromosome
B one Y chromosome
C two X chromosomes
D one X chromosome and one Y chromosome

32 In a species of plant, the allele for red flowers is dominant to the allele for white flowers.

Which offspring could result from a cross between a heterozygous red-flowered plant and a white-
flowered plant?

A heterozygous red and homozygous red

B heterozygous red and homozygous white
C heterozygous red only
D homozygous white only

33 The diagram represents a pyramid of biomass within an ecosystem.


Which shows the direction of energy flow through the pyramid?


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34 The diagram shows a food chain.

producers → herbivores → carnivores → top carnivores

trophic level: 1 2 3 4

If the carnivores in trophic level 3 suddenly die out as a result of disease, in which trophic levels
will the number of organisms be likely to decrease?

A 1 and 2
B 1 and 4
C 2 only
D 2 and 4

35 Which process is not part of the carbon cycle?

A combustion
B photosynthesis
C respiration
D transpiration

36 The diagram shows the natural cycle of a substance.

What is the substance?

A carbon dioxide
B nitrogen
C oxygen
D water


37 The graph shows the birth rate in a country.



per thousand 30
of population 20


1885 1905 1925 1945 1965 1985

During which year is the population likely to be increasing at its lowest rate?

A 1885
B 1925
C 1935
D 1985

38 Why is it that pesticides sprayed in low concentrations may increase the yield of a crop, but may
also be harmful to wildlife?

A Pesticides cause acid rain.

B Pesticides enter the food chain.
C Pesticides increase the nitrates in soil.
D Pesticides kill other plants.

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39 The table shows the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in three different years.

year 1930 1980 1990

carbon dioxide /
300 330 370
parts per million

What is the most likely cause of this change?

A destruction of rainforests
B increased use of fertilisers containing nitrogen
C pollution of air by sulphur dioxide
D rise in the sea level

40 The diagram shows part of the water cycle.

At which stage does the use of nitrate fertilisers in agriculture cause the greatest pollution?

water vapour
sea land plants

rivers C


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